HomeMy WebLinkAbout2418 French Cirw c.- 1 c-[L a: C) c. rr r 0o Cnm p o t4 WCl) ZWW 9© W F— o ErQCC Z t1 o J (O W r— a,/j 0-1866' Rec. s Doe.St. 775DAM H. D BRIE ER t F Ig:;CC C1C;' RECORDED & VERIFIED RAMCO FORM 01 WARRANTY DEED ` i a j 7 / / INDIVID, TOINDIVIDl( 0 6 '{ "'rTr87 JUN -3 AM 8. 47 This Warranty bleed blade Cite l ./(lay Lof May f1. U. 19 871,y SALVATORE LAURETTA o f hereirurf ter called the grantor, to L. BASIL SAVARD and rOSALIND E. SAVARD, husband and wife tv lose postof f ice address is 4017 Highwood Drive Chattanooga, Tennessee 3741 hereinafter callers the grantee: IWhereve.r usel d herein the terms " grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this instrument and the heirs, legarc nexeutatices and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations) J 1lW tnQSSQth. That they grantor, for and in consideration of llte sum of $ 10.00 and other t` vuluahle considerations, receipt whereof is hereby acknowledcted, hereby grants, bargains, sells, aliens, re - ale l f all land SeminoleUrnises, releases, conveys am concrmsuntothegrantee, « fluff certain anc situale in County, Horido, viz: z Lots 2 through 6 inclusive, Lots 15 through 19 inclusive and the North 11.8 i feet of Lots 1 and 20, Block 15, 3RD SECTION DREAMWOLD, according to the v) Plat thereof as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 70, of the Public Records of Seminole County, Florida (LESS the Easterly 8 feet thereof and less Road Right -of -Way) SUBJECT TO all valid Restrictions, Conditions, Reservations, Limitations and Easements of record, however this reference shall not serve to reimpose same. GRANTOR FURTHER WARRANTS that the above described property does not now and has never constituted Grantor's Homestead and is not now and has never been contiguous to Grantor's Homestead. cn to m c-n 0 r— ITI Together ,- with allthe tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in jtny- o O wise appertaining. To ' nave and to -Hold, rite same in fee simple forever. w Ati[l fire grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; that the grantor has good right and lawful authority to sell and convey said land; that the grantor hereby fully warrants the fill(, to said land and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever; and that said land is free of all encumbrances, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 19 86. DA to li. BERRIEN EpK OF 4:lp-IJIT COURT RECORDED & VERIFIED SEMIIIOLE ,i lat l'f, FL t 66472 l9;17DEC 28 N110-38 In Witness iUW11tr0f, , the said grantor has signed and sealed these presents the day and year first abov . urrif ten. Signed' sealed and dehve to o presence: Wi n SALVATORE LAURETTA k': .....-.......................-----......... ----- -- ....... ...._. ... Witness STATE OF / COUNTY OF t j 0,(,n 1 I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally,appcarcd SALVATORE LAURETTA';i;, to the known td bi :lht person described in and who executed the foregoing instnn uent-atid "'he acknowledged before methat he executed •ttj uismv,, JA .V'W i.,SS my hand and official seal In the County and 51%LF 4se,,jAresaid this day of G ; • •, May a 7 , A, D. 19 87 O TA n a V a.. •, A U D';Lus`fa; y Publi'-My Commiss Expires: ilrrl(t, f3ic r{ird hy,. PAT F1,CjA M. UeRF FFEL : 11I31.IC OF NEW JERSEY lots stssss`v t1in.Y }-cbru y mmisSlo% E ' 8,1999 I SPACEBELOWFOR RECORDERS USE I I 7/ Documentary Tax Pd. $ / 1 .ll Intangible Tax Pd. David N. Berrien, Clerk Seminole Cnun'. y Bv. D.C. 42-A g - R 7 aA. 45o44waJ? FP l854 P 073Z.. J'wrL a At CD J CJ ^' V O UJ O STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE RN • and Subscribed before me e eb 987 hw,, -,,,, i + piaPbllc A. P ,' r Nolary Public, State of Fl,,n q da st large ti ` r••,,.... z Y. tOrnmission expires September 02, 1989 1 1111Ipt11µp, .rj+y: this 28th day of FLORIDA ENERGY EFFICIENCY CODE FOR BUILDING CONSTRUCTION SECTION 5 • BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM 500-8 6 ADMINISTERED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS STATISTICS: RESIDENTIAL AND NON-RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SEE S. 501.1 PROJECT NAME: % (,jgs ZONE: ADDRESS: BUILDING CLASSIFICATIONS CITY ZIP CODE: SA/,j ;t ^ / BUILDING PERMIT NO.: BUILDER: PERMITTING OFFICE: OWNER: JURISDICTION NO.: Agzn O BUILDING INFORMATION COMPONENT U-VALUE Total) NET AREA Square Feet) J Concrete Block Structure (CBS) Wood frame Other U= U= -" 2_ U= Other U= N cc 0 Under Attic Cavity Single Assembly Other U= I 7 O U= U= gConcrete LLr, Total Conditioned Floor Area Over Unconditioned Space Wooa=D er Unconditioned Space Slab on Grade U= U= Clear Single Glaze ; ? 