HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-13-2023 WS MinutesCITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2023 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, November 13, 2023, at 4:00 PM, in the Commission Chambers, 1" Floor, City Hall, and 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin Commissioner Patty Mahany City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Absent: Vice Mayor Sheena R. Britton Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:10 PM. 1. Discussion RE: Small Chain Stores by Commissioner Austin. [Commission Memo 23-227] On October 9, 2023, the Commission asked Eileen Hinson, Planning Director to follow-up with the City of Apopka's Ordinance regarding small scale retail and chain stores. Ms. Hinson said staff found the commonalities of small box discount stores to include, more than 5,000 square feet and less than 12,000 square feet, retail store with a combination and variety of convenience shopping goods and consumer shopping goods with most goods not exceeding $5. She said similar small box discount stores would include Ross, TJ Max, 011ies, and some trending home stores. She said the small discount stores must include a certain amount of open floor space. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 139 2023 WORK. SESSION After a brief discussion, Ms. Hinson explained the steps staff would need to make changes to the Ordinance. The City would need to hire a consultant to perform a statistical and mapping analysis as solid data is required and a determination of a problem and its cause must be made. Commissioner Austin expressed his frustration with the amount of Dollar Stores in the City. He said there are ten Dollar Stores within a 2.5 -mile radius. He said the City of Sanford does not have a Publix within the City limits because of these stores. Commissioner Mahany expressed her frustration with Planning regarding the staff report presented and agreed with Commissioner Austin on his comments above. Ms. Hinson said it is not that the City cannot make a change. The change needs to have facts to support the change and it would take time and money. Commissioner Austin brought up a separate conversation. He asked staff to get in touch with Seminole County regarding the landscaping of the traffic medians out by the mall. He said the City needs to make changes to improve the community. Mayor Woodruff asked the Commissioners how they would like to define the changes. Ms. Hinson said staff has worked hard on changing the look of Sanford by revising Schedules A and B. Mayor Woodruff asked staff to review some changes that could be made to the current Ordinance and report back to the Commission in six months. 2. Update on Water Meter Replacement Project, by Bill Marcous Utilities Support Services Manager. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 135 2023 WORK SESSION Mr. Marcous stated ZHA Incorporated is on tonight's agenda for approval along with an additional item for the Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Antenna Lease. Mr. Marcous said the Antenna Lease with Crown Castle is at no additional cost to the City. There is no memo for this item and would need to be brought up as an additional item and voted on at tonight's meeting. The Commission asked why the City is approving an agreement with ZHA Incorporated (ZHA) for additional consulting services. Mr. Marcous said ZHA is an approved consultant working for the City. ZHA is needed for Phase 3 of the meter exchange project. If the City wanted to select a different vendor, it would have to go out to bid and prolong the project. Mr. Marcous said due to a supply issue, the City will begin the meter replacements with the commercial customers first and would begin installing residential after January 1, 2024. Commissioner Mahany stated she thought this project had already begun. Mayor Woodruff asked if the Utilities Department is continuing to work on customer service improvements. Mr. Marcous said many of the complaints are billing complaints and staff works with the customer to adjust or correct. He said the Utilities employees understand the challenges to the customer. Commissioner Austin said he believes 75% of the issues are due to the City. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 139 2023 WORK SESSION Commissioner Austin would like an explanation regarding the 10,000 gallons of raw sewage that the City had to report to the Environmental Protection Agency on November 8, 2024 at 4:10 AM on Cameron Avenue. Mr. Marcous said FPL lost power and the generator failed due to a bad switch. Commissioner Austin said he has been researching how to switch to septic. Mr. Marcous said the Kaywood Subdivision is the only area that has septic. This is an expensive process. Commissioner Austin there are many grants available and fiends to assist the customer. 3. Presentation of the 3 Quarter Financial Report, by Cindy Lindsay, Finance Director. [Commission Memo 23-228] Ms. Lindsay presented the 3rd Quarter Financial Report. She mentioned that the pension funds have improved this year. 4. Regular Meeting Items — additional information 1. Requests from the Public Art Commission approving murals to be painted on various City owned buildings. Commissioner Mahany said the Public Art Commission (PAC) wants to paint murals on several buildings throughout the City. Commissioner Austin asked if the painting of murals needed to come before the City Commission for approval. Mayor Woodruff said if they are on City owned buildings or property the Commission should approve them. He said some of these buildings are historic landmarks, requiring approval from the Historic Preservation Board. After a lengthy conversation, the Commission CITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 13, 2023 WORK SESSION agreed to have the City Attorney's Office draw up a resolution delegating the City Manager to approve all public art to be placed on City property or City owned buildings. Virgina Poe, PAC Chairperson, said PAC likes to present the art to the Commission so they are aware of what is being installed and where. Commissioner Mahany left the Dias at 5:51 PM and returned at 5:54 PM. 5. City Manager Evaluation The City Manager Evaluation discussion has been moved to the December 11, 2023 Commission Meetings. Mayor Woodruff asked that all the evaluations be turned into Fred Fosson, Human Resources/Risk. Management Director prior to the December Commission meeting. 6. Briefing Items Mr. Bonaparte announced there is an additional item on tonight's agenda for the delegation authority to the City Manager regarding 1,4 Dioxane. Lisa Jones, Parks and Recreation Director, provided the dates and times of the holiday events. Light Up Sanford on December 1, 2023, at 6:30 PM, Parade of Lights on December 9, 2023, at 6:00 PM, and Santa in the Square on December 13 and 20, 2023, at 6:00 PM. Mayor Woodruff said the conductor from the Polar Express will attend the tree lighting promoting the play at the theater. Mr. Bonaparte mentioned Vice Mayor Britton is absent from tonight's meeting and has asked for the Commission to approve her using money from her CITY COMMISSION MINUTES NOVEMBER 139 2023 WORK SESSION Commissioner funds. She would like to use $1K for Jazzmas in the Park and $1.5K for Christmas on 13"' Street. Mr. Bonaparte asked the Commission if they would like him to perform the City Clerks evaluation. There was a consensus among the Commission for him to perform the City Clerks evaluation. 7. City Manager Comments Commissioner Austin asked for City staff to work with Seminole County on landscape improvements at the Seminole Town Center mall. Mayor Woodruff said that there is an issue that the City is having with a resident off Airport Boulevard regarding flooding. The flooding is being caused by a contractor and a resident who is letting their property go back to nature. He said Code Enforcement actions should be taken for the residents to get their properties managed. Mayor Woodruff thanked Commissioner Austin for covering the Veteran's Day Celebration. There being no further business, the meeting was, adjourned at 6:06 PM. Attest: 7 WTI "y City Clerk (CL)