HomeMy WebLinkAbout411 Wylly Ave - BC03-00189 - NEW INDUSTRIAL DOCUMENTSPERMIT ADDRESS 1 PHONE NUMBER PROPERTY OWNER 1 FW"% ADDRESS 4M5 its - PHONE NUMBER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER _ FEE FEE i SUBDIVISION PERMIT #y3O'114141 DATE /zo/,m 1 1-00- PERMIT DESCRIPTION A.It-A-A PERMIT VALUATION Zl O SQUARE FOOTAGE 9160D 1 ITN E R S U R V E Y I N G 4 February 2004 City of Sanford Building Department 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Re: 411 Wylly Avenue To Whom It May Concern: This is to certify that the finished floor elevation of the new building constructed at the above site meets or exceeds the requirements of Section 6- 7 of the City of Sanford Building Code. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, _ R. Blair Kitner P.S. M. No. 3382 P.O. BOX 823 - SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-0823 - (407) 322-2000 FEDERAL oy MANAGEMENT AGENCY + t ti)- 0. ' MBNo4 ii NATIONAL FLOWINSURA4E,MPPRAM Expires -D'ecem ell ::ELEVATION CERTIFICATE ELEVirtarit,,, Road.the,instr.uct6ion. pawl,7.,,-.,,-.- OA_APE carpairyuse PR RV-, - I' r_ " O, RINEORM_ Z IBUILDINGOWNER'S NAME PofiW J TOM LYONS- BUILDING STREET ADDRESS Oncluding Apt, Unit, Suite, and/or Bldg. No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Company NAIL NumbereC 411 WYLLY AVENUE-- CITY STATE ZIP CODE SANFORD FL -- - 32771' PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Tax Pan*,NLtm*,LegaI,Qekjscnpbon, _ 60PIK.J-5,)P, RUSSELLSADDITION TO Fr. REED PLAT BOOK I PAGE97 BUILE)ING'USE,(e,g.'-,-Residential -. Non-residential Addition Accessory etr,,Use .a;Comments rarea i,ff,necessary.),—,;.,,,---..,-,, RESIDENTIAL 0A D11'01` ",'10` u LATrrUDEILONGrTUrDE(OFnONAL)t,,,N.D D1- Y11--LGPS (Type):_ HORiZONTALDATUM"?RCE oUS6S66; ad, Map y "'`SECTION77 6 -`FLOOD INSURMCEATE W( RkWINFORMATION" ',-. Bl.NFIPCOMMUNrrYNAME4PP"NrTY,r,NQ 1_,P2.-qOUNTY, NAME 10, r,l -, I , , 611.-; :;*.,! %, B3 STATE; I ! 31 CITYOFSANFORD 120294 SEMIN_0Li- 71 FLORIDA B4. KWANDFANEL,`1 BT FIRM PANIEL'*IQ K BASE, RLOOD ELEVATION(S), NUMBER B5. SUFFIX B6. FIRM INDEX DATE EFFECTNEARE\ASED DATE 138. FLOOD, ZQNE(S),-: F, rx X NA B1 0. Indicate the source of the Base Rood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in B9. EIFISPrcde,,.11,,,,:,®FIRMr-, ther(Des N BftIndicate the elevation datumusedfbrftBFEinB9:ZNGVD1929 j Lj NAVD'49! j,0ther(DEwft): hQ, B12.,Isde•buldirig,located in-aCoastai,Barder,RWoWS—ystQm,(CBRS),.mpor,. Oherv'&%, (0PA)9,,,-:... zLTyes,,-2 nationDate C1. Buildingelevations are based on: Lj Construction Drawings LJ,Budding UnderGbnsftMn' ]LII-InIsnei:lconstruction J 'W o C,,_ A new .Bevation Ceffbalewill be required when construction ofthebuildingisoomoek A C2. Building Diagram Number 1 (Select the building diagram most similarto the building f6rwhic1h this r. ing completed see pages iagrarn accurately represents the building, provide a*etoh or photograph:) - - C3. Elevations - ZonesAl -A30, AE, AH, A (W6 BFE), VE, VI 430, V (with BFE), AR ARIA, AR/AE, ARIAI -A30, AR/AH, AR/AO Complete eta hems 1 te . ms . C3 a I - I i bI elow - a opordin . g,t D theState th6datum 6sed. ff " ft"-datum'is-"dff6re-6tfibmfi'd4bmdiibdibrth6BFEi6-' 4" Section B, convert the datum to that used ibrthe BFE. Show field measurements and datum conversion calculation. Use the spaceprovided r o, the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as appropriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum NGVD 29 'C&TversicinlCommefits Elevation reference mark used --Does the elevation - reference mark, used appear on the FIRM? -EI-Yes ZNo- U.'a)z,Topofbotbom,lobr(nddd'n basement orenclosure) 59. Ot(m) cc C0 Ub) Top of ne)d higher floor i Bottom h6 ncj86o "m&loesji- structu rnemg NA pd j Q U d) Attached garage (top of slab) V 0 N- JL( m) E 2- U e) Lowest elevation of, machinery ardbreqqipment servicing thebuilding (Describe in a Cc' mej area)- 58., E U Lowest adjacent ( finished) grade (LAG) i 7 ,V 1-0 'C' 3 m U g) Highest adjacent (finished) grade (HAG) 58.,5-ft(m)_._ 7t, 7, F U h) No. of permanentopenings (flood vents).within.l.kabove adjacentgrade NA..,-., Q i) Total area of all permanent opening6ffid6d'v6hts) in C8A'NA'sqik(sq. cm) ARC MOON D .-SURVEYOR ENGINEEP, OR HITEUCER171 CATI A 7 This certification is to be signedandsealedbyplandsurveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law ,tg pertify.eleyation information . ..... n certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available I understand that any false statement maybe punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U. S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIERS NAME R BLAIR KITNER r'T LICENSE NUMBER P.S.M. 3382 IMPORTANT: In -these spaces, copy. the c6nesponcing information fon Section A,' For Iromm Cary Use. BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Induct' Apt,Y*,S*, axVor Bldg. No.) OR P.O_ROUTETE AND BOX NO. M, . Policy Number 411 V kL'Y AVENUE CITY STATE— ZIP CODE CaTM NAIC Nurnber SANFORD FL,, 32773 SECTION'6.SURVEYOR; ENGINEgk',-OkARCRITEq--,C,ER"nFIC-AlION-(CONnNUED)---Ll—l- Copylboth sides ofthis ElevationCertificatefor (l)oom'munityofficU, (2) insurance agenYoompany, and (3)bulding owner. COMMENTS - j, Cfedc here SECTION E -BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FOR ZONE AO AND ZONE A (WITHOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A,(wftut BFE), gorn Items El through - Ifthe Elevation Certificate is intended for use aspiei rmationf6r-a COMA 6UMI:Wj-:t64- .. 'rkied - - supporting info Section C must be completed. El. Building Diagram•Number ^(Select the building diagram'. most similar,to, the building fbrwhichthis certificate isbeing completed ,,-,see pages 1,and7 , ifno diagram accurately represents the building, -provide a sketch orphotogr6pli.)- E2. The topofthebottom floor (including basementorenclosure) ofthe building is fL(m) in.'(*) El above or El below (che6kone) #16 higfi)stladoerit gW6. (Us6- natural grade, favalable). 