HomeMy WebLinkAbout153 Bedford CtRECEIVED Permit B :. I Datr. EGD Job Address:3 B G ' - SN.r'er i/•? 77 2 3 Z s Dwrlptloa of Work: t° v !t- IVA Ate, '/e— .q. Hkaorle District: Zottlet: Was of Wedu S Pat 11 Type Building --3L Blearical MWJ=ical Plumbing _.L Fin SpnnkWAlarm Potll WGIVIVICAl: NOW Service — M of AMPS AdditioNAltention of SaChop a Twporbry Pole _ _. Mallaeleak R=W=tW NNWLUW=tlel Replacement New (Duct Layout & 8mv CAL Required) 1. Plamblog/ Nev Comow des: ti of Phitum • N of Wea A Sewer Linn M OWN Lba Plaelbitti/New Rewldeetid: M of Water Ckteeu Phtmtbleg Repair- Rawandal or Corrattaa W f • . Oecepeaty Types ResitlMW V Gwanadal _— ladu:efie) TOW Square Pouter O: /. i . Couetreetloe 'E pet IV Of Stories: N of DwelBag Unite;F10011 Zees: W MA;bras tregdnd hr sober One 7U pareal 9. Bsnding'Conpagy: Mirtgage Under. Add ess: vW Arewt.eVEoglne.r. Elbe me; • Address: IAu: Appibtiest b tasteby metre vo ebwh a pprrdt b do site 'work eM ktstelbtiont Y otdtwis0. I atttty that ro work err iwWleda het eoetrtmoed prior to tiniesuweeofapettNtattdtbueqworkwplbeperfornn0bmeetadraderdsofellbwaragatbtingcensttvato ha tltb • ( tbu a soperelapondsmustbewoundforBLWMCALWORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WBLIS, POOLS, PURNAM, BORMt&.IiBATItltS. TANKS. andAIRCONDR[ONBRS. eso I set* that aB or" amping tallmn w b awma WA dwell wont edll be done In c000gaom with an "Babb baR nplatingooeNnteontte0aonisgNARNWOTOOWiM' YOUR FAHAMB W RBW)tD A NOTICE OF CWd1181VCBYBNT MAY RBBULT IN YOUR MYWOITWnFORDtItRDV®Mlin TO YOM FROMR•lY. W YOU iN WD TO OBTAIN FDdANt:IIiO, CONSl1LT WITH YOUR L ID1dR OR ANXWORNBTB&ORBRBOORDINOYOURNM=OPCOMMN:EMENf. E: b om;ion to site tequb one etilb pwudk there maybe additional restriction; sppliable to this ptapstq flat maybe lbtutd In dw public teoot hot theaeuoq. stud than rngr M a0dltlauel pear$ rsgaired Ileria other govemmwW ettlift such as wow tttwapment dittritts. stew ttgsntdes. or Rdael sgrnotq. Aeogwrtce orpermit if flwttpt 1 li sotlty omnter cram pteperty of thexquitstrtatt of Fbridr ;.ten [.eta, PS 71y. Io 3 O Z.Z3 ;................. r............... e ftwa.e of OwnWAgatt 1V Data Sltpnetro of Cons nWfAgant pea A+ 9s'+ 0 2 I gad. Ne a a3 iJ P'' ter , • E S Slyer of w of Florida Dote Signer re of No is of Florl" Date = >: S O~Agent Is `_ Ponmally Known to Me or ContreetodAgenI is V Per;wwlly Known to Me or = x o 4' d — .. Produced ID- N.. N......LItATION APPROVED DY: Bldg: Zoning: UlililN i ................ Initial A Dan) Initial R Date Fp: initial eb paw) (initial A Date pucial Conditions:. 0 60 • d S6 T L0Z£L0b 3A0330V 1 Z:lNV3 Wei Z0: 0 T 900L-96—a3a,— FED-06-2006 09:55 AM CARRIAGECOVE 4OT3207195 P.06 1:t1.1UP&WORDFROM AP UCATION Perldt A : JobAddrm; / jiBt orC; Dam.. 2 3DdeerlpUgoofWork 7 7GreA "tvlG d d rt. SSf'lbtoric Dlstrlta: ' Value of Work: $ .2 &00 Permlt Type; Buildinx BlKWCW _ Mwldalesl Plumbing f?ite Spiotkr/Aler= R.kddenk New Stavloe - A of AMPOWllddltiee/Alttestion Chop of Selvke T ' 1MedmalgL• RedWmW Non-Reeideepd POl°-'— ReDlaor+nalt Now, (Duet LAY" a &MVCIRIL Regolfed) PlummW mr Commemm. d