HomeMy WebLinkAbout194 Windsor Ct (2)JUL—.1$-2005 12:20 PM CARRIAGECOVE PO'ialtiK Job AdIresi. Dtetriptlon of Work: Jr_ of ve 4073207195 Date: F/• 3,227 H1aWrlt Dict J Zoning: Valuedf Work: em e MONVEMENNE Permit Type: Building Electrical � .. Mechanical Plumbing _/_ Fire Sprinkler/Alarm -Pogl Electrical: New Service – p of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Tmtgtotiliy Polo Medanttal: Residential Non-Residential� • Replacenunt New (Duct Layout dt Energy Ckla Required) Platgbing/ New CommeMa1:11 of Fixtures _ S of Water & Sewer Linen # of On Linea P.02 EIVED 0 2 2005 PIu11161a1/New ResMentW: q of Water Clooets Plumbing Repair– Residential or Commereial Otenpaaq Type: Residential _/ CoMmetOial Industrial Total Square Footage: 16 60 ' Construction Tye- �— 0of Stories �_ F of DwdlKng Unitr: Flood Zone (nmA tbrm ngalrad tlrr otktt' an x) Pared M: - Lt Addteee: Comtrattor Nama b Adds°: /gyp n %froa%ii. • (Attach Proorof OMaer% «til Dawiption) C4rrraoe Ove "L, i Phone: State License Numt+cr 0 0 ago .2 Phone 8 Pas: • Vr -!� rJ� . R Contact Pertom; P, Aeo qA Boadtng Company: Addrest: Mortgage Leader. Address: ArehlteepF.w�atet�: Address: Phone: Fax: UNUMING11 Oft permit and dW all wOfk will be Appikatiaa b httreby mads b obtain a Wndit to tb the work recd Iaatallatiom as kw&ztel. I cert( dui no work or (ntallation has eattrerattos0 prior to the Patau m" tlatarrad for BLECT ICAL WOORY,�FUWBINO, Sto moot s �� �Wg� POOLS. FURNACES, BOILERS. H AnWT B. TANK$; ea0 t a eopante Alit CONDITIONERS, oto. 0T"W*, tetbn tint' zffl ft WARNING TO OWNER.' YOUR F M RECORD acurau andA NOTICE OF wl mu COM142 BNT MAbe dow in Compliance; Y RESULT YOWL PAYtNO TWICE FOR ANPROVBUMM TO YOUR PROPERTY. W YOU INMD TO OBTAIN PINANCINO. CONSULT w1TH YOUR LENDI3R OR AN ATMRM BEFORE RBCOMM YOUR Nt7 = OF COMMBNCBMBNT, thi addiilan m ate teqult�prtartta of rids parndo 111M mW be additional nashighoas &Mliirablo to this property, that racy bo ft pW in the public taootdt of rtg4 and titers may be additional petmiq requhad lion other gwemtnenml endt(a tach at watar management dlttlrieot, state egraies, or Poloist aptcift lee or permit is veritlation Otat 1 will hotly the owner of the property. of the requin nnents of do Lien Law, FS 113. Signawre of OvntenlAiatt Date Signature0f ConMw.0 YAgent ?'Print O.rrtarlAgent's Name vat A2ca 20� o S Pnatum of NotaryStote a rwrida Dene Si t UN', of Florida pace N dwner/Agent is Personally Known to Me car Contractor/Agcntiis Peremially, Known to Me or Produced ID ■......... • Produced ID AIDPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: Zoning: Utilities: FD; vlf4l dt Data) (initial A Datcy (Initial A Dara) (Initial A Dare tip,;eie1 Corditlonc V ...............Y 10 JUL-18-2005 12:27 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207193 P.03 evM110: Job Addrav J1 % ofteripf on of Work: Date; Hletalc Dlittlat: Zosisg: Va a of Work S 2 O 4W PWMlt Type, BuiW4..._ 614tdrieal M inn! Plumbing Fite Spdnkla/Almrnt �_ Pogl .....