1: 1 PnrPiMin' R trny in trwn1 4v isfha hinha&*nHi&'0nf grade. 1 Complete itbftC3.h and C3J on firbritafibrm; E4. The top of the platformof machinery. ardor equipment servidngthe budding fl.(m)_in.(om)[1.aboveor Clbelow(diec<one) the hbhestadjacent grade:"(Use natural grade, if available). E5, For Zone AO only. If no flood depth numberis available, is the top of the boft6r` iloorelevated in accordance" with the o6mmu6ity's floodplain management - 'jiEl Yes F-1 No F-1 Unknown. The local cffiokl'mustc"er this information in Section G. PPnPF:PTVnViNF:R./ nPnWNr-PIRDr-PPr--QFNTA--TRXlr.-r-OTIRr.AIION-- Elcheckhem ff attachments.... SECTION G -COMMUNrrYINFORMA' nON (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authodied by IM or ordinance to administer the oommunity's fi66dplain management ordinancecan I o'oni* te SectionsA' 8,C'(ot Q, and G of ihs"Ellevabon Certificate. Completethe applica ble items) andsign below. G1 - El The infioniklon in Section C was taken fromother documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor; engineer, or a' W" who b,authbr6d by swile- orlocal law tooertilyelevatioh' informat=. (Indicate the source and date of the ele>atan6taintheCommentsarealb")` G2. El A oommunty official completed Section'Ebrai building located in Zone A (vvithodA'_aF4-MA"issued orcommunity-issued BFE) orZorieAd`' G3. R The folloWng'information (Items C4-(39) is provided for community floodpain managementpurposes G4. PERMIT NUMBER G5. DATE PERMIT ISSUED G6.. DATE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE]OCCUPANCY ISSUED G7. This permit has been_is, for M New.Constructi6n"F,. 'Substantial Imp G8. Elevation of as built bNest floor (including- basement) of the buldin"gis: f4m) Datum G9. BFE or ( n Zone AO) depth offlooding at thebuilding " siteis: ft. Datum. - LOCAL OFFICIALS NAME TITLE C:ER'TII01 OCCUPA.NCIX r. REQUEST FOR FINAL`TNSPECTP 1n r, *** " NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING*# 1- 4 U Q\ w DATE: -( y LU C5 1 PERMIT #: ADDRESS: 0 L_. ':' ._ a a LZ U- CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: rl, fie building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering" Public Works Toning`` tilities Licensing CONDITIONS- ( TO Bf o `fED oN CITY OF SANFORD 1/30/04 y Address Misc. Information Maintenance 08:23:13 A on I Parcel Number . . . Alternate location ID Location address . . . Primary related party Type information, press Sequence Code(F4) App 1.00 CSVC UT CSVC UT 7-.0 CSVC UT 4.M CSVC UT 5.M CSVC UT CSVC UT n CSVC UT 7T_.n _ 9_.0 _ IT-0 F2 Address F3=Exit F10=Subdivsion Notes 242'845 411 WYLLY AVE Enter. Special Free -form information Date notes SW DEV FEE $2125.00 WA DEV FEE 812.50 71803 8P03-1894 PD 7-2-03 SEE REC 5 7 WA METER SET FEE $235.00 WA TAP FEE 7244 225.00PD - 4- REC ,6099 Mfn CUST OWES FOR SEWER TAP $261G.00 ST) 9= Y ALSO MISC COD FIRE HYDRANT $5000.00 SM) Y BEFORE CO IS ISSUED NEED TO PAY ** Z9= Y F5=Notes display F12=Cancel F6=Change display More... F9=Parcel Notes A 0 CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING**** DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: LA The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be 6 appreciated. ngine]Fire _ Public Works -Zoning _ Utilities -Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS„CONDITIONAL) A{ P h. 19 1. n A i 1 n N _ 0 t i t CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCJ REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECT j1!n NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING & I DATE: - a GU 0-a W 1 1I 1 H 0 t u 1 v cu 8 E ccI PERMIT #: ' g U W lil 1 iADDRESS ® u ua. a c gr CONTRACTOR: The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering Public Works tilities Fire Zoning Licensing CONDJ]ION TO BE COMPLETED LY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) i) r v /e a'17 LMBC0401 CITY OF SANFORD 1-4. Address Misc. Information Maintenance 1/30/04 08:23:19 I,;o.cu ion ID, . Parcel*Number . . . . Alternate location ID Location address . . . Primary related party Type information, press Sequence Code(F4) App 1.00 CSVC UT 2.00 CSVC UT 4.00 _ 5.00 _ 7.00 _ 8.00 _ 10.00 F2=Address F3=Exit F10=Subdivsion Notes 242855 411 WYLLY AVE Enter. Free -form information Date 1" IR METER SET FEE $235.00 IR TAP FEE 92403 225.00 PD 9-24-03 REC 6100 92403 Special notes More... FS=Notes display F6=Change display F9=Parcel Notes F12=Cancel LMBC0401 CITY OF SANFORD Address Misc. Information Maintenance M0/04 08:23:13 Location ID, 242815 Parcel Number . . Alternate location ID . Location address . 411 WYLLY AVE Primary related party Type information, press Enter. Sequence Code(F4) App Free -form information Date 1.00 CSVC UT SW DEV FEE $2125.00 WA DEV FEE $812.50 71803 2.00 CSVC UT BP03-1894 PD 7-2-03 SEE REC 5878 71803 3.00 CSVC UT 1" WA METER SET FEE $235.00 WA TAP FEE 92403 4.00 CSVC UT 225.00 PD 9-24-03 REC 6099 92403 5.00 CSVC UT CUST OWES FOR SEWER TAP $2610.00 (ST) 92607 CSVC UT ALSO MISC COD FIRE HYDRANT $5000.00 (SM) 92603 7.OG CSVC UT BEFORE CO IS ISSUED NEED TO PAY ** 2603 8.00 9.00 10.00 Special notes Y Y Y More... F2 Address F3=Exit F5=Notes display F6=Change display F9=Parcel Notes F10=Subdivsion Notes F12=Cancel CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING**** DATE: PERMIT #: '-D - ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering Public Works Utilities Fire oning 2 2. Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING**** 0 DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: -M Lx CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: 1---'11 - The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering Public Works Utilities Fir e Zoning Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW INDUSTRIAL BUILDING"" DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering --Fire P 3/ ublic Works ( ,, , by, / l Zoning Utilities Licensing CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) a SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 300 N. Park Ave., Sanford, Fl. 32771 / P. O. Box 1788, Sanford, Fl. 32772 407 302-2520 / FAX (407) 302-2526 Pager (407) 918-0395 Plans Review Sheet Date: May 6, 2003 Business Address: 411 Willy Ave. Occ. Ch. #42 Storage/Business #38 Business Name: Tom Lyon Ph. (40 7) 788-4934 Contractor: James E. Lee Inc. Ph. (407) 322-1936 Fax (407) 322-1936 Reviewed [ ] Reviewed with comment [ X ] Rejected [ ] Reviewed by: Timothy Robles, Fire Protection Inspector/Plans Examiner Comment: Plans reviewed as#42 Storage/#38Business Occupancy. FD reserves right to reauire annlicable code reauirements if occunancv use changes 1.1 Application — New Building. Type IV; 7,999 sq. ft. building. 1.2 Mixed — Not intermingled fire wall separation 1.3 Special Definitions — N/N 1.4 Classification of Occupancy — Business/Storage 1.5 Classification of Hazard of Contents — LOrdinary/! 1.6 Minimum Construction — N/R 2.2 Means of Egress Components — two (2) separate exits less than 75 ' ftfrom any point in building 2.3 Capacity of Egress — (1) person per 100 sq. ft. maximum capacity 79 (per chapter #7 L.S. C.) 2.4 Number of Exits — two (2) 2.5 Arrangement of Egress — O.K., 2.6 Travel Distance — meets 42.2. 6.1 of .LS. Q 2.7 Discharge from Exits — O.K., will field verify 2.8 Illumination of Means of Egress — One (1) additional exit sign required (see blueprints) 2.9 Emergency Lighting — Two (2) additional emergency lights required (see blueprints) 1 SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 300 N. Park Ave., Sanford, Fl. 32771 / P. O. Box 1788, Sanford, Fl. 32772 407 302-2520 / FAX (407) 302-2526 Pager (407) 918-0395 2.10 Marking of Means of Egress - willfield verify 2.11 Special Features — Reserve 3.1 Protection of Vertical Openings —` Siuoke barrier to provide a basic degree of coinpartmentatior 3.2 Protection from Hazards — One hour rating required between storage and office area 3.3 Interior Finish — Class `A" `B" or "C" 3.4 Detection, Alarm and Communications Systems — Not required 3.5 Extinguishing Requirements — as per NFPA 10, Two (2) 4A 60 BC fire extinguishers required in storage area. One (1) 2A10 B.C. fire extinguisher required with office area (see blue prints) 3.6 Corridors — N/A 4 Special Provisions 5 Building Services 5.1 Utilities — as per LSC 9-1 5.2 HVAC — as per LSC 9-2 5.3 Elevators, Escalators, Conveyors (4A-47) — N/A 5.4 Rubbish Chutes, Incinerators, and Laundry Chutes — N/A Sanford City Code — Chapter 9 Fire Sprinklers: Not required; however are department will measure oundation Monitoring: Not required Other: NFPA 1 rints 3-5.1 Fire Lanes — Not required 3-6.1 Key Box — Not required 3-7.1 Bldg. Address Number Posted and Legible — Required; will field verify, see blue 2 LUD IG BUILDINGS, IN . FLUDWIG 521 TIMESAVER AVENUE • FAX (504) 733-7458 • PHONE (504) 733-6260 BUILDINGS, INC. MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 23134 • HARAHAN, LOUISIANA 70183 October 10, 2002 Ludwig File No. 02-0771-RF James E Lee, Inc. 405 Kimberly Ct. Sanford, FL 32771 Attn: Mr. Tom Lion Ref.: 80' x 100' x 161/12' Building Sanford, Florida Gentlemen: This is to certify that the above referenced metal building furnished by Ludwig Buildings, Inc., an AISC certified metal building manufacturer, is designed in accordance with the 1989 Edition of the AISC Specification for the Structural Steel Buildings and the 1986 Edition of the AISI Specification with the 1989 Addendum for the Design of Cold -Formed Steel Structural Members to meet the following design loads as specified in the Quotation/Purchase Order: Roof Live Load 20 psf (with Tributary Area Load Reduction) Wind Load 120 mph (Use Factor 1.0;Enclosed Building) Collateral Load 3 psf Seismic Load A,<0.05 and A,<0.05 These loading requirements meet or exceed the Chapter 16 of the Florida Building Code 2001. This Ludwig building, when properly erected on an adequate foundation and using the components as furnished, will meet above loading requirements in accordance with good engineering practice. The design of this building for wind load requires that doors and windows not supplied by Ludwig are designed to sustain the same wind pressures and suctions as walls in which they are installed. This also requires that all doors and windows will be in the closed position for the maximum design wind loads. This certification does not cover field modifications or design of material such as masonry, glass, etc., not furnished by Ludwig. C. No. 23656 30i : STATE OF :'/Ws Ift ORIOP•'?o• Poo nleA00 Very truly yours, LUDWIG BUILDING , INC. king han Pa , P.E. Vice esident - Engineering GJ CITY OF SANFORD PLANS REVIEW COMMENT SHEET DATE PROJECT: OP— og T -k 4 4A ^c- k- .0 ADDRESS: 1 9 //,# b j,-/lx rCONTRACTOR: 5K OWNER-. PLANS REVIEWED BY: 4 4 .7r • :3 CONUVIIENTS: r c ct 1 e-cqrzF= Z C7re Coo 6) Zp e*e) 9- 1 y- V7 p LL?-- c-Ac-;, - - PERSON NOTIFIED DATE: PHONE: FAX: 40 -7 NO ONE NOTIFIED: I)ATE RESPONSE sz 3 2-73 7 li LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SERIES VERSION: 01.00 FAX NAME: DATE: 12-MAY-03 FAX NUMBER: TIME 14:03 DATE TIME REMOTE FAX NAME AND NUMBER DURATION RG RESULT DIAGNOSTIC 12-MAY 14:03 S 94073221936 0:00:00 0 NO ANS 4236B4740000000 S=FAX SENT O=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) TO PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY, SELECT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. TO PRINT MANUALLY, PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON, THEN PRESS ENTER. LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SERIES VERSION: 01.00 FAX NAME: FAX NUMBER: DATE TIMEu• NAME AND NUMBER r8. i• 4073221936 DATE: 08—MAY-03 TIME: 09:57 a - .