HomeMy WebLinkAbout130 Wheatfield Cir - 07-000166 - SFH (A)PERMIT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR 45Amelop - to MECHANICAL CONTRACTO 8 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER FEE MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER FEE SUBDIVISION W h&A+--7PI el 41 PERMIT # O 1 -- 110 [s DATE I DIZ4 1" ISM PERMIT DESCRIPTION it PERMIT VALUATION 099. SQUARE FOOTAGE ot4 Y C7 C7 EUEUMIT QUMCity -of Sanford Certificate of Occupancy This is to certify that the building located at 130 Wheatfield Cir for which permit number 07-166 has heretofore been issued on October 24, 2006 and has been completed according to plans and specifications filed in the office of the Building Official prior to the issuance of said building permit, to wit as New Single Family Residence subdivision regulations ordinances of the City of Sanford with the provisions of these regulations. Staff Approval Building: D Brouthers Engineering & Planning: Date 03/02/07 M Replogle 02/28/07 Public Works: M Watson 02/28/07 Utilities: R Blake 02/28/07 Fire Department: Conditions (if blank, no conditions apply) Maronda Homes YY1. _-PQo., ; -_ 03/07/07 Property Owner Building Official Date BP210U01 CITY OF SANFORD Application Miscellaneous Information Maintenance Application number . . . . 07 00000166 Parcel Number Address 130 WHEATFIELD Type information, press Enter. 2=Change 4=Delete 5=Display Opt Code Date Print Miscellaneous Information HISB 10/24/06 Y NOC ON FILE, EXPIRES ON 02/20/07. HISB 2/27/07 Y CO SIGN OFF: HISB 2/27/07 Y P&Z:MR 02.28.07 HISB 2/27/07 Y PW: MW 02.28.07 HISB 2/27/07 Y Util:RB 02.28.07 HISB 3/05/07 Y FINAL F/S ON FILE F3=Exit F6=Add F12=Cancel 3/07/07 13:49:51 Bottom a-t -t c0 to SAl1TII VIL4 'TINC &E .S u lLs I'llyg INC. 11. 0. Box 4518 DcLand, Florida 32721 Phone ( 386) 734-7047 Fax (386) 73,1-42,18 1-., 6rua2(3 _, 2007 To: City of 5suiford, Florida; Building llcparttncnt 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Itc: Lot /2 ; Celery Lakes Phase IA; Plat Book 67, Pages 98 attd 99; Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. aka: /. 30 JV Stanford, Florida 32771 Ucar Madam or Sir; This is to certify that the residence constructed at the above referenced property and address meets or exceeds the requirements of "Sec. 6-7. Finish Floor Elevations" of the City of Sanford Building Code. Respectfully; Stanley E. Smith; Florida Professional Surveyor and Mapper, Certificate No. 3736 Company 0 uldu Itu. luau lU.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ELEVATION .CW I IFILAI .ExDlres February 28, 2000 Federal Erpergency Management Agency National Flood Insurance Program Important:. Read the I* Wctions on pages 1-8. ol- i SECTION A - PROPERTY INFORMATION For Insurance Comp4rl U,WAl. Building Owners Name ant/ DA • ft0/1?S.l ,' ... .. 1, . . A2. Building Street Address (including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) or P.O. Route and Box Nqr ; • el :pony IC N ihWY Cix _ Slate ZIP Code A3. Properly Descripllo (Lot and Block•Numbers, T/axParceLNumbQr, Legal DescrlpUon6, e/ytc.) , i LOT / 2 CEGE,2 1AKES : ri1IA.kwk%A s 94192_t_2raHith46 Ca .7'' . f??/v!1A4. Bllljoing Llse (e.g., Residential, Non•Resldentlal, Addition, Accessory, eta.) taF/`/siRiNTI4L AS. Latitude/Longitude: Lat. Long. • '. ! ' Horizontal Datum:' NAD 1927 ® HAD 1983 Ae. Attach at least 2 photographs of the building if the Cerllficate Is being'used to obtain flood Insurance. A7. Building Diagram Number -L A8. For a buildb g with a crawl space or enclosure(s), provide ' ' ''' ' A9. For a building wllh an attached garage, provide: a) Square lootaUe of crawl space or enclosures) ArA ' . sq ft a) Square footage of attached garage mil at sq ft b) No. of permanent flood openings In the crawl apace or. b) No. of permanent flood openings In the attached garage onclostire( s) walls within 1.0 fool above adjacent grade ' N. walls within 1.0 fool above adjacent grade -0- c) Total net area of flood openings In AB.b N sq In • ; t c) Total net area of flood openings In A9.b _ sfl Ill SECTIOiJ B - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFiP Community (lame & Community Number B2. County Name ' B3. Stale I FCr '•` .TYGO/O rv B4. Ma / Panel Number B5. Suffix B6. FIRM Index • B7. FIRM Panel B8. Flood B9. base r1000 tlevatlont,;l tz.unu p Data ' 1' 1'; EffedNe/RoAsed Date Zone(s) AO, use e baseflood depll) 2J/7CO065 rE'.. 4 -/7, /995 r 1Pt?_1_7,,/9,.95 > 'A010,_,I111lirata the source of Ilia use lVGfI Elevallori (BF ) data or liasifjood•depiNWnfeted'ln item 9. 1 FIS profiia f_1 FIRM ElCommunity Determined ' : ' Other (Dascilbe AA 1111. Indicate elevation datum used for BFE In Item 09: 0 NGVD 1929 . ' '. NAVD 1988 Olhei (Describe) ' 312. Is ilia huil+ling locatad Ina Coastal Bardai Resources System (CBRS) area or Othorwlse Protected Area (OPA)? Yas Ia140 Dowulwilon nale nx_ (] CLiftS • ; • OPA ' SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. BuiLling otavations era based on: F1 Construction Drawlnos' n Building Undar Construction• i A FlnWhed Conslrucllon A now Elevation Cartificala will Ile roqulied whun conslruclion of ilia building Is complete. C2. Eievations - Zones AI A30, AE, All, A (wills 13FE), VE, V1-V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A; AR/AE, AR/A1-A30, AR/Al1, AR/AO. Complete hams C2.a u below according 10 the building diagram specified In /tam A7. Benchmark Illilizad SC:p Vertical nahun L'ryor9?JConversion/Colnulanls Check the measurement used. a) Trip of bntinm fluor (including besernant, crawl space, or enclosure fluor)- Q 25 CR feet 0 rooters (Puerto Rlco only) b) Top of ilia na>,I higher floor feet meters (Puerto Rico only) e•) uourim of Ulb lowast limizonlal slruciural member (V Zones only) 1 feet metals (Puerto Rico only) l) Allached garage (top of slab) 9• ti6 foal malars (Puerto Ilk:o only) e) I owes) elevation of machinery or equipment servicing Ilia build('ig 9. j_ Q foot L) motors (Puerto rtko only) nascliba 1• ie of a ui irnanl In Conunanla) (alCCaptsseue yi 12feat mutais (PUL110 Rlco only) f) Lowestertj;,renl (finished) grad (I AG) 1 g) I ligllest adjacent (finished) Uralic) (I IAG) fcyl [1 rooters (Puedo f(k:o only) SEC'floll 1) - SIIftVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCI III-ECT. CERTIFICATIOiJ This carlifrcallrm Is to bu altlned and saulull by a land :,ufveyor, enuhleor, or srcldled aulholizad by low to certify uldvalion lodamialion,' I : urlily that lhu iu/nlnlalion on Ilds Curliffcafa represents my best f,llor(s (a hdarpruf Ili& date aveflyhld. unrlorslwld thatanyluhoslafe/nauf may ho purrlshutrld by has orGuprisonrnent under IS U.S. Curia, Section 1001. 1,. Chef•./: here if comments are provided on back of form Cellifrel's Wrinlo 1 ale' Tillo / L Address umber 51, frotasit" 19- Jr... IP Curie L_Zo : 2 - PLACE SEAL I I: fli: 1 14l, I'.,,,, 111 11 l rl ill'II' 'Illili ail?f'. f a!ti1'SP::il h? fill M1111111Gf1h'111 p4q. iffa?s fill I1r6vlfflls u hil•n,:: IMPORTANT: In these Bulldinn Street Address (In City Slate ZIP Apt., llte culresll Suite, and/or l lilluiIIIaoull Iluill bet;II111I A. o.) or P.O. Route and Box No.. , UI 1114ulullW vun,l..„) PORGY Nurilbbr. ;a Compgny NAIL Ntrmbbr SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community'offlcial, (2) Insurance agent/company .and (3) building owner. Comments , Signature Date Check here If attachments SECTION E = BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zones AO and A (without BFE), complete Items E1-E5. If the Certificate Is Intended to support a LOMA or LOMR•F request, complete Sections A. B, and C. For Items E 1•E4, use natural grade, It available. Check the measurement used. In Puerto Rico only, enter meters. E 1. Provide elevation Information for the following and check the appropriate boxes to show whether the elevation Is above or below the highest adjacent . grade (IIAG) and Ilia lowest adjacent grade (LAG). a) Top of bottom floor (Including basement, crawl space, or enclosure) Is feet meters above or below the NAG. b) Top of bottom floor (Including basement, crawl space, or enclosure) Is 1 feel meters above or below the LAG. E2. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with permanent flood openings provided in Sedlon A Items 8 and/or 9 (see age 8 of Instructions), the next higher floor elevation C2.b in Ilia diagrams) of the building Is feel meters above or (] below the HAG. Ea. Attached garage (top of slab) Is feet meters above or below the'HAG. E4. Top of platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building Is' feel , meters above or below the HAG. E5: Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, Is the lop of the bottom floor elevated In accordance with. the community's floodplain management ordinance? Yes No Unknown. The local official must certify this Information In Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owners authorized representative who completes Sections A. B. and E for Zone A (without a FEMA-Issued or community -Issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. Me statements In Sections A, B, and E are correct to the best ofmy lyrowledge. Property Owner's or Owner's Authorized Representative's Name Address City Slate ZIP Code Signature Dale Telephone Comments ION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION The local offhcial who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the communky's floodplaln management ordinance can complete Sections A, e, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable Item(s) and sign below. Check the measurement used In Items GB. and G9. G 1. [) The Information In Section C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and sealed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who Is authorized by law to certify elevation Information. (Indicate the source and date of the elevation data In lire Comments area below.) G2. El A community official completed Section E for a building lopated 14 Zone A (without a FEMA-Issued or community -Issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. [I The following Information (Items G4: G9.) is prov(Jed for'66mmunity floodplaln management purposes. G4. Permit Number I G5. Dale Permit Issued I G8. Data Certificate or Compthancervccupancy rssueo G7.71ds pennit lies been Issued for:.. New Conslydclion Substantial Improvement Ga. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building: _ feel meters (PR) Datum G9. BFE or (In Zone AO) depth of nooding at the building ehe: feet meters (PR) Datum Local Official's Name Title Community Name Telephone Signature - Dale Comments check here If all.-clime,112 FEMA Form 01-31, Fehniary 2006 Replaces all previous editiotis CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # : U ( " Job Address: Description of Work: Historic District: Zoning: Date: iIW— Total Square Footage Value of Work: S 5 UG Gy Permit Type: Building Electrical / Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Additton/Alteration I--' Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/ New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential 7 Commercial Industrial Construction Type: # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: Flood Zone:: (FEMA form required ) Owners Name & Address: t V l ail y-rin t' e"k om f-S ! : 6 r(` u 57Q r P(: ) U 1 r f--, (6oc) Phone & Faxlwk Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/ Engineer: Address: Contact Person: Phone: Phone: Fax: r 131L" d Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. 1 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance ofapermitandthatallworkwillbeperformedtomeetstandardsofalllawsregulatingconstructioninthisjurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoinginformation is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction andzoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FORIMPROVEMENTSTOYOURPROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that m be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management/dist " state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that 1 will notify the owner of the propertyof the requirementsof Florida Lien FS 713. 1LIgo) Signature of Owner/Agent Date Signature of Print Owner/ Agent's Name Signature of Notary -Stateof Florida Date Owner/Agent is _ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID APPROVALS: ZONING: Special Conditions: Rev 03/ 2006 UTIL: FD: Print Contractor/ Agent's Name Sign o otary-State of Florid OM MDate e-sue oF F.aRMA Kenya K. Lindsay Co fission # DD541618Contractor/Agent i Personally no o eS: APR 18, 2010 Produced 1D ed Tiuu dtlantic Bottding Co., lac, ENG: BLDG: 30. oa COUNTY OF SEMINOLE IMPACT FEE STATEMENT ISSUED BY CITY OF SANFORD STATEMENT NUMBER 106-75123 DATE: -a-(J BUILDING PERMIV,iU,'IB) COUNTY NUMBER: UNIT ADDRESS: I LlL TRAFFIC ZONE: JURISDICTION: 06 CITY OF SANFORD SEC: P. R G: _ PARCEL: SUBDIVISION: LJ TRACT: PLAT BOOK: _ PLA9 BOOK PAGE:q"9 BLOCK: LOT: OWNER NAME: ADDRESS: APPLICANT NA ADDRESS: LAND USE CATEGORY: 001 - Single Family Detached House TYPE USE: Residential WORK DESCRIPTION: Single Family House: Detached - Construction FEE BENEFIT RATE FEE UNIT RATE PER TYPE TOTAL DUE TYPE DIST SCHEDULE DESC. UNIT OF UNITS ROADS ARTERIALS CO -WIDE 0 dwl unit 705.00 1 S 705.00 ROADS COLLECTORS NORTH 0 dwl unit S 000.00 1 $ 000.00 LIBRARY CO -WIDE 0 dwl unit 54.00 1 $ 54.00 SCHOOLS STATEMENT ,p RECEIVED BY: (, _ PLEASE PRINT NAME) dwl unit 51,384.00 1 $ 1,384.00 AMOU T DUE $ 2,143.00 SIGNATURE - DATE: _`•LLL NOTE TO RECEIVING SIGNATORY/APPLICANT: FAILURE TO NOTIFY OWNER AND ENSURE TIMELY PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR LIABILITY FOR THE FEE. **** DISTRIBUTION: 1-COUNTY 3-CITY 2-APPLICANT 4-COUNTY NOTE** PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT THIS IS A STATEMENT OF FEES WHICH ARE DUE AND PAYABLE PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. PERSONS ARE ALSO ADVISED THAT ANY RIGHTS OF THE APPLICANT, OR OWNER, TO APPEAL THE CALCULATIONS OF THE ROAD, LIBRARY SYSTEM AND/OR EDUCATIONAL (SCHOOL) IMPACT FEES MUST BE EXERCISED BY FILING A WRITTEN REQUEST WITHIN 45 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE RECEIVING SIGNATURE DATE ABOVE, BUT NOT LATER THAN CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR OCCUPANCY. THE REQUEST FOR REVIEW MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. COPIES OF THE RULES GOVERNING APPEALS MAY BE PICKED UP, OR REQUESTED, FROM THE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OFFICE: 1101 EAST FIRST STREET, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771; (407) 665-7474. PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE TO CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE SANFORD. FL 32771 PAYMENT SHOULD BE BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, AND SHOULD REFERENCE THE STATEMENT NUMBER AND CITY BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER AT THE TOP LEFT OF THE NOTICE. THIS STATEMENT IS VALID ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH ISSUANCE OF A*** SINGLE FAMILY BUILDING PERMIT********A,***'kk***•k* CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # : ! — 1 LfJ Date: June 12, 2006 Job Address: 130 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE LOT 12 CELERY LAKES PHASE IA Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: $89,394.00 Permit Type: Building _X_ Electrical Mechanical _ Plumbing _ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: 2,468 Construction Type: VI # of Stories: 1 # of Dwelling Units: 1 Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida 955 Keller Rd. Ste. 1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: Russell Keith Summers 955 Keller Rd. Ste. 1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 State License Number: CRC058496 Phone & Fax: (407) 475-91 12 Contact Person: Jeannine Fullerton Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Elmer Bergman Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. 1 cenify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a pennit and that all work will be perfonned to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing infonnation is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this pennit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional pennits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of pennit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. U tA, 7/14/06_ Signature of Owner/Agent Date Russell Keith Summers Print Owner/ gent's Name 7/24/06 Signa4ur o otary-Sta e of Florida Date is DD0460464 n 811012009 s u (800)412-4254? ary Assn., inc Owner%Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or 7 7/24/06 Signature of C ct6r/Agent Date Russell Keith Summers Print Contract Agent's Name 7/24/06 Signal .o otary-Stat of Florida Date s a.........un..... ...........r.auu JEANNINE FULLERTON Lam' j` •, G:mmit 000460464 s an012009 2 / Assn Contmdt6r/Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID q I _ Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: y Zoning: N 1 • Z%• OV Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: Utilities: 1713 FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # : Date: JUL 2 4 2006 Job Address: /,aw W e4Tr/E4p G/A- LOT I+P' Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: "Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building _ Electrical X Mechanical _ Plumbing w Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS 150 Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: _# of Dwelling Units: I Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida 955 Keller Rd. Ste. 1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: Harry Long Jr 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771 State License Number: EC0000726 Fax: (407) 667-0014 Contact Person: Jeannine Fullerton Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a pen -nit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate pennit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of pennit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the/fegairentents of Florida 2 4 2006 JUL 2 4 2006 Signature o1 OwnedAgent Date S at e of Contra or g t Date Russell Keith Summers HARRY LONG, JR EC0000726 Print Ow r/Agent's Name Print Contra or/Agent's Name JUL 2 4 2006 JUL 2 4 2006 Notary -Sr of Florida Date Sr turc otary- rate of Florida Date e...,.•JEA?.:INE••FULLERTOIv••••• , ,EF.:,R: r . iv Tma JC0460^64 ' JD.alr.ou 800)432.42b47 -+,(!,',`.a r800)432-4254: t ary.4ssr Ire ....... Owned)Agem'l5'_X_'Pr rrsrd'nafl ,kKown to Me or Contractor/Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: Zoning: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: Utilities: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit #: 2 Date: JUL 2 4 7nn6 Job Address: 130 W96,4TFI64P 4/4— LOT / t% ' Celery Lakes Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work. Permit Type: Building Electrical — Mechanical X Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of 1M PS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement _ New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Construction Type: VI # of Stories: _# of Dwelling Units Parcel #: Industrial Total Square Footage: I Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida 955 Keller Rd. Ste. 1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: Russell Keith Summers 955 Keller Rd Ste 1500 Altamonte Springs FL 32714 State License Number: CRC058496 Phone & Fax: (407) 475-91 12 Contact Person: Jeannine Fullerton Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance ofa permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional county, and there may be additional permits required from other govemmental c Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner ofthe property of JUL 2 4 2006 Sig'n.,Itu orefOWner/Agcnt Date Russell Keith`Summers Print Owner/Agent's Narne 4 2006 nat of Nota -State of Florida Date r JGAN , I . _LERTOi. H DD0460464 f ;S _ 6/10/2009 F"' 800)432-4254: F... Notary Assn. Inc 30wneitIXged(i's i ... VC.rsonal1yKnown to Me or applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. of Contractor/Agent Date GARY CARMACK CAC043900 Print ContractorApent's Name L 2 4 2006 JUL 2 4 2006 SighalyiAokNotary-SI ate of Florida Date s " JINN J{hEFt1LLERTOIv r G. . ts 000460464 i — . w (800)432-4254 Inc Contractor? Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID ( _ Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: `ning: Utilities: FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # • Date: J U L 2 4 2006 Job Address: 115.0 % GIjAL- LOT /O Celery Lakes Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: "Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building Electrical Mechanical _ Plumbing _X_ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non-Resid n .al Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: _# of Dwelling Units: I Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel # Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes Inc. of Florida 955 Keller Rd. Ste. 1500 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: Russell Keith Summers 955 Keller Rd Ste 1500 Altamonte Springs FL 32714 State License Number: CRC058496 Phone & Fax: (407) 475- 91 12 Contact Person: Jeannine Fullerton Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/ Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and thatall work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating constructionin this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information isaccurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. r A 4 2006 JUL 2 4 2006 Signature of Owner/Agent Date Signature o ontractor/Agent Date Russell Keith Summers JULIA CREESE CFC1426702 Print Owner/Agent's Name Print Contractor/Agent's Name JUL 2 4 2006 JUL 2 4 2005 ateofFloidSiureSig ure -State of Florida DateJEANi41NEFULLERTOIvC..rr,mtJ D00460464 , - t1200y B/10/2009 (800/432. 4254: rd00)432.4254 -'a`` •, rp,•• Fw .. N. Notary Assn Inc ..s 5...................................:... Assn Inc OwnetXAgent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Contractor/Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID ! j' _Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: ning: Utilities: FD: Initial & Are) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: City of Sanford "The Friendly City" M3 0 Application for EngjnE ering Permit r.r :• This permit shall authorize work to be done in the City of Sanford based on the approved construction plans and the information provided below: Check One: __ Right— !.Nay Utilization X Driveway THIS APPLICATION IS SUBMITTED BY: PROPERTY OWNER(S)/APPLICANT: APPLICANT NAME: RUSSELL KEITH SUMMERS FIRM: MARONDA HOMES INC., OF FLORIDA ADDRESS: 955 KELLER RD. STE. 1500 ---- — ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714 Date: PHONE: 407-475-9112 FAX: 407A75-9115 T. PFOJECT LOCATION OR ADDRESS: 2. TITLE OF APPROVED DEVELOPMENT PLANS: — APPROVAL DATE: 3. SCHEDULE OF WORK: FROM TO EMERGENCY REPAIRS 4. PROPOSED ACTIVITY Driveway Installation t_._ .Aerial Installation L— Underground Utilities IJ Bore and Jack Open Cutting of Roadway Sidewalk Installation IOther 5. SPECIFIC DESCRIPTION: 6. EXCAVATION INFORMATION: Total Length ----------- (Feet) Number of Open Roadway Cuts -- 7. AERIAL INFORMATION: Length ----------- (Feet) Number of Poles -- ---- ---- (Existing) (New) IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT THE RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES HEREIN SET OUT ARE GRANTED ONLY TO THE EXTENT OF THE CITY OF SANFORD'S JURISDICTION AND THE RIGHT, TITLE, OR INTEREST IN THE LAND TO BE ENTERED AND USED BY THE PERMITTEE. THE PERMITTEE SHALL AT ALL TIMES ASSURE ALL RISKS OF AND INDEMNIFY, DEFEND, SAVE HARMLESS THE CITY OF SANFORD FROM AND AGAINST ALL LOSS. COST, -DAMAGE. OR EXPENSE ARISING IN ANY MANNER ON ACCOUNT OF THE PERMIT REQUEST BY SAID PERMITTEE OF THE AFORESAID RIGHTS AND PRIVILEGES. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY FUTURE CONSTRUCTION OF ROADWAYS, UTILITIES. STORMWATER FACILITIES, OR ANY GENERAL MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES BY THE CITY BECOMES IN CONFLICT WITH THE ABOVE PERMITTED ACTIVITY, THE PERMITTEE SHALL REMOVE AND/ OR RELOCATE AS NECESSARY AT NO COST TO THE CITY OF SANFORD, INSOFAR AS SUCH FACILITIES ARE IN THE PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. CALL THE PBLIC WORKS DEPT. AT (407)330-5681 TO SCHEDULE A PRE -POUR INSPECTION ` 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG CALL SUNSHINE 1-800-432-4770 Applicant Signature '-!L °' I/I f Date: JUL. 2 4 0 E9 e OFFICIAL USE'ONLY Application No:: —--___-___— Fee: -----._--___ Date: — Reviewed: Public Works —.—__ DATE: _ — Utilities - - -- - - -- — - ---- ---------------- DATE: -------------- -- Approved: Engineering---------------------------•-------...--------------- DATE: ----------- ---- Eng- prmi.pat Legend of Symbols and Abbreviations: REROD: Stool Reinforcing Rod Boundary Line Big. Bearing Field Field Measured P.C.P. Permanent Control Point P.T. Point of Tangency Centerline Cale. Calculated Fnd. Found P.L Point of Intersection R Radius Right-ol•way Line C.B. Concrete Block Gov't.: Government P.L.S. Professional Land Surveyor R.L.S.: RegisteredLand Surveyor Overhead Utility line Ch. Chord L.B. Licensed Business P.O.B. Point of Beginning R/W Right-of-wayEasementLineCone.: Concrete O.R. Official Records P.O.C. Point of Commencement Sec. Section A Cuntral Angle Const.: Construction Pav 1. Pavement P.R.C. Point of Reverse Curve S/r Septic Tank ARC Are Length Us Concrete Stab P.C. Point of Curve P.R.M. Permanent Reference Monument T.B.M.: Temporary Bench Mark Blk. Block Elov. Elevation P.C.C.: Point of Compound Curve P.S.I. Point of Street Intersection W/ With Boundary Survey: ycoP .s-z4„94 Q.2fJ/./96E / F/os,EroE*rs i D'r/r/Girt SEMGtlT E cr AIZI T GA7"'T O ' B.9' 57 4G'E K e4 30 ' O.PA/n/A6Es f 3 I GOAV . 'PATIO ` I, Q,p. 00 pmoposcp C4B,e Zo.zo Ii I' .S49'3B' 5 47.,o. / lo m PUNS REVIEWED CITY OF SANFORD N R,yO F A7'iQE.Q00 U. W.: T.,-r. - .';.` a y:!i`•`•t: n.YL,.}rt:l%'.'_^.r,F.{:. . r.. .•.^ T • . ri'^„=',.. NJ 53.GZ',-.AriFiBcp e..•: j..,• S B9'9B'/7 rt/ .ar-+a.vesvo cP'.aR SFr/A/. f,G7r A/L7>fB LS-249/%i PiS GAP c s uA ` \ So' ¢ 4'fl6/°N.aaT PA'T. /Z'l.r. 95;;7,ff la N 4 E.SG2/ T/Oil% ZOT /2 j CEGE/PY L4diE.5 /:i/ia.SE /fi 70 /%AP /N AzA r Z5i ko.Ac ro 7 99 PveGi 26co/eo5 OF SE/!/.OGE GoudrY, FzoR oA, CERTIFIED TO: M RaNl j/OM- y y I hereby certify that this map depicts a survey performed under my supervi- sion, and is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; and that this survey meets the minimum technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors in Chapter 61G17.6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant t Section 472.027, Florida Statutes. SMITH DRAFTING & SURVEYING, INC. 311 E. RICH AVE. DELAND. Ft. DELTONA, FL 386) 734.7047 (386) 789.2855 ., tan E. Smith gtsteretl Land Surveyor DRAWN BY: ,SE S/J/Tic1 REVISIONS: Certificate Number 373u CREW CHIEF: M G/ate/NG SCALE: DATE: cTf n/UAeY /7 -7 WO NOT VALID UNLESS SEAL IS EMBOSSED Note: No instruments of record reflecting easements, limitations, owner- ships, reservations, restrictions and/or right-of-ways, if any, have been pro- vided to this surveyor, except as shown. No underground installations or utilities have been located, except as shown. 4 I IL Ljaronda Homesjj AN EASILY OBSERVABLE BETTER VALUE! 955 KELLER ROAD SUITE 1500 • ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FLORIDA 32714 407-475-9112 • FAX.- 407-475-9115 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION CITY OF DELTONA CITY OF SANFORD VOLUSIA COUNTY SEMINOLE COUNTY I hereby name and appoint Lee Emerson, Joyce Stark and Silver Streak to sign his/her name on my behalf in order to apply for and/or pickup building permits for Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida work to be completed at Lot 12, 130 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE at CELERY LAKES PHASE 1A. RUSSELL KEITH `SUMMERS, CRC058496 MARONDA HOMES, INC. OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE Sworn and subscribed before me this JUL 2 4 2006 RUSSELL KEITH SUMMERS who is personally known to me. OTAKY PUBL 0 DD0460464 1 s s 8/10/2009 oy L- , 1.................................... u (800)432-4254: t:otary Assn., Inc S by It M National Evaluation Service, Inc. ;.ii 5203 Leesburg Pike, Suite 600, Falls Church, Virginia 22041-3401 TIONAL Phone:703/931-2187 Fax:703/931-6505 CODE COUNCIL. CODE COUNCIL,. L_ website: www.nateval.org NATIONAL EVALUATION REPORT Report No. NER-617 Copyright © 2001, National Evaluation Service, Inc. Issued October 1, 2001 BORA-CARE® TERMITICIDE, INSECTICIDE AND The instructions within this report govern if there are any conflicts FUNGICIDE between the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report. NSUS CORPORATION 215 DUNAVANT DRIVE AROCKFORD, TENNESSEE 378531a l"D 800-264-0870 fitnisus(cDnisus_corp.com www.nisuscorp.com 1.0 SUBJECT BORA-CARE® Termiticide, Insecticide and Fungicide 2.0 PROPERTY FOR WHICH EVALUATION IS SOUGHT Protection Against Termites 3.0 DESCRIPTION BORA-CARE Termiticide is used to provide protection against subterranean termites. BORA-CARE is a Federal EPA registered Termiticide that is applied to wood surfaces by spraying, brushing, and injections and prevents infestation of subterranean termites. BORA-CARE kills the termites through ingestion. The active ingredient in BORA-CARE is Disodium Octoborate Tetrahydrate (DOT), which is a mixture of borax and boric acid. BORA-CARE utilizes a patented formulation of this mineral salt DOT) and glycols to penetrate and protect the wood. When BORA-CARE is applied to bare wood, it penetrates the wood and deposits DOT. Diffusion of BORA-CARE into the wood continues after application until there is uniform distribution of the active ingredient in the wood member. 4.2 Application BORA-CARE is a concentrate that must be diluted with water before use. The dilution rate is one part water to one part BORA- CARE for all pretreatment applications. Prior to dilution, BORA- CARE is a thick viscous liquid similar in appearance to honey. When diluted and mixed, the solution has the same consistency as water. BORA-CARE is applied by spraying, brushing, and injection. BORA-CARE is not a restricted category pesticide, but shall be applied by a professional pest control operator in accordance with local, state, or federal pest control regulations. BORA-CARE is clear and odorless. All wood surfaces shall be treated according to label directions when protecting the structure for subterranean termites. Pretreatment for subterranean termite protection consists of treating a two foot band of wood around the perimeter of a structure containing a crawl space or basement when the wood comes into contact with the foundation walls or support piers. This treatment includes the joists, headers, sills and subflooring areas. Pretreatment of a slab on grade structure consists of treatment of the sill plate and two feet up on the wall studs and wood sheathing. On wood where access is limited to one or two sides of wood members such as sills and plates on foundation walls, apply two coats of solution to exposed sides, allowing for a minimum of 20 minutes between applications. BORA-CARE is water soluble. When fresh wood with no sealants Pretreatment is performed at a point during the construction is treated with BORA-CARE, the borate penetrates completely process when the greatest access to all wood members is through the wood member, therefore, the wood member is 00abie. f1cTypically at the dried -in stage of construction when all permitted to be cut after treatment is complete ural wood and sheathing is in place yet prior to installation ulation, mechanical systems, electrical wiring, and 4.0 INSTALLATION Of plumbing. 4.1 General BORA-CARE Termiticide is installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report. Applicators of BORA-CARE shall be trained by the Nisus Corporation and shall be licensed pest control operators. The manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report shall be strictly adhered to and a copy of these instructions shall be available at all times on the job site during installation. 4.3 Protection from Water Since BORA-CARE is water soluble, treated wood shall be protected from rain and snow. For long term protection, exterior surfaces shall be coated with a water resistant paint or stain. Interior surfaces exposed to repeated moisture contact, such as shower stalls, bath houses, etc. shall be protected by a water resistant paint or stain. This report is limited to the specific product and data and test reports submitted by the applicant in its application requesting this report. NoindependenttestswereperformedbytheNationalEvaluationService, Inc. (NES), and NES specifically does not make any warranty, eitherexpressedorimplied, as to any finding or other matter in this report or as to any product covered by this report. This disclaimer includes, but is not limited to, merchantability. This report is also subject to the limitation listed herein. Page 1 of 2 Pa e 2 of 2 Report No. NER-617 5.0 IDENTIFICATION Each container of BORA-CARED Termiticide, Insecticide and Fungicide covered by this report shall be labeled with the manufacturer's nametand or trademark and this National Evaluation Service evaluation report number, NER-617 for field identification. 6.0 EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 6.1 Manufacturer's descriptive literature, specifications, and installation instructions. 6.2 Test report, lab test of BORA-CARE treated wood and untreated wood exposed to subterranean termites, Formosan Subterranean Termite and Eastern Subterranean Termite, Ft. Lauderdale Research & Education Center, University of Florida, Document No. IRG/WP/1504, April 2, 1991, by Nan-Yao and Rudolf Scheffrahn. 7.1 This Evaluation Report and the manufacturer's published installation instructions, when required by thecodeofficial, shall be submitted at the time of permit application. 7.2 BORA-CARE shall be applied by applicators trained by the Nisus Corporation and shall be licensed pest control operators. 7.3 BORA-CARE shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's published installation instructions and this report. 7.4 In areas where a soil treatment/barrier termiticide treatment is required by the applicable code or local code official, BORA-CARE is applied only as a supplemental pretreatment and is not a replacement for required treatments or barriers. 7.5 BORA-CARE was evaluated only for resistance to subterranean termites. 6.3 Test report, lab test of oral toxicity of BORA-CARE against Formosan Subterranean Termite and Eastern 7.6 BORA-CARE is water soluble and shall be protected as Subterranean Termite, Ft. Lauderdale Research & noted in Section 4.3 above. Education Center, IFAS, University of Florida, May, 1993, Masahiko Tokoro and Nan-Yao Su. 7.7 BORA-CARE has not been evaluated as a treatment for resistance to termites on LVL products. 6.4 Test report, January 1997 Progress Report, 57 months exposure, field evaluation of BORA-CARE treated wood 7.8 This report is subject to re-examination on a periodic the subterranean termite feeding and tubing near basis. For information on the current status of this Gulfport, Mississippi, comparison of treated and Evaluation Report, consult the NES Product Evaluation untreated wood floor joist, Mississippi State University Listing or contact the NES. Forest Products Laboratory, Terry L. Amburgey. 6.5 Test report, January 1998 Progress Report, 73 months exposure, field evaluation of BORA-CARE treated wood the subterranean termite feeding and tubing near Gulfport, Mississippi, comparison of treated and untreated wood floor joist, Mississippi State University Forest Products Laboratory, Terry L. Amburgey. 6.6 Test report, January 2001 Progress Report, 110 months exposure, field evaluation of BORA-CARE treated wood the subterranean termite feeding and tubing near Gulfport, Mississippi, comparison of treated and untreated wood floor joist, Mississippi State University Forest Products Laboratory, Terry L. Amburgey. 6.7 Test report on efficacy of BORA-CARE applied to OSB, plywood, pressure treated wood and FRTW, June 12. 2000, Mississippi State University Forest Products Laboratory, Dr. Terry L. Amburgey and MS. S.V. Parikh. 7.0 CONDITIONS OF USE The National Evaluation Service Committee finds that the BORA- CAREO Termiticide, Insecticide and Fungicide described in this report complies with or is a suitable alternate to that specified in the 2000 International Building Code© with 2001 Supplement, the 2000 International Residential Code© with 2001 Supplement, the BOCA National Building Code/1999, the 1999 Standard Building Code©, the 1997 Uniform Building CodeTM, and the 1998 International One- and Two- Family Dwelling Code subject to the following conditions: Ai FORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge® 4.0 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A r PROJECT NAME: COVK42B 12CL3 ADDRESS: 130 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE CITY, STATE: SANFORD, FL OWNER: MARONDA HOMES CLIMATE ZONE: CENTRAL 1. New construction or existing New _ 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family I _ 4. Number of Bedrooms 4 _ 5. is this a worst case? Yes _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 2008 ft2 7. Glass typel and area: (Label reqd. by 13-104.4.5 if not default) a. U-factor: Description Area or Single or Double DEFAULT) 7a(Sngle Default) 168.0 ft2 _ b. SHGC: or Clear or Tint DEFAULT) 7b. (Clear) 168.0 ft2 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 208.0(p) ft b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.1, 1180.0 ft2 _ b. Frame, Steel, Adjacent R=11.0, 278.0 ft2 _ c. N/A d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic R=19.0, 2158.0 ft2 b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Garage Sup. R=6.0, 200.0 ft b. N/A Builder: Permitting Office: Permit Number: Jurisdiction Number: R 03_0 S O1- 1(0(0 Lo q ( 500 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit Cap: 42.5 kBtu/hr _ SEER:13.00 _ b. N/A c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump Cap: 42.5 kBtu/hr _ HSPF:7.90 _ b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance Cap: 50.0 gallons _ EF: 0.92 b. N/A FFICEc. Conservation credits HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits PT, _ CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat REVIEWEDMZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) CITY OF SANFORD Glass/Floor Area: 0.08 Total as -built points: 26544 c Total base points: 29607 PASS I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: DATE: JUL 2 4 200 I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: i DATE: Z B Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. BUILDING OFFICIAL: DATE: i rreaommant glass type. ror actual glass type and areas, see Summer & Winter Glass output on pages 2&4. EnergyGauge® (Version: FLR3SB v4.0) SHE S74 0.n D WE' FORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge® 4.0 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES 18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points 18 2008.0 25.78 9317.9 Single, Clear SE 1.0 6.0 48.0 61.07 0.96 2824.3 Single, Clear SW 1.0 6.0 48.0 56.99 0.96 2633.3 Single, Clear SE 1.0 8.0 40.0 61.07 0.99 2423.8 Single, Clear NE 1.0 6.0 16.0 47.10 0.97 731.7 Single, Clear NW 1.0 6.0 16.0 40.72 0.97 632.7 As -Built Total: 168.0 9245.8 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 278.0 0.70 194.6 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 1180.0 1.18 1392.4 Exterior 1180.0 1.90 2242.0 Frame, Steel, Adjacent 11.0 278.0 1.00 278.0 Base Total: 1458.0 2436.6 As -Built Total: 1458.0 1670.4 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 18.0 1.60 28.8 Adjacent Wood 18.0 2.40 43.2 Exterior 20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior Wood 20.0 7.20 144.0 Base Total: 38.0 124.8 As -Built Total: 38.0 187.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 2008.0 2.13 4277.0 Under Attic 19.0 2158.0 2.82 X 1.00 6085.6 Base Total: 2008.0 4277.0 As -Built Total: 2158.0 6085.6 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Slab 208.0(p) 31.8 6614.4 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 208.0(p 31.90 6635.2 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: 6614.4 As -Built Total: 208.0 6635.2 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM Points Area X SPM = Points 2008.0 14.31 28734.5 2008.0 14.31 28734.5 EnergyGauge@) DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge@)/ResFREE'2004 FLR3SB v4.0 FORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge® 4.0 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 38276.4 Summer As -Built Points: 39288.2 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points System - Points) DM x DSM x AHU) sys 1: Central Unit 42500 btuh ,SEER/EFF(13.0) Ducts:Unc(S),Unc(R),Gar(AH),R6.0(INS) 39288 1.00 1.09 x 1.150 x 1.00) 0.262 0.950 12238.4 38276.4 0.4266 16328.7 39288.2 1.00 1.250 0.262 0.950 12238.4 EnergyGaugeT"A DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/ResFREE'2004 FLR3S13 A.0 FORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge® 4.0 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES 18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point 18 2008.0 5.86 2118.0 Single, Clear SE 1.0 6.0 48.0 10.59 1.02 519.4 Single, Clear SW 1.0 6.0 48.0 11.59 1.01 562.4 Single, Clear SE 1.0 8.0 40.0 10.59 1.01 428.7 Single, Clear NE 1.0 6.0 16.0 14.70 1.00 235.3 Single, Clear NW 1.0 6.0 16.0 14.97 1.00 239.1 As -Built Total: 168.0 1984.9 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 278.0 1.80 500.4 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 1180.0 3.31 3899.9 Exterior 1180.0 2.00 2360.0 Frame, Steel, Adjacent 11.0 278.0 2.60 722.8 Base Total: 1458.0 2860.4 As -Built Total: 1458.0 4622.7 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 18.0 4.00 72.0 Adjacent Wood 18.0 5.90 106.2 Exterior 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior Wood 20.0 7.60 152.0 Base Total: 38.0 174.0 As -Built Total: 38.0 258.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 2008.0 0.64 1285.1 Under Attic 19.0 2158.0 0.87 X 1.00 1877.5 Base Total: 2008.0 1285.1 As -Built Total: 2158.0 1877.5 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 208.0(p) 1.9 395.2 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 208.0(p 2.50 520.0 Raised 0.0 0.00 0.0 Base Total: 395.2 As -Built Total: 208.0 520.0 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM Points Area X WPM = Points 2008.0 0.28 562.2 2008.0 -0.28 562.2 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/ResFREE'2004 FLR3SB v4.0 FORM 60OA-2004 . EnergyGauge® 4.0 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT Winter Base Points: 5480.1 Winter As -Built Points: 8701.1 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points System - Points) DM x DSM x AHU) sys 1: Electric Heat Pump 42500 btuh ,EFF(7.9) Ducts: Unc(S), Unc(R),Gar(AH),R6.0 8701.1 1.000 1.078 x 1.160 x 1.00) 0.432 0.950 4465.6 5480.1 0.6274 3438.2 8701.1 1.00 1.250 0.432 0.950 4465.6 EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/ResFREE'2004 FLR3SB v4.0 FORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge® 4.0 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 4 2460.00 9840.0 50.0 0.92 4 1.00 2460.00 1.00 9840.0 As -Built Total: 9840.0 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points Total Points Cooling Points Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 16329 3438 9840 29607 1 12238 4466 9840 26544 PASS THE SO.n a EnergyGauge•" DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/ResFREE'2004 FLR3SB v4.0 FORM 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge® 4.0 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS:,,, PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 cfm/sq.ft. window area; .5 cfm/sq.ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from, and is sealed to, the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier: gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Multi -story Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. bA-ZZ U I HLK F'KL5GKIP I IVL MEASURES (MUSt be met Or exceeded by all residences.) COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 612.1.ABC.3.2. Switch or clearly marked cir breaker (electric) or cutoff (gas) must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2004 EnergyGauge®/ResFREE'2004 FLR3SB v4.0 I ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 85.5 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. ELECTRIC, , , , 1. New construction or existing New 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 4. Number of Bedrooms 4 _ 5. Is this a worst case? Yes _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 2008 ft2 _ 7. Glass type and area: (Label reqd. by 13-104.4.5 if not default) a. U-factor: Description Area or Single or Double DEFAULT) 7a(Sngle Default) 168.0 fi= _ b. SHGC: or Clear or Tint DEFAULT) 7b. (Clear) 168.0 ft' _ 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 208.0(p) ft _ b. N/A c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.1, 1180.0 ft2 _ b. Frame, Steel, Adjacent R=11.0, 278.0 ft2 _ c. N/A d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic R=19.0, 2158.0 ft2 _ b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc. AH: Garage Sup. R=6.0, 200.0 ft _ b. N/A 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit b. N/A c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder Signature: I % --O-''j/j/ I - , , Date: JUL Z 4 2006 Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: Cap: 42.5 kBtu/hr _ SEER: 13.00 Cap: 42.5 kBtu/Itr _ HSPF: 7.90 Cap: 50.0 gallons _ EF: 0.92 _ WE NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86for a US EPADOE EnergyStarTmdesignation), your home may qualms for energy efciency mortgage (EEM incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec.ucf edu for information and a list ofcertified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affairs at 8501487-1824. PT, _ I Predominant glass type. For actual glass type and areas see Summer & Winter Glass output on ages 2&4. tnergyGauge® (Version: FLR3Sv4.0) CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING DIVISION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT Lot: 12 Subdivision: CELERY LAKES PH.1A Property Address: 130 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE x 1. Two (2) recent boundary and building location surveys showing setbacks from all structures to property lines for permit for structures (not fences). x 2. Two (2) complete sets of construction design drawings drawn to scale. Complete sets to include: x a. Foundation plan indicating footer sizes for all bearing walls. Provide side view details of these footers with reinforcement bar replacement. x b. Floor plan indicating interior wall partitions and room identification, room dimensions, door, window, and/or opening sizes, smoke detector, distances from walls are to be shown. Note the State of Florida requirements for bath door for compliance of Handicapped Code (F. S. 553, Part 5). 0 c. Elevations of all exterior walls, east, west, north and south. Finish floor elevation height as per City Engineering Department or subdivision plat. x d. Cross sections of all wall sections to be used in the structure. Bearing non -bearing interior and exterior. Show all components of wall section. e. Framing plan for floor joists where conventionally framed. Plan to indicate span, size and species of materials to be used. f. Engineered truss plan with details of bracing. Engineered beams for spacing openings to carry and support trusses. g. Stair details with tread and riser dimensions, stringer size, methods of attachment, placement of handrails and guardrails. x h. Square footage table showing footages: Garages/Carports 397 S.F. Porch(s)/Entry(s) 63 S.F. Patio(s) S.F. Conditioned structure 2,008 S.F. Total (Gross Area) 2,468S.F. x 3. Three (3) sets of completed Florida Energy Code Forms (Form 600-A-97). x 4. Soil analysis and/or soil compaction report. If soils appear to be unstable or if structure to be built TO FOLLOW on fill, a report may be requested by the Building Official or his representative. N/A 5. Other submittal Documents: N/A a. Utility letter or approval when public water supply and/or sewer system connection to be made. N/A b. Septic tank permit to be obtained from Seminole County Health Department at: 400 West Airport Boulevard, Sanford, FL (407) 665-3600. N/A c. Arbor permit when trees to be removed from property. Contact the City Engineer for details regarding the arbor ordinance and permit. x 6. Application to be completed thoroughly and signatures provided by a licensed and insured contractor. OWNER/BUILDER MUST APPEAR IN PERSONS TO SIGN APPLICATION AS PER FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 489. Subcontractor license numbers must be included on the application. If electrical, mechanical or plumbing permits have not been issued, inspections will not be scheduled or made and subcontractors will be subject to penalty under the City Ordinances REQUIRED INSPECTIONS DURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION 1. Footer 2. Underground, electrical, mechanical and plumbing 3. Foundation elevation survey 4. Slab 5. Lintel — tie beams — columns — cells 6. Rough electrical 7. Rough mechanical 8. Rough plumbing 9. Tub Set 10. Framing 11. Tenant Separation/firewall 12. Insulation, walls and/or ceilings 13. Electrical final, mechanical final and plumbing final 14. Building Final 15. Other DATE: MONDAY, June 24, 2006 SIGNATURE: By Owner or Authorized Agent) jrri li lli Il llj II 111 loon It ov 114 1111IIl11 Intl II II I III& a c 009.4 U-1nN LLCM O W J U t-. O Z+V=fC7 LU LIJ Q f O a00: i 0: W W 0 J O Z O Y a a a, C na, CLa bIARI`t;ENN> rjURI_f_, 11ERK LtF CIRCUIT MIRE EI4114EjLE GtOM Eta <iL;1;Ei LL E RK I 11 200&0 7 7 1.3 0101:14 M I)ECiiNDINt; FLES 10.(* 1ECL0ItDLD BY tholden NOTICE OF COIF M ENCEMENT TAX FOLIO NO. 25-133-6949 PERMIT NO. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain and real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal Description and Street Address) Lot 12 130 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE: Subdivision: CELERY LAKES PH. 1A General Description of Improvement Construct a Single Family Residence OWNER INFORMATION Name and Address Maronda Homes, 955 Keller Road, Suite 1500, Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Interest in Property (Fee Simple, Partnership, etc.) Owner NAME AND ADDRESS OF FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDERS (If other than owner) CONTRACTOR Maronda Homes, 955 Keller Road, Suite 1500, Altamonte Springs FL 32714 Name and address) SURETY (Bonding Company) Name and Address N/A Amount of Bond LENDER Name and address Bank of America, NA, 250 Park Avenue South Suite 400 Winter Park, FL 32789-4316 ATTN: DAN FINNEGAN Phone (407) 646-6304 Fax (407) 644-2388 Persons within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notice or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1), (a), 7., Florida Statutes. Kampf Title, 200 W. 1st St., Sanford, FL 32771, Fax: 407-330-5062, Phone: (407) 322-9484. Name and address) In addition to himself, Owner designates or to receive a copy of Lienors Notice as provided in Section 713.13(2), (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration Date of Notice of Commencement The expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified.) THIS DOCUMENT IS BEING j 1/ RE -RECORDED TO REFLECT RUSSELL-KEITHPuMM Rs THE CORRECT PHASE # Maronda Homes,.lnc. of Florida Vice President - Construction to and subscribed before me this 20TH day of FEBRUARY, 2006. Public au•••• JEAfJ{;li« .••rUl_,-rt la••.. . CU0460464 00. G.'.-J:' 2;: ._. 00r;3?sic:,:. SEND C',iV f. FLI)RIDA 8Y— EPUI Y cn v . Or Lagend of Symbols and Abbreviations: REROD: Steel Reinforcing Rod Boundary Line Brg. Bearing Fic.J Field Maasured P.C.P. Permanent Control Point P.T. Point of Tangency Cenledine Calc. Calculated Fnd. Found P.I. Point of Intersection R Radius Right-obway Line C.B. Concrete Block Gov't.: Government P.L.S. Professional Land Surveyor R.L.S.: Registered Land Surveyor Overhead tJtdity Line Ch Chord L.B. Licensed Business P.O.B. Point of Beginning RAN Righl•of•way Easurnerit Lure Conc.: Concrete O.R. Official Records P.O.C. Point of Commencement Sec. Section G Cenral Angle Const.. Construction Pav't. Pavement P.R.C. Point of Reverse Curve S/T Septic Tank ARC Arc length Gs Concrete Stab P.C. Point of Curve P.R.M. Permanent Reference Monument T.B.M.: Temporary Bench Mark Blk. Block Elev. Elovation P.C.C.: Point of Compound Curve P.S.I. Point of Street Intersection W/ With Boundary -Survey: G.5-Z4.94- Q?A/.A6E / I E.Q.SrEi7E•c T.s i l3 me it/o T XGA TTEO G InK-- 'PATIO ` Go viglf TDN 4 B!. F, r46" 201.7-0 Q ICx o CAO GS-Z499• 5, o f-ASEr7:T pop fuc. 8';6'.C'o0 .. • ' F A 7 ,QEAOOGAPGS-2•¢99' r .50. ce' f'> i /s /^P <s-2499- It; 5 B9' 3B' 7"Al fnrs0 lI - \ PUr r -,eTAO — ` 1A. 741 11 Zt94 3. 89.'3B /7 fit/ AU's Aaswuvo sP. 0'Ie Z9'A6PHaLT ,SvTI;6 6-5G2/i > 7-10A, Ll'% I2 _ CEGE/Qy 1_.91<<.5 Hf7.5E j LSU.BOi/S/ac/ o/20/N6' 70 /%Af' /N fl 1 T Z boK 60 7 , /cf/6E_5 ,99 gA40 9.9 e'96GoRQ` OF SEM/tIOL Cou+/rY, /LOR/Oi%, CERI IFIED 10 M/0 de'—s SMITH DRAFTING & SURVEYING, INC. 311 E. RICH AVE DELAND, FI. DELTONA, FL 386) 734-70.17 (386) 789-2855 DRAWN BY: s REVISIONS: CREW CHIEF: SCALE: DATE: Jf n/UAGY 006 WO 9 /- 003g -06 I hereby certify that [his neap depicts a survey performed under my supervi- sion, and is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief; end that [his survey meals [he minimum technical standards set forth by the Florida Board of Professional Land Surveyors in Chapter 61G17.6, Florida Administrative Code, pursuant IASeclion 472.027, Florida Statutes. / Sla Smith Wgil lercd Land S nificale Number 37 NOT VALID UNLESS SEAL IS EMBOSSED Note: No instruments of record reflecting easements, limitations, owner- ships, reservations, restrictions and/or right-ol-ways, it any, have been pro- vided to this surveyor, except as shown. No underground installations of utilities have been located, except as shown. Maronda Systems Maronda Systems 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 Engineer of Record: Tomas Ponce, P.E. 367 Medallion PL. Chuluota, FI. 32766 FL PE # 50068, Design Criteria: TPI Design: Matrix Analysis TEE-LOK software PLAN JOB # LOT ADDRESS DIV/SUB MODEL 130 6CLO1203 12-3 WHEATFIELD ORO-6CL COVK4 LEFT CIR COVINGTON K 4 This structure was designed in accordance with, and meets the requirements of TPI standards and the FLORIDA 2004 BUILDING CODE for 125 M.P.H. Wind Zone. Truss loading is in accordance with ASCE 7-02. These trusses are designed for an enclosed building. Truss ID Run Date Drawing Reviewed Truss ID Run Date Drawing Reviewed No. of Eng. 47Dwgs: Layout 09/20/05 L F 11 09/16/05 Roof Loads- V 07/27/05 J1A 09/16/05 TC Live: 16.0 psf TC Dead: 7.0 psf BC Live: 10.0 psf BC Dead: 10.0 psf HIP 07/27/05 J26 09/16/05 A 09/16/05 J2C 09/16/05 Al 09/16/05 J3 09/16/05 A2 09/16/05 J4 09/16/05 Total 43.Opsf A3 09/16/05 J5 09/16/05 A4 09/16/05 J6 09/16/05 DurFac- Lbr: 1.25 DurFac- Plt: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" A5 09/16/05 J7 09/16/05 A6 09/16/05 V1 09/16/05 A7 09/16/05 V2 09/16/05 OFFICE PLANS REVIEWED Ili OF SANFORD A8 09/16/05 V3 09/16/05 A9 09/16/05 V4 09/16/05 B3 09/16/05 V5 09/16/05 64 09/16/05 V6 09/16/05 65 09/16/05 V7 09/16/05 B6 09/16/05 B7 09/16/05 B8 09/16/05 B9 09/16/05 C3 09/16/05 D D1 09/16/05 09/16/05 D2 09/16/05 F 09/16/05 F 1 09/16/05 G 09/16/05 G 1 09/16/05 G2 09/16/05 G3 09/16/05 H 09/16/05 H 1 09/16/05 INV # DESC QNTY FEBA` 3 2006 DATE: 18331 THD26 18330 THD28-2 18360 SKH26R 18361 SKH26L 18363 JUS26 18370 THJ26 2 SEAT PLATES 124 40-0 illlllllllllllllll I llr\ rl- 1VOLUME CEILING_ I 1- 1 I_ 1- 1 AN INS y ti l l ll/ MOW 3 2006 HIB-9-1',Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and RECOMMENDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES m fr f BrgSDO Iblil ofthein tellerlbuild rbuildinacontractor.licensedcontrector. aractororerecfion contractorl fooroi.m.u.-C.GiA .unload. stare. handle. install and araro ^+erar Dials c^^^artarl s rood fnr es to orotect life endoMpgL , The installer nust exercise the same high degree of safety awareness as withany otherstructural naterial. TPI does not intend these recommendations to be interpreted as superior otheprojectArchlfect's or Engineer's designspecification for handling, installing and bracingwoodtrussesforaparticularrooforfloor. These recommendations are fi o— ii.rFivP. PYnerience of leading technical personnel in the wood 411l pry x, yx Lori. d , r .:1K r [ !tiy. Gij-'.•4, a— a..E Ltlkrp3'Z! s S_ _ irloinn, o TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE 583 D' Onofrio Dr., Suite 200 Madison Wisconsin 53719 608)B33- 5900 . truss industry, but must, due to' the -nature of responsibilities involved, be presented as a guide forthe use of a qualified building designer or installer. Thus, the TrussPlateInstitute, Inc, expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arisingfrom the use, application or reliance on the recommendations and information containedhereinbybuildingdesigners, installers, and others. Copyright m by Truss Plate Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. This document or any part thereof -mustnotbereproducedinanyformwithoutwrittenpermissionofthenuhiisher. Printed in the United States of America. yTORAGE: i' ii issessfionl .ot eJ . 2.nna{v: ncro>3y ~ einorFnn esaw iic# Licoiilcl a!„._; 7o' jC mYr"i: r :P• ,c +L-_"-1.4:ttfn'..., z •:.i+:-: y. w*}}A` 17a'iFIDSJs?''TmussEsflred:uer,6icaii,.:.s'fio ibEq T4• JL.iVyi %L T?r"' QMgF1rY 3.w!Yy:i+...ur:•Kri KY' - fey ..i ,w rr n q 1G1= F3±' 'nraoflret n dlesrip"riy"ai£wiless TDpE ]T3cea.', DA7U 7ttB3 SfLlrifllibt113CIIe5:. r- .xcr+ wauae ..riYdrl,&acnrnn.:.,q.;.ya,+: F`ltTalcnr9.'ure .sse ic' h:are ara af• s%e> ra e ara'era z3 ar fio>('%i be:Fstr tfyF$ pro • tbteI.1:J-r,\d' Frame ag ine 60° 60° or less • or lass Approximately ru Truss spans less than 30'. Spreader Bar Toe In Spreader Bar Toe In —tt Approximately to r/i truss length• Less than or equal to 60' Approximately 1/s to Vatruss length Less than or equal to 60' Toe In J A tri, , ii r ,, .=a ! f t, a t't r '•I rl• t (! i .( 7i,y{LS \ >•r r y f 14 t fj sd 7" . . r "Gd o 1, 0 tiros 2 li—fila - nsil R 1 r-r} NS)'"•. ? i >1 Isri ?ht.iTs_ I • V• t,,.— u.:,..-t`.Z " . r. - 4i!? 1 .5 a ')r. , i%:f'N ,+-• p -. ry' A • 1 lf: Lifting devices should be connected to the truss top chord with a closed -loop attachment utilizing materials such as slings, chains, cables, nylon strapping, etc. of sufficient strength to carry the weight ofthe truss. Each truss should be set in proper• position per the building designer's framing plan and held with the lifting device until the ends of the truss are securely fastened and tempo- rary bracing is installed. Tag- - Line Toe In Tag Line to ,. w•• v,•++•.Is•—'l.re ._nr uw.+..a:,mrm.: a:• G .O.t7NDrBRACII G':;BUILDII l'GA'NTEr'3,:1OR r brace Tag Line Strongback/ SpreaderBar At or above mid --=height Tag Line Strongbl Spreade 10, Aooroximately i r/ito V truss length Greater than. 60' r•.,.+rae:ra++-r xt.G...sr-:. /el l..n., (1 ,.a.n..._,a.,4•G•::::''' t•.n •.. ..:.: G-----_D E-RACI14G-N L ILD•1'NM:E~XTERIOR':; 7LB Typical vertical End Wall e tischment Plan nr sJ',: / Blocking ti'f•,. ' Ground Brace < i]Bv I1, ' verlicals (GBV) n........1 i.- Frame z trut ttal tie member with 1 (Ht) . r'truaa of bra cup of trunae EB) TogApproximatelyTag t ss length length Line xe r I 4 o-r greeter OF - Douglas Fir -Larch Sp - Sout ernPiine HF - Hem -Fir SPF Larch Sp - Southern Pine SPF - Spruce -Pine -Fir ITCHED TRGSS ;; Frame 3 12 4 or greater Bottoi at eac spading as top cF'E)ru ujaq, a. — --,- -U- ORD' C D I BRA E SPA S 1 20 15 1 10 1 7 1 6 4 ssional engineer Sli —Douihum r-ma SPF - S;5rube-Pine-Fir All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. HPRD7 Cross bracing repeated at each end of the building and at 20' Intervals. E PAN DRD! L BRACE T qkD*RIM :jnQP'C r.5PALUAN :,kyog) rm a a s Up to 32' 30a 8. 16 10 Over 32' - 48'1 4 6. 6 4 Over 48'- 60' 48a 51 4 2:: 60' Sea a registered professional engineeror:Over DF - Douglas Fir -Larch SP -: Southern Pine HF - Hem -Fir SPF - Spruce -Pine -Fir The end diagonal brace for cantilevered trusses must be - placed on vertical Webs In line with the support. ID SSgtTORWLTR =SS Continuous Top Chord Lateral Braci Required 10, Top chords thstare, laterally braced can buckle togetharmnd couse collapse ifthere lens diago- nal bracing. Diagonal bracing should benailed tothe underside of the tapchord when purlina are attached to the topside of the top chord. End diagonals 6 stability and must be dupil.'ale both -ends of the truss system. 4x2:PAR-AL"LEE"CHORDITRUSS-:7 P,CHORD. Top chords that are laterally braced can buckle togotherand cause collapse Ifthere iano diago- nal bracing. Diagonal bracing should be nailed to the underside of the top chord when purlino ata attached to the topolde of the top chord. Attaqhmer Required 20,mes07-, Usses ' oSpF/Hp c. 301 or greater Continuous Top Chord Lateral Brace Required 10' or Grealer Frame 5 ywc M :;.: aw h': It^ ivy li kGh9 i' , . . "'+ TO.P O , D C,.,y dl TOP CRD rJ DIVAGl RLCC MINIMUM aw• Ma aw i " 'T.iAL.B.'ACi= 44..,. SPACINGBS k SPA'Pl'..c, Y't., PITC L' to SPA'Cl NG(LB)" y':re trusses] SP.lDF4 11 •SPF..MF.,I:1 U to 24' 3/12 8' 17 12 Over 24' - 42' 3/12 7' 6' 10 6 Over 42' - 54' 3/12 Over 54' See a registered professional DF - Douglas Fir -Larch SPF Southern vine HF - Hem -Fr P Diagonal. brace also required on end verticals. Top chords thatn,c laterally braead can buckle togetl,erand cause collopue it there isno dingo- nalbracing. Diagonal bracing ohould be nailed to the underside at the top chord when purline are attached to the topoide of tha top chord. M0N0'7RUS'S " PLUMB I I I Truss I Depth D(in) I 6 4 engineer G' a\ /yCa3 5 ` ti 12 , greeter All lateral braces lapped at least 2• trusses. Continuous Top Chord Lateral Brace Required 10' or Greater Attachment Required IIIfARiSdiI C: Faltub'Yo•rA(lowf esiefecvinmgiii afrori cou resutf in strv'ere ersolrsal ury' ar c}amAg'e trrwilsses:or tiull'i igs, jk-AttATION',TDLER AA1+9`C S BOW 12" 1 /4" 1 24" 2" 2' 36" 3/4" 3' 48' 1. 4, 5' 6'" C60" I" 7' 9' Lesser of D/50 or 2" i—A ' A-ii Maximum — Plumb Misplacement Line OUT -OF -PLUMB INSTALLATION TOLERANCES. I T 14, 1 T t'/." Length L(in) Lesser of U200 or 2" • L(in) L(in) — 50" 4" 1 4.2' 100" 2" 1 8.3' I SW 3/4" 12.5' Lesser of U200 or 2" 41. IT 11Y'. i •: .. . 200" 1" 16.7' 250" 1-114" 20.8' 300" 1-1 /2" 25.0' OUT -OF -PLANE INSTALLATION TOLERANCES, . t f.y..,. v. M1.,.,:nY,M.--.rtt;iy•-1TT-. :-"IT.!f:...rn.•a... -::.. lira) x. s:!V:'":RlTlb•,1et4.."`•lYacJe-, f- w....y,.o•,'^D'-•i..: ri w i .P,. a V3 ,.i q 1i' ..v.....eSJ.ty'•. 'i r'f!L ,`. IN1'al''l' .. t`: I! a±;.eU„_.s.`r:' -r lL:k,••;.:.rytl;:;i'C i.:.`,`- y.c -:_s•.+. .i;r..+aG...: _ ,ry r,-. _ r~_i f.mt tL, _.::E.. _ a.'s. Frame 6 MAPIONDA 6'i'6 MS 4005Maronda Way. Date: March S, 2003 To: Building Department' From: Maronda Systems Tomas Ponce Professional Engineer State of Florida ##0050068 Subject: Valley Trusses Sanford, FL 3277I 407) 321-0064 . Far (407) 321-3913 All valleyatrusses labeled VT-1 thru 100 are covered under the general valley sheet providedinthetrusspackagesignedandsealedbytheengineerofrecord. The connections are notedonthestructuralinfosheetoftheplans- All criteria of the valley trusses are noted on the general sheet If you have any questions please feel free to can at 407-321-0064. Ferely, 11tt66.1111HU1,01TomPonce, P.E. P0Date: 3 S o3 .` FO)`...._. /fir, 4r/ r tR v No. 0090059 STATE Ch= RID O N A E \ x..99i{ Job: MARONDA SYSTEMS Customer: WO:VALLEY SST TI : V' Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION I his dcvp 6 On m id ndiAd.bnTd6g rmeyonemand lur been based on Won au . prmierd by be dkolTin desiperdi-Jann any raayooribaity o" dm.l.ses . rash of ldh7 m bmcm lomrmadao. w-j dim srd/ m dates ff m r6e aria dmpa by sad the enaeemm m seca7 of Wb blbmdon a h m. y rdste to . spaifie prgrtl sod seeepo onresponsibility m uoe6es on avbolwtrh r•diaarss Sfebrinooah_&i.& mere ens --iio. k This a.n hasbeendesipd a aniodvided "Udbg rompoormineccmdsesewithANSVMI-I"S andNDS-97 m bele —Posted o Pa"'h' b.ildb/ d<dp by. BsDdi•x Designer ("Zinerd achitds or MfiessiondCgfoea). wbm reviewer! lb .ppmvd by Neb.'Id'mgsimper• the chip b.dep sIn mist be 5 chsbed m bewe An the dna sbo m b Wry n with the but WOOS dM busmen am enrods rrid windmten. mods• prod- has om been dmpd rpplidbadsUdmdownrm moral. or --P—, Ids The deep ass.mn empreme, Chards (mop Or b.onm) ne cnmb®ady bradbyshuthi.9-1w ofaw6e q'sifid. Wbae bott.m dhmds in tension .ra om raDy broad homily by s MMl1Wokdrigidceiling. mcy sboem be braid st . msdon . gnci g oftin w — C.onamr Pines d-O be mmoereed Dom 2v pop bon dipped 6dveni E ncd m.dbg AMA 651 Grd. 406 ml.mother -is sbora FABRICATION NOTES Prim to Gbricdion, the fdnie.mr &11 mimthis d—Ing m .airy that this drswbg is bmdbrmenuwits r Gt the ldsan enmnii d r- . cc-d-10g c.lor. d rdponnidlity1bseenerifirmim AM dtsncp.slnve p444 m be pot to wddOg beNre Wing Or Gbricad— Plates i• dishno, beiondld ova kDoWe . mots m d!sMdol in, dgM fining wood to wood 55 brdnMergesftg3pan da be' m both 6md ft „IC " hAnddd sad ddi besym oboe K the jobn ®insatbrrw6e shmeo' A do4 pine Is S' wide s tE 4' rung. A 6.g pins is6' wide . s' moo} Sind (bola) mn pedidtothepisteIangrbspaifimDoablecotsonwebm®ben a>t>fl nicer n the centroid orthe wehs miss othawtse sbowo. Common p1d. elan R somimam ram based on 0e fmca ft— end msy and to be i b,erusd Oneavu bombe mdrar nod"O .tans. , d Thisass1,.0 m be hbrkadwith His readam Curd i I. mbamlw mherwisedto— Fen •ddtd-d iaibrm.d. m Q.dia Camel mra b ANSVIPt i 1.1993IPRECAUTIONARYNOTES All batag and amnion ra®e'dnb o a. m be ioDowd I. acordensewitb'HanmIn& 1nMUB* end. Brain;'. IDB- 91. Tresses ere to be emend with p.nkWn — dmbg bonding ad WWII.& ddi—y and Wodinim m .. vid d—ge T®pmwy sad Pcmanem . br•cbgorbobfogsassesb . nr.ight sad pt.mb Ppodnioa end@rrtsstbgIdealfmashillbedrapedandbensildbymhos. onset banmbg 6 --" and nealoo baring 6 d—rsoistod Nmtnd psass"finro7 anon lbrarmsrcgairessacktempre..y brain{ dnrbshmdlstlnn bdwcan nrsses m ..aid toppibg .oil domboing. The s.pavision ofaation oraassa sh.Dbe coda d.e conaol ofpmvns espeimcd in the P be if-onofbasso. mdr Vd oed. Conamntbnde: snip ends da0 run be qo d to tnssa a ••f riot No endsotherthenthewdghloftheanonshellbeppfldtotoesemBoCn .D antsmd endbrat/ Is ' TOP CHOR07- 2X 5"2 BOT CHORDS: 2X4 SP 92 WEBS: 2X4 SP 93 TIC MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY BRACED BY ROOF SHEATHING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. VALLEY MEMBERS TO BE SET PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES.BELOW. IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SHEATH TRUSSES BELOW VALLEY SET. VALLEY MEMBERS PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TOP CHORD BRACING. WHEN VALLEY MEMBERS ARE NAILED DIRECTLY TO TRUSS TOP CHORDS USE (2) 16D NAILS PER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. WHEN BELOW TRUSSES ARE SHEATHED FIRST USE (2) 10d NAILS OR (1)16d NAIL PER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. VARIES UP TO 1112 DIAGONAL WEBS REQUIRED WITH SPANS GREATER THEN 28-0.0 0-0- 4 3x8 2x4• OF -WEB WITH 12d NAILS AT 8' O.C. OR A SCAB OF --TI— THE SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEB; NAILED II TO FACE (S) OF WEB WITH 10d NAILS STAGGERED VALLEY 6' O. C. SCAB OR TRANSVERSE BRACKING TO EXTEND FOR 90% OF WEB LENGTH..2X6 BRACE REQUIRED ON ANY WEB EXCEEDING 14'. ' 'coMMoN VALLEY - denotes ONE edge or.one face denotes BOTH edges or Both faces. 1) ONE BRACE REQUIRED ON WEBS > = 94.0' LONG ' 2) TWO BRACES REQ'D ON WEBS >=126.0' LONG. VALLEY TRUSSES ARE ACCEPTABLE TO BE MONOVALLEY CANTILEVERED UPTOTWOFEET. taiianrieletnuuer 1 YALLET 16UBBEe• TP.I IF LESS THEN 3.0.0 THEN MOVE DIAGONAL WEB TO NEXT PANEL i 2x4 t 2x4 OR Sx8' OR 3x6 WHEN DIGAONAL WEB PRESENT USE 4X5 PLATE . Q) WHEN NO DIAGONAL WEB PRESENT USE 2X4 PLATE 4x8 A. B • 4xe 2x4 . 20 • 20 WO 3x6 OR 3x6 4x6 OR 20 VALLEY MEMBERS AT 24' D. C. (TYP) dx0 VARIES 2x4 12 2x4 3x6 20 : 2x4 axe OR 2X4 4x6 MAX 8. 0.0 O.C. (TYP) MAX 6. 0.O.O.C. (TYP) MAX TRUSS SPACING BELOW a 46. O.C. SPANS UP TO 60.0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANMTPI .1-1995 WARNING: READ ALL NOTEA ON THZS SHEET. A COPI OF THIS DRANINO TO BE GZYIIT TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING. L 1Coild systemsB_,48a_onrids6 oa6m.rmimb.ainsededbndaapon.IbW gOr&dWbaf.gwhkbIs.pmOf me bobfi t dmmom beand t" mobeconsidadbyUseWid'md desipaT . W-1.6res 61bIn— oppmn of.aa esembn only m I.dnc. bmtlbg loph. Provisions .rust be made m anchor load dig a ends.nd apoci&d lomic m ddamind by theb.admgdesigner. Additional k=iog of the ma.0 smcmne maybe rognned (See Ill" 1 of TPRFor spmific rains, baringrcgd.®mom t .la s building dcdpd•lTrsmno, 1R01m1e, TPI6bard n SIT 4005 MARONDA WAY D•on.e; oOrimM,d6.awit 33714 Batiford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fox (407) 321-" IL3 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00050060 IM5 VANNESSA DR. OVIEDO FL 32766 Deeign: Katri.X Anelyeie Profile Path: C:\TSE-IOK\Work\Jobe\MARONDA SYSTEMS\VT.prx IIUPPORTING TRUSSES W-T' TUF) II,, .'. S (TYP.) ALLEYAREASUPPORTING TRUSSVALLEYTRUSSES ( TYRI COMMON OR GIRDER COMMON TRUSSES (TYP.) VALLEY STRAPPING TO TRUS$ BELQYY' 9 4' D.C. :. Cont. Support Eng Job: Dwg: Degnr: TLY Chk: TC Live 16. 0 TC Dead 7..0 BC Live 10.0 BC Dead 2.0 Studs A. 6-0-0 O. C. pof pof pof Pef WOe•VALLEY SST TI: V. 7/ 27/2005 Lbr DF: 1. 25 P1t DF:' 1.25 O.C.: 2- .O- 0. TPI- 02/FBC-04 Codes FLA v4.7.21-4355 Job: MARONDA SYSTEMS Customer: WO:HIPDETAIL 1.1 :nir DESIGN INFORMATION rbi. d sip,a -.e 69.id.d b" tin.nmp_"$ .d hnbeen based an IdMvo doo 3Rro!'bkd dn n The desiV-disc,'®.aeyrerym- b rerun ofhillyes urta a MlhrmatM4 ryai6ratiomnewdesignrmnim-dto Ae no desigta 67 the dAiemstetmeearetosmmct.ru7 of cob Mrorm.uoou oar rant m . tyai6c proj W .td amcpv mrapsmvibBi40, esncoy co mostml vim rcgsrd tofmrie.tMo. ttcsonmg. sbipmm Led imadl.tc- of trines, 1 This Ism ben btm essipod n m hah.ifar b.ldi.9 cnmpoaem M ccordence with ANSV7fl "Sad L tR1s97 m be h,mrpasid n pros ofmubond,-{ desire 1by s B.t'tdmg omga: (repamd oehited or . s-fessio-al t- 4 m revi ma LPP°eLt 67 0. b.Bslrog der)g-er. m<des,p1o.dhsp e emh.kod m be smL dos me daa uw. eL gr t vim me laal b.ndm{ codes. WA enmade r¢erds lhrtailmmowMaltpmlecssp¢ineatmsn ary d pplid Malt Was sho ss bo The desk for et.T a ocesrymry c'.." .ism clam (cop or bottssm) a. 8esaPLsedbymesmhg ®lm otherwnL sue( hotmm ehmde is t®o- trt o0osPonrabsmN bete Mse tlb: pmpalr .pplid rldd mThtg. cote tw than be usahn-os ed 5 of gee but dipped Pmid ssedwenslMmdgerm ]0 gafi m.etIDg ASTM A 653. Grsde 44 idm ttthawise shaver . FABRICATION NOTES mar to (bbsied o Lthe oMicdm ,ban r.,k- Ibisdr..l-dm .airy concobe-me aso conrinmen wiibthefabriesmfaplam,td set resli,e . emdnel-a r.syOanbDiq' Ibr msth.eriOcatMo. d inna'rz m b. pm M writing bemre cottMg be j-u ordistonod grsla aMaobc+. than beIdM nvl-S wad yaAod- Caearaor sbaVb: MotA mbah to wood Gm.l . he Ism w,m cons6dh It sod shin be or- -boil se joEm.osm om.rwis, shove. ASas p1st, b S• wide a 4• Mug, A6.8 plde B 6' wide . tf6 Do. LbISloss (C.baa- m- psrancl m me plat. le -gm ryes webs b msmtber. = meeta the rt orthewebs -Ulm amen ise dmwa motorPtsitub..d ereme r,ommowm sod ..y oesd to beitsor....dIM seas'- hassdli-6 aaWw —d- mma- Thisam is 00or tobermt;<.td with Poe rd-daos nestForAdWoosled lumber mlm a." seta toAN51/iP1mfarmadmooQo,fd4t-1993 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES. beABbrxi-e cos acd- r-aaat;a-. rwiewed In srxada-c, grim •e,-AMd. Mstdlioa ad iBrsems . HlB.91. Tresses .oe Mbehmdld sbjiray sodpasdosslasae, degbs-dh4T®pw" sod pammmt b,seifm to ..nail QstmagcM . md t .oil plstmb l Mse .11 roe hoWmg w..e-Lpasidoosodmrreanhtg ,steed force fbdt b, dsspidsodhoosiledbyothersC-fu, b.odll-6Is .r.edid s-daedM- bradeg 1,d fs sagdor . Nor®' 9rLLtO'Mi sesMo IM Is.tses rWulses.6 ttreporery b.- dmmg bsnanl bdwcco asses m a.oid toMiog domi.oi-6. The mper.lsmo satin- or Is.sse mall becodamecm-oi err perms c-p—d Mmementheortr-vss. P4-rmi-ad deic, than be mo6MnifvendedCstnetr.tMo oscoes-eerMe a PeterIles- me sks,gn M,y .hall m be gglid mtamer a L-ydose' G Ne Mack Oma min m, wilts- 0(me sealer. dl bL Mll to "1.10.1%a.06»®i sod baacmg i. HIP GIRDER. 2x BLOCKING. ADDED TO TOP CHORD OF 'STEP HIP TRUSSES TO .SHORTEN OSB NOT -. TO ' ExCEED 24"O.C. - - - TO BE ' NAILED. TO TRUSSES W/ 12" -ON .CEN. STAGGERED PRE-ENG'D TRUSS TOP WALL OF BUILDING WARNING: Eng Job: READ ALL NOTE9 ON THIS SHEET. A COPY 01 TRI9 ORAHING TO BE GIVEN TO Ding: - M f Q ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING NARNINO r or mdlu -j wAkE spot of JA •arosida Syst, cos 8 • ,hrtaerLdlo-bnds,tw4dbr>d Pocs.tiondinDer:,TLY Chk: m, banding drops and .8ich most M ter-sidacd b1mL boildm{ drsi er- &acmj mow ismr late-, soppmt orwen membm surly m nduee bsekli-g 25dL Porirlom men be ends m ,ttehor (deed Mating d ends sod sgxa6d TC Live 15 . (1 Bfbcxd= daami-d by me boMing dmgoa. Addidocud bns g -fmeo.aall saosM may be rat and. (Sin HIB-91 p of TPRFa spoei8e Ism bnei-+ r.gniraoeedt mosses bmldmg desgoa.(ima Plae hmimte. TTI B Mead n SU Tlr' Dead 7 . 0 - paf 4005MARONDA WAY pOppyipOd.4madimW am53714 BC Live 10.0 pafSanford, FL 32771 407) 3=-0064 Fern (407) 321-3913 BC Dead 2.0 paf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE K0050069 TOTAL 35.0 psf1DOSYANNESSADR. OVIEDO FL 32766 - - - Designs Matrix Analysis Profile Path: Cs\TER-L0R\Mork\Jobe\MAR0NDA SY9TB2S8\VT.pnc ' NO: HIPDHTAIL TI:. HIP 7/27/2005 Lb; DF: 1.25 Plt DF:•1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 Codes FLA Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVX4 TI:A Qty:5 '' DESIGN INFORMATION This design isfor an individual building component ad ho been based n information pm-ided by thediem. The designer ducliims my responsibility for damages a a itoffaulty a ia<mrect information. spec(ficatiom endleu design famished to the trues designer by the client and the correctnessor accmacyofthis iolbrmatioo a it mayrelate to a specific project and aeeepuno responn'bBiry aaw onexcicontrol with regaed to fabrication, handling shipment and imullnioo of truss. Tbis trues has been dcsigued a an mdivimal building component in -cordarce with ANSVTPI 1.2002 and NDS- 02 to be incorporateda pan of thebuilding design by a Building Designer (registered architect or prefenumal eogaucy . when reviewed for approvalby the building designer. the design loadings shown mat be checked to be surethat thedata mown are in agreement with the local building code local climatic records for wind or mowbeds, project specifcatimn Or special pplied loads. Unless shun. am has not been designedfaraumageoroccupancyloads. The design tctnma cues ion chords (top or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing t dess otherwise specified. Where bo0um chords in tensmo are out Polly bracedLaterally by a properly applied rigid ceiiwg, they should be braced a. maximumspacingofI0'-0' o.c. Connector planshall be manfuturedfrom20gaugehotdippedgal.aniecd sled mating ASTMA 653, Gads 40, unless otherwise shoaat. FABRICATION NOTES him tofabrxaumr, the fabricator shall review this drawing toverify thatthis drawing isin conformance with the fabricators plans and to realizeacontinuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepanciesare to be pat in writing beforo cutting or fabrication. Plata shall am be installed over katwhole knots or distorted gain. Members shallbe cm fortightfitting woad to wood hearingConnectorplatessballbebatedoobothGoesofthe trust with Nils fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the jointunlessotherwiseshow.. A 50 plate is5' wide x4' long A 6.8 plate is 6' wide . 8' long. Slots (hula) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cou on web members mall mat to the ceraoid of thewebs unlm otherwise mow.. Corrector plate tires are minimum sizes basedon thefoma mow andmay need to be increased for certain handling and/or satin amazes. This wa is notto ber bricaid with fireretardant trcaed lumber mica otherwise mow.. For additional information on Quality ControlafertoANSErM 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to befollo..d in accordancewith'Handling tavatling and Bracing', W11.91. Trussesaretobe hadled with pa„ icular etm during baling ad brmdhng ddi%vy and insullatin m avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding masses in a straight and pivmb positionandforresistinglateralforcesmillbedesignedandinsalldbyohm. CarePol handlingis essentialand simianbracingisalwaysrequired. Normal precautionary Khoo for mosses requires such temporary bracing daring tasullain between tastes to avoid toppling and dominoing. The mpemsion orerectinof trmtet [ballbe under the control of paean experienced in the installationortmsset. Pmfeanomd advice mall be sought if nadeel Conannatinof co g..tfon toned grata than the design load: mall rat be applied to estates at any time. No loads other than the aught of theaectorfshall be appliedto tmssa until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 6 SP #2 BC: 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 6 SP #2 8- 9,7- 8,6- 7 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2- 8,4- 8,0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. MAE. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION ----- hoc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1761 0 -819 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1761 0 -819 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 - 5232 0.52 A 10- 9 4756 0.78 2- 3 - 3714 0.51 A 9- 8 4750 0.89 3- 4 - 3714 0.51 A 8- 7 4748 0.86 4- 5 - 5231 0.52 A 7- 6 4755 1.00 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span- 0.53/876-1.04/444 7-8 Horiz. 0. 34 0.66 NA Max DL Deflection L/901 . -0.51 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, CBC, V. 125mph, H. 15. 0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Trues in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Bracing Schedule. Chords Max O.C. From To BC 48. 0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 blabs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 2- 8,4- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 184 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- lid nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 "T" brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 8" o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. Joint Locations ............. 1)0- 0- 0 5) 40- 0- 0 9) 10- 6-14 2) 10- 6-14 6) 40- 0- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 20- 0- 0 7) 29- 5- 2 4) 29- 5- 2 8) 20- 0- 0 _ In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3. 2.4 of TPI-1-02, for Joint(s)- 3FORCES ( lb) - Max Compreaeion/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-5232/2045,2-3.-3714/1493, 3-4.- 3714/1493,4-5.-5231/2045, HOT CHORD 10-9.-1723/4756,9-8.-1711/4750, 8-7.- 1711/4748,7-6.-1723/4755, Webs 9- 2.0/334,2-8.-1325/702, 8-3.- 880/2801,8-4.-1324/702,4-7.0/335, WEB. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 9- 2 334 0.11 C 8- 4 -1324 0.95 2- 8 - 1325 0.85 C 4- 7 335 0.11 8- 3 2801 0.90 C 20-0- 0 20-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6.00 6x8 Face = 0- 2- 8 3.00 0-8- 0 1761'''" N 14 2- 6 2fl- 0- 0 COSMETIC PLATES'( 2)3x6"(12)2x4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BB GIVRN To ERSCPING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Maronda Systems B>a ahownn°*°°°°°w;ing albr m°aoradngw h°a uss the hoilaingdesignenswlsichmesabeconsideredbythohoildiogeatgtrer. Bracingshosro itfor lateralsupportof fives membersonly to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateralbating at en& and tpecifned locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (Sec MB•91 of TPI).rwspecific tact bracingrequirements, contact baking designa.(TmaPau Institate. TPI is bead at 583 4005 MARONDAWAYDOnObDrive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719) Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0068 367 Madalim FL ttaruotit, FL 32764 6.00 20-0- 0 10-6- 6 0-6- 6 Face = 0- 2- 8 O 0 1761# 8. 00" 9) Scale = 0. 1539 Sag Job: WO: COVX4 Dwg: TI: A Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live10.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rrosiie rain: wt,s.ya,v Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A1 Qty:2 -' DESIGN INFORMATION This design if lhran individual building compoacm and hasbeen bandon mfmmaeioo prmidod bythe diem. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages a a 10,11 offaulty or incorrect mrb m u;'_ speeircnitns aallor designs famished tothe men designer by the cline and the correctness or aceoracy ofthis information ait may relate to specific project ad accepts co responsibility or exercise on control with regard to fabrication, handling, shipment ad innallatim ofhoses. This train bas been designed a - individual building compootm in accordance with ANSUTPi 1-2002 and NDS42 to be incorporated a pan ofthebuilding design by Building Designer (registered architect or profesimal engines). When reviewed for appoval by the building designer. the design loadings shown man be checkedin be sure thatthe data shownare inagreement with the localbuilding coda. localclimaic records (or wind ormow bads, project specificationsor special applid bads Unless stow , tma has not been designed for storage oroccupancy bads. The designamines empre s= chords (top or bovom) are cmtmomsly braced by cheathiug unless otherwise specifncal. Where bottom chords in tension are rut fullybraced laterally by a properly applied rigid cram& they should be braced at amaximumspacingof117-W o.e. Connector Plata dull be mamfacmred from 20gauge butdipped gal -diced oat mating ASTM A 653. Grade A unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to rubrication, the fsh icatur shag review this drawing to verify that this drawingis in conrormsocewith thefabricator's plansand to realizea cmimivg rapmdbility far such verifcasim. Any discrepancies are to be pat in writing before crating or fabrication Plates dull rot be installed ova kinoduoics, knits or distorted grain. Membersshall be all forright fitting woad to wood bearing. Connor plain shall be bated m both faces of thecoswith nails ft::13imbeddedand shall be sym about the joint unless otherwise show. A 5a4 plate is 5' wide a V long. A 60 plate is W wide x 8' bug. Sbu (bola) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members dull meet at the centroid of the webs mess otherwise dawn Coinoector plate sizes ate minim= sins baud on the fortes draw and may need to be iacrcased for certain handling andlor erection stresses. This truss ism to be fibricatd with lure rNrdam treated lumber unless otherwise drown. For additional information ou Quality Control "fa to ANSVrPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bating andsatins recommendations arc tobefollowedinaccordancewith'Wdliing, anstallingand Bracing'. H18-91. Trvssa arc in be hammed withpimsechraredatingbandingandbtmdEng, dclnay andimullatimtoavoiddamageTemporaryandpammm bracing for holding wan ina ansight and plumb positionand fro resisting latent fortesdull bedesignedadinstalledbyothers. Careful handling is essentialand ereubn baring is always required. Norval precautionary action for tmssamryire, such temporary bracingdatng installation between truss to avid toppling and domiming. The mpavisim ofsatin oftruss due be ads the commlorprsmm apaienced in the installation ofrasa. Rofasioaal &icc shag be soughl ifneeded. Concentration ofwtWnrtion loads greater thin the design Inds shall not be aMt(ed to musses; a any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses mil after all forming and bracing a TC: 2x 6 SP 02 BCr 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 6 SP #2 8- 9,7- 8,6- 7 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2- 8,4- 8,0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1761 0 -819 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1761 0 -819 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCH..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -5232 0.52 A 10- 9 4756 0.78 2- 3 -3714 0.51 A 9- 8 4750 0.89 3- 4 -3714 0.51 A 8- 7 4748 0.86 4- 5 -5231 0.52 A 7- 6 4755 1.00 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.53/876-1.04/444 7-8 Horiz. 0.34 0.66 NA Max DL Deflection L/901 . -0.51 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 0-0 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, CaC, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, i. 1.00, Exp.Cat. S, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Bracing Schedule: Chords Max O.C. From To BC 48.0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 2- 8,4- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 1X4 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- lld nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 "T" brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 8" o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. 6. 00 6x8 10- 7-12 0-6-6 3.00 Face =0-2-8 0-8-0 r 14- 2- 6 1761' 20-0-0 COSMETIC PLATES'(2)3X6'(16)2X4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO CMa:ronda Systems BRBng sbm COthis dmi gis BRACING NARKING: Bracing shownw this dousing is rot ercetioinbracing, wind Waring, portalbracing w similarbearing which is putofthebuildingdesignandwhichmustbeconsideredbythebuildingdedgtta. Racingshownisfrolateral supportofcross mmbers only to reduce buckling length Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing in ads and specifid locations dete mined by the buildingdesigner. Additi- bracing oftheoverallmixture may be required. (See IDII-91 of TPI).Fw specific mass bracing requirements. contact building designa.(Trass Plate loatmte. TPI is boated at 5934005MARONDAWAYD'000EioDtimMadimaWisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00005OD68 307 MedsNon FL Ctritfotae FL 32704 Joint Locations ............ . 1) 0- 0 5) 40- 0- 0 9) 10- 6-14 2) 10- 6-14 6) 40- 0- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 20- 0- 0 7) 29- 5- 2 4) 29- 5- 2 8) 20- 0- 0 In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 In - Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 3 FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-5232/2045,2-3.-3714/1493, 3- 4.-3714/1493,4-5.-5231/2045, HOT CHORD 10-9.-1723/4756,9-8.-1711/4750, 8- 7.-1711/4748,7-6.-1723/4755, Webs 9-2.0/334,2-8.-1325/702, 8- 3.-880/2801,8-4.-1324/702,4-7.0/335, WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 9- 2 334 0.11 C 8- 4 -1324 0.85 2- 8 -1325 0.85 C 4- 7 335 0.11 8- 3 2801 0.90 C 20- 0-0 6. 00 10- 6-6 0- 6-6 f Face = 0-2-8 0. 8-0 1761# 8.00" 9) Scale = 0.1539 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: Al Dsgnr: TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DP: 1.25 O. C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rrvasaa - --se- Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A2 Qty:2 -1 DESIGN INFORMATION Tbis design is for an individual building component and has been based oninform lion prm,&d by the diem. The design. diselaims soy responsibility for damages as a result offaulty or immaect inmrmatme. specifications and/or designs fvroimed to the sdesign by desigbytheclient and the aineemm or accuracy of this information as it may reline to a specific projectand accepts - responsibility or ataises no control with regard to fabricatim ha, ming, shipment and installation of insists. This net has been designeda - indi W-A building component in aamdsoce with ANSVfPI 1-2002 and NDS-02 to beiowported as panof thebuildingdesign bya BuildingDesign (registered archit.r or prafessionalengim er). Wben reviewed fee approval by the building designer. the design loadings showy mast be ebeeked to be sure that the data showy are in agreemm with the local building codes bW climatic ram I forwind in snow bads. project specifications Co special appliedloads Unless shown ttvss has our beendesigned ibr storage oracapancy loads. The design assumes compression chords ( mp in bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing colas otherwise specified. Where banom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling• they should be braced at mntimvm spacing of 1V-0' o.c. Cooa.tm plaza saa8 bemanufactured from 20 gang, but dipped ge-rizod aed meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. exam otherwise shoaa FABRICATION NOTES Prier to Gbricamm, the fabricator shall rev row this drawing to verify testthisdrawing is in con mineaCe withthefabricators plans and to real; m a continuing responu'biliry Cmrace verification. Any discrepancies use to be put in miting before tuning in fabrication. Rates abed notbeinstalledovaknotholestunsindiaonedgrafo. Meruben shall be M for tightfillingw*W to woodbearing. Cintmerin plate shallbelocated on bath faceofthe lines 4ith Nils fully imbedded and shill be tyre about the join elmotherwiseshown A 5s4 plate is 5' wide a V long. A 6a8 plate is 6' wide a 8' long. Shins (bola) ma pareld to the plateI=gth specified. Double cuts ce web membersshallmatatthecenboidofthewebsexamotherwisemown Conueetor plate sins are minimum size basedontheforcesshowandmayneedtobeeasedfin certain handling a.