HomeMy WebLinkAbout4751 Rezone 15.55 Acres - 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard from A-1 to RI-1Ordinance No. 2023-4751 An ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida providing for the rezoning of a parcel 15.55 acres in size the subject property being located at 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard within the City Limits (maps relating to the property are attached) (Tax Parcel Identification Number 03-20-31-5AY-0000-033A0) from the (A-1) (Seminole County) zoning district/classification to the City's Restricted Industrial (RI -1) zoning districticlassification; providing for the taking of implementing administrative actions; providing for the adoption of a map by reference; repealing all conflicting ordinances; providing for severability; providing for non -codification and providing for an effective date. Whereas, Red Sipes Investments LLC, whose manager is Andre F. Hickman, is the owner of certain real property which land totals approximately 15.55 acres in size; and Whereas, the subject property is addressed as 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard and is assigned Tax Parcel Identification Number 08-20-31-300-0380-0000 by the Property Appraiser of Seminole County; and Whereas, the subject property is located on the northwest corner of the intersection of East Lake Mary Boulevard and Sipes Avenue Road; and Whereas, Red Sipes Investments LLC intends to develop the property which is currently used as grazing lands to industrial/warehouse uses; and Whereas, Red Sipes Investments LLC requested, through Bryan Potts, P.E. of Tannath Design, Inc, of Orlando as applicant, that the zoning district/classification be changed from the Agriculture (A-1) (Seminole County) zoning district/classification as was assigned under the provisions of the Land Development Code of Seminole County to the Restricted Industrial (RI -1) zoning district/classification under the provisions of the 11Page City's Land Development Regulations; and Whereas, an associated Ordinance is being processed to change the future land use designation assigned to the subject property from the IND, Industrial (Seminole County future land use designation as assigned under the Seminole County Comprehensive Plan) to the AIC, Airport Industry and Commerce, future land use designation under the City's Comprehensive Plan consistent with the provisions of Exhibit "B" of the 2015 City of Sanford/Seminole County Joint Planning Agreement (JPA), which provides that the IND future land use designation is equivalent to the AIC future land use designation the subject property being located within Sub -Area 4 of the JPA and Exhibit "C" of the JPA containing provisions which result in the conclusion that the associated amendment ordinance relating to the change in land use designation and this rezoning action are consistent with the JPA; and Whereas, the City of Sanford's Planning and Zoning Commission, as the City's local planning agency, held a public hearing on September 7, 2023 to consider the rezoning of real property from the County A-1, Agriculture, zoning district/classification to the City RI -1, Restricted Industrial, zoning district/classification; IMM I] a CAPP (Citizens Awareness and Participation Plan) meeting was held on August 21, 2023 to the satisfaction of the City; and Whereas, the City's Planning and Development Services Department has conducted a thorough review and analysis of the demands upon public facilities and general planning and land development issues should the subject rezoning application be approved and has otherwise reviewed and evaluated the application to determine 2 1 P a g e whether is comports with sound and generally accepted land use planning practices and principles as well as whether the application is consistent with the goals, objectives and policies set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan; and Whereas, professional City planning staff, the City's Planning and Zoning Commission and the City Commission have determined that the proposed the rezoning of the subject property as set forth in this Ordinance is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan of the City of Sanford, the land development regulations of the City of Sanford, and the controlling provisions of State law; and Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida has taken, as implemented by City staff, all actions relating to the rezoning action set forth herein in accordance with the requirements and procedures mandated by State law and all prior land use actions of the City are hereby ratified and affirmed. Now, therefore, be in enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Legislative Findings and Intent. (a). The City Commission of