HomeMy WebLinkAbout3200 Orlando Drt 4') •61 h1. 4� .1 43 l Avt A -A 41 45,5 n v .ra I Rec OP N / ° CON( o e'eG/N NG / P,r^ / Ego 4?6 an.. °O SIV 4? a� 45.1 41'x° NL COR SEC, U, / ` -- -..a--- T- 20 5, R 3o -E, // Z - O F tT ? O W 45.1 CP �u415ZQ�` � I / 4 4 / J , U ) /415. 45 47' id Q t , TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY , t.r t , SURVEYJR.'S CERTIFICATE Thi; is to c,. rt ify that I have mad,. a Topographic Surv..y of the abnv,, d•=�eribt-d pr,:N,,rty and that thu pl. t hk-r,_nn del ir.eated i, an accurate of the ,amt;, I Iurth,,r certify that this Survr.y meats the !ii ri,.tum TechnlcuI bet: forth by the Florida Board of Land Surv,:yors pursuant 0, Sr'ctir}n 472.0: ] of the Florida Statutes. R. BLAIR KITNER - P.L.S. No. 33 2 P. 0. Box 823 - S,wfr,rd, Florida 32772 Survey Datta: 17 May 1985 NOTE: Elevations shown h�ruon are based on Florida Department of Transport,.: i Datum. PR03ECT N0. 81 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY t.r CAVALIER INNS , I PJC. L,_yal Deticript.ie-n V From th,: Nc,rtht:as t C,'rn .r 4 Sect i,)n 11, T:nvn hip 20 South, Range 30 East, cc l,l ir:,.� County, FI,•ri,l,,, run "(,uth. rly 711,6 fct;t to th,. West Lir,: of old State ft ,,,,J N,.,„ n„w St.,t4 Road 15 S 600, thunc,, run S.24 341W., alring trr. �ri,incl Right-(J-W,,y lir._ of said State Read 15 F, 600,c7i t ,nE.- of 706,!4 ft_ot, th-.nc�. run. N.61 261W,, �� ,Ji,t„nc_ .•I °0 f - out tc> lhr_ ,;xi -t inc; Riyftt-a-1Y 11r, of 5totu R,�ud 15 i; C, J (U.S. Ni ;horsy 17 & lr j for a POINT OF BEGINNIH(i, th,:nc,� run S.24`344W, , 225 f ;,.t, th,.nc, rur} tr.65 26'W., to Loke Ad;,, t h,enc, run N. rth ,J,,r'.y Laky tr) a ;.,,int N.65"261W., of th,. Point -,f B,yinning, ih,;nt_, run S.65"26'E., to thu Point of B,2:,inr,iny, SURVEYJR.'S CERTIFICATE Thi; is to c,. rt ify that I have mad,. a Topographic Surv..y of the abnv,, d•=�eribt-d pr,:N,,rty and that thu pl. t hk-r,_nn del ir.eated i, an accurate of the ,amt;, I Iurth,,r certify that this Survr.y meats the !ii ri,.tum TechnlcuI bet: forth by the Florida Board of Land Surv,:yors pursuant 0, Sr'ctir}n 472.0: ] of the Florida Statutes. R. BLAIR KITNER - P.L.S. No. 33 2 P. 0. Box 823 - S,wfr,rd, Florida 32772 Survey Datta: 17 May 1985 NOTE: Elevations shown h�ruon are based on Florida Department of Transport,.: i Datum. PR03ECT N0. 81 _ SITE PLAN )AT E APPROVED l_o�1(���I Oil NAME OF BUSINESS� 5�r4 u rn " ADDRESS_ Off-&r (� I f' 7 .� b (-,AGENT IJ Cff��l (� OWNER ( ff- l r(AA f �(U' 1� FOR* 4 T L,z A Inc. PREPARED FOR: Mr�. Gary Sharp, Fra n,c 772'7 Elm Hill Park - P.O. AFI Tennessee I Blount SILkes & Assocl*atesJ Consulting Civil Engineers & Surveyo-r,s 1199 N. Orange AVENUE Orlando, Florida 37804 t (305) 894-8804 t PRINTED JAfl u2 1,9187 53WI X11 SIKIS & AWSSOICIAIES' U.S. 17-92 NORTH LAKE J NNIE 2 1 SANFORD PLAZA 1 LAKE 12 SHOPPING CENTER ADA q�R'°oRr SITE' Now ego LAT, 28-24-15 NORTH LONG, 81-17-00 WEST ZONING GC -2 U.S. 17-92 CITY [IF SANFORD SECTI❑N 11, TWNSP, 20 S., RANGE 30 E, SEMINOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA VICINITY MAP UTILITY INFORMATION WATER OWNER; CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA REPRESEN"fATIVE: MR, RICK HOLLOWAY ENGINEERING DEPT. ADDRES: P.O. BOX 1778 SANFORD, FL, 32771 PHONE: (305) 322-3161 SEWER OWNER: CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA REPRESENTATIVES MR, RICK HOLLOWAY ENGINEERING DEPT. ADDRESS P.O. BOX 1778 SANFORD, FL, 32771 PHONE (305) 322-3161 ELECTRIC OWNER: FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT ADDRESS P.D. BOX 1817 SANFORD, FLORIDA 327 PHONE: (305) 322-5381 TELEPHONE OWNER: SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES CENTRAL DISTRICT ADDRESS 500 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32786 PHONE: (305) 237-3510 NATURAL GAS OWNER: FLORIDA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMPANY REPRESENTATIVES MR, SISLO ADDRESS 830 WEST 6 TH, STREET SANFORD, FLORIDA 32771 PHONE. (305) 322-5773 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 COVER SHEET 2 SITE GEOMETRY 3 PAVING, GRADING & DRAINAGE PLAN 4 SITE UTILITY PLAN 5 LANDSCAPE, PLAN 6 U.S, 17-92 R.-O.W. 7 LIFT (SUMP) STA. 8 DETAIL SHE,.E'T ��Q� , �.m�L h � Zai/ fl& APPROVED: JOHN M. SIKES, P.E. FL, REG. N0. 21534 NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE > IN. = 20 FT. 0 /0 20 � 40 L A A -YE 'ADA LEGAL DESCRIPTION FROM 411E NORT-IIEAST COIUIER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 20 SOUTH, RANGE 30 EASL, SEMINOLE COUN IY, FLORIDA, RUN SOU -11BLY 711.6 FEET TO TIIE WEST LINE OF OLD STATE ROAD NUMBER 3, NOW STAIE ROAD 15 & 600, THENCE RUN 5.24"-34'W., ALONG TIIE OIUNINAL RIGIfT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID STATE ROAD 15 & 600, A DISTANCE OF 706.4 FEEL, -(HENCE RUN N.650 -26'W., A DISTANCE OF 80 FEET *10 -1IIE EXISTING IMM -OF -WAY LINE OF &IME ROAD 15 & 600 (U.S. HIGHWAY 17&92) FUR A POINI OF BEGINNING, TIIENCE RIJN S.24" -34W. , 225 FEET, T1IENCE RUN N.650-26'14., -10 LAKE AI)A, TIIENCE RUN NORTH ALONG LAKE 10 POINT N.65" -26W., OF TIIE PO1NT OF BEGINNING, TIIENCE RUN S.65" -261E., -10 'TIIE POINF OF BEGINNING. 21 FT. J 41 41 1 43 2 CONSTRUCT 6' FT, HIGH CHAIN LINK FENCE WITH (SIGHT PROOF) 4142 43 44 \ SWALE SLOPE 31 44 43 42 5 41 .. 1 SITE DENSITY CALCULATIONS TOTAL SITE AREA = 1,78 ACRES BUILDING AREA - 5,000 SQ. FT. = 6% TOTAL PAVED AREA = 39,200 SQ. FT. - 517 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA = 35,200 SQ. FT. AVERAGE AREA OF DETENTION POND AND GREEN AREA = 24,830 SQ, FT, = 437. 100% ZONING GC -2 46 47 SHONEYS SIGN � DUMPSTER PAD 45 i 43 DETENTION I 42 POND 42 17 c� n' MY R, = 40.00' R. = 3.00' DESIGNED H.D. ANTES APPROVED DRAWN CHECKED A4 C Z NO. L DATE REVISION I BY LAI ECT ENGINEERREG. PROF. ENGINEER FLA 45 14 � 43 0 . 0 w 4 gin 1111m. A ill EAST 360.00 FT. 40,00' TYPICAL ISLAND DETAIL 21534 Consulting Civil Engineers & Surveyof's ORLANDO, FLORIDA • (30.5) 894-304 •llWUUU -1 ILITI POLE 9' AND E CO ROL BOX. G`—CONCRETE UTI ITY POLE 45 - 11 42,00' 12.00' 451 46 47 PARKING CALCULATIONS BASIC PARKING REQUIREMENT = 10 PARKING SPACES (RESTAURANT) TOTAL FLOOR AREA = 2,900 SQ. FT. - 1 SPACE PER 100 SQ. FT, (SERVICE AREA) EMPLOYEE PARKING = 12 EMPLOYEES ON LARGEST SHIFT - 1 SPACE PER 2 EMPLOYEES HANDICAPED PARKING = 2 HANDICAPED PARKING SPACES PER 100 SPACES (2%) TOTAL PARKING SPACES PROVIDED = 71 - TOTAL PARKING SPACES REQUIRED = 46 PARKING OVERAGE OF 25 PARKING SPACES ;m � I W Fil ... 1� Sig! alma'a cm 11111! NOTE'. IT IS THE CONTRACTORS RESPONSIBILITY TO SUB -CONTRACT AND OVERSEE THE SAFE RELOCATION OF ALL UTILITY POLES AND OVERHEAD CABLES AND WIRES AS DIRECTED BY THE UTILITY CO. OR SITE ENGINEER. 