HomeMy WebLinkAbout1706 ORDINANCE NO. 1706 AN ORDINAN''~ OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, '"'~OR]DA, REGULATING ~REES WITHIN THE CITY LIMI1S BY REQUIRING PERMITS FOR REMOVAL OF TREES, PROVIDING APPLICATION PROCEDURES, EXEMPTIONS AND EXCEPTIONS, REQUIRING THE PRESERVATION OF TREES DURING DEVELOPMENT AND CONSTRUCTION, PROVIDING REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO UTILITY COMPANIES, DEFINING REPLACEMENT STOCK, PROVIDING AN APPEALS PROCEDURE, PENALTIES, CONFLICTS, SEVERABILITY AND EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: The Code of the City of Sanford, Florida be and the same is hereby amended by the adoption of Chapter 27½ "Trees" to read as follows: 1. Definitions. As used in this Chapter, the following terms shall mean as indicated below. a. Buildable area: That portion of a site within t'he' yard area on which a .structure or improvement's, including driveways and parking lots, may be erected. b. City Engineer: The Engineer for the City of Sanford, or his designee, or anyone acting under his direction and approval. c. Developed: That point in time when the building and site have received final inspections and certificates of occupancy issued. d. Drip Line: The vertical line running through the outermost portion of the tree crown extending to the ground. e. Single-family lot: An area of land not larger than five (5) acres in size, developed for and restricted to, a single-fami!y residence. f. Tree: Any living self-supporting perennial plant which has a trunk diameter of a least six (6) inches measures three (3) feet above grade (at the base ef the tree) and normally grows to a minimum overall height of fifteen feet. g. Trees planted for harvest: All trees which have been planted, or shall be planted, with the bona fide intentien at the time of said planting to commercially harvest said trees in the future. Said trees shall include, by way of illustration and limitation, Christmas trees, slash pines, and pulpwood. h. Yard Area: An open space on the same lot with a building, said space being unoccupied and unobstructed from the ground upward, with .the exception of trees and other natural vegetation. -1- .2. Scope: The terms and provisions of this Chapter shall apply to all real property, public and private, without exception", 'lying within the Municipal Boundaries of the City. 3. Permit Required: No person shall, directly, or indirectly, 'cut down, destroy, remove or move, or effectively destroy through damaging, or authorize the cutting down, des- troying, removing, or moving, or damaging of any living trees ~ situated on property within the City without a permit having i first been'obtained. 4. Permit Application and Procedures: The following procedures shall be followed and shall govern the granting of all · . .p6rmits pursuant to this Chapter. a. Application. Permits for removal, relocation, alteration, or replacement of trees covered herein shall be obtained by making application in a form prescribed by the City Commission to the following appropriate public bodies: 1. In the case of a subdivision develepment, the application for (conceptual plan ) approval shall address tree removal and preservation. The City Commission shall have final authority over the approva~ or denial of applications for permits in such instances. Staff evaluation of the approp- lateness of the application will be included in their recom- mendation to the City Commission, and approval of the final plan shall constitute approval to issue the arbor permit. 2. In the case of any development which requires site plan approval by the Planning Board or the City Commission or both, permits for alteration, removal, relocation, or replacement of trees covered herein shall be obtained by i~ clearly addressing the requirements at the time of site plan i!submittal. Staff evaluation of the appropriateness of the .~ application will be included in their recommenda.tion to the Planning Board, and approval of the site plan shall constitute approval to issue the arbor permit. 3. In all cases other than those described (1) and (2) above, permits for alteration, removal, relocation, or replacement of trees covered herein shall be obtained by making appli'cation to the City Engineer. b. Submittals. All applications shall be accom- panied by such permit fee as shall, from time to time, be established by duly adopted resolution of the City Commissien. Each application for a permit to alter, remove, relocate, or replace trees covered herein shall be accompanied by a written statement indicating the reasons for the requested action and -tw,o (2) copies of a legible site plan drawn to the largest practicable scale indicating the following: 1. Location of all existing or proposed structures, improvements, and site uses, properly dimensione.d in reference to property lines, setback, and yard requirements in spatial relationship; 2. Proposed changes, if any, in site elevations, grades and major contours; 3. Locations of existing or proposed utility services; 4. Location of all trees which are a minimum of 8~>~ (6) inches in diameter measured three (3) feet above ~he~ ground on the site within thirty (30) feet of the buildable area,! designating the trees to be retained, altered, removed, reloca~ed: or replaced. Small. er trees to be retained may also be shewn by the applicant to assist the City Engineer in determining replace- ment requirements. Groups of trees in close proximity may be designated as "clumps" of trees with the estimated number and type of trees noted. Only those trees to be removed, altered, relocated, or replaced must be named (common or botanical name) on the site plan; 5. Tree information required above shall be summarized in legend form on the plan and shall include the reason for the proposed alteration, removal, relocation or replacement; ...