HomeMy WebLinkAbout1590 the applicant has or will have at the time of issuance of the city certificate of registration a valid and current Sanford occupational license. The application shall set forth among other things the location by street and number of the place at which the business is to be located and the class of certificate desired. The application shall be approved or disapproved by the city manager or by a duly appointed agent of the city manager. Sec. 3-3. Refusal of application; hearing. If an application for a city certificate of registration is denied, the applicant may upon written notice appeal to the city coF~ission. Promptly after receiving such notice of appeal, the city commission shall conduct a full and fair hearing. If in the opinion of a majority of the city commission the issuance of the certificate of registration is not in the general welfare of the city, the application shall be denied. Sec. 3-4. Transfer. No certificate shall be transferable except upon a bona fide sale of the business which is so registered; the vendor may obtain a transfer of such certificate to the purchaser provided the purchaser shall prove to the satisfaction of the city manager that he possesses the qualifications required of a person to whom a new certificate would be issued and that he is duly qualified to accept such transfer under the state beverage law and has secured permission for such transfer by the state beverage department. Sec. 3-5. Term. City certificates of registration shall have a term commencing October 1 and shall expire on September 30 of each year. Seco 3-6. Classification. Registration shall be in five (5) classes, namely: (a) Class 1, to sell only beverages containing alcohol of more than one per cent by weight and not more than fourteen (14) per cent by weight and wines regardless of alcoholic content, but only in sealed containers for consumption off premises. (b) Class 2, to sell beverages regardless of alcoholic content, but only in sealed containers for consumption off premises. (c) Class 3, to sell beverages regardless of alcoholic content for consumption on premises. (d) Class 4, to sell beverages with an alcoholic content of more than one (1) per cent and not more than four and three-tenths (4.3) per cent by weight, commonly termed beer, in restaurants and eating establishments, having a seating capacity of not less than twenty (20) persons, for consumption on premises. (e) Class 5, to sell only beverages containing. alcohol of more than one per cent by weight and not more than fourteen (14) per cent.by weight and wines regardless of alcoholic content in restaurants and eating establishments, having a seating capacity of not less than twenty (20) persons, for consumption on premises only. -2- Sec. 3-7. Limitation of number on Class 2 and3 certificates of registration issued. No certificates of registration of Class 2 or Class 3 shall be issued so that the number of such vendors shall exceed one such vendor to each twenty-five hundred (2500) residents, or a major fraction thereof, as shown by the last census either state or federal; provided, however, such limitation shall in no event be so as to prohibit the issuance of at least two (2) such certificates. Section 3-8. Class 3 "special" certificates of registration. (a) There shall be no limitation of the number of Class 3 "special" certificates of registration issued to any bona fide hotel, motel or motor court of not less than one hundred (100) guest rooms or to any bona fide restaurant containing all necessary equipment and supplies for and serving full course meals regularly and having accommodations at all times for service of two hundred (200) or more patrons at tables and occupying more than four thousand (4000) square feet of space and deriving not less than sixty (60) percent of its gross income per annum from the sale of food providing that if such restaurant ceases to be a bona fide restaurant as required as a prerequisite for obtaining such certificate, such certificate shall be suspended; provided further that no intoxicating beverage shall be sold under such certificate after the hours of serving food has ceased. (b) Any certificate issued to any such hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant under the provisions of this section shall not be moved to a new location, such licenses being valid only on the premises of such hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant. (c) Any certificate issued for any hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant under the provisions of this section shall be issued only to the owner of said hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant, or, in the event the hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant is leased, to the lessee of the hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant and the certificate shall remain in the name of said owner or lessee so long as the certificate is in existence. (d) Any special certificate now in existence heretofore issued under the provisions of any law of the State of Florida which may have provided for the issuance of a special beverage certificate cannot be renewed except in the name of the owner of the hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant, or in the event the hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant is leased, in the name of the lessee of the hotel, motel, motor court or restaurant in which the certificate is located and must remain in the name of said owner or lessee so long as the certificate is in existence. (e) Any certificate issued under this section shall be marked "special." Sec. 3-9. Registration fee. There shall be paid to the city a fee