HomeMy WebLinkAbout260 Wagon Wheel Ctv..•.• v owrnr wrt•W V A t'itN't Permit N : 06 1 3 DatK RECEIVED Job Address: V aht 1,/A-O .' f SAw '/ • i? 7%.? FEB L.. Dgcriptioa of Wont: d - • s• 0 '/ ep. —3 2006 Hletorlt District: ZAMI g: Value erwork.. S. Parmlt T ypa . Building • Blaoaicsl Mechaaital Plumbing Fire Splutklc/ALrnt Pool ,,,,•, • WeetrieaF Now Service—!{ of AMPS __ AdditionlAkration Change of Ssrvloe Ra0idTat> po ey Polo Mesbaltlttal: altW Noo-Raiidotuial Replotxtrtatt New (Dud Layout Bnagy Chia. p egltirW) PbmbhW Now Commenw. N of Pi><tutes N of Water & Sewer Lingo N of On Lines FlambloWNew RwldaatW: N of Water CINO Plumbing Rqm&— Raidendat or Commis eila b OmFm, q Typo Residential Cottvnett:lal Industrial Total Squire reoinge: D O Ctlastratdlea Type: m4yL N of St~. N of Dwelling Unia: FIGW rooa: (Rbiirl brit e1Mr Wes hrecl. N: Owatts- Weme a Addem. Ataeb Pr.ef of OwaMW A twpd Oestripttee) C." traMiNow &Addr'eer: at a /i /'o+r 5tl4,r A, Ak /00 / 7 —State Uftau bust M.. I h, 0Op" 7 PbogpFaa: V 'a Cow.ctPerson: A1—A--p j9^00 lrs ,Phone: Wwliea c mpaey: - Addrea: Nlomwge Leader: Address: Ar[blteet/ Eoalt w: — PaOgR ` Addrpt: Application Is haft made to obtain a Permit 60 do VO Mock tnd tttttteiladM ae Indicated. I wtify mu no Matt or lal.yie0al bas oenutttertoad pnor the itrttranoe ere pttnateramataUreotttwtllboparmrmadtoIttostemtdatdsOfalllewatttpdatlrtp60OW40tiOnindbimilftion. t atderaand thus separate permit aunt betaaawedhrQISCTRICAL. WORK. PLUMBM SIGNS WBUJ, POOLS, FIAWACK BOHM& HIATUS, TAMGS. cad AIR CONDIftONBRB ate. . . l eettl4 Mat W oltbe mtgpelaj wxmwm is arts nm arA dm all Mork wt'11 bo doge (n ootaONenoe witit all spptioabM lawn reatiatbta eaaskaetlm raid ltsabtp. WARFUM TO 04YN6R: TOUR FMWRB TO RECORD A NOTICE OF CObtM i' MAY R86ULT Dt YOUR FAYM TMCE FOR YtPROAtiN1aTOYOURPROPERTY. IF YOU QjTBND TO OBTAIN'F1NAtiCiNO, CONSULT WITH YOUR LIWO R OR AN ATTORNEYB6FORRPJM DWGVOURNOTICEOFcomsimmBISIT. RISE: In addition In the tagdirepn ets of dtie Pw' a4 dtae my be additions) eeatri ee; applisabls to this only Mat may be round in t1r PMIC reaerds of this nuaq. andtitersrrleybeeMliona) permits t Q*W I = Ww FtrrerntnatW antltles such as water ntmapsmertt diptieb. state epattdas, or hdstel ep wm Accepter e.of permit is verification dart I Witt otUy the * f the property of the•requirmw s or Florid& Uea I awe FS 711. d (// C , _3 - 0 6 awnsureofOwnerfAdatt / Due sivsw Confre'o treawA ntvDtreSri /%i Cii a e° P Aaatt's IJs N 'a Namne y a .. 5 z u o2 3,o C I. a a3 v..G i 5lpwtu of to of Florida die Sips re of -Slate or Flwi& Date Owner/Agent is Personalty Known m Me or ContractoelA Produgod Id !rnt is `Personally Known to Me or ts=• _Produced ID API'ROVI:D BY: aft.' `yy-tf—-Zoning: Utilitiri: FD: Initial A Dare) ( Initial R Dart) (Initials: Date) ipxial Conditions: My Initlal R Z0 ' d S6 T L0Z£L0b 3AO33DV 1 bNV3 Wto 69: 60 90OZ-90-83A FEB-06-2006 09:33 AM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207195 P.02 1 CfTY OF SA"ORD Powr APPLICAn01r Permit 0: Job Addrtea: 0 /q ort {( rt.G ! Dine: Deecriptbn of Work: G G . v 6 ovG of d "— syHworicDbtrtZoablt. Value of Work: = 00 Pdrtnit Typo Building EltxtricW -„ '- Mochaaiwl Plumbing Piro sprwdedAwm— PowcWdcaL' New Swvioe - N of AMPS ampamp of &wwo TOWN* role MabanleakRaide" Non-Rt