the City of Sanford hereby adopts and incorporates into this Ordinance the City staff report and City Commission agenda memorandum relating to the application relating to the proposed rezoning of the subject property as well as the recitals (whereas clauses) to this Ordinance. (b). The City has not waived any rights or remedies by taken the action set forth herein or by approving any successive development orders and reserves any and all rights and remedies available to the City under controlling law including, but not limited to, the protections under the laws pertaining to sovereign immunity. (c). The City of Sanford has complied with all requirements and procedures of 3 1 P a g e Florida law in processing and advertising this Ordinance. Section 2. Rezoning of Real Property/Implementing Actions. (a). Upon enactment of this Ordinance the following described property, as depicted in the map attached to this Ordinance, the said parcel; totaling 15.55 acres in size, shall be rezoned from the County A-1, Agriculture, zoning district/classification to the City RI -1, Restricted Industrial, zoning district/classification* Tax Identification Parcel Number Owner 03-20-31-5AY-0000-033A0 Red Sipes Investments LLC (b). The City Manager, or designee, is hereby authorized to execute any and all documents necessary to formalize approval of the rezoning action taken herein and to revise and amend the Official Zoning Map or Maps of the City of Sanford as may be appropriate to accomplish the action taken in this Ordinance. (c). Conditions of development relating to the subject property may be incorporated into the subsequent pertinent development orders and development permits and such development orders and development permits may be subject to public hearing requirements in accordance with the provisions of controlling law. Section 3. Incorporation of Map. The map attached to this Ordinance is hereby ratified and affirmed and incorporated into this Ordinance as a substantive part of this Ordinance. Section 4. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 5. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said 4 1 P a g e determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 6. Non -codification. This Ordinance shall not be codified in the City Code of the City of Sanford or the Land Development Code of the City of Sanford; provided, however, that the actions taken herein shall be depicted on the zoning maps of the City of Sanford by the City Manager, or designee. Section 7. Effective Date (a). This Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon enactment subject to the provisions of Subsection (b). (b). This Ordinance shall not take effect until any ordinance relating to any associated amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan is final. Passed and adopted this 9t" day of October, 2023. Attest. 41, - I ofr • �'r's ` I 1 tz Traci Ho c in, MMC, FCR it aor Clerk `�' tf• ay or as o form and�t ANN e d t g . y i liam L. Colbert, Esquire City Attorney 51 Commission of the City of rd, Florida j J ruff �:,F Oltp CITY O S.�NFORD FLORIDA � APPROVED CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 23-185 OCTOBER 9, 2023 AGENDA WS— RM� /X r/.► � Item No. –3 TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Eileen Hinson, AICP, Director of Planning SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., ICMA-CM, City Manager SUBJECT: Rezone 15.55 acres from, Agriculture (A-1) (Seminole County), to, Restricted Industrial (RI -1) (City of Sanford) at 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard. STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ❑ Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities THIS IS A QUASI-JUDICIAL MATTER AND, AS SUCH, REQUIRES DISCLOSURE OF ALL EX -PARTE COMMUNICATIONS, INVESTIGATIONS, SITE VISITS AND EXPERT OPINIONS REGARDING THIS MATTER. SYNOPSIS: A request to rezone 15.55 acres from, Agriculture (A-1) (Seminole County), to, Restricted Industrial (RI -1) (City of Sanford) at 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard has been received. The property owner is Red Sipes Investments, LLC, whose manager is Andre F. Hickman. Bryan Potts, P.E. is the designated applicant and was responsible for completing the Citizens Awareness and Participation Plan (CAPP) process. The CAPP meeting was held on August 21, 2023 and the report (see Attachment 2) has been found to be satisfactory to the City. The Affidavit of Ownership and Designation of Agent form (see Attachment 3) and other project information (see Attachment 1) as provided ensures that all potential conflicts of interests are capable of being discerned. FISCALISTAFFING STATEMENT: According to the Property Appraiser's records, the property is vacant and classified as