HomeMy WebLinkAbout1595 ORDIN~CE NO. 1595 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF S~FORD, FLORIDA, RESCINDING ORDINANCE NO. 1578, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING A SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN EFFECTI~ APRIL 1, 1982; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; CON- FLICTS, ~D EFFECTIVE DATE. WHE~AS, Ordiance No. 1578, passed and adopted October 12, 1981, adopted and amended Salary Classifications of positions of employees of the City of Sanford, Florida; and P~E~AS, the City Co~ission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it necessary to adjust the wages of its employees. NOW, THEEFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Ordinance No. 1578, of the City of Sanford, Florida, be and the same is hereby rescinded. SECTION 2: That that certain Salary Classification Plan dated April 1, 1982, attached hereto and made a part of this Ordinance as fully and completely as though the same were set forth in this section, be and the same is hereby adopted. SECTION 3: If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitu- tional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any section or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 4: That all ordinances or parts of ordinances herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 5: This Ordinance shall become effective April 1, 1982. PASSED ~~D AmPTED thi~~~ March , A.D., 1982. CITY OF SANFORD PAY SCHEDULE Section I - Installation of the Pay Schedule Rule 1. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE PAY SCHEDULE The Pay Schedule shall be effective the first day of April 1982. Rule 2. IMMEDIATE SALARY ADJUSTMENTS a. Employees now below the minimum grade shall be increased to the new minimum. b. Employees who are now between appropriate grades shall be increased to the next higher grade. Rule 3. USE OF THE PAY SCHEDULE FOR THE MINIMUM, ~AXIMUM AND INTERMEDIATE GRADES OF EACH SALARY RANGE These rules shall be interpreted so as to place each "employee in the service of the City of Sanford in an appropriate grade of the salary range for the grade to which his/her position has been allocated; provided however, that an employee whose salary on the above effective date of the adoption of the Pay Schedule is above the appropriate salary of his/her grade shall remain at their present salary so long as they remain in their present grade. Rule 4. APPLICATION OF THE PAY SCHEDULE The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to put the Pay Schedule into effect. Section II - Administration of the Pay Schedule Rule 5. ANNIVERSARY DATE OF EMPLOYMENT IN A GRADE The date that an employee is assigned to the grade shall be the anniversary date in the grade and shall govern salary advances while the employee remains in that grade. Rule 6. NEW APPOINTMENTS New appointments shall normally be made at the minimum step of the'appropriate pay grade or salary range. However; appointments, under special conditions and on the recommendation of the City Manager, may be made above the minimum step and in a B grade when such action is determined to be in the best interest of the City of Sanford because of training or experience. Pay Schedule 4-1-82 Page 2 Rule 7. PERIODIC ADVANCES a. Increases within each appropriate salary range shall normally be made from the minimum (A) step: The (A) or lowest pay step shall be the probationary or hiring rate. After six months, an employee is eligible for advancement to the next pay step. Should an employee not be con- sidered qualified and advance to the second or (B) step after six months with the City of Sanford, they shall not be retained in the City employment beyond a thirty day period after the six month anniversary date of their employment. Exceptional cases may be considered as eligible for advancement after three months service. b. The (B) or second step is considered the in-service training-class. An employee shall remain in