HomeMy WebLinkAbout1393 ORD]lx]ANCE NO. 1393 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1977AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1978. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared and submitted a budget of revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1977 and ending September 30, 1978, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida° and upon consi- deration thereof, said ~budget of revenues and expenditures was adopted and approved as the Budget of said City for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1977 and ending September 30, 1978; and WHEREAS, the City Comm iss ioners of .the City of Sanford, are of the opinion that the several items of expenditures for said fiscal year beginning October 1, 1977 and ending September 30, 1978 are reasonable, necessary and proper for the administration of the affairs of said City and the proper conduct of said City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That said budget of revenues and expenditures of said City of Sanford, Florida° for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1977 and ending September 30, 1978, approved by Resolution of the City CommisSion of the City of SanfordJ Florida, on the 26th day of September, A.D., 1977, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved, confirmed, accepted and adopted. SECTION 2. That the said estimates of expendltures be and they are hereby esta'blished and fLxed as appropriations from the revenues to be delivered by said City of Sanford, Florida from taxes to be levied and collected, and from all other sources, for the various purposes as set forth in said estimates for the said period beginning October 1, 1977, and end hug September 30, 1978. SECTION 3. That all ordknances or parts of ordinances in conflict herew[th be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. That this Ordinance shall become effective October 1, 1977. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 26th day of September, A.D., 1977. Mayor Atte s t: /~~ ~ ~ Com~of the City of SaMord, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordi- nance No. 1393, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 26th day of September, 1977, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 27th day of September, 1977. "~ity of Sanford, Florida CITY ~)F c'ANffC~F'~. l:[ (~}: leA, ADOPTI~c] A BUDGET OF ~F"~ENU~'c .AND EYU~. NDITUt~F~ FDF T~fE CITY (~[,' cA?~T,'O},~' n', F~,i~)~, ff~'g~ 'F~[: TT~CZ~[ ~F:(]rNN'[NG r)C'TOT<T'iF i, 1977 aNr~ ttNDINC cI<PTF'"~BI:TT 80, 1976; A}.L~ CA lDI F.t% 7' l' UDCi: '~7. VU.~Et'~EA~:, in accordance wrath Article V1 or the Charter, as amended, of the City of %anf.~rd, Fl'~rtda, Fanford, !c~orids, has made ~nd sub"nittcd to fi~e C~ty ~".~m:~lsslcn of the Ctt~ of ~rord, Ftor[da, an estimate for budgc. t of revenues and expend{tur~.~ of the City of ~snford, 71~rb~n, for the fb;cz, l fear be~{nnln~ October 1, 197~, and ending ~c, ptember S0. ]~)~E~. ~d a Capital bud~<rt, budget ha~'[n~ been ms~e ~vlth pr~rtlcutsr apptic:at~nr', t,:'~ the various d~:pari:nent~ of the CitL a true copy cff which is herere attached and by reference ~'~a~o a part of this Peso.[ut~on; ~rUE~I<AO, eoch and every ite,~ e,'mtah3ed said budgets perpa~d by 'be City ~tmaTer hn~ been careffuUy cqns[dcr~-,~ z,y th~s Comm~ar'lon, NOV~. T~{EP~.~2OI~t:, hi' *T ~12'c[)Y of the City of can~ord, fflor~<~, that F~d ~:~rj~ct aS prepared aqcY ~ub~n~t{'~ by the City Manager to the City ('ommi~,~ioa as the bud.~et for the City of 'artford, i'[orid: October !, 1977 and ending F catember 3C., prepared sad ~-:ubmit{ed bF· the CltV %~anafcr the same is hereby adopted. BE IT FI.}t~Tt~Z~ ~tS]~OI.VED that upo~ collection of any revenues of ~aid Cit% the City Clerk shall allocate. from each dollar ccdk, cted ano received the sever~tl ~n~unts to the respc_~t[v<: which the santo are hereby eutbor~ze~t and sppr,;,ved. 'P.,]!; IT w'TT?'IT,TI:'7 ~Y:-'90,~ VFr'} t,h~[ thi~ Y!csolution shall beco~ne effectt~,e as o~ the ~irr:t '~, :;f rbctober, ,^,. D., 1977. PA'r-cED .^.,~,'f) ?,Pc~r"fETM this 26th day Of c~:?tember, 1977. s/ Lee P, Moore s/ John G, Morris s/ Julian L, Stenstrom s__/.... .. H_. N. T~a__mm_~Jr__.. ........ S.[._~,..~.,_.."~M..ac." McClanahan Ci. ty C~'rk s / Edwin O. Ke ith CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA BUDGET. for Oct; 1, 1977 to Sept, 30, 1978 (1977-78) GENERAL GOVERNMENT w/ Capital ImprOvement Budget 6.99 Mills 1977 - 78 BUDGET INDEX GENERAL GOVERNMENT ACCOUNT NO. Anticipated Revenues Anticipated Expenditures City Commission 2-01-01100-4 - 2-01-01593-0 City Manager 2-01-02100-3 - 2-01-02759-6 Division Of Legal Expense 2-01-03100-2 - 2-01-03584-7 Finance 2-01-04100-1 - 2-01-04755-2 Civil Service 2-01-05100-0 - 2-01-05755-1 Asst. to City Mgr./Staff/Pers. 2-01-06100-9 - 2-01-06755-0 EEO Office 2-01-07101-6 - 2-01-07584-3 Asst.-.'Publi9 ~ety Admin. 2-01-08101-~ - 2-01-08513-1 Engineering Department 2-01-10100-3 - 2-01-10755-4 Building, Codes & Zoning Div. 2-01-11100-2 - 2-01-11755-3 Public Health 2-01-13100-0 - 2-01-13759-3 Police Administration 2-01-22100-9 - 2-01-22759-2 Uniform 2-01-23100-8 - 2-01-23803-7 Investigation 2-01-24100-7 - 2-01-24759-0 Animal Control Div. 2-01-26100-5 - 2-01-26759-8 Fire Department 2-01-30100-9 - 2-01-30804-6 Public Works Administration 2-01-40100-7 - 2-01-40755-8 Shop Division 2-01-42100-5 - 2-01-42759-8 Maintenance Division 2-01-46100-1 - 2-01-46804-8 Street Division 2-01-47100-0 - 2-01-47804-7 Refuse Col. & Disposal Div. 2-01-49100-8 - 2-01-49804-5 Culture, Recreation & Parks Administration 2-01-50100-4 - 2-01-50759-7 Parks & Cemetery Div. 2-01-51100-3 - 2-01-51804-0 Recreation Division 2-01-52100-2 - 2-01-52804-9 Insurance 2-01-80141-2 - 2-01-80549-6 Publicity & Special Funds 2-01-81001-7 - 2-0t-81005-8 Special Projects 2-01-86001-2 - 2-01-86019-4 Debt Service 2-01-87001-1 - 2-01-8710277 Sanford Airport/Aviation 8600 (UTILITY BUDGET, CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET, & AIRPORT BUDGET in back of book) ANTICIPATED REVENUE (General Government) 1977 78 ACCT. NO. 1-01-10010-5 General Operating-Current Year $ 1,027,467. 1-01-10020-4 General Operating-Prior Years 4,000. 1-01-14100-0 Utility Service Tax 701,000. 1-01-16010-9 Electric Franchise 335,000. 1-01-16020-8 Gas Franchise 3,200. 1-01-16030-7 CATV Franchise 17,500. 1-01-16040-6 Marina Franchise 8,000. 1-01-16050-5 Motel Franchise 13,500. 1-01-16060-4 Telephone Franchise 19,300. 1-01-19100-5 Penalty/Int-Delinquent Taxes 50. 1-01-21010-2 Professional & Occupational 62,000. 1-01-21020-1 Occupational Registration CTF 1,600. 1-01-21900-4 Miscellaneous Permits 25. 1-01-22010-1. Animal Control 1,150. 1-01-29010-4 Penalty on Delinquent License 1,700. 1-01-29050-0 TM License & Permit Transfer Fee 150. 1-01-35010-6 Revenue Sharing 762,300. 1-01-35020-5 Cigarette Tax 133,500. 1-01-35030-4 Fuel Tax Refund 6,850. 1-01-35040-3 Beverage License 13,250. 1-01-35050-2 Mobile Home License 6,100. 1-01-35060-1 Addit. Homestead Exemption 26,900. ..... 1-01-38010-3 Road & Bridge Taxes 8,470. 1-01-38020-2 Occupational Licenses 18,100. 1-01-39010-2 Sanford Housing Authority 6,100. 1-01-41010-8 Sale of Supplies-Maps 600. 1-01-41020-7. Sale of Material & Contract 1,500. 1-01-41100-7 Public Hearing Fees & Ads 1,200. 1-01-42010-7 Building Permits 15,600. 1-01-42020-6 Plumbing Permits 1,900. ANTICIPATED REVENUE - ( General Govt. ) CONT. 1977-78 1-01-42030-5 Electric Permits $ 3,200. 1-01-42100-6 Certificate of Competency 7,200. 1-01-44010-5 Refuse Collection 440,946. 1-01-44020-4 Lot Cleaning 1,000. 1-01-44100-4 Demolition of Condemned Bldgs. 2,500. ~.-01-45010-4 Animal Control Shelter Fees 1,500. 1-01-47010-2 Non-Resident Recreation 1,400. 1-01-47020-1 Civic Center Use Fees 11,000. 1-01-47800-6 Care of Cemetery Lots 4,000. 1-01-50010-6 Court 53,000. 1-01-60100-3 Interest Earned 6,000. 1-01-61100-2 Rents 3,000. 1-01-64200-7 Sale of Fixed Assets-Other ~han Land 500.' 1-01-64900-2 Insurance Claims Compensation for Loss 2,900. 1-01-65005-9 Contribution from Utility Fund 40,000. 1-01-68910-7 Non-Operating Revenue 1,600. 1-01-90000-9 Cash Balance Brought Forward 55,025. TOTAL $ 3,832,783. EXPENDITURES (General Government) 1977-78 City Commission $ 21 050. City Mansger's Office 45 239. Division of Legal Expense 28 586. Finance Department 51 250. Asst. to City Mgr./Staff/Personnel 33 801. Asst. to City Mgr./Public Safety 22 946. EEO 11 650. Civil Service 8 090. City Engineering 44 519. Building, Codes, & Zoning Office 68 901. Public Health 15 500. Police Department (Total) 1,001,072o Administration Division 231,076. Uniform Division 584,881. Investigation Division 146,635. Animal Control Division 38,480. Fire Department 699,368. Public Works (Total) 832,487. Administration Division 29,754. Shop Division 74,403. Maintenance Division 218,464o Street Division 246,345. Refuse Division 263,521. Recreation Department (Total) 268,401. Recreation Administration 121,556. Parks & Cemetery Division 146,845. Insurance (Total) 291,499. Personnel 256,644. Commercial 34,855. Publicity & Special Funds 22,500° Special Projects 6,100. Debt Service 335,000. Contingency 24,824. $3,832,783. o issio 1977-7e 2-01-01101-2. Salary .$ 12,600. 2-01-01105-3 Other Personal Services 3,900. 2-01-01175-6 Conference - Registration 150o 2-01-01176-4 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 1,000. 2-01-01583-1 Dues & Membership 1,400. 2-01-01589-8 Miscellaneous 2,000. TOTAL $ 21,050. WORK NOTES: Dues - Fla. League of Cities $1,274.10 CITY MANAGER 2-01-0210t-1 Salary 37,641o 2-01-02170-6 Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 25. 2-01-02175-5 Conference - Registration 345. 2-01-02176-3 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 1,490. 2-01-02301-7 Office Supplies 1,450. 2-01-02349-6 Non-Classified Supplies 110. 2-01-02350-4 Gasoline & Lubricants 515. 2-01-02355-3 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 100. 2-01-02511-1 Postage 490. 2-01-02513-7 Telephone & Telegraph 2,033. 2-01-02517-8 Radios & Base Station Maintenance 100. 2-01-02533-5 Printing & Binding 250. 2-01-02561-6 Maint. Contracts - Office Equip. 259. 2-01-02583-0 Dues & Membership 251. 2-01-02584-8 Subscriptions & Books 180. TOTAL $ 45,239. CITY MANAGER OFFICE WORK NOTES Salary: 1 City Manager 1 Secretary III 1 Clerk Typist II (10,000. of City Manager's salary under Utility Adm.) Conference ReGistration ICMA 115. FCCMA (2 meetings) 110. FLC (2 meetings) 75. Gov. Sec. Short Course 45. Conference Per Diem & Travel ICMA 350. FCCM~ (2 meetings) 200. FLC (2 meetings) 140. CITY MANAGER OFFICE CONT. WORK NOTES Conference & Per Diem Conto 2 weeks - legislature 500. Gov. Sec. Short Course 100. Misc. 200. Maintenance Contracts - Office Equip. Calculator 65. Portion of Mimeograph 90. 2 typewriters 104. Dues & Membership ICMA 161. FCCMA 50. Nat. League of Cities 20. American Express 20. DIVISION OF LEGAL EXPENSE 2-01-03100-2 Salary $ 11,721. 