HomeMy WebLinkAbout10/03/2023 SERC MinsMEETING MINUTES October 3, 2023 All Special Events Review Committee (SERC) members were invited to attend a meeting at 9 AM on Tuesday, October 3, 2023. Minutes I. Call to Order @ 9:04 AM by Jennifer Brooks II. In Attendance Jennifer Brooks, Recreation Department BillieJean Puleo, Recreation Department Alexis Williams, Parks Department Thomas Puleo, Public Works Department Emily McCabe, Public Works Department Jim Gantt, Risk Management Sean Hill, Police Officer SGT Zachary Glenn Brandon Myers, Code Enforcement Mark Seiferth, Deputy Fire Chief Tyrone Lowery — Parks Department III. Approval of the Minutes — SGT Glenn motioned to approve minutes. Seconded by Sean Hill. Motion carried unanimously. IV. New Business Melissa's 5k 1. Event Details: • Staging by the Civic Center area. Race starting promptly at 7 AM, registration to begin at 6 AM. The applicant with their new map is trying to avoid the new construction homes on Fulton Ave. Promptly end event at 8:30 AM. • Port -o -lits are to be placed in the back of the Civic Center • Applicant to supply own medical team. 2. City's Perspective: • City would appreciate if the applicant would limit the number of waves to (two). • Take into consideration the following construction areas: 1. Potential Garage 2. Grass lot + parking lot between Civic Center 3. Monroe Park 0 Mellonville and Seminole • Ms. Brooks mentioned to the applicant to keep the event to the 4 - hour window that the officers are scheduled for, but in the event as last year when there was a walker far behind, the officers stayed longer to assist. 3. Staff Recommendations: • Police Department: Event closure looks good as long as there is not construction. If so, it will need to be re -visited. • Parks: No questions. Make sure the sprinklers are turned off. • Public Works: No questions. One spider box for event. • Risk Management: None • Fire Department-: Asked if the applicant is supplying own medical team. • Code Enforcement: None. • Solid Waste: (1) Dumpster in parking space Porchfest 1. Event Details: • February 24, 2024 • Main act to be held in Centennial Park • Staggered closure of porches and roads to bring spectators to on main central area, toward downtown to encourage them to exit. • 15 Food Vendors, will carry out own trash. • Betty Smith will be used for staging of Rescue and lost and found. (This facility is not in the event- footprint.) 2. Staff Recommendations: • Ms. Brooks recommended Parks to use the zones created by the applicant for proper staffing locations for the event. • Parks: (5) Staff, 11 hours each. • Solid Waste: Need more dumpsters then last year, (8) spread throughout the footprint. Need permission in writing from several Churches who volunteered their lots as dumpster space. • Police Department: looked over the event prior, these closures are manageable. PD also asked for a stage breakdown schedule. • Public Works: None • Risk Management: Complimented the applicant on the safe practices and closures as of last year and continuing the same closures. • Code Enforcement: None • Fire Department: None 3. Discussion: • Sanford Brewing Company is asking applicant if they can extend the closure of the Alleyway to their location. They would like to provide their own extra security at the alleyway so that the open container doesn't spread into the footprint of their event. • The Applicant was concerned of the promotions of "to -go" and would like this to be further discussed to limit this from happening again. • The Applicant mentioned that Sanford brewing Company had food trucks and a tent set last event and was concerned it was drawing those away from her even, and will further discuss with Sanford brewing Company. • Ms. Brooks inquired if at 10th Street, close Magnolia to i I'll, and PD recommended diagonal closures. • Applicants steps for consideration of homes in footprint: o Approval from Commission o Road Closure map provided through email o Reminders sent through phone calls, email and the applicant physically visit the homes as a reminder closer to the event o Space is left in the alleyways for emergencies and homeowners to exit if they choose. They will escort any vehicles out of the event footprint. o Ms. Brooks will also assist with providing a Road Closure Notice. • The applicant is working on a parking plan and band access points, as it will be similar to last year. Ms. Brooks recommended a 6th Street access point. Last year they used 6th Street as a one way to park vehicles. • Sheriff Deputy prices went up, PD mentioned they will hopefully not rely on their services, and use the contracts made with other Police Agencies to staff the event. • Possible additions/ verbal agreements: o Another home possibly to be used as another staging area that is outside the footprint. o Use of a shuttle from Andrew instead of the trolley. o Highschool marching band kick-off Easter Sunrise Service 1. Event Details: March 31, 2024 Fort Mellon, rental pavilion. 1 Hour Service from 7 - 8am • Similar to previous year event. 2. Staff recommendations: • None. Tuffy's Fall Fest 1. Event Details: • Date is no longer changing. Date is to remain November 4, 2023 2. Staff Recommendations: • None Sanford Indie Market 1. Event Details: • December 17'', 2023 2. Staff Recommendations: • Parks: (1) Staff 1 lam — 6pm • Public Works: Minimum of (4) spider boxes. Thomas Puleo to find out who is responsible for retrieving them after the event. • No other recommendations or questions from staff. 3. Discussion: • Theresa VanCourt had concerns with the Sanford Block party, the event needed to be cleaned up the following day. IT took staff an additional 4 hours to clean the roads. She will be forwarding the pictures to Ms. Brooks and SGT Glenn. Ms. Brooks will be addressing the issue with the applicant. Thomas Puleo worked the event and noted there were patrons loitering in the Jolly parking lot after event hours. No loitering signs were placed. • Ms. Brooks requested that the PD tighten enforcement of the open container policy, as this may assist with the littering issue. Doas on a Cat Walk 1. Event Details: • February 10, 2024 • Parks: Please have Dale check the electricity. 2. Staff recommendations; • None. Final Discussion 1.Parrish Feast days at St. Mary's Catholic Church • Religious Event, set off fireworks every year. Last year PD suggested they obtain special event permit. • Fireworks were approved by the Fire Marshall • Event has been forwarded to commission for approval 2. Seminole Homecoming after actions are due. • SGT Glenn noted the issues with this year's event through email and filled out an after -action report with concerns over crowd surge at Magnolia Square which led to a crush and spectators missing parts of the parade. • Parks faced sound system challenges, primarily due to inadequate training. Problems included malfunctioning microphones, insufficient cord length to connect speakers on both sides of the planters, leading to patrons tripping over wires. The sound crew required clearer guidance on operations and safety precautions. 3. Kimchi festival did not submit an application due to their event will be held mostly indoors and on their property. Ms. Brooks will be reaching out to re-emphasize the limitations of the event without being required to have a permit. Adjourn @ 9:57 AM