HomeMy WebLinkAbout1845 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: The Code of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby amended by adding Chapter 28 Article VI "Impact Fees", as follows: "Chapter 28 Article VI - Impact Fees. Section 28-137: SHORT TITLE, AUTHORITY, AND APPLICABILITY. A. This Chapter shall be known and may be cited as Sanford Impact Fee Ordinance. B. The City Commission has authority to adopt this Chapter pursuant to Article VIII of the 1968 Florida Constitution, and Chapters 163 and 166 of the Florida Statutes, and the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida. C. Planning for new capital improvements needed to serve new growth and development that generate the need for additional improvements and the implementation of these plans through the comprehensive planning process, is a responsibility of theCity under Section 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes, and is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City. Section 28-138: INTENT AND PURPOSE A. The City Commmission has determined and recognized through adoption of this and prior impact fee ordinances, that new growth and development which the City will experience will necessitate extensive improvements, capital facilities and infrastructure, including water and sewer systems and plants. In order to finance the necessary new capital improvements, several combined methods of financing shall be employed, one of which will impose a regulatory impact fee on new growth and development which does not exceed the reasonably anticipated costs of the capital expenditures required to serve future growth and new development by providing for needed plant capacity and infrastructure additions. B. Implementing a regulatory scheme that requires new development to pay an Impact Fee that does not exceed the reasonably anticipated capital costs incurred to serve new growth and development is the responsibility of the City in order to carry out the policy and intent of its Comprehensive Plan, as amended and adopted under Section 163.3161 et seq., Florida Statutes, and is in the best interest of the health, safety and welfare of the citizens of the City. C. The purpose of this Chapter is to enable the City of Sanford to allow growth and development to proceed in the City in compliance with the Comprehensive Plan, and to regulate growth and developoment so as to require growth and development to share in the burdens of growth by paying for the reasonably anticipated capital costs attributable to growth and new development. D. It is not the purpose of this Chapter to collect fees from growth and development in excess of the cost of the reasonably anticipated capital requirements needed to serve the new growth and development. The City Commission hereby finds that this Chapter has approached the problem of determining impact fees in a conservative and reasonable manner. This Chapter will result in only partial recoupment of the capital expenditures attributable to future growth and new development. Impact fees will not be utilized to correct any existing deficiencies in any fashion whatsoever. E. Absent an Impact Agreement pursuant to Section 9(B) of this Chapter it shall be the policy of the City of Sanford to collect the impact fees assessed by this Chapter in lieu of any off-site improvements. F. The Technical Data, Findings and Conclusions herein are based on the Cityof Sanford Comprehensive Plan and the Water/Sewer Impact Fee Study of 1986. Section 28-139: RULES OF CONSTRUCTION For the purposes of administration and enforcement of this Chapter, unless otherwise stated in this Chapter, the following rules of construction shall apply: A. In case of any difference of meaning or implication between the text of this Chapter and any caption, illustration, summary table or illustrative table, the text shall control. B. The word "shall" is always mandatory and not discretionary; and the word "may" is permissive. C. Words used in the present tense shall include the future and words used in the singular number shall include the plural and the plural the singular, unless the context clearly indicates the contrary. D. The word "person" includes an individual, a corporation, a partnership, an incorporated association, or any other similar entity. E. Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, where a regulation involves two (2) or more items, conditions, provisions, or events connected by the conjunction "and", "or" or "either...or", the conjunction shall be interpreted as follows: (1) "And" indicates that all the connected terms, conditions, provisions or events shall apply. (2) "Or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions or events may apply singly or in any combination. (3) "Either...or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions or events shall apply singly but not in combination. F. The word "include(s)" shall not limit a term to the specific example, but is intended to extend its meaning to all other instances or circumstances of like kind or ~haracter. Section 28-140: DEFINITIONS The following terms in this Ordinance shall have the meanings specified herein. A. Adopted Definitions: There is hereby adopted by reference those definitions contained within the Water/Sewer Impact Fee Study, 1986, by Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc. to the extent same are not inconsistent with this Chapter or the definitions provided herein. B. Applicant: The person who applies for a building permit. C. Building Permit: An official document or certificate issued by the City authorizing the commencement of construction of any