HomeMy WebLinkAbout116 Wheatfield Cir - BR04-001339 (CELERY LAKES) (SFR) (A) DOCUMENTSPERMIT ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER PROPERTY OWNER ADDRESS PHONE NUMBER Maronda Homes 1101 N Keller Rd., Ste F Orlando, FL 32810 407-475-9112 CRC 058496 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR . • MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Ph PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR PERMIT NUMBER MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR FEE PERMIT NUMBER FEE SUBDIVISION QjQn PERMIT # a 1 12Q)a DATE ' 1; `04 PERMIT DESCRIPTION Sb ' PERMIT VALUATION ` 0%%4 SS SQUARE FOOTAGE 14 a Sanfor4Cityof Certificate of Occupancy This is to certify that the building located at 116 Wheatfield Dr., for which permit number 04-1339 was issued has been completed according to the plans and specifications filed in the permit, to wit as New Single Family Detached complies with all the building, plumbing, electrical, mechanical, as well as City of Sanford codes and ordinances and with the provisions of these regulations. Staff Approval Date Conditions (if blank, no conditions apply) Building: F. Ortiz 08/10/2004 Engineering: D. Richards 08/11/2004 Public Works: R. Buckner 08/11/2004 Utilities: Richard Blake 08/12/2004 Fire Department: N/A Zoning: N/A Maronda Property Owner Q 3, yv - T- o ... 08/ 12/04 Building Official Date DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE"" 08/09/04 04-1339 116 Wheatfi'eld Dr. CONTRACTOR: Maronda Homes Celery Lakes Ll PHONE #: Jason 321-436-1020 6i The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. neering r ) o-5Z/ []Fire N/A Public Works Zoning Utilities CONTITIONS: (TO BE COMP Licensing 6 N/A N/A D ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) 14 t4 0 )Wg CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY ' rn (407 ,I REQUEST FOR FINAL INSP CTHOI j x a-. r SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE**** DATE: PERMIT #: ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: PHONE #: 08/09/04 04-1339 116 Wheatfield Dr. Maronda Homes Celery Lakes Jason 321-436-1020 The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date thet. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering is Works g=// Utilities P' Fire N/A Zoning N/A Licensing N/A CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) I I 1 Uj o CERTIFCATE OF OCCUPANCY a REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION I SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE**** `' ~' ti 1 N I 1 DATE: 08/09/04 ` ellW Zi I o I PERMIT #: 04-1339 u u a.' ADDRESS: 116 Wheatfield Dr. W s CONTRACTOR: Maronda Homes Celery bakes I: PHONE #: Jason 321-436-1020 The building division has prepared a Certificate of Occupancy for the above location and is requesting final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please sign off and date the C. O. or submit addendum if it has been denied or approved with conditions. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Engineering Public Works 0 Fire N/A e, Zoning N/A tili es Licensing N/A CONDITIONS: (TO BE COMPLETED ONLY IF APPROVAL IS CONDITIONAL) LMBC10:01 CITY OF SANFORD Address Misc. Information Inquiry 87-1707-0-4---] 14:31:54 Location ID . . . . . . . 254885 Parcel Number . . . Alternate location ID Location address . . . . . 116 WHEATFIELD CIR Primary related party . . Type options, press Enter. 5=View detail Opt Description PLANNING & ZONING COMMENT CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES Free -form information CELERY LAKES, PHASE I LOT 143 ************ SW DEV FEE $1700.00 WA DEV FEE $650.00 BP04-1339 PD 3-17-04 SEE REC#6561 3/4"WA METER SET FEE $190.00 PD 3-17-04 REC#6561 F2 Address F3=Exit F5=Special Notes F9=Parcel Notes F12=Cancel J LMBC 10=01 4 CITY OF SANFORD Address Misc. Information Inquiry Location ID . . . . . . . Parcel Number . . . . . . Alternate location ID . . Location address . . . . . Primary related party . . Type options, press Enter. 5=View detail Opt Description CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES CUSTOMER SERVICE NOTES 262535 116 WHEATFIELD CIR 8/10/04 14:32:04 Free -form information 3/4"RC METER SET FEE $190.00 PD 3-17-04 REC#6561 F2=Address F3=Exit F5=Special Notes F12=Cancel E s IT N E R S U R V E Y I N G 29 July 2004 City of Sanford Building Department 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Re:116 Wheatfield Loop To Whom It May Concern: up This is to certify that the finished floor elevation of the new building constructed at the above site meets or exceeds the requirements of Section 6- 7 of the City of Sanford Building Code. Should you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, R. Blair Kitner P.S.M. No. 3382 P.O. BOX 823 - SANFORD, FLORIDA 32772-0823 - (407) 322-2000 r— FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY O.M.B. No. 3067-0077 NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM Expires December 31, 200E ELEVATION CERTIFICATE hypoftt Rod the hnhix&rts on pagn 1- 7. SECTION A. PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Fgrh>rAranoeCgirpaytlsa _,. BUILDING OWNER'S NAME Poky Number., MARONDA HOMES BUILDING STREET ADDRESS (Including Apt, Urr't, Suite, ardor Bldg. No.) OR. P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Cornpary NAIC Number 116 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE CITY STATE ZIP CODE SANFORD FL 32771 PROPERTY DESCRIPTION (Lot and Block Numbers, Taos Parcel Number, Legal Description, etc.) LOT 62, CELERY LAKES PHASE 1 PLAT BOOK 62, PAGES 75 & 76 BUILDING USE (e.g., Residential, Non-residential, Addition, Acoessory, etc. Use a Commends area, if necessary.). RESIDENTIAL LATITUDE/LONGITUDE (OPTIONAL) HORIZONTAL DATUM: SOURCE: El GPS (Type): f - MIF - ##.# r or NAD 1927 NAD 1983 USGS Quad Map O w- SECTION B -FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (FIRM) INFORMATION B1. NFP COMMJNITY NAME & COMtluI INITY NUMBER B2. COUNTY NAM=, B3. STATE CfTY OF SANFORD 120294 SEMINOLE I RLMDA B4. MAP AND PANS B7. FRM PANS 139. BASE ROOD ELEVATION(S) NUMBfft B5. SUFFDC B6. FIRM INDEX DATE EFFECINEF ED DATE 68. ROOD ZOWS) lore A0, sae de* dtakV) 12117CO065 E APR1995 APR1995 X NA B10. Indicate the source of the Base Flood Elevation (BFE) data or base flood depth entered in B9. FIS Profile ® FIRM Canmunky Determined Ofher@escri e): B11. Indic& the elevation datum used forthe BFE in B9: ® NGVD 1929 NAVD 1988 Other(Desa%e): B12. Is the buidi nq located in a Coastal Barrier Resources Svslem (CBRS) area orOt er Mse Protected Area (OPAV Yes M No Designation Date SECTION C = BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY REQUIRED) C1. Building elevations are based on: C.onstnuctio n DrawiiW Building Under Construction' ® Fnished Castnxtion A new Elevation Certificale will be required when construction of the building is complete. C2 Building Diagram Number 1(Select the building diagram most similar to the building for which this cerfficale is being completed - see pages 6 and 7, if no diagram aocurathly repmsents the building, provide a sketch or photograph) C3. Elevations — Zones Al AX, AE, AH, A (with BFE). VE, V1 V30, V (with BFEJ AR, ARIA, AR/AIEAR/A1-AX, ARIAH, AR/AO Complete Items C3.-a4 below according to the buildN diagram speciied in Ilem C2 State the datum usedlthe datum is different from the datum used for the BFE h Section B, oor ved the datum lo that used for the BFE Shaw field memmmernts and datum conversion calculation. Use the space provided or the Comments area of Section D or Section G, as al prDpriate, to document the datum conversion. Datum NGVD 29 CornversionA3ornments Elevation reference mark used Does the eevaton nethnence mark used appearon the FIRM? Yes ®No a) Top of bothm floor (including basement or enclosure) 21. 21 t(m) b) Top of Wend highertloor NA.A(m) ,,0 . V c) Bohom of lowest hmmtal structural member (V zones only) NA . _t(m) LD d) Attached garage (top of slab) 20. 75 t(m) wiz ; e) Lowest elevation of machinery and/or equipment serving the building (Describe it a Commends area) 20, 9 t(m) E, 4 O fl Lowest adjaoent (fn grade (LAG) 20.Aft(m) z 9) Highestadpoent (find ed)grade (HAG) 20. 7 tt.(m) 8 O O h) No. of permanent openings (Rood vents) within 1 t above adjacent grade Total area of a6 pemnanentopenings (flood vents) un C3.h _sq. in. (sq. an) SECTION D - SURVEYOR, ENGINEER, ORARCHITECT CERTIFICATION This certification is to be signed and sealed by a land surveyor, engineer, or architect authorized by law to certify elevation information.. 1 certify that the information in Sections A, B, and C on this certificate represents my best efforts to interpret the data available. I understand that any false statement may be punishable by fine or imprisonment under 18 U.S. Code, Section 1001. CERTIFIERS NAME R BLAIR KITNER LICENSE NUMBER P.S.M. 3382 TITLE PRESIDENT COMPANY NAME KITNER SURVEYING, INC. ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE. 2597 SANFORD AVENUE SANFORD FL 32772 SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE 30JULY2004 407, 0-2000 IMPORTANT: to these spaces, copy the corresponding infoirnation fiom Section A For liam oe Camp" use: WWNG STREET ADDRESS (a Aft Apt, Urnt Shia, ardftr ft No.) OR P.O. ROUTE AND BOX NO. Policy Number 116 WHEATFIELD ORCLE CITY STATE ZIP CODE Comp V WJC Number SANFORD FL 3MI SECTION D - SURVEYOR; ENGINEER, OR ARCI1TECT CERTIFICATION (CONTINUED) Copy both sides of this Elevation Certificate for (1) oommunly official, (2) insurance agentkonp", and (3) building owner. COMMENTS Check here rf aftadrmts SECTION E - BUILDING ELEVATION INFORMATION (SURVEY NOT REQUIRED) FORZONE AO AND ZONE A (INTTFIOUT BFE) For Zone AO and Zone A (wlfwut BFE), complete Iherns E1 through E4. If the Elevation Cerfifioate is intended for use as supporting information for a LOMA or LOMR-F, Section C must be oorrpletod. El. Buiding Diagram Number _(Select the building diagram most simiarto the buldig for which this oertificale is Being completed — see pages 6 and 7. If no diagram accurately represents the building, provide a sketch or photograph.) E2. The top of the bottom ttoor (including basement or enclosure) of the buildings _ a(m) _ii.(an) above or below (check one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural grade, t avAable} B. For Building Diagrams 6.8 with openigs (seepage 7), the next higherflooror elevaied floor (elevation b) of the building is _ ft(m) _in.(crn) above the highest adjacent grade. Corrrplete ilems C3.h and C3.i on front of brm. E4. The top of the plalbm of machinery ardlor equipment seivicing the building is _ t(m) _in.(an) above or below (dhec k one) the highest adjacent grade. (Use natural glade, ff avaiable). E5. For Zone AO only fl no Hood depth number is available, is the top of the bottom floor devrdBd it a000rdanoe with the oommunlys tloodplam management ordinance? Yes No U*iown. The local official must oe* this irformalion in Section G. SECTION F - PROPERTY OWNER (OR OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE) CERTIFICATION The propertyownerorowrWs akrltmaed mpresentatnne who completes Sections, B, C (Item C3.h and C3.i only), and E forZone A (without a FEMA-issued oroommunity- issued BFE) or Zone AO must sign here. The statements in Sections A, Q Q and E are cared to the best ofmy farowleklge. PROPERTY OWNERS OR OWNER'S AUINORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CiTY STATE X— Ii i ice Check here iIaftwhinents SECTION G- COMMUNITY INFORMATION (OPTIONAL) The local official who is authored by law or oidi wince to administer the oommundys tbodplain management adhanoe can complete Sections A, B. C (or Q, and G of this Bevation Certificate. Complete O-e applicable flem(s) and sign below. G1. The i>mkton in Senor C was taken from other documentation that has been signed and embossed by a licensed surveyor, engineer, or archked who is authormed by state or local law tooertify elet tion inbr ation. Qndicate the source and date of the elevation data in the Comments area below.) G2 A community official completed Section E for a bulding located in Zane A (without a FBAA-issued or oommunlly-issued BFE) or Zone AO. G3. The folowing rftnabon (items G4-G9) is piavided for community floodplain management purposes G7. This permit has been issued for New C lstruction substantial Impiavernerit G8. Elevation of as -bust lowest floor (including baserr" of the building a _. _ft(m) Datum: G9. BFE or (n Zone AO) depth of flooding at the building SIB is: _. _ t(m) Datum: LOCAL OFFICIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMUNITY NAME TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS n---: ___ CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # : oLA Date: January 29, 2004 . Job Address: 116 WHEATFIELD LOOP LOT 62 CELERY LAKES Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: $128,488.00 Permit Type: Building _X_ Electrical Mechanical _ Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service - # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Cale. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair - Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X _ Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: 3,422 Construction Type: VI # of Stories: 2 # of Dwelling,Units: 1 Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: 32-19-31-515-0000-0620 (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes Inc. of1lorlds. 1101-N.Keller Road. e F Orlando.FL 32810 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: Russell Keith Summe s i 1 1 K 11 oa u t A'Ulat@ 2 10 State License Number: CRC058496 Phone & Fax: (407) 475-9112 Contac riso : diatr Ile le rim Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: 1 2004MortgageLender:: t`. FEB 1 Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce F12 Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771` :: ' d I Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the W6Yk'aiid-installations as indicated. 1 certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. 1 /29/04 Signature of O t Date Russell Keith Summers Print Owner/Agent's Name 1 /29/04 Signature of Notary -State o Florida Date 800n.... ,........uo....nuuom•.... LAURIE PELLEGRINO 111111y4xv Comm# DD0232tiO4 = Wk? E rphos 711ti12o07 eondW thru (ti00)432.4254: 2i...................... FlOrida Notary e•Aiiui i•is6 Owner/Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID 1 /29/04 Signature of ont r/Agent Date Russell Keith Summers Print Contractor/Agent's Name 1/29/04 Signature of Notary -State otYl.rid. Date g.•nmon.uonwuu•.nnu.emnun LAURIE PELLEGRINO ComaN1 DD0232804 as° . Expires 7t1GQW? dpa Bonded Mm (800)432-4254. F n•" Florida Notary Assn.. Incn... Ju•••••••.nwwusewpssss••ea•esee•ae.eeP Contractor/Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bld0 31d "b -f Zoning: Utilities: FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit # : Date: Job Address: Description of Work: Single Family Residence ; Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building Electrical )< Mechanical _ Plumbing _ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPSo'W Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement _ New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Residential or Commercial v Occupancy Type.- Residential /p, _ Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: _# of Dwelling Units: I Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: Owners Name & Address: Contractor Name & Addr Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) License Number: EGci'tJt..63 Phone & Fax: (407) 475-9112 Contact Person: Laurie Pellegrino Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407 3221-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that 1 will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 711 k a0(03 Signature o Ow ent Date Russell Keith Summers Print Owner/Agent's Name Signature of Notary -State of larida. Date s••••n•w...un..w•u......•......uuu.` . LAURIE PELLEGRINO ptlUypl i tpr vr n COMM* DD0232804 ExPirea 7116r W Bonded thru (8t)WW-420 rauna Owner/Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID l lamlo3 igna a of Contractor/Agent Date 6, va"s i Print Contractor/Agent's N Signature of Notary-Sta f Florida Date s.•OAo. n4 1 8... 1 u • L- •. •....... O ........ LAURIE PELLEGRIN o°'"","'" CommA DD02328M Q1 tATExfopira res 7/18200 o try= Bonded( e2 DO)AI -a254: Flr::a Note :•.i•..;un;. Contractor/Agent is_X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg Ems% -1a-G'P Zoning: Utilities: Initial & Date) ( Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Initial & Date) Special Conditions: Permit # : CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION i 1 n Date: 15,15110 Job Address: IIW ULIIIkr u-T IC'u IJ1ty UiT IV iz Description of Work: SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building Electrical Mechanical X Plumbing _ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service - # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential 'X Non -Residential Replacement _ New X (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair- Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: 1 Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes Inc of Florida .1101 N. Keller Road Suite F Orlando, FL 32810 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address:_GARY CARMACK 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL State License Number. CAC043900 Phone & Fax: (407) 321-0064 Contact Person: Laurie Pellegrino —Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the.issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S-AFFIDAVI : I certify that all of the foregoing information is accurate and -that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable -laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. t NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restricts ns plicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from, other governmental entities sup h 1Pwater management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the e ` 'r ments of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. Signature of Owner/ enP Date Signa re of Contractor/Agent Date Russell Keith Summers GARY CARMACK Print Ownef/Agent's Name Print Contractor/Agent's Name J0JAAA1 a 3i Signature of Notary -State o lorida Date Signature of Notary -State of Uhrida Date ynnnn................mnu....ununq LAURIE PELLEGRINO 101 e, DD0232804 g Bp KWd 1hn1 : Fiorlda Notary Aasrt., Inc ill........ N..NNN.....NNO..N\yN...ONNS Owner/Agent is _X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID i LAURIE PELLEGRINO i4 Comm# DD0232804 7/t8/200102% IreS a BotWad Mtu (8DO)M-4250 Florida Notary Assn., Inc as. . Contractof'i'Rg8ttt95_r1Ps'Btt Ffy9CltbtUn CoEIvIe or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg. ! _t0 -a1 Zoning: Utilities: FD: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit #: `` Date: December 31, 2003 Job Address: a WYMUT Description of Work: Single Family Residence Historic District: Zoning: Value of Work: Permit Type: Building._ Electrical Mechanical _ Plumbing X Fire Sprinkler/Alarm Pool Electrical: New Service — # of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Temporary Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & Energy Calc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: # of Fixtures # of Water & Sewer Lines # of Gas Lines Plumbing/New Residential: # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair— Residential or Commercial Occupancy Type: Residential X Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Construction Type: VI # of Stories: # of Dwelling Units: 1 Flood Zone: X (FEMA form required for other than X) Parcel #: (Attach Proof of Ownership & Legal Description) Owners Name & Address: Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida 1101 N. Keller Road, Suite F Orlando, FL 32810 Phone: 407475-9112 Contractor Name & Address: WILLIAM T. SELF 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD FL State License Number: CFC057039 Phone & Fax: (407) 948-3630 Contact Person: Laurie Pellegrino Phone: (407) 659-3719 Bonding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Architect/Engineer: Tomas Ponce Phone: (407) 321-0064 Address: 4005 Maronda Way Sanford, FL 32771 Fax: (407) 321-3913 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a Permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, and AIR CONDITIONERS, etc. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all of the foregoing informaion is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. Acceptance of permit is verification that I will notify the owner of the property of the requirements of Florida Lien Law, FS 713. Signature of Agent Date Signature of Contractort'jigent Date RUSSELL KEITH SUMMERS WILLIAM T. SELF Print Owner/Agent's Name Print Contractor/Agent's Name d164 Signature of Notary -State of Florida Date I LAURIE PELLEGRINO Comm# DD02328M Expiree7/ la2W7 3 Bonded thru (800)432-4254; Florida NotaryAasn. Inc Owner/ Agent is•_X_ Personally Known to Me or Produced ID Signature of Notary-State(i Florida Date a........... LAURIE PELLEGRINO gmre y, Ay P; + Comm# DD0232804 h'sExpires 7/16R007 C a fie? Bonded thru (SW)432-4254: 5........ Florida Notary Assn. Inc Assn., Inc Contractor/ Agent is..0_ X_ Personallpuy Known to Me or Produced ID APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg`p') -4-4 T Zoning: Utilities: Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) (Initial & Date) Special Conditions: _ aronc oes AN EASILY OBSERVABLE BETTER VALUE! 1101 NORTH KELLER ROAD, SUITE F • ORLANDo, FLoPjDA 32810 407-475-9112 • FAx: 407-475-9115 LETTER OF AUTHORIZATION El CITY OF DELTONA VOLUSIA COUNTY x CITY OF SANFORD , SEMINOLE COUNTY I hereby name and appoint Lee Emerson, Joyce Stark and Silver Streak to sign his/her name on my behalf in order to apply for and/or pickup building permits for Maronda Homes, Inc. of Florida work to be completed at Lot 62, 116 WHEATFIELD LOOP at CELERY LAKES. i RUSSELL KEIT SUM ERS, CRC058496 MARONDA HOM NC. OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ORANGE Sworn and subscribed before me this 29TH day of JANUARY, 2004 by RUSSELL KEITH SUMMERS who is personally known to me. OTARY PUBLIC pn...unnn............................. LAURIE PELLEGRINO pnmq. Comm# DD0232804Zp,pYP 4 aL4 is EXpirea7NBR007 Bonded tlw (800)432•4254: 3'n; , Florida Notary Assn., Inc S.0.........................................6 COUNTY OF SEMINOLE IMPACT FEE TA MENT ISSUED BY CITY OF SANFORD STATEMENT NUMBER 104-75915 BUILDING P[R u~\`/~ UNIT A D D R E S". 14 _____________________________ TRAFrIC ZONE: JURISDICTI6N:/& SEC: Th P RNG: SUBDIVISION: ~ _ TKACT ... .... ... ... PLAT B NAME: ADDRESS: APPLICANT NAME: ADDRESSa LAND USE CATEGORY: 001 - Single Family Detached House TYP[ USE: Residential WORK DESCRIPTION: Single Family House: Detached - Construction FEE BENEFIT RATE FEE UNIT RATE PER # & TYPE TOTAL DUE TYP[ DIST SCHEDULE DESC. UNIT OF UNITS ROADS ----------------_-------------_-----------------------------------__------ ARTERIALS CO -WIDE O dwl unit $ 705.00 1 $ 705.00 ROADS ~ COI-1 O dwl unit $ 142.00 1 $ 142.00 | LIBRARY CO -WIDE! O dwl unit $ 54.00 SCHOOLS CO -WIDE O dwl unit $1,384.60 AMOUNT DUE 1 $ 54.00 1 '$ 1,304.00 2,285.00 STATEMENT RECEIVED BY: SIGNATURE ... _... ... EASE PRINT NAME) DATE NOTE TO RECEIVING SIGNATORY/APPLICANT: FAILURE fO NOTIFY OWNER AND ENSURE TIMELY PAYMENT MAY RESULT IN YOUR LIABILITY FOR THE FEE. T*** J DISTRIBUTION: 1-COUNTY 3-CITY 2-APPLICANT 4-COUNTY NOTE** F;ERCONS ARE ADVISED THAT THIS IS A STATEMENT OF FEES WHICH ARE AND PAYABLE PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF A BUILDING PERMIT., PERSONS ARE ALSO ADVISED THAT ANY RIGHTS OF THE APPLICANT, OR OWNER, TO APPEAL THE CALCULATIONS OF THE ROAD, LIBRARY SYSTEM AND/O EDUCATIONAL (SCHOOL) IMPACT FEES MUST BE EXERCISED BY FILING A WRITTEN REQUEST WITHIN 45 CALENDAR DAYS OF THE RECEIVING SIGNATURE DATE ABOVE, BUT NOT LATER THAN CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY OR OCCUPANCY. THE REQUEST FOR REVIEW MUST MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE. COPIES OF THE RULES GOVERNING APPEALS MAY BE PICKED UP, OR REQUESTED, FRQM THE PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OFFICr/: 1101 EAST FIRST STREET, SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771; (407) 665-7474. PAYMENT SHOULD BE MADE TOx CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING DEPARTMENT 300 N8RT11 PARK AVENUE SANFORD. FL 32771 PAYMENT SHOULD BE BY CHECK OR MONEY ORDER, AND SHOULD REFERENCE THE STATEMENT NUMBER AND CITY BUILDING PERMIT NUMBER AT THE TOP LEFT OF THE NOTICE. ' THIS STATEMENT IS VALID 0A1 Y WITH ISSUANCE OF A*** 1,4 s LL WI, L Q IP IP Uj r) J 00 IU jrb4 L W M U. he 0 i Z Z ltog mac MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SkMINOLE COUNTY BK 05199 PG 1638 CLERK' S # 2()04ti23771 RECORDED 08/17/2004 12:59:13 PM RI LORDING FEES 6.00 RECORDED BY S O'Kelley MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK _V CIRCUIT L600T SEMINOLE COUNTY BK 05187 VIG 06LF, CLERK' S # 200,4017306 RECORDED 02/04/2004 01:45:35 PN RECORDING FEES 6.00 RECORDED BY L Woodley NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT TAX FOLIO NO. 25-133-6949 PERMIT NO. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE The UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain and real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. DESCRIPTION OF PRO gal Description and Street Address) 62 General Description of Improvement Construct a Single Family Residence OWNER INFORMATION Name and Address Maronda Homes, 1101 North Keller Road, Suite F Orlando FL 32810 Interest in Property (Fee Simple, Partnership, etc.) Owner NAME AND ADDRESS OF FEE SIMPLE TITLEHOLDERS (If other than owner) CONTRACTOR _Maronda Homes, 1101 North Keller Road, Suite F, Orlando, FL 32810 Name and address) SURETY (Bonding Company) CERTLFI p >pq Name and Address N/A IMARYANNE MOt1 , LERK Of VRCUIT COUWQ Amount of Bond ,-....... „ r rqu w3hL A 119M LENDER —---- pg t 1 T Y rLER.:9 Name and address Bank of America NA 750 S. Orlando Ave. #102 Winter Park FL 18.9rn 4 ATTN: DAN FINNEGAN Phone (407) 646-6304 Fax (407) 644 2 88- I Persons within the State of Florida designated by owner upon whom notice or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1), (a), 7., Florida Statutes. Kampf Title, 200 W. 1st St., Sanford FL 32771 Fax: 407 330 5062 Phone (407) 322 9484 Name and address) In addition to himself, Owner designates or to receive a copy of Lienors Notice as Provided in Section 713.13(2), (b), Florida Statutes. Expiration Date of Notice of Commencement The expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a different date is specified. Russ6LL KEIjjHSUMMERS Maronda Hos, Inc. of Florida F. Vice President Construction Sworn to and subscribed before me this 29TH day of JAN_UARY, 2004. .. ii0A 1 Ji, Notary Public tom. s a 333 m` LAURIE PELLEX A_ A k. Comm# DD9 cy ExPiras 7/16/2007 0 ?3 Bonded th- (800)432-421_1 i.....i::::.......: u:; ; Notary Ass Inc Y 1F 4 4q c PLAT OF BOUNDARY SURVEY for MARONDA HOMES Legal Description LOT 62, CELERY LAKES PHASE 1, according Ito the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 62, Pages 75 and 76, of the Public Records of SeminoteCounty,: Florida. I 78 61 o o0 0 5.00 5' DRAINAGE ESM'T Q o BI$gopP i89 Of tS 2 2D' v i 77 PROPOSED 0 WINCHESTER—B w I _j m 4 BEDROOM PROP. FF= 2D.GL 0 0 01 i IE CONC. 1 b DRIVE I 0 ro O ^' O 19 IbP46.00' ig pP N 0 5' DRAINAGE ESM'T 5.00' N 89'38 17 E 120.00 N 11 - m Cjn I 63 76 25.0D' f J 1_I SURVEY NOTES: 1) The street address of the above -described property is 116 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE. 2) The above -described property lies in a Flood Zone X per FIRM 12117C 0065E dated APRIL 1995. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey meets the Minimum Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section.427.OZ? of the Florida Statutes. REVISIONS: r CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: KI NER SURVEYING, INC. R. BLAIR KITNER - P.L.S. NO. 3382 Post Office Box..823 ::Sanford, F1. 3277241823 t"4,G7 322-2000 PROJECT NO: 04- 10j SURVEY DFii'r: i. CITY OF SANFORD BUILDING DIVISION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING PERMIT Lot: 62 Subdivision: CELERY LAKES Property Address: 116 WHEATFIELD LOOP x 1. Two (2) recent boundary and building location surveys showing setbacks from all structures to property lines for permit for structures (not fences). 0 2. Two (2) complete sets of construction design drawings drawn to scale. Complete sets to include: 0 a. Foundation plan indicating footer sizes for all bearing walls. Provide side view details of these footers with reinforcement bar replacement. 0 b. Floor plan indicating interior wall partitions and room identification, room dimensions, door, window, and/or opening sizes, smoke detector, distances from walls are to be shown. Note the State of Florida requirements for bath door for compliance of Handicapped Code (F. S. 553, Part 5). FREI c. Elevations of all exterior walls, east, west, north and south. Finish floor elevation height as per City Engineering Department or subdivision plat. FRI d. Cross sections of all wall sections to be used in the structure. Bearing non -bearing interior and exterior. Show all components of wall section. e. Framing plan for floor joists where conventionally framed. Plan to indicate span, size and species of materials to be used. x f. Engineered truss plan with details of bracing. Engineered beams for spacing openings to carry and support trusses. g. Stair details with tread and riser dimensions, stringer size, methods of attachment, placement of handrails and guardrails. x h. Square footage table showing footages: Garages/Carports 402 S.F. Porch (s)/ Entry(s) 16 S.F. Patio(s) S. F. Conditioned structure 3,004 S.F. Total (Gross Area) 3,422S.F. 0 3. Three (3) sets of completed Florida Energy Code Forms (Form 600-A-97). x 4. Soil analysis and/or soil compaction report. If soils.appear to be unstable or if structure to be built TO FOLLOW on fill, a report may be requested by the Building Official or his representative. N/A 5. Other submittal Documents: N/A a. Utility letter or approval when public water supply and/or sewer system connection to be made. N/A b. Septic tank permit to be obtained from Seminole County Health Department at: 400 West Airport Boulevard, Sanford, FL (407) 665-3600. N/A c. Arbor permit when trees to be removed from property. Contact the City Engineer for details regarding the arbor ordinance and permit. x 6. Application to be completed thoroughly and signatures provided by a licensed and insured contractor. OWNER/BUILDER MUST APPEAR IN PERSONS TO SIGN APPLICATION AS PER FLORIDA STATE STATUTE 489. Subcontractor license numbers must be included on the application. If electrical, mechanical or plumbing permits have not been issued, inspections will not be scheduled or made and subcontractors will be subject to penalty under the City Ordinances REQUIRED INSPECTIONS DURING AND UPON COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION 1. Footer 2. Underground, electrical, mechanical and plumbing 3. Foundation elevation survey 4. Slab 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. DATE: Thursday, January 29, 2004 SIGNATURE: Lintel — tie beams — columns — cells Rough electrical Rough mechanical Rough plumbing Tub Set Framing Tenant Separation/firewall Insulation, walls and/or ceilings Electrical final, mechanical final and plumbing final Building Final Other I < By Own uthorized Agent) 4 PC4T OF BOUNDARY SURVEY for MARONDA HOMES Legal Description LOT 62, CELERY LAKES PHASE 1, according to the Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 62, Pages 75and76, of the Public Records of Seminote 'Couhty, I Florid4. 6178 o 00 5.00 5' DRAINAGE ESM'T E - ----- o IS.- PQ I89pP v N I , w . 62 o PROPOSED. 11 77 Ci w WINCHESTER-B 4 BEDROOM m j VRoP. FF= 20.6t Z) I CONC. 0 0 N Cn (E , DRIVE O o I9 ,pP N O 46.00' O 5' DRAINAGE ESM'T 50030100 N I N 89'38 17 E 120.00 ; - N 63 ; m cn 76 ; 25.00' _I i JJJ , CIS fy-fie. K d'k oa9aa D SURVEY NOTES: ,- 1) The street address of the above -described property is 116 WHEATFIELD CIRCLE. 2) The above -described propertylies in a Flood Zone X per FIRM 12117C 0065E dated APRIL 1995. i SURVEYOR' S CERTIFICATE This is to certify that I have made a Survey of the above described property and that the plat hereon delineated € is an accurate representation of the same. I further certify that this Survey meets the F1inimum, Technical Standards set forth by the Florida Board of Land Surveyors pursuant to Section 427.027 of the Florida Statutes. i REVISIONS: CERTIFIED CORRECT TO: 0 0PROJECT NO: 04, 109 N KI NER'SURVEYING, INC. R. BLAIR KITNER,-,P'L.S. NO. 3382 Post Office'BoX:823,, Sanford,' F1. 32772-0823 " y ( 4f11) ` 322-2000 SURVEY DAfE y FORM 60OA-2001 FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION Florida Department of Community Affairs Residential Whole Building Performance Method A Project Name: WINCHESTER Builder: Address: 11 *e&+M6 We Permitting Office: City, State: WWI _ Permit Number: Owner: Jurisdiction Number: Climate Zone: Central 1. New construction or existing New _ 2. Single family or multi -family Single family 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 4. Number of Bedrooms 4 5. Is this a worst case? Yes 6. Conditioned floor area ff) 3004 ff 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear glass, default U-factor 276.0 ff 0.0 ff b. Default tint 0.0 ff 0.0 ft2 _ c. Labeled U or SHGC 0.0 ff 0.0 ft2 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 167.0(p) ft _ b. Raised Wood, Adjacent f? _ c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.1, 869.0 ff _ b. Frame, Wood, Exterior R=11.0, 1194.0 ft2 _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 278.0 ft2 _ d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1663.0 ff b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 ft b. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 140.0 ft 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit b. Central Unit c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump b. Electric Heat Pump c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) Glass/Floor Area: 0.09 Total as -built points: 32833 PASSTotalbasepoints: 39935 Cap: 34.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER: 12.00 Cap: 28.8 kBtu/hr -_ SEER: 12.00 Cap: 35.4 kBtu/hr HSPF:7.40 _ Cap: 28.8 kBtu/hr _ HSPF: 7.50 Cap: 50.0 gallons _ EF: 0.92 PT, I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered Review of the plans and 19E sT by this calculation are in compliance with the Florida specifications covered by this o _Argo Energy Code. I calculation indicates compliance with the Florida Energy Code. PREPARED BY: Before construction is completed vp DATE: 1 laqla this building will be inspected for 1 hereby certify that this building, as designed, is in compliance with Section 553.908 compliance with the Florida En rgy Code. Florida Statutes. °D WE i; ,q OWNER/AGENT: /lHA1' . 417 I0 iA7BUILDING OFFICIAL: 3 s', DATE: 1 aq& DATE: EnergyGauge® ( Version: FLRCPB v3.30) FORM 60OA-2001 SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES 18 X Conditioned X BSPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X SPM X SOF Points 18 3004.0 25.78 13939.8 Single, Clear W , 1.0 13.0 10.0 57.68 1.00 574.3 Single, Clear W 1.0 16.0 40.0 57.68 1.00 2299.7 Single, Clear W . 1.0 15.0 20.0 57.68 1.00 1149.4 Single, Clear E 1.0 15.0 20.0 63.97 1.00 1274.5 Single, Clear E 2.0 14.0 10.0 63.97 0.98 629.1 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 16.0 57.68 0.97 893.8 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 20.0 57.68 0.97 1119.2 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 16.0 57.68 0.97 893.8 Single, Clear S 1.0 6.0 16.0 48.22 0.94 728.4 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 20.0 63.97 0.97 1241.6 Single, Clear E 2.0 7.0 36.0 63.97 0.89 2044.4 Single, Clear" N 1.0 6.0 16.0 30.19 0.97 470.7 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 20.0 63.97 0.97 1241.6 Single, Clear S 1.0 16.0 16.0 48.22 0.99 766.8 As -Built Total: 276.0 15327.3 WALL TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points Adjacent 278.0 0.70 194.6 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 869.0 1.18 1025.4 Exterior 2063.0 1.90 3919.7 Frame, Wood, Exterior 11.0 1194.0 1.90 2268.6 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 278.0 0.70 194.6 Base Total: 2341.0 4114.3 As -Built Total: 2341.0 3488.6 DOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type Area X SPM Points Adjacent 18.0 1.60 28.8 Exterior Insulated 20.0 4.80 96.0 Exterior 20.0 4.80 96.0 Adjacent Wood 18.0 2.40 43.2 Base Total: 38.0 124.8 As -Built Total: 38.0 139.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM X SCM = Points Under Attic 1663.0 2.13 3542.2 Under Attic 19.0 1663.0 2.82 X 1.00 4689.7 Base Total: 1663.0 3542.2 As -Built Total: 1663.0 4689.7 FLOOR TYPES Area X BSPM Points Type R-Value Area X SPM Points Slab 167.0(p) 31.8 5310.6 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 167.0(p 31.90 5327.3 Raised 378.0 3.43 1296.5 Raised Wood Adjacent 11.0 378.0 1.80 680.4 Base Total: 6607.1 As -Built Total: 545.0 4646.9 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 I . I SUMMER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , I PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT INFILTRATION Area X BSPM Points Area X SPM Points 3004.0 14.31 42987.2 3004.0 14.31 42987.2 Summer Base Points: 58101.2 Summer As -Built Points: 61985.2 Total Summer X System = Cooling Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Cooling Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points DM x DSM x AHU) 61985.2 0.541 1.079 x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.284 0.950 9611.5 61985.2 0.459 1.079x 1.150 x 0.85) 0.284 0.950 8141.5 58101.2 0.4266 24786.0 61985.2 1.00 1.061 0.284 0.950 17752.9 EnergyGaugel DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge(D/FIaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 INTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT GLASS TYPES 18 X Conditioned X BWPM = Points Overhang Floor Area Type/SC Ornt Len Hgt Area X WPM X WOF = Point 18 3004.0 5.86 3168.6 Single, Clear W 1.0 13.0 10.0 13.25 1.00 132.4 Single, Clear W 1.0 16.0 40.0 13.25 1.00 529.7 Single, Clear W 1.0 15.0 20.0 13.25 1.00 264.8 Single, Clear E 1.0 15.0 20.0 12.37 1.00 248.1 Single, Clear E 2.0 14.0 10.0 12.37 1.01 124.5 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 16.0 13.25 1.00 212.5 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 20.0 13.25 1.00 265.6 Single, Clear W 1.0 6.0 16.0 13.25 1.00 212.5 Single, Clear S 1.0 6.0 16.0 9.90 1.01 159.7 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 20.0 12.37 1.01 249.5 Single, Clear E 2.0 7.0 36.0 12.37 1.02 455.9 Single, Clear N 1.0 6.0 16.0 15.07 1.00 240.5 Single, Clear E 1.0 6.0 20.0 12.37 1.01 249.5 Single, Clear S 1.0 16.0 16.0 9.90 1.00 157.9 As -Built Total: 276.0 3503.2 WALL TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM Points Adjacent 27&0 1.80 500.4 Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior 4.1 869.0 3.31 2872.0 Exterior 2063.0 2.00 4126.0 Frame, Wood, Exterior 11.0 1194.0 2.00 2388.0 Frame, Wood, Adjacent 11.0 278.0 1.80 500.4 Base Total: 2341.0 4626.4 As -Built Total: 2341.0 5760.4 DOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type Area X WPM Points Adjacent 18.0 4.00 72.0 Exterior Insulated 20.0 5.10 102.0 Exterior 20.0 5.10 102.0 Adjacent Wood 18.0 5.90 106.2 Base Total: 38.0 174.0 As -Built Total: 38.0 208.2 CEILING TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM X WCM = Points Under Attic 1663.0 0.64 1064.3 Under Attic 19.0 1663.0 0.87 X 1.00 1446.8 Base Total: 1663.0 1064.3 As -Built Total: 1663.0 1446.8 FLOOR TYPES Area X BWPM Points Type R-Value Area X WPM Points Slab 167.0(p) 1.9 317.3 Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation 0.0 167.0(p 2.50 417.5 Raised 378.0 0.20 75.6 Raised Wood, Adjacent 11.0 378.0 1.80 680.4 Base Total: 392.9 As -Built Total: 545.0 1097.9 EnergyGauge® DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge®/FlaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 L _ - FORM 60OA-2001 WINTER CALCULATIONS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT INFILTRATION Area X BWPM Points Area X WPM Points 3004.0 -0.28 841.1 3004.0 0.28 841.1 Winter Base Points: 7799.3 Winter As -Built Points: 11175.4 Total Winter X System = Heating Total X Cap X Duct X System X Credit Heating Points Multiplier Points Component Ratio Multiplier Multiplier Multiplier Points DM x DSM x AHU) 11175.4 0.551 1.068 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.461 0.950 2923.5 11175.4 0.449 1.068 x 1.160 x 0.87) 0.455 0.950 2346.7 7799.3 0.6274 4893.3 11175.4 1.00 1.083 0.458 0.950 5270.0 EnergyGaugelll DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge&FIaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 i FORM 60OA-2001 WATER HEATING & CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details I ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: BASE AS -BUILT WATER HEATING Number of X Multiplier = Total Tank EF Number of X Tank X Multiplier X Credit = Total Bedrooms Volume Bedrooms Ratio Multiplier 4 2564.00 10256.0 50.0 0.92 4 1.00 2452.52 1.00 9810.1 As -Built Total• 9810.1 CODE COMPLIANCE STATUS BASE AS -BUILT Cooling + Heating + Points Points Hot Water Points Total Points Cooling Points Heating + Hot Water = Total Points Points Points 24786 4893 10256 39935 1 17753 5270 9810 32833 04zaE sTgr o N rlrrr I'SA ` G i EnergyGaugelm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGaugeWlaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 FORM 60OA-2001 Code Compliance Checklist Residential Whole Building Performance Method A - Details ADDRESS: , , , PERMIT #: 6A-21 INFILTRATION REDUCTION COMPLIANCE CHECKLIST COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS FOR EACH PRACTICE CHECK Exterior Windows & Doors 606.1.ABC.1.1 Maximum:.3 cfm/s .ft. window area: .5 cfm/s .ft. door area. Exterior & Adjacent Walls 606.1.ABC.1.2.1 Caulk, gasket, weatherstrip or seal between: windows/doors & frames, surrounding wall; foundation & wall sole or sill plate; joints between exterior wall panels at comers; utility penetrations; between wall panels & top/bottom plates; between walls and floor. EXCEPTION: Frame walls where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that extends from and is sealed to the foundation to the top plate. Floors 606.1.ABC.1.2.2 Penetrations/openings >1/8" sealed unless backed by truss orjoint members. EXCEPTION: Frame floors where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed to the perimeter, penetrations and seams. Ceilings 606.1.ABC.1.2.3 Between walls & ceilings; penetrations of ceiling plane of top floor; around shafts, chases, soffits, chimneys, cabinets sealed to continuous air barrier; gaps in gyp board & top plate; attic access. EXCEPTION: Frame ceilings where a continuous infiltration barrier is installed that is sealed at the perimeter, at penetrations and seams. Recessed Lighting Fixtures 606.1.ABC.1.2.4 Type IC rated with no penetrations, sealed; or Type IC or non -IC rated, installed inside a sealed box with 1/2" clearance & 3" from insulation; or Type IC rated with < 2.0 cfm from conditioned space, tested. Multi-stoU Houses 606.1.ABC.1.2.5 Air barrier on perimeter of floor cavity between floors. Additional Infiltration reqts 606.1.ABC.1.3 Exhaust fans vented to outdoors, dampers; combustion space heaters comply with NFPA, have combustion air. RA-99 OTI4FR PRF14(`RIPTIV1= MFACI IRFR Imuc4 hn mni _r nvnnnA-A t— -11 1 COMPONENTS SECTION REQUIREMENTS CHECK Water Heaters 612.1 Comply with efficiency requirements in Table 6-12. Switch or clearly marked circuit breaker electric or cutoff as must be provided. External or built-in heat trap required. Swimming Pools & Spas 612.1 Spas & heated pools must have covers (except solar heated). Non-commercial pools must have a pump timer. Gas spa & pool heaters must have a minimum thermal efficient of 78%. Shower heads 612.1 Water flow must be restricted to no more than 2.5 gallons per minute at 80 PSIG. Air Distribution Systems 610.1 All ducts, fittings, mechanical equipment and plenum chambers shall be mechanically attached, sealed, insulated, and installed in accordance with the criteria of Section 610. Ducts in unconditioned attics: R-6 min. insulation. HVAC Controls 607.1 Separate readily accessible manual or automatic thermostat for each system. Insulation 604.1, 602.1 Ceilings -Min. R-19. Common walls -Frame R-11 or CBS R-3 both sides. Common ceiling & floors R-11. i i i i EnergyGaugeTm DCA Form 60OA-2001 EnergyGauge@/FlaRES'2001 FLRCPB v3.30 EJERGY PERFORMANCE LEVEL DISPLAY CARD ESTIMATED ENERGY PERFORMANCE SCORE* = 86.6 The higher the score, the more efficient the home. ELECTRIC, , , , 1. New construction or existing New _ 2. Single family or multi -family Single family _ 3. Number of units, if multi -family 1 4. Number of Bedrooms 4 _ 5. Is this a worst case? Yes _ 6. Conditioned floor area (ft2) 3004 ft' 7. Glass area & type Single Pane Double Pane a. Clear - single pane 276.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 b. Clear - double pane 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ c. Tint/other SHGC - single pane 0.0 ft2 0.0 ft2 _ d. Tintlother SHGC - double pane 8. Floor types a. Slab -On -Grade Edge Insulation R=0.0, 167.0(p) ft _ b. Raised Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 378.0ft2 c. N/A 9. Wall types a. Concrete, Int Insul, Exterior R=4.1, 869.0 ft2 _ b. Frame, Wood, Exterior R=11.0, 1194.0 ft' _ c. Frame, Wood, Adjacent R=11.0, 278.0 ft2 _ d. N/A e. N/A 10. Ceiling types a. Under Attic R=19.0, 1663.0 ft2 _ b. N/A c. N/A 11. Ducts a. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):Interior Sup. R=6.0, 150.0 ft _ b. Sup: Unc. Ret: Con. AH(Sealed):hnerior Sup. R=6.0, 140.0 ft 12. Cooling systems a. Central Unit b. Central Unit c. N/A 13. Heating systems a. Electric Heat Pump b. Electric Heat Pump c. N/A 14. Hot water systems a. Electric Resistance b. N/A c. Conservation credits HR-Heat recovery, Solar DHP-Dedicated heat pump) 15. HVAC credits CF-Ceiling fan, CV -Cross ventilation, HF-Whole house fan, PT -Programmable Thermostat, MZ-C-Multizone cooling, MZ-H-Multizone heating) I certify that this home has complied with the Florida Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction through the above energy saving features which will be installed (or exceeded) in this home before final inspection. Otherwise, a new EPL Display Card will be completed based on installed Code compliapt featurpse Builder Signature: Date: Address of New Home: City/FL Zip: Cap: 34.0 kBtu/hr _ SEER:12.00 _ Cap: 28.8 kBtu/hr _ SEER: 12.00 Cap: 35.4 kBtu/hr _ HSPF:7.40 _ Cap: 28.8 kBtu/hr _ HSPF: 7.50 Cap: 50.0 gallons _ EF: 0.92 NOTE: The home's estimated energy performance score is only available through the FLARES computer program. This is not a Building Energy Rating. Ifyour score is 80 or greater (or 86 for a US EPA/DOE EnergyStar " designation), your home may qualify for energy efficiency mortgage (EEM) incentives ifyou obtain a Florida Energy Gauge Rating. Contact the Energy Gauge Hotline at 3211638-1492 or see the Energy Gauge web site at www.fsec. ucf edu for information and a list of certified Raters. For information about Florida's Energy Efficiency Code For Building Construction, contact the Department of Community AffaiAWWUA1(&-eMVersion: FLRCPB v3.30) PT, L_ - - __....__ Master Fite #7 Central Florida B.O.A.F Exterior Window and Door Master Filing Checklist I. Sufficiency Review Manufacturer Name: Norandex/Reynolds Distribution Model Number(s): 1 "x4" and 1 "x3" Aluminum Mullions Contact Name & Number: Christopher M Fuertsch — (407) 667-9390 Please ensure the following are contained in your submittal: X Two (2) signed and sealed engineered installation details. I One (1) signed and sealed test report. One (1) signed and sealed engineered calculations for alternate fastening method, if applicable. If. Governmental Product Approval: Agency Initials/Date kqenc Initials/Date Brevard, County of Melbourne, City of Cape Canaveral Mt. Dora, City of Cocoa Beach, City of Orange, County of ACP 3/15/02 Eustis, City of Port Orange, City of Indialaniic, City of Rockledge, City of Indian .Harbour, City of Satellite Beach,, City of Lake, County of SN 3/26/02 Seminole, County of Lake Mary, City of RJ 4/05/02 Tavares, City of Leesburg,. City of SS 3/26/02 Titusville, City of Maitland, City of West Melbourne, City of Malabar, City of Winter Park, City of LP 3/26/02 Melbourne Beach, City of Scan Date 4-4-02 a Created on 02/04/02 Page 1 of 2 WORANDEX PAGE 29 d d 4 d q d 4 .4 cA a ' d CAULK TOPOFMULL - 10 X 3/4" TER SCREW 1 1 WINDOW i JAM. 5/8" lx3 MULLION (XFLA-26-1) 1x4 MULLION (XFLA-39) 9 WINDOW 5/8" JAMB 9 c #10 x 3/4" TEX^ SCREW — CAULK BOTTOM OF MULL PRECASTED SILL D 7/8' SEE CHART FOR FASTENERS I I1-1/8" L3/8"MIN. WINDOW HEAD FLA-45 MULLION ANCHOR CLIP 16 GA. GALV. SHEET METAL 800 LB. MAX CAPACITY 1x3 MULLION RFLA-39) FLA-26-1) ix4 MULLION WINDOW SILL 3/8-MIN. 3/4" MAX SEE CHART FOR FASTENERS VERTICAL MULLION SCHEDULE UNIT TYPE OF MULLION TYPE OF CLIPWINDOWDESIGNPRESSURE NUMBERUMBER AND INCHy INCH 35 PSF FLA-45 TYPE OF FASTENERS 26" 1.0 _x 3:0__- x 3.0.- pg__ 4 3 160 x 1-1 2 TAPCONS 50-5T8''. 7_ 1_Q 1.0_ pg--- 4 _V, 60-x TAPCONSx3.6 OK_ 1—J2" 4 _ J 60 .g 111 TAPCONS76637 1- x 3._0--- 1.0 pTC___- 4-3J6_x_1-J2'_T_A_PCON_S 28" x 3.0 1_0 x 3.0 OR 4 3 16`' x 1-1 2'fiAPCONS 38_ 1%e 1.0 3.0 0_K_- _ 4 3 160 x _1- f2 TAPCONS 26-1/2'. 50-5_8". x OK 4 3 T16` x ,. 63" 1-0 x_3.0_-_ x_1-J2" T_A_PCO'NS 76-3 4 1.0 x 3.0 OR--_ 4 _3 16ai x _1-_ J2' TAPCONS 26" x 3.0-_ OR 4 3 16§ i`_ x 1-1 2' TAPCONS 38-1T4 I_0 1' O x 3.0 _ OK__ - 4 3 160 x 1-1 2 TAPCONS 37" 5_-6%8 1:0__x 3_---- OK---- n------ 4 x 1-J2 TAPCONS 63„ x 3.0 p_K n------ 4 3 16_0 x__1-_Dr TAPC_ON_S 76-3 4-" 1,0 x 4,0--- Ed OK__-__ 4 _336_`. x _1-_1 2`r_T'APC_--- ONS 26" 1_0 x-3.0 OK 4 1 4i' x 1-1 2' TAPCOi3S -' 3 160 x 1—i 2 TAPCONS3.0 4 x 3:0 _ OR 4 3 164" x 1-1 2" TAPCO_NS 4 63' 1_0 x_3.b. p _ _ _ 2J=1 x_i_ 1_T_APC_ONS_ 76=3 4" 1``0 1.0--- OK pg---- 2 _114" _x_i_=1/2" TAPCONS 2 1 40'` X 1-172'' TAPCONS CHARLES A.. ' Pk N, F.1 FL. REG. ENG.. # 49121 DATE: 3/21/02 ACTUREP, NAM' At xASTm i-mE # " NOTES. 1) ALL ALUMIN&M EXTRUSIONS'' AROR8063T5. E ALLOY 8063 T6, 2) WHEN THERE IS ONE TAPCON (1/40" X 1-1/2") ON EACH ANGLE LEG, THE TAPCON SHALL BE PLACED ON MULLION CLIP CENTERLINE. 3) CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH = 3,000 PSIAT28DAYS. a 0 k t V N NORANDEX PAGE 30 NOTES: 1) ALL Al OR 6W 2) WHEN ON EAi PLACEI 3). CONCRI AT 28 I CRAMM FL REG BATE CENTRA.' MANUFA MASTED1 I I DW SILL SH HEAD DW SILL 3H HEAD NORANDEX i n-•®+- C'I'Ii4 ER1, PAGE24 / FL( 2) 10 x 1-3/4" PH-SMS INTO 2 x B C OR 3/16"taxTAPCON THRU 1 BY BUCK (SHOWN) WITHA1-1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO MASONRY. SEEELEVATIONFORANCHORSPACING. e ( 2) # 10 x 1-3/4" FH-SMS INTO 2 x $UC1{ SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. Rp IS h 2) # 10 x 1 3/4' PH-SMS DM 2 By RUCKW[TH 1-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT. SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. WOOD BUCK i - r _ OPTIONAL2 WOOD BUCK CLASS DOOR IALYSIS CHART Na OF Na OF 147. 375' 80, 8 u 3D 8 24 10 8 Ig 8 152. 760' 57.5 67.5 24 8 LLL976' eon fi7.6 57. 5 18 8 67. 6 67.5 IB 8 128' 80' 58.7 be.7 20 6 51825 2.5) 66.8 68.8 30. 6 201 9B" 45 Ifi 30 . 0 ' R- 7.875' 4) 45 24 18 10 10 BB. S' 152. 756' 48.8 t8.9 24 10 119r6• 06' 3) bS5 53.6 1B 19 7b.5 53.4 66.4 18 10 328' 98• 114.5 54.6 20 10 13. B26 2.6) 54.6 61.5 10 0 M J IN PAREHTHP.StB INDICATES PANEL SIZE WIDTH E IN FEET. STEEL REMp. lk' 60.0 L 10' PANELS MP_ sxoWAS gHOWOSHIMN) TYP. JAMB. SECTION ot MUDD TRACK A5 REQUIRED 1 BY 2 BY BUCK 2) 3/16'0 x 2-1/4' TAPCON OR MIAMI DADE APPROVED CONC. FASTENER STEEL REM. ALL 10' PANELS 60. 0 D.P.: 1/ 4" SHIM j MAX 1 4' 7E5ERED CLASS SLIDING CLASS DOOR RATlg ANALYSIS CHART No. OF 09 No: OE O W • O tJ N DESIGN LOAD ANCHORS SION3 CAPACITY_PSF ANCHORS HElGFrr D1CRF5 POSITIVE NEGATIVE Sul - 86. 7 TJOB 88. 4 30 6 Ia ;Ty 88. 7 09.4 24 4) !) 68. 7 a" O 88.7 77.4 24 BD' g 88. 7 83.8 iB 3) 6B. 7 83g 18 g B E, LQ' Q44BO' B0_7. 76.3 20 2. 5) 6 1.a B B6.7 76.3 10 80 60 60 so 60 Io i0 E1 1• Rt 80 gp Ig J to' 65. 3 86.9 24 a) (- 80. 7 71.3 1B 3) t0 a M77&8 le to BB' B5.8 6GB 20 g8. 7 86.2 10 to 10 O 2) 3/16"0 x 2-3/4" Lyn k o u TAPCON OR MIAMI go DADEAPPROVEDCONC. FASTENERS. o Q e SEE ELEVATION FOR p v t r AeANCHORSPACING. LO 1 0 z o C Glicli EO 04 SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. ry m /u• 1 SHIM AS REQUIRED,. MAX SHIM STACK 1/4-. 2jALLALUMINUMEXTRUSIONSAREALLOY6063-T6• AORE T6WITHTYPICALWALLTHICKNESSOF - 0.62' USEHIGHQUALITYCAULKBEHINDa WINDOW FLANGE 4; GLASS THICKNESS BASED'ON TABLE FA300 to 1h X X a GLASSCHARTS, AND MAY VARY DEPENDING ON SIZE.. r5) THE RESpON$18II1Cy.FOR SELECTION OF p 2. PANS NORANDEX PRODUCTSTOMEETANYAPPLICABLEM'EbCAL.LAWS, DEADER AND SILL SECTION BUILDING CODES, ORDINANCES OR OTHER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS REST SOLELY WITH THE ARCHITECT, I, yp 1 BY BUC BUILDING OWNER OR CONTRACTOR 7) CONCRETE x PANEL e . i X PANEL X PANEL X PANEL u.../%// IN. COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH - 3.000 PSI .b-I t- -I I-r vr+q-{ AT26DAYS. (2BY2) TVICAL nxyAT10N (4BY2) Trn1m n"ATmm NQRANDEX PAGE 23 I I e a ° s Q 6 2). IO x 1-3/4" PH-SMS INTO 2 BY DUCK OR3/16"0 x 2-3/4' TAPCON THRU 1 BY BUCK, (SHOWN) WITH A 171/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT INTO MASONRYSEEELEVATIONFORANCHORSPACING. 2) #10 x 1-3/4' FH-SMS INTO 2 x BUCKSEEELEVATIONFORANCHORSPArnir. 2 BY WOOD BUCK 2) #10 x 1 3/4' PH-SMS INTO 2 BY BUCK WITH 1-1/2' MIN.. EMBEDMENT SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. 2 x WOOD BUCK 3/16" TEMPERED GLASS PANEL .SIZE INCHES DESIGN LOAD CAPACITY—PSF NO. OF ANCHOR SCREWS IN FRAME HEAD AND SILL JAMB WIDTH/HEIGHT.. ERNAL INTERNALXX XXX XXXXE ALL 30i6 x 591/2 „53.3 55.8 10 16 18 6 361/18 x 591/2" 49.8 49.8 12 18 22 6 301/i6° x 791/z " 49.7 48.7 10 16 20 361%6" x' 791/2 " 45 45 12: 18 22 8 8 SERIES 500 ALUMINUM SLIDING GLASS DOOR. ALL OPERABLE PANELSFASTENERCHART C_ A Ii,o,A.F. 2) 3/16"0 x 2-3/4" TAPCON OR MIAMI r hTR MAMMAi NA-.= x WOOD BUCK DAD APPROVED CONC. EWIDTR., ELEVA SEETION FOR itANCHORSPACING. SHiM . AS RE UIRED TYP. HORIZONTAL SECTION z WOOD SHIM ?SHOWN 1/4 SHIM I` d^ ORMUDDTRACKAs? REQuD2ED 1 BY 2 BY BUCK a ( 2) 3/16"0 x 2-1/4" TAPCON OR uMIAMIDADEAPPROVEDCONC. FASTENER SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. NOTES; 12) SHIM AS REQUIRED, MAX SHIM STACK 1/4'. ALLALUMINUMEXTRUSIONSAREALLOY6063-T5 GORT6WITHTYPICALWALLTHICKNESSOF.0:62" eA 31 USE HIGH QUALITY CAULK BEHIND WINDOW `FLANGE.. e4GLASSTHICKNESSBASEDON -TABLE E1300 GLASS CHARTS: AND MAY VARY DEPENDING ON.SIZK... 6) THE RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELECTION OF NQHANDEX PRODUCTSTOMEETANYAPPLICABLELOCALLAWS, HEADER AND SILL SECTION BUILDING CODES- ORDINANCES OR OTHER SAFETTY- REQUIREMENTSRESTSOLELYWITHTHE.ARCHITECT, BUILDING OWNER OR CONTRACTOR: TYI• 1 BY BUCK 6) CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH a 3:000 PSI r_ AT26DAYS. ru z+ I w eao ems acn timre [[ii C5 A x a§ of x PA_ N4 PANEL Z. U 2HY2). Tymu Mavxnox (4BY2) Hatch, gpiLnoN x PANEL 00v U;iX PANEL mmu X I PANEL x PANEL 2 001 NORANDEX ... PAGE 22 110 X 1-3/4" P.H. S.M-S1-1/2" MITI. EMBEDMENT IO X 1-3/4` P.H.'S:M:S: W./1-1/2' MIN. EMBEDMENTSEEELEVATIONFORSEEELEVATIONFOR SHIM AS RE ANCHOR SPACING. ANCHOR SPACING. 2) ALL ALUMIN OR: ,T6. 'Map 3 USE :HIGH.:.( 4; GLASS. THIC.' CHARTS; AN nouele 5) THE 1 WO} oopsLe PRODUCTS:? BVII DING.10 p q REQUIR8MEA BUII;DING O' ca 6) NOTE 41 `INA; 5 HEAD AND :: 0 MAY. SHIM STACK 1/4'. USIONS ARE ALLOY 6063—T5 A THICKNESS OF 0.62' . liULit jBEHIND WINDOW FLANGE. 8ED ON TABLE E1300 GLASS ARY DEPENDING ON SPLE. oR SELECTION OF NORANDEX ANY APPLICABLE IACAL NtLAWS, DINAES- OR OTHER SAFETY SOLEty. WITH THE ARCHITECT, CONTRACTOR. HAT E UAL,FASTENERS. AT nF 0 P G] ALT. FIN ATTACHMENT I E., UNDERSHEATHING - 10 . X 1-3/4" P.I-L S.M.S. CENTRAL FLORMA B.O. i -F. W/1-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT SEE'. ELEVATION. tOR A NA -: ANCHOR SPACING. TUREIIoR4, v,>&r - MASTER # 3 w U v s MA>t TOP AND BOTTOM) HEADER AND SILL SECTION /1o1/21 MIN. EMBEDMENT CHARLES. E A, SEE - ELEVATION FOR FL REG . ENG:. 'i? 49121 WOODFRAMEANCHORSPACING. DATE:., 3/?_7/02* WINDOW DIMENSIONS WINDOW FASTENER. SCHEDULE WIDTH HEIGHT N0. ANCHORS HEAD/ SILL NO. ANCHORS JAMB INCHES),' INCHES) E d5 TE66 35 PSF PSF PSF 35 45 60 PSF PSF PSF 18- 1L8" 2 2 2* 2 2 2 2 2- 3 3• Z- 2 2 ' 2 2* 2 3 3 5- 12 37-1/4"_ 2 2 2 2• 2 3 3 3• 3 3 3 3 4• 3 3 5_ 2u 49-5/8' 2 2 2• 3 3 3 38" _ 2 3 3• 3 3 3 52- 1 8" 3 3 4* 3 3 3 8= 6" 2 2• 3 4 4 5-- 1Z2" 62" 2 2 2a 4 4 36" _ 3 3• 4 4' 52- 8" 3 3 4• 4 4 2 2a 3 4 5 6- 3/4" 2 2 2 24 3 5 436". 3 3 3• 3 4 5 52- 1 8" 3 3 4• d 5 i e. ETAX- A e IDETAn—' C ao nETAIrIs r v. x NORANDEX PAGE 10 10 X 1-3/4" P.H. S-M.S. W/1-1/2" MIN- EMBEDMENT SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. TYP. T 10 X 1-3/4" P-H_ S.M.S. i4/1-1/2" 111N. EMBEDMENT SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING P:BFACTiR: ALT. FIN ATTACHMENT UNDER SHEATHING 1/4" MAX SHIM (BOTH 10 X 1-3/4" P.H. S.M:S. W/1-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT SEE ELEVATION FOR FOR ANCHOR SPACING.-- WIDTH TYP. JAMB SECTION Do, WO 0 D FRAME WINDOW DIMENSIONS FASTENER SCHEDULE WIDTH HEIGHT NO. AN HORS HEAD% SILL NO. ANCHORS JAMB INCHES) INCHES) SEE NOTE 6 35 45 fiD PSF PSF PSF 35 45 60 PSF PSF PSF 18- 1/B" 2 2 2• 2 2 2 5- 1 2" 36 25" 2 3 2 2* 2 2 3 8+ 2 2 52- 1 18_ 118` 2 2 3 3 25- t2" 37_1/4 2 2 2 2 2• 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 52- 8' 3 3 3 3 3 49- 5/8 2 2 2 •_ 3 3 9_ 36" _ 2 3 3+ 3 3 3 52- 1 8" 3 3 3* 3 3 3 2 2 2• 3 3 4 82" 3 2 p+ 3 3 4 36" _ 3 3 3+ 3- 3 4 52- 1 8" 3 3 3+ 3 4 18_ Az8" 2 2 2• 4 4 5 5- 2" 76-3/4" 3 2* 4 5 25 52- 1 8" 3 3 3 4 5 PW37 NOTES: 1 SHIM AS REQUIRED, MAX SHIM STACK 1/4", 750 Typ 23 ALL ALUMINUM' EXTRUSIONS ARE ALLOY 6063—T5 OR T6. WITH TYPICAL WALL, THICKNESS OF 0.62 E X1-3/4" P:IL S.M.S. 3) USE HIGH QUALITY -CAULK,BEHIND WINDOW FLANGE. 1/ 2" MIN. EMBEDMENT 4) GLASS TBICKNESS`BASED ON TABLE E1300 GLASS ELEVATION FOR CHARTS, AND MAY VARY DEPENDING ONSIZE. OR SPACING. 5} THE RESPONSIEI ITY :FOR'. SELECTION OF NORANDEX ' PRODUCTS 'TO MEET ANY APPLICABLE LOCAL LAWS, BUIMING . CODE8 ZORDINANCES OR OTHER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS REST SOLELY WITH THE ARCHITECT. HEADERANDSILLSECTIONBUILDING 'OWNER OR CONTRACTOR. CHARLESLP2PF6) NOTE * INDICATES -`:THAT EQUAL FASTENERS AT WOOD .FRAME FL REG. ENG. #. ,4912L HEAD AND SILL ARE REQUIRED. DATE: 3/27/n2 MAZ umm 17DT8 TYP. T tIEID is e- wuAIL - A 01 DETAIL- C I/ . SASH ZTAIL= B IJORANDEX . PAGE 21 3/16" TAPCON WITH A. N_ 1-1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT # 10 F.H. SEE ELEVATION FOR W/1-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT NOTES: ANCHOR SPACING. -- SEE ELEVATION FOR 1) SHIM AS REQUIRED, MAX SHIM STACK 1/4". ANCHOR SPACING. 2) ALL ALUMINUM EX'I•RU510N S ARE ALLOY 6063-T5 OR T6 WITH CAULKWALL OF OFLANGEe31USEHIGHQUALITTYPICALBEHINDWINDOWTHICKNESSc • . d• a 4 4 GLASS THICKNESS BASED ON TABLE FA300 GLASS CHARTS; AND MAY VARY DEPENDING SIZE. ON5) THE"RESPONSIBIIATY FOR. SELECTION, OF .NORANDEX PRODUCTSTOMEETANYAPPLICABLELOCALLAWS, BUILDINGCODES; :.011DINA110ES OR' OTHER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS" REST SOLELY WITH THE ARCHITECT; BUILDING OWNER OR CONTRACTOR, 6) A PRESSURE TREATED'. WOODEN- '_BUCK'OR MARBLE SILLSHALLBE .ADDED UNDER THE PRODUCT TO FULLY SUPPORT UNIT THIS ;SUPPORT SHALL HE FIRMLYATTACHEDINTOMASONARY' AND SUPPORT THE PRODUCT OVER ITS FULL LENGTH (SUPPLIED BYOTHERS). 7) CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH, 3,000 PSI AT28DAYS. ALT. HEADER SECTION 6) NOTE • INDICATES THAT' EQUAL FASTENERS AT HA- L TYR2BYBUCKl3.0.A.]F.- VIES" TAPCON MA UiAC`j'URg'iR NAM: W/ 1-1/4" MIN. EMBEDMENT SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING) MASTER FIVE # a . 4CALL SIZE WIDTH TlBYBUCK O 2 BY BUCK j ITH JAMBS) - I BY r 2 BY BUCK SEE NOTE 6 HEADER AND SILL SECTION TYP. I BY BUCK 1 10 F.H. S. M_S. Q . W/1-1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. CHARLES FL REG. ENG. # ,49123 DATE 12/1T/01 WINDOW DIMENSIONS FASTENER SCHEDULE NO. ANCHORS NO. ANCHORS HEAD SILL JAMB WIDTH HEIGHT INCHES) ( INCHES) SEE NOTE 8 35 45-60 35 45-60 PSF PSF) PSF) (PSF 2 2t 2 2 zs- 12` 26" 2 2•— 2 3 37" 2 53- 1 8" 3 3' 2 2 2'_ 2 3 r_ 3B-1/4". 2 2• 2 3 2 3-- 2 3 53- 1-8" 3 4• 2 3 19- 1 8" 2 2"_ 26- 1/2` 50-5/8" 2 2' 3 3 3 2 2• 3 4 26- 1/2 63" 2 2*3 4 3 3 4 53- 1 8" 3 4` 3 4 19- 1/8" 2 2•' 4 28- 1 2" 76-3/4` 2 2• 3 4. 3' 4 53- 1 8" 3 4" 3 4 cuuc UNrt Wfum i sibsnL a. 24' O-c u U A DETAD- B F NORANDEX _ I PAGE 9 iu rjt Zi.M-S. WITH A NOTES: - -- 3/16" TAPCON WITH A S E ELEVATION FORMBEDMENT 2) ALL ALUMAS INUMSHIM S ONSHIM STACK 164'. OMIN• 1-1/4` MIN. EMBEDMENT ANCHOR SPACING. A SEE ELEVATION FOR OR T6 WITH TYPICAL Why THICKNESS OF 0.62` ANCHOR SPACING.- ° 3) USE HIGH QUALITY CAULK BE 1 750 TYP a nilli 4 GLASSTHICKNESSBASEDON. TABLE E1300 SH CHARTS, AND MAY VARY DEPENDING ON SIZE 5) THERESPONSIBILITYFORSELECTIONOFNORANDEXPRODUCTSTOMEETANYAPPLICABLELOCAL, LAWS BUILDING CODES, ORDINANCES OR OTHER SAFETY REQUIREMENTS RESTSOLELYWITHTHEARCHITECT, BUILDING OWNERORCONTRACTOR6) A PRESSURE TREATED WOODEN BUCK OR MARBLE SILL SHALLBEADDEDUNDERTHEPRODUCTeTO FULLY SUPPORTUNIT. THIS SUPPORT SHALL BE FIRMLY ATTACHEDINTOMASONARYWm AND SUPPORT THE PRODUCTOVERITSFULLLENGTH (SUPPLIED BY OTHERS), 7) CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH 3,000 PSI AT zeDAYS. ALT. HEADER SECTION TYP. 2 BY BUCK CENTRAL FLORIDA B.O.A.F. MANUFACTYTD-r, 1. 500 _ -. B Nam' 3/16` TAPCON SEE ELEVATION EMBEDMENT "TER FUX # OR FORANCHOR. SPACING. 1/4" SHIM — MAX (BOTH 3J D D () SEE NOTE 6 HEADER AND SILL SECTION TYP. 1 BY BUCK I- ("!- j CHARLES A. PAG P.E. FI. REG.. ENG: 9' 49121 DATE: 3/ 21/02 N CK 10 F. H. $. M S. W/1- 1/2" MIN. EMBEDMENT SEE ELEVATION FOR ANCHOR SPACING. 11AY UMT 9IDTF[ TYP. AT mAo snLe_.1 _ I DETAIL -:- A DETAIL-C! SASS7 a fill o I - DETAIL -B I M I A M I-DADEno PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE Prenldor Entry Systellls 911 E. Jefel'sou, P.O. Box 76 Pittsburgh ,KS 66762 NIIAN'II-DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA METRO-DADE FLAGLER BUILDING BUILDING CODE COMPLIANCE OFFICE W-IRO-DADE F1'-AGI.lilt 13UfI.1)IN(; 140 W1:ST PI.AG1XR S'CRfai 1', St)fl'1: 160.1 MIAMI, 1 LOIZIDA 3313O-156 3 305).175-2901 FAX (30.5) 375-2903 C: U Y'rILI C:"I'C) I2 1.1 I PU3) 375.2527 f :l\ (3U5) 375-?S55 I c:o rtz<c-rc)E2 1:1()!tc :- r 1>1Vislos 3Us) 375.296c,, E aX (305) 375•2ox 1! liOi)CCI' C:f)` I'I2Ut.13It-Isms Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) of: (305)375.2902 FAX* (3U5)372-G339 Entergy 6-8 S-W/E Inswing 01),Iglre Double w/sidclites Residential Insuinted Steel Door under Chapter S of the Code of Miami -Dade County governing the use of :Alternate Mliterials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended for acceptance by the Ivliami-Dade: County Building Code Compliance Office (13CCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time from a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails to perform in the approved manner, BCCO may revoke, modify, or suspend the use of suchproduct or material immediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this approval; if it is determined by BCCO that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. The expense of such. testing will be incurred by the manufacturer. ACCEPTANCE NO.: 0.1-031.1.24 .r EXPIRES: 04/02/2006 Raul xocinguca Chief Product Control Division THIS IS THE COVERSHEET. SEE ADDITIONAL PACES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAL CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE,-C-PROD UCT REVIEW CO;MiNlITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the BCCO and approved by the Building - Code and Product Review Committee to be used in kliami-Dade County, Florida under the conditions set forth above. API' ROVED: 06/05/2001 Francisco J. Quintana. R.A. Director Miami - Dads: County Building Code Cott3pliancc Officc 1sO4S00011pc200011templates\ notice acceptance cover pago.dot Internet mail add ress:'postnulster~a buildin"CotlCot line.co!u lionrcpage: httl):/hN-N-iN'.buildinhcodeonline cote Premdor Ehtry Systems ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0314.24 APPROVED JUN 0.5 2001 EXPIRES _ =-t ril 02.2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS I. SCOPE 1.1 This renews the Notice of Acceptance No. 00-032I.26 which was issued on April 28, 2000. it approves a residential insulated door, as described in Section 2 of this Notice oi'Acceptancc, designed to comply with the South. Florida Building Code (SFBC), 1994 Edition for Miami -Dade County, for the. locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Cbaptcr 23, dD not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT, DESCRIPTION 2.1 The Series Ent crbN 6-8 S-W/E Inswing Opaque Double Residential Insulated Steel Doors with Sidelites-Impact Resistant Door Slab Only and its components, shall be constructed in strict compliance with the following documents: Drawing No 31-1029-EW-1, Sheets I through 6 of b, titled "Pr•cmdor (Entergy Brand) Double Door with Sidclites in Wood Frames with Bumper Threshold (Inswing)," prepared by manufacturer,, dated 7/20/97 with revision C dated 01/11 00, bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control approval stamp with [lie Notice of Acceptance num:ber'and-approval date by the Miami -Dade County.lproduct Control Division._ These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications of pair of doors and.single door only, as shown in approved drawings. Single door,units shall in6lu.dc all components described in the: active Icaf of this approval. 3.2 Unit shall be installed only at locations protected by a canopy or oVcrhang such that the angle between the edge of canopy or overhang to sill is less than4) degrees. Unless unit is installed in non-liabitable areas where the unit and the area arc desi,,ncd to accept Nvatcr infiltration. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The residential insulated siccl door and its components shall.be installed in strict compliance «ith the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters): 4.2.1 Door: the installation of this unit Nvill not require a hurricane protection systerii. 4.2.2 Sidelite: the installation of this unit will require a hurricane protection system. S. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state and following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved". 6. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMEN"I'S 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by copies of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked to show the components selected for the proposed installation_. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building 0 icial or. the South Florid wilding Code SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installation o ii s, s Ystall. Manuel ercz, P.E. Product Con raV xamincr Product ntrol Di.vision 2 0a Premdor Entry Systems ACCEPTANCE No.:. 01-03I .2 APPROVED JUN D 2001 EXPIRES Anril02 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Renewal of this Acceptance (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and the original submitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, arc no oldcr than eight (8) years. 