1 Clear Double Glaze Tint Single Glaze Tint Double Glaze Skylights Other U= • 2 U= U= U= U= U= Ir Wood Metal Insulated Other U= 0,33 yo U= U= U= a w F >, mmoo U N Total Lighting Wattage .................................... L pi a Q Total Conditioned Floor = l Area (sq. ft.)........................................ ! ( Watts/sq. ft. Lighting Budget Maximum = . Watts/sq. ft. SYSTEMS INFORMATION AIR CONDITIONER EFFICIENCY EER ) or (SEER ) or (COP ) HEATING SYSTEM TYPE STRIP HEAT PUMP GAS OIL SOLAR HEATING SYSTEM EFFICIENCY COP.2J or EFFICIENCY = % (Steady-state) HOT WATER SYSTEM TYPE ELECTRIC HEAT RECOVERY GAS OIL SOLAR Uo wall Allowable - 7 Uo wall Actual • D • 1 Q If complying under the provisions of S. 502.1, enter the combined Uo Uo roof/ceiling Allowable b Uo roof/ceiling Actual Lam• O values for the entire envelope in this section. Uo floor Allowable L_ ,1 _ llg'floor Actual U.envelope Allowable Uo envelope Actual OTTV wall Allowable — OTTV wall Actual r. OTTV roof/ceiling Allowable'- f"—r OTTV roof/ceiling Actual In accordance with Section 553.907, F_S., I hereby certify that the plans and specifications covered by this calculation are incompliance with the Florida Energy Code. OWNER/AGENT: DATE: Review of the plans and specifications covered by this calculation indicate com- pliance with the Florida Energy Code. Before construction is completed, this building will be inspected for mpliance in accordance with Sect' n 5553.908 F.S. BUILDING OFFICIAL: YU I" DATE: " PERMIT NO CHECKED by SECTION 5 WORKSHEET FOR ENERGY CALCULATIONS BUILDING DESIGN BY COMPONENT PERFORMANCE APPROACH FORM 500-86 State of Florida Energy Code 1. GROSS WALL AREAS A) WALL TYPE: _ %^ k 'A. /`1F _ = l % 3 sq. ft. B) WALL TYPE: = sq. ft. C) WALL TYPE: = sq. ft. D) WALL TYPE: = sq. ft. TOTAL GROSS WALL AREA = sq. ft. 2. GLASS AREAS (Includes areas of windows, sliding glass doors, glass entrance doors) GLASS TYPE AND AREA BY ORIENTATION OR SINGLE DOUBLE CLEAR sq. ft.) TINT sq. ft.) SHADING COEFFICIENT CLEAR sq. ft.) TINT sq. ft.) SHADING COEFFICIENT N 2z NE E SE S SW W NW TOTAL sq. ft. TOTAL GLASS 3. DOORS (EXCLUDING GLASS DOORS) ; Door area in exterior building envelope.................................................................... _ sq. ft. Interior door area separating A/C from non A/C spaces ...................................................... _ ' sq. ft. TOTAL OPAQUE DOOR AREA = % V sq. ft. 4. NET OPAQUE WALL AREAS WALL TYPE GROSS WALL sq. ft.) GLASS AREA sq. ft.) DOOR AREA sq. ft.) NET OPAQUE WALL AREA sq. ft.) B. C. D. 5. ROOF/CEILING AREA i. AIR FILMS (LIST AIR FILMS IF USED TO DETERMINE U. VALUES) COMPONENT R-Value Outside Air Film Inside Air Film Wall i . f" ' Ceiling j Q 6., Floor DEVELOPMENT FEE WORKSHE Project Name: :) Z eZ6ffl 4_,)9V,9&6 6LYE 110tf Date: _//Z 'f Z,5w,- Orvner/Contact Person: Phone: Address: L(oc) LOGrt 0,-5w L",q 3, Type of Development: 1) RESIDENTIAL Type of Units (single family or multi -family): Total Number of Units: Type of Utility Connection individual connections or central water meter common sewer tap): water Meter Size (3/4n, 1", 2", etc.): REMARKS: 2) NON-RESIDENTIAL Type of Units (co=e--cial, industrial, etc. 0 ,^1 total Number of Buildings: Number of Fixture Units each building): Cy 3 Type o: Utility Connection individual connections or central water meter common sewer tap): Water Meter Site (3/4", 17? 