HomeMy WebLinkAbout1945 Interlocal COS & Sem Co - 300' of breakwater walls/Marina Isleo(6 INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN SEMINOLE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF SANFORD RELATING TO CONTRIBUTION OF BOATING IMPROVEMENT FUNDS TO SUPPORT DESIGN, ENGINEERING AND INSTALLATION OF STRUCTURAL REPAIR AND REPLACEMENT OF 300 FT. OF BREAKWATER WALLS AT MARINA ISLE THIS AGREEMENT is entered into this J day of �� �� 1 , 20 , by and between SEMINOLE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1101 East First Street, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "COUNTY", and the CITY OF SANFORD, a Florida municipal corporation, whose address is 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida 32771, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY", in pursuance of a project approved under the Seminole County Boating Improvement Program ("Program"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Chapter 328, Florida Statutes, subsection 328.70, provides that a portion of the funds received from boat licensing fees be returned to county government to provide recreation channel markings and public launching facilities and other boating related activities; and WHEREAS, by Seminole County Resolution Number 98-R-244, COUNTY established the Seminole County Boating Improvement Program; and WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Section 163.0 1, Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969, subsection 163.01(4), provides that public agencies of the State of Florida may exercise jointly with any other public agency of the State of Florida any power, privilege or authority which such agencies share in common and which each might exercise separately; and WHEREAS, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, subsection 163.01(5), provides that a joint exercise of power by such public agencies shall be made by contract in the form of an interlocal agreement; and Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 1 of 9 WHEREAS, both COUNTY and CITY are "public agencies" within the meaning of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, Section 163.01; and WHEREAS, CITY is planning to improve the Sanford Marina by providing structural repair and replacement of 300 ft. of breakwater walls on Marina Isle, hereinafter referred to as the "Project", and has requested funds held by COUNTY under the Program; and WHEREAS, COUNTY is desirous of providing for these boating related improvements for citizens living in Seminole County and finds that the public health, safety and welfare will be served through the construction of the Project by CITY. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants, agreements, and promises contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: Section 1. Recitals. The above recitals are true and correct and form a material part of the agreement upon which the parties have relied. It is understood and expressly agreed that the policies, procedures, terms and conditions provided under the Program established by Seminole County Resolution Number 98-R-244 are incorporated herein and attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 2. Obligations of COUNTY and CITY. CITY agrees to construct the Project in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared by or under the supervision and review of a registered professional architect, engineer or other appropriate professional. The elements of the Project are identified as design, engineering, permitting and installation of structural repair and replacement of 300 ft. of breakwater walls on Marina Isle, to be owned and operated by the CITY and free use of which will be