HomeMy WebLinkAbout104 Paddock CtJAN-16-2004 02:12 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.04 1 CITY OF SANFOItD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit fr (1.,Z7 lJ` Date: JobAddress: Description of Work: Historic District: 'Zoning: Value of Work: t Permit Type: Building—Z Electrical Mechanical _ (.i Plumbing !:!f Firc SprinkledAlarm Pool Electrical: New Service- N of AMPS - Addition/Alteration __ Change of Service Temporliry Pole, .. Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct (ayout do Energy Ch7 Requited) Plumbing/ New Commercial: N of Fixtures N of Water & Sewer Lines u of Gas Linea Plomblag/ New Residential: N of Water Closets Plumbing Repair - Residential or Comm mint Oceupancy Type: Residential Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: CoadructlenType: ho ML / of Stories: of Dwolia Units: Flood Zone: (pEMA farm for other tban M Pa cd M: ,, (Attach Proof of Qwnershlp & Legal Description) s: r OwnersName & AddresNs _ D u [ /7G L i 0o C w rr tape. Cote S g fr r-d & 2 7 7 3 Phone: --- Coatractor Name & Address: _;,If_GA4R%6t--t sY -er-• State Licensor number: Phone & Fax: ofOl -NV 1 Mending Coatpaay: ----_-- Addrrn: Mortgage Leader: „_ ---•- _ — A"ress: — Arehiteel/Eag) neer: < "'dAll - - Phone: Address: - _-- Fax: Application is bmby made to obtain a permit to dg the wo hwsnce of a permit end that all work will be pwfbnmd to permit mail be secured for ELECTRICAL WORK PLUM AIR CONDITIONERS. ctc. • .11 yify that no wort or installation has connnalcel prior to the construction in this jurisdiction. 1 understand that a sep"M IRNACES, BOILP- RS, HEATERS, TANKS. and OVVNSU AFFIDAVIT: 1 cattily Htat all or the lbnopinp information is sosumis and that all work win be dome in compliance with all applicable bra rozolming construction and sating. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MAY RERXT IN YOUR PAYINO TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN PINANCINO. CONSULT WITH YOUR UNDER OR AN ATTORNEY DITORE RECORDING YOUR NOTICL OF COMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: In addition to an roquimmmis of this permit, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this preporly Unit mqr be public r a a 4 of this eoumy, end them may be sWitional pamita tt quimd from other governmental entities such err water managerrtoat districts, sW3fK9Ws, or lbdors) agnein Aoceplsnce o 1 .t ' vgilhatio that 1 wi11 notify the o ner of the progeny of the mqu t Sig lalure of Owner/Agent Dote ignature aruaclw t Dale A-=ar a+ cD V P iContrsctoNA is emsry•Uatc SiNo •litste o Tam/ « Owner ngcittis. Persnnitlt' O va1 . 'NI pgach23 APPLICATION Al' I'Ik0VHD IIY:lildg -38 C zoning: tafiitics: _ FD: Initial & tat) ( Initial &, DoWI (Initial a Date) (hollial & Date gnantrc of C— ZZ My rrin llDOtt10990 Expires fkaroh 23, 20pT C'nmtactoriAgent I> Personally Known to Me r>r Produced li) _ • Slxrt:ul tlorulilirola: .............._.._..- -- --- ------------'. --------.- . NOTICE OF C0;Y% fiNCEMBNT Permit No. 'fax Folio No. Statc.of Florida County of Seminole The undersigned hereby givos notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Stavatcs, the following information is provided in this Notice of Commencement. 1, Description of property: (lega1•desct7iptiou of the property and street address if available) CARRIAGE COVE LLC 500 CARRIAGE COVE WAY; S.ANFORD, FL 32773 ' ' i":i;• "' 2. General description oFimprovcmeat: SET UP FOR NEW'MOAILF HOME' - n't' # /4y oc _ Al. 3.7- 7 y 3 3. - er information 1 /a. Name and address CARRIAGE COVE LLC 500 CARRIAGE COVE WAY SANFORD, FL 32773 b, Intcrcxt in property. 