10 SPACES REQUIRED 29 SPACES REQUIRED 6 SPACES REQUIRED I SPACE REQUIRED SITE GEOMETRY DATE NOVEMBER SCALE 111= 20� PROJECT NO. 86037.01 SHEET NO. 2 OF 8 0 J NO. I DATE GRAPHIC SCALE 7 IN. = 20 FT. � 0 �� 20 � 40 ' LAKE' A 19 A 100 YEAR FLOOD / ELEVATION=44.5 N.6.V.U. REVISION LEGEND AIMC'Tf-n nnn 1 4 DRAINAGE AND PAVING NOTES 1. THIS SITE IS NOT UNDER DREDGE AND FILL JURISDICTI❑N PERSUANT TO RULE 17-4,022, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, THEREFORE ANY EARTHWORK DONE DOWNSTREAM OF THE (100 YR, FLOOD) HIGH WATER LINE SHALL NOT REQUIRE A DREDGE AND FILL PERMIT FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATION, 2. ALL PAVING SURFACES SHALL BE GRADED TO DRAIN POSITIVELY IN THE DIRECTION GENERALLY SHOWN BY THE FLOW ARROWS OR TYPICAL SECTI❑N OR SPOT GRADE, PAVED SURFACES SHALL ALSO BE GRADED TO PROVIDE A SMOOTHLY TRANSITIONED DRIVING SURFACE FOR VEHICLES WITH NO SHARP BREAKS AND NO UNUSUALLY STEEP OR REVERSE CHANGE SLOPES, APPROACHES TO INTERSECTIONS AND ENTRANCE AND EXIT FLOW LINE GRADES TO INTERSECTIONS WILL HAVE TO BE DETERMINED IN THE FIELD AND ADJUSTMENTS SHALL BE MADE IN THE CENTERLINE GRADES TO ACCOMPLISH THE PURPOSE OUTLINED. IT IS THE SUB -CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ACCOMPLISH THE ABOVE, AND THE ENGINEER SHALL BE CONSULTED S❑ THAT HE MAY MAKE ANY AND ALL REQUIRED INTERPRETATIONS OF THE PLANS OR GIVE SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS TO ACCOMPLISH THE INTENT OF THE PLANS, DESIGNED H.D. ANTES APPROVED DRAWN o CHECKED BY IAPPR'D. I PROJECT ENGINEER I REG. PROF PROPOSED SPOT GRADE TOP OF CURB ELEV, FLOW LINE PAVEMENT ELEV, PROPOSED DRAINAGE DIRECTION (FLOW ARROW) EXISTING SPOT ELEVATION A�C 3. ALL PARKING AND LOADING SPACES TO BE MARKED AND SIGNED, 4. EACH HANDICAPED PARKING SPACE MUST BE MARKED WITH A FIXED SIGN WHICH CONFORMS TO STATE STATUTES FOR 'PARKING BY DISABLED PERMIT 5. BACKFILL UNDER PAVEMENT SHALL BE APPROVED GRANULAR BACKFILL IN 12" LAYERS AND COMPACTED TO 100% MAXIMUM DENSITY AS DETERMINED BY A.A.S,H,Ta-T-99, & EXCAVATION AND PAVING SHALL BE DONE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE "STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR ROAD AND BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION' ADOPTED 1982 BY THE STATE OF FLORIDA AND ALL SUPPLEMENTS THERETO, 7, WHERE UNDERDRAINS ARE REQUIRED THE MATERIAL COMPOSING THE FILTER MEDIUM IN THE BERM OF THE DETENTION POND OR TRENCH SHALL BE COMPOSED OF CLEAN CREEK GRAVELS AND (NOT A LIME ROCK BASE OR SAND) MIXTURES SHALL BE APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER PRIOR TO INSTALLATION BY CONTRACTOR, 8. PAVEMENT MARKING SHALL BE OF THERMOPLASTIC OR EQUIVALENT, FOR PAVEMENT STRIPING PLAN PLEASE SEE LANDSCAPE PLAN, 21534 Consulting Civil Engineers & Surveyors ORLANDO, FLORIDA • (305) 894-3804 I g3 16b • • • w INC. PAVING, GRADING, & DRAINAGE PLAN DATE NOVEMBER SCALE III= 20� PROJECT NO. 8603701 SHEET NO. OF 8 Z NO. DA -1 NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE 1 IN. = 20 FT. REVISION 414243 44 SWA E SLOPE 31 4 P ❑P. GA METER K�OCATION - 40 CONSTRUCT M T URED END ION I � ,�ELEVv = 41.50 /" INSTALL 18' FT. F 18 N. R.C.P. rr( LAKEA DA 43 l 42 44 SAND TYPE "C" INLET 47 �NSTRuT TYPE: kC"` INLET z z WITH SKIMMER w(y)� zz q L 4 SEE DETAIL SHEET � w u w w Q 1:3 Q 3 43 I 3 c �,D DE'TE'NTION v1 i I I :'IN.V.' ELEV 42,44 42 POND " 5 EXCAVATE TO 41.0 42 q 5 AND STOCK PILE. 4 —F BOTTOM OF POND i ELEVATION = 42.50. r� Q 43 FILL MATERIAL IN z POND AREA WITH A CLEAN MINIMIJ C 0 Lr) EXISTING TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING ELECTRIC LINE CONSTR, TYPE "C" INLET GRATE ELEV. = 44.25 45 INV. ELEV. = 42.65 WEST 331.40 FT. 46 INSTALL 250' F . OF 1-1/2" IN, GAS SERVICE LINE MfN'.36' IN. OF COVER)__ PROPOSED ELECTRIC METER AND BOX SHONEY' S RESTAURANT LATERAL CLEAN-OUT 44PERMEABILTY-IOFT.D Y 44 0'� IN PLACE. �— I R D END SECTION CL INSTALL 40' FT, OF 18" R.C.P. AT .207. I w 0 43 rn 44 SEWER AND WATER NOTES (TY IAL S: TH ) 4 46 47 �NSTRuT TYPE: kC"` INLET z z H Q w(y)� zz q L 4 RATE �fi, 44 7p � w u w w Q 1:3 Q 3 I 3 �,D w v1 i I fl ffi 45 1, THE SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY THE WATER SERVICE LINE A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" BELOW FINISHED GRADE, TO TOP OF PIPE, 2, THE SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL EXTEND THE WATER SERVICE TO A POINT 3'-0' FROM THE FOUNDATION WALL. A VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THIS LOCATION, 3. WHERE WATER LINE CONFLICTS WITH STORM AND OR SANITARY SEWER THE WATER LINE SHALL BE LOWERED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER, 4, ROOF DRAINS, FOUNDATION DRAINS OR OTHER STORM WATER CONNECTION TO SANITARY SEWER ARE PROHIBITED. 5. THE SEWER SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL EXTEND 4" SEWER SERVICE TO WITHIN 5' FT. OF THE FOUNDATION WALL AT SPECIFIED GRADES, THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A CLFANOUT AT THIS LOCATION AND CONNECT THE SANITARY SERVICE FROM THE BUILDING. 6, ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE P.V.C, SEWER PIPE CONFORMING TO ASTH D-3034 S.D.R. 35, AND BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-2321, 7. THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS (2 WORKING DAYS) PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SUMP PUMP AND TESTING ❑F THE SEWER SYSTEM, DESIGNED H•D• ANTES APPROVED DRAWN d' CHECKED 13Y IAPPR'p. I PROJECT ENGINEER REG. PROF. ENGINEER FLA. NO. 21534 Consulting Civil Engineers & Surveyors ORLANDO, FLORIDA + (305) 894-3804 EXISTING ELECTRIC MAIN L/!"T:47i TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING FIREHYDRANT�� r a-9 z a H U �NSTRuT TYPE: kC"` INLET z w(y)� 3 q CLIo� wz I RATE �fi, 44 7p T j� r. iN Ra [ YP INCE U J moa 1:3 I ANL.tV, . 401U. RAT.E' E. 4 v1 i I I :'IN.V.' ELEV 42,44 4 —F Q 4 O CONTRO EAST 360.00 FT. 45 v H x 11 w 1, THE SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL LAY THE WATER SERVICE LINE A MINIMUM OF 3'-0" BELOW FINISHED GRADE, TO TOP OF PIPE, 2, THE SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL EXTEND THE WATER SERVICE TO A POINT 3'-0' FROM THE FOUNDATION WALL. A VALVE SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THIS LOCATION, 3. WHERE WATER LINE CONFLICTS WITH STORM AND OR SANITARY SEWER THE WATER LINE SHALL BE LOWERED DURING CONSTRUCTION TO MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 18" VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN SANITARY SEWER AND WATER, 4, ROOF DRAINS, FOUNDATION DRAINS OR OTHER STORM WATER CONNECTION TO SANITARY SEWER ARE PROHIBITED. 5. THE SEWER SUB -CONTRACTOR SHALL EXTEND 4" SEWER SERVICE TO WITHIN 5' FT. OF THE FOUNDATION WALL AT SPECIFIED GRADES, THE PLUMBING CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL A CLFANOUT AT THIS LOCATION AND CONNECT THE SANITARY SERVICE FROM THE BUILDING. 