HomeMy WebLinkAbout541 N Palmetto AveUTILITY uevel.orne(IT fees Meter Systes Iect fees - Connection IERC) 300 Gallons per Day (GrD) Equivalent Residential Residential - 5650/Unit - Single family structure, or multi -family unit containing three l31 bedrooms or more. 110m unit SI0 7.50/Unit - thanithreell)) unitbedrooms. I Thisecontaining s an judgement/ esSumptlon, estimation that such fa ily unand sever its on average require 751 - 225 GI•U of the waterservice of anaveragesinglefamilyunit). Commercial - 3650/ ERU - Fixture unit schedule from Southern plumbing Code will be ? G = d up to used, one ERU will be charged lochevingtion nmore than f twenty (101 fixture units. For projects twenty 1201 fixture units the Impact Fee will be deter- , mined by Increments of 25% based on multiples of five IS) lxture L. above the twenty 1201 fixture unit bees for U S the first ERU. ( Example, t-enty-flve (25) fixture unite will be rated as 1.2S ERUI twenty-six (261 llxtute units. will be rated as 1.5 eau). 1 Sever Sy, y(em Impact Fees Equivalent Residential Connections - 270 Gallons per Day (GP01 Residential - 1700 Unit - Singlelfamily structure. or multi-family unit containing three 31 F'ypc or Fixture or Grotip of Flxllll A ILolnaLlc cloLl eo waoller (2" otandplPc) IL•Itlu•tx)n KI•celll col ninting of a tratcr clonet, lavat(uy IL bal.li ih ur ttluAler uL'alll 'Bulk waLel• clotiet I' Itigll valve vat: 1• Closet haLl Luli (wit.,, or without overhead shower) Bidet Con I)InnLioii nlnk- and-tray w/food waote grinder COIn1)IniltIoil nlf k- nnd-tray w/one I I" trap Combirlatloll. ulnk-und-Cray w/oeparate II" trap l)citLal unit or Cliull"O" I)etlLa l l : Ivnt01•y . UrIF klnK fountain 111nhwnnhr. r, (lolnegLlc Floor dr:11)ln w/2" wooLc Kitchell ulnk, doincoLlc w/ one 11 tl•DP Kltclicil oink, w/food waute grinder 1 d r l ( 11ollwnel er III' trap KlLchen ulnk,w/food wnnUte gi e Kitchell nlnk, domesticw/dlohwanher 11" Lrap I.avaLory w/1111 waute w/1 1 t1• vaote I.nllt tll y tt• ay (1 of- 2 co(npartinenLo ) Shower otal l , dolncoLlc Showerf) ( Kr0111) per Ile" S I I kiii S11rK( lono F'lunl Ing rim (with valve) licl'vlcc (Lral) nLandard) Sct•vlce ( 1' Lrap) VoL, ncullcl• y, etc. III']IIaI , I(..di!IILnI , oylllloll Jet Illowollt Ur111.11 , will 11p 11t 111 ill , ittitI I , W. 11111011t 111 Ioi 1 lroul{h (encit 6' oectlon) ilnoh oink. (clrclilor or inultiple) each get of faucete I:Lc1 clt)nr.l:, prlvnt. e (lnnk opernLlon) Miler clogeL, public (valve operation) Plxlurcn l ot l ltiled nbovel 9•1.aI) n I z e 1 I" oi• 1 tna Trap o1ze 11" 1'rnp oIze 2" 1'I all a I z e 21" Tra1) nlze 311 11.ra1) ulze 1111 Flxture Unit Viltie 3 Ilcfcrcoc(!1 SLnndard 1,11111, 1) InK Coll(!, Table 1304.1 page 1j-V and Ti hlc 13011.2 pil9c 13- 5. 6, e 2 3 4 3 2 2 5 4 1 2 2 2 3 3x 2 11 8 4 4 2 1 I :• i 2 3 11 5 6 OrVE:,OvvE: FEE WORY,SHErT Protect Name:—Q( f- E00!!E b,141 Date 3/111/r pwner/Contact Person: OR, FC wi f Phone: Address: OfVv A41' ,P rf L/CF - S i .-as I %/ rr I- Type of Development: 1) RESIDENTIAL Type of Units (single family or multi -family): Total Nt:=.Ser of Units: Type of Utility Connection indivieual connections or central water meter b cor..mon sewer tap): Fate- Mete: S:=e 2", etc.): F.=.*`.AM:S : Indus:= _a_ , ec_ ) Tota_ N=ber of Buildings: N=ber of F_=tL e Units each bu,_liine) pe c: L'Connection int: _:Ua: connections or central orate: meter b cc=on sewer tap): Water Met__ S_=e (3/4", i" 2" e:z): CONNECTS ON F_= C.:.CL:.A I ON . Q[yfLuPE r- D G C 9- S 7--,t W6-76, Zl-tP1967 = ? 