structure. D. Capital Improvement: Includes the planning of, engineering for, acquisition of land or equipment, and the construction of improvements for water and sewer plants and infrastructure. E. Encumbered: Committed in capital improvements for a specified improvement on a specified time schedule not in excess of five (5) years, or committed by contract or interlocal governmental agreement for improvement construction or acquisition such that the City is obligated to expend the committed or encumbered funds. F. Impact Fee Component: That portion of the impact fee attributable to water or sewer systems. G. Impact Generating Land Development Activity: Is land dvelopment designed or intended to permit a use of the land which will contain more dwelling units or plumbing fixtures than the then existing use of the land in a manner that requires new water or sewer service/capacity. H. Off Site Improvement: Improvements located outside of the boundaries of the parcel proposed for development. Water and/or sewer system improvements which shall be required to connect to existing City water or sewer systems, including right- of-way or easements, lift stations, and drainage improvements shall be considered on site improvements for purposes of this Chapter, regardless of the actual location. Section 28-141: ADOPTION OF IMPACT FEE STUDY The City Commission hereby adopts by reference the study entitled "Water/Sewer Impact Fee Study" dated September 15, 1986, as prepared by Conklin, Porter & Holmes Engineers, Inc., Sanford, Florida, as it relates to the computation and allocation of the capital costs of new improvements to be borne by new users of such improvements. Section 28-142: IMPACT FEE IMPOSED A. There is hereby imposed upon all impact-generating land development activity as herein defined an impact fee due at the time of issuance of a building permit, and no building permit shall be issued until said impact fee shall have been paid except as otherwise herein provided. The fee shall be determined in accordance with the following schedules. If the building permit is for less than the entire contemplated development, the fee shall be computed for the amount of development covered by the permit. The obligations for payment of impact fees shall run with the land. B. Any person who shall initiate any new impact- generating land development activity shall, except as otherwise provided for herein, pay an impact fee as determined by the following schedules.: Water System Impact Fees Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC) = 300 Gallons per Day (GPD) Residential - $650/Unit - Single family structure, or multi-family unit containing 3 bedrooms or more. $487.50/Unit - Multi-family unit or Mobile Home unit con- containing less than 3 bedrooms. (This category is based on judgment/assumption, estimation that such family units on average require 75% = 225 GPD of the water and sewer service of an average single family unit. Commercial - $650/ERU - Fixture unit schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be u~ed. One ERU will be charged for con- nection and up to 20 fixture units. For projects having more than 20 fixture units the Impact Fee will be determined by increments of 25% based on multiples of 5 fixture unit base for the first ERU. (Example 25 fixture units will be rated as 1.25 ERU; 26 fixture units will be rated as 1.5 ERU.) Sewage System Impact Fee Equivalent Residential Connections = 270 Gallons per Day (GPD) Residential - $1700/Unit Single family structure, or multi-family unit containing 3 bedrooms or more. $1275/Unit - Multi-family unit or Mobile Home unit con- taining less than 3 bedrooms. (This category is based on judgment/assumption/estimation that such family units on average require 75% of water service of an average single family unit. Commercial Industrial - Institutional $1700/Unit - Fixture unit schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be used. One ERU will be charged for connection and up t'o 20 fixture units. For projects having more than 20 fixture units the Impact Fee will be determined by increments of 25% based on multiples of 5 fixture units above the 20 fixture unit base for the first ERU. (Example - 25 fixture units will be rated as 1.25 ERU; 26 fixture units will be rated as 1.5 ERU.) C. Any developer who, prior to the effective date of this Chapter agreed as a condition of development approval to pay impact fees, shall be responsible for the payment of the fees under the terms of such agreement. Any portion of impact fees agreed to be paid pursuant to a prior agreement that are greater than the fees established in this Ordinance shall be refunded. Any impact fees paid since November 11, 1985, that are greater than fees established by this Ordinance shall be refunded upon request of the payer or current owner if the property was subsequently transferred. D. In the event that an applicant for building permit contends that the land use for which the building permit is proposed is not within the above categories or fits within a different category from that determined by the Utility Department, the Utility Director or his designee shall make a determination as to the appropriate land use designation. Such determination may be appealed to the City Commission. E. Where new development involves the redevelopment of land such that existing impact generating development is removed or substantially altered the new development impact fees shall be computed on the additional or new impacts only. Impact fees shall be computed for the existing development and such sum shall then be subtracted from the impact fees calculated for the new development. It