made to the public, as further described in the Boating Improvement Program Application attached herein as Exhibit B. COUNTY agrees to obligate and make available to CITY the approved Project amount of FORTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE AND 42/100 DOLLARS Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 2 of 9 ($43,553.42) for the Project authorized by this Agreement, subject to the terms of the Program. It is understood and expressly agreed that said funds shall be used exclusively by CITY for only those boating related projects described in the Project. It is understood and expressly agreed that funding payments made to CITY by COUNTY shall be subject to the policies, procedures, terms and conditions provided under the Project. It is understood and expressly agreed that the policies, procedures, terms and conditions set forth in the Project are made a part of this Agreement. CITY understands that there shall be no reimbursement of funds by COUNTY for any expenditure made prior to the execution of this Agreement. Section 3. Statement of Work. CITY, in a manner satisfactory to COUNTY, shall perform or cause to be performed all work in the Project. Such work shall be performed except as otherwise specifically stated herein by persons or instrumentalities solely under the domain and control of CITY. Section 4. Term. COUNTY shall reimburse CITY for the work performed or caused to be performed by CITY as part of the Project, subject to the terms of the Project. All such work shall be performed in accordance with applicable requirements of this Agreement and the Program. Reimbursement or payment of funds to CITY shall be contingent thereupon. CITY shall complete all work on or before December 31, 2018, unless this Agreement is otherwise amended or extended by written agreement of the parties. This Agreement shall be effective upon execution by both parties. Section 5. Consideration and Limitations of Costs/Funds. CITY shall be reimbursed by COUNTY for costs in accordance with the Program and applicable laws, rules and regulations in an amount not to exceed FORTY-THREE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED FIFTY-THREE AND 42/100 DOLLARS ($43,553.42) for the work described in the Project. Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 3 of 9 Section 6. Payments. (a) Payments to CITY shall be on an invoice basis and limited to the work for the Project. Reimbursement for the Project shall be requested on Project Reimbursement forms. (b) Upon receipt of the above enumerated documentation, COUNTY shall initiate the payment process. Reimbursement to CITY shall be as soon as practicable in accordance with the terms of the Project. COUNTY's Leisure Services Department Financial Business Administrator, designated as COUNTY's Project Manager for the purpose of this Agreement, shall be responsible for ensuring performance of its terms and conditions and shall approve the payment request prior to the payment. Photographs shall be submitted when appropriate to reflect work accomplished. (c) All disbursements by CITY must be fully documented to COUNTY so as to be available upon request for inspection or audit in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement, the Project and Florida law, or as otherwise may. be reasonably required by COUNTY. Section 7. Compliance with Local and State Laws. CITY shall comply with applicable State and local laws, regulations and ordinances, which by reference are incorporated as if fully set forth herein, including, but not limited to, the following: (a) Chapter 112, Florida Statutes - concerning conflicts of interest; and (b) Any and all laws, rules and regulations relating to the matters set forth or implied in this Agreement. Section 8. Project Publicity. Any news release, project sign or other type of publicity pertaining to the Project as stated herein shall recognize the Seminole County Boating Improvement Program and the Seminole County Board of County Commissioners as the source of funding for the Project. Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 4 of 9 Section 9. Maintenance of Records. (a) CITY shall, at a minimum, maintain all records required by Federal, State and local laws, rules, regulations and procedures. (b) CITY shall maintain such records, accounts, property and personnel records as deemed necessary by Florida law and COUNTY or otherwise typical in sound business practices to assure proper accounting of Project funds and compliance with this Agreement and the Program. (c) All records and contracts of whatsoever type or nature required by this Agreement and the Program shall be available for audit, inspection and copying at any time during normal business hours and as often as COUNTY or other Federal or State agency may deem necessary. COUNTY shall have the right to obtain and inspect any audit pertaining to the performance of this Agreement made by any Federal, State or local agency. CITY shall retain all records and supporting documentation applicable to this Agreement for a minimum of five (5) years after resolution of the final audit and in accordance with -Florida law. Section 10. Liability. Except for reimbursement as specifically set forth herein, COUNTY shall not be liable to any person, firm, entity or corporation who contracts with or who provides goods or services to CITY in connection with the services hereunder, or for debts or claims accruing to such parties against CITY. This Agreement shall not create a contractual relationship, either express or implied, between COUNTY and any other person, firm, entity or corporation supplying any work, labor, services, goods or materials to CITY as a result of this Agreement. Section 11. Subcontracts. All contracts made by CITY to perform activities described in the Project shall comply with applicable laws, rules and regulations set forth in this Agreement and the Program. Any additional work or services subcontracted hereunder by CITY shall be specified by written agreement and subject to this Agreement and the Program. Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 5 of 9 Section 12. Indemnification. (a) To the extent permitted by law, CITY shall defend, hold harmless and indemnify COUNTY from and against any and all liability, loss, claims, damages, costs, attorney's fees and expenses of whatsoever kind, type or nature which COUNTY may sustain, suffer or incur, or be required to pay by reason of the loss of any monies paid to CITY or whomsoever resulting out of fraud, defalcation, dishonesty or failure of CITY to comply with applicable laws, rules or regulations; or by reason or as a result of any act or omission of CITY in the performance of this Agreement or any part thereof; or by reason of a judgment over and above the limits provided by the insurance required hereunder; or by any defect in the construction of the Project; or as may otherwise result in any way or instance whatsoever. (b) In the event that any action, suit or proceeding is brought against COUNTY upon any alleged liability arising out of this Agreement or any other matter relating to this Agreement, COUNTY shall provide notice in writing thereof to CITY by registered or certified mail addressed to CITY at its address herein provided. Upon receiving notice, CITY, at its own expense, shall diligently defend against the action, suit or proceeding and take all action necessary or proper therein to prevent the obtaining of a judgment against COUNTY. Section 13. Insurance. CITY shall carry and maintain in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement either liability insurance or a liability self-insurance program to, at a minimum, the limit of liability set forth in Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, as may from time to time be amended. Section 14. Assignments. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, nor any interest herein, without the prior written consent of the other party. Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 6 of 9 Section 15. Headings. All articles and descriptive headings of paragraphs in this Agreement are inserted for convenience only and shall not affect the construction or interpretation hereof. Section 16. Termination. This Agreement may be terminated in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth under the Program. Section 17. Notice. Whenever either party desires to give notice unto the other, notice may be sent to: For COUNTY: Seminole County Leisure Services Department Director 100 E. 15` St., 01 Floor Sanford, Florida 32771 For CITY: Mayor City of Sanford 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Section 18. Severability. If any one or more of the covenants or provisions of this Agreement shall be held to be contrary to any express provision of law or contrary to the policy of express law, though not expressly prohibited or against public policy, or shall for any reason whatsoever be held invalid, then such covenants or provisions shall be null and void; shall be deemed separable from the remaining covenants or provisions of this Agreement; and shall in no way affect the validity of the remaining covenants or provisions of this Agreement. Section 19. Conflict of Interest. (a) CITY agrees that it will not engage in any action that would create a conflict of interest in the performance of its obligations pursuant to this Agreement with COUNTY or which Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 7 of 9 would violate or cause others to violate the provisions of Part III, Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, relating to ethics in government. (b) CITY hereby certifies that no officer, agent or employee of COUNTY has any material interest (as defined in Section 112.312(15), Florida Statutes, as over 5%) either directly or indirectly, in the business of CITY to be conducted here and that no such person shall have any such interest at any time during the term of this Agreement. (c) Pursuant to Section 216.347, Florida Statutes, CITY hereby agrees that monies received from COUNTY pursuant to this Agreement will not be used for the purpose of lobbying the Legislature or any other State or Federal agency. Section 20. Entire Agreement: Effect on Prior Agreement. This instrument constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and supersedes all previous discussions, understandings and agreements, if any, between the parties relating to the subject matter of this Agreement. Amendments to and waivers of the provisions. Herein shall be made by the parties in writing by formal amendment hereto. [The balance of this page is left intentionally blank. Attestations on following page.] Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 8 of 9 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the day hereinabove first written. Approved as to form and Legal sufficiency. Attorne �-/I ATT,F�S t :r V-TRT `40—rk,to e •b; ��C. I sOners of Semlmq),���-b q i Florida. For the use and reliance of Seminole County only. Approved as to form and legal sufficiency. div County Attorney JV Attachments: Exhibit A — Resolution 98-R-244 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA By-. JO GRAN, C airman Date: l As authorized for execution by the Board of County Commissioners at their s-. , 20_Z,6_ regular meeting. Exhibit B — Boating Improvement Program Application PHC/org 2/14/18 P-\Users\Legal Secretary CSB\Library&Leisure Services\2018\BIP Interlocal (Sanford) East-West Boat Basin Breakwater Project.doex Boating Improvement Funds for Improvement of the Marina Island East and West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Page 9 of 9 j mWazwkim, I=. n -A- 244 %M === mEC9CmI= ME kowm m m BMW Ov COMI, gmassaxam= Ce amm'cm emm, Dl=- MI L -k Elm= mam�.'Mlv EcamIff-M mm"m in, tfw. in e-Ccordrnec vith Srdatje.-321,25, vlcridz statutcEi' P' • the- stato of rlazi(ZLI Collectr veae'51 ret-intration feet for thozi vemnols rgqMirtA by I&V to b-- TOVIrtortz in the Gzate at rIOXI&I V I. and otic vet v1 as �Actratim fc-"s hZVO hictorically been 6S,P"jtV,d Iri ' J�rtortot-t MtojVjftg TrULt ftd C" haV* beCft apprepriatts to thn 01 Protection (ome-j toe grebr fur Lnv- to I.,,- provldd to vmnty comramnts; and, ==B, the M:F cmr;tod the rlorldt Boating roprovownt P:zagm,-s to Lb -Ole me-ak thc. cllaatLL6n ',mf .eld qtttat funda to county troverrumants: and Um"-- , in Cccordeft-, vuli . Z=Uon 327.2546), r1orida :&t;6t-uttv, rz-ld Brent. fundu .rrc to tc„, ml -r -Z gor the 1,01c Varp=cn of provicLOriV, klecrePtIonal ehmRcl te—Arkleg 46t; PIWAIC IAmocPEnfj Crojiltit)c and other bazritie rplated cctiriiiss, for remourl of vc,wCcje and flanting g-tructuro.- dtzmz6 hazarde to public imfoLy vad ImcIth for fill to ce-,>� pir with Suctim 3x7.33. tjorkda Stetvt&r. east for m.uatmt end zarino uarmal protection 4arld vocoveryi and k, , the Vl*ridL 6eqICUture h94 recently c nd d 6action 327.2511CI, F102J& St&tUL*V, to FrOVLOO fOC tM 60;*61t Of VC,&2SL geqjOtrc!tj*n feav into the Kariza Razouccas Comtorvation Truot 1 NO Z45 f9i 06 5 .......... LO PtbVi6k thAt Said ftas ba cjjr6ctj Y diztributed to ttez4--Ly ctcrcxmirtz zathout prior rapri tioa t, th,,, y&t r3 it It nocestary tW t the t'"O'"fa t* E�RtCblilh POUCIOV Zfvd Proccrearez for tht, IDuful Z altWbattrm of void re of mosivod Irv- L3t sirPtRO&Mmea Consopot.tIft Trust pund, actaWickjAmt of the svaizok, County b-cLa-Urg 5 Thso Board of heriaby tjinole ewnty Le"provumat proqzL-, Map') in bol--or"ace with Uction MCI& V�Wrl c6qI-ItUltich fsev aroo$2so€K:a hr the r1ori'da bovitr=-r�-,A Cr U C-&&Ly -rtd Fnor Vialuclos cad dep*g1t6v Ll the legrLnz, Acravm*v L'.*AZ4,rV4tJ,*n Trait f'Und for Ubtzilroti" to C"ntlez- ib) 3c Ownty j1cOVAtY-3 Shall fectiva Vctiml fra= all vejerrcl,-� x(,--irtcrt-d 1h se-7.41hale County. during Ow p=,c4ztjjAR fim:&L iM-f-4od to tht, County b<, romwiv ch juL 7 for th:^ t. ry r-a�-torOd b;+ ti tC-000tV't D�Ra.rt -°�nt of Libr Zig ra) The Lonre coy atilive DIP fu 1&:r '011vibit- Co"ty projeote or, at Ate Bole dingretLon, x-ty rwtl4xim the urn of Larr guftdr; by vmieipal qovernw&mits within thF County for e1ttIbIt pmurdekpal pro)vctm . Vitt avt"rlzatLan for the etc of Ell Evn&j by munieLpal vjubLa tv Comity chf-41 n&t exceae *n& -half of TLI. CoUntY"D emitUAl O7O-totib.11 with Ot lGASE. 6AC-hif hvif,17 reoemmd for C:,wntj* prop ",t:D. it thane are no aubtaittCe, thL't t ttv of the W.. frfuft vill revert back Cor arc t>i Ootmty pzojectt:. TU 011 t4lukll to a6mmimlrmerad LY thn konzd, th-rouc', th, tgp rumbt, vita roviev Ono `and T1w Dnpsrtm-eet is butVioriled to eidnlcp prnemisires artd we D�.%Y 6S. required Le imj-A&g6"-t the pgd�rtz-,. 1projects LAA t��~ priorititod 4,nd recommu&A to tht Curd AY t"vizour Fezrd. 