HomeMy WebLinkAbout191 Windsor Ct (2)JUL-18-2005 12:22 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.05 Date: 'Job Address, 2J16 -or If Fl y,� CEIVED Osaert0lon of work: w r P. ®� Hlatorle District: All 0 2 2009 Zoning: Va1ue of Worlt: S /9/® cel Permit 1ypm Buildln 8 ✓ Ehlcaical Meehaaical Plumbing ✓ Fire SonklcdAlarm Pool Ltectrical New Service — p of AMPS AdditioNAltaation Change of Service 1�mpatllry Pole Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout Bnergy.tki�a Required) . Plumbing/ Now Comnlerclal; # of Fixtures `_ N of Water R Sewer LilleiL sol of Gas Lines PlambingMew Residential, # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair — Reaideatdal or CommemW i Occupalaey Types Reaiderttiel� Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: ConstructionType: 0 of Stories: _L # of Dwelling Units: Flood Zone: (nMA form emg*cd far other titeo X) Pared Mt ' O*'aen Nano ! Address: C Sop_ Coatnq®rName BAddrem: 4^,&Plin r (Atglch FroorofOwnership A Lepl Descriptin) Mac State Llmee Number, ® O Pone A Fax: i '"� Coataet Person h/an A, -SA Ilg Cotapear: Address: Mortgage Loader: Arehltaet/F.agilxor: Addnq: Phone: Fax: Aripllealion Is Mr*y mads to obtain is Permit to do the work and itlslsllaoofm m i Wklitasi I Ceatiiy thtu res want or installotlon has eotnttterlosd taatNnde of a permit and that all warty slid bo Wlbritned to mast stiodards stall laws �p)sp„6 oottopuodon M this jurbsdk fieri. I tlttdesismnd td�primludle t a es�raee A� ower TI eNERS ibr BLBL`rR1CAL WORIt, PL liatBMO, BIONS, WEi.LI. POOLS, FURNACES, BOlUsRS, HBATBRB, TANKS; and AIR CONDITIONERS, oto. 1 aerdly that all of rho tArtill Ing hdbrntadal h aoourato and t11et ®II wort will be done in castttitloeoa sad t Mn)M WARNWO TO OWIdBR; YOUR P ootrytl�ia wtQt all sppUlstdds laws to tlaMltg YWtCB FOR tMP N ro M8To A KMCB OF COMM MCEMM MAY RESULT lel YOUR PAYM ROVBMBN7� IN yOtj PROTICE O C YOU I CBME I .OBTAIN FINANCMO, CONSULT WrM YOUR LBNDBR OR AN AT70iWt?YBHFORB WiCORDMOYOURNOTICBOFQOMtrtffi�ICBMeN7: Address: bt mwllkm to the *uitmrm tsar thio PMrk there mar be sWid.W teaotattans sppNeabie m alio property prat may M tbaetd is rho public IWade of '•and than m� r be riddittorlel parrdts required Aom oilier goremmantal entities such as wets aeenc(eas or hdtasi ttgtsnoles • nae � trur►agattott dlsrrlcte, aerie permit ie—11calion treat 1 w(It no* ttx owner of the property.of the tequitwnettu of arida 1.ka Law. Fg 713. M...........•...� SiLga�oluro or 11 DW • _ v % I / /' _ I_ %/ SiFMre Of CAMr9Ctor�ASalt / I �� : 3�➢0+ ytDa° Z: uwne►/Agent is Panonall)• Known to Me or Producer! ID ^ I AI1NLICATIOIY APPROVED By: OIOg: � (Initial � (tete) Slautum of Koury -Stale or CentractarlASent is V/ Personally Know to Me or _ Produced ID Zoning:Utilities:M.