HomeMy WebLinkAbout152 Bristol Forest Trl - BR03-001718 - SFR2, PERMIT ADDRESS _VS CONTRACTOR Centex Homes ADDRESS 385 Douglas Ave., Ste 2000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 407-661-2176 CGC 049689 PHONE NUMBER PROPERTY OWNER PHONE NUMBER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER FEE SUBDIVISION—% PERMIT,, -" -40!n DATE-41-f#3 PERMII'DESCRIPTION S1114 PERMIT VALUATION 4 SQUARE FOOTAGE I S This is to certify that the building located at 152 BRISTOL FOREST TR for which permit 03-00001718 has heretofore been issued on 5/07/03 has been completed according to plans and specifications filed In the office of the Buildii Official pricer to the issuance of said building permit, to wit as complies with all the building, plumbing, electriYal zon.ng and subdivision regulations ordinances of the City of Sanford and with the provisions of these regulations. STAFF APPROVAL Subdivision Regulations Apply. Yes No DATE APPROVAL DATE APPROVAL BUILDING: Finaled c ' ZONING: Inspected ILITIES® Water Lines Inert Meter Set Reclaimed Water ENGINEERING: FIRE: Inspected Sewer Lines In Sewer Tap Street Drainage Paved Maintenance Bond PUBLIC WORKS: Street Name Street Signs s Lights Storm Sewer Driveway Street Work DESCRIPTION DATE AMOUNT WATER -SEWER IMPACT FEES 01-APPLCTN FEE -ELECTRIC 6f_11103 1-000 01-APPLCTN FEE -BUILDING 5/07/03 10.00 01-APPLCTN FEE -MECHANIC 6/16/03 10.00 01-APPLCTN FEE -PLUMBING 5/22/03 10.00 02-ENGNG DEVLPMT FEES 5/07/03 10.00 01-FIRE IMPACT - RESIDENT 5/07/03 59.27 01-LIBRARY IMPACT FEE 5/07/03 54.00 01-OPEN SPACE 5/07/03 279.61 PAGE: 2 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY / COMPLETION This is to certify that the building located at 152 BRISTOL FOREST TR for which permit 03-00001718 has heretofore been issued on 5/07/03 has been completed according to plans and specifications filed —1`—nthe office of the Building Official prior to the issuance of said building permit, to wit as complies with all the building plumbing, electrical, zoning and subdivision regulations ordinances of the City of Sanford and with the provisions of these regulations. STAFF APPROVAL ' Subdivision Regulations Apply: Yes No 01-POLICE IMPACT RESID 5/07/03 91.93 01-RADON GAS TAX FEE 5/07/03 10.80 01-ROAD IMPACTFEES 5,/07/03 847.00 01-RECOVERY FD/CERT. PGM. 5/07/03 10.81 01-SCHOOL IMPACT FEE 5/07/03 1384.00 WD IMPACT:SINGLE FAMILY 5/07/03 650.00 SD IMPACT:SINGLE FAMILY 5/07/03 1700.00 14' e ' I INjll 6YVI-Qs - OWNER 13UI IMG I H 8111-8 30 a U] t4a WkKyn bw W DATE: PERMIT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. 6/z V o Kngineerin-Fireg Public Works —JZoning Utilities __j Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) IH Kelm 30 0 U3 A* a Im W 100 V SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE**** DATE: - \,+-o--1-, PERMIT #: ADDRESS.. a Pam, The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department, After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. 0. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering :1 Fire P u b I i c Work' Zoning NLIMMM Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) 0 M PERMIT #: AADDRESS: \ 5 ) ; nra 9 CONTRACTOR: The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. 0. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Fire fit Public Works El Zoning 64U t i I it i e S'`_111_'_711,11 'X 1?' n g (9, zTicensi CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) M O.M.B. No, 3067-0077 Expires December 31, 2001Z 1111113 CENT EX HOMES I BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt., Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. lcompanyWlc Number 152 BRISTOL FOREST TRAIL CITY STATE ZIP CODE FL PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) LOT 33, PRESERVE @ LAKE MONROE BUILDING USE (e.g,, Residential, Non-residenfiaJ, Addition, Accessory, etc. Use a Comments area, if necessary.) RESIDENTIAL LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: GPS (Type):_ Q - ##'- ##.#ff' or ##.#####I [I NAID 1927 0 NAD 1983 [1 USGS Quad Map [__1 Other. NFIP COMMUNITY NAMF COMMUNITY NUMBER B2, CC1l1NTY NAME @3. STATE B4. MAP AND PANEL 87, FIRM PANEL % BASE FLOOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBER 65, SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDEX DATE EFFECTIVEIREVISED DATE B8. FLOOD ZONE(S) (Zone AO, use depth offlooding) 1202940035 E 4117/95 4117/95 X NIA 810. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in B9. El FIS Profile 0 FIRM El Community Determined Other (Describe): 611. Indicate the elevation datum used for the BEE in B9: 0 NGVD 1929 NAVD 1988 [—) Other (Describe): B12. Is on Date SECTION C - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1, Building elevations are based on: 0 Construction Drawings* Building Under Construction* Finished Constmdon A new Elevation Certificate Wil be required when construction of the building is complete. C2, Building Diagram Number 1 (Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this certificate is being completed - seep 6 and 7, If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) C3, Elevations — Zones Al -A30, AE, AH, A (with BFE), VE, V1 -V30, V (with BFE), AR, AR/A, AR/AE, AR/Al -A30, APJAH, AR/AO Complete Items C3,-a-i below according to the building diagram specified in Item C2. State the datum used. If the datum is different from the datum used for the BFE in Section B, convert the datum to that used for the BFE, Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the spaoe provided or the Comments area of Secton D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion, Datum Conversion/Comments Elevation reference mark used —Does the elevation reference mark used appear on the FIRM? [I Yes 0 No o a) Top of bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) 14. 4ft.(m) o, b) Top of next higher floor N/A . 110) c) Bottom of lowest horizontal structural member (V zones only) AA - d) Attached garage (top of slab) ft.(m) 14. 1 ft.(m) a) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building (Describe in a Comments area) A , lft.(m) E 0 Lowest adjacent (finished) grade (LAG) 13 , 3 ft.(m) Z' g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) 13, 8 ft.(m) h) No. of permanent openings (flood vents) within I it, above adjacent grade 0 o i) Total area ofall permanentopenings (flood vents) in C3.h 0 sq. in, (sq. cm) SECTION D - SURVEYOR ENGINEER, OR ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information. certify that the information in Sections A, 8, and C an this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the date available. Llunderstand that any t 'statement ma, be punishable by fine or imorisonment under 18 U.& Code, Section 1001, CERTIFIER' S NAME: WILLIAM R. MUSCATELLO, JR. LICENSE NUMBER: 4928 PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR & MAPPER COMPANY NAME: AMERICAN SURVEYING & MAPPING, INC. CITY STATE ZIP CODE ORLANDO FL 32803 FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 See reverse side for continuation. Replaces all previous editions REMEMBE= BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt, Unk Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.0, ROUTE AW F30X N.(-;, Policy Number 152 BRISTOL FOREST TRAIL CITY STATE ZIP CODE— Company NAIC Number FL I IR1ZI #W*01=411019*4 -90411 ?P01 ol. Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) community official, (2) insurance agent/comparry, and (3) building owner. COMMENTS ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON SEMINOLE COUNTY DATUM; MACHINERY DESCRIBED IN C3-E IS AN A/C UNIT 0 Check here if attachments SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (without BFE), complete Items El through E4. Ifthe Elevation Certificate is intended for use as supporting information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be completed. El. Building Diagram Number _(Select the building diagram most similarto the building for which this certificate is being completed — see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The top of the bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building is _ ft.(m) _in.(cm) El above or 0 below (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, if available). E3. For Building Diagrams 6-8 with openings (seepage 7), the next higher flooror elevated floor (elevation b) of the building is _ ft.(m) _in.(cm) above the highest adjacent grade. Complete items C3,h and C3.i on front of form, E4. The topof the platform of machinery and/or equipment servicing the building is _ ft.(m) _in,(cm) [:1 above or 0 below (check one) the highest adjacent grade, (Use natural grade, if available). E5. For Zone AO only: If no flood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor elevated in accordance with the community's floodplain management ordinance? 0 Yes El No El Unknown, The local official must oe2 this information in Section G. SECTION F ® PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The property owner or owner's authorized representative who ompletes Sections A, 6, C (Items C3,h and C3.ionly), and E forZone A (without a FEMAAssued or community - issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, 6, Q and E are carrect to the best ofmyknoWedge. PROPERTY OWNER'S OR OWNERS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME SIGNATURE COMMENTS mm STATE ZIP CODE El Check here if attachments SECTION G - COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authorized by law or ordinance to administer the community's floodplain management ordinance can complete Sections A, B, C (or E), and G of this Elevation Certificate. Complete the applicable item(s) and sign below, G1, El The information in Section C wastaken from other documentationthat has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or architect who is authorized by state or local law to certify elevation information. (Indicate the source and date of the etevation data in the Comments area below.) G2. El A community official completed Section E for a building located in Zone A (without a FEMA issued or ocmmunfly4ssued BEE) or ZoneAO. G3. El The following information (items G4-G9) is provided for community ffoDdplain management purposes. G7. This permit has been issued for, 0 New Construction ] Substantial Improvement G8. Elevation of as -built lowest floor (including basement) of the building is: —ft.(m) Datum: G9. BFE or (in Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building site is: — ft.(m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS Check here If attachments FEMA Form 81-31, January 2003 Replaces all previous editions rLAT OF SURVEY DESCRIPTION: (AS FURNISHED) LOT 33, PRESERVE AT LAKE MONROE AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 62, PAGES 12--15 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA NOTE: THE FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION OF THIS STRUCTURE MEETS OR EXCEEDS THE THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE CITY OF SANFORD CODE CHAPTER 6, SEC. 6-7(A), PI ,, olV Q, 0 0, AO Cl:_'RTIFIFD TO AND FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF: COMMERCE FILE COMPANY COMMERCE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY CTX MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC NOTE: I- ALL DIRECTIONS AND DISTANCES HAVE BEEN FIELD VERIFIED AND ANY INCONSISTENCIES HAVE BEEN NOTED ON THE SURVEY, IF ANY, 2, PROPERTY CORNERS SHOWN HEREON WERE SET/FOUND ON 8-14-03, UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN, 3, THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT ABSTRACTED THE LAND SHOWN HEREON FOR EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAY, RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD WHICH MAY AFFECT THE TITLE OR USE OF THE LAND. 4. NO UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN LOCATED EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 5, NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER, I HAVE EXAMINED THE F.I.R.M. COMMUNITY PANEL NO 120294 0035 E DATED 4/17/95 AND FOUND THE SUBJECT PROPERTY APPEARS TO LIE IN ZONE X, AREA OUTSIDE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLANE ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON SEMINOLE COUNTY VCR 11CAL CONTROL AS FURNISHED. 3EARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 33 BEING N 54'23'11" W PER PLAT. FIELD DATE:) 5/13/03 -REVISED: SCALE: I" = 30 FEET APPROVED BY: _WR—M— JOB NO, ASM39647 FORME)OARD 5-27-03 CKU PLOT PLAN 03-07-03 CK6 DRAWN BY: LOT FIT 12-16-02 CKB LEGEND BUILDING SETBACK ONE RIGHT OF WAY UTF 14.23EXISTING ELEVATION CONCRETE LB LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS LS LAND SURVEYOR PRO PERMANENT REFERENCEERIENCE MONUMENT PCP PERMANENT CONTROL POINT P) PER PLAT M) MEASURED FIND FOUND C/W CONCRETE WALK S1W SIDEWALK cp CONCRETE PAD Cs CONCRETESLAG c CHORD LENGTIT PK PARKER KALON R RADIUS POC POINT OF CURVE AMERICAN SURVEYING c MAPPING OF AUTHORIZATION NUMBER LB#6393 320 EAST SOUTH STREET, SUITE 180 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 (407) 426- 7979 FRANTIC SCALE 0 15 30 00 ENE) 112" IRON ROD AND CAP T, a ff6 393 (B/14/03) I ND NAIL AND DISC TA #68 (8/14/03) 0 FNO 1/2" IRON ROD AND CAPITT! 068 (8/14/03) CNA CORNER NOT ACCES5101-F 6 DENOTES DELTA ANGLE L DENOTES ARC LENGTH Ell DENOTES CHORD HEARING PC DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE PI DENOTES POINT OF INTERSECTION PRC DENOTES POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE PT DENOTES POINT OF TANGCNCY TYR TYPICAL A/C AIR CONDITIONER CBW CONCRETE BLOCK WALL RP RADIUS POINT OHU OVERHEAD UTILITY LINE ID IDENTIFICATION POL POINT ON LINE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVE I HEREBY CERTIFY, THAT THIS BOUNDARY SURVEY, SUBJECT TO THE SURVEYOR'S NOTES CONTAINED HEREON MEETS THE APPLICABLE MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS" SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF PROFESSIONAL SURVEYORS AND MAPPERS IN CHAPTER 6IG17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 472,027, FLORIDA FOR THEI FIRM JR. PSM #4Y8 DATE CITY OF SANFORD PERmfT APPLICATION Permit # : bate: Job Address: t°SSG _r 7f' Description of Work: Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm poal r Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Tempo pole ,- Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Cali} Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Leas Lines Plumbing/ New Residential: ## of Water Closets Plumbing Repair— Residential or Commercial i- Occupancy Type: Residential _ Cormnercial Industrial Total Square Footage: ' Construction Tyne: # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: FloodZone: (FEMA form required for ov— , than ) Parcel #: Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name Re Address: Phone. Contractor Name & Address:. w StateLicense.Number: Phone & Fax:_ X Contact Person. Phone: Bonding Company: Address Mortgage Lender: Address'. Architect/ Engineer: Phone: Address: _ Fax: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenwd p or r- Ffro. issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WFLIS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc_ QWNBR' S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable: lava,<, fl:rrl drrg construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN C it ?)Z PAN ;rG TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORF RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or r'et i <ag cies. Acceptance of permit is verification that i x illnotify the o vncr of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. Signature of Owner/Agent Date Signature of Contractor/Agent Date Print Owner/Agent's Name P - t Contractor -Agent's }L ame Signature of Notary -State of Honda Date i( 7ature of e a y Stag o Flori(,a Date q r _. Ohkncr/ Agent is Pcrsonalh Kno M to isi, or Cbnu r Ace is w,onai, Known to h1 1- oduced ID t ucox T V' PLI \I ION APPROVFED I3Y: Bldg: -- _-, Zoning -- - - L . .es: FD: Initial & Datc; (Initial C Dato} (Initial K Date) (Ilxnal fi Oa'c Cunclitions: I lilt to 1110 10111111 is 11111 of 11 In 11111111111 fit 111111 till NAME: Debra A, Riggs-7entex Homes 385 Douglas Avenue, Suile20 Altamonte Springs, FL 3271r], MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT, SEMINOLE COUNTY BK 04779 P6 0241 CLERK'S # 2003061295 RECORDED 64/14/M3 090042 AM RECORDING FEES 6.00 RECORDED BY L'McKinloy THE "ERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement, 1. Description of Property: LOT —4 PRESERVE AT LAKE in Plat Book 62 Pages 12-15 in the PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, 2. General Description of Improvement: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING 3, Owner Information: CENTEX HOMES 385 Douglas Avenue, Suite 2000 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714 I terest in Property: FIIE SIMPLE INTEREST Name of Fee Simple Titleholder: N/A 4. Contractor: CENTEX HOMES' 385 Douglas Avenue, Suite 2000 Altamonte Springs, Florida 32714 Phone: (407) 661-2150 Fax: (407) 661-4089 5. Surety: N/A Amount of Bond: N/A 6. Lender: N/A CER11FIED, COM MARYANNE MOFM CU',,RK OF CIRCUIT COU" 0 U" 0-1 ` % 14110fao APR 14 2003 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713,12 (1) (a) 7., Florida Statutes: CONTROLLER Phone: (407) 661-2150 Fax: (407) 661-4089 8. In addition to himself, Owner designates the following person to eceive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided ift Section 713,13 (1) (b), Florida Statutes: NONE 9. Expiration date of Notice of Commencement (the expiration is date is I year from the date ofrecording unless a different date is s ecified) Debra A. RJgg OFFICE MANAGER FOR CENTEX HOMES. 385 DOUGLAS AVE" SVIT92000, ALTAMONTE SPMGS, FLORIDA 32784 TIM FORBOODqO INSTRUMENT WAS ACKNOWLEDGED BEFORE ME THIS By DEBRA A , PJGO&, 0"Ice MANAGER CRNTEX REAL ESTATE CORPORATION, A NEVADA CORPORATION WWA 2728 HOLDING CORPORATION, A NEVADACORPORATION, DEBRA A RIGGS IS PERSONALLY KNOWN TO ME AND DID NOT TAKE AN OATH. NOTARY PUBLIC JACKIF rAINE,03 Notaq P!-iblic, of Hnrida Jan 21, 2004C0Fr'tt1'7`irI1 4 CC891727 e Q M KITCHEN A KITCHEN u 5CAL£- sfa° i' p" ____...,.. 5CALE- 14°-3'-0° nr; s 4 iM i YAD30 VAD36OPM) VADT+D BATH C BATH D L 1 R_AM QNSE SCALE - 114` LEGEND Z T it£ DE-4M » -O' AFF, fOTEo ALL HTERIOR WALL5 TO DE 3 b!2' UILE55 04EW'-E NOTED NOT& EUVATPON'A' SLOW SQ, FT, CALCULATIONS LAMAPr ENTRY 3a MOTE_ 3 OTkER o SEE FOUNDATM PLAN GARAGE 33i FOR FILLED CELL LOACTICNI TOTAL AREA ifJER- pATO' T4Pa*AOLL BE DOUBLE 2" 1XJD Lil #LESc/ TOTAL AREA '. 2lbi 1 NOTED OTHERU?iSE j j 25 2/ -24 iDGhZK,1i M. BEDF"ii CZET 8' FLAT C-11" iL tK- t ui,1-, -- SI cpf ok<s 111d7 Ul tra W BE W 12zis9rt'4 rz F FLAT mm i ATIO Eloba 5-S TD. m Zi/ -23) KITGqEN 8' RSi dn iXbCFi 1.1 I I I I r 1 ryt tea r'a GREAT RM P' P,AT rxotlFiLd3 L FLATL z4 zt ` V2" IRiB / t t C r.0' BY 3M.C£R _ FOYERqii 2" Y 5d t N jj I FV i ER .¢8 l IATT7 /G 551 {i Vwn txr L A ^t j _ { e' FLAT t^€07 A!R PANC3LFR TO HA = - - P3N^i Or 4" CLEARANCE ON ALL, r4DE5 AND EC3-L0513RE SF'A(-E 51+ALt_ BE 1P1. J2" DER THAN APPLIANCE 2-CAR GARAGE }} ENAFT 1 1 ccaw ILAIT 1 a' qm y C3 135 fl% 1 3 ( I I 19/ -23) IE, aA_D H6 -- ----- --- n hEQ4 5ECRi , "3 I IL47 MR.E55 21! -2W e, 0^ a L - 5CALE = 114'= 1'-0' VqKICqNE ENGINEERING AA7) 1Ja-9C93 fAs: (+41j n1-6<n P.O. J( 45551} ry.3RiKS+ff 5P F,S R YLt}5 d_ Fs R"Yi 9£g 4TSYi IN i9 ) z a- w j I r0 a v 9 0 Lij 2q S 1 2 s a a Y sa z5r 53cam byddsg checked by: — -. d.W 41-22-41 7 l I MEW j 9 Ln o 3 %3 lu 40-0-0 ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT ) A' 12 EASES ON -NATIONAL FE&r-" 5f1FCP1-ATf0N5 FOR UJOC;O 0O9ZTF411cTICN FROM TA5Lr - 'NAE1,5 AND Sf-KES - 0-4-1 LATERAL LOAD C1E5L--N YALUE5' MAL SHEAR VALUE (RZ.-) 411d IV3. Iod V5. ALL FLAT CEILINGS!" I&d 4S. TO UVE: 20 psf NOTE - SEE TFU55 t-FG,'S EWSINEERINS 4ND TO DEN), 7 psf LAYOUTS FOR TFU55-TO-TRU55 GOI-NEGTOR5 BC LIVE: 0 psf Bc DEAD: 10 psf ROOF TRU65 ANCHORAGE_ tp- m- I) LlSE (!) TYPE 'C' (OR INTER::Asr Aw E TIE) FOR TRUSS TO FRAtE WALL OR CMN W-E55 NOTED OTHEFRUHSE CUNL`-) 2) U5E (f) TTf'E 'A' (OR WTERC4-A45ADLETIE) FOR TF165 TO FLOCK U4, 4LLCCN$EcTicm (URO.) 3) tjSF Egfo-N (OR JNTEFCPAMGEAaLE TIEFOR ALL JC457 94WF-P CONI ECTICKS NNO) 4) Lr5E ( 3) Wd OR (3) 131 x 3 VA' PASELODF GUN NAIL TO FASTEN JACK TO W". ( T45) 5) C, 45LE TFZr---fS RECURE (V TYPE 'A' OR (1) TYPE 'C" STRAP AT 4W Olr- FROM CENTER OF TR15S TOTAL: 37 psf MR FAC: 1-25 8'-0" PLATE HT. T let grad FiR f*,EU- IATM1- EMIYALENTPU FOR DESr-" 4T ffm ROOF M04 I r-- TEXTUKHPMA50NRY 00 TEXRFED MASOW'( MASa' Ry F141544- E Z Mr, J;LOOR FNEGRADE CORAL P, FFR,/0 NT ELEV/A--,TICN All 5TYFO OAM St -OTTERS DE THE FOAM 5LL FOAM DETAIL VSTL1GC0 COATING e SILL ROOF MCA lz Camp. eM,* LFS T OF RIDGE 1/WMpJ 7i TEXTLF ED TEX FW44 Lj i44 GRADE L HT E E--- LIE V 5GALE = V4'= 4- 5ILL DETAI 2. 