2. Any and all approved products shall be pcmianently labeled with the manufacturer's nam.c, city, state, and the following statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved", or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not bd considered if: a. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of this product and the product is not in compliance with the code changes. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally appnoved. c. If the Acceptance holder has not complied with all.the requirements of this acceptance, including the'cor ect installation of the product. d. The engineer who originally prepared, signed and scaled the required documentation initially submitted, is no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4, Any revision or change in tlic materials, use, an d/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the Fling of a revision application with appropriate fee) and `ranted by this office. 5. Any of the following shall also be grounds for rcmoval of this Acceptance: a. Unsatisfactory performance of this product or process. b. Misuse of this Acceptance as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or any other purposes. G. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade Co.unty,, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. Ifany portion of the Notice of Acceptance is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approved drawings and other_ documents, whcrc it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall bc'availablc for inspection at* the job site at all time. The engineer needs not-rescal the copies. S.• Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall be cause for tcrminatiort and rcmoval of Acccptancc. 9. This Notice of Acccptancc consists of pages 1, 2 and this last page 3. END OF THIS :'ACCEPT NC' ti Manuel crez, P.E., Product Cont.ro - . araincr 3 Produc Control Division we- x e• LONG arAnes ,. Me -Ore a NAX Q.G SPACING PREMDOR (ENTERGY BRAND) DOUBLE DOOR WITH SIDELITES IN WOOD -FRAMES WITH A BUMPER THRESHOLD (INSWING) klPtk r1/i'ii``rL`" [yyxtto.txr4liA1MIY16' P(M I Nil , 1 1/Y nWWw cal Nil 140 1/2, 37 1/4' MAX MAX 74' J7 VA' MAX MAX AAA '' 3' MAX 4' MAX 5' MAX ' MAX IIAI CLC. 15. 0.G 15'•D.G IS• O.C. 15• D.G-- 15' DC. 15- D.C. 15. O.C. MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX MAX [[ MAX IIII VNIIAN.IM r 1 . It,•,INi( 1 j 18. IaG a •X' rr na t u¢r TDP OF ODOR ry ,x tA[x Willie„rto, G.C. TD F LDCK Willie MAX. IN dr. 6' X MAX HAX '• DC-4-19• DMAXMAX 5' DC-1 MAX MAX O G+IS' MAX so 11/16, M• MAX--{ 4' MAX--!i"j' II MAX . in' . V LWc XTAPLCS scc arc a ATTACH ASTRAGAL THROW BOLT 18 x P LONG STRIKE PLATE TO THE HEADER IN ALL REMAINING AND THRESHOLD WITH OID x 1 3/4' HOLES FLATHEAD SCREWS NOTES, b WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS. MUST BE ANCHORED 18 x 1 3/4" LONG FLATHEADPROPERLY,1131TRANSFER '.LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE. SCREWS 2.) THE PRECEDING DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO QUALIFY THE FOLLOWING INSTALLATIONS. Lx INSWING R K INSWING A. WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION WHERE DOOR SYSTEM IS ANCHORED TO A MINIMUM TWO BY WOOD' OPENING. ASTRAGAL B. MASONRY OR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION WHERE DOOR SYSTEM IS ANCHORED TO A MINIMUM TWO BY APPR MEOASCCv nu.ah,;_ STRUCTURAL' WOOD BUCK 6 uTi+P1 r C. MASONRY OR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION WHERE DOOR SYSTEM IS ANCHORED DIRECTLY TO CONCRETE OR MASONRY WITH OR WITHOUT A NON-STRUCTURAL ONE BY WOOD BUCK. 3. ALL ANCHORING SCREWS TO BE DID WITH F Tt, U A N ' VHLTC VAfER WILTRATION EDUIREMENI is NEEDED I VNERE VATER INFILTRATION RNMIREMENr IS NOT NEEDED itiv x Q INOT x 0- 5-0 CODE PROOL C0.NTROL6MSION euuoe, . cocE CC!1PuA:10E OF,, MINIMUM 1 1/2 EMBEDMENT INTO WOOD SUBSTRATE ACCEPTANCE NO.'J 1 •y 31 `t. it. 4 OR 3/16' PFH TAPCONS WITH 1 1/2' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT X UNITS. SHALL BE INSTALLED ONLY AT LOCAr10hIS PROfECfEO BY A CANOPY OR INTOMASONRY, OVERHANG SUCH THAT THE MGLE BEfVEEN THE EDGE OF CANOPY OR OVERHANG 4. UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED WITH 'MIAMI-DADE COUNTY TO SILL 1S LESS THAN 45 DEGREES UNLESS UNIT IS INSTALLED IN APPROVED' SHUTTERS NON -HABITABLE AREAS WHERE THE UNIT AND INE AREA ARE DESIGNED TO 5. THREE STAPLES PER SIDE JAMB INTO HEADER ON SIDELITES ACCEPT VATER INFILTRATION, AND DOOR, THREE STAPLES PER JAMB INTO THRESHOLD 'ON SIDELITES AND DOOR, I t I DAL'E mmir mouricAriu{z D 6. LATEX SEALANT TO BE APPLIED AT SIDE BY SIDE Ot[SS IDIEL m RC : .: P a r 1 he•ry t1 JAMBS AND SIDELITES. IH.ESS WIEI, sit M IR'i ADD ciHta Dorn tWTIt![+Ar1b4 Ienen, 7. DOOR/SIDELITE HEADER, DOOR/SIDELITE JAMBS, AND SIDELITE BASEc le vi s u r CORNERS ARE COPED AND BUTT JOINED. PAI I -1-1 I.aor lxcl osr as r,orA,m N. T.S. OF8. DODRS SHALL BE PRE -PAINTED VITH A WATER -BASED. EPDXY RUST M Y YS M INHIBITIVEPRIMERPAINT'WITH A DRY FILM THICKNESS OF D.8 TO 1.2 MIL. 3I-1029-EW-I FRAMES SMALL BE PRE -PANTED VITH AN ACRYLIC LATEX WATER -BASED/ TRiID19. sri1ST6l( SHEET 1 OF 5 WATER -REDUCIBLE VHITE PRIMER VITH A DRY FILM THICKNESS OF U TO 1.2 MIL. SHIM: MAX GLAZING DETAIL 1/ 2' CLASS BITE D GLASS INTERIOR 1 NWING OTHER 'CONFIGURATIONS 37 114' MAX 111 1/4' MAX MAX MAX X& 74 3/4' ,, AX 74 3/4' MAX MAX I,,-- LIM APPROVEDASCOLIPLYINGmTHIkE C VArIE01901111111ITICATT(INS SOUIN FL a 11DEP p 101IIRI$7t`([ItItE - : *a A I X VS FU WE rwAK3 ItnDunK •JUIL Pt EDCL4[ElDA' J U N!,!) ADM MM M1rMAAIM1,% 4 fW BUILDING CODE ODU oj PJR Onu DIVISION 1;ik1dMo1;1!, [ill"Ems PU[LDM CODE COMPLIA110E OFFICE T31-1029-EV-1 ACrEp-pp,,CE NO 1 — 0 3 SHEE120F6 F1/ 4' SHIM MAX 2 BY WOOD BUCK r- 3/4' 80 ll/16' MAX INTERIOR 79 5/16' MAX SECTInN B-B EXTERIOR MAILRIALS LIST ITEM NO. 0 DESCRIPTION WOOO.HEAQ PART NUMBER COMMENTS 0 JAMB CV-[4 1 1/4• X 4 9/16' MTL. TO BE PINE OR EQUIVALENT 3O COMPRESSION WEATHERSTRIP ALUMINUM V- K REIN BRAND LQXSEAL650 ( R 4Q ASTRAGAL ALUMINUM W_ • PREHDOR BRAND OR EQUIVALENT- 5/8' ALUMINUM ASTRAL BUMPER THRESHOLD EW-is PREHDUR BRAND OR EQUIVALENT - I 1/4'.x 4 9/16' 5 TOP CHANNEL EW-DB PREHDOR BRAND - 1 11/16' - 20 GA STEEL STEEL KIN 26 ga L011 10]( •ppDl mMI 11ODlBl1IBAI5prO AM TIEN$TY 2.0 T2.5 Ibs./Fi) BOTTOM.CHANNEL EW- 07 PREMDOR BRAND - 1 11/16- - 20 GA STEEL ID - WOOD LOCK BLOCK EV-09 4' X 9 1/2' MTL. TO BE PINE OR EQUIVALENT II STRIKE STILE EV- 06 15/16' X.1 11/16' MTL. TO BE PINE OR EQUIVALENT 12. HINGE STILE LOCK PREP FILLER PLATE EW-05 15/ 16' X 1 11/16' MTL. TO BE PINE DR EQUIVALENT 13 4'x4' HINGE EV-10 PREMBOR BRAND - .050- THICK- HTL. TO BE POLYETHYLE 14 WOOD EV- 16 HAGER BRAND HINGE OR EQUIVALENT - .097 THICK (STET IS HINGE JAMB x 1 1/ 4' X 4 9/16' MTL. TO BE PINE OR EQUIVALENT 16 110 2' F LW.S.rut BID X 2' FJiV.S 4) SCREWS PER HINGE INTO DOOR 1 HNx IB' Ur- INEREAFTER JAM NTO L I JNI ,MvP rv 10) SCREWS THROUGH STRIKE JAMB INTO SIBELITE JAN3. 4' DOVR rROH X B' D.C. THEREArTER 61 SERCVS THROUGH EACH SIDELITE JAHR INTO SIDELITE. 4' om rRoN OP. Na IS, OG mEerAFTER. - 17 Iff 3/ 16' PTNIA°[tp$ Va11HIN.RgI BIER) REFER TO ELEVATION VIEW, FOR B Or SCREWS USED AND LIXATIOIS 1- 1110 X3/4''F.H.V.S. 19 IB x 2' FJtV.S. 2) SCREWS PER HINGE INTO JAMB LDcxsET 2) SCREWS AT EACH STRIKE PLATE I 110 X 1 3/4- FJiW,S, KVIKSET BRAND 200 LOCK OR HARLOC BRAND 100 LOCK WOOD SIDELITE JAHB 2) SCREWS PER HINGE INTO JAMB 22' X 64'' SINGLE PANEL GLASS EW-19 1/ 4' X 4 9/16' MTL TO BE PINE DR EQUIVALENT EW-20 T H? ZED GLASS N PEILYPROPYLEN FRa - DC-1 43 - (ODL SIDELITE TRIM (WOOD) A T P R A EV-21 5r16 x l/2' "H7L. TO BE PINE OR EQUIvaLEN WOOD CASING WOOD1/0• . V HTL TO BE PIK OR EDUIvALCN7 - )TENS NOL 0IHGS U EW-22 rOR 'SIDE BY SIBE JAMBS- AS RMLIONS SIDELITE HEAD JAMB WOOD EW-23 11/ 4' X 4 9/16' MTL. TO BE PINE OR EQUIVALENT SIDELITE BASE POLYPROPYLENE LITE EV- 24 1 1/4' X 4 9/16' HTL- TO BE PINE OR EQUIVALENT FRAME DC-1643. UDC-2 HP Polypropytene by ODL k6 X 1 1/2' PAN HEAD SCREWS 18 PER FRAME 3' CORNER An-1 SIDELITE STILES EV- 26 To EXCEED 14 ] HERE art REACH 15/16' X 1 11/16' MTL TO DE PINE OR EQUIVALENT 1 PIN NAIL3r1L@1GNAIL. I 117 reml [ND. NAx B' D.E IKRAF)ER. USER ON RBLLIOS M10 I DOW SILICONE #995 17 APPROVED AS CO)• IPLYUIG %MTH THE OAUTH FLp Pl Aff PRODU ATR BUILDINGCODEC. OMPLIMCE OFFICE ACCEPTANCE NO. 01- 0 3 I Y• 2y IIHITS 191105$ 010, CRAG DCC AIXi CTTRUSI®rt IBdESS faD1ED, Sf0. C[Bt1.10 S B DAOE COUNTY MODIFICATIONS vtv4t JQ A TIDED PAGE" 5 (DOOR OPTIONS) 10-1-98 1 R LIR RCVISI[D1S DA1C I BY RZ BY DA C _ _ PART IAHG PREMD R ENTRY SYSTEMS 3I-1O2C9-EW-I PRISBI Bi6 m 66762 A \ SHEET 3 OF 6 RCVIS[DI LETTER R I1 4 1/4SHIM MAX 3/ 4' I 5— —=— INTERIOR 79 3/16' MAX 80 11/16' 64' MAX. MAX DLO i1 3/4' BY WOOD BUCI< 24 2 BY WOOD BUCK I4 9/16' ISECTION C-C 1 1/4' 26 23 EXTERIOR PLEASE SEE "GLAZING DETAIL' DRAWING # 31-1029-EW-I SHEET 2 OF 6 1 1/4' DOW SI LICONE 4995 APPROVED AS COI,SPLnNG 4HTH T}iE S-' Uni FI VQ A, BUILDING C005 aiAlJIJN0 / liSd 1-1029-EW-I SHEET. 4 OF 6 REVISRW LEITER p I l: I OTHER DOOR CONEIGURATIONS Le lrt• w w 1 t w , Y.. s n L . Of 0 • OL n• O[ 1' 'y,J• i W WOL U. b"`C .• yL11 1 1 K YKm L1111 1t1y1vraenyG /1 la• e(!w u• ... Y ' { 1 r. 1 1 . 1 ! 1 1 1 1 _ 7 W w w -- ll {L • y r n• 1 1 1 1 1 1 W w ri..ej 'riL oxx H 1—.• wu 1 •ut n.l UUU b G.LI>L O P C. 1 ly rl fnW. W W r E1 n n xlj all, .- '4 1 r ti a,.• p. ar,r a> Y a v.• a> eC v COL wr w ir[ w-- 1 ec a•ac D D nCVw[MG p a 4 r pA{• eL Y eL a CLL p IN, eC11•LK IV.(I.p W. oclirc , i ® rIW 1 1 1 H Ll1 1 I 1 1 1 1 w w WL.w. .v w n»: S..iG °. ,yG u• n S.! 1IN11S I 1fSS NOILD, RLu p[4 Aft Y1RU5IM. Alss Hi11[B. SIQ MIT. In T AFr-RU, CD AS COMPLYItIG WTH TtIE ENGWEEIRS SOLTIH FMIDA BUILDING CODE 0.47E JUIT Q By PREMBN reoou r NraoLDr.slm -511 L dff[RMR BUILDING CODE COMP'LIAICE OFF PII158fAif YS. 66 ZGEMU CE A`0. 01- o 31 U X 31-1029-EW-I SHEET 5 OF 6 IRVI11Wf LLIIR F-1 -I- 1 I r r---, U I IILK JJUUK PANEL STYLES36" r-MAX 79 /164 no DO 0 001 all 0OO as BOB MAX 0 oa ® BOB Don D4 BOB 00 no 110 aBLANKTOP6-PANEL 4-PANEL 9-PANEL 10-PAN L l8-PANEL4-PANEL FLUSH 8-PANEL CROSSBUCK 12-PANEL 4-PANEL 5-PANEL 5-PANEL EYEBROW - W/SCROLL EYEBROW 5-PANEL 5-PANEL V,SCRpLL GYEBRpWPTHERSIDELITESTYLES 361, f MAX 79 SL-10 SL-20 SL-30 SL-60 SL-50 ' SL-50D SL-69A SL-69B SL-69C SL-25 SL-55 SL-30D SL-40s , 0.9 Qo P_ 0 ®n o0 00 a Oa1PD-2 PD-3 PD-4 Pp-5 PO-6 PD-7 PD-8 PD-9 PD-10 PD-ll PD42 a PD-I8 - PD-19 PD-2D PD-21 PO-22 00 a OOQ OQ PD-35 PD-36 PD-37 PD-38 PD-39 PD-23 PD-24 PD-25 Q Ao PD-40 PD-41 PD-42 I I i SL-90A SL-909 SL-90C SL-300 SL-30C SL-70 SL-80 PD-13 PD-14 PD-15 PD-16 PD-17 Fx pSpW N U 04. zz hs a o 0uu o PD-30 PD-31 PO-32 Pp-33 Pp-34 < ti a rr\LIIUUK 01 K r J W LMJ 131-1029-EW-1411LSTUD 01111—. - , ri irrr r nr i Lrnrc M I A M I•DADE ' PRODUCT CONTROL NOTICE Or ACCEPTANCE Preniclor Entry Systerns 911 E. Jeferson, P.O. Box 76 Pittsburgh ,KS 66762 NIIANII-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA NIETRO-DARE FLAGLER BUILD.I,N'G BUILDING CODE CONIPLIANCE OFFICE MI7TIZ0-DARE FI.AGLI:IZ I)Utl.t)ING 14.0Ivii'ST'FI.AGI.I:R S'I'RIi1"E', SUPI1: IGU; MIAMI, F I.OIt1DA 331.ip-15ti3 305) 375-2V0I FAX (305) .;75-2t)U$ C:UNI'ILIC'1'UR I,ICI•:1SI 1C SlL(-7r1U\ 303) 375.2527 I -: AN (3U5) 375.25 5\ C:ONI'I2 LCrUIt f:YFQI2C:Ii\JliVr DIvlslus 3U5) 175-29GG j:AX'(.1U5) 375.29UX 1' 1lUUL:C!' C:UN I'I2UI, t)!'IS1OY Your application for Notice of Acceptance (NOA) o(305) 375-31)02 f 1 L (3us) 372.63.r) Entergy 6-8 S-NV/E OutsNving Opaque Single w/sidelites Residential Insulated Steel Door under Chapter 8 of the Code of Miami -Dade County governing the use of Alternate h'Iaterials and Types of Construction, and completely described herein, has been recommended. for acceptance by the N4iami-Dade CountyBuildingCodeComplianceOffice (BCCO) under the conditions specified herein. This NOA shall not bevalid after the expiration• date stilted below. BCCO reserves the right to secure this product or material at any time From a jobsite or manufacturer's plant for quality control testing. If this product or material fails toperform in the approved manner, BCCO- may revoke, modify, or suspend the useofsuchproductormaterialimmediately. BCCO reserves the right to revoke this .approval, if it i5 determined by BCCO that this product or material. fails to meet the requirements of the South Florida BuildingCode. The expense of such testing will be ilicurred by the manufacturer. 1CCEPTAl\ CE NO.: 01-0314.2i EXPIRES: 04/02/2006 Raul xoangueZ Chief Product Control Division TI• IIS IS TI•IE COVERSHEET SEE ADDITIONA1, PAGES FOR SPECIFIC AND GENERAI, CONDITIONS BUILDING CODE &, PRODUCT REVIEW COMMITTEE This application for Product Approval has been reviewed by the 13CC0 and approved by the Buildin, Code and.Product Review Committee to be used in h1liami-Dade County, Floridaunder the conditions set forth above. APPROVED: 04I0S/ 2001 Francisco J. Q(lint1111, R.A. Director lMianii- Dadt: COUIlh- 13uilding Code Compliance Office 11s04500011pc200011templateslnotice acceptance cover page.dot Irltcrncf mail : uldress; l)05tnutSle_t,`huildin;;CU(ICUn1J11(;.Com 1 Itonlcnitl!c: fttttta/tti•tt•tt•.huilrlin rrrrlrnnlinr_cnrn Premdor Entry Systems ACCEPTANCE No.: 01-0314.2 1 APPROVED JUN 0 5 EXPIRES • __ April OZ 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: SPECIFIC CONDITIONS . I. SCOPE 1.1 This renews the Notice of Acceptance No. 00-0321.23 which was issued on April 28, 2000. It approves a residential insulated door, as described in Section 2 of this - Noti-ce of Acceptance, designed to comply with the South Florida Building Code (SF13C), 1994 Edition for Miami -Dada County, for the locations where the pressure requirements, as determined by SFBC Chapter 23• do not exceed the Design Pressure Rating values indicated in the approved drawings. 2. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2.1 The Series Entergy 6-8 S-"'IE Outsiving Opaque Sinbld Residential Insulated Steel Door withSidelites- Impact Resistant Door Slab Only and its components shall be constructed in strict compliance with. the following documents: Drawing No 31-1020-EW-0, Sheets .1 through 6 of 6_, titled "Premdor (Enter.( Brand) Wood Edge Single Door with Sidelites in a Wood Frames «i!hBumperThreshold (Outswing)," prepared by .manufacturer, dated 7I29797 with revision C dated01115101, bearing the Miami -Dade County Product Control approval stamp with the Notice of Acccptancc. number. and approval date by the Miami-Dadc County Product Control Division. These documents shall hereinafter be referred to as the approved drawings. 3. LIMITATIONS 3.1 This approval applies to single unit applications ofsinglc door only, as shown in approved drawings. 4. INSTALLATION 4.1 The .residential -insulated steel door and its components shall be installed in strict compliance with the approved drawings. 4.2 Hurricane protection system (shutters): ' 4.2.1 Door: the installation of this unit Nvill not require a hurricane protection system. 4.2.2 Sidelite: the installation of this unit will require a hurricane protection system. S. LABELING 5.1 Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo, city, state andfollowingstatement: "Miami-Dadc County Product Control Approved". 6: BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 6.1 Application for building permit shall be accompanied by co-Pics of the following: 6.1.1 This Notice of Acceptance 6.1.2 Duplicate copies of the approved drawings, as identified in Section 2 of this Notice of Acceptance, clearly marked, lo'show the components selected for the proposed installation. 6.1.3 Any other documents required by the Building Official or the South Florida Building Code SFBC) in order to properly evaluate the installati n of this system. Manucl Pcrcz, P.E. Product Con •rol =miner ProductControl Division Prerirdor. Entry Systems ACCEPTANCE No.: 0I-03I4:21 APPROVED JUN O EXPIRES : _ April 02, 2006 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: STANDARD CONDITIONS 1. Renewal of this.Acceptancc (approval) shall be considered after a renewal application has been Sledandtheoriginalsu.bmitted documentation, including test supporting data, engineering documents, are no older than eight (8) years. 1 Any and all approved products shall be permanently Iabeled with the manufacturer's name, city, state, and the follo-vving statement: "Miami -Dade County Product Control Approved",*or as specifically stated in the specific conditions of this Acceptance. 3. Renewals of Acceptance will not be considered if. a. There has been a change in the South Florida Building Code affecting the evaluation of thisproductandtheproductisnotincompliancewiththecodechanges. b. The product is no longer the same product (identical) as the one originally approved.` C. If the Acceptance holder has not'complied with all the requirements of this acceptance, including the correct installation of the product. d. The engineer who originally prepared, signed and scaled the required documentation initiallysubmitted, is. no longer practicing the engineering profession. 4. Any revision or change in tlic mdterials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process shall automatically be cause for termination of this Acceptance, unless prior written approval has been requested (through the filing ofa revision application with appropriate fcc) and granted by thisoffice. 5. Any of the following shall also be grounds for removal oft his Acccptancc: a. Unsatisfactory perfotmance of this product or process. b. Misuse - of this Acccptancc as an endorsement of any product, for sales, advertising or anyotherpurposes. 6. The Notice of Acceptance number preceded by the words Miami -Dade County, Florida, andfollowedbytheexpirationdatemaybedisplayedinadvertisingliterature. If any portion of theNoticeofAcceptanceisdisplayed, then it shall be done itt its entirety. 7. A copy of this Acceptance as well as approvcd drawings and other documents, where it applies, shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at all time. The engineer needs riot reseal the copies. S. Failure to comply with any section of this Acceptance shall b.c cause for tertiiination and removal ofAcceptance. 9. This Notice of Acceptance consists of pages 1, 2 and this Dist page 3. END OFTHIS ACCEPT NCE Manuel erez, P.E., Product Co tro Examiner Produc ' ntrol Division 3' NKEMJJUH, . (EN 1 EkL7Y BRAND) WUQD EDGE I SINGLE DOOR KITH• SIDELITES IN WODD FRAME WITH. BUMPER .THRESHOLD Of ITC`1 lIN(' 1U i W G) ptD x 1 1/2' MINIMUM fNDEDHENi tl4) PCR HEAD L SILL, (61 PER JANp 00' MAX LTERNATE: 3/16' PFH TAPEONS w/1 1/2' MINIMUM EMBEDMENT 4' MAX 4' MAX 3' MAX MAX 4• MAX— — —4' MAX 4' MA MAX C 3' MAX 3' MAX_ 14' 3' MAX B, MAX 4' MAX 1/22' x 2' S(nPLES ESEE NOTE 5) B lA6' 4 Ol T;L 14' MAX--` 15' MAX is, MAx M f its• 15. MAX I i MAX 43 1 /16' 15' MAX TOP OF DOOR Q.G. r'% A yi• TO OF LfJCK IN M1R KvIXSET DEADSOLt NO DEL 660 SCRICS DR HARLDC DEAD SOL I I NODCL $20'- 15' MAX 22' 64' MAX DLO 5 1/2' D.C. A so 1 /16' A MAX' KVIKSCT LOCKSET 15' MAX MODEL DLBOD SERIES OR HARLOC O.C. LOCKSET Moms. IW 9 71 J/16' f `• I Of 111116Ej 15, MAX O.C. MA* A. •' V AX MAX MAX I4' IS' Mj AX MAX—'•• ' zl C. S I5 .. 4' MAX 3' MAX 3' MFlX MAX MAX NOTES, 3' MAX 3' MAX WOOD BUCKS BY OTHERS. MUST BE ANCHORED 4' MAX—, MAX 4' MAX MAX ROPERLY TO TRANSFER LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE, 9 THE PRECEDING DRAWINGS ARE INTENDED TO 08 x 1 3/4 ' F.H.W.S IUALIFY THE F12LLOVING INSTALLATIONS. 3) PER SIDE FROM WOOD FRAME CONSTRUCTION WHERE DOORYSTEHISANCHOREDTOAMINIMUMTWOBYWOOD JAMB INTO THRESHOLD PENINCL MASONRY OR CONCRETE CONSTRUC71ON VHLRE R.M. OUTSVING LA OUTSWING DOR SYSTEM IS ANCHORED TO A MINIMUM TWO BY TRUCTURAL WOOD BUCK, MASONRY OR CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION VHERE3ORSYSTEMISANCHOREDDIRECTLYi0CONCRETE i MASONRY V TH OR WITHOUT A NON-SIRUCTURAI JE•BY WOOD [UCK. vf:RE val1R IWILIRAra RCDpIRCMCNf IS NCCBEB = YKRE VAf[R INNURAHON RCDIIIRCRCNI IS INI NEEDED ALL ANCHORING SCREWS BE BID V APPROVEOASCO.LI-LYING4%11H lac INNIMUM11/2' EMBEDMENT INTO WOOD SUBSTRATESUB 3/16' PFH x otb( BUILOING CW_ BwTH F`p,l} IUIY 0 *7TAPCONS'WITH 1 1/2- MINIMUM EMBEDMENT TO MASONRY. WIIS STALL BE INSIALLED ONLY AT PROtECIED OAT- 1 UNIT MUST BE INSTALLED WITH 'MIAMI-BADE COUNTY LOCATIONS BY A CANIFY'OR OVERN" SUCH IM41 THE ANGLE BCIVEEN fill EME OF CNIOPT DR OVEMWL BY PROVED' SHUTTERS . ID SILL IS LESS TPo1N 15 MEREES 47LESS LINIt IS INSTALLED IN pRODI: 7C CTROL CI'AS J:I THREE STAPLES PER SIDE JAMB INTO HEADER ON SIDELITES 10-HAPITABLE AREAS WRE THE UNIT AND IfE AREA ARE PESIWD'fB 6UICD04 COD_ CO:IPLIANCErF512 10 DOOR, THREE STAPLES PER JAMB INTO BASE ON SIDELITES. ACCEPT VATER fNFILIRAIIOK ACCEJPwTCENO.OT °3%Y zrLATEXSEALANTTO •BE APPLIED AT SIDE BY SIDC MBS AND SIDELITES, c -x Co." boor. 1w B00R/SlDEL1TE HEADER, IJf1OR/SIDELITE JAMBS, AND S[DELIIE BASE IOtI90UDb 0.T,K SG xC • ,00 v r¢a ,,a r+•a, TNERS ARE COPED AND BUTT JOfNEO. uI@&Bb utlII Kiln cn Mai Ap1 )Q, .rw.s,.Ti „ z: DOORS SHALL BE PRE -PAINTED. WITH A VATER-BASED EPDXY RUST rI HBITIVE PRIMER PAfNT WITH A DRY FILM THICKNESS OF 0.B TO 1.2 MIL ' M FRANCS SHALL BE PRE-PAtHrED WITH AN ACRYLIC LATEX VATER-BASED/ MD IP,f M it 31-1020-EW- TER -REDUCIBLE WHITE PRIMER WITH A DRY FILM THICKNESS OF DB TO 12 MIL n¢LNa Nz SHEET 1 Q;• 5 SYISDA tzl R ,. 4 9/16' EXTERIQR MAX 314, SECTL N A -A - GLAZING DETAIL U U T S W I I V G OTHER CONFIGURATIONS SNERVIN VILLIAHS 1150A 68 7/4• EXTERIOR GRADE LATEX CAULK HAx -as AX4. 77 1r2• IIAA i EXTERIOR X(1 D2L X 1NiCRIOR APPRO'TOi.,i CO:aILYWGS'Ai HTHB. C. wx 0=11 MgWIrdtp a qi9y$Y. W-0 PAM IOPI iAOf[ . 1 L R SOUTH DATE U IY Q J I^ 0 C 0 ADala UUu tat . [ C + W A00 wavx Is UIE -rKIM a RI06Bl6 ULCSi INSit (IAL IRi. A00 to Wvt Ipp41II}q. . LASS BITE 9ayYPRt) OV T I 01_ 1/8' TEMPEREDOP1151(XI R Mp y RY - 1 .. A` , , CiASS BUX0Wlr CWeC ciPur,cEOPt'A mcIU460 1]020—E4/—Q ACCEPTANCENo. 0103 $ v. yI mom a:tUR SNEET. 2 Of 6 tIllo r 3/4' 80 11/16' MAX EXTERIOR 79 5/16' MAX 1 3/4' SECTION B-B t'11HI NUHDLR. CDFiMENiSi7lO, VOOD HEAD JAMB EV-12 1 1/4' X 4 9/16- FITE iCI BE PiK OR EOUI IALCT(T2OCOMPRESSIONWEATHERSTRIP - q p KS REEK BRAND nxcrat 9650 tnonN11/4' O WOOD STRIKE JAMB IV- 1 1/4 X 4 9/16 HTL. TO HE PINE UR EQUIVALENi40ALUMINUM -BUMPER THRESHOLD EW-13 PREMDUR BRAND OR EOUiVALENi - 1 I/4' x 4 9l16' 5O TOP .CHANNEL EW-05 PREMDOR BRAND - 1 II/16' 6 Si SKIN 2b LDIi 1WT aom , 120 GA STEELI7. 10X aaTH. nAsu nll lirm a kTYANFAFIRBASFFOAM -DENSITY 2.0 TO 25 lbs/ct' 8 BOTTOM CHANNEL EV-04 PREMOOR BRAND - I II/16' - 2090WOODLOCKBLOCK G4 STEELEV-00 4' X 9A/2' HTL TO BE PINE OR EOUiVALENiIQSTRIKESTILEEV-07 15/16' X 1 11/16' MTL TD BE PINE U EQUIVALENTIIHINGESTILEEV-06 15/16' X 1 11/16' MTL TO BE PINE DR EOUiVALCNTU12LOCKPREPFILLER, PLATE I EV-09 PREMOOR BRAND - •050' THICK- MTL. TO BE POLYETHYLENE134'x4' HINGE 14 EV-15 HAGER BRAND "ME OR EUUTVALENi - -097 THICK (S.TEEUVOODHINGEJAMBt- 1 1/4' X 4 9/16' MTL. io BE PINE' OR EQUIVALENT15110x3/4' F.H-W.S. ( 4) SCREVS PER HINGE INTO D= 16 110 X 2' F.FLWS. 6) Sr1tEVS ilctUUp, EACH SI LITC J-1XII WTB SIDEI.IIC, 4' DUVN rRpliINTERIOR17UTILyvnllnaun , , w „, wa is ac TNEREAr1ERsFTa1AFC6'6-11:1111 I QI al REFER TO ELEVATION VIEV, FOR X SCREWS USED AND LOCATIONS1 Si0EL1TE W000 STILE EV-07 15/16' X i 11/16' MTL TO HE PiNE OR,.EOUIVALENi19AOKSEFHVS. ( 2).SCREVS AT EACH STRIKE PLATELOCKSCT KWiKSET BRAND 200 L CK OR HARLO- BRAND.100 LOCK1510x13/4' FH.W.S- c5) SCREVS NAX IFYMG" TINLE "0 INTO SIDELl1E JAND, D' DDvN rRm iIP10) iD• QG THEREAFTER VSNAXB' QC- i11E1 RRIE1rA,N1-TSTRIKE JAt1D INTO SIDELITC JANR. 4' D" rRut 1 OP4) SCREVS4 1HRU" EACH HINGE INTO DD[HT "D ' WOOD SiDELITE JAMB EV-18 I 1/4''X 4 9/16' MTL TU BE PINE OR EQUIVALENT22' X 64' SINGLE PANEL GLASS EW-19 T EA GLAS IN ET-f-ROPYLE FN - C-1643 - IpDL_ S10ELiTE TRiM (WOOD) ,SSEV-20 5/16 x I/2' MT L. TO BE PiNE R Ef]UIVALENTWOODCASING' I!9 x 1' niL 0 E PINE R EoUtVALCN NDL NOS US EV-2l rDR s1DC ar SIaE JAMai• As NULUOns ® WOOD SIDEUTE HEAD JAMB EV-22 1 1/4' X 4 9/16' MTL. TO BE PiNE OR EQUIVALENTWOODSIELITEBASEEV-23 1 1/4' X 4 9/16' MTL TO BE PINE OR EQUIVALENTPOLYPROPYLENELITEFRAMEDC-1643, DDL-2 HP Polypropylene by UDL96X11/2' PAN READ SCREWS 18 PER FRAME AE T N PiN NAIL 10 EXCEED N' UC T R ari R N C UP& %L. 4' DV rlila{ ENB. MAX D' UC. 11CRAr)ER, 1ALA RI Minis ACID iRiNDOWSILICONE #995 LIMITS IR1lE5$ N0iCO3 fRhC DIG jpl(G B DARE mUNFY HDDIFICATiONS. 1:EIRUSUBIS IH ESS Nairn, Sit ml TfL'T vnrel J17Lill11"r A DUED .PAGE 5 CDOOR OPTIONS) to-t-ya Ml'RI% .tsceguw PLYI.vDranrnsE I LIR REV1Sl(M BhiC IT pOUTNFL U IIQ E 0R. IT :.pp _ _ PAR(_BAIE: m Ti - 9Y PREMDOR ENTRY SYS EMS BATL PROb .'1TROl omstoN 911 E. J[f FCR50B 31 ` 1 O 2 O '- E W — Q OUILDIAT3 CODE COI.IPL45NCE OFFICE P11TSttAi6, Xi 66162 A SHEET OF 6ACCEPTANCENo01-031I-ZT REVISIW WIER 0 1/4" SHIM MAX l 3/4' s lTERIOR s 3/16'. MAX 80 11/16' I 64, MAX &AAW „, 2 BY WOOD BUCK - C SECTION C-C EXTERIOR PLEASE SEE "GLAZING DETAIL" DRAWING #31-1020-EW-0 SHEET 2 OF 6 E 1 1/4' DOW SILICONE 4995 oVrD pS COWILTING U9TH THE SOUTH PF BT. yug.. PREM B7 ra_oc., frrOLOMSION 911 L jur eUle.lc COOF COMPLIANCE OFFICE P1I isBa, RCCE.°T.^. dCEF7•J. -3! V. L I MO 1- 1020— EW-0 SHEET 4 OF 6. NEVISIW1 III RR 0 Mnx- L' MAXJ— MAX . ox IOU• MA x' 4' MAX- 31 A' MAX MAX 7' nA 7• MAX 1/• MAa is, MAX s. Mnx_- E_ a c 13' MAXaG Is, MAXMc. 19• MAXam 17• MAXac L. 13• • IS' II it-14•JMAX a L• MAX MAX 3. 3' MAX 7' nnx A" MAX' M MAX x E MAx "=a.L0A5 I04•- 14G V4TH THEMAxLOUTH£t p 3- MAX L IC Tl U t IR IT MAX M+ PRIPRODIaT `ITn^OL OMSIOIJ 91f C I OILLIWG coDE Co:aPLIAMCE OFT E MIS AiCEPTi4YtE MD.o+- D 3 37 1/2• MAX 4• MAX A• MAX Y NAxT. MAX 7MAX • lA• nAx L+- MAXT 13' MAX MAX E- D. C. 1 13. MAX r air_ u• n+x 6. c o so 1 18• O MAX l] MAX or_ 17• MAX GL1 r< Ax 1 MAX 6' MAX T npX 3MAX- 4- MAx MAx x 31- 1020- EW-[] SHEET 5 OF 6 RCYISRW ((TIER u I H L K DUNK HANEL STYLES, 36& I'MAX CI CI null IluaBLANKT13P &-PANEL 4-PANEL 9-PANEL lO-PANEL4-PANEL 18-PANEL j OTHER SIDELITE STYES 30" I MAX - 79 IZJ6" M X p p SL-10 SL-20 SL-30 SL-60 SL-50 SL-508 Sl-59A Sl-690 go Do no an PO-t P0-2 PD-3 PD-4 PD-5 PD-6 PD-7 PO-8 MIo11, 9 9 *9 #. PD-JB PO-19 PO-20 PO-21 P-22 P 2J PD-24 PO-25 Q OOd d() ppo a PO-35 PD-36 PD-37 . PO-38 PO-39 PD-40 PO-41 PD-42 1LON FLUSH B-PANEL CROSS8UCK 12-PANEL 4-PANEL Q CYEBROV V SCRpLI S-PANEL 5-PANELEYEBROW 5-PANEL V/SCROLL CYEBRpW p p o a SL-69C SL-25 SL-55 SL-30D SL-40 IL-9DA PO-9 PO-10 PD-I1 PO-12 PD-13 I rrrrrr f14 dl iii j j j +illl, 111 r SL-908 SL-90Q SL-300 SL-30C SL-70 SL-00 PO-14 PO-15 PO-16 PO-17 moo ti f+ ei PD-31 PD-32 PO-33 PD- 34WE 91i CifirAII'. L„ , , , I J I LJ'IJ 31-102V W=OPRISMKIU762 SHEET 6 OF 6 VIj Pf l[11[8 I j'd t I V 1-4 Atine WINDL OAI?. SPECIFICA TION 0/08 Dalton APPROVED SIZES: MODEL: WAYNEMARK 8000 & 8100 9'-0" MAX WIDTH x 14'-0* MAX HEIGHT STYLE: RAISED PANEL MAXIMUM SECTION WIDTH 21" NIrr A_A_ PqF Itol rmr_PRESSURE:onc I DESIGN PRESSURE: POSINEG. 29.3 PSF NOTES: . 13 GA HORIZ ANGLE 1. GLASS DISCLAIMER "NO CONCLUSIONS OF ANY KIND RE I CARDING THE ADEQUACY OR INADEQUACY OF THE GLASS IN HORIZ TRACK - c THE TEST SPECIMEN MAY BE 054" DRAWN FROM THE TEST." (199-3 ASTM E330). 2. GLAZING OPTIONS TOP OR 2) 1/4-20x9/16" INTERMEDIATE SECTION, .090 SSB TRACK BOLT & (2) CLASS WITH OPTIONAL INSERTS. 1/+-20 HEX NUT 3. VINYL OR WOOD DOOR STOP NAILED ON 6" CENTERS) MUST 3 OVERLAP TOP AND BOTH ENDS OF PANELS MINIMUM 7/16" TO MEET NEGATIVE PRESSURES. DRILL .281 OR 9/32"0_-_' n". 4. U-BAR TO HAVE A MINIMUM HOLE IN TRACK FOR YIELD OF 80 KSI US BRACKETJB- ATTACHMENT A S. TRACK AND DOOR STEEL. TO HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD OF 3.3,000 PSI. 1) JB-US BRACKET LOCATED-,-\ AT EACH ROLLER LOCATION 6. OPTIONAL - .080" (MIN) EXCEPT TOP BRACKET ROLLER P/N 125139). ALUMINUM LOUVERS WITH HIGH oil IMPACT STYRENE FRAME MAY BE LOCATED IN THE END PANELS OF THE BOTTOM SECTION. 4 7. LOCK OR OPERATOR Is REQUIRED. 5/1.6x 1 -5/8" 8. THE DESIGN OFTHE LAG SCREW AT EACH SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL Je-us ELEMENTS SHALL BE THE BRACKET 6. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING OR STRTJQ'T-&RF_ AND i'.rf- .! ". VERT TRACK- Z3 INACCORDANCE. -.01 iTHiqlJRREN T 054" BUILDING COPES -.FBI IT e',,"CbADS LISTED ON 1/4-2Ox9/16'* TRACK 7V BOLT & 1/4-20 HEX NUT AT EACH JB-US Approved:'.' BRACKET W- a I.L 33§ 5 ZS6N 00 nkSA'60"LK F1_ 42514 FLOR&, MnFiandi,ifta. 6d484z3,,..-_:-z= e--! CEORGU,GO17Fl cFate: OP 770N CODE.. .0 REV- P WIV _9' x 14' MAX 44 P, OF 4 y TRA Clf END HINGE TOP SRA CKET RSWIREMEN TS 1 /4-20x9/16" TRA BOLT & 1/4-20 H NUT THROUGH Al TWO ALIGNING HOL TOP BRACKET P/N 108077) TEK SCREWS P/N 141668) 14 GA WIDE BODY HINGE 4) 1/4-20x5/8" SELF —THREADING SCREWS (P/N 100320) 2) 1/4-20x5/8" TEtl. SCREWS oL END HINGES ¢ . Qo r . 3" 20 GA o0• BAR . WIDE BODY HINGE P/N SEE BILL a'OF MAT'L) LH HIMCE RH END HINGE NYLO -ROLLER P f N 270791) \ BOTT BRAQKET P/ H-2:70;54 LH-2'103`55) 31" 1/4-2 k7/8" yTEK CREWS PZN 100507. . r" c Approved: W.S. Wilson, P.E 3395 ADOISON OR., PENSACOLA. Fl- 3'514 FLORIOA CERTIFICATION NO. OOQ489 GEORCIA CERTIFICATION NO. M519 NORTH CAROLINA CERTIFICATION NO. 023836 Date: OPTION CODE- 0108 1 REV,-- P I I I : I 1 L-.(20 GA CENTER 16 GA END STILES STILES) WM 9' x 14' MAX 44PSF -T-20F4 try U-BAR L OCA•TIONS 12'-6" THRU 14' HIGH DOORS NOTE: W/ (7) 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS MAXIMUM SECTION WIDTH IS 21" LOCATED AS SHOWN 10'-9" THRU 12'-3" HIGH DOORS W/ (6) 20 GA 80 KSI .U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN I 9'-0" THRU 10'--6" HIGH DOORS W/ (5) 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 7'-6" THRU 8'-9" HIGH DOORS W/ (4) 20 CA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 6' THRU 7' HIGH DOORS W/ (3) 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN e l 2) 1/4-2Ox5/8" TEK SCREWS ATTACH AT EACH STILE Approved: 3395 A601S OFi'OR','PE 10$A 1?325,j Fr:: FLORIOA*CERTIFICATION NO. OOM489 CEOTr.GiA CERTIEJCAT1oN;-+- 91 ORTH',C,ROUNA CFRi1FICATION NO Date: - .-`-a l ,.•'i, OP T101V CODE""' i REV.'. P WM 9, x 14 ' MA 4 4 F 3 OF 4 Wind Load Test Report Report 9 0108P February 1, 2001 TEST REOUIREMENT: The door must remain intact and safely operable after enduring static design pressures of both positive and negative 29.3 PSF. The door must remain intact and safely operable after enduring test pressures of both positive and negative 44 PSF. TEST PROCEDURE: Product is tested to ASTM-E330-96. Tests were performed at Wayne -Dalton, 3395 Addison Drive, Pensacola,iFL. 'Product was installed with tools and hardware as normally done in the Feld and per specifications outlined in the attached drawing. Two 5/8" thick blocks were placed under the door at the edge, centered under the end stiles, to simulate a counter balanced door. Deflections are measured at the geometric center of the product. Plastic was used around the edges of the sections to decrease air loss. The plastic is applied in a manner that allows full movement of the product. Permanent deformation is measured with a 50% pre -load before the initial reading. 1) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a positive pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a positive pressure, which includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The maximum deflection was recorded at 2.51. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .31 or 12%. 2) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a negative pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a negative pressure, which includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The maximum deflection was recorded at 1.59. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .10 or 1 t%a. 3) Upon inspection after test procedure, the intermediate section had creased at the hinge location. The door was shown to be safely operable. DRAWING NUMBER: 0108 P TEST DATE: January 25, 2001. Temp 64° F. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 1. Waynelvlark Model 8000, 90, 4 section. 2. Exterior skin has minimum of.0175. The minimum yield stress is 33 KSI. 3. Standard bottom astragal and retainer. 4. 2" nylon roller with 5" stems. 5. 14 gauge end hinges and center hinges. 6. Three 3" 20 gauge u-bars 80 KSI placed as shown on drawing. 7. Two 16ga end stiles and three 20 ga center stiles per section. 8..054 vertical and horizontal track. 9. Four JB-US brackets per side as shown on drawing anchored with one lag per bracket. WITNESSES: Clyde McDowell (Report Author), Sid Wilson, P.E. APPROVAL BY SIMILARITY: Doors listed of a lesser width but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. Their capability to with stand pressure is equal to or better than the doors tested. Reducing the width of a door reduces the stress on it and causes less load to be transmitted to the rollers, track, and brackets. Doors listed of a lesser height but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. These doors have the same structural ability as the door tested, but will have less loading at equivalent pressures due to the decrease in area. Doors heights are approved to 3 times the height tested per standard practice accepted in Miami -Dade Co. Refer to Product Control Division, Question and A6We—rs ;GAI3(QI27). APPROVED -OP TIONS,I Based on ofher'tes ;nb qu ale#jtY: Aluminum Louvers and Styrene Window' Frame Assembly per test number 020501. Name: '- ®6x r i,C,a COUNTYl 6.99. EV DV 1`1ON W r. d(.:„ S6/ g3395.Ad-disuri• Dr.; Pkfinc4 a;:FC4.'.,, ; k, ; ti a 4 y-.file A Florida Ceh:No.OD 3S.48`. "'. :., oio t3 Georgia Cert'N1q t85(9- North Carolina Cyr Nd. 0i3-e /.•®/ ww cn r-1 rn N 0 Z a gne 1/INDL OAD SPECIFICA TION 0170 a o APPROVED SIZES: MODEL: WAYNEMARK. 8000 & 8100 STYLE: RAISED PANEL 1s'-o" MAX WIDTH X 14'-0" MAX HEIGHT MAXIMUM SECTION WDTH 21" ESIGN PRESSURE: POS. 27 PSF ESIGN PRESSURE: NEG.' 29 PSF 1.3 GA HORIZ ANGLE, NOTES: 1. GLASS .DISCLAIMER "NO CONCLUSIONS OF ANY KIND REGARDING THE ADEQUACY OR INADEQUACY OF THE GLASS IN THE 067" HORIZ TRACK TEST SPECIMEN MAY BE DRAWN FROM THE TEST." (1993 ASTM a E330). (2) 1/4"-20x9/16" I/ 2. GLAZING OPTIONS — TOP OR INTERMEDIATE SECTION, .090 SSB GLASS WITH OPTIONAL INSERTS. 