(Initial to Date) (initial A Date) Unlllal A Dane• tiP%xial Conditions: p :a ` i t c:- 3 NaM: •u c 6; :a o 8; : f1 � • JUL-18-2003 12:27 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.04 rw rnu a Job Addr m III ld6l ' Dote: Description of Work; Historic Dteetict: zoning: Value of Works S %QP I 9106d9 Peratit'Aypet $uildlttg � BI®ciricel ✓ Mechanical_,,,,,,_ Pltunbin t Pin Sprinkla /Ahirim POW Iii NewService - M of AMPS ,� ® AddidowAiterst. tinge of Service 1' t mahoaica R=k%ndal Non-Reaidet,tial �on}pa *y Pols .. Repleeameat New (Duct Layout � V C Im Roque Pl®eablagi Now Comt»erclnt tS of Fixplrtto;. B o4 Water R Sewer Luce �nmbia fr` otGas Urea _ _ giNemr tgealdeatlsl: P1 of Water Cbeete PiumblatRePalr-ReeidomW orComnsmeid f 'typo: Reaidattiad ✓_ Cotrartertaol Indusaial _ Told Square Footge:a1 ea O Coaaraedon •type; a of Rtnrlstr: •_ L,_ N *f Dwdft Uattc._ Flood Uar. (t+t$kfA oba lbs other Mom Ri Parcel o: _ co®eracter Man ,& Addrnw; a ProotorOwaawil a Leat ) /.A, Phony. 3v7 Y Phone a tram • • N.i% "' State t.konae ftuarb—"=E9 er: 0 0 0S J - C �u. mmuding Compeer; - —.-- Contact Perna: / Address; !e~tortgoge Loader; . Addrms: AreblteWtaillaow: Addran: Pilots: Appikatistr is Feu: AppliftloP i herby � to obtain a p wmk to do tips westt and it"Itedom ae 6,0001 i certify that rte vrof9t m Momitetlott POWt and dot all w tle will bs rid to awes atoadards of all teas teph 1 ce tifyAg dmt no o bale jutisdhulen. Il m �w a the pserplh arta; TI WWW NIIRS fm BtECTRICAL WORK. PLUMBQiO, SIGNS. VMLLS, POOLS, FURNACES, sOMERS, liBATI'lR8ludmiand , TANKS„ and empam AIR CONnIT�NBpS, ate. � � t omd� tAst aR crow itsbn dm ie NOVIVI a and 00 All wortwill be done is with all owomw km WARHM TO OWMM. YOUR FAIUU TO RI3C�=A t�o9'IL`a OF COMM leAY>a88ULt a YOUR PAYseti TWC FOR ISWipl+DVBR gOMMMTO YOUR . CW YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN' FitVAt�[CtNO, CONSULT W:Cti YOUR LBteDNR OR AN Wm A 1'PDRtVBY BSPORB tt6CORpINO YOUR NOTtCiI OF �S+IMBNCgMBM: la mul don soon this oPdds pitad{, there may bo addttionsl m and dee nmy be addltional peroths tegnlsesd Sam odmr govotnrnemal sadde l cater dna ProWIV that mo r is bad in rho pubic seoo* oP ..........r dlaaicts, Ctaln egeaeha, or mal aomi6a of It b SHIM Pte+ C—IBO&MM dut�I will aceity the owtrar of the property or the regairatxnta of f lorida Lion Law. FS 7n. / Dare �XiG�ia��y CamovO el/ 462-10s' NIN ;K: PAULA WKINNON OwnedAPu is � Pa vonalh• Kamm ra me or i clary Public, State of Florida ................w Prodmw 10 Cmsaectar/Agtnt 16__ P,nvai Known to Or(vfir comm. eX�ireS Dec. 7, 2007 —'Produced ID No. DD 272721 APPLICATION APPKOVEID BY: Bldg Zoning: Bonded thru tish�C�a ;=�s�ncy, Inc: (800)G51 4854 U A Data) 6 Utilities: FD: (inittsf &Dae) (Inttiat A Dole) (initial A Due: +p�•cial Candhions: „ . JUL-18-2005 12:28 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.05 `"lMI11t � Job Address: DAte: cipdon of Work h o w & ve d/e>✓r a SS Hlitork District URNS: Vatam of Wti Pefentt Typo Building 81aMeat_ , Mahanieal .