2-01-03175-4 Conference -Registrstion 50. 2-01-03176-2 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 100. 2-01-03301-6 Office Supplies 100. 2-01-0350~-5 Special Legal Services 2,500. 2-01-03513-6 Telephone 115.' 2-01-03591-2 Workmen's Compensation 4,000. 2-01-03592-0 Double Taxation - suit expense 10,000. TOTAL 28,586. FINANCE DEPART]~NT 2-01-04101-9 Salary 30,656. 2-01-04170-4 Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 200. 2-01-04175-3 Conference - Registration 345. 2-01-04176-1 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 1,250~ 2-01-04301-5 Office Supplies 2,500.I 2-01-04349-4 Non-Classified Supplies 25. 2-01-04350-2 Gasoline & Lubricants 360. 2-01-04355-1 Motor Vehicle'Repair Parts 200. 2-01-04501-0 Audit 6,0001. 2-01-04506-9 Appraisal 100. 2-01-04511-9 Postage 1,200. 2-01-04513-5 Telephone & Telegraph 1,900. 2-01-04531-7 Advertising 1,100. 2-01-04533-3 Printing & Binding 2,939. 2-01-04561-4 Maint. Contracts - Office Equip. ,~ 1,750. ~INANdE DEPARTMENT CONT. 2-01-04583-8 Dues & Membership $ 150. 2-01-04584-6 Subscriptions & Books 175. 2-01-04589-5 Miscellaneous 400. TOTAL 51,250o FINANCE DEPART~r~NT WORK NOTES S~lary: 1 Finance Director 1 Assto Finance Director 1 Licensing Official 2 Accounting Clerk II 4 Clerk Typist II 1 Secretary II (1/3 of director's salary in Utility Adm. $7,456. Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Fla. Atlantic - Finance III Term (Final) 200. Jr. College 50. Conference - Reqistration Fla. League of Cities (2 meetings) 75. St. Finance Off. & Clerks (2 people) 90° Govo Seco Short Course 45. State Purchasing Agents 35. National MFOA 100. Conference - Per Diem & Travel Fla. League (2 meetings) 170. Sto Finance Off. & Clerks (2 people) 280. Gov. Seco Short Course 100o Purchasing Agents 170. MFOA Planning Sessions 70. Fla. Assoc. of City Clerks & Planning Session 70° National MFOA 390. Gasoline & Lubricants 360, Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 2 filters ~ $3.43 6.86 3 steel belted radials - Fire- stone @ $35o17 105o51 Balance 6o Valve Stems 3. Tune up & brake job 75. Miscellaneous 3°63. Advertising Annexations Rezoning Ads Public Hearing Adopt. Ords. Close & Vacate Streets Revenue Sharing Miscellaneous Maintenance Contracts 8 IBM typewriters © $51.04 404.24 Burroughs validating machine 85.27 2 electric Olympia typewriters @$54.40 119.68 FINANCE DEPARTMENT CONT. WORK NOTES Maintenance Contracts Cont~ 4 electronic calculators ©$65. 286° 1 Remington calculator 72.71 1 Remington 10-key adding machine 45°60 Burglar Alarm (~ in Utility) 210. Pitney Bowes mail machine 24° F & E check signer #RC515412 105. Lanier-Edison Voicewriter Lanier - Advocate 148o 2 Friden calculators 155.44 Part on Mimeograph 25. 6 Burroughs adding machines not under contract & 1 manual Olympia not under contract 69.06 Dues & Memberships MuniCipal Finance Off. Assoc. U.S. & Canada 70° Fla. City Clerk's Assoc. 20. Fla. Assoc. of Gov. Purch. Agents 10. Fla. MFOA 20. Intern. Institute of Municipal Clerks 30° Subscriptions & Books City Directory - RoL. Polk 50.60 Wall Street Journal 48. Kiplinger Letters 36. Management Info. Service 40.25 Miscellaneous Hanover Bank Charge 88. Notary Bond & Fee 30. Seminole Co. Clerk-Recording 250° Other 32. Data Processing City of Lakeland 7,800. IBM Keypunch 2,903. Wells Fargo 1,388o Printout binding tape 54° 12 magnetic tapes 187. 6 cartons keypunch cards 138. Trips to merge & special runs 19. CIVIL SERVICE 1977-78 2-01-05101-8 Salary $ 6,453. 2-01-05175-2 Conference - Registration 30. 2-01-05176~0 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 170. 2-01-05301-4 Office Supplies 125. 2-01-05302-2 Printed Forms 175. 2-01~05561-~ Maint. Contract-Offioe Equip. 52. 2-01-05511-8 Postage 250. 2-01-05513-4 Telephone & Telegraph 250. 2-01-05531-6 Advertising 300. 2-01-05533-2 Printing & Binding 200. 2-01-05583-7 Dues & Membership 60. 2-01-05589-4 Other Miscellaneous 25. TOTAL $ 8,090. WORK NOTES: Additional Office Equipment (See federal revenue sharing) 1 - 15" electric typewriter 411.35 1 - 4 drawer file with lock 158.00 ASST. TO THE CITY MGR-~STAFF/PERSONNEL 2-01-06101-7 Salary $ 28,869. 2-01-06170-2 Schooling-Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 50. 2-01-06175-1 Conference-Registration 175. 2-01-06176-9 Conference-Per Diem & Travel 394. 2-01-06179-3 Training Material Purch/Rental 500. 2-01-06301-3 Office Supplies 1,700. 2-01-06302-1 Printed Forms 35. 2-01-06350-0 Gasoline & Lubricants 180. 2-01-06355-9 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 200. 2-01-06511-7 Postage 300. 2-01-06513-3 Telephone & Telegraph 800. 2-01-06533-1 Printing & Binding 75. 2-01-06561-2 Mainto Contracts-Office Equip. 241. 2-01-06583-6 Dues & Memberships 102. 2-~,01-06584-4 Subscriptions & Books 30. ASST. TO THE CITY MGR./STAFF/PERSONNEL CONT. 1977-78 2-01-06589-3 Other Miscellaneous $ 150. TOTAL $ 33,801. STAFF OFFICE WORK NOTES Salary: 1 Assto to the City Mgr. 1 Secretary II 1 Clerk Typist II Schooling - Tuition, books, Per Diem & Travel Continued education for Personnel Office $ 50. Conference - Registration FCCMA (Asst. to City Mgr.) 50. Gov't. Seco Confo (2 Sec.) ~ $45. each 90. Workmen's Comp. Educ. Conf. (Asst.) 35. Total $ 175o Conference - Per Diem & Travel FCCMA - 3 days Q $35 for 1 $ 105. Gov't Sec. Conf. 3 days Q$35 for 2 210o Workmen's Comp. Conf. - 2~ days e $35 for 1 79. Total $ 394. Training Material Purch/Rental IPA cash match on 2 submitted grants. (The nature of these grants would cut postage & telephone to a mini- mum. In the event of non-acceptance of one or both these funds become free.) $e 500 Dues & Memberships ICMA 67. ASPA 35. Total $ 102. Other Miscellaneous This line account has been increased substantially to handle summary claims. Office Equip./Furn. Replace 1 Typewriter $ 580. (See Federal Revenue Sharing) Printing & Binding Account Our paper - 5 reams -(100 pads) While You Were Out Radio Logs Specialized Printing Workmen?s Compensation STAFF, OFFICE CONT. WORK NOTES ~977~.78 Specialized Printing Cont. WCC-1 8.75 WCC-12 8.75 TOtal 17.50 EEO OFFICE 2-01-07101-6 Salary $ 10,500. 2-01-07170-1 Schooling - Tuition, Books & Per Diem 150. 2-01-07175-0 Conference Registration 100. 2-01-07301-2 Office Supplies 200. 2-01-07513-2 Telephone 400. 2-01-07533-0 Printing & Binding 200° 2-01-07584-3 Subscriptions & Books 100. TOTAL $ 11,650. ASST.- PUBLIC SAFETY ADMIN. 2-01-08101-5 S~lsry $ 22,146. 2-01-08301-1 Office Supplies 100. 2-01-08350-8 Gasoline & lubricants 350. 2-01-08355-7 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 50. 2-01-08513-1 Telephone 300. TOTAL $ 22,946. ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT 2~01-10101-1 Salary $ 40,562. 2-01-10170-6 Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 75. 2-01-10175-5 Conference - Registration 100. 2-01-10176-3 Conference - Per Diem & Travel 250. 2-01-10301-7 Office Supplies 500. 2-01-10302-5 Printed Forms 25. 2-01-10349-6 Non-Classified Supplies 450. 2-01-10350-4 Gasoline & Lubricants 400. 2-01-10355-3 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 350. 2-01-10511-1 Postage 220. 2-01-10513-7 Telephone & Telegraph 1,050. 2-01-10517-8 Radio 72. 2-01-10533-5 Printing & Binding 50. 2-01-10561-6 Maint. Contracts - Office EqUip. 62. ENGINEERING DEPARTmeNT CONT. 1977-78 2-01-10583-0 Dues & Membership $ 253. 2-01-10584-8 Subscriptions & Books 50. 2-01-10589-7 Other Miscellaneous 50° TOTAL $ 44,519. ENGINEERING DEPARTF~NT WORK NOTES S~!ary:1 City Engineer 1 Secretary II 1 Engineering Technician 1 Draftsman (City Engineer - ~ Engineering & ~ Utility Admo) Schooling - Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel Local Short Course 75° Conference Registration ASCE 55. Govto Seco 45° Total 100. Conference Per Diem & Travel ASCE Govt. Sec. 75. EPA, Atlanta 110. Total 250. Mainto Contracts Office Eguipo Typewriter 52. Repair Mimeograph machine 10. Total 62. Dues & MembershiD ASCE 53. FES 108. WPCF 25. PE Cert. 20. ICET 12. ASCET 30. Govto Seco 5. Total 253. Subscriptions & Books CE Magazine 3o CE Journals 10. Overflow 3. American City Magazine 15. MIS 15.25 Total '~6.~5 BUILDING, CODES & ZONING DIVISION 2-01-11101-0 Salary $ 61,471. 2-01-11105-1 Schooling - Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel 170o 2-01-11170-5 Conference - Registration 185. BUILDING, CODES, & ZONING DIVISION CONT. 1977-78 2-01-11176-2 Conference - Per Diem & Travel $ 385. 2-01-11301-6 Office Supplies 900. 2-01-11302-4 Printed Forms 50. 2-01-11349-5 Non-Classified Supplies 100. 2-01-11350-3 GasOline & Lubricants 1,60b. 2-01-11355-2 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 850. 2-01-11511-0 Postage 400. 2-01-11513-6 Telephone & Telegraph 1,300. 2-01-11517-7 Radio 360. 2-01-11531-8 Advertising 275. 2-0~-11533-4 Printing & Binding 200. 2-01-11561-5 Maint. Contracts - Office Equig. 80. 2-01-11583-9 Dues & Memberships 250. 2-01-11584-7 Subscriptions & Books 300. 2-01-11589-6 Other Miscellaneous 25. TOTAL $ 68,901. BUILDING, CODES & ZONING WORK NOTES .Salary: 1 Building Official 1 Chief Building Inspector 1 Codes Inspecto~ 1 Field Inspector 1 Secretary II Schooling, Tuition & Books Building Code Congress Chief insp. Training Manual (Corres. Course) 40. Building Off. Assoc. Codes Enforce. Training 40. Building Code Congress Codes Enforce. Training 50. Building Code Congress Energy Course 40. Conference Reqistration Southern Building Code Congress 90. Fla. Building Off. Assoc. 50. Gov. Sac. Short Course 45. Conference - Per Diem & Travel Southern Building Code Congress 140. Fla. Building Official Assoc. 140. Gov. Sec. Short Course 105. 'BUILbING, CODES & ZONING DIV. CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Office SUpplies Six month pro-rated expenditures from City Manager's Office was $297.52. Office supply cost for replenishment is highest in the 3rd. and 4th qtrs., as a result of the Block Examination. Printed Forms Inspection and permit forms 100.00 Gasoline & Lubricants 4 vehicles Motor Vehicle Repair Parts Semi-annual preventative maintenance has averaged $100./car, in addition to routine maintenance and tires. Cars #134 and #136 will require tires during this period. Postaqe H. H. Block Examination in May of each yemr requires average of 3 mailings to each applicant. (Approx. 200 applicants) Radio 4 vehicle radios Advertisinq Increased cost of public notice, due to requirement of adding City Commission public hearing dates. Printinq & Bindin~ Zoning maps and ordinances Maintenance Contracts 1 typewriter 52.00 Pro-rata share of Maint/Repairs of Mimeograph & Mailer 25.00 Dues & Membership Bldg. Off. Assoc. of Fla. 10.00 Central Fla. Chapt. Southern Bldg. Code Congress 5.00 Southern Bldg. Code Cong. int. 75.00 National Fire Protection Assoc. 50.00 Fla. Planning & Zoning Assoc. 10.00 Code Enforcement St. BOAF Cert. 4 ~ $25. .100.00 Subscriptions & Books National Fire Code Supplement 40.00 5 copies each, 1978 Bldg., Plbg., Gas, Mech., Housing, Fire Prevention, Elect. Codes $25./ set (average) 175.00 Zoning & Bulletin 20.00 PUBLIC HEALTH 1977-78 2-01-13101-8 Salary 5,200. 