HomeMy WebLinkAbout09-25-2023 WS MinutesKM 6 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES / 0 9 q11 cl 00S SEPTEMBER 259 2023 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, September 25, 2023, at 4:00 PM, in the Commission Chambers, Is' Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Sheena R. Britton Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy Clerk Cathy LoTempio Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:35 PM. 1. Briefing on Schedule F Modifications by Eileen Hinson, Director of Planning. Ms. Hinson provided a power point presentation that included the proposed changes and recommendations to amend Schedule F of the City's Land Development Regulations (LDR), regarding buildings, parcels, yards, building setbacks and lighting. She said based on unclear or absent regulations, currently included in the code, staff initiated action to update Schedule F of the LDR's to both clarify and incorporate language pertaining to residential parking, vehicular storage, container storage and fencing. These amendments would address reoccurring issues with residential storage, such as container use as well as parking trends. It will provide standards and requirements for the installation of swimming pools as well as calcifying materials, location and sizes for fencing or walls. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 259 2023 WORK SESSION Ms. Hinson reviewed the sections of the schedule that would have modifications. Section 1.0 adds language providing for the purpose and intent of the schedule and establishing the lawfulness of all provisions within the schedule. Section 2.0 provides clarification for accessory structure design standards such as sheds and walls; adds language specifically regulating cargo containers when used as temporary storage and how they can be used as permanent structures. Section 3.0 added minor adjustments to obstruction to vision at intersection language to clarify information. Section 4.0 adds language specifically relating to swimming pools locational standards; modifies provisions for patios, decks and porches to clarify setback and location requirements and design criteria to allow these elements to be considered a pervious surface. Section 5.0 adds language to the following; clarifying what is considered and impervious surface; expounding how to calculate impervious surfaces for a project; and that explains acceptable modifications to impervious surface areas within a property. Section 6.0 simplifies the language identifying when a permit is required for a fence or a wall; adds language improving and clarifying design, material, location and size of permanent fences or walls; adds language regulating type, location, height and removal of fencing for construction sites. Section 7.0 adds definition standards and criteria language that regulates vehicle storage and screening and location of private commercial and recreational vehicles within residential lots and developments. Section 8.0 adds language allowing the use of portable mini -storage units temporarily as an accessory to a principle use if it meets specific size, location, material storage, etc. criteria; adds language CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 WORK SESSION standards for the temporary use of large dumpsters from private and construction purposed. Section 9.0 relocated lighting standards previously located in Section 4.0. Commissioner Austin asked how long the residents will be given to clear up current violations once these revisions are adopted. Tony Raimondo, Director of Development Services said there were inconsistencies within Schedule F and these revisions will help conform it. Ms. Hinson said the revisions actually give the residents more options. Commissioner Mahany mentioned that she is having issues with a resident who is parks his semi -truck on the sidewalk. Commissioner Austin expressed concern with all of the dollar stores in town and suggested that an Ordinance could be put in place to limit the number of these stores within the City. Mayor Woodruff asked for more clarity regarding fences and boat parking. 2. Discussion RE: City Managers Evaluation Form by Mayor Woodruff. Vice Mayor Britton likes the new evaluation fonn with added details. Mayor Woodruff asked the Commissioners if they would like to keep the scoring as it is shown or remove it and the consensus was to keep the scoring. Mayor Woodruff said he will provide a revised copy at the next Commission meeting. 3. Discussion RE: Mayor/Employee Award by Vice Mayor Britton. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 259 2023 WORK SESSION Mr. Bonaparte provided the Commission with some comments from City staff. He said this will be a discussion item at the Executive Team Meeting tomorrow. Vice Mayor Britton said that she appreciates the comments from staff. She would like this award to be more of a loyalty award and possibly extend the length of service to ten years or more. Commissioner Mahany suggested that the Commission put together a video to thank the employee who is receiving the award if they choose not to have it presented at a Commission meeting. Commissioner Austin asked Mayor Woodruff what the process is for Teacher of the Year, perhaps they could look into that. Fred Fosson, Director of Human Resources/Risk Management said he will look for the City's former employee of the month procedures. Vice Mayor Britton said that she will meet with Mr. Fosson to discuss further. 4. Regular Meeting Items — additional information • Termination Agreement with the Community Redevelopment Agency relating to Waterfront Catalyst Site. (RM I O.C) Mr. Bonaparte said the Finance Director has the funding for this project. Charles Davis, Chairman of the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA), said the CRA is sun setting December 31, 2025. All projects are to be completed by 2027. Mr. Davis has met with City staff regarding the streetscape projects. Vice Mayor Britton asked if anything can be done to improve the gateways into the City, especially on Sanford Avenue and 5 1h Street. Mr. Davis said the CRA would like to assist the Public CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 259 2023 WORK SESSION Art Commission with some projects. Mr. Davis said his term is ending in December, however, he would love to continue to see the projects through. This is an action item on tonight's meeting. * Filing petitions for Declaratory Statement regarding PFAS and 1,4 Dioxane. (RM 10.13) Jake Vam, Environmental Attorney of Mason Bolves quickly reviewed two petitions that he would like to file on behalf of the City. He then asked if the Commission has any questions regarding this item. Mr. Colbert said this is a request that would authorize and allow Mr. Varn to file the petitions. And to be clear, this is not an item saying that the City is suing the State agencies. This is an action item on tonight's agenda. 5. Briefing Items 6. City Manager Comments Mr. Bonaparte provided the September City Manager's Report. Commissioner Austin asked if the Commission could receive this report the Friday prior to the meeting so there is time to read through it. Mr. Bonaparte said Historic Downtown Sanford has an app for residents or visitors to show them where parking is available. Vice Mayor Britton said she had a phenomenal meeting with Brady Lessard, Director of Economic Development and Pamela Lynch, Project Manager of Economic Development. She would like to see something happen with the exterior CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 WORK SESSION upkeep of the mall. Commissioner Mahany said Tony Raimondo, Director of Development Services, is working on some of those issues. Commissioner Austin suggested donating $500 for a public purpose and would like to contribute towards Hopper Academy, as they are battling termites. He will bring it up at tonight's meeting. Commissioner Mahany asked Cindy Lindsay, Director of Finance, for the balance of her Commissioner fund. Commissioner Austin would like his balance as well. Commissioner Mahany said she met the new pastor of the New Harbor Christian Church in her district. He has offered to allow the City use his church for meetings. She will invite him to attend a Commission meeting to introduce himself. Commissioner Austin wished the Mayor a Happy Birthday. Mayor Woodruff handed out some corrections to the minutes. Vice Mayor Britton said the minutes should read she met with Lisa Jones not Lisa Holder. Mayor Woodruff said this Friday is the City's 145"' Birthday. The City should begin planning the 1501h Birthday. He thanked the Utility Department for handing an issue with a concerned customer. There being no further business, the meeting adjou ed at 1 PM. FOAll TU { r K� d{L YY4 Attest: CITY COMMISSION MINUTES SEPTEMBER 25, 2023 WORK SESSION t�if/rill►�'; r�ti