HomeMy WebLinkAbout255 W Airport Blvd (2)March 18, 1991 Jeff Ettinger ComReal Orlando, Inc. 1350 Orange Ave.. Winter Park, Fl 32789 Doyle Blake 101 Cortez Dr. Orlando,Fl 33806 RE: Leasing space in.the Riverboat Landings center Sanford,Fl. Dear Jeff: Thank 1you for meeting me at the center last Thursday. I am interested in -'leasing units 2551 & 2553,.3,700sq.ft. located at the Airport . Blvd.end of the large building, see attached drawing. I would like a 5 year lease with an option for an additional 5 years. I understand that the base rent will be $6.50sq.ft. or $24,050.00 per year. plus 6% sales tax. I will also be billed for common area maintainance. I require that -the owner -.put in the firewall between units 2251 & 2249. I am going to put a restaurant -pub -in this spa.`e'and I will do the total required .inferior finish at my:expence. This will cost me about 60,000.00, all work will be done to city and county codes with required permits. .I want the :right to use the outside wall of..:unit 2553 for advertising if I so desire; to be approved by the owner.'. -I also require permission from the owner to place a 4'x8' walk in;cooler in the rear wall ,of either unit .and to place a propane :gas `'tank ;ate - the rear of the units if :natural gas in not .available at.the"center.: I am ready to put up the first months rent and an equal security deposit to reserve the space. I would like to be in'operation as soon as possible. I understand that I can have occupancy as soon as the owner closes on the center; that -way I can start on the interior build out; but my lease will start with the issue of a certificate of occupancy.from the city .of Sanford. Let me know how we.can>proceed with this lease. i accepted by: Riverboat Landings, FOOD SERVICE CHECKLIST FEE: FACILITY ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: OWNER: PLANS ROUTING #: DATE: PHONE: # Facility is subject to the following provisos and/or cents) TYPE OF LATER SUPPLY: MUNICIPAL: WELL: See attached information). (To be approved by Water Coordinator) TYPE OF SEWAGE DISPOSAL: MUNICIPAL: OSDS: Approval is required). (To be approved by Septic Coordinator). Zating Capacity q5 Number of Men's water closets urinals lavatories Number of Lathe's water closets 1lavatories-_ Restroom fixtures indicated on plans will be adequate up tozg--(—)seats. Ve -ibule required if restroom opens directly into Food Service Area. Twp lighted exits are required. (50 or more seats). if closing device required on restroom and all exit doors. Restrooms must meet handicap requirements (Bldg. Dept.) if consumption on p ses. Soap and towel dispensers required for all handsink locations. g permit required from local authority. aste plumbing required for ice machine, soda dispenser, refrigeration units, steam tables, coffee urns or similar equipment which discharge into floor Alains. (Air 'gaps are required) ste plumbing, water lines must be off floor.. Floor drains, if utilized must be constructed to facilitate effective draining. I (Floor drains are prohibited in walk-in cooler or freezer unless properly air gapped,) Lim washing machines must be indirectly connected to waste plumbing except within 10' ft. of trapped floor drain. interceptor - (applies to OSDS systems only, Sl JALTH UNITIRSSEMI06b7 Food -waste grinder is prohibited from dischaoAng0 qrE Ce interceptor. SANFOR/D,. FLORIDA 32773 APPROVED . REVIEWED BY: /z APPROVED REVIEWED COIVlMEN7S 4 ! PAGE 2 I 7ent should meet safety and performance requirements covered in applicable standards of American National Standards Institute (ANSI), the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), Underwriters Laboratories (UL), or the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (M ME). OR SUBMISSION OF EVIDENCE INDICATING 2LIANCE WITH APPLICABLE STANDARDS. Water Heater (hot water required to all sinks excluding restrooms) An 8 ize BTU's KW 6 yee handwash sink required in each food prep area. ccxnpartment sink with drainboards at each end. s er type (high tempature dishwasher requires hood 37i exhaust fan). E All equipment must be sealed together and to wall or adequate cleaning space provided between, under or behind equipment. iFloor equipment must be on six inch (6") legs. H table equipment must have 4 inch (4") legs or be sealed to the table. I Exhaust hood with automatic fire suppression system over all cooking surfaces. meet NFPA 96 or fire department requirements.) e Janitorial sink must be installed as not to contaminate food contact surfaces. y Recommend installation outside of food prep area - In addition, device to hang mops to allow for air drying is required with same location requirements. s ;Fe r must be smooth and impervious and easily cleanable. Type juncture between the floor and wall must have a rounded sanitary joint This applies to all areas except dining room. Walls and ceilings must be constructed as to insure cleanability. 6 All food must be six inches (6") off the floor in dry storage and in the walk- in cooler or freezer. i Walk-in cooler or freezer should have rust -proof shelving. Raw wood is pro- hibited. k A storage area should be provided for employee personal belongings. This area should be away from food and food preparation area. 1 light fixtures in food preparation area must be shielded.. Ad -e—lighting must be provided for clean-up purposes. i So waste disposal must be adequate.. A paved dumpster pad is recommended.. iS rage area must be adequate. Sal d Bar/Buffett must have sneeze guard. Customer access counters must have food shields if food product is displayed. 6 Notify Health Department when construction is completed and certificate of occupancy is issued. All equipment must be operative upon final inspection. Proposed menu submitted. I g PAGE 3 other: LICENSE REQUIRIIMENT• FOOD SERVICE 4-1 1) State License (Division of Hotels and Restaurants. Will not be issued without Health Department approval). j1, 2)cupational License. FOOD OU=S 1) State License (Department of Agriculture) 2) Occupational License. 1) State License (Department of Agriculture). 2) Occupational License. WATTS LIGHTING- 3695 sq.fT. @ 2.0 W/sq.fT. 7390 SHOW WINDOWLIGHTIMG- 32 fT. @ 200 W/ft. 6400 TOTAL 13790 CONVENIENCE OUTLETS- 22 @ 180W 3960 TOILET EXHAUST FANS- 2 @ 505VA 1010 ROOFTOP AIR COND. UNITS(2 @ 4 TON) TOTAL 4970 KITCHEN LOAD UPRIGHT FREEZER 1440 ' SANDWICH UNIT 1440 WALK-IN COOLER(1 HP COMP'R) 2345 SOFT DRINK BOX(2 @ 8ft.) 1880 DRAFT BEER BOX 960 ICE MACHINE 2440 SLICER 830 HOOD(2 FANS @ 1/2 HP) 2220 RECEPTACLES(6 @ 550W> 3300 MICROWAVE OVEN 1220 MISC. CONTROL POWER 500 TOTAL 18575 KITCHEN' AD @ 65% 12073.8 TOTAL LOAD(BOTH SERVICES) 30833.8 ASSUMING LOAD IS BALANCED ON THE TWO SERVICES: INDIVIDUAL SERVICE 15416.9 WATTS LOAD IN AMPERES @ 230 VOLTS, 1PH. 67.03 AMPERES SERVICE IS RATED 200 AMPERES, WHICH PERMITS 160 AMPERES CONTINUOUS LOAD. SERVICES HAVE CAPACITY TO SUPPLY PROPOSED LOAD. 5&-rs X Ii I Z - Z XS W/ /1 " 'R yi.0OoD CTQ `—c- _, _ — Z- Z X 8 Lo / ''/z' PL y,&vcb tre _ - I Ivor 1s 'C AS e-b oPc: AX 0 o - Exl ,Jc r tro20 of 11 6 1i fC f{7 @ B-6 GC i I 1Z :ta 41?P E2— DETf11L- StCT'100.,.. :. E'X Srt IcZ sr tc- Coy., i.. i" - Co 9 a 3 x3 AAyuc STc-F r3o s C0 L - CO VJ rcn'o TIOIJ- FZJ - W1u.. t bMb or ,rK cr 1_or 41714ovr- XtSr71U`TEtL CAt SMITH BARNEY MIKE AVERILL 407) 236-5000 SMITH BARNEY