2-01-13105-9 Other Personal Services 5,400. 2-01-13332-9 Chemicals-Insect Control 3,225. 2-01-13341-0 Protective Clothing 65. 2-01-13349-3 Non-Classified Supplies 50. 2-01-13350-1 Gasoline, Diesel& Lubricants 900. 2-01-13355-0 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 300. 2-01-13357-6 Equipment Repair Parts 295. 2-01-13370-9 Small Tools & MinOr Equipment 65. TOTAL 15,500. WORK NOTES: Salary City Physician ($4,200. for several years) $ 5,200. Other Personal Services Part time labor for spraying (2 positions) 3,000. Insurance required physicals re all employees who drive city vehicles. 2,400. Chemicals Malathion (150 gals. e $16./gal.) 2,400. Sol-sperse (150 gals. e $5.50/gal.) 825. Protective Clothinq Rubber Apron 25. Rubber boots 10. Rubber gloves 2 e $15. 30. Non-Classified Supplies Hand Soap, rags, etc. 50. MotOr Vehicle Repair Parts 2 trucks (#140 & # 142) ~ $150. 300. E~uiDment Repair Parts Replace pump on thermal fogget 225. 4 belts ~ $10. 40. Filter on fogget 30. Small Tools and Minor Equipment 1 Sear tool box 50. 1 grease gun 15. POLICE DEPARTMENT - ADMINISTRATION 1977-78 2-01-22101-7 Salary $ 161,968. 2-01-22110-8 Incentive Pay 3,200. 2-01-22143-9 Pension Contribution 17,158. 2-01-22176-9 Conference-Per Diem & Travel 200. 2-01-22301-3 Office Supplies 1,963. 2-01-22302-1 Printed Forms 350. 2-01-22334-4 Janitor Supplies 600. 2-01-22340-1 Uniforms 150. 2-01-22349-2 Other Supplies-Ammunition 6,134. 2-01-22350-0 Gasoline & Lubricants 2,502. 2-01-22355-9 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 1,473. 2-01-22357-5 Equipment Repair Gun Parts 400. 2-01-22358-3 Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair PT 636. 2-01-22359-1 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/PT Pistol Range 400. 2-01-22369-0 Bldg. Material & Supplies 390. 2-01-22370-8 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 150. 2-01-22391-4 Crime Scene Tech. Supplies 1,046. 2-01-22392-2 Non-Classified Supplies/Photo 1,213. 2-01-22511-7 Postage 532. 2-01-22513-3 Telephone & Telegraph 7,925. 2-01-22517-4 Radios & Base Station 800. 2~01-22533-1 Printing & Binding 1,350. 2-01-22551-3 Electricity 17,200. 2-01-22553-9 Heating, Cooking & Other Fuels 50. 2-01-22555-4 Water & Sewer Services 700. 2-01-22561-2 Maint. Contracts-Office Equip. 322. 2-01-22569-5 Other Maintenance Contracts 1,497. 2-01-22583-6 Dues & Membership 90. POLICE DEPT.- ADMINISTRATION CONT. 1977-78 2-01-22584-4 Subscriptions & Books $ 258. 2-01-22589-3 Miscellaneous 419.' TOTAL $ 231,076. WORK NOTES: Incentive Pay - State law requires added pay for completed training plus added pay for completed educational degrees, etc. $ 3,080. Sidearm qualification costs $ 120. Uniforms - Get all administrative personnel into civilian clothing Allowance for crime scene investigator $ 150. Ammunition and Gas Supplies - Regular 4,394. Pistol team 1,740. Motor Vehicle Repair Parts - 5 plus crime scene vehicle Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair Parts Air conditioning filters 48 % $3. 144. Flucrescent tubes 100-3' ~ $1. 100. 25-4' e $4. 100. Outdoor mercury lamps 3 e $19. 57. 100-75 watt bulbs 35. Misc. 200. Building Materials - Repaint interior - Paint $ 300. brushes, etc. 90. $ 390. Telephone - Added paging system at $713./year. Suggest study to separate out this system for better usage of trunk lines. Electricity - Present usage plus 10% Maintenance Contracts/Office Equipment - 4 electric typewriters e $ 52. 208. 3 manual typewriters ~ $ 38. 114. Other Maintenance Contracts Outside TV security camera 759. Dictaphone recorder & call back 738. Dues and Membership - 1 IACP e $30. 30. 1 State Chief's Assoc. 35. Central Fla. Safety CQuncil 25. Subscriptions and Books - Law Enforcement Legal Review 30. Search and Seizure Bulletin 38. Criminal Law Reporter 175. Central Fla. Intelligence 15. Miscellaneous - ; 35. Dictaphone tapes 24 ~ $16. 384. POLICE DEPT.- ADMINISTRATIO~ CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Salary - 1 Police Chief 1 Adm. Aide/Crime Scene Tech. 1 Captain 1 Clerk Typist III 1 Records Officer 6 Clerk Typist II 1 Training Officer __4Police Communication Oper. 1 Custodian 17 POLICE DEPARTMENT - UNIFORM DIVISION 2-01-23101-6 Salary $ 460,484. 2-01-23110-7 Incentive Pay 12,046. 2-01-23143-8 Pension Contribution 42,351. 2-01-23340-0 Uniforms & Clothing 10,314. 2-01-23349-1 Non-Classified Supplies Photo Drunkometer 660. 2-01-23350-9 Gasoline & Lubricants 31,910. 2-01-23355-8 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 19,025. 2-01-23359-0 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/PT 398. 2-01-23370-7 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 300. 2-01-23513-2 Telephone & Telegraph 1,350. 2-01-23517-3 Radio 3,128. 2-01-23533-0 Printing & Binding 500. 2-01-23589-2 Miscellaneous 300. 2-01-23758-3 Machinery/Equip. Replacement 672. 2-01-23759-1 Machinery/Equip. Additional 100. 2-01-23803-7 Notes Payable - Radios 1,343. TOTAL $ 584,881. WORK NOTES: Salary - However, we are presently carrying one extra 5 Lieutenants Sgt. and are short two patrolman because one 4 Sergeants patrolman has been assigned to the investi- 28 Patrolmen gation division° Technically, the uniformed 37 Authorized aivision is up to strength but we are over- in-grade by one and a second assigned to another division. Included in this division is a five man motorcycle squad. Suggest it be reduced to three, with one assigned to each daytime shift ( other than 11 PM- 7 AM ) POLICE DEPT.- UNIFORM DIV. CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Incentive Pay - Educational and sidearm qualification Pension Contribution - 9.~ Uniforms - Patrol - $ 252.53/each Motorcycle - $ 397.14/each Auxiliary - $ 500. total Unclassified Supplies - 144 rolls black & white 130. 48 rolls color 70. Flashlight batteries 36. 48 batteries for strobe 24. Breathalyzer supplies 400. Gasoline & Lubricants - l0 patrol cars, 5 motorcycles, 1 Cushman, averaging 4,800 gals/mo. ~ 55¢ - 31,350. 70 qts. of oil/yr./unit 560. ($2,127.33/unit/year) Motor Vehicle Repair Parts - $95.67/month/unit for parts only or $1,148.04/year/unit for parts. -on 1st. 6 months costs. (This is up over last year's estimate of $1,047./yr. per vehicle. This again indicates that leased vehicles should be explored) Transfer of equipment & decals to new vehicles ~ 125./ea 625. Other Repairs, Maint. Supplies, Parts - 36 nickel-cadmium batteries for flashlights ~ 5.50/ea. 198. Calibration of radar unit twice each year 100. Calibration of noise meter 100. Telephone - Existing system 850.40 Satellite radio receiver 498.60 Radio - Maint. contract e $ 244./mo. 2,928. Miscellaneous 200. Printing and Binding - Weekly Officer's Reports 2M 102. Person form 2M 87. Event form 3M 130.50 Article form 2M 87. Incident form 2M 87. Miscellaneous - Car washing supplies 300. Vehicular Equipment Replacemen~ (see federal revenue sharing) 6 vehicles ~501, 1975 Ford Mileage 6/1/77 70 662 ~504, 1975 Ford S/W " " 64 044 ~518, 1976 Dodge " " 65 962 ~521, 1976 Dodge " " 69 949 ~528, 1976 Dodge " " 77518 #534, 1976 Dodge .... 72 786 for One B/W to be taken out of service and replaced with new car/chief 12 portable radio batteries Machinery/Equip. Replace° - % $56. $ 672. (3 yr. old) Machinery/Equip. Addition - 1 battery of dictaphone emergency oper. 100. Notes Payable - On radios POLICE DEPARTMENT - INVESTIGATION DIVISION 1977-78 2-01-24101-5 -Salary $ 113,415. 2-01-24110-6 Incentive Pay 5,626. 2-01-24143-7 Pension Contribution 10,166. 2-01-24301-1 Office Supplies 150. 2-01-24340-9 Uniforms & Clothing 1,400. 2-01-24349-0 Non-Classified Supplies/Photo Drunkometer 767. 2-01-24350-8 Gasoline & Lubricants 3,650. 2-01-24355-7 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 3,377. 2-01-24359-9 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/PT 116. 2-01-24370-6 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 100. 2-01-24511-5 Postage 290. 2-01-24513-1 Telephone & Telegraph 3,330. 2-01-24517-2 Radio 520. 2-01-24521-4 Travel-Other Than Employee Training 500. 2-01-24533-9 Printing & Binding 200. 2-01-24561-0 Maint. Contracts-Office Equip. 352. 2-01-24573-5 Rental/Lease Machinery & Equip. 198. 2-01-24583-4 Dues & Membership 60. 2-01-24584-2 Subscriptions & Books 100. 2-01-24585-9 Information Services 2,000.I 2-01-24589-1 Miscellaneous & Bonds 268. 2-01-24755-8 Office Equip./Furn. Addition 50. TOTAL $ 146,635. WORK NOTES: Salary - This division is now authorized personnel as follows: 1 Captain 1 Lieutenant 2 Sergeants 4 Detectives 1 Clerk Typist II 9 The crime scene investigator is now in the administrative div., leaving 8 authorized; 7 detectives and a typist plus Brooks to DEA POLICE DEPT. - INVESTIGATION DIV. CONT. Work Notes .9977.778 Incentive Pay - Education 5,545. Sidearms 81. Office Supplies - Polygraph supplies - charts, pens, ink Uniforms - Clothing allowance 7 e $ 200. Non-Classified Supplies - Film, flash cubes, bulbs, batteries Gasoline and Lubricants ~ For 8 vehicles Other Repairs/Maint. Supplies, Parts - Repairs to tape recorders, etc. Small Tools, Equipment, etc. - 2 pair binoculars Telephone - Present system plus 10% increase in rates Radio - Maint. contract $60./yr. X 7 420. Plus non-covered parts 100. ( 1 less than last yro re transfer ) Maintenance Contracts Office Equip. 3 electric typewriters e $ 52. 156. 4 manual typewriters e $ 38. 152. 1 Lanier Edisette 44. Rental/Lease Machinery & Equip. - Identi-Kit e $198./year Dues and Membership - Fla. Robbery Intelligence Unit 25. Tampa Bay Intelligence Unit 10. Seminole Co. Fraud & Worthless Check Assoc. 25. Subscriptions and Books - Sanford City Directory 65. Physicians Desk Reference 25. Year Book 10. Miscellaneous and Bonds - 6 boxes recording tapes 172.80 Batteries 25. Notary commission & seal 70. Office Furniture - 2 coat racks 50. Machinery/Equip. Replace° ( see federal revenue sharing ) 3 tape recorders e $ 125. POLICE DEP~RTMENT - ANIMAL CpNTROL DIVISION ~97.7~7 2-01-26101-3 Salary $ 28,618. 2-01-26105-4 Other Personal Services 1,000. 2-01-26143-5 Pension Contribution 2,023. 2-01-26333-2 Drugs, Medical & Lab Supplies 371. 2-01-26334-0 Janitor Supplies 400. 2-01-26335-7 Feed For Animals 1,120. 2-01-26340-7 Uniforms & Clothing 240. 2-01-26341-5 Protective Clothing 60. 2-01-26350-6 Gasoline & Lubricants 858° 2-01-26355-5 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 935. 2-01-26369-6 Building Material & Supplies 200. 2-01-26370-4 Small Tools &Minor Equipment 175. 2-01-26513-9 Telephone & Telegraph 330. 2-01-26533-7 Printing & Binding 100. 2-01-26551-9 Electricity 850. 2-01-26569-1 Other Maintenance & Service 380. 2-01-26592-3 Animal Disposal Fee 820. TOTAL $ 38,480. WORK NOTES: Salary - The division consists of 3 canine control workers. Add Acting Sgt. Moore e $ 12,797. 