HomeMy WebLinkAbout4589 Modifying Schedule K & UOrdinance No. 2021-4589 An ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida substantially and comprehensively revising and amending the provisions of Schedule "K", City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations (LDRs), relating to the requirements for and regulation of signs, and Schedule "U" of the LDRs, generally pertaining to overlay districts as that Schedule relates to signage; providing for a savings provision; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for codification and the correction of scrivener's errors and providing for an effective date. Be it enacted by the People of the City of Sanford, Florida: Section 1. Substantial And Comprehensive Revisions And Amendments Of Schedule "K", City Of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations (LDRS), Requirements For And Regulation Of Signs, And Schedule "U" Of The LDRS, Generally Pertaining To Overlay Districts; Signage Regulation. Schedule "K" and Schedule "U" of the City of Sanford Code/Land Development Regulations are substantially revised and amended to read as set forth in the Exhibits to this Ordinance which, by this reference thereto, are incorporated herein as if fully set forth herein verbatim. Section 2. Conflicts. All ordinances or part of ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance are hereby repealed. Section 3. Severability. If any section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance is determined to be invalid, unlawful or unconstitutional, said determination shall not be held to invalidate or impair the validity, force or effect of any other section, sentence, phrase, word, or portion of this Ordinance not otherwise determined to be invalid, unlawful, or unconstitutional. Section 4. Savings; Effect Of Ordinance. The prior actions of the City of Sanford in terms of the matters relating to any and all actions and activities of the City pertaining to the City's Land Development RegulationslLand Development Code, or of an associated nature, are hereby ratified and affirmed and, without in any way limiting the foregoing, this Section applies to signage regulation in every respect. Section 5. Codification; Scrivener's Errors. (a). The exhibits referenced in Section 1 of this Ordinance shall be codified and all other sections shall not be codified. (b). The sections, divisions and provisions of this Ordinance may be renumbered or re -lettered as deemed appropriate by the Code codifier. (c). Typographical errors and other matters of a similar nature that do not affect the intent of this Ordinance, as determined by the City Clerk and City Attorney, may be corrected with the endorsement of the City Manager, or designee, without the need for a public hearing. 21 kz Attest. Section 6. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon enactment. Passed and adopted this 8t" day of February, 2021. City Commission of the City of 1\ `aV' taj-0- f.,C/'/" m Nl l I FOp Y l Traci Houchin, MMC, FCRM City Clerk William L- Cc City Attorney TALDRV020 Revisions\Schedule K\CC Memo - Schedule K.docx 31Pa CITY COMMISSION MEMORANDUM 21-042 FEBRUARY 8, 2021 AGENDA To: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission PREPARED BY: Jordan Smith, AICP, PP — Senior Planner SUBMITTED BY: Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr., City Mana SUBJECT: Modifications; Schedule "K", Sign District As It Relates To Signage; Cii Ordinance No. 4589 X STRATEGIC PRIORITIES: ❑ Unify Downtown & the Waterfront ❑ Promote the City's Distinct Culture ® Update Regulatory Framework ❑ Redevelop and Revitalize Disadvantaged Communities SYNOPSIS: WS RM Item No. —7.T) ins, And Schedule "U", Overlay Development Regulations (LDRs); Amendments to Schedule "K" and Schedule "U" of the City's Land Development Regulations (LDRs) have been prepared in the context of Ordinance No. 4589. FISCAL/STAFFING STATEMENT: There is no fiscal impact. However, by maintaining a responsive and current (in terms of controlling law) set of LDRs protects the City by virtue of reduced controversies due to ambiguity in application or interpretation, litigation, and the resulting loss of staff time and other City resources. BACKGROUND: Signs are ubiquitous throughout the City and their placement, size and construction are primarily regulated by the City's sign regulations as set forth in Schedule "K" and Schedule "U" of the City's LDRs. Staff has identified several sections in the regulations, that require an amendment due to the 2015 United States Supreme Court case of Reed v. Town of Gilbert, which found content -based sign regulations to constitute an unconstitutional restriction of free speech. The Court found that the Gilbert sign regulations required the regulator to read the message and administer a different set of regulations based on that message or "content". If the regulation of signs is content based on its face, then it is subject to strict scrutiny since the sign is a form of speech and speech is protected by the First Amendment of the United States Constitution. The proposed Schedule "K" of the City's LDRs sign code amendments consist of the following: 1 ,. • Compliance with Reed v. Gilbert. Staff has developed a version of the City's sign code that has attempted to eliminate content -based regulations and replace them with content -neutral regulations. In many case, the general framework of the content -based regulation (for example, permitted location, duration, and quantity) has been preserved, but in other cases regulations and sign categories have been merged, changed or deleted. • Code clean up. The new sign code features a streamlined code that no longer include redundant, out-of-date, and/or self-contradictory provisions. Some definitions have been re -worked to more clearly defined terms used throughout the sign code. • Consolidation. Consolidated sign regulations from Schedule "K", Sign Regulations, and Schedule "U", Overlay District, as it relates to signage, of the City's LDRs into one Schedule. • New table for Temporary Sign. To further clarify sign regulations and create consistent, easy to follow rules, staff has added a table for each of the zoning districts. • Temporary sign on private property. The removal of references to political signs, real estate signs and construction signs; amending the duration of temporary sign to 1 per year per premises with a maximum duration of display of no more than a 30 day period per calendar year. • Electronic Message Boards and Changeable Copy Reader Boards. The addition of regulations to allow for electronic message board and changeable copy reader boards. LEGAL REv[EW: The Assistant City Attorney has assisted in the drafting of Ordinance No. 4589, but may require additional drafting efforts. The City Commission approved the first reading of Ordinance No. 4589 on January 25, 2021. The City Clerk published notice of the 2"d Public Hearing in the Sanford Herald on February 7, 2021. REGOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the City Commission adopt Ordinance No. 4589. Additional comments or recommendations may be presented by staff at the meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: "I move adopt Ordinance No. 4589." Attachments: 0). Schedule "K" of the City's LDRs (proposed amendments). (2). Schedule "U" of the City's LDRs (proposed amendments). (3). Ordinance No. 4589. 21 SCHEDULE K SIGN REGULATIONS SECTION 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTENT A. The purpose and intent of the sign regulations, referred to herein as the "Sign Code" from time -to -time, is to provide comprehensive and balanced set of sign regulations that will preserve the right of free speech and expression; avoid excessive levels of visual clutter or distraction that are potentially harmful to traffic and pedestrian safety, property values, business opportunities, and community appearance; and ensure that signs are well -constructed and maintained and expressive of the identity of individual activities and the community as a whole. The purpose and intent of these regulations is such that the City will not be a regulator of content, but shall regulate the time, place and manner of the commercial and non-commercial speech that are associated with signage. The City shall not distinguish between commercial and non-commercial speech in the implementation and enforcement of these regulations. SECTION 2.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to the implementation and interpretation of this Sign Code and definitions set forth in the City Code and the Florida Statutes may also be used. Beacon Light. Any light with 1 or more beams, capable of being directed in any direction or directions, or capable of being revolved automatically, or having any part thereof capable of being revolved automatically. Beacon lights are prohibited within the City. Bench Sign. Any sign painted on or affixed to a bench or to a public transportation shelter. Bench signs are subject to approval by the City Commission. Billboard. Any outdoor advertising sign erected and maintained by an advertising business or service, upon which advertising matter may be displayed and which generally advertise firms and organizations that, along with their goods and services, are not located on the same premises as the sign; and whose surface is sold, rented, or leased for the display of advertising material. New billboards are prohibited within the City. FaVade. Exterior front or face of the building, the appearance presented to the world. Fence Sign. Any sign attached to a fence or masonry wall utilized as a fence. Mural. Mural means any inscription, artwork, figure, wall mural, graffiti, marking, hand -painted, hand -tiled, digitally printed restorative image or design, including mixed media, which is observable from the public right of way or from a public space. 1 ' Same definition as provided in Section 2-502 of the City Code. K-1 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX Out Parcel. Lots platted or leased along the periphery of a shopping center project or large retail store which are intended to be occupied by a single user. Typically such lots are less than 2 acres in area (this is not a criteria and is a mere definitional explanation); are subordinate in size to the parcel which contains a multi -tenant shopping center building or large retail store; and share access, utilities, drainage, parking and open space with the parcel containing the anchor tenant. Pennant. Any flag -like piece of cloth, plastic or paper attached to any staff, cord, building or other structure that tapers to a point and hangs loosely and is used for the purpose of attracting attention to the site. Premise(s). The contiguous lot or lots, plots, portions or parcels of land considered a unit for a single development or activity. Public Safety Sign. A sign necessary for the identification, operation or protection of public service structures or signs incident to a legal process or necessary to the public safety or welfare. Reader Board. A sign designed to accommodate changeable copy including, but not limited to, individual letters and numbers that can be removed and replaced by hand. Electronic message centers are not considered part of this definition. Shopping Center. A group of commercial or non-commercial establishments planned, constructed, and managed as a unified entity that share a common on-site parking area for customers and employees, with provision for goods delivery separated from customer access, and with aesthetic considerations and protection from the elements. Special Event. Special events means any pre -planned meeting, activity, parade or gathering of a group of persons, animals or motor vehicles or combination thereof, having a common purpose, on any public or private street, sidewalk, alley, park, lake, or other public or private place or building, which special event substantially inhibits the usual flow of pedestrian or vehicular travel or which occupies any public or private place or building so as to preempt normal use of space by the general public or which deviates from the established use of a space or building. Special events are activities that are of a temporary, nonpermanent or seasonal nature. Any activity that is not so determined shall comply with all applicable city requirements, including, but not limited to, the city's land development regulations. All off -premises, temporary and seasonal sales shall be deemed special events.2 Sign. Any object, device, display, structure, or part thereof which is designed to advertise, announce, direct, identify or inform by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination, or projected images. Sign, Air -Activated. A sign, all or any part of, which is designed to be moved by action of forced air so as to make the sign appear to be animate or otherwise have motion. Sign, Awning, Canopy, or Marquee. A sign that is mounted or painted on, or attached to an 2 Same definition as provided in Section 90-1 of the City Code, K-2 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX awning, canopy or marquee. See Figure 2 Sign, Banner. A temporary sign composed of cloth, canvas, plastic, fabric, or similar lightweight, non -rigid materials that can be mounted to a structure with cord, rope, cable, or similar method or that may be supported by stakes in the ground. Sign, Bench. Any sign painted on or axed to a bench or to a public transportation shelter. Bench signs are subject to approval by the City Commission based upon time, place and manner determinations and, if the sign relates to government speech, whether the City Commission determines that the content is such that the desires to express as government speech. Sign, Changeable Copy. A sign on which a copy is changed manually such as reader boards with changeable letters or pictorials or an electrically controlled sign where different copy changes are shown on the same unexposed lamp bank used for time and temperature or as an electronic message center or reader board. Sign, Copy. The message or advertisement, and any other symbols on the face of a sign. Sign, Directional. Any sign used to indicate the direction to entrances, exits, parking areas, restrooms, or other non -business related facilities on the site on which the sign is located and which bears no advertising or logo. Sign, Directory. A sign which gives the names of the businesses, entities or individuals located in the building or complex where located in order to assist the public and others for locations purposes. A directory sign shall be of a unified design and common material, and shall allow for a uniform size sign for each business or unit of space in the development the content of which shall be limited to the name and type of businesses and their location within the building or complex. Sign, Double -Faced. A sign with 2 faces which are no more than 12" apart at their closest point, and which describe an internal angle between face planes extended no more than 30 degrees. Sign, Electronic Message. A changeable message sign whose message is electrically activated. Sign, Externally Illuminated. A sign illuminated by light sources from outside the sign. Sign, Face. The area or display surface used for the message on a sign. Sign, Fascia. A sign that is mounted or painted on, or attached to, the flat horizontal surface piece of a building typically located directly above the front door, and sometimes referred to as a signboard or nameplate. Sign, Fence. Any sign attached to a fence or masonry wall utilized as a fence. Sign, Flag. Devices generally made of flexible materials, such as cloth, paper, or plastic, and supported by a single vertical pole mounted into the ground or on a portable structure. They may or may not contain sign copy. See Figure 2 K-3 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX Sign, Flashing. A sign which contains an intermittent, scintillating, blinking or traveling light source which includes, but is not limited to, signs that give the illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of animation, or an externally mounted intermittent light source. Flashing signs are prohibited. Sign, Freestanding. Any sign which is supported by structures or supports in or upon the ground and independent from any building. Freestanding signs include ground signs, pylon signs, and sign less than four feet in height support by a single pole or post. Sign, Gutter. A sign affixed to a gutter. Gutter signs are prohibited. Sign, Height. The distance between the top of a sign and the average grade elevation, directly below it. Berms or other unnatural elevations cannot be used to increase the height of sign. Sign, Illegal. Any sign not permitted in accordance with controlling land development regulations prior to or after January 27, 2003. Sign, Inflatable. Any sign that is inflated or supported by wind, air, or pneumatic noncombustible pressure, with or without copy, that serves to draw attention of a site. Inflatable signs are prohibited. Sign, Illuminated. Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs or outlines illuminated, either internally or externally, by electric lights or luminous tubes. Sign, Internally Illuminated. A sign illuminated by light sources enclosed entirely within the sign cabinet and not directly visible from outside the sign. Sign, Legal Non -conforming. Any sign permitted in accordance with controlling land development regulations prior to January 27, 2003 that does not conform to the requirements of Schedule K, Part III, Land Development Regulations, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida as of the date of the enactment of this Ordinance. Sign, Menu Board. A permanently mounted sign displaying the foods, products, or services for a drive-through or walk up facility. Sign, Mobile Trailer. A sign mounted on a trailer frame and capable of being towed over the road. Mobile trailer signs are prohibited, provided, however, that mobile trailer signs that are not pulled, moved or actually moving are likewise prohibited. Sign, Monument. A ground mounted sign with vertical structural supports concealed in an enclosed base with a width equal to at least two-thirds (2/3) of the horizontal width of the sign surface and with a base finished with a decorative material. Monument signs must be consistent with the architectural design, materials and color of the buildings on the same premises. All monument signs shall be encased in a planter, two (2) to three (3) feet in height, or a landscaped area of no less than four (4) feet wide on each side of the sign. The planter or landscaped area must contain any combination of shrubs, flowers and groundcovers. See Figure 2 K-4 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX Sign, Moveable. A sign that is not permanently attached to the ground or attached to a building or structure, and which is removed and stored inside daily. See Figure 2 Sign, Noncommercial. Signs expressing personal political, religious, or other opinions, and not advertising any product, service or event. Sign, Non -Conforming. A sign permitted in the City before the effective date of this Ordinance that does not conform to the requirements of this Sign Code . A sign not permitted prior to the that date shall not be considered a nonconforming sign. Nonconforming signs are regulated by Schedule L, Section 2.0. Sign, Off -Premise. A sign which is not related to a product sold, a service offered, or identify the property on which the sign is located. Sign, On -Site. A sign that identifies or advertises only goods, services, facilities, events or attractions available on the premises where the sign is located or which expresses non-commercial speech as desired by the business or entity occupying the premises. Sign, Parasite. Any unpermitted sign which is attached to another sign. Parasite signs are prohibited. Sign, Permitted. All signs needing a permit under this Sign Code or, having received a permit, that now exist as non -conforming signs. Sign, Portable. A sign that has no permanent attachment to a building or to the ground by means of a footing; including, but not limited to, A -frame signs, sandwich signs, sign with wheels or frame or structure with axle or designed to be pulled or towed on a trailer or similar device, pull attachments, or inflatable signs. Portable signs are prohibited. Sign, Projecting. A sign that is wholly or partly dependent upon a building for support and which projects more than 12" from such building. See Figure 2 Sign, Pylon. A freestanding sign permanently affixed to the ground by a support or supports so that the bottom edge of the sign face is 8' or more above the ground. A pylon sign includes a sign supported by a single poled also referred to as a "pole sign". See Figure 2 Sign, Roof. A sign mounted on the main roof portion of a building, and which is wholly dependent upon the building for support. Sign, Motor Vehicle or Trailer. A sign permanently or temporarily attached to or placed on a vehicle or trailer and used primarily as a stationary sign; provided, however, that this definition shall not apply to signage located on motor vehicles that are part of a moving fleet of motor vehicles on roads and streets. See Figure 2 ' The Code Codifier shall insert the date upon enactment of the Ordinance. K-5 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX Sign, Revolving. Any sign so erected or constructed as to periodically or continuously change the direction toward which any plane containing the display surface area is oriented. Revolving signs are prohibited. Sign, Seawall. A sign with characters, letters, figures, designs, or outlines painted on the face of the bulkhead or seawall. Seawall signs are prohibited. Sign, Snipe. A sign of any material, such as paper, cardboard, wood and metal, when tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or attached in any way to trees, poles stakes, wire frames, fences or any other objects where such sign may or may not apply to the premises. Snipe signs are prohibited. Sign, Swing Or Sign, Suspended. Any sign projecting from an angle on the outside wall or walls of any building, and which is suspended from a projecting structure in such a manner that the sign itself, or any part thereof, is not attached to the building or wall. Swing signs or suspended signs are prohibited. Sign, Subdivision. Any sign which marks or identifies the entrance or entrances to a residential subdivision. Sign, Temporary. A sign used to advertise or identify transitory events of 2 weeks or less duration unless specifically permitted for a longer period by this Sign Code. Sign, Wall. A sign fastened to or painted on the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for, or forms the background surface of, the sign including, but not limited to, signs located on a parapet wall of a building and signs composed of individual letters, numbers, or symbols. Sign, Window. A sign that is applied, painted, or attached to exterior or interior of a window or located in such a manner within the building that it can readily be seen from the exterior of the building through a window. Streamer. A long narrow banner or strip of material waving in the wind. Structure. Any erection or construction, such as buildings, towers, masts, poles, booms, signs, decorations, carports, machinery and equipment. SECTION 3.0 COMPLIANCE It is prohibited and unlawful to locate, erect, move, reconstruct, extend, enlarge, convert or structurally alter a sign in non -conformity to the provisions of this Ordinance and a sign permit issued hereunder, unless exempted from sign permit requirements under Section 6.0 or Section 13.0. SECTION 4.0 NON-COMMERCIAL SIGNS K-6 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX Any sign authorized by this Ordinance may contain a non-commercial message. Noncommercial signs shall be subject to the same permit requirements, restrictions on size and type, and other specifications set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 5.0 EXISTING NONCONFORMING SIGNS Signs lawfully existing on the effective date of this Ordinance4 may be continued although the size or location does not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance. Such signs shall be deemed nonconforming uses or structures and the nonconforming use and structure provisions of this Ordinance shall apply. Maintenance of a nonconforming sign shall comply with Section I O.O.0 SECTION 6.0 EXEMPTIONS The following signs are exempt from the regulations contained in this Ordinance: A. A sign posted by the City, a County, State or Federal agency. B. A sign integrated into or on an automatic teller machine, coin operated machine or vending machine. C. A sign carried by a person; provided, however, that the City may regulate such matters in appropriate conditions and circumstances. D. A sign not visible from any public street, highway, sidewalk, bicycle path or park. E. Street addresses and numbers that are provide for public safety purposes. F. Murals that have been approved as part of the City's Public Art Program. G. Holiday lights and decorations containing no commercial message and displayed during the appropriate time of year. H. Flags up to a maximum of 4 for each full acre of a parcel with a parcel with a size of less than 1 acre being allowed a 4 signs. If the flag is displayed on a flagpole, the maximum dimension of any flag shall be proportional to the flagpole height, and the house side of the flag shall not exceed 20% of the vertical height of the pole.5 SECTION 7.0 ABANDONED SIGNS All signs, sign messages, and/or supporting structures, as applicable, shall be removed by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which a sign is located when the business or purpose it advertises is no longer conducted on the premises, or the structure is dilapidated or beyond repair under the provisions of Section 1.1. of Schedule H of the Land Development Regulations. If the owner or lessee fails to remove such a sign, the City shall give the owner a 30 -day written notice by certified mail to remove said sign. Upon failure to comply with the second notice, the City may cause removal to be executed, the expenses which will be assessed to the property on which the abandoned sign is located as set forth in Section 26-121 of the City Code. SECTION 8.0 PERMIT PROCEDURES A. Building Permit Required. It is prohibited and unlawful to locate, erect, move, 4 The Code Codifier shall insert the date upon enactment of the Ordinance 5 See, Title 4, United States Code, Chapter 1. K-7 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX reconstruct, extend, enlarge, convert or structurally alter a sign without a sign permit except those signs exempted in Section 6.0 or Section 13.0 of this Sign Code, and all signs shall fully conform with the provisions of this Ordinance. The application shall be accompanied, at a minimum, by a to -scaled engineered drawings demonstrating compliance with this Sign Code and showing the message to be displayed, dimensions, including height, width and copy area, construction details, materials, colors, electrical plans, lighting (if any), and dimensions to property lines, buildings, and adjacent signs in respect to the proposed location of the sign to be erected, as well as all the requirements set forth in the Florida Building Code. The request shall identify size, copy area and location of any existing sign proposed to remain, as well as any existing signs planned to be removed. B. Duration and Revocation of