HomeMy WebLinkAbout1248 ORDINANCE NO. 1248 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 1974 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1975. WHEREAS, the City Manager has prepared and submitted a budget of revenues and expenditures of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the fiscal year beginning OctOber 1, !974 and ending September 30, 1975, in accordance with the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, and upon con§iderat[on thereof, said budget of revenues and expenditures was adopted and approved as the Budget of said City for the fiscal year beginn~ng OctOber 1, 1974 and ending September 30, 1975; and WHEREAS, the City Commissioners of the City of Sanford are of the opinion that the several items of expenditures for said fiscal year be- ginning October 1, 1974 and ending September 30, 1975 are reasonable, necessary and proper for the administration of the affairs of said City and the proper conduct of said City, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That said budget of revenues and expenditures of said City of Sanford, Florida for the fiscal year beginning OctOber 1, t974 and ending September 30, 1975, approved by Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 19th day of August , A.D. 1974, a copy of which is attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Ordinance, be and the same is hereby ratified, approved, confirmed accepted and adopted. SECTION 2. That the said estimates of expenditures be and they are hereby established and fixed as appropriations from the revenues to be derived by sa~d City of Sanford, Florida from taxes to be levied and collected, and from all other sources, for the varfous purposes as set forth ~n said estimates for the sa[d period beginning OctOber 1, 1974 and endKng September 30, 1975. SECTION 3. That all ordfnances or parts of ord[nances ~n conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION ~. That this Ordinance shall become effective OctOber 1, 1974. 1974. Attest: · ~y Comm[ss f lhe Ct~y of Sanford, Florfda. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordi- nance No. 1248, PASSED and ADOFrED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 9th day of September, 1974, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 10th day of September, 1974. C ANTICIPATED REVENUE ACCOUNT 1974-1975 Current Taxes - Debt Service $ 161,000. Current Taxes - General Government 594,000. Prior Year Taxes - Debt Service 1,000. Prior Year Taxes - General Government 5,500. Interest/costs on Taxes 100. Utility Service Tax 496,500. Occupational Licenses 64,000. Dog License 2,200. Building Permits 30,000. Plumbing Permits 3,400. Electrical Permits 9,400. Certificate of Competency 10,000. Penalties on Licenses 1,400. Fines and Forfeitures 90,000. Power Franchise Tax 245,000. Gas Franchise 2,800. CATV Franchise 14,000. Marina Franchise 21,300. Interest on Investments 42,000. Rents 3,000. County Occupational Licenses 16 500. County Road & Bridge Fund 7,600. Cigarette ~'Tax 162,000~ State Revenue Sharing Fund 833,796. Shelter Rents - Housing Authority 3,050. ANTICIPATED REVENUE page 2 ACCOUNT 1974-1975 State Fuel Tax Refund $ 8,500. State Additional H/S Exemption 16,800. State Beverage License 12,300. State Mobile Home License 3,200. Dog Pound Fees 600. Refuse Collection Fees 344,981. Library Fees 3,000. Civic Center Rent 8,000. Recreation Registration 3,300. Care of Cemetery Lots 3,800. Materials & Supplies 600. Contributions from Utility Fund 40,000. Miscellaneous Revenue 2,000. Non-operating Revenues 200. Cash Balance brought forward 268,000. TOTAL $3,534,827. EXPENDITURES General Government 1974-1975 City Commission $ 18,750. City Manager 31,039. City Attorney 11,200. Finance 46,808. Civil Service 6,940. Personnel Division 22,787. Police 882,975. Administration 256,701. Uniform 473,402. Detective 120,869. Detention 32,003. $882,975. Fire 526,523. Public Health 11~225. Repair Shop 50,607. Parks & Cemetery 126,928. Recreation 113,515. Maintenance 169,440. Street 349,610. Public Works Administration 32,545. Refuse 286,076. Engineering Division 36,366. Building and Zoning 68,253. Library 35,065. Insurance 229,742. Special Funds 72,433. SUB-TOTAL OPERATION 3,128,827. DEBT SERVICE 406,000. TOTAL $3,534,827. GENERAL DEBT SERVICE General Government Series "A" Bonds $ 85,434. Series "C", "D", "E" Bonds 100. Administration Expense 75,466, Public Improvement Bonds 1965 58,790. Public Improvement Bonds 1971 186,210. TOTAL $ 406,000. UTILITY DEPARTMENT (Water and Sewer) ANTICIPATED REVENUE 1974-1975 Sewer Service Charge $ 546,657. Sale of Metered Water 481,738. Hydrant Rental 23,050. Water Tap Fee 25,000. Development Fee 124,500. Interest on Investments 20,000. Miscellaneous Revenue 1,500. Sale of Supplies or Contract Work 5,000. Sewer Tap Fee 3,700. Rent on Generators 2,400. State Fuel Tax Refund 600. Cash Surplus from Prior Years 89,868. TOTAL $1,324,013. ANTICIPATED EXPENDITURES Utility Administration 190,502. Utility Plants 343,516. Water Distribution 215,115. Sewer Collection 192,461. Operating Cost ... Sub-total 941,594. Debt Service 295,250. Reserve for Renewal and Replacement 47,169. General Government 40,000. TOTAL $1,324,013. UTILITY DEBT SERVICE Water and Sewer Series "B" Bonds (Interest) $ 44,316. Revenue Certificates (1953-54) 80,264. Revenue Certificates (1962) 13,079. Revenue Certificates (1964) 42,095. Revenue Certificates (1971 115,496. TOTAL $ 295,250. CITY OF SANFORD Capital Budget REVENUE SHARING 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-1980 Fire Equipment 44,600. 11,300. 11,300. 50,000. Fire Sub-Station -GoIf Course 50,000. Fire Station - #2 to Central 48,000. Paving Project - Engineering &Survey 65,000. Paving Project - Construction 794,000. 397,000. 397,000. 397,000. GENERAL GOVERNMENT Drainage Program 4,694,468. City Administration Complex - Plan 75,000. 25,000. City Administration Complex - Const. 1,300,000. City Shop Building 15,000. 15,000. 15,000. 15,000. 15,000. Pistol Range 7,500. West 13th Street Parking Lot 9,600. Parks: Washington Oaks Playground 4,000~. Celery Avenue: Phase I - athletic field 17,070. Phase II Phase III Fort Mellon: Handball Court 2,000. Tennis Courts 23,000. Shelter replacement 8,500. Basketball - lighting 1,500. Restrooms 8,800. Azalia Beds 4,750. Softball field irrigation 1,200. Playground irrigation 1~200. Civic Center irrigation 1,200. Well water to Lake Carola and irrigation systems 2,500. Softball field - lighting 3,420. Civic Center - annex lights 2,500 Library 450,000. CITY OF SANFORD Capital Budget UTILITY DEPARTMENT 1974-75 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-1980 Sewer Plant Expansion - Plan 10,000. Hydrant Installation On existing lines 10,000. 10,000. 5,000. Needing lines 10,000. 10,000o 10,000. 10,000. 10,000. 6,650. Two new water supply wells 50,000. Ground storage tank - SJC 100,000. Elevated tank - southeast 135,000. Connecting Loop - Airport Blvd. 117,700.