• r r ••/• r r• i ri •. K 'K it M Yl R Yl 'R % 1t It Yf M Yt ri Y( 1k * R It R iF 'A' Yl M fC T' Yt R % rt M 'K 'k M X X iC 1C % Yt R Jt k k X 1C Yt it R JC R Yt T rt lC F % K * R It R R iF R 'A' R lC ik R K R iF * X IC Yl Yl Yt T )C 'A' Yl R Ik X S=FAX SENT O=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) TO PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY, SELECT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. TO PRINT MANUALLY, PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON, THEN PRESS ENTER. LAST TRANSACTION REPORT FOR HP FAX-700 SERIES VERSION: 01.00 FAX NAME: DATE: 08-MAY-03 FAX NUMBER: TIME: 09:55 DATE TIME REMOTE FAX NAME AND NUMBER DURATION P-G RESULT DIAGNOSTIC 08-MAY 09:54 S 4073221936 0:00:12 1 ERROR 03065384010016A S=FAX SENT O=POLLED OUT(FAX SENT) TO PRINT THIS REPORT AUTOMATICALLY, SELECT AUTOMATIC REPORTS IN THE SETTINGS MENU. TO PRINT MANUALLY, PRESS THE REPORT/SPACE BUTTON, THEN PRESS ENTER. Permit #: 0 S_` s 9 c Job Address: T 11 M 1 A. Description of Work: Az I+e-G/. Historic District: Zoning: CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Value of Work: Date: Permit Type: Building Electrical I Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool 7Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS w Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: Flood Zone: (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: Owners Name & Address: Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Phone: Contractor Name & Address: -TACcj 4 X C, 11190 f-k A& t Rd 054eeh L 3 2-7 G (f State License Number: C000 l 7 v Phone & Fax: Contact Person: Phone: Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Phone: Address: Fax: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that aseparate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requir of Flondaten Law 713. Signature of Owner/Agent Date Signature of C)ntractor/Agent Date Print Owner/Agent's Name Signature of Notary -State of Florida Date ri Owner/ Agent is Personally Known to -or Cont Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bld t 2 Zoning: nit 1 Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: 4oraCto Agent' s N e ' NO Fa lota Date MY COMMISSI 164280 EXPIRES: November 12, 2006 TFOF F`oP`Q Ronde u at Notary Samcas actor/ Agent is Personally Known to Me or Produced ID Utilities: FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) CITY OF SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT FEES FOR SERVICES PHONE # 407-302-1091 * FAX #: 407-330-5677 d DATE: PERMIT #: D BUSINESS NAME / PROJECT: Lizo N ADDRESS: 1 I t IJ, t 1 ,/ + e PHONE NO.: lyblj 2 / 9 AXNO.: 3a 1 CONST. INSP. [ ] C / O INSP.:[ ] . REINSPECTION [ ] PLANS REVIEW' F. A. [ J F.S. [ ] HOOD [ ] PAINT BOOTH BURN PERM P'3. TENT PERMIT , TANK PERMIT [ ] OTHER 90% S TOTAL FEES: $ l (PER UNIT SEE BELOW) .L0—. Address / Bldg;. # / Unit # Square Footage Fees per Bldg. / Unit 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Fees must be paid to Sanford Building Department, 300 N. Park Ave., Sanford, FI. 32771 Phone # -407- 330-5656. Proof of Payment must be made to Fire Prevention division before any further services can take place. I certify that the above is true and correct and that 1 will comply with all applicable codes and ordi of the City of Sanford, Florida. _ . --- Sanford Fire PreventioTrt7mrs-ron COUNTY OF SFMINOLE IMPACT FEE STATEMENT S7ATEMENT NUMBER: 03100004 DATE: May 16, 2003 DUILDING APPLICATION #: 03-10000471 BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER: 03-10000471 UNIT ADDRESSx WYLLY AVE 411 06-20-31-503-1500-0010 001A TRAFFIC ZONA02n JURISDICTION: SEC: TWP: RN8: SUF: PARCEL: SUBDIVISION: TRACT: PLAT BOQKx PLAT BOOK PAGE: BLOCK: LOT: OWNER NAh[, ADDRESS: ArPLICANT NAME: JAMES E LEE INC ADDRESS: 110 POPLAR AVE SANFORD FL 32771 LAND USE: OFFICE / WAREHOUSE TYPE USE: WORK DESCRIPTION: CITY-SANFORD OpECIHL NOTES: 2000 sq. ft° office,6OOO sq. ft. warehouse. 1O% office rule applied. FEE BENEFIT RATE UNIT CALC UNIT TOTAL DUE TYPE DIST SCHED RATE UNITS TYPE ROADS -ARTERIALS CO -WIDE [O-WIDE ORD Warehousing 398.00 6.800 1000gs1t 2,706.40 ROADS -COLLECTORS NORTH ORD Warehousing 80.01D 6.800 1000gsft 544.00 ROADS -ARTERIALS CO -WIDE ORD Office < 100K Square Feet 1,545.00 1.200 1000gsft 1,854.O0 ROADS -COLLECTORS NORTH ORD Office < 100K Square Feet 312.00 1.200 1000gsft 374.4O FIRE RESCU[ N/A 0O LIBRARY N/A O0 SCHOOi-S N/A 0O PARKS N/A 00 LAN ENFURCE N/A 00 DRAINAGE 00 AMOUNT DUE 478.80 STATEM[NT RECEIVED BY: (~~__e-~_SIGNATURE: ~' ............ PLEASE PRINT NAME) DATE: NOTE TO RECEIVING SIGNATORY/APPLICANT: FAILURE TO NOTIFY OWNER AND ENSURE TIMELY PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR LIABILITY FOR THE FEE. DISTRIBUTION: 1-BLDG DEPT 3-APPLICANT 241INANCE 4-LAND MANAGEMENT HOTE** PERSONS ARE ADVISED THAT THIS IS A STATEMENT OF FEES DUE UNDER THE SEMINO|-E COUNTY ROAD FIRE/RESCUE, LIBRARY AND/OR EDUCATID AL ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT. PERG[f ARE ALSO ADVISED THAT ANY RIGHTS OF THE APPLICANT OR DWNER, TO APPEAL THE CALCULATION OF ANY OF THE ABOVE MENTIONED IMPACT FEET MUST BE EXERCISED BY FILING A WRITTEN REQUEST WITHIN 45 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE RECEIVING SIGNATURE DATE ABOVE BUT NOT LATER THAN CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR OCCUPANCY. T,v REQUEST FOR REVIEW MUST MEET OF THE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. COPIES OF RULES GOVERNING APPEALS MAY BE PICKED UP, OR REQUESTED, FROM TIE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OFFICE: 1101 EAST FIRGT STREET, 3ANF0RD FL, 32771; 407-665-7356. PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE TO: SEMINOLE COUNTY OR CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 1101 FAST FIRST STRE[[ SANFORD, FL 32771 ORDER. AYMENT SHDULD BE BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER AND SHOULD REFERENCE THE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER AT THE LEFT O- THIS STATEMENT. THIS STATEMENT IS NO LONGER VALID IF A BUILDING PERMIT IS NOT*** I1SUED WITHIN 60 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE RECEIVING SIGNATURE DATE ABOVE DETAIL OF CALCULATION AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST. CALL 407-665-7356. CITY CF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit No.: !