3. VINYL OR WOOD DOOR STOP NAILED ON 6 CENTERS) MUST OVERLAP TOP AND BOTH ENDS OF PANELS MINIMUM 7/16" TO MEET NEGATIVE PRESSURES. 4, U—BAR TO HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD OF 80 KSI A653 G-40 5. TRACK TO HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD OF 33 KSI A653 G-40 6. 26 GA DOOR FACER STEEL TO HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD OF 57 KSI TRACK BOLT & (2) 1/4"-20 HEX NUT 5/16"xl-5./8" LAG SCREW AT EACH JB—US BRACKET DRILL .281 OR 9/32"o— HOLE IN TRACK FOR JB—US BRACKET ATTACHMENT 1 /4"-20x9/16" " TRACK BOLT & 1/4"-20 HEX 7. OPTIONAL - .080" (MIN) NUT AT EACH ALUMINUM LOUVERS WITH HIGH JB-US BRACKET IMPACT STYRENE FRAME MAY BE LOCATED IN THE END PANELS OF THE BOTTOM SECTION. ( 1) JB-US BRACKET LOCATED AT THE MIDDLE OF EACH SECTION EXCEPT TOP 8. LOCK OR OPERATOR IS SECTION. REQUIRED. 9. THE DESIGN OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE o67" VERT TRACK PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH CUPRENT BUILDING CODES FOR'`THE LOADS LISTED ON THIS,.DRAWiNG,,• .: 1) JB—US BRACKET LOCATED Approved: A AT EACH ROLLER LOCATIONtt : EXCEPT TOP BRACKET ROLLER w Nlsojt, PE.. I' . (P/N 125139). 3a s 'AOQISON_+QR YPEN+CO,n FL .2514.= it fti7RICA C^.>'i J rrA aflk i8e:. GflRG1A- ZtRnFicAmN '1{0. 018519 ' Nq OU fR1I1FfCAT.0 N0. 023E rNSfCr_ v. Dater OPTION COCJ, `.((J t , .'REV. P1 W 1 1 16' x 14' MAX, +27 —29 PSF 1 O.F. 4 TRACK END HINGE TOP BRACKET REQUIREMENTS 1 /4 20x9/16" TRACK BOLT & 1/4-20 HEX NUT THROUGH ANY TWO ALIGNING HOLES TOP BRACKET P/N 108077) 5) 1/4-20x5/0 TEK SCREWS P/N 141668) kill hfARROW BODY HINGE i1•* 4 4) 1 /4"-2Ox5/8" lot SELF -THREADING SCREWS r .. 2". NYLON ROLLER 2) 1 /4"-2Ox5/8" W/ 4 1 /2" STEM TEK SCREWS ALL / P/N) 108135 END HINGES Q 1 1 WIDE BODY 7/16" PUSH NUT AT EACH. HINGE (P/N SEE AROLLER (P/N 243341) BILL OF MAT'L) f.. LOCATED .25 MAX BETWEEN r ^ PUSHNUTS AND BRACKETS 3" 20 GA Zy OR HINGES U—BAR LHE#I H I N L`' RH END HINGE 3) 1/4"-2ox7/8" TEK SCREWS P/N 100507) a Approved: WS. Wilson, P.E. 3395 ADOISON DR, PENS=LI, FL 32514 I FLORICA CER IMA110N . NO. 00+8489 4 . GEORGZA CF.MF01110N NO. 018519 \ NORTH CAROUNA C£R1 mkTION NO. 02M38 Date: 4 — 2 9— o ( BOTTOM BRACKET P/N RH-270354 LH-270355) 2. J I i i i I I. I i J I I I gym' L 20 GA CENTER STILES 16 GA END STILES OPTION CODE 0110 REV. P1 WY 16' x 14 " MAX, - -27 -29 PSF 12 OF 4 U-RAR. LOCATIONS 12'-6' THRU 14' HIGH DOORS NOTE' W/ (16) 3- 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS MAXIMUM SECTION WIDTH IS 21" LOCATED AS SHOWN 10-9 THRU 12-3 HIGH DOORS--,,,, W/ (14) 3 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN D V. D. 9'-0" THRU 10'-6" HIGH DOORS—\ W/ (12) 3- 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 7'-6" THRU 8'-9' HIGH DOORS-\ W/ (10) 3- 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 6' THRU 7' HIGH DOORS W/ (3) 3- 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 2) 1/4--2Ox5/8- TEK SCREWS ATTACH AT EACH STILE D 41 Approved:, I F ID WZ. wil 3395;iODISON DR:,Pe&w D aRiDAc GEORCIA b W I T NOM'WO CC 02W-6 r OF 172 UDate:' OFT10V C-b V. P1 w" I 14' MAX +27 -29 PSF J OF 4 6e CENTER 5 TIL F IN TERMEDIA TE HINGE L 0 CA TONS 16, 0 '0' 14, V V V 10' Approved: ORANGE COUNTY BUILHN"" DIV. W.S. Wilson, P;7 lmJVJAUUJZKJNOR., rUl-',%.UU% rl- JZ Pt FLORIDA CSMFrATION NO. 0048489 GEORMA CERTIMATION NO. 018519 NORTH CAROLINA CERTIFICATION NO. 023836 Date: ?-.z R —0( . OPTION CODE 0110 1 REV- 01 I W/V 16'. x 14' MAX +27 -29 PSF ( - 4 OF 4 Wind Load Test Report Report # 0110P 1 February 22, 2001 TEST REOUIREMENT: The door must remain intact and safely operable after enduring static design pressures of both positive and negative 29 PSF. The door must remain intact and safely operable after enduring test pressures of bout positive and negative 44 PSF. TEST PROCEDURE: Product is tested to ASTM-E330-96. Tests were performed at Wayne -Dalton, 3395 Addison Drive, Pensacola; FL. Product was installed with tools and hardware as normally done in the field and per specifications outlined in the attached drawing. Two 5/8" thick blocks were placed under the door at the edge, centered under the end stileg, to simulate a counter balanced door. Deflections are measured at the geometric center of the product. Plastic was used around the edges of the sections to decrease air loss. The plastic is applied in a manner that allows full movement of the product. Permanent deformation is measured with a 50% pre -load before the initial reading. 1) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a positive pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a positive pressure, which includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The maximum deflection was recorded at 5.77. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .34 or 6%. 2) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a negative pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a negative pressure, which includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The maximum deflection was recorded at 5.07. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .I I or 3%. 3) Upon inspection after test procedure, the door showed no damage. The door was shown to be safely operable. DRAWING NUMBER: 011.0 P TEST DATE: February22, 2001. Temp 71° F. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: " 1. WayneMark Model 8000, 16x7, 4 section. 2. Exterior skin has minimum of .0175. The minimum yield stress is 33 KSI. 3. Standard bottom.,astragal and retainer. 4. 2" nylon roller'with 4 1/2" stems. 5. 14 gauge end hinges and 18 gauge center hinges. 6. Eight 3" 20 gauge u-bars 80 KSI placed as shown on drawing. 7. Two 16ga end stiles and five 20 ga center stiles per section. 8.. 067 vertical and horizontal track 9. Seven JB-US brackets per side as shown on drawing anchored with one lag per bracket. WITNESSES. - Clyde McDowell (Report Author), Sid Wilson, P.E. APPROVAL BY SIMILARITY: Doors listed of a lesser width but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. Their capability to with stand pressure is equal to or better than the doors tested: Reducing the width of a door reduces the stress on it and causes less load to be transmitted to the rollers, track, and brackets. Doors listed of a lesser height but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. These doors have the same structural ability as the door tested, but will have Jess loading at equivalent pressures due to the decrease in area. Doors heights are apprgyedio 3. times the height tested per standard practice accepted in Miami -Dade Co. Refer to Product Control Division, Questiop,' Ed Ans dfsf,GA18(Q127). APPROVEa' OPTIb F r So ' Based ono er tcs b ' ui0l"'. Aluminum Louvers and Styrene Windowl Frame Assembly per test number 020501. R 9 "a vP j.,, '' F. ')'' 7 T t (` aY ke,,, !'lc"uE '`°(', Name: VD W. S. WilsohkMI I-. / -PCB -s _ 3395 Addison „DrPen ncola FItX514 Florida Cert Georeia CertrNo. 0-T! ;4 7r!• Y" a ., 'J Vaa 4 rib — LZA Tr ELAM_j/® F3 ca CV Ln rn M C4 d z a a U3 agn alt®r;l MODEL: S TYLE: DESIGN PRESSURE: WINGL OA0 SPECIFICA TION 0108 APPROVED SIZES: T-0" MAX WIDTH x 14'-0 MAX HEI MAXIMUM SECTION WIDTH 21" POS./NEG. 29.3 PSF SIC MASTER PLANNOTES: 13 GA HORIZ ANGLE 1. GLASS DISCLAIMER "NO CONCLUSIONS OF ANY KIND REGARDING THE ADEQUACY OR iINADEQUACYOFTHEGLASSINTHEc TEST SPECIMEN MAY BE DRAWN FROM 054" HORIZ TRACK THE TEST." (1993 ASTM E330). f 1 2. GLAZING OPTIONS — TOP OR INTERMEDIATE SECTION, .090 SSB GLASS WITH OPTIONAL INSERTS. o I 2) 1/4-20x9/16" 3. VINYL OR WOOD DOOR STOP TRACK BOLT & (2) NAILED ON 6" CENTERS) MUST 1/4-20 HEX NUT OVERLAP TOP AND BOTH ENDS OF PANELS MINIMUM 7/16" TO MEET NEGATIVE PRESSURES. I WAYNEMARK 8000 & 8100 RAISED PANEL 4. U—BAR TO HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD OF 80 KSI A653 G-40 5. TRACK TO HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD DRILL .281 OR 9/32"0 OF 33 KSI A653 G-40 HOLE IN TRACK .FOR JB—US BRACKET ATTACHMENT 6. 26 GA DOOR FACER STEEL TO HAVE .A :MINIMUM YIELD OF 57 KSI, 7. OPTIONAL — .080" (MIN) ALUMINUM' (1) JB—US BRACKET LOCATED LOUVERS' WITH HIGH IMPACT STYRENE AT EACH ROLLER LOCATION FRAME MAY BE LOCATED IN THE END EXCEPT TOP BRACKET ROLLERPANELSOFTHEBOTTOMSECTION. (P/N 125139). S. LOCK OR OPERATOR IS REQUIRED. 9. THE DESIGN OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTSSHALL BE THERESPONSIBILITY tollOFTHEPROFESSIONALOF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING ORSTRUCTURE ANDINACCORDANCEWITH5/16x1-5/8"CURRENT BUILDING CODES FOR THE LAG SCREWLOADS LISTEDONTHISDRAWING. AT EACH BRACKET 054" VERT TRACK 1/ 4-20x9/16" TRACK BOLT & 1/4-20 HEX NUT AT EACH JB—US Approved: BRACKET ' W. S. Wilson, P.E. 2295 AOOISON OR., PENSACOLA, FL 32514 ' Fl. ORIOA CERTIFICATION NO. G048489 GEORGIA CERTIFICATION NO. 018519 NORTH CAROLINA CERTIFICATION NO. 023836 Date: 4 — 2 9 .q 1 OPTION CODE-.' 0108 REV. P1 WM 9' x 14' MAX 44 PSF 1 OF 4 TPA Cl( END HINGE, TOP BRA CKET REQUIREMENTS ob1/4-20x9/16" TRACK SCC # o BOLT & 1./4-20 HEX NUT THROUGH ANY A A TWO ALIGNING HOLES ( MA I i TOP BRACKET P/N 108077) 5) 1 /4-2Ox5/8" I 1 TEK SCREWS P/N 141668) i 14 GA WIDE BODY HINGE 4) 1/4-2Ox5/8" SELF —THREADING SCREWS (P/N 100320) m I I (2) 1 /4-20x5/8" I TEK SCREWS i ,m 4 ALL END HINGES 00 3" 20 GA op. • U ,6AR 4• WIDE BODY HINGE p o' P/N SEE BILL OF MAT L) m LH END HINGF RH END HINGEI NYLON ROLLERcoP/N 270791) o i BOTTOM BRACKET P/N RH-270354 — N1 LH-270355) 3) 1/4-20x7/8" • .m. TEK SCREWS ! ;m P/N 100507 Approved: • W.S. Wilson, PZ i3395AOOISONOR., PENSACOIA. FL 32514 _ FLORIDA CERTIFICATION NO. 0048489 GEORGIA CERTIFICATION NO. M519 NORTH CAROUNA CERTIFICAMON NO. 023MB (20 GA CENTER Date: q --ZS -D/ 16 GA END STILES SALES) OPTION CODE- 0108 REV. P 1 WM 9' x 14 " MAX 44 . PSF 2 OF 4 U-BAR L OCA TIONS NOTE: . 12'-6" THRU 14' HIGH DOORS GA 80MAXIMUMSECTIONWIDTHIS21 W/ (7) 20 LOCATED SAS SHOWN 10'-9" THRU 12'-3" HIGH DOORS W/ (6) 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN ° 41L) 10'-6" HIGH DOORS W/ (5) 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 7'-6" THRU 8'-9 HIGH DOORS W/ (4) 20 GA 80 KSI U-BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 6' THRU 7' HIGH DOORS W/ (3) 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 2) 1 /4-20x5/8" TEX SCREWS ATTACH AT EACH STILE Approved: W.& Wilson, P E 3395 ADDISON DR., PENSACOLA, FL 32514 FLORIDA CERTIFCATION NO. 0048489 GEORGIA CERTIFICATION NO. -018519 NORTH CAROLINA CEflRCATION NO, 023836 OPTION CODE 0108 REV P1 WM 9' x 14' MAX 44 PSF 13 OF 4 Wind Load Test Report Report # 0108P I February 1, 2001 TW TEST REQUIREMENT: ie door must remain intact and safely operable after enduring static design pressures of both positive and negative 29.3 PSF..The door must remain intact and safely operable after enduring test pressures of both positive and negative 44 PSF. TEST PROCEDURE: Product is tested to ASTM-E330-96. Tests were performed at Wayne -Dalton, 3395 Addison Drive, Pensacola, FL. Product was installed with tools and hardware as normally done in the field and per specifications outlined in the attached drawing. Two 5/8"-thick blocks were placed under the door at the edge, centered under the end stiles, to simulate a counter balanced door. Deflections are measured at the geometric center of the product. Plastic was used around the edges of the sections to decrease air loss. The plastic is applied in a manner that allows full movement of the product. Permanent deformation is measured with a 50% pre -load before the initial reading. 1) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a positive pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a positive pressure, which -includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The maximum deflection was recorded at 2.51. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .31 or 12%. 2) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a negative pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a negative pressure, which includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The maximum deflection was recorded at 1.59. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .10 or I I %. 3) Upon inspection after test procedure, the intermediate section had creased at the hinge location. The door was shown to be safely operable. DRAWING NUMBER: 0108 P TEST DATE: January 25, 2001. Temp 64' F. tQ DDESCRIPTION: 1. WayneMark.Model 8000, 9x7, 4 section. 2. Exterior skin4has minimum of .0175.. The minimum yield stress is 33 KSI. 3. Standard bottom astragal and retainer. 4.2" nylon roller with 5" stems. 5. 14 gauge end hinges and center hinges. 6. Three 3" 20 gauge u-bars SD KSI placed as shown on drawing. 7. Two 16ga end stiles and three 20 ga center stiles per section. 8..054 vertical and horizontal track. 9. Four JB-US brackets per side as shown on drawing anchored with one lag per bracket. S # AST ER PLAN WITNESSES: Clyde McDowell (Report Author), Sid Wilson, P.E. -- APPROVAL BY SIMILARITY: Doors listed of a lesser width but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. Their capability to with stand pressure is equal to or better than the doors tested. Reducing the width of a door reduces the stress on it and causes less load to be transmitted to the rollers, track, and brackets. Doors listed of a lesser height but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. These doors have the same structural ability as the door tested, but will have less loading at equivalent pressures due to the decrease in area. Doors heights are approved to 3 times the height tested per standard practice accepted in Miami -Dade Co. Refer to Product Control Division, Question and Answers, GA18(Q127). APPROVED OPTIONS Based on other tests b ' e uivale int. Aluminum Louvers and Styrene Window Frame Assembly per test number 020501 tne: , W.S. Wilson, P.E. 3395 Addison Dr.,.Pensacola, FL 32514 Florida Cert No. 0048489 Georgia Cert No. 018519 North Carolina Cert No. 023836 2 X011 co 1•`M Cn N d z r 6 a agnc Balton MODEL: STYLE: DESIGN PRESSURE: DESIGN PRESSURE: WINDL OAD SPE•CIFICA TION 01 /0 APPROVED SIZES: WAYNEMARK 8000 & 8100 RAISED PANEL 16'-0" MAX WIOTH X 14'-0" MAX HEIGHT POS. 27 PSF SCC # p • o1 , MAXIMUM SECTION WIOTH 21" NEG. 29 PSF t A; ZERLP--AN NOTES 1. GLASS DISCLAIMER "NO CONCLUSIONS OF ANY KIND REGARDING THE ADEQUACY OR . 067" HORIZ TINADEQUACYOF. THE GLASS IN THE TEST SPECIMEN MAY BE DRAWN FROM THE TEST." (1993 ASTM E330). (2) 1/4"-20x9 TRACK BOLT & 2. GLAZING OPTIONS — TOP OR 1 /4"-20 HEX INTERMEDIATE SECTION, .090 SS13 GLASS WITH OPTIONAL INSERTS. 3. VINYL OR WOOD DOOR STOP 5/16"xt-5/8" L NAILED ON 6" CENTERS) MUST SCREW AT EA OVERLAP TOP AND BOTH ENDS OF JB—US BRACK PANELS MINIMUM 7/16 TO MEET NEGATIVE PRESSURES. 4. U—BAR TO HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD OF 80 KSI A653 G-40 DRILL .281 OR 9/3: HOLE IN TRACK F 5_ TRACK TO HAVE A MINIMUM JB—US BRAC YIELD OF .33 KSI A653 G-40 ATTACHME 6. 26 GA :DOOR FACER STEEL TO 1 /4"-20x9/16" HAVE A MINIMUM YIELD OF 57 KSI TRACK BOLT & 1/4"-20 HEX 7. OPTIONAL — .080" (MIN) NUT AT EACH ALUMINUM LOUVERS WITH HIGH JB=US BRACKET IMPACT STYRENE FRAME MAY BE LOCATED IN THE END PANELS OF. THE BOTTOM SECTION. (1) JB—US BRACK[ LOCATED AT THE MIDDLE ( 8. LOCK OR OPERATOR IS EACH SECTION EXCEPT T( sECT10 REQUIRED. 9. THE DESIGN OF THE SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE 067" VERT TRA PROFESSIONAL OF RECORD FOR THE BUILDING OR STRUCTURE AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH CURRENT BUILDING CODES FOR THE LOADS LISTED ON THIS DRAWING. 1) J8—US BRACKET LOCA1 AT EACH ROLLER LOCATIApproved: W.S. Wilson, P.E. EXCEPT TOP BRACKET ROLL P/N 125133395ADOISONDR., PENSACOLA. FL 32514 FLORIOA CERTIFICATION NO. 0046489 GEORGIA CERTIFICATION NO. M519 NORTH CAROLINA CERTIFICADON NO. 023836 Date: ` .- 2 8 —o OPTION CODE.- 0110 1 REV.• P1 I WM 16' x 14' MAX, +27 —29 PSF j . 1 OF 4 TRACK END HINGE TOP BRACKET REQUIREMENTS 1/4"-20x9/16' TRACK BOLT & 1/4-20 HEX NUT THROUGH ANY TWO ALIGNING HOLES TOP BRACKET P/N 108077) 5) 1/4"-20x5/b TEK SCREWS P/N 141568) S CC # MASTER PLAN NARROW BODY HINGE ME I 1- 4) 1/4"-2Ox5/8" SELF —THREADING SCREWS 2) 1 /4"-20x5 8" 2" NYLON ROLLER W/ 4 1/2" STEM TEK SCREWS ALL / END HINGES i ( P/N) 108135 I 0® I l d ,• WIDE BODY 7/16" PUSH NUT AT EACH HINGE (P/N SEE ROLLER (P/N 243341) BILL OF MAT'L) LOCATED .25 MAX BETWEEN PUSHNUTS AND BRACKETS 3" 20 GA OR HINGES U—BAR H END HINGE RH END HINGE 3) 1/4"-2Ox7/8" TEK SCREWS P/N 100507) Approved: j - —1 /2" 20 GA CENTER W.S.Wilson, P.E. STILES 3395 ADOISON DR.. PENSACOLA• FL 32514 FLORIDA CERTIFICATION NO. 004W9 BOTTOM BRACKET 16 GA ENO STILESGEORGIACERTIFICA110NNO. 016519 NORTH CAROLINA C£RTIFiCA71014 NO. 0=6 , (P/N RH-270354 Date: 4'-29-0 ( — & LH-270355) OPTION CODE ' 0110 1 REV.' P1 I WM 16' x 14' MAX,' - -27 -29 PSF 1 2 OF 41 In Rl U-SAR L OCA TIONS NOTE: MAXIMUM SECTION WIDTH IS 21" 12'-6" THRU 14' HIGH DOORS W/ (16) 3" 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 10'-9" THRU 12'-3" HIGH DOORS W/ (14) 3" 20 GA 80 KSI U-BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN. Scc # MASSTER PLAN 9'-0" THRU 10'-6" HIGH DOORS W/ (12) 3" 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 7'-6" THRU 8'-9" HIGH DOORS W/ (10) 3" 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN 6' THRU 7' HIGH DOORS W/ .(8) 3" 20 GA 80 KSI U—BARS LOCATED AS SHOWN I I 2) 1 /4"-2Ox5/8" TEK SCREWS ATTACH AT EACH STILE Approved: ws. Wilson, P.E 3395 ADDISON OR., PEHS COLA. FL 32514 FLORIDA CE"I ICATION. N0. 0048489 GEORGIA CERTIFICATION NO. 018519 NORTH CAROUNA CUMFEATION No. 023838 Date: 9 -2g- of OP77ON CODE- 0110.1 REV- P1 I WM 76' x 14' MAX, +27 -29 PSF 13 OF 41 r CENTER ST/LE INTERUMA TE HINGE L OCA TIONS U_ASTER PLAN m7i=m IfN=li re i I m =il 12' I Approved:C/ W.S. Yrilson, P F 3395 ADDISON OR., PENSACOLA. FL 32514 FLORIDA CERVICATION NO. 0048489 GEORGIA CER11FICAMON NO. 018519 NORTH CAROLINA CSMFICA110N NO. 023836 Date: OPTION CODE 0110 I REV. P1 I WY 16' x 14' -MAX, f27 -29 PSF 14 OF 4 Wind Load Test Report Report # 0110P 1 February 22, 2001 TEST REQUIREMENT: ' The door must remain intact and safely operable after enduring static design pressures of both positive and negative 29 PSF. The door 9 must remain intact and safely operable after enduring test pressures of both positive and negative 44 PSF. y TEST PROCEDURE: Product is tested to ASTM-E330-96. Tests were performed at Wayne -Dalton, 3395 Addison Drive, Pensacola, FL. Product was installed with tools and hardware as normally done in the field and per specifications outlined in the attached drawing. Two 5/3" thick blocks were placed under the door at the edge, centered under the end stiles, to simulate a counter balanced door. Deflections are measured at the geometric center of the product: Plastic was used around the edges of the sections to decrease air loss. The plastic is applied in a manner that allows full movement of the product. Permanent deformation is measured with a 50% pre -load before the initial reading. 1) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a positive pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a positive pressure, which includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The maximum deflection was recorded at 5.77. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .34 or 6%. 2) The door was pressurized for 10 seconds to a negative pressure of 14.7 PSF. The pressure was then removed and the initial deflection was recorded after one minute. The door was pressurized for a total of 40 seconds at a negative pressure, which includes 10 seconds of test pressure at 44 PSF and the remainder of the test time at the design pressure of 29.3 PSF or greater. The rawamum deflection was recorded at 5.07. The pressure was then removed and the deformation was recorded after one minute. The permanent deformation calculates to .11 or 3%. 3) Upon inspection after test procedure, the door showed no damage. The door was shown to be safely operable. DRAWING NUMBER: 0110 P TEST DATE: February22, 2001. Temp 71' F. RODUCT DESCRIPTION: SCC # L oa)6 1. WayneMark.Model 8000, 160, 4 section. MASTER PLAN . 2. Exterior skin has minimum of .0175. The minimum yield stress is 33 KSI. 3. Standard bottom astragal and retainer. 4. 2" nylon roller with 4 1/2" stems. 5. 14 gauge end hinges and 13 gauge center hinges. 6. Eight 3" 20 gauge u-bars 80 KSI placed as shown on drawing. 7. Two 16ga end stiles and five 20 ga center stiles per section. 8.. 067 vertical and horizontal track 9. Seven 7B-US brackets per side as shown on drawing anchored with one lag per bracket. WITNESSES: Clyde McDowell (Report Author), Sid Wilson, P.E. '- APPROVAL BY SIMILARITY: Doors listed of a lesser width but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. Their capability to with stand pressure is equal to or better than the doors tested. Reducing the width. of a door reduces the stress on it and causes less load to be transmitted to the rollers, track, and brackets. Doors listed of a lesser height but otherwise the same are approved by similarity. These doors have the same structural ability as the door tested, but will have less loading at equivalent pressures due to the decrease in area. Doors heights are approved to 3 times the height tested per standard practice accepted in Miami -Dade Co. Refer to. Product Control Division, Question and Answers, GA13(Q127). APPROVED OPTIONS Based on o er test b ' o uival Aluminum Louvers and Styrene Window Frame Assembly per test number 020501. Name: W. S. Wilson, P.E. 91-2'B -01 3395 Addison Dr., Pensacola, FL 32514 Florida Cert No. 0048489 Georgia Cert No. 018519 Mardnda S Maronda Systems 4005 Maronda Way Sanford FL 32771 (407) 321-0064 Engineer of Record: Tomas Ponce, P.E. 1005 Vannessa Dr. Oviedo, FL 32765 Design Criteria: TPI Design: Matrix Analysis TEE-LOK software PLAN JOB # LOT ADDRESS DIV/SUB MODEL 6CLO6201 62 116 WHEATFIELD LOOP ORO-CEL WINB4 LEFT Fax (407) 321-3913 FL PE # 50068, This structure was designed in accordance with, and meets the requirements of TPI standards and the FLORIDA 2001 BUILDING CODE for 125 M.P.H. Wind Zone. Truss loading is in accordance with ASCE 7-98. These trusses are designed for an enclosed building. Truss ID Run Date Drawing Reviewed Truss ID Run Date Drawing Reviewed No. of Eng. Dwgs: 33 Truss Layout f' 17-a,3 Roof Loads - VT 4-11-01 TC Live: 16.0 psf TC Dead: 7.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 10.0 psf HIP 10-20-00 A 4-1-03 Al 4-1-03 A2 4-1-03 Total 33.0 psf A3 4-1-03 DurFac- Lbr: 1.25 DurFac- Plt: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" A4 4-1-03 A5 4-1-03 A6 4-1-03 Floor Loads- A7 4-1-03 A8 4-1-03 TC Live:., 40.0 psf TC Dead: 10.0 psf BC Live: 0.0 psf BC Dead: 5.0 psf A9 4-1-03 B 4-1-03 61 4-3-03 62 4-1-03 Total 55.0 psf H 4-1-03 DurFac- Lbr. 1.00 DurFac- Plt: 1.00 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" H1 4-1-03 J 10-9-03 11 10-9-03 J 1 A 10-9-03 J2 10-9-03 J2A 10-9-03 J3 10-9-03 J3A 10-9-03 J36 10-9-03 J4 10-9-03 J4A 10-9-03 J413 10-9-03 P 4-1-03 VT10 4-1-03 VT11 4-1-03 1 THD26 THD28 SKH26R SKH26L JUS26 THJ26 EA PILA A EJ 4 4 onre:JAN 3 0 2004 d i 40-0 I W N IJ4 y Dz D 04 IJ3 3 71 J, 2 z 21 J J J I J: j tODDSPACE rn co coij A IQ 11 11 i; ODD SSOACE o IIiIII iI 26 J2 3B B Z 0 10 Z m N w—J4I D D D Ib_. c- c- W 0000 co — — —j' 1 CONVENTIONAL FRAMED_ \, W12X4 Not SYP 17-8 y 8-4 JOB NUMBER WINB4 CUSTOMER REVERSED NAME; WINCHESTER B 4 14-0 DRAWN BY tl DAT-- PITCH:6112 0 2" BEARING:3.5" psf — JAN 3 0 2004 I I I N 0 syrt bC.jsalused Ito acx ylouri, Of I t Ft:wt J u C iP Yt r nln Ir7 t 11 lil Y, k I i P i41 1 I k 7'd llfhUPI4iiF3 /r,J''a eGi i0rr'94., n ' yy I ueFrr4< rrr,l!--Fm s vcu —hen te,rurn ski u'f , hi`hY t d''{,rti" 14,Y1rir rAeG r 4a` tj 1„ r 'iP tiyrouYseelhsslbel IBECrIME ALERTI rFIEED I+TSt rIV1E Sfi4'iG Ei ` rf3 in ' i l5 y! Gtikc h X rl Sri i t }' t * t . t ... !.i. S r a4. —,.P . r cCAUTION'"'-A C'IiITJO i uodentifies'safe'ape efmg ' s'` 3"r,;yraafi ces Foraoiidsaa essu ris'af co iUd atiori thataaouldfrp7f"S a 1 t k e i„I ti(Ifr ! s1 b a t s A+4 Ir x *i r rnlat i I y t r r, t,,resaplf il r personal eci u d' alrjc arnage kiu,tsrt ctures'ksr'r i-91 Summary Sheet COMMENTARY and REC0MMt NDATIONS for HANDLING, INSTALLING & BRACING METAL PLATE CONNECTED WOOD TRUSSES ° It is the resoonsibilitv of the installer (builder,buildinocontractor licensed contractor, erectororerectioncontractorl tonroperlvreceive unload store handle instal(and brace metal plate connected wood tru^ses to orotect Life and prooerty, The installer mustexercisethe same high degree of safety awareness as with any otherstructural material. TPI does not intend these recommendations to be interpreted as superior to the proje^.t Architect's or engineer's design specification for handling, installing and bracing wood trusses for a particular roof or floor. These recommendations are based upon the collective experience of leading technical personnel in the wood TRUSS PLATE INSTITUTE: 583 D'Onofrio Dr., Suite 200 Madison, Wisconsin 53719. 608) 833-5900 truss industry, but must, due to the nature of responsibilities involved, be presented as a guide forthe use of a qualified building designer or installer. Thus, the Truss Plate Institute, Inc. expressly disclaims any responsibility for damages arising from the use, application or reliance on the recommendations and information contained herein by building designers, installe I-S, and others. Copyright by Truss Plate Institute, Inc. All rights reserved. This document or any part thereof must not be reproduced in any form without written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. TO I"'..AGE. masses should bot be 00ragYs'terrain far un 6nwhich couid cause; CAIiT{ON 'Trusses scored horizontall} should be CRUTIOf i Trusses shored }rsicalli should be supportedandbiockingtopre eniexcessi relateral braced to preverit'topplingori ppin bending`land {esseci r oasture gain s !: ARtVING Do not`break handing untrl installation f DANGER ,Do oat stork bundles upright u,iess Ibeg>;ns Care shonld'be :exercised in Eiantling re Iproperlyf,raced Da nortbreaRbandsnulbus tliPs r , .are.placed.an.,astabie tortzorgtat.positian `. mov,ahto.av;olds:hifEtn,'af.tnc tviduaitralssEs :. „_i :,. 11Nalking ontrusses ivhtch are lyir g f6at lUARNING Da,no{3111ibaantl{etl trusses by the r ;a: , bands Do not use damaged trusses 5 lr fi a^ i J 3:•:_..-.:.,..r L_ :, .`fit I - r , Frame 1 i v _+^ --:.: `i E:I ;aJ . rY:r )r...•il}, ._. ilc r. }G:r 4!'' .. n,:' itt4 fd1.,:4 ti-YI tr11 ;4-,it-,+n l-,, I. $i - a' I a,_... ;!j, { S5t „I:t: f tttt ppp R'± , <r Et'aG1z 'abl:e5 Gf1a1f1S ,O ;:sa k ,r.....,.r raa= lr Y u + •ar :, uk. 3 VY.Y .IV' A.0 .(90'fa. ,..r 1 a. •; cl f4!,: +: -_ ;'. ,t>` mot, t.;v,f „xx hY f6 irur.,.14:':=1rd.ir....-_ y ...r.., ...r`I.. ylt' .. 1, .. xnifl .3 } ,r. .1?-:.r i'.:. a la.. P•fjCf te1'r t-El'll IrbVdt l;l.'bPo f.6R tits/- ,:i 1 I i,W Y'' ',w. A I' t 1 17 11 i I 4• itf] 11 'P.y+,7r'rL)$ +rlr fl 7' 1 T fJ1,L, _ Y'4 I 1 I} F b,.._ I Ni ih Ihooks t®,the tNeb irnernb"ers 1 i~r`4't}'EAle11': r'r7 s't'i-_-Y I i .__ !r. _tY.J 1. .i -Nr'`I o.,.-.... .,'7i ri .: • I,J P r_:[k L, G._ t. 'u i't , , 1601IWECHAiVICAL, INSTAL TION", or less /orle_s \ f Afagpproximately . Approximately 9 Line truss Iength '/, truss length Line Truss spans less than 30'. spreader Bar Toe in Toe in Approximately s to Z/h truss lenath- \ I to 60' Lifting devices should be connected to the truss top chord with a closed -loop attachment utilizing materiels such as slings, chains; cables, nylon strapping, etc, of sufficient strength to carry the weight of the truss. Each truss should be set in proper position per the building designer's framing plan and held with the lifting device until the ends of the truss are securely fastened and tempo- rary bracing is installed. 1 Less than or eq.. i Tag Line i Fader Bar Joe In _ Toe in y Approrirnately to :r; truss length i, Tag Less than or equal to 60' Line Strongback/ SpreaderBar / \ Aporoximatel_ I i to truss length Greater than 60' I, Tag Line Strongback,", I.- 1} tJreaderE3ar At or above rnid-heiant Approximately_ Ito -/,truss length Tag Greater than 60' Line f'6D., ..., lop Chord l Typical ve nical attachment. Enc 4rll Itic i n r ..=T,t talc lunc J 1 y Ground brace I.TOI C' iL C,rroura E! v:dkill (Ci81!) r(, G61f Grounn brace diag onals 1 9 la.•. trut T) ital tie member with Hlj Frame t" truss of bra, oup of irusse. E B). j 9 TOP CHORD I ISI Iriht I alr', II I,IhI b I DIAGCNAIBRAC= IIIIIII I:S rl ni li RI:!"'ll IIII:. II nI IIII IIII II TOP g •(\ 12 1 4 or greater UD to 32' Over 32' - 48' 4/12 6' 10 7 Over 48' - &0All 5' 6 4 Over 60' See a registered professional engineer DF - Douglas Fir -Larch Sp - Southern Pine HF - Hem -Fir SPF - Spruce -Pine -Fir ELF Douglas Fir -Larch Sr^ - Southern Pine HF - Hem -Fir S'PF - Snruce-Pine-Fir z 4 ar greater A Boticnr at ea& soacin -- r - — - 7Q . i \ Permanent Ps continuous \ lateral bracing as specified by the truss engineering. Baia I BOTT0F tHdkD. ! a II ri1 {ORD DIp'GOt AL'BFtAC 3RAC SPtLCIl G DBS}' ' 20 t5 10 7 6 4 ressionai engineer SP - Southern Pine SPF - Spruce -Pine -Fir All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. rG'u bra•ci tg I c ut E3 at each and of fig - buildff-;g and., at lC' VV=B MEMBE PLANt fir§6L ,1 N Frame 4 i t I'' I I' TOP CHORD i' Ill r ill 'iit -I II I I„I 1 ITOP CHORD' + I DIAGONAL BRACEIIIIFi il I'du,ll'sll I h MlNIMUN I' II LATERAL BRACE SPAT1NG SPAtd'I'i Il;l DEPTH I SPACING(LB) s trusses 1 Up to 32' 30" 16 . 10 Over 32' - 48' 42" 6' 6 4 Over 48' - 60' 48" 8' 4 2 Over 60' See a registered professional engineer ru-,,cni-, a orr - oprruce-rule-nr 6 L The end diagonal brace for cantilevered trusses must be placed on vertical webs in line with the support. ZX4/2x6 eARALLLU Continuous CH RQ TRUSS i !r Top Chord I Lateral Brad Required Top chords that are laterally braced can buckle tog ethe 'and cause collapse if there is no diago- 10" nal bracing. Diagonal bracing should be nailed to the underalde of the top chord when purlins are attached to the topside of the top chord. Attach mer Required 20' ioQ jy / rOTrus S Ses y Spp NF 2' 0.c 30" or Q. greater End diagonals art'csses#ial.!: G stability and must be duplicate both ends of the truss system. b 2 PARALU:: CHORD TRUSS::TContinuous Top Chord Top chordc that are laterally braced can buckle - Lateral Brace top etherand ca use collapse if th cre is no dingo- Required naI bracing. D i agon a l braci n g sho uid be na l led to iiie underside of the top chord when purline I'j -•`' are attached to the topaide of the wp chord. UL Attachment G eculrcd — Trusses must have lum- s bet oriented in the hori- r r wv asrr ur t a trio t,,, t r zontal direction to use this bracespacing. rJ. ,t3dS, braceslappedy-• r'.fi i r y / r r, nk, t t' aweJ SL-r l it ,' ' r —' " ' ° a'Pi t `` i aJcrur ly i u ,1 •r r l , _ . _ / 2 , _' , Y ,- 1 u j 7"''rr :' r s r r r! rr`Fl`-mac it arm roil.. ('"G ':T,• w',yGJsilu.ir fly —' g1}"l' r' ; r d rna 7r'jr.—rt r. 'f s,.,'i--'S.^ n,.-+g y r•Cr r' r tqF,.,, b c L` . . nJC`ea f*sLl,v,a .--•-,'P;i''"--cst Enddiagonalsareessettttalt#-ncx stability and must be dupllcaie3 on a`" i' wr n ss bothendsofthetrusssystemFrame 5 i jq! i11;ii P R D.,rts:.: A L1:B RAC E v0: MINIMUM!,;:; iiqLA TZ ACE SPACING SPANPA r# t SR/- DF;:..1.:1 SPF/.HF::: I Up to 24' 3/12 S' 17 12 Over 24'- 42. 12 T 10 6 Dver42' 54' 3/12 61 6 4 Over 54' See a registered professional enyineer DF - Douglas Fir -Larch SP - Southern Pine FIF - Hem -Fir SPF - Spruce -Pixie -Fir Diagonal brace also required on end- verticals. 1. Top,,- hot or Thai are laterally hiar.,ad ran buuld". 1bi- acing, to the underside of the top churl when purling 11 tlacl-d to the topside of the top ehord. NO N 0 T PLURPiB 12 3 or greater All lateral braces lapped at least 2 trusses. con" inuou-, Tor) chord, X I Lateral Brace Required le a te r Attachrrient Require Length L( in) LeI , sserof U200 or 2" L(in) BOW L( in) p a d : ....... D(in) J7 7777777777777777 Lesser of L/200 or 2 150 or 2" i U2 0 L (ft) LP200Lyt) Maximum Plumb 501. 114" 4. 2' 200" V 16.7' Misplacement Plumb 11211 6. 31 250" 1-1/4" 120Z Line 150" 3/ 4" 12.5' 300" 1 2' 30' 3/ 4 3' s, 6, 12" 96. MARONDA EYSTERS 4005 Maronda Wcry Sanford, FL 32771 d 07) 321-od„ 4 F®,:. (407) u.`.;1:°ga3 Date: Larch 5, 2003 To: Building DeOp nrtment From: Maronda Systerttrs Tomas Ponce Professional Encr. eer Mate or korg a. 0`00 subject: Vaney Trusses All I'll fieYlrusseE je ec '-' t na b are rere under the , sheetsr. 6 re truss package signed erne -al ,aj9ey sheeii providedesrseafebytheeraaeeror1, d. The connections are notedonfifrestrcc41p>nfr€ sereet of the plans. All criteria of the valley trusses are nofed orr thesheet. ff you irs ve any € uestions please fe-1 free to c20 at 407-32.1-0064. om. 5Ponce, .'. r q&6'GYF sa° Date: zN r,. L C> r r} ',,, " - ice' 7'i U%. ;• ti,.. DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual binding component and has been based on information provided by the item The designer dlsdalnu any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss deslgiocr by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as I may relate to a spe- cific project and accept+ no responsibility ar exercises no control with regard to fabrim- Lion. handling. shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as as tndfvldual building component in accordance with ANSI/'IPl 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated' as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer).When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design lmdhrgs shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project spect0cati.ns or special applied loads - Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads- The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are —Unu- ousiy braced by sb—thing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid celing, they should be braced at a madmun sparring of 10'-0" o-e Connector plate shall be manufacbued from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASIM A 653. Grade 40. wiles otherwise showO- FABRICATIONNOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is In - confo[manrx with the fabrtcator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such vert- Oration. Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, mots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood hearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss fwithnalls dy imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A Sx4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6xS plate Is 6" wide x B" long. Slots (holes) run patallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the rentroid ofh. webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are mini aura sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be lncieased for certain hand- ling and/or eccetlon stresses. This truss Ls not to be fabricated with Ore retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional warmatioo on Quality Control refer to ANS11- in 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and credion recommendations arc to be followed in accordance with "Handling InstaNing A 9radug", HIB-91. Tt,>s.,es are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb.pm- IUon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essenlbl and erection bracing is always required. Normal pxvec utlomuy action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shaf be under the control of pexso— cicpedenced In the Installation of trusses. Professional advice Shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any these. No loads Other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed MONO VALLEY VALLEY TRUSSES COMMON VALLEY VALLEY TRUSSES ITYF MARONDA SYSTEMS TRUSSES II 11. II SUPPORTING TRUSSES SUPPORTING TRUSS VALLEY TRUSSES (TYP.) COMMON OR GIRDER COMMON TRUSSES (TYP.) VALLEY STRAPPING TO TRUSS BELOW USING MSTA12 @ 4' O.C. VALLEY TRUSSES CAN BE CANTILEVERED UP TO TWO FEET. WO: VALLEY SET IF LESS THEN 3.0-0 THEN MOVE DIAGONAL WEB TOO NEXT PANEL- 1L_ L TI: VT s3TY:1 4 I I+) WHEN DIGAONAL WEB PRESENT USE 4X6 PLATE 8) WHEN NO DIAGONAL WEB PRESENT USE 2X4 PLATE 2x4 # 20 OR B 5z6 OR VALLEY MEMBERS AT t 4x6 3x6 4x8 t 4x6 24' O.C. (TYP) DIAGONAL WEBS OR OR REQUIRED WITH SPANS 2x4 2x4 20 GREATER THEN 28-0-0 3x6 2x4 3x6 VARIES . 2x4 UP TO T 2x4 12 0. 0-4 3x6 20 2x4 2x4 20 410 2x4 3x6 2x4 2x4 30 3x6 OR 3x6 OR 2x4 t 46 OR t 4x6 MAX. 6.0.0 O.C. (TYP) 2x4 MAX 6-0-0 O.C. (TYP) MAX. TRUSS SPACING i BELOW - 48. O.C.' SPANS UP TO 60-0-0 DoDoi TOP CHORDS: 2X4 SP #2 IT IS NOT REQUIRED TO SHEATH TRUSSES BOT CHORDS: 2X4 SP #2 BELOW VALLEY SET. VALLEY MEMBERS PROVIDE ALL NECESSARY TOP CHORD BRACING. WEBS: 2X4 SP #3 r VALLEY MEMBERS TO BE SET TIC MUST BE CONTINUOUSLY BRACED BY ROOF PERPENDICULAR TO TRUSSES BELOW. SHEATHING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. WHEN VALLEY MEMBERS ARE NAILED DIRECTLY TO TRUSS TOP CHORDS USE (2) 16D NAILS PER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. WHEN BELOW TRUSSES ARE SHEATHED FIRST USE (2) 10d NAILS OR (1) 16d NAIL PER INTERSECTION, OR TWO FEET ON CENTER. 2x4 BRACING NAILED FLAT TO EDGE OF WEB WITH 12d NAILS AT 8' O.C. OR A SCAB OF THE SAME DIMENSION AND GRADE AS WEB; NAILED TO FACE (S) OF WEB WITH tOd NAILS STAGGERED 8' O.C. SCAB OR TRANSVERSE BRACING TO EXTEND FOR 90% OF WEB LENGTH. ONE BRACE REQUIRED ON WEBS GREATER THAN 8' LONG t. TWO 2X6 BRACES REQUIRED ON ANY WEB EXCEEDING 14'.tt EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES.ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Cont. Support Studs 1& 6-0-0 ox. Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E.. LICENSE # 0050068 1690 GREENBROOKC-MEDO,FL32766 WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Ong- Job: VVV: V^LLC7 ail A COPY OF THiS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: VT CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY Chk: IDate: 4-11-01 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr. 1.25 BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or slm ar bracing TIC Dead 7.0 - psf Du rFac - Pit: 1.25 - which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing is for lateral b—kft length. BC L1VC O O. psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0rr shownsupportoftrussmembersonlytoreducegProvisionsmustbemade to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. BC Dead 2.0 f toDesign Criteria: TP Additional bracing of the Overall structure may be required. (See HIS-91 ofTPD.- _ Code Dese: r17ussPlateinstitute, TPf. Is located at 583 D'Onalno Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TOTAL 25.0 psf V:06.29.00- 8302- 37 Desim: Matrix Attabsis in)? PATf4- / tTr.-F'-Inr'tll!nC('-ITrP-'nVr t'IDC I HIIa BLOC SING M,ARONDA SY311,01S DESIGN IN -FORMATION This design is lio an individual Willing calnpurrcrri and lull I.... basal ran infrrmmbm pnwidcd by Iba, dienL The designer disclaims any rcspnnsibilily lb, danugcs as a rcddl at. fully or incorrect infomralidn, speeilicaliuns udlor designs hlrnisheJ to. die buss designer by if.. dicnl and aloe olarrectracs, ut accuracy n( this in(mrmtimn as it nary rotate to a spe- cillc Ptu)ect old --pi, nu resp of sibilily or q'mcm isesnortirld with regard III hhfica- Iiom, handling, shipmcnl and installation of Irussa. This Truss has been designed as an ha0ddual building cunpmtcnt In accusdance milli ANSIffPI 1-1995 and NDS-91 In he lou," frmed at fair, of the building design by a Building Designer ( registered archiled or famf Istioral engircer). When reviewed for apprural by the building designer, the design loadiugi slaswn must he checked to he sure that care dan thowr as an grecrtmm with the local building vales, local climatic records fir wind or snn.v loads, Pntjcd rlrodfcali.ms .f slrs:fal appllcd Loads. Unless shown, trust has ma bean Octigned for s4traga ur —r ancy Inad. The Jcsign asumces rmpreaim chords (hit far ".If—) are enninu- omsly. bracel by slresshing mlcss allterwise sticci0cd. Where buurml chorales in -,.,inn arc not fully braced laterally far a properly applied rigid ecmling, they should be hraecl at not elmum'Pacing of 10'-0- o.e_ C.nnectu plates shall he mnu aft-lo" Iranian20 gaoga hm diplwd galvanized dal meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unlcss.nl¢mise shown, FABRICATION NOTES Prier In fabrication, O¢ fabricator shall review IN, Drawing w verify that this dnw•Ing is in. conf irnba acc will) the fabricator's plans mul bf rcallac a cunlhauin_ resPnredbility lair such vni- 0rafitm. Any disnrcParcics are to be put ht coiling Ircfwc cutting r. Y bricalion. Plmc, shall not la; insnilcd over knodades, lint. nr dicrrvtcd grain. mcrobcof shall -be cut l tr"tight 01dr% wind m raw hearing. Curt - incur Blades shall 1w Ir.—d .I hob lams of Iltc muss with natls ( fly imh.:dd d and s"If be gym, abwi die joint unless uIlwmiu drown. A 5. 4 plate is S' with: a 4- lung- A 6a8 pdfc is 6' wide s 8- lung. Sims thotet) non Parallel to dtc plat. hcngib speditcd. Double ..as ran wch members shall man as the eennoid of care vcbs unless otherwise shown. condie olor plan. .,.I e mhdmmn slats Lased on Ode forces ehmvo rat may steed uc be d incrcat-d for —.in har- ling arulfor.1—jinn stra,.— This truss Is ram to he ',,,I -Id with fire mnrdaw b caacd Imdtcr uAcssmhetwisealmwa. f-dfatWilionalittfnrmathnl tin Quality Conlrnl re(cr to .- ANSU( Yl 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All hraeing mat r-dim re, a.. arc to be f..dluutd in sxurdan a .villa 'Ilaodling Installing & Oraei' -, HI0-91. 'flosses are to be handled with panieular cart during handing and bundling, dalivmy and installation In .,-.aid damage. Temponary and permatrern htacing fur hulJiag vusscs In a nrai n and plumb 1 - liiun and (ar «siding Incest forces shall be dcA. ncd and insfalled lay mlu,s_ Carclul hand- ling Is csscmiaf aad areal'' hraaing is alwoys required_ Normal preeau'iionry .anon !ur louses requires rich tunpunry hoeing during ifulalbui. m bcl—. fcusu_s w avoid tnpilling oil drunin ling. 'nne suptrcistnn of eredinn nl trusses shall Ile under the control of licts'ms parierr d in J'. boaallmi.m ,I ."I aes_ Pnrfes5innl adctce shall be snughl if needed. Gffccmntion of cwsssmucdttn Inds grcatem don' be Jcsign (.ads shall not he applied Io la", at any rime. No Lads other Ill." Jic ucighl u! Ilre carts'.. sh.II be applied to wsscs moil after all fusicuing and bracing is cumpletad. . O\ It p,S 110P0 g;f J12, r tie e. s No. ao5oo6a Q STATE OF z sSf ONAL E bt\\\N 1j/ J/III 11iI1S111 1 HIP GIRDER 2x OF IVO: HIPDETAI:L I'I: HIP QTYA BLOCKING ADDED TO. TOP CHORD STEP HIP TRUSSES TO SHORTEN OSB NOT T-0 EXCEED 2411O.C. TO BE NAILED TO TRUSSES W/ S @ 12" ON CEN. STAGGERED PRE- ENG'D TR TOP WALL OF BUILDING j n % i !> l/') l ' fir i J%t % " iw; ( t'' W / J Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE # 0050068 1890 GREENBROOK Cf.OVIEDO.FL32766 WARN FNii: READ ALL NOTE, ON THIS StME1'. 1 Ling. rob: WO: I1II'DErT'AIL A COPY OIL THIS DRAIVING TO BE GIVE,N TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: 1111' CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr.' . Ctdc: Date: 10-20-00 BRACING WARMNG: w Live 16.0 psf Durfac - L1)r: 1.25 Bracing shown ran thii Jran•ing is nor erection bracing• wind bracing, pill fit hrach'g ur similar hraeing TIC bead TO psi — DurFaecv*e - Pit: 1.25 which is a pari of file huilJing Jcsign and Ihich muss be-rasidaed by Ibc building deBracing shown is ilu lateral supp.n of roll machos only m rcduee buclaing lui;lh. IIIovisillbs BC Live 0.0 u7signer. O.C.Spacing: 24.(In P g• musthemadeI. anchor b I...I hoeing aI ends mot yteeincJ lucafiuns d.1-6.ed by des huilJiug designer. - rae Addilimrd hing oftheov 1111 slmcture he BC Dead 7.O-O psf Design Criteria: TPI may required. (Son IIIB-91 nITPn. Truss I'Imc Inssimte, TH, is bcalcd al 583 D'Onuhia DOM Madison, Wisuauia 53719). fall(' l Code Dese-- TOTAL 33.0 usf v•m n7 no- 30106- 3 4: Derign: Aiarrir Anofysis JOB 1:4171I: CAT'EE-LOXUOBSIHI DEr—I HCS.- 011.01.00 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information. specifications and/or designs furnished to the Lruss designer by the client and the correctness or aceuaev of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for t storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are contlnu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise r specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at -a maximum spacing of IU-0" o.c. Connector Plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ver(- ficatlon. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This Iruss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI /TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling. Installing & Bracing'. HIS-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dommoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experlenced In the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing, is completed. - JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,9 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 965# Support 2 922# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.13" D=-0.1411 T=-0.27" - MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.10" MAX HORIZONTAL,LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.051, RMB = 1.15 10-3-2 0-4-3 WO: WINB4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/311x 0.1201, nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, He: 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Fact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2768 0.48 14-13 2426 0.51 2- 3 -2573 0.55 13-12 2045 0.41 3- 4 -1912 0.50 12-11 1651 0.30 4- 5 -1654 0.42 11-10 2046 0.41 5- 6 -1908 0.51 10- 9 2426 0.51 6- 7 -2573 0.56 7- 8 -2768 0.55 TI: A QTY:2 Joint Locations========-====== 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 31- 0- 8 11) 25- 0- 0' 2) 6-10-15 7) 37- 1 1 12) 19- 0- 0 3) 12-11- 8. 8) 44- 0- 0 13) 9-11- 4 4) 19- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 0- 0- 0 5) 25- 0- 0 10) 34 0-12 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1497 1 44 -965 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1451 0 -922 BOT H-ROLL 19-0-0 6-0-0 19-0-0Ilk 1 2 3 6 7 8 0 SX8 4X6 600 4X0 SX10 8X10 4X6 8X10 4X6 n 19 9-10-3 0-4-3 14 13 12 11 10 91 1498# 3.50" 1452# 3.50" 10 -0 i- 44-0-0 RO-11-11) 1 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1489 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: IN64 Maroitda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: A CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgitr: TLY Chk: Date: 4-01-03 TIC Live 16.0 psf DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARONDA WAY raci Bngshown on this dmwng is not erection bracing, ,wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bracing TIC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - PIt: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a part of the buiding design and which most be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support truss BC Live 0.0 sf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. of members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations detemthied by the building designer. Additional bracing of theoverall structure may be required. [See HIB-91 of TPI). BC Dead p 10. 0 sf pDesign Criteria: TPI LICENSE # 0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Code Dese: FLA Ions VANNESSA DR.0weo0.FL.32766 I TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 20499- 0 Design: A9atfix Analj'sis JOB PATH C:IT'EE-LOKIJOBSIIWNB4V HCS_ 08.20.02 I i DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages:, as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs fumished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy If this information as it may relate to a spe- elfle project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, Local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a madmpm spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 553. Grade 40. unless otherwise. shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is in conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing". HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- III- and for resistfng-lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand - Ling Is essential and erection bracing Is always q required. Normal precautionary action for t trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling d and domtnoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 2x4 SP #1 D 1 2x4 SP #2 D 2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,3,12 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1059# Support 2 1089# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.26" D=-0.27" T=-0.54" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.28" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.14" RMB = 1.15 9-3-2 0-4-3 WO: WINB4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H=:23.0.ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 B1d,,:Type= Encl Ili= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC.:.FORCE CSI 1- 2 5063 0.82 2- 3 3059 0.71 3- 4 2290 0.63 4- 5 1870 0.42 5- 6 1784 0.42 6- 7 2046 0.49 7- 8 2628 0.54 8- 9 2800 0.50 BC...FORCE ... CSI 17-16 4588 0.96 16-15 4209 0.95 15-14 2688 0.68 14-13 2051 0.45 13-12 1873 0.32 12-11 2128 0.38 11-10 2460 0.48 TI: Al QTY:1 Joint Locations===========_=== 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 32- 4- 8 13) 21- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 8') 37- 9- 1 14) 17- 2- 6 3) 10- 7-12 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 10- 7-12 4) 17- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 4- 3- 8 5) 21- 2- 6 11) 35- 0-12 17) 0- 0- 0 6) 27- 0- 0 12) 27- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 68 -1059 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1497 0 -1089 BOT H-ROLL 17-0-0 10-0-0 k 17-0-0Ilk 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 3.00 1 6.00 5X8 3X4 4X6 3.00 Q T, 8-10-3 0-4-3 038 4-0-0 12-10-14 4-0-0 22-9-10 7 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 1498# 3.50" 1498# 3.50" 10 0 .1-0 0 44-0-0 --- RO-11-11) (RO-11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1905 scale = 0.1457 iaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.FL32766 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing. or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made stoanchorlateralbracingatendsandspecifiedlocationsdetermined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). Truss Plate Institute, TPI. Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 537191. Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 33.0 psf Truss ID: Al Date: 4-01-03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA Design: Alatrir Analysis JOB PATH: C:ITEE-LOKUOBSIIVINB4V HCS: 08-20.02 - .p JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: TI: A2 QTY:1 DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Continuous lateral bracing attached to==============Joint Locations========------- This design is for an individual building BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 ® either edge of web (s) shown. Bracing -MUST be 1) 0- 0- 0 6)' 27- 0- 0 11) 35- 0-12componentandhasbeenbasedonInformationWEBS: 2x4 SP #2 - positioned to provide equal unbraced 2) 6- 2-15 7) 32- 4- .8 12) 27- 0- 0providedbytheclient. The designer disclaims 2x4 SP #3 1,10 se nts OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to ed a 3)11- 7- 8 8) 37- 9- 1 13) 17- 0- 0anyresponsibilityfordamagesasaresultofg faulty or Incorrect information,specifications MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c 4) 17-- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 8-11- 4 and/or designs furnished to the truss designer composite result of multiple loads. Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 5) 22- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 15) 0- 0- 0 by the client and the correctness or accuracy All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-0". ----MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- . of this information as it may relate to a spe- continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type cific project and accepts no responsibility or H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp_Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 0- 1-12 1498 44 -979 BOT PINexercisesnocontrolwithregardtofabnca- PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Bld e= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss 43-10- 4 1452 0 -936 BOT H-ROLLLion, handling, shipment and Installation of _ 7 . trusses. This truss has been designed as an Support 1 979# in END zone, . TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= -6.0 psf - individual building component in accordance with Support 2 936# - Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req - ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: as part of the building design by a Building L/999 TC... FORCE... CSI ..BC ... FORCE... CSIDesigner (registered architect or professional L=-0.13" D=-0.14" T=-0.27" 1- 2 -2797 0.46 15-14 2457 0.48engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: 2- 3 -2625 0.51 14-13 2130 0.40 - must be checked to be sure that the data shown T= 0.101, 3- 4 -2053 0.47 13-12 1858 0.37 are in agreement with the local building codes. MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: 4- 5 -1790 0.39 12-11 2130 0.40 local climatic records for wind or snow ioads, T= 0.05" 5- 6 -1790 0.39 11-10 2457 0.48projectspecificationsorspecialappliedloads. 6- 7 -2053 0.4$ Unless shown, truss has not been designed for RMB = 1. 15 - storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes - 7- 8 -2625 0.52 compression chords (top or bottom) are eontmu- 8- 9 -2797 0.52 , - ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are - not fully braced laterally by a properly applied - rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot - - dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown, 17-0-0 10-0-0 17-0-0 FABRICATION NOTES 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review - . this drawing to verify that this drawing is In _ Q conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ved- 4X6 3X4 4X6 - fication. Any discrepancies are to be. put in writing before cutting or fabrication. - Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, - knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- 3X4 - 3X4 nector plates shall be located on both faces of .. the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym: about the joint unless otherwise shown. A -- T1' 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" 9-3-2 6X8 -6X8 8-10-3 wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web - members shall meet at the centroid of the webs - unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes 0-4-3 are minimum sizes based on the forces shown 0-4-3 - and may need to be Increased for certain hand- - - ling and/or erection stresses. This buss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional 4X6 8X10 8X10 8X10 8X10 4X6 Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 - - PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing", HIB-91. Trusses arc to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- Ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling Is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dorm.. rig. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced Inthe installation of trusses. Professionaladvice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construct].,, loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to - trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. n 15 14 13 12 1498# 3.50" 1 ie 44-0-0 RO- 11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI: 1-1995 f- WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Maronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. 4005 MARONDA WAY BRACING WARNING: SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE # 0050068 IT- Plate Institute. TPI, Is located at 583 D'Onofno Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNFSSA DR.0V1ED0.FL32766 Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY TIC Live TIC Dead BC Live BC Dead TOTAL 1 n 1452# 3.50" scale = 0.1489 Truss ID: A2 Chit: Date: 4-01-03 16. 0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 7. 0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 0. 0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" 10. 0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA 33. 0 Design: Mnrriz Analysis JOB PATH: C.1TEE-LOKUOBSilV1NB4V NCS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifimtlons and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or I exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual budding component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995. and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown rust be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local budding codes. local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shalt be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review thisdrawingto verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verl- ficalion. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut. for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nads fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slats (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs. unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated - lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installtng & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to . be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- itlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between' trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design If shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,2,3,14,15 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1051# Support 2 1094# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/ 999 L=- 0.24" D=-0.25" T=-0.49" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.26" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.13" RMB = 1.15 8- 3-2 0- 4-3 WO: WINB4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -5364 0.71 2- 3 -3264 0.65 3- 4 -2522 0.58 4- 5 -2325 0.43 5- 6 -2117 0.35 6- 7 -2120 0.35 7- 8 -1920 0.37 8- 9 -2189 0.46 9- 10 -2679 0.50 10- 11 -2827 0.48 BC... FORCE ... CSI 20- 19 4902 0.78 19- 18 4776 0.75 18- 17 2875 0.42 17- 16 2195 0.31 16- 15 2406 0.37 15- 14 2061 0.37 14- 13 2211 0.39 13- 12 2489 0.46 TI: A3 QTY:1 Joint Locations=======_======= 1) 0- 0- 0 8) 29- 0- 0 15) 21- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 9) 33- 8- 8 16) 17- 2- 6 3) 9- 7-12 10) 38- 5- 1 17) 15- 0- 0 4) 15- 0- 0 11) 44- 0- 0 18) 9- 2- 4 5) 17- 2- 6 12) 44- 0- 0 19) 4 3- 8 6) 21- 2- 6 13) 36- 0-12 20) 0- 0- 0 7) 25- 1- 3 14) 29- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X- Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 92 -1051 BOT PIN 43- 10- 4 1498 0 -1094BOT H-ROLL 15-0- 0 14-0-0 15-0-0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 11 3.00 1 5X8 3X4 3.00 0 2X4 3X4 4X6 onzv _ OAlU 4A0 4X6 7-10- 3 0-4- 3 0-3- 8 11 A 4- 0- 0 12-10-14 4-0-0 22-9-10 11 0 19 18 17 T6 15 14 13 12 1498# 3.50" 1-0- 0 1498N 3.50" 44-0- 0 1-0-0 1 (RO- 11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1457 Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.FL32766 WAKNIN(z: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the budding designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations detennined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPq. Truss Plate Institute,. TPI, Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). - Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf TOTAL 33. 0 Dsf Truss ID: A3 Date: 4- 01=03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA Design- Mntrlr Analysis JOB PATH: C:ITEE-L0KU0BSIW1NB4I' HCS.- 0& 20.02 i DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises nm control with regard to fabrica- Uon, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an f Individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the bulldu1g design by a -Building 1 Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadtngs shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads. project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully bated laterally by a properly applied rigid telling, they should be bated at a maximum spacing of 10'-0"b.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Gmde 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication: Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installedover knotholes, - knols or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for Light fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about thejoint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x B" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web embers shall meet at the centrotd of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated m luberunless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bating and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular are during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary, action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dommoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be amder the control of persons experlenced In the Installation of Lmsses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses al any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 4AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP # 3 1,2,10,11 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 984# Support 2 940# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0. 14" D=-0.15" T=-0.29" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 10" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 051, RMB = 1. 15 8-3- 2 0-4- 3 WO: WINB4 WE: MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION. Chords'are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23. 0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI 1. 2 - 2828 0.44 2- 3 - 2680 0.46 3- 4 - 2190 0:42 4- 5 - 2144 0.54 5- 6 - 2144 0.54 6- 7 - 2190 0.43 7- 8 - 2680 0.47 8- 9 - 2828 0.49 BC ... FORCE ... CSI 16-15 2489 0.46 15-14 . 2209 0.36 14-13 1915 0.33 13-12 1915 0.33 12-11 2209 0.36 11-10 2489 0.46 TI: A4 QTY:1 Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 33- 8- 8 13) 22- 0- 0 2) 5- 6-15 8) 38- 5- 1 14) 15- 0- 0 3) 10- 3- 8 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 7-11- 4 4) 15- 0- 0 10)'44- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 22- 0- 0 11) 36- 0-12 6) 29- 0- 0 12) 29- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1- 12 1497 44 -984 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1451 0 -940 BOT H-ROLL 15-0- 0 14-0-0 15-0-0 1 2 3 5 7 8 9 0 .. - - 0 5X8 2X4 5X8 4Xa 8X10 8X10 4X6 8XI0 8X10 4X6 7-10- 3 0-4- 3 n 19 44-0- 0 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 1-0- 0 1498# 3. 50" 1452# 3.50" 11011-11) I i 44-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1489 Maronda Systems WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Eng. Job: D`vg: Dsgnr: TLY 4005 MARON DA WAY TC Live SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or stmtlar bracing which Is a part of the budding design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing TIC Dead 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI(. BC Dead LICENSE #0050068 IT_ Plate Institute, TPI, Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.FL32766 0 1 TOTAL Design: MatrLT Armlysis JOB PATH: C:1TEE-LOKUOBSIl17NB4V Clilc: Truss ID: A4 Date: 4- 01-03 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 7.0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 20503- HCS: 08- 20.02 i DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the cilent and the correctness or accuracy of this informaton as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabdca- I Lion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component to accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords Itop or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- cation. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- Itng Is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and domhioing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to Lrusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP. #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,2,3,4,6 13 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, xzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.28" D=-0.29" T=-0.56" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.29" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.14" RMB = 1.15 _ WO: WINB4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal uilbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-011. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 978# Support 2 1039# TC...FORCE...CSI 1- 2 5380 0.73 2- 3 5324 0.85 3- 4 2785 0.54 4- 5 2753 0.42 5- 6 2448 0.36 6- 7 2452 0.38 7- 8 2062 0.42 8- 9 2368 0.60 9-10 2808 0.63 BC ... FORCE ... CSI 18-17 4907 0.71 17-16 2980 0.64 16-15 2435 0.51 15-14 2846 0.45 14-13 2339 0.45 13-12 2457 0.46 12-11 2460 0.47 TI: A5 9TY:1 Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 26- 1- 3 13) 31- 0- 0 2) 4- 3- 8 . 8) 31- 0- 0 14) 21- 2- 6 3) 8- 7-12 9) 37- 0-12 15) 17- 2- 6 4) 13- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 13- 0- 0 5) 17- 2- 6 11) 44- 0- 0 17) 4- 3- 8 6) 21- 2- 6 12) 37- 0-12 18) 0- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert. Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1497 119 -978 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1039 BOT H-ROLL 13-0-0 18-0*0 13_0_0 1 2 3 5 6 7 9 1 0 .. 3.00 3.00 oniv OAJLV 4AO 6-10-3 0-4-3 0-3 n 4-0-0 1,, 12-10-14 4-0-0 22-9-10 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 111498# 3.50" 1-0-0 1498# 3.50" e 44-0-0 100 RO-11-11) F EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED- PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1457 IdCOn(ild Systems WAKNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing. portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. B acing407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of Lruss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of time overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI. Is located at 583 D'Onof to Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719) 1005 VANNESSA DR-MIEDO.Ft-32766 Design: Mafrrir Analysis JOB PATH: C:I7_EE-LOKU0BSIW1VB4V Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Clik: WO: WINBd Truss ID: A5 Date: 4-01-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" EC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09:05.02- 20504- E HCS: 08.20.02 1 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building component and. has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information, speciflca lions and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica Lion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, Project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut For tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" wide 8" long. Slots tholes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web embers shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional WormaLion on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erectlon recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- itionand for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always requh ed. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between Lrusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. PJb: VVllNl.Htb1LK b 4 AU 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #2 2x4 SP #3 1,10 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1000# Support 2 943# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/ 999 L=- 0.15" D=-0.1611 T=-0.321r MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.11" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.05" RMB = 1.15 0 T 7- 3-2 0- 4-3 11 WO: WINB4 Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/311x 0.12011 nails spaced 81, o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 14'-0rr- WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Inpact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -2811 0.62 15-14 2462 0.47 2- 3 -2360 0.58 14-13 2459 0.41 3- 4 -2057 0.44 13-12 2399 "0.43 4 5 -2442 0.45 12-11 2399 0.43 5- 6 -2057 0.44 11-10 2459 0.41 6- 7 -2360 0.59 10- 9 2462 0.47 7- 8 -2811 0.63 TI: A6 QTY:1 Joint Locations==========_==== 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 31- 0- 0 11) 31- 0- 0 2) 6-11- 4 7) 37- 0-12 12) 22- 0- 0 3) 13- 0- 0 8) 44- 0- 0 13) 13- 0- 0 4) 19- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 6-11- 4 5) 25- 0- 0 10) 37- 0-12 15) 0- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X- Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 76 -1000 BOT PIN 43- 10- 4 1452 0 -943 BOT H-ROLL 4X6 I3X4 6X8 4X6 ' IV OAIU 6 00008X10 3X4 4X6 6- 10-3 0- 4-3 7- 44 0-0 15 14 13 12 11 1p y 1498# 3.50" 11- 0-0-01452# 3.50" Ro- 11-11) I 44-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1489 YVAKI14I14ts: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WO: WI B4 Maron old Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: A6 CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY Clik: Date: 4-01-03 4005 MARONDA WAY BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, .portal bracing or similar bractng whichisapartofthebuildingdesignandwhichmustbeTC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae -Pit: 1.25 407) 321-0064 Fax (407 321-3913 considered by the build rig designer. Brac rig shownIsforlateralsupportoftrussmembersonlytoreducebucklinglength. provisions must be BC -Live 0.0 psf O.C.Spacing: 24.0" PTOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additionalbracingoftheovem0structuremayberequired. (see HIB-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE # 0050068 LTruss Plate Institute, TPI. Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1 CadeDesc: FLA 1005VANNESSADR.OVIEDO.Fl..32766 TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 20505- 6 Desigic Mairir Analysis JOB PATH: C:17EE-LOKUOBSIIVINBaV HCS. 08.20.02 3 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an individual budding component"and has been based -on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This.Lruss has been designed as an individual budding component to accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 Lobe Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer; the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) we conttnu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector - plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hat dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in - conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint ullless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certaln I=_ ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on (Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing% 1-1I3-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- Img Is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installaLlon between trusses to avoid toppling and dominomg. The supervision of erection of rutsses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing I. completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 2,4,6,8,9 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHIDULE: Support 1 1005# Support 2 1041# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.30" D=-0.31" T=-0.62" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.28" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.14" RMB = 1.15 T WO: WINB4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.120" nails spaced 8" o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-011. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V=.125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in.END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -5443 0.78 16-15 4985 0.77 2- 3 -3056 0.90 15-14 4534 0.75 3- 4 -3379 0.68 14-13 2691 0.48 4- 5 -2901 0.41 13-12 3492 0.58 5- 6 -2906 0.50 12-11 2714 0.60 6- 7 -2224 0.44 11-10 2456 0.57 7- 8 -2532 0.52` 8- 9 -2791 0.55 TI: A7 IQTY:1 e:============joint Locations=====__________ 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 33- 0 0 13) 17- 2- 6 2) 4- 3 8 ' 8) 38- 0-12 14) 11- 0- 0 3) 11- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 4- 3- 8 4) 17- 2- 6 10). 44- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 5) 21- 2- 6 11) 33-. 0- 0 6) 27- 1- 3 12) 21- 2- 6 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 70 -1005 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1041 BOT H-ROLL 11-0-0 k 22-0-0 k 11-0-0 111Ilk 1 2I 4 5 I 8 9 60000 -600 5X8 3X4 6X8 3X4 4X6 ono r-vry SX1U SX1U 4Xb 3.00 1 3.00 T 5-10-3 0-4-3 0-3-8 4-0-0 12-10-14 4-0-0 22-9-10 6 15 14 13 12 11 1 1498# 3.50" 1498# 3.I5500" 1_0 RO0 11- 11) ) r 44- 0-0 RO- 11-11) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1457 WAKNINU: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. cmaronda' SysteMS A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: 4005 MARONDA WAY Bracing shown on this drawing is erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing SANFORD, FL. 32771 which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPp. LICENSE # 0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.FL32766 _ frmss Plate Institute, TPI. Is located at 583 D'Onofrto Drive, Madlson, Wisconsin 53719). Design: Mafdr Analysis - JOB PATH: C:ITEE-L0KU0BSI1VINB4V Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Cldc: WU: WIN1134 Truss ID: A7 Date: 4-01-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac -Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 20506- ' HCS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of 1 trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the budding designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceding, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes. knots or dtstorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web embers shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI. 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the installation of trusses. Professional adrvice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses unW after all fastening and bracing is completed. -- JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP 1# 2 3,4,6,7 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1003# Support 2 944# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.19" D 0.1911 T=-0.38" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.11" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.06" RMB = 1.15 r 6-3-2 0-4-3 2 0 WO: WINB4 WE: MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft We: 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC...FORCE... CSI 1- 2 -2782 0.53 2- 3 -2520 0.50 3- 4 -2212 0.41 4- 5 -2924 0.47 5- 6 -2924 0.47 6- 7 -2212 0.41 7- 8 -2520 0.52 8- 9 -2782 0.55 BC ... FORCE ... CSI 14-13 2449 0.52 13-12 2697 0.55 12-11 2697 0.55 11-10 2449 0.52 TI: A8 QTY 1 Joint Locations========_ 1) 0- 0- 0 6) 27- 6- 0 ll) 33- 0- 0 ! 2) 5-11- 4 7)' 33- 0- 0 12) 22- 0- 0 3) 11- 0- 0 8) 38- 0-12 13) 11- 0- 0 4) 16- 6- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 14) 0- 0 0 5) 22- 0- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS .PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 1498 74 -1003 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1451 0 -944 BOT H-ROLL 4X6 3X4 6X8 3X4 dyA 6.00 62klO 8X10 8X10 4X6 i T 5-10-3 04-31 f n n 44-0-0 14 13 12 11 11498# 3.50" 1_0_p - 1452# 3.50" R0-11-i1) I 44-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES. ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.1489 Maronda Systems WAKNINti: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Eng. Job: Dwgt Dsgnr: TLY Chk: 4005 MARON DA WAY TC Live 16.0 psf SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing. portal bracing or st-flar bracingwhichisapartofthebuildingdesignandwhichmustbeconsideredbythebuildingdesigner. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisis must be BC Live 0.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P. E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 SfP LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 537191. 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.FL32768 ITOTAL 33.0 psf Design: Matrix Analysis 108 PATH C:ITEE-L0KU0BS1 tVINB4V - Truss ID: A8 Date: 4-01-03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA V.UY.UJ.UL- LUDU/- tS 1 HCS: 08.20.02 j DESIGN INFORMATION Thisdesignis for an individual building component and has been based on In]'ormaLlon provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information, specifications and/ or designs furnished to the truss designer 1 by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as it may relate to a spe- it d JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 2x4 SP #2 9,11 MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the ccunposite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise c Ic project an accepts no responsf fly or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- Lion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer ( registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653. Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri-.. ficatlon. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be syrri. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cutsanweb members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/ or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI /TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', H18-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holdhog trusses in a straight and plumb pos- IHon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling Is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied la trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 999# Support 2 1043# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0. 37" D=-0.39" T=-0.76" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 30" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 15" RMB = 1. 15 WO: WINB4 WE: Continuous lateral bracing attached to either edge of web(s) shown. Bracing MUST be positioned to provide equal unbraced segments OR 2x4 T-brace nailed flat to edge of web with w/3"x 0.1201, nails spaced 81, o.c Brace must extend at least 90% of web length 2x6 Brace required on any web over 141-0". WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23. 0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 44.0 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Fact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE CSI BC... FORCE CSI 1- 2 5382 0.66 19-18 4919 0.75 2- 3 3342 0.56 18-17 4480 0.71 3- 4 3041 0.46 17-16 3764 0.62 4- 5 4339 0.51 16-15 4489 0.69 5- 6 3538 0.52 15-14 3544 0.58 6- 7 3291 0.50 14-13 2307 0.40 7- 8 3291 0.58 13-12 2507 0.46 8- 9 3291 0.58 9-10 2632 0.45 10-11 2840 0.47 TI: A9 QTY:1 Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0- 0 8) 28- 1- 3 15) 21- 2- 6 2) 4- 3- 8 9) 35- 0- 0 16) 17- 2- 6 3) 9- 0- 0 10) 39- 0-12 17) 9- 0- 0 4) 13- 1- 3 11) 44- 0- 0 18) 4- 3- 8 5) 17- 2- 6 12) 44- 0- 0 19) 0- 0- 0 6) 21- 2- 6 13) 35- 0- 0 7) 23- 2- 0 14) 28- 1- 3 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1- 12 1498 85 -999 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 1498 0 -1043 BOT H-ROLL 9-0- 0 26-0-0 9-0-0 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 6 00 _ 6T 5- 3- 2 0-4-3 S 6X3 3.00 I 4X6 33C4 lyd 'AXd Zug 1VA CvQ 3X6 2X4 8X10 4X8 ev,A 1-0- 0 SX10 8X10 4X6 i 3. 00 4X6 T 0- 4- 3 4-10-3 0-3- 8 I A 4- 0- 0 12-10-14 1, 4-0-0 22-9-10 9 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 1498# 3.50" 44-0- 0 (I R0- 11-11). RO11-11) I EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale 0.1457 Maronda Systems d11AK14111t W READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TiY Cl>k: WO: WINB4 Truss ID: A9 Date: 4- 01-03 4005 MARONDA WAY TC Live 16.0 psf DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind braomg, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psi O.C. Spacing: 24.0" TOMASA PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 ifSf Design Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI. Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1 Code Desc: FLA 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.F"2766 TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 20508- S Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH. C:ITEE-LOKIJOBSIWINB4V - HCS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual budding component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages asaresult of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibilLy or exer,L,es no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 do be incorporated as part .,the buildingdesign by a Building. Designer ( registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the bulldmg designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In. agreement ,with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not be- designed for storage or occum pancy loads. The design assues compression chords ( top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication. the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is m conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for suchveri- fieallon. Any discrepancies are to be put in wilting before cutting or fabrication. - Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nectorplates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nads fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long .Slots ' (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of,the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire. retardant Created umber unless otherwise shown. For additional infonnahon an Quality Control. refer to _ ANSI/TPI 1- 1995 - PRECAUTIONARY NOTES Ali bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB- 91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, deliveryand installatlm, to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a. straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand -- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for - trusses requires such temporary bracing during JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP # 3 2x4 SP #2 3,5,7,9 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 1005# Support 2 946# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=- 0.25" D=-0.27" T=-0.52" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD -DEFLECTION: T= 0.13" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.06" RMB = 1.15 T 5-3- 2 0-4-3 7- WO: WIN, B4 WE: TI: B QTY:I MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Joint Locations==============_ composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 07 0 7) 35- 0- 0 13) 22-,.0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 2) 4-11- 4 8) 39- 0-12 14) 15- 6- 0 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 3) 9-'0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 9- 0- 0 WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, 4) 15- 6- 0 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0' H= 23:0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 5) 22- 0- 0 11) 35- 0-.-0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0''ft W= 44.0 ft'Truss. 6) 28- 6- 0, 12) 28- b- 0 in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING ,LOCATION ----- Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req X-Loc. Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type, 0- 1-12 1498 74 1005 BOT PIN TC... FORCE ... CSI .. BC ... FORCE. '..CSI - 43-10- 4 1452 0 946 BOT H-ROLL 1- 2- -2838. 0.46 16-15 2506 0.46 2= 3 -2630 0.4315-14 2305 0.40 3= 4 -3228 '0: 55 14-13 3258 0.51 4- 5 -3558 0. 58 13-12 3258 0.51 5- 6 -3558 0. 58 12-11 2305 0.40 6- 7 -3228 0. 55 11-10 2506 0.46 7- 8 -2630 0. 45 8- 9 -2838 0. 47 9-0-0 26- 0-0 9-0-0 Ilk Ilk 1 2 45 6 8 9 6 00 - 0 5X8 3X46X8 3X4 5X8 4AV 4AD 15AJIU 4 AV _ a i1V - 4Ao 4Au g 0-4-3 4- 10-3 R 44-0-0 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 1498# 3.50" 1452# 3.50" 100 44-0 0 ^ I RO 11 11) I EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 -scale = 0.1489 1A1 A En doh* W WIN64 y installation between trusses tina,mmtnpphng I Ci. READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET, -. g• _ and dominolb The r supervision of ecson ofILA A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING nwg: Truss ID: B trusses shall be under the control u persons experienced mine installation of misses. Avl f rond 71 Systems a-.Y iHG YRWyJtL9iJCONTRACTOR. gr nsu: TLY cl>k:1 Date: 4-01-03 Profession onal advice shall be sought if needed. Ccentation of construction loads greater TC Live 16.o psf DurFae - Lbr 1.25 than the design loads shall not be applied to at time. No loads than the 4005 MARON DA WAY BRACING WARNING: Bracing this drawing is not bracing bracing. bracing or bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac = Pit: 1.25 trusses any other weight oftheerectorsshall be applied to SANFORD, FL. 32771 - shown. on erection wind portal stinilar which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing BC Live 0.0 psf - O•C• 24.0rr Spacing: trusses until after allfasteningandbracing407) 321-0064 F2x (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length Provisions must be Design Criteria: TPI s completed. made to anchorlateralbracingatendsandspecifiedlocationsdeterminedbythebuildingdesigner. BC Dead 10.0 psf TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additionalbmeingoftheoverallstructuremayberequired. (See HIB-91 of TPI). Code'Dese: FLA LICENSE #0050068 1005 VAN NESSA DR. OVIEDO.FL327GG . Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofdo Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). - TOTAL 33.0 n psf V. 09.05.02- 20509- 7 1 0 Design: Manic Analysis _ JOBPATH: C. 1TEE-L0KU0BS1IV1NB4V - - HCS: 08.20-02 B JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: TI: B1 QTY:2 DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x8 SP 1 D MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the Joint This design Is for an individual bonding 2x4 SP #1 D 1,6 composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 0- 0 7) 29- 1- 3 13) 21- 2- 6 - componentandhasbeenbasedoninformation BOT CHORDS: 2x6 SP #1 D All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 2) 4- 3- 8 8) 37- 0- 0 14) 17- 2- 6 provided by the client. The designer disclaims- WEBS: 2x4 , SP #3 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 3) "7- A- 0 9), 44- 0- 0 15') 13- 1- 3 any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications - 2x4 SP #2 - 10,12 This 2-PLY Hi Master designed to carP =y 4) 13- 1- 3 10) 44- 0- 0 16) 7- 0-. 0 and/or designs furnished to the truss designer 2-PLY TRUSS! fasten w/3"X 0.12011 nails in 71 0" open jacks. (no webs) across center 5) 17- 2- 6 11) 37- 0- 0 17) 4- 3-"8 by the client and the correctness or accuracy staggered pattern.per nailing schedule: - and Hip Jack Truss framed to BC 6) 21.- 2- 6 12) '29- 1- 3 18) 0- 0- 0 of this information as It may, relate to a spe- TC- 2 per ft. BC-2 per ft. WEBS- 2 per ft WndLod per.ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph; cificprojectandacceptsnoresponsibilityor Distribute loads equally to each ply. H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 TOTALDESIGN LOADS ------------ exercises no control with regard fabrics- Bld e= Encl L= 40..0 ft W= 44..0 ft Truss1 Uniform PLF From -PLF ToLion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an PROVIDE UPLIFT 'CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: in ` INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, r BCDL= 6.0 -psf TC Vert L+D 46 -1- 0- 0 -46 7- 0- 0 individual building component in accordance with Support l 1364# Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC Vert L+D 100 7- 07 0 -100 37- 0- 0 ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated Support 2 1364# TC Vert L+D 46 37- 0- 0 -. -46 45- 0- -0 as partof the building design by a Building MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: TC... FORCE... CSI :.BC ... FORCE ... CSI BC Vert`L+D 20 0- 0- 0 -20 7- 0- 0 -. Designer (registered architect or professional L/999 1- 2-118130.60 18-17 10785 0.63 BC Vert L+D 43 7- 0- 0 -43 37- 0- 0 engineer). When reviewed for nloadiapprovalloadingsn buildingdesigner, the design loadings shown L=-O:49" D=-0.51" T=-0..99" 2- 3 -8935 0.42 17.-16.. 9919 0.59 BC Vert L+D 20 37- 0- 0 -20 44- 0-- 0 must be checked to be sure that the data shown MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: 3- 4 -12580 0.27 16-15 8086 0.52 Concentrated LBS Location are in agreement with the local building codes, T= 0.33" 4- 5 -12601 0.27 15-14 14188 0.81 BC Vert L+D 429 7- 0- 0 local climatic records for wind or snow loads, MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: 5- 6 -14332 0.30 14-13 11206 0.68 BC Vert "L+D 429 37- 0- 0 project specifications or special applied loads. T= 0.16"• - 6- 7 -9730 0.22 13--12 10784 - 0.63 MAX: REACTIONS -PER BEARING LOCATION----- Unlessshown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes' 7- 8 -.9732 0.22 12-11 5697 0. 37 X-Loc- - Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc a PTSrhcompression chords (top or bottom) are continu-' RMB 1.00 8- 9 -6371 -0.28 11-10. '5648 0.32 0- 1-12 3095 - 0 -1364 BOT PIN ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise 43-10- 4 3091 0 -1364 BOT H-ROLL specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40,unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review i this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- t _nT C70 REQUIRED tication, .Any discrepancies are to be put in L i L 1 O writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, 7-0-0 30-0-0 7-0-0 knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut 1 2 4 5 6 7 Ilk 9 fortightfittingwoodtowoodbearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces. of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be 6.00 6.00 sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5z4 plate Is 5" wide x 4 long. A 6x8 plate is 6" IOX10 1OX10 6X8 12X12 10X1O 10X10 wide x'8' long. Slots (holes) run parallel [o the plate length specified Double cuts on web 3X6 members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwiseshown. Connector plate sizes 0-4-3 0-4-3 3-10-3. are m lnimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need t b increased for certain hand- 4- 3-2 I ling and/or erection stresses This truss is not SX1O X6 4X1O $X10 to be fabricated with fire retardant treated- lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional 4X10 1-0-0 8X10 8X10 3X4 4X6 information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 - 3. 00 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES 0- 3-8 Xw Allbracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling k 4-0-0 k 12-10-14 k4-0-0 22-9-10 Installing &Bracing'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding 8 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 1 and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid 3096# 3.50" 3091# 3.50" damage. Temporary andpermanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be 100 44-0- 0 11 I 1 0 o U designed installedby others. Careful hand- RO-11-11) 430Jt 43017 RO-11-11) and ling is essential and erection bracing is always EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES All TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-.1995 - scale = 0.1457 required: Normal precautionary action for temporary braoid ion WARNING: READALL NOTES ON."THIS-SHEET. Eng. Job: installation bees tweenLatopplinginstallationbetben.trusses to avoid toppling Tresupervision and shall ontroloerectionof trusses shall b< under the control persons faryt .ji ronda C stems Systems A COPY OF. THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: - - Truss ID: B1 1 4-03-03 of trusses. experienced mtheinstallationuY-FlW 99 C iY09J CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr:' TLY chk: Date: so advice shall be soughtitreaaea. ConceProfesntration Cuncentmuon of constructionloadsgreaterTCLive16.0. psi r DUfFgC - Lbr: 1. 25 than the design loads shall net be applied to trusses at any time No loads other than the 4005 MARONDA WAY BRACING WARNING: s is bracing, bracing, bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 Psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 weight of the erectors shall be applied to fastening SANFORD, FL. 32771 not erection portal g g g, windwhichisapart of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing be BC Live 0. 0 sf P O.C. Spacing: 24.0" trusses until after allandbracingIscompleted. 407) 321- 0064 Fax ( 407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Design Criteria: TPI, TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). BC Dead 10.0 psi LICENSE'#0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). - Code Desc: FLA 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO. FL32766 TOTAL 33.0 - psf p( V.09.05.02- 20589- 5/ '. i 4 Design: Matrix AnalysisJOB PATH: C:ITEE-LOKUOBSIW/NB411 = HCS: 08.20.02 JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2X4 SP #2 This design is for an individual building 2X6 SP #2 2,3 component and has been based on Information BOT CHORDS: 2X6 SP #2 provided by the client. The designer disclaims WEBS: 2X4 SP #3 any responsibility for damages as a result of - faulty or incorrect Information, specifications - 2X4 SP #2 - 3 , S, 7 , 9 and/or designs furnished to the truss designer 2-PLY TRUSS! fasten w/311X 0.1201r nails in by the client and the correctness or accuracy staggered pattern per nailing schedule: of this information as it may relate. to a spe- TC- 2 per ft. BC-. 2 per ft. WEBS- 2 per -ftcuteprojectandacceptsnoresponsibilityorDistributeloadsequallytoeachply. exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion. shipment and installation ofahand) Thiss truss has been designed as an PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE - individual individual building component In accordance with Support 1 1364# ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated Support 2 1372# a as part of the building design by a Building MAX MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown L=-0..36" D=-0.38 " T=-0.73 " - must be checked to be sure that the data shown MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: are in agreement with the local building codes. T= 0 .15" local climatic records for wind or snow loads, MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: project specifications or special applied loads. T= 0. 07" Unless shown. truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads_. The design assumes com ressi hard t ` b it tin RMB = 1.00 p on c or s ( OF or o om) are con u ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied - rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibilityfor such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes. knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. -Con- nector. plates shall be located on both facesof the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is B" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the cenlrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes 0-4-3 are minimum sizes based on the forces shown 4-3-2 and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/ or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on 9uality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 WO: WINB4 WE. QTY 2 TI:B2MULTIPLELOADS -- This design is the Joint Locations=============== I composite result of multiple loads. 1) 0- 0 0 7) 37- 0- 0 13), 22- 0- 0 All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be 2) 3-11- 4 8) 40- 0-12' 14)-14- 6- 0 continuously braced unless noted otherwise. 3) 7- 0- 0 9) 44- 0- 0 15) 7- 0- 0 This 2- PLY Hip Master, designed to carry 4) 14- 6- 0 10)_ 44- ,0- 0 16) 0- 0- 0 71 0" open jacks (no webs) across center 5) 22- 0- 0 11) 37- 0- 0 and Hip Jack Truss framed to BIC 6) 29- 6- 0 12) 29- 6- 0 WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph,` H= 23. 0 ft, I= 1.00, EXp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS - Bld Type= Encl L= 54.0 ft.W= 44.0 ft-Truss Uniform . PLF From PLF To in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf TC Vert L+D -46 1-'0- 0 46 7- 0- 0 impact Resistant' Covering and/or Glazing Req TC Vert L+D -100 7- 0- 0 100 37- 0- 0 TC Vert L+D -46 37- 0- 0 46 44- 0- 0 TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI BC Vert L+D -20 0- 0- 0 20 7- 0- 0 1- 2 -6375 0.29 16-15 5653 O:42 BC Vert L+D -43 7- 0- 0 43 37- 0- 0 . 2- 3 - 6290 0.27 15-14 5620 0.48 BC Vert L+D --20 37- 0- 0 20: 44- 0- 0 3- 4 - 9291 0.39 14-13 9438 0.75 Concentrated LBS Location 4- 5 - 10551 0.41 13-12 9438 `0.75 BC Vert L+D 429 7- 0- 0 5- 6 - 10551 0.41 12-11: 5620 0.48 BC Vert L+D 429 37- 0- 0 6- 7 - 9291 0.39 11-10 5653 0.42 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- 7-8 - 6290 0.27 X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 8- 9 - 6375 0.29 0- 1-12 3093 0 -1364 BOT PIN 43-10- 4 3047 0 -1372 BOT H-ROLL 2-PLYS REQUIRED 7-0- 0 30-0-0 11 7.w 1 2 4 5 6 8 9 0 - - 0 4X6 4X6 8X10 4X6 - 8X10 4X6 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES n All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to I'-- be handledwithparticularcareduringbanding16 - and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid n 3093/t3.50 damage. Temporary and permanent bracing 1""0 for holdingtrussesInastraightandplumbpus- pion and for resisting lateral forces shall be RO-11-11 "I designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing Is always EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and d miming. The ..pe-tsk,.of erect oC truss shallr the control l of pe MarondaSys.te- ion experienced In the Installation of trusses. ms Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shoo not to 4005 MARON trusses at anytime. No loads other than the other r thanheDAWAYweight of the erectors shall be applied to .. SANFORD-, FL. 32771 trusses unit) after all fastening and bracing 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 is completed. TOMAS PONCE P. E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR. OVIEDO.1`1_32766 RDesign: Matrix'Anahsis 13 44-0- 0 430# E TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1.1995 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES .ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bmeing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered. by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations. determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required.. (See HIB-91 of TPI). Truss Plate Institute, TPL Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). JOB PATH. CITEE- LOKVOBS1TV/NB4V - - T 0-4- 3 3-10-3 4X6 Fl 11 1 3047# 3.50" 1 I 430# i scale 0.1489 Eng. ,lob: W : WINB Dwg: Truss ID: B2 Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 4-01-03 TC Live 16. 0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0. 0 psf O.C. Spacing:, 24.0" BC Dead 10. 0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33 0 sf V nn 05 02 2051 1 12 P 0 NCS: 08-20- 02 i DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building component and has been based on informati6n provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of thus information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or i exercises no control with regard to fabrica- Lion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an i individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building i Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (lop or bottom) are continu- ously braced bysheathing unless otherwise, specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully bracedlaterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a mmimurn spacing of 10'-0" ac. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Gmde 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this dmvdng is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is-6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) min parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on -web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/ or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing", HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- Won and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and tnsialled.by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Nortnal- precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: "-2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 580# Support 2 340# PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support 1 275# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0. 02" D= 0.00" T=-0.02" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 03" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 03" RMB = 1. 00 4-3- 5 0-3- 15 7- I WO: WINB4 WE: MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23. 