HomeMy WebLinkAbout3094 Orlando Dr - NO PERMIT # (1987) (BARNETT BANK) (A) DOCUMENTSFLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CCDE FOR BUILDING CCNSTRUC iON SECTION 5 e BUILDING DESIGN BY CO'rIPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACHDFORM5CO-84 A06M S X"M BY THE DEPnRTIN- r OF COMMW fry AFHUR3 lr STATISTICS: RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SEE S. 501.1 PROJECT NAME: 34 1 FT7- R41—'k S.SI i.'ra FlJ ZONE: : $ ADDRESS: BUILDING CLASSiFICATIOMS : CITY, ZIP CODE: BUILDING VALUE: s BUILDER: PEF;mrmNGOFF}CE: OWNER: I JURISDICTION NO.: 6 71,5-061 i BUILDING INFORMATION F COMPONENT U-VALUE NET AREA i Total) Scuare F90II Concretb Block Structure (CBS) U- , % In W Wood trams U= O7w 4 Z t"Al. /PC y'----4 U= Under Attic Cavity U Single Assemoty U= U= Omer Total Unconditioned Floor Area ' q Concrete 0J4r Unconditioned Space U= w. Wood Ovar• Unconditioned Space U= U= Slab on Grade Cesar Single Glaze U= U= Clear Double Glaze m Tint Single Glaze U= oTint Ocuble Glaze U= _ Skylights U= i Otvler U= U= Metal U= U= Insulated U= Ots er iW Totes! LioMino Wartaae `. c Total Conditioned Floor y¢'. 5 > 0 Area (sa.11.) Watts/sq. tL u Ugtrting Budget Maximum Warts/so. It SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CCNOITIONER EFFICIENCY EER) or (SEER ) or (COP ) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE ' I STRIP rY HEAT PUMP GAS OIL SOLAR I] HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COP or EFFICIENCY = e (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTEM TYPE ELECTRIC d HEAT RECOVERY GAS OIL SOLAR(:] t U, wall Allowaole 3 % U. wall Actual U, root/ceding Altowao e G Ua roof/ce,ling Actual % 2 U, Iloor Allowable U. floor Amal •— OTTV wall Allowable 3G. 2 OTTV wall Actual 1 -9• OTTV root/Cedirul Altowaclg OTTV roof/ceding Actual In accordance worn S,,crion SSJ.407 F.S.. I rweoV ce" mat ;M pens ana Rev.ew of Rye puns arb speahcaoons covered try this caYlitaoon aicata pony spmmcanons covereo try s calctiunon are in cogloavxv wIrn Ina Fonda Erwgy phance . in me Florida Energy Code. Before corucnx-bon Is cornaeted. MIS Coda. bu,toing wW be ntspeaed for comfl-ance ut aCCOrC.ance —in Section 553.4C8 F S. ZAIOWNER/AGENT.//Z BUILDING OFFICIAL: OATS:/13 OArE: I 5-35 f T:z,,CS:xaSSIOIr VALUS (0T'I'7) - COOLi,;C, CC;TMr' ALL CC;II•=CD L SULr' :M. APB A2TI GROUP H Fc I OCCMIC= OVm 3 STORK L B=12TG CO; IIC:IO;T hEAT G I2i = (U A ) U A At) I E rVEIAFS u f f E i.a s0. FT. WT. OF C0;5T-'I'C:IOY U—VALUZ Z'L'iL=?.ATL DIE.' a„^,"j`Z j, hT GALl is LB/SQ. FT.) CO;MUCTICii i 1 CSS WALL 2 class s 9 f is' 4 ay el-V i 5 1 OP_!LQUE I•TAM I 3 12 CIS' 4r- 4 6 OaQUE WALL 71 8' TCTAL FMT Gk= 81 COMI ' 0"' (A )D LI±MS I TR:OUG"H• 7) p y 8 2 I TATIO i. FMT GAI:J TI-MO C-H ' c — USII G nT', 'TATICIT SOIAR FACT' MC, = (Ar x OSF T SC) GLASS T=.T: C L F TF.IC =S : S'c UING COEIT: 'e SIl':CLF.: f " DO ,z'L:. • I S OR=- IMTIOII GIA SS AFM (A) S Q• FT. ORT_..- Mi TIO,i SOIAR FACTOR (O.Sr) FF.Ci4 SFADI;;G RADL;TIO: COZ: —rCI^;T T TAP,I - 5-2A OF _ SC) G rI FLA. STAT'M CODE 9 1:0P.'T3 7:5'" 773 ' 10 Xmmr ,r 2 4z:7 11 FAST 22 soT .=AST 33 24 sow sou •TEST fS.:J a S •. 15 ItMzT 2.6 1rOP.TT :+TAT 17 TOTAL RADI.-"iTICiT M:kT GM (ADD IMES 9 TE.OIIQ 16 ) O= ACT'IIAL LZi . 17 OT1'7 kLTZIIABI„ FF.G1 TAFI.- 5-2 OF FIARM MODEL PROJECT NAM: A/E rim: DATE: CALCULATING 1'Ilf,"IMAL TRANSMISSION VALUES FOR COMPONENTS IIEATINC/COOLING, FOR CROUP 11 & I, '111REE STORIES OR LESS) - - - (HEATING FOR ANY OTIM BUILDING - CONMERCIAL)- i 16 MALLS ROOF/CEILINGS A x U FLOORS ( OVER 1-111COUDITIONED SP) AREA U SO FT. VALUES A x I) BOSS FLOOR R E A S(2.I;T. VAL_URS A :k U CROSS ROUF/CGILItJ( 111i SQ, F'r, D-- VAI.I11;-S CROSS WALL c' .. 1 2 / 3l 9 17 CLASS 19 20 7 21 22 FLOUR Uf1 OPAQUE. FLOOR II. WALL OPAQUE l) nLtM.PUwI— 3y2 G, nnI, p l! ; 33 It001'M be 3C5 7 Z 3Y 4PAQIlE- ROUE/ CI. II IUTAL OF LINES 17 TIIROUCII 22 s.2 Tam, OF LINES 17 through 22 23TOTAL OF LINES 17 THROUGH 22 2, ACTUAL Uo a LINE 27 LING 16 I. ItlG 27 AC" I'lll,l. Uo LINI: 1G LING 27. ACTUAL Uo LINE 1G 1z Effective October 1, 1980,•the Uo values residential buildings 3 stories or less for FALLS for all buildings other than single and in height, according to the State of Florida Model two- family residences, and Energy Efficiency Code, are as follows: Uo 0.39 (3 ,stones or less) COMPARISON OF ENVELOPE VALUES Uo n 0.48 (over 3 stories) CODE - ALLOWABLE Uo VALUE ACTUAL Uo VALUE h' RIIILDBIC AREA U VALUE: t' tOti A x Uo BUILDING AREA tl VALUE` FROM AI1V f- COMPONENT SQ. FT, COhIPONENT SQ. FT. t TNIi 2! A x U o 14 CODE 25 CROSS WALL 0 j % 11613 CROSS WALL 2 2G GROSS h: Itoor/. CROSS FLOOR 3 4`/ ir' 65— CLIIIdooF 3 2 3 Y 27 CRCSS FLOOD P: 7Cii17 G;? I 7` 1'AT-TTi11:T 'I21T tizt? 1512fi127 To' rnl. (n x u(, ) ACTUAL U. a A rOT. xUo 28ro'Inl. t.rrtrs 251- 2GL27 rar. Axu 29 To•rnl. (nxuD) ALLOWABLE Uo - - TOTAL AREA 1 TOTAL AItE'A FORM FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CCTINSTRUCiIONSECON 5 • BUILDING DESIGN BY