Permit. If a sign is not installed within 6 months following the issuance of a sign permit (or within 30 days in the case of a temporary sign permit), the permit shall be void without the City taken any action relating thereto. SECTION 9.0 MEASUREMENT STANDARDS A. Sign Area. The area enclosed by a single continuous line, connecting the extreme points of edges of a sign. The area shall be determined using the largest sign area or silhouette visible at any time from any point that is off-site. The sign area may extend around a corner. This area does not include the main supporting sign structure; but all other ornamental attachments, inner connecting links, and the like, which are not a part of the main supports of the sign shall be included in determining sign area. The square footage of a free-standing letter or cut letters used as a sign area shall be determined by enclosing the sign area within the smallest rectangular figure needed to encompass completely all letters, insignias, or symbols of the sign, including, but not limited to, horizontal spacing between letters, insignias, symbols, logos, and trademarks, except as otherwise provided herein. See Figure 1 Signs other than free-standing letters, words, insignias, or symbols: the area is the total area of the facing, or the total area within the outer edge of any existing border of the sign. See Figure 1 In every event, computation of allowable sign area includes all existing signs on the premises, whether those signs are conforming or nonconforming. SECTION 10.0 CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, APPERANCE AND PERMITTING A. All signs shall comply with the Florida Building Code. B. Concealment of Structural Supports. All attached signs shall have concealed structural members except for vertical supports or other supporting members which are design and arranged so as to be an integral part of the aesthetic composition of a sign. Signs in general K-8 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXX shall present a good structural appearance and when attached to a building it shall appear to be an integral part of the building. C. Maintenance. All signs shall be adequately maintained both front and back, where visible. Such maintenance shall include, but not limited to, proper alignment of structures in a vertical upright position, continued readability of the structure and preservation of the structure with paint or other preservatives. Paint shall not be peeling or flaked. Rust shall not be visible. The Building Oficial may cause to be removed, after due notice, any sign which shows neglect, which becomes dilapidated or has a surrounding landscaped area or planter around it that is not well maintained. It is prohibited and unlawful to fail to adequately maintain a sign and such failure shall be subject to the code enforcement activities of the City. D. Construction and Electrical Permits. No sign shall be constructed, erected, or structurally altered without a sign permit, and if lighted or electrically wired, without an electrical permit. In order to obtain a permit to erect any sign within the jurisdiction of these regulations, an applicant shall submit to the Building Official, at a minimum, an accurate drawing, to scale, showing the material to be displayed, height and dimensions, construction details, electrical plans conforming to the National Electric Code, and distances to property lines and buildings in respect to the proposed location of the sign to be erected. It is prohibited and unlawful to fail to obtain all required permits for a sign and such failure shall be subject to the code enforcement activities of the City. E. Site Plan Review. It is prohibited and unlawful to relocate an existing sign or erect a sign upon the premises until such relocation or erection has been approved pursuant to site plan review procedures of this Sign Code. F. Application. All applicants requesting approval of signs that require approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit an application to the City by means of the City's electronic permitting system. Each application shall contain all information necessary to ascertain whether the proposed erection, alteration, use or change in use complies with the provisions of this Sign Code including, but not limited to: 1. A site map drawn to scale depicting property boundaries, property dimensions, rights-of- way, driveways and parking areas, location of all existing and proposed structures, location of all existing and proposed signs, street corner and access visibility information; 2. A drawing to scale of each sign being proposed depicting sign dimensions, square footage, sign height, depth, colors, finish, typeface, building materials, structural details and lighting/electrical information; 3. For all attached signs: building elevations showing proposed and existing permanent signage, window sign and canopy signs; 4. Current photographs showing existing signs on the premises and dimensions of all K-9 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX existing signs. SECTION 11.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Signs Facing Residential Districts/Classifications. No sign except those permitted in Sections 5.0, 6.0 and 13.0 shall be permitted to face a residential district/classification within 100' of such district/classification, boundary. The distance shall be calculated as the shortest measurable distance between the face of the sign to the edge of the residential zoning district/classification, in a straight line with regard to intervening structures and shall also include those areas lying outside of the City Limits. B. Signs Facing Federal Aid Primary Highways. Signs shall meet all the requirements and regulations, including applicable permits, set forth in Florida law and Federal law, and shall fully conform with the provisions of this Ordinance. C. Words and phrases on signs shall be minimized to allow reading or interpretation from a moving vehicle at posted speed limits without hazard. A combination of 10 words, sets of numbers, logos or pictures normally will be considered as a guide and the applicant may be requested to modify the sign to delete excessive verbiage or numbers or to provide engineering or other appropriate studies that demonstrate the safety of a sign by competent substantial evidence. D. Signs shall not resemble, imitate, or approximate the shape, size, form or color of railroad or traffic signs, signals, or devices and shall not obstruct or interfere with the effectiveness of railroad or traffic signs, signals, or devices. E. Signs shall not be placed so as to obstruct or interfere with traffic visibility, nor be lighted in such a way as to cause glare or impair driver visibility upon public ways. F. Signs may be illuminated provided they are not in a residential zoning district/classification or residential planned development. signs, other than public traffic controls signs, shall have no elements that are flashing, blinking, rotating or pulsating. Bare (uncovered) light bulbs are prohibited and unlawful. Signs that include changeable copy reader boards and electronic message boards (EMBs) shall not be considered flashing or pulsating signs, provided they comply with all other applicable provisions of this Ordinance. G. Sign Colors: 1. Florescent colors are prohibited and unlawful. Where such colors constitute a component of a standard corporate theme or identity, muted versions of such colors shall be used. 2. Color Schemes and lettering styles shall be used consistently on all signage used on a single lot or shopping center. H. Without in any way limiting any specific provisions of this Sign Code and any act or K-10 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX activity that is prohibited by this Ordinance is prohibited and unlawful and any act or activity that is required to be accomplished in a certain manner, but is not accomplished in accordance with the requirement, is prohibited and unlawful. Any code enforcement or other legal remedy available to the City under controlling law may be used by the City to enforce the provisions of this Sign Code. SECTION 12.0 LANDSCAPING A. All ground mounted signs shall be encased in a landscape planter, 2' to 3' in height, or a landscaped area of no less than 4' wide on each side of the sign. The planter or landscaped area must contain any combination of shrubs, flowers and groundcovers. B. For Lake Mary Boulevard, Rinehart Road and State Road 46 West of Airport Boulevard overlay zoning district/classification a planter structure shall enclose the foot of the base. The planter shall be between 2' and 3' in height above the ground, with a minimum length equal to the width of the sign and a minimum width of 3'. The base and planter shall be of brick or half -block. SECTION 13.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS/CLASSIFICATIONS WITHOUT A PERMIT The following signs are permitted in all zoning districts/classifications without a permit, subject to the specified conditions: A. Signs carved into or affixed flat to a building in such a way that they are not directly illuminated, are not made of reflecting material, do not contract sharply in color with the building, and do not exceed two' in thickness. B. Temporary Freestanding or Wall Signs on properties or building for sale, lease, or rent not exceeding 6 square feet in area on a side or 12 square feet in area on all sides and a maximum of 6' in height in a residential zoning district/classification; or not exceeding 24 square feet in area on one side or 48 square feet in area on all sides and a maximum of 12' in height in other districts/classifications. If not attached to a wall, such signs shall be set back at least 10' from a side or rear lot line, shall not be located in a public right-of-way, and shall be removed within 10 days after the property or building is sold, leased or rented. C. A permanent wall sign to exceed 2 square feet in area and mounted flush against a dwelling. D. Election signs subject to Section 19.0.A of this Sign Code. SECTION 14.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN AGRICTURAL (AG) DISTRICT/CLASSIFICATION WITH A PERMIT The following signs may be permitted in the Agricultural, AG, zoning districts/classifications subject to the following regulations: K-11 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX A. A single attached sign not exceeding 12 square feet in sign surface area. B. A single ground mounted sign not exceeding 32 square feet in sign surface area not exceeding 12 feet in height above grade on each street side on a parcel containing uses indicated in the land use regulation schedule as agricultural provided such agricultural uses are located within an AG, Agricultural zoning district/classification. C. Signs for agricultural uses located within any other land use designation shall be permitted only after approval as a conditional use. SECTION 15.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS/CLASSIFICATIONS WITH A PERMIT The following signs may be permitted in all residential zoning districts/classifications subject to the following regulations: A. A single 2 -sided monument sign at the entrance of the subdivision or complex not exceeding 16 square feet in sign surface area and not exceeding 6' in height above finished grade is permitted. A second entrance to the subdivision may have a second sign. Such sign shall contain interior illumination. If the monument sign is located on a public right-of-way, the sign shall be designed to break away when hit by a vehicle. The design of the sign shall be sealed by a licensed Florida engineer. B. Multiple -family dwellings and residential subdivisions shall also be allowed 2 signs attached to the wall surrounding the development and adjacent to the primary entrance provided they are a part of a coordinated entrance design. The signs shall be identical and shall be compatible with any landscaping, paving pattern, water feature or other design elements that comprise the entrance design. Each sign shall not exceed 32 square feet and 3' in height. All signs on the premises shall be designed using a common design theme including, but not limited to, common building materials, typeface and colors. C. Temporary signs on land actively being subdivided or developed, provide the sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in area on one side, and 64 square feet in area on all sides, and shall not be closer than 10' to a public right-of-way or side or rear lot line. The sign shall be removed at the time development has been completed, as determined by the City. SECTION 16.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS/CLASSIFICATIONS WITH A PERMIT The following signs may be permitted in all non-residential zoning districts/classifications subject to the following regulations: A. Non-residential subdivision entrance. A single 2 -sided ground mounted sign not exceeding 32 square feet in sign surface area and not exceeding 6' in height above finished K-12 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX grade on each street side from which the subdivision is entered shall be permitted. Such sign shall contain no interior illumination. If the sign is located on public right-of-way, the sign shall be designed to break away when hit by a vehicle. The design of the sign shall be sealed by Florida licensed engineer. B. Attached Signs (Wall, Window, Canopy) Single Occupant Buildings. Each single occupant building may have 1.5 square feet of attached signage per lineal foot of tenant frontage or building length of the primary fagade. The maximum amount of wall signage permitted for any building or tenant shall not exceed 150 square feet. A single occupant with a primary building fagade of more than 100 linear feet may have an additional wall sign of no more than 50 square feet over each customer entrance. No more than 3 additional signs are permitted. 2. Multi -tenant buildings. Each unit in an existing multi -unit building that has an individual separate entrance to the exterior of the building may have attached signage not to exceed 1.5 square feet per lineal 1' of tenant storefront facade length. No more than a single attached sign per tenant is permitted. Anchor occupants in a multi -tenant building, where the anchor exceeds 100' of building frontage, may have 1.5 square feet of attached signage per lineal foot of primary building fagade length up to a maximum of 150 square feet of total attached sign area. In addition, a single occupant building may have a single attached sign per primary customer entrance up to a maximum of three attached signs, not to exceed 50 square feet each. 3. No window sign shall exceed 25% of the total window surface area. 4. No canopy sign shall exceed 1/3 of the canopy face horizontally and vertically. C. Ground mounted Sign. Ground mounted signs shall be constructed pursuant to the following regulations: Maximum Permitted Height and Area of Ground Mounted Signs. Right -of -Way Width (Feet) Maximum Area Each Face Ground Mounted Sign Maximum Height of Ground Mounted Sign 0-75' 24 square feet 6' 76'-120' 50 square feet 10' Over 120' 100 square feet 12' 1. Number of signs. A single sign may be constructed on the street frontage containing the primary entrance to the premises. K-13 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX 2. Developments that are located on corner lots may have a second ground mounted sign on the secondary street provided that the signs are separated by a distance of 200 linear feet as measured along the road. The height and square footage of the second sign shall be in compliance with the requirements of C.l .c of this subsection. 3. Developments with a street frontage exceeding 400 linear feet may have a second ground mounted sign on the frontage provided that the second ground mounted sign does not exceed 8' in height and 48 square feet in total sign area. The distance between the signs shall be a minimum of 300 linear feet. 4. Address numbers required. All ground mounted signs shall contain the address number of the premises, placed parallel to the sign face, in numbers large enough to be read from the street but in no case less than 3" high. The address numbers shall be an integral part of the sign. Address numbers shall not be included in the square footage of the sign. D. Ground Mounted Signs On Certain Roads. A single sign is allowed per parcel with 400' or less road frontage. If a parcel's road frontage exceeds 400' maximum of 2 ground signs shall be allowed, but no closer than 300' apart. Ground signs along intersecting roadways which are greater than 320' from the corridor roadway centerline must demonstrate that the sign is not visible from the corridor roadway and that the sign is directed to be viewed from the intersecting street. 2. The maximum height of the entre sign structure shall not exceed 15'. The maximum allowable ground sign area shall be 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage but shall not exceed 75 square feet for a single -tenant development and 100 square feet for a multi -tenant development. 4. Address numbers required. All ground mounted signs shall contain the address number of the premises, placed parallel to the sign face, in numbers large enough to be read from the street but in no case less than 3" high. The address numbers shall be an integral part of the sign. Address numbers shall not be included in the square footage of the sign. E. Electronic Message Boards (EMBs) and Changeable Copy Reader Boards. EMBS or changeable copy reader boards may be included as part of ground signs, subject to the following requirements. Changeable copy reader boards and EMBs can be included on ground mounted signs; however, the changeable copy area shall not exceed 50% of the total sign face area. K-14 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX 2. The changeable copy portion of the sign must occupy a secondary position to the name of the business, development and/or tenant. 3. EMBs may display static images only. It is prohibited and unlawful for a sign to contain an image that blinks, flashes, moves, or scrolls or to contain an animated message or to flash, scroll, twirl, or otherwise move when changing. 4. EMBs may change copy or message display once each day. There shall be no more than two messages in any 24 hour period. 5. The maximum illumination of any electronic message or manual changeable letter sign shall not exceed 15 foot-candles when measured with a light meter held perpendicular to the sign at a distance of 24". 6. Each sign shall be placed in such a manner so as to not interfere with, confuse, or present any hazard to traffic or pedestrians. 7. A sign containing an EMB shall not be located closer than 100' from a property assigned a residential zoning district/classification whether located within or outside of the City Limits. The distance shall be calculated as the shortest measurable distance between the face of the sign to the edge of the residential zoning district/classification, in a straight line without regard to intervening structures. Audio speakers and all forms of pyrotechnics are prohibited and unlawful. F. A parcel developed with a drive-through or walk-up food establishment may have 2 on - premise menu boards. G. On or off premise wayfinding and directional signs are permittable provided that no such sign shall be placed in a right-of-way, exceeding 4 square feet in area on one side or S square feet in area on all sides, or exceed a height of 4' above the ground surface. H. Time and temperature signs. Time and temperature signs are permittable on parcels which are assigned a non- residential zoning district/classification. The maximum area for the time and temperature portion of the sign is 20) square feet or 50% of the sign face, whichever is smaller. The area of a time and temperature sign, whether attached or freestanding, shall be included in determining the cumulative area of signs on the property. Location of signs. Signs shall be located according to the following: 1. No sign shall be placed within 50 feet of any zoning district/classification in which The principal permitted use is a single family, two-family or multiple -family dwelling or a mobile homes. 2. Minimum setback from the property line fronting a right-of-way shall be equal to K-15 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX the height of the sign and shall be measured from the edge of the sign. 3. Signs shall be located to maintain a clearance of 10' to all overhead electrical conductors and a clearance of 3' feet on all secondary voltage service drops. 4. Signs shall not be located with any public easement, construction easement or similar easement. J. Design of Signs. Signs shall be designed according to the following: All signage shall be designed in a manner compatible with the colors and architectural style of the principal building and with the colors and style of other signs on the premises. 2. Where individual building establishments are located in a single building or in multiple buildings which are attached, attached signs shall be designed according to a common theme but be sufficiently different in style, color, materials or other characteristics to avoid a sense of uniformity and sameness. 3. The base of the ground mounted sign shall be designed to be compatible with the architectural style and color of the principal building. Sign bases finished with stucco or wood are prohibited. SECTION 17.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN HISTORIC DISTRICT WITH A PERMIT A. Approval of the Administrative Official. The Administrative Official is authorized to issue Certificates of Appropriateness for signs in a historic which has a minor impact on the significant historical, architectural, or cultural materials of the historic landmark or historic district. If the Administrative Official determines that there would be a major impact or potential detriment as a result of the proposed action, the application shall be submitted for Board review. B. Permitted Signs. The following types of signs are permitted within the City's historic districts and historic landmarks. Site identification signs (free-standing, detached). 2. Business identification signs (attached to the building wall or window). a. Wall signs (flat against building wall). b. Projecting/hanging signs (perpendicular to the building). C. Window signs. d. Canopy/Marquis and awning signs. K-16 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX 3. Directory signs (for multi -use developments). 4. Temporary signs 5. Standard sized menus mounted on the wall in cabinets at the entrance to restaurants. 6. A -Frame signs C. General Design Criteria. The following general design criteria shall apply to all signs located in the historic districts: 1. Site Identification Signs: a. Site identification signs shall only be allowed if the building is setback 15' or more from the front property line. b. A single site identification sign per parcel is permittable. C. Site identification signs shall be compatible with the surrounding area, as determined by the Historic Preservation Board by issuance of a certificate of appropriateness, and in no case shall exceed 5' in height and 12 square feet per sign face. d. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited. Signs may be lit from an external projected light source. e. Sign faces shall be either parallel or perpendicular to the face of a building. 2. Business or Use Identification Signs: a. Up to 2 business or use identification signs or permittable per business or use with an additional business or use identification permittable for a business a use located on a corner lot. b. Signs shall not cover architectural detailing on historic buildings. C. A single business or use identification shall be allowed per sign. d. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited and unlawful. Signs may be lit from an external projected light source. e. Roof signs are prohibited and unlawful in the historic districts. f. Wall Signs. 1. Wall signs shall be limited to a single business or use and shall not exceed 18" in height and 50% of the primary frontage of the tenant space. K-17 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/X XX 2. Wall signs shall be placed parallel to the building wall. 3. Wall signs shall not be painted directly on the surface of the building. g. Projecting/Hanging Signs 1. Projecting/hanging signs shall be sized no larger than 3'x 4' and must be constructed of wood, metal, or a combination of both. The use of neon is prohibited for hanging signs. 2. Projecting/hanging signs must be centered on the wall space of the building frontage, for buildings with one business, and must be centered across the frontage for buildings with 2 businesses or uses. No more than 2 hanging signs per building are permittable. In cases where a single tenant occupies a building of 2 stories or greater, the tenant may install a single hanging sign on the second floor wall space, centered across the building frontage only if the sign does not adversely impact architectural features and does not compete with the architectural design of the building as determined by the Historic Preservation Board. 3. If located under an awning or marquis, the projecting sign shall be located perpendicular to the building face. h. Window Signs 1. Shall be maintained properly; 2. Shall be painted or decal only with no background coloring; 3. Shall not exceed 25% of window area; 4. Shall not obscure window displays; 5. All neon signs shall be located inside a building and shall not be flashing. 6. Signs using neon shall have a maximum luminous output of 300 lumens per foot calculated per foot of tube rather than lamp. A greater illumination may be used if documentation of the need for a higher value is provided to the Administrative Official from the manufacturer of the tubing and substantial competent evidence supports such a determination. Exposed glass tubes must be protected by a clear front. i. Canopy/Marquis or Awning Valance Signs. Fabric canopies, marquis and structural awnings may contain signs. The sign may not exceed 18" in height and 50% of the face of the canopy or awning only. Signs are prohibited on the main body of a fabric canopy. I2SE] Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX j. Directory Signs. Parcels with 2 or more businesses or uses on the premises are allowed a directory sign. The size and location of directory signs shall be approved by the Historic Preservation Board if competent substantial evidence supports a finding that the signs are compatible with the architectural style of the building and that the signs do not conceal the architecturally significant details of the building. k. A -Frame Signs. A single A -Frame sign is permittable for a ground -floor business. 2. Shall be no larger than 24" wide by 36" high. 3. Shall be black metal or stained wood and must have locking hinges. 4. Signs placed on easels shall be no larger than 24" wide by 24" high. 5. Plastic A -Frame signs are prohibited and unlawful. 6. Signs shall be constructed to be permanent, but may have changing verbiage. Signs shall not impede the flow of pedestrian traffic. D. Performance Standards. Signs shall be constructed with and composed of permanent material. 2. Signs shall be made of durable materials that retain their appearance for the anticipated life of the sign. Contemporary materials are acceptable but their appearance shall be visually compatible with the surrounding area. Flat signs in shiny or reflective materials, such as plastic or anodized aluminum are prohibited. 