6, ALL SANITARY SEWER PIPE SHALL BE P.V.C, SEWER PIPE CONFORMING TO ASTH D-3034 S.D.R. 35, AND BE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ASTM D-2321, 7. THE PROJECT ENGINEER SHALL BE NOTIFIED A MINIMUM OF 48 HOURS (2 WORKING DAYS) PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF SUMP PUMP AND TESTING ❑F THE SEWER SYSTEM, DESIGNED H•D• ANTES APPROVED DRAWN d' CHECKED 13Y IAPPR'p. I PROJECT ENGINEER REG. PROF. ENGINEER FLA. NO. 21534 Consulting Civil Engineers & Surveyors ORLANDO, FLORIDA + (305) 894-3804 EXISTING ELECTRIC MAIN L/!"T:47i TELEPHONE LINE EXISTING FIREHYDRANT�� r a-9 z a H U w z w(y)� Qf`w LLJ CLIo� wz I 7-xo w U J moa 1:3 I v1 i 46 z 7C/)z � 4 V / Q nnQ, CITY WATER WELL BOX Q IN ROAD MEDIAN _ z BURIED CABLE �I 45 46 H 7� x w 220 I -T, NOTE : OVERHEAD LINES AND UTILI1Y POLES ARE TO BE MOVED AT THE OWNERS EXPENSE IF NECESSARY. SITE UTILITIES PLAN DATE PROJECT NO. NOVENIBER 86037.01 SCALE SHEET NO. 11= 20of 8 4 A NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE I IN. _ 20 FT. 0 >0 20 30 40 W 4142 43 4Ia SW'AILE SLOPE 3:1 4> 44 43 DET'ENT'ION 4 2 42 POND n PLANT LEGEND EXISTING 6 " _ - 12 " PINE' TRE E' ("SEE TR J' J' SURVElY & ARBOR PERMIT) PROPOSED L A UR E.L 0 A K IGUSRCUS LAURIFOLIAI HEI G .SII' 14' -- 16 ' 3--112)1 TO 4 'i CALIPER PROPOSED LI G U S 1 '_R U A;1 H-EDG A' (LIGUSTRUM JAPONICUM) fI_f�'IG SIT 24 )7 G�1 L. 3 (NT A OTT T')T '1\ T T-1 46 47 1 73 0 Gll 0 0 LANDSCAPE NOTES 45 1. ALL PLANT MATERIAL SHALL MEET OR EXCEED STANDARDS OF FLORIDA, 5, THE OWNER OF THE PROPERTY, AND/OR AGENT SHALL BE JOINTLY AND NO. 1, AS PRESENTED IN GRADES AND STANDARDS FOR NURSERY PLANTS", SEVERALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF ALL LANDSCAPING ON GOOD PART 1, 1963, AND PART 2, STATE OF FLORIDA, DEPT, OF AGRICULTURE, CONDITION S❑ AS TO PRESENT A NEAT, HEALTHY AND ORDERLY APPEARENCE, 2. TREES SHALL BE A MINIMUM HEIGHT OF SIX (6) FT, AND A MINIMUM CALIPER FREE OF REFUSE AND DEBRIS, OF 1 -1/2" INCHES, MEASURED ONE FT, ABOVE GROUND, IMMEDIATELY UPON 6, ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS SHALL BE PROVIDED WITH AN UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION PLANTING OR WHERE REQUIRED AS REPLACEMENT PLANTING, SYSTEM, (IN WORKING ORDER PRIOR TO C.O.) 3. ALL HEDGE MATERIAL USED FOR SCREENING VEHICULAR USE AREAS SHALL 7, ALL NATURAL VEGETATION AND TREES THAT WILL REMAIN ON SITE SHOULD BE BE PLANTED SO THAT A HEIGHT OF 4 FT, WILL BE ATTAINED WITHIN ONE YEAR UTILIZED WHERE APPLICABLE TO CONFORM TO CITY OF SANFORD LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS. OF PLANTING AS TO SCREEN A MINIMUM OF 757. OF THE VEHICULAR USE AREA 8. EXISTING TREES THAT ARE NOT REMOVED FOR CONSTRUCTION WILL BE PRESERVED 4, ALL LANDSCAPING SHALL BE INSTALLED ACCORDING 10 ACCEPTED COMMERICAL AND PROTECTED ACCORDING TO THE ARBOR ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, PLANTING PROCEDURES, SOIL, FREE OF LIME ROCK, PEBBLES, OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION DEBRIS SHALL BE PROVIDED, DESIGNED H.D. ANTES APPROVED DRAWN CHECKED NO. DATE REVISION BY APPR'D. PROJECT ENGINEER REG. PROF. ENGINEER FL Z 21534 Consulting Civil Engineers & Surveyors ORLANDO, FLORIDA * (305) 894-3804 451 46 47 LANDSCAPE PLAN 0 Wei DATE NOVEMBER SCALE II'= 20� PROJECT NO. 86037.01 SHEET NO. OF 8 0 c� n �o LL CONCRETE MITERED END SECTION FOR ELLIPTICAL C.P. 5 1 DE wA L K S K I N11 M E It uE,rAIL As:)H 3 S _0 A 0 6*,elod Q, I?ov,,d Co,rie'll V A 1) L OF ENTRANCE OF DRIVEWAY LD r 0� - A A. ­ I OP U1 IIILE r _O �q t I �rl A P 0 > STOP 21. 3/0 ___�MWNIIIIG SIHAP U11ILLED [[ELDER 141511`11010-'ING I G' .0". io, Vt W M SIGN '4" 6 A. I", PARINGB Y am aau Note: DISABLED FASIEH-_ P L A ti 1 - Backing distance for, truck shalt be limited to WUUnIVW 5111AP STOP mill 100' 111axililuill. III FiELvicur 1 .0 p E R flil 1 2 - For backing, turning area must be to Lite driver's S!DEWALK INTEGRAL CURB 13 left. _ UI 1111111 K, SECURE SKIMMER ILAUES To moupirinG L y 3 - buck cannot back out onto .3 irsidin street or a 51RAP3 01111 1/4*GALY. OUL13 AND Ld' TRAFFIC WHITE JIII lIj(jhWdy. FA31I if] co"Cleto Stab, j' rh*cA. liteinforced With Sod __1 STROKES 4 - When dunipster pad I s (I III the iptio mw�t F6,6 - WI 4 x A'I 4 lijito a illinlilluill Of a 17' oilmillit). w`4 rop VIEW - 5IJ`JGLE PIPE 41 TRAFFIC WHITE STRIPS ItAflUICAV PED SIGNI ELEVATION LADIES: DUMPSTER PAD SIDEWALK INTEGRAL CURB SOp _-A I ALL LFIIFRS ARE I' SERIES -C-I)ER mUICD. 1.0' FT. IL ELEV. 44.50 6w NT PAVEME C�17%5 1-1 SLOPE VARfES ELEV. 43,05 3. 8011011 PORFIOIJ Of SIGN SHALL HAVE A REFLECIORIZED (ENGINEER-GRAUE) WHIIE BACKGROUND ;11 111 BLACK OPAQUE LEGEND AIIU BORDER. Pipe Conn IC 4. Otir (1) SIGN REQUIRED FOR EACH PARKING SIIA(:[. SUjdId R-1 _19110 (,ad, S. 11 OF SIGN SHALL BE ]it ACCORDANCE Idlill SECTION 24-28 OF IJIF, HANDAL OU UrIlFORM IRAFF CE CoNIROj DpjICES. (ILUICU). .41 NO Plod Jjwl Po—OW, fJa� _r _1_-i _ STOP BAR AND SIGN J`Nj.0 Ft., 41 LOiels A -p-P, o � e d a I, rh a EiIj,,4, 7- E F-01 C.1"'t `_P_,pe-061e'nCluqed unal, unit P"C' SEC 1`10111 A GRADE--\ HANDICAPPED SIGN DETAIL PLAN Stood n) MoIc, A,,s F,), P,oei 29". J9'A­1 5 ... vo), Fur P,p,ij 29, 15'A,.d Lwgil, __ _ __ __ _1 '4 VERTICAL CURB 1V` A.S.C.S. (TYPE S-0 \—CI LAMP HOLE COVER,SIMILAR 8, 8 EQUAL TO "NEEtIAH FOUNDRY CO R-1970 SERIES CONCRETE MITERED END SECTION 6 SOIL CEMENT BASE NOTES: 2 2 1/4" (().TYPE 11 CEMENT FOR ELLIPTICAL CONCRETE PIPE _�--W' MIN CONC ENCASEME1,1T E CLASS -C" COI,IC 4000 PS.I. MIN. -E- 10 STABILIZED SUBGRADE A4 AT 12" C.C.E.W. V) 3 50 P.S.I.) F.8,V. (MIN.) "CL (2). REINFORCEMENT `4 V C WYE 8RAl`JCH—, L1j Sooj'` ~, 1 rte.---+ -- _ F L, 24" x 37" @12" O.C.E.W. VERTICAL POLY STOPPER BARS WILL BE 3" IN FROM INSIDE EDGES VERTICAL CURB TYPICAL PAVEMENT SECTION F-- OF THE STRUCTURE. I -rye ------ 04 AT 12C.C.E.W. (3). LIFTING HOOKS WILL ��= BE LOCATED INSIDE L SECTION WALLS IN BOTTOM F TYPICAL CLEAN-OUT PAD CLOSEST TO /T CORNERS. llarm eA45 10/10 WELDED NINE FABRIC. PAVEMENT MARKINGS TOP VIEW SADDLE SLOPE 4 1 MITER' To Ill PIPE FQR PIPES e 8 SMALLER 2 1 PIPES 24' a LARGER ?'I MITFR To t /t PE FCR R/W T I PIPE 18' a SMALLER I.I F'r T PIPES 24' a LARGER. SADDLE 5'- 0 p=2 C L VARIES (STEAMER NOZZLE cno`;5 DRAIN PIPE CUL11 SECTION TO FACE STREET) OUTFALL STRUCTURE FW. GR. FILJ_ ci EXTENSION Vd1-1 es CONCRETE MITERED END SECTION FOR R.C.P. BOX TYPE EAVALVE TWFI— LID 10 10di"eh -.Y/* '56x757 C/9J5 Saw ew" d1ld match TEE OFF CONCRETE 5AOoe %9 "/Ft MA 114 -T CON C R E E— OAIC. T} -(RUST GATE VALVE ff/ TIE RODS (BOTH SIDES) R/'A LInd 12' Min.. 60hiox.1 re ee Asphaleic Ccwn P/W L,m# Point of CumqCtioll to be delermaisd by the Engineer dtjrjnq ConstrUction. SIDEWALY, SHALL BE d flll(;K EXCEPT At DRIVEWAYS, WHERE e*0m,0aC,.'e0( 5ab-qnya�e to PLAN gh Note " . I 111 15 REQUIRED, FOIJ A MINIMUM -NiDot OF 0 FEET" KITH UO 4 GAUGE 8 G"xiB" WELDED lit III E M ESK (95 % Nod R,-oc e. 75 /'B. V. 4111 CONCRETE SIDEWALK J I %A NOTES: `,� / - -- FIRE HYDRANT DETAIL PROPOSED WIDENING SECTION A -A --i �2 1/4" 0).TYPE B CEMENT F -1� A4 AT 12" 4000 PS.I. MIN. 1 4,,- 34CL(2). REINFORCEMENT "4- �. /,- 6 1 Std V) 6-1 St'd. U I CA LIJ 3711 . f I C, is @12"O.C.E.W. VERTICAL 24 6 ShwIder II Shoulder Line 8 altl BARS WI LL BE 3 IN I' FT. STRIP OF SOD > Edge of Dav .1, . . . . . . dQV of ogy,t, FROM INSIDE EDGES Varies Varig- To be dalatmined by Varies_ M A OF THE STRUCTURE. SEED a LCH PROPOSED WIDENING 'cur OfIVS width and -angio ul LU lipwil *4 AT 12" C.C.E.W. (3). LIFTING HOOKS WILL Base and avrfacs to be the same as adiocant road ovoy A. 