HomeMy WebLinkAbout1710This Instrument Prepared By: City Attorney William L. Colbert P. O. Box 1778,~'~nford, FL 32771. ~ ' I , ORB 1571 PG 1566 ORDINANCE NO. 1710 .!? -..~<~ ~ ~ O~E OF 5 CI~ OF EO~, ~DA, ~ ~ c, ~ ~S~G, ~T~G ~ ~N~G A ~ (10) .~7'~ ~ "~ ~ ~ ~ LY~G ~T OF ~ ~ ~ ....< C~> ~; PR~DING S~ILI~, ~I~S, ~ ~-~-,~ ~, ~e ~ers of ~t cem~ real prope~ ~utt~g a ten (10) f~t easeent ly~g West of ~rt Boulev~d ~d ~en West 25~ S~eet ad Com~ Ci~ Road, appli~ to ~e City of ~ford, Florida, ~eir application to ~ve s~d pro~y close, vacat~ ~d ~.doned; ~d ~, a p~lic h~g was held on Au~st 13, 1984, for ~nsideration ~d dete~ation as to ~e~er or not ~e clos~g, vacating ad ~don~g of that ~a~ prop~ should ~ all~; ad ~, ~e City C~ssion ~s detem~ ~t ~e clos~g, vacating, ad ~doning of ~t c~h pro~y does not conflict wi~ the C~preensive Pla of ~e Ci~ of S~ford, Florida, ~d t~t ~e p~lic healS, econ~, c~ort, order, convenience ~d welf~e will ~ pr~oted ~y such clos~g, vacating ad ~do~g. N~, ~E~, BE IT ~CI'~ BY ~ P~P~ OF ~ CI~ OF SEE, F~EDA: S~TION 1: ~e ten (10) f~t ~s~nt lyhg West of ~rt ~ev~d ~d ~t~ West 25~ S~eet ~d Comt~ Ci~ Road, rare ~ic~ly descr~ as foll~s: ~e West 10' ~d ~e No~ 10' of ~e West 90' of t~ foll~ing: ~gin 6-1/2 c~s ~st of ~e Sou~st co~er of S~tion 35, ~.ms~p 19 Sou~, ~ge 30 ~st, ~ ~ence Nor~ 12-1/2 c~hs, West 8 chains, ~u~ 12-1/2 c~ins, East 8 c~hs to ~gi~hg (less 15' for road). ~ ~d ~e s~ is her~y cloud, ~cat~, ~d ~don~. SETION 2: If ~y section or ~r~on of a se~ion of t~s ordh~ce proves to ~ hvalid, mla~, or mconstitutional, it shall not ~ held to hvalidate or ~air ~e validity, force or effect of ~y o~er s~tion or p~t of ~s ordinance. S~TION 3: ~t all or~n~ces or ~ts of or~n~nces h confli~ he~with, ~ ~d the sa ~e her~y re~l~. SECTION 4: That this ordinance shall becGne effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED ~ND ADOPI'~3 this 13t__h d~ , A. D., 1984. :~' ~ /! .~ O "~ MAYOR DEPU?Y ~ : 0 a 0 CERTIFICATE I, Rosa M. Rotundo, Deputy City Clerk of the City Df Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and sorrect copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1710, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 13th day of August, 1984, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of i"i:!' / '. As the Deputy City Clerk of the ~. "- '~ ~' ' City of Sanford, Florida