CO'.4PONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH 500- 84 •b.araT ISO By rK 0CPAar161EMT of COMWWWrr AF'FMRZ STATISTICS: RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SEE S. 5171.1) PROJECT NAME: rj. FTi Jr'%/C - 5.9 i.'FCQ ZONE: 5— ADORESS: BUILDING CLASSIFICATIONS : CITY ZIP CODE: BUILDING VALUE: S BUILDER: PERMITTING OFFICE: OWNER: I JURISDICTION NO.: 4'7/;S 00 BUILDING INFORMATION COMPONENT U- VALUE NET AREA Totai) Square Feet) r Concrete Block Structure (CBS) U— Wood frame U= 3 Other U— , O 3S- Oztw _ At tAl. /f C 5"WenJ Pl;,-ct s U= O T Under Attic Cavity U= Single Assembly U= other U= Total Unconditioned Floor Area Corxxete Over Unconditioned Space U= U= Wood OverUnconditionedSpaceSlabon Grade U= Czar Single Glaze U= U= Clear DoubleGlazeTintSingle Glaze U o Trrt Double Glaze U= _ l Skylights U Other U = Wood U= U= e MetalU= Insulated U= I Other a Total Lighting Wattage 6 on I W Y Total Condv>nied Floor 3 6 4L _ 7 i 1 = o Area ( so. ft.) Watts/sq. IL o Lighting Budget Maximum i Warts/ sq. tL SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONOITIONER EFFICIENCY EEFi) or (SEER ) or COP ) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE' STRIP 2-' HEAT PUMP GAS OIL SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COP or EFFICIENCY = a (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTEM TYPE ELECTRIC d HEAT RECOVERY GAS Q OIL SOLAR U. wail Allowable 3 7 U. wall Actual r % U. roof/ ceiling Allowable G Uo roof/ ce,ling Actual Uo ttoor Allowable Uo Moor Actual OTTV wail Allowable 0 a2 OTTV wail Actual 2 %' J OTTV roof/ Cetltrxt Allowable _ OTTV root/ceiling Actual jIn accordance vvrm Sv-r SSJ.407, F.S.: I NwecN certrry tnat the yens ana Re-ew of Me plans and weoncauons coverea try tuts car_utamn tndtcase tour speabcabons cover * a oyy j3 caicuuaon arfe en comoo ance .gym LPie Ronda Energ.vim th y PhanceeFlonoa Energy C,ode. Betorecornuucuon mt, n cooieteo. ,s Code. / / / A l / /% ttwtdtnq v. nf be rtnpeaea for comdtance in accordance writ Section S5J.9Ce F. S. OAT-E. BUILDING OFFICIAL: OATS: 5- 35 1 C^til,-IIA^1C?rlo:' o EL= '—•;tiL T:7-,;S:=SlON VALUE (0T77) - CCC :C, cc,,.=- C1;L ELi,GS, All cC;4+r?CL:--I. 3tTLTI)L:GS. Ar2! A2rY CROUP H & I OCCUILIC= OVM 3 STORI rS L EIIISaIiiG C0i. U=--ON SEAT CAN _ (U Au TDEQ) + (Uf Af At) I L JG'r.ItJF' 2J A.R:A iz SQ . FT. T L''ATLTP.' h:.T C•ALI 3-17OFC0:5Tn^I. ; CT?OY II-GALUE D M yE cQ FT CO„DUCTIC2j I ( MLOSS WAIL 2 I CLASS 3 . 5 1 oPk(zm wAzz ( 3:?4- 6 OPAQUE WADI, 7I 8 TOTMI, MT CAI BY COIM l O;Y (AJD LI±FS I T..oUC"T- 7) f3 s' H.:.AT GILMIT TI?aAuC$ CI:'LSS •. US L ;Ci 0m. i ,MITIC:d SOIsiR FACTOR _ (Ar X OSF T_ SC ) GIASST33;T :_ GInSS 0RL'y'ZlTI0 C El TF1C i S: n sfaDI;G COI, V : 9-S r * . ^: GIbSS AP.,F.A (A) OP Tf,TIO;T SOLAR SFADI;;G RADIr;T20.lSQ. FT. FACTOR (OSF) Fr=l C,^, 'IC=' -,T FEAT T=- 5-2A OF _ (SC) FIA. STATE CODE Js 993 ' 11 MIST . I2 S r T 13 Sow fs • is-• 15 WMT 16 2r0P'.:,:,TEST 3•0, , e15- 17 TOT,AL RADIIATIC;1 fiEAT CMi (ADD LMJFS. 9 =OUCH I.5) - V= Alill:cLL = OT77 ALTCYTAB=- (FR21 TAFI 5-2- OF FMRLT`1 1.= L Z r?Ci CODE) 3•a J J 6 PROJECT NAPJE; A/E FIRM: DATE: 1 CALCULATING THERMAL TRANSMISSION VALUES FOR CONTIONENTS k IIEATINC/COOLING, FOR CROUP 11 & I, I11REE STORIES OR LESS) - - - (IIEATINC FOR ANY OTHER BUILDING - COMlFRCTAI.)• t WALLS ROOF/CEILINCS FLOORS ( OVER UIICOIIDITIONL•:D SP) 16 AREA SQ. FT. U VAIAIPS A * U CROSS ROOF/CEILING ARYIN—,—IJ—`- SQ, FT, VALUES A x U AREA SQ. F'f. U VALl1CS A x U BOSS 61A1.L c' v2 / BOSS FLOOR 17 CLASS 14 19 20 21 22 OPAQUE UALL ll iJPA(JUE— WALLu„ 3 j' L?, 3 / nnPn/ppll ' R001; /(I: 6c 31C I z FLOOR Uf 1 OPAQUL FLOOR tI . gPAQt1C RooF/cL a TOTAL. OF LILIES 17 THROUGH 22 3i`S 2 TO'1'A1, OF LINES 17 through 22 8 1.01-AL OF LINES 17 TIIROUC11 2223 24 ACTUAL U° LIVEtlE 23 ACTUAL. U : o LINE 23, o LINE 16 2 o LINT: 23 . ACTUAL U ° L1tIC 16 Effective October 1, 1980,•the Uo values for HALLS for all buildings other than single and two-family residences, and residential buildings 3 stories or less in height, according to the State of Florida Model Energy Efficiency Code, are as follows: U° 0,39 (3.stories or less) COLIPARISON OF ENVELOPE VALUES Uo 0 0.48 (over 3 stories) CODE - ALLOWABLE u° VALUE ACTUAL, u° VALUE E; llllIl.DLNG nttL•'A U VALUE: 1it011 A Uo 111I1.DIPIC AREA 11 VALIIC` l ROM AIIV A x U° COMPONENT S FT, Q' COMPONCNT SQ. FT. 24 GROSS MALL. CODELIIJ1i 25 a '.Y62 A j 7 e 3 GROSS 1.1ALL 2 `%) 2 `/' f c CROSS ItOOF CCII.INC26 CROSS It00F/ CC11.1tJC 3e, ` r' 365 2 5 3 27 CROSS FLOOR CRCSS FLOOR I'0TA1. LINES 2 51 26 12 7 1 9 70I' AT—T7In:T '1`f31 CT 1 j 1512G127o TOTAL ( A x U,a) ACTUALUALUQA11EA t' OT, xll° 28 t'( 7r.Axl1 6 29 r _ ALLOWABLEUoTOTAL(A x 11Q. TOTAL. AREA Z TOTAL fie FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION rr l SEC7CN 5 e BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM 5C4-84 AD&COGEsraaso 9y rt t oerAarN.errr OF Co+wuwrr AFFURS STATISTICS: RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SEE s. sot.i PROJECT NAmeYol,-167 >'qn.