HomeMy WebLinkAbout156 Bedford CtCRY OF SANFORD PERMIT AFFLICATION RECEIVED Perinit N : ao_----('t s Date: FE 2 3 2006 Job Adtltbt DL'4r G ! w t>o19. Description of Work: Setbow hiag sA dew ^4;4 Historic District: Zoning; Value of Work:: Ptstnrolt Typm Building • Bleerrleal MerJtenical Plumbing ` Fite SprinWWAktrnt Poql Blectrkal: New Service - M of AMPS Addition/Alternion Change of Stot+ice Twigtotll y Pole Metbaalcal: Reaidesttial Nan -Residential Replacement New "_ (Duet Layout & sca u Q. Required) Plumbing/ 14cw Commetelal: o of pixwm 11 of Water & Sewer Line p of Gas Una PlombinglNew RoWhieotbtl: 0 of Welor Cktatds Plumbing Repair- Residential or Contttrorclal Ompainy Type Rmldtatial Cmwn=W Indusaiai Total Square Footage: Constructive Type: M& _ 0 of Stu Im p of Dweillog Units: _ Flood Zone (WMA rant req%bW for sneer th" X) Pamd d: Owners'Name A Address: Attaeb Proof orowneremp di Legal Daerlpuble) C Sop Cwr rim.ate /1-0 L&r/ - ControctorName&Addrese: w s i o+15i rt /e+ . /Q'p x z Stab Lleeass Number: 'v 0/ Pboee A Fax: i Cootart Person: - ilah I 7M __none: Boudina Coms ear: Of Address: Moreno Leader:- Addrow: ArtbltecYEttglneor: Pbono: 77 0/ Address: Raa• Appliation b bttreby tnaeo to obtain a permit to do the work ead bmietitans to Indiqud. I eertiry that no work or Wailum has come mom p* b asbswnssorepermitandthatallwontwillMptsdbrraadssmeetaundsrdsofallleerste&tbntiag ceusbuction in rills jtttisdbtlon. I --- put d"w" be Pouted Ibr BI=7RICAL WORK, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOLEN, IIRATBRS. TANKS. andAIRCONDITIONERS, etc. KID [ atedb that 01 of drc hrgPbS 16emallon u aecurm and that all wont will be done in 90031011 44v with W applicable laws "datingaaaslseelkeadnub& WARNINO TO 01Nltitit: YOUR FAILOR$ TO RECORD A NOTICB OF oomMBNClIott W MAY RESULT IN YOUR PAYINGT1wESFORWROVItatD= TO YOUR PROPERTY. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCrM CONSULT WITH YOUR LBNDBR OR ANAT1pRNBYBWDRBRIQOMINIYOURNOTczoraOMMBNaRaNT. no= In Will en to alto requlremenee of deb yeenab "m may be additional restriction opplicable to this property dtat may be round in rite poblio mcordo of01wanly, and there my be admtimal pwrdia nelult ed ham aft pvana mid entities teeth.. water Management dtw cta, sa a spui., or rhea.) .Nita. 1,,,....# Avnvw orvvmit i wd estion dint IItI Rally 1h w orlhc property ortheTroquiremento r FWrlda lJvn Iaw, FS 717. S? lspruuroofOwnedAptn Due SionsturcorConmotorlAgent Dew y' 401 2 z Prin Agett'l ; 1e Print Con is N s H LL Si lature f Note3 m 0 rFlorid, Date Signet or No SuteofFlorW Dols s 2 Owner/Agent is ZPortonall?• Known to Me or Contmetor/Agent isV Irertonall Known to Me or t Produced ID Produced ID y Y APPLICATION APPROVED BY: Bldg: !/ m Zoning: Utilities: FIX w... , initial a Dole) (Initial a Date) (initial a Date) (Initial & Date. somial Conditions: ou 04 S0-d S6TL0Z£t04 3A003DVI2NVO Wei 00:0T 90OZ-90-93J FED-06-2006 09:55 AM CARRIAGECOVE 4OT320TI95 P.OS 6 CITY OF SANFORD P9VW APPLi(,'ATION Bositing Company: . e Address: --- Mmpp Lender. Address. AreMtnMoFlneer: _ rbette: Address: w Pae: Application b ban" ma0e 0 ebahr a Pttwtit to 00 dw work end awll.do m es kdieaUL 1 aroty dnt no work or McWkdup has O011aaaloed prior b