this ' step for a period of one year. Exceptional cases may be considered eligible for advancement to the third step only after completing six months in the (B) step. co The (C) or third step is not an automatic advance- ment from the (B) step. The (C) step pay rate is considered the normal pay rate for a satis- factory employee. An employee not making the progress he/she should, shall not be advanced to the (C) or third step. d. The (D) or fourth step is reserved for recognition of above satisfactory performance as evidenced by positive evaluation of ability, attitude, initiative and longevity. Advancement to the fourth or (D) step shall only be made after twelve months continuous service period with the City of Sanford in the (C) step. e. The (E) or fifth step is reserved for evidence of continued above satisfactory service with the City of Sanford. An employee is only eligible for this step after twelve months of continuous service with the City of Sanford in the (D) or fourth step. The advancement to the fifth step of the salary range is not automatic and must be evidenced by positive evaluation of ability, attitude, initiative and longevity. fo The (F) Or sixth step is reserved for the employees who have mastered their position and shown continued above satisfactory service with the City of Sanford. An employee must have twelve months of continuous service in the (E) or fifth step to be considered for advancement to the (F) step. Pay Schedule 4-1-82 Page 3 Factors for evaluating an employee for the fourth, fifth and sixth pay steps must be uniformly under- stood by the department heads. Ability: The measure of the demonstrated proficiency of an employee. The knowledge and skill of the job. It includes the output and the accuracy of the employee. Ability alone does not justify an advancement in the pay schedule. Attitude: Includes such factors as alertness, regularity, drive, habits, interest, co-operativeness and the ability to get along with other people~ '~ _ Initiative: The measure of an employee's ability to go ahead with a program or work without close supervision, and to do the extra work not necessarily required. Longevity: Is a measure of the loyalty of an employee to the City of Sanford and recognizes that years of service provide for contin'u~lty. Rule 8. ADVANCEMENT PROCEDURE Advancements within the pay schedule shall only be authorized within the appropriations provided by the City Commission, all changes of the pay steps shall be initiated by the employee's supervisor and made by a written request of the respective department head and must be approved by the City Manager before becoming final for steps A through C. All advancements from C through F shall require final approval of the City Commission on the City Manager's recommendation. There shall be no deviation from the time specified in grade of each respective step. Rule 9. TEMPORARY, PART-TIME AND OTHER CATEGORIES a. Part-time employees shall normally be paid at a rate proportional to their hours of work, consistent with the pay schedule. b. Under special conditions in the interest of the City of Sanford, temporary, part-time and other categories of employees may be paid at a special rate to be determined by the City CoE~ission. Rule 10. iNTERPRETATION OF THE PAY SCHEDULE The City Manager is authorized to make necessary ad~in- istrative interpretations concerning the pay schedule including personnel actions involving re-employment, leave of absence, suspension and demotion. Rule 11. COPIES AVAILABLE Copies of the approved pay schedule shall be available for · ' 4/01/~2 /"'~TABLE OF CONTENTS ~ POSITION CLASSIFICATION POSITION 'PAY'SCHEDULE ' PAY GRADE MAINTENANCE WORKE~ I III 1 CUSTODIALWORKER III 1 REFUSE COLLECTOR III 2 WATER METER READER III 3 MECHANIC HELPER III 3 CLERICAL ASSISTANT II 1 CUSTOMER SERVICE P~PRESENTATIVE II 2 MAINTENANCE WORKER II III 4 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR I III 4 CLERK TYPIST II 3 " DATA PROCESSOR