%C ' S5/t,'FCQD ZONE: -.,— ADDRESS: BUILDING CLASSIFICATIONS): CITY ZIP CODE: BUILDING VALUE: S BUILDER: PERMITTING OFFICE: OWNER: I JURISDICTION NO.: E V/ 3 c7lJ BUILDING INFORMATION CC-MPONENT U-VALUE NET AREA Total) Squats Feet) Concrete Block Stn.c re (CBS) U- . / to 3-2 Wood trams U= 3 Other -irt, src.is c'J1 38 07 er/. f Y!et J i'/ i C U= Z Under Attic Cavity U= c W g v Single Assernbty U= Other U- Total Unconditioned Floor Area Q Concrete Over Unconditioned Space U_ U- Wood Over Unconditoned Space U= Slab on Grade Czar Single Glaze U= U= Clear Double Glaze m Tint Single Glaze U= aTint Oouble Glaze U= _ Skylights U= Other U= Wood U= e Metal U= 2RS Insulated U= U= Other I Total Lightino Wattaoe O Q W = Total Conditioned Floor 5 :3 o Area (so. ft.) Wans/sq. f . Lighting Budget Maximum _ 2: U Wan-V sa. fL SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONER EFFICIENCY EER) or (SEER ) or (COP ) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE STRIP (i HEAT PUMP I_l GAS f] OIL SOLAR I] HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COP or EFFICIENCY = e (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTEM TYPE I ELECTRIC (F HEAT RECOVERY C] GAS OIL SOLAR U. wall Allowable .3 Ua wall Actual r U, root/certing Allowable " / G Uo root/Ceiling Actual Uo floor Allowable U. floor Acual ""- OTTV wall Altowaole 3p ;2 OTTV wall Actual 2 7. OTTV root/Ce+lina Allowable OTTV roottCetling Actual In accarvarr_e —M S,,caon S53.507 F.S.. 1 rwieov certrry that lne darts and Rev.ew of no plans and soearcaaons covered oy tnts c.alcananon ,nd,,=e Corn- soeat+canons covered cy m,s carcvuaon are ,n c6rnp,ance .vim the Fonda Er»rgy pliant .nm me Fbnoa Energy Cooe. Before corosuucuon is competed. Cos Cooe. / C building — be inspected for comd,ance ,n accordance..,tn Secuon SS3.gCa F S. ONNER1AGENT. BUILDING OFFICIAL: OATE: DATE: 5-35 CLEF IA-'T T Of 07-----"i.'. ,• --.,ZL 2".?L'SIO,T VA= (Cl=) - COOID C. CC;n '?CIi1, -Li^ ALL CC;R CIAI. BITLr.I1Z:GS- Alm A I MOUP H & I CCCUP.42TC= OVER 3 STC= L EUII DIG CC'MUCT_TO;T FMT GA--121 = (U rATDB) + (Uf A Lt) IEN7z-=Iy a N AM im S0. FT. Tall E ( WT. OF C0:57.zI;CTION, U-7AI,UE DM +ter dTIAL is L3/SQ. FT.) I GROSS MALL . 2 %fin 1 5 I OP_4QUE S7AI.L 3 sJ2 d ' 4 6 OFAQUF,' WALL 7+ 8 r =—' L MAT Gk= SY COND , O:3 (ADD LI:;ES ? TL:.OUC'r 7 ) hi W Giml 317 CCA. 2 C1 98.2 RADI3TIOii. be T G i TN UC-11GLUM - USING OP_i 17ATICITSOUR FACTO _ (Ar x OSr r SC) TTiT:_ C"; SS ORL' 1MTIONCtE TMC MSS: " ScLID.G COE77: . 9S SIP;CL:.: ff DOUFLF.• I G1, 92S APZI (A) OR? iMTIO;T SOUR SFADIi;G RADL;TIO:i I ! SQ. FT. FACTOR (OS:) FMI C0=CZ rT FAT 5- 2A Or^ - (SC) FIA. SMTE CODE 973 ' 10 2 - 3}2 9s /;, xsl, 11 FAST . 12 SOUT'iEAST ;2 D_2 13 SOUTH 11t SOUS-'J rI'T • . 15 ,. MT 17 TO= RADIATIC'.T HUT GAT (ADD LMES 9 =OUCH 2L) - OTT7 ACTL'LL = 8 + LZii:. 17 LI: W 1 2 9 OT77 ALIZvlAB=- (FP121 TA.=- 5-2 OF FLOR A J=EL E:r_r: Ci C.^,DE) 7 ise 2 33 PROJECT NAME; A/E FIRM: DATE: CALCULATINC 1'IIE'RMAL TRANSHISSION VALUES FOR COMPONENTS IIEATINC/COOLING, FOR CROUP 11 & I, 111REE STORIES OR LESS) - - - (MATING FOR ANY OTHER RUrLDINC - COrM11CIAL)- WALLS ROOF/CEILINGS FLOORS ( OVER 1.11ICONDITIONLI) SP) Ben SQ.I T. U VAI FES n * U AIM S rr U VAI,U1'S 1G n x U BOSS FLOOR nllr•.n u sn, t: r. VALUES n x U i:ROSS 1lnL1 c' D2I CROSS ROOF/CGILIN 3 ` 9 11 CLASS l t3 19 20 ye 21 22 r-- FLO I OPAQUL FLOOR I1 . WALL OPAQUE UhTOUr— WALL U,%3 3 0$ 3/ nnl,AAppll ; R001;/t;l: r1c PAQUE— Roodcl. U t'OTAL OF LINE'S 17 THROUGH 22 TO'I'A1, OF LINES 17 through 2223 8 1.01-AL OF LINES 17 THROUGH 22 24 2 ACTUAL. Uo a L1Nl's 23 LINE 16 1.111E 23 Acrunt. Uo" 1.1NE 1G LINE 23. ACTUAL. Uo l.lrlE 1G Effective October 1, 1980,.the residential buildings 3 stories U values for WALLS for all buildings or less in height, according to the State other than -'single and of Florida model two-family residences, and Energy Efficiency Code, are as Uo follows: S. 0.39 (3,stories or less) COMPARISON OF ENVELOPE VALUES Uo 0 0.48 (over 3 stories) CODE - A1.1.011ARLE Uo VALUE ACTUAI, Uo VALUE l3 BUILDING AREA tl VALUE! I•(oll A x U IIIFII.DINC AREA Il VALUE; FROM AIIV A UoiCOMPONENTS . FT. R o COMPONENT SQ. FT. 1. I r1l. 24 x GROSS WALL CODE 25 Z ft A j , D 3 CROSS WAL1. CEII.INCRoss 001 2G CROSSl00[/. 3%`i l' 6S' 3 51 2 f3 27 CROSS FLOOR CRCSS FLOOR I'OTAI. LINES TUP.7)? TOThL—T. -1 'i`".0M j 28 1'(7r.Axll 1'0T, xllo 2 5 12 G 121 1 6 ;" 2 5 126+2 7 TOTAL ( A x u ) ACTUAL Uo Q 291• crrn1. (n x u) ALLOWABLE Uo -0- TOTAL AREA 1 TOTAL AREA m J»b mo Sheet of r- - Vpv W W U RyN THE . .,`^.^`-^-`- COMPANY . . J mn. 0 NFl ARCHITECTS/ sws/wssns/CONTRACTORS By Daten»*r97 / of /Y I / '! ' " DJ- 3 U i v. --_-------- i v*/^v./ vjr i THE HASKELL COMPANY Job I n n r r A ry , i Job No. ARCHITECTS/ ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By ji L- Date y S- / - o % Sheet Z of Csic , 1,1 , n LJ /,3 / w 7 , C L /< 2 0 c) Cc/ L, v C o y. 92 A F W i 9 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job N' '.Y ' "` Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Van 11 c ., a s Date 5- t — 7 Sheet 3 of 7+ IAA' I I' •. 