HomeMy WebLinkAbout1619 ORDINANCE NO. 1619 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CHARTER OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR REFERENDUM ELECTION BY CITY ELECTORS, EFFECTIVE DATE, CONFLICTS, AND SEPERABILITY. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, previously adopted by the City Commission on November 27, 1972, approved by the voters at an election held on December 5, 1972, and filed in the office of the Secretary of State on December 12, 1972, be and the same is hereby amended as set forth in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference. SECTION 2: Within sixty (60) days after adoption of this ordinance, the City Commission shall submit to the electors of the City of Sanford, Florida, the proposed City Charter by referendum election. Such referendum election shall be held in,conformity with the laws of the State of Florida and ordinances of the City of Sanford relating to the amendment of City Charters. The ballot to be used in the referendum election shall be substantially in the following form: PROPOSED CITY CHARTER Shall the Charter providing a form of government for the City of Sanford as proposed by the Advisory Charter Committee and reviewed by the City Commission, be adopted? VOTE FOR ONE ONLY For adoption without districts and with election at large. For adoption with commissioners residing in dis- tricts and with election at large. Against adoption and for keeping present Charter. SECTION 3: Upon adoption of the proposed charter by a majority of the electors voting in the referendum election upon such amendment, the City Commission shall have the revised charter filed with the Department of State at which time the revised charter shall take effect. SECTION 4: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitu- tional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force of effect of this Ordinance. SECTION 5: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of November , A.D., 1982. MAYOR ATTEST: City of Sanfor , F~ A~ to thi Ci:~~ion of the CERT IF ICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1619, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 22nd day of November, 1982, was BOSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 23rd day of November, 1982. - City of Sanford, Florida