&. eeasom sarmes. Tbn trust is cot tobeGbricated with fire retsrdaa treated lumber unless otherwise mown. For additional intmmstion on Quality Controlrefer to ANSVTPI1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES cut bracing and esciLinit recommendations arc to be followedinaccordancewith'Hamling [candling and Bracing% H1& 91. Testes are to be handled with particular are duringbandingand bundling. delhetyAnd installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing fin bolding wsw in a m-ight and plumb position andforresistinglateralfarcemallbedesignedandinstalledbyothers. Cascfhl handling is essential and action bracing is always required. Normal prmmioninr action fortrussesrequiressuchtemporarybracingduringinstallationbaween uaao to avoid toppling and dominoing. The mpavision of eaecaice oftrussessballbe under the controlofpersonsexperiencedinthemaanationoftresses Professional adviceshall be sought if corded. C000mtm um of oonaructen loads gnater than the design lends md1 not be applied to uusQs at any time. No toads other tb= the aeightof the tzectonshallbe applied to cusses until after dl fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 6 SP ®2 BC: 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 6 SP # 2 8- 9,7- 8 WE, 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP # 2 2- 8,4- 8,0- 0 0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- x-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1761 0 -819 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1761 0 -819 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCB..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -5232 0.52 A 10- 9 4756 0.78 2- 3 -3714 0.51 A 9- 8 4750 0.89 3- 4 -3714 0.51 A 8- 7 4750 0.86 4- 5 -5232 0.52 A 7- 6 4756 0.76 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./ Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0. 52/886-1.03/449 7-8 Horiz. 0.33 0.65 NA Max DL Deflection L/912 . -0.51 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 10- 7-12 0-6-6 Face = 0- 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, CeC, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Bracing Schedule: Chords Max O. C. From To BC 48.0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 BC 48.0" 29-11- 0 39- 4- 0 Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 2- 8,4- 8 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. lx4 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- lld nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 " T" brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 8" o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. I;..;. .;..; -Joint Locations ............... 1) 0-•0•• 0 5) 40- 0- 0 9) 10- 6-14 2) 10- 6- 14 6) 40- 0- 0 10) 0- 0- 0 3) 20- 0- 0 7) 29- 5- 2 4) 29- 5- 2 e) 20- 0- 0 in -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq• 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2. 4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 3 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1- 2.-5232/2045,2-3.-3714/1493, 3-4.-3714/ 1493,4-5.-5232/2045, HOT CHORD 10- 9.-1723/4756,9-8.-1711/4750, 8-7.-1711/ 4750,7-6.-1723/4756, Webs 9-2. 0/334,2-8.-1326/702, 8-3.-881/ 2802,8-4.-1325/702,4-7.0/334, WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 9- 2 334 0.11 C 8- 4 -1325 0.85 2- 8 -1326 0.85 C 4- 7 334 0.11 8- 3 2802 0.90 C 20-0-0 20-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6.00 -6. 00 3.00 6x8 3.00 10- 6-6 0-6-6 Face = 0- 2- 8 0- 8-0 0-8-014- 2- 6 10-1-0 .00" 1761 20-0-0 20- 0- 0 04" 10 401 0 6 0-40,, 8 COSMETIC PLATES T' i ff3XV(24)2x4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRANINO TO B8 GIVSN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRALTNO NARNINC: Maronda Systems Eradngs6ownnu ibEma` i'demd °indb ng po B:xingsh isforangw h a uss the building designandwherenovabecovsidaedbythebuilditydesigner. Bracing mow is for Instal svplatn of bin members onlyto reduce building length. Provisions must be made to anchor Is" bracing at ends andspecified bat)omdenommed bythe building designs. Additional bracing of the overall swemremay be regard. (SecI113-91 of TPI).For specificbust bracing requirements , contact baimi, detigoa-Una Plate [nstitut4 TPI is brined in 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Oonfrio Drive, MadisonWisconsin 53719) Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE OWS0068 267 Medslim FL Chukaata4 FL 22766 9) Scale = 0. 1532 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: A2 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10. 0 paf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10. 0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis erouae races: a.r aaa-wn.,ant•,..u. t.v.•.. ter.... •..,..,.. .. . -.a.-^ Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVX4 TI:A3 Qty:l .I DESIGN INFORMATION Tbudesign is for - iudividnal building component and has been based cm information provided by theclient. The desigoer disclaims any responsibility for damages a a rault offaulty or incorrect information. specifications and/ordesigns furnished tothe trust desiper by the client and the corramea or acemacy ofthis information a it may relate to specific project and -CPU no responsibility a "acisa W Control with regard to fabrication. hurdlin& shipment and imtaltwion of musses. This trues bat ben designed a an individual building component inaccordance with ANSVTPI 1.2002 and NDS-02to be incorporated apalofthe buildingdesign bya BuildingDesigner (registered architector pofcmooal argxer} Wbar revin'd for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown axe in agreemart with the local building coda local climatic records for vei.d orstow bads pmjea specifications orspecial applied loads. Union shown. Cron has our bear designed M storage or occupancy bads. The design ass®a compression chords (top or bottom) use cry braced by sheathing oulaa otherwise specified. Wbercbottomcbordsintensionaeourfullybraced 'am ly by a properly applied!rigid ceiling they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10-0' o.c. Connector plaza shall be msonfxmred form 20gauge but dipped galvanized aed mating ASTM A 653, Cradle 44 anlass otherwise shown FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabricatim the fabricator shall renew this drawing to verily that this drsaimg is in coullnut , with the fabricuols plan and to realize a comiaming raponsibility forPscb verification. Amy discrepancies ate to be pot in writing before coming or fabrication. Plain dull rut be installed over knotholes konts or dinmred grain. Members shall be am for tight fitting weal towood baring. Connector plates shall be looted m bah has of thetrueswith nail: fullyimbedded and shallbegm. about thejoint unless otherwise shawv. A 5x4pule is 5' wide a C long. A 6a8 plate is 6' wide a 8' long. Sloe (bola) run parallel to the plate Icogb specified. Double cuts onwebmembersshallmeetathecentmidoftheremudess othawise drown. Conooebr plate lives ate minimum sizes based m the forces sbown and may need m be increased for certain hanming arum aectim sttessa This truss is not to be fabricated with the raardam treated lumber unless otherwise showy. for additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSMI I.= PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations ate to be followed in eccord=c with'Nandling. lmwling and Bracing. tDB-91. Trussesarc tobemarled with putiadar ate during boding andbundling dil^QY and inailWion toavoid dantsge. Tanporay snd pcmanart bracing for bolding wssa in a suraigb and plumb position and for raining lateral forca chili be designed adinstalled by others. Careful handling is a i, and erection bracing is ilwar required. Normal preamim my anion for wan requiresmcbtemporary bracing dining installation berwsar trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing The supervision ofeta tins ofnaaa shall be ands the control of po sonsexperiencedin the installationof trusses. Rofasiomit advice shallbe sought if needed. Concentration of oonnnrtim Inds grater than the design loads shall rat be applied to tnascs atany time. No bads other than the weigm of the erectorsshall be applied to russa unit after all fast-ing and bracing is completed. TC: 2x 6 SP #2 BCs 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 6 SP #2 10-11,9-10,8- 9 WB. 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 2-10,5- 9 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. MAB. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- B-Loc BSet Vert Soria Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1760 0 -833 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1760 0 -833 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE..CSI. 1- 2 - 5257 0.51 A 12-11 4777 0.76 2- 3 - 3841 0.57 A 11-10 4776 0.86 3- 4 - 3376 0.28 A 10- 9 3369 0.43 4- 5 - 3847 0.56 A 9- 8 4773 0.86 5- 6 - 5254 0.51 A 8- 7 4774 0.76 WEB. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 11- 2 302 0.10 C 9- 4 1426 0.46 2-10 - 1236 0.73 C 9- 5 -1227 0.72 3-10 1422 0.46 C 5- 8 299 0.10 3- 9 19 0.01 C 10-1- 12 0-6- 6 Face = 0- 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CLC, V. 125mph, H. 15. 0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 pet, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Reg Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 2-10,5- 9 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 1x4 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- 1ld nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 "T" brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 81 o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. Cr--------GLOBAL MAx DEFLECTIONS--------- CLL TL C in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). C I. Span-0.51/908-1.01/460 3-2 Horiz. 0. 33 0.64 NA Max DL Deflection L/934 - -0.50 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 Joint Locations............... 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 29-11- 2 9) 20-10- 8 2) 10- 0-14 6) 40- 0- 0 10) 19- 1- 8 3) 19- 0- 0 7) 40- 0- 0 11) 10- 1-10 4) 21- 0- 0 8) 29-11- 2 12) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3. 2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-5257/2111,2-3.-3841/1592, 3-4-- 3376/1535,4-5.-3847/1593,5-6.-5254/2111, HOT CHORD 12-11.-1787/4777,11-10.-1781/4776, 10-9.- 1038/3369,9-8.-1781/4773, 8-7.- 1787/4774, Webs 11- 2.-9/302,2-10.-1236/669, 3-10.- 458/1422,3-9.-1/19,9-4.-458/1426, 9-5.- 1227/668,5-8.-10/299, 19-0- 0 19-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6. 00 3.00 6x8 6x8 6.00 3.00 10-6- 6 0-6- 6 f Face = 0- 2-8 0-8- 0 0.8-0 1760# 8. 00" 1760# 8.00" 19-1- 8 - 9- 19-1-8 0 12 I 4 o 0 U- EXCEPT AS SHOi 1R )P S ARE MiTek MT20 (R - 9) Scale = 0.1490 Maronda systems 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWSOD68 ti7 Madallm FL Chuhitats, FL 22700 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO RRBCYING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Brating sbawn on thisdrawingismat er== baGag• wind branng• portal bring or similar bracing winch is a pan of the building design and which mast be cousidand by the buildingdesigner. Bracing mown is for lateralsupport of tma membersonly torodoca buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified bcaiom detamined by the buildingdesigner. Additional bracing of the overallstructuremay be required. (Sat MB-91 of TPI} F specific trmo bating regaii®aru. cmucl buBding dcsigner.(Trua Plate hatiart, TPI is local at 583 D'Omfio RiveMadison. WisConsio 53719). Eng Job: WO: COVX4 DWg: TI: A3 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/ FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis Fronde Fatn: C:\Tss-LUA\worm\JODs\l.S2vrq\wvinvKvmA v\Aj.prx Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A4 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 6 SP #2 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Joint Locations ............... This design isrw an individual building component and BC: 2x 6 SP #1 D composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 30-11- 2 9) 22-10- 8 hmbeen batedm information pmidcdbyWediem.The 2x 6 SP #2 10-11,9-10,8- 9 WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, 2) 9- 0-14 6) 40- 0- 0 10) 17- 1- 8 - dmp- duclaimsaoyrespansibilityfordamagesas. WB: 2x 4 SP #3 H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Bxp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 3) 17- 0- 0 7) 40- 0- 0 11) 9- 1-10 result offully orircoacctinformation.specifics: 2x 4 SP #2 2-10,3- 9,5- 9 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss 4) 23- 0- 0 8) 30-11- 2 12) 0- 0- 0 andlor designs lbrnished ton theull client designerbytheclientand the cmrxmen m accuracy of this mfmmatiao n is All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 may relatemspecific project and acceptsmcontinuously braced unless noted otherwise. Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req In -Plant Quality Assurance, per resI hairy orecrrisnnocontrol with regard to MAB. REACTIONS PER HEARING LOCATION----- Bracing Schedule: sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(a)fair: mdmgaltsuonofavges' X-LOC BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 4 Thu noaasbeen. mspmem This ban has been designed es N individual 02 and comporsemisaccordanceANSVI'PI I.2W2and 0- 4- 0 1 1760 0 -861 B Pia 1/2 2-10, 5- 9 FORCES (lb) -Max Compression/Max Tension NDS42 m be iaarpaaedaspm ofthebuildingdesign39- 8- 0 1 1760 0 -861 B H Roll Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. TOP CHORD 1-2.-5271/2230,2-3.-4168/1819, by. Building Designer (registered arditoctor rv p0O eneum)Ymvimcd'capo"Iby- PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTIONPER_QCHEDULE„_ __ ___ _ s F, 1X4, continuous_ lateral-bracing„attachad-with 3-4.-368.2/1730,4-5.-4169/1818,5-6.-5270/2230, the building designer, the design loadings sis"M mug be ch.Udm + u be theah-ere in®m ag,es TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -5271 0.44 A 12-11 4781 0.77 2- lld nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced HOT CHORD 12- 11.-1903/4781,11-10.-1902/4792, 10-9.-1278/ 3680,9-8.-1903/4791, with me local baildingmdes. local ai- recadsfm 2- 3 -4168 0.52 A 11-10 4792 0.85 segments OR 2x4 •T• brace may be nailed flat 8-7.-1903/4781, iodemo. loads. project specifications aspecial 3- 4 -3682 0.29 A 10- 9 3680 0.56 to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 8" o.c. Webs 11-2.-23/226,2-10.-945/549, applied loads. Uolmshown. truss bascan been designed 4- 5 -4169 0.52 A 9- 8 4791 0.85 Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 3-10--486/1502,3-9.0/2,9-4--485/1502, fa awW m ocuponry Inds. Thedesign aguma cosomssion chads(mp or botwm) are continuously 5- 6 -5270 0.44 A 8- 7 4781 0.77 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. 9-5.-944/S51,5-8.-23/225, braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS --------- bottom chordsin tension are not tunybraced law lyby. 11- 2 226 0.07 C 9- 4 1502 0.48 C LL TL propetn tyappl'oepacahag•theysmaldbebraceda. 2-10 - 945 0.67 C 9- 5 -944 0.67 C in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). maxim® spiting of 101-M o.c. Caonector plates shall be manufactured from 20gmgebog dipped galvmimdssal 3-10 1502 0.48C5- 8 225 0.07 C I.Span-0.47/981-0.93/497 3-2 meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otha.; se shnwv. 3- 9 2 0.00 C Hor i z . 0.32 0.64 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0.46 FABRICATION NOTES Long term deflection factor . 1.50 Prim to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verily thatthis drawing isin eoafamec ae with the fabricamplans and pland to realize . cooliffiivg responsibility fa such verification. Anydiscrepseciesare to be put in w,it4 before tatting or fabrkatioa Pales mall not be installed ova knotholes• knots adissected grain. leer, shall beem fm tight filling woodto wood 17-0-0 6-0-0 17-0-0 hearing. Caaaa,aptatoshalllbelecu dcasbothfamof the mots aim mils fidly imbedded and shall be sym . bout 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ibe joinsunless otherwise shown A 5a4 plate is 5' widex 4' Ioug A 6.8 plate is6' wide a 8' long Slots (holes) mn parallel to the pone length specified. Doable cats on F6.00 6.00 robmembers mall ureaat the caaoid of the webs unless othawiae fowl. Connector plate sines are minimum6x8 6x8 files based ost the threesnm sbowamay need tobe inercssed fa certain handlingand/or auctionmean. This van is out to be fabricated with fun rctandamseated lumber mien ot6erw•ise mown For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSVfPI I_20a2 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 8x10 8x10 All bracing and erection recommendations ere to be 9-0-6 followrod inaccordancewith -Handling. instslling and 9-1-12Bracing', IOB•91. Trussesaretobehandledwithparticularareduring banding and bundling, delivery and 8x 14 8x 14 installation to avoid damage. Temporary, and permanent bracing for holding uuno in . maight and plumb bedesigocal 0-6-6 4-1-6 0.6-6 and iivgallleedby etbars. C ul rhandesling oe 5x10 8x10 8x10 5x10 creation bracing is .lam required. Normal procautumry action nor Hanes requires stub temporary bracing meting installanim baw2m trusses to avoid toppling and 3.00 domineing. The supervision orerection of oage'ball be under the control ofpersonsexperiencedintheFace = 0- 2- 8 Face = 0- 2- 8installation ortmaea. Prufeaunal advice shall be might tn<ednd. Concentration6shalno b angnvionlendsgratathanWedesignloam.hall not b< applied m tntas a any time, 0- 8-0 F 0-8-0 No loads other t>em the weight ofthe aectoa mall be applied to trusses until after all faaaing and bracing is 1760# 8.00" 1760# 8.00" completed. 17-1-8 r. 5-9-0 ,. 17-1-8 . 2 11 10 0-0318- 40-0-0 a EXCEPT AS SH I: ATES ARE MiTek MT20 R 9) Scale - 0.1536 Maronda Systemsj, 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE OWS0068 307 Madman fL CfWltwla, FL 32766 WARNING: READ ALL NOTSS ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shoo on this drawing a nun crectuat bracing. % usd bnang, portal bracing orGmlbr bracingMichis a pin of the building design and vouch mug be considered by the heading designer. Bracing showy is for Inml sal of cuss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions most be made to anchor Ineral bracing as ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall war= may beropired. (SonIUB-91of TPI).Paspecificsun bracing requirements. comae: buildingdesignes.(Trun Roe Institute. TRis located at 593 D'Ooo6io Dive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719} Bag Job: WO: COVR4 DWg: TI: A4 Dsgar:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DP: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43. 0 Psf v4.7. 21-12331 Designs Matrix Analysis YTOIile Yaen: L:\'aab-WA\WOrx\JODe\e.LVAY \I. VYlnaal Vn A 9\AY.prx Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A5 Qty:l .I DESIGN INFORMATION Thisdesign isforan individual buildingcomponent and hasbeen basedon information provided bythedice The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages asa remit offmity or incorrect information. specifications and/or designs famished to the tress designer by the client and the corrucmtss or accuracy ofthis information n it mayrelate toa spocifte poject and acceptsno responsibility or exereiso nocontrol with regard to fabrication, handlin& dupmcm and tastallnioo oftrusses. This mass has ben designed as anindividual building compost in accordancce with ANSVrPI 1.2002 and NDS-o2tobe incorporated npanofthebuildingdesign by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional mgioeer). Wban reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown mast be chucked to be wee that the data skew- are in ague®ens with the local building codeslocal climatic records fed wind or snowbaft project specifications or special applied loads. Unless sbowa truss has not been designed fm storage oroccupancy bads. The design nmma compessim chmdt (rep or bottom) are cominuously braced by sheathing unless odtawitt specified. Where bottom chords in reunion areramfully bracedlaterallyby a properly applied rigid ceiling they should be braced a a maximam spacing of 10'4' o.c. Caoneetor plates shall be mwofacmred 6om 20 gage but dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTMA 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES him to fabrication, the fabricator shall renew this drawing m verify thatthisdrawing is in conformance with the fabricames plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepanciesare m bepit in writing before tatting or fabrication. Plates stall out be installed over koothola. knob or distortedgrain. Members sball be emfor tight filling wood or wood bearing Connector platesshall belocalrdoobothfans of the truss with nails (idly imbedded and shall be s5m. abort thejoim tides otherwise sbown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide a 4' long A 6xg plate is6' wide x g' long. Sleds (bolo) nun parallel to the plate length specified. Double cats on rob members shall rem at she cantroid of thewebs maim otherwise shown. Cents tor ping sizes are minimum sizes basedonthe facesdmwo and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or cfectioo mrmamThis mass is out m be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber anlm otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSVPPI 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are W befollowed in accordance with'HmNing Installing and Bracing'. HIB-91. Truce erg to be handled with particular cart during banding and handling delivery and intallaioo to avoid damage. Temporary and permncen bracing for holding houses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateralfortes shallbe designed and installed by othm. Careful handling is -rial and erection brazing is alwaysrecreated. Normal ptucatdimury action for bosses ruepirm web temporary bracing during installation betwoun masses to avoid toppling and dominating. The =Mvision of erectionof tressesduB be undo the control of pawns ecpene ncod in the installation of czmaa. Professional advice dull be sought if carded. Concentration of usnssnrtionloads greater than the design loads dull not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the w igbs of theoucton dull be applied to basses until after all f o1emngand bracing is TC: 2x 6 SP #2 BC. 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 6 SP #2 9-10 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP 02 2-10,3- 9,5- 9 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1760 0 -882 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1760 0 -882 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 11- 2 194 0.06 C 9- 4 1569 0.50 C 2- 10 -593 0.47 C 9- 5 -592 0.47 C 3- 10 1569 0.50 C 5- 8 195 0.06 C 3- 9 -1 0.00 C MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H- 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, &zt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-5238/2301,2-3--4512/2016, 3- 4.-4013/1906,4-5--4513/2016,5-6--5237/2301, BOT CHORD 12-11.-1973/4740,11-10.-1979/4769, 10- 9.-1495/4012,9-8--1979/4768, 8- 7.-1972/4739, Webs 11-2--40/194,2-10--593/410, 3- 10.-498/1569,3-9.-1/1,9-4--497/1569, 9- 5--592/410,5-8.-40/195, Joint Locations ............... . 0- 0 5) 31-11- 2 9) 24-10- 8 2) 8- 0-14 6) 40- 0- 0 10) 15- 1- 8 3) 15- 0- 0 7) 40- 0- 0 11) 8- 1-10 4) 25- 0- 0 8) 31-11- 2 12) 0- 0- 0 In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 In - Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4 TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -5238 0.40 A 12-11 4740 0.77 2- 3 -4512 0.42 A 11-10 4769 0.63 3- 4 -4013 0.67 A 10- 9 4012 0.82 4- 5 -4513 0.42 A 9- 8 4768 0.63 5- 6 -5237 0.40 A 8- 7 4739 0.77 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span-0.54/865-1.06/438 4-3 Horiz. 0.31 0.61 NA Max DL Deflection L/889 - -0.52 Long term deflection factor - 1.50 15- 0-0 10-0-0 15-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 6. 00 3. 00 Face = 0- 2- 8 0- 8-0 1760# 8 00" 6x8 6x8 6. 00 3. 00 8- 0-6 a6 6 Face = 0- 2- 8 0- 8-0 1760# 8.00" 15- 1-8 9-9-0 15-1-8 0 0 12 I 0 40- 0- 0 7 R - - 9) (R 3 9) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 F WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING NARNZNG: M a ro nda Systems) Bering drown i this dying is not erasion boring wind brazing papal bracing ee similar or tai .Lich is a punt sof athebuidingdesignandw4ichmastD< considered by the building desigoQ. Bracing shown its for enteral mppon of loanmembers only to reducebacUing length. Provisions most be made to m lateral bracing atads and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overalldrectare may be respired. (Sec HIE-91 ofTPp.For tpecifx massbracing regn'n®mats,.mace DniWing desigoer.Rruss PWe Wtimtt TPI u locatd.593 4005 MARONDAWAYDonofrioDrive. Madison. Wm 53719} Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWSOD68 307 Medamon fL Usaduc fa, FL 32764 Scale = 0. 1585 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Davy: TI: A5 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DFf 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43. 0 Loaf v4.7.21-1233E Design: Matrix Analysis erocaaa r.- a.:xa..-e.vnx.vanx.,... x w v... v...,.....,. w'. .. . .y.- Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A6 Qty:l •' DESIGN INFORMATION This deep is for an individ" baildiog component and herbeen basedon infmvmtim Wmi&dby theclient. The designer disclaimsmy responsibility for damagesas a retain ofhairy or bemleeI information specificniom and/or design flooished to the bun designer by the client andthe cortecmess m aceuacy ofthis information as it may relate to a specific pojca and accepts no tesponsibiliry or exemisa mcontrol with regardm fabrication, handlingshipment and installation of mssaThis truss bat been designed as an individail building ems, . in sccordmce with ANSVfPI 1.2002 and NDS- 02 b be incarporatnd as panof thebuildingdeep by a Building Designer (registered architect on professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design badmp shown matt be checked to be save that the data shown ate in agreement with the local building endm local climatic records for wind or scow loads, project specifieatiom or special applied bada Unlm shown, onus bus on, been designed ten storage or occupancy bads. The design assomes compression chords (top or bottom) ate comimmsly breed by theathing mlesa otherwise specified. Where bottomchordsinunionarenorallybrsedlaterallybya properly appliedrigid ceiling they shmld be braced at a maximum spacing of Io-0' o.e. Connector plum shall be mamfaemredDom20gagebatdippedgalvanizedsteelorced, ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Rim to fabrication the fabric= Wall review this drawiog to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricators ptm+ and to realize a coatiming respon9bility for mob veri(eanion. Any disetcpancinare to bepm W westingbefine cutting or fabrication. Mum Wall net be iss"Ind over kmtholn, loots or distorted grain. Members shall be as fortightliniog wood m woodbearing Connor plate shall be band on both fam of the Iron with soils fully imbedded and shall be s5m. show the jointtaintotoerwiseshown. A 3.4 plane is3' wide x V long A bag plate is Vwide x 8' tong. Slots (bolm) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Dmble can on web members Wall meet u the cermid of the"unless otherwise shown. Connector plate size ate minimum sits based on the force; Woven and may need to be mutlasld for certain handling and/or (stem Qrt9n. This ass is nor to be faltsk nd with fire rNrdam bated lumber anlm otherwise sbowo. Fm additional information onQuality Comolr ra toANSVTPI 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES An bracing and erection recommadatmm are tobefollowed in accordance with'ilandling Intullisy and Bracing% NI13-91. Trusses are to be handled with partiadar cares during banding and bundling delhery and installationtoavoiddamageTemporaryandpermanentbracing for holdingonssm in astraight and plumb position and for rmsting'am l foes shall be deignedand installed by r bem. Carefd hurdling is asemial and erection bracing is aluays required. Normal prenmionap. action for bosom requires snob temporary bracing dining msiall. tion between onsse m avoid toppling and dominon The roper eisim of aeeumofttassesWallbeands the control of persons eaperi-d in the installationof oaae. Professionaladvice Well be sought if needed. Concentrationof mnstmaibo landsgran than the design loads shall no be applied tocusses as any time. No bads other than the weight of tM erectetts Was be applied m trusses vmT after all fasimirtg and hexing is TC: 2x 6 SP #2 BC: 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 6 SP #2 10-12 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 3-11,5-11 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. MAS. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- S-Luc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1760 0 -892 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1760 0 -892 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. ..FORCH.. CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 13- 2 192 0.06 C 11- 5 689 0.27 C 2-12 - 341 0.23 C 10- 5 1474 0.47 C 3-12 1473 0.47 C 10- 6 -341 0.23 C 3-11 690 0.27 C 6- 9 192 0.06 C 11- 4 - 301 0.09 C Face = 0- 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15. 0 ft, I. 1.00, Rxp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type- encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-5205/2322,2-3.-4757/2130, 3-4.- 4865/2240,4-5.-4865/2240,5-6.-4758/21301 6-7.- 5205/2322, EDT CHORD 14-13.-1997/4698,13-12.-2013/47401 12-11.- 1628/4242,11-10.-1628/4243, 10-9.- 2013/4740,9-8.-1997/4699, Webs 13- 2=-59/192,2-12.-341/312, 3-12.- 525/1473,3-11.-274/690,11-4.-301/287, 11-5.- 274/689,10-5.-526/1474,10-6.-341/312, 6-9.- 59/192, Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 32-11- 2 11) 20- 0- 0 2) 7- 0-14 7) 40- 0- 0 12) 13- 1- 8 3) 13- 0- 0 8) 40- 0- 0 13) 7- 0-14 4) 20- 0- 0 9) 32-11- 2 14) 0- 0- 0 5) 27- 0- 0 10) 26-10- 8 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 TC. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 - 5205 0.39 A 14-13 4698 0.76 2- 3 - 4757 0.43 A 13-12 4740 0.64 3- 4 - 4865 0.37 A 12-11 4242 0.66 4- 5 - 4865 0.37 A 11-10 4243 0.66 5- 6 - 4758 0.43 A 10- 9 4740 0.64 6- 7 - 5205 0.39 A 9- 8 4699 0.76 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span- 0.48/961-0.95/487 4 Horiz. 0. 31 0.62 NA Max DL Deflection L/989 . -0.47 Long term deflection factor a 1.50 13-0- 0 14- 0- 0 13-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6.00 3.00 Leo 6. 00 L.:i00 7-0- 6 0- 6- 6 Face = 0- 2- 8 0-8- 0 moo- 8-0 1760# 8. 00" 1760# 8.00" 13-1- 8 13-9-0 13-1-8 0 4 3 2 148 40- 0-0 0 0- R 3- 9) (a 3- 9) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: FMaronda SystemsBracingboononthisdaringisnorttupion °raring wind bruick& portal °rasing or similar °raring Stich is a part of the buildingdesignand .tick most be consideredbythebuilding designer. Bracing shown is thr Iaappeartmi ppear of ben membersmytoreducebottling length. Rovisims most be made to ancbm lateral bracing a cods and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall strmmm maybe regatted. (Sec HI131-91 of TPI).Fm specific tmssbmirtg requiremems. comics WOW, demgoa.(Tross plate Insiimte. TPI is located as 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D' Ooufiio Rives Madito, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL 32771 407) 322-0064 Fax ( 407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0068 367 Meda6al PL Ch i1wb, FL 32766 Scale = 0.1585 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: A6 Dsgnr: TLY Chk: 9/ 16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 pSf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rroziae races a.;xa -wnw inners... Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A7 Qtytl •I DESIGN INFORMATION Thisdesign is for an individual building component and has been based on information prwidd by the client.'Ih. designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a reseh offaulty m incorrect information. spteifxations ad/or designs famished to the truss designs by the client and the correctness or accuracy ofthisinformation as it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises m control with regard to fabmatioa handling shipment and imaallatioa ofwas. This truss has been designed aan individual building component in accordance with ANSVfP1 1.2002 ad NDS-02to be inrosporatd as panofthebuildingdesign by a Building Designs (registered architect or professional agixs). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings showy mica becbmkdtobestatethatthedatashownareinagrc®em with the local building codes local climatic reco ds for wind or mow lead. project specifications a special applied bads Unless showy truss has out been designed for storage oroccupycy loads. The designusumes compression chords (top or bottom) are comimroasly braced by sheathing unlea otherwise specified. Wharc bottom chords intension are etafolly breed laterally by a propertyappliedrigid ceiling, they should be bracedat amaximumspacingof147.0• o.c. Caonector plats shall be mmufectured from 20Stage hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Crude 40. unless orhawise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Rim to fabricatiot, the fabricator shall review this dewing to verifythat this drawing isin coalmen a with the fabricators plans and to rnlite a continuing responsibility for such verification. Anyditcrepaocin are tobe pat inwriting before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be mssalld over lnotholm knots or distorted grain. Members shall be em for tight fitting wood to woad hearing. Connector plats shall be bated on both faces of the truss with tails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the jointunlessotherwiseshown. A 5x4 plateis 5' widex r bog. A 6.8 plate is 6• wide c 8' fou8. Slots (bola) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts ors web members shall meet st the cemoid ofthe webs unless otherwise shove. Connector plate ties are minimumsinsbasedonthefencesshownadmayneodtobeincreased Ibr certainhadling and/or erection tmesses. This was is Out tobe fabricated with fuereWdam treated 1® ber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANS VrPI 1. 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and cation recommendations ecru m befollowed in accordance with •Hadliog installing and acing•. HID-91. Trues are to be handled with panindas aseduring bandingand hullingdeliveryand installation to avoid damage Temporary and permanent bracing for holding ws es in a straight and plumb positionandforrainingWeralfoxesshallbedesignedand installed byothers. Carefol handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal prmutiooar) actionforwanrequiresmobtemporarybracingduringimullation bewxea nurses to avoid toppling and domimiug. The sepavision of erectionof mossesshall be underthecontrolofpafomexperiencedintheimullatioo oruusss. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Corcentranum of couanaeriou fonds greats than the design loads shall not be applied to uuares at any time. No bads other than the wci& of the erectors shall be applied to trusses mail after all rast,oiog ad bracing is completed. TC: 2x 6 SP #2 BC: 2x 6 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP 03 2sc 4 SP #2 3-13,4-12,6-12 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAE. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- E- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1760 0 -901 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1760 0 -901 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 15- 2 180 0.05 C 12- 5 261 0.07 C 2- 14 190 0.06 C 12- 6 1131 0.31 C 3- 14 1415 0.45 C 11- 6 1419 0.46 C 3- 13 1109 0.29 C 11- 7 190 0.06 C 13- 4 266 0.07 C 7-10 180 0.05 C 4- 12 20 0.01 C Face = 0- 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design 1s the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft. I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rxt. 1.0 Bld Type- encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-5113/2319,2-3.-5004/2239, 3- 4.-5480/2464,4-5 5506/2476,5-6.-5506/2476, 6- 7.-5005/2240,7-8.-5114/2319, HOT CHORD 16-15.-1996/4597,15-14.-2022/4655, 14- 13.-1761/4481,13-12.-2163/5511, 12- 11.-1761/4482,11-10 2022/4656, 10- 9.-1996/4598, Webs 15-2.-78/180,2-14.-98/190, 3- 14.-533/1415,3-13.-417/1109,13-4.-253/266, 4- 12.-9/20,12-5•-241/261,12-6.-432/1131, 11- 6.-534/1419,11-7.-98/190,7-10.-78/180, Joint Locations ............... 1) 0-0-0 7) 33-11- 2 13) 17- 0- 0 2) 6- 0-14 8) 40- 0- 0 14) 11- 1- 8 3) 11- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 15) 6- 0-14 4) 17- 0- 0 10) 33-11- 2 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 23- 0- 0 11) 28-10- 8 6) 29- 0- 0 12) 23- 0- 0 TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -5113 0.39 A 16-15 4597 0.99 2- 3 -5004 0.42 A 15-14 4655 0.86 3- 4 -5480 0.37 A 14-13 4481 0.65 4- 5 -5506 0.35 A 13-12 5511 0.82 5- 6 -5506 0.37 A 12-11 4482 0.66 6- 7 -5005 0.42 A 11-10 4656 0.86 7- 8 -5114 0.39 A 10- 9 4598 0.99 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span-0.56/826-1.11/418 5-4 Horiz. 0.33 0.66 NA Max DL Deflection L/849 . -0.55 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 11- 0-0 18-0-0 11-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6. 00 3. 00 6. 00 3. 00 6- 0-6 0- 6- 6 Face = 0- 2- 8 0- 8-0 0. 8-0 1760# 8.00'r 1760# 8.00" 11- 1-8 17-9-0 11-1-8 0- 6 5 4 3 40- 0-0 2 1 0 0 116- 3- 9) (113- 9) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO EA 111 CONTRACTOR. BRACING 11: CMa:ronda SystemsBracingshownonthisdressingisnoterectionbracingwindbracingpenalbaringorsimilar bracing which is a post of the building designadwhichmostbeconsideredbythebuildingdesigns. Bracing shown is fen Iateral support of mesa members onlyto reduce buckling length. Provisions most be made to anchor Lateral bracing to ends and specifiedlocations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be rNuircd (See MB•91 of T'PI). Fcrspecific truss bracing rupiremem. anus building desigon.(Tross Plate Inaimte. TPI is incased a 583 4005 MARONDA WAY Donorrin Drive. Minim Wisconsin 53719} Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE OWSOD60 367 Meda®on FL aladmillN FL 32760 Scale - 0.1585 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: A7 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10. 0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10. 0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix AnalySIG rroxiie race: c.:Nanw-vow xna.a wvuu ta.vvw+ts.v. aa.v. v.. w Job: COVINGTON R 4 Cuatomer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A8 Qty:l '' DESIGN INFORMATION ibis design is for - individml building mmpoom and hasbeenbasedon infmmslim pmided by thediem. The designer disclaims any tapoesibility for damages as a snit ofPantry or incorrect infosmniao. spaifxasiom audror design furnished to the taws designer by the client and the corwecmesf or accuracy of this inimmasion as it may relate m a specific project and accepts no responsibility aesercisnooco ofwith regard m Gbricatiom handling shipmm and imtdlation ofassessThiseructbasbeandesignedasanindividmlbuilding compoom in accordance with ANSVfPI 1-2W2 and NDS-02to be incorporated as partofthebuildingdesign by a BuildingDesigner (registered architector pohssooal angflnccr . Whan «viewed for approval by the buildingdesigns. thedesign loadingsshown mass becheckedtobeserethatthedatamowareinageemm with thelocalbuilding rodslocal climaticrecords forwind or snowbads, project specifications a special applied bads. Unless showy eructbasnotbeendesigned for storage a occupancybads. The designassumescompression chords (top a bottom) are cominanwdy braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bonam chords in t-i are rot Polly bracedlaterally by a properly appliedrigidceiling, they should be braced ata maximum spacing of 10-0' o.c Comecmr plate seal, be mamAcmrd hem 20 gauge but dipped gatvmimd and mating ASTM A 653. Code 40. undcn otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Rior to fabrication. the lfMicaor sbadl -view this drawing to verily that this drawing is in conformance with the fatritamfs plans ad to realizeacomivnirng raponm- biliryCm aacL vsiCsation. Any discrepanciespaociess to be Put in writingbefore coding a fabrication. Plea shalloutbeinstalledoverkuctboles. knots or dismned gain. Members shall be m for tight Btung wood to wood bearing. Cameam plates shall be,ontd ou bah fans of the unm with mils fully imbedded and028be sm. about the jointunlessotherwise shown A Sao plate is5' wide a 4- long. A 6e8 pate is 6' wide a g' long. Sits (bola) ten parallel m Lite pale length specified. Double cats on web members shall meet as the caved of the webs mks otherwise shown. Cann m Pius sizes arc mmimam sizes based = the forces show andmay need to be macasd fm csum handling andfor erection Wasea This ones is ors to be fabricated with fate retardant owed umber unlas otherwise shown. Pow additionalinformation on Quality Control refer to ANSVrPi 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES k11 bracing and section ree mmcodatiom are w befollowed in accordance with 'Handling Installing and Bracing'. 1BB.91. Tmaes se m be handled with psnladar are timing banding and bundling, ddisay and installationtoavoiddamage. Temporary and permanent bmi. g for bottling mossesin a a taight and plumbposition and fbr resginglateral forces dull be designed ad installed byothers. Careful handling is es 0-1 and erection bracing is dwa5s rryo;re4 Normal precautionary action for unaa requires such temporary bracing timing installation between unacs to ,void toppling and do nins,4The mpervisioo of sectionof bnaasball be underthecomrdorperamserpericocdintheinstallation of wan. Pmressioml advice shall be sought if necdd. Cononn moo ofoegmction bads getter than the design toads shall not be applied to inns at any lime. No bads other than the weight of the erecmes ma8 be applied to wares until after all (coming and bracing is competed. TC: 2x 6 SP 82 2x 8 SP '1 D 3- 5,5- 7 BC: 2x 6 SP 02 Was 2x 4 SP 03 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAE. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- R- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1760 0 -911 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 1760 0 -911 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 17- 2 173 0.05 C 14- 6 633 0.20 C 2- 16 386 0.12 C 6-13 -459 0.09 C 3- 16 1337 0.43 C 13- 7 1637 0.53 C 3- 15 1637 0.53 C 12- 7 1338 0.43 C 15- 4 -459 0.09 C 12- 8 386 0.12 C 4- 14 633 0.20 C 8-11 173 0.05 C 14- 5 -274 0.05 C Face = 0- 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CEC, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Trues in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES ( lb) - Max Compreasion/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-4933/2273,2-3.-5246/2344, 3- 4.-6282/2765,4-5•-6942/3004,5-6.-6942/3004, 6- 7.-6281/2765,7-8.-5246/2344,8-9.-4933/2273, HOT CHORD 18-17.-1953/4408,17-16.-1991/4491, 16- 15.-1912/4775,15-14.-2535/6365, 14- 13.-2535/6365,13-12.-1912/4775, 12- 11.-1991/4491.11-10.-1953/4408, Webs 17-2.-136/173,2-16.-10/386, 3- 16.-530/1337,3-15.-622/1637,15-4.-459/284, 4- 14.-205/633,14-5.-274/181,14-6.-205/633, 6- 13.-459/284,13-7.-622/1637,12-7.-530/1338, 12- 8.-10/386,8-11.-136/173, Joint Locations............... 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 31- 0- 0 13) 25- 6- 0 2) 5- 0-14 8) 34-11- 2 14) 20- 0- 0 3) 9- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 15) 14- 6- 0 4) 14- 6- 0 10) 40- 0- 0 16) 9- 1- 8 5) 20- 0- 0 11) 34-11- 2 17) 5- 0-14 6) 25- 6- 0 12) 30-10- 8 18) 0- 0- 0 TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -4933 0.40 A 18-17 4408 0.93 2- 3 -5246 0.43 A 17-16 4491 0.88 3- 4 -6282 0.26 A 16-15 4775 0.68 4- 5 -6942 0.26 A 15-14 6365 0.92 5- 6 -6942 0.26 A 14-13 6365 0.92 6- 7 -6281 0.26 A 13-12 4775 0.68 7- 8 -5246 0.43 A 12-11 4491 0.88 8- 9 -4933 0.40 A 11-10 4408 0.93 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(a). I. Span-0.61/76S-1.20/388 5 Horiz. 0.33 0.65 NA Max DL Deflection L/787 . -0.59 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 9- 0-0 22- 0- 0 9- 0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6. 00 3. 00 c.. o 00 3. 00 1 5- 0-6 0- 6- 6 Face = 0- 2- 8 0- 8-0 a 8-0 1760# 8.00" 1760# 8.00" 9- 1-8 21-9-0 9-1-8 8 7 6 5 40- 0-0 3 2 1 Oats 0110,.8 9) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIV@a TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: CM:arondaSystems Brad'ts shown cothis timing is oe>asimac bng• windbrscm& pmnl bracing a similar bracing which Is a panof the building design and wbich mug be considered by the building designs. Bracing mow is for laerd support of ernes memberonly to reduce buckling length. Provisions mug be made m anchor lateralbracing as cods and ayecilld bcsiom determinedbythebuildingdesigner. Additional bracing of the overallarea= may be rcquucd. (Sec HIB-91 of TPI} Farsmcirc man bracing requirements comact building dcsipa.(TmaFine bmimte. TPI is located n 383 4005 MARONDA WAY DOmfliu Drive. Madison Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 371- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0068 367 Madaoon / L CfWAaota, FL 32766 9) Scale = 0. 1585 Eng Job: WOs COVX4 Dwg: TI: A8 DBgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 pef Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 pef Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 pef O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/ FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 pef Code: FLA TOTAL 43. 