HomeMy WebLinkAbout12100 Plantation Lakes Cir - BC99-000753 (1999) (PLANTATION LAKES - BLDG 12) DOCUMENTS1qlq 3°-' ZONE CONTRACTOR ADDRESS _ PHONE # LOCATIOI OWNER ADDRESS PHONE # L%l 'o' 1 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR -7 y / / r. ADDRESS PHONE # ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ADDRESS I I DD ptorjwfqi;i 411W LA kes cc. . SUBDIVISION:6d ft1 DATE A PERMIT. # crl'-l4s5 LOT NO. 1 !9 JU JOB f.A.AJCAAJ4Ao!7", BLOCK: I0SECTION: COSTST% 4b(( p, QUARE FEET: FEE $ MODEL: STATE NO. 06COZ&IR70 OCCUPANCY CLASS: Res FEE Q-74? G, crl - 23Cf -2-F-EE sf tO PHONE # MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR 1 "7 EL E S- ADDRESS PHONE # MISCELLANEOUS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS SEPTIC TANK PERMIT NO. SOIL TEST REQUIREMENTS ( FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION REQUIREMENTS (_ J ARCHITECTURAL APPROVAL DATE: INSPECTIONS I TYPE DATEOKREJECTBYFEESENERGY SECT. EPI: Gci. (r„ Z (cto .sot-k i-n CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ISSUED # DATE: _ FINAL DATE CITYO JRD ELECTRICAL APPLICATION PERMIT NO. 2DATE: THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A PERMIT TO INSTALL THE FOLLOWING ELE C WORK^: ^ OWNER' S NAME: 1 f)-p-admowL ADDRESS OF JOB: Q Lak S ELECTRICAL Subject to rules and regulations of the city electrical cone. By signing this application I am stating I am in compliance wkb t e City Electrical Code Applicant' s Signature EC, 00n Ig55( States License# CITY OF SANFORD MECHANICAL APPLICATION PERMIT NO. l DATE: 4 THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A PERMIT TO INSTALL THE FOLLOWING MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT: OWNER'SNAMEAG1/yaN ADDRESS OF JOBALb6'12 " IZ IQp ?KL4 N Tx i ea LA s CJ A! MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR: e-aav RESIDENTIAL C --- COMMERCIAL Subject to rules and regulations of Sanford Mechanical Code eQ07r7 Qa By Signing this application I am stating that I am; pp,i4C88,Siv0nature ompliance with City of Sanford Mechanical Code. y0 States License# CERTIFICATE* OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW RESIDENTIAL/APARTMENT BUILDING**** DATE: oV- ADDRESS: /0-1 10ci kP(an-6Il°p1 C- f61 - CONTRAC OR/PROJECT NAME: CC Cons4y-4 u+ on e. s C; (-ole. The Building Dept. Has prepared a certificate of occupancy for the above location and is requesting a final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please contact the Building Dept. To sign off on the C.O. or submit an addendum if it has een denied. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Thank you. 0m go l -7,e8 Engineering: Public Works: Utilities/ Cross Connection: 1 < 51 r( Fire Department: Zoning Department: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW RESIDENTIAL/APARTMENT BUILDING**** DATE: - -Utz ADDRESS: % I n %n Laej ne qq--7 3 CONTRACTOR/PROJECT NAME: ccl co(kSkcd 0n The Building Dept. Has prepared a certificate of occupancy for the above location and is requesting a final inspection by yourdepartment. After your inspection, please contact the Building Dept. To sign off on the C.O. or submit an addendum if it haseendenied. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Thank you. Engineering: Fire Department: Public Works: --, .64-- ZoningDepartment: 4 Io• p Utilities/Cross Connection: juaa CERTIFICATROP- OCCUPANCY. ADDENDUM SANFORD PUBLIC WORKS -DEPARTMENT 407) 330-5680,FAX(407) 33.0-5601 Project: Plantation - Lakes September-19; 2000 12100 Plantation -Lakes -Circle reason for Disapproval: none Conditional Agreement: L. Building.12100 was.not complete when-Linspected.the.area. There was a considerable amount- of construction -debris around -the site. 2. The asphah- was damaged in several areas around -building 12100 and 10100. 3. The construction area was -not fenced -off from the residents. This should be of -great concern to -your company -because of the liability it presents. A safety fence should be in place to. protect residents -from -harm. Approved -by Publie-Works Department_subject-to. acceptable -completion of the_abpve deficiencies -within 30 days. Recommend-baving all. parties -revolved- having -a -final -wall. t4r-ougb before C.O. of the lest two buildings; - Note. -This Addendum -does -not -include other- Depwtnent's:comments. Thank you, Robert Beall Signs. an&Tiaffia.Coordinator CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW RESIDENTIAL/APARTMENT BUILDING**** DATE: -3-Uo ADPRESS: RESS:J),(60 P16404l a,1 LaeS CONTRACTOR/ PROJECT NAME: Con S rcA c io The Building Dept. Has prepared a certificate of occupancy for the above location and is requesting a final inspection by your department. After your inspection, please contact the Building Dept. To sign off on the C.O. or submit an addendum if it has beendenied. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Thank you. Engineering: Public Works: Fire Department: Zoning Department: Utilities/ Cross Connection: C. O./C.C. CNECKUST - UTILITIES Di tT. f, 9 ,Q21/ j ' /OJ ' 00 fLS W Utility Inspector's Finad __ _.% FDEP Cieasance - Water ---------- h)ww Af R G4*' B/ v a 3: 3 C FDEe Clearance - Sewer City Services Easements Maintenance Bond ( 10% - 2yr) Other -------------------- off------ i CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW RESIDENTIAL/APARTMENT BUILDING**** DATE:-;"',R ADDRESS: I (.:' r" I C; SLt:i c 3 CONTRACTOR/PROJECT NAME: The Building Dept. -Has prepared a certificate of occupancy for theabovelocationandisrequestingafinalinspectionbyyourdepartment. After your inspection, please contact the BuildingDept. To sign off on'the C.O. or submit an addendum if it hasbeendenied. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Thankyou. Engineering: Fire Department: Public Works: Zoning Department: Utilities/Cross Connection: R.c-vJ 8 2S --o* 4' ys a e" . j9 ' w ' -._ 1?li:: 2''. %•mil (X', UY s ivices Ease lenti - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ;. M0111tcnance-Borid (10%,--•s,r) -------------------- Other CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW RESIDENTIAL/APARTMENT BUILDING**** DATE: ADDRESS: 100 CONTRACTOR/PROJECT NAME: C1 13 The Building Dept. Has prepared a certificate of occupancy for the above location and is requesting a final inspection by yourdepartment. After your inspection, please contact the BuildingDept. To sign off on the C.O. or submit an addendum if it hasbeendenied. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Thank you. Engineering: Public Works: Utilities/Cross Connection: Fire Department: Zoning Department: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY REQUEST FOR FINAL INSPECTION NEW RESIDENTIAL/APARTMENT BUILDING**** DATE: --W- (D ADDRESS: ()o Cici- -751 CONTRACTOR/PROJECT NAME: G C?--Y,13 u C;h-3n The Building Dept. Has prepared a certificate of occupancy for the above location and is requesting a final inspection by yourdepartment. After your inspection, please contact the BuildingDept. To sign off on the C.O. or submit an addendum if it hasbeendenied. Your prompt attention will be appreciated. Thank you. Engineering: Public Works: Utilities/Cross Connection: i Fire Department: Zoning Department: Orel--7.5 FEDEWIL BIER6El & MANAbE ff AGENCY '* OAM NCI 3087-0077NATIONALFLOODINKIMIICEPROGRAWEONAdy31. 2002 ELEVATION EERTIFICATE Irnporlaint Read dw batruetlons On 111111106 1- 7- SECTION At PROP INFONUTION.----• '. OaltAanrUSK a anttaaion I es, Ltd. BINIOtMA.STREETA011ABSALI ba $! • jft oft Nat OR P.O. ROVIdAND BOX NO. Co mier, W11C Mnhbsr WIT Sanford FL PROPEKIY DESCRIPTION (lot ON Block Nwebere. TO Parod Nnmbar. LOP 0"Olptle", OIL) LA (OP flDNAU ttORIi1JONTAL OArUM: sourm u VS Rrpai e/'•M-Md or Mddga') („JWale 7 UW1DtelIS UUS65OwdM* uoow SECTION e - FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP (Emig INFORMATION B1' i r ie"FARM NoyNumm 11 m a STATE 00 E 4i1 Roy EWjffV4F4WOCITE „P*,S) • i (zoo.NAwe 10 a0 1W. Sla Indicate the mm of tM One Flood Elevallm W-10 d,a of base Hood 408nand in 89. U FIS Profile kg FIRM U Coeaw* nelson*,- U Other (Oe cift): 811. Indicate the elevation dahrm used 1w to 8FE In 89: Q4 NGVD 1929 U NAVD tan U DOW (0„cdbs): 812. IS the kadi g located in, Coaata9 Bonier RMW=$ System (CBRS) area or Otlknrise Protected Area (OPA)? U Yes QQ No Designation tale: C1. Butdnp slevatlons are based on: UCOnpn VJM Orawin9s' U8uildn9 Under ConswctioM WFWshed CwWucion A new EMvalim CeN60t0"be mgWed when oonWUCtiOn Of to bwlft is OW01010. C2. &"q Diagram Number (Select Oa b Aft dW= mat soder 10 Oe bui ft for which On certificate is beecom ppleted • s, papas 6 and 7. if no dh,pram aoarraehy mWasentit the baddinp. pralds a sketch Or photographh.) C3. Elevations - Zones A1,A30. AE. AN. A (with 8FE). VE. Vt•V30. V 00 9FE). AR. ARIA. ARIAS ARIAI.A30. ARMN. ARIAO Complete Items C3a: below according to the butd*9 diW= spealle0 in film CL Slate tie dawn used. If the datum IS different f m the datum used for the 8FE in Section 8. eonvan this datum to Oat wed for go 8FE Show Add meawerneras and damn conversion cdcWdion. Use the space pwided or the Comnwnie was OI Section 0 or S@cWn G. as appropriate. to doaarrrt the dehrm u N111mit Datum Eahration teferenoa mark wed Om dw ele4Wft reference mark used appear on the FIRM? U Yes U I I a) Top of bottom floor (nctu-np basement or enclosure) 63.41 JL A.(m) O b) Top of next higher floor 6515 1 R(m) 3 c) BaOom of lowest IhotiaOnW struchral menhbet (V:orwS ordy) ___ • _ (L(m) O d) Attached gmp (lop of stab) _ flan) ; O e) Lamest elentlon of madhnery sndror apuipnam O 4 Lowed adjacent grads (LAG) 6750 O 9) fthed adiscem grade (NAG) A& sn O h) No. OI permanent openings (Hood wrmq wdhn 111. above ad)acent 9r111110 O a Total area of at permanent openirga (Hood vents) in C3h _ sk in. (114• am) SECTION D • SURVEYOR ENGINEER OR ARCNRECT CERTIFICATION Tft= rlika on is to be signed and sealed by a and urveyor. egpnaer. of arWted ahrthrked by law to as* elevation *orrretion. I car* Net tie Nbnnallon in Sediaa A, B. and C an Nit cerOAeale represents my best Odom to i*VW tie data available. I understand Nal anY false swenwitnwy be PWAb" by in orintp im wnf urhder 18 U.S. Cods; Section M. CERTe1EWSKum William E. Burkett, P.E. UCLNU raimex 36043 ANY NAME TITLE President AOORE250 N. n 47ricAve. 