HomeMy WebLinkAbout1301 Rinehart RdOCT. 19. 20C.5 (THU) 1 3: 52 FALCONE GROUP LLC 561 3382957 PAGE-2/2 v,i'r1 d6www AJ, vP wrNVJDp-jog UKIPIK Paw @2ta2 Ptlladt# : -3 1J Date: 10 - IQ -06 Job"""* R FR_SQo_ 1 7Xi1a=Sd& ] ,td L Dooha * doq of Wrrk: _ ... l.r•q e x. a ... h tav - ToaI kwom t3rm la Dklp kt: ttoltktt; V,lot of work' R 114,''K ,_ci n _ -- PoratR 7lyp Wit,,..._ >rlooeiaft ,.".. Motttlwlw t _,4„-„ Phoabblg _ Piro 9 MIOeuAi>am Poo1 rIp11: rkew 6etviov - ck'MQk! _ AOOltkodAketnt tiart of S41vlao 7'elpanelry Poly 11lLoe4ttwltt. l: kisslCowdol ` NprAMl o ttlel 1 _„ Na v (Duct 14WO t A li MMy COO. RaRukoQ 1NombW NOW Comm mkl; # of PIItlureR _ M of wets At kl }' N of Ore Lbtw Plombtmwgw sum= W: N of wtt w Clona ifr MMg Ror*- Reo &MW or Cwrvmeotot Ooeamw Tim Ron mma f>rtnttwnrrall - ,/ J.Mtit t CvoNRetlwl Typr' t.fSloTlew , t erg vola:,_, Mia adi& i koots AOtletigi; _ ''L o u „q pOr4r0.. R '1 A. M: IFIrwM M~ LMROWI AAdrwr; % Rep, - Z A ' R it a A.nar HMOs ha e+otlgl • patodt m tb tha Trott one hpplkbllfoal y ioalnda I wKUy IbK ae Hoek ar itl de0 bill 000anottoed priq tp Qt msWrtesk a atn sn oHt wOt be ppeDeroal en rtteee plttp tra o[al khro r J salA+Vetiofl in dd jt, 1 uue> dtot • sapsrsp aoR DID >sue.Lrcnl. WARD. I+I.I I Ia1F1A, esmrl, wR[18, oc+ato, mAtxAcels, aoa eneo, qR rAMG6, ttwl 1 oottiq. tlwe.Il of lho atgolnR hubt.tluw 1i r+N ttaA ehot Il woelc 1r111 a tfous 91 wrrpla000 WNIh oq IlvAumtble htval r.ptt VMbola &W i0af0. nWARMNOTO OWMpt: YOUR FAIT VM TO RBCORD A I VnM Or QOMMW CBIatPI' MAY R89N1.T W YOM AVagMl 1WCs yOA *ftoM TO YOUR oR MTY. IP YOU V?rM TO ONT'AJN WRAWCW, COMMT WITH YOVA 1.11NL 8R oR AN Aryw aYR1romRbA*m4p YOUR N TMI orcommm"Maw, In ttdelllen a the wo aAr tdtMo patnle, throe tray M ttAAMkw.l wptletl awlame, to M rmlo wwwq of a / t4011p, trap IIIM ttq bs o0d11ioa k Pit te tuod Rtnn Ogisr S0VW MM1 tmliglt owh pt ndor w M 1ban0 Ih N soemtu dleMoot. as owoolu, er R+detsl yaieiet, K t tw..dpt!tbl wi11 mw* tilt+ ow&m *raw pw-tr of thy natdreata w or I•I` o e 1- ,va l vA- r ' Now t 0 Ntt Oo ototi , i dd MY SSION YElt p Wtpf& wqwuy Xamm19 Me W v ARI! OS, Zppg AI'JlROVALJ p / t WNW 03= 00 jennifer C, Grogan o . Commission # DD ppuns: AUG. A ate`4. A. So4ded Tbrulne Y" 11/21/2006 14:55 4076653622 SCHD ENV HEALTH PAGE 01/01 STATE OF FLORIDA CENTRAX #: 59-52-10670DEPARTMENTOFHEALTHDATEPAID: ONSITE SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM FEE PAID . $ CONSTRUCTION PEFaUT RECEIPT OSTDSNBR 06-1109•-AB CONSTRUCTION PERMIT FOR: New System [ ]Exi5ting System [ ]Holding Tank [ ] Innovative OtherRepair [ X ]Abandonment [ ]Temporary [ Uh ] APPLICANT: Falcon Devleppoment AGENT: 00-0000, X/A PROPERTY STREET ADDRESS: 217E S Ore on Ave Sanford FL LOT: 5 BLOCK: SUBDIVISION: N/A PROPERTY ID #. 32-19-30-501-0000-00 (Sect Ton/ Township/Range/Parcel No.] OR TAX ID NUMBER] SYSTEM MUST BE CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS OF CHAPTER 64E-6,FACDEPARTMENTAPPROVALOFSYSTEMDOESNOTGUARANTEESATISFACTORYPERFORMANCEFORANYSPECIFICTIMEPERIOD. ANY CHANGE IN MATERIAL FACTS WHICH SERVED AS A BASIS FOR ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT, REQUIRE THE APPLICANT TO MODIFY THE PERMIT APPLICATION. S[JCH MODIFICATIONS MAY RESULT IN THISPERMITBEINGMADENULLANDVOIp. ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT DOES NOT EXEMPT THE APPLICANT FROMCOMPLIANCEWITHOTHERFEDERAL, STATE OR LOCAL PERMITTING REQUIRED FOR PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT. SYSTEM DESIGN AND SPECIFICATIONS T [ 0 ] Gallons SEPTTC TANK A [ 0 ]Gallons N [ 0 )GALLONS GREASE INTERCEPTOR CAPACITYK [ 0 )GALLONS DOSING TANK CAPACITY [ 0 MULTI-CHAMBERED/IN SERIES: [Y ] MULTI-CHAMBERED/IN SERIES: [Y ] GALLONS @ (0 ]DOSES PER 24 HRS # PUMPS[ 0 ] D [ 0 ]SQUARE FEET PRIMARY DRAINFIELD SYSTEMR [ 0 ]SQUARE FEET SYSTEMATYPESYSTEM: standard I CONFIGURATION: bed N F LOCATION TO BENCHMARK: I ELEVATION OF PROPOSED SYSTEM E BOTTOM OF DRAINFIELD TO BE SITE ( 0.00 ] [ FEET 13ELOW]BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT L 0.00 ] [ FEET BENCHMARK/REFERENCE POINT D FILL REQUIRED:( 0.0 ]INCHES EXCAVATION REQUIRED: [ 0.0 ) INCHES m iiaensea contractor inatalli:rag the system is responsible for installing the minimumcategoryoftankinaccordancewiths. 64E-6.013(3)(f), FAC. Pump tank, crush or rupture bottom. Contact this office to inspect after ruptured or tank removalPriortobackfillinghole. Provide pump out reoeipt. After approval fill with suitable soil, pump out receipt, contact this department for inspection, PECIFICATIONS BY: Whidden han TITLE: PPROVED BY: Whidden Ma han TITLE: ZH specialist II Seminole CHD ATE ISSUED: 11/21/06 EXPIRATION DATE: 2/19/07 ' i 4026, 03/97 (Obaolttes Previous editions which may not be used) Stock Number: 5744-001-4016-0) rartd_eoar_inlr-y PaRO 7 nc 11/15/2006 11:08 4075858892 BRIAR PAGE 02/02 MARYANNE MORSE, CLERK OF CIRCUIT COURT SEMINOLE COUNTY NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT 8K 1371; (lpg) c CERTIFIED' CLEERKRK S #i 2Q Q E,1 &f,585 Permit No. RECORDED 11/27/200b 03:29t35;!)'4RYAN _ State of Florida Tax FRUQ& 12. H CL V R; County of Seminole - RECORDED BY t holden SWIN i Y The undcrsig"cd hereby gives notice that improvement will be made to certain real propp 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is ism'. and in accordance with ' = ` _ .•' prnvidod in this.Notiee of - CommcncCmcrtt. NU I. Description of property. (legal description of thePeTL3' and street adclress if available) rn ; ` 9 - O _ 0 2. General description of improvement: t ter% - s} Sa... { o ,, a 3. Owner information a. Name and address "1Zti : „ _ i. „ } r? _ _ '-J _ h. Interest in property ~ C. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other than Owner) ' Contractor a. Name d address h Plrunc number number 1- - as Fax nu 5. Surety a. Name and address b. Phone number Fax number c. Amount of bond b. Lender a. Name and address b. Phone number served as Fax number 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may beprovided bySection713.13(lxa)7., Florida Statutca: a. Name and address b- Phone number Fax number R. In addition to himself or Iterset Owner designates 713. 13 t to receive a Copy of the T.i ttor's Notice as providcd in Section xb), Ploridn statutes. a. Phone number Fax nirmber Expirationdateofnoticeofcommencement (the expiration date is 1 year dateisspecified) fronn the date of recording unless a different Signature of Owner worn to (or affirm ) and subscribed before57' methisAlov . y ersonally , Known V OR produced identification YpeofIdentifirntion -produced-. g' n o Public, P 1'1orlda 8r Yn Jennifer C, GrugU Commission # q l'1Pilt: AUG. 22, 2M of'P ,.` Bonded ran AtlanticBonA 8 Co. Inc PHIS INSUMtNT PR PARED Ro I 11 r l NAME 1 r