3. New signage, when attached to the building, shall be capable of being removed without causing damage to the building. Fasteners shall go in mortar joints and shall not damage bricks. E. Alternative Signage. The Historic Preservation Board shall have the authority to grant variances to this Sign Code relative to signs located within an historic district upon finding competent substantial evidence that the signage is consistent with the purposes and intent of Schedule S and the sign is compatible with the development within the general area of the proposed sign. SECTION 18.0 LIGHTING All lighting for signage shall be designed to: K-19 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX • Provide adequate light without over -lighting; • Control light output in order to limit light to the intended area and reduce glare; • Maximize the effectiveness of the lighting fixtures and minimize the adverse effect of lighting beyond property borders; and • Provide attractive and energy-efficient illumination. • Lighted signs shall be designed and located so as to prevent direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind to adjoining streets or properties. All lighting for signage shall comply with the following regulations: A. Externally Illuminated Signs. Lighting fixtures shall be aimed and shielded so that light is directed only onto the sign face and not aimed at adjacent streets, roads or properties and so that the source of light is not visible from any point off the premises. 2. Lighting fixtures shall be mounted on top of the sign structure and utilize only fully shielded cutoff fixtures. 3. A maximum of 40 lumens per square foot of sign surface is permitted which is the total amount of initial lumens produced by all lamps used to illuminate the sign, divided by the area of the sign. 4. No colored lights shall be used at any location or in any manner so as to be confused with traffic control devices. Lighted signs that abut property that is assigned a residential zoning district/classification shall be designed, placed and landscaped in such a manner so that the lighting does not trespass onto residential properties and so that the source of light is not visible off the premises. B. Internally Illuminated Signs. 1. Internally illuminated signs do not require shielding. 2. Internally illuminated signs, with or without changeable copy, shall only be constructed with blackout or opaque backgrounds and punch out or translucent lettering, logos, symbols, etc. 3. A lighting engineer or lighting expert acceptable to the City shall certify that the proposed sign design conforms to the requirements of this Section. 4. No colored lights shall be used at any location or in any manner so as to be confused with traffic control devices. K-20 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX Lighted signs that abut residential zones shall be designed, placed and landscaped in such a manner so that the lighting does not trespass onto residential properties. C. Neon. Signs using neon shall have a maximum luminous output of 300 lumens per foot calculated per foot of tube rather than lamp. A greater illumination may be used if competent substantial evidence supports a need for a higher value is provided to the City from the manufacturer of the tubing. Exposed glass tubes must be protected by a clear front. D. Flood lights/Spotlights. Flood lights and spotlights must be either burial fixtures or hidden in the planter surrounding the sign so that the source of light is not visible. Flood lights and spotlights used to illuminate a residential subdivision sign shall not exceed a total of 900 lumens per sign face. Flood lights and spotlights must be completely shielded or baffled so that lighting is restricted to the sign area and does not spill into the night sky. E. Prohibited Lighting. The following types of lighting are prohibited and unlawful: 1. Lighting or motion resembling traffic or directional signals. 2. Warnings or other similar devices which are normally associated with public safety or regulations. Lighting or signs which constitute a safety hazard or hindrance because of light, glare, focus, animation, flashing or intensity of illumination. 3. High intensity lights such as beacon lights, spotlights, search lights or flood lights. 4. Prisms, mirrors or polished reflecting surfaces used for the purpose of augmenting intensity of light sources. Hi -intensity lights, laser lights or stroboscopic lights. F. Strip Lighting. Strip lighting used solely to outline a structure or any part thereof shall be considered as a sign and is prohibited and unlawful within any zoning district/classification. Strip lighting within the remaining zoning districts/classifications may be permitted provided that such strip lighting is limited to a total footage equivalent to twice the length or width of the principal building located along the street side. Strip lighting, as referred to herein, shall not include holiday decorations and related lights. G. Nonconforming. All non -conforming illumination, scintillation, flashing and related lighting devices shall be removed, eliminated or terminated within 1 year from the effective date of this Ordinance.6 SECTION 19.0 TEMPORARY SIGNS 6 The Code Codifier shall insert the date upon enactment of the Ordinance K-21 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX In addition to the temporary signs allowed under Section 5.0 without a sign permit, the following temporary and portable signs may be allowed subject to review and approval of a sign permit. Zoning SRI -AA, SRI -A, SR -1, S-3, MR -1, AG property with RMOI, RC -1, GC -2, Districts/Classifications MR -2, MR -3, PDs' and AG with primarily Commercial RI -I, MI -2 and PDs' Primarily Residential Uses Uses 2 Maximum number of Temporary signs per 2 2 2 remiseS3 and 5 Maximum sign size (area) for a temporary 6 square feet 32 square feet 64 square feet sign 4 Maximum sign height for a temporary 5' 10' 10' freestanding sign 5 and 6 Minimum setback required to be maintained by a 5' 5' 5' temporary ground sign from any front property line? Minimum sign setback 10' 10' 10' from side yard Minimum sign setback required to be maintained by a temporary ground sign 5' 5' 5' from the edge of any paved street or road or right-of-way Minimum spacing that is required to be maintained by a 10' 30' 30' temporary ground sign from any other temporary ound sign Maximum aggregate surface area allocated 12 square feet 64 square feet 128 square feet for all temporary signs on a premiseS8 Whether temporary signs is allowed on No No No public ri ht-of-wa Allowed in a sign No No No visibilitytriangle Duration allowed after 7 calendar days 7 calendar days 7 calendar days event ends Duration if not associated with event9 30 days 30 days 30 days Footnotes: 1 Planned development agreements shall control over this table, if in conflict. K-22 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX Z "Primarily" means more than 50%. 3 Temporary commercial banner signs are limited to one per year per premises with a maximum duration of display of no more than a 30 day period per calendar year. 4 The square footage limitation is for a single side of a sign. For example, a limitation of 4square feet of limitation means that there is a limit of 8 square feet of surface area for a back-to- back sign. 5 Not applicable to signs displayed on flagpoles. 6 In planned developments, the height of the sign shall be determined by the use of the area in which it is proposed, but not more than ten feet. 7 Minimum sign setbacks do not apply to wall signs. All temporary signs are prohibited on public property and public rights-of-way except for those which relate to government speech. 8 There is no limit to the number of separate messages that may appear on the allowable surface(s) of any temporary sign. The maximum aggregate surface area allowed is subject to circumstances that may reduce the maximum aggregate surface area allowable on some premises. 9 Applies to commercial temporary signs only. A. Additional signs during elections. Additional temporary non-commercial signage shall be allowed for the 90 days prior to and 7 calendar days following any Federal, State, Seminole County, or City election, not to exceed: 1. 6 square feet per sign, but not to exceed a cumulative total of 30 additional square feet on parcels assigned a residential district/classification. 2. Up to 64 square feet per sign on parcels assigned a commercial zoning district/classification (including office and industrial), but not to exceed a cumulative total of 320 additional square feet. 3. Signs are not permitted to be placed in City rights-of-way or on any City property. 4. In all other respects, these signs must comply with Table 1. B. Development standards for temporary signs. All temporary signs shall comply with the following: Duration for display of temporary commercial sign. If a temporary commercial sign pertains to an event, the temporary sign shall be removed within and by no later than 7 calendar days after the event is concluded. If a temporary commercial sign does not pertain to an event, the temporary commercial sign shall be removed within and by no later than 30 days after being erected. 2. Display of temporary sign requires permission of real property owner. A temporary sign on any premises shall not be maintained if the placement of the same does not have the permission of the owner of real property. A temporary sign shall not display any lighting and shall remain static. A temporary sign shall not display any lighting or illuminations that flash, move, rotate, K-23 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX scintillate, blink, flicker, or vary in intensity of color. 4. A temporary sign shall not incorporate fluorescent color or exhibit fluorescence. 5. A temporary sign shall not obstruct a permanent sign or the vision between pedestrian and motor vehicles. A temporary sign shall not obstruct the view of a permanent sign as viewed from any public road, street or highway or any public sidewalks, and shall not obstruct the vision between pedestrians and motor using the public right-of-way including, but not restricted to those meeting intersection visibility requirements. 6. Temporary signs may display multiple messages. A temporary sign may display multiple independent messages on any portion of the sign surface of a temporary sign. 7. A temporary non-commercial sign does not require a permit issued by the City. A temporary commercial sign requires a permit. 8. With regard to flag brackets, flag stanchions and flags. a. For each premises and development site being used for a residential use, a single flagpole may be installed and 2 flags may be display per flagpole. For each premises and development site that is over 1/2 acre in size and is being used for a non-residential use, up to 3 flagpoles may be installed and up to 2 flags may be displayed per flagpole. b. For each principal structure on a premise, up to 2 flag brackets or stanchions may be attached or placed for the display of flags. A flag display from a flag bracket shall not exceed 24 square feet in size. C. For the purpose of determining the size of a flag, a single side of the flag shall be counted as the display surface. d. Flags on premises in non-residential use may be externally illuminated. C. Temporary Banner Signs 1. Temporary banner signs shall be located at the store -front of the business, or on a flagpole. 2. Banner signs shall not exceed a maximum area of 32 square feet per premise. 3. The banner signage shall not be displayed in excess of 12 feet in height above the ground, unless on a flagpole. 4. Banner signs shall be attached to the building which is the location of the use Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX advertised 5. For duration of display, See Footnote 3 to Table 1 SECTION 20.0 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAMS 1. Intent. The intent of comprehensive sign programs is to provide property owners with flexibility to develop innovative, creative and effective signage and to improve and protect the aesthetic values of the City. The City recognizes that in many circumstances, there are innovative and creative alternatives to minimum standard signage which are desirable and attractive and which will enhance community character and individual property values. 2. Purpose. The purpose of comprehensive sign programs is to provide an alternative to minimum standard signage subject to flexibility criteria which ensure that alternative signage will not have an adverse impact on the aesthetic values, community character and quality of life of the City. 3. Authority. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the authority to approve comprehensive sign programs based upon the criteria set forth in this Sign Code. 4. Applicability. a. Any property owner may apply for approval of a comprehensive sign program. b. All signs for planned development projects that are comprised of any combination of residential, commercial and office uses shall be subject to approval under the provisions of this Sign Code pertaining to comprehensive sign programs. C. All signs for planned development projects of 10 acres or greater shall be approved under the provisions of this Sign Code pertaining to comprehensive sign programs. 5. Required Elements. a. Design Theme. A request for approval of a comprehensive sign program shall include, at a minimum, a distinct theme or idea on which to base the coordinated design of all signs located on the premises. b. All signs included. The comprehensive sign program shall detail all signs on the premises including, but not limited to, attached signs, ground mounted signs, directional signs, directory signs and instructional signs. K-25 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX 6. Flexibility criteria. a. Architectural Compatibility. The signs proposed in a comprehensive sign program shall be designed as a part of the architectural theme of the principal buildings proposed or developed on the parcel and shall be constructed of materials and colors which reflect an integrated architectural vocabulary for the parcel proposed for development; or The design, character, location and/or materials of the signs proposed in a comprehensive sign program shall be demonstrated by competent substantial evidence to be more attractive than signs otherwise permitted on the parcel proposed for development under the minimum provisions of this Sign Code. b. Height. The maximum height of all signs proposed in a comprehensive sign program is 15' provided, however, that a single attached sign with a sign face of no more than 12 square feet may be higher. C. Total area of sign faces. The total area of sign faces which are proposed as a part of a comprehensive sign program shall not exceed 2 times the total area of sign faces permitted under the minimum sign standards on the parcel proposed for development. d. Elimination of signage. The signage proposed in a comprehensive sign program must result in the elimination of existing unattractive, nonconfonning and obsolete signage or result in an improvement to the appearance of the parcel proposed for development in comparison to signs otherwise permitted under the minimum sign standards. e. Community Character and Property Values. The signage proposed in comprehensive sign program must have a positive impact on the aesthetic appearance of the City and must not negatively impact the value of property in the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development. f. Scenic corridor plan. The signage proposed in a comprehensive sign program must be consistent with any scenic corridor plan which the City has adopted for the area in which the parcel proposed for development is located. SECTION 21.0 NONCONFORMING SIGNS A. Amortization of Nonconforming Signs. Any lawfully existing permanent sign which was made non -conforming by the adoption of this Ordinance shall be brought into compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance within 7 years from effective date of this Ordinance and any existing temporary sign which existed on June 22, 2009 must be brought into compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance within 2 years from that K-26 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX date. This amortization schedule shall not apply to any sign subject to the Federal Highway Beautification Act or Chapter 479, Florida Statutes, as from time to time amended. B. Repairs and maintenance. The owner of a non -conforming sign may carry out maintenance or repairs that are required by the City Code or that are reasonably necessary or commonly engaged in to maintain the sign in a reasonable usable condition as determined by the City. Repairs or maintenance of a non -conforming sign shall not extend beyond its amortization period; provided, however, that the City may treat said signs as a nuisance and may seek any code enforcement or other remedy available to the City under controlling law. C. Damage or destruction. If any non -conforming sign is damaged or destroyed to such an extent that the cost of repair or reconstruction of the sign is 50%) or more of the depreciated value of the sign at the time it is damaged or destroyed as determined by the City, then the non -conforming sign shall be made to comply with the provisions of this Sign Code. D. Discontinuance. A sign that is discontinued as defined in this Sign Code shall lose its non -conforming status. An intent to abandon is not necessary to establish discontinuance. E. Alteration. A non -conforming sign shall not be moved, structurally altered, enlarged or changed in height or size. F. Illegal Sign. The use of an illegal sign shall not vest the sign owner or property owner with any right and all illegal signs shall be subject to any code enforcement or other remedy available to the City under controlling law. SECTION 22.0 SIGNS PROHIBITED IN ANY DISTRICT The following signs are not permitted in any zoning district/classification: A. Abandoned signs. B. Animated signs. C. Billboards. D. Snipe signs. E. Sandwich signs and portable signs. F. Seawall signs. G. Beacon lights. K-27 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX H. Signs located or attached to trash receptacles, gutters or benches, except as specifically permitted upon action by the City Commission based upon time, place and manner determinations and, if the sign relates to government speech, whether the City Commission determines that the content is such that the desires to express as government speech. I. Signs on public property. Except as provided in these regulations, signs may not be erected on public property except by a public body or a semi-public body provided such sign is approved by the City Commission. based upon time, place and manner determinations and, if the sign relates to government speech, whether the City Commission determines that the content is such that the desires to express as government speech. It is prohibited and unlawful for a person to paint, paste, print or nail any banner sign, paper sign, or any advertisement or notice of any kind, or cause the same to be done, on any curb, flagstone, pavement or any other portion or part of any sidewalk or street, or upon any tree, lamp post, telephone ore telegraph pole, hydrant or bridge within the limits of any street or public right of way. This provision shall not apply to notices as may be required by law and other exceptions as provided in this Sign Code. All signs wrongfully placed on public property will be confiscated and destroyed and be subject to any code enforcement or other remedy available to the City under controlling law including, but not limited to, assessments under the provisions of Section 26-121 of the City Code. Obscene displays. Any sign which displays any statement, work, character, or illustration of which is obscene. K. Obstructions. Any sign erected in a manner that would impede ingress and egress through any door or emergency exit. L. Streamers, spinners and pennants, ribbons, balloons or similar devices except as authorized in this Sign Code. M. Advertising motor vehicles or trailers. A motor vehicle, as defined by Section 320.01 (1), Florida Statutes, or trailer, as defined by Section 320.01(4), Florida Statutes, which has attached to or located thereon any sign or device for the purpose of advertising a business, product, or service or for directing people to a business or activity. It is prohibited and unlawful for a person to park any such motor vehicle or trailer on a public right-of-way, on public property, or on private property so as to be visible from a public right-of-way. This provision is not intended to prohibit vehicle signs that are part of a moving fleet of motor vehicles. N. Signs which emit smoke, vapor, particles, odor or sounds. O. Parasite Signs. P. Flashing signs. Q. Illegal signs. I :3 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX R. Fence signs. S. Inflatable signs except as provided for in this Sign Code. T. Mobile trailer signs. U. Off -premise signs. V. Roof signs. W. Revolving signs. X. Obstructions. Any sign erected in a manner that would impede ingress and egress through any door or emergency exit or otherwise create a fire safety or other public safety hazard. Y. Signs which violate City (this Sign Code), County, State, or Federal laws or regulations. Z. Signs painted, attached or affixed to trees or other living vegetation. K-29 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX SECTION 23.0 FIGURES Figure 1 ' `iulVli"" : �MANNEU z �S'LLJ _ . T .F. .R ,(; . WIDTH IWIDTH ER 1E3LEM J w' OR CIRCLE DECAL 2s WIDTH WIDTH ��-;--------------; � _ LU ------- : T- ODD SHAPE r WIDTH WIDTH K-30 Ordinance No. XXXX Adopted X/XX/XXXX SCHEDULE K SIGN REGULATIONS SECTION 1.0 PURPOSE AND INTENT A. The purpose and intent of the sign regulations, referred to herein as the "Sign Code" from time -to -time, is to provide comprehensive and balanced set of sign regulations that will preserve the right of free speech and expression, avoid excessive levels of visual clutter or distraction that are potentially harmful to traffic and pedestrian safety.property values, business opportunities, and communityappearance, and ensure that signs are well -constructed and maintained and expressive of the identity of individual activities and the community as a whole. The purpose and intent of these regulations is such that the City will not be a regulator of content, but shall regulate the time, place and manner of the commercial and non-conunercial speech that are associated with signage. The Citv shall not distinguish between commercial and non-commercial speech in the implementation and enforcement of these regulations. SECTION 2.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to the implementation and interpretation of this Sign Code and definitions set forth in the Citv Code and the Florida Statutes may also be used. K-1 �. �. SECTION 2.0 DEFINITIONS The following definitions shall apply to the implementation and interpretation of this Sign Code and definitions set forth in the Citv Code and the Florida Statutes may also be used. K-1 Beacon Light. Any light with 1 or more beams, capable of being directed in any direction or directions, or capable of being revolved automatically, or having any part thereof capable of being revolved automatically. Beacon lights are prohibited within the City. Billboard. Any outdoor advertising sign erected and maintained by an advertising business or service, upon which advertising matter may be displayed and which generally advertise firms and organizations that, along with their goods and services, are not located on the same premises as the sign; and whose surface is sold, rented, or leased for the display of advertising material. New billboards are prohibited within the City. FaVade. Exterior front or face of the building, the appearance presented to the world. Mural. Mural means an inscription, artwork, figure, wall mural, graffiti, marking, hand -painted, hand -tiled, digitally printed restorative image or design, including mixed media, which is observable from the public right of way or from a public spacei Out Parcel. Lots platted or leased along the periphery of a shopping center project or large retail store which are intended to be occupied by a single user. Typically such lots are less than 2 acres in area (this is not a criteria and is a mere definitional explanation); are subordinate in size to the parcel which contains a multi -tenant shopping center building or large retail store; and share access, utilities, drainage, parking and open space with the parcel containing the anchor tenant. Pennant. Any flag -like piece of cloth, plastic or paper attached to any staff, cord, building or other structure that tapers to a point and hangs loosely and is used for the purpose of attracting attention to the site. Premise(s). The contiguous lot or lots, plots, portions or parcels of land considered a unit for a single development or activity. Public Safety Sian. A sign necessary for the identification, operation or protection of public service structures or signs incident to a legal process or necessary to the public safety or welfare. Reader Board. A sign designed to accommodate changeable copy including, but not limited to, individual letters and numbers that can be removed and replaced by hand. Electronic message centers are not considered part of this definition. Shopping Center. A group of commercial or non-commercial establishments planned, constructed, and managed as a unified entity that share a common on-site parking area for customers and 1 Same definition as provided in Section 2-502 of the City Code. K-2 employees, with provision for goods deliver}_separated from customer access, and with aesthetic considerations and protection from the elements. Special Event. Special events means any pre -planned meeting, activity, parade or gathering of a group of persons, animals or motor vehicles or combination thereof, having a common purpose, on any public or private street, sidewalk, alley, park, lake, or other public or private place or building, which special event substantially inhibits the usual flow of pedestrian or vehicular travel or which occupies any public or private place or building so as to preempt normal use of space by the general public or which deviates from the established use of a space or building. Special events are activities that are of a temporary. nonpermanent or seasonal nature. Any activity that is not so determined shall comply with all applicable city requirements, including, but not limited to, the city's land development regulations. All off -premises, temporary and seasonal sales shall be deemed special events.2 Sign. Any object, device, display, structure, or part thereof which is designed to advertise, announce, direct, identify or inform by any means, including words, letters, figures, designs, symbols, fixtures, colors, illumination, or projected images. Sign. Any object, device, display, structure, device ^r- display, y, or part thereof, illuminated ^r no i'� which is designed to advertise, announce, direct, identify or inform by any means, including words letters figures designs svmbols fixtures colors illumination, or projected images• igns shall be used te identif�, and not tee - Sign, Air -Activated. A sign, all or any part of, which is