riteteeuaneeofapMN1andthateUworkwUlbapw1% a q not aleadade of ell boo taprbtitre ootu atroeae h tM jaetadkl[oa. 1 tmdteepat0 t#at • eopaupermitrerunbeseemedfbrVIAWORDPL8M81N0. S10NS, WEIJA POOLS. FURNACES. BOUXR& HEATSM TANKB, trldAIRCONDITIONER$. tau. Permit kv iob Address: l » _ G S Date: Deaeripttoti of Work: C S r VL e ig / r ., Graf rG f Hbtorie D4trlet 7oaky: Value of Work S Permit TYPet Building Bleaaial Medumial Plem wns Fire SprMledAINM pool -_ rAnblgk New Service - N of AMPS _Jill, IWdRIDWAltertuion Change of gavia Tanpotltry Pok MaltanicakReeidentglNon-Reddential RgAq;;cment New (Duct Layout B Plumbing/ New BeMrVra0,v, . Re9urmQ Goetoernal: A of Pixplree N of Water & Sewer lanes R of Cas Linea Platablag/ Neww RpideaNal: A of Water Cbee>a Plumbing Repair— R+oeitimtialorCvnonaoili f oecuPaVRy TYPa RaideetW c/ C mmacW adwaial Total Square Footage 13il4l ' CoaWrtletionType: AA N Of Storlee: / q of Dwelling Uoltw - Fbod Zone: KMA Osrnt twgrtlrN for ewer ekell 7t) rest I. Z" • " 7 „ Sat. Lketw Number. -&jr- O ODO O 7J' Canna renea: av w /J! ` A,,. L. v- :t f 3i/.7.7 1 terrify due aU ordo hnlft to ts01001 t b UVAM and den 4 wo* will be dose b wM ap applimble levee code ft oonabaotlar etrdsoolpj, WADiBfO TO OWNER: YOUR YAWJRB TO RECORa A NOTEZ OP CONMt'$tMT MAY R=ULT tN yom rATWO TWICE FORIMPROENT8TOYOURPMPBRTYIPYOUDi1MTOOBTAWPKMCMCONSULTWITHYOURLtIIiDBRORANATTORNEY99FORER=WINO YOUR NOTICE OP COMM 16N7 I,IQ=, to at mgvkwmrtt ottltis Wm% Oren tzar a eddwml ewaialow appliwbte to ehb Propwti abet may bo torald is the prNle reeade of Uds ty. mly be eOdltlooal perlrrla tequked Qem odb W mwi ealitie wd M waive orasegenteitt aiebipe. rnte aepldq, or federal elimil& Aetaptanoe µ > MadQatiort luu^ 'It wolify dw owngr oRM rtoperyr of the to W mane of FbNde tJen Isw. FS 717. r ........ ..i _ w+ i i ' N : Ignature of Oweer/ABent 8Y ./7. C 9'e ///, rg.nDA 8 x <"hint edAtltal's sH ivsZ - iplarule of Floods 13 Z Qwnen' Avent is Pasonally Known to Me a Pfoducal ID _ t A LYZ A f pN AI'rROVED UY: UMF ww...... tblitiel rbI7atsl Special cmwtirloee: coat M anitDrs ZPasamllr Known to Me or Zoning: Ulililies: Inldel A wlc) Ini1id & Date FD: d o m RED 86-2006 09 : 34 AM CARR I AGECOVE 40T320T 195 e. CITY OF SANFORD P A=r APPLICATION Perinit N : P . 04 Job Addrtw: / 2 b Detcriptleo or work: G f Nb lude DhtNct : G Ataeb heorerotntaahlp a LeW De.erlp"n) 90 Fro va !.t 777 ir.rc Aw r Scale Liss ss NanCer: GC! C o t 9 d .Z 1)s.dl. co wan: OF7v/n ' Ica M w h Pbaae: dMr•4'?' •dam iItmp.ny: Addrasa: M.Mwe Leader. Addrya: _ ArdtlteeNEoslaattr. __,_ Addreee: , Pbo.r. Fes: Application Is Itrtaby web a obtain a pstmit a do the wort and instal 00. s btt kn k 1 txtd ttau ro wort or pAor a ereIsaaaoaof.1 ttod gnat W wtit tnb be pendbrtn.0 a meet iuDfth Ball bm Kpluint cauvacdoo i tide berg pdwda. aad Pm.lt Western bo eataned ire BtBL`ItRICAL WOM PLUb/8W% t1r,M WWA POOla. FURNACES, itO1i,BRS, 1 a AIR CONDIT(DNM eta TAPMI, and Pollr Date. _ i/. 3.2773 W 4 004# — os d d cCSS Valve of watt: S .2 &00 PWM t TyPer Buiklins` swcuial Modtaaieal PwinbinS Ainv 6leetrkal: NeW.Senive_aorAMPs - ler/Al.tm._ Pool AdditioNAltention or SCrWM _ '11rl oAiy tok _, IV Meebanleak RuM Non-Reddentitl iRep .caveat New (Duct Layout EMU Q qc. Required) . Phmbllw Now Comaterdal: N orpinurn p or Water R sewer Lh= 0 of Go LinnPkmb10VNowRummiim.