5q. I.`•01 _ _•. Orlando STATE FL L"000%2801 r: oo^ ccc a9ace cme ens rvRhNh haThner Rca sr ..cc Al r SECTWN 0--SUD QR CfIRECTCERTffiCA?IOq..-DN IUEO) Copy bode aides of oft via vFAD caddale for (1) community odldd, m tltKWW= agadlbom N, anti (31 blll*V owner. COMMEWM Slab of bldg is stepped. bottom slab elevation 63.41; adjacent grade elevation 62.50 ft middle slab elevation 65.35 ft.; adjacent grade elevation 64.50 ft. top slab elevation 67.40 ft; adjacent grade elevation 6VO ft. For ZM A0 snd Zone A (twUlout BFE). couplets Items E1 tluouplt E3L dfTis Eirvatlort Cere6ale le buendsd /or IRO es aupporOrlg gdbrmnrior Ibr a f;011/A aLOA F. Seallom C nwat Oe corrplefed. El. & A tp Olepram Nuntba_3 (SOW ft O fi ft (11eEram moat similar to due brddmtg for W" tine caddasle is being completed - 00 pages 6 and 7. If no diegrem socuralely represents ft building. provide a skel I or p1motgreph.) E2. The lop of der bottom floor (including basement or enclosure) of the building u l 11R(nn) I rm.(pn1 U above of U below dtedt one) the highest "acent grade. - E3. For Zone AO a*.. N no flood depth number Is aysdabla, is the top Of the bottom Aoof elevated in s000rdanee with the community s Aoodpldn management od Innis? U Yes U No U UNatown. The loaf ol6dal must car* this intommoon in Section G. The properly owner of owuu's 00101t:ed rep es who =npkles Seedw A. B. and E for comm atily4uwd BFE) or Zone AO must sign hoe. A ( widnout a FEMA4ssued or PROPERTY OWNEWS OR OWNER'S AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE'S NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE SIGNATURE DATE TELEPHONE COMMENTS The local o*W who Is sultorized by law of odbnatas to administer the eomru WS Aoodplabt management ordinance can complete SOCOM A. B. C (or E). and G of Otis Elevation Cent ale. Complete the applicable items) and sip below. 61. U The infodnadon in Section C was taken from othei documer bdon that has been signed and embossed by a ken sed surveyor. engineer. or architect who is audtorized by state or local law to m* elevation Wormation. (Ind late ere source and data of the elevation data in flee Comments area below.) G2. U A community oQi 'cal completed Section E for a buffing baled in Zone A (without a FEMA4med or comrnung4nued 9FE) or Zone All. . G3. U The following btt m adon (hems C440 is provided for community Iloodplein management purposes. G7. This permit has been Issued for. U New Corosruction U Substantial Improvement Gd. Elevation d as•built lowest Moor (ndtdng bssament) of ft budding is: _ R(m) Oalum. G9. BFE or On Zia AO) dwM of ko" at the building site is: _ R(m) Datum: LOCK OFF1CIAL'S NAME TITLE COMMU14TY NAME TELEPHONE SIGNATURE DATE COMMENTS II Chedt here d attewmert CFYA Crorw 1111.11 At W% 40 09M A(Wq At 1 PRFVIr11 K OnlIne Mr s AND ECH Phone (407) 365-1036 SURVEYING & MAPPING CORP. Fax (407) 365-1838 350 South Central Avenue, Oviedo, FL 32765-9030 • email: rburns@tish.net • P.O. Box 621892, Oviedo, FL 32762-1892 Jpnuary 10, 2000 RECEIVED D,CC Constructors, Inc. JAN 13 2000 Attention: Roorto Leite PLANTATION LKS4¢20 County Road 46A Sanford FL 3?771 Re: Plantation Lakes Formboard survey — Building 12 Dear Roberto: This letter is to certify that on June 14, 1999 this firm performed a field survey on the formboards for Building 12. The constructed forms location appears to be in substantial compliance to the "Civil Design" plans, as received by this firm on May 10, 1999 from Burkett Engineering, for the Plantation Lakes Apartments. The top of forms elevation for the upper unit is 67.40', and the proposed finished floor elevation is 67.25'. The top of forms elevation for the middle unit is 65.35', and the proposed finished floor elevation is 65.25'. The top of forms elevation for the lower unit is 63.41', and the proposed finished floor elevation is 63.25'. The above finished floor elevations meet or exceed the requirements set forth in the City of Sanford building code, sec. 6-7(A). Sincerely, LAND -TECH PURVEYING ,& MAPPING CORP. P.R. (Rick) Bgrns, P.S. & M, President PRBfjy tisERvRioocs os sei99o 9uet certify.bla9 z,ao UNIVERSAL Mites oeBary DaytonaBeach ENGINEERING SCIENCES Jacksonville St. Augustine Consultants In. Geotechrncal Engineering • Environmental Sciences • Orlando Construction Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection Gainesville Fort Myers Rockledge West Palm Beach Ocala Tampa August 4, 2000 Mr. Dan Florian, Chief Building Official City of Sanford Department of Community Development P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Reference: Building: #12 Permit # 99-3586 Logan Heights Apartments LIES Project No. 44907-002-01 and Report No. 3475 Dear Mr. Florian: Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) is performing threshold type inspections for the Logan Heights Apartments project. Enclosed you will find signed and sealed reports with the permit numbers listed. Testing reports have been issued under separate cover. Please feel free to contact us at (407) 668-1557 with any questions. Respectfully submitted, 014WERSiaL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Pick G.-Kushner, P.E. i=1?rida P.E. No. 38705 i1hrer-hold No. 863 xc: John Kopelousos: Vestccr Construction 3063 Enterprise Road, Suite 24 • DeBary, Florida 32713 • (407) 668-1557 • FAX (407) 668-1778 UNIVERSAL UES Project No. 44907-002-01 UES Report No. 3475 ENGINEERING SCIENCES August 4, 2000 Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering - Environmental Scienoes - Construction Materials Testing - Threshold Inspection 3063 Enterprise Rd., Suite 24 - DeBary, FL 32713 - (407) 668-1557 - Fax (407) 668-1778 ACTIVITY RECORD Client: Vestcor Construction Company 3020 Hartley Road, Suite 300 Jacksonville, Florida 32257-8205 Project: Logan Heights Apartments Building: Building #12 Permit M 99-3586 Date of Activity: July 25 and July 26, 2000 Reference: Threshold Inspection Technician: Steve McRevnolds July 25. 2000 As requested, a Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) threshold representative was at the above referenced project to perform a visual inspection of reinforcing steel for Building #12 shear walls and elevated slab, 2nd floor wall lines 9.1 throe igh 1.1. All steel placed meets project plans and specifications. The UES representative monitored concrete placement in the same locations. During the concrete placement, the elevated slab was exposed to heavy rain for approximately 1.5 hours. The slab was not covered to help prevent the rain from getting into the concrete. After the rain slowed from heavy to light, the UES representative noticed between wall lines 2.1 and 1.1 concrete components had badly separated leaving exposed aggregate. Charles Hudgens made the decision to place fresh concrete over this area and use a vibrator to consolidate. Due to wet conditions, the electric powered vibrators would not work. Charles then instructed the crew to use their feet to consolidate concrete. When the UES representative left site, the elevated slab was still not covered to protect from continuing rain. July 26, 2000 A representative of UES was on site to perform a follow up visual inspection for the elevated slab. At wall lines 2.1 and 1.1, half of tunnel form was removed and post shoring was placed every 7 feet from front to back for a total of 4 post shores. Portland cement was placed on elevated slab to bring grade of slab to 5'/z" as well as smoothing the finish. ;n between remaining wall lines post shores were placed every 11 feet front to back in center of slab. c, S eila M. Smith, P.F. 47`-J(do P.E. No. 51:;12 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES i UNIVERSAL9ENGINEERINGSCIENCES Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences Construction Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection August 4, 2000 Mr. Dan Florian, Chief Building Official City of Sanford Department of Community Development P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Reference: Building: #12 Permit # 99-3586 Logan Heights Apartments LIES Project No. 44907-002-01 and Report No. 3481 Dear Mr. Florian: 011ices In: DeBary Daytona Beach Jacksonville St. Augustine Orlando Gainesville Fort Myers Rockledge West Palm Beach Ocala Tampa Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) is performing threshold type inspections for the Logan Heights Apartments project. Enclosed you will find signed and sealed reports with the permit numbers listed. Testing reports have been issued under separate cover. Please feel free to contact us at (407) 668-1557 with any questions. Respectfully submitted, UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES 7—' Rock G. Ktishner, P.E. i !crida P.E. No. 38705 Th esl gold No. 863 xc: John Kopelousos; Vestcor Construction 3063 Enterprise Road, Suite 24 • DeBary, Florida 32713 • (407) 668-1557 • FAX (407) 668-1778 UNIVERSAL uES project No. 44907.002-0i UE. S Report No. 3481 ENGINEERING SCIENCES Auptest 1. 