1, E NG I N E nF-o 15"!?l 1—) 774-3 CorP, 5WMLE5 Sea V" M! tits ill LJ by M mn tTb—d 1by, — d. W 01- 22-01 sheet- A3-A Of-- Orlando Division 385 Douglas Avenue, Suite 2000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Office: (407) 661-2150 Fax: (407) 661-4089 www.centex-orlando,corn TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Effective immediately, and until further notice, this letter will serve as authorization for Jackie. Caines or Nan Holmes to sign permit applications and energy calculations for any lots owned by Cented Homes, obtain permits for same and receive Certificates of Occupancy, -in my name, and license, for the subdivision and lot specified below: PATRICK J. KNIGHT CGC049689 STATE OF FLORIDA 1070LOT COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The foregoin%*t' t was acknowledged before me this by Patrick J. Knight, Division President of Centex Homes - Orlando). He is personally known to me and did not take an oath. Orlando Division 385 Douglas Avenue, Suite 2000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 Office: (407) 661-2150 Fax: (407) 661-4089 centexhomes.com ROGER DIXON, INTERIM CITY MANAGER CITY OF SANFORD 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE via HAND DELIVERY SANFORD, FL 32771 Re: ESTOPPEL LETTER This ESTOPPEL LETTER is provided to the City of Sanford for reliance upon by the CityofSanfordandasthebasisfortheissuanceofPermitNo- for the followingwork-, OT_0_____ PRESERVE AT LAKE MARY ST hi r- 1r Y RESIDENTIAL (SFR) CENTER HOMES of Permit No, hereinafter referred to as the "Owner", recognizes that issuance will be made with numerous limitations as more particularly setforthherein. The Owner recognize that this approval does not exempt us from complying with any applicable building codes, land development regulations, Comprehensive Plan requirements, or exempt our site or building(s) from any applicable developmentregulations. By issuing Permit No. I the City does not guarantee approval of any other development orders or development permits. The Owner acknowledges and agrees that no Certificate of Occupancy will be issued by the City for the PROPOSED SFR until all required land development approvals have been obtained and all required improvements have been installed, inspected and authorized for use by the City, The Owner hereby grants the City the right to deny use of the SFR for occupancy until all of the above -referenced project is in compliance with all applicable development regulations_ TheOwner hereby agrees to indemnify and hold the City and its officers, employees and agents harmless for any and all losses, damages, injuries and claims in any way relating, directlyorindirectly, to the permitting or construction of the above -referenced project or I the issuance of Permit No. The Owner also agrees to the following as additional conditions for Permit No, The Owner hereby agrees to disclose the contents of this document to any and all of our successors in Interest, contractors, sub -contractors and agents. The undersigned further warrants that he or she is authorized to bind the Owner and has been duty authorized to sign this document. Sat atPrinted Typed Name STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Signature PATRICK J. KNIGHT Printed / Typed Name um The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me thi4W 0 9 ?003 day of by PATRICK J. KNIGHT — as DIVISION PRESIDENT for — CENTEX HOMES El who is personally known to me or 0 who produced their Florida Driver's License as identification. N dLIi c 6ary;PublicPrintName - My Commission Expires: 7. City of Sanford Building Division 16 Submittal Requirements for Residential Building Permit El I Two (2) recent boundary and building location surveys showing setbacks from all structures to property lines for permit for structures (not fences). 11 2, Two (2) complete sets of construction design drawings drawn to scale, Complete sets to include: a, Foundation Plan indicating looter sizes for all bearing walls, provide side view details of these footers with reinforcement bar replacement- b. Floor plan indicating interior wall Partitions and room identification, room dimensions, door, window, and/or opening sizes, smoke detector location(s), landings, decks, stairs, bathroom fixtures, and distances from walls "'l-heState of Florida requires bathroom compliance with Florida Accessibility Code. C, An elevation ofall exterior walls - cast, west, north, and south- Finish floor elevation height as per Engineering Department or subdivision plat. Cross sections of all wall sections to be used in the structure, bearing and non -bearing interior and exterior walls, show all components of wall sections c. Framing plan for floor joists where conventionally firained. Plan is to indicate span, size and species of materials to be used- f Engineered truss plan with details of'bracing, engineered bearns for spacing openings to carry and support tFUSSCS. g. Stair details with tread and riser dimensions, stringer size, methods of attachment, placement of handrails and guardrails. 11, Square footage table showing Cootaj.-,,es: I Garages/Carports sq ft. 2, sq. ft. 3 Patio(s) sq.lt- 4. Conditioned Stiticturc, s(l fir Total Ooss Area 2-10 sq. it, H 3, Three (3) sets of'cornpicted FrierFloridaIEnergy (,ode Forms. 11 4, Soil analysis and/or soil compaction report- If soils appear to be unstable or if structure is to be built on fill, a report may be requested by the 13ml(fing Official or his representative. 5, Other submittal docujncu(s a. Utility letter or approval when public water supply and/or sewer systern connection to be made. b. Septic tank permit issued by Seminole County I Ical(h Dept, C, Arbor permit when trees to be removed from property. Contact the Engineering Dept, for details regarding the arbor ordinance and permit, d Seminole County Road Impact fice statement. C, Property ownership vctificallon- r Driveway permit issued by City Engineering Department. 11 6 Application to be completed thoroughly and signatures provided by a licensed and insured contractor and Property owner. If electrical, mechanical, or plumbing, permits have not been Issue(]- inspections will not be scheduled or made and subcontractors will be sub , lect to penalty under city ordinances. APR 0 9 2001, Date Ovoicr/Agent Sip natu S-06-203 12:S2PM FROM r 7ri, CM OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit : Job Addr Descriptie Historic Du„ cvntag: Value of Work: 5 Permit Type: Building Electrical X Mechanical PlumbingFire Sprinkler/Alarm Poctl _ Electrical: New Seryicc — # of AMPS i Addition/Alteration Change of Service Tempor iy Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & energy C alRequired) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines PlumbinOew Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair— Residential or Commercial r Occupancy Type: Residential Commercial Industrial TOt11 Square Footage: Construcnon Tyne: _ # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: _. _ Flood Lone: (FEMA form required for utarr l:,an X) Pxrcel A. (Arrach Proofo(Ownership & Legal Description) O- ocrs .'sme & Address: Centex Homes 385 Douglas Ave.. Suite 2000 Altamonte Springs, FL 32714 _._ Phone: 407-661-2150 Cootc; ctorNacnc&Address: ` Approved Electric Co. of Florida 4874 S. Orange Ave. Orlando, FL 32806 State Uceose Number; EC.0002494 Phone: @ Fax: Fax 4(17-851-1226 ContactPerson:John Findlay ....—Phone: - 407-851-1220 Rondi„ Company: _ — aGress -- tort a ,e Lendcr A 005 rchiterrEn;; incer. A Orws Phone: V ax: Application : s hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify [hat no work or installanon has commencc4 pn:,, n,c issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to n'b=t standards of all laws regularing construction in this jurisdiction.. 1 understand chat a separate prrrit must be sccumd for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR' 77,\'0ITIONERS, ctc. k' NER'S AFFIDAV fT: I ccr[ify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all appiicnl,lr, wl. xdon and zoning, WARNING TO OWNER YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RFSUi,i IN IEFORIMPROVEMENTSTOYOURPROPERTY. rF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN n, l-TORfiEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMF,NCEMENT. NOTIC F.: In aodibon to ft mrquirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public mcores o: r„ s county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental cntilies such as water management districts, state ugcncics or rcdc,u! uvmc,cs ccptaccc of permtl is verification that 1 wall notify the owner of the property of the requireme - i S 7 S; 9%vurc of Owner/Agent Date Sibmawrc o Contractor/Agent Datc i': ir! Owner/Agent's Name S: g: a:u c of Notary -State of Flond;t C N s,;cnt is Pcrsonnlh ,`;nossn LU NiC ur f' rr,ciuc tl ID A;' I'I(OvED 13Y: Bldg. Initial & 1)4tc, Charles_ Cannon Pr o'onu33c/cior.-',gent's Name Date tgrsaturc of Koury -.State Of Flonct v aa,,, c PATRICIA A. KA,, s.LACi r' YCO;s i.^•iSS33N;f Dpttis,?06 ontructpr/ Ac:-.: is _ PcrsunuC, Kr[nwn a M'?14o4 EXPIRES: -March 2e,2Qti3 P uJutc •: 1 _, __ i-e0DZMTARY FLtdetMService SLOond!na,lno, Initial & Uutcl (Initial K i).,lc) (Itrt 31 ti Ua'.: ` Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number Page 1 of 1 PARCEL DETAIL f <l i t Seminole Count% n r rl v Prtt isr a r ncra 1 11l1 lK, First St. San to rd 61. 32771 40T-fi6i_75116 2003 WORKING VALUE SUMMARYGENERAL Value Method: Market S3-SANFORD Parcel Id: 0000- 30330Tax District: WATERFRONT 000- Number of Buildings: 0 REDVDST Depreciated Bldg Value: $0 Owner: CENTEX Exemptions: HOMESDepreciated EXFT Value: $0 Land Value (Market): $13,680 Address: 385 DOUGLAS AVE STE 2000 Land Value Ag: $0 City, State,ZipCode: ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FL 32714 Just/Market Value: $13,680 Property Address: Assessed Value (SOH): $13,680 Subdivision Name: PRESERVE AT LAKE MONROE Exempt Value: $0 Dor: 00-VACANT RESIDENTIAL Taxable Value: $13,680 SALES 2002 VALUE SUMMARY Deed Date Book Page Amount Vac/imp 2002 Tax Bill Amount: Find Comparable Sales within this Subdivision 2002 Taxable Value: LAND LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLAT Land Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value LOT 33 PRESERVE AT LAKE MONROE PB 62 LOT 0 0 1.000 13,680.00 $13,680 1 PGS 12 - 15 NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. If yourecently purchased a homesteaded property your next ear's property tax will be based on JusUMarket value. http:// www.scpafl.org/pls/web/re_web.seminole_county_title?PARCEL=2219305020000033O1... 4/7/03 CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit No.: Job Addres . _ 3 3 Date: Permit Type: XX Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Description of Work: CONSTRUCT CONCRETE BLOCK SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Additional Information for Electrical & Plumbing Permits Electrical: Addition/Alteration _Change of Service Temporary Pole ,New AMP Service (# of AMPS ) Plumbing/Residential: Addition/Alteration New Construction (One Closet Plus Additional) Plumbing/Commercial: Number of Fixtures Number of Water & Sewer Drainage Lines Number of Gas Lines Occupancy Type: XXResidential _Commercial _ Industrial Total Sq Ftg:— Value of Work: Type of Construction: CONC . BL K. /06 Flood Zone: Number of Stories:L Number of Dwelling Units: 1 Parcel No.: 22-39-30-502-0000- j3j 0 (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owner/Address/Phone: CENTEX HOMES, ,385 DOUGLAS AVE. , STE. #2000, ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32714 4n7-661-9176 Contractor/Address/Phone:. SAME AS ABOVE (PATRICK J. KNIGHT, PRESIDENT) State License Number: CG C049689 Contact Person: MIKE ENWRIGHT Phone &Fax Number: 407-661-2184 *** 407-661=4089 .` Title Holder (If other than Owner): N/A Address: Bonding Company: N /A Address: Mortgage Lender: N/A Address: Architect/Engineer HURRICANE ENGINEERING PhoneNo.:' 407-774-9003 Address: P.O. BOX 161613, ALTAMONTE SPRINGS, FL 32716 Fax No.: 407-774-8477 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS,' POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance wiih.'..':. all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU -;:,.:::.` INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements ofthis permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records ofthis county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. V,_APR 0 9 2003 . APR 0 9 2003 Signature of caner/Agent Date TignaAre of Contractor/Agent Date PAT KNIGHT I of Notary- a oftiFlorida qY c Y afar, G 7.:u x Notary Pt,:.u'-t a nvritersr`c{;`` Bona ti'fhru Owner/Agent is XX Personally Known to Me or Produced ID PAT KNIGHT int,Contractor/Agent's Sicnature of y ' A BRGAN col'Ai ts- oN# N 098590 1,2a,r004 Bonded 7hru Newry PuBllc U ,oar,uriters Contractor/Agent is Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: 1/ v- Date XX Personally Known to Me or Date: 3- 3 Special Conditions: COUHTY UF SEMINOLE ` IMPACT FEE STATEMENT ISSUED BY CITY OF SANFORD STATEMENT NUMBER 103-75443 DATE: BUILDING PERMIT 'ICITY) COI INTY NUMBER: UNIT ADDRESS: ............ _______...... _........ -_.... .... ........... ..... TRAFFIC ZONE: JURISDICTION: SEC: T ° SUBDIVI I PLAT BOOKx PLAT BOOK PAGE: BLOCK: ONNER NAME: ADDRESS: z/` ^`~ 7--`-------`----7--'-- -- APPLICANT NAME: - LAND USE CATEGORY: 001 - Single Family Detached Hous TYPE USE: Residential WORK DESCRIPTION: Single Family House: Detached - Construction FEE BENEFIT RATE FEE UNIT RATE -PER # & TYP TOTAL DUE TYPE DIST SCHEDULE DESC. UNIT OF UNITS ROADS- ARTERIALS CO -WIDE O dwl unit $ ROADS COLLECTORS NORTH O dwl unit $ 705.00 142.00 1 $ 7O5.0O 1 $ 142.00 LIBRARY CO -WIDE O dwl 'knit 54.00 1 $ 54.00 SCHOOLS CO -WIDE O dwl unit 1,384.00 1 $ 1,384.00 STATEMENT RECEIVED BY: :5 PLEASE PRINT N)ME) SI8NATU` DAT T DUE 2,205.00 NOTE TO RECEIVING SIGNATORY/APPLICANT: FAILURE TO NOTIFY OWNER AND ENSURE TIMELY PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR LIABILITY FOR THE FEE. **** DISTRIBUTIONx 1-COUNTY 3-CITY 2-APPLICANT 4-COUNTY NOTE** PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT THIS IS A STATEMENT OF FEES WHICH ARE DUE AND PAYABLE PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT., PERSONS ARE ALSO ADVISED THAT ANY RIGHTS OF THE APPLICANT, OR OWNER, TO ApPEAL THE CALCULATIONS OF THE ROAD, LIBRARY SYSTEM AND/OR EDUCATIONAL (SCHOOL) IMPACT FEES MUST BE EXERCISED BY FILINB A WRITTEN REQUEST WITHIN 45 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE RECEIVING SIGNATURE DATE ABOVE, BUT NOT LATER THAN CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR OCCUPANCY. THE REQUEST FOR REVIEW MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. COPIES OF THE RULES GOVERNING APPEALS MAY BE PICKED UP, OR REQUESTED, FROM THE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OFFICE: 1101 EAST FIRST STREET, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771; (407) 665-7474. PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE TO: CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 300 NQRTH PARK V2NUE SANFORD. FL 32771 PAYMENT SHOULD BE BY CHECK (MR MONEY ORDER, AND SHOULD REFERENCE THE STATEMENT NUMBER AND CITY BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER AT THE TOP LEFT OF THE NOTICE. THIS STATEMENT IS VALID ONLY IN CONJUNCTION WITH ISSUANCE OF A*** SINGLE FAMILY BUILDING pERMIT******************** rs, :. . ®...®. --•—.. a.•®- Sh,;'rh t ., c"r ^, yrws rSrt I U § Vag k C1T Y OF SANFORD PERMrr APPLICATION x! Permit # : J Date: /S Job Address: / - I Description of Work: Historic District: Zoning:. I; Value of Work: Permit`Type: Building Electrical Mechanica'I Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool 0 Electrical: i Change of Service Temporary PoleNewService - # of S Addition/Alteration Cha, Mechanical;' Residential Non'' -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Cali= Required) Plumbing/ New: Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines ` Plumbing/New Residential: # of W ter Closets Piunrbing Repair- Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Tyne: #- of Stories: # of DwellingUnits: Flood Zone: FEMA form reggttecl fCrr o,t4l:ece ElFaa %) Parcel #: (AttachProof of Ownership & Legal Description), sOwnersName &Address: OL l Phone: Contractor Name & Address: MFate 0 ate License \umberROMOM RUM Phone & Fax: LAKE 18iTA1 Yi'Td i1i I i acr Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: - -- -- address: d Ar.ch'itecUEngineerz Phone: Address: - Fax: , Application Issuance of ais hereby made to obtaina permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior- to thepermitandthatallworkwillbeperformedtomeetstandardsofalllawsregulatingconstructionin;this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING; SIGNS, WELLS',•POOLS, FURNACES; BOILERS,• HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc: I OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT:I certify that all ofthe foregoing information is accurate and that all work will bed e in compliance with' All applicable, iP,ws t c KkJMingconstructionandzoning. WARNING TO OWNER YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF CO ENCEMENT MAY RESULT ll i Y01'JR Ph, VD-4G TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY_ IF YOU INTEND TO.OBTAIN'FINANCING CONSULT W YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF°COMMENCEMENT: NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit;'there may be additional'restrictio saplica to this pro that may be n in the public records ofthis'county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental en essuch ater mt distric ` to a ncies, of federal agencies- pt Acceptance of permit is verification that -I will notify the owner of the ther ents as Li w, FS 713. property , re ui9v_ bs SignatureofOwner/Agent Da azure of,Conualmr/Ageent a e u itl a urT C .,n T r n R I P.I f) Print Owner/Agent's-Name Signature of Notary -State of Flonda ° Date Owner/ Agent is _ Yersonalh 'Kno%n to ,Me or Produced ID APPLICAI ION APPROVED BY: Bldg- Initial & Date) ipecial C Onditions: ntVontractor Agent's 1 ` A Signature of No_ry-State of. Contractor/ Aga: is Produces : D Zoning: Initial & Date) ls' f ems' Date MlfiiNDA C. TURNER MY COMMISSION 11 DD 212893 b , o,6XR0Ek. jmne 14,200 7Banded Thru Notary Publ c UideiwMersLD Initial & Date) (Initial'& Daic 12:S2PM FROM CM OF SANFOKD PERMFT APPLICATION Permil P JOU Addri Descr(PUGU of Work: litswric Dtstricr: Zoniar —"' Value of Work: 5 Permit 'Type; Building, Electrical X Mcchanical Plumbing Fire Sprmkler/Al-arm 1?QQ1 Eleclric4l. New StrylX — it of AMPS AddihoVAlteTation — Change of Sffvice — Ternporttry Pole Mechanical: Residonoal Replacement Ncw (Duct Layout & Fnergy Qt I I Required) PlumDiag, New Commercial: 0 ofFixmm # of Water & Sewer Lines P of Gas Lines Plumbing"'New Residential: # ()fWazu Closets — Plumbing Repair— Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residmicia[ — Commercial — Indostnal — Total Square Footage: _ , Curtstrucoon Tyne: # of Stories: — 0 of Dwelling Ualts: Flood Zone: _ (FEMA form rvNuirej rot, Qiuc.- _a, x, ICA, ---1 ^y ` ArTACh Progro(Owncr0ir; & I-epi Description) 0-0M 'AMe & Adelms: Centex Homes 385_p2ugl s Ave. Suite 2000 407-661-2150 NAMC & Address: A roved Electric Co. of Florida 4874 S. Orange Ave. 32806 r state ijQ0;jsQ NurnOtr. ECO002494 Contact Per&onJQhjj—EjadjLy— Vhonc: 407-851-1220 Phanc A :'j t:"X: S ncreL)ymiaoe W obtain a parrait do the work and instillations as indicated, lcertify that nowork a PeTm- and t1la-L all work will performed to rrrcL standards Of All 14WI rcgvlAring construction in this jjrisdicuon, i vndcaswa that a S('—'ZLr, i,- x > Ccurw far ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMB[NG. SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES. BOILER-S, HEATERS, TANKS, and 70I unify that 311 Qfthc foregoing MfOnrWicifi is accurate and Ulat &I; work will be done in Oornpliancc with all r, 4 4,mjng WARNING TO O"EK YOUR FAILURE. TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RISUL r iN 7, FOR UMPROVBMENT To YOUR PROPERTY. T YOU INTENT? TO OBTArN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN EEFOUEUC0KDNGYOURNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT, tic; 7: —P addition to the requirements of this permit, tharc may be additional restrictions appiiQub1c 10 this propt ry that may be found in the public 5 . 