HomeMy WebLinkAbout1401 S French Ave (2)J.' January 14, 1991 City of Sanford RE: MAG'S ARMY STORE, INC. BUSINESS SIGNS 1401 S . FRFYCFH AVI'PUB, SA Fi?PM , FLORIDA Please be advised that Mag's Army Store, Inc. has leased the premises located at 1401 S. French Avenue, Sanford, Florida from the undersigned. Under the terms of the lease with the undersigned, Mag's Army Store, Inc., as Lessee, has the right to erect or mount signs upon the leased premises. The plan, nature, design and material shall be in keeping with the location of the building and comply with all ordinances, rules and regulations of governmental authorities, including both,city and county, as well as the State of Florida and the subdivisions -thereof, including the Department of Transportation.. A copy of a portion of the lease governing the agreement for the erection of signs is attached. Under the terms of the lease, Mag's -Army Store, Inc. has authorization and permission from. the undersigned to erect or mount signs upon the. leased premises in accordance with its lease. Sincerely, 1 am H. Scovell Sworn to and subscribed before me this 14th day of January, 1991. Notary Public NOiMAy Commission Expires: Y PUBLIC; S)Af. At iAR3E MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Fu"U ,-tY '26, 1994 BONDED THRU AGENT'S NOTARY BROKERAGE Established 1940 P.O. Box 1570, Deland, Florida 32720 (904) 734-1911 PLAT OF SURVEY FOR SCO.ELL O 14 u'-iFA" SA` IFORD, FLORIDA DESCRIPTION LO- Ts 7, 9, 1 1 , 14 AND THE (NORTH 69 FEET OF LOT 13 AND THE "4ORTH 21 .5 FEET OF LOTS 6, 3 AND 10; CLOCK 2 OF E. j. 'r+HI TE' S SUBD I Y I S I ON , ACCORD I `(G TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED I N PLAT BOOK 2, FLORIDA. PAGE 48 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF SEMI40LE TOCTHE CITY PORTION OF F ITYOF SANFORD UNDERDATE10/20/55, AVENUE AND C I4TH STREET. SUBJECT EASEMENT GRANTED RECORDED IN G O.R.B. 661 PAGE 139 PUBLIC RECORDS SEMI NOLE COUNTY, FLORIDA. 1 SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE mmumC I ri G` 1 THIS . I S TO CERTIFY THAT THE UNDERSIGNED, BEING A REGISTERED LAND E DES•CR I BED trc< 1T Clf if I SURVEYOR, HAS COMPLETED THE LOCATION SURVEY OF THE ABC`/ I A"10 THE PLAT HEREON DELINEATED IS A TRUT AND CORRECT RE— I i PROPERTY J/ j A PRESENTATION OF THE SAME. / j ' APR 65 A. C...DOUD iEY SURVEYIIRS, INC. _ 1 k/ K.'`SNITH' REG. LAND S JRVEYOR ,10. 16D3 h 5 1 L`Ar,r/; .:-•Cscc!/_I._f c/C'`, _--------_ rid , y:'.c) / i 5' :', 3 ' 95' '1 95• I is. os ' S of2 • oF3 I ( ' Qjy 1 u c T I?. I lij t o %A t I ,I 195• I ' 1 a I I I t I 1 '' I I I 04 tu t I 1 GO" r)(,y 7-? Y 7 | / - i T- \ T \// \ / [/ /y\ | v'-- \ / ^/ ~+ Z r m z m m i r-.5 74, 41, city of Sanford, Corp. January 14, 1-991 MAG'S ARMY STORE, INC- BUSINESS SIGNS Please be adviuecl that Mag's ,army Store, Inc.,. has leased the premises located at 1,401 S. French Avenue, Sanford, Florida from the undersigned. Under the terms of the lease with the undersigned, Mag'b A-rMY Store, Inc., as Lessee, has the right t'0 erect or mount sj_gno upon the leased premises. The plan, nature, design and material 6ball be in keeping w1th the location of th(-) building and comply with all ordlnanCeS, rules and regulations of governmental authorities, including both city and county, as well as the State Of Florida and the subdivisions thereof, including the Department