-_ Flee'tttCal: Hoar Setvioe - N of AMPS Addition/Altetnt'inn.r A9t�ebaak.L lLaideatial ✓ Non-Rdideatial l I N ° of St;rvioe Teolpu * Pok �,- ._._ PM Layout dZrzWv eke. pa uuw) Plumbing, New commarelal. 0 of Pizttm . 0 of Water t Sewer Littee— fl of Gas Lina PlsalbiaS/Itlow Reeldondal: d of Water Ct#eeta —.�.. Pru mbbtg R�air - Reetdosdal Ot t�ttanwtoial °' ompan.a AYE tteeldeneial ✓ _ Comsautial bWutttMalTotal Sgnare IFoetagr. lit tV can drsedwType: 0orSWAeai:_ / >y of Dwelling ()nitro F'Mod Zone fMCMA tt+M ra pbW ibr abet an x) Patvtelo: —__. Owners Nerve Q Addna: ceeitraeeor Name & Address: xaclt Pra41f of Owaeretttp � L^cgst IDeeeApWa) C ��r r R c. o ve lbfq K - a r G State Licsaa No�ar: C ph*" i Paz -y - - 1 J area r4MO: n be n /r ♦ VolPbeee: 2.¢'� ,�✓d 3 Do41tgng Company: Addreea: • 1►tlot .me Lender: Adrreee: , Aregltvd/Hepiooer: Address: Paeoe: Fes: l 0101e are nR& M Ob" a pmv* to do d1p wait sad in"KIluiena m Iadieded. I ON* trot no -wk or WWlation tine OOrtartpteed _ Vmrdt end that atl work vda be pg and b rrtaet ot411t it" 1045 tins aotstioodon to this Jtu4dfadoa. 1 nndant0a�d fAot a�s�atete Atolhe AM CONOMONS". 81J3CTRICAI. WORK. PLtI>tfg)NO, 8tGN3, WHi LS. P90LS. Ft1RNAC65, HOIL M HHATHRS. TANKS, and eetdfy 0111 art Gabe fbepgohrg ithrttard0o 4 eeot0e014104169 4 work will be date ht '> FORIMP TO YOUR Mtlt�PtettTY iF YW MMM M OB TAA PIN M Ott AT 1011NEV B�PORB R80ORDINO YOUR NOTIM OP CMM>INCSM Mr. X104 CONSULT YO LENDS 0 SFA hQI1C8: In addhioa to AI M"itonte s of dee peolriR theta n to lddldaael teatricdoat imb �....1M= eetu�. end 111000 they be addillan0! pawAs tr quitad ftom o6a pvrea�ml ended "hh ati t tial truer be totted la the prtbiio neeotde al t +41nt 44*14 am ✓tae6 or fbdeml saw,*e, �" tloe ottt41ntM1 i don that ! naify qa: owner rote pnaperp of the rewrenft of ori an w PS 1 4.p S atwoof avtMApalt � ver Dam Swam Of_ tWAIpa- Dow 0 yOanteNAptu a Name nt / _ NaMy�Btab o t � S' t g > e n �tatu,e o Notary�mt0 of tTtarida ca �:c PAULA MC N 7�' putalic,State of Florida O"WAgmtn �Par41aaNyKnownmMaor ' comm•expiresDec.7,2007 Pro41ttped iDConbProduceentis Petttolly to oPJo. DD 272721 Produeed (0ru hton Agency, Inc. 1800';451 1185 r APPLICATION APrttOVFO BY, Dldg:_�DM) 7a0ing: _ Utilities: 4yp, (initial @Date) (latpal & Oate) (tnitiai 1�k pate NltccialCpttditbm: �,�_ .