� Phttt�iag�_ FimSpriaklee/AIV.M Pont 21"pleai: Naw Savift— 0 of AMPS Additioa/Alrerationgo Motbaa M-. R did ,,.t, Non-BseideatW Chan of Scrvico Tem Xfty,pok r Replse Mt _� Nes' (DIM Layout &=V (Wo, Ros "ked) PintabiW Now Con"MrAd: # of Flztum # of Witter d: Sewer Linaci _ d of Gus UM PhtMWWNttw RealdetlW. d of water CIMM �— �'p'ac' Ty W tlai .,Plalpblag Repair— RuWmtW or Coa>:tta+siat R -_f C i mnt ial __ tndu�iW Total Sq.. Footage:_,'YO O Cogsaacttott Type; / �► ` F of Swim„� M of Dwdbg (lnloc: Ptood Zone: — MMA Pores meytem 61, otbsr rhes X) 7=. Oweeea Nam & Addreea: 6 w (Ateec4 Proofof Ow�dtiP! Csaera W 1Naoo A Addrm ., Phots; f 9 f we I r © ~ ” Seats Lkaase Number: 4A Phone & Fes: OZ. Coamct Pape• DnsdPdn) IloadiaIICompatty: Address: ` Monww Leedor: Address: AsektrredEndiear: Addrms: Phone: r Pts. isetna Application i haft made b obtein a pepq(t b do the wok sad y i�aNt 1 MOY list no work a he Wbdm tw oomtWWW dw pentift nplot tembm eeea►od for t tel eveek wrDt be ilsel6etpod 1e t etandada of ell laws t pnII e4n001Won in thb JtMadiodtla I ttedoi:� drst�i oe AIR CONDITIONERS, eta t�L ' P(UMBgVI;, SIM. W6I,i,g, POOIX, FURNACES, tIOnj". HSATUA. TAMtA teed I oerdy trot edl offt hreeft to Mocha is =to= and do 011 'woht w411 be Bono In *TmW Cti ta0(i pMd �W� TO off' YOUR PAM= TO ROMID A WO= OF COMMM4=4 r MAY�tt BFiUL YOUR PAYWO ATI�DIWBY 0 PCR RI(RROORDINO YOUR � M6i C YOU � TO CMTAM PMANCWO. COMMT Wf H YOM X OR AM NOT1C8 t>P COMMMgCBM1W r. PtQDC$ to oddttlon m AteM, �WaMdonsireee m des ptopeea drat taegr be tbtmd In the pubita ttioesda of .......�.�... ntd tiwe mtgr bm�P�dp tetqubndMoret odter msveempttul !otitis ash em wisr managateeeot dhutieu, amid egettolem, ar Wdetol _�,#�a"s • @oe of permit is vtriBemtioyn�tl►at I Wal nod y Aro nwaor ohtu pmPny of too mqu of t.iatt vr, P9 713. sitpswofOwttadDam q r; tiiytaturo of CAROWtettlApht Due Pdnt t -t: Stantrm Of of F gneture mry-Brace of Plosidt Date M INNON OwnedAgentiaPpeotttlh Known toMea Cmttm WASentis_ yKnown a Notaof Florida ~•��������������� ProdirM Id' Produced ID My co. 7, 2007 r D 272721 APPLICATION APPROVraD 9Y: p � Bonded thou ~s top ric451-4854 (Initial A pate Zoning: Utilities: l (Initial A Wte) (Initial 8 Dato) (Initial ! Dau Sjxxiot Ca+ditione: ... - ---nmtn•re lieu 1x111 a $1111H 011®11111 tiff HI N uG11311515188 W in [Mai St,3tc:ofFlo, da /49 f /ct. d �,,,,'mGe a� en ,Tax Folio No., County of Sc,minole 110 undcrsis! icd hereby givos notice that improveme,rt will be made to certain ^ Chapter 713, Florida Statute s, the followinginfo rtau> real property, amd in ac�rdance with rmaticn is PTO' idcd in this Notice of Commencement, _m 1, Description ofpro perty: (le&al•desct ptiom of the prop: :-, CARRIAGE COVE LLC p1°P yard stre%address i# a ) X vailable 500 CARRIAGE COVE WAY;:r m Z. General dcscriptzori of improvcrrteot; S.FORD, PL'; 32273 `' ill S. 1 F R. �tl; .3. Owner information - > `✓,^� Ser C/ Sa h or F /, ., a. N77 ame and address CARRIAGE COVE LLC' ? �. 500 CARRIAGE COVE WAY S b. kttcrest in property. 