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ORDINANCE NO. 1447 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 621 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, AND ADOPTING A SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1978-1979, PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted October 14, 1957, as amended, provides for job requirements and classification of positions of employeeS~ of the City of Sanford; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford deems it necessary to adjust the wages of said employees affected by said plan. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted October 14~ 1957, as amended, be and the same is hereby amended as attached. SECTION 2: A salary classification plan dated the 1st day of October, 1978, attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Ordinance as fully and completely as though the same were set forth in this section be and the same is hereby adopted. SECTION 3: All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4: This ordinance shall become effective October 1, 1978. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th day of September A. D., 1978. City o an or , orl a CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jro~ity Czlar~ ~of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct Copy of the foregoing Ordi~. nance No. 1447, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 25th day of September, 1978, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 26th day of September, 1978. ~nford, Florida POSITION CLASS IF ICAT ION POSITION PAY SCHEDULE PAY GRADE Clerk Typist I II 22 Clerk Typist II II 26 Clerk Typist III II 32 Accounting Clerk I II 26 Accounting Clerk II II 30 Accounting Clerk III II 36 Secretary I II 26 Secretary II II 30 Secretary III II ' 37 Key Punch Operator II 26 EEO Officer II 47 Ass.'t to City Manager II 54 Licensing Official II 45 Ass.'t for Public.Safety II 54 Ass.'t Finance Director II 50 Finance Director/City Clerk I Adm. Building Official II 52 Chief Building Inspector II 49 Minimum Hsg. & Code Insp. II 47 Building Inspector II 45 City Engineer I Adm. Draftsman II 39 Engineering Tech. III 42 POSITION CLASSIFICATION POSITION PAY SCHEDULE PAY GRADE Laborer I III 26 Laborer II III Custodial Worker III 24 Custodial Lead Worker III 27 Equipment Opr. I I,II 28 Equipment Opr. II III 30 Equipment Opr. III III 34 Equipment Opr. IV III 38 Field Supervisor III (38)? Foreman III '32 Mechanic III 38 Mechanic Helper III 27 Parts Coordinator III 30 Shop Superintendent III 45 Maintenance Superintendent III 45 Maintenance Repairman III 32 Refuse Superintendent III 46 Street Superintendent III 46A Public Works Director !I Adm. Utility Director I Adm. Sewer Superintendent III 45 Water Superintendent III 45 Utility Plant Superintendent III 48 Meter Reader III 30 POSITION CLASSIFICATION