HomeMy WebLinkAbout1250 ORDINANCE NO. 1250 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, PROVIDING FOR A CITY REGISTRATION CERTIFICATE ON CERTAIN BUSINESSES IN THE CITY OF SANFORD0 PROVIDING THE AMOUNT OF SAID CITY REGISTRATION FEE; PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF TI-]E CITY OF SANFORD0 FLORIDA: SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to engage in any business relating to construction as hereinafter specified not having a permanent business address within the City of Sanford, Florida, and not a valid holder of a City License, unless the person, firm or corporation is engaged in interstate commerce, without first obtaining a City Registration Certificate. SECTION 2. For the purpose of this Ordinance the term ~Iconstruction" shall include, but not be limited to~ contractors, sub-contractors, painters, toolets, electricians, plumbers and any person, firm or corporation engaged in the construction, repair~ maintenance, remodeling or renovation of any structures or improvements on real property within the City of Sanford, Florida. SECTION 3. Except as otherwise provided, City Registration Certificates shall expire on the thirtieth day of September of each year. No City Registration Certificate shall be issued for more than one year. Any person who shall operate or continue to operate a business without having taken out a City Registration Certificate by November first, shall be subject to a twenty-five (25%) percent penalty in addition to the standard City Registration Certificate, and after December first shall be subject to the provisions of Section 12 of this Ordinance. -1- SECTION 4. Unless otherwise provided, for each City Registration Certificate obtained between October first and April first the full fee for one year shall be paid, and for each City Registration Certificate obtained from April first to September thirtieth one-half the full fee for one year shall be paid. SECTION 5. Every person engaged in or managing any business referred to in Section 2 hereof who is not a valid holder of a City Occupational License, is required to procure a City Registration Certificate as herein provided and shall, on or before October first of each year, and always before engaging in any business as specified herein, file an application on the prescribed form with the Licensing Official, signed by an officer, partner or owner of the business. All City Registration Certificates shall be applied for and issued in the real name of the applicant; in cases where the applicant has qualified under the laws of the state for the use of a fictitious name, the City Registration Certificate, if issued, shall show the real name as well as the fictitious name of the applicant. In such application, the applicant shall set forth the name of the owner (if a firm, the name of all members of the firm, if a corporation° the names of all officers of the corporation), the location of the business, the full name of the business; and such other pertinent information as may be prescribed by the City Manager. SECTION 6. Any City Registration Certificate obtained under the provisions of this Ordinance upon a misrepresentation of a material fact shall be deemed null and void, and the holder who has thereafter engaged in any business under such Certificate shall be subject to prosecution for doing business without a City Registration Certificate to the same effect and degree as though no City Registration Certificate had ever been issued. SECTION ?. It is unnecessary for the City to send out bills or notices to persons engaged in business in the City with respect to the payment or nonpayment of City Registration Certificate fees. SECTION 8. Every City Registration Certificate shall be posted in a conspicuous place where fie business is carried on in the City of Sanford and the holder of such City Registration Certificate shall exhibit same to any official of the City of Sanford when requested to do so. SECTION 9. City Registration Certificates may be transferred to a new location upon application to the Licensing Official and upon payment of the transfer fee of $3.00 and presentation of the original registration certificate and upon approval of the Licensing Official. The transfer fee is $3.00 if the transfer is applied for before the business is moved to a new location; and $5.00 if the transfer is applied for after the business is moved. SECTION 10. Registration Certificates shall be good only for the particular business and at the particular place of business which shall be named therein and for the person to whom issued. Registration Certificates may be transferred to a new owner when there is a bona fide sale of the business upon application to the Licensing Official and payment of a transfer fee of Three ($3.00) Dollars and presentation of evidence of the sale and the original certificate and upon proper approval. SECTION 11. The City Manager shall appoint the Licensing Official and may make such rules and regulations, not inconsistent with this Ordinance, as may be necessary or proper for the enforcement of the provisions thereof. SECTION 12. If any person shall engage in, transact, manage, or be the agent for, any other person in the carrying on of any business specified in Section 2 hereof not having an occupational license issued by the City without first procuring a City Registration Certificate within ten (10) days after receiving notice, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, which shall be punishable by fine not exceeding Five Hundred ($500.00) Dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety (90) days. SECTION 13. A fee of Ten ($10.00) Dollars shall be charged for the issuance of any Registration Certificate as provided for herein. In addition to the Registration Certificate fee, any applicant who is under- taking construction or remodeling shall submit to the Licensing Officer a Performance Bond for the work which the applicant is undertaking. in an amount not less than $~ 000~ 00. SECTION 14. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. SECTION 15. This Ordinance shall be effective October 1, 1974. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23rd day of September , A. D. 0 1974. '~~ Mayor Attest: -4- CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1250, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of San- ford, Florida, on the 23rd day of. September, 1974, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 25th day of September, 1974.