2:111 anct Jllc,e may be additional permits required from other goycmrrtcnta] cnticies such as water management disinc,,s, stag ugmci-smut , is YrnE:,alion that I W11 R0 fy the uwner of the properly of the requircmSaw I S 7 of 6wner/Aacnt L1atc Si maiure o Comm ,mr/Ag= i, filesCannon Namd Naroc 2 of 77' tiOLIFY-S',vc of FlonjA P"" Krio,, T, to or Hy Wdl Dotv; PLOT PLAN DESCRIPTION: (AS FURNISHF-D) LOT 33, PRESERVE AT LAKE MONROE AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 62, PAGES 12-15 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS (LOT ONLY) LOT 33 CONTAINS 6000 SQUARE FEET f (LOT ONLY) THIS STRUCTURE CONTAINS 2120 SQUARE FEET i TOTAL CONCRETE 529 (WITHIN LOT ONLY) SQ. FT, i TOTAL SOD 3.351 SQ. FT. i PERCENT OF CONCRETE & STRUCTURE TO LOT 44 % Q PI \ c,yrF,p F Nq\ BUILDING SETBACKS FRC?N T: 25' REAR: 20' SIDE: 5' CORNER: 15' PREPARED FOR: CENTEX HOMES 1, ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE PER LOT GRADING PLANS PROVIDED BY THE CLIENT. THIS PLOT PLAN IS INTENDED FOR PERMITTING PURPOSES ONLY, THIS IS NOT INTENDED FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED HOUSE. REFER TO HOUSE PLAN AND OPTION LIST FOR CONSTRUCTION, ALL BUILDING SET BACK LINES SHOWN HEREON IS PER DATA FURNISHED BY CLIENT AND IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. THIS IS NOT A SURVEY THIS IS A PLOT PLAN ONLY I HAVE EXAMINED THE F,I.R,M_ COMMUNITY PANEL NO 120294 0035 E DATED 4/17/95 AND FOUND THE SUBJECT PROPERTY APPEARS TO LIE IN ZONE X, AREA OUTSIDE 100 YEAR FLOOD PLANE BEARINGS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED ON THE SOUTHWESTERLY LINE OF LOT 33 BEING N 54'23'11" W PER PLAT. FIELD DATE:) REVISED: SCALE: 1" = 30 FEET APPROVED BY: WRM JOB NO. ASM39647 DRAWN BY: [LOT FIT 12—id-02 CKe SQUARE FOOTAGE (UP TO CURES) LOT 33 UP TO CURB CONTAINS 6550 SQUARE FEET i THIS STRUCTURE CONTAINS 2120 SQUARE FEET T CONCRETE 662 SQ. FT T INCLUDING (SIDEWALK/APRON) TOTAL SOD 3568 SQ. FT. t I" R IN' GRAPHIC SCALE 0_. r.. 15. 30 LEGEND BUILDING SETBACK LINE MLW MINIMUM LOT WIDTH POP POINT ON BOUNDARY CENTERLINE PCC POINT OF COMPOUND CURVATURE RIGHT OF WAY LINE POC POINT ON CURVE PROPOSED ELEVATION pQ OFFICIAL RECORD PLANNED DEVELOPMENT PROPOSED DRAINAGE FLOW A DENOTES DELTA ANGLE L DENOTES ARC LENGTH CONCRETE C.B. DENOTES CHORD BEARING LB LAND SURVEYING BUSINESS PC DENOTES POINT OF CURVATURE ITS LAND SURVEYOR PI DENOTES POINT OP INTERSECTION PRIM PERMANENT REFERENCE MONUMENT CRC PT DENOTES POINT OF REVERSE CURVATURE DENOTES POINT OF TANGENCY PCP PERMANENT CONTROL POINT TYP TYPICAL IN PER PLAT A/C AIR CONDITIONER M) MEASURED CBW CONCRETE BLOCK WALL FUD FOUND RP RADIUS POINT C/W CONCRETE WALK CS CONCRETE SLAB S/W SIDEWALK C CHORD LENGTHCPCONCRETEPAD50. FT. SQUARE FEETJIB R PLAT BOOK RADIUS NO NATURAL GRADE RGS PAGES R/W RIGHT—OF—WAY AMERICAN SURVEYING & MAPP NG CERTIFICATION OF AUTHORIZATION NUMDER L6#6393 320 EAST SOUTH STREET, SUITE 180 ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32801 (407) 426-7979 1, THE SURVEYOR HAS NOT ABSTRACTED THE LAND SHOWN HEREON FOR EASEMENTS, RIGHT OF WAY, RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD WHICH MAY AFFECT THE TITLE OR USE OF THE LAND 2. NO UNDERGROUND IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN LOCATED EXCEPT AS SHOWN. 3, NOT VALID WITHOUT THE SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER. Wi, 11 1 1 IN M R. M$ISCATELLO JR. PSM/#49P8 PAT€ FORM 1 FLORIDA PerformanceFORBUILDINGCONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Project Name: 1692 LMR 0 Budder: CENTER HOMES Address: l3RISTOL FOREST TRAIL Permitting office: CITY OF SANFORD City, State: LAKE MONROE, FL Permit Number: owner: CENTEX HOLIES Jurisdiction Number: 691500 Climate Zone: Central i . New construction or existing New _ 12_ Cooling systems 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ a_ Central Unit Cap: 30.0 kBtu/1rr -- 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 __ _ SEER: 12.00 4. Number of Bedrooms 3 b. N/A 5_ Is this a worst case? Yes m 6. Conditioned floor area (ft) 1692 ft2 c. N/A 7. Glass area & type a_ Clear - single pane 152.0 111 13. Heating systems b_ Clear - double pane 0.0 ft2 a. Electric Heat hump Cap: 30.0 kBtu/Irr c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 0.0 ft' HSPF: 7.80 d_ Tint/other SHGC - double pane 0.0 ft, b. N/A 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R-0 0, 172-0(p) 11 c. N/A b. N/A c. N/A 14. Hot water systems 9. Wall types a. Electric Resistance Cap: 50.0 gallons a_ Concrete, In( Insul, Exterior R =4.1, 956.0 Ill F.F: 0.86 b. Frame, Wood, Adjaccnt R- 11.0, 230.0 ftl b. N/A c. N/A d_ N/A c. Conservation credits e_ N/A HR-heat recovery, Solar 10. Ceiling types DHP-Dedicated heat pump) a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1709.0 ft' 15_ IIVAC credits PT, _ b. N/A CF-Ceding fan, CV -Cross ventilation, c. N/A HF-Whole house fan, 11_ Ducts P'I'-Piograninable Thermostat, a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Unc, All: Garage Sup, R=6.0, 1.0 tl MZ-C-Multizone cooling, b_ N/A MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.09 Total as -built points: 22329 r1_%SCNTotalbasepoints: 24359 I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida Energy Code, PREPARE Y': DATE: I hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNERIAGENT: ATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed this building will be inspected for compliance with Section 553.908 Florida Statutes. 1OFFICIAL- DATE: FnergyGaugeQ (Version: FLRCSH v3.2) FORM 60OA-2001 1 4 M1 OTALIA I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: AS -BUILTFBASEGLASSTYPES 18 X Conditioned X BSPM Points, X Overhang r _:.,_ "_ Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF = Points 18 1692.0 25.78 78511.6 Single, Clear W 1.4 6.0 32,0 53-47 0.93 1589.8 Single, Clear S 1.4 6.0 32,0 44.66 0.89 1268.3 Single, Clear E 1.4 8.0 40.0 59-31 0.97 2298.3 Single, Clear E 1.4 6.0 32.0 59.31 0.93 1765,0 Single, Clear N 1.4 6,0 16,0 27.96 0-95 424A As -Built Total. 152.0 7345.8 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM = Points Adjacent 230,0 0.70 161.0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 956-0 1.18 1128.1 Exterior 956.0 1.90 1816A Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11,0 230.0 MO 161.0 Base Total: 1186.0 1977.4 As -Built Total: 1186.0 11289.1 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Area X SPM = Points Adjacent Mo 1,60 28,8 Exterior Wood 20-0 7,20 144,0 Exterior 20.0 4,80 96,0 Adjacent Wood 18.0 2A0 412 Base Total: 38.0 124.8 As -Built Total: 38.0 187.2 CEILINGTYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1709-0 2-13 3640-2 Under Attic 19,0 1709.0 2,82 X 1-00 4819.4 Base Total: 1709.0 3640.2 As -Built Total: 1709.0 4819A FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points Slab 172.0(p) 31_8 5469.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 172.0(p 31 M 5486,8 Raised 00 0.00 0,0 Base Total: 5469.6 As -Built Total: 172.0 5486.8 INFILTRATION Area X BSPM Points Area X SPM = Points 1692. 0 14-31 24212,5 1692.0 14.31 24212,5 EnerqyGaugeO DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge@/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3,2 FORM 60OA-2001 i I ADDRES,, PERMIT #: AS -BUILT Summer Base Points: 32336.8 Summer As -Built Points: 32367.2 Total Summer X System Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points DM x DSM x AHU) 323672 1.000 1.087x1,150x1,00) 0.284 O950 10922.7 32336.8 0.4266 13794.9 2367.2 1.00 1.250 0.284 0.950 10922.7 EnergyGauge I" DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnerqyGauqe@1F1@RES'2001 FLRCSB v3.2 FORM 60OA-2001 ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: AS -BUILTFBASE GLASS TYPES A8 X Conditionedi X BWPM Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point, A8 1692.0 5.86 17a47-7-ingle, Clear W 1.4 6.0 32,0 10,74 11.01 346.7 Single, Clear S 1A 6.0 32.0 7.73 1,04 257,1 Single, Clear E 1A 8,0 40,0 9.96 1.01 402.0 Single, Clear E 1.4 6.0 32.0 9.96 1.02 323.8 Single, Clear N 1-4 6.0 16.0 12-32 1.00 196,5 As -Built Total: 152.0 15262 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 230.0 1.130 414,0 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 956.0 3.31 3159.6 Exterior 956,0 2-00 1912.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 230,0 1,80 414.0 Base Total: 1186.0 2326.0 As -Built Total: 1186.0 3573.6 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type Area X WPM = Points Adjacent 18,0 4.00 72,0 Exterior Wood MO 7.60 152A Exterior 20.0 5,10 102,0 Adjacent Wood 18,0 5.90 106.2 Base Total: 38.0 1174.0 As -Built Total: 38.0 258.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1709.0 0,64 10918 Under Attic 19.0 1709.0 0.87 X 1.00 1486,8 Base Total: 1709.0 1093,8 As -Built Total: 1709.0 14M8 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM = Points Slab 172.0(p) 1-9 326.8 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0,0 172.0(p 2.50 430,0 Raised 0,0 OM 0.0 Base Total: 326.8 As -Built Total: 1172.0 430.0 INFILTRATION Area X BWPM Points Area X WPM = Points 1692.0 0-28 473,8 1692-0 -0,28 473.8 EnergyGauge@ DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge@)IF]aRES'2001 FLRCSB v3,2 FORM 60OA-2001 iiiii iiiiiilllllll 1111liq I I ADDRESS: ... PERMIT #: F,_ AS -BUILT 4.577.9 Winter As -Built Points: 6801.0 Total Winter X System Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Heating Points Multiplier Points omponent Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points DM x DSM x AHU) 6801.0 1.000 1,078xl.160xl,00) 0.438 0,950 3535.2 4577.9 0.6274 2872.2 6801.0 1.00 1.250 0.438 0.950 3535.2 EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge@/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.2 FORM 60OA-2001 I AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 3 2564.00 7692.0 500 0.86 3 1.00 2623,63 1.00 7870.9 As -Built Total: 7870.9 AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating Hot Water Total Cooling + Heating + Hot Water Total Points Points Points Points Points Points Points Points UN EnergyGauge T" DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnerqyGauge@/FlaRES'2001 FLRGSB v3_2 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details PERMIT 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS --,SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE------ CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606AABCAA Maximum:.3 ef window area.5 cfnLhsgft.doqr arqa. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606A.ABCA2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at corners; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top bottom plates; between Walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top late. Floors 606.1,ABCA2-2 Penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss or joint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to _thqrieterntrafi s and eams,____ _ Ceilings 606. 1.ABC,1,2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier; gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access, EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perurpeter,;Itpenetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1 .ABC. 1.2A Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditione ace Muffi- o - Hiqysqs- 606A.ABC,125 Air barrier on erimeter of floor c between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606A.ABCA3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. J 6A-22 OTHER PRESCRIPTIVE MEASURES must be met or exceeded bY—all residence§j-_ COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS -CHECK Water Heaters 612,1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit s idExternal or built-inr heat trap d, L r(qas) cutoffmust bep!RvitAe- Swimming Pools & Spas 612,1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated), Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficiency of 78%. Showerheads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more ons P _Lhan?_gall_Rerrilin Ltqat8O, SIG, Air Distribution Systems 610. 1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation- HVAC Controls----- 607.1 Se Separate readily accessible manualor automatic thermostat for each system_ y Insulation 604.1, 602. 1 Ceilings -Min, R- 19. Common walls -Frame R- 11 or CBS R-3 both sides. 1 Common ceiling & floors R-1 1, EnergyGaugelm DCA Form 60OA- 2001 EnergyGauge@/FlaRES'2001 FLRCSB v3.2 ENERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL (EPL) DISPLAY CARD ESTIMAJ`ED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 85.1 The higher the score, the more efficient the borne. L New construction or existing New 12_ Cooling system 2. Single family or multi -family Single family a. Central Unit Cap- 30-0 kBttA)T 3. Number of units, if multi -family I SEER: 12,00 4, Number of Bedrooms 3 b. N/A S. Is this a worst case? Yes 6- Conditioned floor area (it') 1692 ft' c. N/A 7, Glass area & type a. Clear - single pane 152.0 112 13, Hearing system b. Clear - double pane 0-0 fr, a, Electric Heat Pump Cap: 30.0 kBtiL/hT c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 0.0 It, I ISPf: 7,80 d. Tint/other SHGC - double pane 0.0 W b. N/A 8. Floortypes a, Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 172-0(p) ft c- N/A b- N/A c, NIA 14- Hot water system 9. Wall types a- Electric Resistance Cap: 50.0 gallons a. Concrete, trit Insul, Exterior R=4-1, 956.0 ft' EF: 0.86 b. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R= 11.0, 230.0 ft' b. N/A c, N/A d. N/A c. Conservation credits e. N/A QIR-Heat recovery, Solar to- Ceding types DIIP-Dedicated treat pump) a Under Attic R=MO, 1709.0 112 IS- HVAC credits PT, b. N/A CF-Ceiling fair, CV -Cross ventilation, c, N/A UF-Whole house fan, IL Ducts PT-Progratrunable Thermostat, a- Sup: Unc, Ret: Unc. Ali: Garage Sup, R=6,0, 1.0 ft RB-Attie radiant barrier, b, N/A MZ-C--Multizone cooling, MZ-11-Multizone hearing) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) ST4,?, in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliant features. Builder signature: 11"- Date: APR 24 743 Address of New Home: /,NRISTOL FOREST TR. City/l"LZip: LAKE MONROE/32747 0 wt NOTF: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLAIRES computer program_ This is not a Building Energy Raring, Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86_for a US EPAIDOP,"Ene.rgySiarT"(It,,sigriation), your home may qualijyfor energy efficiency mortgage (EEM) incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at wwwfisec. ref edufor information and a list ofcertified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community Affairs at 8501487-1824. F` nergyGaugct (Version: FLRCSB v3 -2) K3/26/2003 10:21 DEL AIR --) 4076614089 NO.347 U008 RIGHT-J LOAD AND EQUIPMENT SUMMARY Entire House DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 1692 0"5-02 103 COMMERCE $TRE T. LAKE MARY, FL32748-62U6 Pt=w (407) 631-2W Proiect- Information For, CENT EX HOMES Design, Information Winter Design Conditions Summer Design Conditions Outside db 33 '17 Outside db 93 OF Inside db 70 OF Inside db 75 F Design TD 32 OF Design Tip 18 IF Daily range M Relative humidity 50 Moisture difference 43 gr/lb lznm Building heat loss 27518 Btuh Ventilation air 0 cfm Ventilation air loss 0 Btuh Design heat load 27518 Btuh low. Simplified AVerage 0 Heating Cooling 1692 1692 13536 13536 0. 80 0,40 180 90 Heating Equipment Summary Make TRANE Trade Efficiency HeatinginputHeating output Heatin temp rise ActuaReating fan 7- 6 HSPF 0 Btuh g 479F 0 - F 1000 cfm Heating air flow factor 0.036 (--WBtuh Space thermostat Structure 19516 Btuh Ventilation 990 Btu h Design temperature swing 3.0 IF Use mfg. date n Rate/ swing multiplier 0-98 Total sens- equip. load 20095 Btuh internal gains 920 Btuh Ventilation 1474 Btuh infiltration 2661 Btuh Total latent equip. load 5055 Btuh Goolling Equipment Summary Make TRANE Trade Efficiency 12-1 IFER Sensible cooling 20440 Btuh Latent cooling 8760 Btuh Total cooling 29200 Btuh Actual cooling fan 1000 Cfm Cooling air flow factor 0.051 cfm/Btuh am. Bol" fic valuts haveAem manuany overridden Pdntout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th Ed. gizz vv"qjh-t:SC>ft Right.swteReswential-SS,OGRSR=13 zut)3-Mar-26 W 10:33 66. Flag* I 03/26/2003 10:21 DEL AIR 4 4076614089 NO.347 P009 RIGHT-J CALCULAMN PROCEDURES A, B, C, D Entire House DEL AIR HEATINGAIR CONDITIONING,R Job: 1692 09-0"2 109 COMMERGE STREET, LQ E MARY, F 32745-6206 Pnone. (407) $31-2605 1, Winter infiltration AVF 0.80 ach x 13536 fV x 0,0167 180 Cfrn 2, Winter infiltration load 1.1 X180 cfm x 32 'F Winter TD = 6353 Btuh 3. Winter infiltration HTM 6353 Btuh 1 190 W Total window 33.4 Btuh/ft' and door area 0 I Summer infiltration AVF 0.40 ach x 13536 ft, x 0.0167 = 90 cfm Z Summer infiltration load 1,1 X90 cfm x 18 *F Summer TD = 1787 Btuh 3. Summer infiltration HTM 1787 Btuh 190 ft2 Total window= 9.4 BtuW and door area Y'rocedure C - Latent Infiltration Gain if lroceclUrO L) - hquipment blizing I-OadS Sensible sizing load Sensible ventilation load 1.1 x 50 cfm vent x 18 OF Summer TD 990 Btuh Sensible load for structure (Line 19) + 19515 Btuh Sum of ventilation and structure loads 20605 Btuh Rating and temperature swing multiplier x 0.98 Equipment sizing load - sensible 20095 Btuh 2. Latent sizing load Latent ventilation load 0.68 x 50 cfm vent x 43 gr/lb moistdiff. 1474 Eltuh Internal loads = 230 Btuh x 4 people + 920 Btuh Infiltration load from Procedure C + 2661 Btuh Equipment sizing load -latent - 5056 Btuh Construction Quality is: a No. of Fireplaces is: 0 Bvi4fdone yWoes now* b"n manually ovwrldd®n Printout certified by ACCA to meet all requirements of Manual J 7th E& VVrj9hj:SC)ft R'*A-SWteResideMW-6.5-06RSR26013 2003-M" 09*10-33 ACCN. Page 1 03/26/2003 10:21 DEL AIR + 4076614089 Entire House DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R 1 Entire Hal FFOY 11.0 TYPE OF I Area Load ptuh) 4140 1478, orntn W 2EISW Swth Horz Less external cooling Less tranger Cwting redistribution DwA Printout certified y ACCA to meet all requirements qfManu-al J 7th Ed. 03/26/2003 10:21 DEL R I R 4 4076614089 NO. 347 P01 1 RIGHT-J WORKSHEET Entire HouseitDELAIRHEATING,AIR CONDITIONING,R log QOMMERQE STREFT, LAKE MARY, FL3274&42D3 Pr*M: (&31-2= WTTSIF# 3.4 SubtoW LASS eMeMal heatirq Lms trander m DtKt lim Total lws z 13-14 InL gain$; peol>w a 3(molm 0! 0 1200 1200 0 SubkA RSH gaiM.112110 4679 283 Lom o)ftmal cooling 0w 0' Le" transfpr 7 0 D C ing mdistnbWon 0 sinDuct ' 28 TotaJURSH 51471L 311 Air "uitvd (am) 2646, 1ej Printow oerfifled by ACCA to meet all Muirements of Manual J 7th Ed 4A 03/26/20W 10-21 DEL AIR --> 4076614089 NO. 347 P012 I AbA RIGHT-J WORK5HEET Entire HouseitDELAIRHEATINGAIR CONDITIONINGA 109 COMMERCE sTRIEeT, LAKE mARY. Ft. 32746-6206 Phone: (4M 831-2665_ Job; 1692 0"5-02 NUAL J. 7th Ed. 1 Name. of room Length of exposed wag MBT" 0.0 ft AR2 BTH 0.0 ft 23 Room dimensions 0 X 14.D ft 18,0 X 1$,0 ft 6-0 X 8,0 ft 4 Ceilngs Condlt, Option 3.0 ft hwt,=,l 8.0 ft hqavcool 8.0 R heavcoQl TYPE OF T HIM Area Load (11W) AMa Load (fth) Area Load (fth) AM EXPOSURE NO, Htp0' Gig M ft 09 M H19 clg n H19 clg Cig 5 Gross, 4Ba14B 4.6 2,1 0 0 sed 2rb12C Z9 1.9 0 Q wali3Ww 13Cc13C 3,2 12 a 128 0 partitions d 1 0.0 0,0 0 0 0 0 Q'0 0,0 0 0 0 f 0,0 0.0 0 0 15 VArdews " VIAn a 10 37,0 0 0 16 Sol 0 0 glass doma b 00 37,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hqatim C 9C MY 0 0 0 U 0 0 F370dIC37 ' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.02"'l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 Vlmdows and Morth 20A 0 0 16 326 Q 0 glass door$ NE/M D.O 0 0 0 0 Cooling M 54A 0 a a 0 SE/SW 0-0 o 0 0 0 0 0 Squth O.D 0 0 0 0 0 Herz 0,0 0 0 D 0 0 01 a Otherdoora a 10D 143 9,9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 bb 101) 14,7 9.