___. - r JUL-18-2005 12526 PM CARRIAGECOVE Pet'tnit � : Job Address.Ll q 1 �9n 4073207195 Date: P. 02 Desct'ipt(ota Of Wort:: S t W/ 1 tr° e Hlftrk Dlstrkt Valao of Work: S 7 00 Permit Type: Bullding — Blecaicol M _� etltottisal Plvn*ing Fire SirittkledAlurn Pau! ElWrleal: New Service - # of AMPS -.d!. O AdtAtioa/Aitetsdod T metunieul: Reoi Chop of Service — Tt Y.p0W tttattiai Non.kesidantinl — Repkc=M � New (iia Layout SWV %,r Required) PlnatbingJ Now COmmergal: A of Fixdmos _ g Of Water dt Sewer Lines_ _ _ p of Gas Lines . Plumbina/New >Raddentlak q of Water CIO" Plumbiieg Repirlr- Residential or Cbtlsttmciel �� Ckeiapancy TyW Residential ,/_ Co MMW — indasuielTotal cmttraaettott Typ,: %WsgaarO Faotagee 1 $D _ •• �t11L,_ p of ev. ...L� a of Dwelling Ualh: Flood zone MMA am btr other oleo x) Po►eel o: Ownan NOW & Addrma: C^ontroeter Name & Addraeo: (Attach Proof of OwpnMp A 1401 ) L'* re 109,e C'Ove " ' © State Liaeaa Number. �P000 I'bon0 A Fax; 'Yf ® ".i o.�.�._ Contact Pam&:— Demo Co 8 tttpnny: Addreao; Loader Addtmm: Areldtectilg ooW. Am. t'bsoo: d Pas: APplaados to rued. m obtsln . penait to de the We* i U tbftfts m iBWAW i t ow* tint no wo& or Wftliodott has all aaatr tm�l be pew to trmeat s start kraa �stadng not in qUo jtai>sdatiom, t mmonow Pin to *A e� AIRCCNDITIONBRs, BL8CTRICAL Wim, PUJMBM, 3MM, WIRLIA POOLS, MRNACM, 80(i.BRS, HBAWJ, TAtdRB, end its +1i,69'lt1�t t o0rd>'jr that aq of lnlh� 16 ametaa old that ail wottc wql be lotto !a wk►tdt mem RDA @ PROPBR?Y, 1P Ytxi tN7END 7+D 08T p gyp, OST �gRIH 0 L>Ir1Dll� �AYII[0 A'ITONBY 8�19DI18 Ri�.'ORDIAh3 YOt1tl N01'1C.B 4P COA4M8NCR1NtdN1: Ht addition to doe to�.tceneotte of Oda patrtdt, pr= mar bo additional rootrksM a"Wcobte to tlrie t►toOWb'ttatt tn� be lbtmd in qfe pubUo ...� ..�nb, and ttttsro Wray be tulditimtol Oe+n►Ite n�ubod ikm ods gavatarnenmt t'atitiet such oa eater etentdpattssut diesrtots, amts t�neiae, orlmderal tM� a'mnooipontdt a ie reri(aotlon ptvpaty of rho tpy to Gen taw, FS 713. r� � 4 that t wiB notify t>ro oana o dte r�'� z '+.iuiN• cy'�t Of Owna/A,ent, r t F'S"Wto of Come IWARent � lit Prim �,tt Nstpa o Ns ��� d .Z �S Priso! ntree �•® igttetrtto o Notarygteto of bti�'�� Date $r roto ofr � 1 laaarystate of Plarlda R= Notary Public, St?. ^' ?OwnerlAgortt kl--/ PtaWS14• Known to#k ar Csntetotod t ✓ My comm exprr eF ............w.^ Praduad iD � is K m" m oar --- G- _ Produced ID ton Agency Inc. ! r�0APPLICATION APPROVED 8Y: DWg: Zoning: Utilities: pp; (Initial A Dace (initial @. Date) (Initial 8t pact) 7;;ZSpecial Catditiona: State.of'FIQdda /va ► C t o f County of Seminole The undcrsiicd hereby giyos notice that irnproyeme rt,wi Chapter 713, Florida Sttpxtcs, the following information is I. Description of property: (legal•d.escrap>:ioa of the prop{ CARRIAGE COVE L.LC 2. General description of improvcmeat: 4, G. 7 """"Tiflari® III u 19111 a IMI III all WIN as 11111 MI 11 111 M IM M IM 11501 yt iv N. q C /►rG Tax Folio No.. h r' be made to certain real roe F P nYa aad in accordance with iii ,rovided in this Notice of Conunencemeat. ty and stream address if available) V. M 32773 ----- 'u ., ---------------- ----------- Owner -Owner information n 11*1 " a. Name and address CARRIAGE COVE LLC 500 CARRIAGE COVE WAY` b. Interest in property. 