1 Animal Control Superr. I Animal Compound Officer 1 Animal Control Officer 3 Other Personal Services - Required overtime when comp. time is not possible Drugs, Medical, Lab Supplies - Capture gun drugs, distemper, etc. Janitor Supplies -- Tick spray, powder, cleaning compound for washing runs, mops, gloves, paper towels, toilet paper, etc. Protective Clothing - 2 pair capture gloves e $ 30./pair Building Material and Supplies - Repair dog runs 150. Tile office floor 50. POLICE DEPT. - ANIMAL CONTROL DIV. COBrE. Work Notes 1977-78 Small Tools and Minor Equipment - 1 snatch pole 32.50 150' water hose 38.85 3 nozzles 5.10 Rope 9.00 75 water buckets 30. 1 tool box 20. 1 cat cage 40. Other Maintenance and Service - Veterinarian fees 250. Repairs to capture guns 90. Pumping out septic tank 40. Vehicular Equipment Replacement ( see federal revenue sharing ) ~545, 1969 Dodge pu mileage 46,680 on 6/1/77 (reported as not actual mileage but around 70,000) Animal Disposal Fee - County charges for disposal are: Cats .50 Dogs 1.00 Cow, horse, etc. 5.00 Sanford's disposal have been: 1975 935 1976 920 1977 (5 mos.) 279 FIRE DEPARTMENT ~77-78 2-01-30101-7 Salary $ 561,582. 2-01-30110-8 Incentive Pay 2,640. 2-01-30143-9 Pension Contribution 55,754. 2-01-30170-2 Schooling-Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 550. 2-01-30175-1 Conference-Registration 50. 2-01-30176-9 Conference-Per Diem & Travel 200. 2-01-30179-3 Traiming Material Purch/Rental 495. 2-01-30301-3 Office Supplies 350. 2-01-30302-I Printed Forms 175. 2-01-30332-8 Chemicals 790. 2-01-30333-6 Drugs, M~dical & Lab Supplies 390. 2-01-30334-4 Janitor Supplies 450. 2-01-30338-5 Household/Institution Supplies 550. 2-01-30340-1 Uniforms & Clothing 5,880. 2-01-30341-9 Protective Clothing 2,050. 2-01-30349-2 Non-Classified Supplies 600. 2-01-30350-0 Gasoline & Lubricants 6,475. 2-01-30355-9 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 6,000. 2-01-30358-3 Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair Pt. 350. 2-01-30369-0 Building Material & Supplies 2,257. 2-01-30370-8 Small Tools & Minor Equip. 225. 2-01-30511-7 Postage 15. 2-01-30513-3 Telephone & Telegraph 3,694. 2-01-30517-4 Radio & Base Station 2,000. 2-01-30551-3 Electricity 7,000. 2-01-30553-9 Heating & Cooking Fuels 150. 2-01-30555-4 Water & Sewer Service 425. 2-01-30561-2 Office Equip. & Service 117. 2-01-30581-0 Laundry & Sanitation Services 1,500. 2-01-30583-6 Dues & Memberships 605. 2-01-30584-4 Subscriptions & Books 251. FIRE DEPARTMENT (cont.) 1977-78 2-01-30594-3 Hydrant Rental 27,450. 2-01-30754-3 Office Equip/Furn. Replace 300. 2-01-30755-0 Office Equip/Furn Addition 265. 2-01-30758-4 Other Machinery/Equip. Replace 3,402. 2-01-30759-2 Other Machinery/Equip. Addition 4,381. TOTAL 699,368. WORK NOTES: Salary 1 Chief 1 Assist. Chief 1 Lieut. (Training & Insp.) 6 Shi~ Lieut. 3 Senier Firemen 29 Firemen 1 Clerk ~l~ist II 1 Mechanic 43 Incentive Pay $10./month for EMT training (22 men) Conference Registration Fla. Fire Chief Conf. 30.00 Trai~ing Officer Conf. 20.00 Conference - Per Diem & Travel Above $100. each Training Materia~ One Resusci - Annie 340.00 One Resusci - Baby 155.00 Chemicals 50 gal. light water % $9.70 485.00 10 gal. water wetter e $13. 130.00 P~efill of extinguishers (Fire Dept.) 150.00 Refill oxygen bottles 25.00 Drugs, Medical, Lab Supplies Two new medical box supplies 100.00 Refill supplies for all kits: 1 case 2" Kling 24.20 1 case 4" Kling 44.20 1 case 6" Kling 34.51 ½ case 4 X 4 sterile pads 57.82 1 case 4 X 4 unsterile pads 104.31 ~ case 8 X 10 combine dressing 18.50 ¼ case 10 X 30 trauma 6.25 Household Supplies Sheets, pillow cases, towels, blankets, kitchen utensils, curtains, etc. FIRE DEPARTMENT (cont.) Work Notes 1977-78 Uniforms & Clothing Shoes, coats, pants, caps, shirts, coverails, baa.~s, ties, jackets, etc. ~ $140./man Protective Clothing He~aets, fire coats, pants, boots e $50./man. Non-classified Supplies Film, flash bulbs, batteries, etc. Installed Euilding Equip. Repair Parts Heater, air conditioning, plumbing, kitchen appliances, in both stations Building Material Paneling training room at #1 $ 300. Floor covering training room #1 310. Interior painting at ~1 300. Make classroom & storage %2 975. Driveway repairs ~2 372. Telephone Present system plus one additional incoming line for fire & emergencies (to make total of 2) e $46./mo. plus $55./installation charge. Maintenance 1 typewriter 52.00 1 calculator 65.00 Laumdry Bed linen, towels, cleaning rags, etc. from both stations averaging 500'~lb. month @ ~25/lb. Dues & Membership Fla. State Fireman's Assoc. (42 X $10.) 420.00 National Fire Protection Assoc. 40.00 Fla. Fire Chief Assoc. 10.00 Certification of EMT (9 e $15.) 135.00 Subscription & Books 3 subscriptions to NFPA Fire Command (1 for admin. and to each station) 18.00 3 subscriptions to Fire Engineering (Same) 36.00 City Directory 50.00 NFPA Fire Code books 90.00 Southern Building Code 13.00 Fire Protection Handbook 43.50 Hydrant Rental Ordinance requires $50./hydrant to utility dept. for 549 hydrants Office Equip./Furniture Replacement Beds and mattresses 300.00 ~FIREIDEPARTMENT (cont.) Work Notes 1977-78 Office Equip./Furniture Additional Calculator 300.00 Other Machinery/Equip. Replacement 600 feet 1½ inch hose 900.00 600 feet 2½ inch hose 1,500.00 Cook stove at #2 277.00 Station heater at ~1 569.00 Water & foam gauge on #15 156.00 Other Machinery/Equip. Additional 600 feet 3" hose with 2½ coupling 1,800.00 One Indian back can 90.00 One vacuum for #1 100.00 One auto door closer a~ #2 (security) 150.00 One portable radio (fire insp~. 1,124.00 Three Hooligan entry tools 165.00 One salvage master vacuum - (removes water) 387.50 4 revolving red lights for pumpers 12 & 15 (added safety-mounted on rear corners of trucks) 240.00 Two first aide boxes for 12'~-15 49.00 Two medical boxes for #8- (rescue unit) 130.00 One child blood pressure cuff 21.00 One Hudson CPR board 36.00 One child oxygen mask 88.00 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION 1977-78 2-01-40101-5 Salary $ 26,667. 2-01-40170-0 Schooling-Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 50. 2-01-40175-9 Conference-Registration 80. 2-01-40176-7 Conference-Per Diem & Travel 230. 2-01-40301-1 Office Supplies 325 2-01-40302-9 Printed Forms 25 2-01-40349-0 Non-Classified Supplies 25 2-01-40350-8 Gasoline & Lubricants 360 2-01-40355~7 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 150 2-01-40511-5 Postage 175 2-01-40513-1 Telephone & Telegraph 1,060 2-01-40517-2 Radio & Base Station 175 2-01-40533-9 Printing & Binding 200 2-01-40561-0 Office Equip. Maint. & Service 125 2-01-40583-4 Dues & Membership 45 2-01-40584-2 Subscriptions & Books 12 2-01-40589-1 Other Miscellaneous 50 TOTAL $ 29,754 Work Notes: Salary - Director & Clerk Typist II Conference Registration: APWA 35. Fla. Govt. Sec. 45. Per Diem & Travel: Fla. APWA ll.5. Fla. Govt. Sec. ll5. Office Equip. Maint. & Service: Typewriter 52. Calculator 65. Dues & Membership: APWA 25. Solid Waste Mgt. 20. Vehicular Equip. replacement (Federal REvenue Sharing) Car #13t, 1972 Ford/Mileage 53,256 Office Equip./furniture replacement (Federal Revenue Sharing) Typewriter - $526.00 plus 5-8% increase PUBLIC WORKS - SHOP DIVISION 1977-78 ~01-42101-3 Salary $ 64,399. 2-01-42105-4 Other Personal Services 1,000. 2-01-42170-8 Schooling-Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel 399. 2-01-42301-9 Office Supplies 180. 2-01-42334-0 Janitor Supplies 448. 2-01-42340-1 Uniforms & Clothi. ng 919. 2-01-42349-8 Non-Classified Supplies 50. 2-01-42350-6 Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants 1,254. 2-01-42355-5 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 594. 2-01-42357-1 Equipment Repair Parts 550. 2-01-42358-g Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair PT lO0. 2-01-42359-7 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/PT 1,178. i~ 2-01-42369-6 Building Material & Supplies 30. 2-01-42370-4 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 350° 2-01-42511-3 Postage 30. 2-01-42513-9 Telephone & Telegraph 412. 2-01-42517-0 Radio 75. 2-01-42533-7 Printing & Binding 150. 2-01-42551-9 Electricity 1,680. 2-01-42553-5 ~. ~H~a~i~'~!Fuel 300. 2-01-42555-0 Water & Sewer Services 105. 2-01-42583-2 Dues & Membership 25. 2-01-42584-0 Subscriptions & Books 175. TOTAL $ 74,403. Work Notes: Salary: ~ Supt; 1 part-time Shop Coordinator (du~l role of Street Supt.)~ 1 Parts Coordinator; 5 Mechanics (1 charged to Utility Dept. & 1 to Fire Dept.); 1 Mechanic Helper~ 1 Laborer I Other Personal Services 1 P/T Shop Coordinator 1,O00. Schools: Per Diem, Travel, Books: 7 men Electric ~ne~p course 140. fuels and carburetion bra~es & suspension 140. 7 text books @ $17./each 119. PUBLIC WORKS - SHOP DIV. (Cont.) Work Notes: Uniforms: 8 men @ $114.86/each Gasoline: 4 vehicles Motor vehicle repair parts: #110 - 4 tires --~ $143.28 112 & ll3 - repair & paint body -- $100. ll4 - misc. parts ............. 350. Equip. repair parts Compressors, floor jacks, lifts, etc. Other repair maint. supplies & parts: 8 drums steam cleaning compound @ $2.45/gal. Printing and binding: Work order forms Subscriptions and books: 1 Auto repair manual $ 28. 1 Trk diesel repair manual 30. 1 Tune-up manual 59.95 1Trk Mechanical Parts; Labor Guide 27. 1 Repair Manual/Huber Maintainer 30. Office Equip./furniture additional: (see Federal revenue sharing) 1 calculabor $ 400~. 15 card files @ 27.80 417. 1 Top section-files 15.15 1 Bottom section-files 9.95 Other Machinery/Equip. additional: (see Federal revenue sharing) 3 bench vises @ 112.82 338.46 1 motor rebuild stand 600.12 1 truck wheel dolly 335.87 1 volt amp tester (portable) 75. 1 hydraulic jack 614o40 PUBLIC WORKS MAINTENANCE DIVISION 1977-78 2-01-46101-9 Salary $ 62,487. 2-01-46170-4 Schooling - Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel 50. 2-01-46301-5 Office Supplies 15. 2-01-46334-6 Janitor Supplies 1,500. 2-01-46340=3 Uniforms & Clothing 780. 2-01-46341-1 Protective Clothing ll5. 2-01-46349-4 Non-Classified Supplies 50. 2-01-46350-2 Gasoline & Lubricants 1,826. 2-01-46355-1 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 2,000. 2~01-46357-7 Equipment Repair Parts 215. 2-01-46358-5 Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair PT 300. 2-01-46359-3 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/PT 1,O00. PUBLIC WORKS - MAINTENANCE DIV. (Cont. 1977-78 2-01-46369-2 Building Material & Supplies $ 1,200 2-01-46370-0 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 300 2-01-46511-9 Postage 30 2-01-46513-5 Telephone & Telegraph 330 2~01-46517-6 Radio 435 2-01-46551-5 Electricity 143,286 2-01-46553-1 Heating Fuel 100 2-01-46555-6 Water & Sewer Service 2,245 2-01-46589-5 Other Miscellaneous 50 2-01-46758-6 Other Machinery/Equip. Replacement 150 TOTAL $ 218,464. Work Notes: Salary: 1 Supt.; 5 Maintenance Repairmen; 1 Custodian/city hall (w/the new city hall, we examined the possibility of a janitorial maintenance service. The quote was $3,270. per mo.) Uniforms 6 men @ 113.38 Protective Clothing: 6 rain suits @ $11.85/each 4 hard hats @ 4.50/each 1 doz. gloves @ 26.00 Gasoline & Lubricants: 5 trucks Other Repair/Maint. Supplies Parts: Traffic lights & street lights. Bldg. Materials & Supplies: For chamber, civic center, city hall Electricity: Street lights $ 94,785 Traffic signals 4,709 Phone booth 1st & Magnolia 83 Parking Lot/tst & Park 58 Rands Mall 149 Old city shop bldg. 96 Old city hall plus 2 trailers/2 mos. 820 New city hall @ $2,956./mo. $ 29,560. l~. Plus 10% 13,026. $'3.43,2~6. PUBLIC WORKS STREET DIVISION 1977-78 2-01-47101-8 Salary $ 184,526. 