/ Date: Job Address: Permit Type: ". Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Description of Work: x Additional Information for Electrical & Plumbing Permits Electrical: _Addition/Alteration _Change of Service Temporary Pole New AMP Service (# of AMPS ) Plumbing/Rpsidential: Addition/Alteration New Construction (One Closet Plus Additional) Occupancy Type of Col Parcel No.: . Owner/Adds 6 Contractor/Addre: Contact Person: _ Number of Fixtures Number of Water & Sewer Drainage Lines Number of Gas Lines Xy Residential vCommercial _ Industrial Total Sq Ftg: Value of Work: _ ion: y Flood Zone: Number of Stories: Number of Dwelling Units: 2 a 3 3'a 3 isaa o o1 a o ®a (.Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) s me: —/tt % . _/•U • 3-mil/ s j 'go Phone: License Number: Phone & Fax Number: 1 7 Title Holder (If other than Owner): / dti'"°' w` (—.1( {i3Y Y6'7 33 iZZ Address: Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender:_ Address:. Architect/Engineer _ Address: J-2 2 jl , C f /P i ax No.: —51—^ Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY :BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be. found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Print ofpermit is verificationthawill notify the..owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713 M Commission #DD163723 Expires: Dec 20, 2005 Bonded `Chris AtlsntC Bonding Co;, CnC. Q3 W Owner/Agent is Personally Known to Me or oc- Produced ID --Lr)k2,,5 j 2-5-06 Signature of Contractor/Agent Pr t C ntractor/Agent's NanW Signature of Notary -State of Florida to y' 0, Constance L Roberts MY COMMISSION # CC818445 EXPIRES April 1003 BONDED THRU TROY FAIN INSURANCE, INC Con ctor;',kgent is Personally Known to Me. or Produced ID F. In I.- L t G APPLICATION APPRnVED BY: ' Date: Special Conditions: CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION p / Permit # :_ 1 i Date: i ~44- -O 3 Job Address: Description of Work: i Syo/ S Di A U p f cvi'H _G v'f*/0't y/1 Historic District: v Value of Work: 00. ' Permit Type: Building Electrical Mechanical _4ZPlumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Addition/Alteration Replacement New(Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures ofWater & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: # of Stories: of Dwelling Units: Flood Zone: (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: Owners Name & Address: Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Phone: Contractor Name & Address: lAeve Al,-1 4,0S State License Number: C/9C Oi 3JG 2 t, Phone & Fax: Contact Person: 4ve Phone: f?J% - 4o/ Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Phone: Address: Fax: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements ofthis permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of r a Lien Law, FS 713. Signature of Owner/Agent Date Stgna re'of Contractor/Agent Date Print Owner/Agent's Name Signature of Notary -State of Florida Date Owner/Agent is _ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: oning: Initial & Special Conditions: r n ntractor/Agent's N me c tgna a of Notary -State of Florida Date aY P°B% FLORENCE A. DE GRAVE MY CO SION # DD 164280 0uceged Initial & Date) Utilities: FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Permit # : © 3— // / /OC Job Address: `T Description of Work: Historic District: CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Date: 7 .. Value of Work: $ Permit Type: Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential ff Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures / # of Water & Sewer Lines_ # ofGas Lines Q Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential Commi Dwelling Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type:' # of Stories: Units: ( Flood Zone: (FEMA form required for other tGr:or X) Parcel #: Owners Name & Address: Contractor Name & Address: Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Phone: Number: Phone & Eax:jQZAc ( klt4l — `''t- Contact Person: // Phone: Bonding Company: Q (. Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Phone: Address: Fax: Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all ofthe foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYF.NG TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner ofthe property ofthe requires of Florida Lien Lawj F 713. Signature of Owner/Agent Date Signature of Co for/Agent Date Print Owner/Agent's Name Signature of Notary -State of Florida Owner/Agent is _ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: Initial & Date) Special Conditions: Print Contractor/Agent's Name L-5 -J) Date f ignature-ofNotarY=State-of %rda = 1 JO t+,NN My JOI NEONc MY C ' 1 1ISSI N # CC 921808 PIRES: March 23, 2004 Conti-actorAl'genris ,,ersopa, Knownto;lyle Zoning: Utilities: Initial & Date) FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) DEVELOPMENT FEE WORKSHEET CITY OF SANFORD UTILITY - ADMIN. P. 0. BOX 1788 SANFORD, FL 32772-1788 Project Name • Owner/Contact Person: for"I LyonVJ Address: jr W YLL -( &L . Type of Development: (V`,ILI RESIDENTIAL Type of Units (single family or multi -family): Total Number of Units: Type of Utility Connection individual connections or central water meter & common sewer tap): Water Meter Size (3/4", 1" 2" etc.): REMARKS: 2) NON-RESIDENTIAL Type of Units (commercial, industrial, etc.): Total Number of Buildings: Number of Fixture Units each building): Type of Utility Connection individual connections or central water meter & common sewer tap): Water Meter Size (3/4" 1", 2", etc.) REMARKS: CONNECTION FEE CALCULATION: REVISED .