HomeMy WebLinkAbout141 Commerce Way 05-000383 (FIRE DAMAGE REPAIR) (A) AND DOCUMENTSSUBDIVISION PERMIT # ' 3 0 DATE PERMIT DESCRIPTION R Q p Rpa,4Z. PERMIT VALUATION SQUARE FOOTAGE A PERMIT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS, PHONENUMBER, PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR FEE PERMIT NUMBER FEE ll/p5/2004 14:29 4073239304 MCKEE CONSTRUCTION 1 PAGE 02 f OSPstrotitN Job Addrew Descrlpdat o Rbtoerlt: Dbb CM OF SAMRV PERMT!' APPLICATION Due Fendt'lype: Dwldws Mectdcal MwboWeal Plumbing Fire SpriaiOWAlofem Pool gbw*lal: New Swig - N of AMPS AddidoWAlttsagoa Cltmp of Savice Ttanpolafy Pole Meebaund: Residual Non-Raidendal Replaomltaat New (Duct Layout & F+netgy Cal- Ragwred) Flumbbow Neu Ctsmmet zm N ofFkmuaa N of Water & Sewer Lilms M ofGat Lmms FlalpblWNew R aMemli tl: N ofWow Class numblaS Rapeir - Ratide+nW or Co>xmoiarcW Oteupsxy ype;ReWdwrtisl Comanadal-40—bwhwWa) '.fotel$gosreFootage: lg Ccastrt dm Type ._L_ N orstorte —./_ K or Dwawq ux"- Flood zoos, mm *r'metetpked rw other tmm x) rarod MOLV Owasn Now A At CAN rpawd Phone A P ft Aoxon Ces "T. Address: NEMpSe lowdeer: `LOk-ti Addrea: Arahiwafioseer. Coatast ra-sn: Amah troolefOwonblp A LapkVa trip kn) , State Tdeaase Naatfar: mpg! Addrow: Fax: Application is h=by made loeb&Wn a pcnmit todo the wo&=A insodadoms as ledA" Icertify dW no work m mwlW = has ammw mod prior to dx bvmce of a paaoitand that all wont will be peer0tmed so mwt stwdm* of ell laws rspletimammorunion is this jutisdi dun. I wxw=tand touts esparto poWt most be seated fa ELECTRICAL WORK. PLUMBING, SIONS. WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES. BOILERS, HEATERS, TAM, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. 1)WNEWS AFFIDAVIT: I G atify that all of ms fompftiteftaoaeuoa is aoomtats nod Hatt aE week wit be domes in owplimam with sN appdicabls laws regrlming somuarftm amd coning. WARNM TO OWNER YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COldit ENCEIVM' MAY R£SULT IN YOUR PAYDWJ TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU WEND TO OBTAQ') FINANCIWG, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEbEKT. N_OnC8= Ins"dou to dw sewsi--neat of this pats@; roue tmwy be addWoual reshidkw a 0c*la a lbb popaty d ataay be loved in the public leMO of des cotmty. sue dtta- my bs adds wwl permits --waked Timm odw p amnednt amiss tech a VAW d wkb, suss agts-vias, or hdaral aiamues. Aeeeptaoce of permit is .ariRatdoa Ant I will no" tha owAsr of an of ebe requr9fQ=kscmWAgm 713. 6ipt atm-- otsnar Aaatt Datepunt Ot Nams ,/ N)e S*Roh a of Noum-smw of mwm- 'Ver4l, Dote Swum of No 74MamodA Dale Cur) /i C' OMWAasat b — Ptasaaally Knower to M- or Com+awto0ApM is eagm}Ux Known to tee to P-odueed ID _ Pmdoced m AFMICATION APPROVED BY, OM; FD: y Qr d A Dais) TA1da 5. MOM;Q O W iDays) (Initlal A Data) 1 i Due) spcaW Cttadidoes: OOFFICIALL' 9NO cound & emu Carotins Ka#Wkte M. My Comm W Expltw s 8ARBARA HUBUR My Comm TV. vim Ha a 99670 KtttewnIlOuts lp, . MY OF SAMORV PZRMlYr APPLICA17PN DoltJg AMMr k FXbIN* Dbb*t Value of work: t Pbasbut— F* SVwWWAJwm POW F.e-bricel: Yew SeMm - 0 of AWS Ad tioo/Aheratiwt Cbwp.d;9wvim— Tmpmuy Pole_ New (V%l Layout & FAaV Cole. Required) 4 plimt,1zle view Commucla. # of Fkum Y 4WOW &Sewer LIA"— 00 ifPas LkesFIVtpbunbideAsir - Revide" of Cmmacw C".pmu-.7 Type; Reeldwsmial Cmm..i M '.MW Total SqI or Of'Oders ofDwellftV":_ Fbadto—_ Oran4L U 3 VlCk*: ihw rgmw. mn:(4:z) 3A 3 L A% I EPA I A FIS Mar.1ppTAndw: I 11T wr Luult ccrofy dw MQ' -W& fe iqMUWM ho