HomeMy WebLinkAbout422 5 St02/15/02 00:08 FAX 19252960715 _ _JCL ASSET NGHT 1a 001 02/14122102 16:21 4076793006 CORPORATE OFFICF PAGE 01 6-17-1996 2:B5P1'A PROM •: !'' P. 2 n cITY OfSANm F6 wrAPh1d a7m n PermitNn! V 2 I;L5 CWr.FPhrijaLjf_... 2002 4obAddimm_ 427 5th St'E can o, d,a V1_ INIVINTM _was _WIRWiat _Mae6ssltat —>'h ftg _21lreAl.6vrvaklor DEMO vall "morwerR: nimmnl i t i nn Addhimal lnferraalloo 1pr slee"kal A nmabbg F am Eleaelaal: A"dWAlte112100 _C mph o1 SoMoe Tmpwoy Pose-IawAbW Saviee (0 of AMPS _ ) Plornblap Rrode>nlal: A"doldAltaadoo Now CaortruaW (Oleo Goeer Psus Ati isen l) PT 4bm i+efal: Number of 6lmm Number orWaw & Soow Drabaga Liao lwtmba of ou Liaas 0eeq tap'Tjps%R pia"l_Commace(al_bodlmdal Taral$q .VnUleolWorics-416 _ Type dco m+los: :EYQJn -- lgftO TAnc Nmoor orsbeAa= 2 Nramh r of mum li Uvula: utam Proof orOwnaft a Lqw Dee rwdcin) OweedAddrea.roaa m' rhase -Bank of Me riY C/ o Metech Mortgage 4708 Mercantile Dr.North Ft.Worth, Tx Coasaces, Inc 350Z Al oma Aver, #V-9 Wi ntPr Park statLioeamwwbwt coammsto: Ted Chapman Pbmv&r %=ber 670-1 771 679-3006 mile Bade of eraar um O.mu)e Adat at ' aoa c p.w: • AMMOo 1+ fmWp L cdr. Ad&= Are J-* Solp gear_'_ pum lqo.: Ad*%&, Pier Ne.: AppLootlo0 b bataby aaads to o1 m- a paomlt ro do tLa work sad brslptima u laefeaed. I a w& dai 0o work or iaaertllatim bas M=prior" doe OF = oft piomb ad drat all work will W pwbemad w meet aamdarda of all Isms rgpkdnp mostruaim Amlaa. I , darelm' Od a oeg m I, pazrattmarSbo meumO br 2LZC7R1CAL W0RIC PLUM1l1M, SI0K3, WELLS, POM4 PU8NAC83, 8VMW.% MATgies, TANM ad AIR CONDI1Towim, aGa I artily msr all of doe Sorqpefes iabrmmim is ammiteand OW all work will be done In eompUmoe witb all applicable lawn replacing omemellon awd xaaded WATOGNO TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF MAY MOLT IN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENT$ TO YOUR PROPERTY. iF YOU IKMV To o9TAIN FMNCING, CONSULT WrM YOURL>aN=OR AN ATT+OMMY WPM XEC,0j rNG YOUR NOT= OF CohowlENCEbEw. nh bi addl( la0 u) tlla aalpp abraaa of 9ais PwarR, Vloe tnlp• ba eddlllaaN soeeriotio0t applieabia eo Otis propePq tbst mip be bad is bapuMie records dV& omly. and darer may be addlalond prods r.gmiad ears arbe Faysewaltal erMK au& as water lea amide, smw agadae, or bdarN apeolm Aoaplimm orparlid a vs( 1 vft u_propertyofiba n rla1c• a _ FS 713. Paniotalb 1Cae.+ n N Me x , Datar / v 2- 02/14/ 02 THU 02:2J FTX/RX NO 92051 Q 001 DEMOLI`TIO'N Building Division Acknowledgement A. Permit Application B. State Forms C. State Statutes/Contractor Licensing Public Works Acknowledgement A. Sidewalk Closing B. Street Use/Closing 1. Walkways — Protection — Width 2. Barricades — Protection — Width 3. Fencing — Protection — Width - Height 4. Curb Protection/Sidewalk Protection/Street 5. Storm Sewer Protection C. Dust Control Police Department Acknowledgement A. Traffic Control B. Crowd Control/Security Utility Department Acknowledgement A. Water, Sewer — Capped off, Sealed B. Water for Dust Control (Meter) Engineering & Planning Acknowledgement A. Historic District B. Zoning Issues Address of Job: 1/2 Z E . Additional Comments: sF l A 5/1-P DEMOLITION Building Division Acknowledgement A. Permit Application B. State Forms C. State Statutes/Contractor Licensing Public Works Acknowledgement A. Sidewalk Closing B. Street Use/Closing 1. Walkways — Protection — Width 2. Barricades — Protection — Width 3. Fencing — Protection — Width - Height 4. Curb Protection/Sidewalk Protection/Street 5. Storm Sewer Protection C. Dust Control Police Department Acknowledgement A. Traffic Control B. Crowd Control/Security Utility Department Acknowledgement A. Water, Sewer — Capped off, Sealed C /T'( 71, B. Water for Dust Control (Meter) po L