1003 ANFORD, FL 32 773 C. Namo and address of fee simple title NSA holder (if other than Owner) r' c. 4. Contractor a. Name and-address : D 9 // n �c 4 S tr ve lei v� b.Phone number 3S -�/� �� lc�__- —.�R 7�CO S.. Surety" Sl7 Fax.number a. Name and address N .A ID ZZI b. Phone izumber c- Amount of bond Pax-num e 6. Lender p a• Name and address N/A b. Phor)o number �. 7. Persons within the Statutes: State o! Florida designated b Fax dumber ( )() a1y Uvner upon whom notices or ocher documents may be served as .provided by Section 713.1 3 1 , Florida ' a. Name and address i cc, b. Phone nurnbcr� $• In addition to himself or herself, Owner desigaates Fax-number. a 0FC`' 71Florida St:rtuccs, to rcxeive a copyofthc Licror's Notice as provided in Soction nT a. Phono number _ rn 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date is Faxyear from the date of recording date is specified) unless a diftcrcn>g Slgnaturo of 0wncr o Sworn to (Qr affirmed) a d subscribe before me this_ h nd i Ci l v. day of ' 20 by a Personally I{nowxl r/ Or, Produccd•ldenti#icatioa ®!'1° Q red by _... Type of Identification Produced Carrs «' e, C.7 l�i�y S1 naturc of Notary Public, Stato oU�{a �q/>�v is 3 e2 7 7 3 -, c• Commissionra �wuurrN�•..... � DIANA WESTMARK CommtDD0373592 q_W21/20088 gaud thru (Wo)4�9.4254 xfo FlOfida Notary Assn., inC ......................... ...........nennu.m' Init111 J t.IHt")[" • 1 raz rz ,- JUL-18-2005 12:22 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.06 CITY of SANFORD //�� PERMIT APPLICATION/MANUFACTURED HOMES INSTALLATION Per, �9 / w, n $Or Cf. .1/. 1;12-,? 1 PERMXT Appllcan E COVE 1W. Address:A AGE COVE WAY Name of Licensed Dealer/Installer LIA h '16 h SNC 32773 , ,- Licensed Namber,;_P# -0.0 0 06 PL _ ... .. /__---.Initailation D-caUl_ Mauufaeturers Name J % W-0-0 C hoof ZMWind Zoo; Number of Scetions_. ,,,,, Width�j ,_ Length 16" YSerlal8,,. . Iustrliklion Slaudard Used:(Check One) Manufacturers Manual__ 1/ 15C-1 SITE PREPARATION: Debris and Organic Motorial Removal„ l/ Com acted Fill Water Drainage: Natural Swalc • p Pad __ � Other FOUNDATION: Load Dearing Sall Capacity g? f2o O or Assumcd 1000 PF Footing Type: Poured is Place^ Porta rSize &'}'hlckncss l -Beata ur Muiaraii Piers; Single Ticred � Double Interlocked �� Size of Piers- j Placement 0/C Al Perimeter Pier Blocking; Site Placement OIC 67 e -x- Ate" r(ldgc Utwin Support Blocidng: Size Number Locations) lildgc Bcaut Support Cooter: Size j R.Z Number l.ocation(s), 40/ r'^ Ccuter Line Dloektng: Number Size 7y .22 cottotlov�C4�lFb- SpeClul Pier Ulat klug Required. (Fireplace,Iiay W doer, Etc) YES Matltlg of Multiple Units: Mating Gasket . Type Used_ Fasteners: ROOFS TYPE AND SIZE+ ' SPACING 6 0/C CNDWALLS TYPE AND SIZE91'j'eA0,. - SPACINC _ 0/C FLOORS TYPE AND•SIZE � SPACING _ /6 0/C ANCHORS: Type 3150 World ig•Load 4000 Working Load.. Height of Unit: (Top of Found. tion or Footer to Botto of Frame) � g! r>� � �- Nutilbcr of Frame -Ties; o Spacin; ��0/C Angie of Strrop ,?