HomeMy WebLinkAbout1909 ORDINANCE NO. 1909 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 1097 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, "ENTITLED APPENDIX A - ZONING ORDINANCE" BY AMENDING ARTICLE II - DEFINITIONS, ARTICLE V - USE PROVISIONS, AND ARTICLE VIII - SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS TO PROVIDE THAT RESIDENTIAL CARE FACILITIES INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FOSTER HOMES, GROUP HOMES, FAMILY SHELTER HOMES AND ADULT CONGREGATE LIVING FACILITIES MAY BE UTILIZED AS PERMITTED USES OR CONDITIONAL USES WITHIN CERTAIN RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND AGRICULTURAL ZONE AREAS OF THE CITY; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THAT ORDINANCE 1097 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, ENTITLED "APPENDIX A - ZONING ORDINANCE" BE AND THE SAME IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1: Article II, Definitions of Terms Used In the Regulations, 72 MR-1 and MR-2--Conditional use--"Adult congregate living facility" is hereby deleted in its entirety. SECTION 2: Article II, Definitions of Terms Used In the Regulations, 73 RMOI--Conditional use--"Adult congregate living facility" is hereby deleted in its entirety. SECTION 3: Article II, Definitions of Terms Used In the Regulations, 72--"Residential care facility" is hereby added: A. Purpose. It is the intent of the City of Sanford that elderly persons, physically disabled persons, develop- mentally disabled persons, non-dangerous mentally ill persons and dependent children be entitled to the benefits of living in normal residential communities and that such persons be able to receive treatment, care, rehabilitation and education in the most appropriate setting. In furtherance of these interests the City of Sanford intends that residential care facilities be 'established in the residential and other areas of the City according to the provisions of this Ordinance. B. Definitions. 1. ~esidential Care Facility (RCF). A living facility which operates to provide the physical, emotional, and social needs of its residents in a family-like setting, regardless of the number of residents. Such facilities shall include, but are not limited to: foster homes, group homes, family shelter homes and adult congregate living facilities as those terms are defined in the Florida Statutes. a. RCF Levels of Care. (1) Low Intensity: (a) Direct 24 hour supervision not required at all times. (b) Staff ratio of not more than one on duty supervisor to eight (8) assigned residents. (c) Facility emphasis on personal care, shelter, sustenance and other support services. (2) High Intensity: (a) Direct 24 hour supervision required at all times. (b) Staff ratio of more than one on duty supervisor to eight (8) assigned residents. (c) Facility emphasis on treatment, care, rehabilitation and/or education. b. RCF Capacity Limitations. The capacity limitations restrict the number of residents in a residential care facility but do not include the owner/operator or members of his/her family. c. RCF Standards. (1) The external appearance of a residential care facility shall maintain the general character of the neighborhood in a single family district. (2) There shall be a minimum distance between all residential care facilities in single family and multi-family districts, measured from property line: fifteen hundred (1500) feet. --2-- Ordinance No. 1909 (3) There shall be a responsible person over the age of eighteen (18) on site and on duty at all times while residents are in the facility. (4) There shall be sufficient off- street parking: one space for every five (5) residents and one space for every two (2) staff members. (5) There shall be sufficient outside recreational area: a minimum of fifty (50) square feet per resident. (6) There shall be no identification signs in single family districts. (7) Site development plans shall be required for all residential care facilities. Facilities which care for more than three residents or which require a conditional use permit shall obtain approval from the Planning and zoning Commission. Facilities which care for up to three residents may be approved by the City Staff. (8) Any residential care facility, whether or not it is inspected by any other governmental entity, shall be inspected annually by the City Fire Department for fire safety in accordance with applicable Fire Safety Codes as a condition precedent to an occupationallicense or any renewal thereof. 2. Resident. A resident means a person who is provided with room, board and personal care in a residential care facility including, but not limited to: elderly persons, physically disabled persons, persons with a developmental disability as defined in §393,001(1), Florida Statutes, non- dangerous persons who are mentally ill as defined in §394.455(3), Florida Statutes, and dependent children as defined in §39.01(9), Florida statutes. The term "resident" shall not include any person determined to meet the criteria for involuntary placement set forth in §394,467(1) Florida Statutes, or any person who has --3-- Ordinance No. been convicted of or entered a plea of guilty or nolo contendere, or has been found not guilty by reason of insanity of a forcible felony under §776.08, Florida Statutes, or any of the sex offenses set forth under §917.012(1), Florida Statutes, without regard to whether adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence was suspended, deferred or withheld or any person who has a reportable communicable disease as set forth in Florida Administrative Code - No. 10 D-3. C. Permitted Use. Residential care facilities which comply with the RCF standards shall be permitted uses in the City of Sanford as follows: 1. Residential Care Facilities of Low Intensity. such facilities shall be permitted uses as follows: Capacity Limitations Zoning Districts 1. A maximum of 6 residents MR-1L, RC-1 2. A maximum of 8 residents MR-l, MR-2, AD, PUD 3. Unlimited RMOI, GC-2, SC-3 2. Residential Care Facilities of High Intensity. Such facilities shall be permitted uses as follows: Capacity Limitations Zoning Districts 1. A maximum of 8 residents MR-l, MR-2, AD 2. Unlimited RMOI, GC-2, SC-3 3. Conditional Use. Residential care facilities which comply with the RCF standards may be permitted in the City of Sanford as follows: a. Residential Care Facilities of Low Intensity. Such facilities may be permitted as conditional uses in the City of Sanford as follows: --4-- Ordinance No. 1909 Capacity Limitations Zoning Districts 1. A maximum of 4 residents SR-1AA, SR-1A, SR~i MP-AA, MP-1 2. A maximum of 8 residents RC-1, MR-1L 3. A maximum of 16 residents MR-l, MR-2 4. Over 16 residents AD (See Exhibit 1, Table of Zoning Districts with Allowable Intensities and Capacities) b. Residential Care Facilities of High Intensity. such facilities may be permitted as conditional uses in the City of Sanford as follows: Capacity Limitations Zoning Districts 1. A maximum of 16 residents MR-l, MR-2 2. Over 16 residents AD (See Table of Zoning Districts with Allowable Intensities and Capacities) E. Licensing. All residential care facilities in the City of Sanford shall be required to obtain a City Occupational License. All such facilities shall comply with any applicable state physical plant standards and shall furnish proof of state licensure if applicable, before issuance of a City Occupational License. --5-- Ordinance No. F. Table of Zoning Districts With Allowable Intensities and Capacities I -A I -B I I -A I I -B I I I -A I I I -B IV-A IV-B V-A V-B SR - 1AA C ~ SR-1A C SR-1 C SR-2 ........ MR-1 P P P P P C C O MR-2 P P P P P C C ~ MR-1L P P C ~- RMOI P P P P P P P P P P ~ PUD P P P ~ MP-AA C C · ~ MP-A C C Z ! RC-1 P P C O ! GC-2 P P P P P P P P P P SC-3 P P P P P P P P P P ~ p Ri-1 .......... M1-2 ......... AD P P P P P P C C C C _) LEGEND A = low intensity B = high intensity I = up to 4 residents II = up to 6 residents III= up to 8 residents IV = up to 16 residents V = over 16 residents P = permitted use C = conditional use SECTION 4: Article V Use Provisions, Section 1 SR- 1AA Single-Family Residential District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 8 as follows: "8. Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of four (4) residents." SECTION 5: Article V Use Provisions, Section 5 MR-1 Multiple-Family residential Dwelling District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 4 as follows: "4. Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of eight (8) residents." SECTION 6: Article V Use Provisions, Section 5 MR-1 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 5 as follows: "5. Residential care facilities of high intensity with a maximum of eight (8) residents." SECTION 7: Article V Use Provisions, Section 5 MR-1 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted Number 4 "Adult congregate living facility" is deleted in its entirety. SECTION 8: Article V Use Provisions, Section 5 MR-1 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 4 as follows: "4. Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of sixteen (16) residents." SECTION 9: Article V Use Provisions, Section 5 MR-1 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 6 as follows: "6. Residential care facilities of high intensity with a maximum of sixteen (16) residents." SECTION 10: Article V Use Provisions, Section 6 MR-2 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted Number 4 "Adult congregate living facilities" is deleted in its entirety. --7-- Ordinance No. 1909 SECTION 11: Article V Use Provisions, Section 6 MR-2 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 4 as follows: "4. Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of sixteen (16) residents." SECTION 12: Article V Use Provisions, Section 6 MR-2 Multiple-Family Residential Dwelling District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 5 as follows: "5. Residential care facilities of high intensity with a maximum of sixteen (16) residents." SECTION 13: Article V Use Provisions, Section 13 AD Agricultural District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 3 as follows: 3o Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of eight (8) residents. SECTION 14: Article V Use Provisions, Section 13 AD Agricultural District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 4 as follows: "4. Residential care facilities of high intensity with a maximum of eight (8) residents." SECTION 15: Article V Use Provisions, Section 13 AD Agricultural District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 9 as follows: "9. Residential care facilities of low intensity with nine (9) or more residents." SECTION 16: Article V Use Provisions, Section 13 AD Agricultural District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 10 as follows: "10. Residential care facilities of high intensity with nine (9) or more residents." SECTION 17: Article V Use Provisions, Section 14 MR- 1L Multiple-Family Residential Limited Dwelling District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 4 as follows: "4. Residential care facilities of low intensity with --8-- Ordinance No. 1909 a maximum of six (6) residents." SECTION 18: Article V Use Provisions, Section 14 MR- 1L Multiple-Family Residential Limited Dwelling District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted add Number 3 as follows: "3. Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of eight (8) residents." SECTION 19: Article V Use Provisions, Section 8 RC-1 Restricted Commercial District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 12 as follows: "12. Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of six (6) residents." SECTION 20: Article V Use Provisions, Section 8 RC-1 Restricted Commercial District, B. Conditional Use Permitted add Number 11 as follows: "11. Residential care facilities of low intensity with a maximum of eight (8) residents." SECTION 21: Article V Use Provisions, Section 7 RMOI Multiple-Family Residential, Office and Institutional District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 9 as follows: "9. Residential care facilities of low intensity." SECTION 22: Article V Use Provisions, Section 7 RMOI Multiple-Family Residential, Office and Institutional District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 10 as follows: "10. Residential care facilities of high intensity." SECTION 23: Article V Use Provisions, Section 7 RMOI Multiple-Family Residential, Office and Institutional District, B. Conditional Uses Permitted Number 5 "Adult congregate living facilities" is deleted in its entirety. SECTION 24: Article V Use Provisions, Section 9 GC-2 General Commercial District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 35 as follows: 35. Residential care facilities of low intensity. SECTION 25: Article V Use Provisions, Section 9 GC-2 --9-- Ordinance No. 1909 General Commercial District, A. Uses Permitted add Number 36 as follows: "36. Residential care facilities of high intensity." SECTION26: Article VIII Supplementary Regulations, Section 1 Planned Unit Development District, A. Uses-Permitted add Number 7 as follows: "7. Residential care facility of low intensity with a maximum of eight (8) residents." SECTION 27: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitu- tional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 28: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 29: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 27th day of June , .A.D. 1988. ~YOR ~ ~' ~ ATTEST: City of Sanford, Florida. "10'- Ordinance No. 1909