of Fixtures N of Wets B Sewer Lines p orGes Lines Pluutblor/New Roklo W: N or Water closets . Pllu>Ablaj Repak- Ras4dattbll or OotnmpdalOeeupaoey7 Raadea W ofCftdndm ( raontldew _ uldattridl Tow Sgom FWW /s68ryw: A f of SNe J_ Ir or Dwepis8 Unkm __ F1ood Zem MU" fora, r.q l W f rG*w tied x) r.red r A Addtac Contreaw Rao. d! Nth P"' W OwoaehlP 0 Lied D•.alPdoa) O r 0016 ( C- e Ji.'s LO a: slot. Uiteoe. Naoeer; G d X Boedlty`Co h" -.1,Z'1 Contact hems: N v A '%tCii1 Is OW h ts.ec may: Adorn.: INWWP Lender. Addrus: AtehlteeH6a eeM1 Addrem PMee Fa: ApplWammm on R od1Det mt wl q a the uoei end ®uA.do.l.r mdf..taL I eertify thi Iq wof[ Or io•talYdon by a0ettul.a..A Florin, Ihs permit reutxrob. eeleaad fer L WO r, PU to la..t iusddtd. era kn reg bft ooewoioo fp 0: oL i oge.n.oe 0d o mptw AIR OONDMONSW ore. ' f'LIAdBR ' WU," PC" FMACEL BOUJM& ftB TU& TANM eod tomot'" Itift Of 1 Mk* etstl4 o1b O dole : WM tettn.etleo i. o.steeer tree oateD uor>t,em 6.Ooa. b eaiplttoo. veath op b el npWia TWDdPRDVIsfBftrTO01At "Wrmtry. WYMMMIOMAWPDrA , am6mT WTm VOUR tjHm OR R tAYf1 R! AnUMGY BftRE RBODRDWO YOUIL NOTM UIFaD RM. ald Alpo my be edeulowt GU MU be bad In dW p W mm* d peredteroelthedBmlodlorprorotMWoOMOenebasOMmtttrpNOUd>e 04.dbp scm w h t W Aoo. pt eq of Peemit tr nletD Ital litttt f vN11 dt r the o er ore proPerlyerthe mpmemmu erROFMA Lim Uy.g1g _ 717. T . f teeVr OrOe+leAApWDue SiPm1 o e(Coeo.etWApm Dote a a3 6 s. ig t g:Isn. or erFloold. arc sipt.tuesorNmuySl.teorPiaeid. Dole oig C1915, 11"D111 P4fvmfh• Known to Me or Cono mduc a IC iohea. a.gy lWown m Me or tinducdIDProduecdIDr l1 Pt'Il'91 i0N AprRovem DY: Didg: lomnfs: Utilities: F4: CO Onkf. l t Dote) (Initial ! Dsle) (Inhlol! Date) (Initial d [hu Special emoilim. FED-06-2006 09:55 AM CARRIAGECOVE 407320TI95 Ur "Nef(ltaD PZPJW AFMCATION P. 07 Permit / 414b Address: /S3_ ft rd Cl- otr 7 D"Pdoo of Work ,:L 4 E y E r v/ r T. 41, v Odd rG f HbWrk Dimes zoabv vRlue et week; S _700 Permit TYPO Building __ gmcuice _ I/ M Plwmq, Sm Sprinkler/Alsem Pool__ Kleyrlcal: NeW Servloe - N of AMPS I & Add0W-1Altermon Change of Sertrica To"* PoleMedtadeel: ReiidtettW Non•Regdentlal Rop4oattett Nets (Duct Layout t! Ba v CMr. PlasploP/ New CotnaNreid: N of Piaq m '• N of Water & Sawa Lines_ N of Oa Lino P'b" WNOW Reatds": N of Want Qocata PIomblug Rqm(r- Reeidm1W or CogmjW tOmPno' Ty" ROWOOiat f/ m Total SOaare (root ftm Type: b/v N of skein / t of Dwabq UdW Mood Zone; .__ MUgA bin t tbr eWr am V Pared w Owsm Name i Addrea Coetteeter None • Addeo: Pbeao A Fax: d Domms Commas . Addrew: Attar\ Peon( of OWOWS P & Legal Deow"o) CA/` /• / a t 4ee bow; yd 7 - 74 - .f0". s Le/rPc Air lyd Sate Llaaee Nwaobar _ Lei-O OOtp O yf' — Ceabet pease: A ` i by 4 Pbeer YO7 y2i' y,? blenpot Lcaeter. A1Mretae: -'—"' Arehtaet/Les eeer now. Addeeea Fam AW= of apouhaft = 0 b abesio a panic ID da ft work earl WWWima as WkatmL I OnOty dm tto weark or brrAUWoa baa eetad prim tsad *man wotit will a peaMrm-map neat emft* of en corm nDaYmts oom>rtnain In tole jaisdtaet & l oad maan0etotoot a WPmathe"W P"tttt0beeeeAWIbrIiU1C`rytICAL