HomeMy WebLinkAbout1888 ORDINANCE NO. 1888 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 1835, AND ADOPTING A SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 1987; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1835, passed and adopted September 22, 1986, adopted and amended salary classification of positions of employees of the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida deems it necessary to adjust the wages of its employees. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: ~ECTION 1: That Ordinance No. 1835 of the City of Sanford, Florida, be and the same is hereby rescinded. SECTION 2: That that certain Salary Classification Plan, dated October 1, 1987, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance as fully and completely as though the same were set forth in this section, be and the same is hereby adopted. SECTION 3: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitu- tional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effectof any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 4: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 5: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption, and the adjustment of the wages of the employees of the City of Sanford, Florida, shall Ibe effective on October 1, 1987. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 28th day of September, A.D. 1987. ATTEST: City of Sanford, Florida. --2-- Ordinance No. 1888 1987 - 88 SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN plb'~'~YfIVE OCTOBER 1, 1987 ~"'1 CITY OF SANFORD PAY SCHEDULE 10/01/87 PAY PLAN AEMINISTRATION GUIDELINES Page ] of 4 1987 - 88 SECTION I - INSTAT.~TION OF THE PAY SCHEDULE & PAY PLAN AR~INISTRATION GUIDELINES RULE 1. F~'b'sCTIVE DATE OF THE PAY SCHEDULE The Pay Schedule shall be effective October 1, 1987. RULE 2. IMMEDIATE SALARY AIIIUS]IMENTS A. Employees now below the minimum grade shall be increased to the new minim~n. B. Employees who ere now between appropriate grades shall be increased to the next higher grade. RULE 3. USE OF THE PAY SCHEDULE FOR THE MINIMUM, MAXIMUM, AND INTEF~IEDIATE GRADES OF EACH SALARY RANGE These rules shall be interpreted so as to place each employee in the service of the City of Sanford in an appropriate grade of the salary range for the grade to which his/her position has been allocated; provided however, that an employee whose salary on the above effective date of the adoption of the Pay Schedule is above the appropriate salary of his/her grade shall remain at their present salary so long as they r~m~in in their present grade. RULE 4. APPLICATION OF THE PAY SCHEDULE The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to put the Pay Schedule into effect. SF~j~'IO~I II - AEMINISTRATION OF ~{E PAY SCHEDDIE RULE 5. ANNIVERSARY DATE OF tiMPLOtMENT IN A GRADE The date that an employee is assigned to the grade shall be the anniversary date in the grade and shall govern salary advances while the employee r~nains in that grade. RULE 6. NEW APPOINTMENTS New appointments shall normally be made at the minimum step of the appropriate pay grade or salary range. However, appointments Lmder special conditions and on the recommendation of the City Manager, may be made above the minimt~n step and in a C grade when such action is determined to be in the best interest of the City of Senford because of training or experience. RIILE 7. PERIODIC ADVANCES A. Increases within each appropriate salary range shall normally be made from the minimum (A) step: The (A) or lowest pay step shall be the probationaz~7 or hiring rate. After six (6) months, an employee is eligible for advancement to the next pay step. Should an employee not be considered