2-01-47170-3 Schooling - Tuition, Books Per Diem & Travel 74. 2-01-47301-4 Office Supplies 90. 2-01-47332-9 Chemicals 1,664. 2-01-47334-5 Janitor Supplies 190. 2-01-47340-2 Uniforms & Clothing 2,238. 2-01-47341-0 Protective Clothing 254 2-01-47349-3 Non-Classified Supplies 250 2-01-47350-1 Gasoline & Lubricants 12,472 2-01-47355-0 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 5,000 2-01-47357-6 Equipment Repair Parts 14,000 2-01-47359-2 Other Supplies - Street Signs 3,600 2~01-47368-3 Street & Sweeper Materials 6,149 2-01-47369-I Building Material & Supplies 50 2-01-47310-9 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 636 2-01-47511-8 Postage 20 2-01-47513-4 Telephone & Telegraph 425 2-01-47517-5 Radio 300 2-01-47533-2 Printing & Binding 25 2-01-47551-4 Electricity 1,758 2-01-47555-5 Water & Sewer Services 320 2-0147561-3 Office Equip. Maint. & Service 60 2-01-47569-6 Other Maintenance & Service 72 2-01-47583-7 Dues & Membership 25 2-01-47584-5 Subscriptions & Books 25 2-01-47003-9 Notes Payable/Equipment 10,893 2-01-47804-7 Interest on Notes Payable 1,229 TOTAL $ 246,345. Work Notes: Salary: 1 Supt.~ 1 Foreman~ 3 Equip. Opr. IV~ 3 Equip. Opr. II~ 4 Equip. epr. I~ lO Laborer I~ ½ Clk Typist II (½ in Refuse). Total 22½ PUBLIC WORKS - STREET DIV. (Cont. Work Notes: Other maintenance service (½ in refuse): Pest Control (144.) 72.00 Dues & Membership: Am. Public Works Assoc. $25. Street paving new construction: Slurry Seal program (Federal Revenue Sharing) $26,000. 50 A~'~lchair ramps" " "$2,500. Office Equip./furniture replacement: Replace adding machine w/eleco(Fed. Revenue Sharing calculator (½ by refuse) .... $200.00 Other Machinery/equip. additional: (½ by refuse) (Federal REvenue Sharing) ... 167.50 Other Machinery/equip. replacement: Replace 2oway radio in trk. #60 .... 776.00 (about 15 yrs. old) Notes payable: #42 3rd payment .... $4,892.62 #44 2nd payment .... $6,000.00 Interest on notes payable: #42 -- $ 538.19 #44 -- $ 690.00 PUBLIC WORKS REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL DIV. 1977-78 2-01-49101-6 Salary $ 202,081. 2-01-49105-7 Other Personal Ser¥ices 4,000. 2-01-49301-2 Office Supplies ~ftO~ 2-01-49332-7 Chemicals 750. 2-01-49334-3 Janitor Supplies 190. 2-01-49340-0 Uniforms & Clothing 2,538. 2-01-49341-8 Protective Clothing 415o 2-01-49349-1 Non-Classified Supplies 2-01-49350-9 Gasoline& Lubricants 12,964 2~01-49355-8 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 23,668 2-01-49357-4 Equipment Repair Parts 4,066 2-01-49369~9 Building Material & Supplies 50 2-01-49370-7 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 125 2-01-49511-6 Postage 25 2-01-49513-2 Telephone & Telegraph 762 2-01-49517-3 Radio 90. PUBLIC WORKS - REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL DIV. 1977-78 Work Notes: (Cont.) ...... 2-01-49521-5 Travel Expenses-Other than Employee Training $ 125. 2-01-49531-4 Advertising lO0. 2-01-49533-0 Printing and Binding 50. 2-01-49551-2 Electricity 1,611. 2-01-49561-1 Office Equip. Maint. & Service 60. 2-01-49569-4 Other Maint. & Service 72. 2-01-49583-5 Dues and Memberships 25. 2-01-49803-7 Notes Payable/Equipment 8,824. 2-01-49804-5 Interest on Notes Pay/Equip. 530. TOTAL $ 263,521. Work Notes: Equip. replacement from Revo Sharing Funds County refuse disposal fees (garbage only)-Fed. Rev. sharing funds ~alary: 1 Supt.; 1 Equip. Opr. III; 7 Equip. Opr. II (packer drivers); 15 Laborers~ ½ Clk./Typist II (½ in refuse, ½ in Sts.) Other Personal Services: $4,000. (holidays). Office Supplies - ~ cost for P.W. Complex Chemicals: cleaning trucks. Janitor Supplies: ½ w/Street Uniforms: 24 men (w/6 uniforms) @ 100.08 $ 2,401.92 lO jackets (replacements) @ 13.58 135.80 Protective Clothing: 18 rain suits @ 11.85 213.30 10 hard hats @ 4.50 45.00 6 doz. gloves @26.00 156.00 Motor Vehicle Repair Pts.: Normal 19o168.00 Diesel engine replacement 3,000.00 Packer transmission 1,500.00 Equipment Repair Pts. -(dozen): 1 set pins 8~ bushings 2,250.00 2 master pins 90.00 turn pins & bushings 700.00 build up rails 500.00 build up sprockets 392.00 4 new rollers 700.00 build up rollers 690.00 2 sprockets 580.00 2 idler roller bushing and seals 365.00 Misc. 550.00 '=' -': ,t.' " " '& 6,777.00 (reduced use if on county facility) - 4,066.00 PUBLIC WORKS - REFUSE COLLECTION & DISPOSAL DIV. 1977-78 (Cont.) ..... Work Notes: Small tools & minor equipment: (forks) Travel expense: demonstrations of new equip./techniques. Advertising: Spring clean-up, change of schedule, etc. Printing & binding: tags on rusted out cans, etc. Office equip. maint./service: ½ pest control Vehicular equip. replacement: (federal revenue sharing) NET # 93, 1969 Ford, long wheel base dump, clam shell, mileage - 7,534. # 94, 1966 Ford, long wheel base dump, mileage - 7,884. # 97, 1971 Ford, diesel w/20 yd. packer (Loadmaster) mileage 25,203. # 98, 1972 Ford, diesel w/29 yd. p~cker (Hell) mileage 25,203. Office equipment/furniture replacement: ~ cost replace adding machine w/calculator (Fed. Revenue Sharing). Other machinery & equip. additional: Notes payable -- Veh. # Principal Interest P~yment 95 5,751.25 345.08 Last t09 3,072.68 184~35 Last 8,823.93 ~ ½ cost vacuum cleaner - $167.50 RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION .1~77-78 2-01-50101-2 Salary $ 75,519. 2-01-50i05-3 Other Personal Services 16,533. 2-01-50175-6 Conference - Registration 170. 2-01-50176-4 Conference Per Diem & Travel 245. 2-01-50301-8 Office Supplies 850. 2-01-50302-6 Printed Forms 437. 2-01-50334-9 Janitor Supplies 2,046. 2-01-50340-6 Uniforms & Clothing 75. 2-01-50349-7 Non-Classified Supplies 3,658. 2-01-50350-5 Gasoline & Lubricants 1,300. 2-01~.0355-4 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 578. 2-01-50358-8 Installed Bldg. Equip. Repair Pts. 725. 2-01-50359-6 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies/Pt. 1,383. 2-01-50370-3 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 100. 2-01-50511-2 Postage 615. 2-01-50513-8 Telephone & Telegraph 1,727. 2-01-50517-9 Radio 160. 2-01-50533-6 Printing & Binding 75. 2-01-50551-8 Electricity 11,315. 2-01-50553-4 Heating & Cooking Fuels 1,570. 2-01-50555 -9 Water & Sewer Services 1,420. 2-01-50561-7 Office Equip. Maint/Service 510. 2-01-50569-0 Other Maintenance & Ser~i~e 60. 2-01-50571-6 Rental/Lease-Land/Bldg. 250. 2-01-50583-1 Dues & Membership 130. 2-01-50584-9 Subscriptions & Books 30. 2-01-50589-8 Other Miscellaneous 75. TOTAL $ 121,556. RECREATION - ADMINISTRATION -CCONT'~)~i'..z~'/. 1977-78 WORK NOTES Salary 1 Director 1 Recreation Supt. 2 Recreation Supervisors 2 Clerk typists 2 Custodians Custodian overtime $ 3,000 Other Personal Services - (part-time salaries) Ceramics . 175/mo. for 12 mos. 2,100. Summer Playgrounds - 7 workers ~30 hrs./wk ~ 2.50/hr.-7 wks.t'~ 3,675. Westside Center 20 hrs./wk. ~ 2.50 for 52 wks. 2,600. Barton 180. Art 140. Tennis 140. Cheerleading 100. Athletics 7,598. Little League 1,400. Jr. League 600 Sr. League 400 Pee Wee League 370 Lassie Softball 500 Flag Football 200 Girl~s Basketball 300 Biddy' " 580 Intermediate Basketball 448 Westside Basketball 350 Scorekeepers 850 Athletic Superv~'(pt.) 1~600. Conference - registration- State Recreation Conf.Tampa 3 people ~ 45- $ 135. 1 person ~ 35- 35. (Director and 3 staff atending part or all of conf.) Conference - per diem and travel - State Conf. - Tampa Director 3 days 100. Rec. Supt. 2 days 75. 2 Rec. Superv. 1 day 70. Janitorial suDDlies - Both for civic center and westside center. More free use increases use of the centers and this increases ~' cleaning materials plus their costs increasing. Uniforms - Twosmen Non-classified suDDlies - Trophies $ 1,361 Baseball supplies re balls, helmets, bases, protection equip. bats, rule books, softballs, etc. 985. RECREATION-ADMINISTRATION-WORK NOTES(Cont'd.) 1977-78 Non-classified supplies Cont'd. Summer playground supplies arts & crafts 500. civic center 262. Basketball - balls, scorebooks, rule books, etc. 442. Football - 8 footballs 108. Gasoline and lubricants - 4 vehicles Motor vehicle repair parts - 4 vehicles Installed bldg. equip. repair Darts -.:'~j~"~!~,.~.~i~!~. A/C Maint. 200. PA system maint. 150. Ice mach.& refrig. 125. Dishwasher 100. Oven repair 75. Exhaust fan repair 75. Other repair/maint. supplies/DartS (two centers) Glass replacement $ 475 Fire extinguisher replace. 48 Faint 250 Light Bulbs '195 Plumbing repairs 195 Repair doors 95 Electricity-Civic Center 7,662. Westside Center 3,023. Cultural Arts. Bldg. 630. HeatinR and cookinK fuel- Civic Center 2,307. Cultural Arts Bldg. 30. Water and Sewer Civic Center 1,050. Westside Center 130. Cultural Arts Bldg. 100. Shuffleboard Club 140. Office equip. maint./service -(not budgeted last year) 5 elec. typewriters 1 elec. calculator 1 manual typewriter 1 dictating/transcribing machine Other Maint. and service - pest control service ~5/mo. Rental/lease - High school gym for basketball- custodian for clean up Girls basketball 110. Boys basketball 140. Dues and Membership- Fla Rec/Parks Assoc. 65. Nat. Rec./Parks Assoc. 65. RECREATION-ADMINISTRATION (cont.) Work Notes Bldq. ImDrovements-(federal revenue sharing) Civic Center - (Commission ordered 5/10/77) Replace fixtures & tile restrooms $ 9,200. Conc. slab at kitchen 600. Replace folding partitions 4,550. Replace lighting in annex & lobby 2,500. Office EGuip./Furn. Additional 1 calculator {federal revenue sharing) Machinerv/EGuiD. Replacement (Federal Revenue Sharing) Replace 2 mike .stands e $30. 60.00 Replace 2 coffee urns ~ $40. 80.00 RECREATION - PARKS & CEMETERY 2-01-51101-1 Salary 117,104. 2-01-51301-7 Office Supplies 42. 2-01-51331~4 Agriculture Supplies (Plants, shrubs, fertilizer) 2,925. 2-01-51334-8 Janitor Supplies 383. 2-01-51340-5 Uniforms & Clothing 769. 2-01-51341-3 Protective Clothing 259. 2-01-51349-6 Non-Classified Supplies 72. 2-01-51350-4 Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants 2,225. 2-01-51355-3 Motor Vehicle ..~.~pair Pts. 1,379. 2-01-51357-9 Equipment Repair Pts. 1,368. 2-01-51359-5 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies Pt. 3,164. 2-01-51368-6 Other Material 1,000. 2-01-51370-2 Small Tools & Minor Equip. 450. 2-01-51511-1 Postage 30. 2-01-51513-7 Telephone & Telegraph 411. 2-01-51517-8 Radio 100. 2-01-51551-7' Electricity 11,776. 