grazing land with an assessed tax value and total tax bill for 2022 shown below: Parcel Number Assessed Value Tax Bill Property Status 2022 2022 08-20-31-300-0380-0000 $3,488 $37 Grazing Land Upon annexation, it is the applicant's intent to develop the site with industrial warehouses. When annexed, the proposed use will have an impact on public facilities and services. BACKGROUND: The 15.55 acre subject property is located in unincorporated Seminole County on the northwest corner of the intersection of East Lake Mary Boulevard and Sipes Avenue Road (see Attachment 4). Per the City of Sanford's Comprehensive Plan, the AG, Agriculture zoning classification is not consistent with the other airport properties in the Airport Industry and Commerce Future Land Use. Therefore, the applicant is requesting to rezone the property from Agricultural (AG) to Restricted Industrial (RI -1) zoning (see Attachment 5). This zoning district is compatible with the Airport Industry and Commerce Future Land Use and consistent with the remaining airport properties. East Lake Mary Boulevard Small Area Study Per the recently adopted East Lake Mary Boulevard Small Area Study, which was developed in partnership with Seminole County, the subject sites are in an area identified as the South Airport Commercial District. This district supports the expansion of Airport Activities in accordance with the Airport Master Plan. The proposed land use amendment and this companion rezone are consistent with this study and provides for a variety of airport supportive uses. During the development of the small area study, residents in this district have indicated they would prefer industrial developments that front on East Lake Mary Boulevard over any new residential development. Upon review of the request, staff has determined that the proposed rezone is compatible with the surrounding uses and is consistent with the goals, objectives, and polices of the Comprehensive Plan. The subject site provides an appropriate commercial activity south of the Orlando Sanford International Airport, supporting the various residential subdivisions in the vicinity. LEGAL REVIEW: The City Attorney may or may not have reviewed the staff report and the specific analysis provided by City staff, but has noted the following that should be adhered to in all quasi-judicial decisions. Section 166.033, Florida Statutes, as amended in the 2022 Legislative Session, in Chapter 2021- 224, Laws of Florida (deriving from Committee Substitute for Committee Substitute for House Bill Number 1059) provides as follows (please note emphasized text): "166.033 Development permits and orders.— (1) Within 30 days after receiving an application for approval of a development permit or development order, a municipality must review the application for completeness and issue a letter indicating that all required information is submitted or specifying with particularity any areas that are deficient. If the application is deficient, the applicant has 30 days to address the deficiencies by submitting the required additional information. Within 120 days after the municipality has deemed the application complete, or 180 days for applications that require final action through a quasi-judicial hearing or a public hearing, the municipality must approve, approve with conditions, or deny the application for a development permit or development order. Both parties may agree to a reasonable request for an extension of time, particularly in the event of a force majeure or other extraordinary circumstance. An approval, approval with conditions, or denial of the application for a development permit or development order must include written findings supporting the municipality's decision. The timeframes contained in this subsection do not apply in an area of critical state concern, as designated in s. 380.0552 or chapter 28-36, Florida Administrative Code. (2)(a) When reviewing an application for a development permit or development order that is certified by a professional listed in s. 403.0877, a municipality may not request additional information from the applicant more than three times, unless the applicant waives the limitation in writing. (b) If a municipality makes a request for additional information and the applicant submits the required additional information within 30 days after receiving the request, the municipality must review the application for completeness and issue a letter indicating that all required information has been submitted or specify with particularity any areas that are deficient within 30 days after receiving the additional information. (c) If a municipality makes a second request for additional information and the applicant submits the required additional information within 