100% e. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (if other than Owiaer) N/A 4. ';ontractor a. Name and -address s 6. 7. 8. 9. b. Phone number _ Surety a. Name ind address b. Phone number _ c. Amount of bond Lender a.l Name and address b. Phone number Fax dumber c, Persons within the State of Florida designated by Awner upon whom notices or other documents may be sewed as provided by Section 713. I .i(1)(a)7., Florida Statutes: a. Name and address N/A b, Phone number Fax -number. In addition to himself orhersell', Oyiner designates of to receive a copy of the Lier.or's Notice as proYidcd in Sodion Florida Statutes. a. Phone number Fax number '1 Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording unless a di$crent date is specified) x Signature of 0 vortt o (or affir c) a subscribed before me thi_ day o 20,• by Personally KnowA OR Produced•ldonti£catioa ,,. TenyLHWdl Type of ldentificatio roduccd ' WoDn""1s9M DMMW CERTIFIED 00PIBOMSMWchA2W AIARYANNE NOFM UK OF CIRCUR COURT 6ilYlIN0lAU ELOR Signature otary Public, Stato of Flori&WIS INSTRUMENT PREPARED BY:. Commission Expires: NAME ADDR. CA rr r -7e Cc JAN 2 2 2004 Soh • '/, a 3 . 01:54 PM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 1 CITY OR SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Permit N Job Address: /d y Description of Work: -A orta• C e- Historte District: Zoning: Value of Work; Date: /- /_1`' 3 77 _ P.06 Permit Type: Building Electrical Mechanical Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alum PoQI _ EE9;1ow Service - M of AMPS - -- Addition/Alteration Change of Service Ternpofty Pole .. Mechanical: Residential Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout dc_Enargy CkIc. Required) Plumbing/ New Commercial: q of Fixture p of Water & Sewer Lines N of Gas Lines _ Plumbing/New Residential; N of Water Closets Plumblog Repair - Residential or Conmwvial Occupancy Type; Reside a! Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: Constructloa > nOb h'Pe: dirm of Stories: _L p of DWe111138 Units: Flood Zone. (FIN" fora roqulred'br other tbae X) Parq(.M: - Owners Name a Atucb Proof or Ownership a iowi O CA r-i- i R a, 0- le Phone: 7 d 7 e- State License Nurnber: E0000 '7 Phone 4 Fas: Contact Person: feO-_ one: Bonding Company: Addrwe: • Mortgage Lender: Address: Arehlteet/Englnow: Phone. Address: Pas. Application is hereby made 10 obaiin a permit to do the work and installations as indiaatod. I certify that no wo* or installation has commenced prior to theiwttstsoeofaponritandthatallworkwillbepaextnedtomeetstandardsofalllawnregulatingconstructioninthisJtirindicoon, i undentattd that a asperiqpantrilrMstbescouredforELECTRICALWORK, PIAMBING, SIGNS, WTL A, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, apesAIRCONDITIONERS, ete. 1 eothat all of the ituvvgoins triftT tation is aeourst: ar aidthat all work will be done In omr>Qliance with all applicable lawn rapdating canstructlonandapning. WAiWiMI NG70 OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICB OP COM14M CMENT MAY RMULT IN YOUR PAYING, TWICEFORDMPROVEMMMTOYOURPROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCINO,'OONSULT WrM YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEYBAFORBRECORDINOYOURNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT. ZJQTIC : In addition to the reQuirvmenta of this pantie, there may be additional restrictions applicable to this propon r that mqr be AmW in the public records of tMscounty, end there may be additional pe trdts required from otter governmental entities such as water nwtap:rtatt distrim, start appCip, or hftml "mcia. Acceptance orp It