II 3 CUSTODIAL LEAD WORKER III 6 EQUIPMENT OPERATOR II III 7 REFUSE PACKER LOADER/DRIVER III 7 STOREKEEPER III 7 ACCOUNT CLERK I II 4 PLANT OPERATOR TRAINEE III 8 SECRETARY I II 5 TRADES WORKER III 9 SECRETARY II II 6 CITY CLERK HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR III 10 ENGINEERING DRAFTER II 7 AUTOMOTIVE MECHanIC III 11 ACCOUNT CLERK II II 8 CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISOR II 8 LICENSING OFFICIAL II 8 UTILITY PLANT OPEZATOR III 12 POSiTiON CLASs~iiPiC~"~TON - t981-82 Page 2 4/01/82 POSITIO~ PAY SCHEDULE PAY GRADE RECREATION SUPERVISOR III 13 FOREMAN III 14 FIELD SUPERVISOR III 15 BUILDING INSPECTOR II 9 MINIMUM HOUSING & ZON. INSP. II 9 ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN II 9 ADMINISTRATIVE AIDE II 10 PLANT SUPERVISOR III 16 EXECUTIVE SECF~iETARY II 11 REFUSE SUPERINTENDENT III ._ 17 SHOP SUPERINTENDENT III 17 MAINTENANCE SUPERINTENDENT III 17 PARKS SUPERINTENDENT III 17 RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT III 17 WATER SUPERINTENDENT III 17 STREET SUPERINTENDENT III 19 SEWER SUPERINTENDENT III 19 PLANT SUPERINTENDENT III 20 PERSONNEL OFFICER II 12 ASSISTANT FINANCE DIRECTOR II 13 BUILDING & ZONING OFFICIAL II 14 ASSISTANT TO CITY _MANAGER II 15 CITY ENGINEER II 15 PARKING ENFORCEb~NT SPECIALIST III 5 POLICE COb~MUNICATION OPERATOR III 6 POSITION~ CLASSIFICATION - 1981-82 Page 3 4/01/82 POSitION ' PAY-'SCI-I, EDI/L~ 'PAY- GRADE POLICE OFFICER III 16 POLICE SERGEANT III 18 POLICE LIEUTENANT III 21 POLICE Cn-PTAIN III -.~ ~ 22 POLICE A~DMINISTRATIVE OFFICER ASSISTANT TOTHE POLICE CHIEF FIREFIGHTER IV 1 SENIOR FiREFIGHTER IV 2 FIRE LIEUTENANT IV 3 ASSISTANT FIRE CHIEF IV 4 RECREATION & PARKS DIRECTOR I 1 PUBLIC UTILITIES DIRECTOR I 4 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR I 2 FIRE CHIEF I 3 POLICE CHIEF I 3 FINANCE DIRECTOR I 4 0 ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ooooo o~ooo oooo~ o~ooo ~ ~ = ' ~ ~ ~ ...o ~ ...... ~ .~ ~ \ · ~ O© O~ ( ~o~ ~oo. o~oo~ ooo~~ ~ ~ ~ ~'~ ~ ~o~ 0~0~ o~o~ 0 0 ~G ~ .. .~ ~ ............ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  0 AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL 1981-82 4/01/82 CITY MANAGER (4) POLICE (64) 1 - City Manager 1 - Police Chief 1 - Executive Secretary ~ 1 - Assistant to th~ Police .Chief 1 - Secretary 1 1 - Police Administrative Officer 1 - Licensing Official 1 - Secretary I ~ 1 - Clerk Typist ** 4 - Communications Operator ASSISTANT TO CITY MANAGER (4) 1 - Clerk Typist 4 - Clerical Assistant 1 - Assistant 1 - Custodial Worker 2 - Secretary I 15 ~ SERVES AS OFFICE MANAGER 1 Clerk Typist ~ UNIFORM (41) CIVIL SERVICE (1) 1 - Police Captain 5 - Police Lieutenant 1 - Secretary I 5 - Police Sergeant 30~- Polide Officer BUILDING (6) 4~ 1 - Building & Zoning Official INVESTIGATION (8) 2 - Building Inspectors 1 - Min, Housing.& Zoning Inspector 1 - Police Lieutenant 1 - Secretary II 1 - Police Sergeant 1 - Clerk Typist 5 - Police Officer ~ 1 - Clerk Typist PERSONNEL (1) ~ 1 - Personnel Officer FIRE (41) 1 - Fire Chief ENGINEERING (3½) 1 Assistant Fire Chief 7 - Lieutenant ½ - City Engineer 3 - Senior Firefighter. 1 - Secretary I 27 - Firefighter 1 - Engineering Drafter 1 - Engineering Technician 1 - Secretary I 1 - Automotive Mechanic ~½ 4~ FINANCE (10) 1 - Finance Director* 1 -Assistant Finance Director 1 - Secretary II 2 - Account Clerk II 3 - Account Clerk I 2 - Clerk Typist * ALSO SERVES AS CITY CLERK ~L"i'NORiZBD PEASC, X~<~,.Z~ 4/01/82 1981-82 Pgge 2 RECREATION (20) PUBLIC WOR~KS (con't.) ADMINISTRATION (8) REFUSE (21½) 1 - Director of Recreation & Parks 1 - Refuse Superintendent 1 - Recreation Superintendent 5 - Equipment Operator II 2 - Recreation Supervisors 9- Refuse Collector 1 - Administrative Aide 6 ' Refuse Packer Loader/Driver 1 = Clerk Typist ½ - Secretary I 1 - Custodial Lead Worker 21½ 1 - Custodial Worker ~ MAINTENANCE (8) PARKS & CEMETERY (12) 1 - Maintenance Superintendent 5 - Tradesworker 1 - Parks Superintendent 