POSITION PAY SCHEDULE PAY GRADE Ut, Plant Opr,/Unc, III 32 Ut, Plant Opr./Cert, III 41 Ut, Plant Opr,/Mechanic III 38 Chief Plant Operator III 43 Recreation & Parks Director I Adm, Recreation Superintendent III 40. Parks Superintendent III 45 Recreation Supervisor III 31 Police Chief I Adm. Police Captain IV 51 Police Lieutenant IV 49 Police Sergeant IV 47 Adm, Aide& Crime Scene Tech, IV 47 Police Officer IV 45A Police Comm, Opr, IV 33 Parking Enforcement Specialist III-A 28 Fire Chief I Adm, Ass,'t Fire Chief V 51 Fire Lieutenant V 49 Fire Prevention & Training Lt, V 49 Senior Firefighter V 47 Firefighter V 45A 1978- 79 SALARY CLASSIFICATION PLAN EFFECTIVE OCT. 1, 1978 SALARY SCHEDULE II 1978-79 SALARY SCHEDULE I I-A 1978-79 SALARY SCHEDULE III ~978 - 79 SALARY SCHEDULE III /'~ 1978-79 ~'~ 24 - 30 40 HOURWEEK 10/01/78 STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 24 A 6190.25 6487.37 6834.01 7180.68 7527.33 7923.52 M 515,85 540.61 569.50 598.39 627.27 660.29 B/W 23S.08 249.51 262.84 276.18 289.51 304.75 W 119.04 124.75 131.42 138,09 144.75 152.37 H 2.97 3.11 3.28 3.45 3.61 3,80 25 6338.80 6660.70 7007.35 7354.01 7725.42 8121.59 528.23 555.05 583.94 612.83 643.78 676.59 243.80 256.18 269.51 282.84 297.13 312.36 121.90 128.09 134.75 141.42 148.56 156.18 3.04 3.20 3.36 3.53 3.71 3.90 26 6487.37 6834.01 7180.68 7527.33 7923.52 8319.68 540.61 569.50 598.39 627.27 660.29 693.30 249.51 262.84 276.18 289.51 304.75 319.98 124.75 131.42 138.09 144.75 152.37 159.99 3.11 3.28 3.45 3.61 3.80 3.99 27 6660.70 7007.35 7354.01 7725.42 8121.59 8517.17 555.05 583.94 612.83 643.78 676.59 709.81 256.18 269.51 282.84 297.13 312.36 327.60 128~09 134.75 141.42 148.56 156.18 163.80 3.20 3.36 3.53 3.71, 3.90 4.09 28 6834.01 7180.68 7527.33 7923.52 8319.68 8740.59 569.50 598.39 627.27 660.29 693.30 728.38 262.84 276.18 289.51 304.75 319.98 336.17 131.42 138.09 144.75 152.37 159.99 168.08 3.28 3.45 3.61 3.80 3.99 4.20 29 7007.35 7354.01 7725.42 8121.59 8517.17 8963.47 583.94 612.83 643,78 676.59 709.81 746.95 269.51 282.84 297.13 312.36 327.60 344.74 134.75 141.42 148.56 156.18 163.80 172.37 3.36 3.53 3.71 3.90 4.09 4.30 30 7180.68 7527.33 7923.52 8319.68 8740.59 9186.32 598.39 627.27 660.29 693.30 728.38 765.52 276.18 289.51 304.75 319.98 336.17 353.32 138.09 144.75 152.37 159.99 168.08 176.66 3.45 3.61 3.80 3.99 4.20 4.41 SALARY SCHEDULE III III 1978-79 31 - 37 40 HOUR WEEK 10/1/78 STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 31 A 7354.01 7725.42 8121.59 8517.17 8963.47 9409.18 B 612.83 643.78 676.59 709.81 746.95 784.09 B/W 282.84 297.13 312.36 327.60 344.74 361.89 W 141.42 148.56 156.18 163.80 172.37 180.94 H 3.53 3.71 3.90 4.09 4.30 4.52 32 7527.33 7923.52 8319.68 8740.59 9186.32 9656.78 627.27 660.29 693.30 728.38 765.52 '804.73 289.51 304.75 319.98 336.17 353.32 371.41 144.75 152.37 159.99 168.08 176.6 6 185.70 3.61 