30 days after receiving the request, the municipality must review the application for completeness and issue a letter indicating that all required information has been submitted or specify with particularity any areas that are deficient within 10 days after receiving the additional information. (d) Before a third request for additional information, the applicant must be offered a meeting to attempt to resolve outstanding issues. If a municipality makes a third request for additional information and the applicant submits the required additional information within 30 days after receiving the request, the municipality must deem the application complete within 10 days after receiving the additional information or proceed to process the application for approval or denial unless the applicant waived the municipality's limitation in writing as described in paragraph (a). (e) Except as provided in subsection (5), if the applicant believes the request for additional information is not authorized by ordinance, rule, statute, or other legal authority, the municipality, at the applicant's request, shall proceed to process the application for approval or denial. (3) When a municipality denies an application for a development permit or development order, the municipality shall give written notice to the applicant. The notice must include a citation to the applicable portions of an ordinance, rule, statute, or other legal authority for the denial of the permit or order. (4) As used in this section, the terms "development permit" and "development order" have the same meaning as in s. 163.3164, but do not include building permits. (5) For any development permit application filed with the municipality after July 1, 2012, a municipality may not require as a condition of processing or issuing a development permit or development order that an applicant obtain a permit or approval from any state or federal agency unless the agency has issued a final agency action that denies the federal or state permit before the municipal action on the local development permit. (6) Issuance of a development permit or development order by a municipality does not create any right on the part of an applicant to obtain a permit from a state or federal agency and does not create any liability on the part of the municipality for issuance of the permit if the applicant fails to obtain requisite approvals or fulfill the obligations imposed by a state or federal agency or undertakes actions that result in a violation of state or federal law. A municipality shall attach such a disclaimer to the issuance of development permits and shall include a permit condition that all other applicable state or federal permits be obtained before commencement of the development. (7) This section does not prohibit a municipality from providing information to an applicant regarding what other state or federal permits may apply." The above -referenced definition of the term "development permit" is as follows: "(16) 'Development permit' includes any building permit, zoning permit, subdivision approval, rezoning, certification, special exception, variance, or any other official action of local government having the effect of permitting the development of land." (Section 163.3164(16), Florida Statutes). The term "development order" is defined as follows and, as can be seen, refers to the "granting, denying, or granting with conditions [ofJ an application": "(15) `Development order' means any order granting, denying, or granting with conditions an application for a development permit." (Section 163.3164(15), Florida Statutes). Thus, if this application is denied, a denial development order must be issued which must cite to the applicable portions of each ordinance, rule, statute or other legal authority supporting the denial of the application. For example, if a goal, objective or policy of the Sanford Comprehensive Plan were to be the basis for a denial, then such goal, objective or policy must be part of the motion proposing the denial. A denial development order would be drafted to implement the actions of the City Commission in the event of such occurrence. Accordingly, any motion to deny must state, with particularity, the basis for the proposed denial. The City Commission has also expressed its desire for all who vote against the majority decision to express the rationale for their vote with regard to all matters. When voting on matters such as whether to recommend approval of an amendment to the City's Comprehensive Plan or the enactment of, or amendment to, a land development regulation, those matters are legislative in nature and not quasi-judicial matters. The City Commission approved Ordinance No. 4751, on the first reading on September 25, 2023. The City Clerk published notice of the 2nd Public Hearing in the Sanford Herald on October 1, 2023. RECOMMENDATION: On September 7, 2023 the City of Sanford Planning and Zoning Commission, pursuant a recommendation from staff, recommended the City Commission adopt an ordinance to rezone 15.55 acres from Agriculture (A-1) (Seminole County) to Restricted Industrial (RI -1) (City of Sanford) at project address 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard based on consistency with the Joint Planning Agreement, East Lake Mary Corridor Study and the City of Sanford's Comprehensive Plan.. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. It is staff's recommendation the City Commission adopt Ordinance No. 4751. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move to adopt Ordinance No. 4751." Attachments: 1. Project Information Sheet 2. CAPP Meeting Report 3. Affidavit of Ownership 4. Aerial Map 5. Zoning Map 6. Ordinance No. 4751 ATTACHMENT 1 — PROJECT INFORMATION SHEET j PROJECT INFORMATION 2890 EAST LAKE MARY / BOULEVARD REZONE Requested Action: A Rezone of 15.55 acres at project address 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard from A-1. Agriculture (Seminole County) to RI -1, Restricted Industrial (City of Sanford). Proposed Use: Industrial / Warehouse Project Address: 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard Current Zoning: A-1, Agriculture Proposed Zoning: RI -1, Restricted Industrial Current Land Use: Grazing Land Tax Parcel Number: 08-20-31-300-0380-0000 Site Area: 15.55 Acres Property Owner: Red Sipes Investments LLC P.O. Box 941618 Maitland, FL 32794 Applicant/Agent: Bryan Potts Tannath Design 2494 Rose Spring Drive Orlando, FL 32835 CAPP Meeting: A CAPP meeting was held on April 21. 2023. Commission District: District I — Commissioner Sheena Britton COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPLIANCE REVIEW Planning staff has reviewed the request and has determined the use and proposed improvements to be consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan. Future Land Use: Industrial Proposed Future Land Use: AIC, Airport Industry and Commerce Existing Land Use: Grazing Land Page 5 of 14 ATTACHMENT 2 — CAPP MEETING REPORT -- - — ffannath DeSfgn, ?nc. 2494 Rose Spring Dr. Orlando. FL 32825 . (407) 982-9878 www.tannalhdesion com July 12, 2023 Dear Current Property Owner, Tannath Design Inc. would like to inform you of a proposed Annexation, Land Use Amendment and Rezone Application for the property located at Northwest corner of Sipes Avenue & E Lake Mary Blvd. See Attached Property Card. The Annexation is to bring the property into the City of Sanford, the Proposed Land Use is (AIC) Airport Industry & Commerce and the proposed zoning is (RI1) Restricted Industrial. This Land Use and Zoning are to match the properties around the site in the City. We do not have a proposed use yet but want to get the property set up for future development within the Land Development Code of the City. A Property Card is attached. The meeting is scheduled for August 2151 from 6;00-7:00 PM at-, Boombah Sports Complex 3450 E Lake Mary Blvd. Sanford, FL 32773 In the North Meeting Hall Tannath Design Inc. would like to address concerns or comments that you may have regarding this PD Amendment. Sincerely, Bryan Potts, P.E. Tannath D ign Inc. 2494 Rose Spring Drive Orlando, FL 32825 (407) 982-9878 bpotts(@_tannathdesign.com Page 6 of 14 ATTACHMENT 2 — CAPP MEETING REPORT Parcel 08-20-31-300-0380.0000 SEMINOLECOUNTY Property Address SIPES AVE SANFORQ, FL 32773 PROPERTY APPRAISER OAV '.CIA Parcel Location Site View 0 Land Value (Market) 52,363,130 S2,363,130 DOR 80 -GRAZING LAND Land Value Ag $3.488 0 None 0 0 S2,363.130 AG Classibr-abon: Yes Portability Ad) t O 5o Amendment 1 Adj $0 $0 O P&G Adj SO $0 O RED SIPES INVESTMENTS LLC Sorry, No Image Available at this Time Valuation Method Cost/Market Cost/Market SIPES AVE SANFORD, FL 32773 Number of Buildings 0 0 PO BOX 941618 MAITLAND, FL 32794-1618 Depreciated Bldg Value Depreciated EXFT Value Tax G1 -AGRICULTURAL Land Value (Market) 52,363,130 S2,363,130 DOR 80 -GRAZING LAND Land Value Ag $3.488 $3,488 None Just/Market Value S2,363.130 S2,363.130 AG Classibr-abon: Yes Portability Ad) Save Our Homes Adj $0 5o Amendment 1 Adj $0 $0 P&G Adj SO $0 Assessed Value $3,488 $3,488 2022 Certified Tax Summary 2022 Tax Amount without Exemptions $25,951.27 2022 Tax Savings with Exemptions $25,114.15 2022 Tax Bill Amount $37.12 Legal Description SEC 08 TWP 20S RGE 31 E E 112 OF SE 114 OF SE 114 N OF RD (LESS RY RAV & RD ON E) ApH12E, 2023 04:20 PM Pepe 113 Page 7 of 14 ROAD DISTRICT SJWM(Saint Johns Water Management) COUNTY GENERAL FUND Schools WARRANTY DEED QUIT CLAIM DEED WARRANTY DEED QUIT CLAIM DEED WARRANTY DEED QUIT CLAIM