HomeMy WebLinkAbout705 S Oak AveS THE STRRUSS CO. Fax: Jul 23 2015 10:57am P015/032 Q >€MPTI ARKKCA"'t?C t AppReadod No' 15 3 5 " IDoie et$Comstt action"dslate;$ 06.Adidlre s' nw Stark rich Yes .No romiDM:•`S'"''3•a.•.,'.-..:';''•pt(•:.t'q/ 3E k cYe.t- Comumiee r;a: of work:• '1 Few Ac di4t ori: i4ltefioRiafr ]3mo . qf3' 11 o?e 1ies rijou: ia r !ev,ew''K:ont e so i:•-,,, .:. T`t e.' ... . oae•`a:i; mi pr erty.owne .tfifor ai94 111. ; EResideut.oYPOP.e = .. IQ Nsmc'regc ,' + .f r.' • n:•,k' ''iiope:'''''";"'. Yo::Stgte gip; A!u>jd'.. Mateiceuse \To:: AEch1Wct1E1T§1ho Hnforma '6h fee Fix: oAdiingiComp ty: VLI& Mortgage Londer: Address; Address::. 7GU.,BMNO TO' OVVi\-M YOUR VA LURE TO RECORD A NOTICE• OF CO ,t 1 MC£MMNf MAY =i;1LT IN YOUR PAyWG TWICE FOR :L1'[i'litO'?.F IM. 7S TO XOUR PROPERTY. A :NOVICE :OF •COMMENC,;F.NRIFNT .: M— .. -BE RECOEDED -AND POSTED .ON, THE, JOB • SITE BEFORE THE FMSf' .M- PECFION. #' YOU Ah'7G1E. t. TO. dBTA N FVA3tiC*Q,• CONSMT wrin. YOUR LENDER OR, AN ATTORNEY BEFOREIMCORIDING YODUR NOTICE' OF CONLVIE' CEME:"f. . Application is hereby ode to-.obiain'e permit to de..tha worfc'.n ul itsstaffations,as.inriicated Y certify that no•wotk or.•it:MlWon.nas commenced prior,'to thb'issd2nde oia par hzud that s@ Worl--viiU be Mformed•to•meet=bdards•ofa'U.Iaws.regufatingww ivc6on in 2iiis jurisdiction. I midersta nii that a Aegarom permit .must be seemed for electrical worst. vinmbins, &L-z . svr3fs. po01s, fatmcm buflars, hentavr tRuk% and air conditiongrs. etc. F$ C ICS3 $Wto lns 6bedvith the -date opappiirado and the CO&Io eiEW as of that date: 81k Edition (ZoqiAj.b7otida 21 ilding•Code itevised: Ju 30.20is PeretitAppliezaio s THE STRAUSS CO. Fax: Jul 23 2015 10:57am P016/032 Im zddftim to ft.r%pir=wmdf may be aMftnd TcSftWcns =Y be additional enAcceptanceAcceptanceiwxF8:7,13. r& if d civ fa gt.u%g-tj=:t;f gerrWt mbMft d-- -COP 'tb* Cc jctigl pre it tity of,samftd rcoraslw Y Of =ec fln ent of 2 elan r& v-AevFih 5,Wpj=zjvje%v,.cv=gp_ind will enordertm.cakuW .4h iwitim. Alijrvj at Is The actud, co . 1p.tddtion, valve• wM-' be--figm-eA -based pa. -the CUjMdtjC-C,,V8IU290n-T- dc- c0rd6=,,*.i16c& ordtatcIgi . Should. calc Nevicharpsflprcd off the execult-d c qrmct•e=ecd the=W.c0==fi0M y* ... ordinance; . , -*"- B PAO:T, our ymmait &c&vh=thc pffalit,44s WLQI Cee*- tiot fd,,oX--jjj6 fort&ink JdMff@qQU. All givOtable" aws regulAUM. 00uAftowi vdeftY- P USUGOF KOMI% FF2WM -'• r, wismig, js._ •• Y§on ty KudwatXmdtr BELO W.- Iff-TOR OFF W-7-RUMP, Mach8niiDdlD PlWabingo -GWD c- 0wtmw6n!T-Yve: OwAondfuse: Flood ig OM000; 30- occupocyl-024; New Cerati©: Ejeeftie A Of 'AM -r- 3S piumbin4 offbipres. 7rFke. sorijkler Permits YmO. No El Bre-Abrm Ptrwit- Yes 0 "NO APMOVALS: ZONINGe UTIUMMES.- WASTE.-WAjBR-,,__ ENGREER- INOX, FIRE' PerniftApplimim ikwiscd: itmc-30,2015 THE STRAUSS CO. Fax: Jul 23 2015 10:56am P014/032 0OF SA NFP." BUILDING n-RV-X ResidenfiotRiRioo' f Hurricane Wtigntion Impection Affidavit Permit.U: thereby ackwwledp ezo, persomdyinspected g(Roof dwk n6ft- =&or ft(Secondarywatey bamer-wo* i v . d -A -77-1; and hqve-dctcr lhd I-M SktAddr6s) theust.01 .' WY, Ji4v .wind Shot, a 111' dq- ce a13 --the We' to, m[ds%A4;344b *t ilk "It.4 tit . y-SUR t6afliatt o -twodgwMok ;of the lodod'd'. iputsudyn't& r D vfc. OWP y s0ditfgsi O.or avyindividud= Ocdinaccor&ncewithF,S.468to. ST-Wit-0. COMty OFof&tiryPubfic this *r; m nay. kwko'is ::ersonauy. K. nown to ° Ai or tLis as W .* * iiidn, o olutifthRoM NOTARY PUBLICSTATE OF FLORIDA CCMM# FF2M7.89 3 THE STRAUSS CO. Fax; Jul 23 2015 10;49am P001 I IN. OR-P. O&A EROOFN July..'20,,2015 Shane BoUtty Sanford,.. FL32-771 8.errfdg:e CiaWc.Metal ShIr!g1le: sloped RoofAreas Approximat-61y 1,500. Sq.. GdOrSh6ne, We akeplesseti-to offer the fallowingr.Proposaf for your cpnstdera.&,hWepr-oP.Cis"O. acdomolish' thaftlowing. Durinter 1plans and: Sloadfications ap4 th-e..*9ccme,of*ork.Descrip.,Wns tod dut MeaffeinS. below represerit th-e.hasisfbr the,-I!lowlhg Proposal. Scq. pe1,of:,Wbr,k- Orovide'- fall labor, material, taxes;."i.nsurancO,_,,*.pgrmits.,4i7d,supiN.'mTon tequired-for this work Tear. tfNkkt1f. i . g: f aetal'shingies,JrretaI. e a*d "rip, and -f bs h! n gF. down.,to exist ng y w inMpst ov a. .querpir .d ittedr.p. 6tated Eric. Ins dctxistlng.. x41op gye.ap My-!.ratte.d..,dr'..detdrior-ated d!g.royede, kingan.dyeplalce wood'for an: addWb.n0'-co# 0.$150 p01F, extra. 4- Carefully remove. wood sitlirtg itx ll areas thatmeet slope rod%,and-.serAsjde. Re * -nall,e). asOng -plywood to -meet Flbridir Sulldlng Obtle.. 0 Nrhiih and-- Inst6li'Metil Pdel'&Stick underl4yMent:to woad decking. PrDvide;and insmil. a Berridge-.-Oasslc Mkal Roof $Winglp.comor.'Ise.dof.thiff.folliowihg,.- o. 24 ga age, 9 inches wiiedby12' . ' . lonM G90 Gi Mnjied rfillffinished shih&s. Providiand instO flashing:per SMACNA's recommendations. and.good statiaer.d' roofing practices frorn24 gauge -galvanized sheet metal, fabrfcated in our shop from manufacturer's stWprd size- flatstock in gaWnized color; -break mefti) fo*r..all required valleys, vented -ridge cap, bips, eave drip, .6hir ney and wall flashings. Attach-sicring backinto placeand modify -as necessary, and apply high grade -caulk Provide 20 Year Manu% durir's Warrar.tv on materialsand-finish, along Wfth our:Roof-Ing Incorporated's 10'Yearworkiniinship Subrantee. Air of the above can be -accomplished for -the sum Fifteen Thousand1hree Hundred Fifty Dollars) 2755 X-Bafiana,Nhw Dr.. Menittlsind N, 32952.Offica (322)4183= Fax(.322)a&3-7403 CCCIE30442 THE STRAUSS CO. Fax: Jul 23 2015 10:50am P002/032 l?age'f.obf.'rwo. • • . 5hane'$outtjr .: Sanford, Ft 32922 My 20;.2015 Wei qualify the fbilowirag: a WeeicdWde gutters, downspouts; soffit and fascia. o In.the-eyentthat pnyfasda.peeds to be replaced ghall be dons on a unit coat.basis of 440 per LF-extra. b The ;Building -Owner a'r.Yd 0=4pant Mcognize ghat rooAMIS- operations mq..- cr0;00 airborne. dust, dirt; -debris,. noise odors: 'Therifure,-durirjg; roljfing,opeza ians,: 8t [I4fhg:0.'wner' and Ocht cpp -Wili ;fee' Al :,Windows. 'c 444,, 0,' =A'op ,aks h.takeg. if1a3ative Arad i:loed,:and allvehicle5..aked;a sail dista>ac:#rom;ti e biildir g: a Ttie ' Bidding : fttr and Vccopanr recognize Nt ' r..oAft npetations aequire: adequate ground -level spate irnhtedistely adjacent to the buiTding.;2Ad' uuI provide 4 fcef? aiitl'.tlnobstructed,area.fox rodk9:'9round level aciivatfes: . o. Roofirfg• incorporated sp '. fkall.,y disdlaims any !knowle*dgdof:any:existing,asbestos, or. otHeta azatdaus cbntamirrated Tmater3a7s:eixher.In•or on the,:eA tingrara419n. ii t aovaf:andor'di.osal'oi~at yexastirig.asbesfdsQroer.;axdo'.grited rxraie als a's. riot a'•partaftl3Jsprapasa. . wRckoFir g lr corporated.shajjraSiidea:saf;working;eriviroriment fc arcari ai ce with; requirements.- and recarilmendatIbm - of the •A AH watt *1111 be perfomled'-by:experian 'dd meehhanfcsr.full rcoVered::witla-tire proper, a outtts'ofwot kmea'scord ensat on.and`gential.11af IIitj!Jhsaran.ceh. sFncetely, 306FING'lNCORPOMTE7 Mark Roney 2755. N. Banana Rlver. Dr. Merritt bland FL, 32952 Office (322) 415-3000 Fax (321) 339-7403-C=3304+42 THE STRRUSS CO. Fax: Jul 23 2015 10:50am P003/032 Eldon; °final' payr aen 'a 2f Yearinaiacifacii'ret's Sh(r>gle uaa?antee fFt3rrt Serita> will tie lsrflvided,, . along :vim our Coctoes; Z'year vmrramq .oa •uvardcr ians>`alc witl tom: i5sr ed,.' Sharalda:tealacccur. In the-rpple, gaga worfarrrtanship, sep i.rsVlli be rnake:at n0 cos.t4t6gou, pr *4d—. a reasonable note is g trer3;, and the. r heser hu fWlled the -terms of this., egreel lerit. WevAll-verforrxlthe work as•outlinedjnciudingall labor, matefials'andtaXe Ibo fte umvf— Fafteen Tbota5and Three' Hundted•Fi ty Dollars) Final akers-W. 11l'be fssuled'for.labor.and-rnaieriai and become effective t o;release any tecfianfrs.iien,:inrhaen the'checic{s} fraSJhave.been:proper t ondorsed;andbWe. been., id Icy r'e bai rk i pon:wliich it:is;draven: 'U pafd:balance a£%r30.dayts nrrll caccy-a service; char a df2% c;0e'r-.M hth,.24% penYqui. This..:proposalfmay:be ur0draiNn ;by Ro trg;friu rparateci•if It t9i hin 45 a> : itt ffie•eiraret' af.:an;incr ase•,irk anal+eria,fiprices af•gneater;than ar.I al:to''f:'oi'r:ietlat:o accept aaicx' e tl.'iis `contrail td 'tihe actor ;date:'of, mateAaf :order we iese> ve ` e<:r glat'to rezaegct3aLe or lwonsf Terthis-ooaitrae k.iiullf land v6id PJso;should cl acts:oX'17oii oc irazfrtake pe .arm. arrcb,. bf thfs:x c cr irsSpi le,•,;we rnsetve'fi ii$i txa revegtitiat:o'r i ri'sider i5 oitract iu!!