39 5.71) 3 5` 4. 8-3 I 5 0b 5.O 3.s y` 9z W/OX/2. L THE HASKELL COMPANY Job A n.z vr` Job No. f ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By 1L—> r9,^ s' Date Sheet of 3 BED 2--76 A s 1. r 4- 3,4'5 M 7 3 4(-5,25 r A 3- 3.i jfi; Z3 - o M - 3 I (3. t o.2 3/Z q r- L ='51 l / % r` 2 S75) ( 2. M= 11.5 9 9 \) - /s 3. i- 0 2 s I s ,39 2- j yv uxZ2 5 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job Jj A,F T Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By— i t—t_ r pate S / y 87 Sheet 5-- of f3 I' -- 7 r z 1 tl, b2 3. -+ 3.2 cam) _ 2 : ` 3 $ 2 n-i2. r. k , . ri c 2 5= i I c i --- --- - ©, 5E) 1 G 7 U SF 5 ' ' I ,pi PE THE HASKELL COMPANY Job `' '' ' 'C Job NQ. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By kt t pate S - - 7 Sheet 6 of C3-PJ N rfr. f , -\- -- i ,, N J V X 2 b, Z-T k1/x33 I L. A •.-X- J 2.5<< L o. 4 7 7 C 38 /Z _ / K l 3.3 ems` 3s IT- Z3.,4, /3.3i. 4 /%3.3' Z Y = S(o '7 N G i l' iox 39 I CL x 15 l 8.02(0.62 9 g. Q 3C T. Cuv 5 ATE %/' -ANG.es 14,.,.o GSC' To P THE HASKELL COMPANY Job / ' ENE yob No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By i'— ,.- r Date %` Sheet of M , --'; Ls . , v 1.,,f Qj,f z i v sE W y FL VO W 1. 't- ra r- n l 7 2 ,7S S2 3 N/07 5 , 77 i THE HASKELL COMPANY Job Job G"°' ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By L Date E Sheet o of a 2 Tye 1 s4"41+ZX7xo, (L YZk>x2-4 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job 7 7--- Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Date 7 Sheet of 32 L c 2 A A 0 r-- C hc 3 1). K F) j oP PL 5 3 45- 7,p 7 r 57 FL P" v'Z k> co", 1 /4 -—(/L 0 - 0 s THE HASKELL COMPANY Job A" ,/' °b "°' p ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By- ` — ^^ S Date S— / — S Sheet U of E P PL ( r-. -r- 0. I L ! l ' v y E THE. HASKELL COMPANY Job Job No. ARCHITECTS/ ENGINEERS/CON.TRACTORS By Date Sheet of C THE HASKELL COMPANY Job Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Date Sheet of i , " J iz: Job No. THE HASKELL COMPANY job ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Date Sheet of Job f n r" T %J, .i' THE HASKELL COMPANY°b No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By ,j Date S- - o % Sheet Z' of f fig s- S W.w /.3 /wS , (p, Wc-- L i L 4) / < aM CC-/L I/v C- L Iv L )A fir- A M (3 2 3.o7K W /o x j2 p: 0.k'5 K uSr- V4 r k/-2 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job B^' ;Y v '"' c v Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Date S— f Sheet 5, of I I r,t-\ (3 3 +/ 39 3. 0( F_ A N\ fI . AIL ff,05 4.53(35+ 3k7, ?o.G)/.5 G•2. A- Z.7, kI DX/2 Usk w/ox/'7 69 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job l A_ - Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By %It /1 Date S- / - 7 Sheet 7 of pc'.' U L i 7_. t f 39 7 o.Q ^ CD hliox Z2 5- w 1 lU c Z C- job Air-" I:z 1 1, e Job 'No.. THE HASKELL COMPANY ARCHITECTS/ ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By J- Date 7 Sheet of CCIL- 26- 1-3 e-3 Yv:r,o y(`i.3(.33J 2.o33J' G. X 7 zi _25- Iz fA L P- -F- f` A -)C LJ i= 6s 7 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job A Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Date Sheet of 2( 0, 7 33 3 5- 12uV -1-c , -, (L A, IA - IZZ7 E s c B l 3-5- 3 '7 Sq,- , — -, G - /k136-1 S C S 0 Ai Tkv Vq ox 39 1 Te', 1ti » x 014- Fle) To)P THE_HASKELL COMPANY Job CA/T Job No. C ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By '-—• + ^^r Date s' /co-7 Sheet - of 6, 1 S 3 - 0,4{) ' 2.2 Td P Pl A- 5 L>sF L)SF Tar C_ .x Jrx. 2 A-APL %2 k7 2.-4 yy lox 2 2 33. 91 K C FLh E( 6 39 r m 2k m 1 e- / ( L , "' Nit . 3,93, (3) = /— -A--. 77 8 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job ,,F '__,.~ Job No. ` ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By '^ ' Date Sheet o of ry r ry TcZ. 1 o - TAP S 44A,\ P, 1Z x'7 x o' 6" (L y k -) x 2'-4 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job Nr''— AN Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By 1/ 7a— .r7` s Date S' - g 7 Sheet_ of 7 I r- n c. o r (3 ` 25.4 3 r (3or FL z K 1 2'Z- r 3 (- v z y / . , I 0 .? 4, _ . 2 K SAly) Fj4-S CAN THE HASKELL COMPANY Job A,z! , : Job No. ARCHITECTS/'ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By i^Date S- 1- g 7 Sheet U of l 2zt Z a i 1 4 I E 1i Job P c "' T Job No. '. THE HASKELL COMPANY ` ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Date Sheet of z f..l i j. THE HASKELL COMPANY Job ---- Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By V`(/ Date 157 Sheet ICI of PL I Zk c fs- I 0 c -, - -- / 0 f 'D, 1- V4 6 Job Job No. THE HASKELL COMPANY ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By V Date 57- Sheet " of La F, 1"L 1 j7 7 f- 7-1qo 7, LA L- F• r m r27 579 THE HASKELL COMPANY job Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/ CONTRACTORS By A A^S Date Sheet of 3-5 1 1Jy w v r 41 16-q 1 y NI; THE HASKELL COMPANY Job /:5 Job NO. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By j' Date% Sheet 2— of c.) 1 L '7 C_- I)vi,- L,)A--) 4-- L _ _ l" 0 5. 2 3 o7 39(i83- 4 ASKELL COMPANY Job "'''r J`'K Job No. THE H ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Date S f f ' S 7 Sheet 3 of 7 I S.i7 15,1 I J,17 Q z. 3 5 _1i2 %.gig Q. S3 I 5 Ob 5.0 5 S r3 y.a3`) /33 W/ok /% W/o xi2 0 s k- w / u >C / `7 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job a,., , f ._; , s s Job NO. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By k• L-. fl •^ r pate S - 8 Sheet 1 Of 2 s 2' u+ 3. 45 I Y a Qn t G M*' 393 Wc'.` c y\liJx 22 6 THE HASKELL COMPANY Job L V3 N'` i Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By Vim" r-1— r ^' r Date S- / y ` 7 Sheet - of s 4rj Z - 2 1... Ili Pl- r T r 4_1 0.55 b g_) = a/. 5_7 4' q- v 5E- 5 ' • 1'. ,9i PC L.. tea THE HASKELL COMPANY Jab Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By K, I L- Date S - / - 37 Sheet of Nj Y, 2 S Z7: 1 h 1ux33 I rAl" , (-,A -. i- s+ --si J 2.5 c ? ,. 1 ) 3.31 s x SS V P p X CT 7 -- -------- c LA V Vv i o x 3 9 1): 97s(o:s3J !2 15 L y• F t 9. Z G& 3 Z - /d • 7 c Z? Q 8.o2 p.62i 4 %. 22..g n FL- 0 SO LA--f JobTHE . HASKELL COMPANY A T : ':` Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By ' -^ Date Sr / - o% Sheet % of l p Ta P PLA lrTo n 22 s 7 b S F' 76p L,4;R. r tt I I N _ WVa J r.Vtl.. ~ f Lt,KT Ile /1( V.jo 3 3.93 M- 77 9 S THE HASKELL COMPANY JOb''" ' ` Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By % Date 57-4,— 817 Sheet o of ! A,—, ' /3 l3 SZ , ,-,2 `l ? S7 i< arc'. r `Ap'-"A I 1 I z S 1 i IJF N ;—r- THE HASKELL COMPANY Job '"" Job No. ARCHITECTS/ENGINEERS/CONTRACTORS By l t-,—, .R`s Date 8 7 Sheet_ of I 32.-S> , jC"Z e 13 P 1 i OT I I 2s r t io P PL J0 C- k x / p' FL E- I, (o .2> _ 35. 2 SAr F j4S j JOHNS RIVER r WAT E R IVIANAGEIVIENT DISTRICT Jut 9, 19 37 OPT L' T.1i14. 3 -]T Z 7,07 _ ENZDH 3L.VD . G ?,:,A: -?DO, FrLj 3 28 57 Henry Dean, Executive Director Mildred G. Horton, Assistant Executive Director POST OFFICE BOX 1429 • PALATKA, FLORIDA 32078-1429 904/328-8321 2133 N. Wickham Rd. 7775 Baymeadows Way 0 618 E. South St. Melbourne. FL 32935-8109 Suite 201 Orlando. FL 32801 305) 254-1761 Jacksonville. FL 32216 (305) 894-5423 L c J'.._ .;d is jou t_ .. rSton.m.zar u1cC lazy t? ?1—Mit as aL'.]O 1_'. _. L_i n , t110st3i 1 Of i_hi: St. JC.a1_i R"Ic._% :4- on JTTE 9, 1937. iZ s por_:tit s a Ies-u-1docunent- and sAould as ccot 4i' i your Ota `er important dCc uma'cmts. it i? cati:3C l u l ii "i li:i iOn ciaO t S11011' G Dl? lllad in and returned Co tilla Pa, '.tri3 OL =1Ce dl%_Ain tall= ty dales titer• the ".J.^._ii 1s CC:.1L 1e u. 1 ^. C1v1_ y, YJ'.1 ai,l : affable us to schedulle a pfo-n.- 7t ins ect:on of zlnl per:ni—ei sc ivltl. Tin aG:: lt_031 to t:li CO Ii)! ct1o:1 l'J. =, your _D =1C di J contains con tlons Ja ich relulra su'brlt'zal of aduizioaal in7or-mation. all 1:Z o=at—io-n 3 ubmItt$a: its co_q0' ? _aac,._to c--,-id: boll :L1ilL.t aJC3 :UiJiilit`eG' 1-O the 7aa: it3 OL-1Cia a :C "a =-_--- l': doe3 not raiive you f;c,-i t.1'C, of obtainiZg _?1 its - frCt a rioac-a, ata-e, and/or i oC:l agencies aj.-ZertI:Ig concu r_nt ] —:-*Lz:alc:L,o.-_ for ti_1 . iJo 2V.-3:1L JOLT ; ioli 1ro'.: "'O t_', L_1e O-':7.:11t .dl_'L iDe t an.3=c _= a ;,_,_d tO t;.1 - n.:.':J O:Vncrr, it l`:,a a -fanotifled bybyvcu -J, t 1, n.ln3fy Zlays of t.i:_ `_ia! o. pleci5,,, asz2.s i.i.i in i.111:3 :all a-i tO .aot_n a valid fQt_1e ne-"78i'_zi_' o.Ji13_. O1 = J_^ You--, coo-Je a is ion ana-, Cai s oz. i lca caa oo off: a'Iy -Fu rn,, : as-d:;ta ncCa- to _ICU, Ali-.2aSe aO not esitace to CJ zact US . n _i`e 'r. Na an, Dirccfor Diiision off° accords niK Enc_osutss: pen -lit aicl Completion 110port 3otica of ZigJ.Itj CC: 7istr1Ct .Per -lit File RALPH E. swM 6 NS'' '23I11AT. SWANN LYNNE CAPEHART Chairman -Fernandina Beach Vice Chairman -Cocoa Secretary -Gainesville IDWAL H. OWEN• JR. FRANCES S. PIGNONE - - KELLEY R. SMITH•iJR. SAM L. SWETT Jacksonville Orlando Palatka i' Jacksonville o . JOHN L. MINTON Treasurer -Vero Beach SAUNDRA H. GRAY DeBary NOTICE OF RIGHTS L A party whose substantial interests are determined has the right to request an administrative hearingbyfilingawrittenpetitionwiththeSt. Johns River Water Management District (District) within 14 days of receipt of notice of the District's intent to grant or deny a permit application by mailing it to the District or by presenting the written petition at the District Governing Board meeting in which action is proposed to be taken regarding the application, whichever is later. 2. A party whose substantial interests are determined has the right to request an' administrative hearingbyfilingawrittenpetitionwithin21daysofreceiptofnoticeoffinalDistrictactiononapermitapplication, if the Governing Board took action inconsistent with the notice of intent to grant or deny the permit application, or if that substantially interested party did not receive notice of the District's intent -to grant or deny the permitapplication. 