2000 Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering - Environmental Sciences - EDConstructionMaterialsTesting - Threshold Inspection 3063 Enterprise Rd.. Suite 24 - DeBary.'FL 32713 - (407) 668-1557 - Fax (407) 668-1778 ACTIVITY RECORD Client: Vestcor Construction Company 3020 Hartley Road, Suite 300 Jacksonville, Florida 32257-8205 Project: Logan Heights Apartments Building: Building #12 Permit #: 99-3586 Date of Activity: August 1, 2000 Reference: Threshold Inspection Technician: Steve McReynolds As requested, a Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) threshold representative was at the above; referenced project to perform a visual inspection of reinforcing steel for Building #12 shear walls and overhead cast in place concrete ceiling, 3'd floor wall lines 1.1 through 8.2. Ail steel placed meets project plans and specifications. Sheila M. Smith, P P. E. No. 51512 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES EUNIVERSALENGINEERINGSCIENCES Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences Construction Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection August 4, 2000 Mr. Dan Florian, Chief Building Official City of Sanford Department of Community Development. P.O. Box 1788 Sanford, Florida 32772-1788 Reference: Building: # 2 Permit # 99-86 Logan Heights Apartments UES Project No. 44907-002-01 and Report No. 3478 Dear Mr. Florian: Offices In: DeBary Daytona Beach Jacksonville St. Augustine Orlando Gainesville Fort Myers Rockledge West Palm Beach Ocala Tampa Universal Engineering Sciences, Inc. (UES) is performing threshold type inspections for the Logan Heights Apartments project. Enclosed you will find signed and sealed reports with the permit numbers listed. Testing reports have been issued under separate cover. Please feel free to contact us at (407) 668-1557 with any questions. Respectfully submitted, UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Flick. G. Kushner, P.E. Florida N.E. No. 38705 Threshold No. 863 xc: John Kopelousos; Vestcor Construction 3063 Enterprise Road, Suite 24 9 DeBary, Florida 32713 • (407) 668-1557 - FAX (407) 668-1778 UNIVERSAL tIES :'rciect No. -002-0' LIES Reportpor< ho. 347: ENGINEERING SCIENCES Aupuwt 4, 200t Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering - Environmental Sciences - EDConstructionMaterialsTesting - Threshold Inspection 3063 Enterprise Rd., Suite 24 - DeBary, FL 32713 - (407) 668-1557 - Fax (407) 668-1778 ACTIVITY RErOkL•. Cliant Vestcor Gonstruct:oon Compatt;° 3020 Hartley Road. Suite 300 Jacksonville, Florida 32257-82.0. Proje% X Logan Heights Apartments Building: Building # 12. Permit #: 99-3586 Date of Activity: July 31, 2000 Reference: Threshol%d Inspection Technician: Steve McReynolds A,,; requested, a Universao' Engineering Sciences (UES) threshold. representative was at the above reverenced project to perform a visual inspection of reinforcing steel for Buiidinq #12 shear walls and overhead cast in place concrete ceiling, 3' floor well lines 8.2. through 1. 1. All steel pieced meets project plans and specifications. t. 44-et- &At. Shei! a r,/. £miih, P.E. rtllvo F. F. No. 51512 UNIVERSAL. ENGINEERING SCIENCE:; UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences Construction Materiels Testing • Threshold Inspection r' ususi. 4 2000 I":. L%.r, uhle`: Fwrlldin, : tfficlal cf I -a ni?d oepartrlw-'nt 0" C-ornmuni.v Oeve!oprnent FS.•v 'i 7 G,'-3 S f`.fof', 327 .)-*I if 8 W:ferc:B * in •: #1.: Permit # 99-3586 Logan Heights Apartments LIES irlf-::)jec;'J:. 44907-002-01 and Rcfiort No. 3477 Dr -:r idlr. I7IUrian: Offices In: DeBary Daytona Beach Jacksonville St. Augustine Orlando Gainesville Fort Myers Rockledge West Palm Beach Ocala Tampa niver ia! Engineering Scie-ricer, Inc. (UES) is perfoilTlinr threshold type inspections for the Logan Heights Ape rtriients project. Enclosed you will find signed and sealed reports with the permit numbers listed. Testing reports have been issued under separatte cover. Pki .j,: e. feel free to contact us at (407) 668-1557 with any ClUestions. Respectfully submitted, UNI EP.SAL. ENGINEERING SCIENCES Hrriu- No. 38705- 8 I, rin Kc,?f'.ious,;S: sstcic. Construction 3063 Enterprise Road, Suite 24 9 DeBary, Florida 32713 • (407) 668-1557 • FAX (407) 668-1778 UNIVERSAL UES Project No. 44907-002-01 UES Report No. 3477 ENGINEERING SCIENCES August 4, 2000 Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering - Environmental Sciences - ED Construction Materials Testing - Threshold Inspection 3063 Enterprise Rd., Suite 24 - DeBary, FL 32713 - (407) 668-1557 - Fax (407) 668.1778 ACTIVITY RECORD Client: Vestcor Construction Company 3020 Hartley Road, Suite 300 Jacksonville, Florida 32257-8205 Project: Logan Heights Apartments Building: Building #12 Permit #: 99-3586 Date of Activity: July 28, 2000 Reference: Threshold Inspection Technician: Steve McReynolds As requested, a Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) threshold representative was at the above referenced project to perform a visual inspection of reinforcing steel for Building #12 shear walls and elevated slab, 3`d floor wall lines 1.1 through 9.1. All steel placed meets project plans and specifications. i Sheila M. Smith, P.E. SIL(toi P.E. No. 51512 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES i UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering • Environmental Sciences Construction Materials Testing • Threshold Inspection August 4, 2000 Mr. 0! i IVt w*.r1, Jr11C) ` Ui!d4 .-. OK'-'ini City of Sanford Drpart.:fElft JI l.'VI./r I nti f`:I</r.i IiY,'l/• P. 0. i %ox 1'i 88 San'sordl Reference: g illis _;#i2 Gerrrf t yy_358f; Logan Heig tits ; pai-tmetit:; rES Project No. 44407-002-.01 and Repoli No. 3474 Desr. Mr. Fk)riai,: Offices In: DeBary Daytona Beach Jacksonville St. Augustine Orlando Gainesville Fort Myers Rockledge West Palm Beach Ocala Tampa Universal Engi-Wering. Sr."isences, w,'- (UE''S) ;s pe.-fornning ,hre,;hold type insp-ec-E'so.-s f! I'the IL open Heights Apartments p-oje;ct. Enciosed you wi!l find signa-d Grid s, -aied reports eth the permit numbers !istc-d. Testing ;ep.o:ts have been if. -sued undsr sf;parate cot;F-r. Please if.el free the coni:act us at r40Ty 668-1 1.557 wish any questions. Re pectfivily submi ied, i1 lIVERSA01- FN(- vCL""Fii1Jl. SCIENCES ick G. Ku mer, I *rin PAr.'". No. ;ii70- 1. Threshold No. 8.6,E xc- John Kor)uao*-.ls--.: Ver- C.O! i.:011".rt.-C-.10) 3063 Enterprise Road, Suite 24 • DeBary, Florida 32713 • (407) 668-1557 • FAX (407) 668-1778 UNIVERSAL UES Project No. 44907-002-01 UES Report No. 3474 ENGINEERING SCIENCES August 4, 2000 Consultants In: Geotechnical Engineering - Environmental Sciences - Construccti on Materials Testing - Threshold Inspection 3063 Enterprise Rd., Suite 24 • DeBary, Ft. 32713 • (407) 668-1557 • Fax (407) 868-1778 ACTIVITY RECORD Client: Vestcor Construction Company 3020 Hartley Road, Suite 300 Jacksonville, Florida 32257-8205 Project: Logan Heights Apartments Building: Building #12 Permit #: 99-3586 Date of Activity: July 26, 2000 Reference: Threshold Inspection Technician: Steve McReynolds As requested, a Universal Engineering Sciences (UES) threshold representative was at the above referenced project to perform a visual inspection of reinforcing steel for Building #12 shear walls and elevated slab, 3rd floor wall lines 1.1 through 9.1. All steel placed meets project plans and specifications. Sheila M. Smith, P.E. Y(4(uu P.E. No. 51512 UNIVERSAL ENGINEERING SCIENCES A1:rM A,\, Drvl;t.o1 mENT CORPORATION January 19, 2000 City of Sanford Building Department 1303 South French Avenue Sanford, Florida 32771 Re: Plantation Lakes Apartments, Sanford, Florida Temporary Power to Building #12 (12100 Plantation Lakes Circle, Sanford, FL) To Whom it May Concern: Attached please find our check payable to the City of Sanford representing a "pre -power fee" for the above mentioned building. Also, please be advised that Plantation Lakes Ltd., as Owner, hereby agrees not to occupy and/or operate the above mentioned building until such time as a Certificate of Occupancy is issued by the City of Sanford. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, PLANTATION LAKES, LTD. By: Altman Development Corporation Its general partner Goodfellow, V ce President Construction p:pUs/city-occupancy.doc 2201 Corporate Bled. N.w., Suite 200, Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (561) 997-8661 Fax (561) 997-8706 CITY OF SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT FEES FOR SERVICES PHONE #: 407-302-1091 DATE: % /T l;q . PERMIT #: iqq-,3410 BUSINESS NAME: 76ez;A1JY oN zoe!; AOT ADDRESS: /off /00 A0?Ali?V7,P^J fU C5 c- PHONE NUMBER: PiAt S REVIEW -Ea--TENT PERMIT BURN PERMIT REINSPECTION TANK PERMIT FIRE SYSTEM Q AMOUNT $ - 0 COMMENTS: C Ajr 6A'r- 16f Fees must be paid to Sanford Building Department, 300 N. Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Phone # 330-5656. Proof of payment must be made to Sanford Fire Preventiolefore any further services can take place. 6J Sanford Fire P ention I certify that the above information is true and correct and that I will comply with all applicable codes and ordinances of the Cjty of Sanford, Florida. Applicants Wgnature gas / 21 1-3 CITY OF SANFORD ELECTRICAL APPLICATION PERMIT NO. ` DATE: THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A PERMIT TO INSTALL THE FOLLOWING ELECTRICAL WORK: OWNER'S NAME: IVtIMN ADDRESS OF JOB:ox% EtEe`PRt6AL CONTRACTOR:/`A0,,` * r,4 NON -RE Subject to rules and regulations of the city electrical code: By signing this application I am stating I am in complia ,lest al Code 415 s Yyy4e" ma N t4v.t.,,0#_ 6y M pr •. Applicant's Signature States License# T4 q-... Zf 3000. ,' Battery Calculations for Plantation Lakes Bldg Type 3 Device Quantity of Standby mAAlarm mA I Tot. Device ITot. Device ; iDescription Devices i Per Device Per Device I Standby mA I Alarm mA { 4224 Control Panel 1 125 250 125 250 4224 Notification Circuits (2 Max) 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 i 0 0 0 0 0 i 0 0 0 Q Q 125 250 i Auxiliary Devices (list all) Smoke Detector 1 5 60 5 60 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 j 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Y Auxiliary Device Totals 0 5 j 60 Notification Appliances (list all) 110cd Horn/Strobe. 