qualified and advance to the second or (B) step after six (6) months with the City of Sanford, they shall not be retained in the City employment beyond a thirty (30) day period after the six (6) month anniversary date of their employment. Exceptional cases may be considered as eligible for advancement after three (3) months service. PAY SCHEDULE 10/01/87 1987 - 88 Page 2 of 4 B. The (B) or second step is considered the in-service training class. An employee shall remain in this step for a period of one year. Exceptional cases may be considered eligible for advancement to the third step after completing six (6) months in the (B) step. Should an employee orginally hired at a (B) step not be considered qualified and advance to the third or (C) step after ] 2 months with the City of Sanford, they shall not be retained by the City after that time. C. The (C) step pay rate is considered the normal pay rate for a satis- factory employee. The (C) or third step is not automatic advancement from the (B) step. Exceptional employees at (C) step may be considered for (D) step after ceapleting six (6) months and City Manager approval. An ~loyee not making the progress he/she should, shall not be advanced to the (C) or third step. Should .an employee orginally hired at (C) (C) step not be considered qualified and advance to the fourth or (D) step after ]2 months with the City of Sanford, they shall not be re- tained with the City after that time. D. The (D) or fourth step is reserved for recognition of above satis- factory performance as evidenced by positive evaluation of ability, attitude, initiative and longevity. Advancement to (E) step shall only be considered after ] 2 months of continuous service in (D) step. E. The (E) or fifth step is reserved for evidence of continued above satisfactory service with the City of Sanford. An employee is only eligible for this step after twelve months of continuous service with the City of Sanford in the (D) or fourth step. The advancement to the fifth step of the salary range is not automatic and must be evidenced by positive evaluation of ability, attitude, initiative and longevity. F. The (F) or sixth step is reserved for the employees who have mastered their position and shown continued above satisfactory service with the City of Sanford. An employee must have twelve months of continuous service in the (E) or fifth step to be considered for advancement to the (F) step. Factors for evaluating an employee for the fourth, fifth and sixth pay steps must be uniformly understood by the deparunent heads. ABILITY: The measure of the demonstrated proficiency of an employee. The knowledge and skill of the job. It includes the output and accuracy of the employee. Ability alone does not justify an advancement in the pay schedule. PAY SCHEDULE 10/0]/87 1987 - 88 Page 3 of 4 ATTITUDE: includes such factors as alertness, regularity, drive, habits, interest, co-operativeness and the ability to get along with other people. INITIATIVE: The measure of an employee' s ability to go ahead with a program or ~x3rk without close supervision and to do the extra work not necessarily required. lONGEVITY: -Is the measure of the loyalty of an employee to the City of Sanford and recognizes that years of service provide for continuity. RULE 8. ADVANCEMENT PROCEDURE Advancement within the pay schedule shall only be authorized within the appropriations provided by the City Conmission, all changes of the pay steps shall be initiated by the employee' s supervisor and made by a written request of the respective department head and must be approved by the City Manager before beccming final for steps A through F. RULE 9. TEMPORARY, PART-TIME AND