'us ALL DISTQRBED 12' a VARIES BE LOCATED INSIDE PLAt,j H 6' MIN. SECTION WALLS IN BOTTOM PAD CLOSEST TO Sod is 6 T a MATCH EXIST. CORNERS. �011t. SIUD hilm 12' kiln- 30rhiax flosiddlitiLl Siou / SAW cu SLOPE FT, EDGE OF PAVEMENT Gzv-� -5-cj,%5 VARIES N — --- 0 'zl -rHk--. j,4uLr_" __0A_ ­I m U t) cc T 1;��EXI,ST. ROADWAY MATERIALS Rot.ty Ditch-) FL Flodr Lkflis of pilI mA4<TH 7: 'A Sece, 0 4 USF 6212 UIUH BOTTOM INLET GHATE nd tion S e C_ -1 Iwo- — F 4- Varies 32' Mitt -for- C" 3" ASPHALTIC CONCRETE LONGITUDINAL SECTION f40rE I defg,is of M.I­eLi End U 6'01VC1efT11_ 57010 iIIII JTIIjjflLjq- JIIITUgjjj JUJI - Section see lode[ no 2 13. N. 7' C. TYPE S-1 35 to ORDER 110 I 19 0 a 0 a a j 8" LIMEROCK BASE I SPI Ll"IF (jr;jle riumite: 0 ------ U AA U__ Varies IF ­ U - -ily sleel lwlile� / 19 9 111 A n n 9 It '. m 1 2 Sm - U 9 tt)klidef) Fid.1 V L) I I Stf)kl Profile of eits lu,nout M snnq L_$ 9,� ri fr _- , fy I r11 Sol slope m co 1p;ur, I j ,�t ' '. _ �.-, s �: It) ➢' vanes sbe love, C rL. r Sloc� ezftltf 2' I 'a r develop.d in all r A.A. r, I 1— C4-.0611/fl —V cases. rtA-"-r WIx- ell _j Sloe* to III —, - _T r-11 r__ T. L-,*, I I o/ c u r, r�) cumit.cus Powl cu, L_ TO I r?&- P-- r r -v -,A, -T- ( r -, r-iC_-L 12" COMPACTED SUB— GRADE (95% MOD. PROCTOR 75 NOTE: U 201 TYP I.) REWORK SHOULDERS a DITCH TO PROVIDE PROPER DRAINAGE. 2.) ALL PAVEMENT MARKING TO BE PER. D.O.T. STANDARDS, FaA i A"', A 'i p ul Al, J., TYP. /0 12" COMPACTED SUB— GRADE (95% MOD. PROCTOR 75 NOTE: U 201 TYP I.) REWORK SHOULDERS a DITCH TO PROVIDE PROPER DRAINAGE. 2.) ALL PAVEMENT MARKING TO BE PER. D.O.T. STANDARDS, FaA i A"', A 'i p ul Al, J., , M LU to - 7 Uj 4 _ vi - : Qj ' � ,4 ✓. - , - _. � pry � ��� N D ELX T RAWI N G u,,u , d S^, i Tot TITLE SHEET , 1 FOUNDATION PLAN & DETILSy } r R F F � R ,INqi,:PLAN. d./1 T R U i+l, �✓ V R A 1 9 S , tw1 tL ` I H I...'!R � L' f— L A V "K FLAN V f tCi,a. ENERAL NOTICE TO SHONEY'S, INC. FRANCHISEE, GENERAL OR SUBCONTRACTOR, LOCAL ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER; LOCAL 4'. UILDINC AUTHORITIES, OR PERSONS IN ANY WAY INVOLVED WITH THESE DOCUMENTS: E-2 LIGHTING L. N REVISIONS . y Ey3 ELECTRICAL SCHEDULES RISERS' -i SE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEVELOPED TO PROVIDE GUIDELINES FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SHONEY'S S85 RESTAURANT. THE E4KITCHEN EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE � DETAILS (FORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN IS FOR A PROTOTYPE BUILDING AND MAY REQUIRE MODIFICATION FOR INDIVIDUAL PROJECT `)CATIONS ` O .CO�JFORIUI WITH APPLICABLE BUILDING OR HEALTH CODES Can OTHER DEQ'1GN OR CCaN57"RUCTION CRI "ERIA. `iHE ENERAL CONTRACTOR IS REQUIRED TO DETERMINE THE NECESSARY BUILDING MODIFICATIONS AND SUBMIT, IN WRITING, TO THE WNER A REQUEST TO ALTER THE BUILDING ACCORDINGLY. CONSTRUCTION SHALL NOT BE CONTINUED UNTIL THE OWNER GRANTS JCH APPROVAL TO THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR. THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR IS ALSO REQUIRED TO SECURE ALL PERMITS AND PPROVALS NECESSARY TO COMPLETE THE BUILDING FOR OCCUPANCY. JE OWNER OF THESE FLANS IS SHONEY'S, INC. 1727 ELM HILL PIKE NASHVILLE,'TEN'NESSEE 87210 r f m r 1371 PrAIMPI �177, 117. 05 xt. c -6T -4 - f,�­Ofl cor4 o it. cL 40 77� �A cz, -I a o s D 2) --1 T: S Lyra } ROo r- DECK 1FFIT -- _F3EgizIN WALL Tom, %?-- HCS TYPI -SEE r—) ;Ali. 2;A e) ;EACH GAF.i.t ChD -�-LOA:) 54ARir,�G \v/ALL 4-4! U" �1'•Gr" 8` 24-10'4_4,, W56 TYPE T 4-4 TR)65 W.PC Tr2. 411 gt--0 OF of Fgor4T GABLE - 6eL OTL TPA.65 iWE 73 8,11 ,;;5 it i -Co 8'1 TkU,55 TYPE T 4 9.1 �- GOOF Cl70UT- 5,=E PeTAIL� 1 y1wi= 001 IPMIIM I f Tfl—U,55 T)"PE: T-15 M --- DKOh Tni' CHOR-0 OF Tizu55 4 STICK FRAVIHO TOA C-tPT '�.00KvuT� ;� � o � • �"— �HErJ LINES ; f~C�ICAT� �jYoiv+ of 54,EA.e FF-Ati1IN3 E-,e`fVHCD 4 - + =� I 4 .�► TYPe Tt fT+TFL, TKU66 TNt� T& TICS 01ACIZovAM15 MINIMUM LOAD CRlTLKIA FOfl- 5ioH or T 70P 0 -CF-!) 20 F5" L i\/E 10 P5F OffAO L.04�D Is t,urnracior snail proviae temporary a permanent bracing at 3 locations on the trusses: Contractor shall submit shop drawings of wood trusses prior to fabrication. Indicate ��'�'E �Jti 1 c CHAT: (CAL U Bottom chord, 2) Web members, & 3) top chord. Temporary bracing may remain in species & stress grades of lumber to be used & details of metal connectors to be lace as used at all joints. Show pitch, span 6c location of trusses. Provide large scale P E-; t4 F`p, T fT ! C N `7 •J F � F O O P permanent bracing if these instructions are followed & if nailed so that S T' t4 V C'T L1 RE S [_ " nails are loaded laterally (not withdrawal). 2) Web Member Plane: Install diagonal bracing on all web members shown on truss details of typical connections & anchorages. SH T. rl2 1) Bottom Chord Plane: Install continuous lateral bracing the entire width of the drawings. These braces shall be nailed to web members & at approximately 45 NOTE: YaO`11DE BR1D(;INC AND WIND BRACING AS PER LOCAL, 'ODES Contractor shall provide truss manufa,-urer's design & engineering data for the building & perpendicular to the trusses. The first brace shall be located parallel to degree angles to web members. Diagonal braces shall be between 1210" & 16'0" in required trusses including stress diagrams & the name & seal or registration number the first line of the truss span. Additional bracing shall be located i length &shall be re and State of registry of a licensed �rofessioiial or structural engineer. P g parallel to the g peated at approximately 20'0" intervals along the length of the 4) Note: Provide double trusses, as required to carry weight of mechanical units shown -- --- first brace & at 1010" intervals approaching the truss nearing locations. These shall trusses. in addition to front loads. be nailed to the top side of the bottom chord do shall overlap at least two trusses 3) Top Chord Plane: Top chords will be sufficiently braced when plywood roof sheating 5) Contractor to add brace under plywood joint 0 all "scab -on" conditions. where connected. One complete bay of diagonal bracing shall be applied at the is properly installed temporary bracing may be applied as needed. 