3.80 3.99 4.20 4.41 4.64 33 7725.42 8121.59 8517.17 8963.47 9409.18 9904.39 643.78 676.59 709.81 746.95 784.09 825.36 297.13 312.36 327.60 344.74 361.89 380.93 148.56 156.18 163.80 172.37 180.94 190.46 3.71 3.90 4.09 4.30 4.52 4.76 34 7923.52 8319.68 8740.59 9186.32 9656.78 10152.00 660.29 693.30 728.38 765.52 804.73 846.00 304.75 319.98 336.17 353.32 371.41 390.46 152.37 159.99 168.08 176.66 185.70 195.23 3.80 3.99 4.20 4.41 4.64 4.88 35 8121.59 8517.17 8963.47 9409.18 9904.39 10399.60 676.59 709,81 746.95 784.09 825.36 866.63 312.36 327.60 344.74 361.89 380.93 399.98 156.18 163.80 172.37 180.94 190.46 199.99 3.90 4.09 4.30 4.52 4.76 4.99 36 8319.68 8740.59 9186.32 9656.78 10152.00 10671.97 693.30 728.38 765.52 804.73 846.00 889.33 319.98 336.17 353.32 371.41 380.46 410o46 159.99 168.08 176.66 185.70 195.23 205.23 3.99 4.20 4.41 4.64 4.99 5.13 37 8517.17 8963.47 9409.18 9904.39 10399.60 10944.34 709.81 746.95 784.09 825.36 866.63 912.02 327.60 344.74 361.89 380.93 399.98 420.93 163.80 172.37 180.94 190.46 199.99 210.46 4.09 4.30 4.52 4.76 4.99 5.26 /."~, SALARY SCHEDULE III ~ III 1978-79 38 - 44 40 HOUR WEEK 10/1/78 STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 38 A 8740.59 9186.32 9656.78 10152.00 10671.97 11216.71 M 728.38 765.52 804.73 846.00 889.33 934.72 B/W 336.17 353.32 371.41 390.46 410.46 431.41 W 168.08 176.66 185.70 195.23 205.23 215.70 H 4.20 4.41 4.64 4.88 5.13 5.39 39 8963.47 9409.18 9904.39 10399.60 10944.34 11489.10 746.95 784.09 825.36 866.63 912.02 957.42 344.74 361.89 380.93 399.98 420.93 441.88 172.37 180.94 190.46 199.99 210.46 220.94 4.30 4.52 4.76 4.99 5.26 5.52 40 9186.32 9656.78 10152.00 10671.97 11216.71 11786.22 765.52 804.73 846.00 889.33 934.72 982.18 353.32 371.41 390.46 410.46 431.41 453.31 176.66 185.70 195.23 205.23 215.70 226.65 4.41 4.64 4.88 5.13 5.39 5.66 41 9409.18 9904.39 10399.60 10944.34 11489.10 12083.35 784.09 825.36 866.63 912.02 957.42 1006.94 361.89 380.93 399.98 420.93 441.88 464.74 180.94 190.46 199.99 210.46 220.94 232.37 4.52 4.76 4.99 5.26 5.52 5.80 42 9613.92 10103.19 10622.23 11166.25 11724.56 12310.26 801.16 841.93 885.18 930.52 977.04 1025.85 369.76 388.58 408.54 429.47 450.94 473.47 184.88 194.29 204.27 214.73 225.47 236.73 4.62 4.85 5.10 5.36 5.63 5.91 43 9904.39 10399.60 10944.34 11489.10 12083.35 12702.38 825.36 866.63 912.02 957.42 1006.94 1058.53 380.93 399.98 420.93 441.88 464.74 488.55 190.46 199.99 210.46 220.94 232.37 244.27 4.76 4.99 5.28 5.52 5.80 6.10 44 10103.19 10622.23 11166.25 11724.56 12310.26 12925.71 841.93 885.18 930.52 977.04 1025.85 1077.14 ~ 388.58 408.54 429.47 450.94 473.47 497.14 194.29 204~27 214.73 225.47 236.73 248.57 4.85 5.10 5.36 5.63 5.91 6.21 ~,~ SALARY SCHEDULE III III 1978-79 45 - 50 40 HOUR WEEK 10/1/78 STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 45 A 10399,60 10944.34 11489,10 12083.35 12702,38 13346.17 