HomeMy WebLinkAbout1218 ORDINANCE NO. 1218 AN ORDINANCE OF TIlE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 621 OF SAID CITY, AS AMENDED, SAID ORDINANCE ADOPTING A POSITION CLASSIFICATION PLAN FOR THE EMPLOYEES OF SAID CITY, SAID AMENDMENT PROVIDING FOR THE ADDITION OF SALARY SCHEDULE IV AND SALARY SCHEDULE V, AND THE RECLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES AFFECTED THEREBY. WHEREAS, Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford0 Florida, passed and adopted October 14, 1957, as amended, provided for job requirements and classification of positions of employees of the City of Sanford, and established wages therefor; and WHEREAS~ the City Commission of the City of Sanford deems it necessary to adjust the wages of said employees affected by said plan, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. That Ordinance No. 621 of the City of Sanford, Florida, passed and adopted October 14, 1957~ as amended, be and the same is hereby amended by the addition of Salary Schedule IV and Salary Schedule V, and the reclassification of employees affected thereby, said Schedules and Position Classification Plan being attached hereto and hereby made a part of this Ordinance as fully and completely as though the same were set forth in this Section. SECTION 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Attest: of Sanfo~d, FloPida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1218, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 22nd day of April, 1974, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 23rd day of April, 1974. SALARY SCiqEDULE IV~ 44 Hour Week STEPS PAY GRADE A B C ID E F 32 A 5740.80 6032.00 6323.20 6656.00 6988.80 7342.40 M 478.40 502.67 526.93 554.67 582.40 611.87 B/W. 220.80 232.00 243.20 256.00 268.'80 282.40 W 110.40 116.00 121.60 128.00 134.40 141.20 H 2.50 2.63 2.76 '2.90 3.05' 3.20 33 5886.40 6177.60 6489.60 6822.40 7155.20 7529.60 490.53 514.80 540.80 568.53 596.27 627.47 226.40 237.60 249.60 262.40 275.20 289.60 113.20 118.80 124.80 131.20 137.60 144.80 , 2.57 2.70 2.83 2.98 3.12 '3~29 3~ 6Q32.00 6323.20 6656.00 6988.80 7342.40 7716.80 502.67 .526.93 554.67 582.40 611.87 ' 643~07 '232.00 243.20 256.00 268.80 282.40 296.80 116.00 121.60 128.00 134.40 141.20 148.40 2.63 2.76 2.90 3.05 3.20 3.37 35 6177.60 6489.60 6822.40 7155.20 7529.60 7904.00 514.80 540.80 568.53 596.27 627.47 658.67 237.60 249.60 262.40 '~ 275.20 289.60 304.00 1i8~80 124.80 131.20. 137.60 144.80 152.00 2.70 2.83 2.98 3.12 3.29 3.45 36 6323.20 6656.00 6988.80 7342.40 7716.80 8112.00 526.93 554.67 582.40 6~1.87 643.07 676.00 243.20 256.00 268.80 282j40 296.80 312.00 121.60 128.00 134.40 141.20 148.40 156.00 2.76 2.90 3.05 3.20 3.37 3.54 37 6489.60 6822.40 7155.20 7529.60 7904.00 8320.00 540.80 568.53 596.27 627.47 658.67 693.33 249.60 262.40 275.20 '289.60 304.00 320.00 124.80 131.20 137.60 144.80 152.00 160.00 2.83 2.98 3.12 3.29 3.45 3.63 38 6656.00 6988.80 7342.40 · 7716.80 8112.00 8528.00 554.67 582.40 611.87 643.07 676.00 710.67 256.00 '268.80 282.40 296.80 312.00 320.00 128.00 134.40 141.20 148.40 156.00 164.00 2.90 3.05 3.20 3.37 3154 3.72 SALARY SCF~EDULE 