6)C) Irut.AT��N G=r`;P= iq� �� �3E�L i�i.� C:4E`f'rl. j1Nir7kAi�, �N�L,,js: �i•je I extreme front (Entry be Dining Wall) & extend to the extreme rear (Kitchen rear GENEiAL NOTE: Minimum size for diagonal do lateral wood braces shall be nominal (--'C;I'-1L;UI-, T,",[V, /4+40 SFJq��}c.l,� CUyKCTE Ta �&V&J P%�'T �" wall). This bracing shall be at approximately 45 degree angles to lateral bracing 3t one bj four inch members, "Standard" grade, any species. A minimum of two eight Of ��d' 10 VN6atpmv1 � 1 run between bearing wall & nearest lateral brace. penny nails are required at the junction of each brace & truss member. 9 4 N ti M W W liJ � a NJ W 7 x d W u J X LW N n S J LL Q N� cT O .J 'LL CD Z W J vu W REVISIONS Je��092 DATE NUaY I, i'►+� SHEET NO 1��D 9 a 0 Isr-SE -4 Vill AVW cof�►c. ra_liFL� Ll LLA C. CUA LW LU iL95 eA "/4 left M v4J 0 4 z 7_7 771,7717 y COOL dw MIS - 1 y A IL I I I I Jill �' - _ J4 - } �' A 17MIM i Ww 0 04 a M I a NOWF. A WN Ww. ■ `••!1...4r.►vl���'.A:is':"i'.::+i.s1:�:+►.M.`1."rR�►�:.� li ,, it I 4 ,�wl�f- -- r` I i I � r��� L I - ---`- _ '���� - 1<� j � "� �iJ, r�l \`�`��,'�' Tat - 1, � , I i- ul I.' tj LIA f - T. 41 L L OF RAI KI r 7L�5 NN-Vill, To (rw) IV 1-1 I r ol 05 Lt L:`� i _ 1 , _ l I� I— - P> I A Ike** --- Amok COA-r �ol K27 N&V CAI�4e4 If Vill 01 1 4 TCP I ALLMI'l r R4 14 4'1 F -et IVVI- H Z: OAF - 7`7 -4 TLe A— fj T- SF - Ilk - Till A; A z 77 4 7 7 Z Z Y Z :�SVV it :fz,. _7 1al it, ITT= I k i I I I I I I I rl I I I I I I I I 111 1 ]A' 811 f I I i I I I I I I At ��CPVVVV 'YALL Cot -I WA iL _ _ ...� � , ,� � I . ' . � . � Y _ AL.u� f NSM ��,,� � � -7, t7 IN \VAL14. CIO I Cuft� ?W-iC�- FRVVVVV� NYALL or nc-picr�vc t�oo� SAN 11'e_I' o I .i IL► �' - _ J4 - } �' A 17MIM i Ww 0 04 a M I a NOWF. A WN Ww. ■ `••!1...4r.►vl���'.A:is':"i'.::+i.s1:�:+►.M.`1."rR�►�:.� li ,, it I 4 ,�wl�f- -- r` I i I � r��� L I - ---`- _ '���� - 1<� j � "� �iJ, r�l \`�`��,'�' Tat - 1, � , I i- ul I.' tj LIA f - T. 41 L L OF RAI KI r 7L�5 NN-Vill, To (rw) IV 1-1 I r ol 05 Lt L:`� i _ 1 , _ l I� I— - P> I A Ike** --- Amok COA-r �ol K27 N&V CAI�4e4 If Vill 01 1 4 TCP I ALLMI'l r R4 14 4'1 F -et IVVI- H Z: OAF - 7`7 -4 TLe A— fj T- SF - Ilk - Till A; A z 77 4 7 7 Z Z Y Z :�SVV it :fz,. _7 1al it, ITT= I k i I I I I I I I rl I I I I I I I I 111 1 ]A' 811 f I I i I I I I I I At ��CPVVVV 'YALL Cot -I WA iL _ _ ...� � , ,� � I . ' . � . � Y _ AL.u� f NSM ��,,� � � -7, t7 IN \VAL14. CIO I Cuft� ?W-iC�- FRVVVVV� NYALL or nc-picr�vc t�oo� SAN 11'e_I' o I It A 0 mom A" A UFA wamlmomT [0 kw;o,�ATCX� a V4, rIE:5 - owl t)�km 0 2 i A v ( 71T) Oto 40>'v' r '� 1 �°� ) 27 I I I .......... I (41 17 T tr 1. 4Co t'2 5 f��GTEP CZILINC.7 I/ 4W. I I wo 0 I IOT %�r� �/ 1�.1 \1 %--1/;� f.l I Il.. >I`^.� I 7'1 I •� ".� f f" ( � � /---D rte!1- N , �I u���rr►�� - �HF-,E7,- F- ,2 1 ,-,11 r.., 1-r- ,--.. ._-. I- _-. (2- (.1C;11I ar- W2LJt-�J,::� l FI1�►M FINISH CrILII�G �u/ 1i1 t5r oWr, II`t'�w' ccT �`— ANOI,E ALLSID� T:IX"tJc (1 '�" '� . 11,t`�rr 1. T►or1 L IOUT 50X'5ECTIO� 'W4 _ 1 � c tf,,�r1 �a) fr)ICvHT- /4qr-K,I..a Tv 'r)Utft;, ffAL5ff- b�M DEVIL (a-) I Y,2 a �, _ 0 N 0 -- TYPICAL pEA('1 INTEFtiSEGTlO!'1 FlXT':JF-t �ZY 0 ;rICA1JDt--25cENT 9XTLJ?.t, frtetr1 ANT' FIX''Ur^P •1VALL MTD 2x4 INr rt I , -- -F�-Ute'-t'fr FIA rUts rt--1TJF�� 8°x16SOFFIT V�'`IT 2,O I�T. Gtr °�i� MDurJ T � — ----� rl,UPfLe4�CcOiGi rur W 0 I IV vrzzoj^�-L. P Oft" UMO&C DWI& ftTU14H A41% Q4NW -na CONT, THOU =0 oftt4HO .17 lot 77wr Wa Fn.ml FUNII-AHs 1) 1 IO' �C- *1 rz .- OrA.1-40A,$0 rP-U-),5 TYpa T qitm 6rOdP- HMO . A n4L , X 9,Y 1 10 liv Tv/ to c'4&Nt%;1oeT e W%11-61 Odle- o-fti-*v ofs W m-rw000 o,&x(j!eT bi nxo ftp TC)' TI.C.Aftloe-q. C4 rtzvt X4 QN-IM UVtKCr-) i. - il 45r�Tlop � 1��Z'ffi 1�C��� ai 22M M11 3 MN115H PAMNG Gpro-OLN (HTefAK�P) TH )-*'C eTAH L556 P37L, 03C�- MT,) F,AnW4tEF) qmr �& GAI CVALVII ey-T. �� TH�65HOLD L,.n oil 0 `-� a IS F111111101110 AIIIIII i b!V pr aw YJ j4 Ills ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . . . . . . . o sit d, of, 7F' I N 1A4, WC)OO Tp;')Itl 121A`7 Tflv) F-'�f�U4 WIDTH FAH�IHCn T1! . �1:el I r t A -T- I m(m Ed D N I m AMWAl'aliout —\IIH-rL k4,N-L, COY�f`* 7-rFr-_\'A" zz� lx-�o RAI t� ?-AIL El -nL THFIlli O�Hlrr_�) I riill!llll rill IMEM 0 slow 7777577�771177777 fli�'.1,�"WeA?�,�,�t;��ZI?4i;�-"Itt�)10,�$-VAtAllk?oil�k4r�)�tzot?g"S4,�,�5���&I,�l.,Y�irl4iSJ7;1"��'PP,?,�, 'TAsNu AwHiH )H • Re C.7 Lx 'wt Tl rel 7 Ll 77, Zl I I -nL THFIlli O�Hlrr_�) I riill!llll rill IMEM 0 slow 7777577�771177777 fli�'.1,�"WeA?�,�,�t;��ZI?4i;�-"Itt�)10,�$-VAtAllk?oil�k4r�)�tzot?g"S4,�,�5���&I,�l.,Y�irl4iSJ7;1"��'PP,?,�, 'TAsNu N95 -TRIM �41_FrD ------- — -C-Nr) FK_ ,V4' THK-). MEN ................. Ai kTTF TTI AwHiH )H N95 -TRIM �41_FrD ------- — -C-Nr) FK_ ,V4' THK-). MEN ................. Ai kTTF TTI A n A T►L� PARATF-p 5 ?1 T O HC,Y OCF' Y OTHEPS P Cie? h -ilei' ay OT �=RO5 WA -L -HUH ralt'ih 411x411 CCF" Y411 -'Ll (pjt Ki: SINK MTbl h r til �A 'I � 1 I T►L� PARATF-p 5 ?1 T O HC,Y OCF' Y OTHEPS P Cie? h -ilei' ay OT �=RO5 WA -L -HUH ralt'ih 411x411 CCF" Y411 -'Ll (pjt Ki: SINK MTbl h k A rxjTOW C ORO OF T'iz —� 21t.61 r LA,T 2 b 1 b•�T ell, col -'T ICS` W/--570 I CV,II V- ACCU�5TICAL TILS CLI•° , 1''4 VGA TFLIM -_ V x \VGA TlzJM ---_ _ TFI� -- -� � HEAD 0 V,4 a PLYWCU) t CST \1Ka�Q \Yf'�lha�C: T <+ CNINC It)' F►N wu.� �rwG' Jx'olr. c�' r. °� . OVb CN 1K3 Tlle Tlh.� P ;; T )n' fto rUP`?F'11 O `CEf%wMcC TILE _ lX IJ FI�IEZ� DNINO 'c' ,. l% ( Fes- � . 'e�` 1K�o � .J r. q'•V I x 4 ThIM °d f 1 1 A(o TPi►M TILS=1n1 . ' ' �nLE AFS w I� C.AOr UNTrL. w/ ® �° _ .�N 2 5 Erb �.*1► 5u�rI�T G —� 12 Trgr-, - . TRIM A5 MEq'D. 115 GLAZIh•G IN ALUM, FF'yAME ..: ��, '; � YI YL W �''�=i� 7p . 6 0u • ' verle�u TIS •� r� ,► it Mie ,ir rr+r :► iM1 mill --{Z-- -- %m FUtf..jG?), MtN t . i iu:: rte. TiLz ocryi IC Tum N aN! N$U' d' Pt° s, Wt, TFNm \ \ ` FIJ bUC; VO-eN =. Tlt.F, tom: TlLZ- Ceh/h ICi TI LE N J Glfi %folk. 6'VP 2 v�Pt>31"ATiCx-i i,Tit. c1*, nL C•p lIC Tl L j*lC1N. CULfMl, TLE I OHC fin j�'�`v,,A. �l—`MIG. I L� ►, r SIT H M � t rAa o 5;T Vr� t� Tif.rl >' +�� �t r- �T�'r f-i� �✓ PA4NTW CLCD n '�.� Y",`I //�' �} W�'V ( .. ,. J�"'.y . �1jn�', �i/'..�]yt��� .� �/"�• \ { j�• I ,, , ...�4".. i, w. .•-, tMN1 TLTTUa,1F1 /\TFx(%y uwxr, r^I n \V /... Isi'� nc .�ttr .%.Tti tC r -l: :w ��i :ltit*I 1.11"-1 M7n "1-t'YW M+�,.•V�--1 n`iwl.-_ d 1'r^*. Ire+ -. c • ,,.: �. , 1 i . I A ....i , .,LL imb w� rV\=YCAA i Jib •�f1"r'?�r • 2 �c� W...T' Afro MLS' r H VC II j!I CIt� R SID ;'CU If✓ti'-a > �l •I �rgWIiING MOUNTING ; DTL. 20 •t� CL > , ' %g2,i tp�U Cr Sr el V`-� / z�''•a' "f ��.e:'r:+►. i 53 c "rz' • tic-ce-) r •tri A , e k, J 17 VIEW WtHDOW I :14 I T. 1 T I m K ,, _ � i � _ .. _. .:. ,, r.: '. .. ;.: � - - ,.. .. ,, . ., .. ,. ;* ,;. _ , ,. ,. _. ... ,. ;: ,, . . , ... ,... •.. _. ;. .. ,.. �� '. ,,.: . .., .. .. ..._,..