not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100.00) for the issuance or transfer of certificates of registration. Sec. 3-10. Registration-non-profit and private clubs. All social, fraternal or civic associations or organizations which occassionaly or intermittently provide facilities for on premises consumption of alcoholic beverages by its members and their guests and private clubs as defined in ~561.20(7)(a), Florida Statutes, which are subject to licensing -3- by the Florida State Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco must obtain a certificate of registration from the city, however, the registration fee may be waived in the discretion of the city commission. Sec. 3-11. Revocation; notice; hearing. All certificates shall be revocable by the city commission upon sufficient cause appearing on the violation by any vendor of this Code or of any laws of the state; or of such vendor maintaining a nuisance or unsanitary premises or engaging in or permitting disorderly conduct on the certified premises. No certificate, however, shall be revoked except after notice given to the vendor and if requested by the vendor a public hearing before the city commission. ARTICLE II. REGULATING SALE Sec. 3-12. Hours of sale. No alcoholic beverages shall be sold, consumed or served, or permitted to be served or consumed, in any place holding a certificate under this chapter between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 8:00 a.m. the following morning, nor between 2:00 a.m. Sunday and 8:00 a.m. of the following Monday except as otherwise provided herein. (a) In the following classes of establishments, vendors holding special certificates of registration permitting the sale of alcoholic beverages regardless of alcoholic content and where consumption on the premises only is specified, shall be permitted to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for consumption prior to the established closing hour, during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. of the following morning, Monday through 2:00 a.mo Sunday: (1) Hotels, motels or motor courts of not less than one hundred (100) guest rooms. (2) Restaurants containing all necessary equipment and supplies for, and serving full course meals regularly and having accomodations at all times for two hundred (200) or more patrons at tables and occupying more than four thousand (4000) square feet of floor space. (b) Vendors, including but not limited to those referred to in (a) above, who hold Class 1 and Class 2 certificates of registration, may sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises during the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 a.m. the following morning, Monday through 2:00 a.m. Sunday. (c) Vendors who hold Class 1 certificates of registration may also sell alcoholic beverages for consumption off premises from 12:00 noon Sunday to 2:00 a.m. Monday. (d) Vendors who hold Class 3 "special," Class 4 and Class 5 certificates of registration as described in sections 3-6 and 3-8(a) shall also be permitted to sell and serve alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises only and for consumption prior to the established closing hour during the hours of 12:00 noon Sunday and 2:00 a.m. Monday. -4- The sale, serving or consumption of alcoholic beverages in any establishment registered to sell alcoholic beverages in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, during hours other than those specified herein, is strictly prohibited. Within the meaning of this section a sale shall be regarded as being made if the alcoholic beverage is delivered to any person during prohibited hours, regardless of whether payment therefor is made at some other time. If any such vendor be a corporation, then the officers of such corporation shall be regarded as the owners thereof for purposes of enforcement of this chapter. Sec. 3-13. Location of vendors near school or church. No Class 3 certificate of registration shall be issued to any applicant to operate any such business at a location within one thousand (1000) feet of any location for which a Class 3 certificate of registration has already been issued and is in force; or within two thousand (2,000) feet of any established school or church. However, the provisions of this section shall not apply to vendors either holding or meeting the requirements to hold a Class 3 "special" certificate of registration, as provided for in this chapter. The distances required in this section shall be measured by following the shortest route of ordinary pedestrian travel along a public right-of-way from the proposed main entrance of the applicant to the main entrance of any church or Class 3 vendor, and in the case of a school, to the nearest point of the school grounds in use as part of the school facilities. Sec. 3-14. Minors. It shall be unlawful: (a) For any minor of less than nineteen (19) years of age to enter the premises of any vendor for the purpose of purchasing or having served or delivered to him or her any liquor, wine, beer or alcoholic beverage. (b) For any minor of less than nineteen (19) years of age to misrepresent his or her age for the purpose of inducing any vendor or any employee of the vendor to sell or serve any liquor, beer, wine or alcoholic beverage to him or her. (c) For any minor of less than nineteen (19) years of age to purchase, or attempt to purchase or have another purchase for him or her any liquor, wine, beer or other alcoholic beverage at the premises of a vendor. (d) For any parent or guardian to intentionally permit any minor child of whom he or she may be a parent or guardian to violate the provisions of this section. (e) For any vendor to fail to display at all times in a prominent place