1", 2", etc.): 0 CONNECTION FEE CALCULATION: S-15-64 T--fAge KYJ 5- 00 794 So --,) 9 U'YILITY DeVtF.us'>+ re ea i hater System Impact Fees Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC) 300 Gallons per Day (GPD) Residential - 650/Unit - Single family structure, or multi -family unit containing three (3) bedrooms or more. 487.50/Unit - Multi -family unit. ox Mobile Home unit containing less than three (3) bedrooms. (This category is based on judgement/assumption, estimation that such family units on average require 751 d 225 GPD of the water and sewer service of an average single family unit). Commercial - a. lype of Fixture or Gl•oup of fixtures Automatic clothes washer (2" otandplpe) liathrocin "ip consisting of a wiper Closet, lavatory & baLhtub W o1iower stall: Tatik water Closet Phis 1 valve water closet Bathtub (wit), or without overhead shower) Bidet Combination sink -and -tray w/food waste grinder Combination olnk-tend-tray w/one 11" trap Combination oink -and -tray w/separate 11°' trap Dental unit or cuspidor Fixture Unit Value 3 650/ERU - Fixture unit schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be used. One -ERU will be charged for connection and up to Dental lavatory twenty (20) fixture units. For projects having more than v prinking fountain twenty (20) fixture units the Impact Fee will be deter- mined by increments of 25% based on multiples of five t5) F SU 3• Dishwasher, domestic fixture units above the twenty (20) fixture unit base for — the first ERU. (Example: twenty-five (25) fixture units Floor drains W/2" waste will be rated as 1.25 ERU; twenty -slit (26) fixture units pS Kitchen oinki domestic w/one 11" trap will be rated as 1.5 ERU). 3,JT ' Kitchen oink, w/food waste grinder ewer system Impact Fees o Kitchen sink iw/food waste grinder L dishwasher 11'" 'trap aivalent Residential Connections + 270 Gallons per Day IGPD) Kitchen silk i domeat;i'c w/d shwaa her 1 1" trap Lavatory W/11" waste sidential - 1700 Unit - Single family structure, or multi -family -'unit containing Laundry tray (1 or 2 compartments) three (3) bedrooms or more. Shower stall, domestic 1275/Unit - Multi -family unit or Mobile Home unit containing less than . bedrooms. (This category is based on Showers (group) per headthree (3) judgement/assumption/estimation that such family units on Sinks: Surgeons average require 751 of water and sewer service of an Flushing rim (WIth valve) average single family unit). Service(tra;p ,atafltl;ard) Commercial - Industrial - Institutional Service (P trap) 1700/ERU - Fixture unit :schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be}` ERU be charged for connection and up to. 11 ocill ery, fr-tG. used, one will twenty (20) fixture units. For projects having more thans. Urinal, ,pedeotal 1 oyphon jet 'blowout twenty (2.0) fixture -unite the impact Fee will be increment's of 251 based on mul'tiples.of five (5) fixture units above Urinal, wal lip the twenty (20) fixture unit base for the first ERU. " Example: twenty-five (25) fixture units will be rated as ;, Ur;lnal stall Wa:OhOUt1e 1.25 ERU) twenty-six •126) fixture units will be rated as [ Url'nal trough (each 6e section) 1.5 ERU) . /:. 3 Ja • ook 7 Was Il, oink. (circul:or or multiple) , each set dUCCta 't Of ri 3. Water -Meter Connection Fees Water closet , privates (tank operation);: Y RATER 'METER SIZES FEES Ji Water closet, ,public (valve: operation) p' 3/4' $ -i3o. Fixtures not listed aUove: 9'rap , size 1 1 °' or J.-se 1 , 210. 11. boo. Trap size 1 1 °: 2' 500 ;. T - p size 3- 2,900. or they install 4,400.'or they install a. _ Trap21" size 6. 1,520. or they install Trap size 3" Sewer Connection Fee 44@ Standard /' Residential Connection - $260 Non-standard connection - TO SEDETERMINED Trap size l Reference: Standard Plunibing code, Table 1304.1 page l]-Y and Table 1304.2 ,page 13-5. 6 8 2 3 4 3 3 i 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 2 2 . 3, = 3 8 3 2 4 4 4 v 1 2 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 l a 6 oo v , - G 3 NOTE: ANY WATER OR SEWER TAP WORK THAT REQUIRES ANY STREET CUT OR TUNNELING OF Sri r ^''1•tT .F,r t t r r.t t.l•PinflAi. S?SO FOP ."rII St1Cil TAP. i f g1 I I I a y L F. 2 i Pi St ([ !! i v ,.y...