- a/q Date: s}/c3 Phone: CC,/_7,-i J 0 7 12 2 37,5C Name - Signature - Date. P-L /t-? s // L/o J 1) Water Svstem Impact Fees TABLE 709.1 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS FOR FIXTURES AND GROUPS Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC) - 300 Gallons Per Day (GPD) Residential - 650/Unite - Single:'family structure, or multi -family unit containing three (3) bedrooms or more_ 487.50%Unit - Multi -family unit or Mobile Home unit containing less than three (3) bedrooms. (This category:is based on judgement/assumption, estimation that such family units on average require 751 - 225 GPD of the water and sewer service of an average single family unit.) Commercial 650/ERU Fixture unit schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be used. One ERU will be charged for connection and up to twenty (2) fixture units. For -projects having more than twenty (20) fixture units the Impact Fee will be determined by increments of 25% based on multiples of five (5) fixture units above the twenty (20) fixture unit base for the first ERU. (Example: twenty-five 25) fixture units will be rated as 1_25 eru; twenty-six (26) fixture units will be rated as 1.5 ERU.) 2) Sewer System Impact Fees Equivalent Residential Connections - 270 Gallons Per Day (GPD) Residential - 1700 Unit Single family structure, or multi -family unit containing three (3) bedrooms or more_ 1275/Unit Multi -family unit or Mobile Home unit containing less than three (3) bedrooms. (This category is based on judgement/assumption/estimation that such family units on average require 75% of water and sewer service of an average single family unit_) Commercial - Industrial Institutional 1700/ERU Fixture unit schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be used. One ERU will be charged for connection and up to twenty (20) fixture units. For projects having more than twenty (20) fixture units the Impact Fee will be increments of 25t based on multiples of five (5) fixture units above the twenty (20) fixture unit base for the first ERU. (Example: twenty-five (25) fixture units will be rated as 1.25 ERU; twenty-six (26) fixture units will be rated as 1.5 ERU.) U3 /, 2S v u12 yf 12 S J vuAe c, x 1.zS FIXTURE TYPE DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT VALUE AS LOAD FACTORS MINIMUM SIZE OF TRAP (inches) Automatic clothes washers, commerciala 3 2 Automatic clothes washers, residential:; 2 2' Bathroom group consisting of water closet, lavatory, bidet and bathtub or shower 6 Bathtubb (with or without overhead shower or whirlpool attachments) 2 11/2 Bidet 2 11/4 Combination sink and tray 2 11/2 Dental lavatory 1 11/4 Dental unit or cuspidor 1 11/4 Dishwashing machine,c domestic 2 11/2 Drinking fountain 1/2 1 t/4 Emergency floor drain 0 2 Floor drains 2 2 Kitchen sink, domestic 2 11/2 Kitchen sink, domestic with food waste grinder and/or dishwasher 2 11/2 Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) 2 11/2 Lavatory 1 k — f 11/4 Shower compartment, domestic 2 2 Sink 2 >( = 2 11/2 Urinal 4 Footnote d Urinal, 1 gallon per flush or less 2a Footnote d Wash sink (circular or multiple) each set of faucets 2 11/2 Water closet, flushometer tank, public or private 4e Footnote d Water closet, private installation 4 Footnote d Water closet, public installation 6 Footnote d For SI: I inch = 25.4 mm, 1 gallon = 3.785 L. J 3 For traps larger than 3 inches, use Table 709.2. b A showerhead over a bathtub or whirlpool bathtub attachments does not increase the drainage fixture unit value. c See Sections 709.2 through 709.4 for methods of computing unit value of fixtures not listed in Table 709.1 or for rating of devices with intermittent flows. d Trap size shall be consistent with the fixture outlet size. r For the purpose of computing loads on building drains and sewers, water closets or urinals shall not be rated at a lower drainage fixture unit unless the lower values 1 are confirmed by testing. TABLE 709.2 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS FOR FIXTURE DRAINS OR TRAPS FIXTURE DRAIN OR TRAP SIZE inches) DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT VALUE 11/4 1 11/2 2 2. 3 21 /-, 4 3 5 4 6 Standard Plumbing COde©1997 IForSI: I inch = 25.4 nun. RAYVALDES SEMINOLE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Paid Byy• THOMAS LYON 405 KIMBERLY CT SANFORD FL 32771 TAX BILL NUMBER 055057 Q I EI I JQT TAX CERTIFICATE SALE 05 29/2002 vr N 1 O A A M AXES AND NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT LEG E 1/2 OF LOTS 1 & 4 BLK 15 A B RUSSELLS ADD FORT REED PB 1 PG 97 AFTER MARCH 31, CERTIFIED FUNDS ONLY PLEASE PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO RAY VALDES TAX COLLECTOR • P.O. BOX 630, SANFORD, FL 32772-0630 MRFt:' 1 MAR 31 APR `1 MAY: 284 TAXEs DEYINQUEM1IT AFTER MAR H 31, 2002t PAY ONLY APRhL/MA A OUNT INCLUDES ATE CHARGES = ONEAMOUNT 295 Assessed to: LYON THOMAS E 405 KIMBERLY CT SANFORD FL 32771 RAY VALDES SEMINOLE COUNTY TAX COLLECTOR Paid By: THOMAS LYON 405 KIMBERLY CT SANFORD FL 32771 RAY VALDES R--05/24/02—P-033129 DUPLICATE RECEIPT >> (TB) 2 of 3 CS SE_Q# 3510 TAUXXBILL 055058 0 1 REAL ESTATE TAX CERTIFICATE TALE 05/29/2002 N TI E OF AD VALOREM TAXES AND NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENT LEG W 1/2 OF LOTS 1 & 4 BILK 15 A 8 RUSSELLS ADD FORT REED PB 1 PG 97 PAD: 411 WYLLY AVE AFTER MARCH 31, CERTIFIED FUNDS ONLY PLEASE PAY IN U.S. FUNDS TO RAY VALDES TAX COLLECTOR • P.O. BOX 630, SANFORD, FL 32772-0630 PAY ONLY ONEAMOU,NT MRR, 1 MA.R 3 301 1 APR1 MAY` 28 31302 TAXES DELTN APRIt./ MAY;. A UENT AFTER M"AR OUNT INCLUDES H 3'1, ;2002 ATE" CHARGES n A 4. ,. PAY vAI nFq a-06 /24 /02—P-033130 LYON THOMAS E 405 KIMBERLY CT << DUPLICATE RECEIPT )> SANFORD FL 32771 CS SEQ# 3511. MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY BK 04654 PG 0931 CLERK'S # 2003001600 RECORDED 01/06/2003 09:37:31 ANNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENTRECORDINGFEES10.50 RECORDED by 6 Harford STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real' property, and in accordance with Chapter 713.13, Florida Statutes, the following information is stated in this NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT: 1) Legal Description: Lots 1 and 4, A.B. Russell's Addition Ft. Reed, Plat Book 1, Pg. 97, Public Records of Seminole County, FL. Property Address: Wylly Avenue, Sanford, FL 2) General description of improvements: Construction of an Office/Warehouse 3) Owner Information: Thomas & Sarah Lyon Address: 405 Kimberly Court Sanford, FL 32771 Interest in Property: Fee Simple Fee Simple Title Holder•(if other than owner) Name: Address: 4) Contractor: JAMES E. LEE, INC. Name: 5) Surety: Name. Address: 1.1.0 N. Poplar Avenue Sanford, EL 32771 Address: Amount of Bond: $ 6) Lender: Colonial Bank Address: 201 E. Pine Street -Suite 701 Orlando, FL 32801 7) Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7., Florida Statutes: Name: Address: Colonial Bank 201 E. Pine Street, Suite 701 Orlando, FL 32801 8) In addition to himself, Owner designates COLONIAL BANK of 201 E. Pine Street, Orlando, FL 32801, to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. 9) Expiration date of notice of commencement (rh iration date is one (1) year from the data _ date is specified) Sarah W. Lyon The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this/Trk day of bA2C-,, 2002, by I'HOMAS E. LYONE and SARAH W. LYON, his wife, [_] who is personally known to me, or [_] who has produced a Florida Drivers License, as identification.. This instrument Prepared By: S. Kirby Moncrief, Esquire 200 W. First Street -Suite 22 Sanford, FL 32771 407) 322-2171 CERTIFIED COPY Notary Pdblic MARYANNE State of Florida at Large MWK OF C! 1T M My Commission Expires: Ibia 1:VnII ,: f Yi S. KIRBY MONCRIEF AMY COMMISSION N DD 105696 EXPIRES: August 3, 2006 pfd ° BondedThru Notary Public Underwriters FP'' e 3?'-:tv b3-is5y n,as G. 40 s all AY ovu- 7 411 Melissa DunklinCommission #DD 1637232005 C. SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 300 N. Park Ave., Sanford, Fl. 32771 / P. O. Box 1788, Sanford, Fl. 32772 407 302-2520 / FAX (407) 302-2526 Pager (407) 918-0395 Plans Review Sheet Date: May 6, 2003 Business Address: 411 Willy Ave. Occ. Ch. #42 Storage/Business #38 Business Name: Tom Lyon Ph. (40 7) 788-4934 Contractor: James E. Lee Inc. Ph. (407) 322-1936 Fax (407) 322-1936 Reviewed [ ] Reviewed with comment [ X ] Rejected [ ] Reviewed by: Timothy Robles, Fire Protection Inspector/Plans Examiner Comment: Plans reviewed as#42 Storage/ #38Business Occupancy. Fl) reserves right to reauire applicable code reauirements if occupancy use chanizes,,PH 1.1 Application — New Building. Type IV; 7,999 sq. ft. building. 1.2 Mixed — Not intermingled fire wall separation 1.3 Special Definitions — N/N 1.4 Classification of Occupancy — Business/Storage 1.5 Classification of Hazard of Contents —;Ordinary/ 1.6 Minimum Construction — N/R 2.2 Means of Egress Components — two (2) separate exits less than 75' ftfrom any point in building 2.3 Capacity of Egress — (1) person per 100 sq. ft. maximum capacity 79 (per chapter #7 L.S. C.) 2.4 Number of Exits — two (2) 2.5 Arrangement of Egress — O.K., 2.6 Travel Distance — , emets42.2. 6.1 of .LS. C.! 2.7 Discharge from Exits — O.K., will field verify 2.8 Illumination of Means of Egress — One (1) additional exit sign required (see blueprints) 2.9 Emergency Lighting - Two (2) additional emergency lights required (see blueprints) 1 SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT FIRE PREVENTION DIVISION 300 N. Park Ave., Sanford, Fl. 32771 / P. O. Box 1788, Sanford, Fl. 32772 407 302-2520 / FAX (407) 302-2526 Pager (407) 918-0395 2.10 Marking of Means of Egress willfield verify 2.11 Special Features — Reserve 3.1 Protection of Vertical Openings S—nrvlc barrier to provide a basic d gree of compartments— rtor 3.2 Protection from Hazards — One hour rating required between storage and office area 3.3 Interior Finish — Class `A" "B" or "C" 4 i. 3.4 Detection, Alarm and Communications Systems — Not required 3.5 Extinguishing Requirements — as per NFPA 10, Two (2) 4A 60 BC fire extinguishers required in storage area. One (1) 2A10 B.C. fire extinguisher required with office area (see blue prints) 3.6 Corridors — N/A 4 Special Provisions 5 Building Services 5.1 Utilities — as per LSC 9-1 5.2 HVAC — as per LSC 9-2 5.3 Elevators, Escalators, Conveyors (4A-47) — N/A 5.4 Rubbish Chutes, Incinerators, and Laundry Chutes — N/A Sanford City Code — Chapter 9 Fire Sprinklers Not required • however fire department will measure founwation. Monitoring: Not required Other: NFPA 1 pr'- ints. 3-5.1 Fire Lanes — Not required 3-6.1 Key Box — Not required 3-7.1 Bldg. Address Number Posted and Legible — Required; ill field verify, see blue' 1A 26 GA. MTL. TOP CHANNEL CONT. R30 BATT INSULATION LAY -IN ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILINGS a +9'-0" AFF. 11/2" DRYWALL TO +S'4' AFF. — 112" DRYWALL TO UNDERSIDE OF W. DECKING. 2z4 (NOMINAL) MTL. STUDS 6 16" O.C. TO UNDERSIDE OF ROOF DECKING ZZ DICES WAREHOUSE 26 GA. MTL. BOTTOM CHANNEL CONT. FASTEN TO SLAB W/ 1i4" x 2/' 4" TAPGONS 9 48" O.G. r— TOP OF SLAB PARTITION4 A_ k30 BATT INSULATION LAY -IN ACOUSTICAL TILE CEILINGS o +9'-0" AFF. 26 GA. MTL. TOP CHANNEL CONT. 11/2"DRYWALL (PAINTED FINISH). EACH SIDE. 2x4 (NOMINAL) 26 GA. MTL. STUDS 16" O.G. TO +9' 3" AFF. 16 GA. MTL. BOTTOM CHANNEL CONT. FASTEN TO SLAB W/ 1/4" z. 2/li4" TAPCONS s -'48" O.C. TOP OF SLAB I/211 - 11_011 oNs 0 U 0 Lii.: Lu Ll U- s O o N cu L NO+'C W Lo coo O : ao LL_ F 2 VO N vCL w ac o N C 3 U) a 0 N Z u1 U a o V/ 0 N-Master (c) CoKERCIAL HEAT LOSS / GAIN Based on ACCA MANUAL N MANUAL N Copyrighted (c) 1988 by ACCA Project name : Office Address : 411 Wylly Avenue City/State : Samford Owner : Lyons Builder : Owner I HVAC contr.: Steve Richards COOLING PARAMETERS ographical_Location ----> State FLORIDA City Sanford North Latitude / Elevation Relaltive Humidity 28 0 "-"""--------____ 14 Ft. Above Sea Level Grains / Lb. (inside) I 50 1 63 Outdoor Dry Buld (Deg F°) 1 93 0OutdoorWetBulb (Deg F0) 1 76 0 Indoor Dry Bulb (Deg