4 N/A 259 N/A 1036 Mini - Horn. 6 N/A i 40 N/A 240 01 N/A ! 0 N/A 0 0, N/A i 0 N/A 0 Q N/A 0 N/A 0 Other Q N/A j 10 ._, N/A Q i Notification Appliance Totals 10 N/A 1276 Summary Section Standby Hrs. Required j 24 Alarm Sounding Minutes 5' Total System Standby mA 130 Total System Alarm mA 1586 Total System Standby A/H 3.12 Total System Alarm AM 0.13 jMin. A/H Battery Required 3.25 Recommended A/H Battery 4.OAH NOTE: TYPICAL CF BUILDING TYPE 3 1 # 4 #5 #9 #10 12 # 13 #15 2. ( 2) 12V4AH BATTERIES WILL BE INSTALLED SK 4224 FPIXI : S 1 LENT 14.11 GHT 612 497. 64 5 1339. 03-15 17: 19 #244 F. 02/e3 Model SK-4224 4-Zoo entional Fire Panel A flexible, powerful, cost-effective panel for fire protection applications The SK-4224 is a 4-Zone 24•volt rcnvenhon,)f fire alma panel wish ; pow rlul feab.ire Set that makes it the most flexible, easy to use fire control panel available The SK4224 has a 2.5 amp '24 VOC power supply• ric,lir-ited alarm and trouble relays, four Class 8 Style 8 inputs and two 2.5 amp Class 0 Style Y outputs. These can be programmed to onerate as two Glass A sl& C inputs with one 2.5 amp Class A Style Z outout when Class A operation is desired The panel also features an innovative notification expansion input that allows Ilse SK-1224 te) act as a 2.5 amp AOA notification expander! The SK-4224 is a class leading control panel that pievides a cost effective solution to your ire control needs. Model SK-4224 Feotnres 4-Zone Conventional Fire Ponel The Silent Knight SK-4224 provides class A and 8 operation. 2.5 amns of notification power and dedicated torn, 'C" alarm and trouble relays. Programmable features for zones include alarm verification and enhanced' verification. that allows pull stations to be recognized instantly on smoke verification zones. Zones can also be programmed for zone type (alarm or supervisory). and water flow delay (30. 60. or 90 seconds). Notification app!iance circuit% can be orograrnmed for silencing or no si!enca and for ANSI or steady Output. The on -board annunciator is easy to use and previtde% LED indication of alarm. suPorvi%ory and trouble conditions by zone as well as systsm status. Four Class 8 Style 8 initiation zones or they can be programmed to be two Class A Style 0 ,ones) Two Class 8 Style Y power limited notification r-ircuils rated 2.5A each or they can be prngrarirred to be One Class A Styla Z circtlit) 2 5A power !tuL`oly Oe;iic9tnd alarm and troub!a relays 1uxiti;%ry power cisitput ralea at .5.A . Alann vanfication feahirg En'tanceff verification feahao allows panel to instantly rprognize pull stations in smoke venfication zones Plug-in romrroum;:ahlr accessory rils in :aorngl Compac, rahingt hCt:345 up Ir Iwo 7 0 AM t%atteries Notinc•.alion Appliance circuits progsemrreble for ANSI Or Steady ou!put Ore person Walk Tgst fo?aura VL 864 list!d. rnmplieQ with NFPA 72 and IC f?IP Switch proprannnable No programm-nq software or special tools reaured Approved for use as an AOA notification power supply expanert Model SK-4224 Specifications Primary AC 12p Vrms ;4 60 Hz Order P/N 4224 30 Vans •`§ So Hz Order P/N 472414V Total Accessory : 5A — Lcad oimensions Height, 15 1.8- Width: 12 13rt5- oepm 3 3/8' Color Red SILENT KNIGHT Y1- 1'Y 164) 1441 1• r _ FtnEALARM PULL 'r•" IN CASE ilia) OF FtnE 3 Y•. A1270 srO 4 A1770A sro A fig) AI?70 oro AI210A ore SCREW TERMINALS) WIRE LEADS) WISH BnIGHT Fine ALARM RED FLUSH MOUNTING UNIT rots a - ELECTRICAL CHAPACTEnIStICS: SO BOX 4 PLASten Coven wITH OPEN CONTACTS. RATED 3 AMPS SINGLE GANG OPENING HAVING A T I?SV AC. O is AMPS At 12Sv OC. AN OVERALL MITI DEPTH Of 2%- S71 ALARM INDUSTRY PRODUCTS FIRE ALARM STATIONS Non -Coded Pull lever, Break Glass Type Simple, Positive Operation Single or Double Pole Single Action UL Listed WARNING: These devices will not operate without electrical power. As fires frequently cause power inler- ruplions. we suggest you discuss further safeguards with your local fire protection specialist. DESCRIPTION AIP Non -Coded Fire Alarm Stations are nlgged. attractive units that are designed for easy attd eco- nomical installation. All stations can be either flltsh Or surface mounted For flush rnqunlinq, a 4 itich square box with a Single gang plaster cover Should be used. For surface mounting a Cat. No. A139250 steel box should be ordered. SPECIFICATIONS FEATURES Cat. Ne. A1170.OPO Easily Recognizable — All Stations are paiolled in A1170•SrO durable AIP fire red. AI110A•Or0 Single Action. Break Glass Initialing Station. A1770A•SrO Choice of Field Connections -- Cal No. At a"l- AF9250 series have screw terminals Cat No. A1270A serfs have 6 inch wore leads. A1170•GLR Switch Contacts Field Connections All Normally Open Screw Term. Witt leads Oouble Pole x Single role X - Uultble rule'- -•----•-•-••— --- x --- .. Single role X =.. Steel Oox lot surface tnuunllng - Glass Replacement Rod (20 per boll OVERALL DIMENSIONS AND MOUNTING JY.• _ 1 Y.• I ZLIM. HOLES DOUPLE K O. S On ',J- 4 V. CONDUIT TOP 4 BOT IOU AI)e?SO STEEL BOX sunr Ace MOVNToNG DIMENSIONS AND 1NSTALLAttON DATA rOn NON.COOEO SIAT1tp.N toot E O.—S-0.6 H• .n .nt:hAp Ana J-11 n1.1.il SP•t.I.C61.6n0 n.eo•et to thong• ...thaw ntthro ALARM INDUSTRY PRODUCTS • 195 FARMINGTON AVENUE • FARMINGTON. CT 06032 COPTRIO141 104e AIP..) (4111D) DEC- IO-•?T WED 1 2 . _ _ P11 : e--obr-44ze j -cur- i t INSTALLATION AND MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS 2100(A) and 210OT(A) Photoelectronic Smoke Detectors Specifications Diameter: 5.5 Inches (140 nun) Height (including mounting bracket): 1.7 inches (43 mm) Weight: S. 3 oz. (ISO g) Operating Temperature Range: Operating Humidity Range: Latching Alarm: Heat Sensor (Model 210OT(A) only) Electrical Ratings System Vbltage 49TE" ASEAIS60 0 A VM3ion of Paiway 3825 Ohio Avenue. St. Charles, iltinols 60174 1.800-SENSORZ. FAX: 630.377•6495 Model 2100(A): 32' to 120°F (0' to SO°C) Model 110OT(A):320 to 100°F (0' to 390C) 10% to 9396 Relative Humidity, Noncondensing Reset by momentary power Interruption 135'F Fixed Temperature Electronic Thermislor Nominal- 12 or 24 VnC Minimum- 8.5 VDC Maximum: 35 VOC Maximum Ripple Voltage: 30% of nom. voltage (peak to peak) Start-up Capacitance: 0.02 µF maximum Standby Current: 50 pA maximum Alarm Ratings: 4.2 VOC minimum at 10 MA. 6 G VOC maximum at 100 mA. Alarm current must be limited to 100 mA maximum by the control panel. if used, the RA40OZ(A) Rerrtole Annunclator operates within the specified detector alarm currents.) Reset Vnliage: 1.5 VDC 1ninimum Reset Time: 0.3 seconds maximum Start-up Time: 30 seconds maximum (afler GO second reset) aotom Installing Please thoroughly read System .Sensor manual 156-407: Gulde for Proper Use o/ System Smoke Detectors, which pro- vides detailed information on detector spacing, placement. zoning. wiring. and special applications. Copies of this manual are available at no charge from System Sensor. (For installation in Canada, refer to CAN/ULC-S524-M91, Stan- dard for die Instolfadon of Fire Alarm Systems, and CF.0 Part 1. sec. 32.) NOTICE: This manual should be left with the owner/riser of this equipment. IMPORTANT. This detector must be tested and maintained regularly following NFPA 72 requirenien(s. The detector should be cleaned at least once a year. Oenersf Description Model 2100(A) is a 2-wire phoioelectronic smoke detector that uses a stale-of-the-arl optical sensing chamber: This detector Is designed to provide open area protection and to be used with compatible UL-llsted panels only. Model 210OT(A) features a restorable. bullt•in, fixed -temperature 135*F) (hernial detector. Installalion of these detectors is simplified by (lie use of a mounting bracket and a plug-in screw terminal block (hat can be prewired to the system, allowing the detSclor to be easily installed or removed for cleaning. The detector's sen- sitiviiy can be tested in place using the M0g400R Tell Module. An LED on the detector provides a local visual in- dication of the detector's status. If power Is applied to the delecror and it is functioning normally In slandlry the sta- tus LED blinks every len seconds. 'rhe LED also latches on in alarm. Models 2100(A) and 210OT(A) feature a visual indication fiat maintenance is required - if the sensing clwtliber drifts out of its sensitivity limits, the LED ceases to bliiik v The detectors also include an output that hllows an optional Model RA40OZ(A) Remote Annunci hor to be connected. Dt00.54.00 1 ISr• 710 t7 Integrity Temporal Horn/Strobe SELF -SYNCHRONIZING UL 1971 LISTED STROBE SATISFIES ADA CODE REQUIREMENTS SELF -SYNCHRONIZED TEMPORAL HORN OUTPUT SELECT FOR TEMPORAL OR STEADY SOUND SELECT FOR Low OR HIGH dBA WITH TRUE HORN TONE LOW CURRENT DRAW FIELD CHANGEABLE LENS MARKINGS MATCHING HORNS 2-GANG BOX MOUNT. UNIVERSAL MOUNTING PLATE SYSTEINI OUTDOOR OPTION Fire alarm hom/strobe operates from 24 Vdc and can be selected for temporal pattern or steady tone output. The unique microprocessor based horn is completely self -synchronized when set to temporal signal and does not require external synch -control modules. A moveable jumper provides a choice for high (97 dBA) or low (91 dBA) output. The hom/strobe is listed for indoor and outdoor installations. A t 12 AWG terminal block is provided for connection to signal circuit and all models mount to standard North American 2-gang elect minimum 2-3/4** (69 mm) deep. The plastic front plate has attractive textured finish. The synchronized strobe is suppli W1 FIRE" (wall orientation) as the standard lens marking. Color - matched surface boxes. homs. and other audible/visible signals are also available. Horn Current Draw: 40 mA (high-outputY17 mA (low-outputl'(ur Vdc Hom/Strobe Output (high setting measured at 10 10: 102 dBA peak anechoic); 97 dBA (average anechoic): 35 dBA (reverberen.t HORN and STROBE FIRST DEVICE ON SAME CIRCUIT To UL/ULC Listed Fire Alarm Control Panel Signal Circuit Note 1 HORN and STROBE ON SEPARATE CIRCUIT FIRST DEVICE To UL/ULC Listed - Fire Alarm Control Horn/Strobe Panel Signal Circuit Note 1 H+ To UL/ULC Listed -— Fire Alarm Control + Panel Signal Circuit Hom/Strobe Output (low settintt measured at 10 ft.). 