0 oaf v4.7.21-12343 Design: matrix Anaaysae -..ea. .. - Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:A9 Qty:3 'I DESIGN INFORMATION This logo is fa an mdividnd building component and hasbeen bound - inroematum Provided bythe dim. The design= disclaims any respoumbility for damage a a resalt offaulty or incorrect information, specification do, deigns furnished to the airs designer by the clim and the correcmm or accuracy orthis information ait may relate to a specific project and accepts on responaDiMy or =incise on control with regud to fabrication, hm ling, shipment and installation ofttvsm This tress has been designed as an individual building wmponant in accordance with ANSPfPI 1•2W2 and NDS-02 et be incorporated a pan of the building design by a Building Designer (rc&ered architect or professional engineer). When revieaed for approval by the building design., the design loadings shown mast be checked m be rorn that the data mown .0 in agamm with the local building codes. bW climatic records for windor mowload; project sPecir-- m special applied loads, unlna shown trot has our been designed for smrage or occupancy loadf. The design assmes compression chords (top or bottom) m continuously braced by sheathing unlea otherwise specified. Where bmtm chords in region are our fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced as amaaimnmspacingof104' o.c. Connncmr plan shall be manufactured fiom 20 pcge butdipped galv,n;md acd meeting ASTM A 653. Grade a. unless otherwise mown FABRICATION NOTES prim to fabKaiO4 the fabricater shall review this drawing to verily that this drawing is in conformance with the rabricame splans and to realize a condneies r,V ''Wity for tech verificatiow. Any disaepancia are tobe pus inwriting before cutting or fabrication. Plata shall fur be installed ova kamhnla. Intact or diamted gain. Mmobaf mall be an fur fight living wood to Food bearing. Connector plate shill be located on bath fags of the teln with Nils fully IIDbeddedand shall be sym. shoe thejoinsunless; otherwiseshown A Us plateis 5' wide a a- Img. A fall plate is6' wide a 8' bng SIM (holm) cam p.aud to the plate length specified. Dm ble cats on web members shall meet a the cmroid of the webs oolm otherwise shown. Connector plum size are miniu m sizes basedonthe forces shown and may need mbe inc:eated fur certain hanming aedforerection arms This toss is our m be fabricated with fire retardant trwed lumber wdess otherwise showy. For additional mfmmuioo on Quality Controlref. to ANSVrPI 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES An bracing and erection recommend- ons arc mbefonowed in accordance with'Nanming. Inaallivg and Bracing'. 10B•91. Trusses ern to be handled withparticular ate teeingbandingand bundling, delisery and hossfation m avoid damage Temporary and Permanent bracing for holding trusses in straight and plumb position and fur resisting fatal forces than be deignedand installed by mho. Careful handling is menial and erection bracing is alwaja reputed. Normal preamimnry action for truss reryires suchtemporary bracing daringinstallation between t:at3a to ,.aid toplding and dmmoing. Thcopmrisi000ferectaooftressa:ballbe ern. the comrol efperrons eraperienc d in the installnioo of tramBofesional Mice mall be soegm if erxded. coramrstion of conarnctumloods Few than the dew coda mall ambe applied to tnamas any time. No loads other than the weight of the erecter shall be applied m ruan mil after all fattening and bracing is completed. TC: 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 8 SP #1 D 3- 6,6- 8 BC: 2x 6 SP #1 D 2x 8 SP 01 D 16-18,14-16,13-14 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 3- PLY TRUSS[ fasten w/31x 0.120" nails in staggered pattern per nailing schedule: TC- 2 per ft. BC- 2 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft Repeat nailing as each ply is applied. Distribute loads equally to each ply. FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-10130/3416,2-3.-12838/40631 3- 4.-17186/5503,4-5•-20309/6509, 5- 6.-20443/6548,6-7.-20443/6548, 7- 8.-17223/5516,8-9.-12839/4063, 9- 10.-10129/3416, HOT CHORD 20-19.-2999/8949,19-18.-3114/9440, 18- 17.-3783/12269,17-16.-5551/17671, 16- 15 6459/20501,15-14.-5561/17701, 14- 13 3782/12266,13-12.-3111/9427, 12- 11.-2999/8948, Webs 19-2.-899/260,2-18.-613/2696, 3- 18.-993/3354,3-17.-1697/5177, 17- 4.-1426/460,4-16.-909/2826,16-5.-558/174, 5- 15.-62/24,15-6.-470/145,15-7.-933/2913, 7- 14.-1406/453,14-8.-1730/5218, 13- 8.-991/3348,13-9.-615/2706,9-12.-892/258, 3 PLYS REQUIRED Lineal Footage . 248 Face = a 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This 3-PLY Hip Master designed to carry 7' 0" open jacks (no webs) across center and Hip Jack Truss framed to SC WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Reg Supported span based on int. wind zone. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- LOc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 3637 0 -1390 B Pin 39- 8- 0 1 3637 0 -1344 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -10130 0.24 A 20-19 8949 0.50 2- 3 -12838 0.26 A 19-18 9440 0.51 3- 4 -17186 0.16 A 18-17 12269 0.41 4- 5 -20309 0.21 A 17-16 17671 0.58 5- 6 -20443 0.20 A 16-15 20501 0.65 6- 7 -20443 0.21 A 15-14 17701 0.58. 7- 8 -17223 0.16 A 14-13 12266 0.41 8- 9 -12839 0.26 A 13-12 9427 0.51 9- 10 -10129 0.24 A 12-11 8948 0.50 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(e). I. Span-0.61/766-1.20/387 15-16 Horiz. 0.25 0.49 NA Max DL Deflection L/784 . -0.59 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 v..... ... Joint Locations ............... . 1) 0- 0- 0 8) 33- 0- 0 15) 22- 7- 3 2) 4- 0-14 9) 35-11- 2 16) 17- 4-13 3) 7- 0- 0 10) 40- 0- 0 17) 12- 2- 6 4) 12- 2- 6 11) 40- 0- 0 18) 7- 4- 8 5) 17- 4-13 12) 35-11- 2 19) 4- 0-14 6) 22- 7- 3 13) 32- 7- 8 20) 0- 0- 0 7) 27- 9-10 14) 27-11- 6 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -46 -0-10- 8 -46 7- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -100 7- 0- 0 -100 33- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -46 33- 0- 0 -46 40-10- 8 BC Vert L+D -40 0- 0- 0 -40 7- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -87 7- 0- 0 -87 33- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -40 33- 0- 0 -40 40- 0- 0 Concentrated LBS Location BC Vert L+D -559 7- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -559 33- 0- 0 WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 19- 2 -899 0.05 C 15- 6 -470 0.02 2- 18 2696 0.29 C 15- 7 2913 0.31 3- 18 3354 0.36 C 7-14 -1406 0.07 3- 17 5177 0.55 C 14- 8 5218 0.56 17- 4 -1426 0.08 C 13- 8 3348 0.36 4- 16 2826 0.30 C 13- 9 2706 0.29 16- 5 -558 0.03 C 9-12 -892 0.05 5- 15 -62 0.00 C 7- 0-0 T. 26- 0- 0 7- 0-0 1 2 3 4 bi pl e Rl VS 7 8 9 10 6. 00 3. 00 Q, r Tn 6. 00 3. 00 T 0- 6-6 4-0-6 Face = a2-8 0- 8-0_ 8-0 3637# 3637# 8.00" 3637# 8.00" 7- 4-8 25- 3- 0 7-4-8 a 0 0 ig 8 16 AIL n- n 5 14 13 12 in ' n- Q 9) b 559.8# EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOT63 O2: THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS D1IAWING TO BE GIVEN TO BRBCTING CONTRACTOR- BRACING WARNING: Mar Systems B ng wnn ingisnme>ien dn.w;ndbrad al ngmalmlarbr ngw isapan of he building design and which most beconsideredbythe bailing desi tgga. Bracingmoan is fur lateral support of roesmemberonly to reduce bottling length. provisions most be made to anchor Isom bracing a ends and specified locations detesmmed by the bmldmg designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be rs4aired. (Sec FBB-91 of TPI). Fouspecifee rut bracing rerryisemms. counter building deagn=.(Tros Plate Iaainew. TPI is bested at 533 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Gnafrio Drim Madison Wisconsin 53719> Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- OG64 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0068 367 Medallion FL Chubsola:, FL 32764 b 559. 9# (Res 3- 9) Scale = 0. 1547 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 DWg: TI: A9 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DFt 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DFs 1.25 BC Live 10.0 PSf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/ FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43. 0 nsf v4.7.21-12345 Designs Matrix Anaiyele Pro=ile rarn: n a%=o.paas Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVE4 TI:B3 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP #2 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the ..............Joint Locations = --.---------- This design isfman individual building compoom and BC: 2x 4 SP #2 composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 27- 4- 0 11) 22- 7- 6 has beenbound aninrmmm;oap:m;dedgthe chem. The WB: 2x 4 SP #3 This truss is designed to bear on multiple 2) 6- 4- 0 7) 33- 8- 0 12) 20-10- 8 desigoedisclaimsaoyrespooabliryroraamagnna 2x 4 SP #2 3-13,15-15,9- 9 supports. Interior bearing locations should 3) 12- 8- 0 8) 40- 0- 0 13) 19- 1- 8 r®1l of favlrymincorten information. gnecnficatpa 0- 0,0- 0 be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if 4) 19- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 14) 9- 6-12 f savor designsnaishdtothe truss designer by the client and mam e correctness orcacyorthisinformationa it All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be necessary to achieve full bearing. 5) 21- 0- 0 10) 30- 5- 4 15) 0- 0- 0 may relsse to a specific prject and accepta an continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Bracing Schedule: In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 responsibility or eercises on conmol withregard m WndLodper ASCB 7-02, C&C, V- 125mph, Chords Max O.C. From To In -Plant Quality Assurance, per fabrlcnmahzndlm&dupmemand maaeaonoftrusses. H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 BC 48.0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): This truss has beendesignedaanindividualbuildingcomponentinaccordanccwithANSVfPII.2002and Bld Type. encl L- 58.0 ft W- 40.0 ft Trues BC 48.0" 22- 5-10 27- 4- 0 3,6 NDS-02 m be incorporated as pan ofthe building design in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL- 6.0 psf Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- byaBakingDesign.(registered architect or Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type professional enpnca). When reviewed for approval by ..TC. ..PORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE..CSI. TOP CHORD 1-2.-1835/706,2-3--1516/533, 0- 4- 0 1 840 0 -441 B Pin the building designer. the design loadings shown must bechecked nobesure: that the data shown are, inagreement 1- 2 -1835 0.28 A 15- 0 1134 0.44 3-4.-83/419,4-5.-98/686,5-6.-430/1348, 22- 7- 6 1 2266 0 -904 B H Roll with the local building codes.local climatic rxmdsfor2- 3 -1516 0.43 A 0-14 1673 0.81 6-7.-634/363,7-8.-989/294, 39- 8- 0 1 600 0 -321 B H Roll wind or - loads,projmspaifcatiwsorspaial 3- 4 419 0.38 A 14-13 921 0.67 HOT CHORD 15-0--423/1134,0-14--525/1673, PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE applied bads. Unless mowatmsshas ootbeen designed 4- 5 686 0.36 A 13-12 447 0.25 14-13.-132/921,13-12.-361/447,12-11.-756/593, WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. C for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes eompresaoochory(topor bottom) are, comivnoaly 5- 6 1348 0.54 A 12-11 -756 0.49 11-10.-589/316,10-0.-181/911,0-9.-226/727, 2-14 -312 0.09 C 5-11 -1566 0.98 brxdby.bcat aidmotbcwisespmifred. Where 6- 7 -634 0. 37 A 11-10 -589 0.64 Webs 2-14--312/288,14-3--185/806, 14- 3 806 0.26 C 11- 6 -864 0.49 broom chords in tension arc not dully lamed bueraey by a 7- 8 -989 0.30 A 10- 0 911 0.61 3-13.-996/567,4-13--129/743,4-12--1039/359, 3-13 -996 0.75 C 6-10 861 0.28 popatyapplied rigid ceiling. they should bebrxedata 0- 9 727 0.35 12-5--214/762,5-11.-1566/648,11-6.-864/508, 4-13 743 0.24 C 10- 7 -372 0.10 maximum sparing of I0'-0' o.c. Camamr plats shall be fiactmed from 20page but dipped gatvaaizcdsscel --------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 6-10.-237/861,10-7.-372/304,0-0.-117/490, d-12 -1039 0.56 C 0- 0 490 0.39 meeting ASTMA653.Grade4%unimotherwise shown . LL TL 0-0--200/ 136, 12- 5 762 0.24 C 0- 0 -200 0.18 in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). FABRICATION NOTES I.Span-0. 22/999-0.60/436 13- 14 Prior as fabmation. the fabricater shall review this Hor1 z . 0. 04 0.08 NA drawing to voify that this drawing is in conformance with Max DL Deflection L/689 . -0.38 the rabricmra pram ad m slim a con - responsibility for such verificaiion.Any dim rcpaocinarc Long term defleetiofactor - 1. 50 19-0-0 Z-0-4 19-0-0 1 11 to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plan 1 - maltnorbeinstalledover mrholn, sTms or distorted 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 grain. Mcmben shall be an for tight fitting wood to wood baring. Connector plows mall be lomud an bah faces of6.00 6. 00 the armswithnailsRally imbedded and shall be s5m. above thejointuolmotherwiseshowy. A 5.4 plateis5' wide x4' long. A 6xg plate is 6' widexV long. Slid ( holes) 5x6 8X 14 ran parallelto the plate length specified. Doable cuts an wcb members shall mat a the cmhoid of the sobs unless otherwise mown. Connector plate Sim are, minimum nun based an the fares mown and may need no be Increaed re. certain hldlmg and/or erection wessee This notes is rut at be fabricated with fate rMadam treated 3x4 3x4 lumber unlm otherwise mown. For additional information an Quality Camml refer m ANSUTPI 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 10- 3-3 6x8 6x8 10-0-6 Ail bracing and erection recoo mendaioa are to be 6x12 followed in accordance with'Handlin& Installing and 3x4 4x6 314Brmi.g'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with - 5X8 particular care during banding and banding. delivery ad 3x4 4-7-6 - 3x4 installation m avoid damage. Temporary ad permanent 0-6-6 6x8 6x8 5x6 0-6-6 bracing nor bolding anssn in a weight and plumb 5x6 position and for rniaing Lateral forces mall be designed and installed by cabers. Careful handling is essential and crcction bracing is slus5s required. Normalp ccoomm dry action for aussn requires such tmpwm bracing during 3.00 iaullatioo her.- trusses m avoid toppling ad domivoing. The mpervisim orereamn of roses mall be under the control of persons arporieaced in the 0- 8- 0 inmullatim of mosses. Pruressioaor ladvice al be sought L0-8-0ifreceded. Concentration of constructonImam grater than - 14-2-6 , ' 112-8-01 the design loads mall not be applied to uastn at any time. 840 U" 'I 22 001' No bads other than me weight of the damn mall be 19- 1- 8 - 9- 19-1-8 applied to trusses until after W fastening and bracing is - eompletd. a 4 3 0 2 1 10 a o ado, 0 COSMETIC PLATES ($MJA) 214 ( 1) 314 C/L: 22- 7- 6 (0-11- 12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Over 3 Supports Scale ex 0. 1488 WARNING: Eng Job: WO: COVR4 RRAD ALL NOTES ON THIS BIBBT. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO B8 GIVBN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: Dwg f TI i B3 LMawonder Systems Bracing shown anthis drawing is oat nation bracing• wind bracing• portal bracingor similar b(King witirh is a pan of Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 the buildingdesign and wbirb ma, be considered by the building designer. Bracingma.9insto, lateral support or members only as reduce buctling length. provisions mug be made m anchor lateral bating at cods andspecified Live TC Li16.0 a f Lbr DF : 1.25 Is locations, determined by mebakingdesigner. Additional bracing of the overall someone, may be require. (Sec wee-91 P of TPI).Fw Wwirs miss bating requir®antL co a t banding desigm.(Trss Ptete twdmm TPI is lead a 523 TC Dead 7.0 psf Pl t DF: 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY Donofrio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). O.C.: 2- 0- 0 Sanford, FL. 32771 BC Live 10.0 pSf 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TPI-02/FBC-04 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE ae0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 367 Meda® on PL Chuluotae FL 32794 1 TOTAL 43.0 psf v4.7.21- 12343 Design: Matrix Analysis rrozile races: x.:Haan-wn nvza.avun xa.vvnwxs.w.assaava. .. wxo. ya.. Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:B4 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP 92 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Joint Locations............... . Thisdeign isfo;m individual boilei.gcomyoca+ and BC: 2x 4 SP #2 composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 28- 8- 0 11) 22-10- 8 hmbeenbased oninformationprovided try the clicm.TheWar 2x 4 SP #3 This trues is designed to bear on multiple 2) 5- 8- 0 7) 34- 4- 0 12) 20- 6- 0 dmzner disclaims anyresponsibility for damage as. 2x 4 SP 02 15-1519- 910- 0 supports. Interior bearing locations should 3) 11- 4- 0 8) 40- 0- 0 13) 17- 1- 8 result offaulty orincorrectinformation. specifications0- 0,0- 0 be marked on trues. Shim or wedge if 4) 17- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 14) 8- 6-12 and/or designs famished tothe train design= by the client` and the corramenm accuracy orthis informnooasit All COMPRESSION Chordsareassumed to be necessary to achieve full bearing. 5) 23- 0- 0 10) 31- 5- 4 15) 0- 0- 0 may relate in a specific project and accepts an continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Bracing Schedule: In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 raponvbilityorecercisesmcontrol with regard to WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, Chords Max O.C. From To In -Plant Quality Assurance, per fabricatins'handling shipmmrand imullnionofh°aes. H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 BC 48.0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s) : This cr s bas been designed asanindividaalbuildingcomponentinaccordnccwithANSVrP11-2001and Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss BC 48.01 20- 6- 0 27- 4- 0 6 NDS-02wb i.ro,po.udapmortbebailing design in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION ----- by Building Designer (regineredarchitect or cagiacur). What reviewed for approval by Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazin Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 708 0 professional the boiling designer, the design loadings shown mastbe TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE.. 1- 2 -1430 0.23 A 15- 0 SI. 902 0.33 TOP CHORD 1-2.-1430/ 523, 2-3.-1147/ 365, 3-4.-182/730,4-5.-410/1439,5- 6.-279/975, 0- 4- 0 1 20- 6- 0 1 380 B Pin 2360 0 - 987 B H Roll checked inbenote, thin the dwshown are inagreement with thelocalbuildingcodes.localclimatic resordslb, 2- 3 -1147 0. 32 A 0-14 1304 0.64 6-7.-977/278,7-8.-1266/439, 39- 8- 0 1 659 0 -355 B H Roll wind msms,km .pojectsparlicationsatspecial 3- 4 730 0.40 A 14-13 631 0.51 BOT CHORD 15-0.-320/902,0-14.-369/1304, PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Applied loads. udee,showaones bar an[ been designed 4- 5 1439 0. 52 A 13-12 591 0.23 14-13.-260/631,13-12.-591/515,12-11.-812/608, WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. C for =«age or occupancy loads. The design ,:same 5- 6 975 0.42 A 12-11812 0.2611-10.-381/461,10-0.-294/1156,0-9.-279/820, 2-14 -293 0.08 C 11- 5 556 0.18 compression chords (top orbottom)are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where6- 7 -977 0.31 A 11-10 461 0.52 Webs 2-14.-293/265,14-3.-180/748, 14- 3 748 0.24 C 11- 6 -890 0.64 bouomchordsin uasim are ore fully braced laterally by. 7- 8 -1266 0.23 A 10- 0 1156 0.60 3-13.-870/514,4-13.-94/611,4-12.-1385/579, 3-13 -870 0.62 C 6-10 774 0.25 properly applied rigid ceiling they mould be braced ata 0- 9 820 0. 29 12-5.-1300/543,11-5.-64/556,11-6.-890/523, 4-13 611 0.20 C 10- 7 -304 0.08 roazimam spacing of I0'-0' o.c. Connector plate shall be manufactured from 20 page hot dipped galvanized steel GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 6-10.-191/774, 10-7.-304/269, 0-0.-66/358, 4-12 -1385 0.87 C 0- 0 358 0.30 mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. LL TL 0-0.- 87/293, 12- 5 -1300 0.68 C 0- 0 293 0.25 in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). FABRICATION NOTES I.Span-0.14/999- 0.40/592 13-14 Prior tofabricat "' the fabricator Ball review this Horiz . 0.03 0.06 NA dnwingmverilythat this drawing isinconformance withMax DL Deflection L/904 . -0.26 me fabricuoes plans and in salineit continuing raponnbilityfarsachverification.Anydiserepancieaa Long term deflection factor . 1. 50 17-0-0 6-0-0 17- 0-0 to be pat in writing before cutting infaericnion. Puna shall not be insrased ova buothola, fiatsor distorted 8grain. Members shill be m for tight Bating wood in wood 1 2 3 4567bearingConnectorplansshallbelocaledanbothfansofthetrusswithnail: fully and shall be.jm. about 6.00 6.00 the joint unless m= owise shown. A 5z4 plate is S' wide a 4' long. A6s8 plate is6' wide a 8' long Slots (bola) 5x6 mapaealldtotheplateIcogtbspecified. Double cuts m 5x6 web members shill amatthecemmidofthewebsunlessrah-, shown., Connection plate sizes areminimum sizes based an the (briershaanand may need to be increaTed Ins certain handling and/orerection stlenti. This truss is not to be fabricated with fits reundam awed 3x4 3x4 lumberunlessotherwise shaven. For additional ou Quality Crawl refer inANSVfPI 1-2002 PRECA IONARY NOTES 9-3-3 6x8 6x8 9- 0-6 All bracing and erection re`° mmmd"i°°' are m be 6x12 ax6 6x12 3x 1 followed in accordance with•Handling Insulting and 3x4 Bracing'. HIB-91. Trouser an, to be handled with 3x4 4- 3x4 banding and bundling. delivery an Particulareras dicingd 0- 6- 6 4-1-6 0-6-6 installation toamid damage. Temporaryandpermanent 5x6 6x8 6x8 5x6 bracing for holding waaes in . snaight and plumb position and for resisting Ineral forcer shall be deigned andinstalled by aben. Careful hamling is essent al sal erection bracing is always required. Normalprecautionary3.00action for truss= rtqu ,e each temporary hissing during installation betweco aussa to avoid toppling anddominoing. TTtt rape isim of=atim of trassesshall be 0-8-0 undo the crawl ofperrnm exparietxed in theinnawlim ortmsses. Professionaladvice man be rough 0-8-0 14-2-6 6-10-0 12-8-0 if needed. c°naFaW Abe construclsnttr 70W 2360E 3:50" 00rr the design loads shall . at anytim 17-1-85-9-0 17-1-8 Notoadsothermanthe .6ght ofthe erectors mill be applied to trusscrumil a8= all fastening andbracing0completed. i is 3 I 0 a°T ao-0 4-11. ,n o- COSMETIC PLATESITT)3$ - 00 2X4 (4)3X4 EXCEPT ASSHOWNPLATESAREMiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING *11111: Maronda Systems Entdngshows mmir iagisnot m nnbracing. w;mbra g.pmvlbrad.am°milarbr. awh isapan of the building design said which man be considered bythe building designer. Bracing moan is for lateral snpporl ofarea m®loess only to reduce buckling Icogth. Provisions mint be made to anchor lateral bracing in cods and specifiedlocations dnermined bythebuildingdesigaer. Additional bracing of the overall structuremay be required. (Sin wB-91 64 of TPI).Fot specific con bracing regoirmems, contact building designer. ffrass Pine Imtimte. TPI is located in 583 4005MARONDAWAYDOnofrioDrive, Madison, Wisconsin 33719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCEP.E. LICENSE OWSOD68 367 Meda®on FL Chuhaota, FL 32760 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1535 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dung: TI: B4 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI- 02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rroziie racer: a.: Cana-wwT. aRT.... t......+t..v........... .. +to+. y... Job: COVINGTON R 4 Cust=er:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:B5 Qty:l .I DESIGN INFORMATION This deign is for an individual building component and has barn basedan information provided by thediem. The designer disclaims any responsibility Ibr damage a a result offaulty or incmro n information. specifications and/or designs furnished on the bass designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this iolmonatioo a u mayrdane ma specific pojoa and accepts W responsibility or exercises an control with regard on fabrication. handling. shipment and insullatioo ofTrusses. This busy has beta designed as an individual building compaoat in accordance with ANSVTPI 1-2002 and NDS-02to be inearporucd a part orthe building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional cagmeer). Wban teviewd for appmval by the building designer. the design loadings showy marine checked to be sure that the data show arc in agreement with the local building codeslocal climatic records for wind or mow loads. Project spairwAtiom or special applied bads. Ualm shows pass has not been deigned for surge or occupancyloads. The design assume compression chards (top or banns) err continuously braced by ch-uhing unless otherwise specified. Wbere bottom chords in tensmoare rot fully braced Iatrrsuy by a properly applied rigid ceilin& they sboaldbe bracedan a maximum spacing of IO.O' O.C. Connector Planes shall be manufacturedDom20gaugebutdippedgalvanizedsteelmeeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise sbawo. FABRICATION NOTES Prior tofabrication, the fabricaer shall review this drawing to verilythatthis drawingisin conformancewith the fabricators plans and to realize a coati®mg responsibility for such verification. Any dimrepaoeieserr to bepot in writingbefore cutting or fabrication. Planes shall not be installed ova knotholes, kauts or dunned grin. Member shall becan forlight finingwoodtowoodbeariag. Conomstur planes shall be bated on bothfanofthe truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. abed the join unless otherwise shown. A 5.4 planeis 5' wide : 4• long A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' bog. Sloes (bole) ram parallel to theplate length specified. Doable cats on web members aball meet a the cemmid of thewebs unless otherwise shown. Connate, plum sizes are minimum sizes bad an the (ores show and may aced on be increased roc certain handling aad/oc aectiaostresses. This Vass is col to be fabricated with foe rcurdand created lumber unless otherwise shows For additional information on QualityControl refer to ANSVfP1 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and auction recommendations m to be followed in accord with "Handling Installing dad Bracing% MB-91. Trees are to be handled with particular careduring bandingandhandling. delnery andinstallationtoavoiddamage. Tcaporary and permanat bracing for balding mosses in a straightand plumb position and for resistinglar" fora Nallbar designed andinstalledbyothers. Careful handling is ess A ad cagioo bating is always rcgaiad. Normal precautionary Kum fan trusses requires such t®pomy bracing dining mstallatica between trcsso to avoid toppling and dnminoiag The supervisionof erectionofmossesshall be underthecontrolofpersonsexperiencedintheimullation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shalloat be appliedto comes antoylime. No bad; other than the weight of theerector shallbe applied to tresses until after all faaaing ad bracing is completed. TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP 02 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 4-13,16-16,10-10 0- 0,0- 0,0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Wndl, od per ASCE 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W= 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-1448/547,2-3.-1222/413, 3- 4=-107/527,4-5.-485/1506,5-6.-485/1506, 6- 7.-144/638,7-8.-1091/344,8-9.-1321/480, SOT CHORD 16-0 323/890,0-15.-398/1313, 15- 14.-183/793,14-13.-453/374,13-12 554/453 12- 11.-272/661,11-0.-338/1199,0-10.-288/824, Webs 2-15.-234/230,15-3.-146/607, 3- 14=-732/462,4-14.-117/628,4-13.-1516/656, 13- 5=-325/238,13-6.-1374/594,12-6.-103/583, 12- 7.-759/475,7-11 154/630,11-8.-241/231, 0- 0.-86/384,0-0.-63/337, 8- 3-3 0. 6-6 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. Bracing Schedule: Chords Max O.C. From To BC 48.0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 BC 48.0" 20- 3= 0 27- 4- 0 Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/ 2 4-13 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 1% 4 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- lld nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 "T" brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 8" o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 2- 15 -234 0.07 C 12- 6 583 0.19 C 15- 3 607 0.19 C 12- 7 -759 0.44 C 3- 14 -732 0.42 C 7-11 630 0.20 C 4- 14 628 0.20 C - 11- 8 -241 0.07 C 4- 13 -1516 0.62 C 0- 0 384 0.31 C 13- 5 -325 0.12 C 0- 0 337 0.28 C 13- 6 -1374 0.98 C Joint Locations=...a....... 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 30- 0- 0 13) 20- 4-12 2) 5- 0- 0 8) 35- 0- 0 14) 15- 1- 8 3) 10- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 15) 7- 6-12 4) 15- 0- 0 10) 40- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 20- 0- 0 11) 32- 5- 4 6) 25- 0- 0 12) 24-10- 8 In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MA%. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 704 0 -381 B Pin 20- 4-12 1 2355 0 -1022 B H Roll 39- 8- 0 1 665 0 -361 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1448 0.21 A 16- 0 890 0.30 2- 3 -1222 0.27 A 0-15 1313 0.49 3- 4 527 0.32 A 15-14 793 0.43 4- 5 1506 0.60 A 14-13 -453 0.29 5- 6 1506 0.60 A 13-12 -554 0.31 6- 7 638 0.30 A 12-11 661 0.41 7- 8 -1091 0.27 A 11- 0 1199 0.46 8- 9 -1321 0.20 A 0-10 824 0.27 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span-0.11/999-0.32/726 14-15 Horiz. 0.03 0.06 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0.21 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 15- 0-0 10-0-0 15-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6. 00 5x6 2x4 5x6 6. 00 3. 00 1 L:ML 8- 0-6 0. 6 6 0- 8-0 Ail,_ 14-2-6 i; 5 a3 7- 1-0 12-8-0 0-8-0 704# 8..00" 15-1-8 959- 0.50" 15-1-8 665# 8.00" 1 0tt- 0 8 11 5 4 40- 0- 0 2 1 0- 8 COSMETIC PLATES (4)3R6 (4vr X-1;I3%4 GL:20- ¢12 (R 11-12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO BRECTINO CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: FMarondaSystemsErringshownanthisdewingisnotcreationbracingvoidbriningpraml bracing s similar sm W which is apan r thebaildiagdingosuedwhichmodbeconsideredbythebuildingdesigner. Bracing show is fan Ianerl rapport o(traa membersonlytoreducebattlinglength. Provisions most be made to anchorlateral bracing at ends and specified locationsdeterminedbythebuildingdesigner. Additional brcing of theoverdlstructure may berequired. (Sec MB-91 of TPI).Fdr specific truss bracing requirements. contact building desigoer.(Trnu Plat bu irmc TPI is located an 583 4005 MARONDA WAY DOwfrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE ae0050068 367 Meda®on FL Chf3wta, FL 32766 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.1270 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: B5 Dsgnr: TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O. C.: 2- 0- 0 BCLive10.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Deslgnt Matrix Analysis Frorlie race: s.:\+era-waknvrncWvalutwvet..kv.vvrs.vavw n wtx,n.y,aw Job: COVINGTON X 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVX4 TI:B6 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP #2 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Joint Locations ............... This design is for an individual building compoaat and BC: 2x 4 SP #2 composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 33- 6- 0 11) 20- 4-12 has been baud on information ptmided bythe cliw.The WB: 2x 4 SP #3 This truss is designed to bear on multiple 2) 6- 6- 0 7) 40- 0- 0 12) 13- 1- 8 designer disclaims my responsibility for damages a. 2x 4 SP 92 2-12,3-11,5-11 supports. Interior bearing locations should 3) 13- 0- 0 8) 40- 0- 0 13) 6- 6- 0 result offaultyoroemratinforonion.specifications 6-10,14-14,8- 8,0- 0,0- 0,0- 0 be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if 4) 20- 4-12 9) 33- 6- 0 14) 0- 0- 0 andlor designs fltmishd to the muss designer by the client` and the correctness maccuracy ofthuinformation asit All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be necessary to achieve full bearing. 5) 27- 0- 0 10) 26-10- 8 may relnetoaspecific project and accepts W continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Bracing Schedule: In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 responsibility oracreisesrsocontrol with regard to WndLod per ASCH 7-02, CSC, V. 125mph, Chords Max O.C. From To In -Plant Quality Assurance, per fabrication. handling. shipment and installation ofnnssez H. 15.0 ft, 1. 1.00, Hxp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 BC 48.0' 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): This truss has beendesignedaaoindividualbuildingcomponentinaccordanc.with ANSVrPII.2002and Bid Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss BC 48.01 20- 3- 0 27- 4- 0 11 NDS-02 to be imorporatd u panofthe boiwing design in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 pof - Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION ----- bya861dingDeagav(.&endarchitect or Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req 1/2 3-11,5-11 Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type professionalmginea). When reviewed for appmvalby FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 0- 4- 0 1 748 0 -419 B Pin the building designer. the design loadings shown mat be checked tobesure Nnthe data shown areinagsecemon TOP CHORD 1-2.-1538/625,2-3.-663/221, 1x4 continuous lateral bracing attached with 20- 4-12 1 2228 0 -964 B H Roll w with the lobuilingcodeslocalclimn;crecodsfor 3-4.- 425/1302,4-5.-425/1302,5-6.-492/317, 2- lid nails each member where shown.Bracing 39- 8- 0 1 708 0 -400 B H Roll wind or sooty loads. project specifications or special 6-7.-1415/565, MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraeed PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Wind lods.thlmsbowawsshasnot been designed HOT CHORD 14-0.-387/951,0-13.-457/1375, segments OR 2x4 'T• brace may be nailed flat TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously 13- 12.-459/1383,12-11.-174/558, to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 81 o.c. 1- 2 -1538 0.41 A 14- 0 951 0.29 braced bymeawingartless abawiseWmilicd where 11-10.-263/400, 10-9.-404/1269,9-0.-403/1265, Brace moat extend at least 90% of web length 2- 3 -663 0.45 A 0-13 1375 0.36 bouomchords intcrsiwweonafhllybraced tumlyby1 0-8.-354/885, 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. 3- 4 1302 0.79 A 13-12 1383 0.58 property applied ng,dcetlmgt6eyshould bebraced aa Webs 13-2.-3/202, 2-12.-818/514, WEB. ..PORCH..CSI. Cr WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 4- 5 1302 0.79 A 12-11 558 0.55 maalmum spacing of L V-0' o.c. Counectorplatessball be 3-12.-109/ 643,3-11.-1741/789,11-4.-417/302, 13- 2 202 0.06 C 10- 5 595 0.19 C 5- 6 -492 0.38 A 11-10 400 0.52 manaGctured hom20 gauge but dipped galvanized sled meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. adm otherwise shown. 11-5.-1581/722,10-5.- 97/595,10-6.-873/536, 2-12 -818 0.58 C 10- 6 -873 0.61 C 6- 7 -1415 0.41 A 10- 9 1269 0.53 6-9.0/217,0-0.-77/389,0-0.-56/346, 3-12 643 0.21 C 6- 9 217 0.07 C 9- 0 1265 0.33 FABRICATION NOTES GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 3-11 -1741 0.89 C 0- 0 389 0. 32 C 0- 8 885 0.26 him to fabrication, the fabricator shall rmm this LL TL 11- 4 -417 0.12 C0- 0 346 0.28 C drawing lovmfy that this drawing is m..formance with in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). 11- 5 -1581 0.80C the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing I.S as -0. 11/999-0. 33/710 4-3 D responsibilityforsuch vaifeation. Any disacl mcia are to be pat in writing beforecuttingorfabrication. Plates Horiz . 0.05 0.11 NAshall not beinstalled ova nothola knots or dinmtod Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0. 22 grain. Members shall be cutfor tight fitting wood to wood Long term deflection factor . 1.50 bearing. Connector plateshallbelocated on both faces of 14-0-0 13-0- 0 the truss with nail, fullyimbedded and shallbe sym alum 13-0-0 thejointunlessotherwiseshown. A Sxa plate is 5' wide a 6 7 a' long. A618plateis 6' wide a8' long. Sloe (boles) 1 2345innparalleltotheplateimpspecified. Double cuts on web members shall mca at the comoid ofthe web: unless 6.00mnot oo otherwise shown. Comgrans we plate graate mlm sins basedoa the forces show andmayneedtobe5X6increasedfmcertainhandlingandlor aectmnstresses. This truss i, outto befabricated withfoe rcurdamtreated5x62x4lumberunlessotherwiseshown. Pow additional inforwtion not Quality Control refer to ANSIfrPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 3x4 3x4 All bracing and esectiw rsomm.odauens ere to be 7-3- 3 7- 0-6 followed in accordance wim'Handliog. lostdling and 3x4 Bracing'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be be handled with 3x4 4x8 6x 1 particular use duringbandingandunbdling. delney and 3x4 6- 6 l2 3x4 0-6-6 I- installationtoavoid damage. Temporaryandpermanent0- Sx6 3- 65x6bracing for holding mrsses in astraightandPlumbx42x4positionandformistinglateralforces shall be designed and installed byothers. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary 3. 00 action formosses requires such temporary bracing during installation be- trusses on ,wid toppling and domiaoiug. Thempmisionoferectionofunssesshallbeunder the control of pamm atpaieced in the 0-8-0 0-8-0installation of oast.: professional advice shall be ,ought if trended. Cooxmrvion of constmaion lads greater than 14- 2-6 7" 1 0 t 12- 8- 0 to design loads ,hall not be applied trusses me al any ti. No loads other than the weightoftheaectorashallbe7 13-1-8 2228 13- 9-0 13-1-8 001e applied to trnsus until after all fastening and bracing is 13 2 to 1,68 eon" ad. a1n- 40-0 COSMETIC PLATES %41tv4) 2x4 (4) 3x4 4-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATESAREMiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO B8 GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING wARNINO: Ma ron da Systems Bracing shown un this drawing is not eteaioo bracing. wind ling de Donal bracing nc own is bracing which is • pan of the building desigtr and wtich mast lot COn,idaed by thebuilding designs. Bracing shown is forlateralmpponoftrussm®loaf only to reduce buklmg length. provisions mat be made toanchor lateral bracing atadsandspecifiedfoemndeterminedbythebaildingdesigns. Additionalbracingof Neoverallmncmremay be required. (See wB- 91 ofTPI).Far specifictrussbracing requirements, contactbuildingdesigna.(Tmss Plate Imtimoc TPIis locoed at583 4005MARONDA WAY D000rrioDrive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719} Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 32, -0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMASPONCEP.E. LICENSE MOOOS00681 307 Medamon FL Chukwta, FL 32796 Over 3 Supports Scale -0.1513 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: B6 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Pit DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 oaf v4.7.21-1234i Design: Matrix Analysis rrviiaa raw: .......- --se- Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:B7 Qty:l 1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for m individual building eomponant and hasban basedm information pmidedbytheclient. The design. disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result offaultyor incorrect information, speeifxatiom minor designs famished in the buss designer by the client and correctnesseecin aernncy of thisinfomatiat as it may rdaa to a specific project and accepts m rapmaTailityoraacisesmcontrolwithregardto fabrication handling shipmm and installation of "serer This toss has beendesignedas anindividualbuilding computers in accordancerim ANSVfPI 1.2002 andNDS- 02 in be incorporated as pat of the building design by a Building Dmgn. (registered architeet in professional eruginaa). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings mown must be checked to be sure that the data sbowv at in agreement with the local building coda. local climaticrecords forwind or sowbads, project specifications or special applied bads. Unless shows bun has nut beau designed for storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compression chords (top or broom) are continuously braced bysheathing colasotherwisespecified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fullybracedlaterally by a property applied rigid ceiling they should be braced at a maximum spacing of ts-0' o.e. Connector platesshall be manufactured from 20 gauge hotdipped galvanized sseel meetita AST M A 653. Grade 44 unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. thefabricated shallreview this drawingon verify that this dewing is in confemance with the falni" wes plans and to realize aemtiming responsibilityfor such vaifnation. Any discrepancies are to be pot in writing before caning or fabrication. Plates shall nut be installed ova kmtbol4 knots w distorted gain. Mambas shall be m foe tight fatting wood to weed bearingConnector plates shill be bated on bah Um of thetam withnad. fullyimbedded and shaO be sync. aboutthe joint oolmotherwise mown. A 50 plate is5' widea a- long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (bola) mo paralld to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members mill mast a the cmtroid of the webs unless otherwise mown. Crmectar plate siza ate minimum sizes based m theforea mown and may teed tobe increasedfor certain handling and/or erection mono. This toss is nut to be fabricated with fare retardant crucial lumber unless otherwise mown For additional information on Quality Comml refs to ANSVfPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and auction reco omeodatims are to be followedin accordance wilt "Handling Installing andaracing-. IBB- 91. Trwsses are in be handled with pan adar ail during bandingand bundling. delivery and installation on avoid damage. Temporary and Pesmaom bracing for holding m osta ina straight and plumb position and for resisting hailfotra mall be designed andinstalledbyash- Careful handling is -1 al and auction bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for masses requiresinch temporary bracingduring installation between msses in avoid tippling and detonating The svpavision of erectiot oftrusses millbe under the crawl of p.mmaperimced in the innallat;m of tonnes. Pofemomladvice mall be songbi a rrended. Cm®tn:im .rear amain loam gram than the design loads mill o% be apWvd in comes; at any time. No loam other than the weigm of the satin mall be applied in masses until after .11 listening and bracing is completed. TC: 2x 4 SP 02 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 3-14,6-12,17-17 9- 910- 010- 010- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15. 0 ft, I. 1.00, Hxp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 - 1556 0.33 A 17- 0 948 0.29 2- 3 - 941 0.30 A 0-16 1385 0.44 3- 4 592 0.39 A 16-15 1405 0.47 4- 5 1667 0.61 A 15-14 816 0.36 5- 6 730 0.45 A 14-13 -627 0.30 6- 7 - 808 0.31 A 13-12 -793 0.36 7- 8 - 1447 0.32 A 12-11 696 0.34 11-10 1305 0.43 10- 0 1288 0.38 0- 9 889 0.26 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span- 0.09/999-0.26/905 15-16 Horiz. 0. 05 0.10 NA Max DL Deflection L/999.- -0.17 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 6-3- 3 a6-6 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This trues is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on trues. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. Bracing Schedule: Chords Max O.C. From To BC 48. 0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 BC 48. 0" 20- 3- 0 27- 4- 0 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 747 0 -430 B Pin 20- 4- 12 1 2223 0 -962 B H Roll 39- 8- 0 1 711 0 -411 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 16- 2 139 0.04 C 5-12 787 0.25 C 2-15 - 580 0.35 C 12- 6 -1269 0.90 C 3-15 602 0.19 C 11- 6 576 0.18 C 3-14 - 1179 0.83 C 11- 7 -609 0.36 C 14- 4 756 0.24 C 7-10 144 0.05 C 4-13 - 1527 0.65 C 0- 0 410 0.36 C 13- 5 - 1397 0.48 C 0- 0 371 0.32 C v......Joint Locations ......... 1)0- 0- 0 7) 34- 6- 0 13) 20- 4-12 2) 5- 6- 0 8) 40- 0- 0 14) 17- 0- 0 3) 11- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 15) 11- 1- 8 4) 17- 0- 0 10) 34- 6- 0 16) 5- 6- 0 5) 23- 0- 0 11) 28-10- 8 17) 0- 0- 0 6) 29- 0- 0 12) 23- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3. 2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 5,14 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-1556/678,2-3.-941/356, 3-4.- 108/592,4-5.-627/1667,5-6.-208/730, 6-7.- 808/282,7-8.-1447/619, HOT CHORD 17-0.-401/948,0-16.-515/1385, 16-15.- 524/1405,15-14.-68/816,14-13.-627/462, 13-12.- 793/563,12-11.-132/696, 11-10.- 469/1305,10-0.-462/1288,0-9.-369/889, Webs 16- 2.-17/139,2-15.-580/426, 3-15.- 135/602,3-14.-1179/571,14-4.-247/756, 4-13.- 1527/685,13-5.-1397/633,5-12.-266/787, 12-6.- 1269/609,11-6.-121/576,11-7.-609/439, 7-10.- 12/144,0-0.-118/410,0-0.-98/371, 11-0- 0 18-0-0 11-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6.00 6.00 3.00 1 -3.00 747 14- 2- 6 2223# 1 11-1- 8 17-9-1 Rb-11- 12) COSMETIC PLATES ( 4)3X6 (44)2X4 (4)3X4 40-0 it 0-OltCal.: 20- 4-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHRRT. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: M a ro nd aSystems Bracing shown outthis dining is not erection bating windbesting portal lining insimilar bracing whichis apan of the building design and which most be considered by the building designer. Bracing mown is for lalm support of base mmbas only in reduce buckling length. Provl9am meta be made to anchor Waal bracing a endsand specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the ovenB strmmremay be required. (See NIB-91 of TPI).Foa specifictress bracingtugohmanta comae building dcdgn..(TrestsMaeIoai- TPI is located a 593 400S MARONDA WAY D'Onnftio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 5371n Sanford, FL_ 327771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE OWS0068 367 Meda Son FL Ctadlsotaa FL 32764 6-0-6 a6 6 8- 0 12) Over 3 Supports Scale =0.1585 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: B7 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10. 0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 BC Dead 10. 0 psf Code: FLA Designs Matrix Analysis rrorlle rate: n r\or.prx Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:B8 Qty:l -I DESIGN INFORMATION This design is Ibr an individual building eompouat and hasbeenbased oninformation presided by the diem. The designer disclaims any responsibility fa damages as a resah off chy orincorrect inibneodion, specifrations and/or design Ibraimed to the ban designer by the cliem and the correcgnm on aamacy of this information as it may relate m aspecific project and accepts on responsibility a exercises on enamel with regard m fabrication. handling shipment and iastalladan ofaussmThisbenhasbeendesignedaanindividualbuilding compoom in accord wild ANSVDPI 1.2002 and NDS-02 to beiucmpaucd as pat ofthe buildingdesign by a Building Desigmer (regisaced architect on pofeaiooal aginm). Wba «viewed fm app ,.l bythe building resigner. the design loadings sbaw mug be chockedtobesorethatthedatashownareinagromemwith the local building codalocal climatic records for wind or mow lad& project specifications or special appliedbads. Uclm showa nasal has all been designed for sgorage or occupancy bads The design assumes compression chords pop or be=) are continuously braced by m ling calm a6awise specified Wbm bottom cladsinunsionuse, ant fatly braced laterally by properly applied rigid ceiling they tboold be braced a a maximum spacing of 101-0' O.C. Coonector plan shall be manufactured ftem 20 gauge hmdipped galvanized gal mectima ASTM A 633. Grade 40. ondm otherwise show. FABRICATION NOTES Rim to fabrication the fabricator thanreview this drawing to verifythatthis drawing isinconformancewiththe fabrie, mra plans and m real;:n s eem;®ins rapenowity fen such veri6casiom. Any, dicrepancia areto be putin -itingbefore caning or fabrication. Plan dual ens be installed ova botbola, tams or d;ttorged grain. Mews shall be .Ifor tigba fining woodInwoodboringConnector plan shall be bated on bah fan of the tam withna;la hillyi nhedded and shad be sym. about the jointondm otherwise showy. A 50 plate is 5' widea 4' long A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' long Slm (holes) ran parallel to the pine length specifiedDouble cats o0 ads members dhall menathecaaoidofthewebsuadmotherwisemow. Cnuneezer plate use are min;mom am based on the force mount ad may need m be increasedfen ea= handbag and/ortrauma Lames. This trwis cot to be fabricated with fire retardant bated lumber unless otherwise dhow. Fos additional is ...tioo 0o Quality Control ref. to ANSVfPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing a.e. ectinu recommendationsere to be followed inaccordance with' Haadling. Installingand Bracing. MB-91. Truss ere m be handled with pan;.rw are during bane na .mb.dling d ih y and astallati m toawid damage. Temporary andpomaam lowing fen balding manes in a straight and plumb position and ran ra;aina taera forces mall bedesigned and mgalled by others. Careful handling is -0 A and ermine bracingu always rcye ,ea. Normal pream;omay action fen Uosscs require mch temporary bracing do mug between asses to mid topplingand domimin& Thesupervision of esarioo of braes sbaube order the cannot of persons experienced in (beiaexaBainu oftmam Professional advice mall be son& f amdcd cocu anraba ofcomanratoalead, ppata than the mien add shall not be applied to nunaces; a nay time. No loads other than the weigbl of the erectors mill beapplied to wan mad after allfattening and bracing is completed. TC: 2x 6 SP # 2 2x 8 SP #2 3- 5,5- 7 BC: 2x 6 SP # 2 WB: 2x 4 SP 03 2x 4 SP #2 0- 010- 010- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCH 7- 02, CeC, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDLw 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/ or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/ Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.- 1775/852,2-3.-1401/615, 3-4.-707/252, 4-5.-570/1502,5-6.-575/1511, 6-7.-504/351, 7-8.-1258/544,8-9.-1657/794, HOT CHORD 18-17.- 683/1586,17-16.-689/1597, 16-15.-337/1270, 15-14.-272/619, 14-13w-402/418, 13-12.-271/1140, 12-11.-636/1490, 11-10.-631/1481, Webs 17-2.-17/ 120,2-16.-331/330, 3-16.-205/611, 3-15.-763/398,15-4.-127/524, 4-14.-1902/866, 5-14.-354/215,14-6.-1696/783, 6-13.-145/539, 13-7.-858/434,12-7.-190/586, 12-8.-361/343, 8-11.-14/117, Face = 0- 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. Bracing Schedule: Chords Max O.C. From To BC 48.0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 BC 48.0" 20- 3- 0 27- 4- 0 Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/2 4-14 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 1%4 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- lld nails each - amber where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 IT" brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 81 o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 14'. WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr . WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 17- 2 120 0. 04 C 14- 6 -1696 1.00 C 2-16 -331 0. 11 C 6-13 539 0.17 C 3-16 611 0. 20 C 13- 7 -858 0.56 C 3-15 -763 0. 50 C 12- 7 586 0.19 C 15- 4 524 0. 17 C 12- 8 -361 0.12 C 4-14 -1902 0. 79 C 8-11 117 0.04 C 5-14 -354 0. 07 C Joint Locations -------- .------ 1)0- 0-7) 31- 0- 0 13) 25- 6- 0 2) 5- 0-14 8) 34-11- 2 14) 20- 4- 0 3) 9- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 15) 14- 6- 0 4) 14- 6- 0 10) 40- 0- 0 16) 9- 1- 8 5) 20- 4- 0 11) 34-11- 2 17) 5- 0-14 6) 25- 6- 0 12) 30-10- 8 18) 0- 0- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MA%. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 785 0 -472 B Pin 20- 4-12 1 2116 0 -896 B H Roll 39- 8- 0 1 748 0 -454 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .. BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1775 0. 16 A 18-17 1586 0.31 2- 3 -1401 0. 13 A 17-16 1597 0.31 3- 4 -707 0. 10 A 16-15 1270 0.25 4- 5 1502 0. 34 A 15-14 619 0.26 5- 6 1511 0. 35 A 14-13 418 0.24 6- 7 -504 0. 10 A 13-12 1140 0.23 7- 8 -1258 0. 12 A 12-11 1490 0.28 8- 9 -1657 0. 16 A 11-10 1481 0.27 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.05/ 999-0.15/999 16-17 Horiz. 0.05 0. 10 NA Max DL Deflection L/ 999 . -0.10 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 9-0-0 22- 0- 0 9-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6. 00 c-o 6.00 1 5- 0-6 a6- 6 Face = U- z- 8 0-8-0as8 14 2-6 211Pq7-1-0 12-8-0 „ 9-1-8 21- 9- 0 9-1-8 8 7 6 5 _ _ 4 13 2 11 0_- RO-3-9 COSMETIC PLATE (4)3% ( 44)2B4 (4)3%4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTRS ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE OIvBN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Ma non der Systems ing mount on this drawing is ant craLiMn bracing wend bracing portal bracing a sm ilar bracing which a a pal of Bethbaiding desi® and whichmustbeconsideredbythebuildingdesigner. Bracingshowyisfen lava! support ofm bumembers only m reducebuckling length. Provisions mug be made m anchor lam' bracing a cods ad specified j laatiou dmm;nea by the building d®gma. Additional bracing ofthe overall structure may be required. (Sec HDB-91 ofTP[).For rya;Bc benbracing rcqulemcros. counsel build; vg desiga..(Trass Ram 1-;- TPIis located a 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Ouoffio Dote. Madison. Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0068 307 MedrAoe PL Chulnotal, FL 32760 9) Over 3 Supports Scale ea 0.1558 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: B8 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/ 2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psfTPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: PLA Design: Matrix. Analysis rroxiie raen: e.:xsaa-wnSnmaRSuvun xa.vvww5a.a..aa...... sv sxF. y- Job: COVINGTON K 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVK4 TI:139 Qty:l 'I DESIGN INFORMATION ibis design is for an individual building component and hasbur: basedon information provided by theeliem. The design. disclaims any responsibility for damages a a ronh of faulty or iorm ens infamatioo. specifications and/or designs (maimed tothe hats designer by the client and the a areeInen oraccuracy ofthis information a it may relate to a specific project and accepts on responsibility or ==iso can enamel with regard to fabrication. handling. shipment and installation ofcrosses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in atxmdmce with ANSVTPI 1-2002 and NDS•02W be incorporated aspan ofthe building design by a Building Designer (registered architect en professional .tgme.). when reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checkedto be sure that the data mownare in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records fro wind or snow loads, project specificationssir special applied loads. Unlm shown muss bat not been designed fro storage or occupancy loads. ibe design assumes compression chords (top or banns) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. where bottom chords in lemsim arc rot fullybraced laterally by a property applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at amaaimnmspacingofI0'.T c.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20gange rot dipped galvanized nod meeting ASTM A653. Grade 44 unless otherwise shows FABRICATION NOTES Priorto fabrication. the fabricator shall renew this drawing to verify Westthis drawing is in conformancewith thefabricators plainand to realizea continuing responsibility for web verification. Any discrepancies use tobe pm in writing before coning or fabrication. Plates mall rat be installed over knotholes, knots or diaoreed grain. Members "I be an fortight fitting wood In wood bearing. contactor plaid shall be located on both laces of thetrusswith mils fallyimbddcdad shall be s5m. about the joint unless otherwise mown. A 5s4 plate is 5' wide a 4- lung. A 6.8 pine is6- wide a 8' long. Slots (bola) rot pwa lelto the plate lcuO specified. Double cutsm web members shall meet as the cmvoid of the webs mien otherwise sbowa Conoco or plate size are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and my need to be increased fro certain handling and/or erection stresses. This no is not to be fabricated with fnrc retardant mewed lumber unless otherwise shown For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSVTPI 1. 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erectionrecommendations are to befollowedinaccordancewith 'Hmdlin& [mulling andBracing'. MR-91. Trusw are to be handled with pani. dar - during banding and bundlin& dcl-yy and installation w aviddamage. Temporary and permanent bracing fro holding trusty in a straight and Plumb position and for resisting lateral fortes shall be designed andinstalledbyothers. Carefal hadling is essential andtraction bracing is ]way; -juired. Normal precautionary action fro cruses rerprismsuchtemporary bracing duringimullat; m between musses to mid toppling and deniuoing. The wpc, iu moferationofwsses shah be oiler the control of personsaep.ie acedin the installation of trusses. professional ,mice snug be sought if verded. concemnt;m Of eanstnserionloads greater than the design Inds mall rat be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the craters mall be applied to vanes until after all fasteningand bracing is TC: 2x 6 SP #2 BC: 2x 6 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 3-15,4-14,7-13 0- 0,0- 0,0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft. i. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kztw 1.0 Bid Type. encl Le 58.0 ft W. 40.0 ft Trues in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-1825/931,2-3.-1813/847, 3- 4.-1243/478,4-5.-503/1368,5-6.-509/1377, 6- 7.-1022/372,7-8.-1689/785,8-9.-1725/881, HOT CHORD 18-17.-757/1616,17-16.-772/1649, 16- 15.-585/1649,15-14.-256/1122, 14- 13.-171/902,13-12.-529/1537, 12- 11.-727/1557,11-10.-713/1527, Webs 17-2e-36/103,2-16.-36/159, 3- 16.-220/622,3-15.-586/354,15-4.-53/424, 4- 14w-2283/1016,5-14.-285/212,14-6.-2039/919, 6- 13w-70/439,13-7.-725/405,12-7.-207/599, 12- 8.-49/171,8-11.-31/100, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(a). I. Span-0.08/999-0.23/999 4-3 Horiz. 0.06 0.12 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0.15 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 T 4- 1-12 0-6- 6 1 f Face = 0. 2- 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This trues is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on trues. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. Bracing Schedula: Chords Max O.C. From To BC 48.0" 0- 8- 0 14- 2- 6 BC 48.0" 20- 3- 0 27- 4- 0 Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/ 2 4-14,6-14 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 1X4 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- 1ld nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 IT" brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 8" o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 17- 2 103 0.03 C 14- 6 -2039 0.71 C 2- 16 159 0.05 C 6-13 439 0.14 C 3- 16 622 0.20 C 13- 7 -725 0.62 C 3- 15 -586 0.50 C 12- 7 599 0.19 C 15- 4 424 0.14 C 12- 8 171 0.05 C 4- 14 -2283 0.85 C 8-11 100 0.03 C 5- 14 -285 0.05 C we ......... Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 33- 0- 0 13) 26- 0- 2 2) 4- 0-14 8) 35-11- 2 14) 20- 4- 0 3) 7- 0- 0 9) 40- 0- 0 15) 14- 1-14 4) 14- 1-14 10) 40- 0- 0 16) 7- 1- 8 5) 20- 4- 0 11) 35-11- 2 17) 4- 0-14 6) 25-10- 6 12) 32-10- 8 is) 0- 0- 0 In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq• 1 In - Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4. 6,14 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X- LOC HSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 818 0 -504 B Pin 20- 4-12 1 2015 0 -823 B H Roll 39- 8- 0 1 785 0 -487 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1825 0.17 A 18-17 1616 0.33 2- 3 -1813 0.15 A 17-16 1649 0.33 3- 4 -1243 0.22 A 16-15 1649 0.36 4- 5 1368 0.38 A 15-14 1122 0.36 5- 6 1377 0.38 A 14-13 902 0.33 6- 7 -1022 0.22 A 13-12 1537 0.34 7- 8 -1689 0.15 A 12-11 1557 0.30 8- 9 -1725 0.16 A 11-10 1527 0.30 7- 0-0 26- 0- 0 7-0-0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6. 00 0- 8-0 81 14-2-6 201 L •_ 7-1-8 V 25- 110. 3- 9) COSMETIC PLATES (4)3X6 (44)2X4 (4)3X4 6. 00 c.. o T 0- 6-6 4-0-6 t I Face = 0. 2- 8 8- 0 7- 7- 1- 0 12-8-0 so a rr EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHBRT. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO IRECTZI CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: FMarondaSystemsBracingshownonthisdunwingisMc>ectimbmdn. wind bradnAportal bowing o<°whtdwh ich the building design andwhich most be considered by the building designer. Bracing sbowo is for lateral support of troll members only m reducebuckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor bleN bracing at ends and specified locations determbed by the building designer. Additional bracing of We overall structure may berespired. (Sat MB-91 of TPO.F. spaifa tress bracing r.umms, eecomae building desigoer.(Truss PlateInstitute. TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY DOm0io Drive. Madison. wiswnsiu 53719). Samford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 000050068 367 Meda(Bon PL Chukwt % FL 32760 9) Over 3 Supports Scale = 0. 1585 Eng Job: WO: COVK4 Dwg: TI: B9 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI- 02/FBC-04 EC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rroule race: Is%.... wnknu•atuaaue ta.w n+v..vvinaa•vw .. +vo.y.v Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:C3 Qty:l i DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual wilding component and has been bused oninfmota:ioo plaided by the lino. The designer disclaims my responsibility for damages as a mall offaulty ameat. mfmmation. specifications a designs furnished to the treat designer by the client and the correctness or =buy of this infmmafion a it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility orexacites oncantrol with regard to fAmatioa handlity, shipment and instailanoo oftrusses. This trust has been designed a an individual wiklivg componm in accordance witb ANSVfPI I.2002 and NDS-W to be incorporated a pan of the building design bya Building Designer (registered architector prefasioml eoginces). When reviewed for approval by the wilting designer, the design loading shown most be checked m be su c that the data sbo are in agreement with the local wilding codes local climatic records Cor windor snow bads. project specifications orspecial applied bads. Unlesssbowa truss hasnet bcm des;goad fm storage a occupancy loads. The design ass®a compression chords (top ahonest) are motmootedy braced by sheathing maim odes specified. Wbm bottom chords in tension are not,ally braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced to maximum spacing of 104• o.c. Co®atm plates shall be mumfYmred Bons 20 gauge but dipped galVarnlnd ash mating AM A 633. Grade 0A unless othe vise shown FABRICATION NOTES prior m famicnim the fabricator mall review• this drawingto verify that thisdrawing isinconfmmancewith the fabriumes plans and to realize acontinuing responubiliry IM such verification. Adiscrepancies are to be pa: in writing believe inning a fabrication. Plan mall not be installed over knotholes. krnts a distorted gain. Membens shallbe m for tighs fittingwoodtowood bearing. Connector plata shall be bared on both fans of the trust wins nails fully imbedded and mallbe sym. abed the jointunless otherwisemown A 30 plateis 5• wide s V long. A 6agplate is6• wide ag• long. Slots (bola) red parallel to thePlate Imgth specified. Double cuts on web members mall meet at the cmmid of the webs enless otherwise mown. Camecta plane aiM ere minimum siza basedon the fomashowyand may needtobe increased for certainhandlingand/or cationstrata. This trust if oreto be fabricated with fire madam trc led lumber unless otherwise dsowa For additiomal infamatimm em Qmilmy Camml refs m ANSIrM 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erectim recommmdaims are to be followed in aaadame with •Handfin& leaning and Bracing•. tnB-91. Trusses - to be handled with particular are during baodlng and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and Permanent bracing fa bolding boats in a maight and plumb position and rbr resisting tweralfovea shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is a uial and aectim bracing is atwats regrind. Normal psmsnimary actu m for tresto requires such temporary bracing d.W i s n,ion bawean strata to avoid toppling and in& The upavisios of aatimof uasse, shill be dada the control of pserwaexperienced in the ivsWIstim of trusses. Professional advice shall be soaght if Deeded. Coocc mamum of eonnamaim loads gseatcr than the design lords shall not be applied m crown a any time. No load$ other than me weight ofthc erector, mall be applied to mats moil arts all faamittg and bracing a completed. TC: 2x 4 SP 02 BC: 2x 4 SP #1 D WE: 2x 4 SP #3 WOO: 2x 4 SP 02 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This 1-PLY Hip Master designed to carry 51 0" open jacks (no webs) across center and Hip Jack Truss framed to BC In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 In - Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s): 4, 6,8 FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-2253/678,2-3.-2024/565, 3- 4.-2454/673,4-5.0/59, HOT CHORD 9-8.-557/1946,8-7.-784/2544, 7- 6.-598/1843, Webs 2-8.-78/796,8-3.-608/256, 3- 7.-134/164,7-4.-112/907,4-6.-2134/692, 6- 5.-158/100, 3- 3-3 0- 6-6 1 t 1: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. Right End vertical designed for wind. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 58.0 ft W. 19.7 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Supported span based on int. wind zone. Bracing Schedule: Webs Brace Pt Joint to Joint 1/ 2 4- 6 Bracing shown is for visual purposes only. 184 continuous lateral bracing attached with 2- lld nails each member where shown.Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 wTw brace may be nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails spaced 81 o.c. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web exceeding 141. WEB. .. PORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..PORCE..CSI. Cr 2- 8 796 0.26 C 7- 4 907 0.29 C 8- 3 -608 0.34 C 4- 6 -2134 0.45 C 3- 7 164 0.05 C 6- 5 -158 0.13 C Joint Locations ----------- 1) 0- 0- 0 4) 14- 9- 5 7) 12- 4- 0 2) 5- 0- 0 5) 19- 8- 0 8) 5- 0- 0 3) 9-10-11 6) 19- 8- 0 9) 0- 0- 0 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLP To TC Vert L+D -46 -0-10- 8 -46 5- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -77 5- 0- 0 -77 19- 8- 0 BC Vert L+D -40 0- 0- 0 -40 5- 0- 0 BC Vert L+D -67 5- 0- 0 -67 19- 8- 0 Concentrated LES Location BC Vert L+D -255 5- 0- 0 MA%. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 1407 -117 -436 B Pin 19- 6- 0 1 1434 0 -434 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. .. PORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -2253 0.62 C 9- 8 1946 0.78 2- 3 -2024 0.41 C 8- 7 2544 0.94 3- 4 -2454 0.40 C 7- 6 1843 0.84 4- 5 59 0.33 C GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span-0.19/999-0.38/594 7-8 Horiz. - 0.04 -0.08 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0.19 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 5- 0-0 14- 8- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6. 00 1407# 8.00" bib 2- 10- 3 3- 0- 6 M 1434## 4.00" 19- 8-0 9 8 7 6 10 19-8-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN LA SS)ARB MiTek MT20 255•3# Scale=0.2965 WARNING: Eng Job: WO: COVR4 READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO HRECTZHG CONTRACTOR. BRACZNO WARNINGS Dwg: TI: C3 CMa:ronda Systems t'hlbgab 9mmlfmawmgamlaaiambfd"bytwtndb'inad Paa.lk ins ga-isfwl--I ehlfaPan Of r:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 me widnga and w coma he ensiled by m< baildiagdaisies. eraelog mawm n ra latesal:eAPm: armor rumbas only m rtdnce baklivg Imgth. Rovisioms mesa he made to anchor lateral bracing ar ads and specified locations del= ned by the wildingdesigner. Additional bracing of the overall manure may be t iaued. (Sat H[B.91 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF : 1.25 of TPI). Faspecific loco bracing requirements. contact building daigoa.(Troa Plan ltmiorM TM is located a 593 TCDead 7 . 0 psf P l tDF : 1.25 400S MARONDA WAY D'Ouosiu Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). O.C.e 2- 0- 0 Sanford, FL. 32771 BC Live 10.0 psf 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TPI-02/FBC-04 TOM/lS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 000050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 307 Medim+ FL ChtAgeta , FL 32766 ITOTAL 43.0 psf v4.7 .21-12350 Designs Matrix Analysis Prorlle rain: c:\rum-s,vA\worxWws\tvvny\wvansarvn A m\u.prx Job: COVINGTON K 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVK4 TI:D1 Qty:2 'I DESIGN INFORMATION This design is far an iodividwl building component and has been basedon information provided bythe thou. The dmgna disclaims any responsibility for damages a . result offaultyor incorrect information specireatiom and/or design Thrmimd to the ausa designer by the client ad the cornecmm ca accuracy of this information as it may refuse to a specific project and accepts m respoombiliryor aaciscsno coastal edlwithreamm fibricatioa hsn0m& shipment and usnallalase of trueses. This tresshas been designed a anindividual building compooeat in accordance with ANSVfPI 1-2002 and NDS- o2 wbe ircapmmed a panofduebuildingdesign by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional mgmeeer). When reviewed for ggrmll by the building designer. the design loadings shown mom be checked to be mrc Was the data mown are in agreement with the loth building codes, local climatic records for wind ormow loaf, project specifcatiom a special applied bads. Unless smwa anss has ors been designed for swage or occupancybads. The design .ssuma cumpessam chords (top or bottom) are eomimonsly braced by meadsirg unless otherwise specified Whore bantamchordsintensionarcnotfurybracedlaterallybyap spertyapplied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at maximum spacing of 10F.V o.c. Connector plate$ shall be maoufactm ed from 20 Sopbut dipped gal -wired steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 4 anlm otherwise sbown. FABRICATION NOTES Rim tofabrication the fabricatorshall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in eoaform.ece with the fawicstoes plans and to rGlina mntinuimg rapossed y for sorb verification. Any dtsercla se aft to bepat in writingbefore mains or fabricftim. Plata hall not beinstalled over lvothda, knots ordiaortrdgain. Members shallbe anfor tight filling woodto wood haring. Connor plates shay be locals on both faces of the ones with oars folly imbdded and oral be ens. abet the jointttdm otherwise mown A 5x4 plate if 5' wide a C long. A 6a8 plate is 6' wide x S' long. Slob (bola) rem parallelmtheptate laugh specified. Double cds ouweb membersshallmeetatthecmboidofthewebsundasotherwiseshown. Comecw plate sin arc minimum dra baud an the forces sinwo and may need to be i a rinsedforcertain handling and/or crectioo anva. This trmo is Oen to be fabricated with lire retardant um l®bet micss otherwise she". Fm additional information on Quality COmml refer to ANS VM 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AD bating anderectionrecommend" are to be followed in attendance with 'Handling, metalling and Bracing', MR- 91. Troasa an to be handled with panimW arc during banding and bundling. dellvery and installation to swid damage. Temporary and permanml bracing fen holding names in a straight and plumb position and fen resisting lam fmrca mall be designed and inmdied by others. Carcfml handling is eesent aland aebion bracing is alump res;msd. Normal preantimnary shoo for muss: rapua smell t®ptarybracing during installation: baween mama to avoid toppling and dominoing. The mpemdm of nationof mensesshall beunder the control of per experiencedinthe installation of trm Professional advicemall be sought if oreded Caecmmatim of mmoruetim roads gazer Worm the design bads shall not be applied to tmesa at .my time. No lead, other than the weighs of erectors mall be applied to amour until armall lamming andbracing is TC: 2x 4 SP 02 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP # 2 8- 816- 6 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1- 2.-1319/1168,2-3.-1124/875, 3-4.-1124/ 875,4-5.-1319/1168, BOT CHORD 8- 0.-657/821,0-7.-942/1195, 7-0.-942/ 1195,0-6.-657/821, Webs 2-7.- 159/357,7-3.-409/768, 7-4.-159/ 357,0-0.-293/337,0-0.-293/337, 4- 5 3 0-6-6 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, CeC, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Escp.Cat. B, Kzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 66.0 ft W. 14.7 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1319 0.30 A 8- 0 821 0.28 2- 3 -1124 0.29 A 0- 7 1195 0.31 3- 4 -1124 0.29 A 7- 0 1195 0.31 4- 5 -1319 0.30 A 0- 6 821 0.28 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio, in./ Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0. 12/980 0.10/999 4 Soria. -0.05 - 0.10 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0.03 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 6.00 4x6 7-4- 0 6.00 3. 00 1 - 3.00 Joint Locations1) ............... 0- 0- 0 4) 11- 0- 0 7) 7- 4- 0 2) 3- 8- 0 5) 14- 8- 0 8) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 4- 0 6) 14- 8- 0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 _ MAE. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- x-Loc BSet Vert Hori: Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 671 0 -631 B Pin 14- 4- 0 1 671 0 -631 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr . WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 2- 7 357 0. 10 C 0- 0 337 0.30 7- 3 768 0. 25 C 0- 0 337 0.30 7- 4 357 0. 10 C 3- 0-13 4- 2-6 0- 8- 0 I 0-8-0 I 671N 8.00" 671# 8.00" 7-4-0 417- 4-0 8 7 6 10- 14-8-0 10- O-I I-12) 0-11-12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Scale = 0.3410 WARNING: Eng Job: WO: COVK4 READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHERI. A COPY OF 'THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING NAR 1: Dwg t TI : D1 MBracing saoan an this mewing is antelection bndng. wind bnong. portal bracing or similar bracing whet is part of Da : TLY Chk : 9 / 16 / 2 0 0 5 alion der SystemsWebuildingdesignandwticharmsbecrosldaedbythebuildingdesigner. Bracingmaamisfor Wadsupportoftruce r a- onlytoredme bmkfimg length P ovWmm stem be made m mtbm tue W bating at tom and spa:ird locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracingof the ovcstructure ucture maybe required. (SeeWO-91TC Live 16.0 pef Lbr DF : 1.25 ofTPI).For gtecifc trees bracing regoiremen4 contact building dedgner.(TressPlate institute. TPI islocated at393 TC Dead 7.0 pef Plt DF: 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY D'OmrioDrive.Madison, Wisconsin53719) O.C.: 2- 0- 0 Sanford, FL.32771 BC Live 10.0 psf 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 TPI-02/FBC-04 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE M0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 367 MadaMon IL ChL&W1zs, FL 227ii I TOTAL 43.0 psf v4 .7 .21-12351 Designs Matrix Analysis Profile Path: C:\ TKK-LUK\worx\JODa\t-VVK%\Luv1Ntfrun K %\Ul.prx Job: COVINGTON R 4 Cuetomer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:D2 Qty:5 I DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an iodividoal building component ad hasbeen bad on information prb ided by the dim. The dnigoer duetainsmy responw'bility for damages aa remit offaulty or memrm inthrmnioa specifications ad/or design famished tothe trust designer by the client andthe con¢mea or accuncy ofthisinformation in it may rcfine to a specific project and accepts no responsibilityor aereiseson control with regard to fabrication hailing shipmm and installation of trasia. Thistma has been designed asanindividual building component in accordance with ANSVr l 1-2002 and NDS-02 tobe incorporated a panofthebuildingdesign by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engioca). What reviewed for appoval by thebuildingdesigner. thedesigns loadingssttowo most be chcckod to be sure that the data shown are in ape®ent with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind a mow Will. project specifications or special applied bads. Unless shown. miss W not been designed for storage or occupancy bads The design assvma compression chords (top or boom) ere continuously braced by shathmg notes; otherwise specified. Where boom chords in torsion arc not fully braced laterally by propertyappliedrigid calling, they should be basalin xi um spacing of IO-0' o.c. Coonectcrr Plata "be mmufacturedfrom 20 page butdipped galvauimd steel meeting ASTM A653. Grade 40. now otherwise showy. FABRICATION NOTES prior to fabrication the fabricamr shaft review this dining to verify that this drawing isin conform u cewith the fabricatorsplansand to ralin continuing responsibility for such verification. Amy discm7axia are tobe pminwriting befbe calling or fabrication. Rana shall our be imtad over potholes, knits or diGmtd grain. Members mall be m fortight finingwood to wood baring Cooneerorplateshillbebated onboth fans of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be yen. about thejoin, colas otherwise mow. A Sail pine is P wide a 4' long A 6ag pine is6' wide a g' kmg Sim (bola) ton patalld in the pine length specified. Doable au on web members shall mat in the eeonoid of the webs mless otherwise shown Connector pine Biro are minimum sires based m the fortes show ad may need to be increased for certain bandlina ad/orerection tveaes Thu uua is not to be fabricated with fee rctadam new amber unless otherwise mow. For additional information on QualityCowl referm ANSVI'PI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommetdniom are in be followed inaccordancewith 'Handling Installingand Bracing', wB-91. Truax are in be balled with particular are mining binding and bundling deli-y and installationm awiddamage. Tmpimary and permmmbracing nor holding cranes in a straight and plumb position andfor resisting lateral forcesshallbe designed ad installed byothersCareful handling is essd- and eroerim bearing is alw131 required. Normal peamionay' action for trusts ropires such temperaty bracing during installation between crassest to avid toppling and dominuing The svpavisim ofmcsimoftoutsmill be sidethecomolofptsnnsexperiencedintheinstallation of worts. Professional advice shall be woo if needed. Cooamratim of mmtmaioalads greater than the design lids mall eta be applied to busies in any time. No loads other tom the weight orthe erecmrs shaft be applied to banes amil aHer W rast ng and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP 02 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP #2 8- 8,6- 6 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2 1276/775,2-3.-1071/576, 3- 4w-1068/575,4-5w-1211/781, HOT CHORD 8-0.-422/795,0-7.-609/1157, 7- 0.-616/1081,0-6.-375/650, Webs 2-7.-170/247,7-3.-249/715, 7- 4.-107/261,0-0.-194/325,0-0.-248/394, 0- 8-0 657# 8.00" MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of milltiple loads. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. and L. 66.0 ft W. 14.3 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Reg TC. .. P0 CE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -1276 0.23 A 8- 0 795 0.27 2- 3 -1071 0.24 A 0- 7 1157 0.32 3- 4 -1068 0.25 A 7- 0 1081 0.27 4- 5 -1211 0.30 A 0- 6 650 0.28 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span-0.08/999-0.15/999 4-3 Horiz. 0.05 0.10 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 w -0.07 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 7- 4-0 6. 00 4x6 7- 0-0 6. 00 3. 00 1 L:i00 Joint Locations -----. ---- l) 0- 0- 0 4) 11- 0- 0 7) 7- 4- 0 2) 3- 8- 0 5) 14- 4- 0 8) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 4- 0 6) 14- 4- 0 In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cqw 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- ` X- Loc BSet Vert Soria Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 657 -8 -439 B Pin 14- 0- 0 1 616 0 -376 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. 2- 7 247 0.07 C 0- 0 325 0.29 7- 3 715 0.23 C 0- 0 394 0.38 7- 4 261 0.08 C 3- 0-13 4- 0 616M 8.00" 7- 4-0 7-0-0 8 7 6 10- 14- 4- 0 0- 11-12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 r WARNING: Eng Job: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO fig' Maronda Systems ERECTIHO CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Biasing & hwvon this maw;mgaaecereetbmbr.ring.wind a.ww aec ew isapansd thebmldmgdesign =d whichman bs CO¢sidered by the building desgoer. Braising mawu a for Wail support of banDB :TLY Chk: rmembers only to reduce hackling length. provisions most be made to mchor Iatcil bracing at ends and specified) Live TCLi16 . 0 8 f P bc-tdeterminedbythebuildingdesigner. Additional bracing of the overallmacture may he mryird. (SeeMB-9I of TPU.rw specirx nun bracing requiremeom contact building detigmer.(Tma Plate hsnimte. TPI is located in 593 DnooeioDrimMadison. Wisconsin s3719) TC Dead 7.0 pe f BC Live 10.0 pef BC Dead 10.0 pef 1 TOTAL 43.0 psi 4005MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax ( 407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 00005OD68 367 Medallion FL Chultaetm. FL 32706 4-2-6 Scale = 0.3313 WO: COVX4 TI: D2 9/16/ 2005 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 Code: FLA v4.7. 21-12355 Design: matrix Anaiyeis rroaaan raw: . s.oa-ww...,.....,.,.. v.....--.----.......,.. .. . -.a.... Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:F Qty:l ' DESIGN INFORMATION This design is fen an individual building component and has bent based = informationpresidedbythe client. The design. disclaims any responsibility for damages a a result of faulty a incorrect information specificnions and/or designs famished to the truss designa by the client andthe cmramm oraccuracy ofthis inflonutm a it may relate to a specific project and accepts no responsibility or a.cim w comml with regard m fabrication. handling. shipment ad inaallatioo of trusses. This truss has beat designed a an individual building component in ccordaoce with ANSVTPI 1-2002 and NDS-02 tobe incorporated a put ofthe building design by a Building Design. (registered arebit.t or professional engineer). Wben n v med for approval by the building design.. the design loading, due. most beCheckedtobefarethatCh. datachow. ate inWasom with the local building codeslocal climatic records fen wind or snow loads. prom specifications w Waist Wind load,. U.1mmown, trey ha not beatdesigned for storage or occupancy loads The design ayuma compression cbdds (top or bottom) are continuously braced bysheathing unless oth wise specified. Wherebottomchordsintensionan, our fidty braced latently by a properly applied rigidceiling, theysbould be breda ama.imum spacing of 101-0' o.c. Corrector Plata shall be manalka red from 20 gang, but dipped galvanized Cud meeting ASTM A 633. Conde 4(X udm otherwise show.. FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabruatioo. the fabricator man tevlew this drawing to verify that this drawing is in courban oath the fahricatoes plans and torealice a cominaiog responn'Di)i7 Cmouch veriftcati,o. Any discrcpancin m to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plum that not be installed over knotholes. knot; or diuond grain. Membersshall be an fm tight fraingwoodm wood bearing. Connector pWtn mall be located on both fans of the tam with nails fully imbedded AM OW I be sym. about thejoint oulmotherwise mow.. A50 plate is 5- aidex 4- tno& A fix$ plate is 6- wide x 8- long. Slots (holm) rot parallel to the plate length specified. Doublc cuts onwebmembersmallmentothecemseidofthewebsodor mba aia moats. com a nt Plmc sizes.re minimum sinesbased nothelureamoam and mayneed to be inuased for certain handling andlor .tenon snr es This tray isnot to be fabricated with foe retardant heated lumber uulm oth.aise dram. For additional information no Quality Control refer w ANSI/TPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recnmmen ration, are to be Collowd in accordance with'Hanmiug. Walling and Bracing'. FDB-91. Tnn= are w be handled with pan-W ramduringbulling and bundling. delivery and inaallatioo to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bmity for bolding trusses to aaright and Flomb position and fen resifting Inral fortesdull bedesiguedsndinsulldbyothersCarefulhandlingiscuanWand capon bracing is always required. Normal preomiooaty setion fortressesrequires suchtemporarybracing bring imalladoo between messestoawid toppling and dominoing. The supervision oferatim of troves dull be under thecontrol ofpeons experienced in the imullatioo of Uuyes. Rofnnonal advice dull be suughl if nailed. Conccmmion ofcnovuer)ori bads grcu" tban the design loads dell mm be applied totruIIn at any time. No badsother than theweight oftheCreams da)1 be applied to Imyn tmW after an (]taming and basing is completed. TC: 2x 4 SP 92 BC: 2sc 6 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. part L. 66.0 ft W. 7.9 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 116 0.11 A 13-12 39 0.15 2- 3 219 0.12 A 12-11 101 0.16 3- 4 283 0.09 A 11-10 101 0.09 4- 5 280 0.10 A 10- 9 101 0.10 5- 6 162 0.08 A 9- 8 101 0.17 8- 7 39 0.16 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 1- 2-12 1 420 0 -638 B Pin 7- 3- 8 1 363 0 -542 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 13- 1 -144 0.07 C 10- 4 57 0.01 C 1-12 160 0.05 C 9- 5 250 0.06 C 12- 2 223 0.06 C 8- 6 299 0.09 C 11- 3 159 0.04 C 7- 6 -360 0.11 C GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). L.Cant. 0.00/999-0.01/999 1 I.Span 0.02/xxx 0.02/xxx 9 R.Cant. 0.00/999 0.00/999 6 Horiz. 0.01 0.01 NA Max DL Deflection L/xxx . 0.00 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 3-11-8 3-11-8 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.00 -6.00 4x6 2x4 I q 420N 1.50" 363N 1.50" Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 0- 8 6) 7-11- 8 11) 2- 0- 0 2) 1- 3- 4 7) 7-11- 8 12) 1- 3- 4 3) 2- 0- 0 8) 7- 3-12 13) 0- 0- 8 4) 4- 0- 0 9) 6- 0- 0 5) 6- 0- 0 10) 4- 0- 0 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-98/116,2-3.-140/219, 3-4.-136/283,4-5.-135/280,5-6.-124/162, HOT CHORD 13-12.-29/39,12-11.-51/101, 11-10.-51/101,10-9.-51/101,9-8u-51/1011 8-7.-29/39, Webs 13-1.-144/134,1-12.-82/160, 12-2.-144/223,11-3.-44/159,10-4.-44/57, 9-5.-100/250,8-6.-153/299,7-6.-360/3071 4 7-11- 0 Vf- . 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 CANT: 1- 2- 0 la 8-0-0 la EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 ( all-12) WARNING: Eng Job: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: MBracing moom m this droving ism accLiun bmdng, nind bracing. ponal bracing or simdlu brining aldch is. pan of Dsgnr : TLY Chk : arsonda Systems - building design and which must be considered by the building daigna. Bracing mow is for lateral support oftrey members only to reduce buckling length. provisions men be made to anchor lateral brxing a coda and specified TC Li16 . 0 psf batiomsdacmindbythebuildingdeign.. Additional bn M of themend) amen re maybe requital. FDLive . (Sec Pof TPI . Fspecific trot bracing requirements. contact building dmgna.(rmss PW c baftme. TPI is located at 583 TC Dead 7.0 psf 4005 MARONDAWAY170ooftioDrive, Madim Wistansin 33719). Sanford, FL. 32771. BC Live 10.0 psf 407) 321- 0064 Fax(407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWSOD68 BC Dead 10.0 psf 367 MedaD3on FL Chilkeofs4 FL 32794 TOTAL 43.0 pS.1 CANT: 0- 6-12 Scale = 0. 3245 WO: COVE4 TI: F 9/16/ 2005 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/ FBC-04 Code: FLA Tf4.7. 21-1235= Designs Matrix Analysis Frotlle Yatn: l::\ran-Wes\worn\vsoDe\\.vvnv\v-vvanaavn n w\r.pra Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:F1 Qty:S 1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is fan an individual building compmram and hasbeen baudon informaran providedbythe die st. The design disclaims my responsibility for damage n a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/ordesigns famished to the oast designer by the client m comac athecdrmorcuracyofthis if -.Bien a it mayrelate to a specific project and accepts no espovabiliry or esercimno control withregard to hmieanoa handlingshipment and installation of banes. This costhas been dcdgxd a m individual building component in acmdmce with ANSVCPI 1-2002 and NDS-02 to beincorporated apat ofthe buildingdesignbya BaiNmg Designer (registered architect or professional engmer). Wben reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be tore that the data dhow ate in agreement with the local building code. local climatic recuds for wind or anw bad& project dpocif:ations or special applied loads. Unless shwa truss has cot been designed for aonge or occupancy loads. The design ammo compression chords (mp or bottom) are, comimousty braced by sheathing orders otherwise specified Whose bottom chords in tmvw are amPoly braced hnaally byaproperlyapplied rigid ccilin& they should be braced at a matim spacing of 19-0' o.c. Comre„M pates mall be mamfactured ft. 20 gauge but dipped galvanical itadmeeting ASTM A 653, Grade 4% unless otherwise mown. FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabricario n, the fahricanrmall review this drawingto verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabrieatn/t plans and to Kahn a eelamning responabiliry fur such verification. y discrepancies epancies tobeput inwriting bcfbm caning or fabrication. Plata mall ant be installed over krntbolm kmta or disurned Vain. Members shall be an fan tight fining woad to wood bating. Comnector plan mall be lowed an both flees of the trust with nsds hilly imbedded am shall be sym, about the joint calm mherwisemownA 5a4plate is 5' widea 4' bug. A 6.9 plate is 6' wide . r' long Slots (holes) ram parallel to the plate lengthspecified. Doable cats on arch membersshall meet a the anneal of the webs calmotherwise shown. Co® ectm pate tines ere minimum sizes bases) on thefence showsand may need tobeincreased for certain handling and/orsection messes This war is end to be fabricated with fare atadmt treated lumber urdm otherwise mow. For a lflhioml information on QualityControl refer to ANSVfPI 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendationssec to be followed in wood c with'Hamliog. Inwuing and Bracing'. HI13-91. Trusses are, to be handled with particularareduring bonding and bundling. delivery and installationto avoiddamage. T®pony, and permanent bracing for holding wan in a straight and plumb position and for redoing lascrat floats shall be designed and installed by other Cceftd hurdling is memiai and sermon bracingis always repaired. Normal psnnmionasy scum Poe ouster regabesmettemporarybracingdaringinstallationbetweenbursato avoid toppling and domiming The supervision of erection of muses shall be undo the control of paadn espaieaced in theinstallation oftrmaa. Professional advice mall be songbd if medei Coaeenaaanof enm,raerim loads grata than the design loads shall cmbe applied to crosser is AM time. No bads other than the weight of the erectors shill be applied to bursa until after all festeorngand bring isTC: 2x 4SP # 2 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Joint Locations- --.