M 866.63 912,02 957,42 1006,94 1058.53 1112,18 B/W 399.98 420.93 441,88 464.74 488,55 513.31 W 199,99 210,46 220,94 232,37 244,27 256,65 H 4,99 5,26 5,52 5.80 6,10 6,41 45-A 10575.31 11113,51 11684.45 12282.87 12912,74 13571,39 881,27 926,12 973,70 1023,57 1076,06 1130,94 406,74 427.44 449.40 472,41 496,64 521.97 203,37 213,72 224,70 236,20 248,32 260,98 5,08 5,34 5.61 5,90 6,20 6,52 46 10944,34 11489,10 12083,35 12702,38 13346,17 14014,71 912,02 957,4~ ' 1006.94 1058.53 1112.18 1167.89 420,93 441,88 464,74 488.55 513.31 539,02 210,46 220,94 232.37 244,27 256,65 269,51 5.26 5,52 5,80 6,10 6,41 6,73 46-A 11113,51 11684,45 12282.,87 12912,74 13571,39 14249.98 ' 926,12 973,70 1023.57 1076,06 1130,94 1187,49 427,44 449,40 472,41 496,64 521.97 548,07 213,72 224,70 236.20 248,32 260,98 274,03 5°34 5.61 5,90 6.20 6,52 6.85 47 11489,10 12083,35 12702.38 13346,17 14014,71 14732,79 957,42 1006,94 1058.53 1112,18 1167.89 1227,73 441.88 464,74 488,55 513,31 539.02 566,64 220,94 232.37 244,27 256,65 269.51 283,32 5,52 5,80 6,10 6,41 6,73 7,08 48 12083,35 12702,38 13346,17 14017.71 14732.79 1547=~,62 1006.94 1058,53 1112.18 1167,89 1227.73 1289.63 464.74 488,55 513.31 539,02 566,64 595,21 232.37 244,27 256.65 269,51 283.32 297,60 5.80 6,10 6,41 6.73 7,08 7,44 49 12702.38 13346,17 14017,71 14732,79 15475,62 16243,20 1058,53 1112,18 1167.89 1227,73 1289.63 1353,60 488,55 513.31 539,02 566,64 595.21 624.73 244.27 256,65 269.51 283,32 297,60 312.36 6,10 6.41 6,73 7,08 7,44 7,80 50 13346,17 14017,71 14732,79 15475,62 16243,20 17060.32 1112,18 1167.89 1227,73 1289,63 1353.60 1421.69 513,31 539,02 566.64 595.21 624,73 656,16 25~o~ 269.51 283,32 297,60 312,36 328.07 6.41 6.73 7,08 7,44 7 °80 8,20 SALARY SCITEDLrLE IIIA 1978 - 79 ~ SALARY SCHEDULE III-A /'~ III-A 1978-79 24-30 40 HOUR WEEK 10/1/78 STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 24 A 5880.74 6163.00 6492.31 6821.65 7150.97 7527.34 M 490.06 513.58 541.02 568.47 595.91 627.27 B/W 226.18 237.03 249.70 262.37 275.03 289.51 W 113.09 118.51 124.85 131.18 137.51 144.75 H 2.82 2.96 3.12 3.27 3.43 3.61 25 6021.86 6327.66 6656.98 6986.31 7339.15 7715.51 501.82 527.30 554.74 582.19 611.59 642.95 231.61 243.37 256.03 268.70 282.27 296.75 115.80 121.68 128.01 134.35 141.13 148.37 2.89 3.04 3.20 3.35 3.52 3.70 26 6163.00 6492.31 6821.65 7150.97 7527.34 7903.69 513.68 541.02 568.47 595.91 627.27 658.64 273.02 249.70 262.37 275.03 289.51 303.98 118.51 124.85 131.18 137.51 144.75 151.99 2.96 3.12 3.27 3.43 3.61 3.79 27 6327.66 6656.98 6986.31 7339.15 7715.51 8091.88 527.30 554.78 582.19 611.59 642.95 674.32 243.37 256.03 268.70 282.27 296.75 311.22 121.68 128.01 134.35 141.13 148.37 155.61 3.04 3.20 3.35 3.52 3.70 3.89 28 6492.31 6821.65 7150.97 7527.34 7903.69 8303.56 541.02 568.47 595.91 627.27 658.64 691.96 249.70 262.37 275.03 289.51 303.98 319.36 124.85 131.18 137.51 144.75 151.99 