being the City's intent to collect impact fees for only that additional impact generated by redevelopment over and above the impact attributable to the existing development. Section 28-143: ALTERNATIVE IMPACT FEE CALCULATION AUTHORIZED In the event an applicant believes that the cost of improvements needed to serve his proposed development is less than the fee established in Section 25-6 of this Chapter, the applicant may submit an alternative fee calculation to the Director of Engineering and Planning or his designee pursuant to the provisions of this Section. If the Director of Engineering and Planning or his designee finds that the data, information assumptions formulae and methodology used by the applicant to calculate the alternative impact fee satisfy the requirements of this Chapter, the alternative impact fee shall be deemed the impact fee due and owing for the proposed development. Section 28-144: PROCEDURE FOR REVIEW OF ALTERNATIVE IMPACT FEE CALCULATION A. The alternative impact fee calculations shall be based on data, information, assumptions, formulae and methodology contained in this Chapter and the studies referred to in Sections 28-138(f) and 28-~'B,1 herein, or independent sources, provided that: (1) the independent source is accepted standard source of engineering and planning data or information, or (2) the independent source is a local study carried out by a qualified planner or engineer pursuant to an accepted methodology of planning or engineering, or (3) where different data information, assumptions, formulae or methodology are employed such differences shall be specifically identified and justified. B. An alternative impact fee calculation shall be undertaken through the submission of an Application for Review of an Alternative Impact Fee calculation for the impact fee component for which an alternative impact fee calculation is requested. A developer may submit such an application for any proposed land development activity for which it concludes the nature, timing, or location of the proposed development make it likely to generate impacts costing substantially more to remedy than the amount of the fee that would be generated by the use of the fee schedules included in this Chapter. C. Within twenty (20) days of receipt of an application for Review of an Alternative Impact Fee calculation the Director of Engineering and Planning, or his designee, shall determine if the application is complete. If the Director of Engineering and Planning, or his designee, determines that the application is not complete, he shall send a written statement specifying the deficiencies by mail to the person submitting the application. The application shall be deemed complete if no deficiencies are specified. the Director of Engineering and Planning, or his designee, shall take no further action on the application until it is deemed complete. D. When the Director of Engineering and Planning, or his designee, determines the application is complete, he shall review it and render a written decision in thirty (30) days on whether the fee should be modified, and if so, what the amount should be. E. If the Director of Engineering and Planning, or his designele, finds that the data, information, assumptions, formulae and methodology used by the applicant to compute the Alternative Impact Fee calculation satisfies the requirements of this Chapter, the fee determined in the Alternative Impact Fee calculation shall be deemed the fee due and owing for the proposed land development activity. This adjustment in the fee shall be set forth in a Fee Agreement which shall be entered into pursuant to Section 28-145. F. A determination by the Director of Engineering and Planning, or his designee, that the alternative impact fee calculation does not satisfy the requirements of this section may be appealed to the City Commission. Section 28-145: PRESUMPTIONS, AGREEMENT AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS A. The proposed development shall be presumed to generate the maximum impact generated by the development in accordance with the approved site plan and requested building permits. B. In lieu of the payment of fees as calculated in Sections 28-142 or 28-143 of this Chapter, any applicant may propose to enter into an impact agreement with the City designed to establish just and equitable fees or their equivalent and standards of service appropriate to the circumstances of the specific development proposed. Such an agreement may include, but shall not be limited to, provisions which: (1) modify the presumption of maximum impact set forth in subsection (a) of this Section and provide an impact fee which may differ from that set forth in Section 28-142 of this Chapter by specifying the nature of the proposed development for the purposes of computing actual impact, provided that the agreement shall establish legally enforceable means for ensuring that the impact will not exceed the impact generated by the agreed upon development; (2) permit the construction of specific improvements in lieu of or with a credit against the impact fees assessable and/or pursuant to a payback schedule, allow the developer to recover the actual cost of such improvements in excess of the amount which would have been assessed by this Chapter as subsequent users of such improvements obtain building permits and pay impact fees; (3) permit a schedule and method for payment of the fees in a manner appropriate to the particular circumstances of the proposed development in lieu of the requirements for payment of the fees as set forth in Section 28-142, provided that security is posted ensuring payment of the