designed to be moved by action of forced air so as to make the sign appear to be animate or otherwise have motion. Sign, Awning, Canopy, or Marquee. A sign that is mounted or painted on, or attached to an awning, canopy or marquee. See Figure 2 Sign, Banner. A temporary sign composed of cloth, canvas, plastic, fabric, or similar lightweight, non -rigid materials that can be mounted to a structure with cord, rope, cable, or similar method or that may be supported by stakes in the ground. Sign, Bench. Any sign painted on or affixed to a bench or to a public transportation shelter. Bench stens are subject to approval by the City Commission based upon time, place and manner determinations and. if the sign relates to government speech, whether the City Commission determines that the content is such that the desires to express as government speech. Sign, Changeable Copy. A sign on which a copy is changed manually such as reader boards with changeable letters or pictorials or an electrically controlled sign where different copy changes are shown on the same unexposed lamp bank used for time and temperature or as an electronic message center or reader board. '' Same definition as provided in Section 90-1 of the City Code, K-3 Sign, Copy. The message or advertisement, and any other symbols on the, face of a sign. Directional Sign. Sign, Directional. Any sign used to indicate the direction to entrances, exits, parking areas, restrooms, or other non -business related facilities on the site on which the sign is located and which bears no advertising or logo. Direetor. Sign. Sign, Directory. A sign which gives the names of the businesses, entities or Sign. individuals located in the building or complex where located in order to assist the public and others for locations purposes. A directory sign shall be of a unified design and common material, and shall allow for a uniform size sign for each business or unit of space in the development the content of which shall be limited to the name and type of businesses and their location within the building or complex. Double Faced Sign Sign, Double -Faced. A sign with 2 faces which are no more than 12" apart at their closest point, and which describe an internal angle between face planes extended no more than 30 degrees. Sign, Electronic Message. A changeable message sign whose message is electrically activated. Sign, Externally Illuminated. A sign illuminated by light sources from outside the sign. Sign, Face. The area or display surface used for the message on a sign. Sign, Fascia. A sign that is mounted or painted on, or attached to, the flat horizontal surface piece of a building typically located directly above the front door, and sometimes referred to as a signboard or nameplate. Fenee Sign-. Sign, Fence. Any sign attached to a fence or masonry wall utilized as a fence. Sign, Flag. Devices generally made of flexible materials, such as cloth, paper, or plastic, and supported by a single vertical pole mounted into the ground or on a portable structure. They may or may not contain sign copy. See Figure 2 Flashing Sign-. Sign, Flashing. A sign which contains an intermittent, scintillating, blinking or traveling light source which includes, but is not limited to, signs that give the illusion of intermittent or flashing light by means of animation, or an externally mounted intermittent light source. Flashing signs are prohibited.within the Gita Sign, Freestanding. Any sign which is supported by structures or supports in or upon the ground and independent from any building. Freestanding signs include ground signs, pylon signs, and sign less than four feet in height support by a single pole or post. Sign, Gutter. A sign affixed to a gutter. Gutter signs are prohibited. K-4 Height . Sign, Height. The distance between the top of a sign and the average grade elevation, directly below it. Berms or other unnatural elevations cannot be used to increase the height of sign. 71^b� Sign, Illegal. Any sign not permitted in accordance with controlling land development regulations prior to or after January 27, 2003. inflatable Sign. Sign, Inflatable. Any sign that is inflated or supported by wind, air, or pneumatic noncombustible pressure, with or without copy, that serves to draw attention of a site. Inflatable signs are prohibited. within the Git-j- illuminated Sign. Sign, Illuminated. Any sign which has characters, letters, figures, designs or outlines illuminated, either internallv or externally. by electric lights or luminous tubes. Asign tha4 uses artifieial light, either- 44emal of extemal to the b to draw aaention to the b n of otherwise ;wiease ;t. sib l;t.. Sign.inter-nail), illuminated Sign, Internally Illuminated. A sign illuminated by light sources enclosed entirely within the sign cabinet and not directly visible from outside the sign. ^ sign at uses artifieial light from behind the sign face to inefease its visibility. Legal Non Conforming Sign. Sign, Legal Non -conforming. Any sign permitted in accordance with controlling land development regulations prior to January 27, 2003 that does not conform to the requirements of Schedule K, Part III, Land Development Regulations, Code of Ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida as of the date of the enactment of this Ordinance. Sian, Menu Board. A permanently mounted sign displaying the foods, products, or services for a drive-through or walk up facility. Mobile Trailer- Sign, Mobile Trailer. A sign mounted on a trailer frame and capable of being towed over the road. Mobile trailer signs are prohibited, provided, however, that mobile trailer signs that are not pulled, moved or actually moving are likewise prohibited. Monument Sign. Sign, Monument. A ground mounted sign with vertical structural supports concealed in an enclosed base with a width equal to at least two-thirds (2/3) of the horizontal width of the sign surface and with a base finished with a decorative material. Monument signs must be consistent with the architectural design, materials and color of the buildings on the same premises. All monument signs shall be encased in a planter, two (2) to three (3) feet in height, or a landscaped area of no less than four (4) feet wide on each side of the sign. The planter or landscaped area must contain any combination of shrubs, flowers and groundcovers. See Figure 2. Sign, Moveable. A sign that is not permanently attached to the ground or attached to a building or structure, and which is removed and stored inside daily. See Figure 2 Sian, Non-commercial. Signs expressing personal political, religious, or other opinions, and not advertising any product, service or event. K-5 Non Conforming Sign-. Sign, Non -Conforming. A sign permitted in the City before the effective date of this Ordinance that does not conform to the requirements of this Sign Code . A sign not permitted prior to the that date shall not be considered a nonconforming sign. Nonconforming signs are regulated by Schedule L, Section 2.0. Orr Premise Sign. Sign, Off -Premise. A sign which is not related to a product sold. a service offered, or identify the property on which the sign is located. ^ sib,,, ether attaehed to ., building or other stmetur-e leeated on real prepei:ly, whieh is not appuFtenant to the use of the real propei4y where the b n is located or whieh does not adver-tise a ser-viee effered at the leeation where the sign is plaeed oF which does not identif�, a business loeated wher-e the sign is plaeed as a cE)9 pr-eniise sign' ineludes but is not limited si_ nly lmown as billboards. Off premise signs are > > prohibited within the City, efeet, pt „ n� ,-, ing billboards On Site Si -, n- b Sign, On -Site. A sign that identifies or advertises only goods, services, facilities, events or attractions available on the premises where the sign is located or which expresses non- commercial speech as desired by the business or entity occupying the premises. Parasite cc,,,.. Sign, Parasite. Any unpermitted sign which is attached to another sign. Parasite Si -,w signs are prohibited. within the G43 - Pe rmitted Sign. Sign, Permitted. All signs needing a permit under this Sign Code or, having Sign. received a permit, that now exist as non -conforming signs. Portable c;g.,. Sign, Portable. A sign that has no permanent attachment to a building or to the b ground by means of a footing; including, but not limited to, A -frame signs, sandwich signs, sign with wheels or frame or structure with axle or designed to be pulled or towed on a trailer or similar device, pull attachments, or inflatable signs. Portable signs are prohibited....: Pr-ojeeting Sign. Sign, Projecting. A sign that is wholly or partly dependent upon a building for support and which projects more than (12') from such building. See Figure 2 Sign, Pvlon. A freestanding sign permanently affixed to the ground by a support or supports so that the bottom edge of the sign face is 8' or more above the ground. A pylon sign includes a sign supported by a single poled also referred to as a "pole sign". See Figure 2 Rotes Sign, Roof. A sign mounted on the main roof portion of a building, and which is Sign-. wholly dependent upon the building for support. Sign, Motor Vehicle or Trailer. A sign permanently or temporarily attached to or placed on a vehicle or trailer and used primarily as a stationary sign; provided, however, that this definition shall not apply to signage located on motor vehicles that are part of a moving fleet of motor 3 The Code Codifier shall insert the date upon enactment of the Ordinance. K-6 vehicles on roads and streets. See Figure 2 Revolving Sign. Sign, Revolving. Any sign so erected or constructed as to periodically or continuously change the direction toward which any plane containing the display surface area is oriented. Revolving signs are prohibited. Seawall Si -,n- Sign, Seawall. A sign with characters, letters, figures, designs, or outlines painted on b the face of the bulkhead or seawall. Seawall signs are prohibited. Snipe-Sigm. Sign, Snipe. A sign of any material, such as paper, cardboard, wood and metal, when tacked, nailed, posted, pasted, glued or attached in any way to trees, poles stakes, wire frames, fences or anv other objects where such sign may or may not apply to the premises. Snipe signs are prohibited. Swing Signs or Suspended Signs; Sign, Swing Or Sign, Suspended. Any sign projecting from an angle on the outside wall or walls of any building, and which is suspended from a projecting structure in such a manner that the sign itself, or any part thereof, is not attached to the building or wall. Swing signs or suspended signs are prohibited. Sign.Subdivision Sign, Subdivision. Any sign which marks or identifies the entrance or entrances to a residential subdivision. Tempora", Sign. Sign, Temporary. A sign used to advertise or identify transitory events of (2) weeks or less duration unless specifically permitted for a longer period by this Sign Code. Wall Sign-. Sign, Wall. See aaaehed sign. A sign fastened to or painted on the wall of a building or structure in such a manner that the wall becomes the supporting structure for, or forms the background surface of, the sign including, but not limited to, signs located on a parapet wall of a building and signs composed of individual letters, numbers, or symbols. Window . Window Sign. A permanent sign that is applied, painted, or attached to exterior to interior of a window or located in such a manner within the buildina that it can be readilv be seen from the exterior of the building through a window. affixed to, suspended behind, ^r pain en either faee of a windErA, or- glass door- that reads to the exter-ior of the b' Streamer. A long narrow banner or strip of material waving in the wind. Structure. Any erection or construction, such as buildings, towers, masts, poles, booms, signs, decorations, carports, machinery and equipment. The folio ff .e allowed in all zoning distrietswithout a permit: K-7 E. Construetion thii:ty twe (32) Signs squaFe r-evided feet in the sign bn are sur-faee. unlit and the Subeentraeter- total bnag signs of twe b e does not exeeed (2) square fe less may be er-eeted in addition to the total b -n area adjaeent to the main sign • Si,,, -ns morethan sixty (60) days prior- E. Construetion thii:ty twe (32) Signs squaFe r-evided feet in the sign bn are sur-faee. unlit and the Subeentraeter- total bnag signs of twe b e does not exeeed (2) square fe less may be er-eeted in addition to the total b -n area adjaeent to the main sign ' Si,,, -ns morethan sixty (60) days prior- to the eonimeneefnent of eonstruetion and ,srremoved },o immediately upon eompletion of the development pr-E�eet. All ea b rrrcrst be removed before a Gei4ifieate of vccupaney shall be issued -by the cild'a b F. Flags. A „' of four -4) fiaggs may be plaeed an any premises. The maximum flag,of be five feet. Should the desire, eaeh shall thifly (335) square propef4y owner one+l) large b, not b one hundred fe�, (14 0) square feet may be flown in lieu of the four- ( ) .,llo,. 1' ags b' Signs provided., the � sign does ..r o ooa one half (1 /7) square f ,r K. uired by an authorized deeals affixed to fuel Signs governmental b L. Change of Copy on a l, mitred na„eable eopy_cirtr� brt' K-8 SECTION 3.0 COMPLIANCE It is prohibited and unlawfiil to locate, erect, move, reconstruct, extend, enlarge, convert or structurally alter a sign in non-confonnity to the provisions of this Ordinance and a sign per>nit issued hereunder, unless exempted from sign permit requirements under Section 6.0 or Section 13.0. followingThe signs zoning ' G. Signs, I�1 WINIANN'"Im. WIAMI PINK M.. 0 ■ oil • I�1 for- by these regulations. M. AdVeFtising Vehieles. No per -son shall park any f 7 floating > boat, barge or- othef > > b of way, publie pr-opefty er- has loeated on it ai:*, sign b eonveying messages to a business or- aetivity. This r-estrietion does not prohibit a sign at4aehed to a funetion—al, licensed vehiele whieh is dfiven in a routine manner- for- a bana fide eonffi:ner-eial purpose b the vehiele with the business -4 OParasite signs. n a i leg b signs. c. ' inflatable e �b" pt „ Moa f i those r nb „larion S. T, Mobile tfailer- signs, T T Off premise W Revolving Signs b SECTION 4.0 NON-COMMERCIAL SIGNS Anv sign authorized by this Ordinance may contain a non-commercial message. Noncommercial signs shall be subject to the same permit requirements, restrictions on size and type, and other specifications set forth in this Ordinance. K-10 feet in height finished above grade(6') ' may have ., seeond s'b�', Q ,,e shall not ..onto;,, interior_illumin illumination. Tf the ataa�i.�aaviauaia�.aa� m e,t bn is loea4ed on public b of way, the sign shall be designed to br-eak away when a vehiele. Flefida. The design of the sign shall be sealed by engineerI4 an b istered in the Sta4 Multiple Family to the d ell; wall sufFounding and r-esidential the subdivisions development and shall also adjaeent be .,ll..Wed to the t., pr-irnai=j, /7\ entr-anee 01*5110 signsa-RaeheEl shall be eompatible with any b, bpattem, wa4er fe�ur-e or other- b that eompr-ise the entrunee design. Eaeh sign shall not exeeed thirt�, two (3-2) feet .,„.1 three feet !2'\ in height-. squareelements ' signsAll b b b, but not. limitedr, to building materials, t< peI ..e .,n .ol0rS Signage proposed pr-E�eet that is eonsider-ed Planning for- approval and Zoning by Commission the Commission. if the All signage applications appr-oval reviewed of ed residential by thePlanning multiple and family ZoningTonmnissio projeets and r-esidefitial shall subdivisions aeeetTapanied that y.,app afe J bia l; .,tie s for appr-oval by the Planningand Zoning Commissio ,z ' B. Nonresidential Subdivision Entranee. One (1) two sided b round mounted sign n exeeedinb thii:ty twe (32) square feet in sign sur-faee afea and not b heib h4 above finished gr-ade on eaeh street side from which the subdivision is entered be peFmitted. Such bn shall eontain no interior- if the b is leeated on pu rightn the bn shall be designed The design -of t4. sign shall be sealed b... registered in the State of Florida. ' Residential Care Fneility, Community Residential Home or Day Care Faeility. One (1) unlightedC. n not b six (6) square feet in sign sur-faee area per- pr-efnises beat '1 in TTA 1, TAR 2 MR 3 Zoning District.Sucusesh lee te,-1 i,, A&, an or-- a b Distriet shall comply with Alffieultural b b , my cSaeh usesloe-atea in an RN401 RG 1 nr r SSC 3 Zoning Dist,.;et shall , with r .,1 Use nts below. D. Agrieultural sur-faee afea Use. and One (1) one (1) at4aehed ground mounted sign not exeeeding b n not exeeeding twelve thifty (12) square twe (32) square feet in sign fee sign sur-faee area and not b twelve (12) feet in bhl above grade side on a par -eel eontai..* ... ndieated in the land use b Distr-iet. per„itted Signs only for- .,f+e,• agr-iettitufal ., b rieultur-al .,1 ., uses loeated a nditional uses are laeated within any , ether- within land an AG, Agr-ieultur-al use designation shall Zoning E. > Automotive, Miseellaneous B d Sem,iees, -, K-11 Tsers+7 i!t!� rJYM 1 M r !T'rmfpr sT: = K-12 arm N M-01 NOW.. �• K-12 ' Signs. followingthe ebulati ' • Maximum Permitted Height Signs. I b. Number of signs. One (1) sigrrn may be- eonsti-'rciet:edo" the street f•...,+ng r+n;r ;r,n b the primary „+ranee to the premises. • r nd .l'r nto me nge st of n r.,l.;,,nt;,, „f ;�lo„t;f;..nt;avir- o, or a rl d.Dev e�Ients Developments mounted sign +�+ t are on 1 nn+o seeondary 1 n eer-neTZots street 0 1.+� provided ma that have the a seeond signs d aTo are separated rl R1ZQ by n ,7:s+nnee of two hundred (200) linear foot as measured along the road.- ' The-helbl3t with the requirements and square -footage of E. -o 1 of this subseetion. eseeond si n shall be in eemplianee • Developments with n street frontage b o eeding b four hundred (400) linear foot may have a seeend groundmounted sign on the fentre provided that. the r, l ground mounted sign does nn tie., ,+ nnrl nib tht /Q\ foo+ ;r, height b a 1 f:,rty eight (4 8) square f feet r, : total sign The rlistanee between the signs shall b a minimum of three hundred (300) linear � o+ 7 ntion of s;.r„s Signs shalt be benne.! n „r.ling to the fellowing- a. TAT sign the prineipal dwelling hall or- a be place pefmit4ed mobile l within use heme- f;f+., is (50) a one foo+ (1) two of any zoning fn.,,:t., ,lis+riet ffitlitiple ; „ family hi 1, b. Minimum setba Lirthe property lino for,+:.,,t b nright of ,,,n„ shall b -e ,rel to the height of the sign and shall be measured from the edge of b the K-13 C. No sig visibility shall belfeete at a ntfeet internont;n,n a--'rrn tal'ie or- eleaf- sight -tr-ian .lriyewa., ent,•anao ,le 3il,,.;11 impaif d. Signs- shall be loeate'd t6maintain a Elear-anee of ten feet- (10') to all over•need- eleetrieal can etor-s and -a elear-anee of three feet !2'\ o all ron.,n.la,-... olta.,sen • a drops. e. Signs shall oane,,,ent not be .,similar- leeated within easement. an), publie easement, eenstr-uetio 4. Design of Signs. Signs shall be designed - to the b fellowing.0 n. All signage shall a desrbircd in a manner- eo patible with the eolor-s and ar..l,itant„ral ua �.a as aa.a.�.uau other signsn style of the then nal building and b with the n.,ler-s and style of 1, \? here individual v. ♦� aaa.av building estab,l;nl,,,,ontn are leeated ; single building b in a„ltiple �izi,ar s buildings .a,l, n nttnrl, ..l,nttned signs shall be design 1 aeeer-ding materials sameness. to a E6ii3i or- other- on theme but ehar-aEtel=istiesto be suffieiently avoid differentincv a sense of unifigrmity �9—a„1ro,.r -r and C. The base with the finished of ground ar-ehiteettt with nt.,aa., mounted Eg}or- n wood n prohibited. sign shall be of the designed building. to be compatible b Sign bason 6 b be read fFem the street but in no ease less than three inehes (3'") high. in thesquare feeta.,b of n the sign. 6. Time and tempeFatur-e signs. Time and tempefatur-e signs shall be allowed in .—dential distriets. The fnaximufn area for- the time and temperature pE)FtiOR Of the sign shall be twenty (20) squafe feet or-fi , per -Cent (50%) of the sign fa which ever- is smaller, The afea of a time and temper-atur-e sign, whether at4aehed e ffeestandinb, shall be ineluded in b the eumulative area of signs on the 7 !'hang ,,�� Any ehaangeablleep), iil a,,.l�nb,Y, but not limited to, b s movie listings and sen4ee sehedules for- houses of worship shall be inelude in the allowable square footage of an at4caehed or nd fneun4ed sign. .ehanli beable eopyb-ns shall be atible in b ci_¢a�n nn the b K-14 Loeatio�iBanner .b emi`7evanner signs are permitted in41,0 following le nt;ena• b a. Seminole Renle„a.•d• b. Sanfefd Residential Historic Distiiet; e. Dom%to,A% Commercial H;ata,•;a Dist,; t. a e. All residential First Street from zoning distfietS �t@iai side i A o A,7S the 1„A, CR int2r-Scctio 1, SR of 7, First TAA 2, ISTD Stfeet 2\' and United Sanford States to Mellen,,;lle L7;.,1,,,,n. b. 1 7/92/F Avenue. •enal, Avenue eastward tl„•e„ba.l, ,,ta.,,,,, De ,,, 7 Size of Banner Signs Banner signs shall be of t,,.ent< fe,,.. /24\ nnl,ea ,:de and f;,, -t,, eight !44\ inches l,igg b a ` ept on State Read 46 west of the r•Sv ovefpass and sixty (60) ",here : el,ea l,:.l, banner signs be n of thiFt„ (30 inees l. wide 3. Plaeement and b Signs. a. Banner signs shall be limited tee one !1 \ bannef sign per-ele b. Banner- may be be on metal, wood, eei- eat or- deear dive poles existing on the of ati„e .d ate of t his ,• ed;nanee e. Ban apart of sl-b„a e pt shall on e State Read spaeed n6 n west minimum of of the GSv one hundred over -pass ei „ l,e,•e L.t�;rir}, banner (180) feet sign d. shall All baersi"ns be a ed n minimum maybe of displayed asix 1,un for d..e,d (600) amwEimum feet of apaFt r. Tl',1it ,tea„ l,a,•d,,,a..e and tl,e pole a a nl for- in oda an additional nd:tion year -provided the Lanae,• signi ' The at n«aee t,- shall providethe e C t„ with ite idenee f'., on agreement toe eat r; .nae b ole with the awner-of'the ole 4. DesignSigns. a. The advef4ising area shall be limited to twenty five /751 e nt of the v There and the area.banner shall bottom be minimum of any part of of t e banner. (8) feet clearance between the ground vunc n d e. Aiz1 nlieable The being The bmu@i l,a,•d„,a,•e installed design building signs'and and eedea attael„„enta eolorvrthe b : al„ding shall ha«d, banner be wind reviewed signs shall loading. .mnllurl be designed by the be Cit„ submitted to prior- comply to to the banner. the Certo with - faf K-15 i intent. The rrrtccrt of iroi 3 e iensl signs ., the., ot,.' P. ,b,-., is to ,, idepr-iN,a4e ,, +,ef4y o�=ii� .,d businesses n:JCT��tri�teTrviric3—�$�--ni6v4'itive-, o J �ch cd ure-pa flexibility develop -er-etitiv e�eE�rc�Tb,'• l �o�-'c-aix�Y'v�eErrrrc-ac�rrn.rr�c ,1 „,•., t the theti e values of the City. City r- e��es-tl�at ea4e - in many under- the eir-curstanees, there are inneva4ive-and efea ive altemat which ,,ill to e m.initnum h. nee . standard „ity eh. b b e r-aeto« and whieh are desifable -i li.,i l,, ,l ., and attr-aetive and pei4„ .,al es 7 Purpose. alternative-to�i'ci'ili The purpose of standardsubject eemprehensive sign pr-ogTams to is to pr-o'dude-an flexibility -crctorrcr'hrcn ensure that alter-nati . —b—b- 'ill not have an adver-se impaet on the aesthetie values, n „ity character- and quality of life of t C t .,he 3. Authority. The Dl.,...,;.,.. .,.1 Zoning Commission shall have the autherity to approve cofnpr-ehens.' b b ' •developer -Eoiipr-ehens.' .=� shalloofnpr-iseall +b„ pr—mob„—am. signs ., the., ot,.' h. All signs eembination planned development of residential, eammer-eial prejeets tha4 are and offiee uses oofnpr-ised shall be of appr-o any under- t�e o J �ch cd ure-pa ftai rrnb�o Ee�feenSiv e sign br-oar-arns. ' Allsigns foo planned development „ eets of ten (1 0)aei:esby ea4e - steal be approved under- the of this Schedule to b eempr-oho h All signs ineluded. The -Eoiipr-ehens.' .=� shalloofnpr-iseall signs ., the., ot,.' el,,.li,,,,' butnot limited ,,,., aaelied signs, ground ,ted signs, di,•eetion mou l signs, .life„+..,.+, signs .,.1 i„ntfueti,-.,,nl K-16 sign pfegram pr -in �tmettll�ter-ials shall el buildings e be designed r, tY $G, -„ andmm-oorrs ., o -- a .,.e developed t colors of the rehite„t„rel ont'1�acFel ��Yhich—reflect theme and an shall integr-at@G of the b,@7 ar-ehiteetur-al veeabulafy for- the par -eel proposed for- developnient; or - The design, E9�1 pfehenss'r"v ehar-.,eter Lb e sign � loo pro ritm do and/or shall be of materials denionstr-ably the signsproposed nior-e attractive than signs the minimum nt.,,,.laMs b. Height. The maxitnum height signs proposed in aeoniprehensive sib programis b fifteen feet (1 5) he r' that single aaael,ed sign +1, eSign. face „f no .,, e than a twelve (1 2) square feet may , be higher, b . C. Total aFt r-en'ef sign or-en of of e fhee5. ehe The-teta b„ 'area �f girfnaees shalltimes of which ed are t„ (2) propose asd thee total afea ,� r el of n . e.-1 r, fn for- development. en ., ,,:+te 1 —A-1, the minimumstandards sign standards o the d. Elimination of signage. h •b bprepesed in a eoinpi:ehenSive sig program must result n— €— en—ef—� ting unattmetiv-e-, noir n.�,.,f.,n:ning and obsolete ” e-tc-sib=r�cbge'"ccrrccrt resulttl,e to �[o cn�. appear-anee of the par -eel proposed fer- development in eempar-isen to b sign %. Co appearance theof the Cit,. etPrer-✓ and n ,nt not negatively Values. The : signage aet the value proposed of propefty in ., the f Seenie-esr-r-ider- program adopted lesated. immediate must -femme- vioinity plan. be eensistent area eftl,e The inwhieh- signage "4th par—eel any the proposed prepesed--in seenie par for- de„el.,r.,,,ent eafrider- -eel a-eomprehensive-sig plan for which -development the City has is SECTION 5.0 EXISTING NONCONFORMING SIGNS Signs lawfully existing on the effective date of this Ordinance `s may be continued although the size or location does not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance. Such signs shall be deemed nonconforming uses or structures and the nonconforming use and structure provisions of this Ordinance shall apply. Maintenance of a nonconfonning sign shall ' The Code Codifier shall insert the date upon enactment of the Ordinance K-17 comply with Section 10.O.0 SECTION 6.0 TEMPORARY CTvNo veted on by the eleeteFate shall be peFmit4ed b publiesignspromotinguses is -additional wo up to a total of nine (9) square b issues feet on a to pareel be indieated in the land use Fegulation going out „f sehedules as e feet i publie and semi publie and thifty tWo (332) square on a par -eel eentai b land use b transient !edging and > , miseellar,ee„s business and seniees, industrial s agrieultural, b signsprivate pFopeFty. in j with a sign ,rf non of rine (9) square feet of greater- shall not he less thiFty he leeatea (30) in a st,•eet feet f+om the Fight of euFb waw line of any street inter-seetion. Campaign signsthan B. Display Trimefr-am . The signs the maybe displayed tl it4 (30) be days prior -and seven (7) in days final after- the eleetion eleetion follows at whieli within sixty (60) eandidate days of of proposal a pr-ifnaty eleetion, will voted upon. eandidates ease who won a in the - primary ,, to ele,etio seven (7) .