adlxttial Repleu wner t New Duo Lsyoat & P=V Cale. Rupind) PluttmsfNowCotttete"bl: 0 of Fixtum / of water k Sewer Li s napPlp of Gas Una tnbin/ Ntrtr Reetidamum! R of Water Closcla Pbtablug Repair- Relddeotial or CHNMWal f. OMPaoeyTypeRaidaltial Cottutldreiai Indogttia! _ Total Square F"be, oZ !'O Coaatroetion T)qw: * er Stoner:1 0 of Dwcftg Ualttr pig yew vg"A tetra rgq" err ofhar ere. A) Faecal : Address: LN r A Attagh Prwrof Owoerablp i LWI Jt6 / C f4rpo eg,_rAD...w_ /-_ .0 /_ ) Coltlracter nude a *A&= moment Coenpaay: Address: Phone: State Lioeae Naorber. _ GA C O/ P 9 d ox I v n r •' r! N .r .• ., Phone: r l'' :.$Y.13Mortgage Leader. Address: ArehkaeVBaarrtlenr: _ Addrsu: fie' ran: _ AWksuan Mft M@ft to obtain . pemot to do tin wnth old itul.Ual aot; a bdiratel 1 c"Or IM no work or imilanalion Ion mown ages P w tqe snitandtwoworkwinbepolbt "to nwee jwwatds ora acre vtm lwot omwnmdott in liner juriadielift I ualbeataod flat a Hato AIR C must be weaned fbr BLBCTRICAL WORK. PLUMmINC, SK", WSLM POOLS. PURNAMp BORSRS, WATBRB. TANKS; and AIRCONpmONBRe, exo, • mm agg 1 tNAi4r that W efthe bredolpS (nlbnaaoaa 4 tastteata had dnu all wok wiR be Bona b aorrOdnp wrest an ogu abb kwa t pk ft 1IL1FORaMaoh% WAN%* TO OWNEL YOL4t PAIUIRB 7+0 RECORD A MT= OF OOMMlrNCBMelIT MAY RESULT IIt YOUR PAYtNO TWK;B POR MP1*V8uwm TO YOUR PIIppWW. W YOU WTWD 71) O13TAM rINANCINO, CDICSINCI Wfl H YOUR IJLT IN OR AN ATTORNEYBPPORBRBCORDMGYOURNV= OP COMMM CIMINT. MIX& In addition to ON ti9ullumm nta ofIbla Pultak on any be additional taaMWU appiiwbb a dda propeeq Ibae Iaay be fbun0 m 1M pttlrUe neori d lids txtaaq, land these atq a ttedltietaal ptaallta reoubed lean otbw aawxnnlantal arotiet fY0i1 a wales a Smmt dbtrim stain apntolah me WWd amnacia. A= ptat of allle verification That fication 1 ' 11 May the wpm or Fin: property of Im if S Sianatusa of f>MneNA Date Pain M s N a3- Siinaan fNolary. orFlaida Date 10wnerlAaont u ! Personalh• Known to Me or Pr tvdt IU Lion Law. yyw.c w I.OWY-Zrare or Fond. Date COnitKtor/A` ent i6 1—Irw sonallyKnown to Me or Produced ID • N r APPLICATION APPROV1! O DY: ttldg: )Ti1 YVT wing: Utilities: Fes Initial aDale) (Initial a Date) (Initial i Date) FER-06-2006 09:34 AM CARRIAGECOVE 4073207295 CITY OF SANFORD F9RWP APPWCA770N P. 03 Poralt N : lob Addreew D"WIPlloa or Work ct Deter HIWdc Dltariu; Zook: value or Work t PeFlall Type: Banding 61et trial m0*01al Plu"ind Piro $FiWdw/AI6= POWINeetrkallNewSavior - ill of AMPS —[,SO! AdditioWAlteradon ,_ of $ Tar4otl 1 PokMotelaqw: Reaidpttial Non-RtwldentW ' r_ Replet arlatl New (Dart Layout A Bnargy Cbb• R"ulmd) Plumblog/ Now Commercial: p or Fiutarea IVof Water k Sower lines LitofCAB no Plambint/New RoWdaatbl; M or Water Cbaata PlumWog Repalr- Raideatwl or Cortupacid 4 OotePaot y TyPe; RetidentW c/ Cold _ Il woia! TOW Sgttare Footage /dZ 00 ' C"Wft '" TYW' A/N 0 orStorlm / orPDwdggUda; FNod Zola& F6tNA tarot reoobod lMaerrertbsm7y hreel P. Attseb rroote(Owmarablp A Lepl Dwallidm) Owsers Nana A Addrow- 6e0- r i moo C". LP- j-t r•-- C;oettoetor Now dl AOQeeM: S Id L e / r j C4 4,I' 1511t . 