•and` vofd. ' to t3ie event Fc e€auR.of poraiedthwovii ter oc:a r t giaee to;ay feor eriyr• ariii [ i rdon(es ;artd for •,all .exp'eiasPs ncurretl •al li : 1 >of ;pas•';r><i b tt a Indudlrg aaor posts; miasbhablecattornWsfF PA,and`wier:refated:e T buyeragrees taca ry or q? tQ:6e catr';ed;' r.oper`flr eahh Wd '.d:cgvwrag;iri raricep gremises'to protect Roofy g.irtr.oraed agafirst foss thigh: destnfttion afpaitia ly' cgmpleted:,vuprk.ur fa'i'the•wdrklsclirri0feted_ :The`roo'Ed .w :6 'free.:o€deb''risand•a her farest7:lnatter du>: iveto':good.ptactimsand`rooting.to.be.ddrieorilyinweatiaet-0,rrditloras seble for• 0 ng.:fhexe;is:no; ICa1311itX'td iid assl itieci For any damage to°:Ale;buifdir-.or- . curua&e:rawroctrdetitbdr1/caorio e 1 reshotitle€orthesiapeofexist(n cEure.. ftcfingiocorporatedcannotbeIvs pijMelbr i:aet oi dit'i'ora!• af'dcive >,lr':ii3urirfgorafter cristructioia,and;t kes no_ xespGtisilzil itjr o- anyrdemege:irai sed'iry, dumpsteis;or:' truids:, ' f wfi' Jricorpatated s6alf hot:be te5ponslble :tea deterielhe-#poerrai'soundrress and shall; have. o iia6114 wbatsoever torthe owneror.: others for failore:•of root nr oppo tirrg struc'M tosvppdit m'en,;rbaWAlsequipment:for.arty: damages:or'injis6m.resujitin'Aara~r such';failure, . Whether it domed'before,during•or•: afterperi'ormance•af lined•wor c 2755 N., Banana Rlver Dr. Men tt.island.FL, 32952 OMce (322) 41&ao00 Fax 02i) 335-7403•COL75i3 442- lHt SINAUSS cu. i-ax: JUI ZJ ZUlb 1U:b4aM FUU8/UJZ R copj) copy - uCity. Sado: A Buffffirw gad Fift.fireve't-ion ILD P,r.od.uc't-,...A,.P,..'.*P'*r.'.*o**.V- a-1 ecifloation: form SANFORD 2 4 0 2 PeM. Address;..7667 0 W*u trid b .. Y- Fibrida StaWte 663.842:snO toridaAdftiW§WiUvd -Wei 9Na, please reY.:9 3o ire trot 1117 Thm, 90infirin ston m dsfbq`vvd flablib. qff th q 16 fig jo jioj Ih s 6Mi. ffi-&miiu6iiii r,e Wdi iallg ood' -Tor..0041"P06,004, Joe AM duct Aft"do A-ppmV4ql.# r R VIEWED POR CODE CaMPUANCE PLANS =INF5 AvAcmatfe ar singlei Hum. Hbrizontal SUder- Doublig."HIUM Pb(ed - - Awping A PER IT ISSUhU bMALL bt UUMIPME EEBWKH;H6 Atnl Edss ThrOugh te&q5E: FeFRE) At iTHARITY TO VIOLATE, CANCEL, ALTER OR ET PrdjeciWd ASIDE ANY OF THE PROVISION5 0, rr uuutzDll I TWr m sIlAtt ! 85b*?48E GF I III Mir. opEjr-im ERnM THEREAF;iE Wind Breaker REQUI ING A CORRECTION OF ERRORS IN PL ef kNb, BE QUal Action C5Nq' rM C I ION UK vl?m I lo,qS OF THIS A=2014 1. JUI Z3 ZUlb 1U:b4am NUIU/UJZ 1 'tego Srbcatego y lYle»aif&cteirer' rnr tici Flofftia::ppx iie0' rnofudin . dedfrraa 3..: Paa ef•VV t(s Sidin Sdilfts Storefrar; s Curtain Walls hKtlot sei' ' ias• b1a Ck Mambrane G r a'hause S Cflraos#tir cRo xn :,P:rodtr Es As fxalt:Sigi tee t3. nderla. R' oafitt : Fest;hers ' i l,arr trttt.+r'aloltii " eia€ Ra 3IS1ood ShalCes Slain ies! • Rari fiyn • i les .. ll6•• .. .. .. . ... r T. Modi Bihirs'+ h Sirll:; le'P,lyoEz% S. ' ems A- d'ves•I' Contiri • Ao6fing aysteril's. R. adf'1 O& adhesive- r SprAy A.poRed• P. olyyrtthzine Roofing SP. S. Roof P. arye"ls' Roof Vents Chu. June 2014 iHt tax; Jul LJ LUI? IU:ooam rumujL M Gategory'7-Sabcaafegory. r..1• c8i<.4UMS t. 4woTdlon. t3 anat na IAJ1arJ iFact W P)WirdfMnr- onfude:decima 1,d aprdflesc C otdndaJ • R.oJI u fti ment Other: fliher ' halm •oneri: Truss Plates : Ei. ihe&W I:umiaer . RiJ'iri CaotetslFcgeaers Conercte Mifigures Pia a'stutitels Irtsugabon EO Ms t ew'cterl t A .plicapft- Slgnatur.S" Y-4," I r6 Applicants Name MAI •:i& 34P-4 — Please Print) y Ju=2014 3 Page 1 of 2 RME35r fMNa DeparUWtd BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration Hot Topic I Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts I Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links Search I Busines Professi al . Product Approval USER: Public User Regulation Product Approval Menu > Product or Aoolication Search > Application List > Application Detail FL # FL5259-R23 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments 04/27/2015 Archived Product Manufacturer POLYGLASS USA Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyon Drive Fernley, NV 89408 570) 384-1230 Ext242 jakins@polyglass.com Authorized Signature James Akins jakins@polyglass.com Technical Representative Steve Wadding Address/Phone/Email 150 Lyon Drive Fernley, NV 98408 602) 363-7139 stevew@polyglass.com Quality Assurance Representative James Akins Address/Phone/Email 555 Oakridge Road Humboldt Industrial Pkwy Hazleton, PA 18201 800) 894-4563 jakins@polyglass.com Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 07/01/2017 Validated By John W. Knezevich, PE 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL5259 R23 COI 2015 01 COI Nieminen.odf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard Year ASTM D1970 2009 ASTM D226 2006 ASTM D6164 2005 ASTM D6222 2008 ASTM G154 2006 ASTM G155 2005 FM 4474 2004 8/4/2015 Page 2 of 2 FRSA/TRI April 2012 TAS 103 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/24/2015 Date Validated 05/01/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 05/03/2015 Date Approved 06/23/2015 Date Revised 07/22/2015 Summary of Products 2012 1995 FL # Model, Number or Description Name 5259.1 Polyglass Roof Roofing underlayments Underlayments Limits of Use Approved for use in HVHZ:No Installation Instructions FL5259 R23 II 2015 05 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- R23.Dd Verified By: Robert Nieminen PE-59166 Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Design Pressure: +N/A/-622.5 Other: 1.) The design pressure in this application relates to one particular Evaluation Reports FL5259 R23 AE 2015 05 FINAL ER POLYGLASS UNDERLAYMENTS FL5259- 2R3.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes underlayment system (over concrete deck) for use under foam -on tile systems where the underlayment forms part of the load -path). Refer to ER Section 5.6.4 for other systems, other deck types and associated maximum design pressures. 2.) Refer to ER Section 5 for other limits of use. Back Next Contact Us :: 1940 North Monroe Street Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone, 850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer. Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.:: Privacy Statement :: Accessibility Statement :: Refund Statement Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public -records request, do not send electronic mall to this entity. Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail. If you have any questions, please contact 850.487.1395. -Pursuant to Section 455.275(1), Florida Statutes, effective October 1, 2012, licensees licensed under Chapter 455, F.S. must provide the Department with an email address If they have one. The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee. However email addresses are public record. If you do not wish to supply a personal address, please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public. To determine If you are a licensee under Chapter 455, F.S., please click here . Product Approval Accepts: aim M 8/4/2015 QOTRINITYIERD EVALUATION REPORT Polyglass USA, Inc. 150 Lyon Drive Fernley, NV 98408 EXTERIOR RESEARCH & DESIGN, I.I.C. Certificate of Authorization #9503 353 CHRISTIAN STREET, UNIT #13 OXFORD, CT 06478 PHONE: (203) 262-9245 FAX: (203) 262-9243 Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1119 FL5259-R23 Date of Issuance: 02/24/2009 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 SCOPE: This Evaluation Report is issued under Rule 61G20-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials in the State of Florida. The documentation submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P.E. for use of the product under the Florida Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION: Polyglass Roof Underlayments LABELING: Labeling shall be in accordance with the requirements the Accredited Quality Assurance Agency noted herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This Evaluation Report is valid until such time as the named product(s) changes, the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes, or provisions of the Code that relate to the product change. Acceptance of this Evaluation Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nieminen, P.E. if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity I ERD requires a complete review of this Evaluation Report relative to updated Code requirements with each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT: The Evaluation Report number preceded by the words "TrinitylERD Evaluated" may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed, then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: Upon request, a copy of this entire Evaluation Report shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages 1 through 10. Prepared by: Robert J.M. Nieminen, P.E. Florida Registration No. 59166, Florida DCA ANE1983 The facsimile seal appearing was authorized by Robert Nieminen, P.E. on 05/01/2015. This does not serve as an electronically signed document. Signed, sealed hardcopies have been transmitted to the Product Approval Administrator and to the named client CERTIFICATION OF INDEPENDENCE: 1. TrinitylERD does not have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 2. Trinity l ERD is not owned, operated or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing products it evaluates. 3. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have nor will acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nieminen, P.E. does not have, nor will acquire, a financial interest in any other entity involved in the approval process of the product. 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinityl ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. QOTP..INITYIERD ROOFING COMPONENT EVALUATION: 1. SCOPE: Product Category: Roofing Sub -Category: Underlayment Compliance Statement: Roof Underlayments, as produced by Polyglass USA, Inc., have demonstrated compliance with the following sections of the Florida Building Code through testing in accordance with the following Standards. Compliance is subject to the Installation Requirements and Limitations / Conditions of Use set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section Property Standard Year 1504.3.1 Wind Uplift FM 4474 2004 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G154 2006 1504.6 Accelerated Weathering ASTM G155 2005 1507.2.3, 1507.3.3, 1507.5.3, 1507.7.3, Physical Properties ASTM D226 2006 1507.8.3,1507.9.3 1507.2.4, 1507.2.9.2,1507.5.3, 1507.7.3 Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2009 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6164 2005 1507.11.2 Physical Properties ASTM D6222 2008 1507.3.3 Installation Practice FRSA/TRI April 2012 2012 1523. Physical Properties TAS 103 1995 3. REFERENCES: Ent! Examination Reference Date FM Approvals (TST 1867) Wind Uplift 3004091 01/12/2000 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PRIO1111 04/08/2002 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-005-02-01 01/31/2002 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-01 12/23/2002 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-02 12/23/2002 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-013-02-03 12/23/2002 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-018-02-01 07/14/2003 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-028-02-01 07/13/2005 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-033-02-01 01/12/2006 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-035-02-01 09/29/2006 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-055-02-02 12/10/2007 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-061-02-02 01/28/2008 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-076-02-01 02/22/2008 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-083-02-01 04/14/2008 PRI (TST 5878) Physical Properties PUSA-088-02-01 07/29/2009 MTI (TST 2508) Physical Properties JX20H7A 04/01/2008 MTI (TST 2508) Physical Properties RX14E8A 01/29/2009 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 11752.09.99-1 02/08/2000 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11757.08.01-1 08/13/2001 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11776.06.02 01/16/2003 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 02200.07.03 07/14/2003 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P1740.01.07 01/04/2007 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P5110.04.07-1 04/11/2007 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P9260.03.08 03/21/2008 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P13450.08.09 08/13/2009 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P30540.11.09-R1 11/30/2009 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P11030.11.09-1 11/30/2009 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P11030.11.09-2 11/30/2009 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P11030.11.09-3 11/30/2009 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P33360.06.10 06/25/2010 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P33370.03.11 03/02/2011 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P33370.04.11 04/26/2011 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P37300.10.11 10/19/2011 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P40390.08.12-1 08/06/2012 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P40390.08.12-2 08/07/2012 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties C41420.09.12-3 09/11/2012 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P39680.03.13 03/04/2013 Exterior Research and Design, U.C. Evaluation Report 1312060.02.09-1119 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL5259-1123 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 Page 2 of 10 4. QOTFUNITYIERD Entity Examination Reference Date ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P45370.04.13 04/26/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P1738.02.07-112 04/29/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift 11757.04.01-1-R1 04/30/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P41630.08.13 08/06/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift 1311751.05.03-111 11/26/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Wind Uplift P11781.11.03-111 11/26/2013 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P45270.05.14 05/12/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.07.14-1 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-2 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-3 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-4 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-5 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties 6020.09.14-6 09/08/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P46520.10.14 10/03/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P44360.30.14 10/07/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P43290.10.14 10/17/2014 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties PLYG-SC7550.03.15 03/24/2015 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties P40390.04.15 04/03/2015 ERD (TST 6049) Physical Properties PLYG-SC8080.14 04/22/2015 ICC-ES (EVL 2396) IBC Compliance ESR-1697 11/01/2014 Miami -Dade (CER 1592) HVHZ Compliance NOA 14-0717.08 01/22/2015 Polyglass USA Manufacturing Affidavit Products Current 02/18/2009 Polyglass USA P/L Affidavit Mule -Hide Cross Ltg 03/01/2008 Polyglass USA Materials Affidavit Polystick SA Compound 08/18/2011 UL, I.I.C. (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation, R14571, 2QA Exp. 08/08/2015 UL, I.I.C. (QUA9625) Quality Control Service Confirmation, MTS PLUS Exp. 07/01/2017 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Mechanically Fastened Underlayments: 4.1.1 Elastobase is a fiberglass reinforced, SBS modified bitumen base sheet. 4.1.2 Elastobase P is a polyester -reinforced, SBS modified bitumen base sheet. 4.2 Self-Adherins Underlavments: 4.2.1 Polystick MTS is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with polyolefinic film surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.2 Polystick MTS PLUS is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, surfaced with poly -film surface; meets TAS 103. 4.2.3 Polystick IR-Xe is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with an aggregate surface; meets ASTM D1970. 4.2.4 Polystick TU Plus is a nominal 80-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass fiber reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.5 Polystick TU P is a nominal 130-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, glass-fiber/polyester reinforced, with a granular surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.6 Polystick TU Max is a nominal 60-mil thick rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane with a 190 g/m2 polyester fabric surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.2.7 Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) are polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheets; meet ASTM D6222. 