159.68 3.12 3.27 3.43 3.61 3.79 3.99 29 6656.98 6986.31 7339.15 7715.51 8091.88 8515.30 554.78 582.19 611o59 642.95 674.32 709.60 256.03 268.70 282.27 296.75 311.22 327.51 128.01 134.35 141.13 148.37 155.61 163.75 3.20 3.35 3.52 3.70 3.89 4.09 30 6821.65 7150.97 7527.34 7903.69 8303.56 8727.01 568.47 595.91 627.27 658.64 691.96 727.25 262.37 275.03 289.51 303.98 319.36 335.65 131.18 137.51 144.75 151.99 159.68 167.82 3.27 3.43 3.61 3.79 3.99 4.19 SALARY SCHEDULE III-A III-A ~--~ 1978-79 ~--, 31-37 40 HOUR WEEK 10/1/78 STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 31 A 6986.31 7339.15 7715.51 8091.88 8515.30 8938.72 M 582.19 611.59 642.95 674.32 709.60 744~89 B/W 268.70 282.27 296.75 311.22 327.51 343.79 W 134.35 141.13 148.37 155.61 163.75 171.89 H 3.35 3.52 3.$0 3.89 4.09 4.29 32 ~7150.97 7527.34 7903.69 8303.56 8727.01 9173.04 595o91 627.27 658.64 691.96 727.25 764.49 275.03 289.51 303.98 319.36 335.65 352.80 137.51 144.75 151.99 159.68 167.82 176.40 3.43 3.61 3.79 3.99 4.19 4.41 33 7339.15 7715.51 8091.88 8515.30 8938.72 9409.17 611.59 642.95 674.32 709.60 744.89 784.09 282.27 296.75 311.22 327.51 343°79 361.89 141.13 148.37 155.61 163.75 171.89 180.94 3.52 3.70 3.89 4.09 4.29 4.52 34 7527.34 7903.69 8303.56 8727.01 9173.04 9644.40 627.27 658.64 691o96 727.25 764.49 803.70 289.51 303.98 319.36 335.65 352.80 370.93 144.75 151.99 159.68 167o82 176.40 185.46 3.61 3.79 3.99 4.19 4.41 4.63 35 7715.51 8091.88 8515.30 8938.72 9409.17 9879.62 642.95 674.32 709.60 744.89 784.09 823.30 296.75 311.22 327.51 343.79 361.89 379.98 148.37 155.61 163.75 171.89 180.94 189.99 3.70 3.89 4.09 4.29 4.52 4.74 36 7903.69 8303.56 8727.01 9193.04 9644.40 10138.38 658.64 691.96 727.25 764.49 803.70 844.86 303~98 319.36 335.65 352.80 370.93 389.93 151o99 159.68 167.82 176.40 185.46 194.96 3.79 3.99 4.19 4.41 4.63 4.87 37 8091.88 8515.30 8938.72 9409.17 9879.62 10397.13 674.32 709.60 744.89 784.09 823.30 866.42 311.22 327.51 343.79 361.89 379.98 399.88 155.61 163.75 171.89 180.94 189.99 199.94 3.89 4.09 4.29 4.52 4.74 4.99 SALARY SCHEDULE III-A ~' III-A '~ 1978-79 ~"~ 38-44 40 HOURWEEK "- STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 38 A 8303.56 8727.01 9193.04 9644.40 10138.38 10655.88 M 691.96 727.25 764.49 803.70 844.86 887.99 B/W 319.36 335.65 352.80 370.93 389.93 409.84 W 159.68 167.82 176.40 185.46 194.96 204.92 H 3.99 4.19 4.41 4.63 4.87 5.12 39 8515.30 8938.72 9409.17 '9879.62 10397.13 10914.64 709.60 744.89 784.09 823.30 866.42 909.55 327.51 343.79 361.89 379.98 399.88 -419.79 163.75 171.89 180.94 189.99 199.94 209.89 4.09 4.29 4.52 4.74 4.99 5.24 40 8727.01 9193.04 9644.40 10138.38 10655.88 11196.91 727.25 764.49 803.70 844.86 887.99 933.07 335.65 352.80 370.93 389.93 409.84 430.65 167.82 176.40 185.46 194.96 204.92 215.32 4.19 4.41 4.63 4.87 5.12 5.38 41 8938.72 9409.17 9879.62 10397.13 10914.64 li479.18 744.89 