0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 9.9 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2.psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC:::FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE... CSI 1 2 635 0.54 5- 4 -782 0.42 2= 3 - 55 0.42 4 4 TI H QTY:3 Joint Locations=====_________ 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-10-13 5) 0- 0- 0 2) 5- 4- 1 4) 9-10-13 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -889-10-13 BC Vert L+ D 0 0- 0- 0 -38 9-10-13 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 2- 8 208 275 -580 BOT PIN 9- 9- 0 423 0 -340 BOT H-ROLL 3-9-15 15 41 209# 4.95" 423# 2.50" 1-5-0e 9-10-13 r (111-4- 12) EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 scale = 0.4912 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WINI34 Maronda S A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: H i y SteMS CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgnr: TLY Colt: Date: 4-01-03 TC Live 16. 0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or stnrllar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bing is for lateral truss to buckling BC L Live 00 ofp• O.C. Spacing: 24.0'r 407) 321-0064Fax (407) 321-3913 shown support of members only reduce length. Provisions must be made to anchor laterar l bracing at endsandspecifiedlocationsdeterminedbythebuildingdesigner. BC Dead 10.0 - Design Criteria: TPI i TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bmctng of the overall structure maybe required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). psf Code DesC: FLA LICENSE # 0050068 ru Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO. FL32766 TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 20512- 13 1j Design: Matrix .4nalysis JOB PATH: C:ITEE-LOKIJOBSIV19NB4V HCS: 08.20.022 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or In orrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with i 'ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building i Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fieaLlon. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes. knots or distorted Frain. Members shall be cut for Light filting woad to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate -is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand - Wig and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Qual tv Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 581# Support 2 341# PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support 1 267# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.0611 D= 0.00" T=-0.06" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.0511 MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.05" RMB = 1.00 4-3-5 0-3-15 WO: WINB4 WE: MULTIPLE LOADS -- This design is the composite result of multiple loads. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp_Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 9.9 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE CSI BC ... FORCE CSI 1- 2 1164 0.71 6- 5 1283 0.49 2- 3 1431 0.62 5- 4 0 0.16 2.12 J TI: H1 Q :1 Joint Locations======_======== 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 9-10-13 5) 6- 0-13 2) 6- 0-13. 4) 9-10-13 6) .0- 0- 0 TOTAL DESIGN LOADS ------------ Uniform PLF From PLF To TC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -88. 9-10-13 BC Vert L+D 0 0- 0- 0 -38 9-10-13 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 2- 8 208 267 -581 BOT PIN 9- 9-.0 423 0 -341 BOT H-ROLL 2-9-15 1-0-0 ie 0-4-15 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling 5.7-14 3-9-15Installing & Bracing", HI6-91. Trusses are to 1 be handled with particular care during banding 1164andbundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing 209# 4.95n - 423# 2.50" for holding Lmsses in a straight and plumb pos- be 1-5-0 e e 9-10-13itionandforresistinglateralforcesshall designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- 111-4-12) r ling is essential and erection bracing is always EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-19951required. Normal precautionary action for scale = 0.4912 s trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid topplingof sCi: 'READ ALL ON SHEET. Eng. Job: W IN64 and domtnoing. The supervision of erecUom trusses shall be under the control of persons Maronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: H 1 experienced in the Installation g trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. CONTRACTOR, DS III" TLY Chk• g Date: 4-01-03 Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads hall not be applied to BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 sfp DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 I trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight .,the erectors be 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracingshown on this draw, is not erection bracing. g g, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25slw8appliedto trsusses until after all fastening and bracing SANFORD, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064,. Fax (407) 321-3913 which is a part of the budding design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions muss: be BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. n tSpacing: - 24.0 L.completed. - TOMAS PONCE P.E. - made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be HIB-91 BC Dead 10.0 sfj Design. Criteria: TPI . LICENSE #0050068 required. (See of TPl). Truss Plate Institute, TPI. Is located at 583 D'OnofHo Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1Code Dese: FLA 1005 VANNFSSA DP-QVIEDO.FI-32766 I I TOTAL 33.0 psf I V:09.05.02- 20513- 1.4 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: C:ITEE-LOKUOBS1W1NB4V HCS: 08-20.02 JB: WINCHESTERB 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: TL J QTY:25 INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 D Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Joint Locations======___====== Is for an Individual buildingr BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 - Field Connection at Support 1 must be able 1) 0- 6- 7 3) 7- 0- 0 and has been based on Information transfer 168 pounds of horizontal reaction 2) 7- 0- 0 4) 0- 6- 7 the client. The designer disclaims PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- l: for damages rasa result ofSu ort 1 433# ppp' and/ordesigns H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-L6c Type ortect information, specIIicattons famished to the truss designer Support 2 355# Bld Type= Encl L= 44.0 ft W= 7.0 ft Truss 6-10-12 151 168 -355 TOP PIN by the client and the correctness or accuracy Support 3 51# in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf 0- 1-12 274 198 -433 BOT PIN of this Info anation as it may relate to a spe-, MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req 6-10-12 81 0 -51 BOT H-ROLL cific protect and accepts no responsibility or L/257 at Mid -panel # 1 Lien,lses gard L=-0.33" D= 0.05" T=-0.28" TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSIgaitinbnica- handli g.shipcontraenterith stallation a of trusshandling, shipment and designed trusses. This truss has been designed as an MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: 1- 2 -69 0.99 4- 3 -2 0.84 Individual building component In accordance with T= 0 . 00" ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: as part of the building design by a Building T= 0 . 00" Designer ( registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the RMB 1.15 building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes 7-0-0 compressionchords (top or bottom) are continu- nL _ ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise 1 I specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied 0 rigidcalling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot ASTM A 653, Attach with (4) dippedgalvanizedgalvanizedsteelmeeting16d Toe -Nails Cade40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in i conformance with the fabricator's plans and to reakze a continuing responsibility for such verl- fleation. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, 3-10-3 - knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for Light fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- 4-3-2 nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5. 4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6' wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to 04-3 the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are mmlmum sizes based on the forces shown Attach with and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not 3X4 10d Toe -Nails) to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI I-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recor nmendations are to be followed In accordance with "Handling installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid . damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb pos- Itlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trussesrequires such temporary bracing during lost Dalian between trusses to avoid toppling and dar moing. The supervision of erection of trusses shag be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Prof —tonal advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. 7-0- 0 4 3 275# 3. 50" 151# 2.50" 1-0- 0 1. 7-0-0 82# 0" RO-11- 11 C/L: 6-10-12 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports jaronda SySteMS WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Eng. Job: Dg : TLY TC Live 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing. wind bracing, portal bracing or sanllar bracing TC Dead SANFORD, FL. 32771 which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing BC Live 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown Is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provislons must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. BC Dead TOMAS PONCEP.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute. TPI. is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). TOTAL 1005 VANNESSADR.0VIED0.FL.32766 scale = 0. 4929 Truss ID: J Chk: Date: 10-09-03 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 7.0 psf DurFac - PIt: 1.25 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA 33.0 psf33.0 psfIV:09.05.02- 30533- 15 130533- 155 jHCS: 08. 20.02 I Design: .MatrixAnalysisJOBPATH: CA EE-LOKIHOMEDIR DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual budding component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer I by the client and the correctness or accuracy I of this Information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual budding component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the budding design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the budding designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceWng, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector Plates shad be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication,the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verl- fllflnn_ _ Any kkerep rr.e_am In he_n„t writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shad not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with malls fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes arc minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI I-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are, to be followed in accordance with "Handling installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb pos- Itlon and for resisting lateral forces shad be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for t-ses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dommomg. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons cxpenenced In the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. . JB: WINCHESTERB 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP 2 WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP 2 -• _ _-.,:. H= 23.0 it, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 WEBS: 2x4 SP 3 Bld Type= Encl`L= 44.0 ft W= 7.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req Support 1 230# Support 2 273# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/704 at JOINT # 2 L=-0.11" D=-0.11" T=-0.22" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.17" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.09" RMB = 1.15 4-3-2 0-4-3 PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support 1 240# TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -165 0.51 6- 5 24 0.31 2- 3 -105 0.44 5- 4 0 0.27 TI: J 1 9TY:7 Joint Locations=============== 1)0- 0- 0 3) 7- 0- 0 5) 4- 3- 8 2) 4- 3- 8 4) 7- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS -PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 276 240 -230 BOT PIN 6-10-12 230 0 -273 BOT H-ROLL 7-0-0 1 2 3 Q 3.00 0-3 4-0-0 2-8-8 II II I 6 4 277# 3.50" 231# 2.50" 1-0-0 7-0-0 RO-11-11)_ EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 WAKNINIU: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. aronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING 4005 MARONDA WAY g s g g, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracingterectionbracing. SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required, (See HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.FL32766 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: CATEE-LOKIHOMEDIR Attach with (4) 10d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails scale = 0.4929 Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: WU: WINM Truss ID: J 1 Date: 10-09-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA l TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30534- 16 HCS: 0&20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer - by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific pmJect and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrics - Lion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance wl ANSI/TPI F 1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporate as -part of the building design by a BuildingmDesigner (registered ahltect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval byllre building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure. that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for vend or snow loads, pmJect specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The desm design, assues compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. ' Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceding, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is. In conformance with the fabricatoes plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ved- Rcation. Any,dtscrepancles are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted gram. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con - rector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unlessotherwiseshown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide it 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/ or emcdon stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 wit] PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses.In a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for busses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling in and domoing. - The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. ' JB: WINCHESTERB 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 130T CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 231# Support 2 272# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/707 at JOINT # 2 L=-0. 11" D=-0.11" T=-0.22" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 18" d MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 09" RMB = 1. 15 4-3- 2 0-4- 3 WO: WINB4 WE: WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 28. 0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp-Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 44.0 ft W= 7.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Iuipact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE Support l 236# TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 - 221 0.40 6- 5 55 0.35 2- 3 - 122 0.55 5- 4 0 0.33 TI: J 1 A 6QTY:1 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 7- 0- 0 5) 2- 5- 0 2) 2- 5- 0 4) 7- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION--- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Lot Type 0- 1- 12 277 236 -231 BOT BIN 6-10- 12 231 0 -272 BOT H-ROLL 7-0- 0 1 2 3 3•00 I 0 Attach with (4) 10d Toe - Nails Y r 3- 3- 13 Attach with ( 2) 10d Toe - Nails 0 3 Plate Height 2-1- 8 4-7-0 = 0-6-6 i6 4 277# 3. 50" 231# t2.50" 1-0- 0 7-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Maronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: 4005 MARONDA WAY Is not Bra erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bating or sttn8ar bracingcu SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bmcmg 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be TOMAS PONCE P. E. made to anchor lateral bating at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer.' Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE H0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719).. 1005 VANNESSA DR. OVIEDO,F1.32766 Design: Mdvu Analysis scale = 0.4929 Eng. Job: I B4 Dwg: Truss ID: J 1 A Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 10-09-03 TIC Live 16. 0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TIC Dead 7. 0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 BCLive 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI. Code Dese: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09 05 02 30535 1 I JOB PATH: C: ITEE- LOKIHOMEDIR HCS: 08.20.02 - DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility, for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- clflc project and accepts no responsibility or. exercises no control with regard to fabrca--' lion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI I-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, .truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. Thedesign assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication,- the fabricator shall review this dmwtng to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verl- ft rion. Any discrepancles are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con nector plates shall be located on both faces of thetruss with nails fully imbeddedand shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise showt- A 5x4 plate Is 5". wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shad meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/ or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated i dumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to'be followed in accordance with "Handling InstaWng & Bmcfng". HIH-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses ina straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for - trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trosses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to roses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. - JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: I"0# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Field Connection at Support l must be able transfer 141 pounds .of horizontal reaction PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125niph, Support 1 399# H= 23.0 ft,-I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Support 2 278# Bld Type= Encl L= 40_0 ft W= 5.1 ft Truss Support 3 ' 43# in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req L/643 at Mid -panel'# 1 L=-0. 10" D= 0.01" T=-0.08 ..TC...FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: 1- 2 -50 0.65 4- 3 -2 0.50 T= 0. 00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 00" RMB=1. 15 - 3-3- 14 0-4- 3 TI: J2 - QTY:5 Joint Locations======= ====== 1) 0- 6- 7 3) = ..5_ 1--B :.. 2) 5- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION--- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 5- 0- 4 110 141 -278 TOP PIN 0- 1- 12 213 184 -399 BOT PIN 5- 0- 4 60 0 -43 BOT. H-ROLL i 5- 1- 8 21 0 2- 10- 15 5-1- 8 4 3j 213# 3. 50" 110# 2.50 1-0- 0 51-8 61# 501r I(RO- 1141)1- C/L: -0-4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE T120 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports Attach with ( 4) 10d Toe - Nails Attach with ( 2) 10d Toe - Nails scale 0. 6319 0"O( h 5 Sge)I1 S WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Eng. Job:- Dwg: WV: WIN54 Truss ID: J2 i CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY chk: I Date: 10-09=03 TC Live 16.0 "psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 BRACING WARNING: 4005 MARONDAWAYBracingshownonthisdrawingisnoterection, bracing. ,wind bracing, portal bracing or sbu lar bracing TC ,Dead 7.0 psf. DurFac - Pit: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a par of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer: Bracing BC Live 0.0 psf" O.C. Spacing: 24:On p g• 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and. specified locations determined by the building designer. BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TP11. Code D2SC: FLA LICENSE #0050068 - ( Truss Plate institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofno Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). " - - a 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDOYI-32766 - TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02-. 30537- 18 t Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: C:iTEE-LOKIHOMED/R HCS: 08.20.02 JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 This design is for an individual building BOT CHORDS: 2X4 SP #2 component and has been based on. information provided by the client. The designer disclaims PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: any responsibility for damages as a result of Support 1 312# faulty or incorrect information, specifications furnished truss designer Support 2 287# and/or designs to the by the client and the correctness or accuracy Support-3 45# - of this information as it may relate to a spe- MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: cific project and. accepts no msponslb(llty or L/640 - at Mid -panel # 1 exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: individual building component in accordance with T= 0 . 00 ^ - ANSI/7P1 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: as part of the building design. by a Building T= 0.00" - Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the RMB = 1.15 building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to he sure that the d'atashown are In agreement with the -local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where: bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceWng,,they'should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c: Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication., the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- catlon. Any discrepancies are to be put to writing before cutting or fabrication. Platesshall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted gram. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood .bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nalls fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4. plate is5"wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate. is 6" wide x 8" long.- Slots (holes) run parallel to - the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are mlmmum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand-. ling and/or emc0om stresses. This truss is not. to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwiseshown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing anderection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & bracing', HI5-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essentialanderection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dommoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses: Professional advice shall be sought If needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. 2- 10-15 0-4-3 3X4 WO: WINB4 WE: Analysis based on. Siniplified Analog Model Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer" 145 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 5.1 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI .. BC ... FORCE ... CSI . 1- 2- -50 0.67 4- 3 -2 0.52 1 - TL J2A 61TY: 1 Joint Locations===== ====__ 1) 0- 6- 7 3) 5- 1- 8 2) 5- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION---- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 5- 0- 4 110 145 -287 TOP PIN 0 1-12 167 18R -312, BOT PIN 5- 0- 4 60 0 -45 BOT H-ROLL 5-1-8 1 2 0 Attach with ( 4) lOd Toe -Nails 2-10-15 Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails URI 5-1- 8 Ilk Ilk 4 167# 3. 50" 110# 2.50" 5-1-8 61# 2 50ii C/L: -0- 4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports scale = 0.7213 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Mar®nda Systy ll$11 A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: 4005 MARONDA WAYBracingshownonthisdrawingisnoterectionbracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing AN FORD, FL. 32771 which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provislons must be TOMAS PONCE P. E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure maybe required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE #0050068 - Truss Plate Institute, -TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DR. 0VIEDO,1`1-32766 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH C:ITEE-LOKIHOMEDIR Eng. Job: WINI34 Dwg: Truss ID: J2A Dsgnr: TLY Chk Date: 10-09-03 TIC Live 16. 0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7. 0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 sc Live 0. 0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10. 0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA- TOTAL 33.0 psi V09.05.02- 30538- 19 HCS: 08.20. 02 f d JB: WINCHESTERB 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 This design Is for an individual building BOT CHORDS:. 2x4 SP #2 component and has been based oninformation WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 - Provided by the client The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as result of faulty orincorredInformation, specifications PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: and/or designs furnished to the truss designer Support 1 299# by the client and the correctness or accuracy Support 2 408# of this Information as It may relate to spe- MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: cific project and accepts no responsibility or L/999 e exercises no control with regard to fabrica-, L=-0. 02" D= 0. 00" T=-0. 02 rrtion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This, truss has been designed as an MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: f individual building component In accordance with T= 0.05 n - ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: as part of the building design by a Building T= 0. 05" i Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by -the building designer the design loadings shown RMB 1.15 must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads,- project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" c.c, Connector Plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40..unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES- Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing isin conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verl- ficationr Any.discrepancies are to .be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. - Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted. grain. Members shall be cut for tightfitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located an both faces of the truss with. nails rutty imbedded and shall be sym. about thejoint unless otherwise shown_ A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrnid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are mulf"'a sizes based onthe forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/ or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations arc to be followed In accordance with "Handling ., Installing & Boeing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage:- Temporary and permanent bracing - for holding trusses In a straight and plumb pos- Itton and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always, required. Normalprecautionaryaction for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of imsses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall beapplied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is. completed.. 3-3- 2 0- 4-3 WO: WINB4 WE: - WndLod per ASCE 7- 98, C&C, V 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat., B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type. Encl L= 44.0 ft W= 5.0 ft Truss in INT zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/ or Glazing Req PROVIDE HORIZONTAL CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE t Support 1 333# TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -191 0. 55 6- 5 18 0.46 2- 3 -137 0. 17 5- 4 0 0.09 TI: J213 QTY:2 Joint Locations== ==___ ===== 1) 0- 0- 0 3).,,,5- 0- 0 5) 4- 3- 8 2) 4- 3- 8 4) 5- 0- 0 6) 0- 0- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 211 333 -299 BOT PIN 4-10-12 164 0 -408 BOT H-ROLL 5-0-0 1 2 3 0 3.00 0- 3- 8 77 4-0-0 L 0-8-8 6 4 211# 3. 50" 165# 2.50" e. 1-0-0 to 5-0-0 1 R0-11-11) I EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED .PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Attach with (3) 10d Toe -Nails Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails scale = 0.6440 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WU: WINB4 s E'®&tiedc S/$ geA11s M)i A COPYOF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: J2B i CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 10-09-03 TICLive 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: .1.25 4005 MARON DA- WAY Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a par[ of the building design and which must be considered by. the Building designer .Bracing n showIs for lateral supporttruss to buckling length. must BC Live O.O P Sf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 of members only reduce Provisions be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. BC Dead 10.0 Sf Design Criteria: TPI TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required.. (See HIB-91 of TPI). p Code Dese: FLA LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located' at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison; Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DROVIEDO,FL32766 I- I TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30539- 20 Design: Matrix Analysts - JOB PATH: CATEE-LOKIHOMED7R HCS 08.20.02 i DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibilty,. for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as it may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responslbilty or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an. individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated as part of the building design by a Building g Designer (registered architect or professtonal S engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. . Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes pression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanlzed steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to Fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any discrepanciesareto be put in writing before cutting or. fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, - knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown: A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" wide x 8" long. Slurs (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the. centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown: For additional Information on. Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordancewith"Handling inslalling & Brading', HIB-91; Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominMng. The supervision of erection of . trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to I.— at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Analysis based on.Sinplified Analog Model. BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Field Connection at Support l rust be able transfer 86 pounds of horizontal reaction PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, Support 1 288# H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt=.1.0 Support 2 176# Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 3.1 ft Truss Support 3 26# in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req L/999L=-0. 01" D= 0.0011 T=-0.01" TC...FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: 1- 2 29 0.25 4- 3 -2 0.19 T= 0. 00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 00" RMB = 1. 15 2-3- 14 0-4- 3 TI: J3 QTY:5 Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 6- 7 3) 3- 1- 8 2) 3 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 3- 0- 4 67 86 -176 TOP PIN 0- 1- 12 148 111 -288 BOT PIN 3- 0- 4 36 0 -26 BOT H-ROLL 11 3- 1-8 11 1 2 0 3- 1- 8 4 3 148# 3. 50" 67# 2.50" L 1- 0-0 3-1- 8 37// 2 f 0" r (RO-11-11) C/L: 3-04 EXCEPT ASSHOWNPLATESARETL20GATESTEDPERANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Mar®nda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. 4005 MARONDA WAY BRACING WARNING: SANFORD, FL. 32771 Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, hind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be TOMAS PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 b'Onofrio Drive, Madison. Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO,FL.32766 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: C:17EE-LOKIHOMEDIR Attach with ( 3) 10d Toe - Nails Attach with ( 2) 10d Toe - Nails scale = 0. 9039 Eng. Job: WO: WINB4 Dwg: Truss ID: J3 Dsgnr: TLY Chk:, Date:. 10-09-03 TIC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr. 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf . DurFac - Pit: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 . psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33. 