1b) ru Order to &llocftf, PrOwt towing for r4m5ty or k=ICWl pro3cate, the Departmht Shell inclvdb In its tunual WISet zaqvuct zLU projects and uhrll for rrp-,=,rcck-1 t,11 tk-c noard. F -Or Dwrd appravric county pro5ezte reQUICItiq aeattlowl fundlqq or e, chinfe in =qpeo th---Varycrt=,rat shall prej;-are the nomi;"ry irt--ludir-'z tbo proposad ch&nW for tpprotrl bit Me ftzrd. tel LIP furaz wl'y bt, uae-C Ct:-.e lotr-1 cash raquiremort lox the Florma ROCreorlon. Vevalopmnt AcnIntence IF InlAnd VzvWtinu Dior-rLct Un t n r VAZ- Y c 'U 1, 10 t-- rs C4- tr x 0q, car, or v., Dab other rout pr4:A:re= mvvirihg A IttLI r-bmh =-Lah. pr*vtded that 3 r. 9110 24 5 PG 106 7 tt:tLIr fund2 rn- vsud for .,Uvlblt p'rojerck GI�Atg, (d) Frolfct L1,g.:19n jjk Cont ,tvvvtjsw, (1) JAI ProlcetL z+411 b-- dtsiGa&d &Ar,* C6tMotsd In &CCOZd4"a teLth tpplAt4bit pcs _rfl, kjA le I A#,ot, regull't1ofit, tr.d cv-_41ta' 121 VIC derign or t&mtructicn of zny facility '11 "ml b* JO=t-vd to Er to Lb throat to othaz 1=2tInV ar x re>zdts f acxititi t or., LtIg t,,,Lcrb y It re -, od rv, t. tai Sill L frci, StAte Auk: 8 emits, fAseAthu, cr other tivllzr for t Proloct &hall t,-- L'htr-lh`d prior to tr.,,4& - tmetion of t prole—c'. rrOJOct Ct"'U'uCtich Glivible fox P'ry of "toriats, qt':, -V ceki._tml Cost 141 auch eta", the smovat of tot project cost Cr4ndlaq e-voilable VIF fuWs Acy iv elignat tot rc tca t frc., tiro zlloc�tiorl for ttx but fit'w'% Y"r. "C-Avar, Env 16r4b3C.et CO 8.r,YYe6CfF9$$ JL`; ft�t ee to t1a c"Urtutd fuAdirq mn -a ftetu"s. Tht 0*"d docv, Slot fgvzlejitt' or r4tet-' p6n4" :;nt or tLi- In much vr'w.t= 4-0 it= latit IWIC, for tfly futam- lot i" railOuldermit or plodft thogid funds r.�t [fl P"Y U%aP--'F't EiltF> i all t L so fb�=Ciftt proyoat %A I I be lr&tvrt4d to the 13PPrOPrittf- teccun", for fut)axe u1st. o_q L"11 -12'r Mi Cmanty projecte. ruraer, ur w6c tic -Ilveaea th rjoy fiscal guar 01&-011 bkm "'rrg*6 foru—nd for mr-te it Cubtequent pnEr'. (4g) Tia, Cvjnty Az 11 v-,zAfttALa ane, toop recoxids of all pep'Imcts receivinv uF fuadt. Co'-gleted projeces m�gll r-c- ifiCIV&44 LU tht CO'Mty*t- KARCIC BUM rGP09t WACh ebAll bz f cmva r&4' cnnwlly' it rcq:->Ircdt to tiro rote. A.Vou Cemplotic'n 09 & F'ral"t, a r"VMLC4P4-litmftk SubRIt A tpro2ott Complatitz vtotemant to thr, D:1rmrtvm5nt ci c fom eWrovrd by the, ULapaxt'nent. U;-4rs CD-Mpletltn 09 L C&nAty pr*Jt Me ighall file 0 FrvJ!&Ct eevlat.Lou nate rAmt Ln m" pue3cet CLIC. rof mu LCIW projects, the v4fticl"Iitv �;xll P9006S, TOVArce patorUlv Cis iia E in Lhr, L10"dred pro)"t close cUt daeUmmeritatt" I&M. oball, he for the u--io Pnd btmtfft of thc famralPop lie. LV= Complatleft 69- A pzbjg tm Cw'mtY ps a, rAmicripality shall &wuftta 88W projeet for pgbift mreatteml U&* in pi ptituity bv Of V"v i"xUdIfts as deatienlon in thO ftblie goCarar of ty le CrzMty, TYV., County ond the WNA"p-lWea oWLE10V mit gonft- fat (Irgion air amistructlen of Cn C,-J1VJbJQ. pr4JC',ct Vhlll bf, rooponoio,14D for CnZUCIVV tha CC—*zAt14C=. end "Lntomnco of VOW playact. -9C.T a par-iod of 25 roaze 2"m thL bete 09 ez"-.AC%Lafi 0C me projazt. M Prol"u, fur4ad in tAolt or in prt by LrP Ctikdo anD11 V�; f- f�tdctexed r -me rade avalltble to th:~ t7orwCtA publig as 4 M -4- t Orr W-rit; x6cardlasr of r"t-14muty, reap-, color, rox, err tjea-al DiAgift. ago, hane.-lernp, or mxittl btatut. ZE 4 9,a Ir chrr4pd, It t-ett, be th.- nec .