fees, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, which security may be in the form of a cash bond, surety bond, irrevocable letter of credit, negotiable certificate of deposit or escrow account, or lien or mortgage on lands to be covered by the building permit. C. Any agreement proposed by an applicant pursuant to this subsection shall be presented to and approved by the City Commission prior to the issuance of a building permit. Any such agreement may provide for execution by mortgagees, lienholders or contract purchasers in addition to the landowner, and may permit any party to record such agreement in the Offical Records of Seminole County. The City Commission shall approve such an agreement only if it finds that the agreement will apportion the burden of expenditure for new facilities in a just and equitable manner, consistent with the principles set forth in Contractors & Builders Association v. City of Dunedin, 329 So.2d 314 (Fla. 1976), Hollywood, Inc. v. Broward County, 431 So. 2d 352 (Fla. 1983) and Home Builders and Contractors Association of Palm Beach County, Inc. v. Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, 446 So.2d 140 (Fla. 4th DCA 1984), cert. denied 451So.2d 848 (Fla. 1984). Section 28-146: CREDITS A. An applicant shall be entitled to a credit against any impact fee assessed pursuant to this Chapter in an amount equal to the cost of off-site improvements or contributions of land, money or services for off-site improvements contributed or previously contributed, paid for or committed to by the applicant or his predecessor in interest as a condition of any development permit issued by City of Sanford for the same development or for excess capacity created by the applicant or his predecessor in interest where such excess capacity is provided at the request of the City and credit for same is agreed to by the City in advance of the creation of the excess capacity and provided for in an impact fee agreement. On-site facilities constructed for effluent disposal up to the capacity needed for the development shall not be considered as a credit, but capacity over and above the needed capacity shall entitle the applicant to a credit with the amount proportional to the approved extra cost. The cost of such improvments shall be based on the following criteria. (1) the actual cost, or estimated cost of off-site improvements based on recent bid information of the City of Sanford; and (2) the appraised fair market land value of the contributed parcel as of the date of building permit, agreement to contribute, or contribution, whichever is earlier, as determined by an M.A.I. appraiser selected and paid for by the applicant. In the event the Director of Engineering and Planning or his designee disagrees with the appraised value, he may engage another appraiser and the value shall be an amount equal to the average of the two appraisals. (3) Any credit issued shall take into account as an offset to said credit an amount equal to the impact fee imposed by Section 28-142 for all building permits issued to date for the same development as if this Chapter had been effect at the time of issuance of said permits. B. Improvements required by previous development permits shall not be given a credit unless they meet the requirements of subsection A. above. C. Credit for contributions, payments, construction or dedications of any impact fee component shall not be transferable to another component. Credit shall be transferable only within the same component and within the same development. D. The credit determination shall be made by the Director of Engineering and Planning or his designee upon application. The application shall include: (1) A drawing and legal description of the contributed or to be contributed land or improvement. (2) An appraisal of the contributed or to be contributed land fixing value of the land as of the date of issuance of earliest building permit, actual contribution or agreement to contribute, whichever is earliest. (3) The actual cost, with appropriate documentation, or projected cost, with appropriate documentation, of any improvement contributed or to be constructed and contributed. E. If the application for credit is approved by the Utility Director or his designee, a Credit Agreement shall be prepared and signed by the applicant and the City. It shall specifically outline the contribution, payment, construction or land dedication, the time by which it shall be completed, dedicated, or paid, and any extensions thereof, and the dollar credit the applicant shall receive for the contribution, payment, construction or land. F. A determination by the Utility Director, or his designee, as to an application for credit may be appealed to the City Commission. Section 28-147: VESTED RIGHTS A. A developer or successor in interest of land which has received a development permit may petition the City Commission for a vested rights determination which would exempt the petitioner from the provisions of this Chapter. Such petition shall be evaluated by the City Attorney's Office and a recommendation thereon submitted to the City Commission based on the following criteria: (1) There exists a valid, unexpired governmental act of authorizing the specific development for which a determination is sought; (2) Expenditures or obligations made or incurred in reliance upon the authorizing act that are reasonably equivalent to the fees required by this Chapter; (3) That it would be inequitable to deny the petitioner the opportunity to complete the previously approved development under the conditions of approval by requiring the developer to comply with the requirements