HomeMy WebLinkAbout1229 i02i - SEHIN(3LE t.'OUNTY FLORIDA This inst~ment prepared by: C. Vernon Mize, Jr., City A~orney ~. O. Box 1778~ Sanford, Florida 32771 ORDINANCE NO. 1229 AN ORDINANCE OF T~ CITY OF SANFORD, FLO~DA~ AN~XING TO AND INCLUDING WITHIN T~ CORPORATE A~A OF T~ CITY OF SANFORD~ FLORIDA, L~S 4~ 5 AND 8, BLOCK 11, A. B. RUSSELL'S ADDITION TO FORT ~ED, PLAT BOOK 1, ~AGE 97, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLO~DA, AND T~T ~ORTION OF SEABOA~ COAST LI~ RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY LYING BETWEEN T~ EASTERLY EXTENSION OF THE NORTH LI~ OF LOT 4 AND T~ EASTERLY EXTE~ION OF T~ SOUTH LI~ OF ~TTIE STREET, IN ACCORDANCE ~TH T~ ~ROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 73-620~ LAWS OF FLO~DA~ 1973. W~AS, there has been filed wi~h the CRy Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, a petition containing the names of the prope~y owners in ~e area described hereinafter request~g a~exation to the corporate area of the City of Sanford, Florida, ~d requesting to be ~cluded ~erein; and WHE~AS, the T~ Assessor of Seminole County, Florida, having ce~ified that there are two property owners in ~he area to be a~exed and that said pro~y owners have signed the pe~Rion for annexation~ and ~E~AS, the City Co~ission o[ ~e City of Sanford, Florida, has deemed it in the best interest of the City to accept said petition and to annex said a~a; NOW, THE~FO~ BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That that ce~ain area in Seminole County, Flo~da, described as follows be and ~e same is hereby annexed to and made a pa~ of the City o[ Sanford, Florida, ~rsu~ to the terms of Chapter 73-620~ Laws o~ Florida, 1973: -1- so2 ~EHINOLE COUNTY FLORIDA Lots 4, 5 and 8, Block 11, A. B. RUSSELL'S ADDITION TO FORT REED, according to the Plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 1, Page 97, Public Records of Seminole County, Florida° and that portion of Seaboard Coast Line Railroad right-of-way lying between the Easterly extension of the North line of Lot 4 and the Easterly extension of the South line of Mattie Street. SECTION 2. That upon this ordinance becoming effective, the residents and property owners in the above described annexed area shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and immunities as are from time to time granted to residents and property owners of the City of Sanford, Florida, and as are further provided in Chapter 73-620, Laws of Florida, 1973, and shall further be subject to the responsibilities of residence or ownership as may from thne to time be determined by the governing authority of the City of Sanford, Floridao and the provisions of said Chapter 73-620, Laws of Florida, 1973. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. ADOPTED thisl0t of June , 1974. PASSED AND Attest: May 6,;,,, ......~" ~ Sanford, Florida. ~::.~<~, ~;~,~L'j-""' CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tarmn, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordi- nance No. 1229, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 10th day of June, 1974, was POSTED at the front door of the City Halljn the City of Sanford, Florida, on the llth day of June, 1974. , e le City of ~anford, Florida SANFORD, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OIP SEMINOLE Before ~e ~dersigned a~ority personally a~peared ............................... ~.~ ..~ ........... Liil.ian..R...Thoms ...................... c,, c- ......... Of Eice..Mange= ........... of ~e ~.0~ ~D, a New~a~r P~- ~shed at Sa~ord, ~ 8e~ole ~, Flo~da; ~at ~e atta~ed c~y of adversemet, being a ..........................~gal. ,~tice .....................~ me ma~er of ~hlic..He.~ing. ~..pr.op~t.y.. anne~a=io.D.. ~..M~e.. ~.~ ,-..~ .............................................................. ~ me .... Cirg~7 corn, was p~blished ~ sa~ newspaper ~ ~e issues of .......................................... ............................. April.. 11 ,...18 ,--.25 ~. Mty.. 2 ,...9.,.. 19.7~ ......... ~nt ~er says ~at te said ~ORD HE~D ~ a new~aper pubHshM at S~rd, ~ said Sem~ole Co~ty, Florida, ~d ~at the said newspaper has heretofore be~ con~uo~ly published ~ said Sem~ole Co~ty, Flo~da, and has ~en entered as second class mall matter at ~e post office ~ Sagord, ~ said Sem~ole Co~ty, Flo~da, ~r a peHod of one year next preced~g the ~st pub~eation of ~e attached c~y of adve~se- ment; ~d a~ant fu~er says that he has neither paid nor promised any person, ~m or cor~ra~on any ~sco~t, rebate, commission or re~d for ~e p~ose of secig ~s ad- ve~sement for pub~:ati~n in the said newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed b~ore me this ........... Ma~ ........A. D. ~.-74. ~ ................... ~/-~ N~ry~i~f Florida at Large MF Commission 5xpKres April 11, 1977 ~'~