96 dBA (peak anechoic): 33 dBA (average anechoic): 76 dBA (reverberent) Ste Notification Appliances - Introduction for linone signal application and strobe performance characteristics and specifications. Cat. Number Description INT-SAT 15 cd Temporal Horn/Strobe (synch), Red INT-5ATW 15 cd Temporal Hom/Strobe (synch), White INT-7AT 15/75 cd Temporal Horn/Strobe (synch), Red INT-7ATW 15/75 cd Temporal Horn/Strobe (synch), White INT•3AT 30 cd Temporal Horn/Strobe (synch), Red INT-3ATW 30 cd Temporal Horn/Strobe (synch), White INT-8AT 110 cd Temporal Horn/Strobe (synch), Red INT-8ATW 110 cd Temporal Horn/Strobe (synch), White Horn/Strobe To Next Device or EOL Resistor To Next DeviceHornistrobelorEOLResistor To Next Strobe Device or EOL Resistor Note 1: Polarity of Signal Circuit is shown in supervisory state. Polarity reverses in alarm condition. 48 INT-RR Integrity Mounting 55' Accessories 4.'O1.OIt in)To SIGNAI S SI11tr 1. 1311X1:s 10_110)FIT ION(iS WI*A1IIIi141'1(0O1: BOXES III -1)11t1iCTIONA1. I:ItAhll:S INT-SIi, -S8W Surface Jim - Slcrl buy li r sot liar nnmoot ing alto. INT serics signal. Use lilt iltdunr applicaunns only. IN' I=RK,-Itlt\V KcU•ul'if Icing - Slcel s(Iltar•c ring lilt n nitnlrnl; any INT scars signal lit existing 4" stitiare clectrtc Nine Ihal arc Nut shallow to accept device. Adds ahuul I " depll. I Isc Inr indoor apphcallons only. IN• 1-WII, AVBW Wealhcrproof Rot - fast SIM hux lilt snrl:Ice mounting any suitable INT series signal man outdoor appllcaliun IN• f 11DE,-131)F\V Ri-direeclional lk ottnlisig Frame -tiled mounting brine allows Iwo INT setics signals to It installed ha - a, io- back. Ideal for long rut t idnr applrcaliuns. I'nr indoor Ilse only. INT 8DF I' 575' • Tr s- Cat. Number Description INTSB Surface Box - indoor. Red INT SBW Surface Box - indoor, White INT- RA Retrofit Ring - Red INT RRW Retrofit Rtn - While INT- WO Weatherproof Box - surface. Red _ INTWBW Weatherproof Box - surface. While INTBDF Bi-directional Mour tin Frame - Red INT BDFW Bi-directional htountin Frame - While 43 41mmoINSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE 6310 SERIES OF ELECTRONIC SIGNALS WARNING: Installation is to be done by qualified personnel who have Thoroughly read and unllerslood this installation sheet and the accompanying !ggLCq al Piodircl Warning and Limitations Document #544111. SPECIFICATIONS AUDIBLE APPLIANCE: Licled Voltage Range 2.0-31 VOC or VFWR Signal Type: Steady or Temporal/Selerlable Current 15 mA. @ 24 VOC R VFWR SPL: c@ 24VDC at 10' on axis 92(113 steady or Iviiipin-it 104.5 mA 20.31 VOC UL reverberant morn rating: 83dB at 10' 20VDC Steady. 79 (IS temporal Units for in(loo1 use only (O'C•49-C) 84dB at 10' 24VUC steady, 83 (1(3 Iempnlal __ See visual specifications for strobe currents & intensities on page 4 6310 MINI -HORN (Fig. 1) 1. Configure horn for lempolal or steady lane see fig. 4A) 2. Connect wiring (see fig.4). 3. Mount the Mini -Horn to the single gatig box with the two # 6-32x 1-In" screws. 4 Test unit for proper operation. 7) A 32 Y 1 1/4' Srlet/q 6311 MINI -HORN (Fig. 2) 1 Configure hom for Ir`mporal or steady Imir see fig. 5A) 2 Pull the wires ham the oullet box through the large opening in the adapter plate. 3. Mount the adapter plate to the electrical box using the appropriate screws provided Makincl sure that the adapter plate is mounled in Ilia upright position (Note: When usinq a single fir 1 117" yang outlet box make sure to use the holes .,?It labelled "single gany".) lnrr,Ilp 4. Connect wiring (see fig. 5). 5. Mount the ,grille on to Ilia adapter plate by first engaging the Iwo sluts in the ballom of the Mille with the Iwo tabs in the, bottom of the adaptor 6. Test unit for proper operation. 6312 MINI-HORN/STROBE (Fig. 3) 1. Configure horn for temporal or steady lane see fig. 6A or fig. 7A.) 2. Pull the wires from the oullet box through Me large opening in the adapter plate. 3. Mount the adapter plate to the electrical box using the appropriate screws provided. Maki11(t sure that the adapter plate is nmunled in Ilia upright position. (Nate: When usin(l a single gamy oullet box make sure the use Ilse holes labelled "single gang".) fir, v I . 4. Configure and wire the 6312 for either single s1I1 rar,(,u,g circuit or split mini-horn/strobe operation see fig.6 or fig. 7). (Note' Split operation = requires two separate notification circuits.) 5. Mount the grille an to the adapter plate by first engaging 11 ie two slots in the botto111 of the grille f with the two labs in the bottom of the adapter \ plate. Then use the # 6x1-i/2" self tapping screw to attach the grille to fire adapter plate 6. Test unit or proper operation 2) n 32 x OR rl ntVC O'p 7) n. 37 V IIn- Fig. 1 (6310) 4) 6.32. x tit' ,,^.Io•:e 20-0 j1O Fig. 2 (6311) Fig. 3 (6312) r)44441 RFV f'A;( 1 /it 4 It/lnion NOTE' UNITS TO BE ONLY INS7ALLED IN A(a (MOANCE WI II I TI IE NArIONAI_ E_I.E.(JP ICAL CODE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL. CODES. DO. NOT LOOP WIRE, CUT.WIRE RUN IU PROVIDE. ELECTRICAL SUPERVISION Terminals we clesi(Inrll Ir accept Ito I.niyet Iltml 12 v Will' WIRING DIAGRAM WHEN 6312 STROBE AND ELECTRONIC AUDIBLE SIGNAL ARE Orl-rFMrORnl. CONNECTED TO SAME_ NOTIFICATION APPLIANCE CKT. OrF-S1 FAI)Y Fig. GA i nipgr:1 ;Rhr;lrn .luny)r rintr_ wllr•.rl sr•I rc:luu: ' IFMrORn1 IA 1 1 F RIJ. 1111' IIORNMUSI nr rowrlti'1) rROM A r•1Qr••rtit ..^,It•Il: Ito)I ncAIION Al'rlIAfIt:I C111(;( 111 r m itAGOr•I I R(H r'nt ll• I till rNf Vli li l': I )r Vl(:r AI. ARfv, ('()1 AQI 1 Y ::I Il'Vdf l tIO11rlCAliOtlAl' I'IIAII' I 4'1•.I I rAVF .IIIMrrRS fit rl M:r (S 1 Rr )nF. Ar10 At 11IInI F SI(. t1A1 ARF I I')(N'r11AIF(1t) llir i`' N, aARIFrAQCtitlI ir 1p I II Ir) rlr•mI I)r/It r'a;r (,I IIr11r• ;: II;OnPS I'Al);;1 nF i r i, 111 A tlOtl rill 'till(' fit llrl' AI$(%if nl'rl lnrl/'F':KI RIOIF. WIIFrI AIl(Hnl r nit'.IIAI Atli) '1111)[1P AQ1 I:rlt1111 0:11'I) It' ^.AIAI' tit I111 It AI If It Al'I'l IAilr F (.In,:l111 1:1lr7nrtl1 RATING ! S (;omnlNAI ION fir Al llllnl r 'It*.t•In1 AND ".1(i# )111 (.111YRT.I I I I' i(I G ILM WIRING DIAGRAM WHEN 6312 STROBE AND ELECTRONIC AUDIBLE SIGNAL ARE CONNECTED TO TWO SEPARAif_ NOTIFICATION Ar rLIANCE CKTS. it- I FMrORAI. Orr-!, rrADY i'I I .Ilih,l'r'li:: (nlrl)inir':u:tlAl AI It) r% I Pt +ftr I II, 10.I l r I _ la I: I= t' Irl' a iI 1 S1 Fig. 7A LI ".-L— A" (_ Ilempot Al SP.IP(:tot .11liillior n 1{ I la IV I: 10 I NOTEwlIFr•1 sr_Lr•.r. I Irlc; - - (cb I juf -1Z' I TEMPORAL, rnTiFRrI, llU: IIORN MVS r nF. rclwrrtf•I) FROM A r•l i.rl ll..^.It.w. C NO nrICA 11Or 1 AI'I'L IAN( S Cincui r I rROM coi-i I ROI. VAIII'l ON rRr.: Vlc)uS OFVII:1' ALARM rOI.ARI 1 Y ,I IUWII 51ROTIE NOTIFICATION Am IArdCr CK 1 A1. 10191.E NOIirICAIION ArvI.IANCF cm Fiy. 7 i, s tir v t (ir ik.r• „r) r„ I timr. SIRr? nF tl(1t1r1('All)tl Ar'r1. IAf ICr- (;Kt MI i l l ':11rr1 Y A rtrl IANT VOI.IAi:F (tlOtl I'Ill' Irl(a 44441 Rr. V I'Ai :I :1 r )1' ,1 pll,)n)r 1'UWE H LIMITED 1:111E 11110TECTIVE SIGNALING' CABLE MULTIPLE CUNUUCTUR UNSHIL-LUEU— CABLEU & JAI;KETEU M. Hsted NE:C .l.yliv HIM Irr )hillIAI 1101,11flAl. r.1 1 11.01; r1(.Jrarir:lt rlr ItI:a11 AIlilrl IA(:1'1:1 Ilrlr.11r1 ;I I'rlllrll''; I'1 1: I. r:.':.r l' III). 00010; i O11:; nwr :ail' 1111CII.Ill .. 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I 914111M '10 VYT, ollown COUT11 nnrl If kist I 1 1 0q.t(. t 23214 3011 I. 7. .34 17 1 1 r. 4 1 23019 1-t. j. ib I elA 24014 I-C 7. 34 t 14- In 1; 1 7 I•C v, :14• 1.- let 1; 1•4 I n o. 14 Iu I- 5 L '08 of i;F4i -I It All — ry IQ A, If 1 9 All 1 In t: 4( 25002 11, J All 2 41. f int 11.1 it 76110 1 20;1 4- 2 1 11). 37. v 00, JI7. 3.11 it 1 1-1 10 n 11 n jt Jq: I'll. n r.., 1 .1'.) '1 1:41 4.11 16* 1- fit V. 3.1 56, 310 19 11 1". 1 Nii6 1 4 Wk.17, Q 4111? ju It 27250 it, of I pro* 2 It I; n if A f)•r. I III -If 1+ 3 r', 1) 1 it Fie fill' IWIt 1.1461 21490 1 Ilk 1) .I 1 1tif) 1; 11 2500 Ilk If. n to 81 1 iTOF0 41 IW; I Q I nil. 1,*...1 iq 1.1 it 10 M. Ill it 0 it I 1. 1-, j, It, 'm... So ........ C01.0" COIN cel 011 VAIF. I ("I 2 nr,1 4 A 00 5 n t I/ . Root I neuE Ira r2t- lr. fit M I 0 till UL A -INLIC Im .1l I I P,).. IN .1h J,J. USA Plodurt Coliq4tokliull: C(Im If oc for: ON.., q -#,' 'l-) ,..I. r.). As, t.i n S*1.11 f--# . ..... I I--! I-r A -,I 1.1 FI I ;I ltt4mlgtit , %n- Ip,I V. ". It. If v.+.I If S0 le -cool It or .1 ... I SnIN fIl%T1 75 (7 J,Y, wot u- its oil. 6T1%* 117.7 '1111; 'I.Y. PO In All. Q(011 P*(: ft). 110),- 1415 C, 11-Y , %.t. to Voitit 1.4 AW1.1 INotic.Al JuAlulf-d GCI; 17 I riv- \Nv.i va-E miet on -win (Ui i F111"I.V1 At1(16k ni:-,t-,TAt?r if It AAI Ij Avi'A fluour,41.1 AV!; It.11100 ;-I; v I I AM; VVI I NIT I I $fie# f q 1111*31 (.1* 11 It ! V 9 V01 I lz At!L) OIL 1tEit-;I•rlt 11 Im v.Vt I 61 4 11f -N!ILI 011. nE* Z ' !f-lAtjj jj5'jJ'j(I;11: it :it •%tot I t 11 r. r I ir.r I Ill AVI*.I life J-f 13( I., It r4, at, it r c - 11 &.1cy I .$I ...j I A J,q tit n .4 - -11-t Iv Ilrin it I•it*.