HomeMy WebLinkAbout1505 Palmetto Ave (2)M My OF SANFORD PgRmrr gIPPI.ICATION s fob At do(s,: _ _J47 Date: I)cscrit•tion of Work Llistorir: 1fJistrir r: _` ^ Ong. Vtslne of Work. J PermitTyper. Fluil(fillg_(Z 131caltical modianical_ plumbin C __ Piro SprinkltxfNarm _..,. pool I:lectrlaU::Vrw 3erviCC — # of AAM --- Addition/Alremliev _. Cluu,ge of Service Tempom y Polo, Riealtnnreal: VesidontialNon-[residential Kel,loaxncnt. New. Duct L,awit & Energy {:aid. R.t quiralj lumbialf1etyeotnmerdal: # of Nixtut>"It • # of Wares & Sawa t.iltas otGas Lines Plum bin #1l etv Residential: # of Water ClosoLs Plumbing Repair —Residential orC'.rymn,ctcial __•,•._,_ Uccnpancy i' I,c: f;.wtidetttial ._. rommemial industrial _ Total Square [rootage: ff-N -- Coustructio fyp1jtap _ # of Storirr _ _ # of [welling Units: Mood Zone: - M-AfAfoam r•cgnf, rd f<tr ' a, ilsau X j 4PmrcelJt S-l-l— 30 j"CT —170/ M 6 e 7. Owncs-s IYarnc 6,sldress: _ Contractor Nair t. & Address: PhonoFa4 l:tr;; Rond( ng Company: -- Address: Address: — Arcbitert/ Cn•yitrer — Wress: AnLI. kch Proof aLOrrnerimll &.Legal Dcscrhs0(1aj• C; 311E2 wii)w!1 Stare Llewle Number.—QJ...t V..tt7._._ _.. Contact. Person: IPA!.t i4 t . I'Itnuc 6 566`. Phone: ran:-- APPlicaliose is hereby made to obtain o permit w (lo the work and Ingfallatunss as indicatai I. certify thel ao work ur installation haS wlnn,c,n.raf issuanceofap:r!upn:1 oUrar. all work will be petformed to rmect standards of aR laws regulating consinsetiou in this jurisdiction. 1 under and tbar :: AIR C0NDITIQ•Jr_ it 1. eac, r- mtil mustbes,s;urcri for ELECTRICAL WORK, PLUMAING, SIGNS, WELLS, l'OOI S, NIll RNACBS, AOJLERS, A7TRS,'fNKA.S, and 91_i p: nr.. lr)A4•'1;f: I certify drat all of Use fbregoing infonnation is ac,:nrate and that sit wady will be done in rnmpliasicc will, all apylicak,l.r: I--:r, rr,) ,:1'rnsr ronatntcuun ani .•oning, WARNING7'O OtVNBR: YOUR FAILURE TO RECORD A NOME OF COMMFNCSMENT MAY R TWICE. FOR. E141 Rt)VI--MFNTS TO YOUR PROPf.R1Y. IF YOU INTFAD TO 0117AIN FINANCiNCI, CONSULT WITyi YOUR LE i:,LF: CYlI: •,i• nTfOtWI;Y fi=1'ORf RB-ORDtNG YOUR NOTICE OFCOM).4ENCEMENT. g ' IVIL111: fit sdrthinn in dote requirements of this Permit, dsesre may be ndditiunal eso•ir:tiotss a sli4mble to this t this rrunty, attd rl•t:re rn ly be addition7pemiPI p opesty that may be found in the public records of uired from otlser IMve»menlstl entities such as water management districts, state ageuciec_ or federalogenries. Accet+wmcr oi' cnit iioy fC r o Out prmpeny n the requisuwnematsrida Lion Law, FS 3. z0 6 _ _ _ 'Q 7/{a , r . „,i by A /i/ VNotaryPiibllc - §tote oRita re ofo' ctor Altonale11AYCOtttitktionF20hhmIerrwcomOBondedBvislo& rotary Stale of Flcirida Dare i gn ilur of Lsury•$tatr u 'Florldar ULAN i ON la3te OD,li6•i9, tu:. G uynuen II _ s - Personally Known toMeor (;onrractnr!Agear is Prrtucc+l Ill Pc onrlly Kno Produces! APPLICA'1`I0N A-'I'R(!'•,I D Ry,. B1 Initial -agc') (Initial & Ciauc) (Initial Ii Ii,ste) ilnkial & nor,.) Speci:d (,onditi,u; r-S (>9 AFFIDAVIT REGARDING ROOF DRY -IN AND FLASHING INSPECTIONS Company: V 6 hnr. ot,S. License #: Project Information Owner:1C name 1-'*'156)5-&-11%fA77-0 AV address 7-,2.2 2- -,3Zy4)r' phone I, Px 40 4-44r_ affiant, hereby affirm that I am the duly licensed contractor of record for the above referenced permit, that all the foregoing information is true and accurate, and that the dry -in, flashings at the above referenced address or lot has been installed in accordance with the applicable codes and standards. Contractor r4',f4? signature G printed name Permit #:y ( - / 7 10-1 Subdivision: Lot #: STATE OF FLORI A COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this /3 day of % , 2(9 4by the above referenced individual, eL 2a.r.%- , who acknowledged that he/she is a duly licensed contractor with F 2-v , and who acknowledged that he/she was authorized to execu this document. He/sbelils either personally known to me or produced R\ V (fA(:f i la _Vala ion. DcB81E C LP1JTON MY CO:.:S1t5stON ;i DD 16b+91 WITNESS my hand and seal this dyay:of: Es:Februcrv-;%, 2 FL No x OI 11111lid 011id111%Ifaun Jtil011E; NIA10151111 z NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT crmitNo. _ /'30' cS/G'h/%— StateofflolidaTaxFolioNo. County of Seminole gy,r m The w;dersibr...ed hereby hives notice that improvemenit will be made to certain real property,4, I c ID Chapter 713, Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in this Notice of Co mencernent cordance with ' V., V., x, m l . Description of property: (legal 2. General description of improverrient: OAMer information a. Name and address 1 01T b R7 - ition of the roperty and street address if available) n r4 u U' ro n t- i c r- hiterest in property C OWNM - —. -- Nsrn;a ax.d address of fee simple titleholder (if other than Owner) 4. Conlraclor - - a. Nance ar;cl address Phone 11wYiber 5. Surety a. Nanne and address G. b. Phone number c. Amowit of bond Lender - a. Name and address ifZ1 C-; 00 r itc Q in k S 3 Fax ntunber CERTIFIED COn Fax number b, Phone nuanber — -- }G1'-1U110-ice Fax numberPersonswilhin the State of Florida. designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may e served as - proVided bySection713.13(i)(a)7., Florida Statutes: a. Name and address b. Phone number _ Fax number In addition -- o himself or he -self O d 1 , wriereslgnateSt, of, toreceive a copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section ^, 713.13(l)(b), Florida Statutes. a. Phone number Fax number 9. 11-- Xpiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration date is 1 year from the ddt5e-':pof recor unle a different h date isspecified) ca Sworn to ( or aI#=-armed ) and subscribed before me this day of 2p 2LQ by F? 11 Personally Known _, — OR Produced Identification Type of ldentific ation Produced a.• CYNTHIAG. twUFF0LD PHIS INSTRUMENT REPAR D BY: i: Notary public. State of Florida Signa f Not. 3ry Public7 State o ida - = ' ''MVCann*ton E ieaJ<n17,2t107 NAM 11 ' Commission Expires: .,41. 1, ,' Commission # DD212324 Bonded BY National Notaryqun n