~ 6. Applications involving developed properties: may be based on drawings showing only that portion of the site directly involved and adjacent structures and landscaping on natural growth incidental thereto; and 7. For trees that are to be saved or retained~. each application should contain a statement of how these tree areas are to be protected during construction and landscape operations. c. Application Review. Upon receipt of proper application, the City Engineer shall review said application, which may include a field check of the site and referral of the ~pblication for recommendations to other appropriate admin- istrative departments or agencies. 5. Permits for Removal. a. Issuance. No permit shall be issued for tree removal unless one (1) of the following conditions exists: 1. The tree is located in a buildable area, yard area, or street right-of-way where a structure or improve- ment is to be placed and for which a permit application has been filed, and it unreasonably restricts the permitted use of the property; or 2. The tree is diseased, injured, in danger of falling, too close to existing or proposed structures so as to endanger such'.structures, interferes with utility services, or creates unsafe vision clearance. b. Relocation or Replacement. As a condition of the granting of a permit, the applicant may be required to re- locate the trees being removed or required to replace the trees being removed with suitable replacement trees, on up to a two- for-one basis if the replacement trees are smaller than the tree being removed, somewhere within the site. In determining the required relocation or replacement of trees, the City Engineer shall consider the needs of the intended use of the property together with a realistic evaluation of the following: 1. Existing tree coverage; 2. Number of trees to be removed on the entire property; 3. Area to be covered with structures, park- ing, and driveways; 4. Topography and drainage of the site and its environs; 5. Character of the site and its environs; 6. Ecology of the site; and 7. Characteristics and amount of shrubs, grass, and trees proposed for planting on the site by the appli- .cant. c. Permit Form. Permits shall be issued in such form as may be prescribed by the City Engineer and may set forth in detail the conditions upon which the permit is granted. One (1) permit may cover several trees or groups of trees as tong as the same can be clearly identified thereon provided, however, no permit may be issued for more than one (7) parcel or area of land: unless said parcels or areas of land shall be contiguous to one another. .6 Exceptions and Exemptions. a. In the event that any tree shall endanger health or safety and require immediate removal without delay, such as, but not limited to, the cutting of emergency fire lanes by fire-fighting units, verbal authorization may be given by the City Engineer and the tree removed without obtaining a written permit as herein required. Such verbal authorization shall later be confirmed in writing by the City Engineer. b. The following types of trees shall be exempt from the terms and provisions of this Chapter: 1 Ear Trees (Enterolobium Cyclocarpum); 2 Cajeput Tree (Melaleuca leucadendra); 3 American Mulberry (Morus rubra); 4 Chinaberry (Melia azedarach); 5 Black Cherry (Prunus serotin~); 6 Containerized trees and nursery stock trees grown for resale. c. In the case of emergencies such as hurricane, windstorm, flood, freeze, or other disasters, the requirements of this Chapter may be waived by the City Manager. At the earliest possible meeting of the City Commission, the City Manager shall set forth in detail those findings establishing that such waiver is necessary so that public or private work to restore order in the City willnot be impeded. Said waiver must be for a time c'ertain and may not be for an indefinite period. 7. Tree Preservation During Development and Construction'.' a. During construction, protective barriers shall be placed, as necessary, to prevent the destruction or damaging of trees. Trees destroyed or receiving major damage must be replaced before occupancy or use unless approval for their removal has been granted under permit. b. All trees not designated for removal may be required by the terms of the permit to be protected by barrier zones erected prior to construction of any structures, roads, utility service, or other improvements, and may be required by the terms of the permit to comply with the following if deter- mined to be necessary by the City Engineer. 1. Protective posts (two (2) inches by four (4) inches or larger wooden post, two (2) inches outer diameter or larger galvanized pipe, or other post material or equivalent size and strength shall be implanted deep enough in the ground to be stable and with a least three (3) feet of the post visible above the ground. 2. Posts shall be placed at points not closer than the drip line of the protected tree, with the posts being i further than six (6) feet apart, except that access may be allowed within this line as specified on site plans, but in no case, shal accesss be permitted closer than five (5) feet to the trunk. 3. All protective posts shall be linked together (fencing at least three (3) feet high, two (2) courses of rope not less than one-half (½) inch in diameter or a chain of com- parable size, or other material of equivalent visibility). Each ! , . section shall be clea~ly flagged with yellow plastic tapes'or .i other markers. ~ 4. No grade changes all be made within the protective barrier zones, without prior approval of the City Engineer. Where roots greater than one (1) inch diameter are exposed, they shall be cut cleanly and painted with an emulsi- fiable asphalt. 5. ProteCtive barrier zones shall remain in place and intact until such time as landscape operations begin or construction is complete, whichever occurs first. 