- vn Of I A ;c3 Ay.,t.j r.no:v in5 (; (Ii-C 11 -1 Iff 111.1,7111 eAft';A 21169 I A )I# VVY In 4 7'ety) fjoilt tijl% 7 AV.11 11. of -,J P. p for MaVI C1 CITY OF SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT 300 N. Park Ave. Sanford, FL 32771 407) 302-1091 FAX (407) 330-5677 Plans Review Sheet Date: September 8, 1999 Business Address: 12100 Plantation Lakes Cr. Occ. 18 Business Name: Plantation Lakes Apartments Ph. Contractor: Alert Security (Scott Craven) Ph. 644-8990 Reviewed [ ] Reviewed with comment ['X]Rejected [ ] Reviewed by: Bart Wright, Fire Protection Inspectori Comment: Fire alarm system for living units is required by LSC 101 ch. 18-3.4 Fire alarm contractor must provide a letter from the electrical engineer of record stating that the fire alarm "shop drawings" substantially comply with the engineered page of the construction drawings. Applicant also stipulates the May 9, 1999 conversation with SFD that: the dBA level is to be 70 at each sleeping area pillow (6-3.5); there is to be one FACP per building; at least one manual pull station on each level. Any equipment located outside (wet location by definition NEC) must be listed for that installation or protected according to mfg. specifications. Applicant, Scott Craven (per phone conversation 9/7/99), must provide 60 hours of battery stand-by for remote location installation (1-5.2.5), or install the system as local" system, or withdraw application and have parent U.L. listed company apply for permit (1-7.2; 4-3.2) 6L.a& * 12 q CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA PERMIT NO 99-0o DATE SS6W THE UNDERSIGNED HEREBY APPLIES FOR A PERMIT TO INSTALL THE FOL- LOWING PLUMBING WORK: OWNER'S NAME "40 D""d AILI' ADDRESS OF JOB /3-/00 AlIZ074 rio0 '-AK!£S 6AXd-& T rh. DO* U PLUMBING CONTR. /I.WAQ/. 4- TjK - Res. COMM.— Subject to rules and regulations of Sanford plumbing code. Residential: I Number I Amount Alteration, Addition, Repair ! I New Residential: One Water Closet S$ g0AdditionalWaterCloset Commercial: Fixtures. Floor Drain, Trap Sewers Water Piping Gas Piping Factory -built housing Mobile Home Application Fee o Minimum Cnmmercial Pprmit* C7S _ AA n Total Mosier Plumber COMPETENCY CARD NO. 11b CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR BUILDING PERMIT G d c PERMIT ADDRESS 12100 Plantation Lakes Circle (B#12) PERMIT NUMBER Total Contract Price of Job $8 ,410 0 /cGd c Total Sq. Ft. 32,285 Describe Work 3-Story Multifamily Apartment Building Type of Construction Wood Frame Flood Prone (YES) (NO) X Number of Stories 3 Number of Dwellings 19 Zoning PD Occupancy: Residential Y. Commercial Industrial LEGAL DESCRIPTION See Attached (please attach printout from Seminole County) TAX I.D. NUMBER 32-19-30-300-0110-0000 OWNER Altman Development Corporation PHONE NUMBER 561 997-8661 ADDRESS 2201 Corporate Boulevard, NW, Ste. 200 CITY Boca Raton STATE FL ZIP 33431 TITLE HOLDER (IF OTHER THAN OWNER) Ira William Southward, Trustee ADDRESS c/o James A. Hattaway, Esq. P.O. Box 633 CITY Orlando STATE FL ZIP 32802 BONDING COMPANY ADDRESS CITY N/A STATE ZIP ARCHITECT Cliiie Davis Architects, P.A. ADDRESS 414 West Jones Street CITY Raleigh STATE NC ZIP 27603 MORTGAGE ADDRESS CITY LENDER N/A STATE ZIP CONTRACTOR C G 6 PHONE NUMBER J ADDRESS ,3 ST. LICENSE NUMBER CITY STATE ZIP 0 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify .that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, SIGNS, POOLS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. A COPY OF THE RECORDED COPY OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT WILL BE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE WITH PERMITS NO LATER THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER THE PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOU PAYING TWICE FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies. ACCEPT THE 1a3 0 E x Z tll .1 4 o ° 40 M N o 4) aa. z a EE ANCE OF PERMIT IS VERIFICATION THAT I WILL NOTIFY THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY OF DIRE ENTS OF FLORIDA LIEN LAW, FS713. QQJ C fit r0 c v 0 Mt Signatur f wner/Agent b Da a Sig ture f Contrac or & D to 0 a `c John R. Goodfellow IF Type or Print Owner/Agent Name Ty or Print Contra tors ame x a A. /-2-61 ten 9, L e%11 0 Signature of No y & Date Signature of Notar b D to W. Official Seal) a eONI JWWnsdoferAWWEik. SON LEY MyComn* WWCcM= NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA 00 Ex0ftSepombe & 2M e o MY COMMISSION # CC476424 0 gc3EXPIRES: June 26, 1999 0" Application App ed BY: C-: J:1W ,() Date: H - ' c1 F* FEES: Building Radon Police t4(,.U7 Fire Open Space,(Road impact Ap li tion 140.00 PERMIT VALIDATION: CHECK C.+SH DATE B v ORIGINAL ( BUILDING) YELLOW (CUSTOMER) PINK (COUNTY TAX OFFICE) GOLD (CO. ADMIN) It THIS APPLICATION USED FOR WORK VALUED $2500.00 OR MORE LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLANTATION LAKES PHASE ONE DESCRIPTION THAT PART OF THE SOUTHEAST-1/4 OF SECTION 32. TOWNSHIP 19 SOUTH. RANGE 30 EAST, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: FOR A POINT OF. REFERENCE. COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4; THENCE RUN NOO'03'48'E ALONG THE WEST LINE OF THE WEST 1/2 OF SAID SOUTHEAST 1/4 FOR A DISTANCE OF 828.04 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NOOVX48'E ALONG SAID WEST LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 1672.28 FEET TO THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF RINEHART ROAD; THENCE RUN N6912'12'E ALONG SAID SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 400.27 FEET TO THE SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF HUGHY STREET; THENCE RUN S89'45'49'E ALONG SAID SOUTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 265.78 FEET; THENCE RUN SOO'32'03'E FOR A DISTANCE OF 924.90 FEET; THENCE RUN S12W03'E FOR A DISTANCE OF 440.00 FEET. THENCE RUN S89'45'49'E FOR A DISTANCE OF 566.52 FEET TO THE EAST LINE OF SAID WEST 1/2 OF THE SOUTHEAST 1/4; THENCE RUN S00'32'03'E ALONG SAID EAST LINE FOR A DISTANCE OF 133.14 FEET; THENCE RUN S76'45'15'W FOR A DISTANCE OF 735.42 FEET; THENCE RUN S11'42043'W FOR A DISTANCE OF 272.03 FEET; THENCE RUN N89'45'44'W FOR A DISTANCE OF 375.22 FEET; THENCE RUN N55`52'02'W FOR A DISTANCE OF 197.35 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 30.937 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA APPLICATION FOR B1W.QLW' N kmrr PERMIT ADDRESS 12100 PLANTATION LAKES CIRCLE BLDG #12 G C PERMIT NUMBER Total Contract Price of Job $11,564.00 Total Sq. Ft. 32,500 Describe Work TNSTALLATTON OF VE fRni11Un LND UNDERGROTIND FTRF SPRTNKT RR Cvemrna Type of Construction wnnn TRI1.S.g Flood Prone (YES) (NO) Number of Stories . #3 Number of Dwellings 19 UNITS Zoning Occupancy: Residential x Commercial Industrial LEGAL DESCRIPTION (please attach printout from Seminole County) TAX I.D. NUMBER OWNER DCC CONSTRUCTORS PHONE NUMBER 834-3300 ADDRESS 355 C.R. 427 CITY IDNMMD STATE FL ZIP 32750 TITLE HOLDER (IF OTHER THAN OWNER) _nuA ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP BONDING COMPANY N/A ADDRESS CITY STATE. ZIP ARCHITECT N/a ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP MORTGAGE LENDER N/A ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CONTRACTOR _ DELTA FIRE SPRINKLERS, INC. PHONE NUMBER 328-3000 FX'P 143 ADDRESS 111 TECH DR. ST. LICENSE NUMBER 74974nnnnlgo CITY SANFORD STATE FL ZIP 32771 Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet standards of all laws regulating construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, MECHANICAL, SIGNS, POOLS, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will be done in compliance with all applicable laws regulating construction and zoning. A COPY OF THE RECORDED COPY OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT WILL BE POSTED ON THE JOB SITE WITH PERMITS NO LATER THAN SEVEN (7) DAYS AFTER THE PERMIT HAS BEEN ISSUED. FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RESULT IN YOU PAYING TWICE FOR THE IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING, CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to the requirements of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this property that may be found in the public records of this county, and there may be additional permits required from other governmental entities such as water management districts, state agencies, or federal agencies&" ACCEPTANCE OF PERMIT IS VERIFICATION THAT I WILL THE REQUIREMENTS OF FLORIDA LIEN LAW, FS713. IC d 3 E X Z N •-1 0 w i. C O O i0 N N V a G. Z a H Signature of Owner/Agent & Date Type or Print Owner/Agent Name Signature of Notary b Date Official Seal) FY THE OWNER OF THE Tractor & Date CHARLES W. MONTG,ONMY ype or PrE Contractor's Name A)I\ (46 1 Signatu a of Notary & D to Official Seal) e'e KAREN M. BINNER MY COMMISSION N cc 823 E 334 i o XPIRES• Apil4. 2003 lOD3NORARY fl< Now1r "a 8 60ndiV Cc• Application Approve BY: Date: FEES: Building adon Police Fire F Open Space Road Impact Application PERMIT VALIDATION: CHECK CASH DATE BY ORIGINAL (BUILDING) YELLOW (CUSTOMER) H ,0 Z K I0 O O O t M d Fr (A Fr G Z v a 7C 3 7 N O t 'O 7 rt r• O zr O M aG c A rr 0. ar PINK (COUNTY TAX OFFICE) GOLD (CO. ADMIN) I irTHISAPPLICATIONUSEDFORWORKVALUED $2500.00 OR MORE CITY OF SANFORD FIRE DEPARTMENT FEES FOR SERVICES PHONE #: 407-302-1091 DATE: 8 2A?PERMIT #: G'3 i0 BUSINESS NAME: ADDRESS: /.Z/,00 PHONE NUMBER: PLANS REVIEW TENT PERMIT BURN PERMIT REINSPECTION TANK PERMIT FIRE SYSTEM AMOUNT $ COMNINTS: Fees must be paid to Sanford Building Department, 300 N. Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Phone # 330-5656. Proof of payment must be made to Sanford Fire Prevention before any further services can take place. Aj' 6 'C' 4, f /I / A Sanford it revention I certify that the above information is true and correct and that I will comply with all applicable codes and ordinances of the Cit of S rd, Florid . Applicants Si azure 1iay-AO-99 13:15 Seminole Co PropertyAppr 407 330-4618 P.02 f oil -0 parc 32-19-30-300-0110-0000 CURRENT 99 name PLANTATION LAKES LTD addl jval land $1,442,552 add2 2201 CORPORATE BLVD Nw A200 agrc $22,277 csz BOCA RATON, FL 33431 extra feat $200 pad PLANTATION LAKES CIR SANFORD 32771 Bldg $37,621 fac cost value nbad 1.00 act P own TR % total just value $1.480.373 td dor mkt demo flg <--pre/late--> <--exemptions--> exmp-amt tax due S1 S9 71 0 - $2,016.58 TIMBERLAND e&i PLANTED LONG LEAF PINE 1988 3361-1792-RD 3373-1474-RD INFO: Ol1C-0000 CUTOUT FOR '99 LEGAL SEC 32 TWP 19S RGE 30E SEC 828.04 FT N OF S 1/4 COR RUN N 1672.28 FT N 69 DEG 12 MIN 12 SEC E 400.27 FT E 265.76 FT S 924.9 FT S 12 DEG 00 MIN 03 SEC E 440 FT E 566.52 FT S 133.14 FT S 76 DEG 44 SALES SU WD O1/99 03574 0517 $3,045,500 I 00 land 03 03/24/99 SU QD 11/98 03574 0506 $100 I. 11 bldg 33 09/23/97 i=print, yab MORE: LEGAL SALES chg STE 03/24/99 t4ote,Leg,Sale,ald/Ind/xf,Prmt,A4mdd10,Qom,Inc,1pp,hist.Qth Ro11.Fwdjjenu,[EXITJ Count: '0 <Replace> 1 Sess-1 1 22/80 2 N4aay=T0-99 23:16 Seminole Co PropertyAppr 407 330-4618 P.03 LEGAL •' Parcel 32-19-30-300-0110-0000 CURRENT 99 05/20/99 1 SEC 32 1WP 19S RGE 30E BEG 828.04 FT N OF S 1/4 COR RUN N 1672.28 FT N 69 DEG 12 MIN 12 SEC E 400.27 FT E 26S.76 FT S 924.9 FT S 12 DEG 00 MIN 03 SEC E 440 FT E 566.52 FT S 233.14 FT S 76 DEG 44 2 MIN 27 SEC W 656.91 FT S 13 DEG 25 MIN 27 SEC W 302.3 FT W 363.21 FT S 41 DEG 17 MIN 31 SEC E 7.82 FT N 75 DEG 04 MIN 45 SEC W 81.43 FT N 55 DEG 52 MIN 02 SEC W 197.35 FT TO BEG use (UP) & (DOWN) to scroll thru LEGAL, or: (M)ain menu, (EXIT) Count: •2 <Replace> 1 Seas-1 1 3/2 3 Re Prelectien by CawAer OesWn Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham NH 03087 Job Name PLANTATION LAKES 9606 * M Building 649 TYPICAL FOR ALL TYPE 3 BUILDINGS Location : SANFORD FLORIDA System : D/A #4 Contract : A1907 Data File : A1907.WX4 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 1 PLANTATION LAKES Date HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name - PLANTATION LAKES Date - 4-1-99 Location - SANFORD FLORIDA Building - #9 TYPICAL FOR ALL TYPE 3 BUILDINGS System No. - D/A #4 Contractor - DELTA FIRE SPRINKLERS Contract No. - A1907 Calculated By - FRED LUPO Drawing No. - Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non -Combustible Ceiling Height OCCUPANCY - APARTMENT BUILDING S Type of Calculation: ( )NFPA 13 Residential X)NFPA 13R ( )NFPA 13D Y Number of Sprinklers Flowing: X)1 ( )2 4 ( ) S ( )Other T ( )Specific Ruling Made by Date E M Listed Flow at Start Point 14 Gpm System Type Listed Pres. at Start Point 25 Psi Wet ( ) Dry D MAXIMUM LISTED SPACING 20 x 20 Deluge ( ) PreAction E Domestic Flow Added 45 Gpm Sprinkler or Nozzle S Additional Flow Added Gpm Make GLOBE Model JN-LF I Elevation at Highest Outlet Gpm Size 1/2" K-Factor 2.8 G Note: Temperature Rating N Calculation Gpm Required 14 Psi Required 46.39 BASR Summary C-Factor Used: Overhead 150 Underground 150 W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 4-25-99 Rated Cap. Cap. T Time of Test - 3:25 @ Psi Elev. E Static (Psi) - 65 Elev. 0 R Residual (Psi) - 50 Other Well Flow (Gpm) - 1135 Proof Flow Gpm S Elevation - 0 P Location: CITY MAIN P L Source of Information: D.F.S. FLOW TEST Y Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ydratec LANTATION LAKES City Water Supply: Cl-Static Pressure: 65 PSI C2-Residual Pressure: 50 PSI C2-Residual Flow: 1135 GPM 150 140 130 P 120 . R 110 E 100 , S 90 S 80 U 70 R 60 E 50 40 30 20 10 Page 2 Date Pump Data: D1-Elevation: 12.993 PSI D2-System Flow:59 GPM D2-System Pressure: 53.778 PSI Hose ( Adj City ):0 GPM Hose ( Demand ):0 GPM D3-Total Flow:59 GPM Safety Margin: 11.159 PSI 2 C2 1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 FLOW ( N ^ 1.85 ) omputer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route Ill Windham N.H. USA 1600 1800 Hydr#tec Page 3 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe P Pt Ref. C~ or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 1 14.00 0.884 1R 1.000 12.000 25.000 25.000 K Factor = 2.8 to 150 1.000 2 14.00 0.1025 13.000 1.332 Vel = 7.318 2 0.884 1R 1.000 6.000 26.332 26.332 to 150 1.000 3 14.00 0.1024 7.000 0.717 Vel = 7.318 3 884 1P 3.000 8.500 27.049 27.049 to 150 3.000 C3 14.00 0.1024 11.500 1.178 Vel = 7.318 14.00 28.227 K Factor = 2.64 4 0 0.884 1R 1.000 13.000 28.543 28.543 to 150 1.000 0 5 0 0 14.000 0 0 Vel = 0 5 0 0.884 1P 3.000 6.000 28.543 28.543 to 150 3.000 0 C2 0 0 9.000 0 0 Vel = 0 28.543 K Factor = Cl 8.36 0.884 2R 1.000 16.500 29.391 29.391 to 150 1P 3.000 5.000 C2 8.36 0.0395 21.500 0.849 Vel = -4.370 C2 0.884 8.000 28.543 28.543 to 150 C3 8.36 0.0395 8.000 0.316 Vel = -4.370 C3 14.00 0.884 13R 1.000 66.000 28.227 28.227 to 150 1P 3.000 16.000 C4 5.64 0.0191 82.000 1.563 Vel = 2.948 C4 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 29.790 29.790 to 150 3.000 C7 5.64 0.0191 13.000 0.248 Vel = 2.948 5.64 30.038 K Factor = 1.03 Cl 8.36 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 29.391 29.391 to 150 3.000 C6 8.36 0.0395 13.000 0.513 Vel = 4.370 C6 7.08 0.884 19R 1.000 90.000 29.904 29.904 to 150 19.000 C7 1.28 0.0012 109.000 0.134 Vel = 0.669 1.28 30.038 K Factor 0.23 C6 5.63 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 29.904 29.904 to 150 3.000 C11A 5.63 0.0190 13.000 0.247 Vel = 2.943 5.63 30.151 K Factor = 1.03 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 4 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Ref. Qa Dia. C„ Fitting or Pipe Ftng's Pt Pe Ptopt Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn C7 1.59 0.884 14R 1.000 78.000 30.038 30.038 to 150 20 7.000 28.000 C9 1.59 0.0018 106.000 0.194 Vel = 0.831 1.59 30.232 K Factor = 0.29 C7 5.33 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 30.038 30.038 to 150 3.000 C12A 5.33 0.0172 13.000 0.223 Vel = 2.786 5.33 30.261 K Factor = 0.97 C6 1.45 0.884 13R 1.000 104.500 29.904 29.904 to 150 20 7.000 30.000 C8 1.45 0.0015 iP 3.000 134.500 0.208 Vel = 0.758 CS 0.884 10 7.000 12.000 30.113 30.113 to 150 1P 3.000 10.000 C11 1.45 0.0015 22.000 0.034 Vel = 0.758 1.45 30.147 K Factor = 0.26 C9 1.59 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 30.232 30.232 to 150 3.000 C13 1.59 0.0018 13.000 0.024 Vel = 0.831 1.59 30.256 K Factor = 0.29 C11 1.45 1.602 8R 1.000 41.000 30.147 30.147 to 150 8.000 C11A 1.45 0.0001 49.000 0.004 Vel = 0.231 C11A 5.63 1.602 12R 1.000 60.000 30.151 30.151 to 150 1P 8.000 20.000 C12 7.08 0.0016 80.000 0.128 Vel = 1.127 C12 -14.00 2.003 6R 1.000 30.000 30.279 30.279 to 150 6.000 C12A 6.92 0.0005 36.000 0.019 Vel = -0.705 C12A 5.33 2.003 15R 1.000 100.000 30.261 30.261 to 150 10 11.000 46.000 C13 1.59 2P 10.000 146.000 0.005 Vel = -0.162 1.59 30.256 K Factor = -0.29 C12 14.00 2.003 1P 10.000 26.000 30.279 30.279 to 150 10.000 TASR 14.00 0.0019 36.000 0.069 Vel = 1.425 TASR 2.003 1Z 6.482 8.000 30.348 30.348 to 150 1B 6.482 15.993 Fixed loss = 3 BASR 14.00 0.0019 14.482 0.028 Vel = 1.425 BASR 2.003 20 11.000 10.000 46.368 46.368 to 150 22.000 UG1 14.00 0.0019 32.000 0.061 Vel = 1.425 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 5 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. C" or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point at Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn UG1 45.00 4.08 1T 32.247 270.000 46.430 46.430 Qa = 45 to 150 32.246 UG2 59.00 0.0009 302.246 0.258 Vel = 1.448 UG2 7.71 8F 10.8832076.000 46.688 46.688 to 150 1T 42.322 129.380 UG3 59.00 2205.380 0.085 Vel = 0.405 UG3 9.79 4L 21.592 360.000 46.773 46.773 to 150 86.364 7.000 Fixed loss = 7 CONN 59.00 446.364 0.005 vel = 0.251 59.00 53.778 K Factor = 8.05 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Fee Pidecden by CompLim Oeeian Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham NH 03087 Job Name PLANTATION LAKES W< J Building %- * TYPICAL FOR ALL TYPE 3 BUILDINGS Location : SANFORD FLORIDA System : D/A #5 Contract : A1907 Data File : A1907.WX5 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 1 PLANTATION LAKES Date t HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATION SHEET Name - PLANTATION LAKES Date - 4-1-99 Location - SANFORD FLORIDA Building - #9 TYPICAL FOR ALL TYPE 3 BUILDINGS System No. - D/A #5. Contractor - DELTA FIRE SPRINKLERS Contract No. - A1907 Calculated By - FRED LUPO Drawing No. - Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non -Combustible Ceiling Height OCCUPANCY - APARTMENT BUILDING S Y S T E M D E S I G N Type of Calculation: ( )NFPA 13 Residential (X)NFPA 13R ( )NFPA 13D Number of Sprinklers Flowing: ( )1 ( )2 (X)4 ( ) Other Specific Ruling Made by Date Listed Flow at Start Point - 13.5 Gpm Listed Pres. at Start Point - 23.2 Psi MAXIMUM LISTED SPACING 20 x 20 Domestic Flow Added - 45 Gpm Additional Flow Added - Gpm Elevation at Highest Outlet - Gpm Note: System Type Wet ( ) Dry Deluge ( ) PreAction Sprinkler or Nozzle Make GLOBE Model JN-LF Size 1/2" K-Factor 2.8 Temperature Rating Calculation Gpm Required 43.27 Summary C-Factor Used: Psi Required 49.32 Overhead 150 BASK Underground 150 W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 4-25-99 Rated Cap. Cap. T Time of Test - 3:25 @ Psi Elev. E Static (Psi) - 65 Elev. 0 R Residual (Psi) - 50 Other Well Flow (Gpm) - 1135 Proof Flow Gpm S Elevation - 0 P Location: CITY MAIN P L Source of Information: D.F.S. FLOW TEST Y I Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ydratec LANTATION LAKES City Water Supply: Cl-Static Pressure: 65 PSI C2-Residual Pressure: 50 PSI C2-Residual Flow: 1135 GPM Page 2 Date Pump Data: D1-Elevation: 12.993 PSI D2-System Flow:88.26 GPM D2-System Pressure: 57.549 PSI Hose ( Adj City ):0 GPM Hose ( Demand ):0 GPM D3-Total Flow:88.26 GPM Safety Margin: 7.318 PSI 2 C2 1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 e FLOW ( N ^ 1.85 ) omputer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 1600 1800 Hydratec Page 3 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. C„ or Ftng•s Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 1 0 0.884 1R 1.000 12.000 14.500 14.500 to 150 1.000 0 2 0 0 13.000 0 0 Vel = 0 2 10.66 0.884 1R 1.000 6.000 14.500 14.500 K Factor = 2.8 to 150 1.000 3 10.66 0.0619 7.000 0.433 Vel = 5.572 3 10.82 884 1P 3.000 8.500 14.933 14.933 K Factor = 2.8 to 150 3.000 C3 21.48 0.2262 11.500 2.601 Vel = 11.228 21.48 17.534 K Factor = 5.13 4 10.73 0.884 1R 1.000 13.000 14.691 14.691 K Factor = 2.6 to 150 1.000 5 10.73 0.0626 14.000 0.877 Vel = 5.609 5 11.05 0.884 1P 3.000 6.000 