�.......u. �:.� �,. .. .. _.. 4 E .4 t I PfrGN PC rpt FcoI~ culla P'i-I-, -Z,EF-3 P� � EF 4 � TO Ir►�r� i.C-IDr�+��J',r 'ef i�PT�• Fq4 MCX'4D :F ',-, t IT A-1 rc;r- cq�IeHaaATe �ee� P-ru, 71m,-,� FJ ('•, FVTCH POCEFT PTL mss~ E /M I � t s ? - I � 1 f ' ' II !• 1 li x I � N IL. __•_ .... 1 I� l i ; II i iJ I 1.. HVAC GENERAL PROVISIONS r'yy�'� J/�`^j 1 / �ljaq� ►3 I ��'✓ �G ✓J ~ /� "l I I rL(..l G 1 / L.�' / �� I I 1 1 I ( 1 P II ( I I I 1 I I_ it P_ P I I f_ I t- I t=/ - r II 2f_ ,�I_ I ,ry' i _ I 1.1 Furnish all materials, labor, tools, transportation and incidentals to complete in every detail, and leave in working order all items called for herein or shown on the accompanying drawings. 1.2 It is the responsibility of the mechanical contractor to read all specifications and consult all drawings which may affect the installation and coordination of his work with other trades. Mechanical contractor to coordinate and make minor-adjustmentsuin location of equipment and materials as necessary to secure coordination. 1.3 The layout shown on the drawings is based on a particular make of equipment. If another make of equipment is desired, contractor must provide six submittal sets of shop drawings to the owner for approval prior to starting work. These submittals must also show all required modifitatioiass and changes, including those involving other trades, and the cost thereof included in his bid. Mechanical contractor must receive approved submittal copy, signed by owner (staff engineer) before proceeding with any modifications of specifications. 1.4 Contact the owner/staff engineer immediately if any discrepancies or omissions in drawings or specifications are found. If there are any questions regarding the intent thereof, the owner/staff engineer should be consulted. 1.5 The mechanical contractor is required to visit the site and fully inform himself concerning all conditions affecting the scope of work. Failure to do so shall not relieve the mechanical contractor of any respoM bllity in: the performance of his work. 1.6 All workmanship to be of the highest quality in accordance with the best practices of the trade by craftsmen skilled in this particular work. 1.7 Mechanical contractor shall file all drawings, pay all fees and obtain all permits and certificates of inspection relative to this work. 1.8 Completed installation shall conform to all applicable Federal, State and local codes and ordinances, including but not limited to the latest approved editions of the following: 1. State building code 2. NFPA-90A, NFPA-96, NFPA-101 3. Occupational Health and Safety Act (OSHA) of 1971 and all ammendments. 1.9 Mechanical contractor shall submit to owner's representative four (4) copies of a final certified test and balance . report of the HVAC system. The report must be prepared in accordance with the instructions and format, enclosed in the specifications. 1.10 &Jstew layout is schematic and exact locations shall be determined by structavat and athee conditions, coordinated with other trades. The mechanical contractor shall carefully investigate the structural and finish conditions affecting his work *and shall arrange _ such work accordingly, furnishing fittings and accessories to meet required conditions. Structural supports are not to be out or altered to assure fit of HVAC system. In. the event that structural elements appear to prohibit installation of , the HVAC equipment the owner/staff engineer shall be contacted immediately before proceesing with the work. In the event the mechanical contractor proceeds without specific approval by the staff engineer, the rnechadical contractor shall bear the full responsibility for correcting any damaged or altered structural elements and any subsequent work that directly 'relates to the correction of the altered element. 1.11 Mechanical contractor is responsible for all defects, repairs and replacements in materials anti workmanship for a period of one (1) year after final payment is approved. Mechanical contractor to honor factory warranties on all equipment provided as a part of this system. 1.12 Upon completion of the project, all system equipment and materials shall be in new, clean condi,orewith all damage restored to acceptable condition. All equipment, components and ductwork shall be inspected and thoroughly cleaned, ready- far use. At completion of the job, all mi celianeous tools, scaff0l4ing, surplus materials, rubbish and debris shall be removed by this corttrac tor. 1.13, If HVAC equipment is used for temporary heating, the mechanical contractor must assume the respvnsibiiity for cleaning filters, coils, etc. Final, permanent connectior, of services to units must be complete prior to any start-up of equipment. 1.14 Duct sleeves shall be provided by mechanical contractor to the general contractor prior to wall construction. Where pipes. or d'lcts are to pass through, sleeves shall be of equal or greater gauge metal than pipes passing through. 2. RVAC EQUIPMENT 2.1. RT -1, RT -2, RT -3 to be Trane for Company owned units. None other accepted. (See roof top data schedule). All units to be single package type, combination air to air electric cooling, and natural gas fired heating. Units to be mounted on- a snatching full perimeter roof curb. Filters to be V throw away type. A clean set` of replacement filters to be provided by the mechanical contractor upon start-up of equipment. Units to have two stage heating, and 25% spring return, motorized outside air intake dampers. Units to be equipped with crankcase heaters and automatic ignition system. Mechanical contractor to provide a temperature controller to lockout compressor operation on all Trane units below 40 degrees F. Lockout thermostats to be Honeywell T678NI437 or equal. (Note: (2) single pole, double throw connections.) 2.2 All fans to be per fan schedule and are to be located as shown on drawings. All openings are to be field verified. 2.3 Condensers, provided by others, are to be set in place by the mechanical contractor. 3. UNIT ROOF, CURBS AND RAILS 3.1 Mechanical contractor to provide all curbs and rails to support EF -1, through EF -6, MUA-1, MUA-2, RT -1, RT -2, & RT -3 as well as rails for condenser' units. All curbs to match' equipment. Curbs to be insulated, and pitched to match -slope of roof. Curbs also to include wood nailers, welded steel shell, base plate and 45 degree cant strip. Rails to be pitched and have welded steel shells and base plates, with wood nailers and cant strips. 