4.2.8 Polystick Dual Pro'" is a nominal 60-mil thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface; meets ASTM D1970. 4.2.9 Polystick Tile Pro'" is a nominal 60-mil thick dual -layer rubberized asphalt waterproofing membrane, fiberglass reinforced, with a polyester fabric surface; meets ASTM D1970 and TAS 103. 4.3 Mechanically Fastened and/or Bonded Underlavments: 4.3.1 Elastoflex S6 G and Elastoflex S6 G FR are polyester reinforced, SBS modified bitumen cap sheets; meet ASTM D6164. 4.3.2 Polyflex G and Polyflex G FR are polyester reinforced, APP modified bitumen cap sheets; meet ASTM D6222. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1119 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL5259-1123 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 Page 3 of 10 QOTRINITYIERD S. LIMITATIONS: 5.1 This is a building code evaluation. Neither TrinityJERD nor Robert Nieminen, P.E. are, in any way, the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluation Report, or previous versions thereof, is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose. 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not for use in the HVHZ. 5.3 Fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Directory for fire ratings of this product. 5.4 Polyglass Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not listed, a request may be made to the AHJ for approval based on this evaluation combined with supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.5 Allowable Roof Covers: TABLE 1: ROOF COVER OPTIONS Underlayment Asphalt Shingles Nail -On Tile Foam -On Tile Metal wood Shakes & Slate Shingles Elastobase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes base layer in 2-ply system) base layer in 2-ply system) Elastobase P Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes base layer In 2-ply system) base layer In 2-ply system) Polystick MTS Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Polystick MTS PLUS Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Polystick lR-Xe Yes No No No Yes Yes PolystickTU P Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes See 5.5.1 PolystickTU Plus Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes See 5.5.1 PolystickTU Max No Yes Yes Yes No No See 5.5.1 Polystick Dual Pro Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes Polystick Tile Pro Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Elastoflex S6 G Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Elastoflex S6 G FR Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Polyflex G Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Polyflex G FR Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Polyflex SAP or SAP FR Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes See 5.5.1 Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet Yes or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) Yes Yes See 5.5.1 No Yes Yes 5.5.1 "Foam -On Tile" is limited to use of the following Approved tile adhesives unless tensile adhesion / long term aging data from an accredited testing laboratory is provided. 3MTM 2-Component Roof Tile Adhesive AH-160 (FL6332): Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max, Elastoflex S6 G, Polyflex G, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA Cap FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) or Tile Pro. 3M1 Foam Roof Tile Adhesive RTA-1 (FL6276): Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max, Elastoflex S6 G, Polyflex G, Polyflex SAP, Polyflex SA Cap FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) or Tile Pro Dow TileBond (FL717): Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP or Tile Pro Convenience Products' Touch in Seal StormBond Roof Tile Adhesive (FL14506): Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1119 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL5259-1123 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 Page 4 of 10 TTP-'1N1-fYJERD 5.6 Allowable Substrates: 5.6.1 Direct -Bond to Deck: Polystick (all variations), Dual Pro, Tile Pro, Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet FR) self -adhered to: New untreated plywood; ASTM D41 primed new untreated plywood; Existing plywood; ASTM D41 primed existing plywood; New or existing, unprimed OSB; ASTM D41 primed OSB; Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D41 primed Southern Yellow Pine; ASTM D41 primed structural concrete; Huber Engineered Woods "ZIP System" Panels (designed and installed to meet wind loads for project). Note: Polyglass does not require priming of new or existing plywood or O58 sheathing. New or existing plywood or O58 sheathing should be cleaned of all dirt and debris prior to application of Polystick membranes. Elastoflex 56 G or S6 G FR in hot asphalt to: ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. Polyflex G or G FR torch -applied to: ASTM D41 primed structural concrete. 5.6.2 Bond -to -Insulation: Polystick (all variations), Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) self -adhered to: ASTM C1289, Type II, Class 1 polyisocyanurate or Type V polyisocyanurate-composite insulation; Dens Deck DuraGuard; Dens Deck Prime; or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board. Elastoflex S6 G or S6 G FR in hot asphalt to: Dens Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board. Polyflex G or G FR torch -applied to: ASTM D41 primed structural concrete; Dens Deck Prime or SECUROCK Gypsum -Fiber Roof Board. For installation under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, insulation shall be attached per minimum requirements of the prepared roof covering manufacturer's Product Approval. For installations under foam -on tile systems, insulation attachment shall be designed by a qualified design professional and installed based on testing of the insulation/underlayment system in accordance with FM 4474, UL1897 or TAS 114. 5.6.3 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Laver: Polystick (all variations), Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) Dual Pro or Tile Pro self -adhered to: ASTM D226, Type I or II felt; Elastobase; Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base. Elastoflex S6 G or S6 G FR in hot asphalt to: ASTM D226, Type I or II felt; Elastobase; Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base. Polyflex G or G FR torch -applied to: Elastobase; Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base. For installations under mechanically attached prepared roof coverings, base layer shall be attached per minimum codified requirements. For installations under foam -on tile systems, refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) and Section 5.6.4 herein. 5.6.4 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Foam -On Tile Applications: FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) does not address wind uplift resistance of all underlayment systems beneath foam -on tile systems, where the underlayment forms part of the load -path. The following wind uplift limitations apply to underlayment systems that are not addressed in FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) and are used in foam -on tile applications. Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads, and reflects the ultimate passing pressure divided by 2 (the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already been applied). Refer to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04- 12), Appendix A, Table 1A or FBC 1609 for determination of design wind loads. Maximum Design Pressure =-90 psf. Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Primer: (Optional) ASTM D41 Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1119 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL5259-1123 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 Page 5 of 10 Q0TRINITY I ERD Maximum Design Pressure =-135 psf. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Primer: (Optional) ASTM D41 Joints: Min. 4-inch wide strips of Elastoflex SA-V over all plywood joints. Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Maximum Design Pressure =-315 psf. Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Primer: ASTM D41 Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polystick TU Max, Tile Pro, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Maximum Design Pressure = -622.5 psf. Deck: Structural concrete to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Primer: ASTM D41 Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure = -30.0 psf*. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch OSB to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 1-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Maximum Design Pressure = -37.5 psf*. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 1-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Maximum Design Pressure = -37.5 psf*. Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: One (1) or two (2) layers ASTM D226, Type II felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 1-inch head diameter round metal cap nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure = -45 psf*. Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: One (1) layer ASTM D226, Type II felt Fasteners: it ga. x 1.25-inch x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 4-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 4-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered or Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure = -45 psf*. Deck: Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Two (2) layers ASTM D226, Type II felt Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 9-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered or Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure =-45 psf. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 18-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certif sate of Authorization U9503 Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R19 FL5259-R23 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 Page 6 of 10 QTRINITY I ERD Maximum Design Pressure =-52.5 psf. Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 9-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure =-52.5 psf. Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: Simplex Original Cap Nails Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Maximum Design Pressure = -52.5 psf. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt ortorch-applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex Original Cap Nails Spacing: 5-inch o.c. at the 3-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure = -60 psf. Deck: Min. 19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch long x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 8-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 8-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure =-60 psf. Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: OMG #12 Standard Roofgrip with OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 12-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 12-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure =-90 psf. Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at two (2) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure =-90 psf. Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: OMG #12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG #14 Heavy Duty with OMG 3" Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure = -90 psf. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface) Fasteners: Trufast #12 DP or Trufast #14 HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. Maximum Design Pressure = -97.5 psf. Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 4-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 4-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, PolyFlex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Certificate of Authorization #9503 Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R19 FL5259-R23 Revision 19: 05/O1/2015 Page 7 of 10 QOTRINITYIERD Maximum Design Pressure = -105 psf. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: Simplex MAXX Cap Fasteners Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 2-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at three (3) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure=-112.5 psf. Deck: Min.19/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase or Mule -Hide Nail Base (poly -film top surface) Fasteners: 11 ga. x 1.25-inch x 3/8-inch head diameter annular ring shank roofing nails at 1-5/8-inch diameter tin caps Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at four (4) equally spaced staggered center rows. Primer: PG100 or ASTM D41 primer at all tin -caps Underlayment: Polystick TU P, Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP, PolyFlex SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), self -adhered. Maximum Design Pressure = -120 psf. Deck: Min. 15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface for hot -asphalt or torch -applied cap or poly -film surface for torch -applied cap) Fasteners: OMG #12 Standard Roofgrip or OMG #14 Heavy Duty with OMG 3" Round Metal Plates or OMG Flat Bottom Metal Plates Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at five (5) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt or Polyflex G, torch -applied. Maximum Design Pressure = -120 psf. Deck: Min.15/32-inch plywood to meet project requirements to satisfaction of AHJ. Base Layer: Elastobase (sanded top surface) Fasteners: Trufast #12 DP or Trufast #14 HD with Trufast 3" Metal Insulation Plates Spacing: 6-inch o.c. at the 4-inch wide side laps and 6-inch o.c. at five (5) equally spaced staggered center rows. Underlayment: Elastoflex S6 G, applied in full mopping of hot asphalt. All other direct -deck, adhered Polyglass underlayment systems beneath foam -on tile systems carry a Maximum Design Pressure of -45 psf. For mechanically attached base sheet in a 2-ply system, the maximum design pressure for the selected assembly shall meet or exceed the Zone 1 design pressure determined in accordance with FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), Appendix A, Table 1A or FBC 1609. Zones 2 and 3 shall employ an attachment density designed by a qualified design professional to resist the elevated pressure criteria. Commonly used methods are RAS 117, FM LPDS 1-29 and ANSI/SPRI WD1. Assemblies marked with an asterisk* carry the limitations set forth in Section of FM LPDS 1-29 for Zone 2/3 enhancements. 5.7 Exposure Limitations: Elastobase or Elastobase P shall not be left exposed for longer than 30-days after installation. Polystick IR-Xe shall not be left exposed for longer than 90-days after installation. Polystick MTS, MTS PLUS, TU P, TU Plus, TU Max, Dual Pro or Tile Pro shall not be left exposed for longer than 180-days after installation. Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, or Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) does not have an exposure limitation, unless the prepared roof covering is to be adhesive -set tile, in which case the maximum exposure is 30 days. Elastoflex S6 G or S6 G FR or Polyflex G or G FR does not have an exposure limitation, unless the prepared roof covering is to be adhesive -set tile (Elastoflex S6 G or Polyflex G only), in which case the maximum exposure is 180 days. 6. INSTALLATION: 6.1 Polyglass Roof Underlayments shall be installed in accordance with Polyglass published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below. 6.2 Re -fasten any loose decking panels, and check for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to remove any dust and debris prior to application, and prime the substrate (if applicable). 6.3 Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base: 6.3.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D226, Type II underlayment in FBC Sections 1507 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.3.2 Non -Tile Applications: Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-R19 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL5259-1123 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 Page 8 of 10 QOTRINITY I ERD Reference is made to the current edition of the NRCA Steep -slope Roofing Manual and ARMA recommendations for installing shingle underlayments and flashings Elastobase, Elastobase P or Mule -Hide Nail Base may be covered with a layer of Polystick, Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule - Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR), Dual Pro or Tile Pro, self -adhered, Elastoflex S6 G or S6 G FR in hot asphalt or Polyflex G or G FR, torch applied. 