HomeMy WebLinkAbout2498 Cathcart Constr - Piggyback Contract (PBA 22/23-241)Cathcart Construction Company - Florida, LLC, Piggyback Contract (PBA 22123- 241) For Potable Water, Sanitary Sewer, Reclaimed Wafter And Stormwater Infrastructure Facilities With Site Restoration Services The City of Sanford, Florida, a Florida municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City") enters this "Piggyback" Contract (hereinafter referred to as the "Contract") with Cathcart Construction Company - Florida, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as "Cathcart"), whose principal address is 1056 Willa Springs Drive, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, and whose mailing address is 1056 Willa Springs Drive, Winter Springs, Florida 32708, under the terms and conditions hereinafter provided. The City and Cathcart may be collectively referenced herein as the "Parties." The City and Cathcart agree as follows: 1. The Purchasing Policy for the City of Sanford allows for "piggybacking" contracts. Pursuant to this procedure, the City is allowed to piggyback an existing government contract, and there is no need to obtain formal or informal quotations, proposals or bids. The Parties agree that Cathcart has entered into a contract with the government of the City of Altamonte Springs, Florida, said contract being identified as "CONTRACT DOCUMENT - AB23009A/B - ITB NO. 23 -009 -RS - CITYWIDE INFRASTRUCTURE POTABLE, SANITARY, RECLAIMED, & STORMWATER WITH SITE RESTORATION (ARPA)", as said contract may have been amended, relating to the provision of services relating to potable water, sanitary sewer,—reclaimed-water and stormwater infrastructure facilities with site restoration (said original contract documents being referred to as the "Original Government Contract"). 2. The Original Government Contract is incorporated herein by reference and is attached as Exhibit "A" to this Contract. All of the terms and conditions set out in the Original Government Contract are fully binding on the Parties and said terms and conditions are incorporated herein; provided, however, that the City will negotiate and enter work orders/purchase orders with Cathcart In accordance with City policies and procedures for particular goods and services within the scope of the provision of services relating to potable water, sanitary sewer, reclaimed water and stormwater infrastructure facilities with site restoration. All pricing shall be F.O.B., City Hall, City of Sanford, with most favored customer/nation pricing. 3. Notwithstanding the requirement that the Original Government Contract is fully binding on the Parties, the Parties have agreed to modify certain technical provisions of the Original Government Contract as applied to this Contract between Cathcart and the City, as follows: a. Insurance Requirements of this Contract: Certificate(s) are to be provided by Cathcart naming City as additional insured or certificate holder for insurance coverage. Said coverage is required to be maintained by Cathcart in accordance with Exhibit "B" attached hereto. b. For other provisions of the Original Government Contract that will be modified see the City's website, which can be reached at: www.SanfordFL.gov with particular regard to when the Original Government Contract is silent as to a term or condition which matter needs to be clarified. The Parties shall also be bound by the purchasing policies and procedures of the City as well as the controlling provisions of Florida law. Work orders shall be used, in accordance therewith, in the implementation of this Contract to the extent deemed necessary by the City in its sole and absolute discretion. C. Address change for the City: Notwithstanding the address and contact information for the government entity as set out in the original government contract, Cathcart agrees that it shall send notices, 21 Page invoices and shall conduct all business with the City to the attention of City Manager, at: City of Sanford, 300 North Park Avenue; Sanford, Florida 32771. The City Manager's designated representative for this Contract is: Marisol Ordotiez Purchasing Manager City of Sanford Finance Department Purchasing Division 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Phone: 407.888.5000, extension 5028 Email Mahsol.ordonez@san€ordfl.gov d. Notwithstanding anything in the Original Government Contract to the contrary, the venue of any dispute will be in Seminole County, Florida. Litigation between the Parties arising out of this Contract shall be in Seminole County, Florida in the Court of appropriate jurisdiction. The laws of the State of Florida shall control any dispute between the Parties arising out of or related to this Contract, the performance thereof or any products or services delivered pursuant to such Contract. e. Notwithstanding any other provision in the Original Government Contract to the contrary, there shall be no arbitration with respect to any dispute between the Parties arising out of this Contract. Dispute resolution shall be through voluntary and non-binding