HomeMy WebLinkAbout282 Live Oak Blvdr'0111t o : r/J `- • • •• Job Addresr. , zia'Z „_ E t !C. "'l..i, Descrilltion of Work: „ Q ' 200 Zs "' SL 7— F[istoric District: — T= ouin Value of Work: S 7 F'''" • — C , r Permit Type. Duilding Mcclrical Mcchallical Plumbiril; Firc SprinklcdAlanrl Electrical: New Service - it of AMPS ^_ Addilion/Alteraliun Chance of Service •Tempot':iry Pole Mccltanleat:.Rcsidrntial NorNRacidcmbl Rcplaccnu,u 1.'cw (Duct Layout /[: fincrgy C1t; Rcquirctl) Plumbing/ No%y Cotuntcrcial: it of Fixture: 0 of Water S: Sewer Lines o of Gas Lines PlurnbiuglNew Resiticutial: It of Water Clo.-cm )'lunlbinS Repair — RcsidentiAl nr Colrnnercial Oeeupaaey Type Residential Comrncocial industrial 'Total Square f'nolaFc. Construction Type: f1 of Stories: fl of Dtt'emor, Units: Clood 'Lolls: (FLmA form requil•cd fol' othertban X) Parcel it: Owatrs Name dt Address: Attach 1'00(aC l ncrsGip at Legal Ll, i c Phnne: 16 Colitractor Namc S'Addrers:tA` CO 0 D l N •— ------ 0 2 N( , d StiriJ E ( 17 •G 1 - -7 ( Stale License Numb"; 01. g 7- _... _ 1Q.,,p r7C0 Alone:-32Z95 g Phene A Fax: yD-i f l fl 3 Contact Person: ` 06.4100„ company: ilddiress• _ I -A, . Mlorupv Lender. ArehilceUSn;inecr: Atlllress Applilation Is hereby nude to obtain a pr:rndt to do the Work, and insullation; as indicated. 1 codify that no work Of imlanalion ha, eolnoncneat prior la Ibej=Anm ora penitit attd that all work will be perfonned to meet standard; of all laws rcguhlinS construction in this jurisdiction, I llnderidalld that a scparitcpermitmostbesecuredforCJX--CTRICAL% OM PLUMBING, SiGNS. WCL1.S. POOLS, FURNACES. BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS. and AiR CONOITiONV%S, cte. ONVNEICS AF •IDAV rr: i certify that all or the rerecoinE infonlution is accurate and Brat all work will be done in eoingiliaace with all applicable I-mv; m4paUingctinshwlionandzoning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAIi.URC TO IWCORD A NOTICE Ov COtiMCNCemis•NT MAY itLSIIi.T IN Tour, PAYING TWiCS FOR 1MPROVCMiRM TO YOUR PROPGRiY. ".'YOU INTCNO TO OBTAIN IWANCNG, CONSULT WM4 YOUR LUNDER OR AN ATTORNEY BF-CORLI RECORDING YOUR NO•I'ICE Ov' COHML•NCUMENT. N CI Ip adthUlwl lV tIW Impo rcnlcnls of Ihit (trrnlil, there 111>y IK :llplilil+ml a 00C inn., applicmble to this prapcoy 01a1 n1.y be fuund in oat: pabuc neank of this CttYllly. and lherc nl ly be adtlili011a1 permits required from uthet I;V1 Cnullental CIIIiIiCS `SIK I+ Dix P: al 0113rc11icl1t di l.icm, mir, arelleim in' redarad atpxim Aaepwrltx o omit is verifiealia that 1 ++;11 notify the ol:ner of tiW p'u,ftny 0(Ihe rcQuire o(i1a+ n Ia nat • of Uhler/A$ti11 l)arc Si aulnC Of Comtycl /Agcnl . Prild Ownca r 7 • tnrc or I r PWft - Sbfe of Fbtido DD263267 APPLICATION AITKOV1:t) IIY: Ill 11rin C WIClur•Alcllt's Namc tiila:alure of i+:arySlat. ul' 10106:3 Aatt DEBBIE BLANTON Div coatktsaddtt'+1* ovIt ea9it 1 r ..i) _L(p1M1F.AbwaLy25.2W/._ I-900•a-WTARY r:t rmdy Discount Assoc. do. FG: _ Ir1ilill .l L)al.l (Ini:i:.l ; i)al) (h+dial C Ualt 16 1 1 Cial l•+41+IIlrlN1;.: - .. ._....... ...__-... _-_•__-_..-...-... - • ______-_..- , _.-.. .--. w. sal - : ' .. Td WdOT:ZT S00i'_ £Z '-Apbl £££60E£40P 'ON 3NDHd !jooa 1000pdiaoupjnsul-6u!