� for oil usert. S M 2 6 5 FE- 10 6 9 tj3 pi permistnt identiffebt.1" Alta or vl�'qvt which credits tht LIP an & vouzee of project fun"din- i,- re qtr to ht- oroted of all cemrplvtdd pgojtota tftwrl 1.19n if, ft*—tM10. rla-yLLCZIIU 6. M, Flkw-ALrvc! rer,M2,11cive-1 w Arly county ramLtip011ty v4Y rubait tppilwmionz for aliriible prolvete zmotiaV, th� roquirem4tatr of Vu,proo.vz.14— r,unLr4V-1Aty c=v- htve recourcee e. v., I LaW c & md tcctpl, r"Slotenanc-4 of the project, & winfoln-plity revzrtin; all' fnndr.., must tv"L o pxoJvGt q-,,2LaLti.ra to thepa rr€ ht, J%11 rxbjvct r'%n1LeL'tiC= ("'hAl t4 rov'101"md br4 avaloAted kr the t - 8";1C-Wv"* guf4ing ev&L"bWty. tJn&CLpvlit 4t"v M-MpIl&mte. t4th vr6viev v proj"t 4qro*----4;nt4o and Cormtr antifor 04 Sumeq;Icni to r0vLC-w zad mmm"it h"' tke vaprtront' eal"nic4$*MV v re4qorut that & project ApplLC*t1*n 6'a rL"-"AttC d to Ux r'th'l ea rJ? Lo rd for prioritlLtticrtW to the Mb -Awe for ozsr�lExt4loc. A. o profit oppumation to C+pzzovad by the ti4rd, tb-- e6untj Attorney's Office rh.Al pgxqz�re a project agmh�utnt for M -n PL,%rtLor. to all�tu Olt- fv:;dinq to a axAalcipslity for an eljVible project. C,ft'J'TIm ftr4W.�� thall be OnLy f*c thoet, mlzc Lr=c" mobat-c-"nt to, tht c!.ctmtion of the projsat aCream-ant i*y the rd. fa -,J Tke County thall &Sburme UP EUAa€ to r- rmnitipLlity �Ar cti, iwe4z end *hall xvqvire, -=-olutift of thu ZkS N 107 D pva�oct 1% eccordanar with t1w tares erW cc-nditlone me Pet forth In the projoat t.9canafnt. to funds will �-, paid In advance. Lbugc=Tnt for ngmscipul projecte ehell Atm rovopst&d on Project i tats tat carps ev 4appli"ble, 191 9 vtotmaly wtotfas sopoll f*r vach projccm zhall L'I askm:fitted by the owlielprii.tr an t- prolect eta -t— rev-rr go Ipta-vWL" try W, rta4-pzFt/A,1mt. (51 should a rxinicIr-Altr dgalm to prv;p-,twvc C'my chafteve to c 1'-rajcct cgrc r tte Incloding, bmL not lt"=iA too, chatmok iL, or funding of r- project, veld pec~=prod chtn�Qv vvvt be to th,' r$ fit eltMU Ulu L Atbtemat Of $mAlftcativa for .99", J.11 ae"as to a prcj�:;t vgrcmant chall br- rzadc 6y rabh& of c vriv-kan AzmLe,----Mt U r projeet aqrcosmzat X&W,3&W aa CbC- MeaCLYS"escjoct a rVe" t. (h) The bepartmfit she'll bEv". the r1raL6 to teminate a atvacm-mat and damand XCIU104 of DIP ftmdc (Fltm Interest &t, as maximm rate avAth*rLzc-,d An t.6L Flori& zu-tuters tat ma- OwV110n,cm, Wan thf- teres of Wt nemvlutkolx et th-4 px0jeet aer"Wat. rwuro of a cardcim-xith to ccwly ulth the pruviriow of this vzmmalmc.lba at 'n pZ630vt 44zc-, t my xacuit irl the umso* ervcar.rL�9 the "nicLv,�iftv ivvviuL",c for p-irticipat1co In t4le V1uAlrdu cai:c,,An madttiong 00 jii A r,-anicip-74ity to zerrlmtt, t, pxojrcv ill ccgc;fid to the, Cmmty all LIP furd:,!; plug: L-Atcr", t br,d tbcg&vp-c,,n px1cr to coutty oxc-cuting rzid torthl"tion. 7 Mon Soot 07 1 E. vvvact& xLk'011t, Ow PWI Sys- -AUL -, Iii Whog thall be sated fat thare, kZoj*ztv V-hich impsrbvc sroereatlwi uttjr' for Lm PU4111a in r"crazueatl aamml. vqxtinq and public lamehlnD frc,1LitL&& nad other bo4tirts-routed activl,tlaa, for rc.,-oval cf votse1r, t U"Ur4q stractutac d'eaecd e hosszo to public L'afety 6-to heals; or fal1wre zt, vmply with a�Ctioft 3271.4'. r1aria �tetdtitm. r--nd at t2wo Ct:U &4qd1mitioA' ration, Con'TtructIvop cad Ocr%lttir-4 f-r an 011SM14 PHIO-M ARCIVabvo t"It not llmsitd to, thz repAr or iaawint-w, vf tiw folvvin-'t Lamchinq ftcl.11ciog'r 42) R&creciional cbehml 119ME &nd mar1gral (3) NuriMy mW rA&tmd aigne ayvd buoya f safety, j01 V=klaq &nd a-mirLnq &cl Utica; 4st &G ruscu and pArklaq for ba4tLbq Catilltlem; se 1, "t'd aleetrAerlt M ;LrtLfic!c1 fichinp LCLft In Stztlu wtcr. cawt,iuctlm, tkanaportation, lnettllatlo%, vzrkm., tiLd cWtoring); and ID1 Pwlk h-rad, rip-r.'p, and cbavmll camtruttltm. K 1072 m tel ClIpe"Mer, EW are for W, fujidinv ikiGlud"' toola, equirewnt, Wetv, motorr, offict, furniture and supplier-, latt anforcomant ames carety sqaipmont, and contract labor cM SEL-CrUIC "t ul�gd 4-MCIUSIVO)v for a VC0104t, y of— M-Mmur -# B -4 e. to= 411, =11"ARMCIM-1-1 a IFUM8 CA VVI Seminole County Leisure Services Department 845 Lake: Markham Road Sanford