of this Chapter. For the purposes of this paragraph, the following factors shall be considered in determining whether it would be inequitable to deny the petitioner the opportunity to complete the previously approved development. (i) whether the injury suffered by the petitioner outweighs the public cost of allowing the development to go forward without payment of the fee required by this Chapter; (ii) whether the expenses or obligations were made or incurred subsequent to November 11, 1985, after which date the adoption of this Chapter was pending; and (iii) whether the operation of this Chapter would create an onerous burden which would prevent petitioner from making a reasonable return on his investment. B. If a previously approved development contained conditions respecting impacts, impact fees and their designated uses, or improvements, the developer, or its successor, may request a modification of such prior approvals in order to bring the approval conditions into consistency with this Chapter. Any such modification of prior approvals and amendments to development permits so accomplished shall not be deemed a substantial change under the Sanford Planned Unit Development Regulations or a substantial deviation under Chapter 380 of the Florida Statutes. Section 28-148: USE OF FUNDS COLLECTED AND RETURN OF UNUSED FUNDS A. The impact fees collected by the City pursuant to this section shall be kept separate from other revenue of the City. The following trust fund accounts are hereby established: (1) Water - one general account for citywide assessments; (2) Sewer - one general account for citywide assessments; B. No impact fees shall be expended on a particular capital improvement pursuant to this Chapter unless or until the City Commission identifies sources of funds for right-of-way acquisition, construction of improvements or acquisition of capital facilities needed to overcome existing service deificiencies for a particular capital improvement which deficiency is not attributable to new growth and development, so as to ensure that impact fees are not utilized to correct existing deficiencies. C. The funds collected by reason of the establishment of the impact fees in accordance with this Chapter shall be used solely for the purpose of acquisition, expansion and development of the capital assets determined to be needed to serve new development, to include the debt service, principal and interest of loans or parts of loans which were used solely for the purpose of acquisition, expansion and development of the capital assets determined to be needed to serve new development. D. All funds shall be used exclusively for the capital assets for which they were collected and in a manner consistent with the principles set forth in Contractors & Builders Association v. City of Dunedin, 329 So. 2d 314 (Fla.1976), Hollywood, Inc. v. Broward County, 431 So. 2d 606 (Fla. 4th DCA 1983) cert. denied, 440 So. 2d 352 (Fla. 1983), and Home Builders and Contractors Association of Palm Beach County, Inc. v. Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County, 446 So. 2d 140 (Fla. 4th DCA 1984), cert. denied, 451 So. 2d 848 (Fls. 1984), and otherwise consistent with all requirements of the Constitution of the United States and the State of Florida and all applicable laws. Said funds shall not be used to maintain or repair any existing facilities or to correct any existing deficiencies. E. Funds withdrawn from these accounts must be used solely in accordance with the provisions of this section. The disbursal of such funds shall require the approval of the City Commission upon recommendation of the City Manager. F. Any funds on deposit not immediately necessary for expenditure shall be invested in interest-bearing accounts. Funds may be pooled for investment provided all income derived from the funds' assets shall be deposited in the applicable trust account. G. The fees collected pursuant to this Chapter shall be returned to the then present owner of the development if the fees have not been encumbered or spent by the end of the calendar quarter immediately following six (6) years from the date the fees were received, or if the development for which the fees were paid was never begun, in accordance with the following procedure: (1) The then present owner must petition the City Commission for the refund within one (1) year following the end of the calendar quarter immediately following six (6) years from the date on which the fee was received. (2) The petition must be submitted to the City Manager and must contain: i) a notarized sworn statement that the petitioner ~s the current owner of the property or his authorized agent; (ii) a copy of the dated receipt issued for payment of the fee or other competent evidence of payment; (iii) a certificate of title or attorney's title opinion showing the petitioner to be the current owner of the property or his authorized agent; (iv) a copy of the most recent ad valorem tax bill. (v) a copy of the building permit or development agreement pursuant to which the impact fees were paid. (3) Within sixty (60) days from the date of receipt of petition for refund, the City Manager or his designee shall advise the petitioner and the City Commission of the status of the fee requested for refund. For the purposes of determining whether fees have been spent or encumbered, the first money placed in a trust fund account shall be deemed to be the first money taken out of that account when withdrawals have been made in accordance with Paragraph C. above. (4) When the money requested is still in the trust fund account and has not been spent or encumbered by the end of the