7S 3S S UTILITY DEVELOPMEIIT ILLS water System fact Fees Equivalent Residential Connection (ERC) 100 Gallons per Day IGPD) Residential - 650/Unit - Single family structure, or multi -family unit containing three Il) bedrooms or mote. 51e7.50/Unit - Multi -family unit or Mobile Ilome unit containing less than three I11 bedrooms. (This category Is based on judgement/assumption, estimation that such family units on average require 75% - 225 GPU of the water and sewer service of an average single family unit). Commercial - 650/ERU - Fixture unit schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be used. One ERU will be charged for connection and up to - -+ twenty (20) fixture units. For projects lieving more than ?J twenty 120) fixture units the impact F'ee will be deter- mined by Increments of 251 based on multiples of five 15) fixture units above the twenty (20) fixture unit base for the first ERU. (Example: twenty-flve 1251 fixture unite will be rated as 1.25 ERUI twenty-slz 1261 fixture units J O % will be rated as 1.5 ERU1. 7 Sewer System Impact Fees Equivalent Residential Connections - 770 Gallons per Day IGFDI Residential - 1700 Unit - Single family structure, or multi-(amlly unit containing three Ill bedrooms or more. 1275/Unit - Multi -family unit or Mobile iinme unit containing less than three I11 bedrooms. (This category Is based on judgement/assumption/estimation that suc, family units on average require 751 of water end sewer service of an average single family unit). Commercial - Industrial - Institutional 1700/ERU - Fixture unit schedule from Southern Plumbing Code will be used. One ERU will be charged for connection and up to twenty 1701 fixture units. For projects having more than twenty 120) fixture units the Impact Fee will be Increments of 251 based on multiples of live (5) fixture units above the twenty 120) fixture unit base for the first ERU. 7 IExamplet twenty-five (25) fixture units will be rated es 1.25 ERUI twenty -sls 126) fixture units will be rated as 1.5 ERU). water Meter Connection Fees WATER METER SIZES 1• 11• 2' 1' 1• 6' I. Sever Connection Fee Standard /' Residential Connection - $260 FEES i 5 i5o. 210. 400. 500. 2.900. or they Install 4,400. or they Install 7,520. or they Install Non-standard connection - To BE DETF.RMIfIED nTE: Atry WITr•R nR sr -TAP wnPK TIIAT RMOIRF.S AIIY STREET CIIT oftT'IIIIIF;I.71IG or 1'ylle of l'1 xLut•e or Group of Fl xLuree AiiLotnaLlc cloLheo wnoher (2" oLanclplpe) ItAlivocln 91•clilp cofinlntli% of a )rater cloneL, lavaloly L WiLhtub ov WVAW-r uLall: 'Bulk water clouet Fluoll valve Inter clooet d ehowet•) natiltilIf ( W It'll or WI thou over hea HIdcL Con!bifill tIoil nlnk-anti-tray w/food waute grinder Conil) IllatIoI, nlrlk-and-tray w/one 11" trap Comb I Ila L I rin ulrik-und-tray W/ocparate 11" trap Dental milt or cuupidor 1) e11Lal JavoLoi'y Drinking 1'01mLilln I) Inllwnnht!I', dometiLic I' IUoi• ds'illlltl W/2" WaoLe KILclien ulnkr domeotic w/one 11" trap Kitchen nink, w/food waute grinder Kitchen nlnk,w/food waute grinder l dlohwneher 11" t KILcIten nlnkI dorneaLic w/dlohwauite1, II" Crap Lavatory w/II" waute W/ 11" 9110te Laundry tray (1 or 2 conipartmenLil) shower atnll, domeotic Showeru ( group) pet• head Slnkui Stlr•kc'ono 1' 11111111rig 1•Im (Midi valve') licrvlce ( Leap IlLandard) Service ( 1' LI'ap) I'(( t, flclillel'y, etc. IlrinaI pedeiiLnl, Dyphon Jet hlowotiL Ullnnl, wu1 lip llrinal , nLaI l , wnnhot(L III• Ilial Li•r)IIKh (eac11 6' oectioll) lluul rink. (circular or multiple) each net of faucete WaLer clonal:, private (tnnk operation) WaLev cloueL, pleb) 1c (valve operation) F1xLuren noL lluLed nbovet Trap olze 11" or 1!e9 TI• ap of ze 1 I" TI'. 1p 01ze 2" 1' r•a1) a I z e 21" fry aaIze 3" Tr a1) ulze 11" Fixture Unit v lue 3 rap pEvC L. 7' p!-," Ilefevenco; SLnndard plumbing code, Table 1304.1 page 1j-4 and Table 1304.2 page 13-5. 6 8 2 3 4 3 3 ly 2 3Y I 2 5 4 1 2 2 2 3 3 8 3x - 2 4 8 4 4 2 2 11 8 1>- I 2 3 4 5 6 J /,, el, 8 A 19% 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 executive 260 IS w O2r tip w 7'2 1p 47PAS 4iu40L C/o// 00 J 70)tV X2A ( l / Ahvt$ l 3 PymP 20 1 w QzLu fj M l iJ 55,'/4e/}r1= Co pt 2r peo S A"FS eu v-IL-1 IS' P m P Cl e-Cu lT Mud VAC 0-rn Cif W- ,1P ssoc" LO fps V A -CC Lu rr- C 2- 6) A,'Cu GL ANC I's kV\T' L 72,50 w A--r -