100%SANFORD, FL' 32773 C. Namo and address of fere simple titleholder (if other than Olvaer) N/A ,- Contracto.r a. Name and address % o—&'1151"l e b. Phone nunibe'r 3� SU rely a, Name and addscss t �. c-nonc number c. Amount of bond Lender a, blame and address N%A b. Phono number Persons within the S.tatc of Florida designated by Oji Provided by Section 713.13(1)(ap., Floridd Statutes: a. Name and address TT it . 7a t=> Fax number - -.2 .7/ 1 Pax•nurnber 163 Fax number ,":, . upon whom notices or other documer)ts maybe served as t" b. Phone number S. In addition to himself or herscl F, Owner desiates Fax number . of :' 713.13(1)(6), Florida Statutes• to receive a copyofthe Lieror's Notice as provided in Sodion zl �� a. Phone number {� 9. Expiration date of noticeFaA number of commencement h (the expiration date is year from 'Ke date of iecordins� unless a di$ereng daft !s specified) j Signature of Owner G, Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this day of y V ;� b �+ . . Pre ria red- by ; -� Personally Known OIC Produced -Identification Type of Identification Produced °Iar'ry G�r�ackrn Signature of Notary Public, Stato of Florida Commission Expires? e•aa•.�aei�aaL'•�•aA �EST•MARK•a•••Z • Comma DD0VM3 a9`F Enpkea 11/2112008. 9 u Dan" WU (=}432-4254: uFn d�' Flwft Hotery Assn.; inc �aaea•oo•eaaao•aatoeoaaae•aaaeaaa•aasooueaaaa ' 11 Sa�'oraL A!> 3,2-773 =Ti c• • N. LEGAL _LEG SEC 13 `1'WF 20S RGE 30E E 2/3 O1--`SE 1/4 OF NW N 1/2 OF NW 1/ii OF NW 1/4 SALES NL' 1/4 0'' SW 1/4 0k'. NNI 1/ ; SU QD 01/79 01034 (LESSFENW 1/4 •c 5 F!' c E 2/3 17D) Ok' 0156 ti ,460,000 V 00 � BEG MORE:/23/99 LEGAL land bldg 31 24 05 01/27/94 No to, Lcg, Salo, Bld/landhc Pzrnt, A,md10, Comm, Hist, chg SYD 05/03/96 COUnt: *0 Otheri i , 1Wd,Main M^.nu, (E ' <Replace> N 5 G LL•'GAL .LEG SLC 7.3 TWP 20S RGE 30E E 2/3 OF SE 1/4 OF NW N 1/2 OF NW 1/ii OF NW 1/4 NL'1/4 A. SW 1/4 OF NW 1/ ; 1/ ; OF NW 1/9 •i• E 2/3 01' SALES SU QD 01/79 07 034 0156 (LESS E 25 FT u RD) MORE•': ,9G0,000 V 00 land 31 05/23/94 LEGAL b1dq 24 01/27/94 Note, Lcg, Sa1c, 131d/Land/ -f--, Pzrnt,-amd10, co Other SYD 05/03/9G Count: *0 Roll 11rdC119 , Main Mwnu, ( EXIT) ti <R0place> 3w .1 FLORIDA MULTI -WIDE PIER. BLOCKING DIAGRAM tVTE\ DED FOR USE KITH XW pSF S0)L PRESSURE &0- M size of pad used 17.5x22.5 abs cenderline piers 21x29 abs PIER PIER LOAD (LBS) R£Q. FOOTING AREA (_ IN.) ® 1 Z .. �,. 0 CUMDO/16/04 LAST UODEL REV A 1365 267 B 3315 579 c 1755 329 D 1950 360 E 1365 267 F 1580 298 MWINO NO. 285613LEG JUL-18-2005 12:21 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.04 Datc:1/ 09,/ Addran:1Q y deo,'k f 0 / C . Contractor; Permit #: License 4' _ /� 000D4�� Torque Tests This will certl(y the completion of two (2) Sop Probe Tests on the at;ove deaCrlbed alto: POCKET PENETRO METER TEST Signature of Teeter. Date: -Zl�O 5 Notary; . STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF S&jj�h,� f%, The foregolnp,lnetr%mgnt�"was �actvtoNrledged before ms this o?