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0,0 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 9 Net a 146 4,6 Zi 0 0 0 104 479 214 0 0 0 ftpmm b 120 2.0 1.9 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 walIs and c 130 3,2 1-2 0 0 0 128 4D3 150 0 a 0 Partitions d 0,0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 D 0 e 0,0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 D 0D f O'D 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 D L) D 0 0 10 Ceilings a 16D 1-7 2,2 04 142 187 270 458 601 48 81 107 0.0 010 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 D O'D 0,0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 e ho 0,0 0 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 ff 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 11 FloorsFloors a 22A 25,9 0.0 0 0 0 31 804 0 0 D 0 Note: TUOMNote A Gb19G 1,1 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 r- meterperimeterperipe c 0.0 0.0 0 D 0 0 a 0 U 0 0 is dWsijJab d 0,0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 for slab e 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 floors) tJoe') f Mo 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 000 0 12 Infillration a 33.4 9A a 0 16 35 ISDISD 0 000 0 13 Subtotal 142 3270 all Less external heating 0 0 0 Less transfer 0 0 0 Hea#ng redistribution 0 0 14 Duct loss 10% 14 10 0A 327 10 'A a 4A i$ Total loss 13+14 157 3597 90 10 Int gaits: People 3DOlns I 0 0 0 0 D 0 1= Appl- Q 1200 D 00 0 0 0 17 Subtat RSH gain--7+8..+12+l6S Ti-?12H7+ -.1'5 1157157 1442 107 L() Lass ammal 000" 0 0 Lass transfer7 0 0 0 Cooling redistributionred O 0 0 18 Ductgain 1004 i9l 1,9 i oo4 144 107, 11 VIA 191 la) P TotalRSHgain=(l7-lll)1PLF i m 2(W 118 21TAir (dim) 81-1 Faiintout certified j ACCA to meet all Lequirements of Manual J 7th Ed. 03/26/2003 10:21 DEL AIR 4 4076614089 NO . 347 P013 RIGHT-J WINDOW DATA DEL AIR HEATING,AIR CONDITIONING R Job.- 1692 09-05-02 109 COMMERCE MEET, LAKF MARY, R 3274"206 Rum (4M 831-2665 w S D W G L S S 0 N A S 0 0 w c w s N K I A L 0 T H V 0 N H v v H H N H D Y R L A W R A H L G C R R G T A A w L 7 E M D G Z L 0 x y T m R R FOY BR3 a n e a C n 0 d 1 1 90 110 1.4 1.0 5.0 4.4 32-0 1.0 GREAT RM a n n a 0 n 0 d 1 1 90 tO 1.4 tO 5.0 20,4 32.0 0,0 IT b n w a C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.4 1.0 TO 54-4 40.0 0,9 WIC/LDY MBR a n w a c n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 1.4 1.0 5.0 54.4 32,0 1.0 wic NIBTH BR2 a n 6 a C n 0 d 1 1 90 1.0 t4 1.0 5.0 30-4 WO 0 BTH WnghtSoft Rlgt*ftkeRv 1-5.5,06RSRM13 ACM russ, JAC IMI City Ply Coentex-Orlando/I 692A/isk/4-14-3 10 1 Job Re -rente i--Feb-2-0-260-3-NAPTek Industries, Inc. C Sat Apr7f9-1 2 1 2003 Page Scale - 1:4,7 0 0-11-11 U4 = 0-11-11 LOADING (pst) SPACING 2-0-0 Cat DEFL in (loc) I/defl TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 125 TC 0,07 Vert(LL) n/a - n/a TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.00 Vert(TL) 0.00 A >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) 0.00 C n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min Wet I - 240 UAMU7 BRACING TOPCHORD Sheathed or 0-11 -11 oc purlins, BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) C-1 1 /Mechanical, B-1 38/0-8-0, D-9/Mechanical Max Horz B-35(load case 4) Max UpliftC--1 3(load case 5), B--89(load case 4) Max Grav C-28(load case 4), B-1 36(load case 1), D-9(load case 1) NOTES (3) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 110mph; h-15ft:TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6.0psf; occupancy category ll;exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1,60 plate grip DOL-1 .33, 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 13 lb uplift at joint C and 89 lb uplift at joint B. 3) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design, Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilit, for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. I 41 4:11 A 53906980 JCJ3 10 Scale - 1'.7. 2-11-11 LOADINGW(psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 EFL in (loc) I/deft PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0,10 Vert(LL) n/a n/a TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1,25 BC 0,03 Vert(TL) 0.01 A a999 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 C n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1 st LC LL Min I/deft - 240 Weight: 11 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 k 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-11-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. Max UpliftC--52(load case 5), B--80(load case 4) TES (3) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-96 per FBC2001; 110mph; h15ft; TCDL6.Opsf; BCD L6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL1.33. 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 52 lb uplift at joint C and 80 lb uplift at joint B. 3) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPi 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilit' for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. LJ CD CN11 a 11€Q CL a 53906980 cis JACKI J8 ]1 b , efererjqq tq_ptil) --- 215, —Jeff-Re- s Feb-20-db3 MiTek Industries, Inc, Sat Apr 19 1217'.11 2003 Page I 4- 11-11 4- 11-11 LOADING ( psf) SPACING 2-0.0 CSI DEFIL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20,0 Plates Increase 1,25 TC 0,24 Vert(LL) n/a n/a TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1,25 BC 0.10 Vert(TL) -0.05 A >354 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 C n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/defl - 240 Weight: 17 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-11 -11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. REACTIONS ( lb/size) C-1 26/Mechanical, 8-275/0-8-0, D-46/Mechanical Max Horz B-1 00(load case 5) Max UplittC--94(load case 5), 8--69(load case 4) NOTES ( 3) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-98per FBC2001; 110mph; h-15ft;TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6,Opsf; occupancy category II; exposure 6; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1,33. 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 94 lb uplift at joint C and 69 lb uplift at joint B. 3) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design, Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilib, for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not pail of the review or certification of the truss designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 171 J", 0 4 1 to I amwia= OMM41'WaKul $1409EM1112 M604-10-101 . ISO HE 53906980 JEJ5 !JACK J 1: sn LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFIL in loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TOLL 20,0 Plates Increase 125 TC 0.24 Vert(LL) n/a n/a TL20 245Y193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.10 Vert(TL) -0,05 A >348 BOLL 0,0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 C n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) list LC LL Min I/defl - 240 Weight: 17 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No,2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 5-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No,2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing, REACTIONS (lb/size) C-127/Mechanical, B-276/0-8-0, D-46/iTiechanical Max Horz B-1 00(load case 5) Max UpliftC--94(load case 5), B--69(load case 4) NOTES (3) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 110mph; h-15ft;TCDL-6,Opsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gableendzone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 94 lb uplift at joint C and 69 lb uplift at joint B. 3) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSIfTPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilib, for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 3 mm ffluffin ffm ando/1 692A/isk/4-14-3 JACK 118 1 — J91?-Rfff—eTe ceAo019 —na4---- to 5.000 s Feb 20 2003 MiTek Industries, Inc, Sat Apr 19 12: to 5. Jeff Kerr RM U4 LOADING psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) I/defl TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.55 Vert(I-L) n/a - n/a TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.20 Vert(TL) 0.17 A 93 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0,00 C n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1 st LC LL Min I/clefI - 240 REACTIONS (lb/size) C-190/Mechanical, B-352/0-8-0, D-66/Mechanicat Max Horz B-1 37(load case 5) Max UpliftC--1 35(load case 5), B-62(load case 4) 1161'"1 -kiwi W REMERM. Scale - 1:1 Eam BRACING TOPCHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing NOTES (3) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC20011; I I Omph; h-1 5ft; TCDL=6,Opsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 135 lb uplift at joint C and 62 lb uplift at joint B. 3) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSVTPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted, Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design, Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilib, for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. ZUASNA 4 if - ILI 0 51 0 2 AL01W Zmam Inc. Sat Apr 19 13:25: 12-3-7 17-5-2 22-6-14 27-8-9 33-0-0 35-5-12 40-0-0 1-0-0 4-6-4 2-5-12 5-3-7 5-1-11 5-1-11 5-1-11 5-3-7 2-5-12 4-6-4 1-0-0 Scale ® 1:68, 700 = 5X6 = 5X8 = 2X5 11 in 7x10 5XG = 5X6 5X10 -7. I T q P 0 N OXTU — 5W --- WO M1118H= 5X8 = 5X6 == 5X6 = 5X6 -- 5X6 = 5x 10 M111 BH= J-12 12 -3-7 17-5-2 22-6-14 27-8-9 32-10-4 40-0-0 7-1-12 5-1-11 5-1-11 5-1-11 5-1-11 5-1-11 7-1-12 Plate ftsets tX,Y), JBL E_ d gel, [P:O -3-12 0-4-41 JJ0-3-12 0-4- _ LOADING ( psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS11 DEFL in loc) I/clefl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.83 Vert(LL) 0.93 Q-R >510 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10,0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.93 Vert(TL) -1.53 Q-R >308 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WI3 0.70 Horz(TL) 0,27 L n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC ILL Min I/defl - 240 Weight: 250 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 *Except* TOP CHORD Sheathed or 1-8-3 oc purlins. T2 2 X 6 SYP No.2, T3 2 X 6 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 4-5-7 oc bracing. BOT CHORD 2 X 6 SYP No.1 *Except* B2 2 X 6 SYP SS WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 *Except* WI 2 X 4 SYP No.2, W1 2 X 4 SYP No.2 W1 2 X 4 SYP No,2, W1 2 X 4 SYP No.2 W1 2 X 4 SYP No.2 RF- AC11ONS (lb/size) B-3309/0-8-0, L-3309/0-8-0 Max Herz B--75(load case 5) Max Uplift B--939(load case 2), L-939(load case 3) FORCES ( lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-13-26, B-C--7372, C-D--7387, D-E--1 0163, E-F--1 1707, F-G--1 1707, G-H--1 1707, H-1--11726, I-J--1 0159, J-K--7388, K-L--73721 L-M= 26 BOT CHORD B-U-6690, T-U-6864, S-T=6864, R-S-1 0161, Q-R-1 1726, P-Q-1 0157, O-P=68651 N-0-6865, L-N-6691 WEBS D- U-1 78, J-N-1 79, C-U-1 94, D-S-3740, E-S--1 565, E-R-I 760, G-R--6291 H-R--21, H-Q--634, I-Q-11 786, I-P--1 570, K-N-1 95, J-P- 3734 NOTES (8) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. WN06 «Wvr- 14 uvw' cantilever left and right exposed end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-11.60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending, 4) All plates are TL20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 939 lb uplift at joint B and 939 lb uplift at joint L. 6) Girder carries hip end with 7-0-0 end setback 7) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 385.01b down and 258,21b up at 33-0-0, and 385. 01b down and 258.21b up at 7-0-0 on top chord, Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the Iuilding designer. 8) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements, Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted, Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints, Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building, Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. W5, LOAD CASE( S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase-1.25, Plate Increase-1.25 Uniform Loads ( pit) Vert: A- D--60.0, D-J--125.0, J-M--60.0, B-L--41.7 Concentrated Loads ( lb) Vert: D-- 385.0 J-385.0 Hva -000 IWAMM1401111TV "11121 MM 53906980 JH2 I HIP Jeff Kerr -- 6.000 s Feb 20 2003 MiTek Industries, Inc. Sat Apr 19 12:17:1 9-0-0 16-5-3 23-6-13 31-0-0 34-2-15 40-0-0 41-0-0 1-0-0 5-9-1 3-2-15 7-5-3 7-1-11 7-5-3 3-2-15 5-9-1 1-00 Scale - 1:68 mmm 5X6 = 3X8 - WO M1118H= 3x6 = 3x8 = 30 = 3X6 = 5X6 = 3x1OM1118H= 30 = 5-9-1 3-4-11 10-10-4 10-10-4 3-4-11 5-9-1 45Fate Offsets JX'Y) JD 0-3-0 0-2-41 JHL.0-_3_- -241 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFIL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 125 TC 0.54 Vert(LL) 0,35 N 999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.97 Vert(TL) 038 L-N 60B BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.64 Horz(TL) 0.20 J n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/defI - 240 Weight: 186 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP N0.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-9-14 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-8-15 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No,3 WEBS 1 Row at micipt E-P, G-L REACTIONS (lb/size) B-1653/0-8-0,J-1653/0-8-0 Max Horz B--90(load case 5) Max UpliftB--344(load case 2), J--344(load case 3) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B-22, B-C-3354, C-D--3150, D-E-2917, E-F--4077, F-G--4077, G-1-1-2917, H-6-3150, I-J--3354, J-K-22 BOT CHORD B-P-3001, O-P-3974, N-0-3974, M-N-3974, L-M-3974, J-L-3001 WEBS D-P=845, H-L-845, C-P--1 40, I-L--1 40, E-P--1 192, E-N-1 50, G-N=1 50, G-1---1 192 NOTES (6) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7.98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-1 51t; TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6,Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are TL20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 344 lb uplift at joint B and 344 lb uplift at joint J. 6) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be at size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building, Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. Job I russ i rusq i ype ULY Ir- ly "'W1 IMA-1-1— . --J- 53906980 H3 H SS 2 1 Job Reference (optianal d61i—v6—rsii1 Foreit-K6du&ts,(iFC.", Burlington, NC 27215, Jeff Kerr 5.000 s Feb 20 2003 MiTek Industries, Inc. Sat Apr 19 1217:13 2003 1-0-0 6-10-4 4-1-12 6-0-0 6-0-0 6-0-0 4-1-12 6-10-4 1-0-0 se we - U7 - 5X6 = 3X6 = 5X8 = 5X6 = 0 N 3x10M1118H= 3XB = 3x8 = WO MOW= 6-10-4 28-10-4 33-1-12 40-0- 6-10-4 4-3-8 8-10-4 8-10-4 4-3-8 6-10-4 Plate Offsets (XYj- ID:0-3,0,0_2- .0 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in (loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0,54 Vert(LL) -0-26 M >999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10,0 Lumber Increase 125 BC 0.86 Vert(TL) -0.58 B-0 >812 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.80 Horz(TL) 0,17 1 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/detl - 240 Weight: 190 lb LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REAC11ONS (lb/size) B-1 653/0-8-0,1-1653/0-8-0 Max Herz B-1 06(load case 4) Max UpliftB--317(load case 2),1-317(load case 3) BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-5 oc purlins. BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-11-4 oc bracing. FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B-22, B-C--3291, C-D--2975, D-E--2721, E-F--3328, F-G--2721, G-H--2975, H-6-3291, I-J-22 BOT CHORD B-0-2961, N-0=3279, M-N-3279, L-M-3279, K-L=3279, I-K-2961 WEBS D-0-836, G-K=836, C-0-316, H-K--316, E-0-712, E-M-90, F-M-90, F-K-712 NOTES (6) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design, 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-1 5ft; TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6,Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) All plates are TL20 plates unless otherwise indicated, 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 317 lb uplift at joint B and 317 lb uplift at joint I. 6) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TP1 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building, Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer, Amd fifim UOMP roll -03atole; KFAN all I (a L. a Jeff Kerr 5.000 s Inc. Sat Apr 19 1-0- 7-,1-3 i 3-0-0 7-0 0 ._ v _. _ 32-10-13 40.0.0 41-0 1-0-0 7.1-3 5-10-13 14-0-0 5-10-13 7-1-3 1-0-0 Scale ® 1 UA 7 5x6 = 5x6 =_ 2x3 Il 3x6 = 3x6 = 3x6 = W = 3x6 = 10-3-14 9-8-2 9-8-2 10-3-14 Plate Off sets_(X Y): ID:Q 3 0,0-2-41 [F:0-3-0-,0-2-4j LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI CEFL in (loc) Well PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.55 Vert(LL) 0.22 L 999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.79 Vert(TL) 0,50 L-N 944 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0.24 Horz(TL) 0.15 H n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/deft = 240 Weight: 199 lb BRACING TOPCHORD Sheathed or 0 BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 9-2-1 oc bracing. REACTIONS (lb/size) 1 0 FORCES (lb) - First Case Only TOP CHORD A-B-22, B 1 0 1 BOT CHORD r 0 1 i TES (5) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-96 per FBC2001; 11Omph; h-15ft; TCDL-6,Opsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category II; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber D®L-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 290 lb uplift at joint B and 290 lb uplift at joint H. 5) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/1-PI 1-95 quality requirements, Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer, LOAD CASE(S) Standard uGJoe1russIrushiypu 4ty I t ly 53906980 H5 CO 2 11 Job Milli 7-1-3 5-0-0 1-0-0 7-1-3 7-10-13 10-0-0 7-10-13 7-1-3 1-0-0 Scale - 1 a Im RM Us = 3x8 = 3x8 = 3x8 =- 3x6 -= ME am M LOADING (psf) SPACING 2.0-0 CS1 DEFIL in (loc) I/detl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0,61 Vert(LL) -0,20 L >999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 125 BC 0,78 Verl(TL) -0.47 L-N >998 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 020 Horz(TL) 0,15 H n/a BCDIL 10'0 Code FBC2001 (Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/def I - 240 Weight: 193 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-11 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-9-2 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS (lb/size) B-1653/0-8-0,H-1653/0-8-0 Max Horz B-1 38(load case 4) Max UpliftB--313(load case 4), H--313(load case lb) - First Load Case Only TOPCHORD A-6-22,B-C--3333,C-D--3011,F-G--3011,G-H--3333,H-1-22,D-E--2479,E-F--2479 130T CHORD B-N-3004, M-N-2322, L-M-2322, K-L-2322, J-K-2322, H-J-3004 WEBS C-N--421, D-N-620, F-J-620, G-J-4211, E-L--208, D-L-252, F-L-252 I NOTES (5) 1) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design, 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-1 5ft; TCDL-6,Opsf; BCDL-6,Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1,33, 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 313 lb uplift at joint B and 313 lb uplift at joint H, 5) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSVTPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design, Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilit), for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard P t I ' tQ runs i I rusp veers al ForeM Products, Inc., Burlington, IWC 27215, Jeff Kerr 5.000 s Feb 20 2003 Mi I eK Industries, Inc, Z-jal Apr I i e: I t: i D euuo rage 7 -0-0 26-3-15 32-10-13 40-0-0 41-0 1-0-0 7-1-3 6-6-13 3-3-15 6-0-0 3-3-15 6-6-13 7-1-3 1-0-0 Scale - 1 5.00 F1-2- 5X6 = 5X6 -- I 3x6 = US = 5X IQ :3x8 = Us = 10-3-14 20-0-0 29-8-2 103,14 9-8-2 9-8-2 10-3-14 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFIL in loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.52 Vert(LL) 420 M >999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 110,10 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.78 Vert(TL) -0A6 M-0 >999 E3CLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB O.35 Horz(TL) 0.15 1 n/a BCOL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 7—L 1 st LC LL Min I/clefI = 240 Weight: 205 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-9 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-4-8 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 WEBS I Row at midpt D-M, G-M REACTIONS (lb/size) B-1653/0-8-0,1-1653/0-8-0 Max Horz B-1 54(load case 4) Max UpliftB--333(load case 4),I--333(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B-22, B-C--3323, C-D--301 1, D-E--2143, F-G-21143, G-H--301 1, H-6-3323, I-Jm22, E-F--21166 BOT CHORD B-0-2993, N-0-2425, M-N-2425, L-M-2425, K-L-2425, I-K-2993 WEBS C-0-389, D-0-546, D-M--651, G-M--651, G-K-546, H-K--3891 E-M-575, F-M=575 NOTES (5) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-15ft; TCDL-6,Opsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1,60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 333 ib uplift at joint B and 333 lb uplift at joint 1, red at ioints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints, Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibiliti. for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. mmzam+ 111VOam& russ FMNM= ngton,*X0VFPT5-,-Jeff Kerr 5.000 s Feb 20 2003 Mi I eK Industries, Inc. sat Apr iv ie:-r t: 0- 1-0-0 7-1-3 6-6-13 5-3-15 2-0-0 5-3-15 6-6-13 7-1-3 1-0-0 Scale - I I U6 = 3x8 = 5 00 f-1-2- 5x6 — W = 502 -- 3x8 = 34 -- 10-3-14 9-8-2 9-8-2 10-3-14 Plate Offsets LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in (loc) Weft PLATES GRIP TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1,25 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) 0.20 M >999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 125 BC 0,78 Vert(TL) 0,46 M-0 >999 BCLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0,38 Horz(TL) 0,15 1 n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/defI - 240 Weight: 206 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 8-0-1 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 WEBS 1 Row at midpt D-M, G-M REACTIONS (lb/size) B-1 653/0-8-0,1-1653/0-8-0 Max Herz B-1 70(load case 4) Max UplittB--352(load case 4),I--352(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B=22, B-C--3319, C-D--3012, D-E--2116, F-G-2116, G-1-1-3012, H-6.3319, I-J-22, E-F--1963 BOT CHORD B-0-2988, N-0-24351 M-N-2435, L-M-2435, K-L-2435, I-K-2988 WEBS C-0-376, D-0-537, D-M-7351 G-M--735, G-K-537, H-K--376, E-M-591, F-M-591 I NOTES (5) 1) Unbalanced root live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-I 5ft; TCDL-6.0psf; BCDL-6.0psf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water pending. 