L /717AC pw•Vm- 70 co-p Engineering & Planning Acknowledgement A. Historic District B. Zoning Issues R, 50wolocs Sx-w'q Address of Job: 4l2 'E• 5*h A5 PY21?ul Additional Comments: fr DEMOLITION Building Division Acknowledgement A. Permit Application B. State Forms C. State Statutes/Contractor Licensing Public Works Acknowledgement A. Sidewalk Closing B. Street Use/Closing 1. Walkways — Protection — Width 2. Barricades — Protection — Width 3. Fencing — Protection — Width - Height 4. Curb Protection/Sidewalk Protection/Street 5. Storm Sewer Protection C. Dust Control Police Department Acknowledgement Traffic Control B. Crowd Control/Security t^ 1 0 Utility Department Acknowledgement 1 l A. Water, Sewer — Capped off, Sealed B. Water for Dust Control (Meter) Engineering & Planning Acknowledgement A. Historic District B. Zoning Issues Address of Job: 11-12 Z Additional Comments: 5R-P 02/26/2011 12:01 4073022540 SANFORD PD PAGE 01 6-29-•19'.2S S _ (SOPM FROM P. 1 DEMOLITION Building Division Acknowkdgeineat A. Permit Application B. State Forms C. State Stetutes/Contmetor Licensing Fablk Works Acknowledpment A. Sidewalk Closing B. Street UsdCiosing 1. Walkways - Protection - Width Z. Barricades - Protection - Width 3. Fencing - Proteetion - Width - Height 4. Curb Protection/Sidewalk ProtectioWStrm 5. Storm Sewer Protection C Dust Control Folicr Department Acknowledgement A_ Traffic Cpntroi S. Crowd C atroilSecurity L+ tinty Departmeat AcknowledrMent A. Water, Sewer - Capped of, Sealed B. Water for Dust Control (Mazer) Engineering & Planama A mowledgement A. Historic District B Zoning Issues 5 p AddressofJob:.- r Additioul Comments: 02/27/2002 08:17 0.flg 0 AkED 511 i?N"(IBE2FA ARY511ISI11NR11MIN11 I fMIS INS iZ MttV NA y 'a 9 4 v P l/ 3L 9z MARYWE NOR j CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Permit No. ADDR. E OF COMMENCEMUMMIX COUIIT G 1540aq*teNB State of Florida - • CLEWS 0 County of Seminol '"'" RECORDED 0E/26/1XIM 031103132 PN RR ECORDINS FEES 6.d00TheundersignedherebygivesnoticethatimprovementwillbemadetocerCR0W%1r#!lA?8 in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 1. Description of property. (legal description of the property and street address if 2. General description of improvement: 3. Owner information a. Name and address b. Interest in property c. Name and addsass of fee Contractor a. Name and b. Phone number _ S. Surety a. Name and address 6. leholder (if other than Owner) 4 Z 7 / Pax number vill•y C vi'y w b. Phone number Fax number c. Amount of bond Lender / a. Name and address L b. Phone number 70Fax number Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served asprovidedbySection713,1.3(1)(a)7., Florida Statutes: a, Name and address b. Phone number - Fax n mber Vio 7- -y8. In ad ' ion to himsel herself, Owner designates of P. -0-010- to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section a. Phone number -,, W, -0-713 L fV,y ,,Z, Fax number ? 9. Expiration date of notice of commencemebbd'4ftf.asoAoItDANadgI c l;i the date of recording unless a differentdateisspecified) merger to ee Bank of Texas, known as Texas Commerce Bank, NA, as custodian, by Its Attorney Intact JCL Asset OLManagement i$nature of ert L Z,0 / ;C C67Swo o (or affirmed) and subscribed before me this ` - day of 20 CDZJ , byli Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Iden ' c do Produced,L . CERTIFIED COP1 MARYANNE MORSE MELISSA M. DAWE CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT Commission 01314174 SEMINOLE COUNTY. FLORIDASignatureofNotaryPublic, State of Florida a I - Notary Public - Caltfomis £ Commission Expires: Contra Costs County My Comm. Expires Jul 21, 2006 Donm 6LERK 1111-1111-4 FEB, 2 8 2002 02/26/02 TUE 18:16 (TX/RX NO 96961 Q 001