HomeMy WebLinkAbout02-26-2024 WS Minutespw 6 CITY COMMISSION MINUTES 3, 11,0 Aq FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Work Session on Monday, February 26, 2024, at 4:00 PM, in the Commission Chambers, I" Floor, City Hall, at 300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida. Present: Mayor Art Woodruff Vice Mayor Patty Mahany Commissioner Sheena Britton Commissioner Kerry S. Wiggins, Sr. Commissioner Patrick Austin City Manager Norton N. Bonaparte, Jr. City Attorney William L. Colbert City Clerk Traci Houchin Deputy City Clerk Cathy LoTempio Mayor Woodruff called the meeting to order at 4:03PM. Introduction of "Pearl" the City of Sanford New Water Meter Mascot. Introduction of the Graduating Class for Effective Supervisory Training 2024. 1. Consideration of legal aspects and impacts of recall process by Lonnie Groot, Assistant City Attorney. Mr. Groot provided the legal aspects of the recall petition that was presented to the City Commission two weeks ago. He said a recall is not an ethics violation. If this was an ethics violation against a Commissioner and is ultimately discharged the Florida League of Cities would provide up to $1 OOK in defense costs. This is more an election type issue. A recall petition does not state that the Commissioner committed an ethics violation. It states the person is not qualified for office anymore. Mr. Groot handed out the petition that was received by the City at the last meeting and highlighted some things. A petition must allege a recallable event or recallable facts. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES F+'EBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION Mr. Groot read the highlighted areas of the petition to include: Commissioner Wiggins is committing neglect of duty as described below: Mr. Wiggins has been neglectful in addressing the issue of affordable homes; he refuses to engage the community in actively looking for solutions; his neglectful behavior is, Wiggins has suggested the City of Sanford should purchase that property and turn it into an athletic field, rather than working toward affordable homes on that property. Mr. Groot said after doing some research to find the definition of neglective duties are, he provided information regarding a 1934 Supreme Court Case in the orders of the Governor removing State Attorney Warren and State Attorney Laurel. The failure with this petition is a suggestion of an idea. If a suggestion of an idea is a recallable event probably happens every night in every City Commission in the State of Florida. If a suggestion is a public offense that would put a chill on every Commission or elected official. This petition's suggestion is something the entire Commission voted to approve this project, not just Commissioner Wiggins. Mr. Groot said this process would have to go through the six steps he emailed to the Commission. He said the process would have to be challenged in court, and the earlier the better. If a petition is invalid up front Commissioner Wiggins would have to challenge it early on and get the court to say that does not pass any type of legal muster to stop the process. Commissioner Mahany expressed her support for Commissioner Wiggins and her concern for the Commission getting involved legally with this petition. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION Mr. Colbert said if the Commission decided it was in the public interest, the challenge would be, does this petition meet the requirements of the law. The court would decide yes it does or no it does not. When that decision is made there would be nothing else for the City to do. Mr. Groot said again, the earlier the better. The further along the process goes, the courts are very hesitant to get involved. Commissioner Britton asked if this challenge would require the Commission do this, or would it have to be one Commissioner. Mayor Woodruff asked if the City Charter spells out the duties of the Commission/ Mayor. Mr. Goot said it absolutely does. There are common law duties and common law rights. Mr. Groot said the Commission should able to speak from the Dias, to ruminate and explore ideas or else your hands are tied. Mr. Groot said the City is Step one right now. If the City stops it early you serve the public interest. He does not believe the City will be able to get a court order in (30) days. The steps are in (30) day increments. Commissioner Britton expressed how she would not like to be recalled it would really hurt her. She is a registered voter and a representative of her District. She does not want to intervene with this process. Mayor Woodruff suggested thinking about this during the break. Then have a discussion at tonight's meeting to see if the City would like to take action or take no action, or have the public bring something more detailed at the next meeting. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION Recognizing that Mr. Groot stated the earlier the better. He stated he also does not like rushing the first night the Commission talks about it. Mr. Groot said the Commission will not know if the first step has been obtained by the next meeting as it will not quite be (30) days. Mayor Woodruff suggested the Commission find what constitutes reasonable ground for recall or we let it run. Commissioner Britton asked for a little more clarification on the process. Mr. Groot said the court will not address anything on a hypothetical manner. It will only answer the questions that have facts. Mayor Woodruff expressed concern that there is no one to tell the City whether this meets the standards. Mr. Colbert said there is nothing in the Statute that automatically triggers a review by the court. The statute requires a certain number of voters within the district to sign a petition. The statute requires the Supervisor of Elections to verify the number of petitions has been met. There is nothing in the process where a court automatically reviews it for the legal efficiency of the petition. That must be requested of the court. It would either be the Commission or Commissioner Wiggins would have to take it to court for that interpretation to be made. Mr. Bonaparte thanked Mr. Groot for his assistance in resolving the case with Mr. Miller. 