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 352 lb uplift at joint 6 and 352 lb uplift at joint 1. 5) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilit) for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 4All I W 6 J CC) ku C'A CNI Z M niversal Forest Products,lnc., ME 9 10-0-0 , 13-0-0 19-6-4 1-0-0 6-11-9 3-0-7 3-0-0 6-6-4 6-8-0 6-9-12 7-0-0 1-0-0 Scale - t69' 5 00! fP- 5X6 — D 5X6 = q.k — 'A.A = 3.9 = 5X6 = 30 P 0 N M I- JAI — 300 M1118H= 3x6 = 3X6 3x6 3x8 z- WO Mlll&H= 10-0-0 9-6-4 6-8-0 6-8-0 7-1-12 Plate Offsets LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 036 Vert(LL) 0.50 N-0 950 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10,0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0,85 Vert(TL) -0.99 O-Q 478 BCLL 0,0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0,84 Horz(TL) 022 J n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/defI - 240 Weight: 185 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 2-3-4 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.1 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 6-3-2 oc bracing, WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 WEBS 1 Row at midpt H-L REACTIONS (lb/size) B-1653/0-8-0,J-1653/0-8-0 Max Herz B--97(load case 5) Max UpliftB--257(load case 3), J--444(load case 5) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-13-22, B-C--3326, C-D--3052, E-F--5297, F-G-4761, G-H--4761, H-6-3084, I-J--3396, J-K-22, D-E--3042 BOT CHORD B-Q-2975, P-Q-4576, O-P-4576, N-0-5297, M-N-4761, L-M-4761, J-L-3039 WEBS I-L-91 1, D-Q-2195' E-Q--25401 C-Q--282, E-0-792, F-0-1 69, F-N--586, H-N-355, H-L--1836 NOTES (6) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; I I Omph; h-1 5ft; TCDL-6.Opst; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL=1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are TL20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 257 lb uplift at joint B and 444 lb uplift at joint J. 6) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSITFPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer, k A =*Rffg "Mul ngton, NC 27215, Jeff Kerr 5.000S 71IMMEM 1-0-0 5-0-0 12-10-0 1-0-0 5-0-0 5X5 = U4 = Rmffmm 3x7 = 30 3x4 = 5X6 = 3X4 11 1-12 12-10-0 14-0-0 5-1-12 7-8-4 1-2-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS11 DEFL in loc) I/defl TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.85 Vert(LL) 0,05 G-H >999 TCDL 110.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.36 Vert(TL) 0.13 G-H >999 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.42 Horz(TL) 0.01 F n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/cleil - 240 LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.2 *Except* W2 2 X 4 SYP No.3, W2 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS (lb/size) G-1449/0-8-0, F-400/0-8-0, B-799/0-8-0 Max Herz B-1 11 (load case 3) Max UpliftG--432(load case 3), F--1 17(load case 3), B-227(load case 4) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOPCHORD A-B-22,B-C--1410,C-D--1256,D-E--37,E-F--284 BOTCHORD B-H-1266,G-H-37,F-G-229 WEBS C-H--1 45, D-H-1 264, D-G--1 134, E-G--1 99 6-8-0 PLATES GRIP TL20 245/193 Weight: 95 lb NOTES (7) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC20011; 110mph; h-15ft;TCDL-6.0psf; BCDL-6,Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1,60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 2) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 432 lb uplift at joint G, 117 lb uplift at joint F and 227 lb uplift at joint B. 4) Beveled plate or shim required to provide full bearing surface with truss chord at joint(s) G. 5) Girder carries hip end with 5-0-0 end setback 6) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 175.01b down and 11 T31b up at 5-0-0 on top chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. 7) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase-1.25, Plate Increase-1.25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: B-F--31,7, A-C-60.0, C-E--95.0 Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: C--175.0 pc W Customer No: 11045 Customer Name: CENTEX HOMES ORLANDO Shop No: 53906980 Contractor/Job: 1692 A RF Date Req:04/25/2003 Draw No:5390698OH1 0 1-0-0 I Truss Type 1y Ply I Centex-Orlando/1692A/js -1 -3 HIP 1 1 Job, R fc rence ptional) _ _ 3url' C 27215, Jeff Kerr 5,000 s Feb 20 2003 MiTek Industries, Inc. Sat Apr 19 12:17:17 2003 Page 7-0-0 --__ 7-0-0 6-0-0 7-0-0 Scale - t: sX8 = 5X6 - c o 34 .• JX15 2x3 11 300 MII18H= 3x4 a; 71-12 12-10-4 7-1-12 5-8-8 Plate OffsetsX,Y[ C:0-5-120-2 8j,[D:0 3 0 0-2-41 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CSI DEFL in loc) Well TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.82 Vert(LL) 0.13 F-H >999 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.91 Vert(TL) 0.26 E-F >890 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress incr NO WB 0.11 Horz(TL) 0.08 E n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/deft - 240 REAC11ONS (lb/size) 6 3 0 Max UpliftE--377(ioad case 5), B--447(load case 4) Max Herz B-81 (load case 4) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only WEBS C-H-275, 7-1-12 PLATES GRIP TL20 245/193 Weight: 80 lb BRACING TOPCHORD RigidBOTCHORDceilingdirectlyappliedor6-8-9 oc bracing. 16 TES (8) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design. 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11Omph; h-15ft; TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category II; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL1.60 plate grip DOL1.33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding. 4) All plates are TL20 plates unless otherwise indicated. 5) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 377 lb uplift at joint E and 447 lb uplift at joint B. 6) Girder carries hip end with 7-0-0 end setback 7) Special hanger(s) or connection(s) required to support concentrated load(s) 385.01b down and 258.21b up at 13-0-0, and 385.01b down and 258.21b up 7-0-0 on top chord. Design for unspecified connection(s) is delegated to the building designer. 8) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase-1.25, Plate Increase 1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: A-C-60.0, C-D-125.0, D-E-60.0, B-E-41,7 1' Concentrated Loads (lb) Vert: C -385.0 D®-385,O r \ i..r W 53906980 IH12 I Burlington, NC 27215, Jeff Ply I Centex-Orlando/I 692A/jsk/4-14-3 b Reterqn'oPjL0q#D------- s Feb 20 2003 MiTek Industries, Inc. Sat Apr 19 12:17:17 2003 P I 1-0-0 6-11-9 2-0-7 2-0-0 2-0-7 6-11-9 Scale 5x4 = IN 5A E 34 = 3x4 = 3x6 = 3x4 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 GSI DEFIL in loc) I/defl TOLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1,25 TC 0.43 Vert(LL) 0.09 G-H 999 TCDL 110,0 Lumber Increase 1,25 BC 0.49 Vert(TL-) 425 G-H 927 BOLL 0.0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0,14 Horz(TL) 0.03 G n/a BCDL 10,0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/defI - 240 LUMBER TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No,2 WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 REACTIONS (lb/size) G-771/0-8-0, B-856/0-8-0 Max Horz B-97(load case 4) Max UpliftG-- I34(load case 5), B--204(load case 4) 9-1-12 PLATES GRIP TL20 245/193 Weight: 84 lb BRACING TOPCHORD Sheathed or 4-11 -8 oc purlins. BOTCHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOPCHORD A-B-22,B-C--1383.C-D--1137,D-E--1003,E-F--1140,F-G--1375 BOTCHORD B-J-1200,[-J-1003,H-1-1003,G-H-1210 WEBS D-J-389, E-H-414, C-J--344, F-H--361 NOTES (5) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design, 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-1 5ft; TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6.0psf ; occupancy category It; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1 .60 plate grip DOL-1,33. 3) Provide adequate drainage to prevent water ponding, 4) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 134 lb uplift at joint G and 204 lb uplift at joint B. 5) Truss shall be fabricated per ANS I/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. xffaam[ Job I russ 53906980 H13 D-n-fv—eiial Forest Pro q+-- 1-0-0 I ZMEMM GKM 5,000 s Feb 20 2( 3-0-7 3-0-7 5x4 D e topvRn4iL,___ Inc. Sat Apr 19 12:17:17 2003 Page 20-10-0 6-11-9 Scale - 1 3x5 = 5X8 10-0-0 10-0-0 LOADING (psf) SPACING 2-0-0 GSI DEFL in loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TOLL 20,0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.41 Vert(LL) 0,10 F-G >999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 125 SC 0.63 Vert(TL) -0-26 F-G >877 BOLL 0,0 Rep Stress Incr YES WB 0,24 Horz(TL) 0.03 F n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/clefl = 240 Weight: 82 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 4-11-8 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. 00111K REACTIONS (lb/size) B-856/0-8-0, F-771/0-8-0 Max Horz B-1 05(load case 4) Max Uplift13-213 (load case 4), F--1 43(load case 5) FORCES ( lb) - First Load Case Only TOPCHORD A-B-22,B-C--1380,C-D--1074,D-E--1075,E-F--1374. BOTCHORD B-G-1198,F-G-1205 WEBS C-G--361, D-G-737, E-G-371 I NOTES ( 4) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design, 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; I I Omph; h-1 5ft; TCOL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure 13; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1.60 plate grip DOL-1,33, 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 213 lb uplift at joint B and 143 lb uplift at joint F. 4) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSVTPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer, LOAD CASE(S) Standard RIM WCHMMOMnow3n1SO MMM`# IN WILI) C 001 F. M0 R WNR, II11: 111 - III Ic 12 truss I russ HJ5 -,-JJACKst-Piodu6i,Inc., Burlington, 11 19 3A = LOADING ll SPACING 2-0-0 TCLL 2010 Plates Increase 1,25 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1,25 BCLL 00 Rep Stress Incr NO BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Will 1 fil I I lill city Ply 5.000 s Feb -2-020 3t 7-0-2 7-0-2 3, fJ4 Tim B1 74-91-2:17:18 20-03 Page Scalt— 1: CS1 DEFL in loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TC 0.56 Vert(LL) n/a n/a TL20 245/193 BC 0.22 Vert(TL) 0.14 A >160 WB 0.00 Horz(TL) -0.00 C n/a Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/def I - 240 Weight: 24 lb BRACING TOP CHORD Sheathed or 7-0-2 oc purlins, BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. IR Max Horz B-9 I (load case 3) Max UpliftC--1 48(load case 5), B--74(load case 2) FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-E-21, B-E-21, B-C-47 BOT CHORD B-D-0 NOTES (3) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001-. 110mph; h-15ft;TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1 .60 plate grip DOL-1 13. 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 148 lb uplift at joint C and 74 lb uplift at joint B. 3) Truss shall be fabricated per All 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints, Bracing Indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design, Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibility for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase-1.25, Plate Increase-1 .25 Uniform Loads (plf) Vert: A-E--60.0 Trapezoidal Loads (plf) Vert: E-0.0-to-C-106,11, B--1,7-to-D--35,4 M"Ill I Lorom ffim MM f #-I WOMB a F 10 *M;U6, Immis Y-0 III il rm-1 1; I Lorom ffim MM f #-I WOMB a F 10 *M;U6, Immis Y-0 III il rm-1 1; 53906980 1 HJ7JACK L ,--- Unive'r-sa'—IFo—re-9iProducts,lnc., Burlington, NC 27215, Jeff Kerr 6- 7-12 1- 6-8 6-7-12 1IM11111111 Job ow EM LOADING ( psf) SPACING 2-0-0 CS1 DEFL in loc) I/defl PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.38 Vert(LL) 0.02 F-G >999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 1.25 BC 0.39 Vert(TL) -0.05 B-G >999 BCLL 0,0 Rep Stress Incr NO WB 0.20 Horz(TL) 0.01 E n/a BCDL 10.0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) I st LC LL Min I/defl - 240 Weight: 40 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 6-0-0 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 10-0-0 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No,3 REACTIONS ( lb/size) D-150/Mechanical, B-437/0-8-0, E-473/Mechanical Max Herz B-1 76(load case 2) Max UpliftD--1 13(load case 5), B--1 37(load case 2), E-60(load case 2) FORCES ( lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-H-21, B-H=21, B-C--743, C-D--68 BOT CHORD B-G-679, F-G-679, E-F-0 WEBS C-G-215, C-F--826 NOTES ( 3) 1) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-1 5ft: TCDL-6.Qpsf; BCDL-6.Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1,60 plate grip DOL-133. 2) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 113 lb uplift at joint D, 137 lb uplift at joint B and 80 lb upli at joint E. 1 - 95 nualit reouiremp-its Plates &hall be Qf siz-o-anio," tv hown and centered at ioints unless otherwise note LOAD CASE(S) Standard 1) Regular: Lumber Increase-1.25, Plate Increase-1.25 Uniform Loads (pit) Vert: A-H--60.0 Trapezoidal Loads (plf) Vert: 1-1-0.0-to-D-148.5, 13-1.7-to-E-49.5 MORMCMU" ' A ob J Truss W ucts, a 9 Sat Apr 19 12:17:19 2003 Page 0- 40-0-0 1-0-0 7-1-3 6-6-13 6-3-15 6-3-15 6-6-13 7-1-3 1-0-0 Scale - 1:671 a M 5.00 F1-2 5x6 = 11 34 = 3x8 = W 3x8 = 34 MM 9M IDIME LOADING (pst) SPACING 2-0-0 GSI DEFL in loc) I/defI PLATES GRIP TCLL 20.0 Plates Increase 1.25 TC 0.53 Vert(LL) -0,20 L >999 TL20 245/193 TCDL 10.0 Lumber Increase 125 BC 0.78 Vert(TL) -0A7 L-N >99900BCLLRepStressIncrYESWB0.41 Horz(TL) 0.15 H n/a BCDL 10'0 Code FBC2001 Matrix) 1st LC LL Min I/clefl - 240 Weight: 196 lb LUMBER BRACING TOP CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 TOP CHORD Sheathed or 3-0-7 oc purlins. BOT CHORD 2 X 4 SYP No.2 BOT CHORD Rigid ceiling directly applied or 7-10-3 oc bracing. WEBS 2 X 4 SYP No.3 WEBS 1 Row at micipt D-L, F-L REACTIONS (lb/size) B-1653/0-8-0,H=1653/0-8-0 Max Horz B-1 78(load case 4) Max UpliftB.-360(load case 4), H--360(load case FORCES (lb) - First Load Case Only TOP CHORD A-B-22, B-C--3317, C-D--3013, D-E--2114, E-F--2114, F-G-3013, G-H--3317, H-1-22 BOT CHORD B-N-2986, M-N-2442, L-M-2442, K-L-2442, J-K-2442, H-J-2986 WEBS C-N--370, D-N-532, D-L--747, E-L-11 180, F-L--747, F-J=532, G-J--370 I NOTES (4) 1) Unbalanced roof live loads have been considered for this design, 2) Wind: ASCE 7-98 per FBC2001; 11 Omph; h-1 5ft; TCDL-6.Opsf; BCDL-6,Opsf; occupancy category 11; exposure B; enclosed;MWFRS gable end zone; cantilever left and right exposed ; end vertical left and right exposed;Lumber DOL-1 .60 plate grip DOL-1.33. 3) Provide mechanical connection (by others) of truss to bearing plate capable of withstanding 360 lb uplift at joint B and 360 lb uplift at joint H. 4) Truss shall be fabricated per ANSI/TPI 1-95 quality requirements. Plates shall be of size and type shown and centered at joints unless otherwise noted. Provide bracing where indicated and within 4" of interior joints. Bracing indicated on this sheet is to reduce buckling of individual members only and does not replace erection and permanent bracing required for the overall building design. Building Designer shall verify all design information on this sheet for conformance with conditions and requirements of the specific building and governing codes and ordinances. The truss designer accepts no responsibilit) for the correctness or accuracy of the design information as it may relate to a specific building. Any references to job names and locations are for administrative purposes only and are not part of the review or certification of the truss designer. zfflflm 0 0 Ul c CJ 3 m m c- c- m CJ3c-c- c CJ5 H 1 Nj 41. H 2 Q) H 3 H4 H 5 H6 H 7 T8 H7 H 6 H 5 H4 H3 H2 H9 H13 H10 H12 m m m I m m m mk- rc- m cp c- c- c- c- c- C-- Hll 01 Ln Cn (.n X/ CJ5 CJ5 m m m m c- C-- c- J3 c- c j3 c h c- c- h rQ 0 c 0 77CUSTOMER NAME; Cv Z Q I CENTEX ORLANDO W NOTES: THISDRAWING IS THEPROPERTYROJECT:- OF UNIVERSAL / SHOFRNI".R L. L.C. AND IS NOT TOBE 5 r P 1692 EL EVA T1 ON A ROOF USEDFORANY PURPOSE DETRIMENTAL TO THE ST INTER T OF UNWIlr IHOIFNERLLC, THIS DRAWING 'L ( USER IN CONJUNCTIONWITHALLrIF1'.ER TECHNICAL DEROAWINGS SUPPLIEDDATE: 4-17-073 CA E SCALE: N. FS, NE r, SL -E _EEQUALITYPRODUCTSFORQUALITYBUILDERSRYSHOFTNERIN0;JXRlLS INC AND WOOD TRUSSES: CC Z TRY ANO MMENDA- TIONS" A HFI) BY THE PLATEREVISION: DATE: thISTITUTESFPOURBUINSDUSTRY STANDTANASSIN ERECTING TRUSSES. ( M) IS LOCATED AT 5830'ONOFRIO DR, REVISION: DATE: y BY: SUITE 200 MADISON, WI 53719608) 833-5900 BY: C UNIVERSAL FOREST PRODUCTS SOH1011"TINERK, LLC. 5631 S. NC 62PHONE (800) 476-9356 BURLINGTON, NC 27215 FAX (336) 226-9403 Lf CL- L"Eowtrz S%u '00 6, CLI-4 H!'7 H11- SUPS '0 7 - -4. 'Sz, S) Ec, ar sw-j. 1 RE'ViS;ONS I GATE: ECN NO. I ADC'Va, 1 DESCRIPTION STICS a7tcam 'c DOCA M L-IOC SITT" LISTED Mar— V R E p 0 R i G 15 0 6 C74 15 Nib 2-1-2- W a -m cno. kr" urns*, C111- u- I'm .C'l rcp By oc,". -r-V 4A 7a S." ruL L.D s7'x r"-4 a'7'i rS- Xc tl-14ES a GP IM-ES "mscz c -1S"s or MZ4 0'.0 'Y l J. sc rul, I. at"C' 7-dxxp' I-x ACPC TO C-c, C q'S/ 'T ., tt'iA Cd+ scReas nI" PC -C4 -cv IV_ C"t/,. 0t<- ot, W10'ArSTEW, to a,- S=4 Aga 1l ", Va. lax wurvuv':' p E. Ft5. L SIC, rnAa, PC O'46 Tc12-W2sr"Is C'4 I 'c' 'AX'L" S. ELT 47 -qM 9- SEJ O'SiCN LSA:; +24.O nF & -24.5 PSr i C.G'W5 DC 0 sew o f01 l< xll K CA MIMM mo STIM &. ILtx..a =" MA Nc LQ.,Ds a= 0 LCk> PhMft. -'4L3 tr'o EM 0- szcloo' ' - aA rxX- st.I,4 OLT—. I eN TWPV4 ScAcw$ :, Ell> -% E',RANCESxx, -61' PVMEOQTICKrEALm.cl wg m PU ft, a= z— '9= .00 - z 0t5 OESCRiP j 'ICN: MODEL $PST '*4 16-0 x 8-0: 24/-24,5 -ESICN LOA i P. 84' 1 'AT, 4P 5/:, t1-:: 1-:1 _e--t7E: 4/ S ZET i Z nlo A ' ckh" REV. NO, Door wcd mines System 4AX 18' C.C. amaLL Posit;,e 67:y 57.0 F'SF0PSFNegoe 60,0 PSF Ne91- Cve 60.0 P5F F, clacC,,jbie up to a'4 x B0 ./.a S,d. 65 X, Ox, X0, 0X0' xx, OXX0 , bje ./Ao S;ce;tes Positive 47.0 PSF Negot;,e 47,0 PIF R The hood and mde jambs am tingarmini pi,o measuring a mn. 4-9/16' with o 12' rabbeted stop. ui 1DR-WALL ANCHOR 3' /2* CT Jlt5- TAPCON 1 r 2 hRRJHG < TePE AW-.OR :: CJ? rWA-' kSOhRY L;N7fLLU z LOAI A 2 F'AMNGz ez T d Cc L to V4k, WRY BLOCK n Vk v Zx t" Li PAMcE FLCOTAPCON0VE,'IjAL V) 235 LB --HEAR RAPNC, A cr- prH A'sL" 7 cr <L tz 1- 11!8- -3, WAX, 1 -'YpE ANC',R /A WN. S"flIv SPAC T DA& 1, hia system hos been for use in locations c.dhvinq to the FtoNlo Sw)dmg Code CATE. 4/3/002 and wr— pro",, as ct.te--d by AS-'` 7 3.si,;, '..de for 6,;d-p SCAL-F N,T.S, and other S"Wr- do net exceed the design pr's-'. ratingslisted DWI, By, * LN, 2, For insta!l-"ons -twe the sub -buck is less than 7/2' (FIRC section 1707 4.4 Apchomp Uethoas Lt- nd -&- sscGwi 770L4* f and 1707.4.4.2) 7cpcon tyo. concrete onchos must be used .,d the QRAWNIC No.: length must De SUCK that a mirimwm t - 1/4' 0nqc;4 —t of the Tctpco,, into the 1a50-y molt is cotc—d, 71--To 0-1 Wood f',c— SfV- t r. ac I llllr I l 8" C.C. 3ingla Positi.e 67.0 FSF Neqct,- 57,0 P3F to 5,4 8,0 .di t- 0,Iubw up to 8,4 4'0 4 5;ngIe with sidIalites Positive 60.0 psF Negative 60.0 p3F R-&n -11311 X. llx, g,e x1l GX0, xx,./ wo S;ceiites Posit;,e 47.0 PSF Negative 47.0 PSF CS 2 , E 7 jambsand . ;.t a- Pn--- ---- jE o;---- r - 571 , I-rin Wirth -n. 4 9/16' .;/2' -Ob-t-C II-P. ----L l ze oLhSONRY LINTEL 3115' TAPCON ! t x 1 Y7RR,NGLj pt ANG4Sl V WAX 18, ac, C-) ASONRY UNTa M2rPRiNO 0 CLDRYWALLt lyn A";40R IQ ix SLC T'rPE AMCHOR 25, UAx sirtu SPACE of to T— Lazo LUESIO 3fi6® TAPC TYPE ANCHOR z - 7.5J f/2 , g CONCRMVASONR'l sni`4 SPACE 'P.5 7 Ewa. 3/'5' 7A _C`, PE ANCHOR 1,IS'UJN,— ELaO TAPSON CR ECUL 6- PHCOCRH E(2SZ LB. S-E1 FATWC) Ln Cc' Sn'w wAcS IF CC ::E §j Q V) 2-1 TPFH c— NK DRYWAU _, Xa SLICK Tirrs ,N— no. ba®n Is. I—b— Ioh,linq to the F1.111do 5,,Ifd,nq C.a al 3,68-.