==...n...= BC: 2x 4 SP # 2 composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 0- 8 3) 7-11- 8 5) 4- 0- 0 WB: 2x 4 SP # 3 WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, 2) 4- 0- 0 4) 7-11- 8 6) 0- 0- 8 WDG: 2x10 SP 02 H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be Bld Type. part L. 66.0 ft W. 7.9 ft Truss MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- continuouslybraced unless noted otherwise. in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCOL. 6.0 psf X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type FORCES (lb) Max Compression/ Max Tension TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2-12 1 420 0 -638 B Pin TOP CHORD 1-2.- 243/329,2-3.-232/309, 1- 2 329 0.16 A 6- 5 190 0.15 7- 3- 8 1 363 0 -542 B H Roll BOT CHORD 6-5.- 142/190,5-4.-142/190, 2- 3 309 0.16 A 5- 4 190 0.10 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Webs 5-2.-34/ 90, WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- 5-2 90 0. 03 C LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.03/ xxx 0.02/xxx 4 Horiz. 0.01 0. 03 NA Max DL Deflection L/ xxx . 0.00 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 2-9-3 0- 6-10 J, 3-11- 8 3- 11- 8 1 2 3 q 420# 1.50" 6. 00 4x6 6. 00 N 363P 1.50" 3- 0-13 7- 11- 0 6 5 4 0- 10- 8 8- 0-0 0-10- 8 CANT` 1- 2- o ( RO-11-12 (RO-11-12 CANTs 0- 6-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Scale=0.5841 WARNING: Eng Job: WO: COVR4 READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEST. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg: TI: F1 Maeonder Systems Basingshown encosdrawinganor ereoinnbracing,winsbasing, postal bracingw similar bracing which laapan of DSgr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 the baildbg design and wbich must beconsideredbythebuildingdesigner. Bracing alma is floe lateralsupport of war ` mmbm only b reduce buckling length. Provisions man be made b anchor lateral bating a eels and specified TC Live 16 . 0 s f Lbr DF : 1.25 beadiom Mserminedby the building designer. Additionalbracingoftheoverallstucbremayberequired. (See MB-91 P ofTPI).For specific ants bracing repirmms. contact baildin dekner(Tnm cote fusion, TH is locoed n 582 TC Dead 7.0 psf Pl t DF: 1.25 400S MARONDA WAYDsofriouewm OODrive.Madison.Win5» 19> O.C.: 2- 0- 0 Sanford, FL. 32771 BC Live 10.0 psf 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TPI- 02/FBC-04 TOM/lS PONCE P.E. LICENSE ei0050068 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA 367 ModAkm FL Chuhaots. FL 22764 ITOTAL 43. 0 psf v4 .7 .21-12354 Design: Matrix Analysis vroxiie rain: c:\aaa- w. a nor. eovua twv.aea..vv...... . sirr-ky Job: COVINGTON R 4 Cuatomer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:G Qty:l ' DESIGN INFORMATION Thisdesign is fwan individual building component and hasbeen batedoninformation provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a r®lt of faulty or ioewseet information, specifications and/or designs fhtnished to the am designer bythe client and the corrvemen or accuracy of this inRxmation nit mayrelate to aspecific project and acceptson responsibility or exercises on control withregard or fabrication, handling shipmm and installation oftnssea This buss has been designed a an individual building compounds in accordance with ANSVfPI 1-2002 and NDS-02 or be Imewpwued as pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional agrreer). When re re ved for approval by the building design.. the design lcadinw pshownmust be chucked to be sure that thedata show are inagreement with the local building codeslocalclimatic records for windor saw bads, project specifications orspecial appliedbads. Unless shown bass has nor ben deagood for storage orommpancyloads. The design .snorescompression chords ( top or bltsum) arc comirr u lanced by sheathing unlessotherwise spaifred. Wb.e bosom chords in tension are rpm rally bred las.atly by a properlyapplied rigid ceiling they should be bred ata muimmm spring of ity w mere. Coon -tor plues shall be manufactured fiom 20 gaup but dipped galva lined stml mating ASTM A 633. Gnde 40. onless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabriotiom, the fabricamr shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricamfs plain and to realize a comioning responsibilityfor sorb vaifrcatbo. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cubing or fabrication. Plates shall out be installed over knmholes. Imes or dinned pain. Member, shall be ernfortight titling %vW to woodbearing ConrlG] nr plates shall be Iocaed oo both fins d the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be s m. about the joint odesotherwiseshow. A Sao plate is 5' wide x 4' [Wg. A 6x8 plate is6' widea 8' long. Slam (boles) rota paralld m the plate length specified Double cuts on web members shall max at the caboid of the webs unless otherwise show. Connector past size are min®am aloes based onthe Ibrcesshown and may needtobeIncreased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This true is not b be fabricated with floe rcu daut (mad lumber unless otherwise shown For additional information on Quality Consul refer m ANSVfP1 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recomIDendalima are to be followed in accordance with'Hadlwg Installing and Bracing', HIS- 9 1. Tnsscs are m be handledwith pmti.das ore during boding and bundling delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary stall permanent bracing for holding banes in a weight and plumb position andforresiaivg'am forces shall be designed adinstalledbyothers. Careful handling is essential andmoction bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for susses requires; such temporary Wring during imullaion between castesto amid toppling and domimiug The mper"sion of oration of trosscs shall be under the consulor. esperienced in the imudlahom ofmmsses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Cw,mnwien of wentro.ien hard: graer than the design londs dial] not be applied to musses asany time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to busses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. TC: 2x 4 SP 02 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. This 1- PLY truss designed to carry Or Ow span framed to TC one face 0' 0• span framed to TC opposite face This truss has not been designed for ROOF FUNDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Truss must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. WEB. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 1- 0 90 0.15 C 1- 3 10 0.00 C 0- 4 45 0.33 C 3- 2 104 0.33 C 3- 8 8 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind WndLod per ASCE 7-02. C&C, V. 125mtph, H. 15. 0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 4.7 ft W. 4.4 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Supported span based on int. wind zone. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.0/124, HOT CHORD 0-4.-8/2,4-3.-7/126,0-0.-12/45, Webs 1- 0.0/90,0-4.0/45,1-3.-3/10, 3-2- 0/104, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.05/878 0.03/999 2-1 Horiz. 0. 00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 • -0.02 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 3x6 4- 0- 0 5-0- 0 1 2 3x4 3x4 1.219 859-9" - 116N 8.00" 5-0- 0 4 3 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BB GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: MarondaSystems Bndngdpwnonthisdrawingisnotesationbracing~ indb>ringeiwot bhtls penalbr,ngwehapanof the building designandwhich must beconsidered by the building designer. Bracing sbcw is fur lateralsupport of buss members only to reduce hacklinglength. Provisionsmoatbe made to anchor lateral bracing as endsand specifiedsawlocations determined by the building designer. Additional bowing ofthe overall muctm a may beretprired. (See HI8-91 of TPI).Fw specific wan bracing requirements. contact building dmgner.(Troa Plane lusts . TPI is located as 583 400S MARONDA WAY Donollio Drive. Madison. Wisconsin 53719) Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWSOD68 367 MedeMon FL galduota , FL 32766 saw Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 3- 8 3) 4- 8- 8 2) 4- 8- 8 4) 0- 3- 8 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- x- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 2- 2 1 0 0 - 85 B Pin 4- 4- 8 1 0 0 - 116 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE.. CSI. 1- 2 124 0.19 C 0- 4 -8 0.05 4- 3 126 0.05 Scale = 0.3387 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 DWgt TI: G Dagnr:TLY Chkt 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 paf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 paf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 paf O. C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 paf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 oaf v4.7. 21-12355 Design. Matrix AnaiySIS rrorue recta: - .e... a,a.. Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:Gl Qty:l 1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component sod hasb® based eminformation provided by the client. The designs disclaimsany responsibility for damages asa result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications adlor design hunitbred to the um designer bythe eliem and the ausecouss oraccuracy of this information as it may retste to a specific project ad acoepu noresponibilityorexercisescancontrolwithregard to fabrication, handling, shipmm and installationoftussa. This suss has been designed a an individual building component in accord a.,.e with ANSVTPI 1.2002 and NDS-02 to be incorporated as pan of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional eopoeal, When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings drown most be checked to be mu that the darts shown are in agreement with the local building codes local climatic records for wind or snow bads, project fpecif c-tion 01'purist applied bads Unless mown. tints has rot bear designed for storage or occapmcy bads The design assumes compression chords (top m bottom) m wntimmusly braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified Wbese bottom chords in tarsion are not fully braced laterally bya property applied rigid ceiling they should bebraced at a maximum spacing of Ia-0' o.e. cimsector Plata dull be manufactured Dom 20 gage hm dipped galvenized steel matins ASTM A 653, Grade 40. colas otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabrication, the fabricator mall review this drawingto verify that this drawing is in caoformancewith the fabricators plus and to realize a continuing respondbility for rush verification. Anydiscrepancies are to be put in writing before tuning or r bricatiw. Plata mall not be installed over LooWolo, knots or dimmed pain Members shallbeem for tight fittingwoodto wood boring. Conamrplansshallbe loots onbahfaces of the cuss with nails fully imbedded and shall be yin. about the joint ueless otherwise mown. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide aVlong. A 6x8 plateits6' wide x 8' long. Sloes (bola) non parallel to the plate length specified. Double cots on web members mall meet at the cartroid of the sees unless otherwise shown. Oca ecmr (date :ices are min; an sizes based onthe forces mown andmayneed to be increased in, certain dandling andror election seines. This floss iscans tobe fabricated with fate rands cat treated lumber unless otherwise mown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSVTPI I.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and elation taomIDardlLonf are to be followed in accordance with'Haodling Installing and Bracing'. MB-91. Trusses are tobe hurdled with particularareduring Wndlng andbundling. deliveryand installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent baitingforholding mosses ina straight ad phonbpositionandIbrresistinglateralforcomaBbedesigned and installed by othea Careful handling isessentialand erection bracing is always required. Normal preomimur)' actionfor trussesrequires such temporary bracingduring installation between means to avoid toppling and d00incaing. The supervision of eratim of trusses shall beunderthecontrolofpawnsexperieaedinthe installation ofnwaes. professional advice mall be caught ifmind. ConamralM ofM=n=fon Inds greats than thedesign lolls shall not be applied to Inrsss in any time No loads otherthanthe weight oftheaoctorsshall be applied to busses nail after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 GEL: 2sc 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind This trues has not been designed for ROOF PONDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. elope to drain). Trues must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 12- 1 85 0.26 C 9- 4 123 0.61 C 11- 2 167 0.77 C 8- 5 170 0.77 C 10- 3 118 0.61 C 7- 6 62 0.30 C GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0.00/999 6-5 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 • 0.00 Long term deflection factor ar 1.50 3-8-8 3x6 4-0-0 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type- encl L. 14.7 ft W. 10.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 pet, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compreasion/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-82/112,2-3.-80/107, 3-4.-80/107,4-5.-80/107,5-6•-80/107, HOT CHORD 0-12.-119/34,12-11.-77/92, 11-10.0/0,10-9.0/0,9-8.0/0,8-7.0/0, Webs 12-1.-56/85,11-2.-101/167, 10-3.-90/118,9-4.-92/123,8-5.-97/170, 7-6.-34/62,0-0.0/0, 10-8-0 Joint Locations=.--.=...... 0- 3- 8 5) 8- 4- 8 9) 6- 4- 8 2) 2- 4- 8 6) 10- 4- 8 10) 4- 4- 8 3) 4- 4- 8 7) 10- 4- 8 11) 2- 4- 8 4) 6- 4- 8 8) 8- 4- 8 12) 0- 3- 8 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq- 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 2-12 1 106 74 -74 B H Roll 10-.3-12 1 71 -107 -59 B Pin PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..PORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCH..CSI. 1- 2 112 0.07 A 0-12 -119 0.05 2- 3 107 0.06 A 12-11 92 0.04 3- 4 107 0.04 A 11-10 0 0.03 4- 5 107 0.05 A 10- 9 0 0.03 5- 6 107 0.05 A 9- 8 0 0.03 8- 7 0 0.02 4-0-0 t rStud @ 1 1 I I I 12 I EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO Maronda Systems BRBCIINO CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing mown c this d tkbo'If 1he1 erection bradng, wind bracing, prunesl bescbg orosimil,wn is bracing shishis • pin dthebuildingaedgnad »ticb mots be eemsidad by the building designer. Brcing shown a nor literal suppon or suss in= only to reduce buckling length. Provisions most be made to encbm lateral bracing m ads and spaifhed locationdeterminedby thebuilding desipa. Additional bracingofthe overall muctnse mayberequired (SecH1B-91 ofTPI).Fo, specific buss bracingsequuemems, comactbuilding daigna.ffnoxsPlate Institute. TPI is located at $83 4005 MARONDA WAY D'ouo6ioDrive. Madison. wiscomi 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 32L-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0i0050068 367 Medd9on FL anduots. FL 32764 Scale - 03998 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dag: TI: G1 Dagnr: TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 paf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 paf Plt DP: 1.25 O. C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 pef TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 paf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 nsf v4.7.21-12356 Designs Matrix Analysis rrouia race: a.:kaaa-uvaa s.a,s,vvv, v,,,o vv.v,...w vv......•..,.. .. x.a•r... Job: COVINGTON R 4 Custodner:1011 UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:G2 Qty:l ' DESIGN INFORMATION This design isforan individual building eomponatt and has been based oninfanwtion provided by the diem. The designer disclaims my responsibility for damages as a resultoffaulty or incorrectinformation, specifications; andlor designs famished to the truss designer by the client andthe cone tows Or accmxyofthisinformation asit may relate to a specific project and accepts m responsibility or aereises m control with regard to fabrication. handling shipment and installation ofmosses This nohisbeen designed asan individual building compm em in accordance with ANSVrPt 1.2002 and NDS-02 tobe iocmporatedu panofthebuildingdesign bya Building Designer (registered architect Or professional engiorer). Wbenreviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be Wee that the data shown ste in agretmad with the lad buildingcodes, local climatic recordsfm wind or mow bads project specifications or special applied bads. Unless show+. Crass basnetbeen designed fenatmrage or occupancy loads. The design lfmma compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously braced by &.thing unless otherwise specified. where bottom chords in tension ere rut fully braced laterally by , properly applied rigid ceiling they should be braced at maximum spacing of 10-0' o.c. Connector plate shall be manufactured form 20 gauge but dipped galvanized steel mating ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shallnevu,w this drawing to verify that this dewing is in coafosmance with the fzbricames plans and to realize a continuing responsibility in, such verification. Any discrepancies arc to be Pat in writing before coning or fabrication. Plats shall not be installed ova knotholes, knits or distorted grain. Members shall bean for tight fitting wood to wood bearing Conncnor plates shall W located on bah fain of the tram with tails fully imbedded and dull be sym. about tbejoim unlessotherwise sbmm A 5x4 plateis S' wire 1 a- long A 6x8 plate is 6- wide a 8- long. Sots (holes) ono Parallel to the plate Ienpb specified. Double cats onwebmembersshallmeetathecanoidofthewebsunless otherwise shown. Connector (date sizes are minimum sizes based onthe forcesdso%o andmayneed to be increasedfor certain handling and/or erections caul This trans isnor to be fabricated with fur rctardam treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional mfmmLion on Quality Cannot ref. to ANSVTPI 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracwg and auction rea-cwduions are to be followedin accordance with 'Handling. Installingand Bracing'. HIB-91. Trusses are tobehandled with particular oneduring banding and bundling delivery and msallationtoavoid damageTemporaryandpermanent bracing for holding cranes in a straight and plumb position and fbr resisting lateral fosses shall be designed and installed by others Careful handling is essential and erection bracingis always required. Normal prccami.up. action fen ninon rc4uirem each temporarybracingduring installation between bussesto avoidtoppling and dominomg. The mpervisionof action of trussesshallbeunderthecontrOn ol of patow atpasencd in eirowistbnofuuaes. Proressiowl advice real, be sought if nedcd. Coocenumu ob of oonGruction badsgreater than the desip loads dull net be applied to enmcs at any t me. No loads other dean the weightoftheeratoraawlbeappliedtotrussesuntilafterall Astening and bracing is complod. TC: 2x 4 SP 02 BC: 2x 4 SP 92 wB: 2x 4 SP #3 2x 4 SP 02 2- 4 GEL: 2x 4 SP $3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind This truss has not been designed for ROOF PONDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0. 25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Trues must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE.. CSI. 1- 2 119 0.35 A 0- 6 11 0.05 2- 3 107 0.35 A 6- 5 108 0.24 5- 4 142 0.24 3- 8 8 COSMETIC PLATES (24) 2x4 3x6 4- 0-0 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- x- Loc BSet Vert Hori: Uplift Y Type 0- 2-12 1 76 0 - 78 B Pin 4- 8- 0 1 652 0 - 627 B H Roll 10- 0- 8 1 214 0 - 178 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr 1- 0 125 0.16 C 5- 2 446 0.13 C 0- 6 120 0.32 C 2- 4 108 0.03 C 1- 5 -171 0.11 C 4- 3 166 0.33 C Joint Locations---- ......... 1) 0- 3-8 3) 30- 4- 8 5) 4- 8- 0 2) 5- 2- 4 4) 10- 4- 8 6) 0- 3- 8 WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 12Smph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1. 00, Exp.Cat. B. Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. part L. 20.0 ft W. 10.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-82/119, 2-3.-80/107, HOT CHORD 0-6.-8/11, 6-5.-81/108, 5-4.-132/142,0-0.- 59/45, Webs 1-0.-47/125,0- 6.-47/120, 1-5.-171/135,5-2.- 319/446,2-4.-43/108, 4-3.-104/166, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span-0.03/780-0. 08/752 4-5 Horiz. 0.00 0.01 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0. 05 Long term deflection factor u 1. 50 4-0-0 76 652# 8. 00" Scud @ 2- 0- 0 2144 8.00" 10-8-0 6 5 4 C/L: 4- 8- 0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Marl Systems a thlsdrawinglsnclare nbracing.-Abracingpa, aalbraongor6-il rb ngw,lsa,ef the bmldmg des; and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracingshown isfor lateral an, I - Of bus members only to reduce bucklingIa Wh. Rovisiow mostbe made toanchor'am bracing a cods and specified Imauots determinedbythe buildingdesigner. Additional bracing ofdhe overall structure may be required. (Sat HI13-91 of TPI).rw specific tram bracing repirementscontact building d®gna.(frmss Plate htstime. TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY Donofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719) Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE SKMSOD68 367 Mada<gon FL ChuluoLsa FL 32704 Over 3 Supports Scale =0.3579 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: G2 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI- 02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 paf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rroriie Yates: G: \ 1a6-WA\oven\J... %. vnw\..vv...... ,. w\oa.yaa Job: COVINGTON K 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVK4 TI:G3 Qty:l ' DESIGN INFORMATION This design is far m individual building component and hasbeen based on information provided by the diem. The designer disclaims any rczponsibflity for damages a a result of faulty or incorrect information. specifications and/or designs famished to the trust designa by the client and thecorrectness or accancy ofthis imformatioo as it may relate toa specific project and accepts no responsibility or eaeroists can cotuml with regard to fabrication. haodlimg shipment and insrallatiom of tonnes. This tuts has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSVfPI 1.2002 and NDS02 to be incaporatad as pan ofthe buiding design by a Building Designer (registered uchireet or professional engineer). When reviewed fm approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown mast be cbmkd to be me that the dau shown are, in agreemm with the local hoilding coda, local climactic records lbr windor maw loadss project specificationsor special applied loads. Unlesssbown% ones ben tut beendesigned for storage m Occupancy loads The design astamts compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. whatbottomchordsintensiaoarerotfullybracedlateralybya property applied rigidceiling theyshould be bracedat a mnimum spacing of lty.W o.c. Connector pales shall be manufmo red from 20 gmgt but dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A653. Conde 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication the fabricator menu review this drawing to verily that this drawing is in confamance with the fabricroesplansand torealize a eomivming responstbiliry fro such verification. Any discrepanciesere to be put in writing before coning or fabrication Plain mall not be imulled over knothole; know or distorted grain. Members mall be cm for tight fitting wood to wood baring. Connector plate shall be located on bah fans of the trots with nail: fullyimbedded andshall bes)m. mom the joint unless othawise mown. A 50 plate is 5' wide a 4' long. A 6all plate is W wide a S' ling. Slots (bola) ran pualld to the plate length specified. Doable cuts on web members shall meet a she centroid ofthe webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate Sim we minimum aim baud on the forces shown and may need to be icsM, d fa cenain handling and/or erection stresses. This muss is ism to be fabricated with fire Itardam cleated lumber unless otherwise mown. For additional informatonn on Quality Control refer to ANSVTPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES ABbracing anderectionrccmmmeoduiam are, to be fofiowed in accordance wirh'Hmdling. Installing and Owing'. WD-91. Trusts areto be handled with paniatluareduring banding and bundlingdelivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding oasesin a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces mall be designedandinstalledbyother. CCeful handlingisessential and erection bracing isalways required. Normal prasmiwaryactionforcantsrequiressuchtmpanrybnnngdaring Installation between trvssa to avoid toppling and dominoing. Thempavt9on ofercetion oftrussesmallbeareathecontrolofpresonsuperiencedinthe insullatiun ofwnes. Profasmnal advice mall be son& if necdedronaon . Cotiorenm>vian load, grn,tata than thedesignloadssh U nor be applied to uusas as any time:. No loads other than the weight of the ertctoa maul be applied to trvssea until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 GEL: 2x 4 SP #3 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 20.0 ft W. 4.4 ft Trues in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDLu 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req WEB. ..PORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 1- 0 249 0.23 C 1- 3 -30 0.02 C 0- 4 189 0.38 C 3- 2 276 0.40 C COSMETIC PLATES (12) 2X4 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind This truss has not been designed for ROOF PONDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Trues must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1- 2--88/124, HOT CHORD 0- 4.-20/25,4-3.-84/114, 0-0.-140/ 112, Webs 1-0.- 75/249,0-4.-28/189, 1-3.-30/ 24,3-2.-102/276, 3x6 3- 8- 8 4-0-0 5-0-0 2x4) 4-0- 0 213# 8.00" X5-0-0 4 3 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRANING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING NARHING: Maronda Systems ngm°° nen°is°°on°°&windbtsecdn.ponmbradngmdm b ngw isapanof the building design and whichmat be Cm9daedbythebuilding daipm. Blueingmown a fro latml tv, of mats members onlyto reduce buckling length. Provisions mostbe made to anchor 'am bracing at rods andspecifiedlocations determined by the building designer. Additionalbracing of the oveull suncmumay be rsq isd. (Sec FBB-91 of TPI).For specific buss bracing requirements. coulter building dsgter.(Truss Plate InstimtC TPI is located as 593 4005 MARONDA WAYDonofrioDrive, Madiron.Wisconsin 53T19 Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 322-0064 Fax (407) 321-3923 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE OWSOD68 367 Metdxdkm FL axetgat., F132706 Joint Locations............... 1) 0- 3- 8 3) 4- 8- 8 2) 4- 8- 8 4) 0- 3- 8 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 2-12 1 183 0 -219 B Pin 4- 4- 8 1 213 0 -300 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 124 0.45 A 0- 4 25 0.12 4- 3 114 0.18 GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./ Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0. 11/439 0.10/528 2-1 Horiz. 0.01 0.02 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0.02 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 Scale = 0.3985 Eng Job: WO: COVK4 Dwg: TIt G3 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10. 0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 BC Dead 10. 0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 os£ v4.7.21-1235E Design: Matrix Analysis erOrlle Yawn: r;t \+tea-fun\aura kvswakv.uvnv kv.vvanuavn x vkua.ysx Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:H Qty:l I DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building compoaem ad hasbeen based on information provided by the diem. The design. disclaims any respmability for damages as result offaulty or incorrect ialbrmatioa specifca, andlor designs famished to the: m designer by the client and the cmauimea or accuracy oradsdsinformation as itmay relate to a specify project toil accepts an nespontibility or erecisn on central with regard to fabrication. hadling shipment sad installation of trussm. This tornhas been designed as an individual building eompacere in acemdmce with ANSVTPI 1.2002 and NDS- 02to bemcmpaaod as partof thebaildiog design by a Building Desiper (regis cr d aselatxt or prormumsd mgmer} when reviewed for approval bythe building designer, the design biding shown man be Lecked to be sure Nat the data senoras m in agreement with thelocal building coda local climaticrecords for wind ornow bads. project specifications orspecial applied bads. Unless showsunits has notbeendesignedfor storageor occupancybads. The design assumes wmpession chords (sup or bounce) are continuously braced by meaming unless otherwise specified Wbae boaamchoisintensionareourrallybracedLaterallybya puperly applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at maximumspacingofiol-W is c. Co®acmr plain shall be mamractnrod from 20 garage hot dipped galvanized sued meeting ASTM A 633. Grade 40. mlen othawiu shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior m rabricatioa the fabricates shall review this drawing in verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricatNs plansandto realinaeombumg rctponsibility for such vvificatim. Any dasmepancia are to be put in writing before toting or fabrication. Plata still not be jusasrd over kmthulm, imou or dinoncd grain. Members shall be er for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Cosrram plates shall be toted on both faces orthe truss with mils fully imbeddrd and shall be a)m. abom the jointcnlea otherwiseshown. A 5x4 plate is5' wide x 4' Lung- A 6.9 plate is 6' wide x g' bug. Slots (boles) sun parallelto the plate length specified. Doable cuts on webmembersshallmeetathecaaoidofthewebsunlessotbawise shown. Connector plate sizes are miaimam sizebandontheforcesshownandmayneedtobeincreased for certain handling aoNor erection mesa This traas is our to be fabricated with rise faasdam treated lumber sultan otherwise shown. For arldrraaas mfmmnim as Quality Central refer to ANSVrPI 1- 2W2 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommtdaaiom are to befollowed in accordanac with •candling Innalling and Bracing', we-91. Trnnes ate to be hamdled with pa ocular care mating bamding and bundling ddi my and installation in awed damage. Temporary and penmanma bracing for holding names in astraight and plumb position and for resistinglateral forces shallbedesignedandinstalledbyothemCarefulbanaivgis -4.1aad nation bracing is always required. Normal pnmmiowY action for umna requiressuch tempmwy bracing during insulation between mosses to mid toppling and domimmg. The sopervision of erectionof tsanoshall be undothecontrolofparsonsexperiencedintheinsulation of trusses. Professional advice shall be songhtif add. Concentration of eamsmoiimleads greater than the design bads slue our be applied to musses as any time. No bads other than the weight of the cruisers shall be applied to tmnes mailafter all raalanmg and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #3 WOG: 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCH 7-02. C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kato 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 40.0 ft W. 7.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Supported span based on int. wind zone. WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..PORCE..CSI 3- 2 199 0.15 C 3- 3-1 0- 6- 2 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. Right End vertical designed for wind. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAR. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- R- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 5-11 1 105 225 -521 B Pin 6- 10-14 1 186 0 -253 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE..CSI. 1- 2 93 0.88 C 4- 3 81 0.55 Cr-------- GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span 0.33/218 0.33/218 2-1 Horiz. - 0.06 -0.16 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . 0.00 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 POE] 105# 11.31" Joint Locations.............. 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 0- 2 2) 7- 0- 2 4) 0- 0- 0 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D -11 -1- 5- 0 0 0- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -56 7- 0- 2 BC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -24 7- 0- 2 FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-66/93, HOT CHORD 4-3.0/81. Wabs 3-2.-124/199, 7- 0-2 2 4. 24 2x4 1 1 186# 2.50" L 7-0-2 L 4 3 1- 5- 0 7-0-2 R) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO LMaronda Systems BRBCfINO CONTRACTOR. BRACING chig. indb BlaringfhaawmIhiadrawingisoelRcAocnonhealingweldbnadnaportalr. Bbracing s own is bracing which ora parOf the baildivg designssad which mast beconsideredby thebuildingdesigner. Bracing mow is for lateral support oftrussmnnbas only to reduce battling length. Provisions most be made to anchor lateral bracing at cods and speeifled Locations detemmed by the boildivg designer. Additional bracing of theOverall mucmrt maybe regained. (Sec HIB-91 of TPI}Par specify troy bracing n quirc nmw tonnes building desigoer.(rnm Rue bmimte. TPI is located at 583 4005 MARONDA WAY DDwfiio wive. Madiroa Wisconsin 53719} Safford, FL_ 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0068 367 Made -on FL Chukwta, FL 32746 Attach with (3) 16d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) 16d Toe -Nails Scale = 03966 Hug Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: H Dsgnr: TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O. C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 0.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis Proriie Fazn: e::\lab-I,tJA\NOrx\JODe \LVYAY \l.Vvxna.a Vna, w\n.yxa Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:H1 Qty:2 ' DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been baud oninformationprovided by the dine. The designerdisclaims any :esponability for damagesas a remit of faulty orincoroect informationspecifacnions aadfor design fhrnisbed to the cuss designer by the client and the correcmasor accuracy of this informationa it mayrelate to a spaife projectand accepts no responsibility or aereises ce cement with regard to fabrication. handling shipment and installation of tmssm Thistrots has been designed as an individual building component in - aches with ANSlrrP1 1-2002 and NDS-02 tobe mcmpmatadas pan ofthe buildingdesign bya Building Designer (registered architect or professional cog scan} When reviewed for approval by the building design. the design loadings show 9 mastbe Naked tobesortthatthedatasbowarcinagrnmomwiththe local building code, local climatic records for wind a mow bads, project specifrcatiom or special applied bads. Unless shown. ums ban not been designed for nonage in occupancy loads. The design acumen compression chords ( top or bomm) arecomimmady braced by danthing tralm otherwise spaifted. When: boa chordsintensionarenotfuaybracedlaterallybyaproperty applied rigid ceiling, they mould be braced a a maximum spacing of 10'0 ox. Connector plan mall be manufactured from20gagebondippedgalvanizedredmatingASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Rim to fabrication, the fabricator mall review this drawing to verity that this drawing is in coofmmaae wild the fabricator' s plans and to realia a cauinaing responsibility for such verification. Any disuepaocies are to be pat in writing before coning or fabrication. Plan shall out be installed over knotholes, tents or dinorred grain. Members shall bean for tight fittingwood towoodbearing. Connector plain shallbe bated on bothfaces of theum with mils fAy imbedded and shall be a)m. mom the joint ondmotherwise shown. A 50 plane is 5' wide x 4' tong. A 6.8 plate is 6' wide s 8' tang. Stirs (boles) rot parallel to the platelength specified. Double can on web members shall meet as the centroid of the webs unless; otberwise shown. Connector plate sizes sue minimum sizes based an the forces shown and may need to be increased fin certain handling and/oraction anma. This tress is outto be fabricatedwith fee madam "hood lumber anlm otherwise mown for additional information on Quality Control referto ANSVM 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and action recommendationsare to be followed in accordance with -Handling, Install -mg and arcing'. MB-91. Trusses art to behandled with paniadaeredruimg handingand W dliMddhety and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and pnmancer bracing for holding woes in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral foxes shallbe designed andinstalledbyother. Careful handlingis t , ;d andaction bracing is always required. Normal prtnuuona y action for wan requires catch temporary bracing duties installation basveen urtsso to avoid toppling and dominating. The supervision of nation of trassesmail be order the control of person experienced inthe installation of unses. Professional adviceshall be sought if needed. Cooamuation ofenitnmtiiam loads Vac= than the dmgn loads shallroto ta t be applied usesatany time. No loads other than the weight of the erecmn shall bespplied to mussn until after all forming and bracing is campletcd TC: 2x 4 SP # 2 BC: 2x 4 SP # 2 WB: 2x 4 SP # 3 2x 4 SP 02 0- 0 2x 6 SP #2 0- 0 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. MA%. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- E-Loc BSet Vert Soria Uplift Y Type 0- 5-11 1 231 308 -582 B Pin 9- 8-13 1 396 0 -335 T H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr . WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr 5- 2 78 0. 02 C 4- 3 -262 0.09 C 2- 4 1255 0. 38 C 1- 0 -373 0.19 C 4-5-7 0 - f 6- 2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Right End vertical designed for wind. WndLod per ASCB 7- 02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 40.0 ft W. 9.8 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/ or Glazing Req Supported span based on int. wind zone. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/ Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.- 811/1198,2-3.-174/89, SOT CHORD 1-0.- 966/468,0-5.-1339/760, 5-4.-1342/770, Webs 5-2.0/ 78,2-4.-630/1255, 4-3.-262/154, 0-0.-295/252,1-0.-373/287, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(e). I.Span 0.12/ 884 0.12/884 2-1 Horiz. -0.01 -0. 03 NA Max DL Deflection L/ 999 . 0.00 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 0-11- *4 231# 11.31" 10- 3- 9 4. 24 2.12 w ..Joint Locations..._...______ 1) 0- 0-0 3) 9-10- 1 5) 4-11- 1 2) 4-11- 1 4) 9-10- 1 6) 0- 0- 0 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D - 11 -1- 6- 2 0 0- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -88 9-10- 1 BC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -38 9-10- 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance, per sec. 3.2.4 of TPI-1-02, for joint(s)t 2,4 TC. ..PORCE.. CSI. Cr .. BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 1198 0. 55 C 1- 0 -966 0.21 2- 3 -174 0. 36 C 0- 5 -1339 0.21 5- 4 -1342 0. 31 T 1 2-5- 0 2- 6-15 1 4 2 1- 6-14 0-1- 4 396# 2.50" 9- 10- 1 t 1 6 5 41- 6- 2 ,, 9- 10- 1 L 1 EXCEPT AS SHOWNPLATES ARE MiTek MT20(Rl-6 0) WARNING: Eng Job: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO Dwg HR 111 CONTRACTOR. 11111WARNING: _ Ma ro n der Systems Batingshown on this drawing is inncuatwm boating. wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bung which is part of DB r : TLY Chk: the building design andwbiNmugbeconsideredbythebuildingdesigner. Bracingmown is for taunt support of unss membersonly to reducebucklinglength. Provisionsmost be made toanchor tarsalbracing ascoband specified TC Li16 . 0 a f locations determined by the buildingdesigner. Additionalbracing of theoverall structure maybertuuLive rd. (SeeMB.91 P ofTPi).Fer specific wan bracing requiremems. contact building dusigner.(Trnss PlateInstitute, TPIislocated at 593TC Dead 7 . 0 psf 4005 MARONDA WAY Donofrio Drive. Madianm, Wisconsin 33719). Sanford, FL. 32771 BC Live 0. 0 paf 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 BC Dead 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWSOD68307MedallonFLgWduots, FL 32764 1 TOTAL 33.0 pal 4-2-0 Scale = 0.2887 WO: COVR4 TI: H1 9/16/ 2005 Lbr DF: 1. 25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C. s 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 Code: FLA v4.7.21-1236( Deeignt Matrix AnalyBIB rrOilae races: c: ann-wn nua,s tuvua tv.v•n.v..v•.,w w,. .. . .ra Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TItJ1 Qty:12 t DESIGN INFORMATION This deign is for an individual building component and has been based an udannatioo provided by the dim. The designer disclaimsany responsibility for damageasa result of faulty car ineorrm information. specifications and/or designs furnished tothe tress designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to specific project and accepts an responsibility or uereises an cannot with regud to fabrication. handling shipment and installation of trts is This truss her been designed as an individual building comport in accordance with ANSVrPI 1.2002 and NDS-02to be in[ofpareed a: panofthebuilding design by a Building Designer (regutered architect a professional engtncer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadtngf sbDwa must be chocked to be sure that the data Kowa me in agramm with the local building code, local climatic records for wind or sou. bads. project specifications orspecial applied bads. Unless sbowa. tress bar cant been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design aatmer compressic o chords (top or ban=) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Whereban= chordsinterssi, are nortally braced laterally by . properly applied rigid ccling they should be braced in a maaio n o,pacing or lo-0' o.c. Cocas tor plate shall be mamfacmred Gum 20 gauge butdippedgalvanized sted meeting ASTM A653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shaft review this drawing to verify thin this drawing is in conformance with Eli. fabricatorsplansand to --tile a continuing responsibility for each visir-stion. Any dimzepaocie are to beput in writing beforecaning or fabrication. Plates shall out be installed over knotholes. kssws or disonad grain. Membuf dull be an for tight finingwoodtowood bearing. Connector plates shall be located on both faces ofthetrusswithnailsfollyinabeddrdandshallbes)m abaci the joint unless otherwise shown. A Sao plate is V wide a V long A 6.9 plate is6' wide a 8' long Sloe (holes) ran panllel to the plane Ieagtb specified. Double can - web members shall tom it the centroid of the webs odor otherwise sbowo. Counator Pine sizes are minimum sizesbased onthe fortes shown and mayneed tobe increased far count handling antra erection aserse. This nusr is era to be fArseaend with fire rcwdam trrbed lumber mess otherwise sbown. For additional information an Quality Cannot rerer to ANSVrPI 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and acetiou ranmmeodniam are to be followed in accordance with 'Handling Installing and Bracing'. NIB-91. T.- are to be handled with partitWin are during banding and bundling delivery and installation toaviddamage. Tmporvy and Permaent bracing for holding ones in a straight and plomb position oilfor reining lateral fineshall be designed andinstalledbyothers. Careful handling is ¢sent al and erection bracing is dwa)s required. Namur Precautionary action for nurse requires inch temporary bracing during instaltnioo betweentresses to avid topplingand dminolog. The roper isioo of erectim of nurse shall be anda the control of personseapaiexed in the instillation of nurses. Prof®onal advice shall be sought H needed. Concent9a;oa of construction loads grocer than the design toads shall ma be applied to trusses, in any time. No loads other than the weight of theerectors shall be applind to Coasts until after all fastening and bracing is comphsod. TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 6 SP 02 WH: 2x 4 SP #3 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This trues is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on trues. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 503 0.35 A 1- 4 -1072 0.26 2- 3 -375 0.27 A WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI 2- 4 1015 0.31 C 4- 3-2 0- 6-6 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 260 682 -187 B Pin 6- 11- 4 1 140 -244 -322 T Pin 6- 11- 4 1 247 0 -313 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Cr PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 4-13 3) 7- 0- 0 5) 0- 4-13 2) 3- 8- 7 4) 7- 0- 0 WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, i. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 40.0 ft W. 7.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-263/503,2-3.-375/211, HOT CHORD 1-4.-1072/421, Webs 2-4.-375/1015, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span 0.06/904 0.01/999 2 Horiz. - 0.01 -0.01 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . -0.04 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 7- 0-0 1 2 3 6. 00 CIL: 6-11- 4 140# 1.50" 3. 00 0- 8-0 II 260M 8.00" 247# 1.50" 7- 0-0 r, Attach with (4) 16d Toe -Nails 2- 5-6 Attach with (4) 16d Toe -Nails 41- 0-0 V 7-0-0 R0- 11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Over 3 Supports Scale=0.4278 WARNING: Sag Job: WO: COVR4 RE" ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEBT. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO TI: J1 BRBCIINGCONTRACIOR. BRACING WARNING: Dwg' Macon eta Systems Bracing shown on thisdrawing a ear amion bracing wind bracing portal bracing w dmiln bracing which is a part of Da r : TLY Chk : 9 / 16 / 2 0 0 5 thebuildingdeignandwhichmustbeconsideredbythebuildingdesigner. Bracing shows is forlateralWpponortruss m® ben only to reduce buckling length. Provisions mast be made to anchor lateral bracing in cods and specified TC Li16 . 0 a f Lbr DF s 1.25 locations determinedbythebuildingdesigns. Additional bracing of the overall === may be equtcd. (Sec Live HIB-91Pof TPI). For specific nuss bracing requirements. comacs building dccgua.(Trn Pine lastitum TPI is located n 583 TC Dead 7.0 ps f Pl t DF : 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY DO- is Drive. Madison. Wisenmlo $3719). O.C.: 2- 0- 0 Sanford, FL. 32771 BC Live 10.0 psf 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TPI-02/FBC-04 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWSOD68 BC Dead 10.0 paf Code: FLA 367 Modalim FL Chu1swta, FL 33766 TOTAL 43.0 nsf v4 .7 .21-12361 Designs Matrix Analysis rroriie race: sx-y- Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:J1A - Qty:2 ' DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP #2 This design is for an imiview building componm and BC: 2x 4 SP 02 hasbeen basedon indmmstionpwidedbytheclient. The WS : 2x 4 SP # 3 designs disclaims say respmability for damages as a 2x 4 SP #2 0- 010- 0 result offaultyorincorrect information. specificadmis MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is theand/or designs furnished tothe boa designer by the client and the conamwm accuracy, ofthisinformavonnit Composite result of multiple loads. may retare m a specific project and accepts car Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full responubiftyorexercixscocontrol with regadto bearing. fabrication, wing' shipment and ursiallah00 Of°°nes' FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension Thisbunbasbeendesignedaanindividualbuildingcomponeotinacordincewith ANSViPII-2002and TOP CHORD 1-2.-206/98, NDS-02tobeiocapaatedin pan ofthebuilding design HOT CHORD 1-0.-555/356,0-3.-285/164, by Building Designer ( regiaaedarchitect in Webs 3-2.-85/565,0-0.-195/18, professionaleogincrF When-eweaforappati-Iby 1-0.-226/287, the building designer. thedesignloadingsshownmustbechuckedinbesere that the data shown are in agre®mt with the local building coda local climatic records for wind or mow buts, projectspecifxatiom or special applied bads_ Unless shown buss has test ban designed for storage or occapsnry, bads. The deepassvma compression chords pop in boonm) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tensionarenotfullybracedlaterallybyapopertyappliedrigidccil4 they should be braced at a maximum spacing of IV-0' oe. co®ecb rplain shall be manufactured Bum 20 gang, hot dipped galvanized steel meetingASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise show. FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabrication. the fabricators shill nniew this drawing to verify Wit this drawing is in eonfmmarce with the fabricator's plans and in realin a cominning responsibility for inch verification. Any discrepmcin arc to be pat in writing before tatting or fabrication. Plain dull not be installed ova knotholes knots in dis aced grain. Members shall be am for tight fitting wood to wood besting. Connector plaid shall be bated on both faces of the tom with nails Polly imbeddedand shall be s)m. about the joint unless otherwise above. A5.4plate is 5' wide a4' long. A 6a8 plate is 6' wide a g' long. Slots (bola) ran parallel in the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall into in the cmtmid of the webs unless otherwise {beds. Connector Plate Alan are mlNmam n sizesw and may needto be basedon the forcesshow432increased for certain handlingand/or auction stow. This tress is out to be fabricated with fire retardant treated Iumbm unless otherwise shown. For additional infomaion on Quality Control refer to ANSVTPI 1-2002 0-6- 6 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection r cnalations m in be followed in accordance with ' Handling, tnsu0rag and Brci.S% FBB-91. Tresses; are to be handled with particularcare during binding sod btmdling, dclisay AM installationm avoiddamage. T®porary andpermanent bracing for bolding Woes in astraight and plumb position and for resistinglatestfarcesshallbedesignedandinstalledbyothers. Carefulhandlingisessemialanderectionbracingisalwalsrequired. Normal pmmionao. action for Were repine; such temporary bracing duringinstallation between busses toavoid toppling and domimimg. The mp rvision of « atbo of musses shall be undo thecontrol of pawns experienced in the insallaticeof banes. Professional advice shall besought if oaded. Corn®iration of mnsnz+ion loads Vesta thanthe design loads shall nor beapplied to trusty at any ume. Nobadsother than the weight of the cators shall be applied to trusses umil ifier all foaming and bracing is Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Right End vertical designed for wind. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 342 436 -366 B Pin 6-10-12 1 288 0 -484 T H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. 3- 2 565 0.21 C 1- 0 287 0.43 7-0-0 6.00 3.00 0- 8-0 342M 8. 00" Joint Locations............... 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 6- 8- 8 2) 6- 8- 8 4) 0- 0- 0 WndLod per ASCB 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, In 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 40. 0 ft W. 6.7 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4. 2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. .. FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -206 0.72 A 1- 0 -555 0.37 0- 3 -285 0.41 Cr--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- C LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt( s). I.Spain -0.10/117- 0.19/390 3-0 0-p,tq$iz. -0. 01 -0.02 NA 4 A Max DL Deflection L/156 . -0.09 Long term deflection factor . 1. 50 3-10- 3 2-6- 4 2-2- 6 i 1- 6 2 288# 2.50" t' 6- 8-8 • 4 3 t,1-0- 0 , 7- 0-0 L R0 11 11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: Eng Job: BRAD ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO BRECIING CONTRACTOR. BRACING NARNZNG: _ LMaronda Systems B onthis%t'icbgisneteretimbracing,windWlingd.PostalbriocingBmin mcmis mlawhich bapan Degnr:TLY Cbk: We boild;ng design and which mudb< mnvdered by the baildivg aesigma. Bracing show„ is ran lateral mppon Orman m®here only m reduce balling length. Pm.isions most be made b anchor Worst bracing at cod: and specified TC Live 16.0 a f locations dctamined by We building designs. AdditionalbracingofWeoverallanuctmemayberequired. (SeeHIB-91 P ofTPI).For specific truss bracing requirtmaas. cmtacr building designa.(rmss Pine bsinuM TPI islocatedat 583 TCDead 7.0 pB f4005 MARONDA WAY DDire io Drive. MadisonWisconsin53719). Sanford, FL.32771 BC Live 10.0 pef 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 BC Dead 10.0 pre f TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE *0050068 367Meda6onFLChukao* FL 32764 1 TOTAL 43.0 psi WO: COVR4 TI: J1.A 9/16/ 2005 4- 0- 6 Scale = 0.4278 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1. 25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/ FBC-04 Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rrousa race: ...% aaa-uvs... aaa,.%.....w. %. ....a..,.. a. „' a h'... Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO.COVR4 TI:J2B Qty:7 ' DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and hasbeen based on information provided by the dient. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result offaulty or incorrect information spaifuatiom and/ordesigns firrmished to the truss designer by the clicm and the conces nor or accuracy ofthis infbrmatim a it may,dateto a specific project and accepts co respmsrbility or exemses on control with regard in fabrication. handling. shipment and installation ofwoes. This truss has been designed a an individual building component in accordance with ANSVFPI 1.2002 and NDS-02 to be iocmporued as put of the building design bya Building Designer (regisc d architect in professional engineer). Wben reviewed for app,oval by the building design. the design loadings she— most be checked to be sinethat the data sbnw9 are to ageemenl with the local building codes, local climatic records fa wind or snow bads. project specifications or special applied loam. Unless mown. nun has not been designed for storage or eccopancy leads. The design assumes compression chords (cop m broom) are continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Whereboomchordsinlem;mare not fullybracedlaterallyby a properlyapplied rigidcdbng, theyshouldbe braced a amaximumspacingofle-0' o.c. Cmm tor plates shall be manofaetmed from 20 gauge bindipped galvanized sled meeting ASTM A653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabrication, the fabrirain mall review this drawing in verify thin this drawing is in coafamance with the fabricators plum and to realize a continuing esponnbiliry for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates dull not be installed over mmholes. knots or disnund grain. Members shall be an fortight fittingwood towoodhearing. Connectorplates shall be bated on both fain ofthetrusswithnailswryimbeddedandmallbetyro. abom Elie joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plane is 5' wide x 4' long. A 6x8 plate 6 W wide a 8' long, Sloe (boles) man paralld to the plane length specified. Double cuts onwebmembersshallmeetinthecemzoidofthewebsunless otherwiseshown. Corrector plate sinareminimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain handling author erection stresses. Thistruss isnot to be fabricated withfatereradant Matti lumber mless otherwise shown. For "tint d information uo Quality Control refer to ANSVTF1 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES NIbracing and erection recommendation= are tobe followed in accordance with'RmMin& hssWling and Bracing. H[B-91. Trusses are tobe handled with pariah oreduring landing andbundling, deliveryand installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for bolding wines ina straight and plumbpositionandforresistinglateralfortesshallbedesignedandinstalledbyWIMCarefulhandlingistr, a] anderectionbracingisalwaysrequired. Normal precautionary action for trusses requiressuch temporary bracingduring installation between castes to avoid toppling and domiming. The supa isim ofaectim ofwsw shall be under thecontrol of. e>aaicesced in the installation ofmosses. Professional advice shallbesough if oaded Caecawtiw of mtmnsaion bum gun than the design Imo man not be applied to trusses in any time. No bads other than the Wright of the erecion shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #2 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301.4. MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on trues. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. 3-3-2 0-6-6 21 t Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCS 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B. Rat. 1.0 Bld Type- encl L. 40.0 ft W. 5.0 ft Trues in INT zone, TCDL. 0.0 psf, BCDL. 0.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-16/53, BOT CHORD 1-3.-2/2, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.19/260 0.19/260 2-1 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . 0.00 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 5-0-0 6.00 GL: 4-11- 4 112#.1.50" 260# 8.00" 103# 1.50" L 5-0-0 V 4 3 5- 0- 0 110-11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING NARKING: Maronda Systems nm d n°ot on°&wind mg.Pon,l dngW°t bradngwhlohisapaetof the building design and which mast be considered by the building dtsiger. Bracing flown is for Imin, support of bun members only to reduce buckling length. Aovisims must be made to anchor lateral busing as ends and specified location determined by the building design. Additsoml bracing of the overall sweture may be required. (Sere RI8-91 ofTPI).Forspecific trues bracingrequirements, comact buildingdesigner.(Tmss PlaneIwitote. TPI is located a 593 4005 MARONDA WAY DVwfiio Drive Madi:oa Wi:munsin 53719). Sanford, FL 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 921-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0060 367 M- 1 111, FL Chuhustst, FL 32766 wo. ..Joint Locations- ------------ 1)0- 2- 1 3) 5- 0- 0 2) 5- 0- 0 4) 0- 2- 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MA%. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- E-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 260 200 -452 B Pin 4-11- 4 1 112 154 -295 T Pin 4-11- 4 1 103 0 -75 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 53 0.58 A 1- 3 2 0.43 3-0-6 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.4256 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: J2B Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf PIt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: Matrix Anaiyeis rrou4e racers a.ak.aa-s.vn - .v.—y.,. Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVE4 TI:J2C Qty:l i DESIGN INFORMATION Thisdesign is for an individual buildingcomponent and has been based on information provided by the liar. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages n a result orfanity or incorrect mformatioo. specification, and/or design famished to the one designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may rein to specific project and accepts no responabtliryor exercises noemontol withregard to fabrication. hamming shipment and installation of crosses. This truss ban been designed a an individual building component in accordance with ANSVfPI 1-2002 and NDS-02 to be incorporated aspan ofthe building design by a Building Designer (registered architect a pmfessiwal apxv} When reviewed for appov.1by the building designer. the design loadingn shown must be chocked to be sin that the data shown m in agreement with the local building codeslocal climatic records for wind ormow bads, project specificationsor genialapplied loads. Unless shown tun has not been designed for amge or occupancy loads. The design assuma cmmpessinu chords (top or bottom) m continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords intorsionare not fully braced hgaxlly by aproperly applied rigid ceiling they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10 0' ce. Connector plates shall be cz— f sicmed from 20 gorge hot dipped galvanized nevi meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shows. FABRICATION NOTES prior to fabricstim the fabricator shall review this drawing W verify that this drawing is in emfmm see with the fabricames plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verification. Any dim epaocin m to beput inwritingbefore tatting or fabrication. Flan dull not be inralledoverkmNole& know or dished grain. Members shall be ern for tight fining wood to woodheaving. Connector plates shill be located on bah fins of the trots, with nails fillyimbedded andnballbe sym. about thejoinunlessotherwiseshown. A 5x4 plate is5' wide x 4' long A 6xg plate is 6' wide x 8' long. Slots (holes) dun parallel to the plate length specified. Double cats on web m®bin shall meet a the cenaoid ofthewebs unlmsotherwise shown Contractor Plate sizes m tom®am sizes based on the forco shown and may need to be increased for certain handling and/or erection stresses. This tma is am to be fabricated with fate retardant created lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSVIPI 1- 20D2 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AB bracing and erection raommendatiom are to be followed in accordance with •Handling. Installing and Bracing'. HIB-91. Tresses m to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling ddn M and installation w avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for bolding tresses in a straight and plumb position and for resisting lateral forces mall be designed and insisted by whom caresbl handling is essentin and erection bracing is always requited. Normal prmmionary. actionforonssesrequiressuchtemporarybracingduringinstallation between trusses to avoid toppling and dommnmg. The supervtsmn of W crecnof amnsesmall be neder the control of perannsexperienced in theinstallation of treesmu professionaladviceshallbegm if needed. Cow of eo„ cum, load,1P than the design leads shall no be applied w trusses at any time. No mad, other than the weight orthe ccctons shall be apylied mtrans untilat. all fastening andbracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #2 1: Plate(s) OFFSET from joint center. The Joint Detail Report must be included with any submittal, inspection, and/or fabrication documentation. WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl Ln 40.0 ft W. 4.7 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCH..CSI 1- 0 262 0.34 C Analysis booed on Simplified Analog Model. MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAB. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 2- 0 1 199 204 -280 B Pin 4- 7- 4 1 101 147 -251 T Pin 4- 7- 4 1 102 0 -59 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Cr PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(o). I. Span-0.02/203-0.04/535 3-0 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/328 . -0.02 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 3- 0-6 0- 8-6 4- 8-0 1 2 6. 00 3x4 3x4 Joint Locations ............... 1) 0. 0- 0 3) 4- 8- 0 2) 4- 8- 0 4) 0- 0- 0 This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-51/0, HOT CHORD 1-0.-260/180,0-3.0/0, Webs 1-0.-174/262, TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -51 0.55 A 1- 0 -260 0.28 0- 3 0 0.23 Ct 4-7-4 Attach with (3) 101# 1.50" 16d Toe -Nails 3- 0-6 Attach 111 (2) 16d Toe -Nails R R 199# 4.00" 102# 1.50" 4- 8-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BS GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACZNO WARNING: Maronda Systems Brao snFdcjiRAt'khgi=natin°br,aingwindb ngipaalb ogm°larbraeicraIanah a W the batldragdesgoandcotahmostbeconslderedbythebaildmgdesgoer. Brac vg mown is ran lateral rapport ortrm members only to reduce bucklittg length. Provisions man be trade to anchor hnaal bracing atcoda and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall moctoremay be required. (SeeMS-91 of TPI).For specific truth bracing requirements. contact building desigm.(Tron Plate two m. TPI is located w 583 4005 MARONDA WAY DOunflotrimMadimo wi>eansir53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE OWS0068 367 Madzfflon FL CfWAaota, FL 22766 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.4023 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 DWg: TI: J2C Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10. 0 psf O.C.: 2— 0— 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 BC Dead 10. 0 psf Codes FLA TOTAL 43.0 ttsf v4.7.21-12364 Design: Matrix Analysis rroraae racn: c: aaa-wn norrc owew.vvn+a.wawvavaa n +suss.. Pan Job: COVINGTON X 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVX4 TI:J3 Qty:4 1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design if for an individual building compoom and has beenbaud on information provided by the dim. The design. disclaims any rcap ..ibility for damages as a remh offaulty wincorrect information. specirxations adlor designs furnished to the am designer by the .lien and the correcmm or accuracy of this information a it mrynine to aspecific Project and accepts too responabiliry a esercises mcontrol with regard to fabrication. handling. shipment and installation oftrusses. This oasthasbeen designed asanindividual building component in accordance with ANSVIPI 1.2002 ad NDS-02 tobe incorporated a panofthe buildingdesign bya Building Designer (regard architector professional engine.). When reviewed for approval by the building design., the design loadings, shown most be chucked to be more that the data mown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind orsaw loads. project spaifrcatiom orspecial applied bads Unless mown, caat ham been designed for storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing calm otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are rot fully braced laterally by a property, applied rigid cciliq& they should be braced at amaaimmspacingof104' o.c. Comecto, platesshall be ma®facmre lfrom 20 gaup hen dipped galvmzed steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade A anlm otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Rios to fabrication. the fabricator dull review this dewing lo verify that this drawing is in co tim nsoce with the fabricators pits and to realice acontinuing responsibility fen such verification. iom. Adixreptcia are to be pm in writing before coning or fabrication. Plata shall not be instilledovaknotholes knots or distortedgoon. Meatbm shallbe m for tight fitting woodtowood bearing. Connor plus shall be bated on both ram of the oust with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. ab.t the joinunless otherwisedrown A 3.4 puleis 5' wide a 4' bog. A 6a8plate is6' wide a8' long. Sbu (bola) rma parallel to theplate length specified. Doable cuts on web members dull mat at the cmmid of the webs maim otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increaud for ceruin handling adios erection RraSCS. This oust is amto be fabricated with rote reudam crated lumber mlm otherwise At- For additional in11ormatioo on QualityControl rarer toANSVTPI 1. 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and nation recommendations are, to be followed inacconance with'Htdlwg, Ino-'ling andBracing'. HI8-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular are awing boding and bundling• delivery and installation m avoid damage. Temporary and Permanent bracing for holding truces in s straight and plumb position and for raining lateralfortes mall be designed and i-Had by others. Catered balling is menial and erection bradmg is always reviced. Normal Precautionary tenon fen basses ropira such temporary bracing daring installation between canes to avoid toppling ad dominating The mpavisiooof erationofwoesshall be coda the control of persons caperienced in the inaallation of oases. Profession, advice shall be songlm if sadI Conwatiom of construction bads grata than the design bads shall nor be applied to trusses at any time. No loads, other than the weight of theerectora shall be applied to nmsscs until after all faaening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #2 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. TC. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -55 0.62 A 1- 0 -321 0.31 0- 3 26 0.27 WEB. .. FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI 1- 0 295 0.38 C 3- 3-3 0- 6-6 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MA%. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 253 219 -371 B Pin 4- 11- 4 1 109 153 -264 T Pin 4- 11- 4 1 108 0 -61 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Cr PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 5- 0-0 1 2 Joint Locations............... 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 5- 0- 0 2) 5- 0- 0 4) 0- 0- 0 KndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 40.0 ft W. 5.0 ft Trues in INT zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES ( lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-55/0, HOT CHORD 1-0.-321/200,0-3.-22/26, Webs 1-0.-197/295, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I. Span-0.03/134-0.06/536 3-0 Horiz. 0.00 -0.01 NA Max DL Deflection L/178 . -0.03 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 6. 00 CI : 4-11- 4 Attachwith (3) 109# 1.50" 16d Toe -Nails 3. 00 P N 253N 8.00" 108N 1.50" 5- 0-0 0- 10- 8 5-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHRRT. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO HR 111 CONTRACTOR, BRACING NA 1: LaCondesSystemsBracingshownondustdarninglarotamid° bndng wind baring portal bracing or sim lar bracingwhich a pan of the building designand which most be considered bysix building designer. Bracing mow is for lateralsupport are = mmbm onlywreduce bucklinglength. Provisions mast be made to anchorlateral bracingat ads and specified locations determined by the buildingdesigua. Additional bracing of the overalltnctwe may be raryired. (Sce MB-91 of TPI). Fmspecific trust bracing rapuimmems. comxt building daigna.(Tmss Plate Institute. TPI is located n 583 4005 MARONDA WAY DVwfiio Drive. Madison. Witannsim 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWSOD68 Ii7 Medallon FL 6trliwla. FL 32760 1-11- 6 Attach with ( 2) 16d Toe - Nails Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.4957 Sag Job: WO: COVX4 Dwgs TI: J3 Dsgar:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 psf Code: FLA Design: [matrix Analysis rrouaer raw: ..a%aaa-wn Nova. vu..a.. v..vas v..v. anus. v.. n --le- Job: COVINGTON K 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVK4 TI:J4 Qty:2 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is fa an individual building compooa: and hasbeenbasedno infoantatiob pmvidcd bythe diem. The designer disclaims soy responsibility fm damages as a temp offanly or incorrect ioformrtioa specification dfw design famished to the tma designer by the slim ad the correcmm m accuracy ofthis infotmatino es it mayrdate to aspecific pcojecs and acceptsco responsibility oreserciso oarcuu of with regard in fabrication hmNing shipment and installation ofwoes. This trust basbeen designed a - individual building compoom in accordance with ANSVfPI 1-2002 and NDS-02 inbeioempm iced as partoftWbuildingdesign by a Building Designer (registered architect or pmfessiwal cngmces). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. thedesign loadings shown must becbakdtobesurethatthedatamownareinagreement with the loth building codes. local climatic sands fin wind ormow bads project specifications or special applied bads. Unless mown. truss has not bcm designed forstorage or occupancy bads. The design asmma compression chords (topor bosom) ame cominwdy braced by tha hm8 unless othowin specified. Where bones chords in torsion are not fully braced IataaOy by properly a*od rigid codling they should be braced u amaldmumspacingofIV-0' o.c. CamxctcepWn shall be mamfacmred Isom 20 gauge her dipped galvanised steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. uniess otherwise shown FABRICATION NOTES him to nhricatioo, the fahricnor mall tevim this drawing to vaiy that this drawing is inconrmmance with the fabricators plans adm reuimawmiauing responsiWity ran such verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before costing m fabrication. Plates mallnotbeinsumedaverknmboln. knots or dimnd grain. Maebm shallbe ere fin tight fining wood to wood bearing Connerers platesshallbelocatedno bahfan or the truss with ends !Lily ioil shall be qm, about the joint milesotherwise mownA 514 plate is 5' wide 1 4' long. A 6.8 plate is 6' wide1 g' long Slurs (bola) ran parallel to the plate length specified. Doable cots no web membershallminatthecandidofthewebsodesotherwiseshows. Connector plate rim are minimum sizes based nothe Ibrcashown and may need to be increud rorcertain h—,11*- and/or erectlob sumo. This Wes is out to be raMicatd with fire rerudam ucucd lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional inrmmatioo no Quality Control refer toANSVIPI 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recss mebdalious are to be followed in aaccaa^lamic with 'Handling. Installing and Swine, tOB-91. Tresses are to be handled with particular arc during binding and dandlingdeliveryand imWlatiooinavoid damage. Temporary and percussion bracing fin holding nurses in a straight and plemb position and fin raisinglateralrmcesmallbedesigtmdadinstalledbyothers. Carefulhadfingis -4-1 and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action rannone, requires inch temporary bracing during installation betweenuuaci to avoid toppling and domioomg The mpervisino of erettinoof banes shoo beunderthe controlofpessom experiencd in the iesallation craziness. Professional advice mall be sought if add. co==wm of a mg=m bads gteatu thanthe design loads stall ON be applied to trusts at any time. No bads other than the wci& of the cectonshall beapplied totrozsauntilafter allfastening ad bracing is TC: 2x4 SP #2 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #2 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301. 4. MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss its designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on trues. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1. 00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 3.0 ft W. 3.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 0.0 psf, BCDL. 0.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-33/0, HOT CHORD 1-3.-2/2, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(e). I.Span 0.03/949 0. 03/949 2-1 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . 0. 00 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 2-3-2 0-6-6 3-0-0 1 2 6. 00 CIL: 2- 11- 4 67# 1.50" Pq H 1754 8.00" 624 1.50" 3-0-0 4 3 1- 0-0 3- 0-0 RO-11-11 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 F d WARNING: REND ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO 1111I10 CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Ma Co n des Systems Bracing mm.a cothis drarsing a out ercerioo bracing wind bndeg portal bracing Or omlu bracng which a pan of the buildiog design awhich mug be coo9ded by the building designer. Saucing shown is rim lateral support of no members only to backling length. Provisionsmug be made toanohm Waal bracing socods and specified Incatiam determbd by the building designer. Additional bracing of theoverall mature maybe require& (Sec MB-91 of TPI).Fmspecific tressbracingrepnu® ao. contact building desigoer.(Troo Platt hmimte. TPI is scud it 583 4005 MARONDA WAY D*waioDrive. Madison. wiswnse53219} Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE OWS0068 307 Medemon FL Ch dtaot% FL 22760 Joint Locations ............... . 1)0- 2- 1 3) 3- 0- 0 2) 3- 0- 0 4) 0- 2- 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAS. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- S-Lost BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 175 126 -318 B Pin 2-11- 4 1 67 98 -182 T Pin 2-11- 4 1 62 0 -46 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..PORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -33 0.22 A 1- 3 2 0.16 Attach with (2) 16d Toe -Nails 2-0- 6 Attach with ( 2) 16d Toe - Nails Over 3 Supports Scale = 0. 5064 Eng Job: Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7. 0 psf BC Live 10. 0 psf BC Dead 10. 0 psf WO: COVK4 TI: J4 9/16/2005 Lbr DP: 1. 25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 Code: FLA vA 7 11-101AA Designs Matrix Analysis ra Vaaaer a...:.au-wu..... a............. ........... .. ...--.r... Job: COVINGTON X 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVX4 TI:J5 Qty:4 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individud building compmus u and hasbeen based on informal= pmided by the diem. The designer disclaims tiny responsibility for damages at ti result offaniq or incrosect in(brmdioa specircatiom and/or designs famished to the trots designer by the them and the earrectmn or accuracy ofthis information as it may rclde to aspecific project and accepts an responsibility or minim no control with regard to fabrication, handlin& shipmeso and msulWion ofmusses. This truss has been designed n an individ ul building eompemmt in aeeutdance with ANSVrpi 1.2002 and NDS-02 in be iocmpo ud a put ofthe building design bya Building Designer (registered architect orprofessionalengineer). When reviewedforapprovalby the building designer. the design loading show mint be checked to be sure that the data show ere in agreement with the bed building criesloW climatic records for wind orsnores bads, project sp+cifcatlom euspecial applied loads. Unless shown, trots has am been designedfar range or oecupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (sup or broom) are continuously braced by rLwhing mless otherwise specified. Where baton chords intensionare am fully bracedlaterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling they should be braced is a maximum spacing of IV-0o.c. Coonector plate shall be namfactmed from 20 gage hen dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise show. FABRICATION NOTES Riot in rabricaticn the fabricator shall review this drawing in verifythatthis drawing is in ccefotmarcewith the fabricamfs plans and to realize a cotuiming responsibility fan such vaificnioo. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cmtiug or fabrication. Flues that - be installed ova kmtholn, kmts or disea"ad gain. Membesa dull be ens for tightfining wood to wood bearing. Comnmar plate shall be looted m both faces o1 tic sun withmils fully imbrdded sad dull be gin. •bout the joint unlessotherwiseshown. A5x4 plateis 5' wide x 4• long A 6x8 plateis Wwide x8' long. Slots (bolo) sun parallel to the platelength specified. Double cats anweb members dullman a thecemmid of thewebstdess otherwise drown. Coonectm plate sizes are minimum sire based on the (bites shown and may need W be increasedfor certain handling andlor crastim aressu This truss is rum inbefabricated with rue reardamtrealad lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information onQuality Control refer to ANSVfPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AB bracing and erection recammenduiam are b be followed in accordance with' Wallingtnsaatlingad Bracing'. IBB-91. Tresses are to be handled with particular are duringbandingandbundlin& ddnery andinsulla,im in mid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for bolding manes inastraight adplumbposition andCor resistingInaa1 forcesshall be designed andinstalledby others. Careful handlingis essential tied esmime bracing is always required. Nomul preamionas). wtim for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between mosses; to avoid toppling and domimmg. The supavisime of erection ofbumshall beunderthe comolofpasnmeapaidintheinstallationsoftrusses Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Consmmm of cmau ct= loads g=ter than the design loads doll out be applied to trusser in any time. No loads other than the weight of the ercctonshillbeapplied in trusses anvil of all fastening and bracing a TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BCr 2x 4 SP #2 WE: 2x 4 SP #2 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. TC. ..FORCH..CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 34 0.23 A 1- 0 -82 0.13 0- 3 16 0.04 WEB. ..FORCE..CSI. Cr .WEB. ..FORCE..CSI 1- 0 68 0.13 C Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAR. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 168 140 -258 B Pin 2-11- 4 1 64 98 -161 T Pin 2-11- 4 1 67 0 -39 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Cr--------GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./ Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0. 05/527 0.01/999 2-1 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/702 . -0.04 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 2-3-3 0-6-6 1 t 3- 0- 0 Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 3- 0- 0 2) 3- 0- 0 4) 0- 0- 0 WndLod per ASCH 7-02, COC, V. 125sph, H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 40.0 ft W. 3.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 6.0 psf SRpact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1- 2.-6/34, BOT CHORD 1- 0.-82/74,01-3.-11/16, Webs 1-0.- 65/68, 2 6.00 C/ L: 2-11- 4 Attach with (2) 64# 1.50" 16d Toe -Nails 3.00 168# 8.00" 67# 1.50" 3-0-0 4 3 r. 0-10- 8 .. 3-0-0 R0-11-12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: LM a rondaSystemsBoringshownigthisdewingisoaresenlonbearing, wind building d pawl Bmin b u n is bracingwhch is pun the building dingandwhichmeatbeconsideredbythebuildingdesigner. Bracing dews it for lateral suppon of true membersonlylo reduce bockhng length. Provisions must be shade to atchor In" bracing ar ends ad specified bwions Mamined by the building designs. Additional bracing of the overall wcmte nary be required. (Sec FUB-91 of mT For specifictran bracingrequirements. contact building designer.(Tean Flue Institute, T H is locatedu 583 400S MARONDA WAY Donofrio viva Madison. Wismmn 53719). Sanford, FL32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE M0050068 347 Ma 1 110, FL Chtivalaa FL 32766 T 1-5- 6 1 Attach with ( 2) 16d Toe -Nails Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.4705 Eng Job: WO: COVX4 Dwg: TI: J5 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10. 0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 BC Dead 10. 0 psf Code: FLA TIaTaT. AZ n wverf vA 7 71 _T 77r.' Design: Matrix Analysis rrorz.e races +w+-h- Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:J6 Qty:2 ' DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for m insiMlmal building co=pooent and hasbeen based on information ptosided by the diem. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result offully m incorrect informaios, specifications and/ordeSip s famished orthe truss designer by the clientandthecorcemssoraccuracyofthisinformationesit may relate to a specific pojmt and accepts w responsibility or mereises w control with regard m fihricatioa handling, shipment and ivsallasiw oftmsses. This truss has been designed . m individual building compram in accordance with ANSIlTPI I.2002 and NDS-02 m be iocmpmeM apartofthe building design by a Building Design. (registered architect or pmfasiwalengiuc.} when reviewed for approvalby the building designer. the design loadings shown mast be chocked m be core that the data shown arc in agre®ms with the local building codes, localclimatic records for wind or snow load& project specifications or special applied loads. Unless showy truss has not been designed fan storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compression chords (top m holm=) arc continuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bomo= chord: in tension are not sully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling they should be braced at amaxim® spacing ofI e-0' are. Cowectar planar mall be mmofactured eom 20 pugs hot dipped galvanized ned meetiva ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Rim to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify thatthisdrawing is in coofl mnec with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility fan inch verifaatiw. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before caning m fabrication. Plates shall our be installed over knuaholes. knas a distorted pain. Members shall be m for tightfining wood to woodbearing. Cotmmm plates shall be bated errboth fares of the lies with tmis fully imbedded and dull be gm. abed thejointunlessotherwisemown. A 5x4 plate is5' wick x 4' long. A 6xg plate is 6' wide x g' long. Shun (holes) ran parallel no the plate length specified. Double cats on wcb members shall meet at the cmwid of thewebs unless omerwis, mowa. CAnn.tor plate dines are minimum arcs based ontheforces shown and MY need to beincreased for certain handling mel ection ectionmessesThis muss is ant to be fabricated with fire retardant neared lumber roles, otherwise Mown. For additional infmmatim on QualityControl ref. to ANSV"l 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES NI bracing and erection rceommendatiom are to be followed in aecordarce with 'Handling. Installing and Bracing'. MB- 91. Trussesare m be handled with particular are during banding and bundling. dciwM and maallasiw toavoiddamage. Temporaryand pcmanmt bracing fa bolding truster in a usighs and plumb position and for resisting 'am' forces shall be designed andivnalledby others. Carcfal handling is essmdal and action bracing is always rerpdred. Normal precisiwary action for mosses regou6 such temporary bracingduring installation baween trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The sopaviaonof erection of m sseamall be under thecontrol of persons experienced in the insulation oruuali. P=fessionsl -evictowlbesoughtifneeded. Con®tntiwofconstruction Inds greater thin the design bade mall not be applied to trIWual at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied b muses until 4a W fastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP 02 BC: 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #2 Bottom chord live loads based on uninhabitable areas without storage loaded concurrently per IRC-00 R301. 4. MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is.the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15.0 ft. I- 1. 00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 1.0 ft W. 1.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL- 0.0 pef, BCDL. 0.0 pef Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-12/0, HOT CHORD 1-3w-2/2, GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./ Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.00/999 0. 00/999 2-1 Horiz. 0.00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/999 . 0. 00 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 Joint Locations ............... 1)v•0- 21 3) 1- 0- 0 2) 1- 0- 0 4) 0- 2- 1 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 89 47 -176 B Pin 0-11- 4 1 23 38 -62 T Pin 0-11- 4 1 21 0 -13 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE TC. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 -12 0.03 A 1- 3 2 0.01 1 1 2 6.00 Attach with ( 2) C/L: 0-11- 4 16d Toe - Nails 23# 1.50" 5x6 I 1- 6 1- 3 2 0-6- 6 Attach with (2) 16d Toe -Nails q 89# 8.00" 21# 1.50" 1 4 3 1-0-0 1- 0- 0 R0- 11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING NARKING: Maronda Systems B ng w-°"*is°ca on°°g,w°b mmilarbracing w ehuaprtof the building deep and winch must be considered by thebuildingdesigner. Batingshownistar hoursmppmt oftrnscoma only breduce buckling length. Provisionsmust be made to anchor herd bracing atsass and speeifned locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing orthe overall structure maybe requited. (See IBB-91 of TTT).Fw specific nu bracing requntmem& comut baMing tlesigm.(Tcoss Plate Imtimtr. TPI is located w 5g3 4005 MARONDA WAY DT3ooftfo Drive. Madism& Wisconsin 53719). Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE MWSOD68 307 Medaoors FL gWbantit, Res 32766 Over 3 Supports Scale = 0.6258 Eng Job: WO: COVR4 Dwg: TI: J6 Dsgnr:TLY Chks 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DFt 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 BC Live 10.0 psf TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 10.0 pef Code: FLA Design: Matrix Analysis Prorlie Patn: a vx—prx Job: COVINGTON R 4 Cust=er:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:J7 Qty:4 ' DESIGN INFORMATION This design if for an individual building component and bas been based an information provided by the client. The designer disclaims my responsibility for damage a a remit of faulty or incorrect information. spaifsatiom ad/m designs furnished to the uva desigoa by the client and the m ractues, an accuracy ofIbis mlormation ait may relate to a specifx project and accept! on responsibility or neeeises on control with regard to fabrication. handling shipment and installation ofaysza. This am has been designed a an individual building coca in acordmce with ANSVr l 1-2002 and rats.o2m be inmrpo ned apat orthe building design by a Building Dmig'na (registered architect m proressionsl engoea). Wben reviewed for approval by the building design. the design loadings shown must be decked to be fate that the data shown are in agreemm with the local building codes, local cl®nic records for wind m snow loads. project specifications or special applied bads. Unless sbowa Gass bar not been deigned for storage or occupancy bads. The design assnma compression cbmds (cop or bomm) arccontinuously braced by sheathing unless otherwise speciBea Wbee boro a chords in tension ere not finny brued late dly by a properlyapplied rigid cdling, theysboald be braced at a maalmem gating of 1010 o.c. Comcctm planmatl be mmo6tlured from 20 gange but dipped g h etimd sud meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 4% unless otherwise show. FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabricatim the hbricatm shall renew this drawing toverifythat thisdrawingis in confirm mce with Me fabricators plans and to realive a rnoi_9 responsibility formcb verification. Any disveparcin are to be pa in writing before coning or fabrication. Platasballconbeiavalledovabwaboles. knitsor Munn gain. Members shall bead forlight rating wood to wood baring. Cmn<am plan (ball be banned an bah facesof the muss with aidsfi,By imbedded ad shall be f5m. about the join unless otherwise mown. A U4 plate is 5' wide a V bug. A 6.8 plate is 6' wide a 8' long. Sots (bola) rat parallel tothe pine lengh specified Doable cots on web member. !hall meet at the cemmid ofthe webs unless otherwise d— coto, plae aim ere minimum sizes based an the forces shown and may cad to be ionrcaed fat cormhadhngadrm nation mesa. This tma is oat to be fabricated with fire, raudmt traced lumber unless otherwise mown For additional intmmatim an QualityControl refer mANSVrPi 1- 2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AD bating and erection recOIDmendnlons ere tobefollowed in accordance with'Hmdliny Installing and B— i.g'. IDB-91. Tresses as to be handled with panimlar dueduringbandingand bm," rig, ddi—y and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and pammeot brining for bolding uvan in a f rid& and pltmb position andIre mistinglateral force dull bedesignedad installed byoustersCarcPol handlingis asmial and erection bracing is always required. Normal preawiomry action for man regntra mcb temporary bmmg during installation between cusses to avoid toppling and dam nooing The supaeision of erectionoftrusses shallbe under the control of bacons nperienced in the installationof eussa. Pmfnaanaladvice dtsll be m & if coded. Cm®tsatum of construction loads gnats than the design Inds shall net be applied to truss o any time No leads other than the weight of the seem shall be applied to coast untilafter allfastening and bracing is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC: 2x 6 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. Right End vertical designed for wind. MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type 0- 4- 0 1 87 56 -91 B Pin 0-10- 12 1 39 0 -118 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE 1-3- 3 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. In - Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 1-2.-12/0, HOT CHORD 4-3.-30/8, TC. ..FORCE.. CSI. Cr ..BC. ..FORCE..CSI. 1- 2 - 12 0.04 A 4- 3 -30 0.05 T 0- 6- 6 1- 0- 0 1 2 6.00 3.00 0-8- 0 87# 8. 00" 3910 2.50" 1-ao 0-10- 8 1-0-0 41 R0- 11- 12) Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 1- 0- 0 2) 1- 0- 0 4) 0- 0- 0 WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15. 0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 40.0 ft W. 1.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 paf, BCDL. 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req GLOBAL MAX DEFLECTIONS--------- LL TL in./Ratio in./Ratio Jnt(s). I.Span 0.01/302 0.00/999 2 Horiz. 0. 00 0.00 NA Max DL Deflection L/403 . -0.01 Long term deflection factor . 1.50 Attach with ( 2) 16d Toe - Nails au- 6 a9-9a1Vac tach with (2) 16d Toe -NailsEXCEPTASSHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN To 11,11 CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARRING: Maronda Systems Bacingrhownantlu,/ drawwingism crec nb ng.wid ng.portal bra gm°mDarbr cingw hnapanof the buiding design ad whichmust be rorsidecd by thebuilding daigrnu. Brxing show is brlateralsupportoferamemberonlytoreduce balling length. Provisions most be mde to achor lateral bating at ends and specifiedlocations, determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be regaoed. (See EDB-91 of TYI)_For specifictram bracing regoiremcons, contact building designa.(rrva plate Ineimte TPI is located at 533 4005 MARONDA WAYDOnaioDriveMadison. WiYOWCn 53719} Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE OWSOD68 267 Mods" FL OK&Wta, FL 32748 Scale = 0.8097 Eng Job: WO: COVX4 Dwg: TI: J7 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 paf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 paf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10. 0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 BC Dead 10. 0 paf Code: FLA TOTAL 43.0 oaf v4.7.21-12365 Design: Matrix Analysis rrosue race: c.:l ar..von%.s.a n%uvu.%wv vw.......... .. ww••y Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:V1 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP #2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model.-------aa= ---Joint Locations ............... Ibis design is lbr an individual building eomponatt and BC: 2x 4 SP 02 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 2- 0- 0 has ban based oninformation provided bythe client. The WE: 2x 4 SP #3 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 2) 2- 0- 0 4) 0- 0- 0 designer disclaims myresponsibilitylot damages na ..... CUTTINGONLY •*... WndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mph, In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 result ofdesigryoriocaratihetrassdesgnertryt eel MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- and/thdesigns fumimed Lo the trots chigoe by the client and the cmrccmmmaecaracy ofdris information esit compositeresult of easel tiple'loads. Bled Type. suet L. 14.7 ft W. 2.0 ft Trues X-Los HSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type ` may ndate to a specific project and acceptsran Right End vertical designed for wind. in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, BCDL. 1.2 pef 0- 0-12 1 0 0 0 B Pin rcspmubilib'maaciusrocoastal w'mregard to FORCES (lb) - Max Coupression/Max Tension 1-11- 4 1 0 0 0 B Pin fabricatm handlin& abpmm and msWht on oftmaa. TOP CHORD This armshasbeat dmp dasanindividualbuildingPROVIDEUPLIFTCONNECTIONPERSCHEDULEcompetent in accordance with ANSVPPI 1- 2002 and NDS-02 to be incorporated a panof thebuildingdesign by aBuildingDesigner (registeredarchitect or professional engioea} When -vi-vd for approval by the building designer. the design loadings ebo%u mug be chucked to be sore that the data mownare, in ageCe ocm . with the local building ands. local climatic records for wind or Wow Loaft project speci( IcalimO or special applied bads. Unless sbowR no has sot been deigned for image or occupancy bads. The design amines compressionchords (sop or bottom) are continuously braced by sheathing odes, otherwise specified. What bottom chords in tension are no fully braced laterally by a properly appliedrigidceiling. they mould be bracedaa 2-0-0 maximum spacingof ltr-0' o. c. Connector platemall be maonfacmrrd noon 20gaugebutdipped gadvadzed sled 1 2 meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. maimotherwise mown. FABRICATION NOTES 6.00Pram to fabrication. the fabricator mall review this drawing to vairy that this drmiog is in couformarcc with the fabricators plain andon rWiec comianing responsibility for such verification. Aoy discrepancies arc 2x4to be pitin writing before cutting m fabrication. Plates mall one be installed over knotboles. knots or stunned Patio. Members chill be cot for tight fitting --od m -Vd bearing. Cmtnecon plates millbe Located on both faces o: the Vn0 with nails fully imbedded and shall be gym, abom the joint ndm otherwise shown. A sxaplate is 5- wide x 1-0-0 3x4 1-0-0 a- long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x8' long. Slots (hole) son parallel to the plate length specified. Double cutson web members mall mat at the catuoid of the webs maim otherwise show- Conuectorplate sixes are minimum fiat based on the forces daattandmayneedmbeincreasedfatcertainhandlingandlorerection prates. This torn is not to be fabricated with fire, retudam treated 2x4 Lumber udm olhW'ise sho vo. For additional information on Quality Conuol refer to ANSVfPI I-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection rocommeodatiom are to be folbwed in accordance wiN'Handling Installing and Bracing'. HI13-91. Trusses are uo be handled with partiadsr care during banding andbundling, defi— yand installation m avoid damage. Temporary andpensmem bracing fatholding busses in a straight and plumb position and fm reading lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful handling is menial and erection braising is always required. Normal Pcamionaq action for busses requires such temporary bracingapingOilL50" Stud 4- 0- 00# 1.50" installation beswsat trusses to avoid toppling andidominoing. The supervisionof erection of busses mall be - underthecontrolofpersons experienced inthei-aallnioa ofuossnProfessional advice shall be sought 2-0-0 H nailed. Conecmmima of coestme um bads greaterthan the designload, shallnot be applied to trusses as any time. NoLoadsotha thanthcwdght of the amt mall Los 4 3 appliedto wsaes until after all Ikaating and bracing u atmpleted. EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRANINO TO BB 01. TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BeCZNO ItARNZNO: Mar Systems moaama ° c°g°°b windht oa. r ngm tar ioaw h°a,d the building eksip and which mast be conaderd by the building dcagra. Bracing mow is forlatad support of non members onlyw reduce to bklinglength. Provisions most be made anchormlateralbracingatesandspecified Incstiomdeterminedbythebuilding designer. Addiumull bracing of the overall Wvutme may be ropiroe. (SccH111-91 of TPI).F. specific trot bracing requirematt& contacthaildmg deagna. frron Plate Instants. TPI is Located at 582 400S MARONDA WAY D'Onofrio Date. MadimaWiseman53719). Sanford, FL32771 407) 321-0064 Fax ( 407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE a+0o5006H 367 Modallm Fat ttrdtsott, FL 32796 Eng Job: Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16. 0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 Pelf BC Dead 2.0 Pelf Scale = 0. 9132 WO: COVR4 TI: V1 9/16/2005 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1. 25 O.C.: 2— 0— 0 TPI-02/ FBC-04 Code: FLA vA 1 71-1154711 Design: Matrix Analysis Proxiie racn: 1.: \166- WA\IspZ![\NODtl \x.VYIxY \\.V...... n w\v-a yes Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:V2 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC, 2x 4 SP 02 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Joint Locations............... w This design is for an individual buildingcomponent and BC: 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 4- 0- 0 hmbecnbased oninfoamatiooprotidrebythe client. The WE: 2x 4 SP #3 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 2) 4- 0- 0 4) 0- 0- 0 daigoadisclaimaanyrespomibilityfmdamagesasa CUTTING ONLY ••••• WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 remltoffmltymincorrminformatimspmirmatisms MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Rxp.Cat. B, Xzt. 1.0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- and/or desigus Tarnished to the mass designer by the clim and the corrections in accuracy ofthis information as it composite result of multiple loads. Bld Type. encl L- 14.7 ft W. 4.0 ft Truss x-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type ` may relate to a specific project ad aaepu no Right End vertical designed for wind. in END zone, TCDL- 4.2 pef, BCDL. 1.2 psf 0- 0-12 1 0 0 0 B Pin responabilityme:acisnoocouncil with regard m FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 3-11- 4 1 0 0 0 B Pin f4wicnim handling, shipment and installation of trvaes. TOP CHORD PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE This am has beat designed as an individual building compoumt in accordaxe with ANSBTPI 1.2002 and NDS-02 to be iocwpmatd as pan of the building design by Building Design. (registered architect m pmk:sumal cagmra)• When reviewed fro approval by the building designs. the design loadings shown must be checkd w be sore thin the data show are in agreement with We local building codes localclimatic recoedsfro wind or snaavbads, pmj-tspai(icatians m special applied bads Ualm shown, truss has not beta designed fro amp a Occupancy loads The design asmma cumpessimn chords (top a boric) are co nimotsly 4- - braced by sheathing unlessotherwisespecified. Whore bottom chords in torsionareoutPollybracedlaterallybyaproperlyappliedrigidccling, they should be braced at a I 2 maximan spacing of 10'- 0' o.c. Cotnccmr plates Wall be in— from 20 gauge but dipped galvmizedHeel 6.00 irietmed meetinx ASTM A653. Grade 40. unless Otherwise shows FABRICATION NOTES Aim to fabrication. the fahtkatm shall review this drawing in varifY Wit this drawing is in conformance with the fahricabfs plans and in realice acontiming respectabilityfro suchverification. Aoy discrepancies are to bepat in writing beforetatting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed ova knotholes knot m ditmted grim. Members shallbe em fro tight filing woad to wood bearing Caoncam plates shall be located on limb fats of the true with mils fully imbedded tad shallbe slut. aboutthe joint unless otherwise shown. ASaoplan is 6' wide x 4' long A6x$ plate is 6' aide x S' long. Sluts (holes) rum purillet to the plate leap specified. Double cuts on web members shall coteinthecrraidofWewebscnlmOtherwiseshown. Co®ector plate sizes are minimum sign based on We forces shown and may need to be incensed fro cabin handling =& in erectionstresses. This non is ism to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber onlm otherwise shown For additional inlbtmatiom on Quality Control afar to ANSVPPI 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and section recommendations are to be followedin accordance wiW' Hadling Insulling and Bracing'. HI8-91. Trarm are to be handled with paniwlar arcduring bending andbundling delivery andimallniao in avoid damage. Temporary ad permman bracing fro holding tresses in . straight and plumb position and forresisting lateralforcesshallbedesignedadinstalledbyothers. C— fhl h--ling is essemial and erncsim bracing is always required. Norval prsxamuarim action fro tansies requires such impurity bracing duringiresullatio0 betweentrustees toavoid toppling and dominating The upWlLOnoranction oftrYOes shall be ader the control of pesuns experienced In the installationOf tresses. Professional advice shall besought if ceded. Cmramrat;oo of conanaameInadf grater thanthe design loads shall Out be applid to tomes in any time. Nobads other than We weight of We anctors shall be applidin in. mail after all financing and bracing is 2-0-0 214 MWADIMMA MA MA MA MA MA rNWAMINFIN 14 IN MINNOW 'I 'I 'IF, oI t 0 I I W I 4 4-0-0 t 4 3 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OP THIS DRANING TO BE GIVEN TO BRECTINO CON'fRACTOA. BRACING NAW2ING: Maronda Systems Braangdmnoatht,draw; norernc, ioered'ythedb ng ta:b osmri b oaa°Wr,os the building rtesign ad wttuhminabecousideredbyWebmiWingdesigns. Bracing coon is rut tarot mppon mrtress man only m reduce buckling Iapb. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations deermmed by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See ID8-91 of TPf).For specific truss bracingregoitemems, comact building drsgna.(Trvss Rau Institute, TPI is located at 593 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Getrric, Dim Madison. Wisctrmius»19> Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE ss10050068 367 Meda6as FL ChadaOts, FL 32760 2-0-0 Eng Job: Dwg: Degnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 2.0 psf Scale = 0.7298 WO: COVR4 TI: V2 9/ 16/2005 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O. C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 Code: FLA Design: Matrix AnalySiB Prorlie race: a v%vLA, yrss Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI M Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP &2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Joint Locations............... -. This designs for anindividual building eemponem and BC. 2x 4 SP 02 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 3- 9- 0 5) 0- 0- 0 hasbeen bare oninformation provided bythe dim. The ww•ww CUTTING ONLY ww.•w continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 2) 1-10- 8 4) 3- 9- 0 designer disclaims soy responsibilityfor damages ass MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq- 1 MAx. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- restltorrmltyormemrectinformation.spoeiicatiom composite result of multiple loads. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension x-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type own, designs famished to the truss designer by the client and the correcorm or accuracy ofmis infbemaliknasit WndLodper ASCE 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, TOP CHORD 0- 0-12 1 0 0 0 B Pin - mayrelatetnaspecifneprojectandaaeptsm H- 15.0 ft, I- 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt- 1.0 3- 8- 4 1 0 0 0 B Pin responsibility or meciso no commit with regard in Bld Type. enel L- 66.0 ft W- 3.8 ft Truss PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE fabrication. handin& shipment and installation oftrusses. inEND zone, TCDL- 4.2 psf, BCDL. 1.2 psf This trusshasbeendesignedaanindividualbuildingcomponentin accordance with ANSIrrPI 1-2002 and NDS-02 to be incorporated as pas of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional agmeer). Wbm reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sore that the data shown are in agreemem wild the local banding codes. local climatic records for wind m sow bads, project specific, s or special applied bads. Unless shown, truer bas nor been designed or storage or occupancy bads. The design assumes compression chords ( top in bosom) are continuously braced by slrathing unlm otherwise spcifid. Where 1-10- 8 1-10- 8 boom chords in tension arc not fully braced laterally by a L properly applied rigidceiling. theyshould bebraceda 1 Z 3 maximum spacingof10'-To.c. Ctmo tor plates shall be mamfacmrcd from20siegebutdippedgalvmixedsteelmatingASTM A 653, Grade4 unless otherwise shown. 6.00 -6.00 FABRICATION NOTES prior to rabricatio t, the fabricator shall renew this drawing to veriry thin this drawing if in con(bmance with 4x6 the fabricatorsplenaandto «+lire a continuing responsibility far inch verification. Any dirrepaain are to be putin writing before coning or fabrication. Plan shall cot be installed over knotholes. knees or dimmed grain. Members shall be con for tight fining Sod to wood haring. Connector plates awl bebated on both fatsof3x4 the trustwithhailsIbllyimbeddedandscotbeslm. abed 0-11- 4 0-1 1- 4 e isS' wide x the jointunlessotherwiseshow. A Sx4 plane a' long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8' Im& Slots (holes) 43x4 ruo paralleltotheplatelengthspecified. Double cats ne web member alsid] row in the cawid urinewebsnulers otherwise shown. ConuecnrPhu sires are minimumsires bard an the forces shown and may need to be eased for cetam handlingadlor elation stresses Thisunss is out to be fabricated with fire relComl treated lumber unless otherwise show4 For aGdidoml information m Quality Control refer to ANSVTP1 1-2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All timing anderection recommendations are to be followedin accordance with'Hadlin8. Installing and Bracing'. IDB- 91. Tresses arc to be handledwith particular are during bulling and bundling delivery and installation re avoid damage Temporary and pamammt XXX bracing forholdingmossesinastraightandplumbpositionand rot resisting lateral fortes swl be designed and installed by others. Careful hanNivg is essential andaectiom bracing is awals required. Normal precautionary acn)on for °°.e'regeires such temporary leasing during 0# 1.50" Stud 4- 0- 0 0# 1.50" inaallatim betweentestesreavoidtopplinganddomiming. The sapervisim of eratim oftrvaes shallbe ode the control of penom experiencedin the imtallaine ortreaes. Professional advise mall be sought 3-9-0 t if nadcd. Cmtomtratim of mnstrwioo lords gager than the designs Indsshell cot be applied to trossn in aM time. No loads who than the weight of the Bretton men be 5 4 applied tomussesuntilafterallfasteningandbracingisEXCEPTAS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING:' Ma run des Systems Bracing morn can thisdrawingis net g erection bracinwindbranspond basting or similar bearing which is a part ofthe building design andwhichmust beconsidered by the bendingdesigner. Bracing showis for lateral support oftrussmembers. only to reducebuckling length. Provisionsmen be made W mchor lateralbracing atendsand specified laom atidetermined by thebeading designer. Additional htacfog of the overall mneme maybe repined. (Sac HID-91 of TPD.For spaife muss bracing rcgnir®ems, contact beading desiyper.(Trev Plate Iststimte. TPI is located a 583 4005 MARONDA WAY Donofrio Drive, Maein.Wisconsin 53T19 Sanford, FL_ 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax ( 407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 0#0050068 207 MedalSon FL pltbaota; FL 32766 Eng Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 2.0 psf Scale = 0.9813 WO: COV&4 TI: V3 9/16/ 2005 Lbr DFt 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O.C.t 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 Codes FLA Design: Matrix Analysis rrorrae rain: .:%anus-w...n,a,aN...,.e....r.. .r... Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TI:V4 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2sc 4 SP #2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Joint Locations............... This design is for an individual building component and BC: 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 9- 0 5) 3-10- 8 hasbeen basedaninfmmatonptov;mdbythe dxm.The WB: 2x 4 SP #3 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 2) 3-10- 8 4) 7- 9- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 designer disclaims myrespondbilhyfbrdamagsaa CUTTING ONLY ••••• In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PRE. HEARING LOCATION----- r® hafnauym'ncomestmfatmaum'spwfcaaom MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the PORCBS (lb) - Max Compreeaion/Max Teneioa 8-Loci BSat Vert Horis Uplift Y Type , and/ or design Bnrmished to the ova designer by the Client and the cornor accmxyofthisinfmmaioouit ccmm compositeresult of multiple loads. TOP CHORD 0- 0-12 1 0 0 0 B Pia• may mix, m a specific pojat andaccyls anWndLod per ASCE 7-02, C&C, V. 125mPh, 7- 8- 4 1 0 0 0 B Pia responsibility or eseaim no control with mWto H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Ezt. 1.0 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE fabrication, hungffimg. shipment and installation of musses. BldType- encl L. 66.0 ft W. 7.8 ft Truss This tmss has been designed as an individual building component inarra. d awith ANSVfPl1-2002and in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 1.2 psf NDS-02 to be iocmporaed apan of thebuilding designby aBuilding Designer (registered architect ar pofersional cnginm). Whim reviewed for approvalbythebail&& designer. the design tidings sbawn must be checked to be suit that the dash shown are in agreement with the local building codeslocal climatic records for wind or snow beds, Pmjectspecification or special applied loads. Unlm sb- u unto has rot been designed fro garage or occupancy rods. The designatmmas compression chords (top or muam) she continnOWY 3-10- 8 3-10- 8 braced by sheathing udm otherwise specified. Where bottom cbords in tensionarenorfatlybracedlaterallybya123 psupedy applied rigid ceiling. [ bey should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10- 0' o.c. ConnectorPlata shallbe mamftetmed from 20 page hot dipped galvmired aecl 6.00 meeting ASTM A 633. Cade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES 4x6 Prior to fabrication, the (abrxaor shall review this drawing to verify that this drawingis in coaformmcewiththe fabricautesplans and to retain a comivaing responsibility forsuch verification. Any discrepancies are to be put in writingberme calling or rabrication. Plata shall mot be installed over kmholm trots or distorted pain. Members; shall be era for tight Bring wood Wwoodbaring. Connector platesshall be bated on both faces of the true with mails fully imbedded and shall be ism. abaa the joint unless; otherwise shown. A50 plate is 5' widex4' bog. A6xg plate is 6' wide x 8' bog. Sbu (holes) eon parallel to the plate length specified. Doable cotson web membersshall mess a the —mid of the weld adm otherwise'bo Connector plate Sizes are snn®m ux4 3 3x4 tim basedan the forces sbown andmay need to beincreased frxcertain handlingauthor eradm stresses. This unto is not tobefabricatedwithfatemundanematedlumberanlmotherwiseshown. For additional information on Quality Control tcfer to ANSVTPI 1.2002 2x4 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and eratioo recommendations are in be followed in accordance with'Handling. Installing and Bracing% HIS-91. Trusses arc to be handled with particularcare during boding andbudlin& del ve y and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing fa holdinguvsso in a susight and pbmb position and for raislin lateralforces shall be designed and installedby ohm. Careful handlingisasmtiat and tendon busingis always required. Normal prmulammY action for mvssn repairs such temporary bracing daring installation betweenwants as avoidtoppling and diming Thempervicim ofesecttonofinsse,"be 0# 1.50" Stud @ 4- 0- 0 0# 1.50" under the conrol of persms experienced in the installation of musses. Professionaladvice shall be soughs it weed. Coo muminn of earmnxvors rods grata lions 7-9-0 the design bads'lull not be applied in rotas al any time. No bads other than the weight of the erectors shall be 5 4 applied towns anvil alter ell resuming and bsewgis6completed. EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 r WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: FMaronda Systems Brrag shown an this drawi°" is erectionbtxiaa wind bracing. portalbracingm similar bracing which b pan of the building designand whichsoma be considered by the building designer. Boeing shown is for Waalm, of truss members only to reducebottling length. hovisions nos be made to anchor lateral bracing a ads and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracingoftheoverallarocmmmayberequre& (SecHIB-91 of TPq.Fw spmifx one bracingrequiremtms, contactbuildingdesigna.(Tma Pule menimlt TPI is located at583 4005 MARONDAWAY DOesofrioDrive. Mdimo.Wisemin53719). Sanford, FL. 32771. 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 TOt4AS PONCE P.E. LICENSE rd0050068 347 MadWlkx FL ChL&Wta4 FL 32760 Eng Job: Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16. 0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 2.0 psf Scale ex 0.7434 WO: COVR4 TI: V4 9/ 16/2005 Lbr DF: 1.25 Plt DF: 1.25 O. C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 Code: FLA v4.7.21- 12373 Designs Matrix Analyals rrouie racn: t-:%ar---- k"csant.... sa.vvw+w."vay.. Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVR4 TIsV5 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC, 2x 4 SP 02 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Joint Locations............... . Ibis design is for an individual building component and BC. 2x 4 SP #2 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 1) 1-11- 0 3) 9-10- 0 5) 5-10- 8 has been based oninformationprovdedbytheclim.The WB: 2x 4 SP #3 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 2) 5-10- 8 4) 9-10- 0 6) 1-11- 0 } designer dis taia s anysopensibshty, for aamaye na GBL: 2x 4 SP 03 WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125rlph, In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 result of fnthyor incorrect information. specifications..... CUTTING ONLY •.... H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. 8, Ezt. 1.0 MA%. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- aodlor dmgn lhrnimed to (be tress daigeer by she client and the correcmea or accency of thisinfnuestion as it MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Bld Type. encl L. 66.0 ft W. 7.9 ft Truss x-Los BSet Vert Hori: Uplift Y Type mayrdatemaspeeifc pmjat and accepts an composite result of multiple loads. in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 pef, SCDL. 1.2 pef 0- 0-12 1 0 0 0 B Pin responability, or aercim no control with regard to L. and R. End verticals designed for wind FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 7-10- 4 1 0 0 0 B Pin rkMication. hs-niq. shipment and installation of trusses. TOP CHORD PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Tbia aan has been dtsigond n an individual building component b accordance with ANSVPFl 1.2002 and NDSN ea be mWpW ed n part Of shebuilding design by a Building Designer (registered arehitecl or Professional mgiacv). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be baked m be are that the data shown are in age®ent with the local building codes. local climatic records for wind or — loads. project specifications a specialapplied bads. Udess shown. tress has not been designed for aerage or occupancybads. The designtimma compression chords (rep or bottom) are comimoasly3-11- 8 3-11- 8 bracedbystrathinganlmotherwisespecified. WbaeIr human, choeds inrmvonare out fully braced laterally by aproperly applied rigid,ciliag. tb y sb-W be braced at a 2 3 mma' m"m gating of 10-0' o.c. Connector platshall be actared ft. 20 page bat dipped galvanized wed 6.00 -6.00 meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. anless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES 4x6 Print mnbrlcatm4thefabricatorshallreviewthisdrawingto verify that this dlawists is in cnnfmmaac, withIht fabricator{ plans and to retain a - i respoaability fen each verification Any disaepancie, arc to be patinwriting berate totting or fibricailoa Plata shall tit be installed over kmtholm keen or diaoned gndm Members shall be era for lightfining woodtowood bearing. Connector phda mall be bated oe bah faces of the unst with nails sally ialbtdded and shall be sym shorn the join unless otherwise showy. A 5x4 plate is 5' wide a 4' bog A 60 plate is 6' wide a k' long Sloe (holm) son parallel to the plate length specified. Doable can on 2-11- 4 web membmshallmeetatheceatroidofthewebswnlces2-11- 4 otherwise ib, Caanocmr Plate sim are minimum 2x4 sire basedonthefacemownandmayneedtobe2x4locmasadfen certain hmdlitµandfor eratioo messes. This one; is rot m be fabricated with fate scusdant treated lumber unless othawise mown. For additional information on Quality Control ecr. to ANSVfPI 1.2002 0-11- 8 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES LTJ All bracing and erection rccommendatiom art to be 2x42x4 followed inaccordancewith'Handling. 1-11in and 2x4 Bracing . IUB- 91. Trusses are m be handledwithparticular are during 6mdsngand burrNin& delivery and maaliation to avoid damage T®poray and pamanant bracing for bob ing aano in a straight and plumb position and for rmamg lateral faces shall be designed and installed by others. Caeful haudtmg is menial and eratioo bracing is always mqd.& Normal prmmionay action for rressa rtgaiM such «mporary bracing duringinstallation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominating. The mpervisionof erection of transshag betrader the c: oonel of permmaperaced in the in:taBuiun ofamss Professional advice mall be sought 0# 1.5011 Stud p 4- 0- 0 0# ls0" aalends g {ter than if eadm Co,a fenremlonthe design loads mall = be appliedmtnaw N any time 0 V No bads other thm theweightoftheerectorsshallbea7-11- applid to truce until after all listening and boxing is completed. 6 5 4 0- 11- 0 7-11- 0 0-11- 0 RI- 0- 5) RI- 0- 5) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 Scale=0.5936 Maronda Systems 0 4005 MARONDA WAY Sanford, FL_ 32772. 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE O'0050068 267 PI I ",tatFL GWAsaft, FL 22766 WAMN1NCi: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this dewing Is nas elation bracin& wind bradn& portal bracing or "In bracing which is a pan of the buildingdesign and whim most beconsidered by the building deer. Bracing mown is forIam, mppmtoraass m ben only toreduce b=UinS length. Provisions mum be made to anchor lateral braciog at endsand specified loc,tion daerme by the building designer. Additions) bracing of the overall mxmre may beraprirtd. (Sec IDB-91 of 7Pl}For spaific awn boxingregairemmts, contact building dcsigeer.(Trm Flue tnstimse TPI is located at 593 D'Ooo6io Drive. Madis a. Wisconsin537191 Eng Job: WO: COVE4 Dwg: TI: V5 DsgnrsTLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16.0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf Plt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10.0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC-04 BC Dead 2.0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 35.0 vsf v4. 7.21-12374 Design: Matrix AnalySIS rroilie racn: ct\lea-con\wire\wDa \\.vvnw\wvarsva n n w\vaoa.psac Job: COVINGTON K 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVK4 TI:V6 Qty.1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building compmmt and has been basedon information provided by thedim. The designer disclaims my responsibility for damages a a result of fanity w iocarrat information specifeaunes ma lot designs fl mished t the wss designer by the client and the correctness or accuacy ofthis inimmatim es it may relate to a specific project andaccepts an responsibililyOr exercises nocontrol with reaud t fiWication, handling shipment and ivsallation ofwssa. This bass bas been designed a an mdividoal building componentin accordance with ANSVfPI I-2002 and NDSfi2to be incorporated as pan ofthe buildingdesign bya Building Designer (registced architect or profess marl mpneerb When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings mown mast be checked m be sore Nat the data shown are in agreement with the boil banding codes. localclimatic records for wind or mow bads, project specific- w special applied bade Unless dtoa, bass hasnot been designed forstorage woccupancy loads. Thedesign assama compression chords (top or bonom) are contimmndy braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords intension are not fully braced Iatmlly by property applied raped celling they should be braced a amas:mam spacing ofI014' o.c. Connector platesshall be ma®facmntd Bum 20 gouge has dipped gaWmiaed need meeting ASTMA 653, Grade 40. unlessotherwise mown FABRICATION NOTES Prim to fabricaim, the fabricator mall review this drawing to verify that this drswing is in emfwmsuee with the fabricates plans and to rcalice a comiwing responsibility for such verification. Any discrepancies are to be Pat in writing before caning or fabrication. Plan dill out be installed over kaodnlm knots w disrwted Vain. Members shall be cm for light fining wood towood baring ConCKtw plates shall be located anboth fees of the lolls withmils fully imbedded and "I be s)m, about thejoint unless otherwisemown A 50 plate is 5' wide a 4' long A 6.8 plate is 6' wide a 8' Leeg Slot (holes) nth parallel tothe put IcWb specified. Doable cuts anwebmembersshallsheeratthecentmdofthewebsunless otherwise she". Connector plate Liles are minimumslaybasedantheforcesshownandmayneedtobe Increased for certain hmdhtng and/or erection messes. Thiswet ism to be fabricated with fire resardam trued lumber pdess otherwise mown. For additional information an Quality Central refs to ANSVrPI 1.2002 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES AB bracing and erection rccemmendatimmate tobefollowedinaccordancewith'Hawdlittg lassoing and Briug'. HIB-91. Trusses ate to be handled with pan;ad,rare outingwining and bundling, del..) and in"haicemavoid damage. Temporary andpermanent bracing for bolding trusses in a straight and plumb position and forraisimgbtml forces dull bedesigned and installed byothers. Careful handling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal preatnitnar). action forbassesrequires suchtemporary bracingduring msallauon between wares to avoid topping and domiming The supervision oferections ofcanes shall be under the control ofpersons experienced in the installation oftntsscs. Professional advice mall be sought fneeded. Come olmtlm Of wm naertmed: gr eaterthin the design lends mall oat a tbeappliedtottatmy time. No bads other thanthe weightof the erectorsmill be appliedto mines until alter all fasmivg and bring is TC: 2x 4 SP #2 BC. 2x 4 SP #2 WB: 2x 4 SP #3 GBL: 2x 4 SP 43 wwww• CUTTING ONLY •world• MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. This truss is designed to bear on multiple supports. Interior bearing locations should be marked on truss. Shim or wedge if necessary to achieve full bearing. 2-9- 10 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. L. and R. End verticals designed for wind WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, H. 15. 0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B. Kzt. 1.0 Bld Type. encl L. 20.0 ft W. 10.4 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 1.2 psf In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- K-Loc BSet Vert Soria: Uplift Y Type 0- 0- 12 1 0 0 0 B Pin 10- 4- 8 1 0 0 0 B Pin 10- 7- 4 1 0 0 0 B H Roll PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Joint Locations ............... 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 8- 4- 8 9) 6- 4- 8 2) 2- 4- 8 6) 10- 4- 8 10) 4- 4- 8 3) 4- 4- 8 7) 10- 4- 8 11) 2- 4- 8 4) 6- 4- 8 8) 8- 4- 8 12) 0- 0- 0 This truss has not been designed for ROOF at PONDING. Building designer must provide adequate drainage to prevent ponding. (0.25 in./ft. min. slope to drain). Truss must be marked to prevent UPSIDE DOWN erection. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension TOP CHORD 10-8- 0 2 3 4 5 6 2x4 2x4 2x4 20 2x4 ix4 3x6 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 2x4 oat i. sorr Stud Q 2- 0- 0 09W ON 1.50" 10-8- 0 12 11 10 9 8 7 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAINING TO BE GIVEN TO HRHCTZNO CONTRACTOR. BRACING NARNINO: FMaronda SystemsSungmornmdtsdsh'kGts 'b erection bonnybracing.portal brmngwe wlaror1-ty 1sop is a punOf the balldimg design sued w'bKb shun lotComfideredby thebuilding d[signa. Bran$ mown is for lateral W ppw10(Van mmbmonly to reduce bncUing length. Provisions mass be made to mchw 'am bracing a ends and specified locations daumimed by the building desigma. Additional bring of the overall souememay be required. (Sce IOB-91 of TPI).Pw specificones bring repinements, we= buiwin desigsm(Trass Were hositum TH is located at 593 4005 MARONDA WAY DonoBio Drive. Madison. Wdaconsim 53719) Sanford, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE M0050068 267 Ms 1 10, FL Clsisotse FL 22766 CIL: 10- 4- 8 2-6-2 Over 3 Supports Scale ee 0.4982 Eng Job: WOd COVK4 Dag: TI: V6 Dsgnr:TLY Chk: 9/16/2005 TC Live 16. 0 psf Lbr DF: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf PIt DF: 1.25 BC Live 10. 0 psf O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI-02/FBC- 04 BC Dead 2. 0 psf Code: FLA TOTAL 35.0 loaf v4.7.21-12375 Design: Matrix Analysis rrorlae race: +. - .ae— Job: COVINGTON R 4 Customer:10# UPLIFT D.L. WO:COVK4 TI:V7 Qty:l DESIGN INFORMATION TC: 2x 4 SP #2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Joint Locations............... st rail deep isfor snindividual buildingcompooemsnd BC: 2x 4 SP 02 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 1) 0- 0- 0 4) 7- 2- 0 7) 1- 2- 0 hats been basedoninfmvmianprmidedbythe client. The WE: 2x 4 SP #3 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 2) 1- 2- 0 5) 7- 2- 0 8) 0- 0- 0 designer disclaims aoyrcspomibiliry, for damages arts GBL: 2x 4 SP #3 WndLod per ASCH 7-02, C4C, V. 125mph, 3) 3- 2- 0 6) 3- 2- 0 result or fmity en incorrect information. sp-ircuim CUTTING ONLY ••••• H. 15.0 ft, I. 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt. 1.0 In -Plant Quality Assurance with Cq. 1 d andlor designs Pomisbod to the wen designer by the client and the enrracmess or accuracyoftbisia—mimait MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Bld Type. suet L. 20.0 ft W. 7.2 ft Truss MAE. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- may,dmto. spec( ficpmjectand accepts no composite result of multiple loads. in END zone, TCDL. 4.2 psf, BCDL. 1.2 pef X-Loc BSet Vert Horiz Uplift Y Type responsibility ornccisc;wcontrol with regard to Left End verticaldesigned forwind. FORCES (lb) - Max Compression/Max Tension 0- 0-12 1 0 0 0 B Pin Gbricatiaa handlin& mipmtmt sod inswinios ofrmssm TOP CHORD 7- 1- 4 1 0 0 0 B Pink • _ This truss bas been designed a anindividual building PROVIDEUPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULEcomponent in ae,,..r—. with ANSVrP11-2002 and NDS-02 to be mcmpWatM es part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect m pofessional engneer). When reviewed for appovd by the building designer. the design loadings show moss be ebeeked to be Wee that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes local climatic records for wind or WGw Well. project WecificatrOne oursp eial applied bad, udendrown. toss bar Oct been designed fm storage m occupancy bads The dmp asmma compression cords (top or bowm) ane continuously 7-2-0 braced by sheathing odors otherwise specified. Wbm bottom cbords in tension are usesPolybracedlaterallyby . 1 2 3 4 properly4*icd rigid ceiling, they should be bracedat a masimam timingofId-0' O. C. C000ator planshallbe 6.00 mamfactmed Dom 20 gauge bad dippedgalvanizedsteelmeetingASTMA653. Grade 40. unim oft-imstorm. FABRICATIONNOTES 2x4 Rim tofaloicaum the fabricator shall review this drawing to verily that this drawing is in coufiumance with the fabricators plans, and to realize a continuingfR 2x4 respWuibilisy for serehverification. Any discintmtobepotinwritingbefore culling our fabrication. Pules mall not be installed over knotholm knots or distorted grain. Members mall be eon for right fitting woodtowood boring. Connector plate shall be bated on both fain of ibe truss withnails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless omawise shown. A 514Plate is5' wide a 2x4 4' long. A 6ag puts is 6' wide x g' long. Sba (holes) mat parallel to she plane IcVh specified. Doable cuts on 3- 7- 0 web member mall meat at thecenwidofthewebsmien3-7-0otherwise dawn. Connector plate sins tie minimum dui based no the fosses she" and may needto beineruud forcertain handling ardor es estion messes. This lass is ram to be fabricated withfire relardam neared bnuber ado otherwise drown. Far additional information no Qaalty Cannot refer to ANSVrPI 1.2002 x PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and election recommendations ase tobe followedin accordance with'Hmdling. imullingandBracing'• HUB-91. Tresses are to be bullied with 2x4 2x4 panipdarore dining banding and bmNing. & divvy and i esullatim to avoid damage. Temporaryandpermanentbracingforboldingtrussesin . maigbr and plumb positionand for Mininglateral relent mall be designed aad installed byothers. Carefulhandling is essential and erection boring is always regoired. Normal pleami sec asyaeBern fin mrszn requiresuch r® Wrmy bracing sharing insufaliop btsweeu emotes to avoidtoppling and MXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX>0<X'/7\/4 domiooing. The supervision of erectionofmossesshallbeunderthecontrolofperineaexperienced in the 11 imullationof wssm. Professional advice shall be WugtdON 1.50" Stud @ 2- 0- 0 ON 1.501, if needed. Cooeemmion of aonvWmim loads grain than the designmet mall rem be applied to trusses at ausy time. 7-2-0 No loads Other than the weighofthecrectarsshallbeappliedtobassesunlitafterall futemng and bracing is completed. 8 7 6 5 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE MiTek MT20 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR, BRACING WARNING: M d ion der Systems an Bracingshownanthis dewing is rem simian bracing. w and bracing. postal bracing a similarbaring which is a pun of the building designd stkb must beconsideredby thebuildingdesigier. Bracing mownisfor lateral support ofhoes membersonly toreduce bncklinglangh. Provisionsmost be madetoanchor lateralbracingat cods a dspecified locations deleembod bythe buildingdesigner. Additionalbracing ofthe overall eruct oe mayberequired. (See IDS-91of TPO.For specific has bracingrequirementscontactbuildingdesigier.(TrussPlate Ivsimte. TPI islocated at 593 4005 MARONDA WAY D'Onsui0Drive. MadiWa Wiwondn 33719). Sanford, FL.. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321- 3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE 9* 0050068 367 6iadafon FL Chukwt; FL 327Ci Eng Job: Dwg: Dsgnr:TLY Chk: TC Live 16. 0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 10.0 psf BC Dead 2.0 psf Scale = 0.5346 WO: COVR4 TI: V7 9/16/ 2005 Lbr DF: 1. 25 Plt DFs 1.25 O.C.: 2- 0- 0 TPI- 02/FBC-04 Code: FLA Designs Matrix Analysis rrOr- lie . v v.v rav-.vwru.v. ..