2-01-51555-8 Water & Sewer Services 3,218. 2-01-51569-9 Other Maint/Service Cont. 110. 2-01-51583-0 Dues & Subscriptions 10. 2-01-51589-7 Other Miscellaneous 50. TOTAL 146,845. RECREATION - PARKS & CEMETERY 1977-78 WORK NOTES: Salary 1 Superintendent 1 Foreman 1 Laborer II 12 Laborer I Other Personal Services Weekend flag raising Aqricultural SuDDlies 15 tons fertilizer ~ $1Q0. $ 1,500. 1 ton nitrate-soda ~ $80./thou. 160. 55 gals. insecticide ~ $23./gal. 1,265. Janitor SUDDlieS Garbage bags re parks 240. Restrooms (public) 143. Uniforms 14 men - 3 sets each $50.04 700.56 5 jackets ~ $13.58 67.90 Protective Clothinq 12 rainsuits ~ $6.50 78.00 1 doz. goggles ~ $36./doz. 36,D0 4 filter masks e $7. 28.00 10 hard hats e $4.50 45.00 1 box hatbands ~ $7. 7.00 12 pr. gloves e $5.40 64.80 Non-Classified SuDDlies Wasp Spray 60.00 2 first aid kits 12.00 Gasoline & Lubricants 4 trucks 3 Cushman 2 tractors 2 large mowers 4 hand mowers 2 edgers 2 chain saws Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 8 tires for Cushman ~ $27. 216. 2 brake sets e $75. 150. 7 batteries 210. Misc. 100. Trucks: 4 tires %161 100. 4 tires #162 220. 4 tune-ups 120. 1 brake set for ~162 75. Exhaust systems (4) 188. EGuiDment Repair Parts 3 tractor tires 120. Spark plugs 38. Mower-bearings, belts, blades, etc. 300. Tire & Tube repairs 250.~ 2 mower engine replacement 180. RECREATION-PARKS & CEMETERY (Cont'..)~ Work Notes 1977-78 E~uiD. Repair Parts Cont. Mower filters $ 30.00 Hydraulic system repairs 450.00 Other Repair/Maint. SuDSlies/Parts 9 tennis nets ~ $80. 720.00 2 post sets ~ $100. 200.00 3 doz. quartz lamps ~ $144. 432.00 Shuffleboard courts - wax, janitor supplies, light bulbs, plumbing 332.00 Athletic fields - 2 loads clay ~ $340./each 680.QQ 5 doz. lamps, wiring, etc. 400.00 Fence repair 100.00 Bleacher repair 300.00 Other Materials includes flag pole rope, paint, paint brushes, sprinkler repairs, stakes, swing seats, water hoses Small Tools & Minor E~uiDment includes leaf rakes, yard rakes, hoes, forks, shovels, clippers, axes, sling blades, files, etc. ElectricitV Memorial Park 135.00 Ft. Mellon Park 64.00 Persimmon & 10th 590.00 Tennis - 22nd & Chase 768.00 Tennis - Ft. Mellon 920.00 Softball - Ft. Mellon 2,494.00 Little League - Ft. Mellon 512.00 4th & French 424.00 Shuffleboard Courts 105.00 Shuffleboard Bldg. 109.00 Coastline Park 2,403.00 Pinehurs~ Park 70.00 Celery Ave. Park 3,182.00 Other Maint./Service Ice machine lease Vehicular E~uiD. Re~lacement-(federal revenue sharing) #166, 1966 Case tractor, net $ 7,457. #168, 1973 Cushman, net 2,899. E~uipment Replaceme.~t - (federal revenue~haring) 2 - 18" mowers e $170.00 1 - 4 hp airbroom ~ $225.00 2 - weedeaters e ~' 300.00 INSURANCE 1977-78 2-01-80141-2 OASI $ 131,775. 2-01-80142-0 Employees Pension (prior to FRS) 1,850. 2-01-80143-8 Pension System FRS 47,594. 2-01-80144-6 Past Service Pension 4,000. 2-01-80147-9 Employee Injury Expense 100. 2-01-80148-7 Medical/Hospital/Life 71,325. TOTAL 256,644. (1) OASI - Includes rate increase from 5.85% to 6.05% No increase in maximum wage $16,500. No increase in salary adjustment (2) Includes 23% rate increase (3) Anti-recession fund use of $49,310. INSURANCE 2-01-80541-3 Building & Contents 7,700. 2-01-80544-7 Firemen/Policemen Life 1,650. 2-01-80545-4 Public Liability & Operations 7,200. 2-01-80546-2 Automotive & Equipment 7,250. 2-01-80548-8 Workmen's Compensation 10,500. 2-01-80549-6 Other 555. TOTAL 34,855. WORK NOTES: Unemployment Compensation - charging to respective departments. Plus: From federal revenue sharing Public liability and operations $30,000. Automotive and Equipment 44,000. PUBLICITY & SPECIAL FUNDS 2-01-81001-7 Chamber of Commerce 15,000. 2-01-81004-1 industrial Promotion 7,500. TOTAL 22,500. SPECIAL PROJECTS 1977-78 2-01-86001-2 Memorial Library 4,580. 2-01-86002-0 Election Expense 1,200. 2-01-86003-8 Utilities - Water & Sewer 320. TOTAL 6,100. (1) Annie Bowen National Guard Armory DEBT SERVICE 2-01-87003-7 Administrative Expense 70,000. 2-01-87101-9 Public Improvement Bonds 1965 56,903. 2-01-87102-7 Public Improvement Bonds 1971 208,097. TOTAL 335,000. CITY OF SANFORD 1977 - 78 UTILITy BUDGET Water and Sewer Budget for Oct. 1, 1977 thou Sept. 30, 1978 1977 - 78 BUDGET INDEX UTILITY DEPART~iENT ACCT. NO. Anticipated Revenue Anticipated Expenditures Administration 2-05-10101-7 - 2-05-10755-0 Utility Plants 2-05-20101-5 - 2-05-20759-0 Water 41 2-05-21332-5 - 2-05-21759-9 Water ~2 2-05-22332-4 2-05-22759-8 Well Fields 2-05-25350-3 2-05-25730-6 Sewer Plant 2-05-27332-9 2-05-27759-3 Lift Stations 2-05-29332-7 2-05-29759-1 Water Distribution 2-05-30101-3 - 2-05-30804-2 Sewer Collection 2-05-40101-1 - 2-05-40804-0 Storm Sewer Drainage Division 2-05-70101-5 - 2-05-70759-9 Insurance & Pensions 2-05-80141-8 - 2-05-80549-2 Debt Service 2-05-87811-9 - 2-05-87890-3 Special Funds 2-05-88601-3 - 2-05-88690-6 Contingency Reserve 2-05-89010-6 UTILITY DEPAR?MENT Water & Sewer Utility Fund) ACCT. NO. ANTICIPATED REVENUE 1977-78 1-05-10100-0 Sewer Charges $ 69~000." 1-05-20100-8 ~t~r~d Water Sales 585,000. 1-05-20500-9 Hydrant Rental 27,450. 1-05-35030-0 State Fuel Tax Refund 500. 1-05-40100-4 Sewer Service Fee 2,000. 1-05-40200-2 Water Service Charges 24,000. 1-05-41100-3 Material & Contract Work 2,500. 1-05-45100-9 Utility Connection Fee 45,000. 1-06-60100-9 Interest Earned 33,000. 1-05-61100-8 Rent on Generators 2,400. 1-05-68020-1 Collection on Bad Accounts ( 1~.000. 1-05-68910-3 Non-Operation Revenue 1,500. 1-05-90000-5 Cash Balance Brought Forward 41,078. TOTAL .... $ 1,448,428. A~TICIPATE9 EXPENDITURES Utility Administration $ 120,746. Utility Plants 419,010. Utility - Water Distribution 194,383. Utility - Sewer Distribution 168,614. Utility - Storm Sewer Division 41,951. Utility - Insurance & Pensions 118,014. Utility - Debt Service 230,656. Utility - Contribution to General Fund 403000. Connection Fee 45,000. Reserve for Renewal/Replace. 66,400. Utility Contingency 3,654. TOTAL .... $ 1,448,428. UTILITY ADMINISTRATION 1977-78 2-05-10101-7 Salary $ 73,71Z~ 2-05-10105-8 Other Personal Services 1,377. 2-05-10110-8 City Commission Expense 9,300. 2-05-10175-1 Conference-Registration 45, 2-05-10176-9 Conference-Per Diem & Travel 90. 2-05-10301-3 Office Supplies 1,125. 2-05-10302-1 Printed Forms 15. 2-05-10349-2 Non-Classified Supplies 15. 2-05-10350-0 Gasoline & Lubricants 370. 2-05-10355-9 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 50. 2-05-10511-7 Postage 10,510. 2-05-10513-3 Telephone & Telegraph 1,580. 2-05-10517-4 Radio 110. 2-05-10533-1 Printing & Binding 975. 2-05-10561-2 Office Equip. Mainto/Service 660. 2-05-10571-1 Rental & Leases Land & Building 5,000. 2-05-10591-9 Data Processing 10,750. 2-05-10754-3 Vehicular Equip. Replacement 5,037. 2-05-10755-0 Office Equip./Furn. Additional 25. TOTAL $ 120,746. WORK NOTES: Salary - 1 Director 1 Clerk Typist III( Office Mgr.) 1 Clerk Typist III( Staff Off. ) 3 Clerk Typist II 1 Keypunch Operator 7 ( This is one Clerk less t~an last year) Part of City Manager's salary $10,000. Part of Finance Director's salary $7,456. Other Personal Services - 1 P/T Clerk Typist ( 3 mos. ) Office Equip. Maint~/Service - 3 electric typewriters 1 postage machine 1 manual typewriter Share- burgler system 1 ICR cash register Share - Mimeograph machine 1 adding machine UTILITY ADm£NISTRATION CONT. Wo~ Notes 1977-78 Rental - Increased area in new city hall Data Processing - 90,000 @ 10.5¢ plus 10% increase Vehicular Equip. Replacement - ~201 Office Equlp./Furn, Replacement - Double drawer card file 25. UTILITY PLANTS 2-05-20101-5 Salary $ 179,610. 2-05-20175-9 Conference-Registration 140. 2-05-20176-7 Conference-Per Diem & Travel 185. 2-05-20301-1 Office Supplies 125. 2-05-20302-9 Printed Forms 200. 2-05-20333-4 Laboratory Supplies 600. 2-05-20334-2 Janitor Supplies 349. 2-05-20340-9 Uniforms & Clothing 1,175. 2-05-20341-7 Protective Clothing 100. 2-05-20350-8 Gasoline, Diesel, Lubricants 1,790. 2-05-20355-7 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 630. 2-05-20357-3 Equip. Repair Parts 600. 2-05-20370-6 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 352. 2-05-20513-1 Telephone & Telegraph 2,196. 2-05-20515-6 T~emetering 500. 2-05-20517-2 Radio 312. 2-05-20533-9 Printing & Binding 10. 2-05-20555-2 Water & Sewer Service 1,390. 2-05-20583-4 Dues & Membership 210. TOTAL $ t~Q., 474. WORK NOTES: Salary - 1 Supt. 1 Chief Plt. Operator 8 Certified Plant OperatQ~ 4 Uncertified Plant Operator 1 Mechanic Plant Operator 5 Laborer I 20 UTILITY PLANTS CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Conference Registration - 1 man to Gainesville - $60./ea. 60. 4 men to Regional/local $20./ea. 80. Conference - Travel - 1 man to Gainesville $150./ea. 150. 4 men to Regional/local - 12 meals e 3 days 35. Office Supplies - 9 doz. legal pads e $ 3.50 31.50 9 "boxes pencils ~ $ 1.09 9.81 9 "boxes pens ~ $ 3. 27. 2 "notebooks 36. 6 rolls of tape/lg. box paper clips 20.69 Printed Forms - Time cards 10. Sewage Plants charts 50. Water Plants charts 140. Lab Supplies - Replace BOD bottles & other glass ware lost to normal use. 150. Filters & culture media fcr ~cteriological tests run on both water & sewage 450. Janitor Supplies - 24 gals. of soap 30. 18 cases of paper towels 250. 6 mops 25. 1 additional bucket 4. 8 brooms 40. Uniforms - ½ as many as 1976-77 budget 1,175. Protective Clothing - 6 rainsuits % $ 15. 90. 2 hardhats e $ ,5. 10. Gas, Diesel & Lubrication - 1 tank per week in 3 trucks 60 gals x 52 = 3,120 gals Lawn mowers - 5 gals. per week for 26 weeks = 390 gals. 14 standby engines = 70 gals'. 3,580 gals x .50 = 1,790. Vehicle Repair Parts - 2 tune-ups e $30./each 240. 2 sets of tires e $30./per tire 240. 1 transmission repair 150. Equipment Repair Parts - Overhaul 2 Yazoo mowers; also test & repair if necessary the chlorine & grit chamber travel rail - $600.00 Small Tools and Minor Equipment - 1 amp probe & volt meter 85. 1 Sears tool box 75. 6 shovels e $8./each 48. 6 pitch forks e $24./each 144. Telephone & Telegraph - Reduced $32./month with re to removing French Ave. & Aux. Plant telephones UTILITY PLANTS CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Radio - $6./month x 4 autos. 288. $1./month for base station 24. Printing & Binding - Time cards 10. Water & Sewer Service - $ ll6./month x 12 months 1,390. Dues and Membership - 1 cert. opr. license ~ $10. x 15 150. 2 FWPCOA memberships $10./ea. X 6 60. (NOTE: cert. opers. licenses are for both water and sewer) UTILITY PLANTS - WATER ~1 2-05-21332-5 Chemicals $ 6,071. 2-05-21350-7 Diesel & Lubricants 50. 2-05-21357-2 Equipment Repair Parts 1,050. 2-05-21551-0 Electricity 63,400. TOTAL $ 70,571. WORK NOTES: Chemicals - Chlorine & Flouride - 1~ increase due to city growth + 10% additional of Lake Mary customers 6,071. Electricity - 10% increase for both electrical rates going up + an increase in customers & also 8% increase due to the additional Lake Mary customers. 