_o Debt•. Number of Over Roof Tics: (If Requir d) ✓� �� �/ `� �� v�� e� Number of Sidotvall Anchors a Zone 'Gone III 6 Number of Centerline Anchors.,._ 15,Number of Stabilizer Devices Vents Required for Underpinning. (1 Sr'1150 SF OF 1' LOOK ARRA) Dumber JUL-18-2005 12:23 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 ,Date: _,__/aO s Patmit M s, Address; �✓ q 50r t�'7, �rT1Dr /C/. 3,2773 License #: Contractor: o Torque Tests Thin will certify the completion of two (2) Sop Probe Tests on the alcove described site; POCKET PENETRO METED TEST Signature of Tester: Date: ,'j2 l - Notary: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF Bror"ok0matt wale acknowledged before me this � day of OrU 20�� X n � who personally known to or bn # presented Florida' IderttlAcatG to me. zuLm;zrwESTWRK Signature of Notary "0"', , �a oomrM2 s; F.Vk" ttav2ooa g I � awood at (WOM32-4264: NiinPFbnda NOTE: i.NN�iNN..... N°!!r �"ss": Inc I. if the moat StrMpent standard met by the State of Florida, Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehlclos aro Introrporotsd In the set up procedures and noted es such.. The pocket penetromelw test and this form ; ®hail not be requlrod. 2. Addlaons, Including, but riot Ihrillad lo'add-a-Moms, rookma and porches Shelf be tree alanding and wtt only the flaSM9 attached to the main unit 11111833 the added unil has been designed to be married to the **drip unit. of P.07 LEGAL LEG SEC .13 TW? 20S RGE 30E E 2/3 Ol' SE 1/4 or NW N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 SALES NL' 1/4 0:' SW 1/4 OF Nh' 1/; SU QD 01/74 1/n, OF NW (LESS E 25 1/4 + E 2/3 FT 0J.- 02034 0156� 4601000 V 00 & RD) & 13EG- MORE:: LEGAL land bId9 31 24 05/23/94 01/27/94 No to, Leg, s 133.d/land/xfprmtmd10, Com , Am, l;l�t, clay SYU 05/03/96 Count: *0 Other R011, Fwd, Main Menu, (EXIT] <Replace> 3W .ti LEGAL LEG SEC 13 `1'WP 20S PGE 30E C 2/3 OF SE 1/4 OF NW N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 NE1/4 0�' SW 1/4 Ok'. NN) 1/,(I 1/4 Or NW 1/4 + E 2/3 SALES SU QD 01/74 01034 0156 (LESS E 25 FT & s"460,000 RD) & LEG MORE: V 00 land 31 05/23/94 Note, Log, LEGAL Salc, 131d/Land/•;� n - - .. mt, A.md10, bldg cl',y 24 SXII 01/27/94 05/03/)G Count: *0 Comm, I;i �t, Othcr Roll, 11 -rd, Main M;:nu, (EXIT) ti <ltc:place> 3w 0 C %i uarr.taAre PERMIT A05:3 -W C,%OVcpLANS REVIEWED 500 Carriage Cove Way Sanford, Florida 32773 MTY OF SANFORD (407)323.8160 fax (407) 320-7195 �o�- .'S �s X � S OFFICE 4 ----------------- IV 5 13' tmo gni' C7� MAX. 10 i,'14X 126 PLPc aNL: TY•f? TYR TVP. UHIT M44H 1150.4M TYPP 7.0 3zc�c� 51ao`� G7or� �800� • g3cxa� lnIZ2 MARK I P44 E I 11 �F•--•451..p11 341-q11 �-'.lrl�p�l 1. r f''i �t--•1 0 ,4 $../s, in,w.