mediation, negotiation or litigation in the court of appropriate jurisdiction located In Seminole County, Florida, with the Parties bearing the costs of their own legal fees with respect to any dispute resolution, including litigation. f. All the goods and services to be provided or performed shall be in conformance with commonly accepted industry and professional codes and standards, standards of the City, and the laws of any Federal, State or local regulatory agency. g. Cathcart understands that Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, relating to public records shall be applicable to this Contract and acknowledges review of, and adherence to, the following disclosures from the City: 1. IF THE CONTRACTORICATHCART HAS QUESTIONS REGARDING APPLICATION OF CHAPTER 119, FLORIDA STATUTES, TO THE CONTRACTOR'S (CATHCART'S) DUTY TO PROVIDE PUBLIC RECORDS RELATING TO 3 1 P a g e THIS CONTRACT, CONTACT THE CUSTODIAN OF PUBLIC RECORDS AT (407) 688-5012, TRACI HOUCHIN, CMC, FCRM, CITY CLERK, CITY OF SANFORD, CITY HALL, 300 NORTH PARK AVENUE, SANFORD, FL 32771, TRACI.HOUCHIN(.,aBSANFORDFL.GOV. 11. In order to comply with Section 119.0701, Florida Statutes, public records laws, Cathcart must: A. Keep and maintain public records that ordinarily and necessarily would be required by the City in order to perform the service. B. Provide the public with access to public records on the same terms and conditions that the City would provide the records and at a cost that does not exceed the cost provided In Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, or as otherwise provided by law. C. Ensure that public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements are not disclosed except as authorized by law. D. Meet all requirements for retaining public records and transfer, at no cost, to the City all public records in possession of Cathcart upon termination of the contract and destroy any duplicate public records that are exempt or confidential and exempt from public records disclosure requirements. All records stored electronically must be provided to the City in a format that is compatible with the information technology systems of the City. Ili. if Cathcart does not comply with a public records request, the City shall enforce the contract provisions in accordance with this Agreement. IV. Failure by Cathcart to grant such public access and comply with public records requests shall be grounds for immediate unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the City. Cathcart shall promptly provide the City with a copy of any request to inspect or copy public records in possession of Cathcart and shall promptly provide the City with a copy of Cathcart's response to each such request. 41 Page h Cathcart, in the event of any ambiguity in the contractual tt, tjt.�jween Clhcart and the City- shall comply with all "Slandatd (-oi jtfjiclual Tei'nis and Conditions," as ptovided on the City's website, which website can be reached and accessed, as well as said terms and conditions reviewed, at: (Contract -Terms - And -Conditions -For -Web -Based -System -Revised -I 1,81 2021.pdf (sanfordfl.gov) i. All other provisions in the Original Government Contract are fully binding on the Parties and will represent the agreement between the City and Cathcart, 4 This Agreement shall be effective as of the date of execution of this Agreement by, or on behalf of, the City. Attest' David CathcaV—'-' By: John, t,ath,'c rt Date:---- Attest,* Tract Houchin. CIVIC, FCRM City Clerk Approved as togal Y Wi tam L Colbert City Attorney 5 1 1, ) ", �- CATHCART CONSTRUCTION romp , LLC, a Florida CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal cot taboo 7 0 di M 54- Exhi._.!t "A_+ [Attach original government contract] 6 1 P a g e (1) Cathcart shall obtain or possess and continuously maintain the following insurance coverage, from a company or companies, with a Best Rating of A- or better, authorized to do business in the State of Florida and in a form acceptable to the City and with only such terms and conditions as may be acceptable to the City unless the bid documents exclude or include certain types of insurance coverage or the level of coverage: (a) Workers CompensationlEmployer Liability: Cathcart shall provide Worker's Compensation for all employees. The limits will be statutory limits for Worker's Compensation insurance and $3,000,000 for Employer's Liability. (b) Comprehensive General Liability: Cathcart shall provide coverage for all operations including, but not limited to, contractual, products, complete operations, and personal injury. Commercial General Liability is to include premises/operations liability, products and completed operations coverage, and independent contractor's liability or owner's and contractor's protective liability. The limits will not be less than $2,000,000 Combined Single Limit (CDL) or Its equivalent. (c) Comprehensive Automobile Liability: Cathcart shall provide complete coverage for owned and non -owned vehicles for limits not less than $2,000,000 CSL or its equivalent. (d) Professional