63,368. Equipment Repair Parts - Vertical pump repair 600. Standby exhaust system repair 300. Exhaust & cooling system on #1 pump control 150. UTILITY PLANTS - ~ATER ~2 2-05-22332-4 Chemicals $ 3,150. 2-05-22350-6 Diesel & Lubricants 75. 2-05-22357-1 Equipment Repair Parts 1,800. 2-05-22551-9 Electricity 23,150. 2-05-22759-8 Machinery & Equip. Additional 1,200. TOTAL $ 29,375. WORK NOTES: Chemicals - ChlOrine & Flouride 10% increase due to city growth and an additional 10% increase for Lake Mary customers 3,150. Electricity - 10% increase due to electrical rate & city growth + 8% increase for Lake Mary Customers. 23,150. UTILITY PLANTS - WATER ~2 CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Equipment Repair/Parts - Quindar Parts (BIF) $ 1,200. ~1 pump overhaul 600. Machinery and Equipment Additional - Automatic switch over device for chlorine cylinders 1,200. UTILITY PLANTS -WELL FIELDS 2-05-25350-3 Diesel & Lubricants 100. 2-05-25357-8 Equipment Repair Parts 500. 2-05-25730-6 Well Improvements - Field ~1 6,270. TOTAL $ 6,870. WORK NOTES: Equipment Repair Parts - Repair controls at ~7 well < misc. 500. Well Improvements - ~1 Well Field Replace or repair ~=1 & ~2 pumps $3,000./each 6,000. 3 pumps for underground stations e $90./each 270. UTILITY PLANTS - SEWER PLANT 2-05-27332-9 Chemicals $ 4,970. 2-05-27350-1 Diesel & Lubricants 100. 2-05-27359-2 Other Repair & Maint. Supplies/Parts 5,000. 2-05-27551-4 Electricity 82,300. 2-05-27721-3 Building 575. 2-05-27730-4 Improvements Other Than Bldgs. 750. 2-05-27759-3 Machinery & Equip. Additional 350. TOTAL $ 94,045. WORK NOTES: Chemicals - This amount budgeted is reduced due to the improved efficiency of the chlorine dosage 5,583. Other Repair/Maint. Supplies & Parts - Additional sand for the sludge bed 200 y~s. ® $6.50 1,300. Estimate 1 of 3 blower motor repairs 875. Estimate 1 of 3 return activated sludge pumps 500. Comminutor parts (Comminutor has had absolutely nothing done to it since it was installed. Blades & cutting edges need to be reworked) 275. UTILITY PLANTS - SEWER PLANT CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 2 or 4 primary sludge pumps $250./each (rebuild) 500. 1 of 2 chlorination pumps 100. Poplar Ave. Lift Station control repair-BIF: 16 hrs. ~ $25. + $300. for parts 700. Machine work on 3 pumps (misc.) 300. Packing 50. 6 bearing replacements 175. Electricity - 10% increase due to increased utility rate & additional customers 82,231. Building - Replace air cond. in office section 325. Repaint lab & stairways 25 gals 8 $10. 250. Machinery & Equipment Additional - Gasoline edger 350. UTILITY PLANTS - LIFT STATION 2-05-29332-7 Chemicals $ 200. 2-05-29350-9 Diesel & Lubricants 250. 2-05-29359-0 Other Repair/Maint. Supplies Parts 4,450. 2-05-29551-2 Electricity 17,100. 2-05-29758-3 Machinery & Equip. Replacement 5,675. TOTAL $ 27,675. WORK NOTES: Chemicals - Degreasers and weed killers 200. Other Repair/Maint. Supplies 38/lift stations - seals, bearings, couplings, electrical controls flapper valves, etc. ~ $125. - $4,750. 2,375. (50% of $4,750. to be used this budget year) 1,050. 6 - 4 "check valves ~ $175./each 2 - Wynnewood 2 - Pinec~est I ~anford Plaza 400. 2 - 6" check valves - Ft. Mellon Park ~ $200./each 400. Out of the 38 pumps the repair work is as follows: 22 pumps 14 A2B Gorman Rupp seals $27. flappers $18. 2 pumps T6A3B Gorman Rupp seals $85. flappers $40. 13 pumps T4A3B Gorman Rupp seals $70. flappers $35. 1 pump 4SCU Barnes impeller and seals $100. Additional machine work: 3 Deming 7156 pumps 2 KUAurora pumps EST. cost $520. 3 Worthington pumps 2 Flyght pumps-cleaned, seals replaced, re-oiled ~ $100./each 200. 48 motors; 5 of which to be re-wound ~ $175./each 875. Bearing and seals replacement 30 ~ $15./each 450. UTILITY PLANTS - LIFT STATIONS CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Replace 8 batteries in standby generators (this is 1/3 of the total ~ $50./each) 400. Guards on pump shafts - Poplar Ave., Fro Mellon, Carriage Cove, & Airport ~1 Total of 11 pumps ~ $75./each 225. ( Amount scheduled in the 77-78 budget $225.) 4,450. Electricity - This amount remains the aame as the 76-77 budget at $17,100. due to an expected increase in efficiency due to the repairs 17,100. Machine & Equipment Replacement -I Ft. Mellon Lift Station - motor, pump, and controls 5,675. (Based on work done on 1 of the pumps this budget year and both are found to be in the same general condition) WATER DISTRIBUTION 2-05-30101-3 Salary $ 137,445. 2-05-30105-4 Other Personal Services 4,189. 2-05-30170-8 Schooling-Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 30. 2-05-30332-4 Chemicals 750. 2-05-30334-0 Janitor Supplies 25. 2-05-30340-7 Uniforms & Clothing 1,738. 2-05-30341-5 protective Clothing 363. 2-05-30349-8 Non-Classified Supplies 245. 2-05-30350-6 Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants 3,800. 2-05-30355-5 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 1,080. 2-05-30357-1 Equipment Repair Parts 1,200. 2-05-30359-,7 Other Repair & Maint. Supplies/Parts 7,700. 2-05-30368-8 Other Material 8,000. 2-05-30369-6 Building Material Supplies 50. 2-05-30370-4 Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,000. 2-05-30511-3 Postage 50. 2-05-30513-9 Telephone & Telegraph 400. 2-05-30517-0 Radio 504. 2-05-30533-7 Printing & Binding 10. 2-05-30551-9 Electricity 579. WATER DISTRIBUTION CONT. 1977-78 2-05-30589-9 Other Miscellaneous 25. 2-05-30730-9 Water Exten~]ions Material 3,500. 2-05-30731-7 Meters, Boxes, Hydrants 17,000. 2-05-30758-0 Other Machinery & Equipment, Replace. 3,5~. 2-05-30759-8 Other Machinery & Equip. Addition 1,200. TOTAL $ 194,383. WORK NOTES: Salary - 1 Supt. 1 Shop Mechanic 2 Meter Readers ~ Crew Leaders 2 La'borer II 7 Laborer Z 17 Other Personal Services - Pay standby personnel - minimum of 3 hrs./wk. for 2 men if the,~ work 3 hrs~ they are paid; if they don't work 3 hrs. they still are paid. 312 hrs. ~ rate of $3~81/hr. 1,188.72 Overtime for bre~[s, etc~ for crew 3,000. Schooling - Tuition, ~ooks~ Per Diem - Regional Short course/local Chemicals - Meter c!ean~ng compound Uniforms- 16 set~ plus 3 jackets Protective C!othin~ - 3 doz. work gloves ~ $2.5.15 78.45 5 pr. hip boots @ $17.99 89.95 6 rain suits ~ $11.85 71.10 5 pr. waders ~ $25.90 129.50 Non-Classified Supplies - Paint for .ydran'~s 10 gals. red ~ $12.60 126. 10 ga!s. silver ~ $9.30 93. Brushes 6. Oil for hydrants 20. Gasoline, Diesel, Lubricants - 7 vehicles; running 4 pumps 45 ~.n. each w~ek; hydraulic oil, etc. Motor Vehicle Repair Parts - Tuneups for 6 vehicles 300. 16 tires 530. Miscellaneous 250. WATER DISTRIBUTION CONT. Work Motes 1977-78 Equipment Repair Parts - Backhoe ~239 350. Trencher 300. 2 old pumps 100. Generator, portable 25. Miscellaneous 225. Other Repair/Maint. Supplies - Replace index in 400 meters ~ $11.50/each 4,600. Repair parts at an average of $5./meter for 500 meters 2,500. Large meter repair work 600. Other Materials - Water line repair materials such as clamps, sleeves, pipe, fittings 8,000. Radio - 7 units ~ $6./month Electricity - $43.85/mo. average plus 10% rate increase Water Line Extension - 1000' pipe ~ $3.50/ft. 3,500. (This is general With no specific job) Meters, Boxes, Hydrants - 100-3/4" meters ~ $28. 2,800. 5-1" meters ~ $100. 500. 5-1½" meters ~ $190. 950. 5-2" meters ~ $290. 1,450. 15-meter boxes ~ $12. 180. 10-6 "gate valves ~ $150. 1,150. 30-hydrants ~ $320. 9,600. Other Machinery &.Equip. Replacement - 1 - 4", self priming, trash pump, trailer mounted 3,500. Other Machinery & Equip. Additional - Increase present 4" tapping machine to a 6" - purchase 6" cutting blade 1,200. SEWER COLLECTION 1977-78 2-05-40101-1 Salary 141,443. 2-05-40105-2 Other Personal Services 3,689. 2-05-40170-6 Schooling-Tuition, Books, Per Diem & Travel 30. 2-05-40332-2 Chemicals 425. 2-05-40334-8 Janitor Supplies 50. 2-05-40340-5 Uniforms & Clothing 1,.902. 2-05-40341-3 Protective Clothing 244. 2-05-40349-6 Non-Classified Supplies 200. 2-05-40350-4 Gasoline, Diesel & Lubricants 3,941. 2-05-40355-3 Motor Vehicle Repair Pts. 1,400. 2-05-40357-9 Equipment Repair Parts 1,465. 2-05-40359-5 Other Repair & Maintenance ~upplies & Parts 3,000. 2-05-40369-4 Building Material Supplies 400. 2-05-40370-2 Small Tools & Minor Equip. 600. 2-05-40513-7 Telephone & Telegraph 378. 2-05-40517-8 Radio 432. 2-05-40533-5 Printing & Binding 10. 2-05-40569-9 Other Maintenance & Services 520. 2-05-40582-2 Awards & Damages 175. 2-05-40583-0 Dues & Membership 10. 2-05-40730-7 Sewer E~ensions 6,400. 2-05-40758-8 Other Mach.& Equip. Replacement 1,900. TOTAL 168,614. WORK NOTES: Salary: 1 Superintendent 2 Crew Leaders 1 Equip. Opr. IV 1 Equip. Opt. II 2 Laborer II 13 Laborer I 20 SEWER COLLECTION CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Other Personal Services Cont. $ To pay 2 standby men/weekend a minimum of 3 hrs. wh~ther they are called out or not. Pay at the rate of $3.81/hr. 6 hrs. each week - 312 hours 1,188.72 Overtime crew when called out 2,500.00 Per Diem & Travel - Regional Sch.(Local) 30.00 Chemicals Sewer solvent 26 gals. e $13. 338.00 Pine Oil 14 gals. e $5.36 75.00 Uniforms 19 sets ~ 100.08/man 1,901.52 Protective Clothing 10 Rainsuits e $11.85 118.50 6 pr. boots e $7.85 47.10 3 doz. pr. of gloves e $26. 78.00 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 7 vehicles - tuneups 350.00 20 tires e $35. 700.00 14 filters % $2.50 35.00 Transmission fluid, hydraulic oil 30.00 Miscellaneous parts 200.00 Equipment Repair Parts Service 2 mudhog pumps 60.00 Service 1 rodding machine 35.00 2 bucket machines: 18hp engine 175.00 300' cable ~ $1.25/ft. 375.00 Service Engine 25.00 Miscellaneous 45.00 Dragline 250.00 Cable - 400' 500.00 Other Repairs/Maint. Supplies Rodding Machine 250' rods 1,250.00 1 auger 40.00 3 saws e $35. 115.00 Hose & small tools 65.00 2-20' sections of 3" suction hose 200.00 2 discharge hoses-pumps 240.00 Fittings 77.00 2 grease guns e $5. 10.00 4 yds. sand ~ $5. 28.00 100 bags cement e $ 3.25 325.00 5 manhole rings & covers e$65.' 325.00 Miscellaneous 325.00 Building Materials Paint 10 gals. e $10. 100.00 Fence repair 300.00 Radio - 6 units e $ 6./month SEWER COLLECTION CONT. Work Notes 1977-78 Sewer Extensions Dreamwold section-2600' - 8" at $1.50 $ 3,900. 10 manholes 2,500. Other Machinery/Equip. Replacement ~1255 pump, diaphragm, trailer mounted 1,900. WATER & SEWER UTILITY FUND - STORM SEWER DIVISION 2-05-70105-5 Other Personal Services 34,023. 2-05-70340-8 Uniforms & Clothing 566. 2-05-70341-6 Protective Clothing 177. 2-05-70350-7 Gasoline & ~ubricants 900. 2-05-70355-6 Motor Vehicle Repair Parts 60. 2-05-70357-2 Equipment Repair Parts 1,375. 2-05-70368-9 Other Materials 2,250. 2-05-70370-5 Small ToOls & Minor ~ipment 200. 2-05-70759-9 Other Mach.& Equip. Additional 2,400. TOTAL $ 41,951. WORK NOTES: Salary CETA funding of 5 man crew Uniforms 5 ~ $100.08/each 500.40 5 jackets ~ $13. 