-"8 72i, d where P—s r. n,q,r.,,-t. c deter,;," by ASCE 7 Lk,;,Qrn —gn --d f- 6I.I;id,rqs Zx 5(,`CK and Other StrIIctores do not 0Io:-d its das;;n pressure rat;rgs listed hereir, SCAil: Y.T.S. 2 For ;nstc4otiois where the sub-tock is lesa wn 1-112* (F3C section 1707,4.4 Archonoge Methods and sub -sections 1707.4.4.1 and !707,4.4,2) ';peon, type concrete orch- -s! b, used and the 1-VI must il. such the -9.ge—f f the Topco, ;,tc the ,,csQ-y weir Is otlto;,o-d I When us;,g c IX sub -buck o 6-9116' jamb is r.qu;red to c1fo. to, Mir. edge sp.c;ng to, Toipcon type crcPort; T-02203 Tberrho-7ru ;—Swing / Oct-5w;ng Door wood Frames System NP Ir 77N' 7 -' Single up to 5*4 x BO , /.a s;celites Singte Positive 57,0 PS, Negative 67.0 P- Couble up to 8'4 x 8'0 v1wo s;dcf;ta3 Single with Sidelites Positive 60.O PSF Negative 60.O P57 r, 'g X, Ox, X0, OXO' XX' oxxri Doubie wl.o STdeiites Positive 47.0 PSF' Negative 4TO PSF The head and side jambs nre f-mgerj'cirt p;ne, measuring a min. 4-9176" with c 1/2' rabbets, stop, DOUBLE 2X HEADER 21 FT T LIL21' c 2X S-11JO s s J-0. J.D 2X J,ACK STUD 717-7 a d. PfW ws 17;L 16 7-nis system bcs been 01QiIcttd for use ;rt io:o,ons ccher;ng 40 the !Ioridc Su,ld;ng Code and where pressure reguire.n enis as determined by ASCE 7 Vnimm Des,gn Loocs for and Other Structures dO not exceed the design pressure ratings (fisted nero,n E THERMA3TRUS TM == " SWGLE AjND DOUBLE WI& P? CLASSIC--T7q SANS FRAMES. WAYffSIDELITES. INSULATED FIBERGLASS DOOR WrM VyOOD FRAMES. NOTES I. Tvs PRODUCT Is DESIGNED TO MEET THE SOUTH FLORIDA BUILDING CODE 1994 EDITtON FOR AA"!-DADE COUNJY. 12. WOOD SUCKS BY OTHERS, MUST BE ANCHORED PROPERLY 11 1 ! I ToTRANSFER LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE 11; 3, PRODUCTANCHORSSHALLBEASLISTEDANDSPACEDASli SHOWNONDETAILSANCHOREMBEDMENTTOBASEVATERLALSHALLBE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO. 4. DESDNED PRESSURE RATLNG SEE TABLE PAGE I 5 TlqIS PRODUCT _[IOE! NC7 ME-, TNE WATER PEOL;1REME1,7S FOR MLAVi- GAZE COU?V-1. MLWI-DARE APPROVED IMPACT RESISTANT SHUTTEPS L-p L. F 17S DELJTES ARE AN OPTION AND CAN BE USE' IN A 1 SINGLE ORDOUBLECONFIGURATION, RDTOENMAL IN' race sheets, Fibergloss ovg. min. yield strength ry(rrlin.)=5, 000 psi m,nimurn skin thickness f+ber'hos IC, min 'ru- s r thrckness e,hcne foam core, w;th'1. 9 Ibs. density by BASF, 0.070' thk. skinIt, corlsfr tedfrom0nohe ine-rto( unity jrNlc- density a4SF bofylj, etbane torrn, er, , , Ire s°teets are gluedto the wood Mdes and I -:Is Ty,Lv, iccr51,, 5 nforced -1frc ls" 'hI ck l measurini 2.375 1 14, 0 iong o' the of we and 6ecd(W, the range sfl is ""ger jo;ntel: t Pi-- end the top and boH= nil h-e -I a Wisd compositemcfenialtthe dv,,be doer app6co6on the iretchry ddx 11 wit h on extruded ch,m,nurn & 1-0901 iW.nCllrrber U) of 60eU-i6 oilcy The frorn, s ccrwrserd from fmtser 10 rlled pine. P— side h-DS II, 3) 169, i z - - cr'cz 2' long I _ I stopes Illeach vde, The m0,ye rlre sec,-,rd togeth" c saette Csdftcctrcr ustrj 18 x 2' birq PFP 'Wom Screws ( 6) vjm per lnoc", num Tne upifs use on fnswh`1,g Saddle thresholdmecsurxg 5,75' x T549' 1 :, ,'tOazog The sssei?,e Nhe;s Ore sorldwich, giozed - VN 0 f-0 p;ece sc, d came 'hey ore dry gbter an the exiee4 w1h 01 !15 Irk eeir-I!C' 1j(sdzjN tope, Tcp 12 Fuscrev coulked withSifCone. The vefnitmes ore reic o9esther wish 0 18 la c D A'X OVERALL WIDTH PIN r L W;D7H4 x7 X SINGLE — INSWNG UNIT 74,5' MAX OVERALL FR!Q, 4E WIDTH---^ 36.625- MAX. ll-- PANEL WIDTH l o: Lj IL MAA, r-1V-'— LL I-- 111-- I 36625' MAX 15. 5' MAX. WIDTH FRAME WIDTH 73 75' ki.AX WIDTH El If] 71,25' MAX p 110,L,O, WIDTH IDOUBLE wZ. siDELFF2-Ly WING uN r7 MAX. OVERA-IL MOTH ARE36- MAX. 75.5' MAX. F101111TIP10P j PANE.' WIDTHFRAME WIDTH 3,75' MAX, WIDTH 7,125' MAX, D.L.O. WIDTH s itsti DESIGN PRESSURE RATING CENM E--W- A—TER INFILTRATION IjNiT E P SlNGLE 67 0 hSF67,0PSFMANUF DOUELr 1 t50 PSF 55-0 PSF c WHI M A S 7 7 T Tt 7, 0 i w ---. 11 ICONSULTANTS, JNC,jJim •capQ/01_j LJ I r ' cc 3 r, v t 1 _ ZO Q LU CD20C)< a:co _ 67 42CL N zz i { cn v o O cv a' cs P d a 00 43 7 (O O o a . {{ a a I! SEE NOTE is z f O` 00 Ii 5 SF4T, 4 0 8 O { 4 von=xz Vn GKO w SENOTE z ooN v z Ocd / b c T 4 z Qo I QL1 z Q / 1 x .s' MiN. o vi CLASS TiIfX a o s c '_ LQP( f o o ( t IIERIOR ,y < Rl drr R7NTERiORo F.. x gn J oi wiOon 1. 68 ` WIN. t d c o FCAd GcSKET & Q PANEL TNK. o c, StUCONE CAP BEAD ` (Ei o j, o7ijI PANEL THK.4Lil 62pO od 8SEE NOTE5 S?,7, 4rr4 29 4 eV W ti Ilk IL TJH coKsu urs. ! c 9 t' t; c+ mc ev: RW ii40P PA^:%L '., SfJ_Llr,,. PAN 5-2757 s» c L cF 8 f2 t FXTcp, ,q SEE NOTE 2 7 vSHT, 4 27 o10 L Z t s ACTIVE QM .c- d r7 INACTIVE Otta ono u z ` ASTRAGAL RETAINERz + coch v BOLT E.C LC. TGP_/ ` z T' 22 O 3 eorroBOTTOM{z) BOLTS IN tPioa xy AT TOP & (2) ATr BOTTOM SEE NOTE U SHT. 4 FOAM GASKET t f ,A Qc F N 43 SILICONE CAP BEAD v s m avwti 3 g ASTRAGAL SEE NO E oa c v 5 SHT. 4 34 D, % 43 -13 K\ i 25 iz f.ts® M!rd. p C EMS,) tT j H-.25- MAX. SHIM m o p L7 ! rg' MIN. FCAV, GASKET & o 'p o 2SUECAPBAJ i f -SINK II z ? A k '4, 3 5t5H7 4 3TENT=,R! P. 4 36 / 3325 9 <r p 29t 6? a SEE NOiE f 37 HT 4 i.` f 3 —SEE NOTE 7 SHT. 4 HORIZONTAL CRC SS SECTION030HINGEJAMBTOSIDEUTE i l p o p4 13.66d.883f k 3 g 1 p _{ i 29 Lf 4t `i o-¢ 1\., U di '1, ;u.,' Sae 08/10/04 SEh.".'TE SH+. 4 s{ TJH F I? H P, r r, , ram MC.: Z r Ar Car ;S.E y N s+cc 3 " r4T ' I , 15 - MIN, c 8 a EMBED 15` WIN C-SINK 4. F—T7 ( zffalEl 7 25' SHIM SPACE EL'' A H, Rf r ra... c c 7r N 4 LATCH jAVB To SUCK, NOTES: I SPACING FOR ITEM NO. 47 CUTE FRAME SCREWS) C AS FOLLOWS: VERTICAE FROM THE TOP DOWN ON SIDES; 5-5', 16.5', 27.5*, 38,375', 49-375' & 60,375' ' HORIZONTAL THERE ARE (2) SCREW BOTH TOP AND a070M AT 2.725' IN FROM EACH CORNER. 2. SPACING FOR rrEV NO. 27 (f8 x I' PANHEAD SCREW) ATTACHING THE ASTRAGAL TO THE INACTIVIE DOOR IS AS FOLLOWS: FROM THE TOP DOWN 1'. 3', 5" 1825' 40.5% 59.25', 74,255, 76.25' & 76,25' 1 THE HEAD JAMB IS ATTACHED TO THE SiDE JAMBS WITH 3) 16DA x 712' CROWN x 2' STAPLES AT BOTH SIDE4, THE THRESHOLD IS ATTACHED 10 THE SIDE JAMBS Wr'I', 2) 16CA x 112' CROWN x 2.5' STAPLES AT BOTH SIDE5. THE SIDELFTE IS DIRECT SET INTO THE JAMS ''0tTH (72) ITEM NO, 43 (J8 ), 2' PFH, WOOD SCREW). THERE ARE (4) AT TEACHVERTICALJAMB, FROM THE TOP DOWN Ai 13.5', 31% 48.5- 66-THERE ARE (2) AT THE HEADER AT 4- INFROMTHEOUTSIDECORNERSOFTHEFRAMETHE -RE ARE 2) AT THE SILL, 4- IN FROM THE OUTSIDE CORNERS 6. SPACING FOR ITEM NO. 43 (18 . 2' SCREW) SECURING THEI PERIMETERMULLIONSTOGETHERISTHESAMEASTHE ANCHORING SCREWS. 6' 4YN FROM THE TOP AND UP FROM THE eo—,,oM WITH (4) MORE SPACED AT 13,7- C,C' 7, WHEN ATTACHING THE HINGE 10 THE JAMB AND THE SUCK USE ITEM, NO, 12 (JIO x 2' SCREW) WHEN Ai ACHINGTHEHINGETOTHEJAM19mN,D THE SfD1LrTE AT T - HE VULLION USE 17 '# ' D _ , I . I 3/4' 0 EMBED, 15' MIN, C-SINK IF N HINGE JAMB ' B TO BUCK. FOAM GASKET & SILICONE CAP SEAS SEE NOTE 5 SHT 4 cl C,36 SEE NOTE 1 SHT. A HCR!ZO4-'A CROSS C-to!J 6, STRIKE JAMB TO SiOELIE SEE NOTE 6 SHT. 4 2 SEE NOTE 7 SHT. 4 25' VAX SHIM SPACE DNS6L-ANTS. t' 513.684.3531 nLl/2' = I Irv' ey, TJH cw . gr: RT S-2151 o' 8 SEE DETAIL 6. 3' SEE NOTE 3 SHT. 4 SEE DETAIL 5 TYP. it SEE NOTE 4 Si4F 4 L I SEE DETAVL TG' SHF 5 6' 6' SEE NOTE SHT- 4 to 10 i I, I I N i Typ. Typ. is TYR. 6" ire 10 3 4 L 3® 3 6 IFLGR DA B-0-A-Fo p W'11' =IES MANUFACTuRER NAME, M ASTEq, Fa, A e.357' BOLT DEEP ENOUGH FOR ' 2-' 12 ( 1-3 BOLT THROW 10 10 j ATTACH ASTRAL THROW BOLT ASTPAGAL. THPOW BOLTS STRWE PL-/-,,TE TO FRAME AT THE THRESHOLD DETA A SHOWN. M . E " SEE NOTE 4 SHM 4 1e , v euLDN' tCONSULTAN7S, -C 1 813'654.353 1 t- 081110101, L-N T S 0w ey: TJH Call aw 0- wwko S- 215T SEE DETAIL F' SHT 6 6 3 3. 6 T— T" SEE NOTE 3 SHT, 4T7TYP. E NOTE SEE NOTE\ FFT @3 STYPpii. DETAIL nSEED)ETAJL SHT 4 6 SHT, 4 F' S14T, 5 TYR, SEE DE-WLCLLO 'c' SHT. 5 SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL SEE DETAIL Typ, E' SHT. 5 N T'(P. E' SHY. 5 -H- SHT. 5 Itr K" Typ C, TYR SEE DETAJL K SEE NOTE SH7 5 4 SHT 4 TYP. 7 4 TM LL 3 a. 6 6 I SEE NOTE 3' 3 314 4 SHT, 4 J® Typ- S/ NGLE OR W 10 J-E-' DOOR453' GLASS ETTE 1— .46" GLASS 0TE 40 32 LL= P; R TEMPERED rya' fca€PEPEO 25GLASS ¢ I 1 40 -LASS 2 7 0 L7 25' AJP 25' AIR SPACE 61 0 SPACE v 0 0 2 6' 2 o 7/ 8, TEMPERED 118- TEMPERED LN Pf 41 GLASS GLASS R C,36SEE NOTE SH T4 25" STEEL c- SEc NOTE 1 ,1- 25' STEEL lNTERCFPT INTERCEPT SHT, 4 SPACER li Z 0 O CL Q:z Ull 11CONSULTANTS, NGllj 08110101 SLN.T.S. 4-563' 1 013- 20 21 WOOD FRAME 2 3, RNGER JOINTED PONDEROSA PINE 92' N w m ji 1, 53 1 FINGER JOINTED PONDEROSA PINE 526' 11-- 1,2.32' ELASTLQ T FPAIII- EXTRUDED-H.'? 2,141, 1 691 15 c ,g' EX-TRUDED ONY WALL c9) as T, w000 COMPOSITE 077' T rinr, rTF Rl ANK I;nF STILE FINGER JOINTED PONDEROSA PINE I .264- 16, IN L— t-- i= FL-L-Al Hl 7 1 TCW PMA-TR— P 'PR Pl",E 04 S. 75' I L 1, 53 1 rr Pr—i',,' PAj' F F7 wor"D CompOst-IL A' WIN! M 1 4 . WAS . . (D9 08C)' IHK_WALLVINTYP CL I I 2 375' au,LD" jC0NSUL7AN-,S, 8136843531U- O N,T,S TJH T RwPW S-2151 I Ffl GE R JJ7 D PONDEROSA PINE 592' T- 179' ONG REAaZ-_0MPRESSLQN WEAT'LERSTILP FOAM CELL CORE v V h JACKET m 00, BY THERMA.-TPU roAm CELL CORE WIVNYL JACKET DPiLL TRU FOR 357" OLk A57RAGAL DRILL TPU FOR A #5 RETAINER BOLTS PF,' WOOD SCPEW 2PI-CS WIN", if 'Y,"RE -, '77RXE PLATE I n 206 SS W'JCrD N'N''F SIDS Tl ASTRAGAL HAS 2) 8 0- N BOLTS 0 eOTTOV 2) 8 0" BOLTS 0 TOP R 1, 767' WLNDJAMSfR "_W-P-6-ff 0) Aa-, RAJA' 8. 0 T LS7RA,-ALIIETr k tip LegsMATERIALCIR'Rqlt[Noll YELLOW CI4?7 MATE Top p k, VP Bu"DNcNSULTWMNc813. 684.3831 N. T.S.scticTJ x; -" Rw S- 2757 iT JI-JN-21-2002 09'52 NILESTUNE WINDOWS 40? 323 9729 P.02 F70fi(k) atmdens AW Intanagga-,J, tv. klmm Alan Plante, Chief Plans Examiner Orange County Building Division Administration Building, tst Floor 201 South Rosalind Avenue P.O. Box 2867 Orlando, FL 32802-2687 407) 836-Si60 Rile Florida Extruders Fenestration Masteffile Update Mr. Plante, This letter update-5 and clarifies nomenclature regarding buck thicknesses mentioned on Florida Extruder Window, Door and Mullion installation drawings contained in the Orange County Fenestration Masterfile. Based upon the discussions at the Mid -Florida Home Builders Association's meeting at Lhcir offices on June 19, 2002, this letter was the agreed upon procedure for manufacturers to clarify the issueof 'IX Buck" thickness nomenclatum used on installation drawings. Ruilders/ Installers, when, pulling permits for Florida FxLruders windows will have to include this letter with the installation details. Florida Extruders requests the Orange County Building Division to file this letter against tine Master -file Numbers and Installation Drawings identified on the attached listing. used upon a review of the signed and scaled engineering produced by Lildon Engineering Company for the methodology used in the development of Florida Extruder' s Window, Moor and Mullion Installation drawings, the thickness of the buck in non-structural applications (i.e-, buck thickness less than I 1h") dp c__ influence the lateral resistance capacity of the concrete screw (Le. Tapcon) Therefore, buck thicknesses less than 1 112" are acceptable as non-structural attachments when the window, door or mullion is installed using a 3116- concrete screw with as mini to embedment on I 'A". Concrete Masonry Units should have a wall thickness of 1 1/4" and a precast sills thickne-ss will exceed I '/A'. The drawings clearly delineate the requirement that a mimmurn embedment depth of I 'A' must be maintained by the Installer. It Is up teethe installer to use the appropriate length concrete screw so as to maintain the required minimum embedment on I %'. Therefore, for Florida Fixtruder installation drawings wheire a non- structural buck is used, nomenclature such as -IX as by cithers" or similar statements shall be construed to mean that a buck thickness of less than I %- is acceptable. The definition of a non-stiniicturall buck is based on Section 1707,4-4.2 of the Florida Sri in Code. JLJN-21-2002 09:52 MILESTONE WINDOWS 407 323 9729: P- rl-i MF bAC=6aa"hX!. The attached table lists all Florida Extruder drawings in the Orange CountyFenestrationMasterfileaffectedbythisengineeringstatement. Any questionsShouldbeaddressedtotheundersigned. Robert J. Amoruso, PE c f]ODLdsw clecorn Florida PE License No. -19752 Florida Extruders International, Inc_ Certificateof Authorization No. 9235 Cc- Earl Moore/FEI File PE Sealing SLater,-)ent- The letter was signed and -sealed with A rubber starnp seal was also applied to facilitate reproduction for Orange County Building Division Masterfile scanning, nie,- 200Z-LTR-R-IA--009 110111111111/ No 4 H 25440 Jewett Lane, Sanfbr-3, FL 327YI-16000 407) 322-3337 2 4' dryer duct to roof cap IVA 8x*d lwcd Cmm 45 am 12M12 lwcd a IL BMW260Pff r 14M8 lwcd 185 Phl® g, 3° bath duct__,__, 10" to roof cap w/fan 4 lwcd _ LC 1 5Jr4'8M4 lw fibm 4' 15*is swum 9° 3' bath duct4, ---to roof cap5a4w/fnn i 25a i I6x16 n CdPV too J2 14° 97 env x4iwcd 3 lax6lwcd 5i 4° 70 24xl8 ra MI. I V e. r 12x12 lag 42X42 A/C SLAB lsa BY BLDR MIN 12x6 lwcd 2' FROM WALL N110, man scale C. 2.5 TON W/laKW @240V 1PH Van MAO pien platform by bidr moral _ sJa®_ p P 15' X 3' IOLRD. Must have a minimum clearance of 4- inches around the air handler per the State Energy code. Nt duct has an r-6 insuiatlon value. C U1 U U x n U —i CDlY/_ I--- U U z j n Rating I..L offV1 fJ AJJ i < N V) Ll C CAULK BETWEEN B.W. 1-1/4` MIN, LINE BY WOOD CONCRETE OR WOOD BUCK & BUCK WIDTH) EMBEDMENT BUCK BY OTHERS MASONRY OPENING MAS`Y. OPENING INSTALLATION ANCHORBYOTHERSBYOTHERS3/16' DIA. TAPCONONEBYWOOD BUCK BY OTHERS CAULK BETWEEN STU OWINDOWFLANGE WOOD BUCK 1-1/4' MIN. BY THERS EMBEDMENT SHIM AS REQ'D. a RIGID VINYL MAX. SEEE NNOTES) INSTALLATION ANCHOR GLAZING BEAD TYP.) 3/I6" DIA. TAPCON STUCCO BY OTHERS RIGID VINYL GLAZING BEAD W H. (TYP.) WIP DOW EIGHT) CAULK BETWEEN WINDOW FLANGE & PRECAST SILL W/ VULKEM 116 ADHESIVE CAULK, OR APRV'D. EQL. PERIMETER CAULK BY OTHERS in SHIM AS REQ'D. 1/4' MAX. SEE NOTES) FLANGE TYPE WINDOW FRAME HEADER GLASS h (TYP.) (SEE NOTES) B.H. BUCK HEIGHT) FLANGE TYPE WINDOW FRAME SILL PRECAST SILL bra BY OTHERS N SECTION A -A 1) SHIM AS REQ'D- AT EACH INSTALLATION ANCHOR. MAX_ ALLOWABLE SHIM STACK TO BE 1/4 D 2) WINDOW FRAME MATERIAL: ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063. 3) INSTALLATION ANCHOR MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LTH. TO ACHIEVE MIN_ EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/4- INTO MASONRY OR CONCRETE. 4) USE SILICONIZED ACRYLIC CAULK BEHIND WINDOW FLANGE AT HEAD JAMBS. SILL MUST BE ATTACHED TO THE SUBSTRATE WITH VULKEM 116 ADHESIVE CAULK OR APPROVED EQUAL 5) USE SiLICONIZED ACRYLIC CAULK FOR PERIMETER SEAL AROUND `y,%.I--I. EXTERIOR OF WINDOW FLANGE. F 6) IF EXACT WINDOW SIZE IS NOT LISTED IN ANCHOR CHART, USE ANCHOR QUANTITY LISTED WITH NEXT LARGER SIZE, FOR THE APPROPRIATE DESIGN PRESSURE REO'D. 7) GLASS THICKNESS MAY VARY PER THE REOUiREMENTS OF ASTM E1300 GLASS CHARTS. 8) LETTER DESIGNATIONS ON THE TAPCON LOCATION CHART INDICATE H WHERE TAPCON ANCHORS ARE TO BE INSTALLED WHEN USING THE EXTERIOR ELEVATION AS A KEY. 9) ALL FACTORY APPLIED HOLES NOT DESIGNATED FOR TAPCON ANCHOR SHOULD BE FILLED WITH #8 SCREWS OF SUFFICIENT LTH. TO PROVIDE MIN. 5/8 IN EMBEDMENT INTO WOOD BUCK. 10) FLORIDA EXTRUDERS 1000 SERIES SINGLE HUNG IS SHOWN_ THIS PRINT ALSO APPLIES TO THE FLORIDA EXTRUDERS 1500 AND 2000 ELEVATIONNj SERIES SINGLE HUNGS. GLASS TYP.)(SEE NOTES) FLANGE TYPE WINDOW FRAME JAMB CAULK BETWEEN WINDOW FLANGE WOOD BUCK W.W. WINDOW WIDTH) SECTION 8-B W.W. m i fl PERIMETER CAULK BY OTHERS CAULK BETWEEN WOOD BUCK & MAS'Y.-OPENING BY OTHERS CONCRETE OR MASONRY OPENING BY OTHERS ss E K G j 1 1) WHERE WINDOW IS INSTALLED IN MASONRY OPENING WITH A SURUCTUNT TWO BYLENGTH WOOD BUCK, U3/ - M SCREWS OF VIEWEDIEED FROM EXTERIORSUFFICIENTLENGTHTOACHIEVE1-3/8- 8" Mira_ EMBEDMENT AT ALL INSTALLATION FASTENER LOCATIONS. TAPCON LOCATION CHART CALL BUCK LOCATIONS IN HEAD LOCATIONS IN JAMB SIZE SIZE 30aSF TO 40PSF 41 PsF- TO 70PSF 3OPSF TO 40PSF 41 PsF TO 70PSF 12 18 1/8 X 25 8 B F.G F,G F,G F,G 13 18 1/8 X 37 3/8 8 8 F,G F,G 14 18 1/8 x 49 5/8 H 8 F,G F,G 145 18 1/8 X 55 1/4 8 8 F,G F.G 15 a8 1/8 X 62 71 8 B 6 6 F,G F,G.H l 16 IS 1/8 x B 8 F,G F,G,J,K171818x83 e F'G FL 1H2 25 1/2 X 25 B B F,G F,G IH3 25 1/2 X 37 3/8 B B F•G F•G,H,i 1H4 25 1/2 x 49 5/8 B 8 F.G F,G,HtIH45251/2 X 55 1/4 6 F,G F,G,Ht IH5 25 1/2 X 62 B 8 B F,G F,G,H,I 1H6 1H7 25 1/2 X 71 25 1/2 X 83 B B 8 F,G,J,K F,GJ,K 30 1/2 x 26 29 1/2 X 25 6 B 6 F.G F,GG 30 1/2 x 38 3/8 29 1/2 X 37 3/8 B 1 F,G F, 30 1/2 x 50 5/8 29 1/2 X 49 5/8 6 8 B301/2 A 56 1/4 29 1/2 X 55 t/4 6 B F; F. G, H.I 30 1/2 x 63 29 1/2 X 62 8 6 B G F. HJ 30 1/2 x 72 29 1/2 X 71 H 8 F.GJ.K F G J K 30 1/2 x 84 29 1/2 X 83 6 vim_ 22 36 X 25 6 6 B F,G F.G 23 36 x 37 3/8 B 6 F,G F,G,H I 24 36 X 49 5/8 8 6 F.G F.G,H,1 245 25 36 x 55 1/4 36 x 62 6 6 F,G.H.1 F,G,H i 26 36 x 71 8 6 F,G,H.1 D,E.F,G H.1 27 36 X 83 8 8 Fy,J K 42 x 26 41 X 25 8 B 6 8 F.G F,GHJ 42 x 38 3/8 41 x 37 3/3 8 8 F,G F.G,H,I 42 x 50 5/8 41 x 49 5/3 B 8 F,G,H,I F,G,HJ 42 x 56 1/4 41 x 55 1/4 B 6 F,G,H,i D,E.F,G,H,I 42 x 63 41 X 62 8 8 F,G.H,1 D,E,F"G,HJ 42 x 72 41 X 71 41 X 83 8 8 F,G,J,K F,G.H.1,J,K 42 x 84 48 x 26 47 X 25 B A,C F,G F. 48 x 38 3/8 47 x 37 3/8 B B A,C A,C F,G F,G,H.i 48 x 50 5/5 47 X 49 5/8 B A,C F,G,H,I F,G,HJ 48 x 56 1/4 47 X 55 1/4 8 A.0 F.G.H.1 D,E,F,G,HJ 48 x 63 47 X 62 47 X 71 B A,C F,G.H l D,E,F,G.H,i 48 x 72 47 X 83 FGJK DEfGHIJK 48 x 84 32 52 1/8 X 25 B A,C F.G F.G, H,i 33 52 1/8 X 37 3/8 B A,C A.0 F,G F,G,H,i F.G.H.I 34 52 1/8 X 49 5/8 8 A,C F,G,H,I D.E,F,G.H.i 345 52 1/8 x 55 1/4 6 8 A.0 F,G,H,i D,E.F.G,H.i 35 52 1 /8 x 62 52 1/8 X 71 g A,C F.G,H.1 D.E.F,G.H,i 36 37 52 1/8 x 83 6 A,C F.G.J.K D,E,F,G.J,K,J,K 37 SIZE NOT AVAILABLE IN 1000 OR 1500 SERIES. NC FLOOIDA E TPi I S ERNATIONAL, ISANFC}R, FLORIDA A TITLE: INSTALLATION DETAIL I SGL. HUNG FLANGE WINDOWS - SERIES 1000 , 1500 & 2000 w. V DRAWN BYBB APPROVED BY: TNFL/09/Ol 0EXfl05DaTsAooro,R:nPYPRnn1frT . A. APPIU-ATION Fh1'IN FRINr- INC_, 250 INTERNATIONAL PKY_. SUITE 250. HEATHROW. FLORIDA 32746- PHONE 407 805-0365 FAX 407 805-0366 4 X 2 Ul B E- M U I10A, 2 X 1/22 Sr--L"' N B X '/EXa TLI"' F T- Col, j A M fTAPPINI—L SMS SEALAI "T D-TWEEN WI" DOW F-LANGES I. MULI—ICN t /'2 'S" A -2p INC -ji _Suv 1() N X c X 1/8 U;?F MULLMN JAMS -:YP,) 2 x l/p SFLF TApliNl_- SIMS SE- AIANT 5-TWFE-N l/ E SELF 0 X 2 X —1/8 IN!,: X 9St A — A S--- l—l- p p i N G Is PA vy 1 INu Z- "d F -ANCI Es A P N S Ml S T X 4 X 2/6 NTBAL ENE BY E. y T Hi S A A E Ki x A. s L— T i- IAF — —L N `. S n `', S SEALAri IT BE T,*;-EN WINUTs' NEFS A - 7 L' TAIL 4. E i- 7 V i 0IN s x VIEWH;' ;-EXTEROR 11 AN - Thy ' 4 8 x LM] S, M, S y a7 7 1 I-- j 4 -A- 4 UL "Will-i R E' X 'i-, p '0 H, EAD 8c SIL F ',' SF f-! T I 'AAI I ED 'j LJ ra T t',S T AL LAT I 01' ANCHCP SIL L C L 1 P Sal — FRl rTc- pyp IMQN4-i A,; Nri-C-RE N U- T--ITTT-',T- IT-)S INTERNATIONAL, INC SANFORD, FLORIDA TITLF: Lit . L u L- t-2 1-- 13 1 4 1—;— -j I ET 0' H E PDESHE- TR,— A P A C T 11 E S DRAWN BY: APPROVED BY: li SERIES 1000 & 1500 FLANGE VERTICAL DESIGN --- PRESSURE CAPACITIES 7. - ICAPACITYtf-TY CAPACITY i APACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY zxa IT5ACITyCApACITyCApACICAA11X4X3/8CAPACITTCAPACITX3/8YCAPACITY1CA27/16X3/8;lX2 7/lEiX3/8i X4XI/8 lX4Xl/8 1 X4X3/,9 WINDOW /8 1 X2X3/8 1 X 2 X3/8 02 7/16Xl/8;lX2 7/16XI/8IXWINDOWlX2Xl/8 I X2-X 1, TUBE MULL TUBE MULL TUBE MULL TUBE MULL TUBE MULL6ANCHORS TUBE MULL JUBE MULL 'TUBE MULL TUBE MULL TUBE MULL TUBE MULL TUBE MUCALLTIP -TO -TIP L JUBE MULL 4 ANCHORS 5 ANCHORS 4 ANCHORS 6 ANCHORS SECT SECT T. A-A 6) SECT. A-A(7) i 2 ANCHORS 4 ANCHORS 1 SECT 4 ANCHORS 5)j SECT. A A::A SECT SIZE SIZE 2 ANCHORS 4 ANCHORS -A( SECT. 3!, SECT. -AML -A-AU4 SECT. A SECT. A-A(l SECT, =ACI SECT. A-AL2LSECT A-A(Zj 42 1732.42 791.81 11187.72 i791.81 11187.72 11187.72 732.42 336.52 i 712 19 1/8 X 26 1336-52 732.42 336.52 692.837 740.20493.47 740.20 493.47 1740.20 209.72 429 209.72 456.46 i .55 209.72 1456.46 13 19 1/8 X 38 3/8-209.72 1317.66 359.41 '539 12 1539.12 152.75 6b9.41 539.12152.75 193.92 14 19 1 /11 X 50 -5/8 131.23 1,131.23 -,152-.75 177.46 - - - ---------- - 7 1319-5.5 460.17 319.55 1479 33 1479.33 19 135.81 194.91127.29 1127.29 135.81 139-09 145 1/8 X 56 114. 