ommmlecd prior to eX IwKtwAnd Outli separm t --=At must bt Summd for JMBCTRICAL WORK, FLUUMP, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FUMACF &BOU.ZRS, IIE/77 RS TANKS, end A7 CONDMONERS, m cow:WIT QLPAR!S AFFIDAVIT: iwitify thatallofdee rumsol" it fal 1. *0 WA am appk" lava "PimingWAWNMmadmamg. WARNZIM TOOWMB%: YOUR FAILURE 7%%",OMFOItDOROVEMEMTOYOUitmorsicry. vycqFu WAY 'MVJLT nz YouRFAYD-r,\%\\, en C, f CONSULT VTAYMM LENDER OR ANATTOMYSEFOREWORDINGYOURNoncFqW.compomm T. ...... CEMM x c3 _MISSION 0, 11 Alv Smkb, VAW @Mcica, or fpd%wrjgc=&W- qP Two row" theelwperof on y Me 7 71 PD1 AF40756 SiPQ" O—/Ag- I of C0Uq&C&0AgfbL Date F jmAe A-e$ -1 sl VIT' OrW. 's New Aemp Nme JiMIM Do stun= )f Ncurpftftommift 7---ro—., owerfAvot As—peowdly rumor tome of to We wproftied M pledued In A77: XAT'0X AMOVED BY- VW. FD: IMdd A Dw%;) owtw a Dow) ('"mat & Dw) akwallmm OFFICIALSEAir— h jr-410.1- No"'Public. North CNMNna County of Bru K&VWrino M. 1WCOMWANI"Empkes Penh Numbw_ pww weff "Non Nufltte S 30 "> `i —vco0 Prspifedby: C7 GzM9 Ln,O!' U o v a x• 7(.Cn(o Lr-r`Fi o-,t" L Fc- 3 z7-17 ftefufft m: •• J NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ate" of cowv of WYM E NOR5Et CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SENINOLE COUNTY BK 05511 FOG 1947 CLERK' S V 2e14174335 REMRDED 11/10&"4/3112116 PN RECORDING FEES I&W RECORDED BY L NcKinley The Un11011191 d hwsbY OWN natfoa flat impfvwmene(a) wlli be mode to certain real pmpwty. and In saoorosnoe With Choler 713, Flotilla Stahfb& ttN fa"Wft iMwmaflon le pntwlded In this Natloe of Comnwnoement. 1. / 7 / t MKf l dam+ a 1h0 addlMs RVAN") ptl Ifflptswmwtt(s) a._ hftenn i Two Numbw o •s•3 3533 NumberYaaG'Ne as461 IRa.. tncPrap.flr: /oa 10 CERTIFIED COPY r 4. so T Ib1 (if cow owner shorm ebwU) Nome T.bphona aur>ber W/ RYANNE , MORSEAddressFatsNumber Aftenr .6q f7l3k e. SuntY Name Address 7. LAWN (it any) Nana ( Addfeiq wilt CLERK -OF wRCUIT•':!1U SE N LE OUN FLO A Telephone Number 7) 3a3 - //Sa ' FsucMumbw(f(0-7) y.A3RYy3C VMW WERK Tillapifo;18,'Nwwm ox NumberFAntotsttofbond "wov 10 2004 Telephone Number r V Fox Nu bw B. Perwe **dn the SM offlftrfda deatDnatad by Owfter upon wham nolloes oroo er documents mey bearved . No, as tnvVi,, W by+la.ta(1 ai>•., Flotilla Guam. Tilepltorts Number Addnm /'r /A Fats Number In oddison to hktwell w ttsreelf, Owner dedonebe flta kfty, rtp to rsaeWs • Dopy of >Jwt lJenef s Notlee N In §71a.1a(1xb), Florida 8twA t9e. Telaphom Number Addrsres r" ! ,q FwcNwnbw 10. Ewkwuon dab of nevve of wie near ownent (the w"evan Oe1s Is one yew "m fha dogs ofmowdwq unless a dAlerwd deft Is aped) . c• J , - t ete 8tyfted of Owner NIp1 par S71a.1a(1)(Of), •orfrfer . must Wr ..,sn0 no onrdae mar be pentOW to Or In • his or her \dead.* sworn bend sulm tbsd befts rue Off v day of l " V -1 by lowm to ere as Ot fliur'rtC I'i1 ritiLC .'• •• • 81fptSMs d Ns1ery (ttodrfal cool fo appear below) : ' '' Form fb.NM awe OFFICIAL S L' Notary Pubk, North Caroline County of Brunswk:kKatherineM. MyCornnWWw Expbos TIN NCO 3o--!;-N-0CI6D'0e71DEI.. Lpplompoe- 3e. 7Y> fe- llkilCE OF COMMENCE'ME'NT dersIfled herby SIM nosom Met hqmvm"*) W01 be mods to volom rear pup". am in moomonno, w1h Chmplor 743. FWm amwim, VO *1110, IN" WGITIMMIXI ill pwWod In this Moems ofCwmmmgWng"L ow a t ddlMs if avomems) zt 4,7 3. Chmw TWWW4 Num6w(lj 3S- 3 3 Fax Number Wasw in 4., above) Harm Addre" FIX NVR6W NamIs kee, N- "rm l Nurnbor(f'O 7) 3-13- 11-50MdjFaxNwMVG,7) ya' 3 4309" 79( 7 HMO ral" F" mom of bim a 7. LaRom Of any) Net" i I I Tvlophmra NM*K AddrM PWWW Win DID 90110 6(140dft dwfOnabd by 0~ upon vemn r olloms or o0w dmmuft w,* be carved a PWM by 913.130 NOV.. flofift 8WAM. I T01" We AdWoft Fax N~ 0. In oddXm In hims mW n r hwsIf. owner dsaIV -1 f&Novft 10 ro'ft W m mff of Llemet Nolloo as provldarl In UMI(l)(b), Florida &No*. Holm Teloptions, PWW~ Addomms FOR Numbw 10. Mqpbwgm Nte of notice of oavtfeanoamatrt (ere sxpMWondots 4sone yWftm the oats olm"Worw unless a Ifftrat doe Is apedNdj Le Dob.