Liability. Cathcart shall provide coverage for all professional services performed. The limits will not be less than $2,000,000 CSL or its equivalent. (e) Sex Abuse Liability: Cathcart shall provide coverage with limits not less than $1,000,000 CDL or its equivalent. (2) All insurance other than Workers Compensation to be maintained by Cathcart shall specifically include the City as an additional insured. (3) For additional insurance requirements reference is made to the requirements shown at the City's website, which can be reached at: vNruy. Sanford EL q'i—)v 71 Page CONTRACT Contract No. AB23009A/B Citywide Infrastructure Potable, Sanitary, 4!57 Reclaimed, & Stormwater with Site Restoration (ABPA} THIS AGREEMENT, made and concluded this 2nd day of March P 20 23 by and between the City of Altamonte Springs, hereinafter generally called the Owner, and Cathcart Construction Company — Florida, LLC hereinafter generally called the Contractor. WITNESSETH, that for and in consideration of the payments and agreements to be made and performed by the Owner, Contractor, at its own cost and expense and with skill and diligence, will construct and complete all work included in Bid No: ITB -23 -009 -RS, entitled CityWide Infrastructure Potable, Sanitary, Reclaimed, & Stormwater with Site Restoration (ARPA�,. for $750,040.50 — Base Bid A and $1,290,362.00 — Base Bid B In accordance with attac,heo,, Contract Documents, and in full compliance with this Agreement. And the Contractor agrees to receive the prices stated in the Proposal Bid Form attached in full compensation for furnishing material and labor in moving materials and executing all the work contemplated in this Contract; the Contractor, for such consideration, shall be responsible for and hereby does indemnify Owner from and against any and all loss or damage, including attorneys fees and costs, arising out of the performance of the work aforesaid or from any action of elements; of every description encountered in connection with the work, and furnishing the materials. The term of this agreement is fromMarch 2, 2023 through March 1, 2024. This agreement may be renewed for an additional two (2) renewals of two (2) year periods each. All work is to be commenced when directed in writing by the Procurement Division or authorized representative, and to be diligently prosecuted to completion. To prevent all disputes and litigations, it is agreed by and between the parties to this Contract that the Owner shall in all cases determine the quality and quantity of the several kinds of work and materials which are to be paid for under this Contract, and shall determine all questions in relation to lines, levels and dimensions of the work, and as to the interpretation of the requirements and specifications. Payment shall be made in accordance with provisions as outlined elsewhere in these specifications. As required by Florida Statute, Chapter 119, the Contractor shall allow access to and retain records and reports pertaining to this contract as called for in the Solicitation Document under the paragraph entitled "Contractor Public Records Requirements - Contract for Services". The Contract Documents shall consist of this Contract and the following: 0 Formal Bid Document * Drawings/Plans C-1 CONTRACT �4 Contract No. AB23009A/8 MYOF TIA kvQjT- Citywide Infrastructure Potable, Sanitary, Reclaimed, & Stormwater with Site Restoration (ARPA) • Addendurns • Proposal Bid Form (as submitted by the bidder) • Payment& Performance Bond (if required by the bid document) This Agreement, together with these documents, forms the contract, and they are as fully a part of the contract as if hereto attached or herein repeated. The Contractor and the Owner for themselves, their heirs, executors, administrators, successors, and assigns, hereby agree to the full performance of the covenants herein contained. IN WITNESS WHEREOF THEY HAVE EXECUTED THIS AGREEMENT: OWNER City of Altamonte Springs 225 Newburyport Avenue Altamonte Springs, FL 32701 Attest: CONTRACTOR Cathcart Construction Company - Florida LLC 1056 Willa Springs Drive Winter SDrines. FL 32708 0 (Signature (Name, Written or Typed) m4ver (Title, Written or Typed) tP ri.,,lq CITY OF% I (- ITEMIZED BID FORM ITB NO. 23 -009 -RS CITYWIDE INFRASTRUCTURE POTABLE, SANITARY, RECLAIMED, AND STORMWATER WITH SITE RESTORATION Bidder to complete form and attach to Proposal Bid Form. Enter Base Bid Grand Total on Proposal Bid Form. Pay Item No. Descriptions Unit oty Maximum unit Price Extended Price 5.60 Utility Fixture, F&i, V Single Short Water Service on 10" EA 1- $ 1,000.00 $ " 1.000.00' 5,61 Utility Fixture, F&i 1" Sin le Long Water Service on 10" EA 1 $ 2 300.00 S 2,300.00`; 5,62 Utility Fixture, F&i, 1.5' Double Short Water Service on 10" EA 1 ` $ i 700,00 $ 1,700: 5.63 Utility Fixture F&i, 1.5' Double Long Water Service an 10" EA 1 $ 2,700.00 $: 2,700:00' 5.64 Utility Fixture, F&I, 1" Sin le Short Water Service on 12" EA 1 $ 1,000-00 1 000.QOi 5,65 Utility Fixture, F&1, V Single Long Water Service on 12" EA 1 S 2300.00 -V , 2,300.00; 5,66 Utility Fixture, F&i 1,5" Double Short Water Service an 12" EA 1 $ 1,700.00 _ 1100.00' 5,67 Utili Fixture, F&1,1,5" Double Long Water Service on 12" EA 1 $ 2 700.OD $: 2.7QD:D0 5,68 Utiffity Fixture, F&t Single Meter Bax EA 1 i $ 850.00 ss- 850:00' 5.69 Utility Fixture, F&i, Double Meter Box EA 1 $ 1,500.00 1,500.00 5.70 Utili Fixture F&i 2" Blow -off Assembly Complete w/Box AS 1 $ 2,400 00 2,420,00 5,71 Utili Fixture, ExistingMeter Box Ad ust to Grade EA i $ 550.00 `. ' 550.00 tibtotal 1a5st1a.OD< 8.00 Fire 14ydrants 6,01 Fire Hydrant y Assembl . Standard 3 Way, F&I, 6" Unit EA 1 1 $ 8,000.00 8,000-00' 6.02 Fire Hydrant, Existing, Adjust & Modify FA 1 $ 4,000.00 ': 4,000.00 6.03 Fire Hydrant Relocate Existing EA 1 $ 4,00000 'g, 4,000X 6.04 Fire Hydrant Remove EA 1 $ 2,500.00 $ 2,500.00 6,05 FH Assembly Connection Fittin - 6" x 6" x 6" MJ Tee - FH to Main Line Only EA 1 $ 1,500.00 S 1,500.00 606 FH Assembly Connection Fitting - 8" x B" x 6" MJ Tee - FH to Main Line Only EA 1 $ 2,000.00 .$ 2,000.00 6.07 FH Assembly Connection Fitting -10" x 10" x6" MJ Tee - FH to Main Line Only EA 1 $ 2,500.00 ; 2,500.00 6.06 FH Assembly Connection Fitting -12" x 12" x 6" MJ Tee - FH to Main Line Only EA 1 $ 3,50000 3,500,00 6.09 FH Assembly Connection Fitting - 6" MJ 90' Elbow - FH to Main Line Only EA 1 $ 35000 $` 350.00: 6.10 FH Assembly Connection Fitting - 8" MJ 90' Elbow - FH to Main line Only EA 1 $ 450.00 $450.00 _ 6,11 FH Assembly Connection Fitting - 10" MJ 90' Elbow - FH to Main line Only EA 1 $ 650.00 $ 650.00r 6.12 FH Assembly Connection Fitting -12" MJ 90" Elbow - FH to Main line Only EA 1 $ $�tt 7}50.00 X750.00 7.00 Utility - Sewer Service (IncludIn'0.jlt1:fn is}.pipe, mtlttidals and r torafth) 7.01 Utili Pipe, F&I, Sewer Gravity. 6" PVC DR25 *(for Services and Laterals Only) LF $ 200.00 $ 200,00 7.02 Utility Pipe, F&I, Sewer Gravity, 8" PVC DR25 LF $ $ 275.00 $ 275.00 7.03 Utili Pipe. F&i, Sewer Gravity, 10" PVC DR25 LF 1 $ 320.00 $' 3DO00 7.04 Utility Pipe. F&i Sewer Gravity, 12" PVC DR25 LF 1 $ 350.00. 350:00' 7.05 Utilh Pipe, F&J, Sewer Gravity, 14" PVC DR25 LF1 $ 352.00 S 350:00; 7,06 Utility Pipe, F&J, Sewer Gravity, 16" PVC DR25 LF 1 $ 500.00 S'" 500.00 7.07 Utility Pipe, F&t, Sewer Gravi , 18" PVC DR25 LF 1 $ 600.00 $ 6W00- 7,08 Utility Pim F&I, Sewer Graft 20" PVC DR25 LF 1 - $ 750,00 $ 750,001. 7.09 Utility Pipe. F&I, Sewer Gravity, 24" PVC DR25 LF 1 $ 800.00 $ a00.00 7.10 Utility Pipe, F&I, Sewer Forcemain, 6" PVC DR18 LF 1 i $ 55.00 $ 55.00 7.11 Ublity Pipe, F&i, Sewer Forcemain, 8" PVC DR 18 LF 1 ' $ 85.00 $ 85.00 7.12 Utility Pipe, F&I, Sewer Forcemain 10" PVC DRI 8 LF 1 $ 125.00 b 125.00; 7,13 Utility Pie F&I, Sewer Forcemain 12" PVC DR18 LF 1 $ 175.00 $ 175.00 7,14 Utility Pipe, F&1 Sewer Forcemain, 16" PVC DR18 IF 1 $ 250.00 $ 250.00. 7,15 Utilit Pi e, F&i. Sewer Forcemain -`DIP LF 1 $ 175,00 175,00; 7,16 Utili Pipe, F&I, Sewer Forcemain 10" DiP LF = 1 $ 210,00 ? :.210.00 7.17 Utility Pipe, F&I, Sewer Forcemain, 12" DIP LF 1 $ 240.00 $ ` 240.00 7,18 Utility Pipe, F&I, Sewer Forcemain, 16" DfP LF 1 $ 300-00 S 300.00 7.19 Utility Pipe, Sewer. Remove/Dispose. 6" LF 1 ` $ 30.00 $ 30.00; 7.20 lUtility Pipe, Sevier, RemovelDis ose, 8" LF 1 $ 35.00 $ 35.04', 7,21 Utility Pipe, Sewer, Remove/Dispose, 10" LF 1 $ 40.00 $ 40:00'; 7.22 Utility Pipe, Sewer, Remove/Dispose, 12" LF 1 ` $ 40.00 40.00! 7.23 Utility Pipe, Sewer RemovelDis se 16" LF 1 $ 50.00 50:00 7.24 Utility Pie Cute -in -Place, Sewer, Existing Clay, 6" LF 1 $ 120,00: 120 00> 7.25 Utility Pipe, Cure -in -Place, Sewer, Existing Clay, 8" LF 1 $ 140 00 140:00 726 Utility Pie Cure -In -Place. Sewer, Existing Cia , 10" LF 1 $ 160.00 $'' 160.D0+ 7.27 Utility Pipe, Cure -In -Place, Sewer E)dstiM Clay, 12" LF 1 $ 180.00 $: 180.00 718 Utility Fixture, F&I 6' Sewer Service Fitting to 6" Gravity Main EA 1 $ 800.00 5+ 600:00, 7.29 Utility Fixture, F&i 6" Sewer Service Fitting to 8"Gravi Main EA 1 $ 750,00-00 750.' 7-30 WitFixture, F&t 6' Sewer Service Fittin to 10"Gray' Main EA 1 $ 750.00 S 750.00 7,31 Utility Fixture, F&I, 6" Sewer Service Fitting to 11" to 12" Gravi Main FA 1 $ 850.00 $' 850.O0f. 7.32 Utility Fixture. F&I, 6" Sewer Service Fitting to 13" to 14" Gravity Main EA 1 $ 850.00 5 850.00 7.33 Utili Fixture, F&L 6" Sewer Service Fittingto 15" to 16" GravityMain EA 1 $ 1,500.00 is 1,500.00 714 U1iG Fixture. F&i. 6" Sewer Service Fttting to 17" to 18" Gravi Main EA 1 $ 2000.00 $ 2 El04:OOf Ar Pay Item No. Descriptions tinct °'` Qty MaXlmum Unit P ; Extended Price , , .:. 9.05 Paver Bendable train Piga 4" F&t MA re ate LF 1 $ 8,00 S 8.00' 9.06 Paver Drain Clean-out 4", FBt EA .I $ 125.00 $ 125.00 9.07 Steel Vehicular Plates, Temp, F&I 8' W x 20' L 1"thick EA2 $ 1,750.00 $ 3,500:00 Subtotal $ 1,20_i 10.04 Concrete Work 10.01 Concrete Curb & Gutter, Type F Parent of Diop Curb LF 1 ` $ 55,00 ': 55.00 10.02 Concrete Curb & Gutter TMA LF t $ 45,00 45.00 10.03 Concrete Curb & Gutter, T -B LF f $ 45.00 5 45.00: 10.04 ConcreteCurb & Cutter T D LF i $ 50.00 $ 50e04; 10.05 Conorete Curb & t3utter` Type E LF 1 $ 50.00 $ 50,06 10.06 Concrete Drop Curb, FDOT LF 1 $ 50.00 50.00 10.07 Concrete Ribbon Curb 12" Width LF 1; $ 45.0074F7 45:06 10.08 Concrete Valley. Gutter LF 1 $ 70.00 70; 10.09 Sidewalk Concrete, 4" Thick SY 4 $ 65.00 85:00' 10.10 S Cial Sidewalk Finish - Trowel E AlternatingBroom Fields SY i $ 5.00 5.00't 16.11 Sin ie Direction Detectable Warning Mat New EA 1 $ 150.00 ':S 150.001! 