3.2 Outside dimensions of fan curbs are listed on fan schedule, as well as minimum' allowable height. Curb construction and height to conform to the requirements of NFPA-96 and local requirements. 3.3 Roof top unit curbs to match units exactly and shall include required duct flange supports. Minimum height at shallow end of roof top curbs shall be 12 inches. 4. DUCTWORK & I1ISDLATION -.K HFATM fWf_ On-, M u0 F wfw,b Td M4T(__ VLA TRL&�_)p q�-OrvrWR6 i� I � I ' ' C i # [&LT FIRMED f{cof , I {i i 1 � .L, taow (b"Jyr I; /Y LOE5 T`�Fft), EntOr E WK • vel rLYIC0e O -K , 1 I 1 1 4.1 Construction standards and recommendations of SMACNA "Low pressure duct construction standards", Latest Edition, shall be followed with respect to !onstruction, insulation and supporting of all ductwork. 4.2 Dimensions on drawings for rectangular duct indicate finished dimensions. These finished dimensions include an allowance for internal insulation. 4.3 All supply and return ducts with interior insulation shall be I inch thick @ 1 1/ft density, glued and pinned. Special fittings located within roof top unit curb, and drops that connect unit to duct trunk shall be insulated with 3 inch thick duct liner. 4.4 Rectangular duct trunks to be isolated from unit vibration with the use of approved flexible connectors in both supply and return drops. 4.5 All round' duct to be sized as shown on drawings. Provide 1 inch sleeve insulation. Flexible duct to be Owens-Corning INL-25 insulated duct with foil vapor barrier. Flexible duct to be UL appeoved with conductance of .22 at 750 F. Vinyl wrapped sleeve in flexible duct is not acceptable. 446 Round pipe take offs to be "spin --in" type with air "scoops and dampers". All round pipe to be connected with sheet metal screws and supported with 1" metal strap. 4.7 Dishwasher exhaust ducts shall be soldered at the seams and joints. 4.8 Exhaust duct (EF -1, EF -2, EF -3, EF -4) shall be 16 gauge black iron with welded joints and seams. Duct to be installed per NFPA 96 and local code requirements. 1 4.9 All round connections to diffusers as well as elbow occurring at, the diffuser shall be sheet metal with sleeve insulation. Flexible elbows or duct attachments at the diffuser are not acceptable. See Detail (11/M-3) 4.10 To prevent the formation of condensation on the ductwork, the following precautions must be taken by the contractor. a. All internally insula tbd rectangular duct must have insula:`tion .tit 'joints carefully trimmed to assure a butt fit or overlay of insulation. b. All round pipe take -offs, all joints between rectangular, hard pipe, and flex connections, and all connections at diffusers are to be sealed with sheet metal duct sealer, as manufactured by "United Sheet Metal" or equal, to ;prevent any air leakage at corrections. ' See Detail (Il/M-3). c. A-1 sleeve insulation at take -offs, or any other connection to have loose ends em:)edded in duct mastic to assure uniform coverage of insulation and to prevent arty exposure of fiberglass liner to atmosphere. See Detail (11/M-3) 4.11 In areas of the country having high humidity conditions (N6W "Orleans, Florida, etc.) this contractor shall submit, as an optional quote, to provide round fiberglass ductwork (including elbows) in lieu -of.! the procedure described above in Specification Sections 4.5, 4.9, 4.1013 & 4.10C. Section 4.6 still applies. A 5. EXHAUST HOODS 5.1 Exhaust hoods will be provided by owner. Backshelf hoods will be wall hung by mechanical contractor, with duct. work installation by the mechanical contractor. Canopy hoods shall be installed complete! by the mechanical contractor. Canopy hoods shall be securely` a ent a 1�o building. 6. Alii. DEVICES 6.1 Devices as indicated on the Air Dew•see 3cher3'ule on the drawings. Devices to be of style, mounting type, accessories and finish indicated. 6.2 Metal -Aire, Titus, or Anemostaat equals to devices specified are acceptable. Provide six submittal sets, if alternate diffusers are used. 6.3 Mechanical Contractor responsible to insulate the back of diffusers. 7. ELEC'T'RICAL - CONTROLS 7.1 Mech. contractor is responsible for the installation of all control wiring required to operate the HVAC equipment as specified herein. Wiring shall be installed in accordance with the latest edition of the N.E.C. Equipment starter, disconnects, and fuses supplied by Shoney's on Company owned units ONLY. Equipment starters, disconnects, and fuses supplied by HVAC contractor on Non -Company units. Power wiring by the electrical contractor. 7.2 RT -1, RT -2 and RT -3 room thermostats to be two stage heating, two stage cooling with automatic change over and locking guard. Thermostat and guard model numbers are listed on equipment data schedule. All keys for covers (2 each) are to be turned over to the store manager with installation, operation and maintenance .instruction manual at the completion of the project. The heating and cooling mode of each unit shall be incapable of simultaneous operation. 7.3 RT -1, RT -2, and RT -3 Control Sequence - Gas Heating. As room thermostat (two stage heat) calls for heat the electronic ignition system shall be energized, lighting the pilot. Flame sensor verified pilot ignition and first stage of gas valve opens and ignites burners. Should additional heat be required, the second stage portion of gas valve shall open, providing full heating output capacity. When thermostat is satisfied, both pilot and burners are extinguished. Continuous fan operation. 7.4 RT -1, RT -2, RT -3 Control Sequence - Cooling RT -1, RT -2, and RT -3 are two stage cooling units. First stage call from room thermostat to activate first stage of cooling. If additional cooling is required, the second stage compressor shall be activated. Compressors shall shut down when thermostat is satisfied. Fan operation is continuous when in "on" position. Fan operation cycles by the thermostat when in the "auto" position. 7.5 Outside air intake on all three units to be spring return motorized type. In the event of power loss to the motor, the damper shall return to full closed position. 7.6 MUA#2 is to be interlocked, by electrician to operate only when EF -5 is in operation. EF -6 to be interlocked with dlshwsher operation. NOTE: Match amp draw of switch to EF -5 motor amp draw. 7.7 EF -9 to be wired for operation through a breaker. Fan operation will be continuous when breaker is on. (By electrician). 8. OPERATION ANDVMA1NTENANCE INS;I'RUC'1'IONS 8.1 Instruct the Owner's representative in all matters pertaining to .the proper maintenance of equipment furnished under this contract. 8.2 Submit three sets (3) of instruction books, including installation, 'operation and maintenance instructions, pamphlets or brochures and all equipment warranties obtained from, each manufacturer of • equipment.. d �UL•, la+t�T�UyfM�e►PAH CIALI / i - M�+/�' ,��'e , F ir' jpbq " /Pyr .