&VW I I M of 0WW am per 1719.18(1)(10,99mier must @* ...end ov ano-dom n* be pwmWmd to so In' his IN her guma. swan OWA day ,,.) o v by t LN 11 C- t It W710 In MCM ID "M UK as IdiaGia—M r iS- I V\AII ORMIAL SEAV Notary Public, NoM C&Mlna 1 County of Brunswick ftalghiohmM My CommloWmExi; Fawn foolm; No I S Q4 09:j19a ' Dr. James 'A, 910-253-9254 p.4ya THIS INDENTURE, made this day of tune, 1YJ DGLWGGII L-law -- i;`, ufARTHA, D. ERIKSSON, husband and wife, whose addredsState of Floris: 2050 ida, Graings ntolrs a,. . j ' >,,3ii eyL.T-d :Longwood, FL 32779, _of the County of Seminole) an and % ILLIAM•J. McCORMACK, SR., a single man, and 7UDITH K. MERRITT, a single woman, whose address is: 3417 Pinetrie Road, Orlando, FL, 32804, of the County of Orange, i State of Florida, Grantee, i WITNES SETH that the Grantors, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO'100 DOLLARS, and other good; and valuable considerations to said grantors in hand paid bsa`d grantee, the receipt whereof is :hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold othesaidgrantee, and grantee's heirs nd assigns forever, the following described land, situate, ir- 2 and being in Seminole County, Florida, to -wit: Lot 29, SANFORD COMMERCE PARK, according to. the Plat thereof' as recorded in Plat Book 31, PageIt 67, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. I Subject to taxes for the year 1995. I ? and said grantors do hereby fully warrant the title to said land. and will defend the same against awful claims of all persons whomsoever. I IN, TNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and yea' first above' written. Si:zned, sealed and delivered in the presence of: Print ame: s ks P.ii2t Name: _1 41s r. S. STATE OF, FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE Lars; J.. Eriksson TA Martha D. Eriksson • The foregoing instrument was acknowledged beforeme this 14th day of June, 1995, by N LARS J. ERIKSSOand MARTHN D. ERIKSSON, husband and wife, who are personally known to me. JAMES A. Umto MY 0WjISSION X Cr 346N E90 YpIRES: J9cmary74,10 Ooayd 1W,;,j j Public Undnd-dl- Jam i . Barks, Notary Public 1 I i i 1cv}'01= 04 09'a Dr. Q. James R 910-253-9254 i p.3ri ...... his -instrument prepared by: 12UNIE5 A. BARKS Ate mn v at Law. 1120 W. First Street, Suite B Sanf'-ord, FL 32771 cao 1Grantee # 1 SSAN: 151-28-7175 Documentary I _ - Tax Pd. $ 1Grantee4V2SSAN: 428-66-2854 Inta nrible Tax Pd. r I ( Maryanne Morse, Clerk $eminole ; c ParcelIdentificationNumber: ! { o O CID County ! Dv: i O 35 - 1D-F 9-30-524-0000-0290 i ram- A= I C. J'i c v WAI 2RANTY DEEDNO r. THIS INDENTURE, made this114th day of June, 1995, between LARS J. ERIKSSON a,3 iVARTHA p. ERIKSSON, husband 'and wife, whose address is: 2050 Springs Landing 1;0 lc ard, Longwood, FL 32779,.of the County of Seminole and State of Florida, Grantors, i ar.d VVILLIAM J. McCORMACK, SRJ a single man, and JUDITH K. MERRITT, a single. ' omaz. whose address is: 3417 Pinctree Road, Orlando, FL 32804, of the County of Orange, State of