10.12 Dual Direction Detectable Warning New Mat EA 1 $ 300.00 ;$ 300.40. 10.13 SidervalklPavement Concrete, W Thick . SY 1 , $ 90.00 S' 90.00' 10.14 Driveway Concrete 6" Thick SY V $ 90.00 5: 90:00 10.15 Detectable Warning Mat on Odsting Walking Surface EA 1 $ 150.00 $ 15000 10.16 Concrete Class NS Gravity Wall CY 1 $ 600.00 $ 600.00' 10.17 Concrete Trak Separator, Special - Variable Width SY I $ 130.00 $ 130.00 10.18 Concrete Barrier Wall, Removal LF 1 $ 50.00 $ 50.00< 10.1.9 Concrete Traffic Railing Barrier, with Junction Slab. 42"'F' Sha a LF 1 $ 275,00 S' 275.04' 10.20 Concrete Surface. Class V Bridge Treatmen Pte & A SF 1 $ 4.00 `$- 4:00' i d.21 Pressure Wash Ezistin Curti &Cutter, Sidewalks, & Dnv SF 1 '' $ i,00 _ }:� 1.OSi,Pavement Restoration (R�ferto.Seotitxtt 0110 ¢- 11:61 Stabilization Type B r CitDetail SY 1 $ 15.00 _I--_ 11-02 Optional Base Group 06 or 8" Umerock Detail SY t $ 75.00_ 75.00 11.03 Tack and Sand.O tional Base or Limerock Per FDOT Spec) SY 1 ' $ 1.50 :S',. 160 11.04 Asphalt Patchi r City Detail SY 1 $ 150.001.$15Q;00:', 11.05 Millin ExistingAsphalt Pav'L 1,25' Average Depth SY 1 $ 7.00 s: 7.00 11.06 Milling Existing Asphalt Pav'L 1.50" Avera e O th SY 1 $ 8,00 8.t" 11.67 SuperPave Asphaltic Conrxete Traffio'B` SP95 at 1:25" PeTN 1 $ 300.00'= 300.00' 11.08 Su Pave Asphaltic Cona to Traffic'B' SP12:5 at 1.50" Depth TN 1 $ 300.00 300.00 11.09 Reinforced Concrete Pavement 8' 2gth SY 1 $ 175.00. 176.00'; 11.10 Traffic Signal Loop Assembly, F&1 TypeF AS 1 $ 2,800.00 2.800.00 11.11 Retro-Reffective.PaveMontMarkers EA 1 $ 7.00 S TOO 11.12 Thermoplastic PavioVent Marking, Standard White Solid S" LF 1 $ 5.00 $ 5.00 11.13 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Standard White: Solid, 8" LF 1 $ 8.00 SA0 11.14 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking,Standard White Solid; 12" LF 1 $ 10.00 - `= 10:001 11.15 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Standard, White, Solid, 18" for Diagonals and Chevrons LF 1 $ 15.00 ,S 15.00 11.16 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Standard, White, Solid, 24" For 'Stop' line and Crosswalks LF 1 $ 18.00 $ f8.00 11.17 Thermoplastic Pavement Ma ' Standard WhiteMessy or mtxti EA 1 $ 154.00 11.18 Thermo asticPavementMarking Standard White Arrows EA _ .1i $ 125.00 $ 12500: 11.19 Thermoplastic Pavement Markin Stand#A Yellow Solid 6" LF 1 $ 7.00 $ 7,00 11.20 Thermoplastic Pavement MaStandard Yellow Solid 12" LF t-' $ 10.00 $ 10.00 11,21 Thermoplastic Pavement Marking, Standard, Yellow, Solid, 16" for Diagonals and C LF 1 $ 15.00 S 15.00 11.22 PermanentCohcNM Pavement Stripe Paint Standard, White 24" Width LF 1 $ 18.00 .s;- 18.00, 11.23 JTemporaryfthait Paint- Pre-Thermoptastic LS 1; $ 4,500.Od `3 , 4,500.00' SUN 8,719': 12.00 Stormwater Improvements and Restoration (Refer to Section 02410) 12.01 Curb Inlet Complete, F$,l - Type P 4' Diameter Round, T e 1 To V OAH EA 1 $ 8 500.00 1202 Curb Inlet Complete, F&I - T" P 4' Diameter Round T 2 To , V OAH EA 1 $ 6,500.00 $ 6,500.00 12.03 Curb fntat Complete, F&t - Type J 5' Diameter Round, Type 1 To .6'- OAH EA 1 $ 8,500.00 $ 8, 500:OD 12.04 Curb Wet Com late, F&I - Type J 5' Diameter Round T 2 Top, W OAH EA -_. 1; $ 8,500m 3 8.50040 12.05 Curb Inlet Complete, F&1- Type J V Diameter Round 7 4 Top, V OAH FA 1 81500,00 $ 8.500.00 12.06 Curb Inlet Co ate F&I - P 4' Diameter Round T 5 Ta 6' OAH EA 1 6000.00 $ 6,000:00:' tZA7 Curb Inlet Com ate F&I - T e P. 4' Diameter Round, T 6 To , 6` OAH EA 1 $ 6,000,00 $ 6,ODO;Im' 12.08 Curb inlet Complete, F&I - T J 5 Diameter Round. T 5 Top, 6' OAH EA 1 $ 8 000.00 $ 9000 12.09 Curb Inlet £ ete F&I - J V Diameter Round, T 8 T 6' OAH FA 1 $ 9 000.00 9.EWt1:0O def: '_b# t .�. ♦ 6J ON Pay P2o. Descriptions Unit �f I Qty 1'' • 4 tel, `t • ! maximumUnittram Price Extended Price 12.15 Manhole Complete, F&i - Type P 4' Dia. Round Type 8 Top, s' OAH FA 1 $ 9000.00 $ 9,00-M, ` 12.16 ManholeAdust to GradeExistin EA _= 1 ;, $ 1,750,00 $ 1,75O;t�t' 12.17 Manhole Top, F&i, City Standard EA 1 $ 3,25U0 $ 3,250;00' 12.18 rt, F&1, RCP Round 15" LF 1 $ 150.00 $ 150.00 12.19 rt FU RCP Round 18" LF 1 ;` 3 75.00 S 175,00: 12,20 Pine F&I RCP Rotmd 24" LF 1 $ 250.00 s 250,401 12.21 Pipert F&I RCP Round 30" UPig2Wyert, LF 1 $ 300.00 300.00: 12.22 Culvert F&I RCP, Round 36" LF 1 $ 350.00 350.00 12,23 F&t RCP Round. 42" LF 1 $ 450.00 .$ 450.00 12.24 F&I RCP Round 48" LF 1 S 575.00 S' 575 00 12.25 Pipe Culvert F&I RCPE Elliptical 19" x 30" LF 1 S 265.00 $ 265.00;? 