3. A substantially interested party has the right to a formal administrative hearing pursuant to Section 120.570), Florida Stances, where there is a dispute between the District and the party regarding an issue of material fact. A petition for a formal hearing must comply with the requirements set forth in Section 28-5.201, Florida Administrative Code, and Section 40C•1.11, Florida Administrative Code. 4. A substantially interested party has the right to an informal hearing pursuant to Section 120.57(2), Florida Stances, where no material facts are in dispute. A petition for an informal hearing must comply with therequirementssetforthinSection40C•1.11, Florida Administrative Code, 5. Filing of a petition for an administrative hearing occurs upon delivery at the District headquarters or when the petition, properly addressed and stamped, is postmarked. 6. Failure to file a petition for an administrative hearing within the requisite time frame shall constitute a waiver of the right to an administrative hearing. 7. The right to an administrative hearing and the relevant procedures to be followed are governed by Chapter120, Florida Statutes, and Chapters 40C•1 and 28-5, Florida Administrative Code. 8. Any substantially affected person who claims that final action of the District constitutes an unconstitutional taking of property without just compensation may seek review of the action in circuit court pursuant to Section 373.617, Florida Statutes, and the Florida Rules of Civil Procedures,by filing an action within 90 days of the rendering of the final District action. 9. Pursuant to Section 120.68, Florida Statutes, a party who is adversely affected by final District action may seek review of the action in the district court of appeal by filing a notice of appeal pursuant to Fla.R.App.P. 9.110 within 30 days of the rendering of the final District action. 10..A party to the proceeding who claims that a District order is inconsistent with the provisions and purposes of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, may seek review of the order pursuant to Section 373.114, Florida Statutes, by the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission (Commission) by filing a request for review with the Commission and serving a copy on the Department of Environmental Regulation and any person named in the order within 20 days of the rendering of the District order. However, if the order to be reviewed is determined by the Commission within 60 days after receipt of the request for review to be of statewide or regional significance, the Commission may accept a request for review within 30 days of the rendering of the order. 11. A District action or order is considered "rendered" after it is signed by the Chairman of the GoverningBoardonbehalfoftheDistrictandisfiledbytheDistrictClerk. 12. Failure to observe the relevant time frames for filing a petition for judicial review as described in paragraphs18and #9 or for Commission review as described in paragraph 110 will result in waiver of that right to review. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a copy of the fore`'6)RP'lFIbticcBd'f i h s h a si beesby U.S. Mail to this day of ., L 19 Dannise Kemp, Director Division of Records 4 ? — :117 — 013 2U St. Johns Water Management District Post. Office Box 1429 Palatka, FL 32078-1429 904) 328- 8321 EXHIBIT A" CONDITIONS FOR ISSUANCE, OF PERMIT ITJMBER 42--1.17-0188N BARNETT BANK OF CENTRAL k"L'' DATED JUNF; 9 . 1987 1. ALL SIDE SLOPES AND DISTURBED AREAS MUST BE SEEDED AND. r JLCH D OR SODDED' WITHIN 30 DAYS OF CONSTRUCTION, ' 2. THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT RF:LIb]Vi" THE APPI,"KCANT of ` HI'. TO O)ITATId ANY RBQ!J1RiRD QR1DA rAE.PAR.T;j,,g l` '.p'k« IZVIr ti: i•a , k ,i ' ^ t,.. 1 .' , ' :;• vr} N2 i 3. THOSE CONDITIQNS AS. AGREED UPON IN SECTION ' II OF THE APPLICATION, 4. ALL MM STRUCTION, OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE SHALL BE' AS SET FORTH IN THE PLAI•IS, SPECIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE, CRITERIA AS. APPROVED BY THIS PERM -IT. 5. DISTRICT AUTHORIZED STAP-P, UPON PROPER IDlNTIFICATION, WILL HAVE PEPJAISSION TO ENTER, INSPECT AND OBSERVE THE SYSTE.vI TO INSURE CONFORMITY WITH ,THE .PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS APPROVED.. BY THE PERI,3IT. g 6. TURBIDITY BARRIERS MUST BE INSTALLED AT , ALL LOCATIO14 S W11ERE THE POSSIBILITY OF TRAIISFERRING SUSPENDW SOLIDS1N'1'0 THE RECEIVING WATBRBODY EXISTS DUE TO THE, PROPOSED WORK. TURBIDITY BARRIBRS 14UST REI'1AIN IN PLACE AT ATA, LOCATIONS UNTIL CONS`I'RUC'TION IS COMPLETED AND SOILS ARE' STABILIZED AND VEGETATION .. fIA3 . BEEN ESTABLISHED, TITEREtA.F'TER : THE PHR14ITTEE WILL s'',. E RESPONSIBLE .FOR .THE REMOVAL OF THE C BARRIERS. r 1UI,( ' al3ul 3 L 0 'I'iii:.I::",I2i•S I'; SiIIAiL 110;ri .BECONU I:F'F CT, S. UP1TIL A FLORTDA REG13TERED PROFESSI4FJL'NpTNifiI:R"'CERTiF'IF173 5: " THAT Alai, FACIL7.TI,ES HAVE BEEN CONSTRUCTLD . IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE DE ]:GO APPTammD BY THS DISTRICT. ill THIN 30 DAYS s AFTr: R COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION OF THE SURFACE WATER MATNAGZ;MENT S' S , EA9, THE PEItMI.T'T'iEE S11.'1LL, SUBMIT THE CI R' I':f.F1CATIOiV OR ON.6 SET OF PL1 12S] WHI^1.1 .RSF[jECT THE SURFACE WATER MANAGE11ENT SYSTEM AS ACTUAr,LoY CONS TRU C`TRID AND NOTIFY THE DISTRICT THAT THE' FACILITIES ARE READY FOR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL. -UPON APROV11.i., OF THC . CO!dl?