Florida, Grantee, tj A' ITNESSETH, that the Grantors,. for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND i N• O! 100 DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerationi to said grantors in hand paid 1 oy said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold i o t;:e said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, i-•'ing and being in Seminole County,! Florida, to -wit: j I Let 29, SANFORD COMMERCE PARK, according 'to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 31, Page 67, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida. i Subject to taxes for the year 1995., and ' ?.id grantors do hereby fully warrant the title to said land, land will defend the same against awful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals the day and year first above written. i t I 1 I Signed, sealed and delivered in 'he presence of: 1 Print Name: s ks; Print Name: La I a. S. t LarsJ. Eriksson Martha D. 1lriksson I I o u coKr u c1 790 MONROE RD. SANFORD, FL 32771 PH 407 323 1150 FX 407 323 9304 Mw* Addmw P.O. BOX 471366 t-L MONROE, FL 32747-1366 EMAIL: irx ola.com os OFFICt PLANS RE CITY OF S Ray's Linen Service Fire Damage 1 Commerce VVay Sanford, Florida 32771 Dimernsioned Floor Plan A111PROjECT DRAm cwcmm IEWED NFORD Remove and replace all acoustical ceilings, drywall and insulation in walls above ceiling. Remove and replace all flooring with VCT. Remove al fixtures a Remove and replace entire HVAC system including Air Handler, outside compressor and all ductwork. Remove and replace existing water closet and lavatory. I electrical - nd replace. Remove and replace all PVC piping bock to pre —fire condition for all machines. Remove and replace 2) interior doors and hardware. Remove and replace existing 12' x 12' OVHD. Remove and replace all electrical conduit, wiring and fixtures on one —side fo the fire wall. Remove and replace (1) layer of drywall from one —side of fire wall only. Suppl and install (2) 42' wall— rnounteol exhaust fans. To be fleld located 1K" oo nw 4x awou c rwRcrona 790 MONROE RD, SANTORD,FL32771 PH 407 3231 M FX 407 323 M Ulmg Addmm: P.O. BOX 471366 Id MONROE,FL32747-1366 EM.CL: h!,h4d ?mActcoroLttuow C, Ray's Linen Service Fire Damage 141 Conimerce Way Sanford, Florida 327i ; SMT nne Explaination Floor Plan 1 ICN I o I N DO Existing Masonry o Co I North Elevation jg a tw carr u cro a 790 MONROE RD. SANTORD, FL 32771 PH 407 323 11 SO FX 407 323 M Mu3ug Addm: P.O. BOX 471366 AKE MONROE, FL 32747.1366 EMAIL: 4•Jra:--tco..,.+rtsrroc;u.0 m Ray's Linen Service Fire Damage 141 Uommerce VVay Sanford, Florida 32771 rn, Dimensioned Elevation Replace all existing wall girts. New wall girts are to be 16—gauge and North Elevation WK" oa.i.ue,p. ao. oo oowr u cro s 790 MONPM BD. SANPORD, FL 32771 PH 407 323 1150 Fx 407 323 9304 AKE Mu kuiE Fl ?ili--.i&r UWL: Mtaddnckeearphoc!i<mcr rrnr. r .M Ray's Linen Service Fire Damage 141 Commerce Way Sanford, Florida 32771 Explaination Elevation A 114 Remove and replace existing roof purlins. New pus are to k. 7r--.— -A --;A- r ;.k.A Remove and replace existing PBR' roof panels and 3' vinyl backed roof insulation. Remove and replace existing eave struts. New eave struts are to be 14—gauge red oxide finished. co rr>ti croRs 790 MONROB RD. SANPORD, FL 32771 PR 407 323 1150 FX 407 323 9304 Mu* Addimm: P.O. BOX 471366 I.AU MONROB, FL 32747-1366 EKAB.: ram!=aamrkeecm._.>•ucrccr r- A'E i::h Ray's Linen Service Fire Damage 141 Commerce Way Sanford, Florida 32771 Explaination Floor Plan A 1, 5