��day of !i dS� Zp p'?` Fbr1d Id nd/3flc�tion ~ 0 0 o v -,� —'Ivy who Personally known to me or prest3nte>i , , - to me. of Notary COMWOMMM owded Unu (800".12 SEAL. .NNNN.N�NNN�N�NNN���jN i Inc j NOTE: • h most Stringent standard set by the State of Florida, oepartrnont of Highway. Safety and Motor Vehicles are InCOW21ed In the set up procedures and noted as such.. 'rhe pocket penetrometer test and this form : shall not be required. 2. Additlone, Including, but not lInVWd lo'add-s-rooms, roobvem and porches shall be bve standing and sN6eu�ardrgwih only the Aaahing attached to the mala unit unless the added unit has been designed to be married to the e**q iWL r JUL-18-2005 12:21 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.03 CITY of sANFo*on PERMIT APPLICATION/MANUFACTURED HONKS INSTALLATION �a /Oy win yo.r. Cf. 54,.1'-Pr4 P/ 3.277.7 PERMXT Applicant- CARRIAGE COVE .LLC. Address: TAGS COVE WAY Name of Licensed Dcaler/Installor �i �,1 l✓' 17 " 32773 Llccnsed Numbcr_ 14f 0:-6.0 6> O.Z.Z —__ Installation Accath— AN '7 /,fib Manufacturers Nit o 5cot6 kjj Roof Zone ,r 61V Wind zone Number of Sections •2 Width z 8 Length &/ O Year o® SeriaU .080100 768 Instullailon Standard Used:(Check One) Manufacturers Manual ISC-1`� SITE PREPARATION: Debris and Organic Matorial Removal Compacted still zz Water Drainage: Natural _ Swale Pad V Other FOUNDATION: Load Bearing Sall Capacity Xoo 6 or Asiumcd 1000 P Footing Type: Poured .lu Place Porta c Size & Thlckncss_�a.=� I -scant or M•riara'lylers: Single Ticred Double Interlocked,,,__,,, SIzC of Plers Placenlint 0/C ''nn Perimcler Pier nloeidne: SI:Ce e I `Oi4 Rldgc.Ilcant Support Blocking: Size Number Loeation(s) e(:f— Itidgc Deaat Support rooter: Size / � Numbcr Location($) Centcr Line Blocklag: Number Size /7z�Loeations)/ Speclul Pier Blocking Required. (I rcplacc,Bay dols, Etc) YES NO Mating of Multiple Units; Mating Casket . � Type Used ,- Fasteners: ROOFS TYPE AND SIzC SPACING 0/C ENDWALLS TYPE AND SIZE Z SPACINC �_ 0/C FLOORS TYPE AND-SMEZ SPACING // 0/C ANCHORS: TyPc 3150 Woridlig'Load _74000 Working Load Hclzht of Unit: (Top of Foundation or Footer to Bottofn of Frame) Nurilber. of Fran><c Tics:_ Spacing _ "/ O/C Angle of Strap 3a -,1,5-° Ue6t•. Number of Over Roof 'les: (If Required)ISD / ©'� veer f�c Nutnber of Sidewall Anchors Q2 zone II Zinc III Number of Centerline Anchors Number of Stabilizer Dcviccs Vents Required for Underpinning (1 SF/150 Sr, OF FLOOR AREA) Number u a rriag.e PE 6-03cove- 500 Carriage Cove Way PLANS R GV 9 E W E Sanford, Florida 32773 CITY®� � � � (407) 323-8160 fax (407) 320-7195 C cn tct,nn vLVUlI!S, INC. _ RICHARFLORIDA INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE RE AR 1 "V" SERrFs e� � '�.IEEL FOUNDATION YSTEh' �•..' • .. �G►'. - 3 MODEL 1101"V" (STEPS 1.14) MODEL 