Is ven)%htion t 1 r>149tirythe ownsr of tip property ofthe requirtrrtata of signature of Owner/Apmt Date Sianature o! g ` je/ 1 Own; r t's Narw Siptatum of tary8tate of F""%1 Date Is I. vo,, Owner/ Agent is L P ally Known to Me or Produced ID s Y' 3MA— Print Contractot/Agent's Name Signoturc of Notary-Ststa of Flotids Date a E•:. i:.S.O DAVISDEBORAH-JContnctor/ Agent is nally MoOProduced IDYCsrjjS.Srp # CC 995M5 F-%b 25, 2005 iaeondrohK APPLICATION APPItOVGD BY; Bldg- Qft''jt'h'r , eo roorwrrr FIt Y va• g Zoning; Utilitica: Initial & polo) ( Initial & Date) (Initial tit Data) (Initial & Date, Spcclal Condition,; CITY OF SANFORD PERMIT APPLICATION Perntlt M ; Date: /' 1s, O Y Job Address: /01/ )74W PC1e C f , SHrr -Porn/ Ae/ Z 7 -7-7 7 Description of Work: 2',7 14A// AC un ge,r, mob, l warn P Historic District: zoning: -_ Value of Work: 5 Permit Type Building Electrical Mechanics! Plumbing Fire Sprinkler/Alum Pogl Electrical: New Service — q of AMPS Addition/Alteration Change of Service Tempodry Pole ochan , eeidentia! it/ Non -Residential Replacement New (Duct Layout & 8nargy CW(:. Required) Plumbing/ Now Commerilal: III of pixtures p of Water & Sewer Lines # of Oaa Lines Plumbing/New Resldentlah # of Water Closets Plumbing Repair— Residential or Cotrurteraial f Occupangt Type: Resid tiai th/_ Commercial Industrial Total Square Footage: _ Coostructloo of t" ' Iy'Pe: s rn # of Stories: —Z— N of DweUlag Uolts: Flood Zone: (FEMA !brae required (or cow The )q Pared,ir: Attach Proorof Ownership tit Leer) DeveAptlop) 01rae17 N1111114& Address: 41'Y A 4rv. seep I 4'nn • /'- _ _ left _ ifyg fAX sr.t. Phone t4 Faa, Contact Penon Betiding Company: Address: Mortgage Lender: Address: Arsbltect/>Cawnasr: Address: Plane: Fa:: r? v8 Applieado n Is hW%by made to obtain a permit to do the work end installations a indicated. I canitjr that no work or instalMort has ounfntenced prior to the 0-6lestts"arm permit and that all work will be pettbi med In most standards or all laws regulating construction in this Nrisdietion. i underehrrd tllst a mparsteWWImeetbemured !br 15LECT'RICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS, andAIRCONDITIONERS, etc, I eettlbr that dl of the fbregsinS infotmabon 11 accurate and that all work will be done In oomlIliotoe with all appH=ble IM teptlatbtgoertatrtrotiortan0coning. WARNING TO OWNER: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT htAY RBgULT IN YOUR PAYINGTWICEFOR04PROVBMBN73TOYOURPROPERTY, IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCU40, CONSULT WrM YOUR LIRMBR OR ANArWRNEYBEFORERECORDINGYOURNOTICEOFCOMMENCEMENT. NOTICE: in addition to the tequiremotta of this perrdt, them may be allltonal restrictions tee le to this property that may be Ibund f public r000rds ofthisownty, and there rtay be additional permits required nom other govemmental an tin sue as form na isMets, to a or raderal aploiaa. Aooeptemx or 't is vt ificrttion tlat I will ootlly the owner of he property of the requiremepta La 7 Signature orOwneNAgent Date Sim,ature f CentnetefdA e„t r./ Owner/Agent is Personally Known to Mc or Produced ID APPLICATION API'RQVF.D BY: 'a Zonin 8' Initial St Date) Print Contraclt#/Agent'a Name Si = orNot>Ary•State of Flprids Date Contactor/Agent Is Personal I' MV9130RAH-JO DAVISProOucedID hlU.'AISSION # CC 885M5 XPIRES: Fab 25, 2005 utlllllea: t•3 Y FI:"Y.4eMCp a nondirg, Inc. Initial a Dstc) (Initial & Date) (Initial Bt Dat" iptxiAl Conditions; MINT BI.,DG 1034-0156 LEGAL LEG SEC 13 TWP 20.S RGE 30E N 1/2 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 a tE2/3 OF SE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 + E 2/3 OF NE1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 (LESS E 25 FT & RD) LEG SALESSUQD01/74 01034 0156 $460,000 V 00 land 31 05/23/94 MORE: LEGAL bIdq 24 01/27/94 cl•, g SYU 05/03/)G Nolc, Lcg, Sa1c, ulci/land/ , Prmt, Amd10, Comm, 1-lia, Other Roll, F1rrd, main' Mcnu, [EXIT) Count':. * 0 Rc: placc:i . r Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Informatic4i by Parcel Number Page I of 2 Personal Property I Please Select Account PARCEL DETAIL RTAI. ril W •• 90NAL FROF f TAX ROtI. S.SIIS SLiRC71 r = } 1t bra y. ill nil_."Ilalaulr 1 lili •1111 -_1 R11111•il GENERAL Parcel Id: 12-20-30-300-0130-0000 Tax District: S1-SANFORD Owner: CARRIAGE COVE LLC Exemptions: Own/Addr: #12-311 Address: 7777 N WICKHAM RD City,State,ZipCode: MELBOURNE FL 32940 Property Address: 427 CR N Facility Name: CARRIAGE COVE MH PARK Dor: 28-MOBILE HOME PARK SALES Deed Date Book Page Amount Vac/Imp Find Comparable Sales within this DOR Code 2004 WORKING VALUE SUMMARY Value Method: Income Number of Buildings: 3 Depreciated Bldg Value: 0 Depreciated EXFT Value: 0 Land Value (Market): 0 Land Value Ag: 0 Just/Market Value: 5,477,770' Assessed Value (SOH): 5,477,770' Exempt Value: 0 Taxable Value: 5,477,770 Income Approach used.) 2003 VALUE SUMMARY 2003 Tax Bill Amount: 114,282 2003 Taxable Value: 5,477,770 DOES NOT INCLUDE NON -AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS LEGAL DESCRIPTION SEC 12 TWP 20S RGE 30E BEG SW COR RUN N 2 DEG 43 MIN 35 SEC E 97.16 FT NELY ALONG CURVE 263.3 FT N 58 DEG 1 MIN 47 SEC E 1814.96 FT NELY ALONG CURVE 285.74 FT E 600 FT S 280 LAND FT W 660 FT S 990 W 1 FT T& BEG & IN 20-30 N 1/2 OF Land Assess Method Frontage Depth Land Units Unit Price Land Value E 2/3 OF SEEN1/4 1/4 OF NW NFNW1/4 OF NW 1/4 & 4 O LOT0 0 120.000 5,927.00 $711,240 OF NW LOT 0 0 356.000 5,927.00 $2,110,012 1/4 & E 2/3 OF NE 1/4 OF SW 1/4 OF NW 1/4 ACREAGE 0 0 17.000 20.00 $340 LESS E 25 FT FOR RD) & BEG SW COR OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 RUN E 258FTN 141 FT N 86 DEG E 237.2 FT N 38 DEG - 47 MIN E ALONG R/W 326 FT S 86 DEG W 32.5 FT N TO NE COR OF NW 1/ 4 OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 W 660 FT TO NW COR OF NE 1/4 OF NW 1/4 S 1329 FT TO BEG LESS RD) BUILDING INFORMATION Bid Bid Class Year Fixtures Gross Stories Ext Wall Bid Est. Cost Num Bit SF Value New 1 MASONRY 1974 12 3,022 1 CONCRETE BLOCK - STUCCO - $142,852 $ 214,815 PILAS MASONRY Subsection / Sgft BASE SEMI FINISHED / 462 http://www. scpafl.org/pls/web/re_web.seminole_county_title?parcel=12203030001300000& 2/11/2004 Seminole County Property Appraiser Get Information by Parcel Number Page 2 of 2 s .' Subsection I Sgft OPEN PORCH FINISHED 132 2 MASONRY 1974 2 576 1 CONCRETE BLOCK -STUCCO - PILAS MASONRY 3 MASONRY 1974 4 984 1 CONCRETE BLOCK -STUCCO - PILAS MASONRY 30,015 $45,135 49,947 $75,109 EXTRA FEATURE Description Year Bit Units EXFT Value Est. Cost New WOOD WALKWAY 1979 2,040 4,080 10,200 POOL COMMERCIAL 1979 225 2,520 6,300 COOL DECK PATIO 1979 4,148 5,807 14,518 OVERRIDE 1979 192 403 403 WALKS CONC COMM 1979 6,218 4,974 12,436 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT DR 2 IN 1979 84,468 28,043 70,108 PATIO CONC COMM 1979 6,345 5,076 12,690 COMMERCIAL CONCRETE DR 4 IN 1979 16,992 13,594 33,984 NOTE: Assessed values shown are NOT certified values and therefore are subject to change before being finalized for ad valorem tax purposes. If you recently purchased a homesteaded property vour next vear's propertV tax will be based on Just/Market value. http://www.scpafl.org/pls/web/re_web.seminole_county_title?parcel=12203030001300000,... 2/11 /2004