�'•--'• Qu ^,f �ERf'�WRL:. gy••a'1p-1'•,P Lc-c- 131111 I S s 32aoPZ21Slpp�I' 4200'x' 42ba' CoIOC 43ao# .,, 3fJt1e; BGC L-1 Lv_',;i v: ',! J i':z W ;.) Irw 1: y.j f t •�'+ 006 L ISS SY5''rPu CIO"lowit rW MOO,00 U00i pia ��1►//_ r w y •••••:� �rtnnvvLVUIES, INC. FLORIDA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE RICHAR 1 MODEL 1101 "11" t�Qls:s ei i �� Rt: ' AR +TEFL FOUNDATION YSTEh' MODEL 1101"V" (STEPS 1-14) MODEL 1101-L "V" LONGITUDINAL ONLY• � � I FOLLOW /NSTRUC3'IDNS 1-10 :.y ' :w ../ „ �-• . CES: If the following conditions occur - STOP! r �,' clr�essry .. F ia) Pier height exceeds 48" b Len Contact Oliver Technologies at.',-'` *, aves exeped Aokiexcited 96" e) Roof Pitch greater than 4.37112 (20 degrees) exceeds Location iswithin158 e6n ' F. - f . t'of co�St..: INSTgT10N OF GitOUND PAN 2. Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each round an 3. Place ground pan (C) directly below chassis I-beam . Press or drive pan firmly into soil -until --flush -with-or-below-soil. SPECIAL NOTE: -The -I pngitudinal-"V"-brace system serves as a pier under the home and should be loaded -as any other pier. It is recomm• nded that after leveling piers, and one-half inch (121 before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete iterni4 through 9 below. INSTALLATION ©F LONGIT UDIg Y TEM FLOOR SECTION OF QUIRED.INSTALLI FOUR FOOT (4') GROUND NG THE MODEL #" NOR MAY BE USEDLONGITUDINAL , EXCEPT UM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FACTURERS SPECIFY A DIFFERENCE. USE GROUND ANCHORS WITH MAY BE USE TIES AND NU STABILIZER PLATE EVERY 6"4" . VERTICAL TIES ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON -HOMES SUPPLIED WITH VERTICAL TIE CONNECTION POINTS (PER FLORIDA REG) . 4. Select the correct squ4re tube brace(E)len for set - up (pier) height at support location. (The 18" tube is always used as the bottom pajt of the longitudinal uam). Note: Either tube can be used by itself, cut and drilled 40 to 45 degree angle is maintained. to length as long as a PIER HEIGHT 1.25' ADJUSTABLE (Approx. 45 degrees Max.) Tube Length 7 374' to 25" 24 3/4" to 32 1/4" to 22" 32" 1.50" ADJUSTABLE . Tube Length 404 18" 5. Install (2)9f the 1.50:" square tubes ( E (18" tube) ) into the 'U' bracket (J), insert carriage bolt and IE;ave nut so I loose for final adjustment. 5. Place I-beam connector (F) loosley on the bottom flange of the I-beam. '. Slide the selected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1,50" tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasterl loosely with bolt and nut. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. NOTE: The angle is not to exceed 45 degree and not below 40 degrees. . After all -bolts are tightened, secure .1.25n and 1.50" tubes using four drilled holes. (4) 1/4"-14 x 3/4" self -tapping screws in pre - Install remaining vertical tie -down straps and 4' ground anchors per home manufacturer's instructicins. All loads in excess of 3,150 pounds at shear walls, columns,. and centerline, must have five foot ') anchors installed regardless Of soil conditions, per'the state of Florida. (5 INSTALLATION OF LATERAL TEL �r•no�uC Tqq VERSE A RM SYSTt_�f1 NOTE: THE MODEL 1101 "V" (LONGITUDINAL & LATERAL PROTECTION) ELIMINATES THF_- NEED FOR ALL STABILIZER PLATES b FRAME TIES. . Select�e