in the place of business of such vendor a printed card which shall read substantially as follows: "WA~qING TO MINORS Male or female persons under 19 years of age under city ordinance, are subject to fine if they: (1) Enter any premises to buy or have served to them alcoholic beverages. (2) Purchase or attempt to purchase or get another to purchase alcoholic beverages. -5- (3) Misrepresent their age for the purpose of purchasing or obtaining alcoholic beverages." (f) For any vendor to sell, serve or distribute in any form or by any method any alcoholic beverage to any minor of less than nineteen (19) years. Sec. 3-15. Sales prohibited to habitual drunkard or intoxicated person; written notification by next of kin. (a) No person shall sell or furnish any intoxicating liquors, wines or beer in any quantity to a habitual drunkard personally known to him, her, it or them, or of whose intemperate habits such seller has been notified in writing protesting against the selling or furnishing of such intoxicating liquors, wine or beer, by the spouse, father, mother, brother or sister of such drunkard. (b) No person shall sell or cause to be sold or furnished or permit any person in his, her, its or their employ to sell or furnish any minor, female, or any person who is at the time intoxicated or drunk, intoxicating liquor, wine or beer, in any quantity. Sec. 3-16. Revenue stamps required. It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or offer for sale or to have in his possession within the city any beverages on which state and federal revenue stamps are required unless the bottle or container in which said beverages are contained shall have affixed to it the required stamps. Sec. 3-17. Inspection and search of premises without warrant. Every holder of a certificate of registration under this chapter shall, by accepting the certificate, agree that the place of business specified in the certificate shall during business hours, always be subject to be inspected and searched without search warrant by any police officer of the city. Sec. 3-18. Disorderly maintenance of premises. It shall be unlawful for the holder of any certificate under this chapter to permit, allow or suffer the place of business specified in the certificate to become disorderly or disreputable or so noisy as to annoy or disturb residents in the vicinity thereof, or to become a nuisance in any respect. Sec. 3-19. Illegal transportation; forfeiture. Any vehicle, vessel, aircraft or any animal used in the transportation or removal of, or for the deposit or concealment of any illicit liquor still or stilling apparatus or any mash, wort, wash or other fermented liquids capable of being distilled or manufactured into an alcoholic beverage containing more than one per cent alcohol by weight, or any alcoholic beverage, con~only known and referred to as moonshine whiskey, where seized by a municipal officer within the corporate limits of the city shall be forfeited, as provided for by the general state law, and all sums received therefrom shall go into the general operating fund of the city. Sec. 3-20. Bottle clubs prohibited. (a) Definitions. For the purpose of this section the following definition of terms shall control: (1) Bottle club shall mean and include any place or establishment: -6- a. For the purposes of this part, a "bottle club" is a business establishment providing facilities for the consumption of alcoholic beverages by its patrons on the premises, but not registered to sell alcoholic beverages, without regard as to whether the patrons are required to be members of the bottle club. A "bottle club" does not include a social, fraternal or civic association or organization which only ocassionally or intermittently provides facilities for on-premises consumption of alcoholic beverages by its members and their guests and is not registered to sell alcoholic beverages. Nor shall this definition be deemed to preclude o5 prohibit the operation of private clubs as defined in Section 561.20(7)(a), Florida Statutes. b. Alcoholic beverage shall mean and include all beverages containing more than one per cent of alcohol by weight. (b) All bottle clubs are prohibited from operation in the City of Sanford, Florida. (c) This section shall not be construed to affect, nor is it intended to affect, those places or establishments whose hours are established or controlled pursuant to Chapter 562.14, Florida Statutes. Sec. 3-21. Violation of state law a violation of this chapter. Each and every violation of the laws of the state relating to the sale of alcoholic beverages, is hereby specifically made a violation of this chapter and subject to the same penalties as provided by state law with the same force and effect as if the provisions of the laws were fully set forth herein. Sec. 3-22. Penalty for violations. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be punishable as provided by section 1-8 of this Code, and in case the offender is the holder of a vendor's certificate the city commission may also revoke such certificate. SECTION 2: If any section or portion of a section of this ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section or part of this ordinance. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. -7- PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of February , A.D. 19.82 - he City of Sanford, Florida CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, It., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, !Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1590, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 22nd day of February, 1982, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 24th day of February, 1982. City of Sanford, Florida -8-