94.13 94.13 1282.02 282.02 2 3423.03 423.03136.6489.21 97.4897.48 :119.85 T15191/8 X 63 65.97 89.21 296.98 '296-98 365.7590,09, 64.27 90.09 !212.62 212.62 16 19 1/8 X 72 43.49 i 43.49 58.81 58.81 64.27 294.031131.79 131.79 184.08 184.0839.83 ------- 155.84 :55.84 19 1 36.45 36.45 39.83 17 /8 X 84 26.96 26.96 618.52 1927.78 1927.78618.52 i 9 2 ts 541.20 572.13 i 262.87 572.13 11-12 26 1/2 X 26 262.87 572.13 262.87 t371.61 557.41 1557.4174 371.61 557.41 157.93 323.48 157.93 1343.74 't 157.93 343 11-13 6 1/2 X 38 3 & 157.93 239.21 1111- 14 6 1/2 X 50 5/a97.25 97.25 113.20 131.51 13.20 143.71 113.20 1 201.45 266.35 399.53 it 399.53 70 1339. 42 2 35.70 353.55 1353.55 i 93. 89 93.89 00.17 1102-59 100.17 1143.81 235. 1 H45 6 1/2 X 56 114, 69.4,5 i69.43 1,310.65 1310.65 71.58 88.01 100.34 1207.10 1236.83 207.10 65. 1 65.51 171.58 48.44IH5261/2 X 63 48.44 1267.3 16-9.86 1155.44 1155.44 217.11 1217.11 8 6 911 i 46.98 65.86 i3l.7942.99 142.99 I H=6 216 1/2 X 72 :31.79 133.99 1214.02 95.931133.99 i 140.6495.9 3 26.53 i26.53 128-99 i 28.99 40.64 11-17 1 26 1/2 X 84 19.62 119.62 - 1510 V7 ( 6 5 1765 216.75 !471.75 1510 1765 216.751216.75 471.75 i - 2 2 1 37 X 26 i 216.75 1471.75 !471.75 --- T 431.36 1287-571431.36 1287.57 1431.36 1 122.22 266.00 1122.22 t 266.00 23 137 X 38 3/8 122.22 185.12 i 122.22 7250.32 200.86 3t11.29 1301.29 1200.86 301.29 18536 99. 17 185.36 1108.37 t 85.36 1151.9 24 '7 X 50 5/8 i 73.34 f 73.34 97 264 64 254.07i176.43 64 176.43J_? 6 76.79 74.98 :107.65 70.2870.28 74.98 245 37 X 56 1/4 51151 97 153.96 176. 06 1230.94 230.94 148,70 '53. 21 53.21 65.43 74.59 25 37 X 63 36.01 36.01 148.7 1160.30 1197.41 114.76 114.76 !131.6 69 i48.6248.62 -- 31.74 12637X7223.47 23.47 31.74 34.69 27 156.97 70.36 '70.36 98.27 98 29.81 29.81 19.46 21.26 27 37 X8414.39 1 14.39 1 19.46 676.28 437, 94 450.85 676.28 450-85 676.28 191.61 1394. 49 1191.61 417.04 1191.6 32 53 1/ 8 X 26 191.61 .417.04 347.25 1231.50 214-14 21.50 347.25 98.38 149. 02 98.38 i 201.51 98.38 33 53 1 / 8 X 38 3/ 1231.01 231.01 47 ;231.01154.00 183.09 5 -1 -4 116. 34 3 1/ 8 X 50 5/8,56.23 56.23 65.45 76.04 45 133 -- ------ 48 192. 22 133.48 1200.23 i 200.23 53.17 156. 73 '58.10 '56.73- -18l.44 345 53 1/ 8 X 56 1/439.32 39.32 53.17 115.08 1172. 63 i Its.081,31.60 T '36.40 36.40 39.78 39.78 35 53 1/ 8 X 63 26.92 126.92 1118.41 1145.82 84.77 97.21 25.62 25. 62 35.92 35.92 84.77 36 53 1/ 8 X 72 -17.34 117.34 23.45 i 23.45 I I 1 ! 71.78 _L71 7 i 120.81 51.39 821.77 21. 77 37 53 1/ 8 X 84 10.51 10 51 :14.21 14.21 15.53 15.53 SERIES 1 000 1 500 FLANGE VERTICAL RS INTERNATIONAL, INC. FLORIDA EXTRUDE SANFORD, FLORIDA MULLION DESIGN PRESSURE CAPACITIES UT LE: t - - F 'R, zoo SHEET 2 OF2 -ic-P-T , (,/"; Mi ; L t -j V L I NOTE: A) NUMBER OF ANCHORS NOTED FOR TAPCON BY APPROVED BY: ALE. iF FASTENERS REQUIRED ATEACHEND. DRAWN BY: S C D ATE: U' 11Fl DWG.: V M 8) DESIGN PRESSURESGIVENAREFOR1.5 X SKAL L El 1 , SHEATHING BY OTHERS SHIM AS RE'Q'D SEE NOTES) CAULK BETWEEN DOOR FLANGE SHEATHING i 1 +. • a.-L, A PA up SLIDING GLASS DOOR FRAME SILL 0 a INSTALLATION ANCHOR 3 SCREW TWO BY WOOD BY OTHERS 1/4' MAX - SHIM SPACE SLIDING GLASS DOOR FRAME HEAD TEMPERED GLASS (TYP.) EMBEDMENT A a 1-1/4' MIN. 6 a a Q LIBERALLY APPLY J CAULKING UNDER SILL OR SET SILL IN BED INSTALLATION ANCHOR OF CONCRETE 3/16' DIA. TAPCON SECTION A -A DOOR WIDTH SLIDING GLASS DOOR FRAME JAMB TEMPERED GLASS TYP-) SECTION B-B 4' MAX. SHIM SPACE TWO BY WOOD m-l1N. / BY OTHERS EMBEmBE DMEE NT / SLIDING GLASS 1 HOOK STRIP SHIM AS R£Q'D. SEE NOTES) INSTALLATION ANCHOR 8 SCREW STUCCO OR SIDING BY OTHER EXTERIOR ELEVATION 2 PANEL DOOR SHOWN SHEATHING BY OTHERS TEMPERED c TYP.) S SLIDING GL.._ INTERLOCK INSTALLATION ANCHOR HOCK STRIA' DETAIL WOOD RS 1- 1/8' MIN. EMBEDMENT T S. 1) DOOR MATERIAL- ALUMINUM ALLOY 6063- 2) # 8 INSTALLATION SCREVS MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 1-1/8` INTO WOOD, TAPCON TYPE INSTALLATION ANCHORS AT SILL MUST BE OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ACHIEVE MIN. EMBEDMENT OF 1-I/4' INTO MASONRY OR CONCRETE. 3) INSTALLATION ANCHOR CHART ON BACK OF THIS SHEET. 4) USE SILICGNIZED ACRYLIC CAULK BEHIND DOOR FLANGE AT HEAD & JAMBS- 5) USE SILICONIZED ACRYLIC CAULK FOR PERIMETER SEAL AROUND EXTERIOR OF DOOR. 6) IF EXACT DOOR SIZE IS NOT LISTED IN ANCHOR CHART, USE ANCHOR QUANTITY LISTED WITH NEXT LARGER SIZE, FOR THE APPROPRIATE DESIGN PRESSURE REO'D. 7) FOR POCKET DOOR SIZES USE CLOSEST BYPASS DOOR SIZE & CONFIGURATION TO FINISHED OPENING. PLACE INSTALLATION ANCHORS, IN FRONT OF HOOK STRIP AS SHO%/N, 8) GLASS THICKNESS MAY VARY PER REQUIREMENTS OF ASTM E1300 GLASS CHARTS 9) DOOR UNIT IS APPROVED USING TEMPERED GLASS IN SINGLE GLAZED OR INSULATING GLASS. 10) JAMB / SILL CORNERS ARE TO BE SEALED WITH A SMALL JOINT SEAM SEALER. 11) SHIM AS REQ'D. AT EA. SET OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS- MAX. ALLOVABLE SHIM STACK TO BE I/4"_ 12) ALL INSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIALS, 13) WHERE 'X' REPRESENTS MOVING PANEL AND 'O' REPRESENTS FIXED PANEL APPROVED CONFIGURATIONS ARE AS LISTED ON ANCHOR CHART ON BACK OF THIS SHEET, 14) NOT ALL CONFIGURATIONS LISTED ABOVE ARE SHOVN ON THIS DRAVING, HOVEVER INSTALLATION SECTIONS ' A -A'. 'B-B' 8 HOOK STRIP DETAIL APPLY TO INSTALLATION OF ALL APPROVED CONFJGURATIGNS. 15) FLORIDA EXTRUDERS 1000 SERIES SLIDING GLASS DOOR IS SHOVN. THIS PRINT ALSO APPLIES TO 2000 SERIES AND 500 SCRIES- REVI DESCRIPTION DATE INIL 11 P'l AEXTRUDERS eINT, INC, SANFORD FL TITLE: SLIDING GLASS DOOR INSTALLATION WITH #9 SCREWS DRAWN BY: BB APPROVED BY: ATE: 12/17/01 SCALE, NTS DWG #-LEX3027 SHT I OF J) e SCREW INSTALLATION ANCHOR CHART NOMINAL DOOR ITIESQUANTITIESQUANT IN HEAD SILL DOOR SIZE AND SIZE UP T46 0PSF TO 61 PSF TO CONFIGURATION 45 PSF 1-0 PSF 70 PSF 4068 XX, OX, XO 48 X 80- 6 6 6 5068 xx, ox, X0 60 x so 6 6 6 6068 XX, OX, XO 72 X 90 e 8 a 8062 xx, ox, xO 56 x so 10 10 10 1 006s xx, ox, 120 X 80 12 1p 12 5080 XX, xO OX, XU 60 x 96 6 6 6 6020 xx, ox, X, 0 72. X 96 a 8 8 8080 xx, ox, xO 96 x 96 10 io 10 looso xx, ox, xO 120 X 96 12 _---L2— 12 50100 XX, ox, xO 60 X 120 6 6 6 60100 xx, ox, xO 72 X 120 8 8 8 80100 xx ox xO 96 X 120 10 Lo — ------- 1-0 9068 OX0 109 1/8 x 20 12- 12 12 12068 OXO 145 1/8 X 60 14. 14 14 15068 OXO 18 11/8 x so 1 e 16 16 9080 oxO 1019 1/8 x 96 12 12 12 12090 OXO 145 1/8 X 96 14 14 14 150e0 oxO 181 1/8 X 96 16 16 16 90100 OX0 109 1/e X 120 12 12 12 120100 OXO 145 1/8- X 120 14 7 14 14 9068 xxx 106 5/e X 80 12 12 12 12068 XXX 142 5/8 X 20 14 14 14 150e8 xxx 178 5/8 X 80 16 16 16 9080 xxx 106 5/8 X 96 12 12 12 12080 xxx 142 5/2 X 96 14 14 14 15020 xxx 178 5/8 X 96 16 12 16 16 90100 xxx 10 6 5/8 X 120. 12 12 12 120100 XXX I 142 5/8 X 120 14 14 - -- --------- 14 looes Oxxo 119 5/8 X 20 12 12 12 12068 oxxo 143 5/8 X 80 14 14 14 16068 oxxo 191 5/2 X 80 18 18 le— louso Oxxo 119 5/ X 12 12 12 120e0 oxxo 143 5/8 X 96 14 14 14 16080 OXXO 191 5/8 X 96 18 18 18 looioo oxxo 119 5/8 X 120 12 12 12 120100 OXXO 143 5/8 X 120 14 14 14 160100 Oxxo 191 5/8 x 120 18 18 19 10068 XXXX ll/ 1/4 X 12 12 12 1206S XXXX 141 1/4 X 80 14 14 14 16068 xxxx 189 1/4 X 80 16 16 16 10080 xxxx 117 1/4 X 96 12 12 12 12060 XXXX 141 1/4 X 96 14 14 14 16080 XXX-X 189 1/4 X 36 16 16 16 i00100 xxxx 117 1/4 X 120 12 12 12 120100 XXXX 141 1/4 X 120 14 14 14 160100 xxxx 189 1/4 X 120 16 116 19 QUANTITIES IN EA. JAMB QUANTITIES IN EA. HOOK STRIP UP TO 46 PSF TO 61 PSF TO UP TO 46 PSF' TO 61 PSF PSFTO 45 PSF 60 PSF 70 PSF 45 PSF 60 PSF 70 PSF 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 10 5 5 51 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 12 12 12 6 6 G 12 12 12 6 6 7 12 12 12 6 7 8 8 a 4 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 4 e 8 8 4 4 4 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 12 12 lo 12 5 7 8 12 12 12 5 7 12 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5- 5 12 12 12 6 7 8 12 12 12 6 7 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 i1210I10i0R510 10 5 5 J 12 12 12 6 7 78 12 12 6 7 712 12 12 6 7 4 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 4 8 8 8 4 4 4 10 10 lo 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 12 12 12 5 7 8 12 12 12 5 2 12 12 12 5 7 aA /- ANCHOR NOTES: 1) FOR MASONRY OPENING ,,//TVO BY 1,1110D BUCK USE SAME ANCHOR QUANTITIES. FLORIDA EXTRUDERS INT. IN. SANFORD, 'FL. IIILFL: SLIDING GLASS DOOR INSTALLATION WITH #8 SCREWS ENGINEER 21 / 01 1) lsc'PL'NE: CIVIL SCALE N,T,S• ;7" Nu' FLEX0027 FL. REG. NCF 471 R REV- LETTER: SiE[T, :D nF 7 OJ-4, CzAF-4SE F->I;;-' WIND LOAD5 BASK UJIND SPEED = W MI'14. (FASTEST MILE) 110 M-Fl-4.(3 5ECOND GUST) UJM IMPORTANCE FACTOR ID WIND EXPO641RE CATEGORY= 5 APFLICA51LE NTFRNAL PFE55URE COEFFICIENT 1 0,18 INCLUDED IN DE51GN WIND LOAD) DESUND LOADS - WALL5 +22 , -18 f'SF ROOF- 5 = -20, -20 f'-F 30 F'5FAT OVF5) A PLAN 1109z 11ml I. 17) 0 NOT SCALE THF-5E DRAWINGS: WRITTEN C)IMEN5ION5 AND NOTES 5HALLCONTROL. CONTACT THE FIELC? MANAGER WITH ANY CONFLICTS IN THE PLANS BEFORE 5F-61NNIN6 WORK. 2. ON - SITE VERIFICATION OF ALL C)IMENV0N5 AND COND171ON5 SHALL BE THE RESPON51511-17"i' OF THE ale -CONTRACTORS. EACH 5U5-CONTRACTOR SHALL REPORT TO THE FIELD MANAGER ANY DISCREPANCY OR OTHER OUESTION5 PERTAINING TO THE DRAWINGS AN17)/OR SPECIFICATIONS- 5- IT 15 THE INTENT THAT THESE DRANIN05 BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE 2001 FLORIDA BUILI71N6 CODE, AND ALL APPLICABLE LOCAL, CITY, COUNT'l-, STATE AND FEDERAL C017IE5, ORDINANCES, LAN5, REGULATIONS AND RE- 57RICTIVE COVENANTS 6OVERNIN6 THE SITE OF WORK. 4. ALL TRAI:>F-5 SHALLFURNISH ALL LABOR, EOUIPMENT, MATERIALS, AND PERFORM ALL WORK NM-,F-55ARY, INDICATED, REA50NA131-1- INFERRED OR REOUIRED BY ANY CODE WITH XR[5DICTION TO COMPLETE THEIR SCOPE OF WORK. 5. ALL 34"X222" AND 36"X24" PLANS ARE I-,'1R.A;NN TO SCALE 1/4" = V-O", EXCEPT FOR THE 511;)F AND REAR EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS WHICH ARE DRAYiN TO 1/5" = V-0". ALL 1-7XII PLANS AREDRAM TO THE SCALE 115" = 1'- 0", EXCEPT FOR THE 51DE AND REAR EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS WHICH ARE DRAWN TO 1116' = 61 ; t a aa101A 1 *:1,711 am= C - COVER SHEET Al - FOUNDATION PLAN, WALL SECTIONS, FOUNDATION DETAILS A2 - FLOOR PLAN, INTER. ELEVATIONS A3 - EXTERIOR ELEVATIONS, ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT (A3- B. 1: 'B' GABLE DETAILS) A3.1 - STRAPPING SCHEDULE A4 ELECTRICAL PLAN, ELECTRICAL RISER, PLUMBING RISER A5 PRECAST LINTEL PLAN A5.1 PRECAST LINTEL LOAD TABLES S1 STRUCTURAL DETAILS S2 STRUCTURAL DETAILS Marla Virginia Cap ros, P. VANGARD / WRRICANE ENGINEERED BY: FOX& JACOBS ENC31NEERING Florida Uc{ nse # 53989 HOMES R- C14 0) co L by. d desgn EWEA sheet c of: FIBERGLASS y LEI OVER -1,B, O OVER7FNo" ObB. OR V2" CDX UZY OD TRUSSES 5TRAflPED AS T LAYOUT b4 P.T. OVER DO CDR. OR CONT. ALLY. FASCIA OVER 2X6 51SEd. ASGA W/ 1/2' DRYWALL CONT. AU.At VENTED 5OFFtT OVER Ta FtiRRW OYER R-5 INSUL t LINTEL BLOCK WA 5 BAR AS? UATP (v " 5 Fi5ER,LAS5 SHWKLES OVER IS' FELT OVER 2fi6" i OSB, OR V2' CDX R-M UVOOD TFAS55ES 45 iSTRAPPED544OU GN TRU 5 LAYOUTL._... I/2' CIRYWALL SX2 P7. OVER IXa LOVER CDR OVER 2vb SUSFACONT -' IACLL;j IX2 O`/ER VENTED SOrrIT R- 5 N5k.LA7iGAF- LINTEL PAC K W/ l a5 TSAR FINISH OVER UARDOW T ---_- 3 u.44E^i 5 FT OR GREATER ij' Oomc. SLAB W/ C.PTU &LOCK WP 1:10tML5FI5EfRME5H GIVER b 0 - 54-1&1 LOCCaT;0`15 MIL VAPOR BARRIER -a ON FOLNE)ATiOX I''!_7N 3 " Cdr, 'C. SLAB W/ / CG' lC. Silt OVER TERMITE -TFZATED. FI15EF1- E5H ,OVBR b - MIL VAPOR B R M FN15W G"EfZ DELL CXA, PACEED FILL OVER TE1 TE-TF A TJ, "SS Ct-U BLOCK W/+5 DOWEL5 E,_ LLCOMPACTED FiL 7 SNOiCFi LOCATIONS _ OtJ F'DATfGY^i F'i.A?1 3-I" 1 - X- —''— 2 R 5 BARS.- 5 HA l) 2 vA ',_ T,1r) P dA C4'A --JF3E TflftY -- - WALL S CTION&,. MONOLITHIC, 3'! a" comc. SLAB WAF£ 6ER -iESP OVER b MIL APOR 5ARRIFF OVER TREATED COMPACTED FILL . ter-; C w 2' S BAR5-=--y, bIONO TTHIC SLAB C IV IONE STORY 2, Y MIN. LlaP y7T= 5 HORI BAR _1 CHAIR LOGK U AIR BLOCK, UND„RII' MIE Via. G NC, SLAB 7UM5_1.F31Ef I4 if O' ER bMIL VAPOR BAPFJER 0`1ER TREATED COI'tf''ACTED FILL 7 • 5 RESAR GON1 M L- GRADE T= X _ THICKEiNED SLAB NON DEARITIC @ ENTRY - CONC, PATIOS CODER BAR L SAP -...- W/ 5TD. POOK s 5 BAR r(==7 3 _.OidC. FILLED TOP COURSE W/i • 5 CLE31 l TEL SEAM REINFORCING ANCNORA-E T 4E C0N; BLOCK TO EXT. E S>-c,^2 5TrFP_W.Tq)KCONNECTION CTYF. SPAGi)Y? 5UEAR 5TREf'Y TH ArfiCT#JR LKx,HTlL tG+NT T 3ii3/V,' m 12 O,C DiA Ei f5PDT-ENT I HOLLc'U BLL CK EXF'. 5OLT in- - 4,3 O41 ,c Wiaa° u- LBs. 1._ 4"_ i • 0 k5 LBS. J-BOLT: 1n° 4e' CC X TEST REPORT - (Sp-2001,a/ - ROFE554ONA_ SERAGE NDU5TRfE5. SEE M,-,. SPECS. _ FOR BIT SIZES I TECa LAICAL EXF 4NSIO N BOLTS PRODUCT LOC.ATiG" - D1A. 1'N. EDGF ALLOui Oi1)ABL JEPT3i DiSTA*J/ P4A_ LOlYT Si AR GRCt7TEL' ..25 I U2' 15" if 1LBS. filGB L55, i2AUL_BG nASdfiRr R4uU_BOLA. GONOC;'-_T' 3° W' 1 25" 031 LES. 7531 L55_ NO"N LOAD SRG. WALL -1 1 1 . 5 REBAR GONT. - 1 3"a . SLAB W/ 1• _._-NAIL V15EF71E5-1 OVER 6 xn -5,a LINTEL MILVAPOR SARR#ER Y? us FILLED Wr Q OVER TEF"ITE TREATED, Q _ r0- C'ONT a' LiELL COMPACTEDFILL- > 1 F 9 VERTICAL SHE PLAN e .n DEPRESSED SLAB SINGLE COURSE_ E NO N h1N F3EA+ RiNf (§ GARAGELINTDIL MAXIMUM `3PAC1PdG OF F= LLED EE_-5 0M I ITFFI CELLS T` IT CAN R£5+5T =. I: ) MPH !-'!AD i EE54vN WALL Pr;:£ f3Y2E T T 22 S'-F M,4xif'&" A.Lti] i-!CHEF TEL'iStC1N [Ina +OLL L7s C.tNiT , 35 78 9151 2C 1_ 3 A2A F ifl i SEC i IC,"3 E•'";' T`FRTiES S" PltR.TtF.tLY a4S' 1f ,+ WALL YMASONAPYS PP_T IRFS ` ..II M = w t 18, S = i.4*L'L 32I 8XT 7 9549 Yi-7.; FT LEE 6' C' HOR1 - 5PALINS - 9 4' { Fitt ltr MAX_ £F' 137 LnE 6'-0 H_ 1f1 Z . PAGING - tf: i7" T`7 MAX ll5E 6' HDRIZ `PAZINE -' Z -a" TO i5' i L u MAX E AUD L TIT L W 0) #5 F-r• T. P 9 a' E T / 6') DETAIL DENOTES PIPE PASSGNG TI_ROLK1H DETAIL DE`dOTE5 PIE STEM WALL PAS51W, T} aROUG--U .O T}NG SLEEVE 5PALL 5E GRCx17ED SOLID 2 SIZES LARGER THAN j.. SLEEVE SHALL BE AROl.YD PIPE PIPE PASSi THROtKN jj 2 517E5 LARGER SLEEVE T-%AM P+ ASSNG THR 7.fcsa T"ICKENED U-nER SEE FOIASDA A PLAN / OR R-.cf3lnR MAPSTRY5RE3ARUTWNFOOTR`- Yl/ 25" Mist SPLICE OV"tRLAF'- L/ L CONCRETEFOOTF`FZ CSEE FcUDAT: 41, FOR 54ZE i TYFICAL FOOTING DET,41L v VARIES 4 -0" F r,; FLR -- 3 i 1 FcZLI VAT12i 4 SLAB NOTE OVER 6 MIL VAPOR BARRIER G*f OVER I/AFO GLEAN, WELL GC+MRAGTEL7 TERM3TP- I I i DFIL C Ss - OR. t ANT R GRIJIT 2' S'r5TEM (- YP.) r f _ Li1 i I4 - I4. pfAN L cARArz FLR 4'VIXN E SIJTci%OttD.- E. LINTEL P _ AE3LE END LIi=TP,IL r i?Fr i 1 AEi-13J (ELEV. Ix THIS STRL.TURE HAS BEEN I] ESIGi^ 1, 3i'_ THE IfiD M.P.H. 3 SEE-OND CAST WIND LDAff IF THEFLORIDA CdItLUW-, ECIDE ZDOt EDI 314' F+CE°5 AT GARA& I 0- 2° O• IGAST S_ i7_ T&#RE5HOLD I o t 3 ENGINEERING I89 407) 774- 9003 FAX: ( 407) 774-?477 P.O. F30X .....3 ALTAMONTE SPRENGS. FL 3271f, 5a. PEI 47319 z3 c £ T o x 6-. 2nn 5sa ass mcgs8P8E eSv E Pss3; aa^. e: a er designed b- dlaa s by. d d 3n c .d.d by: a-zz oa SSYE`et: Al of: f-i-ZS zZ/ -29I -Z, cam. ac `— FCIFS-1 lOCASKA! W-0 1/2' . M. BEDR'i 1 CAWET6 FLA-, KITCHEN A VAD30 VAD36 OPM) VAD??D BATH C BATH D ALE- '/ a' I'_4" SCALE IF Rd0- Ft F-V AILQ6 5GALc = 1/4' y' O' LEGEND LTU= TEBEAM fla O°A' NOTE: ALl WTEF10-,2 tMLLS TO 5E 3 1f2' U4LE55 OTI ERWE NOTED. NOTE. ELEVATM' A' %kLI..N. I 50, FT, CALCULATIONSLIY, i 1632 s LANAI O ENTRY 30 * NOTE_ OTWER 0 * SEE FOLWATION ELAN GARAGE 3 1 FOR FILLEDCELL LOACTION TOTAL AREA L94D£ R ROOF 2121 9 ALL 5TRl1CTURAL WOOD E4EADEF?5 T TO E E DOUDLE 2" X 10 UNLESS TOTAL AREA 2161 ,' NOTED OTHERWI&E A 1 IO SOBS SF-,D. 4211 Z-V 3' RAT a 7T Y KITCHEN f DRY v x ss J W A p WALL 3 UJ.I. C. 1 1L^E3 cm ye Ii LA-i , 3 11:ur R15 1 J w GGREAT RN F" BEDRM i2 T €;,} 3! i Sri'J,F.R8YB. AT SLAT !+S_i, ALi AYFIAT"IR, ey M' , R FOYER, O R 7ViEj' j I-'TTs551YML / NOTE, Ai HANDLER TO sAVE Lc r s' . nr 4+ ntrx, c. s" a,gaRATtcE ON 51DE5 AND ENCLOSUIIE \ 5FAre SHALL PE NN W AsaA UDER T" TfAe EDRM 3 3/ z —TJ__......_.0 ENTRY 2 - CAR AR4, (:1E cac ram_ 1j 5 thi EERESS f I / 711 - 78,' i 16 f 1' DJ! 13, 0Pi' l'-V 3 ry U3 % 3 FA fSl ry SCALE _ 114- V-0' rt 4 t 9 F—NC31NEERING hay} ns- s — (—) 774- e+ 1 So &..$ -'" 15f613 ntTRM 1 SAftH<G5, 2 32>*5 m TN9Nl:S J. P3aDER59N PEif4iS19 0 0 o- i p pA ® LU 0 ctOL wg 6— z 1 g 4 EAp C' m SU P q c a z8 E p 9Ees oao r>h — A - d.— Ey d— design 4y: aww t3}_22At r " ,, P. E. sheet: A2 4t: ENIM 40-0-0 ROOF TRUSS LAYOUT 'A' 12 BASED ON 11,A-nC>E5r--" SfIFGrFICATIONY& 51 FOR U100D CO%Tfa1--T1ON FpIc" TABLE e115- - NAtLs AND 5PKES - 0-4-1 LATERALLOADDESbGNVALUES" KAP 219 F"- ) 8d 103. ur. ALL FLAT —CEILINGS111 NOTE: SEE TFW56 5 EW INEEFINGME) TC LNE: 20 PSI TC DEAD,. 7 psf LATOUT5 FOR T1RU55-TO-TF(165COINNEGTC)R5 8C UVE: 0 psf BC DEAD: 10 psf ROOF TF-'U55 ANCHORAGE: hj0m 1) LtSE Cj) TYPE -r-' 4OR AELE TEE.) FOR TR-iS5 TO FR.4?" FE tUALL OR EZAM oc",a-=CTION UV-E55 NOTED OTHEW15E tUN-O-) 2) USE CP TYPE 'A' (OR KFER04A4SAME TIE) FOR TFIJ55 TO MOCK WALL CORtCTJCH,UNDJ 3) USE E$-U426 -N (OR NTEfa ABLE MYOR ALL J095T AAWxEIR 7,04, E -TIONS ct*40) 4) USE f3) lbd OR f3) 131 x 3 1W PASELODE r,1N NAIL TO FASTEN JACK TO 141P CT45) 5) C TF4r-,SE5 W(1) TYFE 'A' OR (1) TYFE 'C' 5TP-W AT 48- 011C FRCM CENT OF TOTAL: 37 psf DUR FAC-- 1.25 8'-0" PLATE HT, L ----------- —i Sm POST BTRAPFW. I ON tt AND 2.d FLP- FLANJ Tr ECIOVALENT MAY EIE 61 T11UTFD MAIL Dt- sr-NA11OWcalp, a ME: 75 ROBPiTCi TEXTURPT) MA50FY FIN15H-- SCORED M460, Ry mm FEN 541 fsRADE FPRONT ELEVATION 11,411 P19a PITCH 5 54! A CsLES TM-5 BEARM TEX FK* P R'414 FLOOR FNIFA4 GRADE 5-GALE 11/',':- l'-O' POOF 0- 51 OF, RIDGE VENT(7TP) COMP, 5HRIGLES 5PW l E5 TEXRFED MA50WT Fm5H L FiNle44 57TROFOAM SHUTTER5 DECORATIVF FOAM SILL F041 PETAL Wr5TUCGO COATM 'a SILL TF TF TEX% D F44 fl 4 LEE-1- BIDF-I-E-V- 5(-ALE = 1/4'= F-0' Rom} P1TCi+ 5055—?Mmwffi 4w SILL DETAI ENC31NEERING t—) 11-- — ( w') 774 1 N.P. MX15-3 AL1pM4AR£ 5, R M716 gpp It' ll liltz till Oil. T TEXAAPED 6- by:,4 F FiNi5Nh— fird.- d..9. ch—Md bf- C I niaCaparros, P.E. sheeL a Licen Flord aUcensse # 53989 A3-A Of- Q z 0 f= 0 LLJ W 0 wF- LL 0x 0 w cr- LB5) UPLIFT i STRAP i 4 s t JU HANGER s f i s + MG s i sllIt I s% i s t f r s is ANCHOR 4 CAP { f NER 421 l 100 CC I ANCHOR i CAP t 1 0j . I 4430 d 2000 00 O s • 4455 Maria Virginia Caparros, RE, 13 8 ELECTRICAL LEGEND DUPLEX REC. Exw,4UsT Fm M VOLT RM giOKE DETE-GIOR WATER PROOF REC. 61GKE DETECTOR (ULL MOLNT) CA;2MFAM-T REC, PHOW TELEASM V, RE-c. 0 ucroN 5ox DLACA2121ECIT H-WRE$CW PrX D FLOOR OLMEET Vff--P, TRACK Lr-WM swcw 3 WAY SUTCH FLOM UGHT 4 WAY SUTCH MAW. CEO. ,6 Fix- FREM-56EV LrzHT DOOR 5ML RECESSED LIGHT (VAPOR PROOF) XlEfLWl FM PFEAFE RECESSED LK-,HT (EYE5ALL) 00=1 E=T PAFEL RAW:: E 0/3 DRYER 10/3 m 5MALL APP. 12/2 in L* WTM CIF- 14/24 M a, GROU10 ROD 1, 692ELECTRICAL RISER DIAGRAM / 150 A 4 WIRE SERViGE 3" OPT. Ar LOCAMM 6-_O-M L vc pr.CCOEC7/ xa 84k4 Ile ot BATH FAN T' 3TO TLIMN ON T W/ L<-44T PCFL FAN (5TD) 12. 6 FF l UX6 4 A- MCONECT -j LATTIC A. --E6y1 4ZYL. 55 Dom 0- aDo. / L . It c 5GALE z 114' =F-V NOTE: tQTE; SEE ATTACHED HVAC FOR GOFURECT PLAN- 120 NOT LI&E H 4 VACLAYC t 1T TH1S ET. ENGINEERING 4W) 774-9w3 M- (407) 774 7 P.. 8 Talst3 #TNMNtif -91WZ, F 22716 lffl I- 1t 50H PE# .781, F--Fs-, i,-I NOTES: CAST-CRETE SAFE LOAD TABLES FOR GRAVITY, UPLIFT & LATERAL LOADS i. faprmadaE tltlEale = 05Gv3 pp `---- F'c praetraaead Ilntala = bdoo pal9. f"a grauE + 9P00 pal w/ mdxlmum 9I8" ag ragota_ 4. 