15.568 15.568 K Factor = 2.8 to 150 3.000 C2 21.78 0.2320 9.000 2.088 Vel = 11.385 21.78 17.656 K Factor = 5.18 Cl 26.78 0.884 2R 1.000 16.500 24.971 24.971 to 150 1P 3.000 5.000 C2 26.78 0.3401 21.500 7.312 Vel =-13.999 C2 21.78 0.884 8.000 17.657 17.657 to 150 C3 5.00 0.0153 8.000 0.122 Vel = -2.614 C3 21.48 0.884 13R 1.000 66.000 17.535 17.535 to 150 1P 3.000 16.000 C4 16.48 0.1385 82.000 11.359 vel = 8.615 C4 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 28.892 28.892 to 150 3.000 C7 16.48 0.1385 13.000 1.801 Vel = 8.615 16.48 30.693 K Factor = 2.97 Cl 26.78 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 24.971 24.971 to 150 3.000 C6 26.78 0.3401 13.000 4.421 vel = 13.999 C6 22.40 0.884 19R 1.000 90.000 29.393 29.393 to 150 19.000 C7 4.38 0.0119 109.000 1.301 Vel = 2.290 4.38 30.694 K Factor = 0.79 C6 17.81 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 29.393 29.393 to 150 3.000 C11A 17.81 0.1599 13.000 2.079 Vel = 9.310 17.81 31.472 K Factor = 3.17 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydt'atec Page 4 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. C" or Ftng•s Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Ecry. Ln. Total Pf Pn C7 4.79 0.884 14R 1.000 78.000 30.692 30.692 to 150 20 7.000 28.000 C9 4.79 0.0141 106.000 1.493 Vel = 2.504 4.79 32.185 K Factor = 0.84 C7 16.06 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 30.692 30.692 to 150 3.000 C12A 16.06 0.1321 13.000 1.717 Vel = 8.395 16.06 32.409 K Factor = 2.82 C6 4.60 0.884 13R 1.000 104.500 29.393 29.393. to 150 20 7.000 30.000 C8 4.60 0.0131 1P 3.000 134.500 1.758 Vel = 2.405 C8 0.884 1P 3.000 12.000 31.149 31.149 to 150 10 7.000 10.000 C11 4.60 0.0131 22.000 0.288 Vel = 2.405 4.60 31.437 K Factor = 0.82 C9 4.79 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 32.188 32.188 to 150 3.000 C13 4.79 0.0141 13.000 0.183 Vel = 2.504 4.79 32.371 K Factor = 0.84 Cil 4.60 1.602 8R 1.000 41.000 31.436 31.436 to 150 8.000 C11A 4.60 0.0007 49.000 0.035 Vel = 0.732 C11A 17.81 1.602 12R 1.000 60.000 31.472 31.472 to 150 1P 8.000 20.000 C12 22.41 0.0135 80.000 1.082 Vel = 3.567 C12 43.27 2.003 6R 1.000 30.000 32.553 32.553 to 150 6.000 C12A 20.86 0.0040 36.000 0.144 Vel = 2.124 C12A 16.07 2.003 15R 1.000 100.000 32.409 32.409 to 150 10 11.000 46.000 C13 4.79 0.0003 2P 10.000 146.000 0.038 Vel = 0.488 4.79 32.371 K Factor = -0.84 C12 43.26 2.003 1P 10.000 26.000 32.553 32.553 to 150 10.000 TASR 43.26 0.0154 36.000 0.554 Vel = 4.405 TASR 2.003 1Z 6.482 8.000 33.107 33.107 to 150 1B 6.482 15.993 Fixed loss = 3 BASR 43.26 0.0154 14.482 0.223 Vel = 4.405 BASR 2.003 20 11.000 10.000 49.322 49.322 to 150 22.000 UG1 43.26 0.0154 32.000 0.492 Vel = 4.405 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 5 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. C" or FtngIs Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Ecgv. Ln. Total Pf Pn UGl 45.00 4.08 1T 32.247 270.000 49.815 49.815 Qa = 45 to 150 32.246 UG2 88.26 0.0018 302.246 0.544 Vel = 2.166 UG2 7.71 8F 10.8832076.000 50.358 50.358 to 150 1T 42.322 129.380 UG3 88.26 0.0001 2205.380 0.179 Vel = 0.607 UG3 9.79 4L 21.592 360.000 50.537 50.537 to 150 86.364 7.000 Fixed loss = 7 CONN 88.26 446.364 0.011 Vel = 0.376 88.26 57.548 K Factor = 11.63 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 i I Fee Pj on by CwvAw Oesan Hydratec Inc. Route Ill Windham NH 03087 Job Name PLANTATION LAKES $t. 6 XZ Building TYPICAL FOR ALL TYPE 3 BUILDINGS Location SANFORD FLORIDA System D/A #6 Contract A1907 Data File A1907.WX6 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 1 PLANTATION LAKES Date HYDRAULIC DESIGN INFORMATIQN SHEET Name - PLANTATION LAKES Date - 4-1-99 Location - SANFORD FLORIDA Building - #9 TYPICAL FOR ALL TYPE 3 BUILDINGS System No. - D/A #6 Contractor - DELTA FIRE SPRINKLERS Contract No. - A1907 Calculated By - FRED LUPO Drawing No. - Construction: (X) Combustible ( ) Non -Combustible Ceiling Height OCCUPANCY - APARTMENT BUILDING S Y S T E M D E S I G N Type of Calculation: ( )NFPA 13 Residential (X)NFPA 13R ( )NFPA 13D Number of Sprinklers Flowing: ( )l ( )2 ( )4 ( ) Other Specific Ruling Made by Date Listed Flow at Start Point - 19.5 Gpm Listed Pres. at Start Point - 12.12Psi MAXIMUM LISTED SPACING x 130 Domestic Flow Added - 45 Gpm Additional Flow Added - O Gpm Elevation at Highest Outlet - 30 Gpm Note: System Type X) Wet ( ) Dry Deluge ( ) PreAction Sprinkler or Nozzle Make GLOBE Model JN Size 1/2" K-Factor 5.6 Temperature Rating 155 Calculation Gpm Required 123.17 Psi Required 50.04 Summary C-Factor Used: Overhead 150 BASR Underground 150 W Water Flow Test: Pump Data: Tank or Reservoir: A Date of Test - 4-25-99 Rated Cap. Cap. T Time of Test - 3:25 @ Psi Elev. E Static (Psi) - 65 Elev. R Residual (Psi) - 50 Other Well Flow (Gpm) - 1135 Proof Flow Gpm S Elevation - 0 P Location: CITY MAIN P L Source of Information: D.F.S. FLOW TEST Y Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 ydratec LANTATION LAKES City Water Supply: Cl-Static Pressure: 65 PSI C2-Residual Pressure: 50 PSI C2-Residual Flow: 1135 GPM 150 140 130 P 120 R 110 E 100 S 90 S 80 U 70 R 60 E 50 40 30 20 10 Page 2 Date Pump Data: Dl-Elevation: 12.993 PSI D2-System F1ow:104.79 GPM D2-System Pressure: 52.851 PSI Hose ( Adj City ):0 GPM Hose ( Demand ):0 GPM D3-Total Flow:104.79 GPM Safety Margin: 11.966 PSI D2 C2 1 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 FLOW ( N ^ 1.85 ) omputer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route Ill Windham N.H. USA ft 1600 1800 Hydr#tec Page 3 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe Pt Pt Ref. C„ or Ftng's Pe Pv Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 21 19.50 1.109 8.330 12.125 12.125 K Factor = 5.6 to 150 22 19.50 0.0627 8.330 0.522 Vel = 6.477 22 19.92 1.4 1R 1.000 7.000 12.647 12.647 K Factor = 5.6 to 150 1.000 23 39.42 0.0741 8.000 0.593 Vel = 8.216 23 20.37 1.4 1P 6.000 1.500 13.240 13.240 K Factor = 5.6 to 150 6.000 M1 59.79 0.1601 7.500 1.201 Vel = 12.461 M1 1.4 1P 6.000 12.500 14.441 14.441 to 150 6.000 M2 59.79 0.1602 18.500 2.963 Vel = 12.461 M2 1.602 1P 8.000 11.500 17.404 17.404 to 150 8.000 C11 59.79 0.0831 19.500 1.620 Vel = 9.517 59.79 19.024 K Factor = 13.71 1 0 0.884 1R 1.000 12.000 23.635 23.635 to 150 1.000 0 2 0 0 13.000 0 0 Vel = 0 2 0 0.884 1R 1.000 6.000 23.635 23.635 to 150 1.000 0 3 0 0 7.000 0 0 Vel = 0 3 0 884 1P 3.000 8.500 23.635 23.635 to 150 3.000 0 C3 0 0 11.500 0 0 Vel = 0 23.635 K Factor = 4 0 0.884 1R 1.000 13.000 23.456 23.456 to 150 1.000 0 5 0 0 14.000 0 0 Vel = 0 5 0 0.884 1P 3.000 6.000 23.456 23.456 to 150 3.000 0 C2 0 0 9.000 0 0 Vel = 0 23.456 K Factor = Cl 6•.14 0.884 2R 1.000 16.500 22.977 22.977 to 150 1P 3.000 5.000 C2 6.14 0.0223 21.500 0.479 Vel = 3.210 C2 0.884 8.000 23.456 23.456 to 150 C3 6.14 0.0223 8.000 0.178 Vel = 3.210 C3 0.884 13R 1.000 66.000 23.635 23.635 to 150 1P 3.000 16.000 C4 6.14 0.0223 82.000 1.828 Vel = 3.210 C4 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 25.464 25.464 to 150 3.000 C7 6.14 0.0223 13.000 0.290 Vel = 3.210 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 4 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe At Pt Ref. ^C^ or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt Pf/UL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn 6.14 25.754 K Factor = 1.21 Cl -6.14 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 22.977 22.977 to 150 3.000 C6 -6.14-0.0223 13.000 -0.290 Vel = -3.210 C6 13.10 0.884 19R 1.000 90.000 22.687 22.687 to 150 19.000 C7 6.96 0.0281 109.000 3.065 Vel = 3.638 6.96 25.752 K Factor = 1.37 C6 -6.80 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 22.687 22.687 to 150 3.000 C11A -6.80-0.0269 13.000 -0.350 Vel = -3.555 6.80 22.337 K Factor = -1.44 C7 3.01 0.884 14R 1.000 78.000 25.754 25.754 to 150 20 7.000 28.000 C9 3.01 0.0060 106.000 0.632 Vel = 1.573 3.01 26.386 K Factor = 0.59 C7 10.09 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 25.754 25.754 to 150 3.000 C12A 10.09 0.0559 13.000 0.727 Vel = 5.274 10.09 26.481 K Factor = 1.96 C6 -6.30 0.884 13R 1.000 104.500 22.687 22.687 to 150 20 7.000 30.000 C8 -6.30-0.0234 1P 3.000 134.500 -3.145 Vel = -3.293 C8 0.884 1P 3.000 12.000 19.539 19.539 to 150 10 7.000 10.000 C11 -6.30-0.0234 22.000 -0.514 Vel = -3.293 6.30 19.025 K Factor = -1.44 C9 3.01 0.884 1P 3.000 10.000 26.387 26.387 to 150 3.000 C13 3.01 0.0060 13.000 0.078 Vel 1.573 3.01 26.465 K Factor = 0.59 C11 53.49 1.602 8R 1.000 41.000 19.024 19.024 to' 150 8.000 C11A 53.49 0.0676 49.000 3.313 Vel = 8.514 C11A 6.80 1.602 12R 1.000 60.000 22.336 22.336 to 150 1P 8.000 20.000 C12 46.69 0.0526 80.000 4.205 Vel = 7.432 C12 59.79 2.003 6R 1.000 30.000 26.541 26.541 to 150 6.000 C12A 13.10 0.0017 36.000 0.061 Vel = -1.334 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087 Hydratec Page 5 PLANTATION LAKES Date Hyd. Qa Dia. Fitting Pipe at Pt Ref. C^ or Ftng's Pe Pv ******* Notes ****** Point Qt PVUL Eqv. Ln. Total Pf Pn C12A 10.09 2.003 15R 1.000 100.000 26.481 26.481 to 150 10 11.000 46.000 C13 3.01 0.0001 2P 10.000 146.000 0.016 Vel = -0.306 3.01 26.465 K Factor = -0.59 C12 59.79 2.003 1P 10.000 26.000 26.541 26.541 to 150 10.000 TASR 59.79 0.0280 36.000 1.008 Vel = 6.088 TASR 2.003 1Z 6.482 8.000 27.549 27.549 to 150 1B 6.482 15.993 Fixed loss - 3 BASR 59.79 0.0280 14.482 0.405 Vel = 6.088 SASR 2.003 20 11.000 10.000 43.947 43.947 to 150 22.000 UG1 59.79 0.0280 32.000 0.896 vel = 6.088 UG1 45.00 4.08 1T 32.247 270.000 44.843 44.843 Qa = 45 to 150 32.246 UG2 104.79 0.0025 302.246 0.747 Vel = 2.572 UG2 7.71 8F 10.8832076.000 45.590 45.590 to 150 1T 42.322 129.380 UG3 104.79 0.0001 2205.380 0.246 Vel = 0.720 UG3 9.79 4L 21.592 360.000 45.836 45.836 to 150 86.364 7.000 Fixed loss = 7 CONN 104.79 446.364 0.016 Vel = 0.447 104.79 52.852 K Factor = 14.41 Computer Programs by Hydratec Inc. Route 111 Windham N.H. USA 03087