12.26 Pipe Culvert F&I RCPE Elliptical 12" x 18" LF 1 S 195.00 $ 195.00i':' 1227 Pipe Culvert. FU RCPE, Elliptical 14" x 23" LF 1 ; $ 170.00 $ 17&00'' 12.28 Cure-in-Place Pipe CulvertF&t CMP or RCP Round 15" LF 1 $ 90.00. ME 12.29 Cure-in-Place Pipe Culvert. F&L GMP or RCP Round, 18" LF 1 ' $ 100.00 101100 12.30 Cure-in-Place. Pi a Cui F&i CMP of RCP Round 24" LF 1 ' $ 12500 125:00° 12.31 Cure-in- PI Cuiv F..GMP or RCP Round 30" LF 1 $ 150,00 :$ 150.00 12.32 Cure-in-Place Pipe Curve F&I CMP or RCP Round. 3ti LF 1 $ 225.00 $ 225.00 12.33 Cure-in-Place. Pipe Culvert. F&I CMP or RCP Round. 42" LF 1 $ 290.00 $ 290.00- 12,34 Cure-in-Place Pie Culvert F&t CMP or RCP Round, 48" LF 1 $ 306.00 S 308.00? 12.35 Mitered End Section Complete, F&I RCP, Round, 15" Pie EA 1 ! $ 3,000.00 $ 3,tt00.00 12.36 Mitered End Section Complete, F&I, RCP Round 18" Pipe EA 1 ': $ 3,200.00 S 3,200.00" 12.37 Mitered End Section Complete, F&1 RCP Round 24" Pipe EA 1 $ 3 800.00 $ 3,600.00 12.38 Mitered End Section Complete. F&I, RCP, Round 30" Pip± EA 1 $ 4,000.00 $ 4 000.00; 12.39 Mitered End Section Complete. F&I RCP, Round, 36'Pipe EA 1 $ 4500.00 $ 4.500.00 12,40 Mitered End Section Comptate F&I, RCP Round 42' P EA 1 $ 6,000.00 6.000.00 12.41 Mitered Erxi Section Com F&I RCP, Round 48" Pi EA 1 $ 8.000.00 S> 8 x:00 12.42 Concrete Inlet Ditch Bottom Type F <10 w/Grate EA 1 $ 5,500.00 S' 5,500.01) 12,43 Concrete Inlet Ditch Bottom T. C <10 w/Grate FA 1 $ 5,000m S 5'000.04` 12.44 Inlets Median Barrier Type 1 <10' EA 1 $ 5,500.00 12.45 inlets, Closed Flume EA 1.= $ 4,400.00 4 4,400.00'' 12.46 Concrete Pipe Jacket FOOT Stnd Plan 430-001 EA 1 ' $ 2,500.00 2 500;00° 12.47 French Drain. F&I 15" Pi w/Wra Stone LF 1 ; S 225.00 12,46 Pie Re it Clamp SP EA 1 : $ 7,500.00 7500;00; Subtotal 13,04 Lain Ca inhancettl nts=$. Its t' t* "' G 13.01 Performance Turf Sod SY 1 $ 6.00 13,02 Landscape Plants Small Groundoover, 1 Gallon EA 1 $ 10.00 1000 13.03 Landscape Plants Small Shrub 1 Gallon EA 1 $ 20.00 S 20 40' 13.04 Landscape Plants Large Shrub, 3 Gallon EA 1 $ 35.00 $ 35 OO( 1.3,05 Landscape Plants Large Trees 65 Galion EA 1 $ 1,100.00 $ 1,100.00' 13.06 Landscape Plants lar a Palms. 12' OAH EA 1, $ 950.00 $ 950.00 1307 Mailbox Replacement EA = 1 S 350.00 $ 350.00 13.08 Irrigation System Per Pian EA 1 '' $ 2,600.00 S 2,500,00- 13.09 Irrigation epairs EA 1 $ 1,750.00 '$ "' 1,750:00 13.10 DecoratW@Street Sion Posts FA 1 S 1.750.00 $ 11750-00 13.11 Single Dacarativa Post Sin Relocate Existing EA 1 5 750.00 $ . 750.01 13,12 Irrigation Bores 2" Diameter EA 1 $ 3,500.00 �4 600.00: 13113 Ir ' ation Bores 4" Diameter EA 1 $ 4:500.00 4 50tt:t; 13,14 Irri tion Bores 6" Diameter EA 1. As 6.500.00 4, > 6 :00; 13.15 Aluminum Handrail, Bicycle-Pedestrian, 48" Height Powder Coated'Black Gloss' refer to FDOT Index 515-062)LF 1 $ 225.00 225.00 13.16 Aluminum Handrail Repair - Exlstin LF 1 $ 150.00 $ i50:OD". 13.i7 Steel Handrail Re air - Existing LF 1 S 175.00 3. 175,00' 13.18 Standard Traffic Guardrail-Roadwa General TL-2,31" Height LF t ; $ 45.00 $" 45W" 13.19 Standard Traffic GuardrallRemoval LF 1 $ 30.00 30.00: 13.20 Guardrail End Anchorage Assembly-Flared AS 1, 'i $ 2,500.00 2 5l :OO 13,21 Guardrail End Anchorage Assemb -Parallel AS 1 $ 3 000.00 $'' 3000;00'+ 13.22 Standard Traffic Guardrail, Field Painted (Pro.indAlkXg Urethane & Primer LF 1 $ 40.00 40.00: 13.23 Reflectors Barrier Wall or Guardrail Mounted, Yellow LF 1 $ 75.00 -_ 75AT 13.24 Fence Chain Link lype B Standard 6' LF 1 $ 60.005; 60,00 i 13.25 Fence Gate Chain Link Type B Standard Single T to 6'QpeninR EA 1 $ 1500.E 13.26 Fence Gat Chain Link 7 B Standard Double 6' to 12' O in EA 1 $ 4L600.00 1 4.5(}0 13.27 Fence, Chain Lin T B. Standard V Black Vnyl Clad LF 1 $ 75.00 $ 7 13.28 IFence Gate, Chain rink Type B Slandars! Single 3'to 8' Openin Black Vinyl C EA 1 $ 1800.00 $ 1 800.OT 13.29 IFence Gate, Chain Unk IM B Stnd. Double 8` to 12' Oponina Brack Vin Ch EA 1 $ 5,500.00 S 5 500,00,' 13.30 JETectrical - Project Specific Only EA 1: $ 25,400,00 1 $ 25;00040 Cat#zj Co�c don Compajr�da, LLC 1056 Willa Springs ©rive Winter Springs, FL 32708 CITY OF AMONI � ITEMIZED BID FORM ITB NO. 23 -009 -RS CITYWIDE INFRASTRUCTURE POTABLE, SANITARY, RECLAIMED, AND STORMWATER WITH SITE RESTORATION Bidder to complete form and attach to Proposal Bid Form. Enter Base Bid Grand Total on Proposal Bid Form. d may Ite319 _ r r� i • J s 3 ROM Descriptions Unit A t' �y r d s t Unit Price 3. ^ A i t Extended Price Utili Pipe, Water Potabie/Reclaimed Remove/Dis se, 12" LF 0,00 3.20 Utility Pipe, Water PotabletReclaimed Remm+eiDis 16" LF 0.00 $ 3.21 UU14 Pipe. Water Potable/Reclaimed PIVq & Out of Service, 0"-1.9" LF 0.00 - s 3.22 Utility Pipe, Water PotabletReclaimed, Plug & Out of Service, 2" LF 240.00 $ 3,00 $ 720.Otf 323 Utility Pipe, Water PotabletReclaimed, Plug & Out of Service, 4" LF 0.00 $ - $ 3.24 Utility Pipe. Water PotatNe/Reclaimed Plug & Out of Service 6" LF 0.00 $ 3.25 Utility Pipe, Water PotabietReciaimed Plug & Out of Service, 8" LF 0.00 $ 3.26 Utility Pipe, Water Potable/Reclaimed Plug & Out of Service. 