6.3.3 Tile Applications: Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein, using the instructions noted above as a guideline. 6.4 Polystick MTS, MTS PLUS, IR-Xe, TU P, TU Plus, TU Max Polyflex SAP or SAP FR, Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA- APP Cap Sheet MR), Dual Pro or Tile Pro: 6.4.1 Shall be installed in compliance with the codified requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in FBC Sections 1507 for the type of prepared roof covering to be installed. 6.4.2 Direct -to -Deck with Mechanically Fastened Roof Covers: All self -adhering materials, with the exception of Polystick TU Plus, Polyflex SAP or SAP FR and Mule -Hide SA-APP Cap Sheet or SA-APP Cap Sheet (FR) should be back -nailed in selvage edge seam in accordance with Polyglass / Mule -Hide Back Nailing Guide. Nails shall be corrosion resistant, 11 gauge ring -shank type with a minimum 1-inch diameter metal disk or Simplex -type metal cap nail, at a minimum rate of 12" o.c. Polystick TU Plus should be back -nailed using the above noted fasteners and spacing, in area marked "nail area, area para clavar" on the face of membrane. The head lap membrane is to cover the area being back -nailed All seal -lap seams (selvage laps) must be firmly rolled with a minimum 28 lb. hand roller to ensure full contact and adhesion. For Dual Pro and Tile Pro, align the edge of the top sheet to the end of the glue pattern (the sheet will overlap the fabric). View of Ovelap Seam of Dual Pro and Tile Pro All over -fabric and over -granule end -laps shall have a 6-inch wide, uniform layer of Polyplus 50 Premium Modified Wet/Dry Cement or Polyglass PG500 Modified Cement applied in between the application of the lap. Polystick TU Plus, Dual Pro and Tile Pro may not be used in any exposed application such as crickets, exposed valleys, or exposed roof to wall details Repair of Polystick membranes is to be accomplished by applying Polyplus 50 Premium Modified Wet/Dry Cement or Polyglass PG500 Modified Cement to the area in need of repair, followed by a minimum 6 x 6 inch patch of the Polystick material of like kind, set and hand rolled in place over the repair area. Patch laps, if needed, shall be installed in a water shedding manner. All Polystick membranes shall be installed to ensure full contact with approved substrates. Polyglass requires a minimum of 40-lb weighted -roller or, on steep slopes, use of a stiff broom with approximately 40-lbs of load applied for the field membrane. Hand rollers are acceptable for rolling of patches, laps (min. 28 lb roller) or small areas of the roof that are not accessible to a large roller or broom. 6.4.3 Tile Applications (not allowed for Polystick IR-Xe): Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein, using the instructions noted above as a guideline. For mechanically fastened tile roofing over 2-ply system, consisting of base sheet and self -adhering top sheet(s), base sheet fastening shall be not less than FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12), Table 1. For adhesive -set tile applications, refer to Section 5.6.4 herein. For nail -on tile systems over Polystick MTS, battens are required for loading / staging of the tile. Exterior Research and Design, LLC. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1139 Certificate ofAuthorization #9503 FL5259-1123 Revision 19: 05/O1/2015 Page 9 of 10 7. 8. 9. Q0TP'uN1TYjERD For nail -on tile systems over Polystick MTS PLUS: Battens are required for loading/staging of lugged tile regardless of slope. Battens are required for loading/staging of flat tile at slopes in excess of 5:12. 6.4.4 Two (2) Ply Underlayment Systems: Polystick MTS or MTS PLUS followed by Polystick MTS, MTS PLUS, TU P, TU Plus, TU Max, TilePro or Polyflex SAP is allowable for use under mechanically attached prepared roof systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top - layer material. This is not a requirement, but is allowable if a 2-ply underlayment system is desired. Polystick MTS PLUS followed by Polystick TU P, TU Plus, TU Max, TilePro or Polyflex SAP is allowable for use under foam - on tile systems. Limits of use are those associated with the top -layer material. This is not a requirement, but is allowable if a 2-ply underlayment system is desired. 6.5 Elastoflex 56 G or S6 G FR: 6.5.1 Elastoflex 56 G or S6 G FR shall be installed in compliance with current Polyglass published installation requirements. For use in tile applications, reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein. 6.5.2 Elastoflex S6 G or 56 G FR shall be fully asphalt -applied to the substrates noted in Section 5.6. Side laps shall be minimum 3-inch and end -laps minimum 6-inch wide, off -set minimum 3 feet from course to course. Side and end laps shall be fully adhered in a complete mopping of hot asphalt with asphalt extending approximately 3/8-inch beyond the lap edge. 6_6 Polyflex G or G FR: 6.6.1 Polyflex G or G FR shall be installed in compliance with current Polyglass published installation requirements. For use in tile applications, reference is made FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) Installation Manual and Table 1 herein. 6.6.2 Polyflex G or G FR shall be fully torch -applied to the substrates noted in Section 5.6. Side laps shall be minimum 3-inch and end -laps minimum 6-inch wide, off -set minimum 3 feet from course to course. Side and end laps shall be fully heat -welded and inspected to ensure minimum 3/8-inch flow of modified compound beyond the lap edge. 6.7 Tile Staging: 6.7.1 Tile shall be loaded and staged in a manner that prevents tile slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. Refer to Polyglass published requirements for tile staging. 6.7.2 Battens and/or Counter -battens, as required by the tile manufacturer and FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) must be used on all roof slopes greater than 7:12. Precautions should be taken as needed, such as the use of battens or nail -boards, to prevent tile sliding and/or damage to the underlayment during the loading process. 6.7.3 For nail -on tile systems over Polystick MTS, battens are required for loading / staging of the tile. 6.7.4 For nail -on tile systems over Polystick MTS PLUS: Battens are required for loading/staging of lugged tile regardless of slope. Battens are required for loading/staging of flat tile at slopes in excess of 5:12. 6.7.5 The minimum cure time after installation of self -adhering membranes and before loading of roofing tiles is forty-eight 48) hours. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building Official or Authority Having Jurisdiction in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the noted QA agency for information on product locations covered for F.A.C. Rule 61G20-3 CIA requirements. QUALITY ASSURANCE ENTITY: UL, LLC—QUA9625; (314) 578-3406; k.chancellor@us.ul.com END OF EVALUATION REPORT - Exterior Research and Design, I.I.C. Evaluation Report P12060.02.09-1119 Certificate of Authorization #9503 FL5259-1123 Revision 19: 05/01/2015 Page 10 of 10 Page 1 of 3 rrr DepB*wtd BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge Stats & Facts I Publications I FBC Staff I BCIS Site Map I Links I Search Busines Professi g al USER:PubProdtgcUserAppal Regulation Product Aooroval Menu > Product or Application Search > Application List > Application Detail FP * JW FL # FL11422-R4 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Address/ Phone/Email Authorized Signature Technical Representative Address/ Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/ Phone/Email Category Subcategory Compliance Method Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Evaluation Report Florida License Quality Assurance Entity Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Validated By Certificate of Independence 9 Berridge Manufacturing Co. 1720 Maury Houston, TX 77026 800) 231-8127 Ext215 bmarks@berridge. com James Buckner jimmy@cbuckinc. net Robert Marks, Jr. 1720 Maury Houston, TX 77479 713) 223-4971 bmarks@berridge. com Roofing Metal Roofing Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer 0 Evaluation Report - Hardcopy Received James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK, Inc. PE- 31242 UL LLC 12/ 31/2019 Steven M. Urich, PE 0 Validation Checklist - Hardcopy Received FL11422 R4 COI CertOflndeo.Ddf Referenced Standard and Year (of Standard) Standard TAS 125 UL 1897 UL 580 