(a2X (,IDad POWER OF ATTORNEY Date: 1, Andrew J. (Andy) Adcock do hereby authorize Ruben Birch To pull the Reroof permit for o?Sa Li E l AA< Bi- type of permit) odress 7j Z- 71l01 Z DAFNEY FAYE ADCOCK NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA MY Comm. Explree DEC. 2, 200o COMM, 0 DD370600 Notary Stamp Personally k n to me or driver license # , of State of Florida, County of Z 1,1 day of a, e C z os AFFIDAVIT REGARDING ROOF DRY -IN AND FLASHING INSPECTIONS Company: g6raQ 6:2 License #: eee 0 ZZ S l dAoub rzew_44 . Ct Project Information II Owner: EAkN N L L n me 2`b2 L( 7A-t,,) P-C; r2—, z-1-1 1 address Permit #: Subdivision: 4,9 7- 6-71- 1-7 D U Lot M phone I, & , affiant, hereby affirm that I am the duly licensed contractor of record for the above referenced permit, that all the foregoing information is true and accurate, and that the dry -in, flashings at the above referenced address or lot has been installed in accordance with the applicable codes and standards. Contractor: 1 X c4x signature A& printed Arne STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF :2e M lyL 0 L This instrument was acknowledg9d before me this day of a_vC - , 20 5, by the above referenced individual, PL- i AC>000 lL , who acknowledged that he/she is a duly licensed contractor with 171 A iP- a r- F71-ow-c- r-> A• , and who acknowledged that he/she was authorized to execute this document. He/she is eithe rsona own to me or produced as valid identi ica ion. WITNESS my hand and seal this Z day of f , 20,* DAFNEY FAYE ADCOCK Notary Pub ;c NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA MY Comm. Expires DEC. 2, 2008 COMM, 0 DD370009 t.-t4o 3hte of Florida Pernnit No. NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Tax Folio No. (PID) County of Seminole The undersigned hereby gives notice that imprownent will be made to certain real property, and in swordanco with Chapter 7 • 713, Florida Statutes. the foilowina intomration is provided in this Notice of Commmneemcat. DESCRIPTION OF PROPXRTX (Legal description of the property and street address) CERTIFIED Cop', 2 -R— E ) _'DA.em `S L.sb . Fcat.`+sue—ate •/ 4ARYANNI= MORSE G ARK OF CIRCUIT COURT GIENERAL DIESCRIlY lON OF ROROVEMENT _ C _e SEMIN L(0^NTY, FLORIDA OWNER INFORMATION lur.' Nome and addmn t, t_ L1kNAB As Interest in propem (Fee simple, Pattnerswx Cie.) NAME AND ADDRESS OF FEE W4FLE TITLE BOLDER{IF OTHER THAN OWNER) CONTRACTOR Moe and adcress SURE MondiogCompany) ' INpI1111NpIN N A MINN INe r11 11 1 Noate and address HNIANNE MRSE4 MERE 11F CIRCUIT CIRMT Amount of Bond 9EMINpi.E COlM BK 05662 P6 0354 LENDER Name aced addtess CLERK'S 0 2905049528 704 AN w••••••.••••••w•••••i•••••••.••••••••••w•ww•••it.l••Mblfi3r11 1•• Persons within the State of Florida derigoaud by Owoer upon whom notice or other documents may be served as provided by Sortim 713.13(lxa)7 Florida StattW. Name and address In addition to hitmselt Owner dwigaatr s of to restive a copy of the I.ienor'a Notice as provided in Soetion 713.13(l)(b), Florida Statutes. w.••.•••••••.••••••..•.•.•.•••.••........ Expiration Date of Notice of Cotmmeneeaaent CU wtpiration date is 1 veer Dam date of recording unl different dare: is s.;r f-q•) sig4wre 6 Owner CHARLE3 E BREWV Sworn to and a ed before we this Day of c r Notary Public - Sfofe of mlbibrt6 Metplov, M Commission Expires• commmaaior, a e ary Public BOndPdBVNWWno1Ptni. The foregoing iostnrmwt was ad wlodgt:d before me this _ 23 day of 1`(1 a,r 6, , #rl 2 sw - 2a. l 1 (name of person adotowledged). who is personally known to me yr who has produced (type of identification) as identifcation and who did / did not take an oath> Zd Wdll :ZT SBBZ 0 'JeW £££6B££L6tr : 'ON BNOHd ; jooa M000pd/aouejnsul-6ut IaaX ; (.qbj