44 Hour Week STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 39 A 6822.40 7155.20 7529.60 7904.00 8320.00 8736.00 M 568.53 596.27 627.47 658.67 ' 693.33 728.00 B/W 262.40 275.20 289.60 304.00 320.00 336.00 W 131.20 137.60 144.80 152.00 160.00 168.00 H 2.98 3.12 3.29 3.45 3.13 3.81 40 6988.80 7342.40 7716.80 8112.00 8528.00 8964.80 582.40 611.87 643.07 676.00 710.67 747.07 268.80 282.40 296.80 312.00 328.00 344.80, 134.50 141.20 148.40 156.00 164.00 172.40 3.05 3.20 3.37 3.54 3.72 3.91 41 '7~155.20 7529.60 7904.00 8320.00 8736.00 9193.60 596.27 627.47 658.67 693.33 728.00 766.13 275.20 289.60 304.00 320.00 336.00 353.60 137.60 144.80 152.00 160.00 168.00 176.80 3.12 3.29 3.45 3.63 3.81 ' 4.01 42 7342.40 7716.80 8112.00 8528.00 8964.00 9422°40 611.87 643.07 676.00 710.67 747.07 785.20 - j~2~2.40 296.80 312~00 328.00 344.80 362.40 141.20 ' 148.40 156.00 164.00 172.40 181.20 3.20 3.37 3.54 3.72 3.91 4.11 45 ~ 7904.00 8320.00 8736.00 9193.60 9651.20 10150.40 658.67 693.33 728.00 766.13 804.27 845.87 304.00 320.00 33 6.00 353.60 371.20 390.40 152.00 160.00 168.00 176.80 185.60 195.20 3.45 3.63 3.81 4.01 4.21 4.43 45 A 8076.00 8487°00 8923.00 9380.00 9861.00 10=3~,4.00 673.00 707.25 743.58 781.66 821.75 863.67 310.62 326.42 343.19 360.77 . 379.27 398.62 155.30 163.21 171.60 180.38 189.63 199.31 3.52 3.70 3.90 4.09 4.30 4.52 46 8320°00 8736.00 9193.60 9651.20 10150.40 106~0.40 693.33 .' 728.00 766.13 804.27 845.87 889.20 320.00 336.00 353.60 371.20 390.40 410.40 160.00 168.00 176.80 185.60 195.20 205.20 3.63 3.81 4.01 4.21 4.43 4.66 '~ '° ~'~ PAY SCHEDULE IV 44 Hour Week STEPS PAY GRADE A B C D E F 46A A 8498.00 8923.00 9380.00 9849.00 10341.00 10558.00 M 708.17 743.58 781.67 820.75 861.75 904.83 B/W 326.85~ 343.19 360.77 378.81 397.73 417.62 W 163.42 171.60 180.38 189.40 198.87 208.81 H 3.71 3.90, 4.09 4.30 ~.51 4.74 47 8736.00 9193.60 9651.20 10150.40 10670.40 11211.20 728.00 766.13 804.27 845.87 889.20 934.27 336.00 353.60 371.20 390.40 410.40 431.20 168.00 176.80 185.60 195.20 205.20 215.60 3.81 4.01 4.21 4.43 4.66 4.9<) 48 9193.60 9651.20 10150.40 10670.40 11211.20 11772.80 ~Y66.13 804.27 845.87 889.20 934.27 981.07~- 353.60 371.20 390.40 410.40 431.20 452.80 176.80 '185.60 195.20 205.20 215.60 226,40 4.01 4.21 4.43 4.66 4.90 5.14 49 9651.20 10150.40 10670.40 11211.20 11772.80 12376.00 804.27 845.87 889.20 934.27 981.08 1031.33 371.20 390.40 410.40 431.20 452.80 4~6.00 ........ !8~.60~ 195.20 -205~20 215.60 226140 238.00 =~ 4.21I 4.43 4."66 ~ 4.90 5.14 5.40 50 10150.40 10670.40 11211.20 11772.80 12376.00 13000.00 845.87 889.20 934.27 981.07 1031.33 1083.33 390~40 410.40 431.20 452.80 476.00 500.00 195.20 205.20 215.60 226.40 238.00 250.00 4.43 4.66 4.90 5.14 5.40 5.68. 51 10670.40 11211.20 11772.80 12376.00 13000.00 13644.80 889.20 934.27 981.07 1031.33 1083.33 1137.07 410.40 431.20 452.80, 476.00 500.00 524.80 205.20 215.60 226.40 238.00 250.00 262.40 4.66. 4.90 5.14 5.40 5.68 5.96 52 11211.20 11772.80 12376.00 13000.00 13644.80 14331.20 934.27 981.07 1031.33 1083.33 1137.07 1194.27 431.20 452.80 476.00 500.00 524.80 551.20 215.60 226.40 238.00 250.00 262.40 275.60 4.90 5.14 5.40 5.68 5.96 6.26