WORK. PLINBINQ OMM WW & POOLS. PURNACEL BORBR9. lIFJ17. TANK9t and AIR CONDR'IOPt8MnweCens"911011 NO _ 1 owe1Q took aD oteha Ibtgtams iobemadao is aaoatab ad tart alt week wM Les char b *mob oa wdW all Wpnmbb km tes h tq rMM PCR WROVB 4WM 70 YOUR Pt FWT INTI D 70 OW OF 0% CO pC iT MAY YOUR EmT W YOUR PAYtitt3 ATML4EY BIDeORB RBOMINO YOURNO'=OPCOMMENC049HT ' OONSULTalflli YOUR L® iD13ROA AN dds tlm In Wdldmro We eiatksroeote of tole Pans. *= ray be additimel naMe w; gvveq+blo to tltia pram ly do ueq De>boad in the PAW reoaam ofoottdpr, ad eon > 1KaddhlaulltatNlatgttkaaRoteotbarsoraammWNo"tocb a: wharf na»tyso tt dUvk% eteb esmdW er O*W gPWJ . Ameptaat:e orperm* is "riDndack do I well T -.: SrouaseofOwaa/ApM Daft N V t i NVM r W 62 7-(,- 13 Sirmno er Notaet tw ONE* S L' I/ 0, 4 OwneMAp rA is ZP&NnWh, Kacwn to Me or Produced ID t'*"' • X)*VOt,% TION APPROVED BY. UWs: raider ra ate) Special Conditions: Lott Law. gp= re ae conewcWApRt ate 71/,Y47, u• ilsnswre of Nototy State of Ebeida peas tbnttactot/A=antis raimWly Knowa oa Me or Produced ID ronina: Utilities: PD: bind A Dar) ( Inbid A Dime) 0 cv 7 — oc>SriON< lL^Cv N C> OV+ Z V 'CyL d t EEr u e.Ci j fA o d 0 CO TaxFolio No. Cotmr, of Scmlitole The tindcrsiSticd hereby Siyos notice that improveriterrt will be inzde to Cliaptcr. 713, Florida St.=tes, the followia info ' certain real proper , and in accordance with tmaticnisPdeclinthisNoticeofCommeneemCat. 1. Description of propcc.ny: (legal•desco too RIAGE COVE TALC Puy of the property and sore% address if available) CRRIGEWAy; 2. des S.aiNFORD, 327.73 , crxptionoFiraprovcmenrOwner information A. Name and address CARR 500 CARRIAGE COVE M lnteucst in )roperty. 100 e. Name and address of fee si N/ A 4. Contcnctor a• Name and•address is b. Phone numbcr p S.. Surety a. Name and address N) b_ 6. 1450 ANFORD, FL . 3277,a C R11fi£D copy TMA N alder' kit otft"thm 01vner afRK F CIRCUIT BEMINOL s Fax•nu he- v 7- 3 c - > 9 s IIIAIIIpiii1111Kip1iiiililNllllllllllpllllllll• ax aurt Aa'tRSF'. CLERK OF CIRt',1iIT nrii aw .. .evu u..r. AK. K1.33 Ry W44I .Qpq) . RK' S 0 28060219987' b. . Ph04o cumberM,i EII op/R3/:?% 01:331 7. Persons within the: State of Florida designated b Fax M!"WRDMA FEES JOLM Y Omer upon whom natia egpRbtAeA iibcdt31 1y be served as providedbySection7l31a7. ,Florida S4Wti:s: a.. Name and address b. TWO= number In addition to himself or herself, Oyvner desipates Faz number . or 1)( b). Florida Statutm. a spy'tlic Licror's Notice as prop cd m Sodion a.. Phone numbcr 9. Expiration date of netiea of cornmencement tha Fax number date is specified) . ( expuatioa date is l year from the date of reaordinS unless a difiercht Si urp of ownef Swornto*(or affirmed) and' 'ubicribi4 before rcte this. 3 m`y ? a .n J / day. of • 0 6" by Personally Kn0,WA OR produced•Ideati;fcation TypeofIdentificationProducedrr% e aG PHYLUSaZEjTLDOigna °F Public, State of Florida ' ' CommissionPires: COM" DOW199621 : .O l7a' o it e 7 Expl, es 12/1&2009 J q® Bonded WN ("0)432 4 Florida NOW ryAssn., i/vl •iJ Q' 773 saver C. Amount of bond ' Lender ' a. Name and address WA