HomeMy WebLinkAbout1183 This Instrument prepared by: ~ Vernon Mize, Jr. P. 0. Box 1778 Sanford, Florida 32771 ORDINANCE NO. 1183 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, CLOSING, VACATING AND ABANDONING A PORTION OF TERRACE (GENEVA TERRACE) DRIVE LYING SOUTH OF 25TH STREET AND ~ST OF ~DGEWOOD AVENUE IN T~ CITY OF SANFORD, F LO~DA. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF T5 CITY OF SANFORD, FLO~DA: SECTION 1. That a potion of a certain street in ~he City of Sanford~ Florida, described as follows, ~o-wff: That portion of Terrace (Geneva Terrace) Drive lying between Lots 1 through 17 and Lots 18 through 29 and Lot 42, Geneva Terrace Amended Plat, according ~o the Plat ~hereof recorded in Plat Book 12~ Pages 82 and 83, ~blic ~cords of Seminole Coun~y~ Florida~ and that potion abutting the Easterly 328.96 feet of ~he Sou~h line of Block A~ Geneva Gardens, according lo the Plat lhereof recorded in Plal Book 17~ Page 28~ ~blic Records of Seminole Counly, Florida~ be and ~e same is hereby closed, vacaled and abandoned as a public s~ree~ in ~he Cffy of Sanford, and the Cffy does hereby disclaim for i~self and ~he public all interest therein. SECTION 2. Tha~ all ordin~ces or par~s of ordinances in conflic~ herewffh be aad the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. Tha~ ~his ordinance shall become effective immediately upon i~s passage and adoption. PA~ED AND ADOPTED thi~ day of October ~ :~ ~, Sanford, Florida. CERTIFICATE I, H. N. Tamm, Jr., City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, do hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Ordinance No. 1183, PASSED and ADOPTED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 22nd day of October, 1973, was POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of San- ford, Florida, on the 23rd day of October, 1973. ' ' An hdependent Newspaper S~FORD, SEMINOLE CO~, FL0~A STATE OF FLORIDA CO~TY OF SE~NOLE . B~re the ~dersi~ned au~ority personslly a~peared ............................... .................... ~lnf.~efl..~...~lal~ .............. who on o~ says ~a~he is ............ E~JE01~J~ ................ of ~e ~FORD HER~D, ~ Newspaper Pub- ~bed a~ Sa~ord, ~ Sem~o~e 'Co~ty, Flo~da; ~at ~e at~ac~ed cepy of advertisement, be~ a ..................... ~8~..~St.f~e. ........................... ~ ~e ma~er of . .~l.C~..~. ~aC~.l~9. pSr~.iSO. S..a~..~e~e~a. ~8~e~a .................... .............................................................. ~ ~e .................. Co~t, was p~blished ~ sa~ newspaper in the issues of .......................................... September 5, 1973 ~nt f~er says ~at ~e said SBFORD HE~D js a new~aper pub~sh~ at Sa~rd, ~ sald Sem~ole Co~ty, Florida, and ~at ~e sald newspaper has heretofore be~ c~uous~ pub~she~ ~ sald Sem~ole Co~ty, ~Jorida, ~d has ~een entered as second ~ss marl matter at ~e post office ~ Sa~ord, in sald Sem~ole Co~ty, Flo~a, ped0d of one year next preced~g the ~st 9ub~eafion of ~e attached c~y of adve~se- ment; and affiant ~rffier says ~at he has neither paid nor promised ~y person, ~m or eor~ra~on any djsco~t, rebate, commisslon or ref~ for the pu~ose of sec~g yeasemit for ~ub~cation in the sald new~a~er. Sworn ~ ~d subscribed before me this 5th Notary ~]~ Flodde at Large ~ Commission Expxres April Zl, ~97~