00narata rnaaorry units t61-iU) por A9TM t and w/ mttm«.nn rut area acmpraeatvm atrmrw,ta < i400 pal y mbca prnvldad m praaaat lintel par A+>TN A619NbO. P1ald rabdr par ASfiM AblS 6P34t> ar 3RP+0. b. Prmakrmaehq atrpnd per ASYM A4ib grddm 70 IOW fe l'1 A5 }. AIraep.A Y Sie> 5. M^ t'^ p9p A ASTM G2"!0 tea I. P Id P It -1W1 h d and e. d J01nCa. Sf1oYa filled A [ a A sat I ad. 1 .t ti tlon a/ n ! I t aampiy with the drehiEaatura; candfaY atrV£S dl dra A. Llntald dra maFwfdctaradwiCh 5-V2' ;ate notahaa or the ands I. —ommddata vartlml man rmMrOr¢Lj cmd ggrovtUe. All llntml. meat Or mxaaad Ll9b0 vmrt 1 dor(matidn axaapk Int. it IT-d" -d Imngmr w di a nOmlr;pi hm 1t 0 P' mane or msaaaa J d0. b sott_ ".1d d rwcY W ba . tad at the taattam of 0`. linter mdVlLy- n dtamatar 1 a 0tf,+t+pa t2'a w®idmd EO tn. Cv-Etmm aEma; FUr ahGMIGGi On' P' Cmranat-In aaa a nCrm1. m0 b o provided in eompoalta Intel In 110, are nrmtm maaorvry soles. gape load rdt)n 0 1>aead an ratlonai dmaicp+ a tuala p ®rAOtSidandA A C2AG Tgd NVTG I. All valama ba.ad o minimum 4" bmaring_ 9xemptloni 9dfa load. For anffilmd lintel. mast L- rmdatad by :2096 If bmdring IangW le Vaee than 5dim iodda for all raaaaemd ;hots;. baead on P" namino; badring_ 3. NA, Nat !Rated. 9. frdfm'-da are Cetai avparirrprwad aildWOblm load r`n the emaQian apealf:.d. Z. taada bared an 9rdda 40 or grddm 60 Plaid -1— 5, Addltla-1 lat-1 10.6 aoj,-Ity can ba obCalnmd " the daalgnmr by providing dddlonal e4lnforaad masonry above the p—ast nntei. Fi. One el rabtx' ba aub.t3Wtad !or twm a5 ratuxa in 8" Iintmia e»;y. Y Yhm dmOitJnar avaivaQa c numntrat.d load. Frain the sofa !odd tdbima Ly adiav)dting m maximum rmai.tng .mommne and .hmcr at drowsy from thePat. of support. p. Par ¢dnpaelim .Intmi hal{hEa not shown, umm OaPm load Prom next lawmr halgnt. 1. All aafa Iddde In lts of paunch per IP,.- Poat. VITY 4 d (92'! PRL°GA9T a1 /}+i`> PfiCCA5t rs3f 3 s aagY. +.wa aa-a e?aM 3 B (b@") f'I0EGA9# yam; 31a3 d i'Fs & sae ae9 s lo'fY07 w pr,er ss Izzv oa a seas t3 2e'p Nb AT R 0S4FN Ny+4 I 7")PWEL..a.SY I eai ei xata 2?S aai vrt ,i an r'sa <iaa e aa - arty s. 0 fip`) PRECAST I if ya sw ria. aaia 4'-6" tli81 FWt'.GAST 'e ONE- - aREMC,E VALUE 8Y lav% !FOR bRAM 40 fIEL') KEMAPR NOTES: I ALLIED LINTEL TABLES ATM€'',IAL & ',N ''`A(--A1l N rebdr In F,,," .t 11i &RAO par A5TM A&15 2 abdr In pdurad ba SRt4P par A5TM A6159fFrrend®t II to 1. c al 4 P foe lald sdnt'.L .9000pa1 5, a ""te mneit=sper 6.@'f1G10 inn trx }.ar AffiYM G2'ita tWype M dr 9 5. adlaalaCldna b4' kFkhcu'd d. Nmwmdn, !'E., Feddla-Newman ° nglnaertng Ina. 1 ehamaalladMpaaltaIlnkal4O.G. P oil m07 Re bet] s -I latad with 165 2 teppi' be m tiFa0rd6aandO —11.1 6 badrk,y 0 .team). 70 all leads oho I p ands p nnedr fast II. ratlaggthmaOtheaddvasnextlangmrlength !ar eaPm loa 4eIELw"l REf9AR9 GR - 0ts N Ct' 1 U. CONCRETEFILL yyFIELD I" 9 GR. 0P}AtR i rn1 16" ACT`IAL ME 8- ER CAST & Pi STRESSES J—LINT` PEDUGE VALUE BY 25% FOP, GRADE 40 FIELD R''LESAF z_ M A l IJ>r-1 j Ai Ai -i-rl Ji rn i qr i I I i C1J 1 i 1 vD N I' i} r I' r r r 7 r M j rn M r r"rn ' r MpT M C r r r P- rlr I- r (r r_ rn lei lk r z r IrIr- r r r,r r r,r: -A D D Y D p Y D Y N C) li l r l 1 r iIn t; l toi W i V1 I lu ; lii , Vt I ftt w rrr, Iin Cp r I li 1 i 0 r 71 q r 1 iCA r r I 15- 5/ 8" ACTUAL is i' N JM'NALNElt3HT r- (._ i S 6p z i9 ko 1 Nye p I -r S D D d IF1z m i-- 8 r: 7--- T- p A k VrENTEX HOMES 169 GARAGELEFT) LINTEL DIAGRAM f\! 1MOrhndoOivlsion b to 2 4 j i 385 DouglasAvenue2000 Phone 407.881.2150 ( Suite 2000 1 e a e- a - w "" n FaX 407 661 .4089 ( Altamonte Springs, FL32714 i Y Iaraseave4mn*' n q IM nape n rt ( Ptamacl u au i tl M i y aaM. l adeniev i3 04G rvrax Nanez NOTES_ ICAST-CRETE SAFE LOAD TABLES M_ ATERIALS I FOR GRAVITY, UPLIFT & LATERAL LOADS 1. f'G pre"'.Gst §kitElS = 3500 psi. _..—._ 2 fc prestressed lintels = 6000 psi. 3. f'c lrovt = 3000 psi ^/ maximtum 3/5' agc retjate. q Oancrete masonry units (CM) per ASTM G90 s^a/ minwwM net area corrpreasivs strength = 1400 pit 5. Rebar provided In precast lintel per ASTM A,615 6R60. Ficid rebar per ASTM Abls CsR40 Or 6R.60. 6 Frestreasirq strond per A57T-1 A416 fade 210 loci roloxotion. 7. 1/32 wIro per ASTM ASie?, 8. Mortar per ASTM G270 type M or 5. 6EIEP—AE NOTES L Provide FAA mortar head and bed jousts. 2_ Shore filled Imtols as rectvired. av, Installation of )intol must comply with: the orchitectvraiand/a* stnsctorol dr0r4k-,rd5. q. Lpxteis are rnaFcetured v Ith 5-V2" long notches at the ends to acconsmodate vertical ce79 reinforclriq and grovtng. 5 All lintels m et Gr exooed L/360 vertical deflection, except lintels 37'-4" and fo r ith a rxorrlrat height of 5' meet ar exceed LIlb0. b_ 6ottom field added rebor to be iocated at the bottom, of the lintel covftuv_ 7. 1/32' dio neter rwlre stzrrvps are melded to the bottom steel for meohoriicol arwhoracde. p Gast-tn-picico conuete may be provided fn composite lintel in lieu of Gonorete masonry vnits- 4. Safe load roting5 based on ratlonai design analysts perAG3315andA.GI 530 SAFE LOAD TABLE NOTES 1- Ali values based on minimum 4" boarine. Exception- Safe loads for unfilled li nteis mist oe recTuced by 20% IF bearing length is less than 6-1/2". Safe leads for a9i recessed lintels based on P" nam;n' i bearurg- 2- N.R = Not Rated, 3, Safe 3ood!s are total alto"otie load on the section specified_ 4_ Safe loads teased or grade 40 or groda 60 fio4d rebar. 5. Additional iatero' load capocit can be ootai—el txll the des'Fgner by providing addionai roinforsed masonry obovo the precast lintel_ 6. One x7 rebar may be svb tituf.,ed for t+ o #5 road's in 5" Isnteis only. 7. 7Fre desiqrer Meg evofuate concentrated loads from the safe Toad tob{es biy calcviattng the maximma reststsnca moment and shear at d-oi-aay from the face of support. b. For corrposite lintel he'sjits not shorn, v5a safe load from next loner heicy'nt_ q. Ail safe loads In vn3ts of ponds per l6rva, foot. 8" PRECAST W 2" RECESS DOOR U—LINTELS 8" PRECASTW1 2„ RECESS DOOR U—LINTELS REL UGE 'ALUM BY 15% FOR GRAi3E 40 FIE' E) RE5AR N -aria 8" PRECAST & PRESTRESSED U—LINTELS 8„ .PRECAST _-_& PRESTRESSED U—LINTELS REDdJGE VALUE EY 25% FOR GRADE -t0 FIELD REBAR CJ Es: `ALLIED TEL TABLES MATERIALS 8 INSTALLATION t. -oar in precast lhstel 6Rb0 per ASTM A615 2. reoor in poured beam 6R40 per ASTM A615 3_ f c for pre _t iint.i ,=4000ps1 4. +c for ftela ,.onarete aoc'Opsl 5. c nu to masorvi vnil,5 pier ASTM G-q0 mo to per ASTM C,270 type M ar 56. calc 3G..lans : R.l-_hr e 6' No—, P.E., R2ddo Neraman €rsgh».ering lr 7. shoe .all orange ies ilntels 4' Or - El all oomposfte beams c J9 Wated wlth 1#5 n t,zp of beamtoadybased on _inol b" carting14 O. all loads spawn in F c nds per linear foot li. for longthes not next ionger length far safe load FIELD ,REBARur I 5 GF 40 fig CONCRETE FILL FIELD MBAR G-1 40 ALLIED GRAVITY SsAFELOAD_TASLE FOR 8 CONCRETE "U" LINTELS LINTEL N0 LEN TH $_xa" 8'"' aXi2" a"xis s"xa"x24 x28, a x32- I UNFILLED PILLED ILF0 J 2 " FILLED FILLS FILLED FILLED { FILLED A I 2 371200006 65._ 10123 20 0 000 12000 000 12000 A 3 46 A2 11114 33b46tb 6?56 7269 aw24 A 4 l0f)o 15i0 3336 3913 4b37 55500 105& 1b44 { 2542 L 3294 402q 4-710 5522-1 111,94 A Al10'6- 4bq 4Ps.3 2217 ._ 1. 5 47 ... 13-iO4 f I522..._ I85'76 334b I 1 7 25 i I2._-.ba _....... 9_i.. I i2' S" 42l 4a8910p 1224 t&04 23h0 2721 A-10 154" 343 419 174 ?053 ;351 _692 2024 2341 A li 14'O° 542 575 690 435 ;233---!!!!!! IS{O 18J8 2091 A-12 Well 305 534 615 E42 -(- 110b 1352 1624 l57q A-13 17 4 272 2Fa5 T 436 6)3 808 '*88 I ;380 i_ — _— —__ A-Idr 20' 225— 3 w5 ! 446 650 1135 }408 169b 1 irib0 A I3 20'O" 2 5 365 4 3 r 714 1052 1300 1510 953I i ALLIED UPLIFT AND LATERAL SAFE LOA _5 E4R S" CONCRETE _U_ LINTELS 8 XB' $"X8' 8" Xt2 8'X18 8'xn a X24" 8"X28" 8 X32" LATERAL LOAD LINTEL NO LENGTH LE - D I RUED FILLED FILLED F1tI. sxa FILLED y UNFILLED FILLED FILLED FILLED -- 3150 1- CXY.XJ t0'JOCi 440b A-23 66a 445 0 —_i I00001 — 10000 -- OD a,20S '14 00T 1007 'c _ 4152---- A-3 46" kOfHIGSi42245w7D5203 9440 100G0 i0000 ?4i5 A-4 5 t0" 575 b03 2380 3349 4300 5303 6766 A-5 T6" 345 370 142t 347b 2552 5514 3667 4600 661 A4 q'4" 225 252 934 I246 ! 65 2O511 2542 2447 423 A-7 l06" l85 204 756 iO4q 134; i6h2 2025 2347 324 A-b li 4° 303 335 652 q77 fl70 1452 175l 202E - 451 A --I j 12' b" 241 252 65 7b0 99i 1232 1 1464 1645 3!7 A-10 3'4' 253 2 510 7C33 b12 N09 X 3 l50q 320 A-j l i4' 0" 225324 473 652 - -- 624 i025 1146 1355 2&5 A-i2 2.5 442 609 I-i64 -455 701250 26 1 A-13 17'4' 145 253 551 4&3 605 755 52 974 155 24A-I4 i4'4" 154 3734205256577552623203A-€320'O"174205620786 ;9b 1 i een,q..ea by ,,I era by: mmv ae. r cbeched by- avw z7at 9t_22{ 1} - 1 sheet. A.1 of. a f3Loci< LkA F'RO'ADE 2X4 BLOCKING IN TI-4E FIR5T TEE FIZAIIING SPACES AT 45' OC. REMAINDER TO BE BLOCKED AT 1Y," OC OR RAT RUN, EA5jFNW- FASTEN FLOOR 844EATWING TO FRAJ-IIW- W/ 0d CO l OR ad HOT DIPPED GALVANIZED NAILS TWE FOLLO;0w, 5f1AcINe'-. 1) b" ON CENTERAT ALL PANEL EDGE FRAN44G 2) 12' ON CENTER AT ALL INTERMEDIATE FRAMINGx FLOOR FRAMIW-iLIOU_ N @ 24"O,C. 5LOCKIW-:; a 48' 01c MAX. IN FIRS THREE FRa1IW;z 5f1AOE5 4 %11 O C, THEREFORE FLOOR 5F_IAGING AT ENDW4,LLS ZO_ ISO-L NAILS ® A- or-, FOR EILG<XED DIAPHRAGM ZONE L5 AT 6' Or-, OR O. G. OR adNAILSAT4' E ""' T E= ALIVALENT I'MkIEMATIC 111 ITII_ NAIL AT NAIL AT SUPPORTED EDGES SUFFIORTED EDGE AND AND BLOCKJW, AND r2' O.C. r?OC. FIELD FOR OTHER FIELD FOR 54ADED AREAI AREAS OF ROOF 1: 4: POOP L T/ I6° C5B _',HEATPW5 OR 1/2, CDX TT'F. , bf ROOF SHEATHING NAILING PATERN DETAIL P. T. 2x6 W1 1/2' pIAM. 'JBOLTS - 415' MAX- W/ 6' MK EMBED. (TTP ' I I=--- FT— TT-11 h _F" tr--F-F-T8x8>116 I I 1 I I J'U G(TY '-I j 8-10& NAILS P.T. 2X6 W/ 1,121 pAR-t ' JI BOLTS 46" MAX W1 &" MN, EtEIED. fT YFJ L-_>ETAJL- _ TYF'1C_ALJAMB FASTF-NIW- ID OVERHEAD GARAGE DOOR SALE: N- 7.5- I MAIL INTO 2 NAILS R470 TOPPLATE , TOFf- LATE 4'-I' I/V" O5I3 OF L121 CDX 0' kW NAILS UJALL 5TX151 4 HEADER C' W1 I4-10d kL F. BOTTOMOFIEADIER4_1EADER 2) 2. 0 av U71 C;T>x rL41CP ME I / \ f; EQUfI;ZED / \ I ROOF FRAMMir, MET154ER SEE COt4, PECTOFR CHART SCI-EDULE FOR TRUSS STRAPS) I/ If" Oea OR CDX EXTERIOR 5HEATRIN65 NAILED W/ lod GAJ_v. A- or-, EDGES AND V. OC. FIELD 2x4 P. T, WALLSTUD W1 3) L2" DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS To BLOCK I K V2. " A- x 8' ANDI40f, BOLTS EMBED &' MN R470 FOUZIAT; ON W1 oc-ATTHN6" EDUAOF AcwENDAND 3 * OC_ a' UV to- f06 NAILS I BCTTOM MAX. ELSE144EFE' OF WALL 4 HEADER STUD 2x4 PT. BOTTOM PLATE U* STRAP EVERY OTHER STUD TYF, FRAMING 4 CONNECTIONS_ FOR OFENING5 L NAIL A, INTERIIE AATE rws, EXTERIORWALLf SHEATHING NAILING PATTERNDETAILPREENGINEERED WOOD FLOOROCR TRUSS _ 24' OC__ M 2 AIL DOUBLE TOP PLATE PRE- ENGINEERED WOOD FLOOR TRUSS - 24' OL MAX, 2X- EILOCKRiS A7 MIDeP4N K" O. C. 5TLD SPAIDINS FORNT. FRAMEE WALL - 2X P. T. BOTTOM PLATE OENAJL FLOOR EXPANSIONE50LT TRLS,5 TO TOP ANCi IORAGE PLATE W if, 32' OC- PE MAILS, 12) ON OtIE SIDE, 10 ON THE OTH Dp_ETAIL: NTE1110R BEARING WALLANOUPLIFT CFILR,k, BEYOND 0011J5E TOP PLATE L_4' - 01 50-IFISON eP4AS SHOWN BLFEE GABLE END DETAIL, 2x4 6TUD5,4T V,' O. C. MAX. SIMPSON LSTA 30 AT HEA[:>EF I-N-rEL FILLED W/ I CONT. WALLENT", DI REINFOR-_ SEE PLAN SIMR- FON SP4 ANCHOR BOLTS AS 6POIN ENTRY FRAMING DETAIL MI' l- W000 TFUSS STRAPPED AS SH_ I ON TRUSS LAYOUT 2- 2X4 TOP TOGS 1 2 4 STUDS PLATE ANCHOR@ EVERY OTHER r T ' D fTYP_ STUD BOTTOM) IlrX v EX'Fr- EIOLT 41. OC' C_' FRAMING & STRAPPINGKNEE_)N_AL. L0V_ERCWLj K W) 2m4E5E REQUIREMENTS APPLYUg.'BN Ip,' / DOOR AOTURER5 FASTENNG ETHOD I5 NOT 5FEOFIED- U NAIL W/103 DIA OR HEAVIER I'Oup-R, MAILS a' O/C AND 3' MAX. FROM END5 TYF. Wj J'MIN. 0-15EDt' E'NT 6NT0 BLOCK 2,) ALSO ADD31,16' DIA SELF TAPFW, CONC. ANCHIOR5THFIJ WINDOW/ DOOR FRAME EIGHT (8) INCH55 FROM ENDS MAX AND F_-4;ZTT` (40) NC7,-ES MAX_ ONCENTER W1 I' MVL EMBEDtIEKT INTO BLOCK ATTACH WNFOtll TO ENJICP W/ W SO-FEW5 MAX 8'0/ 1- ANDMAX 5' O/c AND MAX ell O/ C FROM ENDS, AI TFI kATE) D INSTALL 3136' DIAMETER SELF TAPPW. 00?NG_ ANCHORS EIGHT (8) NCPE5 MAX FRON ENDS AND 24' ON CENTER MAX- 11 MK EMEEZ" 94TO BLOCK FASTER To PT BUCKS UTA W 5Cj; IEU1S W Oft- MAXAIV MAX a' FROM ENDS W/ ? MN. B`48ED_ INTO SUO, TYPICAL BLOCK QFEN1Nr:FDETAIL fIOR FT SUCK f:,ISTS*r, AID h 15191 FATINS) TF1255 5TF_'4F`FFT) AS 5I WOOD TFJ_ t$S SD TRAFFrAS ONTFZ1155LAYOUTSHOUNON 2) 2X- TOP PLATE TF166 LAYOUT DEL, 2X-II k1EAZ>ER FOR 4'&' MAX_ ORFNJt, 1G, DEIL2XI0 STRAP 4EABER FOR 5'-9' TIE 2X- FILOCKNG MAX, OPENW, UNO_ TYP' AT MIDSPAN x- EILOC"rl AT MID -SPAN y" 0G. STUD SPACING - FOR FOR KT. S`R` eR_ FR_1ZIE W4LL FORINT, 5RG. FRAMEWAIL - QPLA- ANC44OR VERY OTHER STUB (TT'P_ TOP I 50T Tcm) PLATE A EVERY CICNC. v2*xal EXP. EVERT OTHER SLAB BOLTS eL I 32, oz E>PA"IS'ON BOLT AN(-E 24"O-C- AMING &STRAP_ PINQ- OWD FR- 18 FRAMIIIQ & STRAPRING. INTER. JEARING WALL INTEEJOR BEARING WALLODOORGENERALNOTESki0IJIGENERAL: v w i L LIVE LOAB5-_ Rc<,F7 20pf FLOOR: 40Fsf STAIR, 40psf2, WIND SPEED 110qlh 3— e-tl o 3. ALL WORK TO BE IN AOCORDAJNCF WITH THE FB. C, 2004 C4411 Y- Z z 4. ONI-Y UlRiTTEN C4-14NGE5 AFF`R0`,`EI:1 BY T'PE ENGINEER 5I44LL BE PEF"ITTED. Zqi AWE 0TW"nF_ Aapa, rro L ALL WO To BE 04 STRICT ACCORD a S, t-.t, 2 MIX DEIGN CFUTERVI ALL C4',NCRETE TYPE I PORTLAND CEMIUIT. ( A$TMI C 450) O)MpRESSJvE 6T" o 28 DAYS SHALL BE I FOR IER fU SLABS AAA AND 00 I "_="T RI, PecFeD mom_AHR AIR COI-1PRES5IVE ENTRA1,1ED A 5TREN' STH (p CONCRETE K=rida i ( psi) # 989 7500 Of,] 054 1000058 OA& SLUIP-B-AE, ONGRADE 1. OTHER APR I WATER - POTABLE CHLORIDE - NoIle 3. PROVIDE NORMAL UEIGHT AG' REGATE5 INCOMPLI 'MENTS OF AST" C 33. 4, FIBERMESA FOR SLAB} LAB TO BE AT A RAT- OF 15 L-A7 THE RE''J'R! FOUNE:>ATION5 , IF_ooTw,DESIGN BASED ON mINIM-M ALLOWABLE 501L BEARING PRE5OF 2000 p.f, 2, IF FOOTM ELEVATION oCCaZ5 IN DISTURBEDUNSTABLE OF UNSU17A5LE THE ENGIIEER SHALL BE N';1TFLED AND NECESSARY ADA15S BE MADE PER 'US # 45TFI3CTION5, 3. PREPARATION OF THE 5U55R4DE TOFOLLOW RECCMI-IENDATIONS AS OUTLINED 4 THE GEOTEC14MCAL REPURT. SOIL, 4. STEPS, fN WALL FOOTW,5 SHALL NOT EXCEED A 51- OF'E OF (1) VERTICAL TO (2) HORIZONTAL r, CAUTION SHALL BE USED U94EN OFERATGY VIBRATOR'TClOI-VACTION EalIfl-TEN7 WAR EX15TU'e, STRUCTURES To AVOID THE RISK OF DAMAGE TO THE NASONRT - L DESIGN, MATERIAL AND WORCIANSHIP SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE UNTH THE ACT STANDARD BUILDWS CODE RECUIFIE11D4TS FOR CONCRETE MASCNRY 5TFJJCTt9;ZES ACI 530/ACi 530J 2 CELL5 NDtCATFD TOBEFILLEDSHALLBEGROUTEDWITH3000p,I TF, (0' TO 10' 5Ltt'111) 3- PROVIDE 25' LAP FOR STEEL - ALL LOCATtON5. 4, ALL CELLS ADJACENT TO CC1RER5, ENDOF SHEAR WALLS AND UNDER CONCENTRATED LOADS SHALL IOWAN VERTICAL FE#,DoRj_-1NS AND SHALL BE FILLED WITH CONCRETE. 5 CON -FETE BLOCKSSHALLCOWO--1 To AST71 C-W (20 BAY STRENGTH 2000 F- 1) (f'-500 P-4), LAIDN Fa.MW, BOND. 6 MORTAR SHALL BE TYPE N. 1, ALL RE -5ARS SHALL BE <' F-ADE 40 LNLE55 UNO WOOD : 1, ALL WOOD FF-AMW. AX> pRE-EAT INEERED UICOD TRUSSES SHALL BE DES IG1,4ED, DETAILED, AND FABRICATED IN ACCORDANCEUTH THE PROCEDURES ANDREOWT$ OUTLt1EF1 N THE LATEST EDITIONOF T1-11E NATIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS FOR WOOD CONSTRUCTION. 2. T4-E WOOD TRUSSES SHALL BE SIZED AND DETAILED TO FIT TI-F- DIMENSIONS AND LOADS INDICATED, ALL DEC1,5N SHALL BE N ANCE WITH ALLOWABLE VALUES AND SECTION PROFERTtES AS&r-',ED AND ID BY THE 5UILDW1 CODE- DESIGN CALCULAT10"S SIGNED AND SEALED IS - A LICENSED F-R<E S&IoNAL ENGINEER ARE TO BE SUBMITTED TO THE ENSUIEER FOR APPROVAL- a PE PEFIFFRDICULAR TO THE SPANOF THE TRUSSES SHALL BE PROVIDED AS fU_=OA,ARFDEY THE TRESS MAMFACTURER TRUSS MANUFACTUREIR SHALL PRO'ADE 5TATET-TENT THAT BOTTOM CHORD01 ROOF TFU55ES ARE BRACEDD UI-LFT CONDITIOtIL 4. FOPSTFa,,1CTLIRAL LUMBER, PROVIDE TPF FOLLOUM'k, GRADE AND SFECIE-5 oUT"EPN PH SURFACES DRY USED AT IS% MAX. N_ C GRADE NO2 OR SPRUCE Pft-E FIRSOUTHGRADENO25. PR DE GALVANIZED METAL PA?1r.ER5 ANT::1 PRAMqk" OF THESIZE AND 7TFE FECOt-IMENDED By T+4S MANUFACTUFr-R FOR EACHUSE FEC-Ot-MNDED NAILS- "kr'IES CONNECTORS OR EojrvALFNT) r, ALL BOLTS USED FOR WOOL) CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE A MINN-11,41 OF 1/ 2' DIAMETER AND (" 84 LENGTH (A5TM A-301) WITH MRI- I V2' DIAM WASHER UN0- T. FR,,,TDF FRAM5pAcINGS SHC, OR F NOT SHOW COMPLY WITH W, opSIZE5 AND,, -F 1-"Tft,* STUD 4EK44T5 CHARTDO NOT 5FLV--- ISTRUc-ITOZ4L. MEMBERS BETWEEN SUPPORTS. 8. ANCHOR ANDNAILINGASSHOUN ' AND TO COMPLY UATH THE FFECOMIENDED NAILD" - SCHEDULE FROM THE STANDARD IFIALDDV1 CODE, LATEST EDITION 13. ROOF SPEAT4W- VVII 0455 OR 11,21 CDX SEE pRAWfI,,G5 FOR NAILTtV, PATTERNS- VERIFICATICN CF FIELD GONIDITION& I. CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL FIELD CONDITIONS ANDDIONS RELATIVE TO 5,41E_ Ul THERE ARE CONFLICTS BETUE-EN ACTUAL FIELD CONDITIONS AND DATA PRESENTED IN THE DRAWtNS5, SUCH CONDITIONS 54-NII-L BE CALLED TO THE ARCHITECT'SATTENTIC04 AND NECESSARY ADJUSTMENTS MADE PER HIS NST3&IC71ON5. 2. FOR AW-"OR BOLTS tr5E 5 OR EGBIVALENT (A-36 OR A-301 STEEL) 3- PROVIDE 2X4 BLOCKING ON ALL SIDES OF THE RIDGE VENTS WITH 88d NAILS AT 4' ON CENTER 2X - TOP PLATE 1 I'm OF 4 2X4 BLOCKR4 3 e , I t BASE a- CABR4ET METAL rPAI-IF WALL BL BETWEEN STUDS 2 7XIC REAM UNLESSO"EPMSE NOTED ON FLOORPLAN a' BOLT LINTEL BEAM W/1 -5 BAR A= CHU WALL i ER -AN ssa 0.) till, w fill C) s HII 11H INS dk. by-- -.g. by aww sheet S1 Of: 19 3 V2' OoW_ 6LA5 2 - 2XIpj OE.Ad-I S5 U.IrFIBEi'ESf3 OVER OTHEF 125E t TED ON FLOOR PLAN OVE6 MER V R S° BOL7 RACTEF®L F'L57 s— — — — WW1 . 5 EAR t5-EF FLOOR PLAN) OR cGRADE s --- CMWALL 215 FIER` ` THICKENED SLAB AT AM HANGER K BEARING PORCH POST l/ 3n" ?56 ORCOWjlv: 5__t2X4 NATOEACHTRUMEMBERUU4 I®d NAILS EA, CONT, 2X4 NAIL TO EACH TRUSS R ROOF TRUE GI -I! VEb' SOLID - ROOF TPi35S 0,S5 OR1/2° COX FRAk'ING ON SECTITHRU CHIMNEYCH 4NTER#()RCHIMNEYH - -- ICD T RioR C s ra ETA S WLFT OF E ST S M ° OF 3/t6' FROM TRI55 STRAPS TO PE1UT. TAFCCW TOCM FACTLFER ( EACH STRAP) ( EA04 5 ) IN ) 1 4 132 -_ 2 7 4 F AN 'A' STRAP IS V145PLACED OR F APTM TIC PCL4ZW, OrTHE LWTEL BEAMj\*1 PRE-ETi(RIEE7D AT TOP OF GMTHENAWOODTRIS5i-ITSV CA2•ITFORD 'A' STRAP ( TYP. U.OAdJ PLEASE EAC34 MTSi6STRAPFL FCL T3E ATT TABLEA14DTL2® Ga. GALV, FGR ins 5iT Oidao TI M UPLIFTT4 AGN5TALLALLTUATHI-vr MrAD. --- LNTFL BEAM Iw (1) 5 Cow— 1 \ Y Y \ \ I Om S MTSib ATTACH TAPCOXS EVERY OTHER Hd E NOTE- T EE RI5TALLED R4 STRICT UATH THE 5 ATICK6 t+44SSED A" STRAP DETAILTI-E M55ED FILLED CELLS CAN 51E REPAMED 5Y EPDXY GROUTWI (V ° 5 RESAR (SEE EPDXY FROFERI'lEs ANP SPEC TION5' 51VE LI LPL Dig EQUIVALENT `) INTO BEAM ARD IktTO THE FOOT94r, FOR ALL FELLED CELL5 ON PLAJ-6 13UT NOT FILLEDN THE FIELD FROVVE b° M61 Emf5Ea AND 3/4.7 WOLE NTO BOT+4 THE 5EAM AND TWE FOOT TOP i'aEAM BEAY' I U7J9) 5 CONT. 25' SPLICES (TYPJ FILLED CELL 8° CM3 WALL-- I) 5 VERTSGAL EFOXY wo PC 6" 5 .' i—TOP OF FOCTER NCnE, EPDXY CQoM $WOULD BE MSTALLED IN 5 .(SCE UM T44E ACTURER'S AA4SSE0 PALLED CELL DETAIL _ AGER Ell OVER I ' OSB_ WOOD T S STRAPPED AS ON TR3156 LAYOUT TYPICAL 5T4KCO F (ALTEiATE MZ P- T. OVER IY.P. RJS CEDAR FFNSH. cDR OVER 2X& 3/ 8' I r_. S ASClA WJALCR'L MEXT, LADE LL VENTEDSKITSEERDBL2X5 HEAf>ER UR S W. 4'- b' MAX 7xto r,cR FOR51_ 0. 3 U2' C)4C MAX OPENRG UNO. U/Ff ON WOOD POST CLEAN, ACTED PER FLOOR PLM FILL U1J IT}3IG Uv$T4 Co FTG. W 2 " 5 5AR5 COrG_ SLAS FLOop, FLAN FOR POST SIZE 2-( ) 5`IRAP TIES EAC14 Stec) POST PER FLOOR PLAN PLAR FOR POST SIZE SGP SECT10 @ COVERED PORCH / ELEVATION @ REAR PORCH POST MONOLITHIC DETAILS SIMILAR) 24" OC. 2r.4 5LOCKNISg EA. SIDE (TYP> GABLE D PE1UJ_ s 24° O. C. O5B SHEATHMG o. FLOOR PLAN 5 2x4CORT. -- 2 2X f6° oic TA6' 05B z_/ ...- P TOP EA. SIDE (TYPJ OR 1/2" GDi:'•` 1-2x4 TOP PLATE 2X4 5TLVSl/%6° ,. o/C OR I(. DE 2x4 BLOncEtG 2X4 Dl A BRAr 2X4 2X4 P.T. BOi, PLATE _ i-SOLTS EA. SIDE fTYP1 AS SPOON STRAP FA- 5TtR2 Uw_ 5- PLIF CAI,E CLP To TOP a 50T_PLATE cm UTALl -- a- WALL SECTION FRONT ELEVATION CHIMNEY DETAIL ECB EXTERIOR CHiMh EY DETAILS CONNECTION -N.T5. 24" _ 5 AT49" 124 or_ 1) 5 AT4S° OC. VE%T. AND ( 2) 5 _ BELOW EA. FO&T LOCATIG FILL ALL CELLS UT44 2500 F' SE COW__ ALTERNATE HOOKS N FIN. BRACE IE>qEF1JOR SIDE OF WALL S' COMPACT AF_A-'. v v SIDE ELEVATION JORRIC4NE ENGINEERING a 7) 17- 9W3 € r - (ate 77s-IH" J T PO BOX 1£ t813 % fL=1Z a_ rEi 4zats SEE' Zt ' SIZE f)' 5 CONT. (2) S T522 (24. max It-T) a L7 OPEN CzYf ER ( 2) 3 S D5-22 34 , max T). a I FAD , IT. AT 45' O.c. (2) SEt'SGOADS-2 (3Al2Lb. max EFT). FOR WEEPS 2x4 POST SEE Y VCUE LE TC.' P F...s s V ('t1i ff :$y aperms%, F"' g FEE PLATE pff4) °S AS3° CLR. COY. ALL RE SAR (TYP-) eRETLuN -0o'%ALL AT PATIO ADE3ATELY c.C PACTIOP{ FOR PATIOSL.A: B. LEAS N PLACEFOR I DAYS AFTER PAW SLAB 15 POURED DETAIL S (2s lAl g GIRI3ER N P. VEID AND C?.DNC'M0N-,ALLV, ACICM'E— PERIVIT tSSGEr-SHA%l L BE c TO PROCE--'- TFl, E V UTIHOWTY F0 CA,c E AS DE ANY P EVEN7 TIHE R- DEF-7 RE(DaU RING A C12 PL'ANS, CON'S rWJ'- THE CODES 13 1 a v