1101-L -V— 1.01YGl1'UD/NAL ONLY - FOLLOW /NSTRUCyloNS 1.10 CES: If the followingn �'cK3e' ssra�c� conditions occur - STOP! Contact Oliver Technologies a ',A A) Pier height exceeds 48" b Len �•• � exceed 96" e) Roof Pitch greater than 4.37/12 (20 -degrees) sf16 �ti�Roof Seawitt�in 158 et'of' ' INSTA"00NO1GitOUND PAN 2. Remove weeds and debris in an approximate two foot square to expose firm soil for each ground pan C 3. Place ground pan (C) directly below chassis I-beam . Press or drive pan firmly into soil_until-_flush-with-or below -soil. SPECIAL -NOTE: The Ipngitudinal-"V"-brace system serves as a pier under the home and should be loaded'as any other pier. It is recomm• nded that after leveling piers, and one-half inch (12'} before home is lowered completely on to piers, complete ite74 through 9 below. INSTALLATION OF LONof mII RAS SYSTEM NOTE: OF INSTALLING THE MODEL # 1101-L"V" LONGITUDINAL ONLY, A MINIMUM OF 2 SYSTEMS PER FLOOR SECTION I'I QUIRED. FOUR FOOT (4') GROUND ANCHOR MAY BE USED EXCEPT WHERE MANU. FACTURERS SPEC A DIFFERENCE. USE GROUND ANCHORS WITH DIAGONAL TIES AND STABIL'MR PLATE EVERY 61". VERTICAL TIES ARE ALSO REQUIRED ON HOMES SUPPLIED WITH VERTICAL TIE CON ECT'ON POINTS (PER FLORIDA REG). 4. Select the correct squ4re tube brace (E) length for set - up (pier) height at support location. (The 18" tube is always used as the bottom pan of the longitudinal arm). Note: Either tube can be used by itself, cut and drilled to length as long as a 40 to 45 degree angle is maintained. PIER HEIGHT 1.25" ADJUSTABLE (Approx. 45 degrees Max.) 1.50" ADJUSTABLE Tube Length Tube Length I vi t W 4.7 -'SA n1,"._ .... . dr --r w-► tv 04 1/4 22' 32' 1 R' 18' IV I 5. Install (2)of the 1.50" square tubes (E(18'tube) ) into the "U' bracket (J), insert carriage bolt and leave nut loose for final adjustment. �. Place I-beam connedtor (F) loosley on the bottom flange of the I-beam. '. Slide the selected 1.25" tube (E) into a 1-50' tube (E) and attach to I-beam connectors (F) and fasters loosely with bolt and nut. �. Repeat steps 6 through 7 to create the "V" pattern of the square tubes loosely in place. NOTE: The angle is not to exceed 45 degree and not below 40 degrees. After all bolts are tightened, secure 1.25" and 1.50" tubes using four(4)1W-14 x 3/4' self -tapping screws in pre- drilled holes. I. Install remaining vertical tie -down straps and 4' ground anchors per home manufacturer's instructicins. All loads in excess of 3,150 pounds at shear walls, columns,. and centerline, must have five foot .