- # orwav coaw Plamb49 Repdr- RaddeatW a r• OCNPaney TM R"Wewirl d Coarnseisl Ittdtlloriel row Sgwre Footage: / 3ConatruetlouType. N of Stoner: N or Dwe11i.S Urlta _ Flood Zoae: FIjINA Itum ep.Iaed for otltar ttt.. >U ranal r: R Addraaa: Coatnetve Name a Addrow O*NM'2 AlPJltsM 1 aattlty tb.t.0 dtb. tbal fioi.y luronndow is maaoa and tb.t all wan wUl be ao.e fn eonpliapoa wqb rA eppHaaOla tsw erepyowNOttotlotttwdaalb/ WARN&W TO 01WNM YOWL FA URB TO RBC= A NOTICB OF COMA MAY RStU4T 1N YOUR PAYDIOTWICEFORWROVEMMmTOYOURPROPTiRTY. W YOU Er'MD TO OETAW I INANCWO% CONSULT WI IU YOUR LtT VN4 Y R R F ATTORNEY SWORD RWORDING YOUR NOTICE OF COMbD'N MIMT e thane loon iddl a there togr he Wditiooat meter = 1pplieabie to dda Ptepetp.00 MY bo hod In dw pWicc acada arpaadtanpubedAomotherpvaanantelpnitletsunhasvwtwmaaagptta.t dispkd. attde as mim etr Adwal umebs. AocWum vrpwttdn b A notify the err ordw ptopenny. of tite A rA wNAWnt isj/— Po aonall)• Known to Me or Produced ID i wwacwv.ym Ia _ rWNMIIY Known to Me or Pmdueed ID z6 v APPROVED DY: UN& 1 / m Zoning' Utilities: FD. 1nilid a Onto) (Initial A Due) (Initlel a Date) (Initial a Date - mm ofFlorida Tax;Folio No.. County of Scmiaole The uiidcrsiZucd hereby bivos notice that improvement will be made to certain realproperty,antd in acco ' Clraptcr 713, Florida St=tes, the following inforiaatioa is rdancc withprovidedinthisNoticeofCommencement. 1, Description of property; (lepal•desctiptjoA of the property and street address if available) CARRIAGE COVE LLC 500 CARRIAGE Cq WAY; S.a,NFORD, , Z. Genersl da'criptiom ofove FL meat: PTD_— __ _ l` /1dOwneriufonmation . G7` ., r /. 3:Z a. Name and address CARRIAGE COVE LLC , 500 CARRIAGE COVE WyAl SANFORD, C1:RTIFIED COPY b. Merest in property. 10016 32773 RSE C. Name and address of fee simple titleholder (.ifotherthaci 0yrnaer) OURI N/A lARll 4. Contractor b. Name and -address o - ( O v b. Phone nunibcrO7- S.. Surety Fax•number 'yo7 -.2 O "7/ 9 i5 a• Name sad address _Nip iiaili uia.iu a au Waaaisi as b. Phone number RCUIT DOURt c. Amount of bond FaY•n INM-E CQtI)1TY - 6. Lender —M 66133 Pg W451 Qpg)_ . a. Name and address W/A CLERK' S 0 28M029988 REMMED W12312M 01:39:69 PII b• Phorio aumber RECUBDT A EEER 10-00 7. Persons within the State: of Florida deli atcd b Fax nuhftRDED BY L McKinleyS'n y Owner upon whom notices or. other documptsProvidedbySection7113(1)(a)7,, .Florida Statutes: may be served as a. Name and address b• Phonc nurnber In addition to himself or herse!>:, Oyvaer designates Fez — number. of 71I (1)(b). Florida Statutes. — e a spy o£thc'Lieror's Nouc`e as piotincd in Section a. Phone number 9• Expiration date ofnotice or cor=encemerit the Fax number ' date is specified) ( expiration date is 1 year from the date of recording, unless a diifercht Sigriatum of 0 er S%Yom W(or affirmed) and subscribed before me this 3 4e_day _of P/26 10 06 .b yPersonally Knowm p e.+/Ij fa.1 ' RProduced•.ldenti#ication % TypeofIdentificationProducedX. C.po i p04Y9821 / Iylsnooe' ' c 7 ao -d SignscofNoryPublic, State of Florida 9( vw t'5` c Commission Expires: } a0°d Ing ati i1w aatNotary-Assn-111 I. IP1).7 J /............ . _ _