„ „t;,,,,e days after the to final display eleetio their-eab„ signs b a„ri, g the ;r.teri,,, r`-'iio l ar vu uaau l C. Deposit and For-feitum. Eaeh eandidate shall pety to the Cily a deposit bsign. of two hundred fif4y D Said deposit (7) days shall be after- the eandidate refunded is to the either- eandida4e eleeted or if Ide—f-e-ated all si.... we in the eleetion temeved within in the ballet r-emoved proposal within is voted seven (7) upon. days in after the the event eandidate that all is politieal either- eampaign eleeted signs,en or defeated or - nal is voted upon, the two hundred fifty dollar ($250 .00) deposit shall he forfeited to Gity. in issue the the event that a eandidate's or- pr-oponenVs/opponent's b b l., aterl , street right ,ay, that a di date's deposit shall he forfeited. a of n T- I . gns for businesses. the square footage of pemianent The square signs.A. footage of temper-ary signs is -additional wo defined a spee'ale e,,ts shall he issued a er.di„ab to the following regulat;s..,� Purpose. T-emper-afy signs are allowed€er speeifi;rpurposes- ineeluding,but -auetiens, speEial businessale s. pr-ofnetion , h„n;.,enn „bn and going out „f K-18 Z. b 14eigl,t Ground mounted signs shall not e ed twelve !17\ foot in height 7 �♦ii v�.•��aa�i��nri.�.�.�a�♦ii��♦aa♦y..i v..♦...i.a..r� K-19 I M-1, K-19 MORR a _ e s PM 7' b LT ,aht Ground mounted signs shall not exceed twelve (12) feet ;n height b' 7-3,11INNIMMISIM. FOR Will 4. �,pes of signs-penniaed. freestanding to advei4ise signsTwo the sale of par -eels or- new housing units pr-ovided eae Te all two (32) square sueh sign is r-emoved windew, eanopy and ground ,,,,untaa sig — meP enniae . Tem period of one (1) year- on!),, subjeet mayrl also el„e tn the following ., of signs . h e n othn prohibited pfevide .larea the total of the mh;nea signs does t n eea the maximufn allowable square footage- ' a. . n. e, -t; ,1 a ng flags; b.banner- sigma, e. portable d. inflat'able�rgns; inflatable ��n,bnn' and e. mobile traile 5. All +a,.,r..ra.., shall , ,In b be loo to at least fiftyfifty(50) feet 4 om any zoning b distfiet ; h' —...eh home h rineiparpermit4e and five 1 (5) font from 1 a pFoneFt, line + e, cw•v�rmrra�mily fronting db 'heir" multi 1 dwelling n right of way. or rmrrobile mobile G. Ta Signs f.. Real Estate OMAngs. On stn greater- than two (2) res and leeated in a nop&esidenlial zoning distriet, an unlit real estate sign of thiFty two (32) square feet or- less and b height at least ofie hundfed allowed (100) lineaf without t n feet from permit, a residential dwelling. One (1) real estate b (2) upAighted, pr-oj eet while detaehed or- under- eonstmetion freestanding to advei4ise signsTwo the sale of par -eels or- new housing units pr-ovided eae sueh b n does gr-ade not exeeed thiFty and provided that two (32) square sueh sign is r-emoved feet in sign sur-faee area and eight (8) feet in heightabove when all par -eels or- new housing -Ull it� — - —. and/or- aetive selling eeases. Pennits for- such development signs shall be issued by the Building Offieial for- a period of one (1) year- on!),, subjeet to r-enewal on appliea4ion. Sueh DO K-20 SECTION 6.0 EXEMPTIONS The following signs are exempt from the regulations contained in this Ordinance: A. A sign posted by the City, a County. State or Federal agency. B. A sign integrated into or on an automatic teller machine, coin operated machine or vending machine. C. A sign carried by a person, provided, however, that the City may regulate such matters in appropriate conditions and circumstances. D. A sign not visible from any public street, highway, sidewalk, bicycle path or park. E. Street addresses and numbers that are provide for public safety pu>poses. F. Murals that have been approved as part of the City's Public Art Program. G. Holiday lights and decorations containing no commercial message and displayed during the appropriate time of year. H. Flags up to a maximum of 4 for each full acre of a parcel with a parcel with a size of less than 1 acre being allowed a 4 signs. If the flag is displaved on a flagpole, the maximum dimension of any flag shall be proportional to the flagpole height, and the house side of the flag shall not exceed 20% of the vertical height of the pole.' All lighting for- n•bnab shall be designed b to: ' b n stmeture and utilize on!544ly :3. A mfflEifnum of ��, (40) lumens per- square foot of sign sur-faee is permitted. This1 • Provide adequate li,& , , itheut olighting;• ,. Control bht in order- to limit ht to the intended area and glare;ut r-eduee Maximize the effectiveness of the lighting• lig • Provide ting, L.o,,ond .,ttr etiye properly and borders; energy effieio„t illumination. All lighting fvr nib-z"b shall . pl„ , it, the following regulations.: Lighting streets,sign faee and not aimed at adjacent r-oads of pfoperties and so that the setifof i b h4 is not visible from any point off the pre - 2. Lighting shielded e ,tefffixt„ron b n stmeture and utilize on!544ly :3. A mfflEifnum of ��, (40) lumens per- square foot of sign sur-faee is permitted. This1 5 See, Title 4, United States Code, Chapter 1. K-21 SRSl9l�1�!*; ......E.......... MINE I VINN. WN 5. Lighted theA abut r-esidepAial zones shall be designed,ns so that sour-ee of light : b does not of visible off theinternally tFespass onto „ residential pr-opef4ies and illuminated Signs,. eopy, shall ' internally illuminated signsrequire b' r rrte ^11<, illuminated Signs, with or-withl7ttteha ggeabie eopy, shall „1., be letteringb, b 1. gos, symbols, ot. lighting engineer- pi:opos0.-1 sign design g nf:, s to the .- v.tn of'this nen4:.,r. ' No eolor-ed with trgff;g lights4. n ntfol rlg<,:5. ggn Lighted signs designed, lighting does not ass opAO residential ' Signs per- b I I ' shall I per- have feet a of maximuni tube rather- luminous than lamp. output A greater- of thtee illumination hundred (300) may used if doeumentation of the need for- a higher -lumens tnanufktur-er- of the b' Exposed glass tubes must be pfoteeted by a elear- D. Flood lights/S Flood lightsot hidden in the planter b the sign so that the sour-ee of light is not visible. Flood lights lightsot b n shall not exee total of nine hundred room t„n,ens per sign faee. Flood lights cnd spot lights mu eompletely shielded or- baffled so that lighting is r-estrieted to th- —id does not sb into the night sky. E. Prohibitedited Lighting. The following- t.Tes of ligh4ing b b a prohibited.: 1' lighting E) motion r ,- bl:n . trgff;g b or-,-l:reetiongl gln sign ' safer., E. regulations. b K-22 SECTION 7.0 ABANDONED SIGNS All signs, sivan messaves. and/or supporting structures, as applicable, shall be removed by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which a sign is located when the business or purpose it advertises is no longer conducted on the premises, or the structure is dilapidated or beyond repair under the provisions of Section 1.1. of Schedule L of the Land Development Rekulations. If the owner or lessee fails to remove such a sign, the City shall give the owner a 30 -day written notice by certified mail to remove said sign. Upon failure to comply with the second notice, the City may cause removal to be executed, the expenses which will be assessed to the property on which the abandoned sign is located as set forth in Section 26-121 of the City Code. FfiIkN=4FJ &ILW'%Mr r �5 •. •, '., LO , glar-e, > > b of intensity of illumination.Lighted designed kind to adjoining streets o pr-ope4. ,-t;�� high intensity lightslights, spotlights,hts or flood ' 5. Prisms, mii:Fors of light or- polished b sur-faees used for- the purpose of augmenting, ' hi intensity li,t b s, laser- lights b .. st,..,h.,,..,. pie lights. ' F. Strip Lighting. lighting used sole!), to outline a stmeture of an), paI4 thereof shall bn and is within zoningrohibited use is a one, two or- multiple family dwellingpefmit4ed or- a mobile lighting within the F- b be rovided that sueh b -15limited to a total b equivalent to tm,iee the length or width of the pr-ineipal buildinloeated along the street lighting, here, shall not include Chfistfnas deeer-.,tions ,,,d ,-elated b' G. Noneenfor-ming. All non b illumination, > flashing and F-ela lighting ef'fo..tiye deviees date of shall this o be -d;,,. nee 7 eliminated or- teFininated within one (1) yeaf f+-Ofn SECTION 7.0 ABANDONED SIGNS All signs, sivan messaves. and/or supporting structures, as applicable, shall be removed by the owner or lessee of the premises upon which a sign is located when the business or purpose it advertises is no longer conducted on the premises, or the structure is dilapidated or beyond repair under the provisions of Section 1.1. of Schedule L of the Land Development Rekulations. If the owner or lessee fails to remove such a sign, the City shall give the owner a 30 -day written notice by certified mail to remove said sign. Upon failure to comply with the second notice, the City may cause removal to be executed, the expenses which will be assessed to the property on which the abandoned sign is located as set forth in Section 26-121 of the City Code. FfiIkN=4FJ &ILW'%Mr r �5 •. •, '., LO K-23 C. Maintenonee. All signs shall be adequately maintained both 4ont and baek, wheFe . > but not be limited to, proper- alignment of stmetur-es i with b ht paint position, or- other- eentinued presen,atives. readability Paint of shall the stpdetur-e not be peeling and pr-esen,a4ion or- flaked. ofstfueture Rust s not be visible. The Building Offieial may eause to be r-emoved, after due e any sign landseaped area or planter- gross around b ;t that ; of well maintained. idated or- has a b Construetion and Eleetrieal Permits. No sign shall be eonstfueted, er-eeted, or- stmetur-ally alteFed pennit. without in order- a sign to obtain permit,P. and a peFmit if lighted to er-eet or- any eleetrieally sign within the > Without jufisdiction an electr-i of thesee regulations, an applieant shall submit to the Building Offieial an aeeur-ate b> to , the material to be displayed,shoming height and di > details, eleetriplans conforming to the National EleetFie Code, and dist.—Iner-eas to pr-opefty lines and/oF buildings ; o t teeo the proposed lee d of • sign bo to be o notal ' 9. Site premises pr Plan until -es Review. sueh of this it Feloeation Se ea„lo is unia-woful of to er- tion reloeate has an been approved b b pursuant n or- ereet to a sign site upon the plan revi F. Appliention. All applicants b of signsr-eval Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit an appliea4ion to the Adniiiiistfatineeessary to aseei4ain whether- the proposed i cemplies with the provisions of this sehedule ineluding, but not limited to--. it - site to seale depieting property boundaries, .. w.� J �n dimensions, rigrico-of way, dr-iye� ays an par -king area�vctatiorr v el-existiii"�,• � a•, ric proposed struet s res, , loeatio of tiii'� n "e�-S-f��rrcc�cvrizcr-aixci—acccsi street d visibility information-, A drawing to seale of eaeh sign being2. proposed depieting sign di uafe footage, details and height, lighti.,g4—eetrie > l in > f ,-..,nti„„ finishes, > building materials, stmetur-al For- building:3. all at4aehed signs. elevations showingproposedexisting perma c; �r�izab �oram , na . Cuffent e� signs. photographs showing4. existing signs SECTION 8.0 PERMIT PROCEDURES A. Building Permit Required. It is prohibited and unlawful to locate, erect, move, reconstruct, extend, enlarge, convert or structurally alter a sign without a sign permit except those signs exempted in Section 6.0 or Section 13.0 of this Sign Code, and all signs shall K-24 fully conform with the provisions of this Ordinance. The application shall be accompanied, at a minimum, by a to -scaled engineered drawings demonstrating compliance with this Sign Code and showing the message to be displayed, dimensions, including height, width and copy area, construction details, materials, colors, electrical plans, lighting (if any), and dimensions to property lines, buildings, and adjacent signs in respect to the proposed location of the sign to be erected, as well as all the requirements set forth in the Florida Building Code. The request shall identi , size, copy area and location of any existing sign proposed to remain, as well as any existing signs planned to be removed. B. Duration and Revocation of Permit. If a sign is not installed within 6 months following the issuance of a sign permit (or within 30 days in the case of a temporary sign permit), the permit shall be void without the City taken any action relating thereto. K-25 lim .. 90-000. '114111 K-25 deter -mined to not be substantially n „lia t with the safety, ntr„nt„rnl and loeational fegttiremeti4S of eont, 1�d development regulations, to legal b b n on of befofe januaf�, 4-, 2013 and it is prohibited n„d unla-mful to have stieh ., non „f «,, ing ib„ 1„n.,ted o nl ,,.et4y .. or aftef that date. No • bn shall be constfued to be a lawkil b b n if it was efeeted without a building pefmit havingbeenobtainedof without the-�3piApiiiicc K-26 1110, ~10 Mll • \ K-26 The City Commission's decision not to grant vested rights status shall be final subjeet, however-, to appeal. K-27 SECTION 9.0 MEASUREMENT STANDARDS A. Si6n Area. The area enclosed by a single continuous line, connecting the extreme points of edges of a sign. The area shall be determined using the largest sign area or silhouette visible at any time from any point that is off-site. The sign area may extend around a corner. This area does not include the main supporting sign structure, but all other omamental attachments, inner connecting links, and the like, which are not a part of the main supports of the sign shall be included in determining sign area. The square footage of a free-standing letter or cut letters used as a sign area shall be determined by enclosing the sign area within the smallest rectangular figure needed to encompass completely all letters, insignias, or svmbols of the sign, including, but not limited to, horizontal spacing between letters, insignias, symbols, logos, and trademarks, except as otherwise provided herein. See Figure Signs other than free-standing letters, words, insignias, or symbols: the area is the total area of the facing, or the total area within the outer edge of anv existing border of the sign. See Figure 1 In every event, computation of allowable sign area includes all existing signs on the premises, whether those signs are conforming or nonconforming. K-28 • .. MIMMEM K-28 AMU signs The contruetor shall provide the Gity with evidenee of an agr-eement to er-eet on n .,lo with the .,f the pole, groundThere shall be a minimum of eight (8) feet eleafanee between the bottom .,f any part .,f the bannef signsAll bamer b building c.,rlcr ; cl,,.ling . n.l loath; b' 4. The hardware at4achments shall be reviewed by the City prior to the banner b installed, design5. The t., the banner being m ,.,- „factorl ' K-29 SECTION 10.0 CONSTRUCTION, INSTALLATION, APPERANCE AND PERMITTING A. All signs shall comply with the Florida Building Code. B. Concealment of Structural Supports. All attached signs shall have concealed structural members except for vertical supports or other supporting members which are design and arranged so as to be an integral part of the aesthetic composition of a sign. Signs in general shall present a good structural appearance and when attached to a building it shall appear to be an integral part of the building. C. Maintenance. All signs shall be adequately maintained both front and back, where visible. Such maintenance shall include, but not limited to, proper aligmnent of structures in a vertical upright position, continued readability of the stiucture and preservation of the structure with paint or other preservatives. Paint shall not be peeling or flaked. Rust shall not be visible. The Building Official may cause to be removed, after due notice, any sign which shows neglect, which becomes dilapidated or has a surrounding landscaped area or planter around it that is not well maintained. It is prohibited and unlawful to fail to adequately maintain a sign and such failure shall be subject to the code enforcement activities of the City. D. Construction and Electrical Permits. No sign shall be constructed, erected, or structurally altered without a sign permit, and if lighted or electrically wired, without an electrical permit. In order to obtain a permit to erect any sign within the jurisdiction of these regulations, an applicant shall submit to the Building Official, at a minimum, an accurate drawing, to scale, showing the material to be displayed, height and dimensions, construction details, electrical plans conforming to the National Electric Code, and distances to property lines and buildings in respect to the proposed location of the sign to be erected. It is prohibited and unlawful to fail to obtain all required permits for a sign and such failure shall be subiect to the code enforcement activities of the City. E. Site Plan Review. It is prohibited and unlawful to relocate an existing sign or erect a sign upon the premises until such relocation or erection has been approved pursuant to site plan review procedures of this Sign Code. F. Annlication. All auplicants reauestina anoroval of siens that reauire annroval by the Planning and Zoning Commission shall submit an application to the City by means of the City's electronic permitting system. Each application shall contain all information necessary to ascertain whether the proposed erection, alteration, use or change in use complies with the provisions of this Sign Code including, but not limited to: 1. A site map drawn to scale depicting property boundaries, property dimensions, rights-of- way, drivewa sparking areas, location of all existing and proposed structures, location of all existing and proposed signs, street corner and access visibility information, 2. A drawing to scale of each sign being proposed depicting sign dimensions, square K-30 footage, sign height, depth, colors, finish, typeface, building materials, structural details and lighting/electrical information; 3. For all attached signs: building elevations showing_ proposed and existing_ permanent signage, window sign and canopy signs; 4. Current photographs showing existing signs on the premises and dimensions of all existing signs. SECTION 11.0 GENERAL PROVISIONS A. Signs Facing Residential Districts/Classifications. No sign except those permitted in Sections 5.0, 6.0 and 13.0 shall be permitted to face a residential district/classification within 100' of such district/classification, boundary. The distance shall be calculated as the shortest measurable distance between the face of the sign to the edge of the residential zoning district/classification, in a straight line with regard to intervening structures and shall also include those areas lying outside of the City Limits. B. Signs Facing Federal Aid Primary Highways. Signs shall meet all the requirements and regulations, including applicable permits, set forth in Florida law and Federal law, and shall fully conform with the provisions of this Ordinance. C. Words and phrases on signs shall be minimized to allow reading or interpretation from a moving vehicle at posted speed limits without hazard. A combination of 10 words, sets of numbers, logos or pictures normally will be considered as a guide and the applicant maybe requested to modify the sign to delete excessive verbiage or numbers or to provide engineering or other appropriate studies that demonstrate the safety of a sign by competent substantial evidence. D. Signs shall not resemble, imitate, or approximate the shape, size, form or color of railroad or traffic signs, signals, or devices and shall not obstruct or interfere with the effectiveness of railroad or traffic signs signals. or devices. E. Signs shall not be placed so as to obstruct or interfere with traffic visibility, nor be lighted in such a way as to cause glare or impair driver visibility pon public ways. F. Signs may be illuminated provided thev are not in a residential zoning district/classification or residential planned development. signs, other than public traffic controls signs, shall have no elements that are flashing, blinking, rotating or pulsating. Bare (uncovered) light bulbs are prohibited and unlawful. Signs that include changeable copy reader boards and electronic message boards (EMBs) shall not be considered flashing or pulsating signs, provided they comply with all other applicable provisions of this Ordinance. G. Sign Colors: Florescent colors are prohibited and unlawful. Where such colors constitute a K-31 component of a standard corporate theme or identity, muted versions of such colors shall be used. 2. Color Schemes and lettering styles shall be used consistently on all signage used on a single lot or shopping center. H. Without in any way limiting any specific provisions of this Sign Code and any act or activity that is prohibited by this Ordinance is prohibited and unlawful and any act or activity that is required to be accomplished in a certain manner, but is not accomplished in accordance with the requirement, is prohibited and unlawful. Any code enforcement or other legal remedy available to the City under controlling law may be used by the City to enforce the provisions of this Sign Code. SECTION 12.0 LANDSCAPING A. All ground mounted signs shall be encased in a landscape planter. 2' to 3' in height, or a landscaped area of no less than 4' wide on each side of the sign. The planter or landscaped area must contain any combination of shrubs, flowers and groundcovers. B. For Lake Mary Boulevard. Rinehart Road and State Road 46 West of Airroort Boulevard overlay zoning district/classification a planter structure shall enclose the foot of the base. The planter shall be between 2' and 3' in height above the ground, with a minimum length equal to the width of the sign and a minimum width of 3'. The base and planter shall be of brick or half -block. SECTION 13.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN ALL ZONING DISTRICTS/CLASSIFICATIONS WITHOUT A PERMIT The following signs are permitted in all zoning districts/classifications without a permit. subject to the specified conditions: A. Signs carved into or affixed flat to a building in such a way that they are not directly illuminated, are not made of reflecting material, do not contract sharply in color with the building, and do not exceed two' in thickness. B. Temporary Freestanding or Wall Signs on properties or building for sale, lease, or rent not exceeding 6 square feet in area on a side or 12 square feet in area on all sides and a maximum of 6' in height in a residential zoning district/classification: or not exceeding 24 square feet in area on one side or 48 square feet in area on all sides and a maximum of 12' in height in other districts/classifications. If not attached to a wall. such signs shall be set back at least 10' from a side or rear lot line, shall not be located in a public right-of-way. and shall be removed within 10 days after the property or building is sold, leased or rented. C. A permanent wall sign to exceed 2 square feet in area and mounted flush against a dwelling. D. Election signs subiect to Section 19.0.A of this Sign Code. K-32 SECTION 14.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN AGRICTURAL (AG) DISTRICT/CLASSIFICATION WITH A PERMIT The following signs may be permitted in the Agricultural, AG. zoning districts/classifications subject to the following regulations: A. A single attached sign not exceeding 12 square feet in sign surface area. B. A single ground mounted sign not exceeding 32 square feet in sign surface area not exceeding 12 feet in height above grade on each street side on a parcel containing uses indicated in the land use regulation schedule as agricultural provided such agricultural uses are located within an AG. Agricultural zoning district/classification. C. Signs for agricultural uses located within any other land use designation shall be permitted only after approval as a conditional use. SECTION 15.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN RESIDENTIAL DISTRICTS/CLASSIFICATIONS WITH A PERMIT The following signs may be permitted in all residential zoning districts/classifications subject to the following regulations: A. A single 2 -sided monument sign at the entrance of the subdivision or complex not exceeding 16 square feet in sign surface area and not exceeding 6' in height above finished grade is permitted. A second entrance to the subdivision may have a second sign. Such sign shall contain interior illumination. If the monument sign is located on a public right-of-way, the sign shall be designed to break away when hit by a vehicle. The design of the sign shall be sealed by a licensed Florida engineer. B. Multiple-familv dwellings and residential subdivisions shall also be allowed 2 signs attached to the wall surrounding the development and adjacent to the primary entrance provided they are a part of a coordinated entrance design. The signs shall be identical and shall be compatible with any landscaping, paving pattern, water feature or other design elements that comprise the entrance design. Each sign shall not exceed 32 square feet and 3' in height. All signs on the premises shall be designed using a common design theme including, but not limited to, conunon building materials, typeface and colors. C. Temporary signs on land actively being subdivided or developed, provide the sign shall not exceed 32 square feet in area on one side, and 64 square feet in area on all sides. and shall not be closer than 10' to a public right-of-way or side or rear lot line. The sign shall be removed at the time development has been completed, as determined by the City. K-33 SECTION 16.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN NON-RESIDENTIAL ZONING DISTRICTS/CLASSIFICATIONS WITH A PERMIT The following signs may be permitted in all non-residential zoning districts/classifications subiect to the following regulations: A. Non-residential subdivision entrance. A single 2 -sided ground mounted sign not exceeding 32 square feet in sign surface area and not exceeding 6' in height above finished grade on each street side from which the subdivision is entered shall be permitted. Such sign shall contain no interior illumination. If the sign is located on public right-of-way, the sign shall be designed to break away when hit by a vehicle. The design of the sign shall be sealed by Florida licensed engineer. B. Attached Signs (Wall, Window, Canopv) 1. Single Occupant Buildings. Each single occupant building may have 1.5 square feet of attached signage per lineal foot of tenant frontage or building length of the primary facade. The maximum amount of wall signage permitted for any building or tenant shall not exceed 150 square feet. A single occupant with a primary building facade of more than 100 linear feet may have an additional wall sign of no more than 50 square feet over each customer entrance. No more than 3 additional signs are permitted. 2. Multi -tenant buildings. Each unit in an existing multi -unit building that has an individual separate entrance to the exterior of the building may have attached signage not to exceed 1.5 square feet per lineal 1' of tenant storefront fagade length. No more than a single attached sign per tenant is permitted. Anchor occupants in a multi -tenant building, where the anchor exceeds 100' of building frontage, may have 1.5 square feet of attached signage per lineal foot of primary building facade length up to a maximum of 150 square feet of total attached sign area. In addition, a single occupant building may have a single attached sign per primary customer entrance up to a maximum of three attached signs, not to exceed 50 square feet each. 3. No window sign shall exceed 25% of the total window surface area. 4. No canopy sign shall exceed 1/3 of the canopy face horizontally and vertically. C. Ground mounted Sign. Ground mounted signs shall be constructed pursuant to the following regulations: Maximum Permitted Height and Area of Ground Mounted Signs. Right-of-Wav Width Maximum Area Each Maximum Height of Feet Face Ground Mounted Ground Mounted Sian K-34 Sign 0-75' 24 square feet C 76'-120' 50 square feet 10' Over 120' 100 square feet 12' 1. Number of signs. A single sign may be constructed on the street frontage containing the primary entrance to the premises. 