DEED ORDER OF TAKING WARRANTY DEED QUIT CLAIM DEED WARRANTY DEED ACREAGE ATTACHMENT 2 - CAPP MEETING REPORT 15.5 $152.460.00 53,488 77791 DEMO (DUE TO TORNADO) County $0 41111998 04195 REROOF County $2,000 611119% MANI Utility Information Fire Station Pow.r PhonoiAna .,r FPI- AT&T Dist 5 - Andrie Herr Drat 7 - Cory Mills IND Watel Provider Sower Piovider GA SANFORD CITY OF SANFORD NA Dist 28 - David 'Dave' Smith Dist 9 - Jason Brodeur Region 3 Sanford Seminole Ayrlf 16, 20230(:20 Ph1 Recycis Yard Waste He 18 Pap• 213 Page 8 of 14 $3,488 $0 $3,486 $3,488 S0 $3,488 $3,488 $0 $3,488 $3,488 SO $3,488 0311112020 Book 09558 Page 1475 Amount $2,032,000 Qualillmd Yes Vac Inip Vacant 03/03/2015 08429 0566 $100 No Vacant D410112014 08254 1354 $820,000 No Vacant 08/0112013 08111 0630 $100 No Vacant 07101/2010 07422 1077 54,113,000 No Vacant 07/01/2004 05422 1751 $300,000 No Vacant 11/0112003 05098 1066 $10D No Vacant 0210112000 03605 1666 $255.000 No Improved 06/01/1997 03266 0043 $10,500 No Improved 01/0111977 01148 1257 $100 No Improved 15.5 $152.460.00 53,488 77791 DEMO (DUE TO TORNADO) County $0 41111998 04195 REROOF County $2,000 611119% MANI Utility Information Fire Station Pow.r PhonoiAna .,r FPI- AT&T Dist 5 - Andrie Herr Drat 7 - Cory Mills IND Watel Provider Sower Piovider GA SANFORD CITY OF SANFORD NA Dist 28 - David 'Dave' Smith Dist 9 - Jason Brodeur Region 3 Sanford Seminole Ayrlf 16, 20230(:20 Ph1 Recycis Yard Waste He 18 Pap• 213 Page 8 of 14 FASTENAL CO PO BOX 1206 WINONA, MN 55987-7206 S & S FAMILY PROPERTIES LLC & SIMONS, B J JR PO BOX 530898 DEBARY, FL 32753-0898 SANFORD AIRPORT AUTH/ CITY OF SANFORD 1200 RED CLEVELAND BLVD SANFORD, FL 32773-4202 RED SIPES INVESTMENTS LLC PO BOX 941618 MAITLAND, FL 32794-1618 ADAMS, JUANITA V TR 3739 SIPES AVE SANFORD, FL 32773.6619 ATTACHMENT 2 - CAPP MEETING REPORT PYLE, GENEEN N & PYLE, JAMES O 2755 SAND DOLLAR PT SANFORD, FL 32773-6522 1LW LAKE DOCTORS LLC ATTN:IAMES WILLIAMS 725 WILLIAMS RD NEW SMYRNA, FL 32168-7899 MASAI HOLDINGS LLC 103 COMMERCE ST, UNIT 160 LAKE MARY, FL 32746-6291 PYLE, EUGENE C & ROSEMARIE G 3720 SIPES AVE SANFORD, FL 32773-6619 CITY OF SANFORD 300 N. PARK AVE SANFORD, FL 3277107 FULSANG, DONALD S & NORTON, SUSAN G 2897 E LAKE MARY BLVD SANFORD, FL 32773-6601 CSX TRANSPORTATION INC 500 WATER ST JACKSONVILLE, FL 32202-4423 PULTE HOMES COMPANY LLC 4901 VINELAND RD, U500 ORLANDO, FL 32811-3344 LAWSON, LARRY L & SHIRLEY M 3700 SIPES AVE SANFORD, FL 32773-6619 Page 9 of 14 ATTACHMENT 2 — CAPP MEETING REPORT rfannath Des%n, 9nc. 2494 Rose Spring Dr. Orlando, FL 32825 (407) 982-9878 wwV.tannalhdesJan.com August 21, 2023 Darren Ebersole Planning and Development Services City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, FL 32771 Re: Annexation, Land Use Amendment, and Rezone 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard Parcel Number's: 08-20-31-300-0380-0000 Dear Mr. Ebersole, This letter shall serve as our Flnal Report under a CAPP for the Red Sipes Annexation -Land Use and Rezone. A letter explaining what is being done with these parcels was sent via US Mail on July 141h to the property owners within 500' of the proposed project. A copy of this letter and the list of property owners is attached for your reference. We held a Community Meeting at Boombah Sports Complex on 08-21-23 at 6PM: Noone showed up for the meeting or Contacted us to discuss the project. To date we have had no other correspondence, either verbally or written with any other parties that received the CAPP letter. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Bryan Potts, P.E. Tannath Design Inc. 2494 Rose Spring Drive Orlando, FL 32825 (407) 982-9878 bpotts@tannathdesign.com Page 10 of 14 ATTACHMENT 4 - AERIAL MAP '•0--,,. SANFORD AFFIDAVIT OF OWNERSHIP AND DESIGNATION OF AGENT n.+. c>taloidn ; Please use additional sheets as needed. It any additional sheets are attached to this document, pie i .e sign here and note below: I. Ownership 1 Rec Sipes Investments, LLC hereby attest to ownership of the property described below: Tax Parcel Number(s). 08-20-31.300-0380-000 Address of Property. 