OTHER CATEGORIES A. Part-time employees shall normally be paid at a rate proportional to their hours of work, consistent with the pay schedule. B. Under special conditions in the interest of the City of Sanford, temporary, part-time and other categories of employees may be paid at a special rate to be determined by the City Manager. RULE ]0. Employees promoted to a higher pay grade maybe considered for merit increase after six (6) monttm in the new classification. RULE ] 1. INTERPRETATION OF THE PAY SCHEDULE The City Manager is authorized to make necessary administrative inter- pretations concerning the pay schedule including personnel actions involving re-employment, leave of absence, suspension and demotion. RULE ] 2. COPIES AVAILABLE Copies of the approved Pay Schedule shall be available for review by all employees. PAY F_,,N ADMINISTRATION GUIDELINES 10/01/87 Page 4 of 4 Revised Pay Plan Guidelines Effective 10/1/87 I. The revised pay plan incorporates regular arithmetic deltas of 6% from step to step and 3% frcm grade to grade. Employees are placed at a grade equal to or greater than their present pay grade. ~. II. Rules of the revised plan will remain the same as rules 1-12 of the present pay plan. ~ III. The revised pay plan incorporates two (.2)additional longevity steps (L1 t~ L2 ). ' A) All employees who have been in F step for five (5) years or more will advance to L1 effective October 1, 1987. Employees will advance to L1 at the time of their annual evaluation in the'same manner as they proceeded from steps D to F. B) Longevity step L2 will be effective 10/1/92. Employees will advance to L2 after completing 5 years in L1 and in addit ion: 1 ) keeps an above average annual performance record. 2)meets the minimum qualifications as written in their position class if icat ion. IV. Existing incentive pay and stipends were integrated into the new pay schedule. (Longevity, phone service, mechanics pay, shop coordinator stipend) V1. Police and fire personnel will begin at the grade immediately above that indicated on October 1, 1987 pay' schedule remaining in their same pay step. Effective the date of their annual evaluation, if promoted, they will return to the scheduled grade at the step to which they were promoted. For example: Police officer in B Step will move to schedule III-2-B effective 10/01/87. If his annual evaluation date was 06/01/88, and if he had satisfactory performance, that officer would be scheduled at III-1-C. V2. In the case of police officers and firefighters in F step that do not fall into the longevity category, they wi,tl advance to the grade above and move to F step in that grade and remain there until they reach lon- gevity. When they reach longevity they will move to the longevity (L1 ) step of their originally assigned grade. For example: Fire lieutenants in F will go to IV-10-F and .remain there until ~hey reach five (5) years in F. At that time they will move to iV-9_L1' AUTEOEIZED PERSONNEL 10/1/87 , FY 1987-88 Page I of 3 CITY MANAGER (3) FINANCE (11) 1~City Manager 1-Finance Director * 1~Deputy City Clerk/ 1-Chief Accountant Secretary to City Manager 1-Secretary III !-Secretary II 3-Account Clerk I! 3 5-Account Clerk I 11 ADM/NISTI~ATlVE SErviCES (16) 1-Administrative Services Director PpLICE (88) 1-Secretary III ADMINISTRATION (19~) 1-Secretary II 1-Police Chief 1-Purchasing Agent 1-Police Captain 2_-Secretary I = I 1-Police Administrative Officer 6 1-Police Lieutenant 1-Secretary III I~T~/~ALAUDIT/BUDGET ANALYST (1) 2-Clerk Typist 1-Internal Audit/Budget Analyst 1-Comm. 0pr. First Class 9-Communication Operators PERSONNEL (2) 1-Data Processor 1-Personnel Officer 1-Custodial Worker 1-Data Processor I~9}P/T Special Custodial Worker Civil SERVICE ( 1 ) U~..IFORM (54~) 1-Secretary III 1-Police Captain 5-Police Lieutenant DATA PROCESSING (4) 6-Police Sergeant 2-Data Processing 5-Police Officer 1st Class Operator/Programmer 36~Police Officer 1-Computer Operator 1-Parking Enforcement Spec. !