2. Developments that are located on corner lots may have a second ground mounted sign on the secondary street provided that the signs are separated by a distance of 200 linear feet as measured along the road. The height and square footage of the second sign shall be in compliance with the requirements of C. l .c of this subsection. 3. Developments with a street frontage exceeding 400 linea feet may have a second ground mounted sign on the frontage provided that the second ground mounted sign does not exceed 8' in height and 48 square feet in total sign area. The distance between the signs shall be a minimum of 300 linear feet. 4. Address numbers required. All ground mounted signs shall contain the address number of the premises, placed parallel to the sign face, in numbers large enough to be read from the street but in no case less than 3" high. The address numbers shall be an integral part of the sign. Address numbers shall not be included in the square footage of the sign. D. Ground Mounted Signs On Certain Roads. 1. A single sign is allowed per parcel with 400' or less road frontage. If a parcel's road frontage exceeds 400' maximum of 2 ground signs shall be allowed. but no closer than 300' apart. Ground signs along intersecting roadways which are greater than 320' from the corridor roadway centerline must demonstrate that the sign is not visible from the corridor roadway and that the sign is directed to be viewed from the intersecting street. 2. The maximum height of the entre sign structure shall not exceed 15'. 3. The maximum allowable ground sign area shall be 1.5 square feet per linear foot of building frontage but shall not exceed 75 square feet for a single -tenant development and 100 square feet for a multi -tenant development. 4. Address numbers required. All ground mounted signs shall contain the address number of the premises, placed parallel to the sign face, in numbers large enough to be read from the street but in no case less than 3" high. The address numbers shall be an integral part of the sign. Address numbers shall not be included in the square footage of the sign. K-35 E. Electronic Message Boards (EMBs) and Changeable Cony Reader Boards. EMBS or changeable copy reader boards may be included as part of ground signs, subject to the following requirements. 1. Changeable copy reader boards and EMBs can be included on ground mounted signs, however, the changeable copy area shall not exceed 50% of the total sign face area. 2. The changeable copy portion of the sign must occupy a secondary position to the name of the business, development and/or tenant. 3. EMBs may display static images only. It is prohibited and unlawful for a sign to contain an image that blinks, flashes, moves, or scrolls or to contain an animated message or to flash, scroll, twirl, or otherwise move when changing. 4. EMBs may change copv or message display once each day. There shall be no more than two messages in any 24 hour period. 5. The maximum illumination of any electronic message or manual changeable letter sicn shall not exceed 15 foot-candles when measured with a light meter held perpendicular to the sign at a distance of 24". 6. Each sign shall be placed in such a manner so as to not interfere with, confuse, or present any hazard to traffic or pedestrians. 7. A sign containing an EMB shall not be located closer than 100' from a property assigned a residential zoning district/classification whether located within or outside of the Citv Limits. The distance shall be calculated as the shortest measurable distance between the face of the sign to the edge of the residential zoning district/classification, in a straight line without regard to intervening structures. 8. Audio speakers and all forms of pyrotechnics are prohibited and unlawful. F. A parcel developed with a drive-through or walk-up food establishment may have 2 on - premise menu boards. G. On or off premise wayfinding and directional signs are permittable provided that no such sign shall be placed in a right-of-way, exceeding 4 square feet in area on one side or 8 square feet in area on all sides, or exceed a height of 4' above the ground surface. H. Time and temperature suns. Time and temperature sians are nermittable on parcels which are assigned a non- residential zoning district/classification. The maximum area for the time and temperature portion of the sign is 20) square feet or 50% of the sign face, whichever is smaller. The area of a time and temperature sign. whether attached or freestanding, shall be included in determining the cumulative area of signs on the property. I. Location of signs Signs shall be located according to the following: 1 No sign shall be placed within 50 feet of any zoning district/classification in which The principal permitted use is a single family, two-family or multiple -family dwelling or a mobile homes. 2 Minimum setback from the property line fronting a right-of-way shall be equal to the height of the sign and shall be measured from the edge of the sign. 3 Signs shall be located to maintain a clearance of 10' to all overhead electrical conductors and a clearance of 3' feet on all secondary voltage service drops. 4 Signs shall not be located with any public easement construction easement or similar easement. J Design of Signs Signs shall be designed according to the following: 1 All signage shall be designed in a manner compatible with the colors and architectural style of the principal building and with the colors and style of other signs on the premises. Where individual building establishments are located in a single building or in multiple buildings which are attached attached signs shall be designed according to a common theme but be sufficiently different in style, color. materials or other characteristics to avoid a sense of uniformity and sameness. 3 The base of the ground mounted sign shall be designed to be compatible with the architectural style and color of the principal building. Sign bases finished with stucco or wood are prohibited. SECTION 17.0 SIGNS PERMITTED IN HISTORIC DISTRICT WITH A PERMIT A Approval of the Administrative Official. The Administrative Official is authorized to issue Certificates of Appropriateness for signs in a historic which has a minor impact on the significant historical. architectural, or cultural materials of the historic landmark or historic district If the Administrative Official determines that there would be a major impact or potential detriment as a result of the proposed action the application shall be submitted for Board review. B Permitted Signs The following types of signs are permitted within the City's historic districts and historic landmarks. 1 Site identification signs (free-standing. detached). 2 Business identification signs (attached to the building wall or window). K-37 a Wall signs (flat against building wall). b Projecting/hanging signs (perpendicular to the building). C. Window signs. d Canopy/Marquis and awning signs. 3 Directory signs (for multi -use developments). 4 Temporary signs 5. Standard sized menus mounted on the wall in cabinets at the entrance to restaurants. 6 A -Frame signs C General Design Criteria The following general design criteria shall apply to all signs located in the historic districts: 1 Site Identification Signs. a Site identification signs shall only be allowed if the building is setback 15' or more from the front property line. b A single site identification sign per parcel is permittable. C. Site identification signs shall be compatible with the surrounding area. as determined by the Historic Preservation Board by issuance of a certificate of appropriateness. and in no case shall exceed 5' in height and 12 square feet per sign face.. d. Intemally illuminated signs are prohibited. Signs may be lit from an external projected light source. e Sign faces shall be either parallel or perpendicular to the face of a building. Business or Use Identification Signs: a. Up to 2 business or use identification signs or ermittable per business or use with an additional business or use identification permittable for a business a use located on a corner lot. b. Signs shall not cover architectural detailing on historic buildings. C. A single business or use identification shall be allowed per sign. d. Internally illuminated signs are prohibited and unlawful. Signs may be lit from an external projected light source. K-38 e. Roof signs are prohibited and unlawful in the historic districts. f. Wall Signs. 1 Wall signs shall be limited to a single business or use and shall not exceed 18" in height and 50% of the primary frontage of the tenant space. 2 Wall signs shall be placed parallel to the building wall. 3 Wall signs shall not be painted directly on the surface of the building. 9. Proiecting/Hanging Signs 1 Proiecting/hanging signs shall be sized no larger than 3'x 4' and must be constructed of wood, metal, or a combination of both. The use of neon is prohibited for hanging signs. 2 Proiecting/hanging signs must be centered on the wall space of the building frontage for buildings with one business, and must be centered across the frontage for buildings with 2 businesses or uses No more than 2 hanging signs per building are permittable. In cases where a single tenant occupies a building of 2 stories or greater the tenant may install a single hanging sign on the second floor wall space centered across the building frontage only if the sign does not adversely impact architectural features and does not compete with the architectural desio of the building as determined by the Historic Preservation Board. 3 If located under an awning or marquis the projecting sign shall be located perpendicular to the building face. h Window Signs 1 Shall be maintained properly: 2 Shall be painted or decal only with no background coloring: 3. Shall not exceed 25% of window area: 4 Shall not obscure window displays: 5 All neon signs shall be located inside a building and shall not be flashing. 6 Signs using neon shall have a maximum luminous output of 300 lumens per foot calculated per foot of tube rather than lamp. A greater illumination mqy be used if documentation of the need for a higher value is provided to the Administrative Official from the manufacturer of the tubing and substantial competent evidence supports such a determination Exposed glass tubes must be K-39 protected by a clear front. i Canopy/Marquis or Awning Valance Sims. Fabric canopies marquis and structural awnings may contain signs. The sign may not exceed 18" in height and 50% of the face of the canopy or awning only. Signs are prohibited on the main body of a fabric canopy. L Directory Signs. Parcels with 2 or more businesses or uses on the premises are allowed a directory sign The size and location of directory signs shall be approved by the Historic Preservation Board if competent substantial evidence supports a finding that the signs are compatible with the architectural style of the building and that the signs do not conceal the architecturally significant details of the building. k A -Frame Signs. 1 A single A Frame sign is permittable for a ground -floor business. 2 Shall be no larger than 24" wide by 36" high. 3 Shall be black metal or stained wood and must have locking hinges. 4 Signs placed on easels shall be no larger than 24" wide by 24" high. 5 Plastic A -Frame signs are prohibited and unlawful. 6 Signs shall be constructed to be permanent but may have changing verbiage. 7 Signs shall not impede the flow of pedestrian traffic. D. Performance Standards. 1 Signs shall be constructed with and composed of permanent material. 2 Signs shall be made of durable materials that retain their appearance for the anticipated life of the sign Contemporary materials are acceptable but their appearance shall be visually compatible with the surrounding area. Flat signs in shinv or reflective materials such as plastic or anodized aluminum are prohibited. 3 New signage when attached to the building shall be capable of being removed without causing darnage to the building Fasteners shall go in mortar joints and shall not damage bricks. E Alternative Signage The Historic Preservation Board shall have the authority to grant variances to this Sign Code relative to signs located within an historic district upon K-40 finding competent substantial evidence that the signage is consistent with the purposes and intent of Schedule S and the sign is compatible with the development within the general area of the proposed sign. SECTION 18.0 LIGHTING All lighting for signage shall be designed to: • Provide adequate light without over -lighting; • Control light output in order to limit light to the intended area and reduce glare; • Maximize the effectiveness of the lighting fixtures and minimize the adverse effect of lighting beyond property borders; and • Provide attractive and energy-efficient illumination. • Lighted signs shall be designed and located so as to prevent direct glare or hazardous interference of any kind to adjoining streets or properties. All lighting for signage shall comply with the following regulations: A Externally Illuminated Signs, 1. Lighting fixtures shall be aimed and shielded so that light is directed only onto the sign face and not aimed at adjacent streets, roads or propeities and so that the source of light is not visible from any point off the premises. 2. Li hting fixtures shall be mounted on top of the sign structure and utilize only fully shielded cutoff fixtures. 3. A maximum of 40 lumens per s which thersigne total amount of initial lumens produced by all lamps used to illuminate divided by the area of the sign. 4. No colored lights shall be used at any location or in any manner so as to be confused with traffic control devices. 5 Lighted signs that abut property that is assigned a residential zoning district/classification shall be designed, placed and landscaped in such a manner so that the lighting does not trespass onto residential propeities and so that the source of light is not visible off the premises. B Internally Illuminated Signs, 1 Internally illuminated signs do not require shielding. 2. Internally illuminated signs, orth a uerback ooundschangeable unclo out orshall transluce t constructed with blackout or lettering logos symbols, etc. K-41 3 A lighting engineer or lighting evert acceptable to the City shall certify that the proposed sign design conforms to the requirements of this Section. 4. No colored li hts shall be used at an location or in an manner so as to be confused with traffic control devices. 5 Lighted signs that abut residential zones shall be designed placed and landscaped in such a manner so that the lighting does not trespass onto residential properties. C Neon Signs using neon shall have a maximum luminous output of 300 lumens per foot calculated per foot of tube rather than lamp A greater illumination may be used if competent substantial evidence supports a need for a higher value is provided to the City from the manufacturer of the tubing Exposed glass tubes must be protected by a clear front. D. Flood fights/Spotlights. Flood li hts and spotlights must be either burial fixtures or hidden in the planter surrounding the sign so that the source of light is not visible. Flood lights and s otli hts used to illuminate a residential subdivision sign shall not exceed a total of 900 lumens per sign face Flood lights and spotlights must be completely shielded or baffled so that lighting is restricted to the sign area and does not spill into the night sky. E Prohibited Lighting The following types of lighting are prohibited and unlawful: 7. Lighting or motion resembling traffic or directional signals. 8. Warnings or other similar devices which are normally associated with public safes or regulations. Lighting or signs which constitute a safety hazard or hindrance because of light, glare focus animation flashing or intensity of illumination. 9. High intensity lights such as beacon lights spotlights search lights or flood lights. 10. Prisms mirrors or polished reflecting surfaces used for the purpose of augmenting intensity of light sources. 11. Hi intensity lights laser lights or stroboscopic lights. F Strip Lighting Strip lighting used solely to outline a structure or any part thereof shall be considered as a sign and is prohibited and unlawful within any zoning district/classification. Strip lighting within the remaining zoning districts/classifications may be permitted provided that such strip lighting is limited to a total footage equivalent to twice the Length or width of the principal building located along the street side. Strip lighting as referred to herein shall not include holiday decorations and related lights. G Nonconfoi ming All non conforming illumination scintillation, flashing and related K-42 lighting devices shall be removed, eliminated or teiminated within 1 year from the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 19.0 TEMPORARY SIGNS under Section 5.0 without a sign permit the following In addition to the temporary signs allowed be subject to review and approval of a sign permit. temporary and portable signs may allowed Zoning SRI -AA, SRI -A, SR -1. S-3. MR -1. AG property with RMOI, RC -1. GC -2. MI PDs' Districts/Classifications MR -2, MR -3. PDs� and AG with primarily Commercial RI -1. -2 and Primarily Residential Uses Uses' Maximum number of � � Temporary signs per 2 s sign size 6 square fee32 square feet 64 square feet prenuses3a"a a temporary sign height 10' 10' for a temporary 5' freestanding . -sign' and G Minimum setback required to be maintained by a 5' 5 5 temporary around sign from any fi-ont property line' Minimum sign setback 10, 10° 10' from side vard Minimum sign setback required to be maintained by a S' 5, temporary around sign 5' from the edge of anv paved street or road or richt-of-way Minimum spacing that is required to be maintained by a 10' 30' 30' temporary around sign from any other tem ora around signs Maximum aaareaate surface area allocated 12 square feet 64 square feet 128 square feet for all temporary signs on a premises8 Whether temporary No :::No No signs is allowed on No public right-of-way No — Allowed in a sign No — 6 The Code Codifier shall insert the date upon enactment of the Ordinance K-43 Zoning SRI -AA. SR1-A. SR -I. S-3. MR -1, AG property with RMOI, RC -1. GC -2, Districts/Classifications MR -2. MR -3. PDs' and AG with primarily Commercial RI -1, MI -2 and PDs' Primarily Residential Uses Uses' Duration allowed after 7 calendar days 7 calendar days 7 calendar days event ends Duration if not 30 days 30 days 30 days Footnotes: I nl....--A 4---In,,,-nPnt agreements shall control over this table, if in 2 "Primarily" means more than 50%. 3 Temporary commercial banner signs are limited to one per year er remises with a maximum duration of display of no more than a 30 day period per calendar year. a The square footage limitation is for a single side of a sign. For example a limitation of 4square feet of limitation means that there is a limit of 8 square feet of surface area for a back-to- back sign. Not applicable to signs displayed on flagpoles. G In planned developments. the height of the sign shall be determined b the use of the area in which it is proposed but not more than ten feet. 7 Minimum sign setbacks do not apply to wall signs. All temporary signs are prohibited on public property and public rights-of-way except for those which relate to government speech. 8 There is no limit to the number of separate messages that may appear on the allowable surface(sl of any temporary sign The maximum aggregate surface area allowed is subject to circumstances that may reduce the maximum aggregate surface area allowable on some premises. 9 Applies to commercial temporary signs onlv. A Additional signs during elections Additional temporary non-commercial signage shall be allowed for the 90 days prior to and 7 calendar dans following any Federal. State, Seminole County. or City election not to exceed: 1 6 square feet per sign but not to exceed a cumulative total of 30 additional square feet on parcels assigned a residential district/classification. ?. Up to 64 square feet per sin on parcels assigned a commercial zoning district/classification (including office and industrial), but not to exceed a cumulative total of 320 additional square feet. 3 Signs are not permitted to be placed it City rights-of-way or on any City property. 4 In all other respects these signs must comply with Table 1. B Development standards for temporary signs All temporary signs shall comply with the following: 1 Duration for display of temporary commercial sign If a temporary commercial sign pertains to an event, the tempora sign shall be removed within and by no later than 7 calendar days after the event is concluded. If a temporary commercial sign does K-44 not pertain to an event, the temporaa commercial sign shall be removed within and by no later than 30 days after being erected. 2 Display of temporary sign requires permission of real property owner. A temporary sign on ny premises shall not be maintained if the placement of the same does not have the permission of the owner of real property. 3 A temporary sign shall not display any lighting and shall remain static. A temporary sin shall not displqy displayany lighting or illuminations that flash, move, rotate, scintillate blink flicker or vary in intensity of color. 4. A temporary sign shall not incorporate fluorescent color or exhibit fluorescence. 5. A temporM sin shall not obstruct a pelmanent sin or the vision between pedestrian and motor vehicles. A temporary sin shall not obstruct the view of a permanent sign as viewed from any public road street or highway or any public sidewalks and shall not obstruct the vision between pedestrians and motor using the public right-of-way including but not restricted to those meeting intersection visibility requirements. 6. Temporary signs may display multiple messages A temporary sign may display multiple independent messages on any portion of the sign surface of a temporary sign. 7. A temporary non-commercial sin does not require a pemait issued by the City. A temporary commercial sign requires a permit. g With regard to flag brackets flag stanchions and flags. a. For each premises and development site being used for a residential use, a single flagpole may be installed and 2 flags may be display per flagpole. For each premises and development site that is over 1/2 acre in size and is being used for a non-residential use up to 3 flagpoles may be installed and up to 2 flags may be displayed per flagpole. b. For each principal structure on a vremise, Lip to 2 flag brackets or stanchions may be attached or placed for the displav of flags A flag display from a flag bracket shall not exceed 24 square feet in size. C. For the puKpose of determining the size of a flag. a single side of the flag shall be counted as the display surface. d Flags on premises in non-residential use may be externally illuminated. C Temporary Banner Signs K-45 1. Tempora banner signs shall be located at the store -front of the business. or on a flagpole. 2 Banner signs shall not exceed a maximum area of 32 square feet per premise. 3. The banner signage shall not be displayed in excess of 12 feet in height above the ground unless on a flagpole. 4. Banner signs shall be attached to the building which is the location of the use advertised 5 For duration of display, See Footnote 3 to Table 1 SECTION 20.0 COMPREHENSIVE SIGN PROGRAMS 1. Intent. The intent of comprehensive sin programs is to provide property owners with flexibility to develop innovative, creative and effective signage and to improve and protect the aesthetic values of the City. The City recognizes that in many circumstances. there are irmovative and creative alternatives to minimum standard signage which are desirable and attractive and which will enhance community character and individual property values. Purpose The purpose of comprehensive sign programs is to provide an alternative to minimum standard signage subject to flexibility criteria which ensure that alternative signage will not have an adverse impact on the aesthetic values community character and quality of life of the City - 3. Authority. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall have the authority to approve comprehensive sign proggrams based upon the criteria set forth in this Sign Code. 4 Applicability. a. Any provert owner may a 1 for approval of a comprehensive sign program. b. All signs for planned development proiects that are comprised of any combination of residential commercial and office uses shall be subiect to approval under the provisions of this Sign Code pertaining to comprehensive sign programs. C. All signs for planned development proiects of 10 acres or greater shall be ap roved under the provisions of this Sign Code pertaining to comprehensive sign programs. 5 Required Elements. K-46 a Design Theme A request for approval of a comprehensive sign program shall include. at a minimum. a distinct theme or idea on which to base the coordinated design of all signs located on the premises. b All signs included The comprehensive sign program shall detail all signs on the premises including but not limited to attached signs, ground mounted signs directional signs directory signs and instructional signs. 