of Transportation. A copy of a portio ft of the lease governing -the agreement for the erection of signs is attached. Under the terms of the lease, Mag'5 Army Store, Inc. has authorization and permisoion from the undersigned to erect or mount signs upon the leased premises in accordance with its lease. January, Cx Not -a ry 1' b 14C Commi. Y Puaic; slki My COMM66104 9XrIkt- 'FL-S,U-,V 26, 1994 Established 1940WkDWIMWAGENISMW"I( MOMA04 P.O. Box 1570,'beLarid, Florida 32720 (904) 734-1a11, 4) SIGNS:,.. Lessee shall have the right to erect or mount signs upon the leased premises.. The plan, nature, design -and material shall be in keeping with the location of the building and comply s' '—with,," all ordinances, rules'. and regulations of governmental authorities, including both city and county, as well as the State of Florida and the subdivisions thereof, including the Department Of Transportation'. Lessee shall be responsible for any and all damage done=.to persons or property as the result of installation or erection;, maintenance. or removal of, signs, including but not limited to -all damage to the building or structure upon which signs 'I are .':.installed or for the injury to, persons... or. property as the result of the ; existence or installationof ` the . 'sign, , ; whether effected by: external causes such as windstorm or lightning, and Lessee shall carry all insurance necessary to :safeguard Lessee and Lessor ,, zhall , be a named insured on, all insurance policieswhich shall be submitted.to Lessor for Lessor's approval i R { 3 1 r1 - AI ci x. 2 E: , s 4^ of T:j E RJ8L I c R v E 0. 14 cl T H F C 0 rri i 4- 1 7 or 13 li R V E 'f Fa 0 LJ_ co P A F L 0 D!7s Cfz PT 10, li rZET of Lo'r i3 ',co TN Nlo Th 21.5 FEET OF L t) T 3 G I 3 R{J'L NQ r!G THE plA T THEi V o F AS RECORDED i N PLAT C.00K 2 O E 0 L r (,- C, u 14 T Y '6F L 0 R P 0 R7 1 43 4 T H E R E 0 F 14 R I''4 F j7 rRAS7ED To THE CITY OF SAKFOR0 u n 0 E R D k T E 2' 0 5 5 i E T Or Z A 3 p PU G L 1 C _ORDS XoLf: COUNTY, I-F LOR;DA- SURVEYOR IS CEEPTiFICATE i H I S 1 3 To CERTIFY THAT THE U M D F R 9- 1 ED , a E 1 ' r' k REG13TERED LAND V IE "I HAS CO'HPLETEO THE I-OCATIO'4 3tiRVEY OF -.THE AeovE'DES-C.RleEla RoPT-_ RT''. A, N 0 T !i E FLAT }iEREG N DEL 1 4 EATED 3 A T P u ANG CORREC-T RE — THE SAME. A. C uouo:,El K- 3 iA I TH V E: Y 0 R T L 25- 010 ri ru-::, II SIGN NOTESt 1. WIND'LOAD -IN ACCORDANCEW/.S.Q.C.-, Be 100M.P.H. REGION 2. 2000 P.S.F. MIN. ISOIL BEARING, PRESSURE.: 3. CONCRETE SHALL BE 3000,:P.S - I 26'-DAYS-. 4 REINFORCING STEEL .GM 60 5 STRUCTURAL STEEL:,fy - 136.K.S.1.6. SHOP DRAWINGS OF PRE-ENGINEERED SIGN FACE SIGNED AND SEALED BY A FL'A. REGISTERED ENGINEER SHALL .'BE SUBMITTED— 7 TO RICHARDSON ENGINEERING FOR APPROVAL" PRIOR TO FABRICATION OR'ERECTIOA., 7. TUBE STEEL:jy 46 KeS.I. JOB NO.: PROJECT:. I.PQ SHUN Nj L- CLIENT: 2 _P bt_ R, ICHARDSON ENGINEERING' 131 ZELMA STREET ORLANDO FLORIDA 328P3 305 425-460I D 2 L1 I+ m D I+ 0 n n Q c rD i p D r a r D ; DA2zZ omr o U1 o D 1 i r m m m t m In D O 2 m m m 3 D m z c D is 1 uvu, Nrli !ff fff 4 ki ram, r 9/-6 1.3 PERMIT # DATE --- RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL ADDRESS(/.%1 0N iRA::T0'tt eO/L VALUATION `` / PERMIT FEE THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT GRANT PERMISSION TO VIOLATE ANY APPLICABLE CODE. KEEP THIS PLAN ON JOB AT ALL TIMES.