-Systems Analyst 54~ 4 INVESTIGATION (14) LICENSING (3) 1-Police Lieutenant 1-Licensing Official 1-Police Sergeant 1-Secretary I 10-Police Officer 1-Clerk Typist 1-Police Officer 1st Class i 1__-Clerk Typist 14 ENGINEERING & PLANNING (17) 1-Director Engineering & Planning FIEN (47) 1-City Planner ADMINISTRATION (5) 1-Engineering Technician 1-Fire Chief 1-Engineering Drafter 1-Assistant Fire Chief 1-Secretary III 1-Fire Marshall 1_-Clerk Typist 1-Fire Protection Inspector 6 1_-Secretary II 5 BUILDING (8) 1-Building & Zoning Official UNIFORM (42) 4-Building Inspectors 3-Battallion Chief 1-Zoning & Arbor Inspector 6-Fire Lieutenan~ 1-Secretary III ! 3-Senior Firefighter 1_-Secretary I 3-Firefighter/Mechanic 8 27__-Firefighter ** 42 * ALSO SERVES AS CITY CLERK ** FIEFIGHTERS ALSO SERVE AS MECHANICS (1 per shift) AUTHORIZED PEPaONNEL 10/1/87 FY 87/88 Page 2 of 3 CDBG (3) MAINTENANCE (10~) 1-Community Development Officer 1-Maintenance Supt. 1-Building Inspector 1-Electronics Tech. !-Secretary II 6-Tradesworker 3 1-Custodial Worker/Part-time 1-Custodial Lead Worker RECREATION (23~) 10__~aP/T Special Custodial Worker ADMINISTRATION (11~) 1-Dir. Recreation & Parks 1-Recreation Superintendent GROUND MAI~TmNANCE (11) 3-Recreation Supervisor 1-Master Gardener 1-Administrative Aide 3-Gardener 1-Secretary I 7-Maintenance Worker 1,Library/Museum Curator 11 1-Custodial Lead Worker 1-Custodial Worker 1-Clerk Typist UTILITIES (71) P/T Special Custodial Worker ADMINISTRATION (10) 1-Utility Director 1-Utility Technician PARKS & CE~m-£~K~ (12) 1-Secretary III 1-Parks Superintendent 1-Customer Service Supv. 1-Field Supervisor 4-Customer Service Rep. I 3-Maintenance Worker II 1-Customer Service II 7-Maintenance Worker I 1-Data Processor II 12 10 PUBLIC WORKS (82) WATER DISTRIBUTION (16) ADM/NISTRATION (2) 1-Water 8upertindent 1-Director Public Works 3-Foreman !-Secretary III 2-Maintenance Worker III 2 4-Maintenance Worker II 5-Maintenance Worker I STREETS (23~) 1__-Equipment Operator II 1-Street Superintendent 16 1-Street Supervisor 2-Foreman PLANTS (24) 3-Heavy Equipment Operator 1-Utility Plant Supt. 3-Equipment Operator II 1-Utility Plant Supv. 4-Equipment Operator I 1-Utility Water Plant Supv. 3-Maintenance Worker II 2-Utility Plant Opr. III 6-Maintenance WorkerI 1-Electrical Technician 2~3)Secretary II 1-Laboratory Technician ~ 4-Utility Plant Opr. II 1~Utility Plant Maint/Mechanic SHOP (9) 4~Utility Plant Opr. t l-Fleet Maint. Supt. 2-Utility Plant Opr. Trainee 1-Lead Mechanic 1-Equipment Opr. I 2-Mechanic II 1~Maintenance Worker II 3-Mechanic I * 4__-Maintenance Worker I 1-Maintenance Worker II 24 1-Storekeeper 9 · (1) Mechanic I paid thru Streets Div. · (1) Mechanic I paid thruRefuse Div. · (1) Mechanic I paid thru Water Dist. AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 10/1/87 FY 87/88 Page 3 of 3 REFUSE (27) S.EWER (21) 1-Refuse Supt. 1-Sewer Supt. 1-Field Supv. 2-Heavy Equipment 0pr. ll-Equipment Opr. II 3-Foreman 13-Refuse Collector 1-Equipment Opr. II ~Secretary II 2-Equipment Opr. I ~P/T Special Custodial Worker 2-Maintenance Worker II 27 10__-Maintenance Worker I 21 TOTAL AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL - FY 1987/88 BUDGET GENERAL FUND 2582 REFUSE 28 UTILITY 72 3582 Does not include Civil Service Secretary (Secretary III) POSITION CI~ASSIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 10/1/87 Page 1 of 4 POSITION PAY