F°) 1 75 0 Indoor Wet Bulb (Deg F0) 1 61.3 0 Outdoor Humidity Ratio 1 110 Daily Range 1 16 0 Peak Load Time 1 1600 Hours Temperature Differance (Td) (Deg F0) I 18 c Cooling Load Td Correction (Deg F°) 30(+) HEATING SUMMARY COOLING SUMMARY ------------- TOTAL LOSS : 29432.17 TOTAL SENSIBLE : 40847.54 LATENT GAINS 5435.2 TOTAL GAIN : 46282.74 SENSIBLE OVERSIZE @ 20t 8169.509 VAC Equipment HeatingManufacturer Htg System 10kw 34.1 MBTU COP/HSPF 1 CoolingClgSystem5Ton60.0 MBTU S) EER 10 Air Handler Vert @ cfm HTG AIR FLOW FACTOR m .070094 CLG AIR FLOW FACTORZONECFM = 723.149 ZONE CFM 050505 2063.005 SENSIBLE HEAT RATIO 99 s SOLAR ----------------- GLASS TYPE GLASS GLASS FACES AREA Sc North 104 U-VALUE LOSS/BTUH GAIN/BTUH49 Southeast 32.4 2270.32 1477.8449 West 32.4 707.292 571.53649707.292 2857.68 CONDUCTION 104 32.4 59 862.04 838 53-- 32.4 59 270.624 59 263.24 270.624 263.24 WALLS--------------------------------- WALL FACES AREA North R-VALUE U-VALUE LOSS/HTUH---GAIN/BTUH696 TYPE :8in.CONC.N/W BLK 5 3 3347,76 1447,68 East 217.6 TYPE :8in.CONC.N/W BLK 5 .13 1046.66 1018.37 West 217.6 TYPE :8in.CONC.N/W BLK 5 .13 1046.66 594.05 ADJACENT 762.3 TYPE :WOOD FRAME -ADJACENT 11 .07 691.026 1200.622 WALL SUB TOTAL 6132.106 4260.723 DOORS------------------------------- DOOR FACES AREA North R-VALUE U-VALUE LOSS/BTUH GAIN/STUN21 TYPE :STEEL n/a .36 945 120.96 CEILINGS A TYPE ARE-------------------------------------------------------------------- R-VALUE U-VALUE LOSS/BTUH GAIN/BTUH WITH SUSPENDED CEILING ROOF COLOR: LITE 2000 30 .03 2220 3900 FLOORS SLAB PERIMETER 208.33 0 6749.892 000.00 STRUCTURAL SUB TOTALS 21153.19 14571.27 OTHER SENSIBLE GAINS PEOPLE 8 FLOUR/LIGHTING 3600 Watts N/A N/A 2000 ICAND/LIGHTING 150 " 12446.28 INTERNAL GAINS N/A 471.45 VENTILATION 120 CFM N/A 6000 ROOM SENSIBLE 4440 2332.8 DUCT LOSS & GAIN 25593.19 37821.8 TOTAL SENSIBLE 3838.979 3025.744 29432.17 40847.54 LATENT GAINS PEOPLE VENTILATION N/A 1600 TOTAL LOAD N/A 3835.2 29432.17 46282.74 P S' OUTSIDE AIR CALCULATION - per ASHRAE 62-89 ,Table 2 Offices 8 8 people cfm - 15 8 people s 15 cfm - 120 cfm TOTALS 120 cfm 120 cfm required 120 cfm provided e. LUDWIG BUILDINGS, INC. 521 TIMESAVER AVENUE • FAX (504) 733-7458 • PHONE (504) 733-6260 BUILDINGS, I N C: MAILING ADDRESS: P. O. BOX 23134 • HARAHAN, LOUISIANA 70183 October 10, 2002 Ludwig File No. 02-0771-RF James E Lee, In.c. 40'_ [CimJ0er ly Ct . 5+.nrord, FL 32771 i=r NIr . Tom Lion 80' x 100' x 16'/12' Building Sanford, Florida III en . i.'_I1!` is to certify that the above referenced metal building f_.tished by Ludwig Buildings, Inc., an AISC certified metal ii.cl manufacturer, is designed in accordance with the 1989 Fciition of the AISC Specification for the Structural Steel Buildings and the 1986 Edition of the AISI Specification with the 1989 Addendum for the Des:ian of Co:1d-Formed Steel Structural Member_ to meet the following design loads as specified in the Qt.totat.i.e7n/Pi.tchase Order: Roof Live Load 20 psf (with Tributary Area Load Reduction) Wind Load 120 mph (Use Factor 1.0;Enclosed Building) o-lateral Load 3 psf P ismi c Load A1<0 . 05 and A,<0 . 05 These loading requirements meet or exceed the Chapter 16 of the F 1 o?id -a Building Code 2001. L:Udwig building, when properly erected on an adequate fovr dation and using the components as furnished, will meet above U._IC ; ncr requ ,-.-. t;ts in accordance with good engineering practice . The design of this building for wind load requires that doors and rindows not supplied by Ludwig are designed to sustain the same p; assures and., suction; as walls in which they are installed. also requires that all doors and windows will be in the closed position for the maximum design wind loads. This certlflcatlol"1 es not cover field modifications or design of material such as Fra.:sonr y, glass, etc., not furnished by Ludwig. SHgN'%,, very truly yours, F'C-1,,%9>j, C' I LUDWIG BUILDING , INC. No.23656 Q: ping han Pats , P . E . ZZ- ': STATE OF r /•: vice resident - Engineering OR IO,.• r 0' LL .DL+GL' DL DESIGN LOADS PER 2.00I FLORIDA BUILDING CODE LIVE LOAD = 20 PSF ('REDUCIBLE ) 16.5K 16.5K 3 1b,6K tOAK WIND LOAD = 120 MPH COLLATsRAL LOAD= 3PSF K VERTICAL LL t DL*F CL'` % 3 K 1 b,,l K 1 6- 7 K i a, o k 12,'T' HORIZONTAL WL. DIL 5, Z }( LL DL+CL WL :• DL VERTICAL WL + DL = 9, K UPLIFT FRAME REACTIONS .AT -COLUMN. LINES : `r3 to ^ MAXIMUM ENDWALL COLUMN REACTIONS AT COLUMN LINE 8" 1,-0.- 3 -1/2" 2,.4.. t/2.1 S oQk, O : • 2" SECTION AT ISOMETRIC VIEW AT OVERHEAD DOOR OVERHEAD DOOR NOTES: 1) VERIFY LENGTH AND WIDTH DIMENSIONS AND DOOR ;OPENINGS. - 2) ALL REACTIONS ARE GIVEN .IN KIPS ( 1000 LBS. >. 3) ALL ANCHOR BOLTS SHALL- PROJECT FROM THE SAME ELEVATION UNLESS NOTED. 4) ALL WALK DOORS TO BE FIELD LOCATED. 51) CONSULT A LOCAL FOUNDATION ENGINEER FOR LOCAL SOIL CONDITIONSAND FOUNDATION DESIGN. 6) " LUDWIG BUILDINGS, INC. ASSUME=S NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY FOR FOUNDATION, FLOOR OR SLAB DESIGN OR CONSTRUCTION. 1 1/2" N O 0 m N Q. r 0, zs at z z n v m o n 3 1/2" CJ 1/ 2" DIA. ANCHOR BOLTS y uj Q co1 I ----------- J m J ry < SUGGESTED SLOPE O E-- DOOR OPENING 2" = a DOOR OPENING - 4" 2 z zrKAMLU OPENING DETAIL FOR OVERHEAD DOORS ANCHOR BOLT SCHEDULE : W 2" BOLT y. SECTION AT EDGE 0 N U n U N n Z Vn THE PURCHASER; IS RESPONSIBLE TO HAVE 3N THEFOUNDATIONENGINEERORTHEENGINEERZOFRECORDDESIGNANDDETERMINETHEPROPER LENGTH AND HOOK SIZE OF THE U>M ANCHOR BOLTS TO WORK IN ACCORDANCE i X WITH THE DIAMETER AND QUANTITY OF .0 THE A-307 ANCHOR BOLTS SHOWN ON THE aD N ANCHORBOLTPLAN. SYMBOL CITY. DIA. " IN. PROJ. IN. Co( Co ' 3/4' 2' 2 mVEDL+ CLZ KRTICALLL + 5 5HORIZONTALWL + DL K c; ZDLKUPLFTVERTICALWL + c; z M MAXIMUM ENDWALL COLUMN REACTIONS AT COLUMN LINE VERTICAL LL + DL+ 7, 3 K HORIZONTAL WL + DL K VERTICAL WL + DL K UPLFT MAXIMUM ENDWALL COLUMN REACTIONS AT COLUMN LINE uj 0 Jai m co Q 35' Z 1- 4 K, 44 D 43BPORTALFRAMEREACT.10.MS e LIME5:'B"" Z A00%k Z 1 31 i V) x n