65.00 Protective Clothing 5 rainsuits ~ $11.85 59.25 5 pr. boots ~ $ 7.85 39.25 3 doz. prs. gloves ~ $26. 78.00 Gasoline 1 truck and the hydraulic jet cleaning machine Equipment Repair Parts Jet machine 800.00 Pump repair 575.00 Other Materials 300' of hose for jet machine 1,500.00 300' of 2%" hose ~ $2.50 750.00 Other Mach./Equip. Additional 1 - 3" mudhog 2,400.00 WATER & SEWER UTILITY FUND - INSURANCE & PENSIONS 1977-7~ 2-05-80141-8 OASI $ 26,000. 2-05-80142-6 Employees Pensions 1,014. 2-05-80143-4 Pension System 40,000. 2-05-80147-5 Employee Injury Expense 100. 2-05-80148-3 Medical/Hospital/Life 18,400. 2-05-80541-9 Building & Contents 2,800. 2-05-80454-0 Public Liability & Operations 12,500. 2-05-80546-8 Automotive & Equipment 12,200. 2-05-80547-6 Unemployment Compensation 1,000. 2-05-80548-4 Workmen's Compensation 4,000. TOTAL 118,014. WATER & SEWER UTILITY FUND - DEBT SERVICE 1953 Revenue Certificate 2-05-87831-7 Principal 51,834. 2-05-87832-5 Interest 14,287. TOTAL 66,121. 1954 Revenue Certificate 2-05-87834-1 Principal 8,000. 2-05-87835-8 Interest 6,426. TOTAL 14,426. 1962 Revenue Certificate 2-05-87837-4 Principal 10,000. 2-05-87838-2 Interest 1,932. TOTAL 11,932. 1964 Revenue Certificate 2-05-87841-6 Principal 25,000. 2-05-87842-4 Interest 19,406. TOTAL 44,406. 1971 Revenue Certificate 2-05-87844-0 Principal 25,000. 2-05-87845-7 Interest 65,996. TOTAL 90,996. 2-05-87890-3 Amorization of Discount On Bonds Sold 2,775. GRAND TOTAL 230,656. AIRPORT BUDGET 1977,..- 78 AIRPORT 1977-78 BUDGET ANTICIPATED REVENUE ACCOUNT NO. 1977-78 850 Aviation Revenue $ 115,665. 860 Industrial Revenue 307,356. 861 State Fuel Tax 300. 870 Other Leases .~onces~ions & Permits 22 563. 880 Miscellaneous 2 000. 881 interest 12 000. 890 Federal Aid 373 500. 891 State Aid 30,750. 895 Airport Improvement Fund 30,750. 896 Cash Surplus from Previous Years 172,181. 897 Construction Loans 350,000. TOTAL 1,417,065. AIRPORT EXPENDITURES 1977-78 EXPENDITURES 1977-78 8601 Salaries $ 212,492. 8601A Other Permc~u~l ~ervi~es 1,000. 8602 Gas and Oil 4,500. 8603 Auto Expense 3,000. 8604 Accounting 3,400. 8605 Office Supplies & Expenses 1,600. 8606 Printing 600. 8607 Travel Expenses 4,715. 8608 Telephone 3,500. 8609 Miscellaneous 2,500. 8610 Postage 650. 8611 Legal Fees 2,700. 8612 Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment 250. 8613 Dues & Subscriptions 740. 8614 Advertising 2,500. 8616 Uniforms 1,000. 8617 Tools 650. 8618 3anitor Services & Supplies 5,300. 8619 Equipment Repair & Maintenance 5,000. 8620 Fire Equipment & Supplies 1,000. 8621 Building Repair & Maintenance 16,000. 8622 Parking Lot Construction & Repair 1,500. 8623 Utilities - Electric 18,750. 8624 Street Construction & Repair 1,000. 8625 Fence Repair 200. 8626 Equipment ?rocurement 6,000. 8627 Air Operations Area Repairs 1,000. 8628 Drainage System Maintenance 6,000. AIRPORT EXPENDITURES CONT. !977.78 8629 Engineering $ 1,600. 8630 Chemicals & D~einfeCtants 3,000. 8631 Rotating Beacon 200. 8634 Reserve for Renewal & Replacement 22,994. 8636 Tower Equipment & Maintenance 600. 8653 Radio Repair & Maintenance 3,000. 8657 School & Training 600. 8670 New Construction' 416,500. 8684 Utilities - Water, Sewer & Trash 750. 8685 Insurance 29,327. 8690 Social Security 12,486. 8696 Florida State Retirement 24,245. 8698 Use of City Staff 100. 8699 Use of City Equipment 1,000. 8810 Special Project 1-73 T-Hangars 6,500. 8830 Special Project 1-76 Lighting/taxiways & Patrol Road 0 8840 Special Project 1-77 Navigation Aids & Clear Zone 360,000. 8850 Special Project 2-77 T-Hangars 75,000. 8890 Airport Improvement "Reserve Fund 100,000. 8900 Anticipated Cash Surplus 51,616. TOTAL $ 1,417,065. AIRPORT WORK NOTES 1977-78 8601 Based on a 6.78% cost of living increase for the year ending April 30, 1977. The index for 4/30/76 was 168.2 and for 4/30/77 was 179.6. 8604 Includes $1,000 for annual audit 8607 Director of Aviation - for use of private vehicle 1,800. Inspection a~d pr~curement of surplus equipment 300. 2 FAMAmeetings - location unknowh 500. NATIONAL Airports Conference Oklahoma City (1) 390. 2 SAMAmeetings Mobile (2) and Auburn (1) 947. 1 AAAE meeting Cincinnati, Ohio (1) 398. 1 Governmental Secretary meeting 200. 2 FAA/ADAP/Engineer Conferences Miami 180. 8609 Uaed for unforeseen expenses 8618 Provides for janitorial services for Building 1, plus supplies for Buildings 1, 10 and Y-Hangars 8619 Includes 2 fire trucks, 3 tractors, 1 portable generator, 1 front end loader, 2 fork lifts, 5 mowers, 11 utility trailers,1 crane, 2 chain saws, 2 sweepers, 1 weed sprayer, 1 paint spray rig, 1 water pressure cleaner, and 1 edger 8620 includes Dr~ Chemicals for fire/crash vehicles 8623 Includes Buildings 1, 10, 74, 403, 404, 405 and 406, plus runway and taxiway lights, control tower, VASI, wind cones, radio beacon, rotating beacon and street lights. 8626 1 - 3/4 ton pickup truck 4,800. 1 - Vehicle radio 700. 1 - Heavy duty chain saw 500. '6,000. 8627 Includes all runways, taxiways, aircraft ramp area and associated lighting systems. 8628 Drainage ditches haven't been thoroughly cleaned out in years and are in bad need of a good cleaning. 8634 5% of gross reven~e from line items 850 through 881. AIRPORT - WORK NOTES CONT. 1977-78 8670 Final payments on 60 payment $110,000 construction loan dated 2/13/73 $10,179. Payments on 10 year $200,000 T-Hangar loan dated 12/27/73 25,898. Payments on 6 year restaurant loan dated May 16, 1977 30,423. Construction of additional T-Hangars 200,000. Possible unprogrammed new construction building additions or renovations .!50~000. $ 416,500. 8685 Vehicles 2,500.00 Equipment 313.00 Residences 393.00 T-Hangars 1,553.00 Building I 581.00 Building 296 536.00 Workmen's Compensation 5,014.00 Public Liability 8,391.00 Blue Cross/Blue Shield 5,158.00 $ 24,439.00 + 20% 4,887.80 $ 29,326.80 8690 Employerrs share of Social Security at 5.85% for the first three months a~ 6.05% for the last 9 months of the fiscal year on the first $16,500. Average of 6% for year. 8696 Employerrs contribution to the Florida State Retirement is based on 9% for regular employees and 13% for special risk employees. 8810 Represents payment being withheld due to failure of contractor to fulfill the~terms of the contract. 8840 This provides for installation Of improved navigation aids - Localizer, Outer Marker, and Distance Measuring Equipment, and clear zone protection. 8850 This provides for taxiways and taxiway "fingers" to the individual hangars for the additional T-Hangars to be constructed. 8890 Funds set aside as the Authorit~'s shareof future Airport Development Aid Programs. CITY OF SANFORD CAPITAL BUDGET PLAN October, 1977 - September, September 12, 1977 Sanford City Commission City Hall Sanford, Florida 32771 Gentlemen: Following is a proposed five year capital budget for both the general government and the utility operation. These serve as guidelines and not as firm budgets. The coming fiscal year leaves no room in either budget for additional capital progress. We are presently completing four new park areas that are a large step for- ward in meeting our needs. This has bee~ done through two federal grants totaling $139,000.00. A new city hall is well underway due to a 1.8 million dollar federal grant. It will be in February, 1978 before this project is really completed but we should occupy the new structure in December of this year. The future has many projects but only one is a possibility for the coming fiscal year. Downtown redevelopment planning indicates work for First Street from Park to Palmetto and Magnolia, First to Second. An estimated $38,000.00 is set up in this capital budget for materials only but there is a big question mark as to when private work will commence. The public work should wait on private participation in renovating the stores. This year's sum listed may not be a total amount but detailed plans have not yet been formed. The utility capital budget contains no items for this year. The reason is that we are presently deeply committed to a 201 planning study that will lead to large and costly work. The time path on this 20 million dollar undertaking as the regional waste treatment facility has not yet been fixed. Neither budgets provide any funding for capital items during the 1977-78 fiscal year. This is due to the lack of non-committed funds and any items to be funded will need to be added during the budget studies. Respectfully submitted, CITY OF SANFORD Capital Budqet 1977-78 GENERAL GOVERN}~NT 1977T.78' 1978-7~ 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 Fire Equipment 150,000. Fire Sub-Station - Golf Course 80,000. Drainage Program 6.2 million City Administration Complex - Const. Underway Fort Mellon: Tennis Courts 23,000. Shelter Replacement 8,500. Restrooms 8,800° Azalea beds 4,750. Softball field irrigation 3,000° Playground irrigation 1,200. Well water to Lake Carola & irrigation systems 2,500. Softball field - lighting 2,500. Downtown Redevelopment (Materials-city streets, sidewalks, etco) 38,000. CITY OF SANFORD Capital Budqet ~977-78 UTILITY DEPARTMENT .!.977_78 !978-79 ~.9.79-80 1980-81 1.981-82 Sewer Plant Expansion - - Plan 40,000 40,000 100,000. Hydrant Installation: On existing lines 5,000. 5,000. Needing lines 10,000. 10,000. 10,000. 6,650. Two New Water Supply Wells 75,000. Ground Storage Tank -- SCC 150,000o Elevated Tank -- Southeast 253,000. Connecting Loop -- Airport Blvd. 117,700. Eveni Herald ~ J An Independent Newspaper SANFO]~D, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLOi~IDA STATE OF FLORDA COUN~ OF SEMINOLE Before the undersigned ~uthori~y ~rso~lly appeared ........................... ... ~.~.~. E ~..~.~ ...................................~ho o= o,~h ~,y~ th~ ... ~r~. ~ ................ Of the EVENING HER~D, a Newspaper Pub- lished at Saniord, in Seminole Coun~y, Florida; thit ~e attached copy oi gdve~ise- men~, being a .......... ~.~. ~ ............................. ~ the matter . .~P.~.q~..Pr. ~R~.~..~.~.~0.~. a~.:.. R~s.se~. ~a~i~l..Pxm~r~ ....... . .rg.F..~.~. ~..~..~.~Of~.,.. Elmri~a ........ in the..q~ ..... Cour~ was published in said newspaper in the ~sues of ..................................... ~. ~..~.77 .................................................................. ~t fu~her says ~ha~ the said EVENING HERD is ~ newspaper publi~ by The Sa~ord Herald, Inc., it Sanford, ~ said Seminole Coun~y, ~oridi, and tMt the said newspaper has heretofore been con~i uou~y pub~shed in said Se~nole Co~ ~orida, and has been entered as second class m~l matter at the post oice ~ in s~d Se~nole County, Florida, for a period oi one year nex~ preced~g the publication of ~he attached copy oI gdverMsement; and a~an~ iurther says that he commBsion or refund ior ~he pu~ose of securing this advertBemen~ ior publication the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before me this .............. ~ ...~ .............~y o~ Notify Public My Gommiss~on ~D~res June 18. 1979