2. Development Services Update on the Breezeway Expansion Project by Tony Raimondo, Director of Development Services. Mr. Raimondo introduced Steve Fiorey, Building Official and Matt Gans, Project Manager from ZHA Consulting. He provided a power point presentation and an CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION update on the Breezeway Expansion Project. He said this project is going to flee up space upstairs, it will provide technology enhancement and enhance security and safety in the building. The lobby will be a hardened area, with soundproof windows and bringing the restrooms to be ADA Compliant. The project will include public art, green initiatives and will provide EV Charging Stations. These updates will be tied in with the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Streetscape project. Mr. Fiorey provided slides demonstrating the layout of the new parking lot for City Hall and floor plan for the expansion project. Vice Mayor Mahany asked if the Commission Chambers would be included in this project. She requested there be a door installed behind the Dias in the event the Commission needs to make a rapid exit. Mr. Raimondo made note of the Vice Mayor's request. Mayor Woodruff asked if there was consideration to move Utilities Customer Service to the area that will be vacated by the Development Services Department, so the residents do not have to walk so far. Mr. Bonaparte said it was taken into consideration. 3. Discussion re: Amending the Comp Plan Amendment to include a Public Safety Component by Eileen Hinson, Director of Planning. Ms. Hinson provided a power point presentation regarding including Public Safety in the Comprehensive Plan Update for 2018-2030. She discussed CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION community growth to include safe mobility, safety through design, and disaster preparedness through adequate provision of infrastructure. Mayor Woodruff asked if the Commission could say the City does not want to allow developer build if the City does not have an adequate supply of water and/or emergency personnel. Ms. Hinson said she urged taking caution with using the number of officers, as it may put the City in danger of violating our own Comp Plan. Ms. Hinson included the development review process shall ensure that facilities such as sanitary sewer and potable water are available at the time demanded by the new school site, and services such as public safety can also be provided. The intergovernmental coordination is the element between the City and other governmental entities. She reviewed the Town of Palm Beaches Comprehensive Plan and said this is very compatible with the City of Sanford. The City shall promote the health, safety, and security of the City's residents and visitors, including in times of disasters and other emergencies. She asked for the Commission's guidance on how to proceed. Mayor Woodruff said over a five-year planning period the number of officers should increase due to population growth, correct. Commissioner Austin said the City constantly talks about keeping up with Public Safety but then we get to budget and then nothing happens. After some discussion Mayor Woodruff requested staff to add public safety level of service verbiage to the City's amendment. 4. Discussion re: Utilities ability to handle new construction, by Brynt Johnson, Director of Public Works and Utilities. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION Ms. Hinson, Planning Director provided a power -point presentation regarding upcoming development and utilities impacts. She said the City does have plans to increase water storage. She said the north-west side of the City is closer to capacity than the north-east side of the City. This is not due to the number of multiple -family developments, as Utilities ran a report that shows single-family homes and commercial properties, depending on the type of business, use more water than apartment complexes. The report showed that Walmart uses less water than Target, even though they are the same kind of business. She said the report did not include water services only customers that are located in Seminole County. After some discussion, the Commission requested Mr. Johnson and Ms. Hinson, do additional research and provide the Commission with an update to include solutions to sending waste water to different locations and replacement or repairs to the original Main Water Treatment Plant that was built in 1959. This information will be further discussed at the April 8, 2024 Work Session. 5. Discussion re: Litter and Debris Clean Up Solution by Tony Raimondo. Mr. Raimondo said the violations against the mall regarding the trash, debris and landscaping was brought in front of the Special Magistrate. Public Works has an employee that is assigned to work litter removal only. That is one employee who is covering the entire City. Development Services staff are removing snipe signs whenever they see them. Mr. Raimondo said he has a small amount of money available. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION Approximately $40K that staff has been researching some contractors and pricing. Then the City can have some areas to address in all four districts. Vice Mayor Mahany asked about the trash and debris located on SR 46. Mr. Brynt stated that this is a Seminole County Road, and the crew only comes to remove the debris when they come to mow the right -of- ways. Commissioner Austin asked for a copy of the street sweeper schedule and drainage cleaning. Mr. Johnson will provide that information. He commented on the Lake Mary medians and would like the City to spruce up ours. He asked if the City could work with the apartment complexes reminding them to not forget to throw away their trash signs at the exit of the complex. Mr. Bonaparte said he would work on that. 6. Regular Meeting Items — additional information agenda. Mr. Johnson provided a brief summary of the Raftelis items on tonight's Commissioner Austin asked why the City was using Kruger on the Utilities agenda item. Mr. Johnson said this Kruger is a different company than the one the Commissioner heard about. This company comes out to test the systems. 7. Briefing Items Mayor Woodruff would like to discuss the list of the Commissions Goals at the March 11, 2024, Work Session. 8. City Manager Comments There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:22 PM. CITY COMMISSION MINUTES FEBRUARY 26, 2024 WORK SESSION