�/ gyp'' ufe 1 5ML&L OFL tom- QFL I,.,. OHTWE IGH7 r' )`Ch r TAIL. GSM- %i 1b. CUeu. lw F tM� MC- AO STACO.1 VALP g ift GIF�Gd.,Mple. �1��.' 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F. 1-1/2" waste -stub through wall 12" above rough concrete slab. G. 2" waste -stub through floor 6". H. Syrup chase P.V.C. pipe with long sweep ell's 6" above slab. I. Refrigerator line - 3" P.V.C. pipe. J. 3/4" gas line down to broiler. K. 1" H.W. stubbed through wall at 16" above rough concrete slab. L., ,,ya Gm,�7F'lrQj wtot4_ Li,�d ^?tz `JP j wk -.•rt Gam, IELIN6 P-1 Water closet( P.V.) P-2 Urinal P-3 Lavatory -wail hung P-4 Lavatory P-5 Sink, hand wash P-6 Floor Drain - above rough concrete slab P-7 Wall hydrant (� 1� .,fA. WALr, GK f7AAMe*fir P-8 Grease interceptor P -g Trench edrain !'d'1L* .4UieIMT ?.1 P-10 3" hub drain - set top 4" above rough concrete slab. P-11 4" hub drain - set top 4" above rough concrete slab. P-12 Water closet (F.T-) a P-13 Shock Absorber C.O. Closnout I ' P -lel stop Sink F-i`� HC V44,TE. C_L >-_r_T P u, I "ZI" run GPA40 - l-er T&r 4'� R r' r - v iK ICA4 IT yl WVI-A-Ttp:k 10 Ap GAL. 6T(,;W<-e 250 (:r-(-1 10 PUT, P 14 urtwo,* /_VC UlHiT Ot�l �,Wr 1�-F: ip To--, -wH wrJ14 CF�� �UH9 6 1, AL�U K-rrck-z-:tJ cauipMatiT �wf, r5r?, H L L my iFt ofit-�5� FPOVIt� A0, H. 4 V, I WA&M, pigt- MHN, Cadf-J TI V4S lf> A Au, �y r Tr PPcMre, covrz f -CA �A-Nla al WATEP­ GIHS�5 A -r RK -H E�*WIPM55(4T' �).T J fly eQLAimAet4,r 'NrrR A Lar- cr W-10-4 -�r,H& W,16+tr F-5 4 LA\/ATC;P4F,--6 ee 4Z TO A�r_.,, u A use o mea4,,r-Iicsk... F -m ' ei� f,14.0 all Qos� f:zmH ftz��, C.-�)A'5 R4rgFt�-a DIAC,6" AM ro F7-0 ?lt4C+2- 6,-r AWA =-)H A?e.: C_ 6r _rCP 1 VOI " oeove Po.�VIH ccxj6?eZc_ SL^6. Aul Cf T�_� P_ 7 AILL, v6rr u 14r --c,;,, � F-XH/-\u,6r bIALL � Id -O" H If -J. Fr ON rY 11 OH A,C,. UHMP CV) MA -44P A^, P- 10 MlRblftip FIXTLJf%E -TYMCAL It-JOICATICX4 ► A4 WU I PM eff IJO. -lYrICAL WDICATIC 15:,f - A 12, aj, OFF-. A �u �cT►cot"� 50xe 5 1=0*L "OiE ;icP�7 To F:;r-Eezef- I f f C^ L. 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PROVIDE FLEX CONDUIT FROM R.G. CONDUIT STUB -UP TO COUNTER MOUNTED RECEPTACLE AT FRONT COUNTER. TWO CIRCUITS FOR CASH REGISTERS SHALL BE RUN IN SEPARATE CONDUIT WITH SEPARATE GROUND --INSTALL RECEPTACLE HUBBELL NO. 1GS261 OR APPROVED EQUAL. SBE DETAIL SAtOT e'-3. ELECTRICIAN TO RUN 110 V. FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM LOCATION PER CITY CODE (VARIED). Al Lu w w y Z YJ 1 S Lw N jam) 1L. J � �"".. m ©� 1 r LAJ J I� F- il.l di W REVISIONS GATE SHEET NO 14 Y i T� t� U -.. ' ' , Ha ; ►�►au r ucl�. _ VYH r � f '75q INN IN F IG4L1 (FI"..._ li G54A,161 I o . IMI,{ .,..r�� /l4: ... `t'( Pit. PItFfC�fa. r ..7. ?iF. m 2,6f�z Z:. Ari SGI ,I .15 4 `���c IC,FCf ��Y �u� iL.. � �r� ► ��I� � �l� .0 f... fr 14 Y i IA: !® .1 - _V; - 4 1 I , . KIMVIU, L WON r Tai t;. -T. Ilem I N� F'' eriT c4 IN 0>JP.VGT0A,'% � ' �Ir�. • CHP i2c�/?rl� '�- (/'��► t � . T� H�� [�'� IOW 2c�3 � ta+ FLEX. 614 Id of 41r H l4A✓ H�' ' a . •'l i GLUT Citi . K111Y We 1.31 -Y, 11 tu, 15 Wer ro: II T !,' 1��/ t ! 1/ !t -- - '5EE 41TCWEN U' EQ���P SGNEOUi.•E �Z&V 17' „�-.•..moi �C �W01. RIGID QALY. .yrs^_] ' pr~�EtW K•�� CONDUIT y2' V •y 'r[. r DETAIL 'I /A 11 ._ ,... • d DETekIL , � s ! TTI CT T/4 iL 11G",, l 0112 CT CONN. _ rDr_E�crzlP '2 i' 17 y HP 1?0 i V211 50)( U -CX N. PI E-)(, CONO. XT. }! Y -IH• Pik A,MP (Za8 � � tt r r ,. ,.,; , &QUIP, 5cwfi; ?ut.& �?� ` TIMID 'GL�fi''� .: 'WAMP �• � �W 1 �C3 ( Yew` J/21t: • � .. � � a .. C�;. Imo° io H om lUt•�!T•ttif3~I 1/ MP lig t�+N /203 t2C� t ��� _ I . M I'WW 4 � •�•.-r • •+ . �. Al eta:.- • ••T� "}!� t IMS � '/"(r. Maf 7 71 44 4cP IC�f2W !� .r D I T A I L { v" � �•-'��� I`` 1�1 '• FLEX,CON UIT �'� � t iii . TO JCT. - X E -Q J19MENT (P.6.6-)1�)00 t , I MALE: CAP w -ITCH w/t.,x.cMa..4' oeep lidWH PtJL•. � 12•�?t w 2•Q S Ir E -QUIP 5CkV uf", r F 1 i '+ AH10 t20 u•' � TO �, Y HP 1�� 12 J f j Y�11 you Y'z -►w1� :. �� 43 1, P3 WW I z� ! zit CONDUIT jo 0j box Mo Il FAX:11 rJPUIT s ` G 7 r'Ii1.1 rlrie c.0 owZc2, T3 MZ06 1 I e!fk '05 tow 11W 1 JC 1/* NP 1120 • if F1: 410 ?<W�2Q/2c;� 1 F 66 7w 1HC ;Zw I y�11 eT 'C -:W Fly -c�tj�ej+ ;r2;1 �1�a PIrA,7 . � QIP no �0.01gkr I to w Ws 12 0 All switchgec, 111ie18► f It�=� G� r= � will be furnished to the electrical contractor by Shoney'e,�.Jhd. Notification of Thiarty (30) days prior to required delivery of equipment must be given to Shoney's, Inc., Construction Dept., (615) 366-028;3, Attn: Terry Poulsen. All other electrical equipment and materials not included in the listing shall "be the 1 reoponsibillty of the 'electrical contractor to supply, other than specifically noted on the drawings being owner furnished. ,'' '•r ' The listed material sliall tw supplied by the owenr at no charge to the electrical (" contractor. The electrical contractor shall be responsible for receiving, unloading, °. sto»ing, protecting, and instpiling the equipment supplies: by the owner and all co6ts of dons„ so shall be included in- the bid amount. All equipment is shipped FOB factory, all shipping claims for damaged equipment are the responsibility of the electrical contractor. . The following list d it m w' e items .ill be provided by the owner to the electrical contractor r for installation. Any deficiencies, shortages, or damaged equipment shall be reported to Shoney's, Inc., Construction Dept., immediately. , �t;�-.,�-'�: ��-If�t;,l.. •i' �'���•If�"�I���J °�',�-�' �^„�,.-�:.;�-�I f'.t�ti+•:. ��..��,��:- i ���" , !® .1 - _V; - _V; - .,oN~���c, Tai t;. -T. c4 IN 0>JP.VGT0A,'% PoLot jrlloul" "? Tu6o up" MM t 9-510 -- V10- I t ct9ct t.- FF-- "I FLEX. 614 ' (�r-. 9!% En a 2• GANG bOX FLEX. CONO. • LE:KGTN -Y, 11 tu, CJUIF'M NT J -- - '5EE 41TCWEN U' EQ���P SGNEOUi.•E �Z&V r •. 1 � • � „�-.•..moi �C �W01. RIGID QALY. .yrs^_] RIGID GA.V � � ', � CONDUIT CCX40u'T V •y 'r[. r DETAIL 'I /A 11 ._ ,... • d DETekIL , � s ! 1 • 515. C014NT L-9 CT T/4 iL 11G",, l 0112 CT CONN. i IC�IG� LV rDr_E�crzlP TO EQu00- JC. T: �Tf Tl�t , 50)( U -CX N. PI E-)(, CONO. XT. eC,F- 141TCI,46eN WALL 1w/4_2500 &QUIP, 5cwfi; ?ut.& Coif w. • � .. � � a Ciielt�Gi© 4 � •�•.-r • •+ . �. Al eta:.- • !� .r D I T A I L FLEX,CON UIT TO JCT. - X E -Q J19MENT (P.6.6-)1�)00 I MALE: CAP w -ITCH w/t.,x.cMa..4' oeep lidWH PtJL•. E -QUIP 5CkV s (o' MIt-II Al <a- cul T RIGID CALY. CONDUIT jo 0j box Mo Il FAX:11 rJPUIT L./ Tf_1 I L t 9-510 -- V10- I t ct9ct t.- FF-- "I 1T04 0` 1 9 91-19 _ Ex - (p�,� �Z&V is I It He r4 �C �W01. .yrs^_] � � ', � Cc*JIDOT •�:; t V •y 'r[. r ._ ,... • d lt" i , � s ! CT T/4 iL 11G",, ,i i IC�IG� LV rDr_E�crzlP �Tf Tl�t , VERMIT (�C! DATE ............ .. RESIDENTIAL—-_ ­ k kll COMMERCIAL La OVINE'R CON TRAC 'TO[? &-_-_ -_ VALUATION 00 FEE -L3-0,50 I