6. Landscape preparation in the protective area shall be limited to shallow discing of the area. c. No building materials, machinery or temporary soil deposits shall be placed within protective barrier zones defined in subsection (b) above. d. No attachments or wires other than those of a protective or nondamaging nature shall be attached to any ~ree e. The City Engineer may conduct periodic inspections of the site before work begins and during clearing, construction'and post-construction phases of development in order to insure compliance with these regulations and the intent of this Chapter. 8. Regulations Pertaining to Utility Companies. Whenever any electric, water, telephone or other public utility firm or corporation wishes to extend, maintain or relocate service sucb'that any tree on an unimproved lot or tract will be removed, they shall make application for a permit to do so. Any public utility wishing to prune trees on a right-of-way shall notify the City Engineer in writing in advance of the time and place those pruning activities will take place. The City Engineer shall supervise these activities as necessary and shall have the authority to regulate or halt such pruning when these actions are deemed detrimental to the trees or beyond that needed to insure continued utility service. g. Replacement Stock. a. In all cases wherein this Chapter shall req- uire replacement of any tree removed, said replacement shall be made with "replacement stock". Replacement stock is hereby defined as any immature tree, other than palm trees, with a minimum diameter of two (2) inches at ground leve'l and having a height of at least four (4) feet. Survival of replacement stock will be guaranteed until said replacement stock shall meet the definition ~f atree as defined in Section 1-1 of this Chapter. Trees listed in Section 1-6 , subsection (b) of this Chapter shall not qualify as replacement stock. b. The following tree replacement species are suggested and were selected from the viewpoint of hardiness, disease and pest resistance, availability, and size variance. is not the intent to limit acceptable species, except as set forth in subsection (C),but rather to provide adequate guidelines in the selection of replacements. All replacement trees must be approved in advance by the City Engineer, except for the follow- ing trees which may be used as replacement stock without prior approval; 1. Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)i 2. Pine (Pinus species); 3. Live Oak (Quercus virginiana); 4o Laurel Oak (Quercus laurifolia); 5. Water Oak (Quercus nigra); 6. Red Maple (Acer rubum); 7. Sweet Gum (Liquidambar styraciflua); 8. Sycamore (Platanus occidentalis); 9. Tulip Tree ( Liriodendron tulipfera); 10. Golden Rain Tree (Koelreuteria formosana) 11. Rosewood (Dalbergia sissoo'); 12. Campor (Cinnamomum camphora); 13. Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum); 14. Slash Pine (Pinus elliotti); 15. Silk Oak (Grevillea robusta; 16. Citrus (Citrus spp.); 17. Southern Magnolia (Magnolia grandifloral) 18. American Holly (Ilex opaca) 19. Dahoon Holly(Ilex cassine); 20. Bottlebrush (Callistemon spp.); 21. Podocarpus (Podocarpus species); 22. Cherry Laurel (Prunus caroliniana); 23. Southern Red Cedar (Juniperus silicicola) -8- 24. Crape Myrtle (Lag~rstroemia indica); 25. Black Cherry (Prunus serotina); 26. Chinese Tallow Tree (Sapium sebiferum); 27. Flowering Dogwood (Cornus'florida); 28. Redbud (Cercis canadensis); 29. Chickasaw Plum (Prunus angustifolia); 30. Jerusalem Thorn ( Parkinsonia aculeata); 31. Mimosa (Albizzia julibrissin); 32. Swamp Tupelo (Nyssa sylvatica biflora) 33. Coast Pignut Hickory ( Carya glabra megacarpa); 34 Pecan ( Carya illinoensis); 35 Weeping Willow (salis spp.); 36 Fringe Tree (Chionanthus virginica); 37 Oak (Quercus species); 38 Loblolly Bay (Gordonia lasianthus); 39 Silver Dollar Tree (Eucalyptus cinerea; 40 Cama Eucalyptus ( Eucalyptus camaldulensis 41 Monkey Puzzle Tree (Araucaria bidwillii); 42 Glossy Privet (Li. gustrum lucidum); 43 Sweet Viburnum (Viburnum odoratissium); 44 Yew Podocarpus (Podocarpus macrpphylla) & 45 Nagi (Podocarpus nagi) c. The following trees may not be used as replace ment stock within twenty (20) feet of any arterial road as def- ined in the City Subdivision Regulations: 1. Silk Oak (Grevillea robusta); 2. Jacaranda (Jacaranda acutifolia); 3. Australian Pine (Casuarina species); 4. Eucalyptus Robusta (Eucalyptus robusta). ~0. Appeals Procedure. Any person adversely affected by a decision of any City Official or employee in the enforce- ment or interpretation of this article, may appeal such decision to the City Manager of the City of Sanford who may affirm,rev- erse, or modify the decision. Any decision of the City Manager is subject to review by the City Commission, of the City of Sanford. 11. ,i,ffect of Violations. No ~,jldling permits shall be issued'on lands where violations of this Chapter are deter- mined to exist, until such time as appropriate remedial action is agreed to by the City and completed by the owner of the land. A Certificate of Occupancy shall not be issued for any const- ruction until all applicable remedies have been accomplished. Additional violations of this Chapter shall be punished as pro- vided in this Code. SECTION TWO: Severability. If any provisions of this ordinance or the application thereof to any pers.on or cir- cumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or application of the ordinance which can be given · effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this ordinance are declared severable. SECTION THREE: All ordinances or parts of ordinance in conflict with this ordinance are hereby amended or repealed so as to conform with the provisions of this ordinance. SECTION FOUR: That this ordinance shall become effective On February 11 , 1985. PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS llth DAY OF February , A.D., 1985. ATTE'~T: WEK/CJ -10- CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of San- ford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1706, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the llth day of February, 1985, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 12th day of February, 1985. ~s~~of'~nford, Florida