(5') anchors installed regardless Of soil conditions, per'the state of Florida. )IA!"LATION OF LATERAL TELESC PI G TRANS FERSE ARM g Sr _ l=M NOTE: THE MODEL 1101 "V" (LONGITUDINAL & LATERAL PROTECTION) ELIMINATES THE: NEED FOR ALL STABILIZER PLATES b FRAME TIES. '. Select�e correct sgvare tube brace (H) length for set-up lateral transverse at support location. The lengths come in either ' or 72' lengths. (With the 1.50'1ube as the bottom tube, and the 1.25" tube as the inserted tube.) . Install the 1.50 transverse brace (H) to the ground pan connector (D) with bolt and nut. . Slide 1.25" transverse brace into the 1.50' brace and attach to adjacent I-beam connector (I) with bolt and nut. Secure 1.50" transverse arm to 1.25" transverse holes. arm' using four (4) 1/4" -14 x 3/4" self -tapping screws in pre -drilled MA►rUFACTURED HOUSING FOUNDAMON SYSTEMS A DIVISION OF OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 931-796-4555. '1-800-284-7437 Fax., 931-796-8811 www.olivertechnolooies.00m Aad Sir -c; nuv lYluut11G1'rJOUSUIg GENERAL INSTRl1CT10NS:: ��«�ssossooa,>Jou,�y,,;�/4,s IG'•x1G" 256 .ir1. All Pads arc to be irlstallcd •(litr side Jowil. ribbed aide 356016s. �. un 711c f roufid wldu etre pads should be Icvcicd as sniwtll as 2000 Ills. 3 possiblc•ivill, all vcgclation removed. Pads to be placed on natural grade unl= oihcr%•ise perm tcd by the loan building authority, Pier & 333 s. in. 2375 lhs. pad spacing hill be dct'crmirlcd by the manufactured homes' written set-up instructions or local or stale codes. 26" x 26" 4. any 111c open sells Ix:thvccn the ribbing on tic upper side of vmiilc pads may lx F!Icd with soil or sand steer installation to prct any accumulation 96 S. of stagnant tvaccr in the pads. A pocket pealclrontelcr may be used to determine the bearing 5000 lbs. 6. actual soil vait c, Ifsoil-trticing equipment is not available, use an assumed soil value of 1000 Its. / $50 s . in. 7. square foot. All pad sizes shown arc nominal dilncosions and may vary up to ' Concrcl.e blocks arc only rated at $000 pounds, 5000 pounds and higher The maxiunun dc0extion in a sinelc rad is .5 measured front thc!iighest paint to the loivoint.''' ,sr�" t . 4'z� cc of elle lop fa . (1,1011: Actual tut results were less than 5/S•') st p " � + H. In frost areas, a G" dccli confined gravel oast installed in we11 drained, non -frost susceptible soil is'• reconlmcadcd. r` F `/. 1l), Pad loads are tile Sallie when using_single.slack- or -double stack blodts. 771c nlaxhnum load at any intermediate soil value may be determined as the w '`*t ofahi~ next lower mid ncxl higher soil value If. glvCn in 111c table llclove. Any eoliliguraliwi (sec reverse side) may be used to replace a home manul cturer ;'rccommcndsd concrete or wood base pad. , , 12. 1 f lltc hollle nlanul°.Ictufcr Shows soil densities greater than 30004b. tJltcn:uaag ABS pads, do not exceed ` 9000 lb. soil pita spacings per set up Inanual.. r' Aad Sir -c; Pad Aral 1000 !b. Soi 000 !b. Soil IG'•x1G" 256 .ir1. 17SOlUs. 