10" LF 0.00 $ 3.27 Utility Pipe, Water Potable/Reclaimed, Plug & Out of Service, 12" LF 0.00 $ s 3.28 Utility Pipe, Water Potable/Reclaimed, Plug & Out of Service, 16" LF 0,00 " $ 3.29 Utility Pipe, Elbow Potable/Reclaimed, 45 or 90. F&i. 2" EA 0.00 $ $ 3.30 Utility Pipe, Elbow Potable/Reclaimed, 45 or 90. F&i, 4" E.A 6.00 $ 300.00 $ 1,800.00 3.31 Utili Pipe, Elbow Potable/Reclaimed, 45 or 90, F&i, B" EA 8.00 $ 375.00 S _ 3,000.00 3.32 Utility Pipe, Elbow Potable/Reclaimed. 45 or 90, F&I 8" EA 12.00. $ 460.00 6 5,520.00' 3.33 Utili Pipe, Elbow Potable/RecWmed 45 or 90. F&I, 10" EA 0.00 $ 3.34 Utility Pipe, Elbow PotabielReclaimed 45 or 90 F&I, 12" EA 0.00 $ t6. 3.35 Utility Pipe, Elbow Potable/Reclaimed. 45 or 90, F&I, 16" EA 0.00 -' $ 3,36 Ufili Pipe, Valve Box Adjust to Grade with Concrete Collar EA 9.00 js 150.00 $ 1,350'w' 2501)Dtal, rb:::: 6.00 Utility,. Wsto�S�9 oore-(Inciudlng fflItIngs, pipe,matdriaisand tostortt n} 5.01 Utility Fixture, F&i, Water, Meter and Meter Box on 0"-1.9" WM EA o00 `: $ $ 5.02 Utility Fixture, F&I. Water, Backflow Assembly on 0"-1.9" WM EA 0:00 $ s 5.03 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water, Saddle on 0"-1.9° WM EA 0.00 $ 5 5,04 Utility Fixture, F&1 Water, Gate Valve Assembly on 0"-1.9" WM EA 0,00 $ 5.05 Utl& Fixture, F&I Water, Meter and Meter Box on 2" WM EA 0.00 ± $ 5.06 Utiti Fixture, M. Water Saddle on 2" WM EA 0.00 $ # " 5.07 Utility Fixture, F&i, Water, Gate Valve Assembly on 2" WM EA 0.00 $ S" 5,08 Utility Fixture, F&i, Water, Line Stop Assembly on 2" WM EA OM $ 5 5,09 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water, Mech Joint Restraint on 2" WM EA 0.00 $ $ 5.10 UGIT Fixture, F&I Water, Meter and Meter Box on 4" WM EA 0.00 $ - s 5.11 Utility Fixture, F&t WaterSaddle on 4" WM EA 000 $ " 5.12 UGIT Fixture, F&I, Water, Gate Valve Assembl on 4" WM EA 0,00' � $" 5.13 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water, Line Stop Assembly on 4" WM EA 0.00 $ 5.14 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water Mech Joint Restraint on 4" WM EA 0,00 $ 5 5.15 Utility Fixture, F&I Water, Meter and Meter Box on 6" WM EA 4.00 $ 550.00 $ 2,200;00 5.16 U014 Fixture, F&I Water, Saddle on 6" WM EA 0.00 $ - S 5.17 Utility Fixture, F&i, Water, Gate Valve Assembly on 6" WM EA 9,00 $ 1,600.00 _ 14,400, 5.16 UGIT Fixture. F&I Water, Line S!2p Assembly on 6" WM EA 14.00 $ 4,600.00 3. 63,000:00 5.19 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water Mech Joint Restraint on 6" WM EA 0.00 s $ 5.20 Utili Fixture, F&i, Water, Meter and Meter Box on 8" WM EA 0.00 $ 5.21 Utility Fixture. F&I, Water, Saddle on B" WM EA 0.00 $ 5.22 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water, Gate Valve Assembly on 8" WM EA 0-00 $ . 5.23 Utility Fixture, F&t Water Line St22 Assembly on 8" WM EA 0,00 $=' 5.24 UU14 Fixture, F&i Water, Mech Joint Restraint on 8" WM EA 100 $ 175.00 IV7- 350.00 5.25 Utility Fixture, F&i, Water Meter and Meter Box on 10" WM EA 0.00 $ 5,26 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water, Saddle on 10" WM EA 0.00 $ 527 Utility Fixture, F&I Water, Gate Valve Assembly on 1O" WM EA 0,00 $ S:-> 5.28 Utility Fixture. F&I, Water Line Stop Assembly on 10" WM EA 0100 Is 3< 5.29 Utility Fixture, F&t Water Mech Joint Restraint on 10"' WM EA 0.00 $ - - 5.30 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water. Meter and Meter Box on 12" WM EA 0.00 $ 5.31 Utility Fixture. F&I, Water, Saddle on 12" WM EA 0.00 $ $ 5,32 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water, Gate Valve Assembly on 12" WM EA 0.00 $ - $ 5.33 Utility Fixture. F&I, Water, Line Stop Assembly on 12" WM EA 0.00 $ $ ' 5.34 Utility Fixture F&i Water, Mech Joint Restraint on 12" WM EA 0.00 $ - 5 5.35 Utility Fixture, F&t Water Meter and Meter Box on 16" WM EA 0.00 $ $ 5.36 Utility Fixture. F&I Water Saddle on 16" WM EA 0.00 $ - $ 5.37 Utility Fixture, F&I, Water, Gate Valve Assembly on 16" WM EA 0.00 $ Irl 5.38 Utili Fixture, F&i. Water, Line Stop Assembly on 16" WM EA 0.00 '' $ 5 _„ 5.39 Utility Fixture F&I, Water Mech Joint Restraint on 16" WM EA 0.00 $ $ 5.40 Utility Fixture, F&I, V Single Short Water Service on 0"-2" EA 0.00 _, $ $ 5.41 Utility Fixture F&i, 1" Single Long Water Service on 0"-2" EA 0.00 $ E - 5.42 Utility Fixture, F&i 1.5' Double Short Water Service ono" -2" EA 0.00 $ 5,43 Utility Fixture, F&t 1.5" Double L2N Water Service on 0"-2" EA 0.00 s # -" 5.44 Utility Fixture, F&1, 1" Single Short Water Service on 3" EA 0.00 $ 5.45 Utility Fixture. F&i, 1" Single Lorl2 Water Service on 3'" EA 0.00 $ $' 5.46 Uliil Fixture, F&t, 1,5" Double Short Water Service on 3" EA 0.00 $ $ 5.47 Utili Fixture, F&t 1.5" Double Long Water Service on 3" EA 0.00 $ w Pay item No. • • • i t i R Descriptions R Unit Qty Unit Price Extended Price 8.03 Utility Fixture, F&I Reclaimed. Saddle on 0"-1.9" EA 0,00, $ `. 