FL 32771 Application COMPLETE THIS ORIGINAL FORM IN FULL AND PROVIDE ORIGINAL ATTACHMENTS AND 9 COPIES BY FEBRUARY 28,2017 TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS. _Sanford Marina Island East & West Boat Basin Breakwater Project Project Name City of Sanford Name of Applicant/Organization P.O.Box 1788 Street/P.O. Box Sanford Fl. 32772-1788 City State Zip Robert Beall Contact person managing program 407.688.5000 x5423 Telephone 407.688.5423 Fax 1. Organization Chief officially authorized to bind the City, Town or Government Agency: Norton N. Bonaparte Jr. Title: City Manager Phone :407.688.5001 2. Project Location (Name and street location): Sanford Marina East and West Boat Basins 531 North Palmetto Ave Attach proof of ownership 3. Project Type (check one): Acquisition Channel Marking Development: X New Construction X Renovation Combination 4. List existing facilities and improvements on the project site: 4 boat ramps. 2 picnic shelters, sidewalks, landscaping, directional and informational signage, 1000' of seawall. 5. Describe in detail the project for which you are applying, included projected time to complete project: Provide structural repair and replacement 300' of breakwater walls on Marina Isle. This project request includes design, engineering, permitting and installation. This project is needed to continue to provide protection to the Marina basins from serious wave actions of Lake Monroe. 6_ List the new or additional types of boating facilities that will be provided by the project: Approximately 300" of rehabbed breakwater walls. 7. What benefits will Seminole County residents receive from the project? The residents of Seminole County will have an improved venue with safe access for the general public. 8. Project Budget: Quantity Description Estimated Cost FORM SCBIP-01 Page 1 of 2 Prosect Desiqn and installation $300,000 Total: $300.000 9. Will the BIP funds be used as the local cash match for another program? _yes X_no explain: 10. Amount of County Funds requested: $ $100,000 11. Who will be the potential users of the project? All County and City Residents as well as others visitors to the area 12. What is the public support for the project? (List public meetings, surveys, organizations, etc.) During all phases of the improvement projects to the Sanford Marina Island, the City has received funding support from FRDAP, FBIP and Seminole County BIP. These grants require Public information meetings that are documented in previous grant applications and in City Commission meetings. These additional improvements are supported by City and County fishing and boating enthusiasts as well as the general public who enloy the RiverWalk and Marina area daily. 13. Does the applicant/organization have a recreation or parks department or other staff to provide facility development and ongoing maintenance of the project? _yes no explain: Sanford Public Works, Parks and Grounds Operations Division will provide site maintenance. 14. In the event there is a user fee for a specific use within the project receiving County funds, do you agree to charge the same fee for all users regardless of residence? x yes no expla 15. Attach project drawings showing project site and planned improvements and include color photographs of the project site. 16. Attach supporting documents showing cost estimates, product information (as applicable) and letters of support. 17. If you are submitting more that one project application, what is your priority ranking for this application? (1, 2, 3) 1 hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Auth rized Bgpres ntative Seminole County, Florida Boating Improvement Program 2 • Z/. / -/7 Date Page 2 of 2 *A • 4n CL >