784.09 823.30 866.42 909.55 956.59 343.79 361.89 379.98 399.88 419.79 441.50 171.89 180.94 189.99 199.94 209.89 220.75 4.29 4.52 4.71 4.99 5.24 5.51 42 9133.22 9598.03 10091.11 10607.94 11138.33 11694.75 761.10 799.83 840.92 883.99 928.19 9'74.56 351.27 369.15 388.11 407.99 428.39 449.79 175.63 184.57 194.05 203.99 214.19 224.89 4.39 4.61 4.85 5.09 5.35 5.62 43 9409.17 9879.62 10397.13 10914.64 11479.18 12067.26 784.09 823.30 866.42 909.55 956.59 1005.60 361.89 379.98 399.88 419.79 441.50 464.12 180.94 189.99 199.94 209.89 220.75 232.06 4.52 4~74 4.99 5.24 5.51 5.80 44 9598.03 10091.11 10607.94 11138.33 11694.75 12279.42 799.83 840.92 883.99 928.19 974.56 1023.28 369.15 388.11 407.99 428.39 449.79 472.28 184.57 194.05 203.99 214.19 224.89 236.14 4.61 4.85 5.09 5.35 5.62 5.90 SALARY SCHEDULE III-A IIi-A 1978-79 45-50 40 HOUR WEEK 10/1/78 STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 45 A 9879.62 10397.13 10914.64 11479.18 12067.26 12678.86 M 823.30 866.42 909.55 956.59 1005.60 1056.57 B/W 379.98 399.88 419.79 441.50 464.12 487.63 W 189.99 199.94 209.89 220.75 232.06 243.81 H 4.74 4.99 5.24 5.51 5.80 6.09 45-A 10046.54 10557.84 11100.23 11668.73 12267~10 12892.82 837.21 879.82 925.01 972.39 1022.25 1074.40 386.40 406.07 426.93 448.79 471.81 495.87 193.20 203.03 213.46 224.39 235.90 247.93 4.83 5.07 5.33 5.60 5.89 6.19 46 10397.13 10914.64 11479.18 12067.26 12678.86 13313.79 866.42 909.55 956.59 1005.60 1056.57 1109.49 399.88 419.79 441.50 464.12 487.63 512.07 199.94 209.89 220.75 232.06 243.81 256.03 4.99 5.24 5.51 5.80 6.09 6.40 46-A 10557.84 11100.23 11668.73 12267.10 12892.82 13537.48 879.82 925.01 972.39 1022.25 1074.40 1128.12 406.07 426.93 448.79 471.81 495.87 520.67 203.03 213.46 224.39 235.90 247.93 260.33 5.07 5.33 5.60 5.89 6.19 6.50 47 10914.64 11479.18 12067.26 12678.86 13313.79 13996.15 909.55 956.59 1005.60 1056.57 1109.49 1166.34 419.79 441.50 464.12 487.63 512.07 538o31 209.89 220.75 232.06 243.81 256.03 269.15 5.24 5.51 5°80 6.09 6.40 6.72 48 11479.18 12067.26 12678.86 13313.79 13996.15 14701.84 956.59 1005.60 1056.57 1109.49 1166.34 1225.15 441.50 464.12 487.63 512.07 538.31 565.45 220.75 232.06 243.81 256.03 269.15 282.72 5.51 5.80 6.09 6.40 6.72 7.06 49 12067.26 12678.86 13313.79 13996.15 14701.84 15431.04 1005.60 1056.57 1109.49 1166.34 1225.15 1285.92 464.12 487.63 512.07 538.31 565.45 593.50 232.06 243.81 256.03 269.15 282.72 296.75 5.80 6.09 6.40 6.72 7.06 7.41 50 12678.86 13313.79 13996.15 14701.84 15431.04 16207.30 1056.57 1109.49 1166.34 1225.15 1285.92 1350.60 487.63 512.07 538.31 565.45 593.50 623.35 243.81 256.03 269.15 282.72 296.75 311.67 6.09 6.40 6.72 7.06 7.41 7.79 SALARY SCHEDULE IV 1978-79 SALARY SCt{EDULE IV i ~978 - 79 SAT.,kRY SCHEUDLE V ~978 - 79 SALARY SCHEDULE V-A 1978 - 79 RILP~N~HO ,--IO'~I'~LO~" L~CO'CLP~' OK~IXRT'T' O~Ex-RILOOd CO~'OJT'ixR , · · · ° CO O~ O~ 0'x O~ O~