correct square tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The len either " or 72" lengths. (With the 1.50ttube as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as the inserted tubes come in Install the 1.50 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. Slide 1.25" transverse brace into the 1.50' brace and attach to adjacent I-beam connector (I) with bolt and nut. Secure 1.50" transverse arm to 1.25" transverse arm'using four (4) 1/4" -14 x 3/4" self -tapping rscrews in pre -drilled . holes. MANUFACTURED HOUSINC'FOUNDATION-SYSTEMS A DIVISION OF OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES INC. Telephone: 931:7969555 1-800-2847437 Fax: 931-798-8811 wwyV.olivertechnoiooies.00m ovAL 25.5" • - -- • —.0 arlu 1v1000PLi Ij0USIng 217.5"x .1 2" —GE -NERAL INSTRUCTIONS— IM+Cws5oas0o.:woarrP&J;,P-4,s Pad Sizc • • All pads arc 10 be installed •(lilt side downrihbccfside w) 2000 lb. Soil 2, 111c ground under the pads should be Icvcicd as smoo'di as ' to be tbu 256 - . in. 3. placed on natural grade unless otherwise per1.1 ted bU tc �loc�l !lea tho nt removed. Pads Pier & pad spacing will be determined by the y. 3000 Ib. Soil fie x 1 J" 13" x 2G" manufactured homes' i;ten set-up instructions or any local or state codes. xr 2000 lbs. 4• 131" open calls bxdltecn the ribbing on the uppersidc of tilt 18.5" x 13.5" 5• pads may be MIcd with soil:or sand after i1lst3ll21iolt to prevent anm y accumulation ofstagnant water in the 4750 lbs. 6• pads. A pocket pelctroanctcr may be used to dcter,ninc the actua! soil bcarin3 vaii;c. 1t'50il-tea tins, cqutpmc 111 1s not available, use an assumed soil value or 1000 lbs. / 360 sn. in. 7. square foot. All pad sizes shown arc nominal dimensions and may vary up to- I/S". The maximum cle0cxtion in a 71.00 lbs. Product Testing, Inc sinrlc' nd is 5/S" mcasurcd frau' the!iighcst Point to the to of the top face. (1107 (:; AUual tut results were less than 51.9") 3. In frost arcrs, a G" dccli confined gravel base installed in wc!I drained, nun -frost susceptible soil isJ recommended. r\ `/. Pad loads arc tile same when using single -stack or douLlc-stackblocks. 10, 7710 nlaxinlual load at any intermediate soil value may be dctcralincd as the ayr �1 cifihc, ncxi lower and next higher soil value in 1. given the table bclovr. ' Any configuration (see reverse side) may be used to rchlaee a home manuf ender'^`�, concrete or wood base pad. ' recommended 12. irate !donde manufacturer shorts soil densities gr�tc:r than 30004b. ttil c�;us;�g ABS pads, do not exceed ` 3000 !b. soil pier spacings per set up manual.. : ' r' . ovAL 25.5" •132 sq. ill. 3000 lbs. 217.5"x .1 2" S G Pad Sizc Pad Arca 100016. So j_' 2000 lb. Soil 34" x 22" IG'•x)G'• 256 - . in. 17301Gs. 3560 lbs. 3000 Ib. Soil fie x 1 J" 13" x 2G" 233 s • in. 2000 lbs. 5000 lbs. 5333 lbs. 6000 lbs. 18.5" x 13.5" 333 s , in. 342 sq. in. 2775 lbs. 2375 lbs. 4750 lbs. �. 6400 lbs. VAI. 17" x 22" 360 sn. in. ttIn a 47501bs. .