6. Flexibility criteria. a Architectural Compatibility. The signs proposed in a comprehensive sin program shall be designed as a part of the architectural theme of the principal buildings proposed or developed on the parcel and shall be constructed of materials and colors which reflect an integrated architectural vocabulary for the parcel proposed for development; or The design..character, location and/or materials of the signs proposed in a comprehensive sign program shall be demonstrated by competent substantial evidence to be more attractive than signs otherwise permitted on the parcel proposed for development under the minimum provisions of this Sign Code. b Height The maximum height of all signs proposed in a comprehensive sign program is 15' provided however, that a single attached sign with a sign face of no more than 12 square feet may be higher. C. Total area of sign faces The total area of sign faces which are proposed as a part of a comprehensive sign program shall not exceed 2 times the total area of sign faces pennitted under the minimum sign standards on the parcel proposed for development. d Elimination of signage The signage proposed in a comprehensive sign program must result in the elimination of existing unattractive. nonconforming and obsolete signage or result in an improvement to the appearance of the parcel proposed for development in comparison to signs otherwise permitted under the minimum sign standards. e Community Character and Property Values. The signage proposed in comprehensive sign program must have a positive impact on the aesthetic appearance of the City and must not negatively impact the value of property in the immediate vicinity of the parcel proposed for development. f Scenic corridor plan The signage proposed in a comprehensive sign program must be consistent with any scenic corridor plan which the City has adopted for the area in which the parcel proposed for development is K-47 located. SECTION 21.0 NONCONFORMING SIGNS A Amortization of Nonconforming Signs Any lawfully existing permanent sign which was made non conforming by the adoption of this Ordinance shall be brought into compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance within 7 years from effective date of this Ordinance and any existing temporary sin which existed on June 22, 2009 must be brought into compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance within 2 years from that date This amortization schedule shall not apply to any sign subject to the Federal Hi hwgv Beautification Act or Chapter 479, Florida Statutes, as from time to time amended. B Repairs and maintenance The owner of a non -conforming sign may carry out maintenance or repairs that are required by the City Code or that are reasonably necessary or commonly engaged in to maintain the sin in a reasonable usable condition as determined by the City. Repairs or maintenance of a non -conforming sign shall not extend beyond its amortization period• provided however, that the City may treat said signs as a nuisance and may seek any code enforcement or other remedy available to the City under controlling law. C. Damage or destruction. If any non -conforming sin is damaged or destroyed to such an extent that the cost of repair or reconstruction of the sign is 50%) or more of the depreciated value of the sign at the time it is damaged or destroyed as determined by the City, then the non -conforming sin shall be made to comply with the provisions of this Sign Code. Q. Discontinuance. A sign that is discontinued as defined in this Sign Code shall lose its non -conforming status. An intent to abandon is not necessary to establish discontinuance. E Alteration A non conforming sign shall not be moved structurally altered, enlarged or changed in height or size. F Illegal Sign The use of an illegal sign shall not vest the sign owner or property owner with any right and all illegal signs shall be subject to any code enforcement or other remedy available to the City under controlling law. SECTION 22.0 SIGNS PROHIBITED IN ANY DISTRICT The following signs are not permitted in any zoning district/classification: A Abandoned signs. B Animated signs. C. Billboards. K-48 D Snipe signs. E Sandwich signs and portable signs. F Seawall signs. G Beacon lights. H Signs located or attached to trash receptacles gutters or benches, except as specifically ermitted upon action by the Cily Commission based upon time, lace and manner determinations and if the sign relates to government speech, whether the City Commission determines that the content is such that the desires to express as government speech. I Signs on public property Except as provided in these regulations signs may not be erected on public property except by a public body or a semi-public body provided such signis approved by the Cily Commission. based u on time. place and manner determinations and if the sign relates to government speech, whether the city Commission determines that the content is such that the desires to express as government speech It is prohibited and unlawful for a person to paint paste print or nail any banner sign, paper sign. or an advertisement or notice of any kind or cause the same to be done, on any curb flagstone, pavement or any other portion or part of any sidewalk or street or upon any tree lamp post, telephone ore telegraph pole hydrant or bridge within the limits of any street or public right of way. This provision shall not apply to notices as may be required by law and other exceptions as provided in this Sign Code All signs wrongfully placed on public propegy will be confiscated and destroyed and be subject to any code enforcement or other remedy available to the City under controlling law including, but not limited to, assessments under the provisions of Section 26-121 of the City Code. J. Obscene dis la s. ALiy sign which dis las anystatement work character, or illustration of which is obscene. K Obstructions Any sign erected in a manner that would impede ingress and egress through any door or emergency exit. X L Streamers spinners and pennants ribbons balloons or similar devices except as authorize in this Sign Code. M Advertising motor vehicles or trailers A motor vehicle, asdefined by Section 320.01 (1) Florida Statutes or trailer as defined by Section 320 01(4). Florida Statutes, which has attached to or located thereon any sign or device for the purpose of advertising a business product or service or for directing people to a business or activity. It is prohibited and unlawful for a person to park any such motor vehicle or trailer on a public rig—ht-of-way, on public property or on private properly so as to be visible from a public right of way This provision is not intended to prohibit vehicle signs that are part of a moving fleet of motor vehicles. K-49 N Signs which emit smoke vapor particles. odor or sounds. p Parasite Signs. P Flashing signs. Q Illegal signs. R Fence signs. S Inflatable signs except as provided for in this Sign Code. T Mobile trailer signs. U Off -premise signs. V Roof signs. W Revolving signs. X Obstructions Any sign erected in a manner that would impede ingress and egress through any door or emergency exit or otherwise create a fire safety or other public safety hazard. Y. Signs which violate Ci this Sign Code). County. State. or Federal laws or regulations. Z Signs painted attached or affixed to trees or other living vegetation. K-50 SECTION 23.0 FIGURES Fieure 1 ste WIDTH WIDTH EMOBL�EM 0 CIRCLE DECAL _ : WIDTH WIDTH -------- ------ cs� ODD SHAPE ui Lul—" --------- --------- -'r ODD SHAPE WIDTH - WIDTH K-51 SCHEDULE U OVERLAY DISTRICTS SECTION 1.0 PURPOSE AND APPLICABILITY An overlay district is a defined geographic area that, due to its unique character, quality, resources or needs warrants specific recognition and/or management through the use of special standards and regulations. The special standards and regulations are in addition to the underlying zoning regulations and standards. Where there is a conflict between the zoning regulations and the overlay district regulations, the overlay district regulations apply. The provisions of this Schedule shall apply to the entire parcel when all or a portion of a proposed development, or modification thereto, is located in an overlay district. SECTION 2.0 LAKE MARY BOULEVARD AND WEST S. R. 46/RINEHART ROAD OVERLAY DISTRICTS A. Applicability. Lake Mary Boulevard - The Lake Mary Boulevard overlay district includes all lands located within the Sanford City Limits that lie within three hundred and twenty (320) feet of the centerline of Lake Mary Boulevard between the CSX Railroad Line near Country Club Road and the intersection of State Road 46 and County Road 415. If any part of any parcel abuts the right-of-way line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this Part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. West S.R. 46/Rinehart Road Gateway - The S.R. 46/West First Street overlay district includes all lands located within the Sanford City Limits that lie within three hundred and twenty (320) feet of the centerline of S.R. 46 between the Interchange at I-4 and Airport Boulevard (existing) and Rinehart Road. If any part of any parcel abuts the right-of-way line of the designated roadway, the entire parcel shall be subject to this Part as if the parcel were wholly within the stated corridor. B. Purpose. The purpose of this overlay district is to insure that these gateway corridors are developed in a manner which: 1. Insures the roadway is developed into a well landscaped, scenic gateway; 2. Provides uniform design standards to establish high quality development; 3. Prevents visual pollution caused by unplanned and uncoordinated uses, buildings and structures; U-1 4. Maximizes traffic circulation functions from the standpoint of safety, roadway capacity, vehicular and non -vehicular movement; 5. Maintains and enhances property values; 6. Preserves natural features to the extent practicable; and 7. Recognizes and makes allowances for existing uses and buildings. C. Building Setbacks. The front yard building setback shall be a minimum of fifty (50) feet. Such front yard building setback shall be greater than fifty (50) feet if a more restrictive setback is required as set forth in this ordinance, as part of a stipulation or condition of development, or as required in Schedule C. D. Street -Side Landscape Buffer. 1. Lake Mary Boulevard a. A minimum fifteen (15) foot landscape buffer, or greater if provided by this ordinance, shall be provided in the area abutting the designated roadway right-of-way lines. Landscape buffer width may be reduced to a minimum of ten (10) feet only if the lot or tract is less than two hundred (200) feet in depth. b. The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation, maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping. C. The landscape buffer area shall be planted with live oaks, of four (4) inch diameter twelve (12) inches above grade at planting, along a line ten (10) feet back from the right-of-way line. The trees shall be planted every forty (40) feet and staggered so as to be midway between any live oaks planted in the adjacent right-of-way. A minimum of four (4) sub -canopy trees per one hundred (100) feet of frontage shall be planted in and about access points and intersections. Unless otherwise noted herein, all landscaping shall comply with Schedule J -Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements of the Sanford Land Development Regulations including landscape materials planted under power lines. d. No existing, dedicated or reserved public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation of the buffer width. e. The corridor buffer area may include minor storm water retention features only. £ If parking abuts the buffer, a continuous shrub hedge shall be arranged or planted so that a height of three (3) feet will be attained within one (1) U-2 year of planting so as to screen a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the parking area, to that height, as viewed from the right-of-way. g. Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. 2. West S.R. 46 and Rinehart Road a. A minimum twenty-five (25) foot landscape buffer, or greater if provided by this ordinance, shall be provided in the area abutting the designated roadway right-of-way lines. Landscape buffer width may be reduced to a minimum of fifteen (15) feet only if the lot is less than two hundred (200) feet deep. b. The developer/property owner shall be responsible for the purchase, installation, maintenance and irrigation of all required landscaping. C. The landscape buffer area shall be planted with two (2) rows of live oaks, of four (4) inch diameter twelve (12) inches above grade at planting. The trees shall be planted every fifty (50) feet and staggered so as to be midway between each other, and equal distance between each row and right-of-way. A minimum of four (4) sub -canopy trees per one hundred (100) feet of frontage shall be planted in and about access points and intersections. Unless otherwise noted herein, all landscaping shall comply with Schedule J, Landscape, Buffer and Tree Requirements, of the Sanford Land Development Regulations including landscape materials planted under power lines. d. No existing, dedicated or reserved public or private right-of-way shall be included in calculation of the buffer width. e. The corridor buffer area may include minor storm water retention features only. f. If parking abuts the buffer, a continuous shrub hedge shall be arranged or planted so that a height of three (3) feet will be attained within one (1) year of planting so as to screen a minimum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the parking area, to that height, as viewed from the right-of-way. g. Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. E. Parking. Parking lots shall be designed and landscaped according to the following criteria: A minimum of ten percent (10%) of all parking area and entryways shall be landscaped. Landscape material shall be selected from the list of plants in Appendix 1 of Schedule J. U-3 2. Parking bays shall not be larger than forty (40) spaces. 3. Landscape Breaks. Perimeter landscaped parking breaks shall be a maximum of two hundred (200) square feet in area, planted with one (1) canopy tree and a maximum of twenty (20) spaces apart. a. Internal landscaped breaks shall be a minimum of four hundred (400) square feet planted with one (1) canopy tree, two to three (2-3) inches in diameter twelve (12) inches above grade, for every landscape break and a minimum of three (3) shrubs for every landscaped break. Internal breaks shall be a maximum of twenty (20) spaces apart. b. Diamond landscaped breaks shall be placed every ten (10) spaces internally, shall be eight (8) feet by eight (8) feet and shall be planted with one (1) canopy tree. C. Preservation - Existing vegetation may be used to meet these requirements. 4. Lighting - Parking lot lighting shall be designed as follows: Illumination onto adjacent properties shall not exceed 0.5 foot-candles. Cut-off fixtures are required to conceal the actual source of the light which reduces glare and to direct the light to specific areas while shielding other areas. The maximum height of the light pole shall be twenty-five (25) feet, including the base. The minimum setback of the light source from the property line shall be a horizontal distance of twenty (20) feet. F. Utility Lines. All new or relocated utility lines within the designated corridor shall be constructed and installed beneath the surface of the ground unless it is determined by the City that soil, topographical, or any other compelling conditions, make the underground installation of such utility lines as prescribed herein unreasonable and impracticable. G. Walls. All freestanding walls, sound barriers, ground sign enclosures, planters, etc. fronting along the designated roadway or its major intersections shall be of brick or half - block. Alternate entrance features such as stone, metal, wood, etc., may be approved by the Planning and Zoning Commission. H. Residential Exempted. All residentially zoned single family lots are exempted from meeting all standards contained in this schedule except for the burial of utility service lines, wall requirements and the building setback requirement. U-4 SECTION 3.0 DOWNTOWN/RIVERFRONT/MIDTOWN OVERLAY DISTRICTS The following sections regulate specific areas within the City of Sanford. Design components within the special districts have been crafted to provide options for development that will allow for innovative traditional design development with the creation of three (3) new overlay districts: Riverfront Overlay District, Midtown Overlay District and Downtown Overlay District. The criteria shall be strictly adhered to in order to maintain the vision for the City of Sanford. The standards will encourage connections between the waterfront, shopping, working and residential areas. A. Definitions. The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning. Alley - a public or private way permanently reserved as a secondary means of access to abutting property. Anchor Tenant - a retail store(s) in a shopping center that is/are in excess of fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross floor area and possess at least one hundred (100) feet of building frontage. Block - a unit of land bounded by streets or by a combination of streets and public land, railroad rights-of-way, waterways, or any other barrier to the continuity of development. Block Face - the area of the block which faces a street. Building Frontage - means the horizontal length of a wall of a building where such wall faces a street. The measurement of such length is along a line parallel to the street. Where a building is arranged to include establishments with exterior public entrances but no wall space facing a street, the horizontal dimension of one wall of each such establishment which faces a mall or other private way may be considered to be building frontage. Building Height - the limit to the vertical extent of a building. The building height may be prescribed as a maximum number of stories or as a dimension from sidewalk grade to the eave. The height limit shall not apply to attics, raised basements, chimneys, machine rooms, or similar structures. Decorative elements may exceed the total height of the structure by no more than ten (10) percent of the total height of the building for structures greater than four (4) stories and by no more than twenty (20) percent for structures four (4) stories and less. Building Scale - the relationship between the mass of a building and its surroundings, including the width of street, open space, and mass of surrounding buildings. Building Setback, Front - the distance from the street right-of-way line to the closest point of the foundation of a building or projection thereof. U-5 Common Open Space - squares, greens, neighborhood parks, and linear environmental corridors. LEED- The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating SystemTM is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. LEED promotes a whole -building approach to sustainability by recognizing performance in five key areas of human and environmental health: sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection, and indoor environmental quality. Live Work Unit - means by definition, a live/work unit accommodates residents in addition to work activities. As a minimum, a live/work unit will need to provide residential facilities equivalent to those provided in what is variously described as an efficiency unit or a studio apartment. Lot Width - the horizontal distance between side lot lines measured at the front setback. Mass is determined by the three-dimensional bulk of a structure: height, width, and depth. Parapet - the extension of a false front or wall above a roof line. Podium — in a the High Density Mixed Use Development building, the first three stories shall be considered the podium portion of the building. Principal Building - a building in which the primary use of the lot on which the building is located is conducted. Story(ies) — means the permitted total height of a building that is calculated by a maximum of fourteen (14) feet per story. This can be averaged by total stories and not required by floor. Structure, Mixed -Use - the combination of both commercial and residential uses within a single building of two or more stories, wherein at least 33% of the heated floor area contains residential dwelling unit(s). Structure, Single Use - a single use is in a building. Tower - the High Density Mixed Use Prototype building's fourth story and higher stories shall be considered the tower portion of the building. Traditional Neighborhood - a compact, mixed use neighborhood where residential, commercial and civic buildings are within close proximity to each other. B. Applicability of Other Sections of the Land Development Code. In addition to the standards provided herein, development within the special area districts shall be required to meet all other applicable sections of the Land Development Code. Where any U-6 provision of the Downtown/Riverfront design standards is in conflict with any other standards or regulations of the Land Development Code, the Downtown/Riverfront standards shall prevail. The provisions of Section 15, Urban Infill, of Schedule E may not be applied to any parcels within the Downtown/Riverfront/Midtown Areas. For those parcels located in the Historic Commercial District, the provisions of Schedule S shall prevail, unless otherwise noted in this schedule Developments within the Downtown Overlay District, the Riverfront Overlay District and the Midtown Overlay District may be approved through the planned development process, however any development on Marina Island shall be approved through the planned development process. The design of planned developments shall adhere to traditional design development and shall generally conform to the downtown/riverfront overlay standards for block development, site design, lot layout, prototype design, and building design. Any deviation from the standards of this ordinance shall result in a development that is beneficial to the City, enhances the character of the community in which it is located and is superior to a project that is designed consistent with the downtown/riverfront overlay standards. The maximum height of structures on Marina Isle is ninety (90) feet as measured from sidewalk grade to the rooftop including attics, mechanical equipment and raised basements. Decorative elements may exceed the total height of the structure by no more than ten (10) percent of the total height of the building for structures greater than four (4) stories and by no more than twenty (20) percent for structures four (4) stories and less. C. District Intent Statements. The following three (3) overlay districts are based on the key principles of urban type development, which are walkable and designed to contain a diverse range of housing, shopping and offices. All three districts will offer design standards for development that provide for an efficient land use form and cost effective delivery of urban services. 1. Riverfront Overlay District (RF). The purpose of this district is to provide for a mixed-use area for high-density residential, offices and retail uses. 2. Midtown Overlay District (MT). The primary purpose of this district is to encourage residential uses. This district provides for a mixed-use area for single- family, multifamily housing, offices and neighborhood serving retail, where appropriate, and is not in direct conflict with the residential usage. 3. Downtown Overlay District (DT). The primary purpose of this district is to encourage commercial uses. This district provides for a mixed-use area for single-family, multifamily housing, hotel, offices and retail, where appropriate, and is not in direct conflict with the residential usage and the historic district. U-7 D. Designation of Street Type. The Downtown/Riverfront Standards designate three (3) street types that exist within the Downtown/Riverfront area. The identification of each street type directly relates to the site design and lot layout criteria outlined in these standards. 1. Designation of "A" Streets, `B" Streets and "Pedestrian Priority" Streets: a. The following table designates existing streets within the Downtown/Riverfront Area as an "A" Street or a "Pedestrian Priority" street. Streets not specifically designated will be considered `B" streets. The creation of new streets constructed on or after the effective date of this ordinance will be updated and designated by the City. b. "A" Streets shall have building frontage requirements, established build -to lines and active retail on first floor, restricted parking and service uses adjacent to an "A" street. C. "Pedestrian Priority" Streets shall have building frontage requirements, established build to lines, restrict parking and service uses adjacent to a "pedestrian priority" street. d. `B" Streets shall have no building frontage requirements. While `B" Streets are not intended to be primary pedestrian streets, additional provisions on architectural details, accessory structures, and service bays will be provided. All streets west of French Avenue are "B" streets. Table 1: Street Designation Street Name Designation 1" Street from French Avenue to Sanford Avenue A Sanford Avenue rom 1' to 0 Street A French Avenuefiom 2"d Street to Seminole Boulevard A Palmetto Avenue om 2"d Street to Commercial Street A Palmetto Avenue from Commercial Street to Seminole Boulevard Pedestrian Priority Palmetto Avenue rom 2nd Street to 3rd Street Pedestrian Priority Palmetto Avenue from Seminole Boulevard to the terminus of Lake Monroe Pedestrian Priority Sanford Avenue rom I' Street to Seminole Boulevard Pedestrian Priority Park Avenue rom Seminole Boulevard to 2"d Street Pedestrian Priority Fulton Street from French Avenue to Park Avenue Pedestrian Priority Is' Street om Sanford Avenue to Mellonville Pedestrian Priority 2°d Street from French Avenue to Mellonville Pedestrian Priority San Juan Avenue from Seminole Boulevard to]" Street Pedestrian Priority Seminole Boulevard Pedestrian Priority U-8 E. Permitted Development Types. In order to reinforce the Downtown/Riverfront Area, new development shall be organized into development blocks. Development activity shall be regulated through these standards and shall be required to comply with the comprehensive definition of permitted development included herein that regulates use, density, intensity, and form by requiring development to occur within one (1) of the following development block types: Single Use Commercial Development. 2. Mixed Use Development: a. Office/Neighborhood Commercial. b. Retail Development. C. High Density Development. 3. Attached and Detached Residential Development. 4. Transitional Mid -Block Residential Development. 5. Infill Development. The block types shall be used for illustrative purposes. Development applications for specific sites are required to assemble structures into mixed-use blocks or half -blocks, as appropriate, for the site. Each site plan shall be required to identify how the proposed development, including buildings and structures, are assembled within a context that conforms to the design standards for the block or half -block within which the building occurs. The development block structure reinforces the Downtown/Riverfront's existing block structure and street network by limiting block size and framing the development block within the existing street system. This block structure is designed to create a walkable community through a set of block standards and requirements for site design, lot layout and building design. The following Table identifies each block type and denotes a "P" for permitted and "NP" for not permitted. Table 2: Permitted Development Types Block Type Zoning District RF MT DT Single -Use Commercial P P P Mixed Use Development Blocks: Office/Neighborhood Commercial P P P Retail Development Block P P P High Density Development Block P NP NP U-9 Block Type Zoning District RF MT DT Attached and Detached Residential Development Block P P P Transitional Mid -Block Residential Development Block NP P P Infill Development Block P P P F. Site Design & Lot Layout. Examples of permitted development types are described for illustrative purposes. Each site plan shall be required to identify how the proposed development, including buildings and structures, is assembled within a context that conforms to the design standards for the block or partial block within which the building occurs. The development examples are a series of illustrations that highlight some of the Downtown/Riverfront standards. The illustrations are shown in a block format and individual parcel development may not be able to build to the form of a block. However, all development, at a minimum, will be expected to comply with the building design, site design and lot layout as described in these design standards. If development of an entire block occurs, the illustration shall be used as a development tool. Any new development that is at least two (2) acres in size shall follow the block structure. The maximum permitted block size for new development shall not exceed three -hundred fifty (350) feet by six -hundred (600) feet. The Administrative Official or his designee may permit a varying block size provided site constraints exist and the maximum block size must be maintained by pedestrian access and breaks on the first floor. 