calendar quarter immediately following ten (10) years from the date the fees were paid, the money shall be returned with interest at the rate of six percent (6%) per annum. (5) When a refund is requested because construction was never begun, all development approvals shall have expired and the applicant shall execute an agreement acknowledging the expiration of development approval. Section 28-149: EXEMPTIONS The following shall be exempted from payment of the Impact Fees to the extent there is no increase in impact associated with the property or use. A. Alterations or minor expansions of an existing structure where the use, number of housing units, or number of fixture units in the case of non-residential construction is not changed. B. The construction of the accessory buildings or structures. C. The replacement of a building or structure with a new building or structure of similar size and use. D. Development undertaken by the City of Sanford or Seminole County, except in the case of water/sewer impact fees. Water/sewer impact fees shall be paid. Section 28-150: REVIEW This Chapter shall be reviewed after public hearing by the City Commission annually during the month of May. The review shall consider all factors utilized in the most recent computation of impact fees. The purpose of this review is to analyze the effects of inflation on the actual costs of capital improvements, and to ensure that the fee charged new land development activity will not exceed its reasonably anticipated expansion costs for capital improvements necessitated by its presence. Section 28-151: PENALTY Violations of this Chapter shall constitute a misdemeanor of the second degree enforceable in accordance with Section 1-8 of the City Code. Notwithstanding the criminal penalty provided for herein, the City may obtain an injunction or other legal or equitable relief in the circuit court against any person violating this Chapter.,, SECTION 2: The Code of the City of Sanford, Florida Chapter 28 Article III Water, Sewer and Drainage Connection and Control Charge, Section 28-43 is amended to read as follows: "S ion 28-43. Imposed; amount. ect Except as otherwise provided, every property owner whose property first receives water and sewer services from systems owned or controlled by the City shall pay to the City a water and sewer connection fee in the following amounts: (a) Residential. (1) All residential units shall pay per dwelling unit the sum of: Connection Fee Growth Water Tap Sewer Tap Deposit Total $2,350.00 $130.00(3/4") $260.00 $50.00 $2,790.00 (2) All residential units using a water meter larger than 3/4 inches, shall pay the water tap portion of the connection fee as follows: Water Meter Size Proposed Fee 3/4 inch $ 130.00 1 inch 210.00 1 1/2 inch 400.00 2 inch 500.00 3 inch 2,990.00 or they install 4 inch 4,400.00 or they install 6 inch 7,520.00 or they install (3) The sewer tap costs of the connection fee shall be $260.00 for each sewer tap made. (4) Any water or sewer tap work that requires any street cut or tunneling of the pavement shall pay an additional $250.00 for each such tap. (b) Nonresidential. (1) All nonresidential services shall pay a connection fee based on the following schedule: Connection Fee Growth Water Tap Sewer Tap Deposit Total 2,350.00(min) $130.00(3/4") $260.00 $50.00(min) 2,790.00 (2) All nonresidential connections using a water meter larger than 3/4 inches, shall pay the water tap portion of the connection fee on the same fee schedule as set forth for residential units in (2) above. (3) All nonresidential connections using a sewer tap shall pay $260.00 for each sewer tap. (4) Any nonresidential water or sewer tap work that requires a street cut or tunneling of the pavement, shall pay an additional $250.00 for each such tap. (c All revenues generated by the water and/or sewer tap portion of the connection fee shall be placed in the utility general fund for operational costs. (d) The minimum utility deposit shall be fifty dollars ($50.00). For multi-residential services and all nonresidential services, the amount of the deposit shall be the monthly average of three consecutive monthly city service bills or as designated by the City Manager based on the specific billing and connection procedures required by any specific account. Any special deposit is subject to review by the City Commission. (e) If any developer undertakes to perform the water or sewer tap work, subject to inspection by the City of Sanford inspector, the City Manager may approve the appropriate deduction of the proportionate cost from the connection fee for the tap work done by the developer. (f) The full amount of the connection fee is due and payable to the City of Sanford at the time and on the date that a building permit is issued. The connection fee shall be for a specific lot and address. (g) The connection fee for all water and/or sewer services supplied by the City of Sanford, but that are located beyond the city limits of Sanford, shall pay a connection fee to the City of Sanford in the amount of the above rate plus twenty-five (25) percent." SECTION 3: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitu- tional, it shall not be held to impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 4: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby revoked. SECTION 5: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of~~/~J , A.D. 1986. ATTEST: C E R T I I, H. N. Tapam, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1845, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 22nd day of December, 1986~ was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 23rd day of December, 1986.