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Year 2003 2004 2006 Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL11422 R4 Eauiv Test Standard Eauiv.pdf 8/ 4/2015 Page 2 of 3 Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/24/2015 Date Validated 04/28/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 05/04/2015 Date Approved 06/22/2015 FL # Model, Number or Description Name 11422.1 01 - "Bermuda" Panel 24 Gauge Steel Roof Panel, 11" Width, Attached to Wood Deck with Berridge Anchor Clips Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11422 R4 II 01 Bermuda WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK, Inc. P.E. #31242 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-52.5 Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for FL11422 R4 AE 01 Bermuda WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf Conditions & Limitations of Use. Refer to Created by Independent Third Party: Yes manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide. 11422.2 02 - "Classic or Victorian 24 Gauge Steel Roof Shingle Panel, 9" x 12", Attached to Wood Deck Shingle" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11422 R4 II 02 Classic or VictorianShinole WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Verified By: James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK, Inc. P.E. #31242ApprovedforuseoutsideHVHZ: Yes Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-131max Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for FL11422 R4 AE 02 Classic or Victoria nShIngle WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party: YesConditions & Limitations of Use. Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide. 111422.3 103 - "Double -Rib" Panel 124 Gauge Steel 5V Style Roof Panel, 24" Width, Attached to Wood Deck Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ: No FL11422 R4 II 03 DoubleRib WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK, Inc. P.E. #31242 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-138.5max Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for FL11422 R4 AE 03 DoubleRib WoodDeck EVALREPORT.odf Conditions & Limitations of Use. Refer to Created by Independent Third Party: Yes manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide. 11422.4 04 - "High Seam Tee- 24 Gauge Steel Roof Panel, 18" Width, Attached to Wood Deck with Berridge Panel" with Snap-On High Seam Tee -Clips & Snap -on Seam Seam Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11422 R4 II 04 HiohSeamTeePanel WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK, Inc. P.E. #31242 Impact Resistant: N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-52.5 Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for FL11422 R4 AE 04 HiohSeamTeePanel WoodDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Conditions & Limitations of Use. Refer to Created by Independent Third Party: Yes manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide. 11422.5 I Seam " High wwith Snap-On I High Seam Tee -Clips & Snap -on Panel, on Seam Attached to Steel Deck with Berridge Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL11422 R4 II 05 HiohSeamTeePanel SteelDeck EVALREPORT.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ: Yes Verified By: James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK, Inc. P.E. #31242 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +N/A/-52.5 Evaluation Reports Other: Refer to Evaluation Report for FL11422 R4 AE 05 HiohSeamTeePanel SteelDeck EVALREPORT.odf Conditions & Limitations of Use. Refer to Created by Independent Third Party: Yes manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide. 11422.6 1 124 Gauge Steel Roof Panel Assembly Attached to Wood Deck 8/4/2015 Spe--lalty Structural Englne erinq CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Evaluation Report Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle" Metal Roof Assembly Manufacturer: Berridge Manufacturing Company 1720 Maury Road Houston, TX 77026 800) 231-8127 for Florida Product Approval FL 11422.2 R4 Florida Building Code Sth Edition (2014) Method: 1- D Category: Sub - Category: Product: Material: Panel Thickness: Support: Prepared by: James L. Buckner, P.E., S.E.C.B. Florida Professional Engineer # 31242 Florida Evaluation ANE ID: 1916 Project Manager: Diana Galloway Report No. 14-136-VCS-S4W-ER Revises 13-182-VCS-54W-ER) Date: 4 / 02 / 15 Contents: Evaluation Report Pages 1— 8 Roofing Metal Roofing Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle Steel 24 gauge Wood Deck Rcwe Elec aWc Seat for ElecuodcsubWnA L. SUC CENSF' No 31242 LL,_ 0' STATE OF 44/\ Digttalty Signed by: James L Buckner, P.E. CBUCK, Inc. , 1399 N. Killian Drive, Suite 4, West Palm Beach, Florida 33403 2015.04.2210:25:29 -04 00 Phone: (561)491-9927 Fax: (561)491-9928 Website: www.cbuckinc.net CBUCK Engineering Sppclalty Structural Engineaerinq Manufacturer: Berridge Manufacturing Company Product Name: "Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle" Product Category: Roofing Product Sub -Category Metal Roofing FL #: FL 114Z2.2 R4 Date: 4 / 2 / 15 Report No.: 14-136-vCs-s4w-ER Page 2 of 8 CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Compliance Method: State Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005 (1) (d) Product/System "Victorian" or "Classic" Roof Shingle Description: 24 gauge Steel roof shingle attached to Plywood Deck with screws. Product Assembly as Refer to Page 4 of this report for product assembly components/materials & Evaluated: standards: 1. Roof Panel 2. Fasteners 3. Underlayment Support: Type: Wood Deck Design of support and its attachment to support framing is outside the scope of this evaluation.) Description: 15/32" (min.) or 19/32"(min.) (Per Table A), or greater plywood, or Wood plank (min. specific gravity of 0.42) Slope: Minimum slope shall be in compliance with FBC Chapter 15 based on the type of roof covering, applicable code sections and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Performance: Wind Uplift Resistance: Design Uplift Pressure: Refer to TABLE A Refer to "Table A" attachment details herein) CBUCK - Er olnoerinq FL #: FL 11422.2 R4 Date: 4 / 2 / 15 Report No.: 14-136-VCS-S4w-ER Page 3 of 8 Specialty Structural Engineering CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization ##8064 Performance Standards: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with: U L580-06 — Test for Uplift Resistance of Roof Assemblies U L 1897-04 — Uplift test for roof covering systems TAS 125-03 —Standard Requirements for Metal Roofing Systems Standards Equivalency: The UL 580-94 & UL 1897-98 standard version used to test the evaluated product assembly is equivalent with the prescribed standards in UL 580-06 & UL 1897-04 adopted by the Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014). Code Compliance: The product described herein has demonstrated compliance with Florida Building Code 5th Edition (2014) Section 1504.3.2. Evaluation Report This product evaluation is limited to compliance with the structural requirements Scope: of the Florida Building Code, as related to the scope section to Florida Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.001. Limitations and • Scope of "Limitations and Conditions of Use" for this evaluation: Conditions of Use: This evaluation report for "Optional Statewide Approval" contains technical documentation, specifications and installation method(s) which include Limitations and Conditions of Use" throughout the report in accordance with Rule 61G20-3.005. Per Rule 61G20-3.004, the Florida Building Commission is the authority to approve products under "Optional Statewide Approval". Option for application outside "Limitations and Conditions of Use" Rule 61G20-3.005(1)(e) allows engineering analysis for "project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction in accordance with the alternate methods and materials authorized in the Code". Any modification of the product as evaluated in this report and approved by the Florida Building Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others. Design of support system is outside the scope of this report. Fire Classification is outside the scope of Rule 61G20-3, and is therefore not included in this evaluation. This evaluation report does not evaluate the use of this product for use in the High Velocity Hurricane Zone code section. (Dade & Broward Counties) Quality Assurance: The manufacturer has demonstrated compliance of roof panel products in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 61G20-3.0005 (3) for manufacturing under a quality assurance program audited by an approved quality assurance entity through UL, LLC (FBC Organization #: QUA 9625). CBUCK Engirleerinq FL #: FL 11422.2 R4 Date: 4 / 2 / 15 Report No.: 14-136-VCS-S4w-ER Page 4 of 8 SpPclalty Structural Enc]InezE=rinq CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Components/Materials by Manufacturer): Roof Panel: Material: Thickness: Panel Dimensions: Yield Strength: Steel Grade: Corrosion Resistance: Fastener: Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle Steel 24 gauge (min.) 9" wide x 12" long (max.) Coverage 40 ksi min. 40 In compliance with FBC Section 1507.4.3: ASTM A792 coated, or ASTM A653 G90 galvanized steel Type: Pancake -Head Wood Screw Size: Option 1: #12 x 1" Option 2: #10 - 9 x 1" Corrosion Resistance: Per FBC Section 1506.6 and 1507.4.4 Standard: Per ANSI/ASME B18.6.1 Underlayment: Material and application shall be in compliance with FBC Chapter 15 based on the type of roof covering, applicable codes and in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. Installation: Installation Method: Refer to "TABLE A" below and drawings on Pages 6-8 of this report.) Fastener Spacing: Refer to "TABLE A" Below along the length of the shingle) Two (2) fasteners per Shingle Refer to "Table A" and Drawings at the end of this report for shingle fastener placement) Tuck bottom lock of succeeding layer of shingles into top lock of preceding layer of shingles to form an integral interlock. Attach shingles in a staggered pattern. Minimum fastener penetration thru bottom of support, 3/16". TABLE "A" ALLOWABLE LOADS METHOD 1 METHOD 2 METHOD 3 Design Pressure: 118.5 PSF 123.5 PSF 131 PSF Deck Thickness (min) 15/32" 15/32" 19/32" Fastener Spacing: 9" 9" 9" Fastener Type: 12 10 10 of Fasteners per Shingle: 2 2 2 Shingle Fastener Placement Detail A Detail B Detail B Allowable design pressure(s) for allowable stress design (ASD). Install the ""Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle" roof panel assembly in compliance with the installation method listed in this report and applicable code sections of FBC 5th Edition (2014). The installation method described herein is in accordance with the scope of this evaluation report. Refer to manufacturer's installation instructions as a supplemental guide for attachment. FL M FL 11422.2 R4 Date: 4 / 2 / 15 CBUCK ' EngineeringN- Page No.: 5 - 1386-vcS-sow-ER SpEPclalty Structural Englnexerinq CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Referenced Data: 1. TAS 125 (Per UL580 & UL 1897) By Hurricane Test Laboratory, Inc. (FBC Organization #TST ID: 1527) Report # 0307-0127-04, Dated: 3/9/04 2. TAS 125 (Per UL580 & UL 1897) By Force Engineering & Testing, Inc. (FBC ORG # ID: 5328) Report # 49-0242T-12A, B, Dated: 12/4/12 3. Quality Assurance UL, LLC (FBC Organization #: QUA 9625) 4. Equivalency of Test Standard Certification By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering FBC Organization # ANE 1916) 5. Certification of Independence By James L. Buckner, P.E. @ CBUCK Engineering FBC Organization # ANE 1916) CBUCK E:ng1nc L=r1nq FL #: FL 11422.2 R4 Date: 4 / 2 / 15 Report No.: 14-136-VCS-S4W-ER Page 6 of 8 Specialty Structural Englneerinq CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #8064 Installation Method Berridge Manufacturing Company Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle" Roof Panel attached to Wood Deck F9' Exposuro 11' Victorian Shingle" Profile Drawings Typical Panel Profiles Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle 9' Exposuro 11" Classic Shingle" Panel Interlock TWO Pancake -Head Screws per Shingle, Refer to Detail A or B for Fastener Location 911 Wood Deck Refer to Table A for min. thickness Assembly Section Profile View Typical Fastening Pattern Across Width) CBUCK - Erioln0erinq FL #: FL 11422.2 R4 Date: 4 / 2 / 15 Report No.: 14-136-VCs-s4w-ER Page 7 of 8 Specialty Structural Engineering CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #i8064 Installation Method Berridge Manufacturing Company Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle" Roof Panel attached to Wood Deck stener cations Detail A" Shingle Fastener Placement Aener cations Detail B" Shingle Fastener Placement FL #: FL 114Z2.2 R4 Date: 4 / 2 / 15 CBUCK EnginVerinq Report No.: 14-136-Vcs-s4w-ER Page 8 of 8 Speclalty Structural Englneerinq CBUCK, Inc. Certificate of Authorization #i8064 Installation Method Berridge Manufacturing Company Victorian" or "Classic" Shingle" Roof Panel attached to Wood Deck Victorian Shingle" Victorian Shingle" Typical Assembly Plan View Classic Shingle" Classic Shingle" Typical Assembly Plan View THE STRAUSS CO. Fax: Jul 23 2015 10:55am P012/032 p eijbit..appHim' p cka es:must-lae coriipdet prfloaio .ccep ce*: Yatt mas¢. iiieck a ttlRl9oxtrs x e Fed : > a i+eate' !a ®a; bze#t E. pleie applic 3ion ps kage.si ail ;iCuci'aae e o'o uag: fl pi diri ,PeimitA'pplicationcompittecLsiped wd-noUdze& APPUPai3tonv=Lsi tne ua ozrec eddresS ar i oa p3ete parcel 1 i?. zt=ber. D • py.'o%spplicable:•.cam a is lirens assued'by •S'OfMbrids'(if tlxe' i is D • sito speeifi notarized power o£attyomey s1; U-Se regWrcdfrom. *&Iiccnsed.co hell& appoir % an employee •of hLcdff company'to•siga the gar-iit•applxe bion as ahe'r. B Cernfiode. o f .utgeaance. pacati;ate Ilse 4_i`• still: as. ffcate:hoIdar, .or. a.copy of. a a3,rorkeks comp salhm `ex mpiior issued : y;t1 a.Statc of Pln Asi,be sutintified`with'oaciirPpicatiori:ico3itraris,tit c ; e d wd ;geed:bywor a r:Stateziael -%Aff aevit: if e;owoers's lEi :spli ic2ait ': Ms: gW4eliiies were.camptled ro assist t ie:appldcarrt in PM- Powo roci. fY 42PPlicaiian b'e c4, Vjjet4 7*e Yi=u fs'regiuivd ia meer dt , ty'.'of'Sarr prA..sthtg arri3,fsd'eril nde;requrreriserits.': 1 Iilllllllllilllllllll IIIII IIIIIIIIIIII THIS INSTRUMENT PREPAREDA Name: i? oL `1.i%4- Address: NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT State of Florida County of Seminole Permit Number. MARYANNE MORSEr SEMINOLE COUNTY CLERK, OF CIRCUIT COURT & COMPTROLLER EK 8553 Ps 1978 (1Rss) CLERK'S s 2015106486 RECORDED 09/25/2015 10.25:24 AM RECORDING FEES $10.00 RECORDED BY hdevore Parcel iD Number: 15-- )q -30 ' 'S FOqa ! _00 ef4 The undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement, will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement DE=N OF PROPERTY- (Legal escri Lion o the pro fly and street address if avails le, L `j t Pj©S" S d A-k & g Kati. GENERAL DESCRIPTlbN OF IMPROVEMENT: e`W3 OWNER INFQRMATiON: wt-.,,a- /'I r,-ui i A tAAtA1X 5.' Address: Yq .., tYd ht /W USF z t°n YL- Sol-7wi. Fee'Simple Title Holder Crf other than owner) Name - Address: ',j 1>,? IV 1-21112i'll r-bny- +c rtrF tc t-, /_r...r , •• Persons within the State of-Fiorida Designated by Owner upon whom notice or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Name: Address: In addition to himself, Owner Designates of To receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as Provided in Section 713.13(1)(b), Florida Statutes. Expiration Date of Notice of Commencement (The expiration date is 1 year from date of recording unless a different date is specified) WARNING TO OWNER. ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE -EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713; PART 1, SECTION 713.13, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU INTEND CO OBTAIN FINANCING. CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK Oil, RECORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under penalties of pe 'ury, l iesFars th2Rt trao'e ead the foregoing and that the facts stated in it are true to th o t it37r elief. owners Sig re Orowmer's Printed Name c- Fladda StaILde 713.13(1)N):' Ti a waw must sign the notice of commencement and no one else maybe permitted to sign to his or her stead.' State of County of Q KINGE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _,7 day of is L by '51FNJ ANA 1 IV 5, 60L, irT I Who Is personally known to me 190, Name of person making statement ((' OR who has produced identifia-lion type of identification produced:e*^`T of ?E c th y 4',.••' RYAid GOODWIN MA ANNE MORSE .c ;' ^ i 'r ,,' 5• i MY COMMISSION #FF006511 CLERKOFTi- CIRCUI C U Y COMPTROLL R t • ' :'o¢S+ F•, aw,,rd' F= F SE AINOLE CO • E , tr -' cr BY MDEK