(,F,T2D SURFACE ,CATER. tWJAGJU*,1ENT. SYSTEM, THE PERMITTrE SHALL IZP,QUF,3T TRANSFER OF THE PERMIT TO. T1iF,. RLSPONISBLE. ENTITY.. APPROVED. BY THE DISTRICT. 8. IF Ail Y OTHER REGULATORY AGENCY SH0Ul'. D RnQuiI2I; i UV:[."ti.'IOIIS OR 140D I FI CAT ION TO THE PEW1ITTED PR(AJECT, THE DITRI.CT IS TO HE NOTIFTE.D OF THE RI.VISIONS SO THAT A DETERMINATION .=I BE 14ADE WiIETRER A PERMIT MODIFICATION. 13. REQUIRED.:: Date: t i July 10,j 1987 From: The Haskell Company Haskell Building Jacksonville, Florida 32231-4100 Addendum No. 1 to the Bidding Documents for: Addition to The Barnett Bank of Central Florida Sanford Office Sanford, Florida Job No. 70-299 This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modi- fies the original Bidding Documents dated June 22, 1987 as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal Form. Failure to do so may subject the Bidder to disqualification. Specifications Section 09511 - Suspended Acoustical Ceilings Paragraph 2.02, C: Change "24 inches by 24 inches by 3/4 inch" to read "24 inches by 24 inches by 5/8 inch." Drawings Sheet 201 - Site, Utilities, Gradinq and Drainaqe Plan 1. Delete Guard Post Detail. 2. Add flume to plan and Flume Detail 2/201. 3. Clarify Catch Basin Modification Detail 4/201. 4. Clarify Pavement Section Detail 5/201 and add Section 5/201 cut to plan. 5. Add Mitered End Section Detail 6/201 and indicate location on Plan. 6. Clarify.Retaining Wall Detail 3/201, indicate Section 3/201 on Plan and add dimensions of retaining wall to Plan. 7. Add header curb at north end of retaining wall with accom- panying notations.. 8. Add header curb along south edge of teller drive pavement with accompanying notations. 9. Clarify building outline.", Addendum No. 1 Barnett Bank - Sanford Addition July 10, 1987 Page 2 Sheet 202 - Landscape Plan Delete references to retaining wall height. Sheet 301 - Floor Plans 1. Add note to Floor Plan and Fixture Detail No. 1. 2. Delete Demolition Notes at Reflected Ceiling Plan Detail No. 2 and add note. 3. Revise Detail 4 to correspond to Plan section cut direc- tion. 4. Clarify Material Schedule and note for carpet description. 5. Clarify Door Schedule and add mark, size, and description headings. 6. Delete word "shaded" and substitute "hatched" at Demoli- tion Plan No. 7 under Demolition Note No. 10. Sheet 302 -.Elevations and Details 1. Add clarification notes at Elevations "B," "C," and "D." 2. Revise detail 7 and add clarification note. 3. Revise 44" to read 3' 8" at detail 9. Sheet 303 - Roof Plan and Details 1. Add notation at details 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17. 2. Delete reference to window "beyond" at detail 16. Sheet 401 - Foundation Plan, Sections and. Details 1. Add clarification notation at Foundation Plan this addition. 2. Delete notation at detail 3. Sheet 601 - HVAC Floor Plan Add note No. 9. THE HASKELL COMPANY Addendum No. 1 Barnett Bank - Sanford Addition July 10, 1987 Page 3 Sheet 701 - Lighting Plan 1. Revise one 2' x 2' fluorescent fixture from "Existing -Re- located" to "New." 2. Add Fixture Type "B" to Lighting Fixture Schedule. 3. Revise Lighting Note No. 1 at General Notes. 4. Add three "Existing -Relocated" 2' x 2' light fixtures in Lobby Area. Sheet 702 - Power and Demolition Plan 1. Revise location and number of "Existing -Relocated" light fixtures. 2. Revise General Notes Power Note No. 1. THE HASKELL COMPANY Date: July 10, 1987 From: The Haskell Company Haskell Building Jacksonville, Florida 32231-4100 Addendum No. 1 to the Bidding Documents for: Addition to The Barnett Bank of Central Florida Sanford Office Sanford, Florida Job No. 70-299 This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents and modi- fies the original Bidding Documents dated June 22, 1987 as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in.the space provided on the Proposal Form. Failure to do so may subject the Bidder to disqualification. Specifications Section 09511 - Suspended Acoustical Ceilings Paragraph 2.02, C: Change "24 inches by 24 inches by 3/4 inch" to read "24 inches by 24 inches by 5/8 inch." Drawings Sheet 201 - Site, Utilities, Gradina and Drainage Plan 1. Delete Guard Post Detail. 2. Add flume to plan and Flume Detail 2/201. 3. Clarify Catch Basin Modification Detail 4/201. 