2 - Custodiai Worker 1 - Field Supervisor 1 - Maintenance Worker II 9 - Maintenance Worker I UTILITY (62½) 12 ADMINISTRATION (7½) PUBLIC WORKS (60) · - ½ Public Utilities Director ADMINISTRATION (2) 1 - Administrative Aide 4 Customer Service Representative 1 - Public Works Director 1 - Customer Service Supervisor 1 - Secretary I 1 - Data Processor STREETS (21½) WATER DISTRIBUTION (16) 1 - Street Superintendent 1 - Water Superintendent 1 - Field Supervisor 3 - Foremen 3 - Heavy Equipment Operator 1 - Water Meter Reader 2 - Equipment Operator II 3 - Maintenance Worker II 4 - Equipment Operator I 7 - Maintenance Worker I 10 - Maintenance Worker I 1 - Automotive Mechanic ½ - Secretary I PLANTS (20) SHOP (7) 1 - Utility Plant Superintendent 1 - Shop Superintendent 1 - Utility Plant Supervisor 3 - Automotive Mechanic 6 - Utility Plant Operator 1 - Mechanic Helper 7 - Utility Plant Operator Trainee 1 - Maintenance Worker I 5 - Maintenance Worker I 1 - Storekeeper 20 SEWER (19) TOTAL FULL TIME POSITIONS: General Fund 192 1 -'Sewer Superintendent Refuse 21½ 2 - Foremen Utility 62½ 1 - Equipment Operator II 276 1 - Maintenance Worker II 1~4 - Maintenance Worker I 19 (Total full-timepcsi~ionsexcludesCityPhysicianand Sec. I-Civil Service.) OCCUPAYiON~ ~ INDEX TO CLASS SPECIFIC~._IONS ~CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA '04/01/82 0XXX CLERICAL, FISCAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE 00XX Clerical 0061 Clerical Assistant 0062 Clerk Typist 0063 Data Processor 0065 Secret~ly I. 0066 Secretary II 0067 City Clerk 0068 Administrative Aide 0069 Executive Secretary 01XX Fiscal 0117 Assistant Finance Director 0119 Finance Director 0155 Customer Service Supervisor 0160 Customer Service Representative 0161 Account Clerk I 0162 Account Clerk II 02XX Administrative 0224 Personnel Officer 0226 Assistant to City Manager 0232 Licensing Official 1XXX BUILDING AND ZONING 1034 Building Inspector 1036 Minimum HoUzing'& ZOning Inspector 1038 Chief Building inspector 1039 Building and Zoning Official 2XXX ENGINEERING 2028 City Engineer 2032 Engineering Drafter 2034 Engineering Technician 3XXX PUBLIC SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 30XX Public Works 3010 Public Works Director 3012 Street Superintendent 3014 Maintenance Superintendent 3016 Refuse Superintendent 04~01/82 OCCUPATIONAL INDEX TO CLASS SPECIFICATIONS (con't.) 31XX Publi~ Utilities 3110 Public Utilities Director 3112 Utility Plant Superintendent 3114 Sewer Superintendent 3116 Water Superintendent 32XX ParkS'and Re'creatiOn 3210 Recreation and Parks Director 3212 Parks Superintendent 3214 Recreation Superintendent 3226 Recreation Supervisor 4XXXMAINTENANCE AND TRADES '40XX SuperVision 4013 Shop Superintendent 4031 Utility Plant Supervisor 4075 Foreman 4076 Field Supervisor 41X~X Maintenance and General ~abor 4181 Custodial Worker 4182 Custodial Lead Worker 4183 Maintenance Worker I 4184 Maintenance Worker II 4185 Refuse Collector 4186 Equipment Operator I 4187 Equipment Operator II 4188 Utility Plant Operator Trainee 4189 Mechanic Helper 4190 Refuse Packer Loader/Driver 42XX Skilled Maintenance 4271 Trades Worker 4272 Automotive Mechanic 4275 Utility Plant Operator 4278 Heavy Equipment Operator 43XX Maint'enance' SUppOrt 4361 Water Meter Reader 4363 Storekeeper .. '04/01/812 0CCUPAT-~'~AL ~NDEX TO CLASS SPECI~/'~iATIONS {con't.) 5XXXPPOLICE ~5010 Police Chief ~15011 Assistant to %he Police Chief ~012 Police Administrative Officer ~5022 Police Captain 5024 Police Lieutenant 5032 Police Sergeant ~044 Police Officer D063 Police Communications Operator ~064 Parking Enforcement Specialist 6XXX ~IRE AND RESCUE S010 Fire Chief S020 Assistant Fire Chief 6024 Fire Lieutenant 6032 Senior Firefighter 6044 Firefighter CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordi- nance No. 1595, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 22nd day of March, 1982, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 25th day of March, 1982.