0 psf V:09.05.02- 30540- 21 JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 This design is for an Individual building I BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 component and has been based on information provided by the client The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrtca- Hon, handling. shipment and Installation ofI trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated t as part of the building design by a. Building Designer (registered architect or professional, engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the deslgn'loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) arc cont rm, ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceWng, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" ac. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verily that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ved- nm0oo. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall he cut for tight fitting wood ldwood bearing. Con nectar plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shallbe msy. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss 1s not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing 13 Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are Lo- be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professlonal advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 191# Support 2 176# Support 3 26# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0.01" D= 0.00" T=-0.01" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" RMB =.1.15 WO: WINB4 WE: Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 86 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt- 1.0 Bld Type= Enc. L= 40.0 ft W= 3.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 29 0.25 4- 3 -2 0.19 TI: J3A QTY:1 Joint Locations=============__ 1) 0- 6- 7 3) . 3- 1- 8 2) 3- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 3- 0- 467 86 -176 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 102 111 -191 BOT PIN 3- 0- 4 36 0 -26 BOT H-ROLL 3- 1-8 Ilk1 2 6 00003X4 3- 1-8 4 3 102# 3.50" 67# 2.50" 3- 1-8 37# 2_0" r C/ L: 3-0-4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports Imaronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORID, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE # 0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO,FL32766 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing. which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). Truss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). Attach with (3) 10d Toe -Nails. Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails Eng. Job: Dwg: Dsgnr: TLY Chk: TC Live 16.0 psf TC Dead 7.0 psf BC Live 0.0 psf BC Dead 10.0 psf scale = 1.0986 Truss ID: J3A Date: 10-09-03 DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O. C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf I V:09.05.02- 30541- 22 HCS: 08.20.02 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: CATEE-LOKIHOMED/R 91 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building I component and has been based on fnfonnatton provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of I faulty or Incorrect Information, speclHmtions p and/or designs furnished to the truss designer 4I by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as it may relate to a spe- cillc project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance wltf ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously bracedby sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceWng, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabricators plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any dtscrepaneles are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood hearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots tholes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrofd of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trussesare to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- Itlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the Installation of trusses. Professlonal advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed, JB: WINCHESTER B 4 TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. 2 2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 284# Support 2 176# Support 3 27# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L=-0. 01" D= 0.00" T=-0.01" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0. 00" RMB = 1. 15 2-3- 14 0-4- 3 WO: WINB4 WE: Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 88 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23. 0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Rzt- 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 3.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE... CSI 1- 2 - 30 0.25 4- 3 -17 0.19 TI: J3B QTY:2 I Joint Locations=============== j 1) 0- 9-13 3) 3- 1- 8 2) 3- 1- 8 4) 0- 9-13 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 3- 0- 4 67 88 -176 TOP PIN 0- 1- 12 148 119 -284 BOT PIN 3- 0- 4 36 0 -27 BOT H-ROLL 3-1- 8 l 1 2 Q 1- 2- 7 0-8- 8 1 3. 000 0-3- 8 2-10- 0 4 3 148# 3. 50" 68# 2.50" 1-0- 0 r 37# 2fOil 3-1- s RO-11- 11) C/L: 3-04 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports Marionda Systems WAKINIIVG: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Eng. Job: g: CONTRACTOR. Ds gnr: TLY I BRACINGWARNING: TIC Live 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing BC Live 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be TOMA.S PONCE P.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. - Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). BC- Dead LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO,FL32766 TOTAL Chk: 16. 0 7.0 0.0 10.0 33.0 Attach with ( 3) 10d Toe - Nails Attach with ( 2) 10d Toe - Nails scale = 0. 9039 Truss ID: J3B Date: 10- 09-03 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 psf psf psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O.C. Spacing: 24.0" Design Criteria: TPI . Code Desc: FLA psr V: 09.05.02- 30542- 2 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: CATE£-LOKIHOMED/R HCS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design Is for an Individual building component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the glient and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or exemises no control with regard to fabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully bracedlaterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling. they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0- o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. - FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any dlscrepancles arc to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with -nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5.4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations arc to be followed In accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- ition and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling Is essentlal and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dommong. The supervision of erectlon of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced n the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. 2 2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 166# Support 2 65# Support 3 6# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" RMB - 1.15 WO: WINB4 WE: Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 26 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 1.1 ft Truss in E14D zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf- Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -9 0.03 4- 3 -2 0.02 TI: J4 QTY:5 Joint Locations=== ========== 1) 0- 6- 7 3) 1- 1- 8 2) 1- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 MAX.- REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 1- 0- 4 24 26 -65 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 82 32 -166 BOT PIN 1- 0- 4 12 0 =6 BOT H-ROLL 1-1-8 1 2 6 Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails 1-3-14 T 0-4-3 0-10-15 Attach with, (2) 10d Toe -Nails 1-1-8 4 3 83# 3.50" 25# 2.50" 1-1-1-$ 13# 2 r' (RO-11-11-11) 1 C/L: 1-- a EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports Mdl"OI>l(a Systems WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Eng. Job: Dwg: y CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY Chk: BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracing shown on this drawing Is not crectlon bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf SAN FORD, FL. 32771 which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing be LiveBCLi 0.0 fps407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 showIs for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must nmade to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations detennmed by the building designer. BC Dead 10.0 .psf TOMASPONCEP.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (see HIB-91 of TPI). LICENSE # 0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). TOTAL 33.0 psf 1005VANNESSADIi.OVIEDO,FI-32766 Design: Matrix Analysis JOB PATH: CATHELOKIHOM£DIR scale = 1.5869 Truss ID: J4 Date: 10-09-03 DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 DurFac - Pit: 1.25 O. C. Spacing: 24.0" Design. Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA HCS: 08.20.02 DESIGN INFORMATION This design is for an Individual building component and has been based on information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy Sof this information as It may relate to a spe- cific project and accepts no responsibility or I exercises no control with regard to fabrics- 1, tion, handling, shipment and Installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer. the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown are in agreement with the local building codes. local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tensionare not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ven- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted gain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about thejoinl unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate B 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI I-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and emcUon recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing 8, Bracing", RIB-9 1. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- Itlon and for restsUng lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling b essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during installallon between trusses to avoid toppling and dominotng. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to I-- at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. JB: WINCHESTER B 4 TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L- 2 2 PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 70# Support 2 65# Support 3 6# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/ 999 L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= 0.00 MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" RMB = 1.15 WO: WIN64 WE: Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. Field Connection at Support 1 must be able transfer 26 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 1251llph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 1.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Inpact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -9 0.03 4- 3 -2 0.02 0- 10-15 T 0- 4-3 1- 1-8 1 2 6 TI: J4A QTY:1 joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 6- 7 3) 1- 1- 8 2) 1- 1- 8 4) 0- 6- 7 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X- Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 1- 0- 4 24 26 -65 TOP PIN. 0- 1-12 36 32 -70 BOT PIN 1- 0- 4 12 0 -6 BOT H-ROLL 0- 10-15 3X4 1- 1-8 4 3 37# 3.50" 25# 2.50" 1- 1-8 1311. 2.50' C/ L: 1-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE T120 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 .Supports Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE # 0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO,FL32766 Design: Matrix Analysis WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required. (See HIB-91 of TPq. Truss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719). JOB PATH: C:ITEE-LOKIHOMEDlR 10d Toe-Nails2) Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails scale = 2.3040 Eng. Job: WUTWM4 DWg: Truss ID: J4A Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 10-09-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DUrFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac - PIt: 1.25 BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC. Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30544- 25 HCS: 08.20.02 JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model: This design Is for an Individual building BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 Field Connection at Support 1 must be able component and has been based on Information provided by the client. The designer disclaims any responsibility for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information, specifications and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this Information as it may relate to a spe- cific protect and accepts no responslbWty or exercises no control with regard to fabnm- tlon, handling, shipment and installation of trusses. This truss has been designed as an Individual building component in accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown most be checked to be sure that the data shown arc in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords in tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector Plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is In conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such verl- fleation. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutOng or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully Imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5z4 plate Is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" . wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centrold of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes arc minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated .with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional Information on Quallty Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with "Handling e Installing & Bracing'. HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- Itlon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and Installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses ¢quires such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling i and dominoing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced in the installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the deign loads shall not be applied to trusses at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing Is completed. PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: Support 1 163# Support 2 65# Support 3 6# MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: L/999 L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: T= 0.00" RMB = 1.15 transfer 28 pounds of horizontal reaction WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 21.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Encl L= 40.0 ft W= 1.1 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf Impact Resistant Covering and/or Glazing Req TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC ... FORCE ... CSI 1- 2 -9 0.03 4- 3 -6 0.02 TI: J4B QTY:2 Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 9- 5 3) . 1- 1- 8 2) 1- 1- 8 4)_0- 9- 5 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 1- 0- 4 24 28 -65 TOP PIN 0- 1-12 88 37 -163 BOT PIN 1- 0- 4 12 0 -b BOT H-ROLL IL 1-1'8 L 1 2 0 Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails 0-8-9 0-2-8 Attach with (2) 10d Toe -Nails 3AOJ 0-3-8 L 0-10-0 I, 4 31 89# 3.50" 25# 2.50" - 1-1-9 13# 2. " r 1-1-8 R1-1-7) C/L: 1- -4 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 3 Supports scale = M123 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: :WINB4 LKaronda Systems A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: J46 CONTRACTOR. Dsgnr: TLY Chk: Date: 10-09-03 BRACING WARNING: TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracing shown on this drawing Is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 which Is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing O.C. Spacing: 24.0" shown Is for lateral support of truss members onlyto reduce buckling lea Provisions must be BC Live 0.0 psf p . g' 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 lbrbracingspecified g y g gner. p Design Criteria: TPImadetoanchorlateralbracinatandlocatlonsdeterminedbthebuildingdentBCDead10.0 f TOMASPONCEP.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may be required'. (See HIB-91 of TPI). _ lu Code De$e: FLA LICENSE # 0050068 (Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.FL32768 TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 30545- 26 Design: Matrlr Analysis JOB PATH: CATEE-LOKIHOMEDIR - HCS: 08.20.02 JB:WINCHESTERB4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #z This design Is for an individual building BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 component and has been based on mfonnation GABLE STUD: 2x4 SP #3 Provided by the client. The deslgner disclaims MULTIPLE LOADS -- This designis theanyr-ponsibllty for damages as a result of faulty or Incorrect Information. specifications - composite result of multiple loads: and/or designs furnished to the truss designer by the client and the correctness or accuracy I PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: of this i.formation as it may relate to a spe- Support 2 3# cific project and accepts no responsibility or exercises no control with regard to fabrica- , TC ...FORCE ...CSI . BC ...FORCE ...CSILion,handling, shipment and Installation of - tresses. This truss has been designed as an individual building component In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated I as part of the building design by a Building Designer (registered architect or professional engineer). When reviewed for approval by the building designer, the design loadings shown must be checked to be sure that the data shown re in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom) are continu- usly braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiling, they should be braced at a axhn um spacing of 10'-0" o.c. Connector plates shall be manufactured from 20 gauge hot dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabricator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- ficatlon. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed overknotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased for certain hand- hng and/or erection stresses. This truss Is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to ANSI/TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed In accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing", HIS-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses In astraight and plumb pos- Mon and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand - fin, is bracinganderection bracg Is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requtres such temporary bracing during installation between trusses to avoid toppling and domi—ing. The supervision of erection of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than the design loads shall not be applied to trusses.at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after al l fastening and bracing is completed. 2-10-2 0-4-3 W WO: WINB4 WE: 2X4 TRANSVERSE BRACING nailed flat to edge of web with 12d nails at 8rr o.c. TRANSVERSE BRACING to extend for center 80% of length. Analysis based on Simplified Analog Model. All COMPRESSION Chords are assumed to be continuously braced unless noted otherwise. WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125mph, H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat.,B, Kzt= 1.0 Bld Type= Part L= 46.0 ft W= 8.3 ft Truss in END zone, TCDL= 4.2 psf, BCDL= 6.0 psf TI: P 6QTY:1 Joint Locations=============== 1) 0- 0- 0 5) 8- 4- 0 9) 2- 2- 0 2) 2- 2- 0 6) 8- 4- 0 10) 0 0- 0 3) 4- 2- 0 7) 6- 2- 0 4) 6- 2- 0 8) 4- 2- 0 MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION----- X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc Type 0- 1-12 0 0 0 SOT PIN i 8- 2-12 0 0 -3 BOT H-ROLL 4-2-0 4-2-0 1 2 4 5 060 _ p U f J.Ju ' 4X6 1-0-0 RO-11-11) I - 8-4-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Maronda Systems 4005 MARONDA WAY SANFORD, FL. 32771 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 TOMAS PONCE P.E. LICENSE #0050068 1005 VANNESSA DR.OvIEDO.F"2766 Design: Afatrir Analysis WAKNONU: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing. portal bracing or siaular bmcing which is a part of the building design and whIch must be considered by the building designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provislons must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of the overall structure maybe required. (See I11B-91 of TPI). Truss Plate Institute. TPI, is located at 583 D'Onoldo Drive, Madison, Wisconsin 53719). JOB PATH: C:I7-EE-L0K1J0BSIlV1NB4V 2-5-3 0-4-3 0# 2.50" 1-0-0 RO-11-11) Studs a 2-0-0 o.c. scale = 0.6484 Eng. Job: W ' WINB4 Dwg: Truss ID: P Dsgnr: TLY Clilit: Date: 4-01-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFac - Pit: 1.25, BC Live 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" BC Dead 10.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI Code Desc: FLA TOTAL 33.0 psf V:09.05.02- 20526- 27 I HCS: 08.20.02 JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 10# UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 This design is for an individual building BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 wndLoa per AscE 7-98, per C&c, V= 125mph, rpcomponentandhasbeenonWEBS; 2x4 SP #3 H= 23. 0 I= 1. 00, Exp. Cat. B, Kzt= 1designerasedprovidedbytheclient. The designer disclaims Bld Type="Enel L= 44.0' ft W= 4.0 ft Truss any responsibility for damages as a result of - faulty or incorrect information,specifications PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: in END zone, TCDL= 4 . 2 Impact Resistant Covering, pS f, BCDL= 6.0 psf and/or Glazing Reqand/or designs furnished to the truss designer Support 1 71# by the client and the correctness or accuracy of this information as if may relate to.a spe- Support 2 210# Support 3 71# TC..: FORCE ...CSI BC....FORCE ... CSI cific project and accepts no responsibility or exemises MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: 1- 2' 35 0.02 6- 5 84 0.04 no control with regard to fabria- lion, handling, shipment and. installation of L/999 - 2- 3 35 0.02 5- 4 - 84 0. 04 irusses. This truss has been designed s an L=. 0-.00"-D=' 0..00" T= 0.001,- individual building component in accordance with MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: i ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be Incorporated T= 0. 00" s D part of the building design or a Building Designer ( registered architect or professional MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: engineer). When reviewed for approval by the T= 0. 00" - building designer, the design loadings shown r - must be checkedto be sure that the data shown RMB = 1.15 are In agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, project specifications or special applied loads. " Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords ( top or bottom) are continu- ously braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords intension are - - not fully braced laterally by a properly applied - Vol ceWng, they should be'braced at a - - - - maximum spacing of M-0" o.c. Connector Plates shall be manufactured from.20 gauge hot /I 2--0 dipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, 11. Grade 40, unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES6. 00 Prior to falidation, the fabricator shallreview this drawing to. verify that this drawing is in conformance with the fabnator's plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such ven- flcatlou. Any discrepancies are to be put in writing before cutting or fabriation. Plates shall not be installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut for tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be locatedon both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the joint unless otherwise shown. A 1-0-0 5.14 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate. is 6" wide x 8" long. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. -Double cuts on web members shall meet at the centroid of the webs unless otherwise shown: Connector plate sizes are minimum sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be increased forcertain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. 'this truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated lumber unless otherwise shown. For additional information on Quality Control refer to 3X4 ANSI/TPI'1-1995 - PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations am to be followed In accordance with "Handling TI: VT 10 7Type Locations _ = 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 4- 0- 0 5) 2) 2- 0- 0 4) 4- 0- 0 6) 0- MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCAX-Loc Vert .Horiz UpliftY-Lo 0- 0-12 41 0 -71 BOT PIN 2= 0- 0 131 0 -210 BOT H-ROLL 3-11- 4 41 0 -71 BOT H-ROLL 2-0-0 Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to 4-0-0 be handled with particular care during banding 6 5 and bundling, delivery andInstallationavoidWent42# 1.50" 4 damage. Temporary and perm bracing a 131# 1..5Ou42/{ 1.50rr for bolding trusses mastraightandplumbpos- I Ition and for resisting lateral fames shall be - l9 4-0-0 designed and installed by others. . Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing Is always required. EXCEPT AS SHOWN CAL: 2-0-0 OWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 req Normal precautionary actionforOver3Supportsscale = . 1.6750 trusses requires such temporary bracing during dominoing. WARN VvARNtA Ct; READ ALLNOTES ON THIS SHEET. - Eng. Job: - VVI g4. and The supervision oferectionoftrussesshallbeunderthecontrolofpersonsMarondaSgelfttlsACOPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING DNyg Truss ID. y'dl'U experienced m the installationoftrusses.. advice shall be sough[ It needed. CONTRACTOR.- - Dsgnr: TLY Clik: DatE:: 4-01 -03 - C—centrati Concentranon ofconstructionloadsgreaterthanthedeelgnloadsseal, not be applied in trusses at any time. No loads than 4005 MARON DA. WAY BRACING WARNING: TIC Live 16.0 psf DurFae - Lbr: 1.25 other the weight of the erectors shall be applied to - SANFORD, FL..32771which Bracing shown on thisdrawing Is not erection bracing wired bracing, portal bracing or smnlar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf _ DurFae PIt: - 1.25 trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. 407) 321- 0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 is a art of the building design P g gn and. which must be considered by the budding designer. Bracing shown is for lateral support of truss members oniv to reduce buckling length P dsions must be BC Live- 0.0 psf O.C. Spacing: 24.0" p g•. TOMAS PONCEP.E. made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. Additional bracing of theoverallstructuremayberequired. (See HIO-91 of TPI). BC Dead 2.0 psf DeSlnn Criteria: TPI LICENSE #0050068 Truss Plate Institute, TPI, is located at 583 D'Onofrlo Drive, Madison, Wisconsuu 53719E Code Code Dese: FLA r005VANNESSADR.0VIED0.Fl.32766 -- - TOTAL 25.0 psf V:09.05.02- 31204--60 i Design: Mturiz Analysis JOBPATH. CITES -TEE -- _HCS 08.20.02 JB: WINCHESTER B 4 AC: 104 UPLIFT D.L. WO: WINB4 WE: TI: VT1 1 CITY:1 e DESIGN INFORMATION TOP CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 WndLod per ASCE 7-98, C&C, V= 125rrph, Joint Locations=============== This design is for an individual building BOT CHORDS: 2x4 SP #2 H= 23.0 ft, I= 1.00, Exp.Cat. B, Kzt= 1.0 1) 0- 0- 0 3) 8- 0- 0 5) 4- 0- 0 component and has been based on information WEBS: 2x4 SP #3 Bid Type= Enel L= 44.0 ft W= 8.0 ft Truss 2) 4- 0- 0 4) 8- 0- 0 6) 0- 07 0 provided nthe cllsibility for damagesaresultanyyorincorrecfordamagesasaresutIof in END zone, TCDL= 4.-2 psf, BCDL='1.2 psf MAX. REACTIONS PER BEARING LOCATION-'--- of faulty or incorrect Information, specl(Ical.lons PROVIDE UPLIFT CONNECTION PER SCHEDULE: act Resistant Coverin and/or Glazing ReIIIIpgg Q X-Loc Vert Horiz Uplift Y-Loc epType and/or designs furnished to the truss designer Support 1 71# 0- 0-12 42 3 71 BOT PIN by the client and the correctness or accuracy Support_2 159# TC... FORCE ... CSI ..BC...FORCE ... CSI 2- 0- 0 78 0 159 BOT H-ROLL of this information as it may relate to a spe- Support 3 256# 1- 2 66 0.10 6- 5 126 0.15 4- 0- 0 159 0 256 BOT H-ROLL cific project and accepts no responsibility or Support 4 161#. - 2- 3 66 0.10 5- 4 126 0.15 6- 0- 0 78 0 161 BOT H-ROLLekerei5esnocontrolwithregardtofabrica- tion, handling, shipment and installation of Support 5 74# 7-11- 4 42 0 74 BOT- H-ROLL trusses. This truss has been designed as an MAX LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: Individual building component in accordance with L/999 ANSI/TPI 1-1995 and NDS-97 to be incorporated L= 0.00" D= 0.00" T= 0.00" as part of the building design by a Building MAX HORIZONTAL TOTAL LOAD DEFLECTION: Designer (registered architect or professional T= 0.00" engineer). When reviewed for approval by the' building designer, the design loadings shown MAX HORIZONTAL LIVE LOAD DEFLECTION: must be checked to be sure that the data shown T= 0.00" are in agreement with the local building codes, local climatic records for wind or snow loads, RMB = 1.15 project specifications or special applied loads. Unless shown, truss has not been designed for storage or occupancy loads. The design assumes compression chords (top or bottom), are continu- ousiy braced by sheathing unless otherwise specified. Where bottom chords In tension are not fully braced laterally by a properly applied rigid ceiltng, they should be braced at a maximum spacing of ]0'-O" o.c. Connector 4-0-0 4-0-0esplatshallbemanufacturedfrom20gaugehotdipped galvanized steel meeting ASTM A 653, Grade 40. unless otherwise shown. FABRICATION NOTES Prior to fabrication, the fabricator shall review this drawing to verify that this drawing Is In conformance with the fabricatoYs plans and to realize a continuing responsibility for such veri- fication. Any discrepancies are to be put In writing before cutting or fabrication. Plates shall not be Installed over knotholes, knots or distorted grain. Members shall be cut It- tight fitting wood to wood bearing. Con- nector plates shall be located on both faces of the truss with nails fully imbedded and shall be sym. about the Joint unless otherwise shown. A 5x4 plate is 5" wide x 4" long. A 6x8 plate Is 6" wide x 8" lung. Slots (holes) run parallel to the plate length specified. Double cuts on web members shall meet at the cemmid of the webs unless otherwise shown. Connector plate sizes re minllnurn sizes based on the forces shown and may need to be Increased for certain hand- ling and/or erection stresses. This truss is not to be fabricated with fire retardant treated limber unless otherwise shown. For additional tnformation on Quality Control refer to ANSI/ TPI 1-1995 PRECAUTIONARY NOTES All bracing and erection recommendations are to be followed in accordance with "Handling Installing & Bracing', HIB-91. Trusses are to be handled with particular care during banding and bundling, delivery and Installation to avoid damage. Temporary and permanent bracing for holding trusses in a straight and plumb pos- Itton and for resisting lateral forces shall be designed and installed by others. Careful hand- ling is essential and erection bracing is always required. Normal precautionary action for trusses requires such temporary bracing during Installation between trusses to avoid toppling and dominotng. The supervision of erectlon of trusses shall be under the control of persons experienced In the Installation of trusses. Professional advice shall be sought if needed. Concentration of construction loads greater than tlne design loads shall not be applied to tmss es at any time. No loads other than the weight of the erectors shall be applied to trusses until after all fastening and bracing is completed. 2- 0-0 6 0000j 4X6 U 3X4 2X4 3X4 r6 5 4' 42# 1.50" 78# 1.50" 159# 1.501, 78# 1.50" 42# 1.50" r- — 8-0-0 _I C/ L: 2-0-0 C/L: 4-0-0 C/L: 6-0-0 EXCEPT AS SHOWN PLATES ARE TL20 GA TESTED PER ANSI/TPI 1-1995 Over 5 Supports scale = 0.8375 WARNING: READ ALL NOTES ON THIS SHEET. Eng. Job: WOTWINB4 M_ aronda A COPY OF THIS DRAWING TO BE GIVEN TO ERECTING Dwg: Truss ID: VT11 S StemS CONTRACTOR. BRACING WARNING: Dsgiir: TLY Clilc: Date: 4-01-03 TC Live 16.0 psf DurFac - Lbr: 1.25 4005 MARON DA WAY Bracing shown on this drawing is not erection bracing, wind bracing, portal bracing or similar bracing TC Dead 7.0 psf DurFae - Pit: 1.25 SANFORD, FL. 32771 which is a part of the building design and which must be considered by the building designer. Bracing for lateral BC Live 0.0 $f PO.C. Spacing: 24.0" 407) 321-0064 Fax (407) 321-3913 shown is support of truss members only to reduce buckling length. Provisions must be made to anchor lateral bracing at ends and specified locations determined by the building designer. BC Dead 2.0 psf Design Criteria: TPI TOMAS PONCE P.E. Additional bracing of the overall structure may he required. (See HIB-91 of TPI). Cole Dese: FLA LICENSE # 0050068 ITrrss Plate Institute, TPI, Is located at 583 D'Onofrio Drive. Madison, Wisconsin 53719) 1005 VANNESSA DR.OVIEDO.—.12766 TOTAL 25.0 psf V:09.05.02- 31206- 6 Design: Maira Analysis JOB PATH: CITEE-LOKIWAIEDIR IICS: 08.20.02