4. Clarify Pavement Section Detail 5/201 and add Section 5/201 cut to plan. 5. Add Mitered End Section Detail 6/201 and indicate location on Plan. 6. Clarify Retaining Wall Detail 3/201, indicate Section 3/201 on Plan and add dimensions of retaining wall to Plan. 7. Add header curb at north end of retaining wall with accom- panying notations. 8. Add header curb along south edge of teller drive pavement with accompanying notations. 9. Clarify building outline. Addendum No. 1 Barnett Bank Sanford Addition July 10, 1987 Page 2 Sheet 202 - Landscape Plan Delete references to retaining wall height. Sheet 301 - Floor Plans 1. Add note to Floor Plan and Fixture Detail No. 1. 2. Delete Demolition Notes at Reflected Ceiling Plan Detail No. 2 and add note. 3. Revise Detail 4 to correspond to Plan section cut direc- tion. 4. Clarify Material Schedule and note for carpet description. 5. Clarify Door Schedule and add mark, size, and description headings. 6. Delete word "shaded" and substitute "hatched" at Demoli- tion Plan No. 7 under Demolition Note No. 10. Sheet 302 - Elevations and Details 1. Add clarification notes at Elevations "B," "C," and "D." 2. Revise detail 7 and add clarification note. 3. Revise 44" to read 3' 8" at detail 9. Sheet 303 - Roof Plan and Details 1. Add notation at details 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17. 2. Delete reference to window "beyond" at detail 16. Sheet 401 - Foundation Plan, Sections and Details 1. Add clarification notation at Foundation Plan this addition. 2. Delete notation at detail 3. Sheet 601 - HVAC Floor Plan Add note No. 9. THE HASKELL COMPANY i Addendum No. 1 Barnett Bank Sanford Addition July 10, 1987 Page 3 Sheet 701 Lighting Plan 1. Revise one 2' x 2' fluorescent fixture from "Existing -Re- located" to "New." 3 2. Add Fixture Type "B" to Lighting Fixture Schedule. 3. Revise Lighting Note No. 1 at General Notes. 4. Add three "Existing -Relocated" 2' x 2' light fixtures in Lobby Area. Sheet 702 - Power and Demolition Plan 1. Revise location and number of "Existing -Relocated" light fixtures. 2. Revise General Notes Power Note No. 1. i Date• July 10, 1987. From: The Haskell Company Haskell Building Jacksonville, Florida 32231-4100 Addendum No. 1 to the Bidding Documents for Addition to The Barnett Bank of Central Florida Sanford Office Sanford, Florida Job No. 70-299 This Addendum forms a part of the Contract Documents -and 'modi- fies the original Bidding Documents dated June 22, 1987 as noted below. Acknowledge receipt of this Addendum in the space provided on the Proposal Form. Failure to do so may subject the Bidder to disqualification. Specifications Section 09511 - Suspended Acoustical Ceilings Paragraph 2.02, C: Change "24 inches by 24 inches by 3/4 inch" to read "24 inches by 24 inches by 5/8 inch. Drawings Sheet 201 - Site, Utilities, Grading and Drainage Plan 1. Delete Guard Post Detail. 2. Add flume to plan and Flume Detail 2/201. 3. Clarify Catch Basin Modification Detail 4/201. 4. Clarify Pavement Section Detail 5/201 and add Section 5/201 cut to plan. 5. Add -Mitered End Section Detail 6/201 and indicate location on Plan. 6. Clarify Retaining Wall Detail 3/201, indicate Section 3/201 on Plan and add dimensions of retaining wall to Plan. 7. Add header curb at north end of retaining wall with accom- panying notations. 8. Add header curb along south edge of teller drive pavement with accompanying notations. 9. Clarify building outline. Addendum No. 1 Barnett Bank - Sanford Addition July 10, 1987 Page 2 Sheet 202 - Landscape Plan Delete references to retaining wall height. Sheet 301 - Floor Plans 1. Add note to Floor Plan and Fixture Detail No. 1. 2. Delete Demolition Notes at Reflected Ceiling Plan Detail No. 2 and add note. 3. Revise Detail 4 to correspond to Plan section cut direc- tion. 4. Clarify Material Schedule and note for carpet description. 5. Clarify Door Schedule and add mark, size, and description headings. 6. Delete word "shaded" and substitute "hatched" at Demoli- tion Plan No. 7 under Demolition Note No. 10. Sheet 302 - Elevations and Details 1. Add clarification notes at Elevations "B," "C," and "D." 2. Revise detail 7 and add clarification note. 3. Revise 44" to read 3' 8" at detail 9. Sheet 303 - Roof Plan and Details 1. Add notation at details 1, 4, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, and 17. 2. Delete reference to window"beyond" at detail 16. Sheet 401 - Foundation Plan, Sections and Details 1. Add clarification notation at Foundation Plan this 2. Delete notation at detail 3. Sheet 601 - HVAC Floor Plan Add note No. 9. THE HASKELL COMPANY Addendum No. 1 Barnett Bank - Sanford Addition July 10, 1987 Page 3 Sheet 701 - Lighting Plan 1. Revise one 2' x 2' fluorescent fixture from "Existing -Re- located" to "New." 2. Add Fixture Type "B" to Lighting Fixture Schedule. 3. Revise Lighting Note No. 1 at General Notes. 4. Add three "Existing -Relocated" 2' x 2' light fixtures in Lobby Area. Sheet 702 - Power and Demolition Plan 1. Revise location and number of "Existing -Relocated" light fixtures. 2. Revise General Notes Power Note No. 1. THE HASKELL COMPANY