__ 71.00 lbs. ovAL 25.5" •132 sq. ill. 3000 lbs. 217.5"x .1 2" S G p 00 ItG" 2 x 2f" 67G s0. in. 10"OO lbs. 34" x 22" 748 w in. 500016s. 35" x 25.5" 350 s . in. 6000 Ibs. ' Concrela blocks arc only rated aI 3000 pounds, S000 pounds �_• 1500 Ills.Ibs. x 30'scuion . 5250 lbs. PIER SPACING lbs. 9000 Ills. lbs. 8000 lbs. lbs. • 9600.Ibs. ' 7. G,. I Ibs. • 10000 Ibs.`'• .. •. 1 lbs. • 1.2000 lbs. •. S. 0„ ,st be double blocked 13. ,ALABAMA ONLY. The IGx _tr," 1D/1 , 1055.10 •13.5" x 18x5':Illi! 1055-9, 2p" z 20"` ID!/ 1055-7, 17" z 22" 1DI1t055-1G, 17.5_?5_5'.1DI/ 1055-17;a'rc -tile -only pads app,covcd ill tile state of Alabama, dill ulust not !cave more'tiian 3/3" deflection. See chart 'bdolrrfor•detsils. instrllntiou ill Alabama. on correct Note 1 : For Alub:llil only: Nle lcn setting in soil capacities over 1000 lbspsf,•thc block (CMU) Coufiguration shotvtn in jhis drawing is rcuuircd on the 20" x 20" (iD ,/ ! O5� 7)'arld'thc.l S.5" x 1055-9) liads, . , e O r ExantpleclG' x 30'scuion . PAD SIZE PIER SPACING IV x 16" Pad I S.5'r x I S.5" Pad 17" a 22" Pad 7. G,. 17.5" x 25.5" Pard /. 20" x 20" Pad S. 0„ C.R. Caudel, P.1 Sr. Registered Engincc Product Testing, Inc Revised 12/27/200, SINGLE SECTION ALL DOUBL- WIDES ALL WIDTHS UP TO 76' WIDTHS UP TO 76' Recommendations: It is recommended that s. in from end of home, not to exceed a quarter end installed at 2nd pial OTES: q gth of the house. LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE L 14 = LENGTH OF THE -HOUSE (FLOOR) DIVIDED BY 4. �--= LOCATION OF ASF MODEL 1101'V" (LATERAL & LONGITUDINAL BRACING). = LOCATION OF MODEL 1101-L"V° (LONGITUDINAL BRACING ONLY). LOCATION OF MODEL 1101 "V° (TRANSVERSE ARM ONLY). Note: When installing the model 1101-L "V brace for longitudinal protection only, 2 longitudinal Systems (without lateral arm) are all that is required on a single section house. TRIPLE WIDES ALL WIDTHS UP TO 76' ry1OQefiT iio1 'V" Transverse Only PATENT PENDING m C = GROUND PAN ' 00 D = GROUND PAN CONNECTOR H - Transverse arm U BRACKETS bottom (1.s Top (1.25")E = TELESCOPING V BRACE TUBE ASSEMBLY w/ 1.5 BOT TOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE INSERT F ='V" BRACE I -BEAM CONNEC- TORS ASSEMBLY F .Fbeam H = TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE connectors . ARM ASSEMBLY I = TRANSVERSE ARM I -BEAM E - "V" Brace Tube CONNECTOR TOP 0251 J= V PAN BRACKET Bottom (1.5l D - Ground pan transverse connectors Florida aPProved W ground anchors may be used in an locations except J - ground Pan C - Ground Pan where krads exceed 3150 Ibs. V Bracket 5' Ground anchors must be used when loads exceed 3150 ms. regard loss of snit condkione per the state of Florida - Sidewali connector spacing can not exceed 5' 4" on centers. •r r REVISED INSTRUCTIONS 2120/02 MANUFACTURED HOUSING FOUNDATION SYSTEMS A DMSIOIN OF OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 931-796.4555 1-800-284-7437 Fax: 931-796-8811 www.olivertechnologies.com r,