SCHR-DULE PAY GRADE ACCOUNT CLEP~K I II 27 ACCOUNT CLEPa~ II II 33 ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE II 33 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DIRECTOR I 56 ASSISTANT CiTY MANAGER I 53 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 35 BUILDING & ZONING OFFICIAL II 44 CHIEF ACCOUNTANT II 53 CITY PLANNER II 53 CLERK TYPIST II 22 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT OFFICER II 49 COMPUTER OPERATOR II 24 CUSTODIAL LEAD WORKER I 22 CUSTODIAL WOPd<ER I CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE II 22 CUSTOMER SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE II II 23 CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR II 35 DATA PROCESSING OPERATOR/PROGRAF. a~ER II 35 DATA PROCESSOR I II 23 DATA PROCESSOR II II 24 DEPUTY CITY CLERK/SECRETARY TO CITY MGR. II 35 ELECTRICAL TECHNICIAN I 31 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN I 32 ENGINEERING DRAFTER II 28 ENGINEERING & PLANNING DIP, ECTOR I 56 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 42 POSITION CLASSIFICATION TABLE OF CONTE~TS 10/]/87 Page 2 of 4 POSITION. PAY Su~u~uULE PAY GPADE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I I 21 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II I 22 FIELD SUPERVISOR I 32 FINANCE DIRECTOR I 56 FLEET MAINTENANCE SUPT. I 37 FOREMAN I 31 GARDENER I 32 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I 28 INTERNAL AUDIT/BUDGET ANALYST II 49 LABORATORY TECHNICIAN I 31 LEAD MECHANIC I 34 LIBRARY/MUSEUM CURATOR I 37 LICENSING OFFICIAL II 33 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT I 39 MAINTENANCE WORKER I I 17 MAINTENANCE WOPd<ER II I 21 MAINTENANCE WOREER III I 22 MASTER GARDENER I 37 MECHANIC HELPER I 20 MECHANIC I I 28 MECHANIC II I 31 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT I 37 PERSONNEL OFFICER II 43 PUBLIC UTILITIES DIRECTOR I 56 PUBLIC WOP, KS DIRECTOR I 54 PURCHASING AGENT II 40 POSITION CLASSIFICATION TABLE OF CONTENTS 10/1/87 Page 3 of 4 POSITION PAY SCHEDULE PAY GRADE PaCREATION &PARKS DIRECTOR I 53 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT I 37 RECREATION SUPERVISOR I 31 REFUSE COLLECTOR I 19 REFUSE PACKER LOADER/DRIVER I 22 REFUSE SUPERINTENDENT I 39 SECRETARY I II 25 SECRETARY II II 28 SECRETARY III II 29 SEWER SUPERINTENDENT I 39 STOREKEEPER I 28 STREET SUPERVISOR I 37 STREET SUPERINTENDENT I 43 SYSTEMS ANALYST II 51 TRADESWORKER I 28 UTILITY PLANT MAINT./MECHANIC I 31 UTILITY PLANT OPERATOR I I 27 UTILITY PLANT OPERATOR II I 29 UTILITY PLANT OPERATOR III I 31 UTILITY PLANT OPERATOR TRAINEE I 24 UTILITY PLANT SUPERINTENDENT I 40 UTILITY WASTEWATER SUPERVISOR I 37 UTILITY TECHNICIAN II 42 UTILITY WATER PLANT SUPERVISOR I 35 WATER SUPERINTENDENT I 39 ZONING & ARBOR INSPECTOR II 35 ' POSITION CLASSIFICATION 10/1/87 Page 4 of 4 1987/88 PUBLIC SAFETY DEPARTMENTS (PLUS 5% ADDITIONAL CARRIED IN PENSION ACCOUNT) POLICE DEPARTMENT POSITION PAY SC~U~uULE PAY GRADE POLICE CHIEF I 56 POLICE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER III 9 * POLICE CAPTAIN I 51 POLICE LIEUTENANT ** III 14 * POLICE LIEUTENANT III 9 * POLICE SERGEANT III 6 * POLICE OFFICER FIRST CLASS III 3 * POLICE OFFICER III 1 * PARKING ENFORCEMENT SPECIALIST I 22 POLICE COMMUNICATION OPR. 1st CLASS I 24 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS OPERATOR I 22 FIRE DEPA/~i~NT ~ FIRE CHIEF I 56 ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF I 51 BATALLION CHIEF IV 14 FIRE LIEUTENANT IV 9 * FIRE MARSHALT, IV 9 * FIRE PROTECTION INSPECTOR IV 6 * SENIOR FIREFIGHTER IV 6 * FIREFIGHTER IV 1 * FIREF!GHTER/MECHANI~ IV 3 * · SPECIAL RULES APPLY FY 1987/88 · * POLICE LIEUTENANT ACTING AS W~TCH COMMANDER .il'