HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/07/2023 SERC MinsMEETING MINUTES November 7, 2 02 3 All Special Events Review Committee (SERC) members were invited to attend a meeting at 9 AM on Tuesday, November 7, 2023. Minutes I. Call to Order @ 9:02 AM by Jennifer Brooks II. In Attendance Jennifer Brooks, Recreation Department BillieJean Puleo, Recreation Department Thomas Puleo, Public Works Department Emily McCabe, Public Works Department Jim Gantt, Risk Management SGT Zachary Glenn Jackson Conception — Code Enforcement Mark Seiferth, Deputy Fire Chief Tyrone Lowery — Parks Department Alexis Williams- Parks Department Bobby Washington — Public Works Department Thersea VanCourt — Parks Department III. Approval of the Minutes — SGT Glenn motioned to approve minutes from October 17, 2023. Seconded by Mark Seiferth. Motion carried unanimously. IV. New Business Cars and Coffee 1. Event Details: • Applicant requests the first Sundays of each month in 2024 • Hours from 9-11 am. • Not a car show, but a meet up for coffee. • Applicant requests police security, but no road closures. Applicant is trying to avoid the cost associated. Applicant would like cars to pull into parking spaces, with the hood facing the sidewalks, no backing in to avoid attendees walking in the street. 2. City's Perspective: • P.D. was concerned over who would be making sure the cars do not park backwards facing the street. Spectators are automatically drawn to the street when there is an event. They proposed a police officer at each end of the event area for security. City hesitant to approve an entire year of events. • PD was also concerned with those who race, burn -out, or break any of the rules if there are any consequences. • Parks was concerned over the trampling of the flower beads by the sidewalks • Applicant was asked if there were any chairs being set up by their cars. He verified there is only a couple of people in chairs, in the shaded areas. • PD encouraged those who would like to open their hoods to be kept in the Ethos parking lot. 3. Staff Recommendations: • PD recommended a trial run of the applicant's suggestion of no road closures. • Public works is unsure if having this event without rad closures would be possible. 4. Discussion: • Applicant mentioned that they take pictures of those breaking rules, and ban them from the next meet -up. PD mentioned if there is no registration for the event, it is not possible to always get pictures of those who are breaking the rules • Applicant mentioned that the event could grow to an estimated of 800 participants and he would not be able to have all the cars with hoods open to stay in a designated parking lot. • City informed the Applicant that the departments will further discuss their application and get back to them. Martin Luther King Jr. Celebration 1. Event Details: • Same footprint for the parade as last year. • Festival to change locations from Fort Mellon due to construction, and use the field west of the Civic Center 2. City's Perspective • PD was concerned that is a large crowd for a small field. • Jennifer has been in discussion with the applicant to attempt to have closures like the Puerto Rican festival and make use of the Civic Center. 3. Staff Recommendations: • Electricity on the NE corner, with use of a spider box, generators and port - o -lits are to be used which will restrict parking for the event by using the field and not making use of the Civic Center. • PD to work with the applicant on the parade portion, but was concerned with patrons travelling to and from the basketball courts and the parks. PD would like to close Sanford Ave. from San Juan to Palmetto. Suggest the food trucks line up on the Palmetto Ave. side of the field to barricade the road. Possibly close Commercial Ave. as well. • Parks recommended 3 staff to follow to parade for cleanup, and the staff can work out with assisting during the festival. • Parks checking on number of chairs to be rented, last year there was 75. All garbage cans to be used. • Fire Department will provide medical to 4 pm. • Street Closures were from 7 am to 5:30 pm last year • Solid Waste will be reviewing the dumpsters from last year. She was concerned that only 1 dumpster was requested for this year, but provided 2 in 2022. • Parks to provide power on the north east corner and spider box. Construction in the area has pulled the power from the ground, and they are still working on completing the project for power on the north west corner. Jennifer asked parks to check the power boxes on both corners and see what electricity is available. • Risk management inquired about types of inflatables- and Jennifer informed them they will have insurance for the Kids Zone area. PyroSpot Fire Work Sales 1. Event Details: • Parking lot of Seminole Towne Center mall from 12/23 thru 01/01/24. 2. City's Perspective: • PD and Fire do not have any concerns with location. • Planning and Zoning department requests a better map of the event. Cars and Cigars 1. Event Details: • Partnership with the Executive Cigar Bar on the waterfront • January 13, 2024 2. City's Perspective: • City attempted to contact the applicant via cell phone, went to voicemail. • Application was pulled for next SERC meeting. Final Discussion 1. Bo -Key riders put in an application, but has not returned to have it notarized. The date to be held is March 9, which is a Saturday. Since fort Mellon is to be closed for construction, they would like the use the green space adjacent to the basketball courts and the park shaded areas. The electricity at 1st street needs to be checked for use of a spider box. Parks noted there is some issues with the box and they are planning on running all new electrical lines/ pipes. This application will be brought back to the next SERC meeting. 2. Bad at Business Beer Fest and Sofa and Suds applications were submitted but they were not brought to SERC because it was more then year in advance from the event date. The were sent to SERC for review and Estimated cost sheets suggested from past years Event. Will be reviewed at next SERC meeting. 3. Turkey Day 5K has not been finalized as of yet, final map will be provided next week and will be sent out when complete. Theresa VanCourt asked of they would be using the Civic Center bathrooms, Jennifer will update when details come back. 4. Jennifer on vacation next week, and be back for Turkey day 5K. Adjourn cr 9:37 AM