8,04 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Gate Valve Assembly on 0"-1.9" EA 0.00 $ S + 8,05 Utility Fixture, F&1 Reclaimed. Meter and Meter Box on 2" EA 0.o0 " $ S 6.05 Utili Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed. Backflow Assembi on 2" EA 0,00 $ S 8.07 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed. Saddle on 2" EA 0.00 $ $ 8.08 Utili!y Fixture. F&l Reclaimed. Gate Valve Assembly on 2" EA 0:00 S 8.09 Utility Fixture, F&l Reclaimed, Line StoAssemb too 2" EA 0.00 $ S 8.10 Utility Fixture. F&1 Reclaimed, Men's Joint Restraint on 2' EA 0.00 $ - $ 8.11 Utility Fixture. F&I, Reclaimed. Meter and Meter Box on 4" FA 0.00 ? S $' 8.12 Utili Fixture, F&i, Reclaimed. Saddle on 4" EA 0.00 $ 8.13 Utility Fixture, F&l, Reclaimed, Gate Valve Assembly on 4" EA 4.00 $ 1,500.00 8.14 Utili Fixture. F&(Reclaimed. Line Stop Assembly on 4" EA 0.00 $ S 815 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Mech Joint Restraint on 4" EA 0:00 $ s' 8A6 6 Utili Fixture, F&I Reclaimed, Meter and Meter Box on 6" EA 0,00 8,17 Utili Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Saddle on 6" F -A 0.00 $ $ ' 8.18 Utili Facture, F&I Reclaimed, Gate Valve Assembly on 6" EA 0,00 $ $ 8.19 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed. Line Stop Assemb; on 6" EA 0.00 $ S 8.20 Utill Fixture. F&I, Reclaimed, Mech Joint Restraint on 6" EA 0.00 S S 8.21 Utility Fixture, F&1 Reclaimed, Meter and Meter Box on 8" EA 0.00 $ S 8.22 Utitit Fixture, F&I Reclaimed, Saddle on 8" EA 0.00 $ S' 8.23 UOli Fixture, F&i, Reclaimed, Gate Valve Assembbf on 8" EA 1.00 $ 2 700.008.' 7tMI.OQ 8.24 Utili Fixture, F&1 Reclaimed, Line StopAssemblyon 8" EA 0.00 $ -' 8.25 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Mech Joint Restraint on 8" EA 0.00 $ 8.26 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Meter and Meter Box on 10" EA 0.00 S-' 8.27 Utility Fixture, F&i Reclaimed, Saddle on 10" EA 0,00 $ 8.28 Utilit y Fixture, F&i Reclaimed, Gate Valve Assembly on 10" EA 0.00 $ 8.29 Utill Fixture, F&i Reclaimed. Line Stop Assembly on 10" EA 0.00 '_ $ $ _ 8.30 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Mech Joint Restraint on 10" EA 0.00 $ $ 8.31 Utility Fixture, F&I Reclaimed, Meter and Meter Bax on 12" EA 0.00 $ $ 8.32 Utility Fixture. F&I, Reclaimed, Saddle on 12" EA 0.00 $ S 8.33 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Gate Valve Assembly on 12" EA 0;00 $ - 8.34 UtH!V Fixture, F&1 Reclaimed Line Stop Assembly on 12" EA 0.130 $ 8.35 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed Mech Joint Restraint on 12" EA 0.00 $ - $ - 8.36 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Meter and Meter Box on 16" EA OA0 -' $ 8.37 Utility Fixture, F&t, Reclaimed. Saddle on 16" EA 0.00 - 8.38 Utility Fixture, F&I, Reclaimed, Gate Valve Assembly on 16" EA 0.00 S 8.39 Utility Fixture, F&i, Reclaimed, Line Stop Assembly or)16' EA 0.00 •! $ 8.40 Utifit y Fixture, F&{ Reclaimed, Mech Joint Restraint on 16" EA 0.00 $ 8.41 Utility Fixture, F&1 1` Stn le Short Reclaimed Service on 0"-2" Fro 0.00 $ 8.42 Utility Fixture, F&I, V Single Long Reclaimed Service on 0"4" EA 0.0o $ "# 8.43 Utility Fixture, F&I, 1.5" Double Short Reclaimed Service on 0"-2" EA 0-00 $ $ 8.44 Utility Fixture. F&I, 1.5" Double Long Reclaimed Service on 0"-2" EA 0.00_' $ 8.45 Utility Fixture, F&I 1" Single Short Reclaimed Service on 3" EA 0.00 $ $ 6.46 UUli Fixture. F&I 1" Sin le Long Reclaimed Service on 3" EA 0.00 $ S 8.47 Utility Fixture, F&1, 1.5" Double Short Reclaimed Service on 3" EA 0,00 $ $ 8.48 Utili Fixture, F&I 1.5" Double Long Reclaimed Service, on 3" EA 0.00 _ $ 8,49 Utility Fixture, F&I 1" Sin le Short Reclaimed Service on 4" EA 0.00 $ $ 8.50 Utility Fixture, F&I. 1" Sin le Lon2 Reclaimed Service on 4" EA 0.00 $ 8.51 Utility Fixture, F&i 1.5" Double Short Reclaimed Service on 4" EA 0.00 8.52 Utill Fixture, F&i 1.5" Double Long Reclaimed Service on 4' EA 0.00 $ .'. 8.53 UU& Fixture, F&i, 1" Single Short Reclaimed Service on 6" EA 0.00 .- $7-77-7- _ 8,54 8,54 Utility Fixture, F&1 1" Single Long Reclaimed Service on 6" FA 0.00. $ 8.55 Utility Fixture F&i, 1.5" Double Short Reclaimed Service on 6" EA 0.00 '' $ 8.56 Utility Fixture, F&I, 1.5" Double Long Reclaimed Service on 6" EA 0.00 $ $ 8.57 Utility Fixture. F&i, 1" Single Short Reclaimed Service on 8" EA 0,00 $ $ 8.58 Util Fixture, F&I 1" Single Long Reclaimed Service on 8" EA 0.00 $ 5 8.59 Utility Fixture, F&1, 1.5" Double Short Reclaimed Service on 8" EA 0.00 I $ 8.60 Utility Fixture, F&i, i.5". Double Long Reclaimed Service on 6" Fro 0.00 $ t `7-77 8,61 Utility Fixture, F&I, i" Single Short Reclaimed Service on 10" EA 0.00 " $ 8.62 Utility Fixture, F&i, 1" Sin le Lonq Reclaimed Service on 10" EA 0.00 $ 8.63 Utility Fixture, F&1 1.5" Double Short Reclaimed Service on 10" EA 0,00 $ $ 8.64 Utility Fixture, F&i, 1.5" Double LoQq Reclaimed Service on 10" EA 0.00. $ $ 8.65 Utility Fixture, F&I. 1" Si le Short Reclaimed Service on 12" EA 0,00 $-_ - 8.66 Utili Fixture, F&i 1" Single Long Reclaimed Service on 12" EA 0.00' $ 8.67 Utility Fixture, F&1,1.6' Double Short Reclaimed Service on 12" EA 0.00 $ 8.68 Utility Fixture, F&t, 1.5" Double Long Reclaimed Service on 12" EA 0.00 S 8.69 Utili Fixture, F&I, 1" Single Short Reclaimed Service on 16" EA 0.00 $ $ 8.70 Utiii Fixture. F&t 1" Single Long Reclaimed Service on 16" Fit 0.00 $ $ 8.71 jUtility Fixture, F&1 1,5" Double Short Reclaimed Service on 16" EA x}.00 $ Vg Jt VUIFb UVUUIJ VViIfKM-i-AAtva, LL%# 1066 Willa SpHngs Drive Winter Springs, FL 32708