HomeMy WebLinkAbout1525 ORDINANCE NO. 1525 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFOPD, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 25 OF THE SANFORD CITY CODE, SAID CHAPTER BEING ENTITLED "SWIMMING POOLS," SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING PROCEDURE FOR ISSUANCE OF BUILDING PEtNITS; PRO- VIDING FOR STRUCTURE REQUIREMENTS; PROVIDING FOR FOR SPECIAL REQUIREmeNTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVER- ABILITY, CONFLICTS AND EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: Short Title That Chapter 25 of the Sanford City Code is hereby amended as set forth hereinafter, and shall be known as the "Swimming Pool Code". SECTION 2: Definitions For the purpose of this Ordinance the fol- lowing terms, phrases, words and their derivations shall have the meaning given herein. When not inconsistent with the context, words used in the present tense include the future, words in the plural number include the singular number, and words in the singular number include the plural number. The word "shall" as used herein is mandatory and not merely directory. A. "County Sanitarian" is the County Sanitarian of Seminole County. B. "Swimming Pool" is a body of water in an artificial or semi-artificial receptacle or other container whether located indoors or outdoors, used or intended to be used for public, semi~public, or private swimming by adults and/or children, whether or not any charge or fee is imposed upon such adults or children, operated and maintained by any person as herein defined, shall include all structures, appurtenances, equipment, appliances and other facilities appurtenant to and intended for the operation and maintenance of a swinmaing pool. C. "Family Swimming Pool" shall be any swimming pool used or intended to be used solely by the owner, operator or lessee thereof and his family, and by guests invited to use it without charge or payment of any fee. D. "Public Swimming Pool" shall be any swimming pool other than "Family Pools" and !'Wading Pools" as defined in this section. E. "Wading Pools" shall be any swimming pool with a sur- face area of less than two hundred fifty (250) square feet or a volume less than 3,250 gallons and is less than twenty-four (24) inches in depth at any point. (EXCEPTION) Wading Pools shall not be required to comply with this Ordinance, except that plans shall be submitted for appr.oval and permits, and the requirements of Paragraph A, Section 4, shall be complied with. SECTION 3: Permits A. Application: Before the erection, construction or alterations of any swimming pool is begun, an application for a permit shall be submitted to the Building Official for approval. Applicants for such permits shall be able to show coD~liance with Florida State Statutes. B. Plans and Specifications: (1) The application shall be accompanied by two (2) sets of full and complete plans and specifications of the pool, including plot plans of the lot showing distances between buildings or structures, and from all property lines. (2) The plans and specifications for all pools shall bear the seal and signature of a registered architect or engineer. (3) The plans and specifications of all public swishing pools shall bear indication of approval from the State Health Department. SECTION 4: Structural Requirements A. All swinnning pools, whether constructed of reinforced concrete, pneumatic concrete, steel, plastic, or others, shall be designed and constructed in accordance with the requirements of the local building code and accepted engineering principles. -2- B. All pools to be constructed of pneumatically-placed concrete or formed concrete shall be reinforced by 3/8" steel rods, both horizontally and vertically spaced not more than 12" apart. C. Pool concrete shell thickness shall be constructed of concrete of at least 3000 pounds per square inch at 28 days' strength. Pool floor thickness shall not be less than 5" in thickness and pool walls shall not be less than 4" thick, except whereas approved on drawings and specifications set forth on draw- ings submitted bearing signature and seal of a registered engineer. Pool steel shall be elevated during construction to approximate center of concrete or gunite shell. D. Masonry pools of cement block construction shall be built according to engineering specifications set forth on plans bearing the signature and seal of registered engineer. SECTION 5: Special Requirements Ao Enclosures: All swimming pools shall be completely enclosed with a fence or wall at least five (5) feet high, and so constructed as to be not readily climbable by small children. All gates or doors providing access to pool area should be equipped with a self-closing and self-latching device installed on the pool side for keeping the gates or doors securely closed at all times when the pool area is not in actual use, except that the door of any dwelling which forms a part of the enclosure need not be so equipped. B. Public swi~ing pools shall be designed and construc- ted to meet or exceed the National Swimming Pool Institute minimum standards for public swimming pools as well as Florida State Statute 10 D-5. C. Residential swirm~ing pools shall be designed and constructed to meet or exceed the National Swimming Pool Institute minimum standards for residential swimming pools. D. No pools shall be constructed closer than 10' from the property line unless otherwise approved by the Building Official, but in no case closer than seven (7) feet from the rear property -3- line, or seven and one-half (7~) feet from the side property line, except corner lots which must maintaina fifteen (15) foot setback. E. Wiring and grounding of all electrical equipment, bonding of all metallic appurtenances, and proximity of the swinmaing pool to overhead lines shall meet the requirements of the National Electric Code, as published by the National Fire Protec- tion Association. F. All pool fill lines shall be located so that there shall be a 4" air gap between potable water and pool water at all times. Go All pools shall be elevated so that ground water will not be allowed to overflow into pool. H. Pool depths shall be located so that no pool will be closer than one foot for every foot of depth plus a foot from the house. In no case shall the pool be closer than five (5) feet from the house. I. All pool decking shall be of a non-slip surface and shall be sloped at a rate of 3" in ten (10) feet away from pool edge to promote deck drainage. J. Discharge Water: Water being discharged from the pool or from the back flushing of the filtering system may be dis- charged to a storm sewer, dry well, seepage pit, or through an irrigation system or other method approved by the Building Official. Discharge water may notybe discharged into a sanitary or combined sewer. SECTION 6: If any section or portion of a section of this Ordinance proves to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, it shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity~ force or effect of any other section or part of this Ordinance. SECTION 7: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith, be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 8: This Ordinance shall become effective October 1, A.D. 19~0. -4- PASSED and ADOPTED this 22nd day of September , A.D. 1980. - ~,~/~, Mayor Attest: City of Sanford, Flo da CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of San- ford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1525, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 2~nd day of September, 1980, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 23rd day of September, 1980. City of Sanford, Florida -5-