HomeMy WebLinkAbout1331 ORDINANCE NO. 1331 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SAN FORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING SECTION NO, 8-25 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, THE SAME BEING KNOWN AS THE UNDERGROUND WIRING AND STREET LIGHTING IN SUBDIVISIONS PORTION OF THE ELECTRICAL CODE, SAID AMENDMENT REQUIRING DEVELOPERS TO DEDICATE ALL STREET LIGHTS INSTALLATIONS IN SUBDIVISIONS TO THE CITY OF SAN FORD0 FLORIDA. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Section 8~25 entitled Underground Wiring and Street Lighting ~n Subdivision is here'by amended to read as follows: Sec. 8-25. Underground Wiring and Street Lighting in Subdivisions. In addition to the requirements of the subdivision regulations set out Ln Appendix B of this Code, the owner or developer of any s~bd[v[s~on shall be required to provide underground wiring for electrical service to structures and to provide adequate street lighting, as approved by the c~ty engineer, ushag concrete poles or an approved s~bstitute and underground service wiring. The estimated cost thereof shall be hncluded in the bond or escrow requirements as provided Ln such subdivision regulations. Prior to the connection of the street l~ghts as approved by the c[ly engineer to the power source, the entire street l~ght~ng system that has 'been Lnstalled and approved shall be dedicated to the Cily of Sanford in form acceptable to the city attorney of the City of Sanford, and such street lightLng syslem shall be considered as the property of the C~ty of Sanford, and it shall then be the responsibility of lhe City of Sanford to arrange for the proper power connection for said street l~ght[ng system. SECTION 2. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in confl[cl herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. -1- SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of April ~ A. D. , 1976. ~~~ Mayor Atte st: CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1331, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 12th day of April, 1976, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 13th day of April, 1976. ..... City of Sanford, Florida