6 o S •r St. D:r/e rr Jv p/,y R >rd v State t.tceaa Number: Ole ae O f' now A ins: Ceabct tenon: w IIy Av h tMsk V"O%t• r f' ffr2 aBenftCotttpargr Address: bbrtpLu LMdar. _- Addrm: Anhisa HBmynaar: Address: them Feu: Aoplketlpn to hseby vtnde to obWn a penait to do al, wart and natttlbtiorl, ss btdicsttd. l eerdry that ao wort or tmpsWtim bye aorenntneed pier to OnisteneoorapwrlikanddotellwwkVaalbeoerIt; -- *OEM taanderde Gran bws tepbdma awovocsm b ads jurbowift 1 ttebosppd that a owsmepotnitWONweetpeedbeBLBCMICALWORK, PL UMBpn SIONL WELL POOL. IIJRNACES. 8011.6RS. HBAT6Rg. TANKB, cordAIRCONDI71OHM, eto OURR-2-AFMAyfl1r,1 aeedry Net sq Grow 1 8,6sbmtdm b attmrw trod dart eU waAt wilt b. dace htommbmepoetstdme"- W AR?WM TO OWMX' YOUR PAM= TO ROOM A NOTICE OP COMM>Rv UQW MAY RWI TOBI l oUa PATNICBFOR04PROVIMMM70) YOUR ROPE M IF YOU WTzND 7C OBTAINPINANCWG• t7DNSULT WrM YOU& UDID=t OR ANATIORNBY9LFORBRbCOMMYOURNOTICEOPCOMMOOMMBNT. UQ=' In eddltlm b lll, tvgtdtstmtti ordds pwad,6 al,re may be addillul,t testrkow op HUIllo 19 this pope Not easy be roams b as pblk room ortltlteomnpr. ertd Noce nl,y w addldond peendte tegtdnd AGnt other Ss"mw4 W enure "has wets nultspImmt lI t kir. tittle epaci.s. or lidarsl eplelts. Amptattoe orpww, is wrlllpam Mu I .dU rwdly the owns order property oral, retrdmttents Cr he 1ptaptre of Owrae/A ptt Date M 2 % A pent's a3 Slptet err Not l,M err F7aid. b•y G. ' wnedAaatt is Fersonelir Known w Me or Ptoducod IQ APPLICATION APPROVED NY; tlldg: Initial A Date) Dote Wit 1c: f 717. todApnt Dote n• Ststo of Date ConasclodAgrnt is V Personslly Known b hoe or Produced ID tanina: Utilities I &, Initial A Due) (Initial & Otte) perial lit R m j 11,t4t, 9A)l r1QA'Ma Coway of Scn2iUojc Tax,Foljo No., The u#dcrs'Zncd hereby Sivas notice that improvementChapter. 713ill be made to rertgn real property, FloridaFjolida smwtcs, the fbIlowing info and in acwr&,UccnzagooisprovidedinthisNoticeofCommencement. with 1. Description of property; . lepUescaPtiOAof theCARRIAGECOVELLC PrcPcrtyxd . saw address if available) CARRIAGE.COVEE. WAY;: WE FM r.%-%,% a- Na1mc and addr= CARRIAGE C 500 CARRIAGE CETV—L;, —WAj— orest in property. c- Namo and address of N/A 4. Contractor k Name and-acidrmsP_ 16 -17 1.3r- b. Phone nunibcc,cr-We_ S. Surcty 71 t 5,0 a. Name and address NA 77Zr- Sag r 771 _3-z LLC' FORD, FL 3277 EIMFIEU topy.7 er C other thm 01%er) ANNEMIGIRU UIIIAI IRT' K OF CI IDA FLam•jn:w imn be r P'0,7 to) b. Phor:c number c. Amount of bond •Fax-nU' klkw K%Vkc 1% env ew cmrnn COURT6. Lender T Namc and address ZA RK-06133 Pq 02461 .(Ipg) b. 4748vao number 7. Persons within We Statc:Of Florida designated a ated byjO Mer upon whorj. Provided bYScct1w0'^:i'3j nouc713(1)(a)7., Flori4 stdtutis: qAdqc"64MbMaj be served asa. Name. and address b. -PhOnc numbdr 8- In -addition to himself FOX -number. elf Or hcrs.clf, P 'Ainer designates Florida Statutes. a-cWOMO-Licnors Roace aPhononumbers prowdod w Section 9- E41ir2tion date of. Fax number date is *Spccir . .Picatioa . . . . . . cornmencemeAt er date is I Year from TUC Me of recording unless a diffi 0/4 Si• of 0crS%TQM to (or affir qd) end subscribed before me lihis day of jKe X by Personally K.01. PcMf leerr I Sj Oxroduced-Idenecation TYPOOfIdentificationProdurgd' ------- cn.- r l qye C,ke- 4A A At— u st.t. p r ofNoryPIblic. ........ Mnil ! on F-g-pires: LU5 CASTAkb-6... COMIM OD0499d21 Ores 12/15/2oog 996" 0 thru (e00)4 32-4254 Fb" Cla N 1. 0000 ....... ?1!!y As-., Inc