2890 Sipes Avenue, Sanford FL 32773 for which this Annexation, Future Land Use and Zoning application is submitted In the C !; of Sanford. II. Designation of Applicant's Agent (leave blank if not applicable) As the owner/applicant of the above designated property for which this affidavit is submitted. I designate the below namod ind-viduai as my igent in all iiatiers pertaining to the application process In ailhorizing the agent named below to represent me, o- my company. I attest that the application is made in good faith and that all information contained in the application is accu•ate .ind comp'ele to the best Of my personal knowledge. _ K Applicant's Agent (Print): Bryan Polls, P.E. Signature r/i�� Agent Address: 249- Rose Spring Drive, Orlando. FL 32835 Email BPotts®tannathdesign.com Phone: 407-982-9878 Fax. Ill, Notice to Owner A. A'change=_ in Ownership andror Applicant's Aj rit prior to final action of the City shall require a new affidavit. If ownership changes, the new owner assumes all obligations related to the filing application process. B. If the Owner intends fo- the authority of the Applicant's Agent to be limited in any manner, please indicate the limitations(s) below. (i.e limited to obtaining a certificab, of concurrency; limited to obtaining i land use compliance certificate, etc.) The owner of the real property associated with this application or procurement activity Is a (check one) Li Indrvid�jai a Corporation n Land Trust , Partnrrship A LimCed Liability Company r- Other (descnbe): I List all natural persons who have an ownership interest in the property which is the subject matter of this petition, by name and address. 2. For each corporation, ; :,l the name, address, and title of each officer: the name and address of each director of the corporation: and the name and address of each shareholder who owns two percent (20/n) or more of the stock of the corporation Shareholders need not be disclosed it a corporation's stock arc traded publicly on any national stock exchange. 3. In the case of a trust, list the name and address of each trustee and the name and address of the beneficiaries of the trust and the percentage of interest or each beneficiary. tf any trustee or beneficiary of a trust is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above Name of Trust: 4. For partnerships, including limited partnerships list the name and address of each principal in the partnership, including general or limited partners. If any partner is a corporation, please provide the information required in paragraph 2 above. 1 Page I I of 14 ATTACHMENT 4 — AERIAL MAP 5. For each limited liability company, Inst the name, address, and title of each manager or managing member, and the name and address of each additional member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest_ If any member with two percent (2%) or more membership interest, manager, or managing member is a corporation, trust or partnership, please provide the Information required in paragraphs 2, 3 and/or 4 above. Name of LLC: Red Sipes Investments, LLC 6. In the circumstances of a contract for purchase, list the name and address of each contract purchaser If the purchaser is a corporation, trust, partnership, or LLC, provide the information required for those entities in paragraphs 2 3, 4 and/or 5 above Name of Purchaser: Date of Contract: NAME TITLEIOFFICEITRUSTEE ADDRESS OR BENEFICIARY_ I % OF INTEREST Andre' F. Hickman Manager P.O. Box 941618, Maitland, FL 32794 NIA James W. Hickman Marital Trust Owner of LLC P.O. Box 941618, Maitland, FL 32794 100% Andre' F. Hickman Trustee P.O. Box 941618, Maitland, FL 32794 NIA Sid Vihlen, Jr Trustee P.O. Box 941618, Maitland, FL 32794 NIA Josiane Ward Beneficiary P.O. Box 941618, Maitland, FL 32794 100°% (Use additional sheets for more space.) 7 As to any type of owner referred to above, a change of ownership occurring subsequent to the execution of this document, shall be disclosed in writing to the City prior to any action bevy taken by the City as to the matter relative to which this document pertains I affirm that the above representations are true and are based upon my personal knowledge and belief after all reasonable inquiry I understand that any failure to make mandated disclosures is grounds for the subject rezone, future land use amendment, special exception, or variance involved with this Application to become void or for the submission for a procurement activity to be non- responsive. I certify that I am legally authorized to execute this Affidavit and to bind the Applicant or Vendor to the disclosures herein. 6h VR o a3 Ma'r`s Date Owner, Agent, AppllcantSignature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF 01—ge Swam to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by Andre' F. Hickman, on this' q,"day of J- n� 20 -13 Signature of Notary Public Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Alfidrid ofOwnrnnhip • Jamary 2015 AlPAUL m. SILLS {:M w� Notary Publk -State ofFlorida �..1Commisslon HH 013309 a,` My Comm. Expires Feb 20, 2025 horded through Hadoml Notary Assn, Print, Type or Stamp Name of Notary Public Page 12 of 14 ATTACHMENT 4 — AERIAL MAP All "VI 11'k 410 ib ...A- Awn FUCKER COVE WAXWING • WAYA^ SALTMAPSH "LOOP GROUSE Site 2890 East Lake Mary Boulevard 08-20-31-300-0380-0000 I-LTLA1UMFKVVAT Sir �: SITE a W4 , F7 EAGWU VIEW COVE cr Page 13 of 14 ATTACHMENT 4 - AERIAL MAP Page 14 of I d