1. Single -Use Commercial Development. The Single -Use Commercial illustration, Figure A, permits a wide range of commercial uses. a. Height: One (1) to four (4) stories not to exceed fifty-six (56) feet. b. Setbacks. The minimum front setback is zero (0) feet and the maximum setback is fifteen (15) feet. Side setbacks shall be the same as the front setbacks. C. Setback Encroachment. Special architectural features, such as balconies, bay windows, arcades, awnings, etc. may project into front setbacks and public right-of-ways on streets provided they are eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and leave a minimum five (5) foot wide unobstructed sidewalk. Support structures for these features shall be located such that they do not affect the clear sight triangle for travel lanes or the on -street parking. Prior to new encroachment into the public right-of-way, a permit shall be obtained from the Administrative Official or designee. U-10 2. Mixed Use Development. Mixed Use Development examples are designed to accommodate a range of retail, office and mixed-use building types. Mixed Use Developments include: a. Retail option one and option two, Figures D & E and Office/ Mixed -Use option one & option two, Figures B and C. Height: Option one (1) maximum height is four (4) stories not to exceed fifty-six (56) feet and option two (2) is eight (8) stories not to exceed one hundred twelve (112) feet with the following provisions: The distance from existing single family residential zoning must be at a minimum of three hundred (300) feet. The fourth (4th) story shall be set back ten (10) feet from the third (3rd) story. This setback shall occur from any street side fagade of the building. Midtown Overlay District (MT) and Downtown District (DT) permits six (6) stories and the Riverfront Overlay (RF) District permits eight (8) stories. The additional stories are permitted if the building is Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified and/or Florida Green Building Council (FGBC) certified.. ii. Setbacks. The front setbacks are a minimum of zero (0) feet and a maximum of fifteen (15) feet. Side setbacks shall be the same as the front setbacks. iii. Setback Encroachment. Special architectural features, such as balconies, bay windows, arcades, awnings, etc. may project into front setbacks and public right-of-ways on streets provided they are eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and leave a minimum five (5) foot wide unobstructed sidewalk. Support structures for these features shall be located such that they do not affect the clear sight triangle for travel lanes or the on -street parking. Prior to new encroachment into the public right-of-way, a permit shall be obtained from the City Commission or its designee. 3. High Density Mixed Use Development, Figure F. a. Height: Permitted height shall be six (6) stories not to exceed eighty-four (84) feet with a bonus of up to an additional two (2) stories not to exceed twenty-eight (28) feet, totaling no more than eight (8) stories not to exceed one hundred twelve (112) feet is permitted with the following provisions. U-11 To receive the bonus stories, the building must be Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certified and/or Florida Green Building Council (FGBC) certified. The podium portion of the building shall be b three (3) stories in height. All stories over three (3) shall be considered the tower. A tower's maximum lineal dimension may not extend more than two hundred (200) feet. If two (2) towers are located on the podium, the required distance between the towers shall be determined by one third (1/3) of the height of the tallest tower. b. Additional Permitted Height. In addition to the permitted eight (8) stories, an additional four (4) stories not to exceed one hundred sixty-eight (168) feet is permitted provided the following condition occurs: The determination of the additional amount of stories will be determined by the permitted density and the location of the proposed additional height. An additional four (4) stories (91h, 10th, 11th and 12th story) may be granted if the parcel is located west of French Avenue or north of Fulton Street on the east side of French Avenue and not adjacent to any single family residential zoning district. C. Setbacks. The front and side setbacks are a minimum zero (0) feet and a maximum of fifteen (15) feet. d. Setback Encroachment. Special architectural features, such as balconies, bay windows, arcades, awnings, etc. may project into front setbacks and public right-of-ways on streets provided they are eight (8) feet above the sidewalk and leave a minimum five (5) foot wide unobstructed sidewalk. Support structures for these features shall be located such that they do not affect the clear sight triangle for travel lanes or the on -street parking. Prior to new encroachment into the public right-of-way, a permit shall be obtained from the Administrative Official or designee. 4. Attached and Detached Residential Development. Residential Development illustrations, Figure G & Figure H. This Residential Development Block is designed to accommodate a range of single-family and multi -family building types including apartment buildings, condominiums, single-family detached houses and town homes. a. Elevation. The minimum elevation shall be eighteen (18) inches from the base flood elevation. U-12 b. Height. The minimum height shall be two (2) stories not to exceed twenty- eight (28) feet and the maximum height is four (4) stories not to exceed forty-two (42) feet. C. Setbacks. The minimum front yard setback is ten (10) feet and the maximum is twenty (20) feet. The side yard setback on the corner lots shall be maintained consistent with the front yard setback. Garage and accessory units located in the rear of the parcel shall be set back a minimum of four (4) feet from an alley and ten (10) feet when an alley is not constructed. d. Setback Encroachment. Front porches may encroach up to ten (10) feet in a twenty (20) foot setback and up to five (5) feet in a ten (10) foot setback. e. Alleys. Alleys are required to be constructed with lots sizes smaller than fifty (50) feet in width. f. Garages. Street -facing ground floor parking, including garages, is not permitted on the first (1) floor of a multifamily structure on an "A" street or a "Pedestrian Priority" street. Parking shall occur underneath the multifamily structure, within parking garages, or within surface lots that do not front on either an "A" Street or a "Pedestrian Priority" Street. i. Architectural detailing shall remain consistent on all elevations of the primary building as viewed from both the front street and side street elevation. ii. Front garages must be set back a minimum of five (5) feet from the primary structure. Rear garages must be set back a minimum of four (4) feet from an alley or rear access drive. On corner lots on `A' or `Pedestrian Priority' streets with alley access, garage doors shall not face side streets. iv. Side garages may have an access from the street and are required, at a minimum, to be set back in line with the primary structures side setback. V. Ground floor parking, including garages that are located inside the internal block are permitted on the first floor of a structure if the street facing side view of the garage blends in with the design elements of the building's primary frontage. 5. Transitional Residential Development. (Figures I and J) Transitional Development Blocks shall be applied to any development over two (2) stories in height that is adjacent to single-family residential zonin . The block facing a single-family residential zoning shall be single-family detached housing that is compatible with existing residential. The mid -block portion of the block may transition up to four (4) stories not to exceed fifty-six (56) feet with the following provisions: a. Setbacks. The setback shall be determined by the existing residential uses that are facing the proposed residential uses. The setback may be varied up U-13 to five (5) feet from the average of the existing residential units. The structures that are more intense than single-family housing shall follow the appropriate development block as detailed in these design standards. b. Landscape buffer. A landscape buffer of twenty (20) feet may be required as determined by the Administrative Official or his designee. C. Lighting. The proposed development shall also control the effects of lights from automobiles or other sources. Where the site plan indicates potential adverse effects from parking or from other sources on the lot on which the non-residential use is to be located, such effects shall be illuminated, or at a minimum, prevented so that lights do not illuminate adjacent residential property below a height of five (5) feet at the residential property line, or from shining into any residential window if there is to be non-residential parking on the premises after dark. d. Rear Yard Setback. When a non-residential use or multi -family (apartment) use is abutting any single-family residential property, there shall be an additional setback required for any yard of that use which is contiguous to the residential property, as follows: • When the rear side of a single story structure equal to or less than twenty-five (25) feet in height abuts single-family residential zoned property, that portion of the structure(s) shall be set back at a minimum twenty (20) feet from the rear property line. • When a single story structure equal to or less than twenty-five (25) feet in height abuts the side of a single-family residential zoned property, the structures shall be a minimum of twenty (20) feet apart. • Trash receptacles and loading facilities may not be permitted in the rear of the property. Service areas shall be located on the side. Exceptions to the location shall be determined by the location of the adjacent single-family residential use. • When any side of a structure greater than one (1) story or twenty- five (25) feet in height abuts residential property, that portion of the structure shall be set back at a minimum of thirty (30) feet from the property boundary. • Building Design. The side of the building that is facing or backing up to any residential development must be treated with the same architectural design standards as the front of the building. U-14 G. 6. Infill Development. The Infill Development illustration, Figure K, illustrates a single building within an existing built -out block. a. Setbacks. The setback shall be determined by the existing adjacent structure(s),It will be permitted to vary the setback up to five (5) feet from the average of the existing structure. General Block Standards. General Site Design. a. Form. Buildings shall form a consistent, distinct edge, spatially delineating the public street through maximum building setbacks that vary by no more than five (5) feet from those of the adjacent building. b. Open Storage. There shall be no open storage. C. Sidewalks. All buildings or developments must provide sidewalks along the street edge(s) of their property. Sidewalks shall be constructed to align with existing sidewalks and the materials shall complement the existing sidewalk materials. Sidewalk connections from the principal building to the public sidewalk must be provided. d. Landscaping adjacent to existing and proposed street sidewalks must be compatible with the city's existing streetscape standards. C. Utilities. All utilities shall be located underground. 2. Off-street parking (surface parking lots). a. A knee wall shall be constructed for the length of any parking lot which fronts a "Pedestrian Priority" or an "A" street. The knee wall shall be constructed using the following standards: (i) Minimum two (2) feet in height to a maximum of three (3) feet. (ii) The knee wall must be masonry or brick which complements the primary building's architecture by utilizing the same architectural style. b. A maximum of two (2) vehicular access/curb cuts to parking lots are allowed along "A" Street block faces, subject to Access Management regulations of Schedule N. Vehicular access/curb cuts are not allowed on any block face less than three hundred and fifty (350) feet. Vehicular access drives shall connect each parking lot with at least two (2) separate streets. U-15 3. Parking Garages. Structured parking decks shall be located behind "A" Street frontage buildings with vehicular access restricted to "B" Streets. Interior landscaping requirements for parking garages shall be met by providing hanging baskets, landscape planters and/or flower boxes around the exterior of the first three (3) levels of the parking garage structure. Parking structures that permit access from an "A" or "Pedestrian Priority" Street shall comply with the following requirements: a. Direct pedestrian access to each adjacent street shall be provided. b. Except for vehicle entrances as described below, the ground floor shall be developed with enclosed commercial or civic floor space to a minimum building depth of thirty (30) feet along the entire length of the structure on each facing street, unless separated from the street by another building, parking lot and/or landscaped open space with a minimum depth of thirty (30) feet. C. Vehicle entrances to a parking structure shall be a maximum of forty (40) feet in width and shall be separated from other vehicle entrances to the structure or other parking structures on the same side of the block by a minimum distance of four hundred (400) feet. 4. Parking requirements: New, non-residential buildings under 5,000 square feet in area in the Riverfront Overlay District and Downtown Overlay District shall be exempt from parking requirements. New, non-residential buildings over 5,000 square feet in area in the Riverfront Overlay District and Downtown Overlay District shall be required to provide one space per 500 square feet of nonresidential gross floor area over and above the initial 5,000 square feet plus one space per dwelling unit. The parking shall be located within 1,000 feet of the site. On -street parking spaces located along the lot frontage may be counted toward the parking requirements of this Code. Buildings in the Midtown Overlay District shall comply with the provisions of Schedule H. 5. Landscape buffer requirements. Traditional buffers stated elsewhere in this code shall not apply to the Riverfront Overlay District and Downtown Overlay District. The compatibility of points of access, transitions, and buffers shall be determined during the development review process. The need and use of buffers shall be determined during the development review process. H. Building Design. The following standards apply to the building design of all types of development: 1. Building Frontage. Building frontages shall occupy no less than seventy-five (75) percent of a "Pedestrian Priority" street and of an "A" street facing entrance. If site constraints exist, a knee wall may be constructed with the following provisions: CIM[61 a. Only twenty-five (25) percent of the required frontage may be credited as part of a knee wall. i. A knee wall must be constructed as described in Subsection G.2.a. ii. The knee wall should be no more than the length of the primary building frontage. 2. Public Entrance. Buildings that are open to the public shall have an entrance for pedestrians from the street to the building interior. This entrance shall be designed to be attractive and functionally be a distinctive and prominent element of the architectural design, and shall be open to the public during business hours. Buildings shall incorporate lighting and changes in mass, surface detail or finish to give emphasis to the entrances. 3. Building Fagade. Buildings shall provide a foundation or base, typically from ground to bottom of the lower windowsills, with changes in volume or material. A clear visual division shall be maintained between the ground level floor and upper floors with either a cornice line or awning from twelve (12) feet to sixteen (16) feet above Base Flood Elevation or grade, whichever applies to the proposed development. No more than thirty (30) feet of horizontal distance of wall shall be provided without architectural relief for building walls and frontage walls facing the street. All buildings excluding single family detached homes shall utilize at least three (3) of the following design features to provide visual relief along all elevations of the building: a. Divisions or change in materials (materials should be drawn from a common palette) b. Window bays C. Separate entrances and entry treatments, porticoes extending at least five (5) feet. d. Variation in roof lines e. Dormers f. Canopies and awnings, extending at least five (5) feet g. Gables h. Overhang extending at least five (5) feet i. Recessed entries (at least three [3]feet from the primary fagade) j. Protruding entries (at least three [3] from the primary fagade) k. Covered porch entries 1. Cupolas 4. Storefront character. Commercial and mixed-use buildings shall express a "storefront character" by providing all of the following architectural features along the building frontage as applicable. a. Corner building entrances on corner lots. b. Consistently spaced and similar -shaped windows with window hoods or trim (all building stories). U-17 C. Large display windows on the ground floor. All street -facing, park -facing and plaza -facing structures shall have windows covering a minimum of forty (40) percent and a maximum eighty (80) percent of the ground floor of each storefront's linear frontage. Blank walls shall not occupy over fifty (50) percent of a street -facing frontage and shall not exceed thirty (30) linear feet without being interrupted by a window or entry. Mirrored glass, obscured glass and glass block cannot be used in meeting this requirement. Display windows may be used to meet this requirement if the first floor has not been designed as a flood proof first floor. 5. Orientation. The primary building entrances shall be visible and directly accessible from a public street. Building massing such as tower elements may be used to identify the location of building entries. 6. Rooflines. Attached Residential and Non-residential buildings shall be varied to reduce the massive scale of large buildings and to complement the scale and character of adjacent residential areas. Building facades that exceed one hundred (100) feet in length measured along the street frontage shall have variations in roofline or rooftop parapet. Rooftop equipment shall be concealed behind parapets or screened from views by pedestrians. 7. Lighting. All buildings shall have shielded exterior lighting without glare or shine onto other areas of the site. 8. Building Color. The use of black or fluorescent colors, or pure primary and secondary colors is prohibited as the predominant exterior building color(s). Building trim and accent areas may feature any color(s) limited to ten (10) percent of the affected fagade segment, with a maximum trim height of twenty four (24) inches. 9. Habitable Street Frontage_ The first twenty (20) feet of depth of the first (1) floor of any multifamily structure's primary building frontage facing a street shall be constructed as habitable space. I. Walkways and Pedestrian Connections. Parking lots shall be designed to allow pedestrians to safely move from their vehicles to the building. On small lots (thirty-six [36] parking spaces or less), this may be achieved by providing a sidewalk at the perimeter of the lot. On larger lots, corridors within the parking area should channel pedestrians from the car to the perimeter of the lot or to the building. These corridors are delineated by a paving material that differs from that of vehicular areas and are planted to provide shade. 1. Parking Lots containing more than thirty-six (36) parking stalls shall have clearly defined pedestrian connections provided between: a. A public right-of-way and building entrances U-18 b. Parking lots and building entrances 2. Pedestrian walkways shall be landscaped with additional shade or ornamental trees equal to an average of one (1) shade tree per fifty (50) linear feet of walkway, unless the walkway is adjacent or included within an existing compliant buffer or frontage planting. The walkway shall not be less than five (5) feet in width. 3. Pedestrian connections shall be clearly defined by at least two (2) of the following: a. Six (6) inch vertical curb. b. Textured paving, including across vehicular lanes. C. Continuous landscape area at a minmum of three (3) feet wide on at least one (1) side of the walkway. d. One (1) shade tree shall be planted for each two -hundred (200) square feet of separate additional landscaped area. J. Non -Residential and Multi -Family Residential Landscape. The following regulations shall be applied to Non-residential, Condominium and Multi -family residential parcels: 1. All landscaping shall be designed and located to provide a logical, consistent and attractive pattern of landscaping that relates to the human -scale, softens the built environment, and creates an attractive environment within the Downtown/Riverfront Area. 2. All landscaping standards shall meet the requirements of the Schedule J, Landscape Buffer and Tree Requirements for plant species, specification standard and use. All landscape and irrigation plans shall be signed and sealed by a Landscape Architect licensed to practice in the State of Florida and shall be submitted as part of an application for site plan approval. 3. All parts of a required landscape buffer or other landscape planting area shall contain shrubs, groundcovers, or sod. No portion of a required buffer may contain parking, non -landscaped retention or other non -landscaping treatment as gravel or mulch. K. Landscape Along Public Streets. Landscape Standards shall comply with the following standards. Two (2) types of landscape treatments are permitted. 1. Urban Landscape. When buildings are brought up to the street and utilize a build - to -line, an urban buffer should be considered as an alternative to the required front buffer standards. The required front buffer for an urban type development may consist of potted plants. At a minimum, a thirty-six (36) inches diameter pot by U-19 twenty-four (24) inches high should be provided every twenty (20) linear feet of building frontage. The plant species should be twice as high as the height of the pot. Low growing plant and flowering annuals should be planted at the base of the pot. 2. Street Trees. Trees shall be a minimum of four (4) inches in diameter measured at twelve (12) inches above grade and be of Florida No. 1 grade as per "Grades and Standards for Nursery Plants," Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. All landscaping shall meet City visibility standards. a. Tree Spacing: For "A" Streets and "Pedesterian Priority" Streets, one street tree shall be planted for every thirty (30) linear feet or frontage or fraction thereof. For "B" Streets and Residential Streets, one (1) street tree shall be planted forty (40) to sixty (60) feet on center. Street trees shall be planted a minimum of ten (10) feet from any above ground utility, such as transformer pads and fire hydrants. b. Tree Species: Select tree species that are appropriate for street tree planting conditions shall be used. Each block face shall contain only one (1) tree species, and both sides of each street shall be planted with the same species. L. Irrigation and Maintenance. I . All landscaped areas shall be designed, installed and maintained at a high level of quality, following best management practices for landscaping. Broken lines or damaged spray heads shall be repaired to minimize wasted water. 2. All landscaped areas shall be irrigated with a timed, automatic underground system utilizing pop-up heads and/or tree bubblers and providing coverage of not more than one and one half inches of water per week (Use of xeric plant materials may require only 3/4" water per week). When available, the use of reclaimed water is required. 3. The automatic irrgation system shall include a rain gauge or other water saving features to minimize wasted water. 4. All landscape areas shall have one hundred (100) percent irrigated coverage. M. Landscape for Residential Developments. Single Family Residential, Duplex, Multifamily, and Townhomes shall meet the following tree requirements: 1. A minimum of two (2) shade trees for lots of three thousand five hundred (3,500) to six thousand (6,000) square feet or less. U-20 2. A minimum of three (3) shade trees for lots between six thousand one (6,001) and seven thousand five hundred (7,500) square feet. 3. A minimum of four (4) shade trees for lots between seven thousand five hundred one (7,501) square feet and ten thousand (10,000) square feet. 4. A minimum of six (6) shade trees for lots between ten thousand one (10,001) square feet and sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet. Lots over sixteen thousand (16,000) square feet — eight (8) shade trees. 5. On lots of less than or equal to one-half acre, one (1) of the required trees shall be planted within ten (10) feet of the front yard right-of-way. N. Screening. 1. Trash, recycling receptacles, loading docks, service areas, and other similar areas must be located in parking areas or in a location that is not visible from "Pedestrian Priority" and "A" Street frontages, and must be screened to preclude visibility from adjacent streets. 2. Mechanical equipment at ground level shall be incorporated into the building and placed on the parking lot side of the building away from view from adjacent "Pedestrian Priority" and "A" Street frontages. Loading docks, truck parking, outdoor storage, utility meters, HVAC equipment, trash dumpsters, trash compaction, and other service functions should be incorporated into the overall design of the building utilizing walls of a material compatible with the material, style, color, texture, pattern, trim, and details of the main building and landscaping. The wall shall be one (1) foot higher than the largest object being screened, but not more than ten (10) feet high, on all sides where access is not needed. All loading, service and trash collection shall be accessed from `B" Streets. 3. All rooftop mechanical equipment shall be integrated into the overall mass of a building by screening it behind parapets or by recessing it into roof structure. O. Garden walls, fences, and hedges. All garden walls, fences or hedges located or constructed within the required yard area shall conform to the following regulations, except where special requirements are set forth for specific screening purposes elsewhere in this chapter: 1. Front yards in a residential district. All garden walls, fences or hedges located within the required front yard shall not exceed four (4) feet in height. 2. Side and rear yards in a residential district. All garden walls, fences or hedges located within the required side or rear yards shall not exceed six (6) feet in height. U-21 3. Side yards of corner lots in a residential district. All garden walls, fences, or hedges located in the side yard abutting the secondary street of a corner lot must not exceed four (4) feet in height. U-22