356016s. 16" x IS•' 233 sq, in. 2000 Ills. 4000 lbs. 1.1" x 26" 18 V. 333 s. in. 2375 lhs. 4750 lbs. X IY., OVAI. 17" x 22•' 3.12 sq.ln. JGO in. 2375 lbs. 47 20" x 20 .. s , •100:x, in, 2500 lbs. Ills. 50 bVAL 17.5"x 25.5" •132 sq. in• .750 3000 Ibs• 55, 601 2.1" x 2•I" 57G ser. in. 4000 His. S01 26" x 26" 675 si , ill. 4500 lbs. 96 34" x 22'• 7.1S sa. in. 5000 lbs. 10 35" x 25.5" $50 s . in. 6000 lbs. 12 ' Concrcl.e blocks arc only rated at $000 pounds, 5000 pounds and higher 3000 Ib. Soil 5333 lbs. 6000 Ills. 6400 lbs. 71.00 lbs. lbs. lbs. 1 • ' 10000 Ibs'• ��• Ibs. •1 __•_-1_2_00_0 lbs. TI a be double blocked. 19- ALAIJAMA ONLY: The Ifr" x 16" 1011 1055 -10,13 -Ex U.-I.1,0/I 1055-9,20" x 20" IDI) 1055-7, 17" x 22" 1DI11055-iG, 17.5"x25.5,, 1D// 1055-17' arc- the- only pads approved in clic state of Alabumu, and 'lust not have more'titan 3/,S"' deflection. Sec chart below for•dctails on correct iustallaliuu iu Alabama. - Now 1 :.Icor Aluballta only: N' llcn setting in soil capacities over l0001bspsf, the block (CtIMU) configuration sltowll in this drawing is required on the 20" x 20" (ID M 105=7)'and•thc.I $.5" x 1 S.5" (B 1055-9) liads. . Ex2111plc:l6' x SO' section - PAD SIZE PIER SPACING 161' x 16" Pad 5.6„ 15�5" 5'' x 13.5" Pad 7-0" 22" Pad 71610 17 25.5" PadS'0"220" Pad S. 0.. C.R. Caudel, P.1 Sr. Registered Engine, Product Testing, Int Revised 12/27/200r SINGLE SECTION ALL DOUBLI= WIDES ALL WIDTHS UP TO 76' WIDTH S UP TO 76' Recommendations: It is recommended that systems be installed at 2nd pier OTES: in from end of home, not to exceed a quarter length of the house. .LENGTH OF HOUSE IS THE ACTUAL BOX SIZE L-/ 4 = LENGTH OF THE HOUSE (FLOOR) DIVIDED BY 4. —= LOCATION OF ASF MODEL 1101'V (LATERAL & LONGITUDINAL BRACING). = LOCATION OF MODEL, 1101-L"V (LONGITUDINAL BRACING ONLY). LOCATION OF MODEL 1101 "V" (TRANSVERSE ARM ONLY). Note: When installing the model 1101-L "V" brace for longitudinal protection only, 2 longitudinal systems (without lateral arm) are all that is required on a single section house. H - Transverse arm Top (1.251 bottom (I Z5' :v brace I-beam connectors E -'Y' Brace Tube TDp (1251 Bottom (1.51 TRIPLE WIDES ALL WIDTHS UP TO 76' Ivloaew 1101 'V' Transverse Only PATENT PENDING C = GROUND PAN D = GROUND PAN CONNECTOR U BRACKETS E.= TELESCOPING V BRACE TUBE ASSEMBLY W/ 1.5 BOT- TOM OTTOM TUBE AND 1.25 TUBE INSERT F ='V" BRACE I -BEAM CONNEC- TORS ASSEMBLY H = TELESCOPING TRANSVERSE ARM ASSEMBLY I = TRANSVERSE ARM I -BEAM CONNECTOR J= V PAN BRACKET D - Ground Pan transverse connectors Florida aPProvod 4' ground anchors may be used in all locations except J - ground Pan C - Ground Pan where bads exceed 3150 los. V eradw 5' Ground anch0m must be used when loads exceed 3150 In. regard.. less of sol conditions per the state of Florida . skW"ll connector spedng can not exceed 5.4* on carders. •r REVISED INSTRUCTIONS 2/20102 MANUFACTURED HOUSING FOUNDATION SYSTEMS A DMSION OF OLIVER TECHNOLOGIES, INC. Telephone: 931-796.4555 1-800-284-7437 Fax: 931-796-8611 www.olivertechnologies.com I