HomeMy WebLinkAbout1687 ORDINANCE NO. 1687 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 28OF THE SANFORD CITY CODE CONCERNING WATER AND SEWER SERVICE CHARGES TO ELIMINATE SECTIONS 28-33, 28-43, 28-44, 28-45, 28-46 AND 28-47 AND ORDINANCE 1664, AND TO PROVIDE A NEW SECTION 28-43 REGARDING CONNECTION FEES; NEW SECTION 28-45 PROVIDING FOR ADDITIONAL CHARGES WHEN USE OF PROPERTY CHANGES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF TEE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Sections 28-33, 28-43, 28-44, 28-45, 28-46, and 28-47 of the Sanford City Code are hereby deleted in their entirety, together with the provisions of Ordinance 1664. SECTION 2: That Section 28-43 regarding connection fees shall be added to read as follows: Sec. 28-43. Imposed; amount. Except as otherwise provided, every property owner whose property first receives water and sewer services from systems owned or controlled by the city shall pay to the city a water and sewer connection fee in the following amounts: (a) Residential (1) All residential units shall pay per dwelling unit the sum of: CONNECTION FEE Growth~ Water Tap Sewer Tap Deposit Total $ 1,485- $ 130- (3/4") $ 260- $ 50- $ 1,925- (2) All residential units using a water meter larger than 3/4 inches, shall pay the water tap portion of the connection fee as follows: Water Meter Size Proposed Fee 3/4 inch $ 130.- 1 " 210.- 1~" 400.- 2 " 500.- 3 " 2,990.- or they install 4 " 4,400.- or they install 6 " 7,520.- or they instali (3) The sewer tap costs of the connection fee shall be $260- for each sewer tap made. (4) Any water or sewer tap work that requires any street cut or tunneling of the pavement shall pay an additional $250- for each such tap. (b) Non-residential (1) All non-residential services shall pay a connection fee based on the following schedule: CONNECTION FEE Growth Water Tap Sewer Tap Deposit Total $ 1,485 (min) $ 130- (3/4") $ 260- $ 50- (min) $1,925- (2) The growth portion of the connection fee shall be computed by the following schedule: FIXTURE SCHEDULE Number of Fixtures Amount 1 - 15 $ 1,485- 16 - 30 2,485- 31 - 60 3,485- 61 - 80 4,485- 81 - 100 5,485- 101 - 150 6,485- 151 - 200 7,485- Over 200 To be computed by adding $1,000- for each 50 fixtures or fraction thereof. (3) All non-residential connections using a water meter larger than 3/4 inches, shall pay the water tap portion of the connection fee on the same fee schedule as set forth for residential units in a (2) above. (4) All non-residential connections using a sewer tap shall pay $260- for each sewer tap. (5) Any non-residential water or sewer tap work that requires a street cut or tunneling of the pavement, shall pay an additional $250- for each such tap. (c) All revenues generated by the growth portion of the connection fee shall be deposited in the City of Sanford's Utility Trust Fund Reserve for the off-site capital expense work attributed to growth at the utility plants well fields, and sewage disposal sites. (d) All revenues generated by the water and/or sewer tap portion of the connection fee shall be placed in the utility general fund for operational costs. (e) The minimum utility deposit shall be fifty (50) dollars. For multi-residential services and all non-residential services, the amount of the deposit shall be the monthly average of three consecutive monthly city service bills or as designatedby the city manager based on the specific billing and collection procedures required by any specific account. Any special deposit is subject to review by the City Commission. (f) If any developer undertakes to perform the water or sewer tap work, subject to inspection by the City of Sanford inspector, the city manager may approve the appropriate deduction of the proportionate cost from the connection fee for the tap work done by the developer. (g) The full amount of the connection fee is due and payable to the City of Sanford at the time and on the date that a building permit is issued. The connection fee shall be for a specific lot and address. (h) The connection fee for all water and/or sewer services supplied by the City of Sanford, but that are located beyond the city limits of Sanford, shall pay a connection fee to the City of Sanford in the amount of the above rate plus twenty-five (25) percent. SECTION 3: That Section 28-45 providing for additional charges when use of property changes shall be added to read as follows: Section 28-45. Additional charges when use of property changes. cit ' If the use of any property served by the y s sewerage and water system changes after July I, 1984, so as to change its classification for the purpose of computation of the charge prescribed in this article then an additional charge resulting from the change in property use shall be due and payable at the time of the change in property use, regardless of whether any charge was ever imposed or paid at the time of initial connection to the system. The increased charge imposed by this section shall be included on and payable as a part of the property owner's next utility service bill. (Ord. No. 1065, § 1(27.6d), 3-27-72) SECTION 4: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 5: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 6: That this ordinance shall become effective on July 1, 1984. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of March , A. D. 1984. MAYOR ATTE ST: CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of San- ford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1687, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 26th day of March, 1984, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of March, 1984.